Tho rebuke fell on heedless cam. Mary's next visit wus to. tho f 'o- graph office. Sho wrote three mes- NEGRO Hi WHITE H JERSEY STATE NEWS PRESIDENT TAFTJiOIVIE AGAW sages and tore thorn up. Tho final one said: "James Colonial), Nowton Find Crater of Old Volcano. Was Absent From Washington Vilhrge: Send word to mother I'll . OF WIRE SERVICES .University of Virginia Student Rescuers at Cherry, Illinois, Are M ARE LYNCHED Engineers on the Lackawanna bo homo for Thanksgiving aiid al- Railroad's twenty-clght-rallo cut-off More Than Three Months. Dies of Concussion of Brain. Forced Back. at Andover, which bas been under ways. " Western Union Bought by Phone Slayer of Annie Pelley Hanged wny for about a year, have discovered "Myra Wilson, indeed," she mur- lat Instead of making a cut through mured, na she made her way to the Syndicate. Voting Christian, Klglilwu Years of , „ „, . „ „ , and Shot at Cairo, III. >o Sparta Mountains, as had been Ho Mode a Trip of 13,000 "Miles A c\ » Hurrlllc.. to tho Oainc «t ! EiiKln«'t* Rowley, Warned 1'or Death Through the Went and South— superintendent's desk to hand In her K »f Thirteen, la Hurried A.way by ilaanod originally, they must tunnel resignation. "I guess I can glvo her Georgetown' Sheriff lo Avoid Lynching. part of the distance, at a cost esti- SOO fapcocliea Delivered. I IN CVCRYTHIINC GIVr THANKS, pointers on clerking." HUNDREDS OF WOMEN HELPED mated at $28,000 above the amount GOULDS SOLD STOCK AT $85 . first announced. Tho reason for Washington, D. C—Archer Chris- 10 change Is the unexpected charac- Washington, p. C.—Afler.au ao- By MIJS. MARY B. WINGATE. Itie train slowed up at Newton Cherry. III.—Tho 300 or more min- !r of the Interior of the mountain., Village.-. As sho sprang from the tian, Jr., eighteen years old, the Unl- Killed In Fnlillc Square nnd Then sence of more than three months, dur-' thank Thee, 0 our Fntlier, Tunnk« lor the highest blessing!) rlicoilorr X. Vail, l'rcslflcnf. An- varslty of Virginia football player ers who were entombed In the St. he contractors came upon a mass of- Ing which he has made a trip of 13,- . ... *or all Thy tender care. Thy matchless love Ins given, steps of the car the figure she was- nounces Tlint Ilic Aim'i-icnti.Telc- who was Injured In the same with Paul coal mine hy fire arc dead, Iliirned—White Man Dies Next, ft and brittle rock, entirely dlffor- looklng for loomed up in the keeir 000 miles through the West and Annd oaak tbnbntt we may ever .Faith in tbe world'* Redeemer, . phone (.'onipnny lias Obtnlnril Georgetown University, died without Some of the bodies lie burled beneath Who Wns in Prison Vm Murder- :nt from tho bard and firm trap rock South, President Taft sleDt in the - Thjhj-- giftifts witith otherth s shareh . Hopo of a home in heaven. November twilight. inf? His Wife. We thank Thee for the comforts. Control of Telegraph Companies. regaining consciousness for moro thousands of .tons ot earth, which at composes the bulk of the hill, .White.House... He.left the.capital.op.._j, Tho'common joy» of life; Thanlui for the diRnppoinlmentn "Oh, Jim!" wan all she Bald, but the than a few moments. Death was due 'caved in upon them, and It Is doubt- ind * borings establish the. fact that August 6 last, with the cheers of tho For health antl strength to labor, - Thnt oft our hopw n»a.iil; man understood, nnd an ho tucked City.—The biggest cor- to cerebral hemorrhage following ful whether many of the bodies-can —Cairo,' III.—"Wlir James, the no- hey have struck what appears to be a crowds rlngini; ln his ears. Ho re- - freedom from WAnt'and atrife. They tcich us to look fnrwnid her Into the nlclgh he looked straight joratlon merge;- iilnco the formation concussion. Tho athletic authorities over be recovered."~ This was the gro murderer of Miss Annie Pclloy :rater of a long extinct volcano. As turned to the tune of tho same cheers, _ To joys thathnt cannoennnot fail. Into her eyes. it the Steel Trust was made known to of both Institutions have cancelled opinion expressed when rescue work here, was lynched by a mob. After he soft rock would furnish no sup- but ho (arrlod only a moment with Xhanka for our common blrstingii, And BO, though team arc falling their remaining football games. James was strung up to the public ort for tho side walls of tho cut, It -- »_Tbe friend* that cheer our way. O'er IOVB forever down, "I reckoned If anything would :hc public when the American Telc- was temporarily abandoned. tho various welcoming parties. His . n the comes necessary to tunnel and ro- objoctlvo point was tho White Houso T™ joy for them to labor, We thanK Thee for the Morrows bring you back Thanksgiving would." jhono nnd Telegraph Company issued Mr. Christian's father, mother and John Cowley. tho engineer' who was j »« . ™po broke, and at least. Ti» »wcct for them to pray. Our human hearts have known. tiforce the bore with steel and con- and Mrs. Taft, and-as quickly as he Sbe bent forward EO that he could t sfatomont admitting It had nnqulrcd brother were with him at tho last, In charge of the elevator cage when COO shots were poured into his body, :rcte, as bas been done ln the tunnel —Christian Herald." hardly catch the words: what It calls "a Eiibslnntlal minority the thirteen rescuers lost their lives which was then dragged through the could get away from the brief speeches Mrs. Christian had not v.'itncssed tho inder the Hudson and East rivers. of welcome he climbed Into his big "But It wasn't Thanksgiving Day, nterest," but which Is ronlly fie con- game^but had come over simply to nt tho mine, was taken to Princeton, itreets to tho place where Miss Pel- HI., In an automobile by Sheriff Skog- automobile. The chauffeur broke all Jim, It was—yo'u."—McCall's Maga- Irol of the Western Union Telegraph bo present In ca;ie of uccldcnt, having ley's body, bound, gagged and Will Slure Wltli Brother. the speed records of the District on zine. a premonition .that her son would be lund. Rumors of an as-ault upon Company. Cowley and reports that the miners orulsod, had been found, nnd burned. Surrogate Cornell brought to Judge the last leg of the President's record- The announcement confirmed the Injured, i-lho wns at the Union Sta- were planning to kill him because Ho made a confession and Implicated Inlchtel's house, In Trenton, two making journey. .i Thanksgiving Day. tion, on tho polr.t-of. returning to her mother negro, Arthur Alexander, New Year's Day wo share with itatcment that control of the 'Western they believed that ho wns responsible rothcrs and three slaters, children of Union had passed Into the hands of borne in Roanoko, Va., when she tor who was not found. rs. Sarah Wood. They wanted to When President Taft spoke at tbo all tho world, nnd Christmas and called up the university to make silro ! the'death of a rescuing party of tho Telephone Company. But moro dll was right. Sho was"told that her thirteen men, caused tho Sheriff to re hundreds of women wort) in the rase, from her will a clauso which City Auditorium In Richmond In the ' Easter with nil Christendom. Tbo Information showed thnt the merger :rowd, anxious to help do the work. llslnherlted her son, John Wood. She afternoon lie made his 266th speech Fourth_of July Is emphatically our son had been Injured nnd hurried to move him from posslblo danger. After killing James, the mob went 3f interests had gone much further tho hospital. Mi. Christian wns sum- Fires In tho. mine, which broke out eft him but 15. while she divided the of tbe long trip, which, according to own day; but it Is purely patriotic In md thnt capital Btock In various tele- with renewed fierceness, made fur- to tho Jail and after battering •state ot $130,000 among tbe other tho itinerary, consisted of 12,769 phone and telegraph corporations, ln- moned rrom Richmond. Va. down a steel cell took out Henry Salz- Its significance. Thanksgiving Day Young Christian died from con- ther descents by rescuers impossible. ihlldren. All of the children agreed miles, but with side trips amounted is as distinctively American an the :ludlng the Postal Telegraph Com- Fans employed, in an effort to carry nor, a white man, charged with tho hat this was an injustice to their to more than 13,000 miles. pany, aggregating in all more tban clusion of the brain, sustained by a murder of his wife, and dragged htm Mary Acxor sat on the foot of tho up-bringing rebelled. A hotel dinner Nation's birthday is, and it Is sacred fall after lie was tackled by one of fresh air and llfo down to the impris- irother. and they wanted the Court to President Taft told members of bis bed, her bank-book on her knee, a on ThankBglvfng Day; a show Instead 11,000,000.000. will bo dominated by oned men served only to onilvcn some up Washington avenue, where he was illow them to revise tho will. Tho party that outside of an Impatience to to the two strongest forces In Ameri- jne set of financiers. Georgetown's men. The play was a «!ao lynched. pencil between her fingers, and a of a quiet evening ivitli relatives nnd can life. mass outside of tackle, and it Is. ombcrs which sprang into flames. 7ourt told them that this could not be he with Mrs. Taft again be would not ... trownjjn her low, broad brow. Soon tho heat nnd smoke made It Saizncr was a photographer, who, lone, but • that the Court had no mind If the trip should continue two friends around the , family hearth- There aro plenty of people abroad, The assets of the corporations In- thought that the dead man was fatal- It was charged, killed his wife last lower over what they, did out of "Twenty-nlno from seventy-five stone. But only for an instant did volved aggregato fully Jl.&pO.OOO,- ly hurt when he was first thrown nnd necessary again to seal the mouth of or three weeks longer. Physically the and some at homo,-who do not be- the hoisting shaft, and that night tho July with an-axi" Ho was hanged to ourt. Tho will was then probated, President Is In just as good itxot bet- leaves forty-six," sho murmured to this thought obtrude. She had al- lieve that our people arccmlnent for 000, and If plans for_the absorption not after tho tackle was made. He i telegraph pole and his body was ind the division will be made equally. herself. "Even then It won't he so 3f many supposedly independent com. was placed on the operating table men down there, whatever their con- ter shape than when he startud. He ways wanted such experiences. Gold- rollglon or domesticity. But they dition, were locked In ns effectively as riddled with bullets. has been fatigued at the end of some ' fcry much. The silk in tflat-walst Is man was a salesman; he could afford panics are carried out the total assets and for three hours the physicians are. And one evidence of It ,1s this will probably reach ,$2,00O,D00,000 worked over him, removing nt least In a dungeon. Tho mob gave. Salzner a chanco to Df the long programs of entertainment worse than a second, and the hat It. Sho accepted promptly. Then very day ot annual observance. It :onfesB after the ropo wan around his Held Up on a Train. and the amount of s.tock and bond* three blood clots from the brain. Rescuers went down 300 feet to the neck.-but ho was so frightened that Held up In Western fashion on a In a number of cities, but a night's looks as though it came off a bargain she went upstairs to the suit depart- may bo qulto true that a great part will exceed Jl,500,0d0,000. His parents, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew bottom of the hoisting Bhutl. Then, good sleep, and there Is no sounder counter—which It did." ment with the firm intention of pur- ho could only mumble that his sis- rain of tho Lehlgh Valley Railroad, of the population does not go to Tho official 'announcement was Is- Christian, and his brother were with groping their way with electric ltrmps ters had killed his wife. The mob 3eorge F. Headrlcks, a resident of sleeper In all tho world than be Is, The frown deepened and tho pencil chasing the "glad rags" to which church on the last Thursday of No-".sued by Theodore N. Vail, president him when the end came. Sincere and kept alive by oxygen carried with louth Bethlehem, Pa., was relieved always puts the President ln the best them, they penetrated lt>0 tect Into becamo furious at this. made uncertain, Imaginary lines In Goldman had referred. Still, night vcmber, and It 13 evident that much Df tho American Telephone an| Tele sympathy Is manifested for them, and When Salzner was. asked for his if his watch, rings and a purse con- of shape for another whirl at ban- midair. found her with the raiment unpur- of the day la devoted to football and graph Company, at tho regular meet in the university chapel tho cntlro the bottom gallery. But none of the alnlng more than a hundred dollars quets or entertainments. miners, cither dead or allvo, was last statement, a man, a stranger In "Oh, dear, what's tho use of living hasod. other outdoor sports. But tho day Ing of directors and of the etccutlvC undergradunto body knelt to pray for !ho crowd, stepped forward and said it the point of a revolver. Mr. Hen- The President decided not to seo. In a city and being nobody—because was never a fast day; quite tho con- committee In Boston. This state- lite repose of tho soul of,young Chris- found. > ho' believed Salzner was Innocent, Iricks was dozing ln Ills seat and was any callers at the White House, "and 'It Is so cheap," she sighed lo her- tian. . r""' Are y thee 1 ccrie d thh e res- It takes a million to be somebody?" ielt, as she thought ot the factory- trary; In Its primitive form and Us ment was as follow: Are' you. there ;'' whereupon the mob fell upon him, udely awakened by the pressure of If he visits tho Executive offices at all Tho American Telephone and Tele- Columbus, OhioT—In the football cuers, but nothing was hheard In re- kicked him and finally knocked him he muzzle of a revolver against his It will be merely to Inspect the Im- nade silk gown and the ready-to-wear New England surroundings it wns a graph Company has obtained ths con- game between Ohio State University sponse. iheek. Mr. Hcndricko was so fright- provements that have been accom- at at which sbo had looked. feast da~y, so far, at least, as the sup- lown. trol ot a substantial minority interest and Vnndorbllt University teams It was conjoctured that tho miners James was found with Sheriff med-that when the robber backed plished there during bis absence. ' Another thing that bothered her plies of food permitted. It was a In the shares of the Western Union Metzger, of Vandorbilt, was Injured had crawled lor safety Into the TC- Davis between Karnak, 111., and iway from him, still keeping him Mr. Taft's stay in Washington was vas the fact that she could not forget day of public worship And thanksgiv- Tcltgraph Company. 'In the firBt half, his leg being broken ccesos remotest from the fire, but to Belknap by a Cairo mob, which :went overcd, he could make no outcry. brief, as he had agreed to go to Mld- he Imitation jewelry Goldman wore, ing to God, but cvon tho Now Eng- There is much to be gained by the just above the ankle. these parts the rescuers were unable thore. Tho crowd overpowered the The thief jumped from-the train as dletown and Hartford, Conn., and lnr md a certain obnoxious brilliancy lander did not go to church nil day; lolnt construction nnd maintenance of Grand Jlnplds, Ohio—Roy Vogel, to go without first reascendlng. Bo- Dfllcera and took tbo negro from It was scaring South Plalnneld sta- the meantime to deliver an address he devoted no inconsiderable Bharo plant, and by Its common use to tbe a schoolboy. Injured two weeks ago fore they could descend again the tion and escaped. hat sbe had noted at times ln his. flro blazed out. them. After a conference it was de- In Washington before the Laymen's )yes. His conversation, too, was notof it to hearty eating. greatest possible extent, but tbe In a football game. Is dead. A blood eded to bring their prisoner back to Missionary Society. greatest advantago would follow tbo vessel ln his head waB ruptured nnd Gradually tho crowd about the this city and lynch him. he sort Mary had been accustomed to Religion has always been a great he was unconscious for thirteen days. mouth of the shaft began to thin as KILLS MOTHER AND DAUGHTER - n her social life at home. It was the ulacinp of the millions of telephone Sheriff Davis had been evading the Man Burled in n.Well. power in American society—a fact subscribers In close aud reliable, con- Chicago, III.—Tho Chicago Tri- hopo waned. Near the mouth ol the taob for twenty-four hours with the William Scott, sixty years old, ot argon of the city shops, of the girls sometimes lost sight of In.tho mul- nection with the receiving and des- bune's annual Hut ot football acct- wrecked mine a tall framework of Triple Tragedy In San Francisco. ihe did not like. Sbe did not so much prisoner. Driven from town to town Oelawanna, was burled In a well at tiplicity of religious bodies; It Is patching offices of the telegraph com- donts, which Is not yet completed, al- Iron reaching skyward, surrounded by by menacing crowds, tho Sheriff had iho D.. L. & W. Hotel In Deiawannn, Ferry Building. ibject to drawing her savings from sometimes supposed thnt mere de- panies. While some provision for ready shows twenty-thrco dead and * group ot low wooded n bdbuildingsi , taken to the woods with James, but ind whon uncovered after two hours San Francisco, Cal. — The Ferry he bank to buy the clothes as Bhe did nominational partisanship takes the this after a mannor exists to-day, a forty seriously Injured. I which a few days ago had been the could not escape the persistent search f hard work he was dead, Bcott was ibject to wearing them. Something lack of harmony and co-operatwii ,' scene ot Industry, suggested by their Building arcade, crowded with thou- place of real, deep religious feeling. if tbe avengers. , carpenter and went Into the well, sands ot homeward bound suburban- ,-lthin her cried out against mock This is not so. No people In the between the companies and an In- MME. STKIXnEIL FREED. ! desolation that hopo had been' aban- MIBS Annlo Pelley was an orphan, 'hlch was seventeen feet deep, for the ability to agree on methods of fixing I loned. Only a half dozon guards pa- ites, WBS the scene of a double mur- nory. world are more strongly moved by twenty-two yearB old. Her home was mrpoBo of shoring up tho sides to der and suicide. Ignatc Novlkow, a responsibilitibility hha s liitlimitedd !It' j utillzalll - ] Womnn Carried FninlfiiK From Court ' 'rolled tho premises. In the dls- formerly nt Annn, 111., but for t Keen the earth from glvlnp-way. P. She was still debating the question religious feelins in distinction from ; J^to cise, of absolute tance, s:attercd over the Hold, n few laborer, shot and filled Mrs. F. A. lion o case of lut nepg in Pnrb Af(er Venllrt. years 6be bad—lived with her sister, 1, Hyland, proprietor of the hotel, Scholtz, wife of a wealthy Sonoma hen a knock souaded at her door, religious ceremonial and religious The harmony and cj-o»eralio'u sec?c- . women wrapped in shawls looked on Mrs. John Coffman, In Cairo. Sh» heard Scott cry for. Help, and ran to 'he maid handed her a bulky express habits, and to no people l» It more Pnrls, France—"Not guilty" was In silence. County rancher, and her daughter . sary, It IB believed, can now be (iitab- . gy as was employed as a salesgirl In a dry ;he yard to find the well filled ln and Betty. Novlkow then fired a bullet lackage addressed In her father's natural to glvo thanks to God for llshed and the resulting advantages tho verdict returned in the case of As a result of the disaster there are Edods store and was on her way ao sign ot the carpenter. He sum- in this small town at least 1000 or- through his head and died within an itltf, Irregular handwriting. -Mary national and individual blessings. made available for tho public. Mme. Stelnhell, accused of the mur- home. moned help and twenty-five men took hour. ripped the cords and an exclamation, Somo Englishmen come over here, Total capitalization, etc., of all tele- der of her husband and stepmother. phans and 200 widows. These are The finding of the handle of her lurns at digging until the body v;a.i ~—A. K. Coonradt, Illinois, in Leslie's. . half laughing, half tearful, escaped graph and telephone companies of The jury returned to the courtroom '.ho figures ot Duncan McDonald, pres- •eached. Novikow was a son-in-law of Mrs. glance nt our family hotels nnd our ident ot District No. 12. United Mine nmbrella in the front yard of the Scholtz, and the police assert that he her lips. Pies and cakes there were, apartment houses and go back to , nearly all of which arc after two and a half hours' delibera- residence ot Harry Llpe, three doors She flung down tho pencil and tho controlled by or affiliated by new tion. Workers, who Instituted a roll call of was crazed by rage because she and lome-mado cheese, nuts and ears of their own country with tho story from the Coffman home, indicated her unmarried daughter had oppoBed book, marched over to the bureau, merger: Mme. Stelnhell, who had for an tbo families of the entombed miners. that this was where she was first at- Worqan Hurt Restating Burglar. and resting the'palm ot her hands on jopcorn, raised on the farm. Sho that there is no home Hfo In Amer- Number of companies, 22.99C, of hour been In a stato of collapse nnd Mrs. Adolph Btefflns was fatall; lila efforts to obtain money from his - -end tho note with brimming eyes: tacked. Markson theground showed fither-ln-law. Its top, sho studied ths reflection ln ica. It Is as great a mlstnko ns we which only twenty-five are telegraph. kept conscious only by means of stim- THANKSG'VING ORDERED that she wns dragged seventy-five feet aurt at Mt. Bethel as the result of an the mirror. Yes.jBho wns pretty! "Dear Daughter—I reckon you canAmericans make when we imagine Single wire mileage. 14.570,142. ulants, faintly smiled and cjelnlmed. lo the spot whore she was strangled sneounter with aburglar, who beat her ;et pies, In Boston, but not the kind the French to be without domesticity Salaried onV»n\ 2?.J"o. Vnx-' "Thank God! Nov.- my dciiKbtei will to death. iiBenslble and ransacked the hotlE", ORDERS SYRIAN. NATURALIZED. And Bhe didn't need a~rnlrror to tell havo no cause to think ill of me." BY PRESIDENT TAFT her EO. Tho admiring glances of men 'our mother makes. We arc sending because their vocabulary has no pre- earners. 14 2.7IS. Bloodhouds were put on the trail jut was frightened away without get- you this, thinking perhaps you might cise equivalent for our word "home." fjcorge Jay Gould said: "It ha far* Mme. Stelnhell was carried from and each of the dogs tried separately ting anything of value. Tho woman's State Court Overrules Federal Con- who passed her on the street and the ht h li l f court and taken in n motor car to St.I Wellington, D. C.—Thursday. No- ,iurBe, containing US, was found un- outspoken admiration or unveiled give some of your girl friends a treat The truth Is that domes'iclty Is a j lhat we havp soli a large i.an o. our vcmnc r s 8 0 laU y on eight tests led directly to a houso tention Against Sultan's Subject. ! holdings In tho Western Union THe- ,_uare prison, where the formalities '' ,5 - *5 , Sf , P^lalmcd whoro four negroes, including a worn- '.oucbed, Tht woman was discovered jealousy of tho girls In tho store m Thanksgiving night, and wishing I human and not a national feeling, ror her release were carried out. Sho i b>' Prenldcnt Taft Thanksgiving Day. Los Angeles, Cal,—The rlgTit of ft Ki-aph Companv to the American Tel- rho in. were arrested. One of them was ay the milkman on his early rounds. where she clerked bad told her this ephone and Telegraph Company." then started In a motor car for an . President's proclamation was Is- lames, the man lynched. 3he was lying unconscious upon the native Syrian to become a citizen of m ho S t e art Il t the United States was upheld,by. every day since she had come to town.. 'what"priceVhe"GouluTRoV7o,liiel, unknown country retreat, hotly pur- \ ™«1 '™ ' 1 , ?i oS1 ™? (, f .loor. Chairs and table upset showed WHO'U GET THE THANKSGIVING DINNER? ! holdings could not be learned d.f- | sued by reportern. ! ***" » ™«lyed the official seal of :he fight sho had made. Both her Judge Hutton, in the Superior Court And with a certain sense of satlsfac TWO HOYS ROB BANK. - tlon sho realized further that she was l h iyes were blackened, her wrist of Los Angeles County, against tho ipralned and her face was a" mass ot efforts of the Federal authorities. a very different girl from the fright- i raxs;s:s \ Hm »»«, (;,»L „,*,;j m ™i tlonK: ne.«, „.«., ^. ' Shoots Banker and Tries Suicide ened country lassie who bad started paid JSii a Kbaro for tho Western :uts and bruises. Tho Court ruled that a Syrian was Union stock. By the President of the United Slates i When Cornered. not a Mongolian, but ot the Aryan •fiT as a wrapper at Blank & Dash's Myrn L. Swift, With Fiancee, Thrown race, and hence could not bo barrei department Btorc two years back. Prom Auto After Football (tnnic of America. I Eudora, Kan.—Earl Bullock, n boy Itadgcrs-Gullty in Second Degree, from citizenship. MRS. STETSON ADMITS EI'.l'.Oi:. A PROCLAMATION. bandit, ot Lawrence, Kan., accompan- Samuel M. Rodgers, a waste paper The Government will appeal to tbo It,bad been a hard struggle. She Hoston.MnsR.—Miss Myra L. Swllt, ', led by William McKay, fifteen years Jealer. who shot and killed Patrlclc had lived at first at a working -girls' W Federal • Courts,, having contended | Kubmlt» lo Judgment nf Mrs. Eddy : old. of Jacksonville, Fla., In an at- Jonnell, was found guilty of murder that George Shlshhlm, a Syrian born • * home, but as her salary had been ' ami Mother (Imrrh. iKSfflaiaa:! 3~ ErSHHrS ! tempt lo repeat his exploit of a month In the second degree. ;>t Paterson. In Lebanon, owed allegiance to Tur- gradually raised 'slic had gone to a ! ago. robbed tho Eudora State Bank The maximum penalty is. thirty years key, and hence should be classed aa- more attractive boarding-house. Still | Boston, Mass.—In a statement ii- , , after shooting Fred. Starr, a and the minimum fifteen years, a Mongolian. ' she realized more aud moro each day | sued to the newspapers. Mrs. Augusta | Harvard-Dartmouth Ii places of worship on a day of thanks- j hanker. Later he probably mortally aodgors killed Conuell on the night | E. Stetson, the "p.dinoDished" lender , w'swirTwi. nin,.>,,.,, ,™, ,A ; «>T'i»6 appointed by the civil Magls- , wounded himself when closely pressed of October 7 last, after his daughter . that she was a mere Mom in this city | of the New York Chrlttlan Hclenc- i MI.S! t n ' HIGHWAY FATALITIES GROW. life. She bad made a few acquaint .48 aftiu w.ib nineteen >cars old i trate ^0 rfitlml tbanks to God Tor tbe | by armed citizens, laid she had been attacked by Con- I Church, admitted that-»nc-.b.nd. Jiron I lell. antes at the church where she had ' hi the wrong in her controversy wltfr the daughter ot Rlrhard Swift, _reil( mercies and benefits which they In his first hold-up of the Eudora Fifteen Killed in Mouth iu New V'ork enrolled, but Sunday often found lier Stato Bank, Bullock, who Is seventeen | the directors of the mother church. from the game when the automobile, During tills past j«sr »c have been years old, shot and killed a police- Set Fire to Wife's Bed. by Autos and Tracks. too tired to leave tho house, or she S The two days' conference with tho in the darkness crashed into-the rear highly blessed. No great calamities man. had a little washing or mending to j directors appear!) to have brought of a heavilj loaded wagon, throwing Because his wife wounl not gel in New York City.—A list of the' out Miss Swift nnd Perry A. Ham. her It flood or tempest or epidemic nlck- Officers had about decided that k< !\nd make his Srcakfast us quickly a3 killed and injured by. automobiles and do. Somehow sho had never been I Mrs. Stetson to her knceE. although ness have befallen us. We have lived had left the State with the $100(1 trucks, etc., In'October, by the Na- I she nays that it was Mrs. Eddy's let- companion, to whom was engaged lie thought she should, Steve Was- able to fraternize with the girls at In quietness, umllstnrbed by wars or-"•loot ot the previous hold-up, when h raenskl, of tho Lake View section, set tional Highways Protective Society, tho store, and the Invitations, -which |ler read to the members of tho New to be married. 1 York church that convinced her she rumors of warp. Pence .ind the plen- and McKay entered the bank aboul lire to the bed in which uhc lay and Is the biggest ever brought together sho had received from callow youths . was" in error. |'ty of bounteous crops and of great In- j closing time, very nearly rnado himself a widower. In any part df the country lor the who shared her work behind the -Life. idustrlnl production animate a cheer- I Judge Scott, of Paterson, sent Was- •ame period of time. 'ful and resolute people to all the re- The list shows eight killed and •counter had been unattractive. Very i CHARLES A. GOMER DIES. MAI). Supremo Court Omllrmx Sentence ot pp G. O. LAMPRECHT GUILTY. menskl to tho county jail Toi six - '..different had been her picture of the you could spare the money lo come and If wo have no right to claim prc- ncwC(11 cnor(.,e3 o''rr bcflcenfltt IndustrId y months. twenty injured by automobiles and new llfo In Boston, when, In defianco home for the Thanksgiving \ln\lnnern . eminence in Its possession,'we are at I , „ , Orphan jyim Took Five ERRS. • ,md material nnd moral progress. It Member of X. Y. Stuck E.\clinnge am two killed and nine Injured by autc v F <|f >>w Mobile. Ala.—Miss Lillle Sutton, is altogether fitting that we should and horse trucks In Manhattan. Two ot the wishes of her family, and of Maybe another year you can Sao BO least justified In claiming lo be In- . . Chicago Board uf Trade Convicted. AVI1I Bullil Independent Bridge. were killed and nine Injured by auto- Jim Coloman, who had been her Of course wo know lt_costs you an fcrior to no other nation ln our love { vrwi Kmled; of Ocean Spring, Miss., who v,;u. i,en. ; humbly and gratefully acknowledge ! hc l s u r Cleveland. — George Lamprocht, Tho bridge committee of tho Boards mobiles and three killed and live in- avowed suitor ever slnco he had car-awful lot to live In town, nnd things of home and In the streneth ot our Charlotte. N. C—An eventful ca- i tonced last spring to seven >ears in j ' T!^' '£r ° I ".l^tnnTTta former manager of the brokerag of Freeholders and Atlantic and Cape jured by auto aud horse trucks ln ' rled her books to the district school havo not gone very well oirtho farm family-ties. •I ree—r ende..d .her e wit...h. th.. e deat...h I._n .tth-e prison for the theft of a half pound1 I Therefore, I hereby appoint rnurk- May Counties, at Ocean City, have In- Brooklyn. wa of Butter and five ec-g; s volunttirlhy ' dayy, the 25th dayy of November, as a ! firm ot Laniprechp t Brothers &. Co. sbe had turned her backr on Newton his year, so we can't afford to send Thanksgiving Dayr originated ln R° n County Home ol Charles A. day of general thanksgiving, and was found guilty of embezzling $293 structed their engineers to draw plans Vlllago and her face toward Boston. you the money. We'll be thinking of New England at a time 111 11 thCN W gave herself up to the sheriff, the Su- And specifications for a thirty-foot me when the col- J™"'^ 'jyi"",,™" " ' °' ° premo Court having ufTumed tbe sen-; call upon the people on Ibat day, lay- from Ralph Ellsworth, of Lakewood, MRS. ULYSSES S. GRANT DEAD. ' you, though, on Thanksgiving Day. onlsts had little to give thanks for ! Ing aside their usual vocations, to re- N. .1., who gavo tho money lo the firm wido bridge across Great Egg Harbor Sbe was going to see life. She was ,,e lc(l n|b tence. Bay from Seniors' Point to Boasley's "Your affectronato father, except that they wece still alive. Its [ nnd cnnl0 -t0 Sp(,ncer. N. C. with a pair lo tlmir thurehe; and unite In to Invest In railway stock. Sho Was Wife of President Graft's going to be one' of those bachelor ~Lett fatherless and motherless and Point, wholly Independent oi any rail- maids that sho had read about. She "JOHN ACKER." observance became national about the woman wh• o •he said was hlh wife. having to care for an invalid brother, • appropriate servicei s of! praisel , and Lamprccht Brothers & Cor-faile Sonand Senator Clmffce'sDauRhter. Mary read the letter through twice. time ot the Civil Wiu-, because that This woninn became insane and died Mlsa Sutton led n aolltaiy life, which, j thanks to Almighty God. over a year ago, with liabilities ap- road. "*—• would be a part of tho picture and it Is believed, Impaired her mtpd and i In witness whereoj, I have here- proximating $1,500,000. The firr Ban Diego, Cal.—Mrs. UlysBes S. action of the great city, and now, to- Girl friends' Sho had none. She intensified our national feeling, und in the State hospital. Gomer brooded hardly knew the people in the houso its result gave us occasion for pro- over her death, and soon became n rendered her Irresponsible for her act ! unto set my hand and caused the seal was a member of the New York Stoc Celebrates Her Hundredth Birthday. Grant, fifty-three years old, wife ol day, she realized (or the first time wreck hlniseH. losing his cycslcni. ' ot the United Stales to be affixed. Exchange and of the Chicago Boar a son of President Grant, died here of "" " that sho had an opportunity to taki where she boarded. Sho thought of found thankfulness. Because It Is n Done at the City ot Washington 3f Trade. Mrs. Charlotte Campbell, who cele- apoplciy. She had been an Invalid for day devoted to the recognition of Before his deatli be confessed' 'llrat' -NAGEL WOVL1) ADMIT SYRIANS. part in the glittering side of Hfo. - Shi the bcventj-flvo dollars In tho bank. the woman was not his wife. this 13th day'of November, in the brated her 100th birthday, Is tho first years. had received an Invitation from Har. What had she been saving It for? To man's dependence upon his Creator, IHKappiwch of lUuinl Discrimination year of our Lord one thousand nine Cuba Asked to Explain. resident ol Vlneland ever known to Mrs. Grant Is survived by her hus- old Goldman, who sold tbe firm but- buy fine clothes when Bhe became part and to reunions of families, it lias hundred and nine, anil of the inde- The State Department at Washing- havo that distinction. The observance band and fivo children, Mrs. U. S. Fatalities by Rail. Against Immigrants. ot the occasion consisted in receiving tons and bucklqs. It wns at this coun- of tlio city life; and how far would appealed strongly to fundamental One human being I] killed an hou: pendence of the United States the one ton, D. C has asked the Cuban Gov- Macey, Chaffee Grant, U. S. Grant IV., seventy-fivo dollars go? Sho asked American instiucts, and has estab- Washington. D. C.—Sei'ietary Na- hundred, and thirty-fourth. ernment for an explanation of the callers and accepting congratulations. Julia Dent Grant and Fanny Grant. ter that .Mary worked, and young and one injured every leu minutes, gel, of the Department of Commerce Mrs. Campbell has lived In Vlnclnnd Goldman hacp'been attracted to he the question bitterly. lished itself East nnd Wost, North said W. L. Parx to the New York WILLIAM H. TAFT. new trade treaty with Spain, and It la She was tho daughter of former and Labor, ilidlr.-ittd thnt he Is not In ijy tho President. Bald that continuance of tbe rectproc- lor the last eighty years. United States Senator Chaftee ol Colo- from tho first, but for somo reason All of a Buddeu sho seemed to see and South. and New England Association ot Rail- sympathy with the reoent rullUR of The American people linve at this wa> Surgeons, but he; reported P. C. KNOX, Secrctury of State. . Ity treaty between tho United States rado. which the girl could not explain sue bcr mother In the big, cheeful kitch- Richard K. Campbell, chief of tho and Cuba will depend on the answci had gently parried-his Invitations. en, singing over tho preparations for time abundant reason for thankful- proKrnss was being made in safe- Naturalization Division, In opposition Deer Hunter Fined 9100. guarding life. Ice Trust Destroyed Ice. received. Sebastian Maulbeck, of Hoboken, Milk Companies Combine. This morning, however, ho ha. a Thanksgiving dinner. But would ness in tho contlnunnco of peace;c, in to the natuinlisation of S>rinns and Evidence tending to show that tlio tlio abundant harvests, and In the others of kindred race. who was arrested after ho had killed Borden's Condensed Milk Company touched tho right cord and she, had be singing with a daughter far American Ice Company Kent boats up To Pension ItH Employes. a large doo deer near Wcymouth. wos absorbed the Sheffield Farms-Slaw. away from her.ln a strange, lonesome absence of epidemics and calamities • U. I<. Wnrrlner Indicted. Mr. Nngol declared that the per- the Hudson River early ill 1900 to responded. He had been folding up 1 sonal charnefeY of the' applicant for The New York Central Railroad fined $100 by Magistrate Izard at son-Decker Company, In New York hlB samples and stopped suddenly. city? ffo, thekdltl not look on her Much as there Is to condemn In bus- C. L. Warrinei was indicted in Cin- break up the Ice of rival compauics City, Its principal rival. Th« com- cinnati on account' of the Big Foui citizenship Is moro important than adopted plans for retiring and pen- May's Landlni;. He was permitted to as being lonesomevnodoubt she wasiness and politics, and frcauent ns an was given ln the anti-trust" rase in BlonihK its employes. keep half the deor, Its head and skin. bined capital Is »31,000;000. "Gee, but I dread the day n$ter to private scandals, we believe that shortage, said to reach $643,000. his nationality. narrow! Holidays In town are al having a verj 'goodume, for Mary New York City. had always "kept up Appearances In American progress Is not limited tc Senator From North Dakotn. In All TnrUi of the State. Appeal ln Gompers Case. ways lonesome If you don't know tho acquisition of weulth, but tba' Arrested Fourteen Ooiintcrfelicm. lot of people." her letters. And then Bho happened Money For Foreign Missions. Fountain L. Thompson, of Cando Flcmlngton High School pupils Tbe Executive Council of the Amer- to see tho postscript on the back of the standards of public nnd private Chief Klynn, ot the United States SWIFT VIRGINIA JUSTICE. N. D., was appointed United States ican Federation of Labor, at Toronto, Mary nodded lier head; sho ha llfo arc slowly ndvanclng; Hint pub Secret Service, assisted by n squad of Tho general committee of foreign Issue a school paper. . Canada, recommended an appeal ln ljc.cn drcad]ng Thanksgiving Day. her fathcr'B note: policemen, arrested fourteen Italians missions ot tho Mothotllsl Church, ln Senator by Governor'Rurke, at Bis- Hunterdon County iBsued more "Jim Coleman bought Deacon Wil- lie spirit and generosity are growing marck, N. D., to 1111 out the uncxplrci the case ot Samuel Gompers and other "I tell you what," continued Gold- in New York City charged with paBs- session at Albany, apportioned moro In Sl\ Hours Negro is Indicted, Tried than 2000 gunners' licenses. officers now under sentence, to tho son's store at the Corners. He's fix-virtues; that domestic virtues wen hiK counterfeit money and being in- than J82B.000 for work in the mis- term of Senator M. N. Johnson, win Dr. W. C. Alpaugh has been ap- mnn, "let's celebrate together. Yo mid Sentenced to Death. died recently. United StateB Supreme Court. Iiut ou your glad rags aud we'll go t< ing it up In good shape, and they aay never more esteemed, and thnt th< j vo|vcil ln "Black Hand" outrage.". sionary fields of the world. pointed medical Inspector ot the High that Myra Wilson's going to stay nnd American people as a whole will bi Four thousand dollars In counterfeit Stauntou, Ya.—Clitlon Brccken. Bridge public schools. . the ." (A fashionable cafe fo entirely sincere to-dny both wher $2 bills were seized. •Idge, twenty yearB old, will die in Czolgosz*s Hrother Dead. Bread Crumb Causes Man's Death. ' Iho Bohemian and theatrical set). clerk for him." "N'eiv Assistant Postmaster. tlie elcclrlc cbalL on December 17 for The Salem County Board of Free- they—or a good many of thi-m—as ———— Frank Czolgosz, rged forty year holders bas decided to build a State Coughing slightly because of a Just for a minute Mary's eye: Just how It happened Mary could mucking tl\o Sslx-yeuc-old grand- elder brother ot Leon Czolgosz, tl bread crumb which lodged in his never tell, but suddenly tho plcturo semblo In their 'churches to glvi j Four-Milt* Hubvwiy HcfrulL Poslmtifitcr-Goncral Hitchcock ap- daughter of Jailer G. A. Hutcheson. road in the borough ot Elmer. . sparkled. She realised thnt tho girli pointed Dr. C, P. Grandlleld, the First assasslu of William McKlnley, did throat as bo was eating luncheon, of Goldman, tbo salesman In lfls thanks to God, and Also when nruunc | The dlKgliiit of tin- fonr-niilo Judge Holt bad a special Grand- The old Bethel Lake, near Pitman, within earshot were consumed wltl their well loaded dinner tnblps- thei Brooklyn (N. ¥.) subwa> wna begun, As8lBtnnl Postr.iaster-General, post- from heart disease at his homo It Joseph Stone, ot Murray Hill, N. J.. mock Jewelry, cnnio before her and Jury summoned, and inside of six the Polish eolony nrar Aberdeen lias been drawn off so that the bed was seized with a hemorrhage and envy. Then something In her Purlta renew their expressions of family at with toe Public firnlcu Commission master of Washington, n. C. to RUC- may be cleaned of broken limbs. offended her mental vision. reert B. P. Harnes, who died recently.' hours the man wn« indicted, tried aud Wnsh. • ^ was dead within a few minutes. fcctlon. In charge. sentenced. i The Salem Council has decided to It wn« 4 o'clock the next day be- Women In Dny'n Nc»\«. defer the Installation ot n fire alarm Feminine Note*. XI-;<;RO KIM;S TWO WHITE MEN'. Essence of tlio system. fore she thought of him .again, she Aged Woman, Dylnj, Directs Queen Helena of Italy now Is called Lillian Russell Is near forty-elght Directors of the Montefloro Horn Mrs. Emniu Higgiuson Adams, "tho children's queen." liad been so busy with her prepara- nnd Annlo Russell close to forty-flvo. Nashville Illnt'k UCSCMIK Crowding In In New York City decided to orect tions to leave town. Now she hurried Tlmt Hi-r 1'cts lie llurneil. eighiy-two jears old, died buddenly Miss Ivy E. Woodward has been Mmo. Stclahell'B trial opened ln Hoarding n Cnr. new and larger institution at a cosl In Trenton, leaving two children. to tho telephone. San Finncisco, Cal. — Mrs. Sarah admitted to full membership In the Paris with scenes that recalled the Mcnii'hls, Teun.—Edward Cordwell of 51,250,000. twenty-three grandchildren and sev- "Oh, Mr. Goldman," she exclaimed Slaughter Do Lornie, an aged artist, trial of Mme. Roland. >•"" Royal College ot Physicians, of Lon- died In Berkeley, leaving lier nelKh- and lid ward Ivoouts, young white It was announced that"Presiden enteen grcat-grundciilldrcn. as she heard .his volco ut tho other MrB. Philip Snowden, the English don. liors instructions that her two Spitz men,' boarding n street car nt mid- Taft'B next message to Congress Fear of fire caused James B. Duke suffragist, condemned tho militant Tho Woman's party was born at end of tho wire, "I am going home for dogs bo chloroformed nnd cremated night, crowded ln ahead of WiPlam would deal chiefly with control of to close his great estato near Soiner- Thanksgiving, so I can't take dinner method of the suffrugetu.*. Smith,.a negro. The white men stood corporations, also reasserting ills vllle to the public, a small blaze hav- the first Political Convention ot Dis- with her, nnd tlio ashes mixed with franchised Women, bcld ln Carnegie with you to-morrow night.** those ot licrbiilf and ntrewn on tho Miss Elklns' recent vlsifto Europe on the rear platform, while the :iegro. fidelity to tho Roosevelt policies. ing threatened Bbrubbery and stat- who resented their act, entered the uary. Hall. "Well, you'rfl a wonder," In dls- hillside. Dr. J. Kdsou Kclsey, for was resented ln tho highest circle of Premier llrland narrowly escaped Margaret Illlngton, who loft tho ninny years lier physician, has boon King Victor Emmanuel'H court. car. Robert L. Lowe, a reporter of The gtisted accents, "to throw a fellow defeat In the French Chamber olof ,„ ,, ,, , , , «-,, . L „ stage and Daniel Frohmau becauso Intrusted with the task of seeiug thai AUIT mtYP-lIn:; several blocks, the. 1 rillll e tlle down like this nt tho last "minute. President Tnft, addressing SOO~i;trl Deputies, whlcli by a vote ol-jai to- -eral "Hospital' '"«?, 'fro" m valvulaElizabetr hdiseas Gen e she preferred lo darn stockings, You're a peachcrlno, that's what you tlio two'doss arc san-itiml, nnd .lohE students at Columbus, Miss., Indorsed nnegrg o drew a revolverr, rushed to the 225 voted down a proposal to change bases her suit for dlvorco ou non- SlrelKhlfr. • an undertaker, lms the votes for women "when they all want b dd d tho method of election uf memberl h s of ci«'»«•£»«f tlio heart.' Mr'«>.» Loiv ™'o™ wn «s twenty««•«- are, lear door, shut both men dead,,, aud loiw years old. support. commission to cremate their remains. tubin." leaped from the car. Later lie sur- tho lower house. Suit of MrB. Edna W. Tunis against rendered to iho polic,1. Uccornllun of (lie nor turds in the form and lines of nil- bln to-day It tho tablecloth Is ubcd Justice Mills, In Ilorklaud County, Admiral Sir E. II. Seymour and Sir -Brother Identities Alleged SchlattCT. wealthy Arthur L. Tunln for dlvorco 1 Edgnr Spoyei- were Hindu privy conn* Tho decorations of this TlinnkiSKlv- j tuiunnl leaves, or the bill of fare may Tho top of the lable is prutiTtee N. Y., K^nnted Mrs. John Jncob Astor At Hastings,.ituU, Tlector McLean, was disclosed, although Bee.rc.cy had Ucteuilunt Ai'iust'tl i>f.Threaten- on Interlocutory denec- of divorce. <'Hi-:sisi'ou;u HELD. cllors and Lieutenant Shaeklcton wns of Brush, Col., Identified the late been attempted. Ing tnblo nho'i'd BtTbuch us to suggest written un Mich curds. It if, too from tho heat of but dishc-H by tlu iiiK Mrs. IMiippj With llyimnillc, | knighted Iu tbe list of honors an- Jlrs. O. II. V. IlPhnont delivered a i i| , ,, Wuiiiiin Mil Charles McLean "Schlatter," tho "di- ' Girls of Erasmus High School, In tho wealth ot tho harvest. Iu the late to gallier autumnal Ifaira after thick blnnkt'tlng Hint covers it inidci inffrtw sermon nt her homo to tho I ( H M ""imui ™ CliKruu noim(,c-(] on Ki,lg ijdwnrd's birthday. vine healer," as his brother. Hector Brooklyn, refused to obey an order the rains of November, und nil leaves1 (hi! tablecloth. When tlio tabloclotl Denver, Col.—Mm. Allan R Read, centre ot the table a low platter con- convicteid d uf i li i b graduates of tho Wadlelgh High •if SiuueKliii" K I'lnci}. The Rev. J. D. McCornilck. pnstoi McLean hoard tho story of his broth- abolishing rats, puffs and other arti- designed to be tisod as decorations on Is dispensed with, as it sometimes Is K corluin mbncyyu cealed by brilliant autumn leaves may ln her .rare ns trensurer of charitable School. Tientoii, N. .1.—MIB. Fiemonl U. of a Roman Catholic church at Tuck- er's wanderings in the lojt thirty-five ficial modes of dressing tho hair. hold a bouquet of red-checked ap- the Thanksgiving table must be gath- at luncheons und teas, dollies an Chosbrougli, of Boslou. wife of u uhlu ahoe, N. V., was sued by Mrs. Acker years through David McNaughton, ol 1 organizations, n|>|icared In West Side MIBS Mary n. Adams, who has won Mrs. Tbeodoro Roosevelt, Miss ples, grapes nnd other fruits In place ered long before, pressed and pre-used under the plates mid ornnmcut* Court, urmed with the defenbo uf am- golf championships in tho Enstern owner, was held In J2J00 by Judge Collins, a hotel keeper, for J2D.000 Chicago. The funeral wits held there Ethel Roosevelt Tfnd Miss Carow. ot tho ferns and Iloweia so often parpd for tbo day. BrlKht-hued mats under dishes. nesia. November II), 1908, it Is mid, Cioss in the-United Stales Court on a- damages forTflnnder because of a ser- for tho lost brother Mies Roosevelt's sister, spent several and Massachusetts associations was mon he receatly preached. used. A centrepiece ot autumnal beetft, carrots and other vegetables .she attempted to cxtoi't thousands ot married to Edwanltc. Wheeler Jr hourB ln sighuselng In Rome, Italy. if Tlnolnn ' • .Mrs. Chi'sbrouii'ii Is accused of en- Secretary MacYenRU held a conf.jr- ferns ranging ln color from white to me sometimes simulated with a brush John Salmon, A Ynnkce In Ceylon dollars from Mis. Geiievlevi) Chand- jf Boston. NIcnraguuiM Petition Taft. MIBS Ruhama Skldmore, who was ler Phlpps, of Denver, by threats ot tering the country at Hoboken with enco with Collector Loeb nnd others pale yellow and green Is sometTnies and ueed for dinner cards at this fea- has got rich by detecting pearls It Miss Alico SoiimorStaughtcr of gowns and furs concealed in n trunk interested In tbe New York City CJB- Nicaragua!! exiles nt Panama sent recently re-elected forolgn secretary oysters by X-ray. The best part is li dynamite. Various theories ns to of tho United States Geographical So-, effective. tlval. •' "' Mrs. Itcail'i; condition wlinn th" nl- New York Stnto Senator William with a falhu bottom. The goods wore tonis fraud cases and approved act on a message to President Tnft begging ' Any ono a llttk' nl;llful with the ln reply lo L. M. AT WP will 'say detetttt need pearln, and Mich 1 aotimcr, wn» innrried lo Thomas valued nt J250o." 1 >tft she is alleged to ot the local oftlela) In rocnril to em- him not to liced president Zolnya'a'rf- doty, ban held that office for twenty li'Keil riinn wns coinniltrtd ww lid- Bliaiieliiiessy, r Uor|i<»to nt flello fears. can easllv paint IUIMIUIIKII tllu- thai mats crv seldom si>i-|) on the tu-aid put li( 3JMC£II1 plants d "* u N have declined dutiable article?. In [li'j ployes wli" tinned .Slntc'H evidence. (incuts for aid. I In I bar. L. 1, anit/iiiii or only $IO;I.

1L - . V


Uie roip.' Tin' t>lmr|> eyes nltlie door.j -THE CRANBURY. PRESS- VY FOR HOME DECORATION. cnugui »IBIH of • lit- luulnulliiK "leui.

How to Grow tho Engluh and Gtrmftn' 1 P0DLI8IIED ETEItl FRIDAY AT Varieties With Ease Roses and Wflslniiihm?' ^Itf (u'liiiindcil. Her gllZC -JWl'pL nVi'l' till' KllU'.V fllCf'H; tllLMI OKANBUIIY.N. 3, For a fiywlllH KlTi-'ii wlilel] Is hoau- IIIGHTSTOWN, N. J. In Yard's Umbrella Stock lfully dfiWiillvL' in Hie liuiue In win- she sieppeil uuteldc mill wulki'd de- ter tiicri' la iiullilni; inori' wiilsfactory llbenitoly ri»untl the conier of tlie riihln CLOTHING HOUSE OEO. W. BURROUGHS, 1 Repentance 'to the H)setMHli. Theri! were telltale Uiaii Ivy, There iin so inuiiy tirllstic The Great Advantages leaves anil lilii of lirnkcMi branches Editor anil Proprietor. wuys or IU-IIIIIKIIIJ; tin- ivy, and the of our store—its blocks and English, variety particularly in no upon the ground. there's every good sort of umbrella that n careful By V. A. WAYNE "So yo1 dldn' ki'cr iiiillln fo'.wlim I YOU'LL LIKE! 11.60 PEBYEAB. IH ADVANCE. himly that It (.•iiiinot fall to grow. values—nrenotnppronchcd woman shopper needs, or a careful man desires. Artists Iinvu painted It ami pocta sung VprciMy nnli'ivil," "he snld at length, by any other store in this of It-tue roiiiuntiv Ivy green. Copj'rlBht. 1900. by American with mingled ri-grpl nnd reproach Iu Just now; the assortment is particularly fino, up-to- Aysocfnllon. her 'voice. "Now I's Kwlne tell yo' community. ' date superbly comprehensive, and especially suited to FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1909. With u pot coiitiiliiliiR tho, Ivy atnlid- Boine'n'. flilHun. De nis™ nln1 mueli, ""j^ist looking?" Well, wo'll he right glad to see yo , ~a ing on n table, floor or shelf the creep- If we could place our 'cep'n' dnt I-say not tct'li dent. Dnt holiday shopping. if you're going to call for that, lily braiu-Ces limy lm trained In any The sun shone warm upon the banks make nil tlie window casing, the low bending dogwoods and upon pnp nn' me nn' Mncle'U'Ro to de doln'H, ideas. Prison. mid the green ami leafy screen through other stores-, so each cus- ure. the little cabin in the hnlf acre clear- nn' yo' nils will Htny rlpht hyeh Ly do President Taft at Washington Wed- which you can look out upon u wintry 1 "•'just look"—that's all wo ask, for we know s6 well'-- ing that -was devoted to chicken rais- cabin nil de "diirln day, nn' WnaliuTT-" tomer could seo the differ- , Yard's Special at $1.00 nesday commuted the ImprisoDmcDt landscape; will make It seem less bleak. ton he's jiwlne chop wood. 'Come, Ma- that what you'll see here; will induce you to come here, . ing nnd sweet potato growing. 1 ence, our store would be Bentouco of BerDBrd Hoofaddeu, con Stand the Jar containing the Ivy on a de, nn be llx up." very unusual value, which ought to be priced bracket shelf at one end of tlio mnn- There were odors of new growth in when you're ready lo make your purchases. \lcted of sending "non malloblo" print moro crowded with buyers td mid let it wander, with skillful the air, the glint of fresh grocn among nut Made liiiiiR buck doubtfully, a higher. Steel rod, 7-ribbed; close rolling, natural . ed mater,through tho malls. Tho- fidetraining, up over mantel and wallB,- than it lias ever been. But Junt tnko iv Innk iu our • 1» nad »18 Suits 1 wood handles with gun metal and silver mountings. Notice our *ltt nnd P20 Overcoat* I of $2,000 imposed by Judge Laoning stray tendrils druoplug gracefully over there is a difference and flowering dogsvood.n mocking bird wn: Fiherbnos at $1.50, $2, $2.50, $3, $3.50, §4. No vxriiMlvo Tullor ooold Olothn you bettor iP.the.Unit«d StateB Diatrlct Court a pictured nnd the like. her head. -you should know it. nhould Iin charKO yo" twlro tlio Drlco. singing its delirious Joy of the spring "I done stole one o' dem roses, too, Than our now Full Ruts nud cliolca HQloctlonn In Trentou, stands, howevor. Ivy may be trained over the arch- BlilrtH, Ties, Glovci nnd other Tomwry will ' way which divides rooms, nnd no por- sunshine nnd flowers. mammy," filie fullered. Rare Gifts at $5.00 and $6.00 grentlylnuirostyou. Macfndden'a alleged offimso was com- A white Lnlrcd negro came slowly "Wlia' ilnt, Made? An' I 'pend The Millinery Dep't tieres will be needed. There Is nlso 1 mitted in 1807, when ho published hi tbe more delicate- Uermnu Ivy; which around the cabin, grasping with both 'spressly on yo' to look out fo de od- is in a class by* itself with A line holiday assortment all silk; close rolling, of "look as long as you choose, and-the more you learn of '' Physical Culture Magazine at Spots- requires gentler linndllns. It will hnnds a Inrgu howl from which a dpm. Oh, chile, chile!" course, with Mission wood handles decornted ,with piece bad been broken. AB lie, ap- Her mother spoke slowly, nnd Mn- its great collection of'Hats, tlio quality.of our garments and tha fairness of our - wood. The oflesso consisted la pub-grow effectively -without soil.. I saw one growing in a large bowl of water— peared there wns ft suddencommotloii, cle's liend dropped still lower. Feathc.. and Trimmings. Sterling silver tips. prices, the better you'll like our store. ' . •_ •••• lishing an article in the oaturo of a the bind of glass bowl used for smnll which spread quickly to tlie remote "I's sorry, lii'iniiny," she snld, f-carce Blue, brown, grey, black and red silk. Warning to young men against immoral aquaria. Tbe Ivy grow over the sides parts of the clearing and to tlie un- above a whisper, "but I did stole one. -> . Indies from far and neat of the bowl, festooulug Itself In tan- dergrowth beyond,.und chickens of all D'nt'H-•».+ •».»! enoy, followed tho recommendation of on Juice nnd finely ground parsley, sea- door, a saw still pressed Its Jaggod provnl, and one of them kicked vi- soned with white pepper and salt. It ciously at tlio hoe which stood near can not say more. STEAM AND Attorney General Wickersham, who teeth into the trunk of a half sawn Is <-ervcd either In the shell of ft hard branch nt the monger wood pile—all him. ' The latest fabrics 'and finds that (he advice and deductions boiled egg or placed In a little paper these Implements of toll ns they hnd "An' nil ills fo' some no 'count ole colors are in stock at 25 cts In the article were wholesome, but tbat patty pan for the purpose. Lemon or b'eOB left when work was over the roses," Washington went on Irritably, We Invite HOT WATER FITTER. some of the narrative in the story was orange sauce is made like n thin blanc night before. - then: "Wlia' yo' gwlnc to do dar, to $1.25. mange, chilled and poured over enke. 1 ti> decidedly improper reading and calcu No one enmc to resume work this Mnclc? Yo' nin /twine to wuk Hbore- More than 30 styles of It can be made perfectly white It the ly?" lated to promote evil habits rather than yolks of eggs arc not used. Some morning, so U was evident that some- Ulk Goods at 25 cts to §1.75. : I have had -fifteen years experi- ii- thing out-of the ordinary wns going Ynss, I be," to retard them. ' merely use lemon Juice, -wnter. butter poun' dls corn, Jes' like mammy say. Business Men nnd comstarch slightly swectenejl. on. The New Tailored Garments ence in'the tin business and Macfudden at the time, of bis trial, Presently a dusky young face nn- An' I's pow'ful 'shamed o' myse'f, 1 This rankos n clear sauce. An onion Is. Mebbe de roses aln' no 'count, but will surprise you not only can make you anything' alleged that the charge wan part of i snuce is tempting on some meat. The peared at tbe window. u 1 dnt nln' dc p'liit. Mammy say not to call and seo our en- from a pepper box persecution he claimed ho had suffered onions arp fried lirown, removed from "Hey, Rrnn'pap!' a shrill, childish tecirMlein. An'—an' mammy's been in the variety nnd extant *n SpoUwood, and was so angry about the pan, and stock is added to the voice called. "Mammy say fo' yo' to mighty good to we alls. Yo'se know of the stock but the values larged display of .«?... to a house. . grease with mustard nnd lemon Juice. come In fo' yo' elenn shut. Yo1 gwlne FRANK A/BROWN. 't that he abandoned his establishment dat." dress up fus' case yo' wa'k slower." given. I employ none but skilled me- thereand moved to Battle Creek, Mich. Grnndpap moved toward the cabin. .Yes, they knew, but not one of them We save you from 10 OFFICE FIXTURES, How to Uso Magnesia In Cleaning. As he went In a-troop of six picka- was ready to admit It Just yet. So they chanics; Get my prices on Iny there, scowling nml digging their per cent to 20 per cent in Notary Public, . ADMINISTERING MEDICINE Magnesia may be obtained either in ninnies came tumbling out, nil boys FILING CABINETS, pipe as I am the lowest, povjlcr or In square cakes, and It Is but one. A peremptory voice followed heels nnd toes into the sniid nnd mak- many instances upon tho AND AG:ENT FOB THE. ver* effective In cleaning laces nud ing Jeering remarks nt Made. But she in the State. ^ How to Make Children Roalize That vcrjr them. worked quietly on, nnd at length they . same garments sold in the CARD INDEXES, They Must Swallow It. delicate fabricsfabrics. Sift or rub it on the "Now, donu yo' chllluns go fur off. Following Reliable JTireInsurance parts to be cleaned, nnd lay them 1 rose unensllj, one hy one. nnd found city stores. Have your work done by skilled Giving wedlcluo to children 19 one Soon's yo gran'pap's 'Uone fix yo' places In I lie window nnd lusldc the LOOSE LEAF BOOKS Companies. of the most diUicult problems thnt away in a box or drawer where they gwlne be fix too. Now.jnln'." Tailored Suits $10 to $25. will bo undisturbed for n' day or so, cabin, where they swung their legs mechanics and it will be right. young mothers have to cope with, for At one end of the cabin a rosebush nnd continued to scowl. Liverpool & London & Globe, Dome little ones have such n horror of and then shake them out. It Is ji very clambered up nnd about the low Tailored Coats $7.50 to $20. and nil else that a model, I sell the Butler Wind will, which is it dose that they work themselves into good plan to apply the magnesia in eaves. As though through previous un- But nil tho time they were thinking, Tailored Skirts $3.50 to $10. modern office needs for German American, heavier, and runs with less l condition of nervous Illness before this way when putting away party derstanding, the\boys began to sidle nud nt length, in seeming desperation, Washington pushed Ills way between Tailored Rain Coats $10.00 the proper conduct of its Ins. Co. of North America, the medicine gets' Into tlielr stomachs, dresses thnt have become slightly soil- toward this, keeping an Inquiring look wind than any other mill and so It f^rcQucntly uuuseates them, ed. The magnesia absorbs the dust, the row on the window seat nnd drop- to $18.00. business. North British Jb Mercantile, upon their sister the while. But notped to tlio ground. on the market. thus making successive doses hnrdcr and when you take them out to wenr until one of their hands reached Blyly Tailored Waists $1 to $5. Niagara, to give. them next time, they will be fresh nnd toward a freshly opened rose did she "I declnr', hit's sights easier to wuk Glol>e-Wcrnicke Goods dalnt}< The magnesia is also effective, dan to sot hycr 'long p' hoch grum- Every purchaser will testify to this There Is no question but thnt If a notice. Then she snld: Your Every Need . aro prominent in_ tho Queen, when* applied IJI the snlue way, for re- 1 blers," he snorted. "1's gwine into dnt statement. GET MY PRICES. child shown a disposition to rebel moving grease spots. "Stop dat, YVnshunton! Aln yo'wood pile Jes' fo' de change." stock, ns well ns other Caledonian, against swallowing medicine the men- 'member dat mammy say all dem roses Whether it be for your tal tussle must be gone through with gwlne bo save fo1 Aun1 Celln's mar- Presently one of the leg swingers wardrobe or your home is leaders. Commercial Union, and settled first. Tbat Is, there is no How to Preserve Grapes In Winter. r'ge?'1 on the window sent slipped to the ground nnd picked up tho hoc. supplied at our counters at Standard, ' use In trying to give the dose while Carefully selected fruit may he^kept "But .new oues done bloom nrter Second fioor of two till the early spring. Select large fruit 11 "AJi I Mow dnt Hwcet tntcr pntch CHAS. F. DANSER, administering admonitions. The lit- mammy say dat, expostulated Wash- 1 the least cost you can pos stores. Western of BlUsburg, hns mo' fun fo me dan dls crowd." V tle one's stomach must be quiet, and thnt Is perfect and not overripe, line ington petulantly. " 'Sides, lilt's 'man- sihly secure anywhere. CRANBURY, . tlie bottoms of wooden boxes with he muttered ns he moved nwny. Mercer County Mutual, this cannot be If he Is In tears or Is cipation an' 'mancipation's more'n Jes' Upon many every day (creaming. brown paper and lay the grapes In marr'ge." One by IIIH Muni tii.'count borne pcoplo think our business is making glasses. Our business is . Precisely how this Is to be accomplish- 1 Soap never should be used In clean- Washington looked doubtfully nt his old people returned there was a crowd- to tho Orphiuih CoarL for the County of 0RANBUBY.N.J. examining oyf-s and Bttlng them witli correct glasses to relieve eye strain. ed depends upon Individual tempera-, Ing paint, especially whjte enamel or companions and from them back to idlt'scx. on Frliluy. tlio uneutcpalh tluv • i • * • • • • i • i • t • We do manufacture glasses, but wo do it In order to have tbe glasses made ment nnd the way each parent handles ing line to meet tliom witli eager ac- any paint with n gloss, us this will re- the roses. • , counts of the day's work nnd with ol DcnmitxT HWJ. at 10 A. M.. In tho Term of and adjusted tho way wo want them and to he sure of the best quality. tbe babe. Sometimes when the argu* move tbe gloss, which Is the chief "Dcy gwlne iook mighty nice on we Deufnibor I!1°i'* forHHtli'inPnlmuliillowuno": We mate but one charge /or tbis double service and it saves our cue* ment Is prolonged a spanking may he enihnrrnssed apologies for the disobedi- tlu> same b(>[ni; Hrnt uur executor. Me, of tinruli (Formerly Applegate Optical Rooms Estab. 1880.) tne condition worse. Coaxing works make totlu' t'Ings, Made. Well. I's ln's. But I nln' fo'git yo. clillluns," Ilonslunil. dereusi'il. Intuuil" lo exhibit III* With some little ones; wlth.-othcrs pun- 1 1 1 softly. "J's done got peanuts fo' yo"flnnl account to tho Orphtut.s' Court for tho Cor. Stnto and Warron Streets, TKENTON, N. J. How to Clqfify Rainwater. gwlue spen lilt nil fo sweet stuff, an 1 1 ishment is required." Each parent alls, an candy nn raisings an' ynller Gaunt? of MIR»x. on Frl'lny. I he* tw.'nty- at O'NEIL'S NEW STORE and To clarify rainwater that has turned yo'so gwlne hnb half. An', 'sides, yo'd must decide this for herself. shorely look mighty fine 'long o' one oranges. ll^'er," removing-package Hlxtli dnf or Novnmh«r 1«». nt 10 A. 51., In During the time that this matter of dark and greasy looking from stand- after package from her capacious thn Term of Snpteinbur. 1'JOil. for h(ittli.M» Ing In either a cistern or barrel mix dem roses pinned ou yo' blue cullker, nod nllowiiuci):tlMif>iimo btilni; first uiiilito.) yo1 shorely would." pockets. "Now, ;. m. J. K. Wlilln'n. Nalns- Having had 37 year's experience in It takes a clever child only a few do not realize that a single application be? Come, rusticate yo'se'fs now! parently appreciated theuttentlon. Hut Grnn'pap'B done llx nn1 gwlne up de boro. I-'rhlay. Don. l"tb. I'JiW. fi om 1 to & p. m momenta to realize tbat he Is simply of fine table salf on n wet cloth will one day his mood changed, and lieAtmyliomt) In Cnwibury. TiloHihiy. I'rlilny all tlie brandies in New York City, prolonging the agony. take on* uny stuln and leave the silver rond. Yo'so to foller him. Den Mose snapped viciously. ''Well, of all an1 mo'll come 'long. We hlt/dc road and 8:iturr!ay of eiu'h w<>i'k ilurlai; Nowmlier on First Glass Groceries? The-notion some have that they can- entirely bright. After this it nhould things!" exclaimed the aiiltiinl lover, nud IVeembor from •"' to 8 p. in., IIIHO all day faster don yo'll alls. Quick, now.' Yo' I consider myself capable aud able- not swallow pills is likely to be im- bo washed Hi warm wnter nnd pure "lie never did that before." Monday. Dot- '-Utli, for the purpon>i of rccelv henh me?" agination, which it Is not alwnys.well soap. "Probably because you never petted Ine I'liyrnent of tnxu*. Taxpayers who ilo If Not You Have Missed It. to handle all kinds of work that may, to give In to. If there Is a renson for Their hands were nlrcndy plucking him lieforo in rainy weather," .said the not pay their tuxes on or beforn tin) *X>:h day paying need to It an easy way of ob- How to Fit a Skirt Top. the forbidden flowers, but at tbnt call man who knows n little bit about or December will bo proivedi'd nir'LinM as il»- Highest Prices Paid For Butter and Eggs. comn to my nntira. I nm rea'dy at viating It Is to give liquid Instead, If tbe top of your dress skirt you are the roses fell to the ground, momen- llutniunt. All ilptiniiK innttho tiled with thi horses. "As you value your ten lin- dlesex County Iiourd of Tniiitlon on o for there are few prescriptions that making Is too large for the bolt, so tarily unheeded In the sudden conster- gers and general safety, of lliiih. don't nil times to give estimates and pay thnt you will liavc to "full" It In too nation, then were picked up and hur- befom Di-t>. *-3l:Ji. WJ. Dlnuk appeal form Yours For Business, cannot be administered In this form. get familial- with a horse when he Is wHlbn furnished upon application lo Wtu ' The old way of giving pills In Jelly much, wet It fornbmit an Inch around riedly concealed nbout their tattpred soaked wllh rain. No mutter bow personal attention to all_ who may clothing. As-~tbey shuflieii round the A. Hnnuoer. Hucrotury. Address 110 Bniltl: the top :iud press with a hot iron.'This peaceable Ids disposition, tlie rain Street PeiUi Ambuy. N. J. docs not commend Itself to'present corner Washington slipped In behind JAffiES O'IMEIL. l slirlul; It i-uoUKli to allow It to co Dated Sept. :«iih. t'Jus. Ideas. The sweet, combined with his companions. But In bis trepida- makes him cranky, and—there. Is no medicine, Is apt to upset the stomach, Into the belt nicely. Of course this np- telling how lie will take unsolicited Wu. F- PlMUUNE. tion be neglected entirely to conceal Main St. CranbUry.N. J. Opposite Second Clmroli Chaiwl. causing nausea. plles only lo goods not already shrunk. fiiudllng."—Exchange. I mo. Collot-tornfTui / To deceive a child about piedlclna. - and tell him It Is good is a great mis- Young Girls Are Victims I-H-H-H-H A. B. ANDERSON, take. This may work once, but he will bo suspicious /ever after. He of headache, as well as older women, CRANBURY, N..J. should be made to understand that but all get quick relief and prompt cure medicine Is not a Joke, but that It Is W. J. Thomas from Dr. King's New Life Pills, the less disagreeable than to be 111, andworld's best remedy for sick and ner PEPPLER'S CHATS. _ that whether be wishes it or not he must take it. vous headaches. They make pure GALVANIZED ROOFING AND 8ID1N

.\ Wllllny Workers to Meet. Mrs. John D. Ktic Dead. HAMILTON SQUARE. Notice. TTHE CRANBURY PRESS- The Wllllug Workers Mission Band Jin". Amaudii Buo, wife of former Mr. und Mrs, William Andorson of Tho freight oIHco nt Craubury Slntion will meet In the chapel next Sunday morvllle havo been spending some ill ho closed on Thanksgiving Day, FEIDAY, NOVEMBER 19, lflO'J. . Bonntor Johu D. Bue, died at the Huu afternoon. Tho subject will bo Korea home, In Trenton Sunday night, after mo with Mr. nml Mrs. A. V. Cubher- ovombor 25th, from 11,n. m. to 7 r | S- P. DUNHAM & GO, TRITON, N, J. ui. Friday November 2Gtli. : and tho Mountaineers, and tho leaders nil Illness of noverril months. Death y. Strictly Ono Price Nothing Nortor—£ PEICSONAL8. aro Myra Havons nnd Clara Hufllngton was due to purtilybis. Sho was seven* Mrs. Ethel Soulhwlck of Allcntown Outfitters to Anywhere. Prices ' , Mrs. I. Dj Barcloy ontortninod at aThe program will ho tbe following: ty pix years old and tbn last of the 'as a rccout visitor of Mr. and Mrs. 'OB SALE—Ilolittoln Cow, fi yonra "WoninuUliid. Lower Nowliero. family dinner party on Wednesday. Devotional exercises Swanglo family, of Dutch Neck, ouo of illiam Pagans. old. A good bargain. Clltford Stulta has purchased tbe Home Life in Korea, by thu loaders tho first families of this section of the David McGalllard, Jr. of White Horeo ' H. HUIIN, Isaac M. Cubbetley farm. Reading, "Little Disappointment" State. • ' • us a Sunday visitor of his cousin, Broadway Boad. I $35 and $40 Sample , Miss Sadio Appleget was o-viuilor in CeleBto Curry Mrs. Rue was Btrickvi: about HCVOU llffurd Sykes. F. D. No. 2, Cranbury, WOMEN'S Heading, "A Little Journey In Korea" weeks ago with n severe nltack of par Tronton the early part of tho week. Willel DOIIUIB visited his sister, Mrs Helen Murray olyeis, - and scorned ;to be improving eotKai}. C. Uecd of Mercervillo Sul- I No. sun. Mm. J. C. Holmes has been confined Beading, "Pongie and Her Friends" until last Tncsday, when sho suffered TCPOHT OF THE CONDITION OF duv aud Sunday. to,her homo for peveral nocks with a Hazel ErrlcWsou a' second attack, which rflcc^d bor Xli\TUB FIRST NATIONAL BANK, at Suiter$l9.75 and very painful carbuncle. • Mr. uud Mrs, Burtis Everett nud sou, Crnnl>a(y/n "lc S^10 °' Now Jersey, All-Black Trimmed Hats Hymn ' entiro left sido. T Messrs Frank S. Davis Jr., N. F.Beading, ' "How Pobia Was Made The funeral took pluco Wednesday .ob«l of Trenton, apunt Sunday at ttho close of business, Nov. 1G, 1900. Cljijton and E. S. Barclay wero among IO home of E. M. VUIINCBS and wlfo. Rc«puroo». Happy" Helen Butcher morning at 10 30, from tho Rue home, j : tlioBo who attended tho foot ball game Beadingj Sara Perrino with services at 11 o'clock, in Fourth Mrs. Frank Beed of Trenton was n mn« anil illHCoutiti* .... SWl.iitiO [ft $3.98 to $25.00 •nnlruff*. hccuri'd nod iinnc'curort KIT y; $23."75 . at Now Haven Saturday. Easay, "Lincoln" Margaret Curry Presbyterian Church. Tho Rev. Dr.ubdny visitor ut tbo home of her sin . H. ]iuDdHtnip(>uro'>lreul>itla'n-- uO.ooo oo 'Mm, Clifford Chamberlla entertained Beading, "Six Little Mountain Girls" Hugh B. McCuuley oflicinted. luU-r- S. Uouilsio Bocuri> 0.8 Doposlm, l.ooo oo r, Mrn. Hunih Reed. l.ooo oo A very comprehensive unil beautiful line of all-black her aunt, Mrs. Stephen Perrino of Miss Jonnio Duncan mont was in Dutch Neok Cemetery. Iuvitulions aro out announcing the luniBon U.H.BonilH OQIIB, MjeiilltltH, etc 1.. ma.yy; HO hats is ready for your inspection and approval'in our •M-H-H-M-I-M-H- Hightstown on Saturday. Offering Roll Call Hymn larriago of Miso Irene Erues-U Cub Inff-lintiHO, rurnlturo. uud llx- t millinery salon to-day. Tho Club of Ten will meet tomorrow Lord'8 Prayor in concert. Kcv, J. I,, Pohvcll Dead. orley to Cliflbrd A. Tiudall, Wednes- no from N'tttlnunlBtiukH, (QOtllo. 7.U1I 14 The showing~-embraces our own artistic creations ami afternoon with Mips Sa'UiB Appleifot. The Bev. J. L. Folwell, ono of thn ly, November 21. norvo ACMitH) Farmer Shot By Gunners. 1 no from EJmtoiindPrivatellntikK those of leading Metropolitan designors, and comprises Newest of new cuts and cloths'. Extra long Mrs. Emma Harder npenfc Monday most prominent Baptist ministors oT Tho Woman .-! Missiouury Society of nd Hiinkf>rH, Titist Compiioli'f), In Trenton. John B. Scbanck, a prominent fir- tho stato, and who occupied somo of i<> BajitiHt Church held it-s monthly in<] HAVIIICB UiinkH .'... 'J.410 no Latest Turbant Medium and Large lengths, or moderate lengths. Full plaited skirts, mer liviug near Dutch Nock, bad BOV tho leading puipits of New Jerary*7an?d- in from iiiun'oviiit iDHijrvuHk'ftntN <0,M2 rvj '. Peter liatligebef nml. family have lecling at tho home of Mr. und Mrs. ^elcitniii] oLlii»rCIIMII IttmiH. ... 47 y;i eral friends call on him Monday morn- Saturdny ut his home nenr PUPIIB Neck. ^f. Flock Friday afternoon. tot of oilier Niitlomil ll'inkR •& oo Shapes in Vblvet, Silk, Felt or plaited at the gore skirls. _ The coats lined .. moved from Newark to East Orange ii'Mlonn! piipcrenrroufy. nlrkclH ing to enjoy a day's gunning. . Tho For tho past fifteen yeura he lived rv Mia.-) Etta Mitchell njient tiaturduy and Beaver whorethoir addressls 18 William SC party,..whlcb' Included bis son, started tired nnd had attended services ut thu rmil coulM 'J-JI 'XI throughout with warranted silks or satine.' Mrs. Fouohe of Jersey City was a Soinervillu. \wrui. Mosi:v HEKUIVI: IS HANK. VIZ. All the-hats—from the smallest to the highest in prico out In anticipation of a line day's sport Prlncolon Baptist Church. du tr.,011 w $12.50 for $18.00 long coat suita, of foreign recent guest of Miss Cornelia Barrloklo. with the dogs and guns, leaving Mr. Tho funeral win liclil Tuesday moru Sirs. Cornelia Ciibberloy is on thu LoEnl tuiulnrn'ili's 7.SO oo —aro highly practical, and there's a becoming model for :ck list. 3l.?7l ,yo : Mto Grace King of Pearl River, Schanck at home. Later in tho morn- Ing with services ut thu Princeton il iitl Miss Catalena Pemlleton. the farm, he started for tho meadow to clude silkvvelvet, feather novelties wings and jet bands. $15.00 and $25.00 suits, shadowy-like stripes look after some cattle and on hearing HIGHTSTOWN. Chool Convention at East Orange on Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Barclay spent .pltlll htoclt paid In JuO.OOO DO Comparisons of the values will prove them superior to and checks, mixture and plain, solid colors; Ihe Sunday with friends in East Orange. the voices of his friends ho started to Tho union Thanksgiving service will lovomher 17, IS and IU. iis fuuil 7,-,,ooooo join them, and just at tho moment he Mr. und Mrs. Harry Groves aud son, nllvlitriil prnllts. II«UH oxlionniis any offered elsewhere. . Blchard Hagoity Jr. was an over be held iu the Presbyterian church and iuu].tiix<-M paid ^—/.. extra long cut coats, lined with warranted satins. ° was pushing his way through th» brush Sunday visitor in Bloomfleld. • the sermon will bo preached by/ Rev. udson, of Jume.tburg, wore Sunday ttonal Dunk nott>a DiitMnnillinr. his eon sho!. a rabbit and tho majority 0. P. Euchea. ucstB of .Mr, aud Mrs. James LaBuw. un to athor National Banks 10.MI1 al Fine Messaline Silk Waists, $5.75 But this is only one section of the many which Work has been commenced on the-o,f the load entered his father's leg.' ufi loTrust Compimles nml iJuv- new house of J, J. Bradley, on Buuker' 'The couccrta and art exhibit given Mr. nud Mrd, George Qordout aro REGULAR $0.50 VALUE. His cry of pain was tho first notice under tho UU9JJ!CO.H of tho public school •joiduK uverlbo arrival of a daughter, vldoiiili uupali) "j0 OO will interest you today—profit you. Hill. i]ivliluill

  • ]iOhltflRlllij(!CttO(>l]rnk 03,481 'i'j Exclusive style, serai tailored models, la black and many colors tho-party bad that ho was near them. iQmlted iu a big success. Eiobard Cadmus and daughter Grace Georgo Luke of Elburon has been rllllt'J chni'ks lift 77 to mutch or harmoneze with suit?; including gray, navy blue,- Bushing to his side, they found the Tbo Bev. Thomas Tyack has return- lending some time with Mr. aud Mrs. hhii-rVc'liffkHoutfltunilliii: ^ in HERE ABE OTHER8: of Jersey City wero recent gueata of 'nlt«iIR(iito«lli. 1,000 00 raiain, artichoke and wisteria. serious nuturo of his wounds, aud took ed from Now York CHjTwberoho visit Mr. and. Mrs. Nicholns-VrooJnml. Mr. ToTAr. »7T4,r,78 4'J Fronts of tho models with plaits, tucks and button trimmings. him to his home. Dr. Titus of Hlghta ed the mission churches ii> the nlumtt. $10.00 for $16,00 diagonal coats, long ones. Cadmus is an Assistant Superintendent town was telephoned for and arrived William Chamhcrliu of Peuuaylvauiu Others with yoke effect tucks. Tuckt back, collar and uleevee. of tha Railroad Company. in a Bhort time. Ho removed forty Mrs Anthony Wilson was a recent is been spending some time with his COUNT? or MIDDI.UIKX. SH: Bow ties. $12.00 for $18.00 military coats, of wide wale " Cards Ijavo beeo-reoblved from Mr. guest at tho Calhoun Chamberlin oilier, David B. Chumborlin. GoorKo II. 3Ior-,tion.CVHlilnrorili('iil)o\o five shot end a number still remains. mi'ij luink, do soloronly swear that tho and Mrs. \V. H. Conners or Minotola, Whilo the wounds aro very' painful, School as Spring Luko. Mrs. Alice Haucock of Pbiloilelpbia jo\o ^mtcnif.'nt 1H iruo ro tln> l»c.t of my diagonals, fancifully trimmed-". \ announcing the birth of a son on Fri the doctor does not consider, Mr. Mrs. Mary Barker, Mrs. Anthony las been visiting ut the homo of Mr. invvli>i)co nail tK'lltif. day November 12th./ The little man Schanck's condition Berious. Wilson and M'ra Susiu Bey were guest* il MM. James LABUW. GEO. II JtEHSIION, CASIIIEU. $15.00 for $25.00, satin finished Venetian has been named Kenneth Wray, of MM. Elmer J. Rogers. Mr. uud Mrs. Willium A. Nutt and iid und Hworn to h»fnrn mo this duy of Novomhor, I'.'ii'j; cloth coats, Skinner's satin lined; fall. lengths; Mr. and' Mrs. Richard Hagorty are Stricken While in CUurcli. Mrs. Anna McMiirran has recovered IU, Alviu, spent a few'days with Mr. I'EISK A IJIIOWH. Nntijrr Fnlilli-. spending two wooks in Chester and Aaron Ely, a wealthy aud honored from a serious illness. id Mrs. Elmer Reed of D'utch Neck. lOtt.HH E. State St., Connected with 10 S. Broad St., navy and black. citizen of Hlghtstown, who for half a iitrT—AttOHt. Philadelphia. E. J. Bogers was u recont visitor in Mrs. Force of Uordeutown is visit- I>. C. L«\VIR. ) . THEN TON, N. J. 1 century has been an active member of Frank Vreoland of Monmouth June Philadelphia. ig al the home of her^luughter, Airs, Jons 8. BILVEIIH. 1-Dlrci'tors. AND SO- GOES THE STORY of the Women's tho Baptist church and who during the K. S. BAIICI. iy. | tlonspentSunday with his parents in icburd Couovcr. past week hod been especially inter- Theodore Greon of Delanco, former- Wear Department, amfit grows more interesting this place. ly principal of 1'ublic Schools, i.« visit- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Norcro^s of ested in a scries of revival services /V. H. JOHNSON, with, the closer acquaintanceship. Come and get Mrs. John 8. Silvers npent Monday which have been conducted by Bev.ing friends here. ight.Hlown w'erc Siindny guests of . N. Cubberley anil wife. in Philadelphia. ', Frank- H. Farley an evangelist, was ~ Mnjor Andrew J. Smith Las been AUCTIONEER still better acquainted with what we are doing • James P. Petty ofAsbury Park spent stricken unconscious Monday night at spending tbe week with relatives in E. Kobbina of Uclinnr is upending GftBEN STAMPS GKEEN STAMPS a part of the week in Cranlmry, visiting the service. this pluco. imo tinio with ^lr. and Mrs. Thomas today in woman's and misses' outer wear gar- Cburlea.Petty and family aud Mr. and mrp. And Real Estate Agent. Shortly after tbo opening of the The Indies of tho Baptiot Home Mis- FBED'K W. DONNELLY ments—it will pay. Mrs. Edward Groves. sionary Society sent two barrels of meeting Mr. Ely made a> very earnest McCLURE'S .MAGAZINE wauu a The Bev. Henry Halo Gilford and prayer and as be took his scat tbe con clothing to Kunsns. sponeibluuud energetic manor worn- Sale of Renl Estate and Farm yrife of Elizabeth visited Postmaster gregation aroso to sing when it was Huston Campbell, a student at Ped- in Cranbury und vicinity to attend Brown and family this week. S. P. DUNHAM & CO. noticed that Mr. Ely was very unsteady dle Institute, is recovering from severe itssubbcripiion interests. Experience lock a Specialty REFUND OF MQNEY Miss Lizzie Petty spent Monday in and those near by realized that be was injuries sustained in the chemical do n ccssary. Tburo is liberal guaran ill and carried him to the vestibule In Inside and Outside Clerks Fnr- Philadelphia. parlment from the explosion of a bottle ied compensation. A profitable busi- OR an uuconacioua condition. Dr. George islied. Hills Printed and Posted. Miss Nutt was a visitor in of ether. ss without cupitul can be established THE EXCHANGE OF GOODS E.' Titus was summoned and used re- New York on Saturday. Mrs Richard Morris was the over mong frieuds aud acquuiutances. storatives without avail aud ordered CltANBUICY, N. .). 'Sunday guest of Mrs. Donuoll. holu or i*]iure tiiue. This is ihe best Mr. and Mrs. Fred Eiker have a him removed to his home where ho hone Mitt. me to start. Complete oiitlitaud iu THE CUSTOMERS' RIGHT joung'soD. ; died Tuesday morning. Mrs. Emma Grey of Princeton is THE visiting friends here. iructions/rce, Write now. McClure's . Mrs. H. C. Syames was confined to During tbe day, Mr. Ely seemed to tier loom by illness the first of the Gilbert S. Pullen one of the proprie [agazino, 4G Kant 23d Street, New be in good health and spirifa and en- ork City. week but is now better. joyed a short gunning trip in the morn- tors of the new shoe factory, will move The above is the principle on which this store is FIRST here in tbe spring. t Thing to consider in depositing, money in a bank is Blalne Davlson and John Sotalor ing. In tbo afternoon he was busy Coming Sales. L. BRIEGS founded and which has built up its remarkable visited Kev. Wm H. c/fte'r and other George Swinger is building a new about his place and enjoyed a hearty On November 27, Abijah E. Cham % SECURITY. . friends at Fieldsboro on Sunday. residence on" Main street. success. supper. ?rliu will sell on thti road from Cran Perth Amboy's Oldest The capital and surplus are the depositor's protection Tbe largo baruB on tho farm of El Any garment or article bought of us, not satisfac- Miss Jennie Van Dusen spent Tues ury lo Rhode Hull, Unit valuable argest and Most Complete fund. The d»y In Trenton. New PlalDHboro Hall. wood Eivart near hero, wero destroyed tory to you in any way a.s to style, quality or service, together with their contents by Tire rm of 100 acres, »ix acres of wood- .' John Sohler who has been employed The new hall at Plainsboro was Outfitters to Man and; Boy. I.: Saturday afternoon. mil. The improvemeiit-s uro u large' we will thank you to'return same for exchange, your NATIONAL at the Colonial House is now employed opened wilt a tine entertainment Mon welling, lurn und necessary outbuild- money or adjustments. s by Walter MoDougall. day evening. < gs. Government superintends and examines this—fcSu - The program nu Ihe following, Petit Jury For December. i I. S. Everett is recovering slowly November 29, G-.'o. B. Tbomns ex Our directors are responsible, well-to-do business men. Piano Solo, Misa Annette Oaborn Sheriff Quaokenlioas bos drawn the from his illness and is able to be out cutor of the t-Htuie of Abijab Apple This Tenor Solo, pelhjury fur the- December term of SUITS, OVERCOATS, A. Percy Dean utr, deceased, will Hell that parcel of VioJIo Selection Master Richard Stout court and the member!) are tbe fallow H. T. Var^Horn of Cranbury Station ing: and knowu n/> ibu M. A. RUB cider (Assisted by A. V. StoutJ ouse. Also tilts housu uud lot oil Ihe BANK has purchased a handsome Pease piauo Piscntaway—Frank O. Nelson, Geo. S7.50 to S30 S8.50 to $40 MITSU-YU-NI3SI, 'laiugboro road known us the William for his- daughter Edna. A. Schenck. has been established over 25 years, during which time A Japanese play. . Birlow lot. We ciirry cvertliing tbat man or boy wears except shoes it Mrs. A. O. Bue is attending the con Cranbury—Hendricks Conover, Wil it has served the banking public faithfully and bnilt ACT I vention of tho New Jersey Sunday- liam Applegate, B. P. Petty, Dnnie up a large and prosperous business. The best service Scene I—An American College Girl's FREE, to Boys and Girls, Flexible school 'Association in East Orange. Applegate. ^ Boom. 'Ijor, "Tbe cled that steers." The besl possible is none too good for our customers and the Mr. and Mn. H J. Butcher, enter Scene II—Asano-Yu-Nissi's home in Madieon—WJA Quuckenboss, Chas ed in the world. You can easily so I FRED'K W. DONNELLY, |; people of Brown, Lmvit1 Hciser, Theo. Quucken tained a largo number of friends at Tokio. lure one within u few days by doing a Taylor Opera House Stores, Trentoii, N. J. boss, S. Brown, John Wall, Johu Olt. their home last evening. Aer II ttle pleasant work. Some havo in a . W. H. Johnson has contracted with Scene I—Asano-Yu-Nissi's home' Monroe—W. D. Wilson, I). B. Stults few hours. Bo thefirxt in your town CRANBURY. M. M. Griggs for putting steam beat Scene II—Asano-Yu-Nissi's home. William Sutpblo. Write toduy, btutiug your uge. A po.i- Meluchen—Jobn Powers. ing fixtures in his house. ACT III ' \ al card will ilu. W. I. Davis, 15"i Kus Ynung Men Ruritan—Howard Martin, K'zuTnp Mr. and Mrs. Prank S. David, Jr. and Scene I—Buddhist Temple. !4lh St, New Yorli City. , 4 • f . • • 4 . j. • \ • Scene II—ABano-Yu-Niaai's home. pen, Fred Newman. Don't want lo glitter or Mr. Billington are being entertained HiRlind Park—Duvid McCallun) Choosing a CliriulnmH Present. for several days at the charming home Aeano-Yu-Nissl (a nobleman of Tokio) ut they do want to look smart Frank McNamee Dunellen—Peter C. Slnalfl. When \on muke u present of a per- nd they do want their clothes to of Mr. Guy White.^fiuffulo, N. Y., one Woodbridge—Howard Tuppen odicul lo a friend or a family >ou are IT'S THE THING TO DO. Mao-Na, his jvife, Mrs. H. W. JefTers >e admired and they do wunt to THE MUSIC ROOMS :i of the lumber firm by whom Mr. Davis New Brunswick—John S. Smith really selecting u companion lo iu Mitau, iheMaughtn and Mr. Billington are employed. Thoe. lltirnwel), Nicholas Theriou ueucu them for good or ill during u ihow some originality in their HIGHT8TOWN, N. J. Miss Alice S. Qulmby 10 Stockton Street. Frank Banker, Charles Mitchett,. Pat Vhole yeur If the acquaintances ol Iress. We have such clothes— The three months old baby of Mr. Klmura Jauamoto, rick Cone, Benj. Hartough, Johu Cunli our sous uud daughters were to talk which give that originality—hoth and Mrs. Joseph Cornell died Saturday Mrs. John McNamee ing, James Buckelew. o them aloud as florat> periodicals talk MISS ELLA T. NORTON and was burled Monday in tbe Second Tasaku, his son, .n Hit' draping and the general GO TO THE CRANBUBY PRESS OFFICE J. E. White Lo them silently, how quickly you Presbyterian cemetery. Senkai, Buddhist Priest, Elmer Francis Perth Amboy—W. J. Davy, Liw one, which only good clothes I ii rl ten you to call nnd hear Masalnura, Milsu'a sister, rence Dalton, William Carloek, E. E would forbid thu companionship! I lave. • ' FOB YOUB JOB PBINTING. Tbe union Thanksgiving service will Tl\e VicUola— price 5200.00. Miss Emily Jeilcre Frazer, Fritz Hoylaud, F. W. Kitcheli .he ouu cu£e us in tho other, the be.si be held this year in tbe Second Pres John Fritzinger. :oure>: ii lo nuppluat the injurious with Yuki, Miss Harriet Grover HEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S A Talking Machine just like the one pur- - hyterian Church. The sermon will be lomiitbiug (.quully attractive uud ut Haru, Mies Luellix Hultz South Amboy—Oscar Burlow, Ed \ chased by President Tuft for the !'-Whit? House'." preached by Bov. Adolos Allen. win Jacques, John MuMahon, Orland he cime limn "noilh while." A foo SUITS AND OVERCOATS'--. You can get engraved or printed Wedding^ (Japanese girls.) Miirtio, Robert Separe.. :un ho whulciomu uud ullcrly ilisla.-ti $7.00 to $35.0<)r Pianos $250.00T6 $050.00. Social and Sale Dec. 1. Helen Morton, Mis? Anna Giover Invitations, Party Invitations, or VisiUny Sayrevillo—Abrum Fetttle. ful. Heading cun bo made to, too Player Pianos and Aftisic Rolls. The Willing Workers Mission Band Lucy Brown, Mrs Frank McNamee Cards in the best style and at lowest prices. will hold their annual social and *salo (American college girls.) North Brunswick—Nelson Wllliutn But Tho Yof tb's Compuuiou nol onl Organs and other Musical Instruments. son, Melvin Tracy, William Buckelew uourabes ihe miiiil, bill deli|>hta it in the Firot Presbyterian chapel,.Wed Servant, Roy Grovor L. BRIEGS, Victor Talking Machines and Discs. nesday evening December first. John Gobhardt, F. Buckolew. usl like tbat ideal human assuciul Posters and all Business Stationery Sandwiches, coffee, baked beans and B. 91. Gannon is County Clerk. South Bruuswick—Georgo Ely, Cur whom you would cboosu. Tho Youth 5)1 SMITH ST., . ICdison Phonographs' a'ud Records. promptly and properly gotten up. *.. pickles will bo on tale and also an Bernard M. Gannon of Pert^ Amboy Us Cnnover, Henry Dunham. 2ompuiiiou fills that placo now in mon Sheet Music, 10 cents. abundance of cake and ice cream. huujiurf a million homes. Cun yoi PERTH AM BOY, N. J. was sworn in as county clerk by Judge Talking Machines and Instruments repaired. •The Press is tlie best advertising medium, Come and buy aprons for yourself Adrian Lyon Monday afternoon. The Cranberry Crop Best In Years. not think of unotlier family iu whii.-b Agout lor Stuton Ialaml Dyeing nnd and friends. Let us have a large gath ceremony was very simple. Mr. Gannon BURLINGTON. Nov-15—Tho cran is not now known uheru it would b CIcniiliiK Co. rhono 48-W. OPEN EVKNIXUS. Write for free catalogue. in this section, and a year's subscription ering and a real good time. at once took charge of the office. He berry crop this year promises to be th oyfully welcomed V to it will satisfy you that it gives the news. , Further particulars next week. gave a bond of 125,000 by tbo Fidelity largest yield ever- known iu this Stab If the tl 73 for the 1910 Volumo Open livening*. & Casualty Company of Maryland. and, in fact, throughout the country sent uow, thi' new auhicriber will Monday, Wednesday, Friday nnd MISS ELLA T. ItfORTOltf Surprised Mrs. Rowland. A large number of Mr. Gannon's The market receipts .inuring Oclobi entitled to all the remaining iiumes ynturdiiyj The birthday of Mrs. Richard Bow (Honda were in the coot*. room when baviug been phenomenally largo, bi 1909- If desired, tbo publishers wi • Until » O'clock. 4 land, of Princeton, was'observed Wed he took the oath and ho was heartily November is always tho month wbe: hold these buck or send tbom ut Chris neBday by a surprise party gotten up congratulated on all Bides as soon as it the great influx of this fruit comes t mas lime, together with tho Cliristma; by her daughters. It was a very happy was over, the murketing points. Number aud The Companion's ue •••I..»•«.»• 4.•••. + •»• 4 .»•«.<.• | ••.». "Veuelinu" Calendar for l!)10, lithi day for all present, among whom wero Mr. Gannon greeted ,tho spectators The estimated crop of cranberric: Mr. nnd Mrs. H. J. Groves of Cranbury. who included Surrogate Peter F. Daly, for tbo present yeur, according to om phcd In Li.irtui.-ii colors und gold. f "Winter Clothing THE YOOTH'dCOMPANION, Andrew Ely, W. E. Bamsay, D. W.of tho bed authorities in New York ., at Prices to Make i \ Guaranteed Holeproof —FALL HATS t Big Night nt Grange on Compuuiou Building, BOSTON, MAK November 23O^—' r tho members are urged to be present. 900,000 bushels. superbly good. . ; • line of ' Mr, Gannon's first official act was to In 190-1 tbo eKtiiuutu WHS for a 1,000, Tliu Kuv. Ill K. lllcks Alimum The principal feature of the evening * Hfo Our (ireul Liuu »'t * appoint as bla'deputy Bobort W. Helm 000 bushel crop, but tbo yield' the las will be a farce entitled "Scones in the who has held that position for 42 years of November was 1,225,000 huBliels. Ketuly November 15,11)09, a nph)iuli mti.ao to $i/> THE GUAKANTEE MEANS Union Depot" and there will be special c SOFT HATS f Mr. Helm was sworn in by Judge Ly- phenouienul crop is also forexhadowei yearbook, on astronomy und' met music. The third and fourth degrees Hoys' Siiita nml OvcrcoiitH "That if any liolo appears in tho lioso fBside of six months, on. The judge stated that ho would by the prevailing wholejalo price, whlc orulogy, tho only one containing ll: at moderate prices. will be conferred. fix Mr. Helm's salary later, la $5.50 to"*f> 75 n lOO-quart barrel < original "HickH Weather Forecasts. $:! to $H you can come hero and get a new pair FREE. Our Celebrated Capo Coll early blacks. Fancy lar| By mail, poitpiid, X>e , on uewHlund Thanksgiving Dinner'at Tlio . £Ir." Gannon is the first Democratic A Few of TliOhu Lift: Colonial House. clerk in fifteen years which was thovarieties of cranberries rarely excei 80c. Ono copy free with-tv.yenr'rt HII' Kcriptlou to Wonu AND WOIIKS. til WOMEN'S GUARANTEED COTTON HOSIERY, Black If enough orders are received Mrs, length of Mr. Conger's term of service f G.75 u barrel) ]Joj»' ~r,c I'nniH, il'Ju. $2.00 DERBY Bev. Irl U. Hicks Monthly Muga/.ini Daniel Appleget will Bervo a lino din- Tbo new ,incumbonb is also tbo first tbo bi'st H monthly iu Amcrieu. Di Boy.n' (jr>L-. Siveaters, aOo. 6. Pairs for 82.00 ' Still Leads. ner on Thanksgiving for'75 cents a county clerk of Middlesex to receive a John Scott was lodged In jail Thu counts on Almanacs in qtuuilili 1 person. salary instead of recompense In fees. day morning on commitment of Justli Ho j-a fiOc. Blonso Wiii-itu, 3flc His stipend is $4,1)00 a^ year, hut tbteSedan), charged with breaking and Amenta vaunted. Bumembur, the gem SEE OUR JAEGER UNDERWEAR WINDOW. The Hatter, All orders must bo in by Saturday ino"HlckB" Forecusts'" are not publlul evening, November 20th. will be Increased after next year to $5, entering tbo Pennsylvania Railroad DOBBINS, It will bo an opportunity (o get aCOO because tbe population of Middle- freight btation ut l'lainsboro on Nov. I(J ml uny wbcro -clso—jrou get tbom on , , OUNSOIM sex county will bo shown to have pas Tbo complniA mndo by Jobn Mur- in Ms'own publications. W'JUI) AND , , The R. A. Donnelly **£?*• 36 E. State Street, TRENTON, N. J. good dinner without work or worry, I 17-1 19 E. State St. and Bbould draw a large number of sed tho 100,000 mark by tbo Federal nby ft railroud man: Gcott la beld fbu. WORKS PUBUaHING CO., 2201 , , 12 8. BROAb STREET j Locuat. St,, St. Louis, Mo. patrons. "~~ tho Grand^Jury.. 4-4- •»•»•»•»• •>,».».».»••••• I I

    <"-*. The Purchate of New York. ON THE HOMESTRETCH. When tho letter announcing tho t A $10 White-Enameled Bed." KILLS BANK GASHiER, purchase for sixty guilders (|34) of OWES" " ths 11,000 morgens of land consti- Yours Wtthout Cost tuting Manhattan Island, swas road In Fnaon ForyKormer Banker, tho assembly of the Stat'ei-Ooneral, Now Orleans, La.—Wyatt H. In> on Novomber 7. 162C, it was resolvod Youth Who Holds Up Indiana In. gram, dofuultlng trust officer ot th< Wholesale Prices Quoteil in New Vork that "no action Is ncceBsary on thbr is ara ' iO' You trt twlca u much for nor St. Louis.—T. P. O'Connor, leadol Seconds , Cfl C'i) 28! and should bo kopt forovor under of the Irish Nationalist movemont, Sidle dairy, common lo fnir -*' fi 27 tholr control. Nor was tho West In- By LARKIN Factory-to-FamUy Dealing Lydia E. PJnkham's Enters Building by Rrnr Door With who Is touring tho United States on, Factory, arconds to lirBts., 21 @ 2,J dia Company, that money making Ton oliUln Tour montT'i Tortt.fourrtallMla^frcxlaeUandaialii ti>a Frmlnm. Ton«u fnmlth jonr nom« ud riolbo ronnelt oat of tav un« moon* yoa tpaid for Ltrkln hoOMhola. Two Pistols, Orders All' Em- behalf of tlio Homo Rulo movement, i'l IIHANS. > trust which ventured this first spec- Vegetable Compound ployes Into the Vault and Begins spnko at a mass meeting here. Milrlow, 100!). choice 2 Kt fi? 2 0,1 Vienna, W. Vft.— "I feel thatlow* ulation In wheat nnd In lands In tho Shooting. _ - Malitnn.• ]«»JIA.1'. . choice...LIIU1VC. . . .• '.*I 3•'•J< \"i - •-- long line of enterprises known to te: for ILO/Mjoncaft II«TO ths last ten years of my Ufa to Lydla Boost 11,000 Chickens.' Red kidnneyc . 1900, choice. — (3 3 00 ITodacu tnd any Slo.00 ur C»t«Ioi. WlUloat Uio 1 Manhattan, moro allvo to tho excol- E. Pfnkham's vege. New Albany, Ind.—In im attempt j Hutchlsson, Kan. — Eleven thou- Yellow rvc, 100(1, iluncc. .1 IH <«' 3 700 can hATo |»J» vrbtth of Lurklu 1'rodacU. table Compound. sand chickens woro burned to death Vn. II *>_.. elinicc 2-1' «' • 32' lejicn of their investment. THIRTY DAYS' FREE TRIAL. M Eleven years ago I nt bank robbery a seventoen-ycar-old Hindi Ultlli- iom>, rhoicoco. 11 31 boy, Thomas Jefferson Hall, of Louis- when flro destroyed tho plant of tho I.itna, Cnl ""3 O") 3 0.". Moro than ten times tho Bum paid was •» w*4kln(r United States Packing Company here. I over to tho Indians for about 22,000 •hadow. I had been ville, Ky.. entered tho Merchants' Loss, 100,000, CIIKKRK. unonnl ol ITodQcla QMd in trial. under the doctor's National Hank here shortly before Slate — l-'till cream, npcciitl. I7ij I acres, according to thcl.- pstlmato, has canbutgotnorellef. noon and killed J. Hnngary Fawcett, Nab Chimw Smuggled^ Freight. October, best IB" j slnco been paid for a .ilnglo square Onr Lvge QtaJog Free—Send for Copy Part iriilms, fi\h lo pood liRSl r/4 foot flt-New York soil! My husband per- cashier of tho bank; sorlously wound- St, Louis.—Four Chinamen, who Probably suaded mo to try l-'ull sUim.i a @® T'.i there Is no other sale on record whero ed Jc-hn K. Woodward, president of had been smuggled Into tbo United EdOS. LydlaE.Pinkham'5 tho bank, and wounded Jamos It. States &nd Canadn and .billed to St. tho advanco In valuo has boon so Vegetable Com- .Icniey—Fancy . " .. ffl pound and ltwoiked from a freight car In the yards of tho like a charm. It is- According to William J. Hall, tho Western—FirsU 33 @ Wabish Railroad here. They told marrs AND nr.iiiur.s—piirMi. Jllovedall mypalns boy'B father, who has a furniture the police that they had been placed and misery. I advise all suffering store at No. 802 South Preston street, Apples-King, per bbl 2 50 <£ -I ""I In tho car at Montreal. Baldwin, icr blil 2 (10 (Si .1 W PUTNAM FADELESS DYES women to take Lydia E. Finkham'i Louisville, young Hall has been "a Spy. per bbl 5 51 M...... 1 "< B! " "Jimmy," said the teacher -herbs, contains DO narcotics or harm- er. The family is formerly of Knox- farmor residing south of town, killed Ouincn, Mr bbl 1SI GiU'"> "what tul drugs, and. to-day holds the record vllle, Tenn. a flock ot wild ducks that was flying Grapes—Del,, per hankcl... Ill w) ';• Is tho ahapo of tho earth ?" for tbe largest number of actual cures Among young Hall's effects was —(,'ailuon by U. It. Mncmilfy, in the New York World. past. Every duck was killed. Mr. Niiigatn, per lmnket 8 ^ - 1- "I dunno, teacher." of female diseases of any similar medi- found a strongly mado cabinet, lined Bruner picked up forty-Blx birds. Or.inberrics. C. Cod, per hhl 4 00 (tf (1 01 "Well, what is tho shape of tbo Urncy, per crate I 33 (g 1 JJ cine in the country, and thousands of and outfitted like, a room. It is be- cuff buttons your father wears to voluntary testimonials are on file in lieved that tho boy expected to escape OUTLINE OF PRESIDENT TAFT'S ANNUAL MESSAGE, Virginia Fire Insurance Tax Void. DnF..isF.u rouLTiir. With bis loot, crawling into the boi, Richmond, Va.—Judge Daniel Grl- Chickcni. T>cr lb - II R 2." church on Sunday?" tho I'inklmm laboratory at Lynn, "Dcy are square, teacher." Mass., from women 'Who have been which was consigned to "R. J. Smith, Roosevelt Policies la Be-Commended lo Congress and Corporations the Cblel nan, of the Chancery Court, has hand- FnwN. per.Hi 11 « 1« cured from almost every form of Knoxvllle, Tenn.," and escape us Topic-Belter Anti-Trust Law, Railroad Bate Court and Anti-Stock Water- ed down a decision In which ho de- Turkey*, per 111 I I" [£ 'f[ "How about tho ones ho wears on freight. clares unconstitutional tho act pro- Codes, per lb / — R 11 week dayB?" female complaints, Inflammation, nl. Sprins ducki, I'er 11) ...... 12 W IS coration,dl«phwements,ubroid tumors, Hall came to New Albany In an au- Ing Flan lo Be Reconnnended~GonserTative Regarding Missis- viding for a tax of ono por cent, on "Dcy are .round, teacher." tomobile, tho property of Mrs. Walter Spring geene, tici lb 10 (^ 21 irregularities, periodic pains, backache, - slppl—Commission Government For Alaska.' tho rovenues of flro Insurance compa- Squabs, per iloien l_50 ) 4 23 "Well, then, what Is the shapo of Gscott, a resident of ono of tbe most Indigestion and nervous prostration. nies doing buslncsB In Virginia, the MAV ASP BTI1AW. fashionable districts of LOUIBVIUC. tho earth?" , i Every such suffering woman owes it to Augusta. Ca..— The keynote of exempted from tho operation of tho tax to go to tho support ot disabled llav, prime, licr 1H0 Hi .... i 1 oo The chauffeur, James R. Tucker, a President Toft's message to the qom-law, but the effect of the amendment, firemen and tlielr dopondent families. • o:;i "Square on Sundays, and round on herself to give Lydia "E. Plnkham's Km. 3lo 1. per 100 Ih.... F5 week days."—New York Times. Vewstablo Compound a. trial. negro, told the police that the youth ing session of Congress will ho this he admits, will be to put labor out- Clover, per 100 II. F" i tr> llioRAtOIAMP Ion high JITMIO l«mii sold >t a low wlo«, If you would llko special advice took possession of the automobile la statement: - side the law. Under" the present Greatest Battleship AC out. Straw, long rye, per MO Hi M ! K>; lliLTenrttUmpn tb^t cost uoro but taoro la no"better umo front of Mrs. Escott's home and ut nny prlco. Tlio Bornor. tho Wick, tho Cblmnor-Holdar-- about your case wrlto a confiden- "This Administration was elected statute it has been decided by the . Qulncy, Mass.—It was announced IIO1-.1. Vegetable Suspension Bridge. ' :Lnri.vltnl 'h'u«T» ln » lamp; .Uie» pnru ot tho BATO tial letter to Mrs. Plnkbam, at forced him, at the muztlo ot a revol- on a platform that we proposed to Supreme Court that boycotts arc a here that the now battleship North Slate, iJUO, prime to choice. X 3S A remarkable suspension bridge LAMP KIM .Dorlvctly t'onstrnctwl and tllon b notKlai ver, to drive him to New Albany. carry out thn policlcB of Theodore violation of the Sherman act. Dakota was In a class by herself as Medium to pood 31 31 xuotrnln tuonrtof lump-m.kliiff that a.old add to tha Lynn, Mass. Her adrlce Is free, apans tho river Apurimac in central ruluo or tbo RAVO u alii-ht-iriflni! dorlco. BnltaSo tor . and always helpful* Hall entered the bank by a rear Roosevelt, and we proposo to keep Tho President's position on tho far as steaming radluB is concerned. IWic Coant. 1009, choice.. - © 27 aur roo-n In the liuiuw. 'C.Tery dfml.r OTemrhor*, door, a revolver In each hand. He Piime lo clioice. 1008 IS ® 31 Peru. The ropes of this bridge aro that promise." subject of honesty In business Is as composed of pliable roots and vines, irnotntjoun wrlluforiliiacr'vilr/clrenUr lo S/ieSSS Tommy to tho Foro. gave tho command,' "Hands up, The President reserves to himself summarized by himself: Sugnr Tnwt Man Amntcd. .\ECQCX nf U.y ^ everybody; get Into the vault!" the right to decide what those poli- "It takes some time for a scries of 1'ohiloM—Jersey, per bbl.. I 't) 1? 1 ' wbllo the plankB are made of Just before the pcrmormance was Brooklyn, N. Y.—JameB F. Bendor- a 2 51 about to commence at a certain music President Woodward advanced to- cies arc. He has said In public ad- courts to make a decision which shall nagel, former general superintendent I/iriR leilind, per hbl 2 2."t branches. In tho humid climate of ward tho robber and attempted to dresses that he, more tlian any other be plain to the business world. But S«ect«, per Mil 1 C-'i ft 1 7S Peru It would bo by no means extra- _ Standard Oil Company hall in Xewcastlc-on-Tyno, a soldier, of the American Sugar rcfinory, was ToinHtocn, per box 2.1 ft: ;.". talk to him. Mall's response to Mr. man, perhaps, had been In a position we uro going oa with this anti-trust r ordinary If this vegetable bridge wero arrested on a charge of conspiracy In KRK plant, per hbl 7. . & i -.•; .Character of Cold. arriving late, found all tho cheaper Woodward's question as to what was to know just what Roosevelt did or law, and it we amend It as I suggest connection with tbo sugar weighing ^iPoor Animal. scats occupied. Seeing, however, a S 04 1,1 awares, Instantaneously, fatally. This yonder with tbo beautiful set ol Fawcett then rushed forward, but Compere Attacks Wright. i'eiincrs, per hhl "3 tfi) I .VI The Groivih of Genius. "Hero, whero arc- you going?" mnkc-the great corporations of tho Postal savings banks will be urged. 1 (S> I (VI cold purifies the blood, sharpens ap- furs?" before ho co~uld reach tbe fallen presi- r.\M>apM. per W»l I"r 1 country obey the law, and those cor- President Taft will recommend con- Toronto, Canada. — Samuel Gbra- r Tho man who succeeds above his pe'tlto, favorsdlgestion and tho stom- called an attendant. dent was shot In the neck and breast, StriliR bejiim, per basket... . *l . «l R. 1 7' "Yes, sir," was the answer of th* porations Included the railroads and tinuance and oitension of the conser- pcrn, who Is attending tbe convention Onions—Jcrne), wlnle. b'k't IH m a l r. "Wlioro am I going?" replied Tom- dying a short time afterward. fellows In the ono who, early In life, ach. It soothes to sleep by bring- bright lad. the great Industrial corporations that vation of national resources and rec- of tbo American Federation of Labor, Oninfic Co.. rcil. p/;r ba(*. 7.] 7.-. ft 1 37 clearly discerns his object, and to- my, cheerfully. "Where a good sol- Hail, still without speaking a word, do n lgrge industrial business and lamation of arid lands. He will say ing death In tbe midst of beautiful "Well, do you know what poor ani- mado an nttack on Justice Wright, Cnrrot«. per IOll buiiche-.... "-•.-^. ft 1 111 ward that object habitually directs dreams. This lntcdso cold, so dry, dier should QO—to tho frost, of walked out the front door, dropping that have shown a tendency to mon-that these subjects Include also reten- who sentenced him to jail .In the Cucunihcrfl. per h.iKkel 1 ii (5 l " mal it Is that has had to suffer In o» course." And be went, amid the one of his revolvers Just outside tho opolize that business .ind suppress tion of control over tbo water power Buck's stove case. IVIcrj'. per doz. »Ialk!i H (a) 4U his powers. Even genlUB itself Is but so pure, stops putrefaction, sweetens der that your mamma might have tha cheers of the audience.—Home Notes. building. Turning the corner to whero competition." sites by the Government, so that It l.iinn beans, net* hag -,:, te i 7.1 flno observation strengthened by fix- tho air by greatly Increasing its den- furs with which she adorns herself SO- lettuce, per bbl *-:.-'. w l HI tbo automobile stood, he jumped into Mr. Taft has Indicated clearly may regulate rates charged for the ity of purpose. Every mac «ho OD*sity and purifies water. Cold takes proudly?" the rear seat, with the command to power furnished, and retention of Turninn, white, per bbl .V.VI (n> 1 mi —Bells of tho Bastile. enough In his speeches what his mes- . CaiilitloM'er. per hbl 1 -•"' I serves vigilantly and resolves stcad- the placo of croklng, for It makes "Yes, sir. My papa.;1 — Chicago i the negro, "Get out of this as fast as sage will bo. control of coal, oil and phosphate ' Spmicli. pet h>»l MSli a \ KI | fastly grows unconsciously Into gen- raw meat, raw fish and trllow eat- Comparatively few persons havo i you can." But the automobile stood lands, that the Government may pre- Evening Post. It will recommend an unusually Pnninipa. tier hbl 7."7.-i. (if I *1 ius.—Bulwer-Lytton. able.—New York Press. ever herfFa~ofr the bells of tho Bastile, I BUH, thtee negrnegroo , thoroughlthorougy fright- long program for Congress ami one vent the use of those lands by mon- OkrH,. |ier banket 1 Vi r,i< i :.i • • • - Hall yet they are still In existence. After i ened, being unablo to move; Hall that Is likely to revive a good deal opolies. Walerc'rcsi, per hhl 1 00 fi 2 i' GHA1.1. KTO, Tlio Amenities. FOR INFORMATION AS TO LAMBS Iff tho destruction of the prison, they \ Jumped to tho ground, drew a rcvol- of the iiustlllty shown-to the Roose- Conservative as to Mississippi. Tho flvo largest ofllce buildings In found their way to tho great foundry \ ve>" ai>d sent a bullet Into the negro's velt Administration on tho score of Henry L. West Resigns. I'lfiur—"Winler patcnln — .". 3.1 Gl> ."i W They met at the elevator. Now York contain 2300 miles of tel- the railroad rate legislation. On the subject ot waterways the Sprinc pntciitn 5 3(1 (ii> « W ephone wire and almost 10,000 tele- In Romllly, but the manager of tho . hack. Washington, D. C.—Honry LItch- iff 1 27 "Why, whoro havo you been? 1 The Nation's An lnstant lat8r tho message will recommond continuance Wheit-Xo. 2 red 1 2i "works disobeyed the orders he re-I assassin was That the President has been look and extension of harbor xiork, such as- field West, ono of the threo Commis- No. 1 S'oilhem Dulutli.. -- (1 l I2-; haven't seen you for a long time," ph6nos. N.Y.—17 running at top Bpocd down the bank 1 cefved and did not destroy them. ' | ing forward to the possibility ol BPH- the San Pedro Harbor, on the Califor- sioners of tho District ot Columbia, Corn, No. 2 Tll'.isfjw 71 says the first girl. to .the Ohio, whero he jumped Into a OUB opposition within the ranks of handed his resignation to President . Ont^—Xatur.il T\-hitr ^ti^'i Garden Spot- Now they are back In Paris, in a nia coast, but hi3 recommeudatlons f "Oh, I've been b'usy," says the sec- skiff. his own party la Indicated by bis re- Taft. Clipped white Wz '?l THEIR SKIN TROUBLES CURED. private house in the Avenue d'Eylan. j He had pulled out some distance for work on tlic luland waterways ond girl. tjlOinXC SUH0ar~ cent speeclies. will bo most conservative. The Presi- I Rye. No. 2 Wcslcm - I? 1 Two Llttlo Girls Had Eczema Very On each bell Is engraved': "Made -Into the stream before the astonished Mr. Taft •will recommend a court Coast Survey Suspensions. : Ijril, lily.. — <:'! SJ * Catching sight of the second girl's along the by Louis Chcron for the Royal Bas- !citizens of the town and the river dent saw a lot on his trip down the Badly—In Ono Case Child's Batr of five rnouibers In or'i.T that when Mississippi River, hut his conclusions Washington, D. C.—Officers of tbo | ' LIVK STOCK. now chapeau. "My, what a pretty Came- Oat and I/cft Barb Patches tile. In tho year 1761," and they are [bank know what had happened. Ono the Interstate Commerce Commission United States Coast and Geodetic Sur- I Mecves, ciU" dre-tseil .. fall hat!" says the first girl. "You —Cutlcura Met with Success. did not encourage the Inland water- t'alvfn -City ilrenie.1.. ft (B Atlantic Coast Line further ornamented with the royal $th"«-ln°gV, tnsi&tnWr? | •»-« "".do a rate Is unreasonable a ways boomers, who went to great ex- vey, Assistant Superintendent Frank bought It rather early, didn't you?" "I have two little girls who have been arms and a hugo cross,—Tho Gen- reasonable rate may be made at once, pense to show tho river to him. W. Perkins and John GUWSTf,. the hy- ; si a 4 f "Well—yea, I had to—my summer troubled very badly with eczema. One of RAILROAD gave tbe alarm through a megaphone. drographlc andjdpdgraphlc Inspector, Shrej>, li'er UM H. tlewoman. with no appeal on the part of the Regarding tho Mississippi the Pres- Luniks, lirr 100 ll> G .VI I* 7 .VI me was all faded and battered out of them had it on her lower limbs. I did In VlrtlnU, limb asit Sooth CtreHia, - Owners of river craft then engaged railroads except to tbo Supremo wero charged with Irregularities. Hop, live, \Kt 100 II 23 everything that I could hear of for her, hnt Ccorili, Ala&na ud Florldi, vrlte » In a race for the deBparado. The po- ident will go no further in the next ahape." Court. This Is to mike the Hepburn Country drensed, per lb.. 12Vi it did not give in until warm weather, when WILBOR HeCOY. ' London has 3500 tozlcabi, lice, however, la a motor boat, dis- message than to recommend continu- For Navy YaTa Reform. ' ? "Turn round and let mo see It. It's Agrlcaltnnl and Immr ' rate bill effective. He will point out ance ot the protection of tho banks at it seemingly subsided. The next winter tanced all followers, and in a short that the five judges, having no other Very becoming. And you have used when it becamo cold tho eczema started Anutlc Caul Liu. - time had Ball at bay on an island the bends, where the current Is con- Washington, D. C. — Assured of MAINE'S POTATO CROP.' business before them, can not only stantly cutting. Outside of that It Presidential approval of his general your coq from your last winter's tur- again and also in her head, whero it would just south of the big bridge connect- expedite legislation, but naturally plans for the reorganization of tho take tho hair out and leave bare patches. ing New Albany with West Louisville. will be tho position of Mr. Taft that liaised 23,000,000 Ilufclicln ill Aroo- han?"^ will become rate experts. no Improvement shall be undertaken navy yards and .the bureaus of tho "No—If you recall—I didn't have At tho same time her arms wen sore the For Astbma, Bronchitis and VITALIZER They covered him with revolvers and Navy Department, Secretary Meyer Stook County, Worth $18,000,000. whole lenetb of them. I took her to a There will be also a recommenda- until engineers havo approved Its tea.-- all Throat Trouble. Take tbe arrest was made without a Sght. began In earnest to work out the de- a coq last year. I had a stiff feather physician, but the child grew worse all tbe tion of a tribunal that will pass on Blbillty and have estimated Its cost Bdfeton, Mnsu.—omcinls of the Bait —that curled at tho ends." Tbe prisoner was taken to New Al- how many bonds and how many and, in addition, It han been demon- tails. gor and AroGatook Railroad estimate time. Her sister's arms were, also o&ectMl. bany. There the police were Bur- shares of stock every Interstate rail- "Oh!"—New York Times. I becan using the Cuticura Remedies, nnd prlsed to find 200 men who wanted strated that after the millions of tho lh.il the total potato cro;i iif Aim:- road may Issue, to prevent tlic water- Governnioiil have been spent the pro- Theft In rostorticc. s.ook County and (oiuignius n.i: • by the liinc'lbc second lot wns used their to take the prisoner. Only by n piece \JU*l, UM.I.-J1I ll^tt: UlTII ANL'lll Lll». Ill*'- .|F , , ^ skin was soft and smooth. Mrs. Charles ing of stock. At one time the Presi- g lien sencd by Hint rallrnnd this sr:- Distemper >f Btrntegy was tho latter's life saved, dent said: "This Is important, be- Jcct will be worth while—that is. that i *• aablngton p. moneC—!• iftccr ' "•"-•-? ' »«"" . eoeon uuhas ;i:^riBuii.-is^rrgatcud ..i.""",J3.iKIO.001^"0 "•'-•''lr.is:i- i iin alalll ititss formsforms,, amonamong alalll asasaa ooff hhorses cause when you water stock you only and tbat the shippers will not desert id di S d M™ th i Potter Dnig at Chcm. Corp., Sole Props, him! Ho killed Fawcett!" greeted do it to deceive people and get them J1600 in cash disappeared from the | els, whirl, hn-.-c commanded a market ind dogi, curS and Mm™ the of Cuticura Remedies, Boston, Mass. the police. the river for tlic railroad the first desk of H. L. Johnson, superintendent lirlec of J12.000.00i). Thb I itable prevented from bavins tho disease CURE to pay more than the stcok is worth." time the latter cuts rates. All tbose of the money order division ot the best potatu iccord thiit tecilon «f Woodward, tho wounded president, city postofllce. with Bpolin's Distemper Cure. Every bot- Japanese dead arc buried in a squatting VSXAX T^^ Is fifty years old, and Is a son of .T. Further, Mr. Taft said, It Is wrong conditions fulfilled, the President will Malnc ever nmde. Another Interrs:- U« guaranteed. Over 500,000 bottles fold posture, chin upon knees. Tie relief is u quid u it is certm I K. .Woodward, a wealthy merchant, because It builds a falso foundation state be is In favor of the Government imr fiit. lu ttitt 'i,n itmi*: i\t \rnn- I last ye&r. 50c. and (l.w. uood drasRists, on which to reckon what reasonable Issuing nil the bonds necessary and Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup for Children Pleasant to lake and guannteed • who died n few years ago. Ho has teething,softensthe gums, reduces inflamma- been president of the bank for fifteen freight rnteB are: completing the vork that It lies de- wheat fields In the country, bul vh^ gpj,.. ConUniou» Diseases. Uoihen, Ind. •tsohitely free from opiates. ' I HESTOltES LOST POWERS. A weik cided, carefully, to begin. tion, allays pain, cures wind£olic,2Jc.aboll!c. Din 1> like a cluck run down. MBNXON'S years. To further expedite the work of return from potato culture Is so much i An DranWi, ZS e W VITALIZBR trill wind him up and mike making railroads obey the law, the The President will not make any greater that practically no wheat is It IB cstiinatcil that Endand annually It is a misdemeanor to tamper with elec- I Fawcett, the dead cashier, was lilm go. If you nrp ncrrons, If you ore President will recommend a reorgani- recomWndaUcm for monetary legis- grown. Sonic Aroostook acres hnve coiMumcs the milk of 5,001,000 cow. tric light vrires in Colorado. irritable, ir you lack conOdenco In yoor- forty-one years old, and leaves a •elf, It jnu do not led jour fall manly widow, formerly Miss Elsie McDon- zation ot the Bureau of Corporations, lation, leaving that ti> the next Con- yielded this season $200 per acre In II. H. GREEN'S SONS, of Atlanta, G»., nrc Itch cured in 30 minutes by Wooltonl'i tbe Interstate Commerce Commission gress. v<-* the only nucccsuful Dropsy Specialistn in the PALATAL vigor, begin on this remedy at once. Tqero ald, a society girl of Louisville, Ky., Forbes Takes Oovernor's Chair. potatoes against a possible J20 tn S-". Sanitary Lotion. Never fails. At druggists. CBlD«KI-lCITlUrOO oro 75 VITALIZER tablets In one bjMli: lo whom he WOB married two years and the Department of Justice tbat A commission Government foi In wheat. world. Sec their liberal offer in advcrlise- «Vlplo,,»H.BtI"ll°«- J5O. i r every tablet In full of Tltal power, uon't the three may work progressively and Manila.—W. Cameron Forbes has i racnt in another column of this paper. The Ciiinesc preucno vegetables in upend Another dollar on quack doctors or ago. Ho also leaves a son, Charles Alaska will be recommended. It Is • * * * salt. apurloun remedies, or till your f Tstem with Fawcett, by a former marriage. He not be stumbling over one another, the result of his experience in the assumed the olllce of Governor-Gen- Rulterlnr Snlcs Incrrnsr. j Browning's earnings were about $10,000 barmful itrugn. Begin, on MTINYUNS was a son of Charles H. Fawcett, a as they are under the present sys- Philippines nnd. ns Secretary of War, eral of the Philippines. The alarniiUK Increase In the use ftnuually, .V1TAUZE11 at once, and jon will begin tem. But the President will make It t'aper-Hangcrs & Painters to feel tuc Tltnllzln? effect of tbla remedy retired business man and' director In the guardian of Cuba. It Is the idea j of butterlne is havlns Its effect upon after tbe first done. Price, (1. port-paid. the Merchants' National Bank. clear that be Is not attacking corpor- of colonies, but the President is very English Cotton Curtailment. the butter market. .Jobbers havn Thencxt time you feel that swalbwing Munyon, WnJ and Jefferson, rblla, l'a. ations that work legitimately. His much In earnest about it. as he be- Manchester, EnRland.—The Man- sensation, the aure siiu of sore throat, Mother's milk own expression on that subject Is: commenced lo sell Iho article, and llamlins Wizanj Oil inunediatcly lieves Alaska, with Its enormous ex- chesteV SplnncrB' Federation has rec- urKc their customers to tako out II- with three parln water. It will nave you A Drink In Gothenburg. WOMAN COLLAI'SES ON TRIAL. "We could not get along without tent of territory and small, uncertain ommended that the time curtailment cenECs* Recent Iceal decisions have da\s anil pt-rhaps weeks of miser}'. will supply the From Gothenburg, Sweden, a cor- corporations. They are n necessary population. Is not ready for self-gov- now In force In the cotton mills be been,,f^vorable,tqi«e bulterlne. respondent writes: - "The difficulties Instrument In the business of the ernment. continued until the end of February. They Were Good Mothers. Mrs. Raid, Accused of Blackmailing »i A ™ ^ baby laxative enougnTif under which wlno and' spirit mer- Mrs. G. O. Fhipps, Near Death. country. But as we givo them privil- The President will recommend n Elizabeth Cndy Stanton Is quoted she takes a candy Caacaret. chants labor nowadays hero may to eges, so they must recognize the re- ship subsidy In the form of payment Bribery In Philippines. Canadian Clicfse Clicuprr. as saying that n woman's first duty DROPSY "s^ DISCOVIXT; Denver, Col.—Violent convulsions sponsibility with which they exercise bv the Goveninient for the carrying There has bee.i no export demand judged from tho following incident. Manilla, P. I.—Protests have been reported for cheese during several Is to dovelop all her powers and pos- And tbe laxative will be natural, seized Mrs. Allen F. Read In the power, and we must havi; the means of mall. made In several provinces, Ihe spe- sibilities, that sho may better guldo When I went to buy a bottle of whts-. course of her trial on the charge of of compelling them lo recognize that Control of corporation!, will be thu I weeks. Canadian prices arc fullv six gentle, vegetable—just what baby cific allegations Including the misuse and serve the next generation. Mrs. film, • ky tho other day I was told: 'Wo attempting to extort $100.00.0 from responsibility and lo keep them with- main IHKUP In the mossaKf. and the I cents loww lhaii"Amerlran. \hc lars- a of money In South Manila nnd I ost dlfreroncc-j-.ecorded for nnny needs. Try one and you'll know SALC" ir. perfwt. Ka are not allowed to soil wine or spir- Mrs. Genevleve Chandler Fhipps on in the law." President believes that his adminis- throughout tho Province of Lngunn. \ Stanton raised seven uncommonly II. DAVIS. Wmeitomi, wuooiuln. its over tho counter.1 'What In tho (ho threat of death by dynamite. Tbe President will recommend an tration already has nindc a Rood stait Tho Nationalists wero Konerally suc- years. j healthy and handsomo children, says why millions oE mothers use them. world do you menn?' I asked. 'No, She was at the point of death nt amendment lo the anti-trust law that in the corporation tax pasi-cd at the cessful In the election of Assembly- **•*,* | nn admirer of hers, and the children the homo of her sister, Miss Jennie extra beh^lon. 1'ortn Itlco ColTcc Gnmcr.s Or^iini/r V««l-n«cl«l boi, 10 cpt*-m\ fai-tloru it must bo ordered In ndvnnce.' 'But ho tbinks will make It effective. The men and provincial Governors. , , i of Mrs. Julia Ward Howe testify to PM*U MW U« • MtUIaa kun awlUir. Campbell. The trial was suspended present terms arc so broad that in his Mr. Taft hns ctprcBtcd himself us PATENTS I want tho whisky at once!" The as- ! The coffee siowers of llie Islam ,„ v, f th „ , d ag pending her recovery. ' • mind It Is not cnforcable, aft it makes In fii-.or of a central bank (o handle : held a meeting ut Ponce. P. II.. and | „„„,„„ „„„,,, sistant meditated nnd then said: 'If Mrs. Phlpps, the complalnlug wit- no distinction between a reasonable For tt Bird Kc*r*t\ mother. Thne eagle mmav yl bmo o ao scclm goold the finance!! of the country, but the | orRnnlzed a national eolfee KIOWCI-.1S you go across the street and tele- ness, again took the- stand and was and an unreasonable restraint of trade Honolulu. Hawaii. — ABs Japanese j ai!joclatjOI1- nnd ddrafter d a petition I : a mother as tho hen or the goose. details of the plan have not been 1 oln r • phono, to us from tho cigar shop we cross-examined by Mrs. Read's attor- —a difference that la recognized by worked out, and no one is moio open I j""and othe«r poacherPoacnersa werweree nlaiighlcrlnmnngnieringg j CoIlgrec ask|iiS-fDr• protection. r • • can supply yon.' 1 telephoned, and neys. the common law. He will recommend to argument and ronvicllon on the large numbers of birds for their skins WHV PEOPLK SUFFKIt. that tho law be amended In narrow Fubjrct than the President. There Is on Uiysan lulnnd. an order waa rc- Enjoins Higher Milk l'liic live minutes later I had the whisky. ! and confine It to combinations and ceivod from Washington, D. C, di- I went for another bottlo the next Suffragettes Break Windows. no likelihood that It will b« a part of At Kansas City, Mo.. Judge Jolr.i j conspiracies to suppress competition the message to the December BCBSIOH. recting that the lighthouse tender Too often the kidneys are the cause day and found that the regulations Ktrkul proceed to Laysan to patrol It .7. Park, In the Circuit Court, granted and the sufferer Is not awaro of It. and establish monopolies, anil to leave Probably the central bank plan will an order restraining milkmen in Kau- I Wear W.L.Douglas comfort- had. become moro stringent. Al- aned glass window at the Lord out the denunciations of general re- be a part of n later message, Includ- and other lalfnds northwest of Hono- Sick kidneys brins headache and side I able, easy walking, common I Mayor's Sinner at the Guildhall, Lon- lulu ns a revenue cutter lo preserve nas City and vicinity from combining though! had ordered it by telephone, straints of trad«. He will not recom- ing thn general monetary revision to Increase the price of milk. pains, lameness and stiffness, dizzi- I sense shoos. A trial will I was not allowed to take it home don. -~— mend that labor unions be specifically scheme. the birds. ness, headaches, I convince any one that W. L. I : * « • » I Douglas shoes hold their] myself! I expostulated and the wine Jn]iniiesr Uaiim to Tmir I'. S. Loss Milk Consunu'd. tired feeling, urin- r«* merchant said: 'But If your ion.hore Mrs. Eddy Settles Claims, Insanity Caused Strange Auto All Future lloston Sclioolhouson to ary troubles. Doan's I shape, fit better and wear | It was announced at Boston that Victoria. II. C.—Tho Bteamer Akl It Is the general impression in Ihi- I longer than other makes. with you. will accept sixpence for de- Mrs. Mary Baker Eddy had settled i Deaths in Chicago. Hnve Sun mid FiTt.li-Alr Rooms. Mam arrived here with Daron Twa- milk trade that the recent advanced Kidney Pills cure I They are made.upon honor, live'rlng*tho' bottle at your homo I $245,000 on her son, George W. Glo- Chicago.—Thebody of Ernst Camp, j Boston.—All new school buildings roura. brother of Prince Twuinura, prices were a serious mistake-, which the cause. Mrs. I of the best leathers, by the could let "^su Jjat»»_'/whlBky.at vor, ot South Dakota, and his family, the chauffeur who drove his autonio- erected In this city lu the future are who will proceed on a pleasure tour fact Is proved liy the heavy .-.hrlnk'-- Virginia Spltzer, 1 most skilled workmen, in all I once.'- Myjjpjrhad no objection."— and $46,000 on her adopted son, Ebe- bile with two passengers Into the liv to contain sun aud fresh-air rooms, through the United Stolen and Eu- age in consumption. Buena Vista, Va., I the latest fashions, shoes In I Chicago News'."* nezer J. Foster Eddy, of , to er Sunday night, has been recovered. according U> a comniunkatlon to bo rope, * * • » says: "For thirty I every style and shape to suit I settle claims. The bodies ot Miss Beatrice Shapiro sent by the School Commission to the Steel Wheels Required. years I suffered I men In all walks of life. I and Max Cohen aro still In the river. Schoollioute Commission. A report Chile's Naval Program. Sure of Himself. It has been learned that Cauip'B par- containing such «i rcconimondnilon An order for 7000 steel wheels everything but death "I'll glvo you a position as clerk to Couplo Found Asphyxiated. - Santiago de Chile. — The naval wns-given by the Brookljn iireot ca:- with my kldnejs. I Thomas Mangam, aged sixty, and ents are Insane, and tho theory of the was adopted at a special meeting. building program decided on by the I itimped on bottom, which nurutau start with," said the merchant, "and police Is that he was also. The trag- A committee of thn hoard also has traction lines. The Carnegie Armor cannot describe my suffering from ter- I fall vilu« tsd prctMtt tkt vtuw I his wife, Mary Mangam, were found Chilean Government provides for the Plate Works was piessed into M>TVIC« BOYS-SHOES pay you what you are worth. Is that edy has aroused a public demand for under ronslderation a plan for utiliz- construction of one ImUlrthlp, four, rible bearing down pains, dizzy spells, 1I agthut Ugh ;ricea ud interior ilion. I dead from asphyxlntlon in tho'kitch- an ordinance requiring mental and ing the rooTs of the present buildings, to fill ihu contract In haslc^kAt leasr headaches nnd periods of partial TAKt NO-SUBSTITUTE. ' satisfactory?""' en of their homo, 717 Seventh street, destroyers and two HUhniaiinos. at ,'in 1.000.000 bteel wheels an' luqulrcd physical examination of all men whoand it Is probable that n recommen- expenditure of 114,000.000. H. The mine was full nf sedi- "Oh, perfectly." replied tho college Northeast, Washington, D,..C. drive automobiles. tliroiiRliaul the countrj for 1910. Wherever you livc,W. L. Dougtamstiocs are within graduate, "but—or—do you think the dation will bo made on this. ment. I was in the hospital threo * * *..* your reach. If your dealer cannot fit you, write for llrm can afford it?"—Catholic Stand- Tbo Labor WoVld.. ..: • Mrs. Uowen Visits l'upe. weeks. Doau'u Kidney Pills were Mail Order Catalog. W. L. Douglas, Brockton, Mass. ard and Times. Jottings About Sporta. •Prominent People, KlornRe HKKS Surplus. quick to bring relief and soon made Tho Swedish Government Inter- Young, the Yale freshman centre, Theodore Roosevelt, former Prcsl - Rome, Italy,—Popo Plus .lent tho Unled Slates Is nrty-oiiQ^" -Kate audience Mrs. Bo.wj.nslH- The situation of hlorage <-'ggs l< mo well and strong agnln." A. rL&YOH tut u SMfl IMimuKni vened to settle tbe dispute which war weighs 250 pounds. ter becoming serious. Stocks on hand orvulll*. liv dlll lted t CAREFUL DOCTOR tho caujo of tho general strike In "High, of Brown, Is regarded as one years old Archbishop Ryan, of Pblladel- Kemcmber the name—Doan's. Kor dli 1 ai' . • .... j)hln, who was presented to His Holi- are enormous, and ihft recent report sale by all dealers. i>0 cents a box. I'rocrlbcd Change of Food Instead Stockholm, of the best hacks o< the season. Whltelaw Held, editor and diplo UAdatiid«iyrapb«itwth«niiupltt. UiplelD* ness by ^Igr. Kennedy, rector of thn nf thiv United Warehousemen's As- Foster-Mllburn Co.. Buffalo, N.' Y. U Mid by eroc«z8. S«ad So tUmp for auiplt of Drugs. Tho Austrian Wood WorkcrettUnlon Howe, tlio Yale quarterback, Is a mat, Ambassador to Great Britain, Is sociation wns most discouraging to •ad rod DO book. Ctetccnt Hff. CO.. SMtUt. brother of last year's crew captain. American ColleBo here. Tho Pope MAPLEINE had 11C strikes and lockouts In 1908, seventy-two. sent AichblBhopp Ryay n his apostolip c the selling Interest. It takCB considerable courago for a Involving altogether 20,000 momben Syracuso has all tho playcrs,,of Norman E. Mack, at Buffalo, N. Y., Iluboous ii" PliiRiic in Mgcrln. and 3G00 shops, at r. total cost t>|- "laTiinoaBon's baseball team except said that IIIB namo had been forged blessing. To Mrs. Bowen tlio pontiff * * • •* doctor to deliberately prescribo only i fd presented his photogrnpli benrln^ •In many parls of the protectorate, food tor a despairing patient. Instead about 195,000. Stein and Dank? ' to a letter used to collect campaign .7upnn Iticc Suffoi-s. Roy Mercer, the freshmen pole | funds. " ~} bin signature. and especially among the hill regions of resorting to tho usual list ol medi- The Holland trade unions are or- - Owiii'g to Ihu l»osu uielhods cm- of the northern provinces, baboons When Cold Winds Blow cines. ganizing thoso workers whoso occu- vaulter at Pennsylvania, has.a.iecord . General Frederick D. Grant snld In 1>lo>eil In iho niarkclliiK "f J.ipnn pation and numbers offer a field for »t 12 feet ITS inches. . I Chicago that hn would willingly rc- Dumn Hr-elorts PrcltFe'iii. are one of {he greatest plagues to When cold winds blow, biting Thero nro somo truly scientific phy- St. Petersburg. — Nikolai A. Kh'o- lice, it hua enused Ihc Industry tn tho farmer, and 11 i.ouiro of inrnncv union action. The unions have al Thcro Is a noticeable lark of heavy-1 sign from the United States army It lose tlioiifan-Jii of do'liir.s thus f.ir slclans-among tbo present generation ready dono much In the cities of Hol- weight candidates among Iho high I by BO doing he could further the'euuso myaholf, of Siimlenhk. war. ro-electfil to property nnd rveu to life.' A pro- frost is in the air, and tack- who recognlzo and treat conditions as Presld"nt of tin- Duma this K<;i?mi. land to ralso wascs. school elevens this season. of temperance. j * * * + tcctoratc officer, while engaged In draughts down the chimney deaden, they aro and should bo treated re- From April 1, 1891, to June 30. Babe Adorns, tho I'lttsbu-rg pitcher. Klrliard Ookcr. who airlvcil from liuslneps fn n niountafii village, was gardless of the valuo to their pockets. nl I'nrl> nt Culelirn. l^nlllei* MurUrl Aclin*. the fires, then the 1009, strike benefits wero paid by the cays his slow drop ball is what turned Europe, said he voiild go to Florida Colon, Panama,—The Congression- There h u sietdy demand from nil Informed by thu local queen that h'.r Hero's an Instance: International Association of Machin- the trick ln the Detroit series. for tho winter. people could not continue'their farm- ists amounting to $1,825,004.90. al party from thi>United States, which olnhhcs ot biiycru uf hemlock sole "Four years ago I WOB taken with Tho Pilgrims, of England, dufcated Benjamin Harrison Kldder, med- 13 hcie to t'samlnc the work being 'lcalhor. anil business is fairly brisk, ing owlnK lo the raids ot baboons. PERFECTION severe gastritis tyid nothing would Thero aro now flfty-ono central ot tbo St. Theresa team, ot St. Louis, ical director of tho United Stntes done on the Panama Canal with a i ullhoiiKb nn large transaetion-. hnve During HIP absence of the men a few stay on my stomach, so that 1 was on national unions.lu tho Federation ol In a socker football guine, 10 to 1. Navy, retired, died at his summer vlow tu determlninp future appro- I been effected. wqeks prpvloiwly those liciihta had ac- Danish Trades UnlouB, with 1214 tho ver^o of starvation. Gilbert Hor'rax, the Williams ath- home, In ulatdcli. Mass. priations. hn» proceeded from Cristo- ! * .x * + tually come Into the heart of the vil- local branches; besides ten local so lete who was a whole little track team - OU Heater "1 heard of a doctor who had a J. C. S. Blackburn, Governor ot the bal by train to Culebrn. lage and destroyed the ciops. The cletlcs, tho totul membership amount- by himself, Is a student at Johns Hop- Cannl Zone, returned home on a leave ; Soyn C iiinpetes Wllli Coima. summer cottage near mo—a specialist The so;ii licnu uf China lias ei. (Equipped with Smokeless Device) ing to close on 100,000. kins and will compete ou the team of absence, bringing 111" granddaugh- More Than iiOO Mct-I Death. natives aro In constant dread of them from N. Y., and as a taot bopo, sent there. lered inlii'ronipclllloii in Kurnpe «lth nnd continually fear for the safety of shows its sure heating power by for him. The Farmers' Educational and Co ter and hor pony, lvblch ho declared Victoria. B. C—There Is activity operative Union, of Tennessee, in on W. -W. Evans, known throughout as personal baggagp. American colton seed produrti-. their children.' steadily supplying just the heat "After ho examined mo carefully In tlio Japanese campaign against *•*•••*• nual convention at Jackson, uuatil the .country as ••Billy" Evans, one of Bishop McOroer,.Bishop McVlckar ho advised mo to try a small quantity Koreau InsurKCiitb. and durliiK the l'.|!Rs nt .Seventy tVni1-. Sir William Wallace 1ms related to that is needed for comfort. mously passed a resolution instruct the greatest developers .of young, trot- and Bishop Lawrences dellvored ad- opcrntloiiu in October In Cholladc .134 of Grape-Nuts at first, then as my Ing ofllcors ot the Stato union to use tcrRf and pacers in tbo couutry, died Thu Rome Si-iillnL'l.nf Uoini". N. 1. 1110 that ho has scon droves of fifty Thu Perructlou Oil Ueutc-r is unaltecl- dresses at tho memorial service lu havp been killed mid 10G5 capture?. to a hundred of tlieac anlmaln all lu stomach became stronger to cat more, tho union labcl'on all Its printed mat- In his home, at Lexington, Ky., after firttce Church. New York City, for Tho. Japanese ]OIM WHS only lbre« cayK: Seventy-cenl i'g'-,"i arc iniillc. cd by weather conditions. It never fulls, . "I kept nt It and gradually got so 1 ter. ' nn 'Uiiesg of manyjiiouths. ted for ChriBtmaB. single file, and Uiat lately ho hlmsolf No smoke—no smell — Just a yenlal, tbo Itev. Dr. HunlliiKton. killed. satisfying heat. The now . could cut and digest three teaspoon- •'Moat cutters and butchers in Jack- L. C. Hull, tho former Michigan ''Judge Grosscup mado a speech at * *Nfc -k, shot two enoimoim luulea who were fills. Then I began to havo color In son, Mich., now have a union. nthlolc, has been chosen president of C'lilcaKi) and said thai women didn't Uetuiiui. Vur Ukv grlimluR ut him fioiu llio cliffs. Automatic my toco, memory bcratno clear, where tho Oxford University A. A.. 11 Ms iijiinunt to much In the prufesslons. Ailvlrer, from piliimr> in.iift"V-i foi They utter H iieive..itiattorlng and Labor men in Kansas City. Mo., art Study of I'r-llngrn Smokeless Device before everything seemed a blank. In hopes of occupying '.heir new lnboi thlng'for an American in J*. TjiigHbli O. C. Dickinson, president of tho lire viDlnl i>rke» llrm \mdev a horrid bnrk. They POHBCEH a regular prevenlB itao wick balng turued loo tomplo by January 1. university. Tho National Conference on Pelln- demand. The mitpiit fmin mills mi My limbs got stronger and I could CnrncRln Tnmt Company, was serl- era. In sossloti at Churloston, S. C, system nf defense, nnd nlnnys have high. Removed in an Instant, •_ walk. So 1 steadily recovered." A dispute In tho priming trade Ii oui.ly hint In n runaivny on the Cen- the Atlnuik roas-l find In lh» Hnutli signalers out tij^ watch for thu ap- . "• Solid brass font holds * quqrtsof oil—sufficient to tJTva out a glow* According lo Billy McCarnby, the declared Hint not alono rorn and tho vns icporled .small wlib iiricc:. firm. "Now after a- year ou Orapo-Nuts Manchester, England, over wages ana Philadelphia manager and prornoLcr, tral Park Bridle Path. New York City. ordinary pro» Clroaliir >" The bill prohibiting any ono nol plated no other campaign than thnt January 1 was urwlii'ted as a si'nuel .. ' w Ho Nonnot Agonoy of tho Road tho little book, "Tho Road to Many experts picket "Alllo" Miller disease pellagra. The addresses wero to the llieieai-e in the in Ice of. milk. approaching.—Wldo World Maga- Wellvlllo," In pkgs. entitled to do BO from wearing a but last year a; "All-Kustorn" Quarter for commercial supremacy. of a technical nature largeit More ton ot any labor organization, or froir .hack. One swallow does not mako a . Professor. Siilnparn, of Columbia • •* • • zine. STANDARD OIL COMPANY "Tbcro's a- Reason." than 300 experts attended tbe contcr- IliR ltnllnay Order,' carrying n union card without tiolnf surBtoicr. nor docs ono remarkable .University, returning, from abroad, cneo. A permauont orKanlzaUaiLjQ- Ever rend the above letter? A new an actual member of a union, hai — Thi" Now York Centra! Hallway The tungslen Incandescent lamp Is Tfame mako a player tho host choice sjltl "that English scientists had full ho entitled tho National Association r nno ( one appears from time to time. They boon passed by tho California r In tho country. Miller bus been n faith lu Dr. Cook'u. nnnnuncoment for the- Study-and Prevent Inn ,if Fel- lins Kiven, iirdcis for j; ', . )00 tholliBt artlflclul light by which nil latuii, ttnrlli rif ii'*' c"i|iii|.iii<' nrc genuine, true, aud full of liuuiav fftlllllT Ihls giiaMir ' ri-"lllllll ••'loll). II111I In' hml I'-iii'Myd til" XovMl P"lo, I f coToTrt can lir I