VOI. XXV. CRANBURY, _iN. J., FRIDAY. NOVEMBER 19,- lftOJ) NO. Tho rebuke fell on heedless cam. Mary's next visit wus to. tho f 'o- graph office. Sho wrote three mes- NEGRO Hi WHITE H JERSEY STATE NEWS PRESIDENT TAFTJiOIVIE AGAW sages and tore thorn up. Tho final one said: "James Colonial), Nowton Find Crater of Old Volcano. Was Absent From Washington Vilhrge: Send word to mother I'll . OF WIRE SERVICES .University of Virginia Student Rescuers at Cherry, Illinois, Are M ARE LYNCHED Engineers on the Lackawanna bo homo for Thanksgiving aiid al- Railroad's twenty-clght-rallo cut-off More Than Three Months. Dies of Concussion of Brain. Forced Back. at Andover, which bas been under ways. " Western Union Bought by Phone Slayer of Annie Pelley Hanged wny for about a year, have discovered "Myra Wilson, indeed," she mur- lat Instead of making a cut through mured, na she made her way to the Syndicate. Voting Christian, Klglilwu Years of , „ „, . „ „ , and Shot at Cairo, III. >o Sparta Mountains, as had been Ho Mode a Trip of 13,000 "Miles A c\ » Hurrlllc.. to tho Oainc «t ! EiiKln«'t* Rowley, Warned 1'or Death Through the Went and South— superintendent's desk to hand In her K »f Thirteen, la Hurried A.way by ilaanod originally, they must tunnel resignation. "I guess I can glvo her Georgetown' Sheriff lo Avoid Lynching. part of the distance, at a cost esti- SOO fapcocliea Delivered. I IN CVCRYTHIINC GIVr THANKS, pointers on clerking." HUNDREDS OF WOMEN HELPED mated at $28,000 above the amount GOULDS SOLD STOCK AT $85 . first announced. Tho reason for Washington, D. C—Archer Chris- 10 change Is the unexpected charac- Washington, p. C.—Afler.au ao- By MIJS. MARY B. WINGATE. Itie train slowed up at Newton Cherry. III.—Tho 300 or more min- !r of the Interior of the mountain., Village.-. As sho sprang from the tian, Jr., eighteen years old, the Unl- Killed In Fnlillc Square nnd Then sence of more than three months, dur-' thank Thee, 0 our Fntlier, Tunnk« lor the highest blessing!) rlicoilorr X. Vail, l'rcslflcnf. An- varslty of Virginia football player ers who were entombed In the St. he contractors came upon a mass of- Ing which he has made a trip of 13,- . ... *or all Thy tender care. Thy matchless love Ins given, steps of the car the figure she was- nounces Tlint Ilic Aim'i-icnti.Telc- who was Injured In the same with Paul coal mine hy fire arc dead, Iliirned—White Man Dies Next, ft and brittle rock, entirely dlffor- looklng for loomed up in the keeir 000 miles through the West and Annd oaak tbnbntt we may ever .Faith in tbe world'* Redeemer, . phone (.'onipnny lias Obtnlnril Georgetown University, died without Some of the bodies lie burled beneath Who Wns in Prison Vm Murder- :nt from tho bard and firm trap rock South, President Taft sleDt in the - Thjhj-- giftifts witith otherth s shareh . Hopo of a home in heaven. November twilight. inf? His Wife. We thank Thee for the comforts. Control of Telegraph Companies. regaining consciousness for moro thousands of .tons ot earth, which at composes the bulk of the hill, .White.House... He.left the.capital.op.._j, Tho'common joy» of life; Thanlui for the diRnppoinlmentn "Oh, Jim!" wan all she Bald, but the than a few moments. Death was due 'caved in upon them, and It Is doubt- ind * borings establish the. fact that August 6 last, with the cheers of tho For health antl strength to labor, - Thnt oft our hopw n»a.iil; man understood, nnd an ho tucked New York City.—The biggest cor- to cerebral hemorrhage following ful whether many of the bodies-can —Cairo,' III.—"Wlir James, the no- hey have struck what appears to be a crowds rlngini; ln his ears. Ho re- - freedom from WAnt'and atrife. They tcich us to look fnrwnid her Into the nlclgh he looked straight joratlon merge;- iilnco the formation concussion. Tho athletic authorities over be recovered."~ This was the gro murderer of Miss Annie Pclloy :rater of a long extinct volcano. As turned to the tune of tho same cheers, _ To joys thnthat ennnocannot fail. Into her eyes. it the Steel Trust was made known to of both Institutions have cancelled opinion expressed when rescue work here, was lynched by a mob. After he soft rock would furnish no sup- but ho (arrlod only a moment with Xhanka for our common blrstingii, And BO, though team arc falling their remaining football games. James was strung up to the public ort for tho side walls of tho cut, It -- »_Tbe friend* that cheer our way. O'er IOVB forever down, "I reckoned If anything would :hc public when the American Telc- was temporarily abandoned. tho various welcoming parties. His . n the comes necessary to tunnel and ro- objoctlvo point was tho White Houso T™ joy for them to labor, We thanK Thee for the Morrows bring you back Thanksgiving would." jhono nnd Telegraph Company issued Mr. Christian's father, mother and John Cowley. tho engineer' who was j »« . ™po broke, and at least. Ti» »wcct for them to pray. Our human hearts have known. tiforce the bore with steel and con- and Mrs. Taft, and-as quickly as he Sbe bent forward EO that he could t sfatomont admitting It had nnqulrcd brother were with him at tho last, In charge of the elevator cage when COO shots were poured into his body, :rcte, as bas been done ln the tunnel —Christian Herald." hardly catch the words: what It calls "a Eiibslnntlal minority the thirteen rescuers lost their lives which was then dragged through the could get away from the brief speeches Mrs. Christian had not v.'itncssed tho inder the Hudson and East rivers. of welcome he climbed Into his big "But It wasn't Thanksgiving Day, nterest," but which Is ronlly fie con- game^but had come over simply to nt tho mine, was taken to Princeton, itreets to tho place where Miss Pel- HI., In an automobile by Sheriff Skog- automobile. The chauffeur broke all Jim, It was—yo'u."—McCall's Maga- Irol of the Western Union Telegraph bo present In ca;ie of uccldcnt, having ley's body, bound, gagged and Will Slure Wltli Brother. the speed records of the District on zine. a premonition .that her son would be lund. Rumors of an as-ault upon Company. Cowley and reports that the miners orulsod, had been found, nnd burned. Surrogate Cornell brought to Judge the last leg of the President's record- The announcement confirmed the Injured, i-lho wns at the Union Sta- were planning to kill him because Ho made a confession and Implicated Inlchtel's house, In Trenton, two making journey. .i Thanksgiving Day. tion, on tho polr.t-of. returning to her mother negro, Arthur Alexander, New Year's Day wo share with itatcment that control of the 'Western they believed that ho wns responsible rothcrs and three slaters, children of Union had passed Into the hands of borne in Roanoko, Va., when she tor who was not found. rs. Sarah Wood. They wanted to When President Taft spoke at tbo all tho world, nnd Christmas and called up the university to make silro ! the'death of a rescuing party of tho Telephone Company. But moro dll was right. Sho was"told that her thirteen men, caused tho Sheriff to re hundreds of women wort) in the rase, from her will a clauso which City Auditorium In Richmond In the ' Easter with nil Christendom. Tbo Information showed thnt the merger :rowd, anxious to help do the work. llslnherlted her son, John Wood. She afternoon lie made his 266th speech Fourth_of July Is emphatically our son had been Injured nnd hurried to move him from posslblo danger. After killing James, the mob went 3f interests had gone much further tho hospital. Mi. Christian wns sum- Fires In tho. mine, which broke out eft him but 15. while she divided the of tbe long trip, which, according to own day; but it Is purely patriotic In md thnt capital Btock In various tele- with renewed fierceness, made fur- to tho county Jail and after battering •state ot $130,000 among tbe other tho itinerary, consisted of 12,769 phone and telegraph corporations, ln- moned rrom Richmond. Va. down a steel cell took out Henry Salz- Its significance. Thanksgiving Day Young Christian died from con- ther descents by rescuers impossible. ihlldren. All of the children agreed miles, but with side trips amounted is as distinctively American an the :ludlng the Postal Telegraph Com- Fans employed, in an effort to carry nor, a white man, charged with tho hat this was an injustice to their to more than 13,000 miles. pany, aggregating in all more tban clusion of the brain, sustained by a murder of his wife, and dragged htm Mary Acxor sat on the foot of tho up-bringing rebelled. A hotel dinner Nation's birthday is, and it Is sacred fall after lie was tackled by one of fresh air and llfo down to the impris- irother. and they wanted the Court to President Taft told members of bis bed, her bank-book on her knee, a on ThankBglvfng Day; a show Instead 11,000,000.000. will bo dominated by oned men served only to onilvcn some up Washington avenue, where he was illow them to revise tho will. Tho party that outside of an Impatience to to the two strongest forces In Ameri- jne set of financiers.
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