. Public Lit.-iry, Vtlley Broak Ave.. Lyr.ihurst, I!. 3. LEADERETTE h >"* » knock «, «„ door ot * »«*«

TJ Bru^h-Man front. Helookrd

strpervismg princjtal ol KhooU. H* had heard w"",!.'1 WM " Scho°1

»rhen Jhe ^ to ^j,.^,,^ v we Mld n .hK saie?man-i'«< » long-sutJwmi school ,u- \ VoL XXVIII—No. 7 •"TS'.'Jatutkamr*i . I LYMMUfcO^V i. MtX ST ?• i'Ht Albino Ambushed By Crazed Faker Big Crowds •*%£?** Italian Cook 00 Turning Out ar Local Policeman For Softball irtsaffftss: • drive reaterdar to raiae a Victim Of Fake Reliefer Company Moved > M >M M >of?ball G*m«t '"* •• *'>M ?:.* -J •aa aak aai aam ^"fc . cbaataw^l* I sW Oan d realdeat~ a apa ** Mltrlied. Aa; aa* trhklat la £. To IU 200,00S««n B0y Over contribute ran *• aa ay calling Township Mourns Popular . - a.*. I. l»r Patrolman Hit-hard Ta.Mai To Plant Here Lyndhur*, Municipal Softball | ^ ^^ tn|w|rtm Policeman Whose Rites League, durinc »ts 155 scheduled I Modern New rr games, i* expected to pUy before Will Be Held Saturday a tooooo mur Kttrna«.nf», ft * wiir stated at Monday night's R,»a; i, \ Reject Bid** | IIIIKUV VII-i Building Is of Commissioners meeting. U-1, ,.( Prinlmii ll...n.,. I Replying to suggestion* from' I*' U* in ,1 t%tl..l Jess*? Thorne, president of thr! For Memorial t- Completed Taxpayers League, that admission • fhould be charged in order tn r<* | am :' • On July 28, the Italian Cook Ueve taxpayers, he was told by i • ,.l|l lt( .1 (f I. M.I III I »||I I. I.. !,l Oil Corporation moved from Commissioner James A Breslin ; •I . Ml \t t" Brooklyn,' . to its new plant at •nl\ $366 h«* \-trn contributed of' •- * » c. r » n V»litf«t«« in..i iim^ »lll i'Ur 1 II Lyntfhursl, which required three \ municipal funds f«r tho support .W ^*>OV» riqur* b#T By I HI A M«*» nf Hl liri|tiMiM • ill I.. ..I fi.< H,lt* r. years to build and cost $1,000,000. of the league ' Board of Comm.ttion#r* ..» hi. ...nl .1 Ni.rr.l llrurl II I Inn. I, ..I «,'!,.. I. Iu Designed by Alexander and There are 18 trams playing in Bowers, architects, and engin- Both bid}. ,i>t impmvrmen, • 4 faillilill |.4ri*lil« M*r •Mi w-..: i schedule, the commis- eered by Alan Porter Lee, Inc., VvM Suit' World War II Me sioner said, rnnstitutinjE on of the IllUTI—1 xill' lulltio III ll'l< ' I ,.. i .„.. i,,, S-.tih the Italian Cook Oil plant at largest Softball unit* amonji mu . Kifld i'nr rejrctfd Mt*n Lyndhurst is considered a "model wl nicipalitios comparable with Lynd ; " >*' v H t hive-numb* of efficiency in plant layout and hurst Not only do thr men pur !,BV .nt l Hrrflilar ll.. <*M.- a(i|»ar. ml* . II . . I.' operations, and one of the out- cfiu* their own. uniforms and 1 Lyndhut-»t Boaid «t C\unmitwmn i Un >i i -r it, ».H standing vegetable ml refineries pay iht* umpue fee.. Bretlm de ] cr" Submitted by Lugum, Bra- ,Ut.....l in the country. • • cUml. they amtribute mVt"" '" B*11™"'1- ••* Ctob*. frit! .1 III' »II I. IIMKIM U Due to rapidly expanding de- through each team manager foi - °' I*""*** •»<-.. t»u* *«• IH...I ,...,,u Ui ,,..ni|...... I ill. mand for Italian Cook Oil prod- a sum totail of $450 :h.Ktu-. thai, UH «ti*«t«d »p~ ucts. Lynrihuist w;i^ R-jLT.U'd.i-s Hi«hly comm.nd.ng Walt*. Propri#Uon a strategic location far expanded Moiloy. commiwioner of the Con-niissiumrthWUei Jumcs Afiel Hie>lind Pr^ ; league, and William-D- CuaU hij ^ ^ hp ^ mUtM.ur4. . operations. From %the south and I Another Local MlSS ..II..I li..,,..l» I Sarlr, luniili'ial » •• W.11 .t , „. ^ , wsisUnt, Brr'hn df*""*; lf ' 'rr*olutu.n w+kmi ne* bub »nd west, tank cars -rqU into the jtt.rwal.l la I.. *i«lr ill. '.'.nil III, f~.i. I I. Ml.I i*. .1*1 plant's private railroad siding; Soon To Be A Mr*, we* not for men like thesr. . ^^ ft ^ ™ w£ would be impossible to carry oi Mil*. *i..l l%».. «.mi|t .IIII.II.II in a* with crude oil which is imm*di- * nu Mayor Hur«t U B..t.tr mnd Com very worthy undertaking. ^ . . , ately pumped automatically into ; Mr and Mrs. William C Meyer ( ner CI|irrnrt Sht rvvtMKi a* ha* r\rf I scM*!! H e l C -minflw i 1 - orl1 , „ J.Lh , _._n_ , & l i«u . ..ri1 Etoragt tanks. Every operstlon in af S40 Rutherford avinuf, Lynd- , •**«* ""i "J^" ( ',Y "7"l?, w " ' *" •"• P'" '""" '' tit. matt *lt» i all. il liii»t>.lf t Itatl. > ' ..»i H the plant is automatic 10 that I hurst, announce the engagemant; reiKhniU1 mignt nenrm oy imw ,„,,,„,„,.,„,t „ w,r,. jd^nt from tank car to finuhed prod- |of their daughter. Mary, to Mr i •"« U* ' «*«mP"- The opposition • h.»w n to the t.W. 4 fc .1. -jit. alii. |.ui.-ii. i. ii . . |,..«« uct, no human hand touches the posed memorial firid by CumC - I il.. .1- .. J.!,! nl a full l>l..»»|. lw IU I...411.1 MM *»»miltlM*« that thr |fii»Vf«nir*il WMI According to Mr.. Dominick I.»,,,J .in .1 I lull a ii. au.l .Imiiu ill- UlasW lit lb$ W*« aV n«tir«* that if the figures had mrt n »r»tr I., il.. Ulr IV.1.1. nl II.M.. .It >..,») In. ti l|. a» * m. ioiatrd r-»»t hi* vu mm at rairleigh Dickinson Ju- Itatw-jf •««» S00 ^J «"• |wltt l lhr Mt markctiiu. Italian Cook Oil prod- 11 r full 1.1.-,I..I l.,.l,,i, l>rfn sill) .i Miii- ucts nationally. "Until now, we iox College. Rutherford 'E* . * ^,7"' . ^ T " «.»uM h.v# V World Wit II wardjjii'.th* conirswi l( ..Il lui ami Ih. .,.,.1,...... i. il.. II. ,..,, have.done husinwt*—with frw PX- { Mr. Anderson, a graduate of • at the game*, which During (he Httanw1 h'Mi I> ceptions—in the Eait. Now, with Lyndhurst F.tgh School, sc-rvt-d Records Reveal That Slain in. II, ..f th< Inliur Ii .1. |.a.tn» in fi..Ha. 1.1 ili.t i. ,i consistently, »«fc Mrs Bertha GiWnendyke, men our- production capacity trebled, three years with the Naval An ' held as sufficrcnt proof that th. ll...«tt»«* AIMI ..M.n I..IIII.I ..ill tlial ll, t.,*n at** 4 (,.,.•! I* ! her n* thr Huar I^JteMP'" jj •* P'" .*U-it> -"iiyM delt'Mi of the pi" Murderer Was A Complete *. . a. ..|>iii.ji i.it.l t.n.1.1 tli. M.IIIIH iij.n, ,.| ill. tt.l,,'. ! m pent business abroad, where1 we he1 is now eompiettftg his studies «[* Ci'Heelions m«rte oy me p* sal, Pointing out 1; .t' her tri ,...... !-(. ,,l «hiad, Whert we ni is now ((iiiipu'iiiiK ms aiuuin -- - -- .-. t . . . . . are well known beci •calia* we have at the 'Technical In P'»y" during the wftb.ll came. ' • « '- And Contemptible Fraud .'•in. IK.» f.,iAi..| hill, ..(• , I .II.II.III*! >alt^ I imported tOM and W m ,iii. I* jll*^w..l lulu i.. f.maiii hrf* III a^lnwr.." oil." I ton* of „„.. s^tutc-f N. J.. Nnwark •-« "?**£» ' ' "" "»r) tl. tStSSmJSjS, _, . mninted nl I lull.. Hi I.I I lem. she iiirf ii. one which mu*t I |,.111, I < ,>ll(l I, ill, l|,...» Values Are Young Boys Diversified he met tn th<- ntut futuir . ^M . I1|.l. .1 l'\ I ...t • . rf|l.| I.,- I Given Jolt Are Sent Up Playgrounds Continue to It. iNla n a t.»l al...ut ll«J lar.l. • H |I,"*N Attract Hundred* of \i trr*m* h7.t7.Tri« j.#..|.Yi For Thefts ll.. -.,. . .1 the I,,,,,-. |.... ,.|,- \.| , Increase of Thr»« Quar- • .'.. h«., .-l.lal'ir^l 4ii r, i. f i-.ii ti. it- • ( II ....I I ...,.l. •.' I ter» of a Million it |nvo|ved in Two Local «>fk ol Ihr play Thr i««h : • H 100 Nbted 4 showed a vanrty I ~ ,..,.., -• ' Break-Ins A» Well n(t v atftinr. Hi y~. I .n ar»i\i\|.'* Ct'ink (OTWiat'd ...tcl.t I" It over tht war timr Iigur* of $12,- mantfpd tn Annandaie Krfoiriia gi.t u> thr tad im and ritrf [ II,.,, II _ 713.93(1 in 11M4 . tory for clwwifltation unti xtudy atl went to tn< B",ni /••- In prrmutr anil unvati.f wl Improvement* >r Uut diaappoiatment ol 'i.. I. .1 *.!,,)• Iu art.li.. ll,...... I....I ' Indine 'luollinK? a n <1 other brivs vhargfil \ of th* art#TTK»on r»am tion »f $7,980,075 in 1044 Iw $*-. | >onUi IJerHru towhl and Kcarny in,n« all lt*> 7«K> had to ,,ftei Kn. 49A.OOO this yeai, makine th» j Krillowinil then seizure two many it was ihtMr futt trip to .lain, I.. Mi. One llir..uat. , total value nt land and improve J week.* ago by (f,<- k. II<-,, k p,,lice tr •ir first »ih th« at. «aa« > ments a!ls^-^^,•f^ (,exclHalve of wfc- j for an attemlrted entry at . Han tumty V. »e*- theae ariml f h« hi- *••" n onrf cla^ railroad property I $11. i brnurk Hi::':! irrvH-e «tati(m fat off plarM \t Mil...... i.lrOl.f lli.il, 74tv:M»n thw year a» compared j ncai the i! k.i,.,ik line, the /In. thr kwnf awaited i I ,,.,il. MJ.u... ,..,,.. I...I with *lI.ll<>.ilO5 th:ee years ago ivoutli^ «oi turned over to Ha*- •.,.-,, it,e Mann Ovallen Roy E. Boqle ;l it.. I Total value o( peisonal prop- brouek Heiahta i>nhce f'T queii Sar,. - .' Altar Boy* »ofthaH miil erty went up from $1/>.'TO.MS m{tinnmic Wn,wt.RiriKe. ^'arlstadt. team, th.- Ovallen woai l,> * >,, Head of List Mi ... • M«..l IS>44. to 11..136.800 this year j Eait Rutherford and Lynrthumt »r.,re of t-1 Battenn vr« DedaeUam War police later loin.-d in the mvr.li thr OvalWn, lanatota »ni! Dedurtiimj took quit' a leap lation AtUi qui«tuinin» B) n^atorr and .lot th* A'*»T upward; household goodj and . Serjeant AIIMHl Uernel: of Ha» ttrr-je anal Diof lana Th. ini.l,.i exemption* in 1B4< I rourk HeishU Srrue^nt Kdward , • ..i. •- * r ••'•.. lk.» i.....I.U.I I . wniuntinK to S2C1 000 at mm Barlow of WOKI Rid(e and !'• l...li>;l »M. ... it- -I. |.« «t > . ! .1. ,t ,r> 1 par«l with »J9»S(0C UH> J'tar. Ltorfmjft fj-t^t Pan ellne- ~iif~CarT School «cntr t-4 ll «a< a «>»«< ( hi* *r\ ptili. v .,f > o W iii Wai I ••,. i»« While ptopertv exempted under sladl. the boyi Coftfeaaed U, t»o.hard fcmftlt .-•' • In all win ..< t. »i the veterans law* and •Untlar teatrata Hi Haabrouck Hetatlta, twa ball matrh the Oval a«ain man exemptions went up (rom sna.-,in WCH«J-RI(1H , !,>m in Lynd In the <»virh me«t* brt»e«.n Uie 000 in 1944 ti, S2B5 ITS this year J hunt. t»o in Ea>t RulHerJotd. ,w f>val and the High Scno"! at thr In 1944 second ilw railroad" ;n Ca:lnUdt and i«w in Kearny U>n4huru -Swimmin* piKil ..n property »a« valued at JS29.493. The Jarjr*! haullhc bny« made Wednesday ArUiur CurruJ^»uB but dropped to M2J.T54 for the, waa at Fr-*» t>mer KaM Rutlter th« currenl year Ser-ond claw rail-; ford, where they aecured M0 by cnamptotvtfupsand *illiam read property include* tnops. ..rruhine Mjrarette and near ma. won the Sennit *8 jard right* of wa* an-l holdrngs other chine*..a |uke t>«,x and a pinfoall aUokr champi«ruv*iip The ».ift axefitatwv IA than such a« office buildinjp. '•' . machine T)»ey broke inU. the ball throwing contest* at Marlfi 4a>nratMI ol_Uje_tre«:£ul!; lions, or «uch other tint Fraterelli '• . i :..- i i. U...J i •...-»•, ,-T- I-T A- -.r- |-.-,tn». bfa/» which aa a' i-ii m WU.I "centi and a I*) ft » in txurt !,»<• IM ft. , „ ,,n*- Br»»|.|i i «.i»i<»», i! .., k * a* .*' •. Net valuatten at''all property

n \ •;-•'• i»»«n. feoT'^ ; n caah 96 .art'ina,"* ricarettea. fire, f, ,*• n* or l» ta ation, public -••.-' •* and the ume figure of *«i4 the U....I- *>,. 4.UIW4 Nate M,*n»tt.t.v U \r.|l S7H.22S public piuperty went thr and Bill L*nd*f* ir lag thr a.rncM rapu*ted to 6M*tlr« «, JU down »ll«Ml» frofc »nM«l three after ia*t Thursday rr,«ifn*a*i ta»>t aaaM etaax tc |^faflaiara| had kanriwd U*e l»* .«f* IM >taOl year, ago U. »'.71.41» lhu >ye»r Wood Rtf»te La. - £«w church, and tharrubW ptaperty SUUoa. IU«it run »«,*t> at IJ 4a a a» aiwf .,»yt f>«*aj btii* JMTZ* ^ valued at SU7.9CXI in 1M4. a« com Fruit Stand. Haabtouca rleighu. ntng rontbe.fl vr It hnka driven off in hto IMP dui* f,~r (Continued "r, paae tf I 1 |:" PAGE TWO T If T. TRADE R THURSDAY, AUGUST 7, 1»47 Surprised ly Rachel Romano Is Dorothy Blow Ethel HauclcW«d$ Mrs. Gampor Entertains ; Local M«n Guest At Shower Married Saturday Frederick Wilson Mr*. Everett Gamper et M»| ST. BOMAVUTfUMS, N. T— •ridot Shower Livingston avenue entertained at Jul ^ A**miet T- EusUce, i sc e 11 a neo u • A wedding of local interest was Miss Ethel Leutse Hauck. dinner laslast weae k in celebrationiOFM of 450 chase avenue given last week- in that ' of Kiss Dorothy Blow, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Otto of thth e birthday anniversary of Elvira Caputo Guest of honor of Miss Rachel Romano, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Hauck of Forest avenue. Miss Ronnie Greer. Candles and Lyndhurst, is a candidate far th» Heart & C Church thy will; for thou art my God; of ll» Copeland avenue, by Mrs. thy spirit is good; lead me into Honor «t Mi» L Blow, of Worth Arlington, and Lyndhurst became the hririe nl Henry WackwIU and~Mr»TTC5F Clark Trumbuft- Poster, son of Frederick Edward Wilson, son of blue and yellow. Summer Commencement of St. the land of uprightness." I Hs i«3: ~ K,rchdo«rff«r'« Mr. and Mrs. Melvin White of ,-p 10). ntth Bollerman at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Foster, of Guests included the Misses ZipZppp Bonaventure College Wednesday, ! Mrs. WackwiU, 440 Fern avenue. 113% Abbott Boulevard, Palisade, 268 Forest avenue, Saturday. The snd Kitty Parka, Mrs. H & Greer, August It. I at 6:3U, 7:30. 8:30, »:30 Sermon: Passages from the Miss Elvira Caputo of 237 Court I Miss Romano will become which took place in the First ceremony was. performed at 1 Frater Alexander is on* of 10:30, and 11:30 a.m. King James version of the Bible Mrs. Jessie Ciardella.' Mis. How- include: avenue, was guest of honor at a I bride of Thomas Walsh, oT\feart Hri'sbyterian Church of North p. m at St. Matthew's Evangel- ard Zipp, with the guest of hon- three residents study- "God ii a Spirit: and they that surprise miscellaneous shower I avenue, on August 0. Ai lington, Saturday afternoon, at ical Lutheran Church by the Rev. or. Miss Greer. and Mrs. Cam-ing tor the priesthood in the St. Michael's & C worship him must worship him in given last week at the home of A watering can was the i 5 o'clock. Rev. Herbert S. Brown, George F. Mulltr, pastor. The per, hostess of the evening. Franciscan Order. Church spirit and in truth." (John 4:24) Miss Elsie Kirchdoerffer, of 279 of the decorative scheme in ^, rector of trinity Episcopal Church bride was given in marriage by Correlative passages from "Sci- Kingsland avenue. The event • o* and green. Streamers of which the brldegroonvis-a ves- her father. i J. ence and Health with Key to the was arranged by Miss Caputo's lion. the.can over the gift pack- tryman,* performed the ceremony. Mrs. Dorothy Hagel of MS for- raster Scriptures" by Mary Baker Eddy coming bridal attendants,' Miss I ages. A number of miniature um- The .bride was given in mar- est avenue was her sister's inly •Mfc Road and Pa(C A venae include: Kirchdoerffer and Miss Dorothy [brellas were- also used in the riage by her farther.* r^er gown attendant. James Little, brother- Ftlks-vt'rt tiiineiif a "The Scriptures imply that God Kiefer who will be her tndes- 'decorations. was of white satin and marqui- in-law of .the bride, served as Masses during July and August is All-in-all : . . Th% Scriptures' present included Mrs sette, the bodice of satin, and the best man. Vincent Hagel, brother- maids and Miss Jane Holzberr, Elizabeth Romano, MrtS. Richard bouffant skirt of marquisette over in-law of the bride, ushered. arc at 7, 8, 9:30 and 10:30 a. m also declare that God is Spirit who will be her maid of nonor. Holydays at 6:3U, 7, ana 10 ... He is all-inclusive, and is Cleeson. Mrs Stella Reilly, Mis. The bride wore a biefe a. m. reflected by all that is real and Miss Caputo will become the Harry Bollerman. Mrs. Victoria Her fingertip veil of illusion satin dress in streetlength witihh Week days at 7.15 and S a «. •glf-rl and hy nothing tin He bride of Arnold ], Bisteherr Jr» Bruno. Mrs. Sadi.- Walsh, Mrs, wiib held in ~i*l«ve by orange ol^s- brown accessories and carried ff THRIFTY fills all space and it is impossible of 414) Rutherford avenue, on Kay Bollermao. Mrs Ethel Wir- She carried white roses, Bible topped with a white orchid/ to Conceive nf -in-h September 7. Mr* M.ry Rn.nn M i Martha Bl Ser matron of Tiofior wore a -S*. «' Episcopal and individuality except as in- Shower decorations were in . Baytiss. Mrs. Marion Woodruff, ter's attendant. Harold Foster brown streetlenjth dress with Church finite Spirit or Mind. Hence all pink and white Summers fell Mrs. Zita Rusi-.11, Mrs. Mae was best man for his brother. biege accessories and carried an Reilly. Mrs. Louise Petrocca. Ushers were Paul Eypper, of Pali- old-fashpftned bouquet of mixed BUDGET, is Spirit and spiritual." (p. Sin from the dining-room chandelier r«tnt and Sluyvesant Amw over the gift packages arranged • Also the Muses Marie Romano, sade; .Douglas Blow, brother of flowers. * «•• Rowland P. ;lye, rector on a large table. A buffet supper. Bartara Cogtagno. Grace Corteg- the bride; Lester Ferguson, of The bride's mother wore blue na, Connie Castaeno, Lea Pontil- North Arlington; Frank Tiets, of with black accessories and a cor- Reed Memorial United was served with a large cake in lilo, Victaria Parisci, Rose Costal! August 10— Presbyterian Church the same colors as an attractive Kast Orange. sage of pink roses. The bride- The 10th Sunday after Trinity. feature. no. Mary Jane OiFlumeri. Manon Among the wedding guests groom's mother wore a print dress PLAN g g Morning Prayer and sermon by Peterson, with the guest of hon- ld dth with a corsage of red roses. Stayvenat Mr Valleyaraok Guests included Mrs. John Ca- was the 87-year-old grandmother If a Mar* the rector. «e». DoaaM T. fcaalfmaa. puto, Mrs. Arnold Hollherr. Mrs. or, Rachel Romano, and the co- J of the bridegrooriyJWrs. Nanette There was a reception for the Charles Cavacante. Mrs. J.J Yos- hostesses. Mrs. Wackwitl and Mrs Trumbull, of Pass&ic. Also pres- immediate families at the home Bollerman. of Lyndhurst: and ent were member* of the vestry of the bride's parents. -Later, the Westminster Presbyterian co, Mrs. Albert Nicol, Mrs. .Al- Mrs. Esjul Peters of West New U* Stayveaant Ave. bert Nicol Jr, Mrs. Anthony Ca- board of Trinity Episcopal couple left on a honeymoon trip Church KDtberfsrd puto, Mrs. M. M Stevens. Mrs. M. York. Church and the'ir~wives. to Canada. On their return they J. Porto, Mrs Gabriel Mirabella, A reception at the American will live at 208 Forest avenue. Kd. ittttj Ave. Mri: TJISays PeacocTE, TDiTTBr — ±L'Klun Cluirtn^'l^rTnTA'fTlfigtoir a^yraduate ^f Isasnnsd B.F Goodocfc Taxifcy Budfel laa- Mora ccoooaaical, I Bible School classes are at 9:45chael Eufemio, Mrs. Samuel FeJd- Dorothy Dasler'J followed the ceremony. On their Lyndhurst High School and is SUM niaisalaal. sad duifcy too. Yaai wiH Bad k a plaaaun to _, m. "Wh^t We Have Through man, Mrs. Gloria Adamo, Mrs. return from a honeymoon in Can- with the Worthingtan Pump and sacp wid. m sad mm d» Tkhfcy Bads* Plan • Brv. Howard E. Frlebely, Faster Christ and How" will be the topic Angie Adamo, Mrs. Lucy Guid- Wedding Plan Told ada, Mr. and Mrs. Foster will re- Machine Corporation in Harrison. Mats cssnaaisw—lor it takes bat a few anan «e opaa for the Men's Class, studying etti, Mrs. Angle Guidetti, Mrs. side in North Arlington in their Mr. Wilson, graduate of Taylor, aa srraaat. Jast aalaa •» jtssss you —d tat ymt hosts o» cat Sunday, August 10— Romans 5. August E. Kirchdoerffer. Mm Dorothy Dasler, daughter own home. The bridegroom is a Pa. High School, served in the sad add sksaa s» ysssr hadaat accsaat. Tstsss caa ha amaaaa by 9 45 Church School. "The Man Who Helped a I pper |of Mis Fred A Dasler, 390 For-veteran of several years' service. Army for 6 years, three.years of Aa wash or by the ataash as fa your iamai, .. 11:00 Morning Worship. Also, Misses Audrey Feleggi, , est avenue, Lyndhurst,.. and the his last assignment having been which were spent overseas as a and then Became a Leper" will be Angle Boghvi, May belle Jarvis, paratrooper in the South Pacific. Kaa> sa'eya on ior *is IMa Ulwaw att.nlitiaa Ha 1 Preacher,- Dr. H. T. Taylor, the topic of the morning sermon i late Mr. paster, is making i*am.. with the American-- Army wiU riaiini yo» that as* asa fat das asa aasctisa of the Dean of Bloom iield College, Topic Mary Stevens, Leaaorc Ralph, [ for a hume wedding to take place ! Korea. He is now with the Fay wood Cos* "Escape." in the. worship period at 11:00 Dolly Delmonico, Mary Wilda. rm-tics Company in New York. • inlmitit yos asss aa aiiaaiiaiiislli caa«*aieat tanas. I>aa'l m. ' I Saturday, September 13. A re- v daisy! Coaa aa asaay aad aaaa yaw hadax afcoaat. ' 2 p. m. Meeting of Building with the guest of honor, Elvira 1 ception will follow at home. Pioneers meet at the church at Caputo and the hostesses. Elsie Committee. 7:00 p. m. i Miss Da&ler will be attended by Mrs. James H^nnaKan and son, Kirchdoerffer, Dorothy Kiete and j her sister. Mrs. Patrick Walsh, of nus of KH1M'P road are spend- Mr. and Mrs. Douglas S. Nicol Now 7TT On* Convenient Torms "The Psalm that rtides a Pro-Jane Holzherr, of Lyndhurst; Mrs. phecy and Nn veils Christ" will i Kearny. when she marries Wil- t; a week at Lake Mohawk of 444 Stuyvesant avenue, who Methodist William Griese, and Mrs. Jack i li.un M.nei h'v. son of Mrs. Mary •ere they are guests at the sum- marked their birthday anniver- Church be the evening message at 8:00 C'uiwey, of Jersey City; Mrs. Ed-' Mm.il.-v. 155 Lafayette Pl;«-i\ er home of Mr. Hannagan's sis- saries last week, have returned p. m. ward Baker, Mrs William Lan- from a visit with their daughters During the wf>ek of the 11th llnitlvw^d r and brother-in-law, Mr. and Stuyve ant anal Tonllne Ana. ijan, Mrs. Helen Reeves. Mrs M The brkl.-t.-U' is with the U s. John M. Nielson of Ruther- at Stamford, Conn., where the Rev Roben c. l.intnrr, Pastor through the I8th, the minister M. Benson, Mrs. Marge Mathers, 1 double event was celebrated. will be away as he teaches a of Hoboken; Mrs. J. T. Tufn and S Aviation Underwriters, N -w S07 Tontine Avenue course in "Faith and Lif*" at York City. Mr Mi no i ley, a vet- Ruth. 2-692S Miss Fannk- Holzherr, of U>ng i erin of five fVafi m the acmy Denton Lake. Young People's Island; Mrs. J. L. Carnavale ol HICKORY DOCK NURSERY SCHOOL Conference. Rev. Peter Pascoe of [served wilh the-engineers in lli- Staten Island. Afrtcan invasion, m Srnlv and Children 2M> to I, Sprcjal Rates for the IYOO CAN OIT «w B.P.Goodrich FirM Church of Chri.t, Belle Center, Ohio, will occupy 1 ISOv-ana-ra cirn. MW B F Goodrich tubes, Sciential the pulpit on August 17. Italy He is employed with th* Month of August r wmd ihc pamm-pmtkmi aVP.Goodnch Gla»- Do you have a thurch home? Adams' Contracting Company. Keflstered None la Attendance i faMtrry. U mAtootm to tbew well known Tenafty. '*• SMsds, am aa> Maay odutr a? Pirrrrpont Jl Mnroln Avenues We invite yoUr presence at our Walrtr Richard Now RUth. 2-2574-J - tudaus MlMniniwhkkyoua.h.raa m hich M » la Kuthrrford, N. J. services. You will enjoy the aar Thrifty Man. warm atmosphere and friendly Navy Medical. JG Mr and Mrs A W. Patterson • rjnfli of trw Mother Church. Th« welcome. But you will profit most observed the first hirthday of Fir*t Church of Chriit Scitntiat, of Walter Riihar. son of Mr and their ..n Albvrt W with a party Bo.tr.. Mi,. of all from the study of the Word WOULD A Stop in and see our Complete line of Mcrchanu&e Sunday S^IWIC* at 11 A. M. of God which endures forever Mrs. W. C Rithar of 492 WlUon Sunday afternoon. July 27. 1)0 J III . SulldHV S h'".l and provides you with the help avenue, has completed his in- Guests who attended were Ed- VATH'S TIRE & BATTERY SERVICE Wrdnr«<>y Evimm M»W!n* at « 16 ternship at Stamford (Conn > win Patterson. Jul.ie Grady, John- •/rloc* »t Which tvsUmonlM of Chrla- you need for each moment. hospital and is now a Lieutenant lR R#e^*W^fcflWrr irl WHTTPH^BIJajiw, ny Grady, Louis Razzetti', Jr« 341 Ridge Rd. 'l'h H-j?3l*) Lyttdhur a»rn ifufty f-e.ni 11 • in to 5 (. iti (j.g) in the Navai Reserve, serv- Janel Razsettl. Carl Ljva and PERSONAL LOAN cyrtit on ?iHMt\- tin} '\ holiday* St. Matthew'i E»a*eli-»I ing on the staff of St. Album Kjthv Weinspach. 1*4 r>n ••fcurwHy cvr-itaf Iron 7 to !t [.iithrran Church Naval Hospital, St. Albans. N. Y. BE OF HELP TO YOU . . . T Q D A Y? Lt (j.g ) Hichar is a graduate of "Spirit" is the Lesson-Sermon Valley Brook and Travern Place Lyndhurst High School, Columbia You ran obtain illi- urriotiul luan without (May, with- B-F. Goodrich Rev. George Mailer, University and Cornell Medical NOTICE out red tap«- — and on a atrictrjl confidential ba*ie. utject for Sunday. August 10 College of New Ynrk City. Golden Text: "Teach me to do RUth. 2 2134 Mr*. L. Harms Has Changed to LIBERAL FINANCE SERVICE fVEHY BANKING SIRViCt == KLEVER KLAD RUTH 2-S55S 298 RIDGE ROAD LYNDHURST DRESS SHOP Lie. 764 Mo. orr Unpaid Bal. FRIENDSHIPS... NEED A LOAN KILOWATT- ** rutuic SEnv.ee 1 We have served many families of Lyndhurst HARP, INDKlVro ANALYZE THE SPARK OF YOUTH.THE STABILITY as friends and neighbors. FOR HOME REPAIRS? OF AGE ~* I HAVE AM UNUSUAL WHERE TO P1ACE ME IS ^ », » Our clients know and remember us for the PERSONALITY r QJ DIFFICULT FOR YOU ^ * quuhty ol our services, our \yiiij.allu-lrf TO (SAGt understanUing and considcrittion ot their Keeping yojif, home in good personal and financial cLrcumstances.

repair is more than a matter of Our finest references art* those families we protecting ' your investment. have been privileged to terv*. You bought a home to ENJOY it and anything you can do to improve its liability, beauty The Collins Memorial and comfort should be done AMAZ1N6 POWER. VET I'M SO SMALL STRONG ENOUGH TO TURN THE UlLUAM C <.OI.LINS. Director [l CAM Strf TNROU6H A VWM IN VOUR WHEELS OF INOUSTRY • U M.)ic>«t Avr. lwi.ll.uru N. J. without delay. GENTLE ENOUGH TO lAUNDERFM irLiahuiv- Kt'lkrrfor*! MO00

Low cost loan* are available for thrs purpose. Convenient monthly payments. Save on the Cosh and 36 Months to Pay if you "Wish Carry Plan

AN UNSEEN FOCCE.YET I AM TMC KEY YOUR WWOiE WAV OF UFE DEPENDS Amoco Service Center TOMOOCRN UVtN9 IN COUNTRY \ ONUS • iSCRVINit SOUTH BEBCiEN FOB OVER HALT A IITOIli S» and Valley Broak l&m •pwer StWWTOEMl , I vn hur-t N.w aader the ataarwlattata at MrU1|.r, Bersra Caaf Auto accessories, tues. batterirv truck tires, tubrs. fuel oil. Kerosene, coal, ice, charcoal and f asnlinr Hr|.iiir!, made -a all makes ai cars, flats fixed OU burners repaireO—34-hour service Also ice cubes for all RUTHERFORD NATIONAL occasions. ; FIVE BANKS SPECIAL Car »aUtrd fl.UO: Polisbrd. 12.00: Oil I Hf • tUTHetFO«D*EAST «UTH«fOtO.CA ndhurtt Civic g W.tl Known loiirv, M^MQW TdU of Hte ActivitiaV «~ tTSTS d i resolutio'--- n In'which it'—-» . .—— mounu the passing a* fawti - •< >M Robertson, w of the league's, tthpli aai ;,hart.r »»»Vi, who died h*\x\ Pollth tt C t H 1 waar«;we waatea" It, la Lraa- aaaaaafaa^aatT ate I Aligelo MeSlsic* be spread in full on the minute»' Tfic l>>liah Wraiwas Alliance ul She oasborn In Ornfany ami Jt th.- Seiirmber meetin(. and \ Ajmnta. Grewp TA of L>ndhuist :,-atne to this rwmlrj »heft 1 OanVaraa anaai a mart U- Jt Mi laiiriallig, I—, to W Arujel . Mesijica. al, of 313 L.i-an engtotsrd duplicate sent to'held a meeting recently at •!•.,. h ...... ,,i t A Nwdawt ••• l.vaA We «tn Jaay Pir«a«i, Mtk- •kto to Mat Ik* laai law at Baad fa> ette- avt-nue. i LyiKThurst. died Mrs. Tiiiu- R,.IK it—n wife «t U«-1 they aMxtrd Mn. Maulie Wit kwrs« tor M .«:. Mr* Paw last wcvK in Hackcnsack Hospital deceaaed * . kirmici, their gamident. aa thei. left Uir i.-n-i.,,. a < aft. r a brief illness. Mr. Meai- A lepreaentative (roup headed rielrgatc t>> th. Hatioaa! iVmrn Mk, her ktane sn llenillla. sca was born in luty and heby , John J. Ftcke. pre»»dcnp i of! {tan aannd p _uutl-L—Pi- ILI aetttrd «i this rmanry an years ^lu- Civic tjeajue. paid its fUMl^crlctaralMa In be held in CtnCnrafA|t,|t | ^ «he i«M*rA-ivrd by a daufh •*•• I ago. He lived in l.> ixihursl. lor iroptHt.i to Mr. l(<0 .-u«n. on Ule in September. Tiny IW'MM M Mn Martha Buaai. a( InOwr Oaly 4M» «ai : ticpas t 15 year*. He was a mem- •••- AMyrt o« titua I af the Wpdm-xJajr eveninK. July 30 ii»>»r Mi» Pela(ia Sicradika aa , Lake ber of the Sirred Heart R C.,Mi-mlieis noted thai while Mr thru alternate Thr local «iour aa4 aVfiianun. I Indiana, fuui Church. I.yndhurst. Survivors are Robritaon held no oKlrial |Kv»l h»» presented a nea< turn aa angiaaAvtiiMivn .nl ua* «'••«> to jean H»ilt»>W : five daughters, Mrs Flecia Slat I. Imn in the I. ,,.u,-. >uch » ulua laHarWf Ul St. J »r|* > cnoveiu «,.,,.1.1,11,1 lam. Imm. H dHai .•at- ;Patersnn; Mrs- Ctve-lia SapilPi. tton waj from chone. "Thrie iv in WWKII ndcr lanPtian . < tha tar akaatf what taty taaafkt af Lon^j I ..-:•.i Mrs. H.w Fcirara -.1101 onrmnunll ui who would not ___ rh«c4ar Order of •.rattan*. Jaay aaa I, waa and Mr* Ann > Guadago. Kith ol h rtd h » b -uKtelr. Mat »• •- 1 • w Tuewtar *l «*•• •"* to «•*• sra la las r»M— have supported hn rawlidary loi Me ant Mi. !.._ nde»iM»»a M»V p-M-he ,tr»ne4." F>rtr »a"1 |»t av»nu«. aie~vitaH J°"T T. TBrt Mt and 16 great-grandchildren. But Jim preferred lo remain in ing with relative, in Virgiai* BM«e m»d tlelm

K. > >...-... MuHci of «i M.i th. » • I .11.. «n i\..iflt tnv- • sneat was hrM in the J*>- York ana Ma» Jetaey Uitaxlaa) Kuit* tWigsat.

Mr and Mi, Jatut Itou and family isl Ti: Fifth •'• • • < ai. kliemtuig t!;t-i \ai-atu4l on a tup THIS IS IT!lo FWIda We are pyHI»g on a sales event with prices the lowest in our 37 years of retailing WHY? We are completely modernizing our store inside t.,\l and out, and it is our wish to start with all Legs Lamb merchandise! 59c ib.

AIX, » »r..|i K Ii I Turkeys 1 49c ib 29C| I'HIMr «:t T« CHUCK ROAST (Boni-.n) Ib. LEGS • RUMP VEAL Ib. FRESH CUT LAMBS LIVER Ib. I HI -II Ml I rD ALL WOOL TROPICALS NECKWEAR SPORT SHIRTS SUMMER ROBES ROASTING CHICKENS Ib. 49c $29.88 69c $2.88 $5.88 V.I In 4.IW kVi Val •• IM K . iaa ». Ml aaf I'm I.....I (.., Val •- s. Ttwrr ii Mill pl^nu mf bol wealhrr *l,,-«,l and \ou*ll b# wir PMOKtO HAMS 69*1 <•!»•.. -.„!.. ,,,r,I Hall Utovav ' •-',..!, ... i ...i It...... Val..i.l. )•> faaar, -•- abrad In H.illor- .laved. ' la. >TUak. I Ser.«. Ml -..,.. l«u.d • m P.. .. -I .< .-•• •—•••! <- aeaea ... t...... » M I

MEN'S WEAR BOYS' WEAR BRIEFS — Fine merceriied yarn, perfect fitlmj FINK COTTON W Sue g |« I] •-. and Silaa M. and L Re«. I.W NOW . :. _ Ma' •Inpr Val 'fa < > BELTS — Famoui brand All leather and (lautypM t It,- Hef Value I.SO : « •*• Slar HI to H. Ii. a J U IM Freetton* P««ch«t . Turn aiay|Wi vY#alu.Ur hiMk :•* i Ulur Un «n«< READY TIED BOWS - All beautiful patterns and I ..-. l.-i adai «anl»iiual H»« >M «*> Home Grown Tomatoes colors Reg 1.00 - —- «St I for f.tt OOTTUtl HA v-vil MI.. M>H aoltd eatan Jersey Corn ...... LEISURE SPORT COATS All wanted shades - All fariKiua l.i»h.t» H., >al la I4i I a* Pure wool Reg 25.00 ... . HJ» A!»• value ta ID :»• NewPoUtoo, All Wool SLEEVELESS PULLOVERS* — 0«M La* T»iTa»a nililii'MiY -.1111,1 . n.. i<« Sunkut Or«ng»» . . J9S value - : — tM • 1. Heg IN 1, • •• Sunkitt Lemons . . do; SUSPENDERS — l)i., untinurd slyn*. famous branind I r\ A f" C n l*A»l/rTC *a* MM I rmUI-H<>V -».l M: tl—t . «.'— NCCKWEAR-Reg. V..I to 2 Ml and 2 SO lit « 1" S> «U. .*..,- 14 SO IM SPECIALS SPORT SHIRTS - Discontinued styles, long and short lllf mi Btgal S M Ml. L Reg I alue WOMEN'S WEAR WM n 1 MI .••,'<>„•< n 1 t»wii to 5 »5 Buy Several Al — -i 1M •iMAI.1. i.l.ul'l" wriMKW '. AIJ. WOftl. IDATt Value 1., 4.1,, , •> as Klh III BATHING TRUNKS — Bnl.l Pi mt Gabardine* and IT. All Wool styles: All sites Vsl. to :.'I» Mt t SUITS At I t»r Ml 111! ROBES — Ow lr l quaJilo* summer weight Guaran- Value « teed washable, neat figures or stripes and solid* Cool I I V MliH I 1 laynn ut wcrsuckcr• Reg v*l tu 12OS . . • ag !•:•'>-. Raj. IH ' 11 ajin .' R«a Hi MEN'S SUMMER SHOES $7.88 A1X WflOI. PMTKATMIA «•« la la) Mi HO M II 1 PUAV SHORTS — Famiu. make-., solid gii-y bues tafu. Cotum. Gabatdinc or LttewaW- Corsturny ATS Karsatal It-I -1 It. .", # I*. Guarasitead washable. Weg. to.M l J Mi MM ti ** BAJN(OAT!» J«»« Value l»»5 '111 n M ... BOLD PATTERN SIIIHTS — Half slmw faf BOYS'SUMMER SHOES $4.68 sport wear or bench Ail famous makaa Fast JACaU'lt - Wat*< R<*>tinl color Re* lo 7.MF' ; " : ,—Z — ««• (H

SALE ENDS SAT. AUG Ifrth ZIMMERMAN'S ho kVCCMAttuU . p»o,»trF'.-i»|jp» PARK AVENUE. ftl/THtftK*D ** Wart. ScM««f 4 »••»« ni a » * «M«%»J*»» to 1 r % E6ERT S MARKET A« CONtMTrONEO J PAGE FOUR THE LEADER THURSDAY, AUGUST 7, 1947

PubliwnM- and owner. Carmine . tlonti oT the ufor*-1lift. hereby d. t.rmin* .1 ia> Improved prcr- 4>>>. Auputt I' 1*4". and «ill lakr ef- Savlno. Jr., 2» Fw A»enu«, Urn* erUes or properties whereon a build fec-t' «a ••i.-i i«1--I hy la*. Penick Denies Playgrounds inc Is located. A minimum down i»a> - jiat^ Aueu^t S. 1MT ' AMVET • (Continued from Page 1) Editor. Carmine F. Bavlno, Jr., 14k ment of 9&00.(KI; a maxlnuim credit . BY OHlf&tL ft? THE BtiARIr OK Paxr Avenue. Lynahurvt, N. J. period of HVP (5> y^arn on the un- • QM1USSK t.VKRS • They Have»Rats (7i 3 paid haln.ni-.- to b*1 anvrtised a>»*, UiU c n Kt J nouthtrly xide of Ktn»«)and BULLETIN BOARD ——r— ;iike Tammy White will he our j *u- *3["x°'s*t*£i™*. "is*** R«bw- aniully with interedt at the rate «f r ly 99.6 (eel we«t«rly frmi. «* payable quarter-annnatlr: p iiiiiiuiiuiii down [jiiyiii* nt . of 39% of P0MMK9I J UVIV.U ...u. ,< I tKrough its Lyndhurst attorney (activities, hoxball, horseshoes, i ' • «*e AV*OU«. front th- ],iirt'hMH« |Wke but not lew .than tlu t J Block IH Lot • . Township t*lt»n. • Monday night disclaimed respons-j cheokerB and other games, ete./! /" ThAi th«- known bondholders •ZftO.OO. A maximum • r. -lit period By PAUL CAPACCIO Ut-inK ft plot approxtmatrly : ibility, as charmed by citizens last I the High School area is a busy morujaiieea, mid oth«r mrm-ity hold- n( ilin.- (3) mm -,ii iht- unpaid 1;.I r eent 1 :*4 (fi-t x 1M f**t en th« ! month, of odors which float about ] playground. '?'?* V ••*•»•• } ,v* . 9 " southerly ntdo of Ooynl»rnT* , ii in >L lhf ... with interest at Th*» qtato /-onv-pntion which is to be held on the 13th and Htfrj ' tnwnshm it-^waw cuiMootud4- The Bubbte Gmn contett at ly 721 44 ft>s>t easterly truru Iht- rate of «n pnyalfie qAarter-»n- '•'M September is f-eUiny into full swing. At the last State executive Jh* a check be made of the local Washington School was won by Rivet-alda avenu« 111 00 p*r nuitlly, RIVOLI Th*i t h•• i wo paragraph! next front fool 4. Offer* for any of th« properties meeting held in Elizabeth. Nick DeSerio, Vice Commander and dumps. ^ jBobbI yy Castner,, runner*-uupp were •v.'. giving th.- WBIM !>f Iht- own- Block 21> Lot 11 • herein Ifnt.-d may I* made to the jov- Building Fund Chief of the A.W.W. Lewandowski Post No. 20 of Joseph B. Melillo. the attorney.; Catherine Dimick and Elaine Ku- i it-iriK a plot approximately ernins body at not lette than rhe nun *t) feft x IID ttutt on th« .mum prtiM] •» KH forth herein by ly pron.p«-'-tive iiurchaH-r or aiiy n^l

'ron. authorised to cnniumniBli' jtm tninK- Sixth n!r>ir-t |2o M p. r •t'tlon. Iront fowl '.. The cornmlitBivn f> .* i»W to Block 2» Lot 2* iny »uch broker or p* fM* i fonntin.- Hfir.it a plot approximately n;.tiiiK a Bale, other th»'» the pur- 3< foct x 1SS If ft on Hie -h&ner. sh:j IJ in. not vviort- than 5 ^ of >i..ru>*rly Hide of T«n Eyr-k hr f-nlf prl«-»- ,tr:.j may bf iMtld o«K of avt-nuv distant approxlinaK" he down paynien) on account f thi- ly 123 r«et easterly from riirchaet- i >i i • • • Third atrtMt ITtHtuo b. Any und alj private tutlea shall Block 10 Lot 42 In mud.' in the manner' up. . Ified and Ing a plot with a' front* beccme effectlv«^wh.n ratified by the • ot approximately 76 f.< t Robert Treat Hotel in Newark on the 13th and 14th of September., haV'been"'postedi'aiTaVnst dumping, Mr$. George hold atocl the easterly aide of Stuy- 7 Kaid lan4w--M4U-*.e ttold iMi and HI i* !<-« in a rnpacify oth"t ant avenue dixtant ' ap- -lear lit *ll linnn. t-rnuinlTancen. t-n- so AMVETS. you are all urged to attend. We will have one |gala ;h e added, but the signs since re- \ ' I. ^limt nt of a bona fide owner; and tim f .Hit has n<> re:i*. thP mnm-nhnn Thr.y im- IsJ.nl. pnSnrin, !.*« CAmm»wAn:- pollfi- rt*partme nf TTTprnvTde pi". ~33fr Pt^t avenue enwriained" , mately 1U r«*t on the nic -r essary to conttummate a • i. • ••• CTcroO cCHABISSE u r tkwvto; to front foot '"" (trdihanoex or put* of Ordl- voiqpwy of the commander of the post. AMVETS, back them up, and the "no dumping"' signs be j s PP** Pa^y in honor of Mrs - Block 10 Part Lot 41 ni-utiKiaten; hrrfv fth i"- and M % JOHN CUIOU T •Jttetid and at the same time, have a swell time. Many voices will obeyed. i George Hinwl of 157 Post «ve- v B*-ln* a plot with a front- hrhy r p ld -«»» » » mo ASTO* nue who Wlli Ml1 on the ueen age of approximately «0 ft>et i. Thii Ordlnam*- -lwi! becom be Heard from y law, proximately tU. 64 feet at .luiir, "•>,' NOTICE Were at home, the fail dance, which is Uptake plate in October, iplant. Melillu assorted continued where she will visit relatives and Moutherly from RutherTdKl - Noil*-.. |« herrtty Kivt-n thai che fprv : nends Mrs lmse has befn In JOHN vHAVINO Hvt-rme and having a depth • MDNTALBAN fs going along' nicely, boosters are being'accumulated, arts for the inspections by company officials * - " » J Notary Public. r of Hpproxlmately tOO fr-et •*" B^m-rt of i-'oninilsKUini't's :n H r--fu- on the northerly side and & journal are beiny roistered, and it looks like AMVETS are well I failed to reveal substance for the , Lyndhurst a little over •y« - meedns of the iicmrd hold. «m >'••- VM n d«-r>th of approximately underway in an effort to make this second annual dance a success, allegation*. Pointing <.ut that the ^Pf™ SJ ' } *>t *n u ORDINANCE NO. 1053 PrrM-nlr«l hi: "2:r>0 T-.0'» \0-.ft« 1 Mr dwar B ker R i.lil'lN AN'-K Al'THi>R1ZlN«J 1N.1.C& f.-.-t mort> or temt on H must'be a success'to insure the completion of our home this | *irm is -willing, ready and able" a*" \? ^ * °£ ", \ Fll.lr OK I'KIVATK HAI.K the M,»ntNcrlv aide thereof. |t&.W) pr-r 3:3] TIKI 10:111 1 CARPENTER and MASON • erford. Mr. and Mrs. Richard W front foot •T. The following terms of *ale ar«- Alteration Jobs —alM»~ Estimates Cheerfully Given I ... Can/ II.ml/ Hall -'- J«mes Barre#- 112 SUNSET AVENVC KIT Z NORTH ARLINGTON I:4S <:M | 2:311 5:S1 9:CiO Legion this past Wednesday.. ! d d A SPEiiAI. WESflBfN PBATUn •rlliM itt imliHe or rirlvnf RECENT* ri'i.l Jon Hall ]«hnn> Mark lt»..ut> in in -tSIIEK WegTEIgl SKIES" S-HTi.rTtnn.rmTr.i pri.-.-s for .«-! Tiim - Today A^tfL 7 "KIT CARSON" Ua»- Ihaplrr N.I. I l>«nni-> MorKan • Jane Vyman Be 8, theMann Oval next Tuesday niU, to see AMVETS ska -THK VIGILANTE" tanelc with the K,c to remain in first.place. . DESCRIPTION Ibage could be contributory. of Lafayett*? ptaw. Lynd- ill Lets & and 7 Randolph S™u Binni» Sinn -CHEYENNE" !>.....-, I,,.,, 12:10 Sk»« Marti I P.M. YOUB-BEST BET-THE AMVET. Savlno, as director o( the De- in 1 C«-Kr»ture nattment r.f Public Affairs, told of Eddie AllVrI-4.iiii«t*nre Mnorr Joe, when I say I could rmt name .. NOTICE "LAST OF THE 3 KAYS' SUNDAY ihru TUESDAY any fellows because there were }'raUh O1tlttr Arthui Turnei . lhal i.w.li. "tion VISItm tht (Vtmk c m a . th. Hoard of fpini MOHICANS" 'HIT PARADE OF 1947" HOOKS none. My manage' eooked up a ' « ' <' P n.v Township of l.vndl.i great publicity scheme and letproperly I) setting rat trap* i this rumor get around never there Sin I'urnei is en vaca • ?fi:i Mtuj And dreaming I would be punished so tiun, he w« m. it was nut pon- fri, -Sal." Aui. 81 ri. ihru Tur-. Au*. 8-11 severely." "Figuring that, tN-y sible tu prt t the resuH of the Ju»n Itrnnrll - K»l»rr! Kyan >; JABS fmured that being such a unreal eXpei iment. \Ul«li. attraction in New Vork, and Mike Anxwcnnii Mrs Bertha M •WOMAN ON THE By JUKY UK) Groenendyk4]1.s inquiry i.ft the Amateur fi»hts in Pattr- spomiF ilit\ for thai appointed. II,.., |lrr,<•..] ities who Kmpiie State building when I junet," rieilared the rnmmiSfMon- VIII AVENUE" _' was none otln i - th:»n middle- er.'"one which cstd the township weight fhampiun. lin- ky Cia/i- "THE BRASHER JOAN BENNETT could not reverse our decision, money-it vanr.ni afford tu spend" urnt 1 made an nppmntment to STATEMENT OF T ME OWNER- the Kn^ had gone so far, and weHis jurisdiction extends solely to SHIP, MANAGEMENT. CIRCULA- DOUBLOON" VY.I. Tliur- An,. 13-14 MBERTRYAN saeihiqn^Friday. Well everything TION, ETC . REQUIRED BV THE J were in so deep we knew the the health office and the medical ACT OF CONGRE&S OF AUGUST .said ' about this chomp is quite r~. ' nn Hrook n.tm. flt-lwrit the iruil* He is a sweJJ person- Mrs. Gii-enendyke voiced i.*s- . "STAIRWAY TO i Being the champion, I hope r y in approval M- the tuwmhip being J Z"Tr,,,itr % tuti". "T *' ' -HEAVEN" Mock 22 Lot 11 lit ifiK » I'IMT mupn To-Kralurr officer durjng the month of AM JO tttl i LLUS !«.+ , My this time our menl won over. 1 li*w£ persona] ttun.'.r snr.b ^J> I ( : r Raj Katrr. Hair E«SM Trying I" be a bin shot. I put ntiiitt. wht-n rrRulnr imperTtnTOl jSumla) I ir, I III " .'.' 111:30 where he was Lorn, wKu U is an. ( 11 1 t "THE UNFAITHFUL" twenty dollar till on t)i<" tibl.-. are neetlt-tl She went on to pro- ' s..V] '^"jr'-^h!. *!.^ ^"^"" •!l? *it HRinnst riti/ens who fl.il to ! **"»•« m • ..r-lli.d In lit* •!• i>oi.— HIKJ .1.0 A Ne* York ncv..spiipcr ntently l u OKLAHOMA" threw ii on the floor •nd>atd clear their vacant. property, say- I ^ ?&'.»,£••.? i iiir¥ SSll^iiiH claifne'd Rocky v.us burn Hpd in Mi;inV uflh V Hoy Kosrn and TriiKt-r inosgmto money.' I a.ked hirn f mpty lot* an raised on Spring street, whuh i» ovpr r In vvhat he meaat, h« juat- laugtaud ! « °wn *»th >ilid .:• • livwtg ;»t Second ayenut on 'J ' ' Jeby and Soil). Ki ieger, two «reai and f•*. Hreshn, With Ihv.r son, on iKf r*WM <>f t h (iliupi.r I t.oifitT "»ear St. Marks Place. fcuys. They are still righting ii'Jame of '2;«i Post avenue have l.ary Cooprr W ah. r Hrrnna "THK VK.ILANTKS- out for the title tiiey haven't got. I* it t Spring Lake Where they in !*•' ky claims as a kit! I was Krieger won the title from Jeby will pnd th. i? vai-atinn hif idol and rpinembered me. say- "THE WESTERNER" ing "he used to see me when Man. 1 T,i.- Jim K VI • iHiiar, on the corm-r and asked sl| no, KBASNI especially when he told mr .he in IIUMPH. »r.l,,..,l», ihru > rf,v wt* a rihor thine Vmy ami shint-c Jtur "KID MILLIONS" I \u«u-l I I 11-1,-Jr.. 1 II.>• shoes many times. We Carry A Complete \ Kii-u^ ,.r T».i l.KF.XT I asked Rcck> how he felt b* IMKIDII T|1»S mi* suspended fal. \»f. T-Jt1* it, '•' fi'L'1 bnct. Fur All Oiraii/ont Krr.,1 Khun \.l\ JOHNSON bad'" And 1. d<>n"i doul t it I A I R <: o N n I T i o N h: l.iu.li Kali" Brmrfl Mar-hjll • TMK SKA HAWK" J'- HUGO'S < ...upaill.M, Thrill •THK SKA WOLF" WGU BARBAREP »ni, FLORIST «. C. Rol.in.™ . lolm t.arfirl.l \'»w thru Saturday Ma l.upina FLOWERS BY WIRE Skirl*) Temple - <>u> M*.li»>n Kranrhut Tone 287 KIDGE ROAD "HONFYMOO1V' Sin. thru «..l \u« IU-13 HOUR lion ihr II..|»-. Ihr HuiiHir. II.. NORTH ARLINGTON •THVTBRASHER I "ic n( rral p. ..|iU mntr> % :UTH KEABNY 2-1157 SH, K»e. Kr<|Mr>t Hit A»f i. STREET »llll KEABNT 2-2144 Vine \ A\< - I ;utnrii Miranda SERVICE Maur.. ll.ra Ji.lm l'..~ •THE(;AN<;S ALL •ad a Hrilliant *upfu>rting I a.l HEBE" rralurr Srrrrfl Tiiiw- r.Mra- Thur*. thru Sal. MBI""*. BEFORE 3 llolur I .rl....n- RIVIERA PARK Su. Mai !••! (Kip "Jasslr •••«••" . READY 5 P.M Wo//er SJso/ing Rink >un . M..n. \u« IB-II 701 \X .i-linivt.,11 Ave. Ann ShrrMan • I r*. \yrr» IN BELLEVILLE 1 J1ST THE UNFAITHFUL" MtVl OI'KN OK 8 MM MOVIE FILM 1-nONK PI... i R<|< Ro«rr. - ll.lr r,.,.- TUESDAY puPpnt Panchromatic Dr. John Paff •HELDORADO" FRIDAY Qn|tnn*»frii| on£ StINDAY-•— ^ PARTS - SERVICE Optician I red A*uirr - l.infri Kugrr* 7:30 I'M. I,. II P.M. ',1.95 Processed Free "IRENE AND VERNON ORI;\N Mi sk: CASTLE" Telephone PAxuic 2-h'fH -< II1N V «T" >ilh [ No Officr Hours on WcT I.EKM • Pawair. N. J. Kill IT IN ONE HOIR. Scientific r.ir. TkW, »,,!. Valiarr A HIP Kilt HIV. »r--TrK\ Repairing All Makes YolR35r BACK. Fyf Examination llir i..m fram Tn»* of Cars ir rynt >l.«i>4 TH- m't'u r<""*• GLASSES FITTED 75-79 Jrff, r-"n St 1 -AllltS- EVRRY TIES. * «EU Complelr M,-ul Body- 234 STUTTESANT Arwtrti Mu.nrr m4 l>rn.«« MAYIAIR til MINI Mm tHJ. •"VnJ family * < Albino Jllrixlr.1 .< II.H.I. in I »ti.lliwi. ami »•< (Continued from Page I) •«• tee line between offirrr wa* born in Lyndhur.t and was a tiK-ni- ' Jmrph Albino, tbr 84-yrar-<>lil f.nlirr ,.[ tlir ix.licr- i>l"»"t a* alrmW mrnl hr was noted as a "eland-up" chap who timid be him but At aged man. around whom thr family *alhrr»* " Hr a bo !*»»«-. *>rn .i«lrr.. Mrv Kranru and graveyards remained th« hifhways cuntrd upon Jo support hi- ma to to thr luL year, was inconaoiablr. 'Mt*. Su»« Doouiuro. Mrv lUU-rt Dm>ma«. Mr.. LnriUr same at $48,350. Other exempt nrry property drnnfH rVmr. Fur the fiml timj in lf" rf-twn-rh* AlbinoV wtfr. feftth jnrf Hr.. .-tul.lrrr. Tti..ma. Jr. Ahmaa and Mr*. Brr Jnhn...n ..( I :vB.ttronrrMT»r in 1944 to $397350 this year. The Thefts dren left Lyndhurtt this wrrk fur a \«.alinn. Thry wrrr 10 and Joyce, 7. had lived with him on >allr» Br.H«V a»e- McLynn of New York aml.Mr. BrIU J. boMM of Nullry; total amount of exempt property (Continued from Page 1) was f 1.821.990 in 1944, and in the at Midland Beach. Statrn Island, wirh unr uf TnniV »inlrr> nue. ' attd thrrr lir..il» i- Kalplt. % ilium aixi r'rank Mlunu. all ruricnt year it is $1,948,700, a de- Laclcenberg's Service SUtion when be was lulled. They were brought hack to l.yndhurtt crease of $253,250 in the three ' which Hwlr»-Tirh seized them after a chase through School Hues Show Ut|«t the meadows) and Miller's Serv- ice Station; Lyndhurst, Harold's

SSUtion and Garden State Food b<. raised, being $352,538.70 in Market; Carlstadt. Carl stadt 1944 as compared with $4*5,444.66 Farm Products; East Rutherford. for the current year. Other local Benners Service Station and the taxes raised in 1944 totaled $309,- diner; Keamy, Goosey'j Service 600,- while this year $326,450 had SUtion. to be raised. The total amount —of the miscellaneous revenue for Jo—ph Monto, id r.arl«t.ri» the support of the budget in 1944free in $1,900 bail to await trial was $330.437 00. while tliia you 11jfi Primjual rV»nrt fl^ charges fff was $282,979.45. The figure inreceivin- g the 86 cartons of cig- cludes surplus revenues approp- arettes the boys stole from the riated, tax on second class rail- Carlstadt Farm Products. road property and the municipal- The boys also confessed to en- ity's share of the railroad fran- tering Reynolds Service Station chise tax. and a Texaco station in Ruther- ford, police said, but they took Some of the increase in valua- nothing in either place. tion of reaf property was oc- casioned by the transfer of 74 houses to Lyndhurst from Ruth- Mr. and Mrs. C. I", Manfrcdi. erford when the property along ' of 265 Travers place, have as their Rutherford avenue was con- guest the latter's mother, Mfs. H. demned Ly the state for the pur- A. Swenson, of Philadelphia, Pa. —TOtt-AtBINO— (Continued from Page 1) knrw lie was done, but he continued firing hix shotgun -IIIJ:*. Itoplc made his way lo the rrar. There hr {mind a laildi-r. Putting it up against the house he.climbed to a Ideal Coffee rear window. Top* them oil for flavor ond value Hr «aw Longboat sitting near a front window, cover- ing Albino with thr gun. He shot once and Longboat fell. Win-Crest Coffee £ 37c The policemen put Albino into the ambulance and rarril away. Several more shots were fired into Longboat. But hr wa> dead. r'KI IT A*DikciTuut: _ Policemen entered at oner. They found the shiny, new Molts Apple Juice r."I17c Ideal Fancy Prune Juice rifle by his »idr. There wrre also about 17 rounds of fired Grapefruit Juice STZT1 3 "..".25c V-8 Cocktail ammunition alongside the gun. Under the bed 1.(100 round* of ammunition were found, indicating that the crazed man Grapefruit Juice JTZ^Jl"*^ t9c Standard Tomato Juice intended to (jghi it out to thr last. Treesweet Lemon Juice "Z. 5c Libby Tomato Juice No trace of Mrsr Dita could lie fuuinl. Someone re- iiKiiiliiriil yrring her run out of the house early in thr M C P Lemon Juice 2 !.*„'. 13c Tomato. Juice affray. Sunsweet Prune Juice ZZL 25c Tomato Juice Cocktail When she was discovered later in thr aftrrni



» \t.l\tHtth UBKH ATU>\

>n*nl »ud r*aaje Ateaue* PAGE SIX THE LEADER THURSDAY, AUGUST 7, 1947

Mm* Xorth forty-on* f«i < 4»*rw (lot ml»at*» UMt~fMty-f4uv '**' Tom's Shell Wins Two, Softball Idyllic Hone to th» rnd ot th- M fivp-^Martnarri. 1b, 2h '—'—m aj»* • —•**— — ~.—i »r »- — r ^— - - -. - — JUsutts The Leffloii P game winning streak, traveled to MeFarlane, 3b, rf 3 \ 2 Hacki-ns-ick to play the strong Blakeley, If ..% \ 1 Hackensack Legion. Tom's Shell I Teller, p 2 0 0 Lvnd Rcr 001 rird couple from Lyndhunt, Mr. Caiuccis . . 4IIII 022 x—8 won fcy a-score of 3 ti I. A home Chase avenue,' Lyndhurst. John tr Cl'*rk'« Offkt. at Httrk-niwAt. ^\>;W i-V%a*N** r*V J»3 i|»H 1 .f*(** "' * "^ * f * ^ *'r? This Satur y Commandeer Wells and his delegatesg , consisting dcridinR hlow of the game.' . Tims Shell 1(15 03x—'J Amvels .... 026 ~oo 1 x—9 I dreamy New England cottago AS avenue, Rutherford. iuunV''»n-'! widow, by 4v«^h»iirliiB of AI Ralph. Tony Kiefrr. Jnhn Hartigan, Gus Heyier, Harry HHan- "Can" Carti^ held the Legion present from a summer Santa After saying good-bye to son and Dun Summons will travel to Trenton to attend the Siatr to five scattered blows while Am. Legion 250 ' built the cottage with Honeymoon Cottage, the couple r«cord*•'<• •'l**rKM OffHot in Elks 000 his own hands. will make their home temporarily Book 1M ot Vhr*4* V*f >*l- convention- It will be a one-daneday affaia r devoted d strictly to businc..:;, Inking out ten. Jimmies Lose "u^wHh wlTTud cinnultr lh» h m thhe morning, afternoof n and evening- Governor L)ns- Tom's Shell (3> Built BMW By Himself prfvlifiti-)*. 000 550' 0—10 coU wiil addrcsa lh<> deleft ion at noon time. ab It is unfortunate that it has to be this way but I RUCSS no onn At Marin Oval last Sunday af 000 000 0-0 The Santa Claus is Herbert L. IN CMANCMtY OF NEW JKR1K.Y rlrB QuiBlcy, cf .5 ternoon. Jimmie's Tavern softball . Closs, president of the Arthur D. H-IWIM- iOHKPH SOZZ1O i-nm|)lnn- and th<- rwverii'on Hi>d ritMiiiflr*, is to blame when, tho facts are known. The State was all set to Decker, c ... 4 "ii t. aad MARIE ANTON KT1K r*-nt« (••*«us a'i'1 profit* IhT-of ifid hold their regular convention at Asbury Park this year, but due I R 3b team was shut out for the fus' PA.. 210 302 0—8 Crane Company, founders and Ml-;«"|.A. aim* known «• MARH itlfto all Ihe »«Mtf. rinhl. rill*-. tatoTHrt. osa> ... 4 time this season by the Kopper.. ANTOINETTE HROLA. ^^ICHOLA8 V»v. propTty. i-laira mid d»*iii»iui! of to the national convention committee being forced to take New York j smith ]b CivHity 000 000 0—0 builders of the Lake Mohawk -MKOI.A and W1LHA UBOLA. hln the Mid d*f*ndai.tx rf. In. to nrrt out ... 4 Knkc team of JerseyXity, 5 to 0 ! community in Sussex County. Six wif.-. V1TO MBO1UA i>4 BOSt of ih^ twiii.- b" w>M t" p»' «»d wUaftr City the latter part of August in lieu of October, they had no other [gchreter as ... 3 MEOI.A. hi. . wife. COl.t'MBIA in ih* first placf unut Ih*- «»M '-«i«- Coghan of the Koppers pitcher. Valley A & s 000 000 0— 0 years »«•>. when Mr Crane aoucht UIKKRiKRO iMMl JOHEFH OLJER- p|»in*>n>. th«- stint n>1 KIM.1A * I'h alternative than to abandon their plans. . . jcardillo' If ... 4 lawful iut'i'iff Hnr.nM ri^ m tin* 13'h two-hit ball, while his team mates Towne Club .... 402 482 x—20 I an outlet from real estate wor- ItJUKO, Ixrr htwU.t.4. ROeCO TAHS- 1 l I 1it Nominating Committee Chairman AI Ralph submitted his report Dunn, 2b .. ... 3 KIJ.V, SARATO Al'U.UT.«K, alw day »f M*> &W u" " "' *" '" e . Recenyc and Butch keltic i cadh J ries caused by war-time restric- pHtd «nd Hali*f^d ».tid nlc-- th^ mU 1 ttn««» «» HAH ALBANKSE, 8TAS- to rhfpnst at ttrc last meeting. Atfer being read, nominations were Btakcloy, if ... 2 collected two hit*. 002 00—2 tions, he used the skill Rained in SII.Afto ALBANESE k«4 MAK of ik- uld i'(nti|.t-ni.+nt whli h h»v« i Cartier, p ... 3 «;,\HKT AI.nANt-»B. hi* m\U, MA b,v* duly ui.d it- ih- Hum "l **'•> M. cpen« d from the flo»tr which resulted in some six or eight names Next Sunday afternoon at th« GMlnahers 000 11—y! his earliw days »s an apprentice TirfT CHKIDI UfMW MT-tOti!* ..— . ^* • . g^ j HI IMI m IJ t n r thtf list. However, I fe-gLthc list » too long to bo TJval jimmies team wit I play j carpenter to build the cottage ' HKISTOfHKR, her bwb«nd. CAR- Sheriff. in this colurnn. from a space viewpoint, but I will state 32 8 : Tobys Tavern. WELA ALBANK8E. VHU9IN1A AL- B K Bid —<*opim»rr|q| l.-rt. i }] N S. 002 630--11 alone. BA NE9R, OICOHOg WtTlX Mid KM-" AuT ?^*-«-S> rK>fM HTW ITi.-lt we have two mntestants for Commander, .Inhnny —f-Knppers ~Kokl' 00(1 400 -Mft=?r MA MM., htii vUc, I'HAKLKM Haitipan and Bill Lesser. . 000 62- - 8 While building it. Mr. Closs SCHWARTZ and MAKOAftKT ab h i Jimmies „ 0(M) 000 000—0 conceived the idea of playing stHWAHTZ. hto vlf*. »rvd ALaTREH Under our system oi electing officers nominations are in order Chacanios, If . . . 4 KI(-<-l ;tHd JOMEFH1NC RIlVl. hlf Cofihan and Butchkolski. Amvrts . . . 003 300 0—3 Santa Claus to young married wife, Mud NICHOLAS TASSBS-LV at (rui next meeting, August 19, and also at our annual meeting, West, lb . 4 • ZftSMki and Moorehead. 20 TAA8RLX.Y, (Wl*-nfl CROSBY ttiuit n. f» Heturaabb'. Octvbtr member a thane*- to considkr the contestants from all angles. So if. Guthrie, c .. Pontiac Teaching Am. Leginn 100 000 0— 1 f periods with all expenses paid. 7th. A D . INI. you are interested in who is to run your post affairs next year, lerBihbitt, 3b . 4 I The idea was enthtmastically — JEWELERS — me suRKcst that you come to the next meeting and get first-hand in- j Eccleston, rf 4 DeMassi Students I'i'J'KK * RINZLER. V**m , Itol'rf- Valleybrooki 1110 310 0— 5 ! received by heneymo-mers an/1 By virtut- a4tb« abovw uttttrd writ foi tnation and be bcttri" prepared to vote on September 2. ; Cross, 2b . 1 Stai lines 223 206 x - 15 1 the cottaK<* became a Mecca for 1 IOJM(i-int. nirecifdirecteod nnanad 4*liv«rvd««iiwrvo,, 1I n;ivhuv«a The service personnel MI IV r vtt ii in.-.« tt nd wtu *spoat> f«r aalr Oui^softball tram dropped a 11.to 1 decision to the HiUtoppers MauriHlo, ss I cottaK? with regret Bit«*T two. • "Sht-iirfi- Of last werk -A bowling team will be entered in the Town League at Simmons> P MASSI Motor Car Co.. Inc. local Towne Club 340 Ml 0—12 ' cottage with reret after two tn lb* riu of Haci the Roosevelt Rec and one in the County Legion League at Tcaneck. Pontiac dealer, at tender) a earn- Circle Club . 010 022 J— 7! weeks in the foothills of the W«dn«tMlay. kar %, I 1 5 yrttor school strata in r.i ,-"f31 %~~ f [iGSS olfive^robroi, a large col- [ i'.>ndhurMt, in ih.- * Bft|.« Last Saturday evening at the , These sessions are being eon- l of N w J A» the meeting Inst Tuesday the membership stood in sijent rev- • onial fireplace, and a spacious 1-»"J **»»»<• ' i Marin Oval Tom's Shell-beat the ducted by Pontiw Motor Division erence in honor of Tnm Al.bino-and the officers and mcmty-is wish Cnclc Club ... 100 360 sun porch looks out on the sur- w.-i»*iJrt>" "fd^o* Rid««- °Roart d.vtnnt GUARANTEED Bergen A. C 0 to 4. This coming to assist Pontiac owners to get to expires their sympathy to the family. Valley Bronk,. •. 022 101 0--6 roundins hills. (.thereon" CHIP hundred and MHHJn Saturday at 6 n m the locals v,iH the nv.st out of their cars, which The present occupants. Mr. and ^£^ ^irUi^BtJri^11?^!!!**^!** ^'wiwr Rt member our next meeting is Aug. 19 and that the name LE- meet the Garfield BBC. On Sun- ! in a majority of caws have been GION means service to all veterans. Mrs. Cottell, were married in St j formed by the intvrwtloo *>t th* day afternoon they will play host in me for many thousands of STANDING OF TEAMS WATCH Matthew's Church. I.yndhurst. I S?WtS2MSt Hl^S?Kid*- of Klnfih^Mg to Bogota A. C. Game starts at miles of satisfactory service and Eastern Division Mrs. Cottell is the former Thelma u Uwnic (II North LYNDHURST PERSONALS 9 p. m. now require some adjustments Marie Haenggi. daughter of Mr. iloai ld Ftdf or Ridue Rond REPAIRS and ' • I• .1 ri 11 iti - to - yet better per- rti-four (*4*4> !»eti tfcem-v (H North w itv-MX 1 «I.I diturt-tv Inrlyllii.t- I 411 Cyrun Worthington. of 443 Bernen A. C. (4) forrname and that "new car" Til mules 10 lnuttw Went one bundr^d mat all SEVEN DAT SERVICE an operation at Mountainside l«6) fft-t. mori- or lam to the North- Jauncey avenue, spent the week- ab r j, operation feel that dealers art Pnlich Americans 7 is Castles, daughter of Mr Hospital, Montclair, of Lyndhurst; v* ••11 1 IJ .",*' .«a »,i, |'a>. * j '•. » *a" .,» »• 1 2 offering through these factory V R W f»ti rly llrr- of the party of the flrat it Watch Crjatala 35c end iit Seaside Heights. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gallagher of 2b ., ., 3 Ii 0 and Mrs. William R. Castles of, part hh-r«*iot . ffro m ttht-nh v rttr*>tur«tn* « to Jersey City; Mr. and Mrs Wil- •k. ss ff Q programs. Civility L & p .. 4 1)4.9 Thud avenue, left this week] I^,,,^,,^. SSfh^jS. 'M™ * Dials Refintsned AH s D o m i n i c k Sousa and liam Zaun and daughter, Barbara, Pti.k. c 0 , The school was conHuclod by E Holy Name 4 2 ! for Mt. Vcrnon, N. Y., where she i dacraM thirty-njnt i.i» i, New Watch BandJ jic. Wihst(>n, Pimtiac Service In lAni. Floi SJiop will spend her vacation with d aevrnteen tll7l feet. • dst;i.iileis. Arleen itnd Lucille, of of Floral Park, Long Island. Grembowitv, p 2 leM. to th« Northw»iiterly it Jewelry Eepalrs R( i-pevelt avenue, are at Palisades Viscicki, If ,... 0 strnctor. Theory was discussed in H'nicrii liivisian and Mrs. Arthur Tichenor. rid of the parly of tft flrat Pbik. to spend a week with relaJ 1 [a lecture session and put into * Baby Shoes Bronzed Movies for the children at the Najjel, c( W L T i River Road School playground on | Wells. 3b 2 practice in «• shop session that it Pearh Rf strum I followed. Uallaehrrs 9 1 1 BRIDAL SETS < I l'.\NEl>. I-OL1SUED AND DIAMUND!) Friday were under direction ofjSe/.uba, If n Starliniw 10 Mi. and Mrs. John Trinka of 2 1 CEflSCKIS SAMt DAV - DELIVERY—11.00 Mis. J. P Jury and Mis Law- • T. Trawinsk Columbus Clul) 8 3 0 1 208 Valley Brook avenue had asjience Larson. "Plans have been IJ Tiawin.sk Wesley Crawford ant>i'rHinn tht'ir varaUi>n iit Camp Vallcybinak A i S . 6. U«MVT Bead. From 50c - Sterling Chaln> From IIM York. 1 Friends are invited. Mrs. John ' Talnaiac-k, Oakland Mrs Craw- CROSBY ( fntr.il Division Donten, of 203 Forest avenue is Tom's shrll <»i ford and daughter Ire on a lour Watches R.|.aire.l — 4.50 to 5.50 Weekend Euctts at the summer ! receiving reservations. ab h throlinh Ihr New Kngland Stale: h _ W • JEWELERS • h<.r:.f i>[ Mr. and Mrs John r. QuiElt-y, rrt ...... 7^ --J- ^'wilh Mrs Frank Hayes Of W*'C- Caruixis T7777T "Id T 100 PARK AVENUE Zaun of 125 Delafield avenue at Mr. and Mrs William Stflz-' C;irli< r,' c 0 hawken. Almct. » Lyndhurst Jewelers Walilwick included Mrs. Sophie cnmuller und sun, William, of 32K Dunn, ss, : Lynd. Rtc 9 RUTHERFORD BiUitJ. Mrs. Amid Monday. Mi.^s Lninfiston avenue an- bark fnim iCinidctti. rf Mr, anrl Mrs Stewart Oj\er»i 304 Ridge Road (Opposite Ritx Theatre) Lyndhunt Patn, iii J«.;tn Zaun. Miss I ois Seaside Ueighta where th<-y sin'nt, Koarrny, 1 of 3la WalMin avenue are vac»- Yoiifii! Men., Club . 4 Bt'ih. 2-20H Phone m'tli. 2 8660 Zaun. is ronvalrscinB after ' two weeks I Schreii- ' Honing at Forest City, Pa. Klk^ : t

ANNOUNCING... Our removal to our new modern plant at Newark and Ten Eyck Avenues



VWn Ww in Spirits viwi THE BARGAIN COUNTER M \Rkl Toown BUSINESS DIRECTORY Thousands have found that these small advntise- Gordon's Win* & menlH are the mosl eagerly read in Bergen County. Liquor Center Convince yourself by haying them. Through them RAILINGS rent, buy or exchange; find the bargain far which you Pwud** a\»d atiU n-4 **do yo« m" on a «wrlt«Hn7j«y f S*TJ" MuaV Sfcon» have bren searching. Telephone or write your clasai- MMuloupitin ciup p«rt>i . , . d*m«> un,i- ""••• • raeHW tmkt with fh.»«.]»tr-tnaitimul'.•»' urn FENCING Bed advertisements to our offices: 25S Rllx.K ROAU, .... WM i«d co»»€ • la node S..un.l« yummy, i>>il it? € e m.i\ \\n 1 nuN 1 INS. LYNIIHLKST, or 124 RIDGE ROAD, NOBTB ARUNCTON. >U ""J* '^ig? unautti 1.111 s The telephone numbers are BUTHCawoaw 2-1031 and BCTIMATILS UIVKN RUth. 2-0*04 • KKAKNT 2-6051. * Jurt what the doctor ordered to To top off a J»erfect lunchfon. Ulin TVl RV J«:rJ "'• *"—' :-•**=> , One insertion is seventy-five cents. make six folk* sar -Ak!". . . to- marmhniallow w*uc»- lis*atly with mato-came urtnii like thii: Hairy K. >»t...., l,l Iron *>!••• 1 illlra Two insertions are one dollar and twenty-five cents. Soften 1 tkap. plain frbtia la ^ milk and pour ov«r *1KV« of ovca- ROBr K I C. I'u.h k fh JAXE PARKER TOVNH ju .m-t n( M t Three in»filions art une dulhur aud fitly criits. flip mid w»t.r »iwl ilia»nl»« In » illlT - I'oWKtt M'MUil cupa hot tomato awe»A«*nw.' fhiar,iia(c anj a little I Mi.llmr-t. N J. I i Millt K>l. \ j aHitfr Hvrr hot Trawr. f'-twH ritirrrt'-—i t A* ly and pour over mariU.m«ir»w. I -njhur.1 —Th* Le*4er 4 !»»,!.I, II..., li, ,..,,,.|.lt INM'SntlAL SAWI frees prpprr. 1 Mirliarl Sa«in« A >•••• Up. Woreefter- For iccJ rutfe* that'i ilitTvi-ent, Nuri*.* I I- . .lull, l.ora linn I.I.I i • frOK SAL* WE «l< Y H'lNITIlI saire iiurt, '» brew your fawntc blfrtd of AAl' a i> (IIM. *•#•. ' » l..»-4 ,. iV4a Rwtht'i-(<>rd 2-1771 lap. salt and 1 rap fraud »EI.- COFFEE (Kifiht OTItvl, B,d C. Jung SAN1> SAW, 3 bench 4ril. pr*-^»«r» O-BIT AMERICAN CHEESE - Ctrrle, or BoLiir) dciibl* »tu ngth ; FARM-FRESH EGGS JSS \ in IV...-n St. IWI "UataaaM ni.ii.MV. I,, it p.4i«hM>C II>H<-MIX'. in that frand, tsnsj* chsast Ton fet pom hot ovrr 16 iiuarVred niarah- Sit MM Mill R duatrlal typ*- vai-vum " and UB- | Landacapinc Tu|> s..ii Alto Ti.. R« Rlia -Mini K L* n4ku.it luiiiiirti lawn (.'bairn. rawi •>,, *«-• .. mavis*. c»U 1-.1T. Hulk X-MI3J. at tlie AAP. Pour into freurd maUowt; «ir uU diaaulvtsl. Whip 1 ) in Uml, 2-24S4 It quart ring mold. Chill till Irm. K»r ihr hut frw months nuih. i rrn t^Sted'mnk'amr $WJ%ttiM 1 have lircii biuy inlnxlur- WHITK porcelain iflM *K»» Alfo whitr WANTED—DIRT fold into mAtiirt. « SB ^^ • Kit. Ic ii i-»bln*( Alntoat nrw. Flu>n« nUT ii 4.H« i»...... i_. i JI. uiiaa .•> I DIRT wanted Ur fill in. To tlre»« up peanut batter for Ki-M-zf in ire ruttulcf *,• Ul J- inf lo a -liaililv vtiiliniiiK Buth. J-SWH M- Call party landwichea, mix it with DR. I. R. KRASNER ' •>• r«a»r > in is t l»ni» «n [ Rut*. 2-443VW. *__.ttay. Whe«• 1 n., partl- - -*y• ~ • ra ' • lirnlrlr hiffa grailr, (arm KITlHKN HfctgaU itnd I i 10 rag marmaUdemarmalade, graterial^dJ raw earrearnU* or frvicn, attir well u .. - .. l-.., K «-. I choppeopped dri*%dried? fruit frui.t A nd to b* tor* and cuntinut frrji runii ilrlivrrnt Jim1 wpiOfDatl rlT .fi CMMi u . ~ aaw aW»W: WOaam" ~ I Tu ViFuf ~.tmif.""T"aTn how™ii£ —X TKHJ K-k : :.: " " V I 11 _ . Kl- . iiut a ac«N>p of pi.YMoi IM t'»ui>». ..^f";,^' ^, ••* *-•- ... l|M FURNACE CLEANING BUTTKK. lt'a made of rarrfully | tin* lw n-»m in . «. h rUaa, and pi'Miii'ii lu takr on a (.» •1 l»lrl i« | I'M aa*au4a i>:?, i• ••!!•• I family tS Ooud CAU now lor our BBH-1»| roaatad, kigb-cr*de peanuta. # youil K.- ;. up ccaniijlintenU? | ind.'|3M. and Plymouth dm ll k d " ...I 1.1,..I I'.tmimjt ft l*a|>f-rhan«tn|t .i. w GEORGE RUNNKR 4f. HAHK ISI Jay Avr. I ymlhuril RI Till HrOKI), N. J. Edward A. Denzin DOGt} BOAKOBB •t • •• » ~ • • • 1 mpartment hull W HI ihrrf.*,! 2-6IUO M Wood <^ntUtkm, WtJI XX1B BOAKPatO hath**!, pki. fcrd SPECIAL SALE! HI lbt-rf^.1 24411 bl K*C§ **H Huth MMI c,i|i». •. BARON • WiX>D ItMtt !>•_•>'» III I «Kf IIIMI VKNNKI. fttrm JWi tf ATLAS TIRKS I » MINI HKt N. J i'(MiLKK.\TOR (Of boK, 7 frlK>r»H.r. (36.IW. CaH "«« Stuy*-?»- VENETIAN Edward J. Clay GABRIELE r«t,a»t"« >u« 4 . • Llr-i* fllS7 R. I Ku«ranl*»d Pri-*** int.. h Inn. 1 tjalj BLINDS FJRST (iRADK CUABANTEED BROTHERS nil Humri* Air 1 HINtiLK -'.in: in .[.I. !•> .1 nut spnnic. j dupli^atM silt* Suncl.-«.l supi-iv 41b Wi*.d M. t-I AUtmlnun 11,1.-. 11 ,,:i? I, Old 115 llt.t'•'• '. Slic-t corn, r I'-nlul Av en- lUllI Olhrr Trli.iiul. l\ Unlw f.l Jicr»*n Ptaea .North Arlinft-.n. ' .mi t*iian« H«rriaoii «-(iW3». (>ri.liii|t • DrainaRr Mi •• I.I t. 1 • •(vlallrd 7-14 Drferrrd Payment Plan ArraiiKr.l Ur l.n ,ii, H» - vt*inUl\g A-Alialt |)nln>4>l CARFEN'tn ft BUILDER I ARS IAIIHI toll Wll HI MM I.I Ii IM M •• - • a.p Power Rollrr Huth 2 Mil W Oil. Bl*FINER with c. utruin Will tn- ALL ING alitl) romplrt*. Call Huth 2-U4Otf f ALL TTPn tlu in lime 'or tpring f.haii|cr-<)vrr' Masunry ' .|««li» uf alt kind* VrNMIAN HI IMI TO BABY rarrtM?. liwl tfM, rut>U*- promptlr att to lu«i d*«p -H'1 Oil anil I'ran-mi—ii-n I li.inv.1 (»r I lirt-j.. ..»-- \n*\ »UH I-HMM-T ilr*-.. to W- R C Ifl HM|« ifMt*! All H iirk (.11,11111,1,, ,1 • In.1 • Urjrelat 1 d KK.ivn.-,- J.iiil.l Huth«>rr.T*i >ut tf SlllllllHT l*ll\ Ml;: burut-i cm iU>v^ . »bU I'mm. ttuih |-iaiMry M r iii.aMuil" On 1 K.H.»«-v.-li itWUI l« Wi rrpair and in.tjll all WikM •* at buy. I" K '•- ..h n-ii't |SW> t'l.ni Commtrcial A Domeatie H*fn»«f *tt«#i Ridge Road and Kingsland Avenue On All N.v. I'lnl... .111,1 M»iur»U I si K..I...- •\MilMiiU- (i triir< lot fur a >; IUOI PNon* P.tiaaic ? 0!J6 R If f, Bricki. Pifxt. blocli. Lima b, I. n.l^r*. .•«•! «MH*rt, ' titill*! up r....r« with •# wttttmit ]« 309 Chat© Ave, (John Bonanno) Lyndhurit Clay. Top Soil, Aqricultural LU JMiW «1v*-r1Tr A lh*W melHl H| Wilting f.41 Your Vacuum Cleaner/Repaired 1 Wll. 1.1AM "I WKT.1-EH 180 WASHINGTON AVINUfc IIH Mutton 81 . J«ra»» I'ltf SCRAP MATfcRIAI.S hllH IIM I NUILI ' SIGHT CO\MW lll<>\ . . l,y Joun.al S.( «-«&7 OKrWIIJ rUlM.ll UlJI-llli RHMwiMt, Unban 1-iUS M CARTOLANO Ki-fl«lanrt Avinu*, Lynsjhurst «RI I \*. r II Xr*IM. IVAHH All work guarantrnl OIII- >.-..r I'li.inr Rl'. 2'iO2'» |» rni.li. ftjlliinali.in. .if ihf r\r%. \ nur «.|*tuiii a • **^w. ^i -. .. ^., . .# Louis Mion VKTKIt.\X and wlf. ftMrtr* 1 or In.I. liy >|>< ruli«il Iriiliiii,. it ri|ll.|.|» .1 I., r. u.l w-k.... _w t maaa i ...... • room» in Njwth Arliiyjii-n ">r nt-ar- HYilKAl'K nJl^>RKB*'IBNT Nrw ll, ui.r Rraily for l.nni.'.lijt. Drlivrr; by 4'aU" Kr.-arnv ^Hr.TSXV I-T INU Wlrtns; IS liflit. In at i.riti<,|,iii ir.'ulni.-nla f,ar .ulii i uii..-i\ jii.in. tfrr f •limalr. Hot av: H.uK 'I 4jn (n 8 |i iu 1 ur. . '1 ,1 in iu '• |> Tit I M Mi • . t>|M|t ~ ¥sif WANTKD. TEMAIM I ^^"i'^/'.T'ri'HV'-'r •I— Ctm—4 U safniaafai I" l>>» I.vS|.lir KST T^-h.r .«4a rt..- »»»*"*• Hm-TS I»l4l»o. ajajajajAaaH f waj /i . . «. inu * "in.ifi 1 it.O' *!**''^'i I'll.'Ni- I t...... J «...... , «.,,, _j Bull. l-« :.|lr.^ Mr. -s. ,l,.l,i ; DR. IRVING DANSKy •• p f m ••* Kl »IIM « liirl I ...... ,v i ii i i. i i ti 405 KfrARNY AVENUF / XEARNY, N. J . I I >M H ..j ,„ ._, |._.., I ^ MHIt IS I S J • »-... •. ia»r«jai , sa«i TELEPHONE WACHTER ail III i it. ~- •• <•> . START AT $32.00 M ii IIINr SERVING I.YNDHHRST I R»K I'll It A 111 I l\l K, \iitli.ii>..l I >. - >i .!>... ..r FOR A 15 YEARS 544 Valley Brook Avenue Lyndliurvi WOULD A SaUa \>. II, » r, DAY WEEK • i./ mn' r X..U. > > Comu.l>M Line O( Ruq Clowning « PAY IN. Kl \SIS i—r—a) Tilt; HKST Yr AH WINKS & l.iyl'ORS INTHUvrlM. WOHk. III K «»>i M-« HII -s Ml FROS1FI) FOODS PERSONAL LOAN CLEAN HIWM < I HTOM Mllll AMI •IIMilli WITH Till BE OF HELP TO YOU . . . T O D A Y? IRIENIIIY \SMll HTFS • HI ...iilMtnlul baala Al In, lin» VENETIAN HAROLD >i. RU. 2-1275 BLINDS For SavU (tnd ALBRIGHT SAM I LIBERAL FINANCE ..M . 11,/ tt< .'A ft Ri'AV •• »>r »»» a. • AM TO ir NBUH ADDING MACHINES 7 Orirnt Way, Kuth.rt.ird I 1 < it. 1 cus rsa ! IMIIIKM f -.1 , • ..., : 1... M4 NK« JERSEY 1EU. TIIK NEW BERGEN M...*. ..4 /aiaffr., t, 4ii FASHION SERVICE HARRY B. Typ«writ#r Sairvic* TEl.KPHoNK COMPANt ACKE.RSON By F.iln-1 BiTftm Klnknrr Ol MUM -i « (Mi I «f I HEI.r WANTtO MALK J Miwrjf - i..,«| lntrft**r Ih-tntiltnr H»fs Ilr4«n New Homei IU Ml II, Itl |*MHII> ALAN BHi.i^d i.f »u «x.r.,.4 work H,K HOMs. KKWEBS J2\ZJi%*x VET REFRIGtRATION .rt.| f.igr A*.- OSia WTT^ ~~ SERVICE \ I' I'M! I li IM l Op«n for Intpaction SrrtH-r JII.I l'.j,..r» .•.1 Mils On Fifth Avanua • I,, MIMArl w rA * Lyndhur.t la. >. •'••• —J k. • .» ..- * 4J> *»•..(•» <•*-*-•; Ap|.l> Ta»- lil I 1:1. I I! M.'K ' - .r.-' A * I' • i - f'e. Ml . .(' •'.*»' llallllll -f «Ji,B, I,, | j, „„,... — ••I. •< jfcrt .11. - t-t) aaWWWi tm r M. J. SITI \TliiN WANTRD' L' r/lil a I r—-..N II • laaaVn. Oil Burners M klt>4 <-r work Ctutorn cmr CAB ±JSr ) »i.. ,u. VtTKHAN *V- I^ ., • a ii ¥ r..i..i) Hian 9 •"• • : '•• i (AvaitaMa for Immcd.aU lftaialrati*«) W >u>»aa TELEPHONE rUCKH «l AS1ISABH PLUMBING LYNDIU *sr RMTCUt Ganaral Haw. • V M 1. , r. \t ••'f W \\l*-.\ < •• v ...... RUTHERFORD . .-r.irtr. tl». IMt* ' alKl Window Claaninq Co REPAIR SERVICE 753 R»V RjT'undW.i •ioi * Pas* Fuel Oil A M n» KI ih ::,o-i »l\i«.m . II.MV . Edward Holdon 2-9171 <» mm IH lui'i'i .s . t-l I'II aHaWas A Joaaoi. .'I limit. -.,(,. P ,M,,,l »• 4J*TU» TO aU. T r •atJWvfsttl M aM ' .....I. Keller Engineering Co. U. S. Army WtLM 1 •'. t-ru tlrBW >*•.(.» WMH »WUIM. »»»-wnt-*- lu* •^ fumiti rurrttar* -w-t « 41. SUNNy ALBINO S ValUy le ran lie a serious health menace. In place* like We've paid for our prom and | Ri'dgewood' and Midland* Park, e should be able to say what's and run through FaiPair Lawn., PaPalr Rutherford tbej .in- grappling: anew with tbe job of hand- goini g to be dond e aboub t it. amus, Mackenssck, Tesneck. En Mr .and Mrs. Hendrik Muller of Tontine avenue and Mr*, Paul cuffing noise by ordinance One of the lefts publicised but If the Board of Education in- glewood and Fort Lee aerosr, the Pet/sch of Stuyvcsant avenue, spent last week end at LutheHand sists upon taking the prom away Camp, Pocono Pines, Pa., where their daughters, Betty Muller, and certainly one of the inns) nWutatiag of the new weapons George Washington Bridge. Ap from us, they should also be will- proximately 8,000 passengers are Evelyn Petzsch are spending two weeks. being dream*-*! up for die next war is a noise machine, an ing to see that we get something carried daily by these lines. • ' * * • • instrument which will pierce ear drums, upset nervous sys- in place of it. Judge said that lines running Mi and Mis. Charles Grevin, formerly of 432 Stuyvesant ave- Come on you seniors of '48— through the Lincoln Tunnel were nue, now of Toronto. Canada, called at the home of Mr. and Mrs TEXTURE tem-, destroy all semblance* <:f efficiency. rally up—this is your chance to not affected by the proposed fare T Francis Knight of Stuyvesant avenue on Sunday. There should_be_n<>_ undprestjma|jion of noise. An say what's^^oing. tp_.b«t_dQae. schedijJe, We want our prom the same as The schedule submitted, said The Rambling Roses held their final meeting of the season IMHU %sli<> IIH- Iieen ill. whose nerves arc frayed and whose all other senior classes have had Judge, proposed, adjustments of Tuesday at the home of Mrs. George Michfelder of Page avenue spirit- are low. know* that noise appears to be the final ill and it's up to us to see that we the fares rather than merely in Those present included: Mrs. George Henry and Mrs. J. B. Mc- timate blew. get it. creases. In some instances, he Rae (if Park place, Mis M Conklin, Mrs. George Westervelt of A SENIOR OF '48 said, fares suggested were lower Page avenue, Mrs. Jaeob Butk of Kingsland avenue, Mrs. Harold Wliut make* lite ulmlc .subject of noise most tragic is than existing fares, white in sev A Wells of Post avenue, Mrs. Adolph Procnnek of Sixth street and LOTION Mrs L. M. Schweiberger. that much of the suffering today is unnecessary. Careless- Louise Meyer Passes eral instances the proposed fares ness is one of the greatest causes of noise. would constitute an increase of SPECIAL Her Seventh Birthday about 5 cents for one-way to Nev. j Mr. and Mrs. Morley Tevyaw ; Mrs. George Kirchner of 426 Tin- man who honks his automobile horn unnecessarily York, and to cents for a round of 717 ThiKJ street have as their i Page avenue entertained recently guests Mrs. Tevyaw's sisters and ; at her home for a group of cousins is guilt Louise Meyer, daughter of Mr. trip. nd Mrs William C. Meyer of 340 , Judge gave the opinion thai nieces. Mrs Helen Fredericks and Mrs. H. L Reimer, Mr. and Mrs —,, , ., . * . ,. i . i .i . . '.inn ivirs wunam c,. Meyer or j*u the commuters' "strike" against j daughter, Harriet, Mrs. John J. M. Bruns, of Union; Mrs. J. J. eaa.bThr heare f; d li"ii-el> thil- l awaletsy Itiss guiltyradio. shriek away so thai •« | Rutherford avenue, has just cele- Rockland Coach Lines. Inc.. and Kluchka and daughters. Jeannie Larkin and grandson, Bobby Bur- brated her .seventh birthday anni- Spring Valley Motor Coach Com | and Peggy, all of BinRhamton, man, and Mr. and Mrs. Herman The railroad lliiit doe* inn impose its rules agaimtt un- versary witTheh acolo lawr n schemparty ea t wahers pany. because of fare boosts, with N Y Hoffman, of Jersey City. pink and white. the resultant publicity was at ! necessary thrilling of whisllei. is guilty. 1 p Guests included Robert Halk, leastJn part responsible for the> The f.imiK thai l' ls is parlies (and noine I ride far Charles Halk, Brian Slattery. present situation. He said that. i into the ni?lil i> guilty. t Mat v Alanna Slattery, Patricia Inter-City had been informed re- j \ 10-DAY The famiU thai dee- not properly lake care of its dog f ***'*< M*•»•> «*«•. «nJ lhe liably although not officially that I . . , ,• , , , i • i • i Kuest of hunor. Louise Meyer, the ICC. had sent word to the ; $100 so thai it li.iv.l- or harks mosl of the night Is guilty. j who is a pupil in the second grade company not to put into effect the i These are merely a few instances of how unnecessary j'" ""• Jefferson School; also her proposed increases, which were to . .... ' , • i /. ,i mandninlhei, Mrs. Henry Meyer. have been effective last week. noire is created. I lure ;irc thousands of ways. On these ] | ,, , / Summer Sale Mrs char es H k Mr A H $2.00 SIZE hot. rl<-\ih-li iii^lil- il in- that all of society Potts and the hostess of the day, Mr. and Mr*. Karl F Weber of I I Mrs. William C. Meyer. Sixth avenue are spending sever- spiracy to r.ill die noi-e it can. al days in the Pocono Mountains 20% to 35% off on The point i-: much noise can hi' averted. The simple Tobin Picked Up of . rule- of courteous behavior would block off great walls SLACKS, SUMMER SHOES, SPORT William Tobin. 37, of 637 Sixth Mr. and Mrs. Walter E. Ronson Dorothy Grays «if neise wiiicii irritate and siken today. Probably we need avenue, was arrested last week >f 764 Fifth street are entertain- SHIRTS. SLEEVELESS SWEATERS, an ordinance with sound enforcement to stop some of the disorderly persons chsrge on ing the former's aunt and uncle. [aw, Mr and Mrs. Mantey of Montreal, BATHROBES and DRESS SHIRTS noise, Kut simple decency will go along, way toward solving Mr"'"Elizatet the Canada. the probU-m. same address. BOYS SLACK SETS, SWIM TRUNKS, Taxi Talks SHOES'. SPORT SHIRTS BY THE FAT MAN Come in now, when every penny ORANGE MYSTKRY* counts and take advantage of these tt iirrr Mitvinr may, turned*}, MM- to IH the idol of alt cym, whefr low prices. onr ran gaix both wraith and fanir and win h i in » r | f the Lyndhurst Men's Shop FLOWER 298 Stuyvesant Ave. RUth. 2-2121 MCGREGOR, MANHATTAN, ADAM HATS. MASSAGIC & FORTUNE SHOES SKIN LOTION SPECIAL tin.linft • tail rnmpany That «' l>r- rsmplrlr KBrvin i» not at ill •tilYirull If ytm know *tirrr tm look, h or inntarirr, your *earrh i* pn thhe SOI'TH BKRCr.N TAXI TO, Stand 311 Hidcr Kuad. »ppo-i<< WE ARE NOW OPEN Happiness Ahead! Kin EVERY DAY until II P. M. MM III HrKl.KA TAXI HI JOIIII'H and Kitty'* drraim will lie coming true N«w Offrr- $100 '. ninfortahlf l.intnti-ito .Vrvji *" — the HI idling . . . thi- honeymoon . . . the return to for Wrddiniv l-'unrraU and tin- new home they've built with thr aid of a Roiling Trip.. -I'rlfiphittir HI 2MU Spring* Saving* Association mortgage. GARDEN CIGARETTE cartonS I In•««• two, like many other happy young home-maker*, know the advantage* of a home ownership mortgage $124 w it li llii* mutual -.livings institution — the fair interest, Delicatessen CHK.StERKIEIJ) — l.irKIES - BAI.fJU.H* tin- easy monthly reducing payments that are lex* than OLD COLD - PHILIP MORRIS - KnoL rent. FRANK'S IS NOW OPEN SPUDS — RAMESES An important feature of a Roiling Springs Saving* \«- We Sperialiae in f.hurrK nofiation mortgage 4» that th«»re> 4* no "firtrt fort" to be Decorations for your From 8 A. M. to 11 P. FRIDAY, AUGUST I, ONLY Wedding ! hurdled. AIL fees for title March, appraisal, legal ex- - «"r Carry A Complete Line Of . . NOTE:—Yr CIT HIT ililiilN TO ".IT pi-nsex <>r "extras" are paid by u* ... then too, you may Also Flowers for your CARTON O» Ul,AKKTTt>> make additional payment* on your mortgage at any WciMing Parly BIRDS EYE FROZEN FOODS lime. No Order Too Large CHOICE MEATS or Too Small Juit Call FRESH. ROLLS Rutherford 2-3571 FRESH RYE BREAD BOILING SPRINGS SAVINGS ALL KINDS OF GROCERIES c*tn A run li~ CM <-.IT KIOWKILS «iJ Wr AUn Carry Hull CAHOtN> ASSOCIATION At Voiif Servic* POLISH "KISZKA" & "KIELBASY" 23 Park Avenue, Rutherford, N. J. FRANK'S 418 Page Avenue CUT RATE DRUG STORE TELEGRAPH Corner Of Chase Ave.— Ruth. 2-2950 FLORIST 88 Park Ave. Rutherford IV.IU,] . OPEN ALL DAY SUNDAY V n )IDM C J. CHASE, I
