. Public Lit.-iry, Vtlley Broak Ave.. Lyr.ihurst, I!. 3. LEADERETTE h >"* » knock «, «„ door ot * »«*« TJ Bru^h-Man front. Helookrd strpervismg princjtal ol KhooU. H* had heard w"",!.'1 WM " Scho°1 »rhen Jhe ^ to ^j,.^,,^ v we Mld n .hK saie?man-i'«< » long-sutJwmi school ,u- \ VoL XXVIII—No. 7 •"TS'.'Jatutkamr*i . I LYMMUfcO^V i. MtX ST ?• i'Ht Albino Ambushed By Crazed Faker Big Crowds •*%£?** Italian Cook 00 Turning Out ar Local Policeman For Softball irtsaffftss: • drive reaterdar to raiae a Victim Of Fake Reliefer Company Moved > M >M M >of?ball G*m«t '"* •• *'>M ?:.* -J •aa aak aai aam ^"fc . cbaataw^l* I sW Oan d realdeat~ a apa ** Mltrlied. Aa; aa* trhklat la £. To IU 200,00S««n B0y Over contribute ran *• aa ay calling Township Mourns Popular . - a.*. I. l»r Patrolman Hit-hard Ta.Mai To Plant Here Lyndhur*, Municipal Softball | ^ ^^ tn|w|rtm Policeman Whose Rites League, durinc »ts 155 scheduled I Modern New rr games, i* expected to pUy before Will Be Held Saturday a tooooo mur Kttrna«.nf», ft * wiir stated at Monday night's R,»a; i, \ Reject Bid** | IIIIKUV VII-i Building Is of Commissioners meeting. U-1, ,.( Prinlmii ll...n.,. I Replying to suggestion* from' I*' U* in ,1 t%tl..l Jess*? Thorne, president of thr! For Memorial t- Completed Taxpayers League, that admission • fhould be charged in order tn r<* | am :' • On July 28, the Italian Cook Ueve taxpayers, he was told by i • ,.l|l lt( .1 (f I. M.I III I »||I I. I.. !,l Oil Corporation moved from Commissioner James A Breslin ; •I . Ml \t t" Brooklyn,' . to its new plant at •nl\ $366 h«* \-trn contributed of' •- * » c. r » n V»litf«t«« in..i iim^ »lll i'Ur 1 II Lyntfhursl, which required three \ municipal funds f«r tho support .W ^*>OV» riqur* b#T By I HI A M«*» nf Hl liri|tiMiM • ill I.. ..I fi.< H,lt* r. years to build and cost $1,000,000. of the league ' Board of Comm.ttion#r* ..» hi. ...nl .1 Ni.rr.l llrurl II I Inn. I, ..I «,'!,.. I. Iu Designed by Alexander and There are 18 trams playing in Bowers, architects, and engin- Both bid}. ,i>t impmvrmen, • 4 faillilill |.4ri*lil« M*r •Mi w-..: i schedule, the commis- eered by Alan Porter Lee, Inc., VvM Suit' World War II Me sioner said, rnnstitutinjE on of the IllUTI—1 xill' lulltio III ll'l< ' I ,.. i .„.. i,,, S-.tih the Italian Cook Oil plant at largest Softball unit* amonji mu . Kifld i'nr rejrctfd Mt*n Lyndhurst is considered a "model wl nicipalitios comparable with Lynd ; " >*' v H t hive-numb* of efficiency in plant layout and hurst Not only do thr men pur !,BV .nt l Hrrflilar ll.. <*M.- a(i|»ar. ml* . II . I.' operations, and one of the out- cfiu* their own. uniforms and 1 Lyndhut-»t Boaid «t C\unmitwmn i Un >i i -r it, ».H standing vegetable ml refineries pay iht* umpue fee.. Bretlm de ] cr" Submitted by Lugum, Bra- ,Ut.....l in the country. • • cUml. they amtribute mVt"" '" B*11™"'1- ••* Ctob*. frit! .1 III' »II I. IIMKIM U Due to rapidly expanding de- through each team manager foi - °' I*""*** •»<-.. t»u* *«• IH...I ,...,,u Ui ,,..ni|.... ..I ill. mand for Italian Cook Oil prod- a sum totail of $450 :h.Ktu-. thai, UH «ti*«t«d »p~ ucts. Lynrihuist w;i^ R-jLT.U'd.i-s Hi«hly comm.nd.ng Walt*. Propri#Uon a strategic location far expanded Moiloy. commiwioner of the Con-niissiumrthWUei Jumcs Afiel Hie>lind Pr^ ; league, and William-D- CuaU hij ^ ^ hp ^ mUtM.ur4. operations. From %the south and I Another Local MlSS ..II..I li..,,..l» I Sarlr, luniili'ial » •• W.11 .t , „. ^ , wsisUnt, Brr'hn df*""*; lf ' 'rr*olutu.n w+kmi ne* bub »nd west, tank cars -rqU into the jtt.rwal.l la I.. *i«lr ill. '.'.nil III, f~.i. I I. Ml.I i*. .1*1 plant's private railroad siding; Soon To Be A Mr*, we* not for men like thesr. ^^ ft ^ ™ w£ would be impossible to carry oi Mil*. *i..l l%».. «.mi|t .IIII.II.II in a* with crude oil which is imm*di- * nu Mayor Hur«t U B..t.tr mnd Com very worthy undertaking. ^ . , ately pumped automatically into ; Mr and Mrs. William C Meyer ( ner CI|irrnrt Sht rvvtMKi a* ha* r\rf I scM*!! H e l C -minflw i 1 - orl1 , „ J.Lh , _._n_ , & l i«u . ..ri1 Etoragt tanks. Every operstlon in af S40 Rutherford avinuf, Lynd- , •**«* ""i "J^" ( ',Y "7"l?, w " ' *" •"• P'" '""" '' tit. matt *lt» i all. il liii»t>.lf t Itatl. > ' ..»i H the plant is automatic 10 that I hurst, announce the engagemant; reiKhniU1 mignt nenrm oy imw ,„,,,„,„,.,„,t „ w,r,. jd^nt from tank car to finuhed prod- |of their daughter. Mary, to Mr i •"« U* ' «*«mP"- The opposition • h.»w n to the t.W. 4 fc .1. -jit. alii. |.ui.-ii. i. ii . |,..«« uct, no human hand touches the posed memorial firid by CCum- I il.. .1- .. J.!,! nl a full l>l..»»|. <l imlian llr ha<l a o«. in >lw IU I...411.1 MM *»»miltlM*« that thr |fii»Vf«nir*il WMI According to Mr.. Dominick I.»,,,J .in .1 I lull a ii. au.l .Imiiu ill- UlasW lit lb$ W*« aV n«tir«* that if the figures had mrt n »r»tr I., il.. Ulr IV.1.1. nl II.M.. .It >..,») In. ti l|. a» * m. ioiatrd r-»»t hi* vu mm at rairleigh Dickinson Ju- Itatw-jf •««» S00 ^J «"• |wltt l lhr Mt markctiiu. Italian Cook Oil prod- 11 r full 1.1.-,I..I l.,.l,,i, l>rfn sill) .i Miii- ucts nationally. "Until now, we iox College. Rutherford 'E* . * ^,7"' . ^ T " «.»uM h.v# V World Wit II wardjjii'.th* conirswi l( ..Il lui ami Ih. .,.,.1,. ............ i. il.. II. ,..,, have.done husinwt*—with frw PX- { Mr. Anderson, a graduate of • at the game*, which During (he Httanw1 h'Mi I> ceptions—in the Eait. Now, with Lyndhurst F.tgh School, sc-rvt-d Records Reveal That Slain in. II, ..f th< Inliur Ii .1. |.a.tn» in fi..Ha. 1.1 ili.t i. ,i consistently, »«fc Mrs Bertha GiWnendyke, men our- production capacity trebled, three years with the Naval An ' held as sufficrcnt proof that th. ll...«tt»«* AIMI ..M.n I..IIII.I ..ill tlial ll, t.,*n at** 4 (,.,.•! I* ! her n* thr Huar<l ..r FMm aturn we intend to sell nationally. In Corps spending 15 1 additVbnrwe shall expand our ex Hawaii A member of Sigma Pi. «"»"> I^JteMP'" jj •* P'" .*U-it> -"iiyM delt'Mi of the pi" Murderer Was A Complete *. a. ..|>iii.ji i.it.l t.n.1.1 tli. M.IIIIH iij.n, ,.| ill. tt.l,,'. ! m pent business abroad, where1 we he1 is now eompiettftg his studies «[* Ci'Heelions m«rte oy me p* sal, Pointing out 1; .t' her tri ,......!-(. ,,l «hi<h h. ... l.m in I ..Li,Hi l«ilt,.l >ad, Whert we ni is now ((iiiipu'iiiiK ms aiuuin -- - -- .-. t . are well known beci •calia* we have at the New York'Technical In P'»y" during the wftb.ll came. ' • « '- And Contemptible Fraud .'•in. IK.» f.,iAi..| hill, ..(• , I .II.II.III*! >alt^ I imported tOM and W m ,iii. I* jll*^w..l lulu i.. f.maiii hrf* III a^lnwr.." oil." I ton* of „„.. s^tutc-f N. J.. Nnwark •-« "?**£» ' ' "" "»r) tl. tStSSmJSjS, _, . mninted nl <i family buffet supper y rt i no d f<it l.t.a.l t. |»a\ iritt Saturday evening. August 2. paaded houuiui facilH Activities arbflol syatoffi KM mnr» I ...-la* \.i ... alone oilli I'ali.Wi Assessment rni'iUmrnU pTMSHil i »a. I..1.1 It. .....I,(,«.,> I lull.. Hi I.I I lem. she iiirf ii. one which mu*t I |<l.llMff..l.| l>,.111, I < ,>ll(l I, ill, l|,...» Values Are Young Boys Diversified he met tn th<- ntut futuir . ^M . I1|.l. .1 l'\ I ...t • . rf|l.| I.,- I Given Jolt Are Sent Up Playgrounds Continue to It. iNla n a t.»l al...ut ll«J lar.l. • H |I,"*N Attract Hundred* of \i trr*m* h7.t7.Tri« j.#..|.Yi For Thefts ll.. -.,. .1 the I,,,,,-. |.... ,.|,- \.| , Increase of Thr»« Quar- • .'.. h«., .-l.lal'ir^l 4ii r, i. f i-.ii ti. it- • ( II ....I I ...,.l. •.' I ter» of a Million it |nvo|ved in Two Local «>fk ol Ihr play Thr i««h : • H 100 Nbted 4 showed a vanrty I ~ ,..,.., -• ' Break-Ins A» Well n(t v atftinr. Hi y~. I .n ar»i\i\|.'* Ct'ink (OTWiat'd <in tax and tin ,il. 11,1.1 til Tot«l nnt valuation of taxahle As Others Thursday two buaload* o( I.,,,.. II..,I. property in Lyndhurti ^exclusive, • »rnl ta Nrtr YIM* to »»» of Bppond plam railroad pi^prrtv i, Juvenile Cnurt Judii^ Thiinia." Yankr,- tVtioit |i»'. til* I'-ni I i - is $13.47R.125. a jump ol |1«.10S 1. Zimmerman laitt we*k rt- howevn*. ww rallad befrtre ih* I., ft I*, tit. HjHt "HnaUM tli*t> ...tcl.t I" It over tht war timr Iigur* of $12,- mantfpd tn Annandaie Krfoiriia gi.t u> thr tad im and ritrf [ II,.,, II _ 713.93(1 in 11M4 .
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