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- !-l t(xt0 trA(i'l's Atr()U'I' YUGOSLAVIA (t) 4tlr eclitiorr a-\ l2tl pagcs rl -30 lrltck.unrl-wlriIc photographs - 3 rrraps - Lurrgrr:tgt's: tinglish, French, -) (icrrnitn, I\rssian, Spanish 'l'lris b<xrk c:ontuins the basic facts E- llrorrt Yrrgttslavia GT]o(;I{APIIY, I{ISTORY, r-\ w-) S ATF, OR.GANIZATION, AA IIOREIGN POLICY, WORKTJRS' SELF-MANAGEMENT, -t INDT]STRY, TRANSPORT, ACRICULTURE, a EDUCATION, ARTS, E- SOCIAL INSURANCE, (J TOURISM, SPORT IOOO FACTS ABOUT YUGOST.AVIA r= O waRszAwA .^*-h-;; c_-?6 =i PUBLISHER IZDAVACKI ZAVOD "IUGOSLAVI.I A. Beograd, Nemamjiaa 34 FACTS ABOUT YI]GOSIAYIA COUNTRY AND POPULATION GEOGRAPHIC AREA POSITION The Social srt Federral Rerpub,lic of y,urgoslavia lies, u,ith its greater part (g0 percent) in the Balkan peninsula, Southeast Europe, and, with a smaller part (20 percent) in Central Europe. Since its southwestern ,regions occupy a long length of the Adriati,c coastal be1t, it is b,oth a continental and a maritime country. The country,s extreme points extend from 40o 57' to 460 53, N. lat. and from 13" 23' to 23o 02' E. l"ong. It is consequently pole, closer to the Equator than to the North and and Italy. it has the Central European Standard time. POPULATION AND BOUNDARIES ITS NATIONAL STRUCTURE Yugoslavia is bounded by several states and the sea. On the land side, it borders on seven states: Austria and Hungary on the north, Rumania on the northeast, Bulgaria on the east, Greece on the south, Albania on the southwest and Italy on the northwest.
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