1. Sylloge inscriptionum Christianarum veterum Musei Vaticani 23. The Roman Middle Republic 47 Ediderunt commentariisque instruxerunt sodales Instituti Romani Politics, religion, and historiography c. 400 - 133 B.C. Finlandiae curante Henrico Zilliacus, 1-2, 1963. edited by Christer Bruun, 2000. [Out of print]

2. 1. Onomastic Studies in the Early Christian Inscriptions of 24. Magistrates and Assemblies. A Study of Legislative Practice in and Carthage by Iiro Kajanto, 1963. [Out of print] Republican Rome by Kaj Sandberg, 2001. 2. Biometrical Notes by Henrik Nordberg, 1963. [Out of print] 3. A Study of the Greek Epitaphs of Rome 25. Women, Wealth and Power in the Roman Empire

by Iiro Kajanto, 1963. [Out of print] by Päivi Setälä, Ria Berg et al., 2002. LIFE AND DEATH IN A MULTICULTURAL HARBOUR CITY:

3-4. Graffiti del Palatino 26. Vettius Agorius Praetextatus. A senatorial Life in Between raccolti ed editi sotto la direzione di Veikko Väänänen. by Maijastina Kahlos, 2002. 3. Paedagogium a cura di Heikki Solin e Marja Itkonen-Kaila, 1966. 27. Ostia e Portus nelle loro relazioni con Roma 4. Domus Tiberiana a cura di Christer Bruun e Anna Gallina Zevi, 2002. LIFE AND DEATH IN A MULTICULTURAL a cura di Paavo Castrén e Henrik Lilius, 1970. 28. The Roman Curia, the Apostolic Penitentiary and the Partes in 5. Studies in the Romanization of Etruria the Later Middle Ages atrick ruun HARBOUR CITY: by P B et al., 1975. [Out of print] edited by Kirsi Salonen and Christian Krötzl, 2003. OSTIA ANTICA FROM THE REPUBLIC 6. Le iscrizioni della necropoli dell’Autoparco Vaticano 29. Le scritture dai monasteri edite sotto la direzione di Veikko Väänänen, 1973. Atti del II° seminario “I Monasteri nell’alto medioevo” OSTIA ANTICA FROM THE REPUBLIC a cura di Flavia De Rubeis e Walter Pohl, 2003. 7. Lateres signati Ostienses sotto la direzione di Jaakko Suolahti. 30. Le iscrizioni sepolcrali latine nell’Isola Sacra LATETHROUGH ANTIQUITY THROUGH LATE ANTIQUITY 1. Testo di Margareta Steinby in collaborazione con Tapio Helen, edite sotto la direzione di Anne Helttula, 2007 1978. 2. Tavole di Margareta Steinby, 1977.

8. Ordo Populusque Pompeianus. 31. Technology, Ideology, Water: from Frontinus to the Renaissance and Beyond Polity and Society in Roman Pompeii by Paavo Castrén, 1975. Sec- ond edition, 1983. edited by Christer Bruun and Ari Saastamoinen, 2003. editor 9. 1. Organization of Roman Brick Production in the First and 32. Interpretare i bolli laterizi di Roma e della Valle del Tevere: Arja Karivieri Second Centuries A.D. An interpretation of Roman Brick Stamps by produzione, storia economica e topografia Tapio Helen, 1975. Indices. 1977. a cura di Christer Bruun, 2005. Offprint from Ann. Sc. Fenn., Diss. Hum. Litt. 5. [Out of print] 2. Private Domini in Roman Brick Stamps of the Empire 33. Hoping for Continuity. Childhood, Education and Death in A Historical and Prosopographical Study of Landowners in the Antiquity and the Middle Ages District of Rome by Päivi Setälä, 1977. Offprint from Ann. Sc. edited by Katariina Mustakallio, Jussi Hanska et al., 2005. Fenn., Diss. Hum. Litt. 10. 34. Gunnar Mickwitz nella storiografia europea tra le due guerre 10. Villa Lante al Gianicolo Atti del Colloquio all’Institutum Romanum Finlandiae, 6-7 giugno L’architettura e la decorazione pittorica 2005, a cura di Mika Kajava, 2007. di Henrik Lilius. 1. Testo. 2. Tavole e figure, 1981. 35. Dediche sacre nel mondo greco-romano. Religious Dedications in 11. Indici complementari ai bolli doliari urbani (CIL XV, 1) the Greco-Roman World di Eva Margareta Steinby, 1987. Institutum Romanum Finlandiae, American Academy in Rome, 19-20 aprile 2006, a cura di John Bodel e Mika Kajava, 2009. 12. Studies in Constantinian Numismatics. Papers from 1954 to 1988 by Patrick Bruun, 1991. [Out of print] 36. De amicitia. Friendship and Social Networks in Antiquity and the Middle Ages 13. Senatus populusque Romanus edited by Katariina Mustakallio and Christian Krötzl, 2010. Studies in Roman Republican Legislation by Unto Paananen et al., 1993. 37. Wolfgang Helbig e la scienza dell’antichità del suo tempo a cura di Simo Örmä e Kaj Sandberg, 2011. 14. Roman Female Praenomina Studies in the Nomenclature of Roman Women by Mika Kajava, 38. Lacus Iuturnae II - 1. Relazioni di scavo e conclusioni. 1994. 2. Materiali, a cura di Eva Margareta Steinby, 2012.

15. Studi storico-epigrafici sul antico 39. Changing Minds. Communication and Influence in the High and a cura di Heikki Solin, Mika Kajava et al., 1996. Later Middle Ages edited by Christian Krötzl and Miikka Tamminen, 2013. 16. Ianiculum - Gianicolo. Storia, topografia, monumenti, leggende dall’antichità fino al rinascimento a cura diE va Margareta Steinby, 1996. 40. Studies in Ancient Oracles and Divination edited by Mika Kajava, 2013. 17. Le iscrizioni urbane ad Anagni edizione a cura di Heikki Solin e Pekka Tuomisto, schede di Mika 41. Religious Participation in Ancient and Medieval Societies. Rituals, Kajava et al., 1996. Interaction and Identity 18. Birds in Mosaics. A Study of Representation of Birds in Hellenistic edited by Sari Katajala-Peltomaa and Ville Vuolanto, 2013. and Romano-Campanian Tesselated Mosaics to the Early Augustan 42. Agents and Objects – Children in Pre-modern Europe Age, by Antero Tammisto, 1997. edited by Katariina Mustakallio and Jussi Hanska, 2015. 19. Epigrafi e studi epigrafici in Finlandia a cura di Heikki Solin, Christer Bruun et al., 1998. 43. The Material Sides of Marriage. Women and Domestic Economies in Antiquity 20. Kult und Kaiser edited by Ria Berg, 2016. Studien zu Kaiserkult und Kaiserverehrung in den germanischen Provinzen und in Gallia Belgica zur römischen Kaiserzeit von Uta- 44. The South Etruscan Cippus Inscriptions (SECI) Maria Liertz, 1998. edited by Jorma Kaimio, 2017.

21. Heikki Solin. Analecta epigraphica 1970-1997 45. Il Mediterraneo e la storia II Iterum edenda indicibusque instruenda curavit Michael Kajava amicis a cura di Laura Chioffi, Mika Kajava, Simo Örmä, 2017 adiuvantibus, 1998. 46. The Roman Courtesan. Archaeological Reflections of a Literary 22. Female Networks and the Public Sphere in Roman Society Topos edited by Päivi Setälä and Liisa Savunen, 1999. edited by Ria Berg and Richard Neudecker, 2018 ROMA 2020 excerpt



Arja Karivieri excerpt excerpt



editor Arja Karivieri

ROMA 2020 excerpt

Acta Instituti Romani Finlandiae, rivista internazionale open-access sottoposta a peer review Acta Instituti Romani Finlandiae, an international peer-reviewed open-access series

Direttore / Director

Mika Kajava Department of Languages FI - 00014 University of Helsinki

Comitato scientifico /Editorial board

Mika Kajava – Marjo Kaartinen – Arja Karivieri

Comitato editoriale internazionale / International Editorial Advisory Board

John Bodel (Providence, USA), Alfredo Buonopane (Verona), Irene Bragantini (Napoli), Michel Gras (Paris), Klaus Herbers (Erlangen), Sybille Ebert-Schifferer (Roma)

Redazione / Editing

Simo Örmä, Roma

Redazione del vol. 47 / Editorial work for vol. 47

Arja Karivieri

In copertina / Cover illustration Marble relief depicting the Portus harbour. Ostia Nuovi depositi, inv. 49132. Photo: Saana Säilynoja, Vapriikki Photo Archive.

ISBN 9978-88-5491-104-8 ISSN 0538-2270

© Institutum Romanum Finlandiae Roma 2020 www.irfrome.org

Finito di stampare nel mese di dicembre 2020 excerpt


Mariarosaria Barbera, Foreword 9

Acknowledgements 13

Arja Karivieri, Introduction 19

I. The Harbour of Rome shipping and ships

Christa Steinby, The Role of Ostia and Portus in Roman Seafaring – The Literary Evidence 29


Simon Keay, The Portus Romae 41

Simon Keay, The Isola Sacra 49 commerce, road and river transport

Ray Laurence, Ostia between Rome and the World 57

Carlo Pavolini, Imported Ceramics at Ostia: A Bibliographical Survey 65

Katariina Mustakallio & Arja Karivieri, Contacts over the Sea: Evidence from Mosaics Decorating the Piazzale delle Corporazioni and the Terme delle Province 73

Ria Berg, Measures and Measuring Merchandise in Ostia 83

II The City of Ostia architecture, buildings, housing

Janet DeLaine, Apartment Living in Second Century Ostia 95

Jesper Blid, Construction Work, Temples and Walls 103 excerpt

 Contents 6

Birte Poulsen, Luxuria privata – Domus in Late Antique Ostia 111

Arja Karivieri, Living in Apartment Blocks and domus, Lighting in Homes and Public Spaces 123

Claudia Cecamore, Research in Material Form: Italo Gismondi’s Models 129 infrastructure, roads

Ray Laurence, Streets, Gates, and Traffic in Ancient Ostia 137

Marja-Leena Hänninen, Bathing in Ancient Ostia 143


Fausto Zevi, The Administration of Ostia 153

Olli Salomies, Prominent Families of Ostia 159 inhabitants and identities

Antonio Licordari, The Population of Ostia: Composition and Working Activities, an Analysis of Inscriptions 165

Lynne Bennett and Ray Laurence, The Local and the Global: the Use of Formulae in the Epitaphs at Ostia 173

Ghislaine van der Ploeg, Shipowners and Curatores in Ostia 181

Marina Prusac-Lindhagen, Portraits and Identities at Ostia 187

Ria Berg, Images of the ‘Foreign Other’ in Roman Ostia 199


Arja Karivieri, Ostia as Centre of Production 209

Michael MacKinnon, Zooarchaeological Research and Our Understanding of Animals in Ancient Ostia 219 workers, slaves

Lena Larsson Lovén, People at Work in Ostia 225

Cinzia Morelli, The Campus Salinarum Romanarum 231

Sanna Joska & Ville Vuolanto, Slavery in the Roman World 243 excerpt

Contents 7

III Everyday Life in Ostia family

Katariina Mustakallio & Marja-Leena Hänninen, Women, Marriage and Family in Roman Society and the Community of Ostia 251

Sanna Joska & Ville Vuolanto, Children in the Roman World 261 clothing, accessories and beauty 265

Lena Larsson Lovén, Clothes and Dress in Roman Urban Life 269

Paola Germoni, Jewellery in Ostia 275

Ria Berg, Perfume Bottles, Hairpins and Mirrors: Evolutions of the Mundus Muliebris in Ostia 279 leisure, entertainment, theatre

Mary Harlow and Ray Laurence, Shops and Shopping in Ancient Ostia 287

Arja Karivieri, Theatre and Pantomime, Gladiatorial Games and venationes – Animal Hunts 295

Véronique Dasen, Play and Games in Ostia 305

Ria Berg, Hic Amor Habitat Sex and the Harbour City 313

Heikki Solin, The Wall Inscriptions of Ostia 319

IV Religion and cults religions and cults

Katariina Mustakallio, The Cultic Landscape in Ostia 335

Marja-Leena Hänninen, Religious life in Ostia in the Imperial Period 345

Marja-Leena Hänninen, The Cult of Mithras in Ostia 353

Angelo Pellegrino, Eastern Cults at Ostia: An Example of Social, Economic and Civic Integration 363

Arja Karivieri, New Trends in Late Antique Religions, Beliefs and Ideas: Christianity, Judaism, Philosophy and Magic in Ostia 371

Marxiano Melotti, St Hippolytus and the Martyrs of Ostia. The Sea and the Construction of a New Christian Landscape 387 excerpt

Contents  8

burials, life after death 399

Ghislaine van der Ploeg, The Funerary Inscriptions of Ostia and Isola Sacra 391

Ray Laurence, Vixit Annos: Mortality, Childhood, and Disease at Ostia 405

Katariina Mustakallio, The Culture of Death 411 osteological research

Paola Francesca Rossi and Anna Kjellström, A Brief Osteological Overview of 30 Indivi- duals from Anas Acilia Via del Mare 421

Flavio De Angelis, Sara Varano, Cristina Martínez-Labarga, Olga Rickards & Paola Catalano, Dietary Landscape of the Community of Castel Malnome (Rome, 1st‒3rd Centuries CE) 427 modern ostia

Marxiano Melotti, Between Past and Present. Ostia and Its Difficult Liminality 437

Arja Karivieri and Ria Berg (eds.), Catalogue 449

Photo Credits 525

Bibliography 527

List of contributors 601 excerpt

Theatre and Pantomime, Gladiatorial Games and venationes – Animal Hunts

Arja Karivieri

The theatre of Ostia was built on the northern edge of Decumanus Maximus, Ostia’s main street, at the end of the first century BCE, to the east of the complex of four temples, Quattro tempietti. It was built of opus reticulatum and tuff. From the epigraphic evidence, we know that this monumental theatre was built by Agrippa, the son-in-law and a close friend of Augustus. Ostia’s first theatre accommodated about 3,000 spectators. The theatre complex included a large area in front of it, the Piazzale delle Corporazioni, that was surrounded on three sides by a colonnade, and a temple was built in the centre of this open area. As in other Roman cities, magistrates in Ostia were expected to organize festivals and games and to fund public spectacles. This tradition was also followed by the wealthy citizens of the city: Fabius Hermo- genes, a priest of the cult of Emperor Hadrian, funded theatrical performances, ludi scaenici, and the wealthy Ostian matron Fabia Agrippina annually sponsored the games in memory of one of her family members.1 During the Late Republican period (133-31 BCE), local interpretations of Greek plays were popular, and Roman classics were also performed. Famous scenes from Greek plays were reproduced in Pompeian mural paintings, and in Ostia such scenes have survived in terracotta moulds found during the excavations of the early twentieth century (Fig. 1).2 There is another interesting piece of evidence from Ostia, connected

Figure 1 (Cat. no. 121). Terracotta mould, theatre scene. Three actors. Crouching on the right, a woman crying, wearing a tragic mask, featuring a high theatrical coiffure or a so-called onkos; she has a wide tunic and a cloak. In the middle stands a woman in a tragic mask, and to the right is an overweight male figure who seems to be strangling himself with a scarf. The last one looks like a comic character. The scene has been interpreted as depicting the tragedy of Euripides, Iphigeneia in Aulis. Ostia Nuovi Depositi, inv. 3532. Photo: Saana Säilynoja, Vapriikki Photo Archive.

1 CIL XIV 4450. Meiggs 1973, 420. Cf. the latest interpretation of the inscription, Zevi 2014, 85-88. 2 Ostia Nuovi Depositi, inv. 3532. The scene has been interpreted as an illustration of Euripides’ tragedy Iphigeneia in Aulis; Pasqui 1906, 368, fig. 10. excerpt

296 Arja Karivieri with the old comedy: according to a Greek inscription on a travertine block from the foundations of the so-called Tempio dell’Ara Rotonda found on the Via della Foce, Lysicles made a portrait of Plato, a writer of old comedy.3 This portrait may have been imported from Greece in the first century BCE, and donated to a shrine in the area, and when the temple was rebuilt during the reign of the Emperor Augustus, the old pedestal of the portrait was used as the foundation for a new altar, and the statue of the comedian Plato was given a new marble base. Greek literature, art and architecture had gained popularity in , Rome and Ostia during the Republic, and this is evident in archaeological material too. As the Atellan farce, which featured a number of easily recognizable characters, became more preva- lent during the Late Republic, it became more popular than traditional theatre forms, with its fast-paced humorous plot twists.4 When mimus, mime, arrived in Rome from the Greek world, it soon surpassed the farce. Mime had a greater variety of roles and the possibility of having female actors for female roles. Mime provided the opportunity for actors to utilise facial expressions, since the mime actors did not wear masks.5 Skilful mime actors gained fame for their ability to improvise, and references to current events and well- known figures also influenced the popularity of mime. Dancers were often portrayed in Graeco-Roman art performing comic roles, and especially grotesque, erotic dances were combined with accentuated movements and a pair of long canes or sticks that the dancers wiggled. In Ostia, a dancing couple of this kind is depicted at the Porta Marina, in the floor mosaic of the so- called Alexander caupona (IV 7.4.) (Fig. 2). The dancer depicted on the left has an artificially large phallus, and both male dancers have two sticks in each hand. Katherine Dunbabin has suggested that in this mosaic,

Figure 2. Caupona di Alexander e Helix (IV 7.4), two pole dancers in a floor mosaic. Photo: Arja Karivieri.

3 Zevi 1969-1970, 110-16, nos. 1-3; Meiggs 1973, 581-82; Van Haeperen 2019, 86-87. See also fig. 3, p. 338. 4 Meiggs 1973, 421. 5 Meiggs 1973, 421. excerpt

Theatre and Pantomime, Gladiatorial Games and venationes – Animal Hunts 297

Figure 3. Marble theatre masks decorating the Theatre of Ostia. Photo: Saana Säilynoja, Vapriikki Photo Archive. either the dancers have a special headdress, or both have had their hair removed.6 Often, stick dancers have a pointed headdress, which is depicted for example, on the central disk of oil lamps. During the reign of the Emperor Augustus, Pylades and Bathyllus developed pantomime art to in- clude dance, singing and recitation, and accurate hand-language; performers could wear several face masks and outfits during the same performance (Fig. 3). Pantomime artists performed famous stories of Greek tragedies about love and hate, the fates of gods, heroes and ordinary people in Greek and Roman mythology. These artists became very popular, and this is why the Emperor Tiberius issued an official statute limiting the interaction of senators and knights with pantomime artists.7 One of Ostia’s performers was officially honoured when the city government erected an honorific statue to praise the artist’s great skill.8 L. Aurelius Apolaustus Memphius, the freed slave of Marcus Aurelius and Lucius Verus, also received in the late second century CE a special tribute to his ability as a dancer.9 Seviri Augustales, officials of the Imperial cult, praised the performer, M. Aurelius Pylades, from Scythopolis, as the “best pantomime artist of his time”, whom Emperors Valerian and Gallienus (i.e., 253- 260 CE) also praised for his skill.10 Two copies of this honorific inscription have survived. Pylades was promoted to the highest level of his profession and, apparently, he came from his Eastern home province to make appearances in Italy and Rome. Previously, he had performed in Ascalon and Damascus in the

6 Dunbabin 2004, 163-65. 7 Meiggs 1973, 422. 8 CIL XIV 474 = ILS 5233: “Huic primum spend^i^dissimus ordo decur(ionum) Ost(iensium) postul(ante) populo ob eximia[m i]psius peritiam obsequiaque in patria(m) m[axi]ma in colo(nia) sua publice statua(m) ponendam [decrevit].” Meiggs 1973, 423; Caldelli 1998, 225-29; Cébeillac-Gervasoni – Caldelli – Zevi 2010, 290, no. 85; Te- deschi 2017, 252. 9 CIL XIV 5375. Meiggs 1973, 423. 10 CIL XIV 4624. Meiggs 1973, 423; Cébeillac-Gervasoni – Caldelli – Zevi 2010, 292-93, no. 88. excerpt

298 Arja Karivieri province of Syria Palaestina. The text is also a tribute to his late father, who had the Jewish name Iudas, as Fausto Zevi and Maria Letizia Caldelli have shown. The father of the pantomime artist was thus a member of Ostia’s Jewish minority. What remains unclear, however, was the relationship between the officials of the Imperial cult and Pylades’ father, Iudas. However, his son had adopted the generic name Pylades, which was usual for pantomime artists. If Pylades also was Jewish, it is not unusual, as official sources attest, that Jews participated in the activities of the theatres and also in the games.11

The theatre of Ostia was renovated during the reign of the Emperor Commodus and the rule of the Severans, increasing the theatre’s auditorium capacity from 3,000 to 4,000 (Fig. 4). This demonstrates the popular- ity of theatre performances in the third century. The next stage in the history of the Ostian theatre was the modification of its structures in the late fourth century CE, so that water tanks built into the lower part of the theatre allowed the orchestra in front of the stage to be filled with water. This may have led the Ostians to admire nymphs, nereids, and other mythical marine figures in their water scenery. According to Russell Meiggs, we may thank Italo Gismondi for reconstructing the late history of the theatre, which Gismondi accomplished with the excavation report of Lanciani.12

Figure 4. Theatre of Ostia. Photo: Alen Plehandzic, Vapriikki Photo Archive.

11 Cébeillac-Gervasoni – Caldelli – Zevi 2010, 293, no. 88; Weiss 2010, 634-37. 12 Gismondi 1955; Meiggs 1973, 424-25. excerpt

Theatre and Pantomime, Gladiatorial Games and venationes – Animal Hunts 299

Another question is where in the Ostia region the games and shows with wild animals, gladiator battles and horse racing were organised. No trac- es of an amphitheatre or a circus for racing have been found in Ostia. We know, however, that the Ostian people funded gladiator shows,13 and graf- fiti depicting the gladiators were scratched on the walls of the House of Jupiter and Ganymede.14 Oil lamps representing gladiators have been found in Ostia, as well as knife handles made of bone rep- resenting gladiators, illustrating their various roles and equipment.15 The secutor (Hunter) was armed with a sword and a shield (Fig. 5; Cat. no. 127). The secutor fought with a quick-footed retiarius, who in turn was armed with a trident, a dagger and a net. This meant that there were no sharp protrusions in the secutor’s helmet that could be caught by the net, and the eyeholes are small, in order to avoid the trident’s blows. Other gladiators’ helmet types had two feathers as decoration: for example, samnites (Samnites; the Samnite war helmet had also these feathers consecrated to the god Mars), murmillo and thrax. One knife handle (inv. no. 4302) found

Figure 5. The knife handle, below left, represents a gladiator protected behind a large rectangular shield. His shield is deco- rated with star patterns. He is wearing a helmet decorated with three protrusions. The middle one is perhaps a brush, and the extreme ones are two feathers dedicated to the god Mars. The left foot has a leather shin guard. The gladiator on the handle, top left, a secutor to judge by his helmet, has a sword in his right hand. The shield is decorated with engravings. A secutor fought with a high-speed retiarius, who in turn was armed with a trident, a dagger and a net. This is why there are no sharp protrusions on the secutor’s helmet that could have been caught by the net, and the eyeholes are small to prevent trident prongs. The right hand has an arm guard, the left leg has a thick pad- ding. The gladiator on the handle, below right, is also a secutor with a helmet, a sword, a shield and a leg guard on the left leg (Cat. no 128). The handle, top right, depicts a resting male lion. Its bronze ring, which secured the iron blade, has also been preserved (Cat. no 129). The handles of the knives, top, have long notches to which the iron knife blade was attached, and the blades of the knives, below, are fastened with the bronze bolsters retained in the handle. Ostia Nuovi Depositi, inv. 4303, 50918, 4302 and 4632. Photo: Saana Säilynoja, Vapriikki Photo Archive.

13 Fasti, 146 and 152. Meiggs 1973, 425-26. 14 Calza 1920, 370. 15 These knife handles are described by Ria Berg. excerpt

300 Arja Karivieri in Ostia (Fig. 5; Cat. no. 126) shows a gladiator protected behind a large rect- angular shield. He wears a helmet with three protrusions, a central crest deco- rated with a plume, and the sides with feathers. Approximately 400 ter- racotta moulds depicting vena- tores fighting with wild animals16 (Fig. 6; Cat. no. 122) and other moulds depicting exotic animals such as elephants,17 giraffes and lions18 have been found in the centre of Ostia (Figs. 7-9; Cat. nos. 123, 124, 125).19 Figure 6. Terracotta mould, an animal fighter, venator, fights a bear. In this The moulds depict the views at the am- mould, the bear fights thebestiarius , the animal fighter. Animal battles or hunt- ing shows, venationes, were often performed in the arena before the actual phitheatre and the circus, but another gladiatorial battles. The warrior wears a head and neck helmet, a leather tunic, question is what the moulds were used arm and shin guards, and defends himself with a rectangular shield. Ostia Nuo- vi Depositi, inv. 3531. Photo: Saana Säilynoja, Vapriikki Photo Archive. for. Maria Floriani Squarciapino has suggested that these moulds were used to make some products from easily degradable organic material, and according to Angiulo Pasqui, they were used to make cakes or bread for distribution to the public during the games.20 An inscription from Ostia, dating to the Severan era, has immortalized a donation of Hostilianus, duumvir, quaestor, and the priest of the Imperial cult, and his wife Sabina for the games, especially for female gladiators, mulieres ad ferrum.21 However, Septimius Severus banned battle shows of female gladia- tors in 200 CE because they changed the behaviour of some upper-class women and seduced the audience.22 The popularity of female athletes and female gladiators can also be seen in Roman literature. Suetonius and Cassius Dio are among the authors who write about women gladiators who attended festivals organized by Nero and Domitian,23 and the inscription found in Ostia confirms their activities in the city. According to the late antique legends of the martyrs, Acta Sanctorum, the Ostian martyr Asterius was sentenced to the amphitheatre that was located close to the enclosure of the wild animals.24 However, no remains of an amphitheatre have been found in or near Ostia, nor of the racetrack, circus. We know that the wild animals that participated in the venationes organised at the Colosseum entered the amphitheatre via Ostia. Before the show, they were kept in vivaria owned by the emperor, enclosures where they were housed by species, such as elephants in a vivarium near Laurentum, herbivores in their enclosure, and dangerous

16 Ostia, Nuovi Depositi, inv. 3531. Pasqui 1906, 362-63, fig. 4. 17 Ostia, Nuovi Depositi, inv. 3761. Pasqui 1906, 369, fig. 12. 18 Ostia, Nuovi Depositi, inv. 3705. Pasqui 1906, 363-64, fig. 5. 19 Pasqui 1906. 20 Floriani Squarciapino 1954, 83. 21 CIL XIV 4616 + 5381 = AE 1977, 153. Pasqualini 2013, 13-14. 22 Gardner 1986, 248. 23 Murray 2003. 24 Meiggs 1973, 427. excerpt

Theatre and Pantomime, Gladiatorial Games and venationes – Animal Hunts 301

Figure 7. Terracotta mould, elephant. Ostia Nuovi Depositi, inv. 3761. Photo: Saana Säilynoja, Vapriikki Photo Archive.

Figure 8. Terracotta mould, fighting animals; a leopard and a giraffe, and an elephant, a bear and a leopard, and three leop- ards around them. Ostia Nuovi Depositi, inv. 3714. Photo: Saana Säilynoja, Vapriikki Photo Archive.

Figure 9. Terracotta mould, fighting animals; a hippo, a male lion, a tiger, and a leopard that has attacked the zebra, and tigers above them. Ostia Nuovi Depositi, inv. 3705. Photo: Saana Säilynoja, Vapriikki Photo Archive. predators in isolation.25 Saltus laurentinus, a woodland where animals were raised for animal fighting, has been located to the area south of Ostia.26 Russell Meiggs believed that Stephanus, praepositus camellorum, the camel keeper mentioned in a tombstone found in Ostia’s excavations, took care of the camels for the performances organised at the Colosseum27 (see article by van der Ploeg, pp. 401-02, fig. 5; Cat. no. 172). Other possible interpretations

25 Lo Giudice 2008. 26 Cébeillac-Gervasoni – Caldelli – Zevi 2010, 293-94, no. 89. 27 Meiggs 1973, 302; De Grossi Mazzorin 2006, 233, fig. 2. This marble tombstone belonged to T. Flavius Stephanus, who was freed from slavery during the Flavian period (69-94 CE), during the reign of Vespasian, Titus, or Domitian. Stephanus was a camel attendant; two dromedaries and an elephant depicted in the lower part of the tombstone reveal his profession. The epitaph was found during excavations at the necropolis of the Via Laurentina. It was once attached to the front of the grave monument of Stephanus. Date: end of first century – the beginning of the second century CE.Ostia, Lapidario, inv. 7029. Cébeillac-Gervasoni – Caldelli – Zevi 2010, 293-94, no. 89. excerpt

302 Arja Karivieri

Figure 10. Caupona di Alexander e Helix (IV 7.4), two boxers, Alexander and Helix, in the floor mosaic. Photo: Arja Karivieri. are that he was responsible for the organization of camel caravans and camel rearing in Africa. If Stephanus took care of camels in the Laurentum area, his tomb in the necropolis of Via Laurentina was close to the same place where he cared for the camels.28 The presence of camels in Ostia is also evidenced by the bone remains found in Ostia’s new excavations in Regio III. The identification was made by Michael MacKinnon; interestingly enough, the context of this discovery is late, the sixth century CE.29 In 2006, Jacopo De Grossi Mazzorin published statistics of the distribution of bone remains of Bactrian camels or dromedaries in Eu- rope, according to which remains are attested in Ostia, and in Rome from the excavations of Crypta Balbi, Forum Pacis, and near the tomb of the Valerii on the Via Latina.30 The find contexts of these camel bones are dated from the second to the seventh centuries, as is the case also generally in Italy, with an emphasis on the late antique period; the latest archaeological evidence is dated to the seventh century CE.31 Camels had an important role in Africa and Asia as transport animals for the transport of water and food supplies of the Roman army from Asia and Africa to other Roman provinces.32 In addition, we know from ancient literary sources that during the Imperial period and in Late Antiquity, many emperors organised venationes, large battles with wild animals and multi-day events in which exotic animals played a major role. Ancient authors mention races with camels and horses,33 and according to the Historia Augusta, the Emperor Elagabalus harnessed four camels to a chariot at a private spectacle in the Circus.34 This probably refers to the circus near the Sessorian palace in Rome.35

28 Bedello Tata 2000, 476; Bedello Tata 2001, 414. Cébeillac-Gervasoni – Caldelli – Zevi 2010, 293-94, no. 89. 29 MacKinnon 2014, 184 (DAI/AAR, German-American excavations, Regio III, street, find context 6th century CE). 30 De Grossi Mazzorin 2006, 233-35, table 1, fig. 2-7. 31 De Grossi Mazzorin 2006, 239. 32 De Grossi Mazzorin 2006, 233. 33 De Grossi Mazzorin 2006, 239. 34 Hist. Aug. Heliog. 23, 1. 35 Humphrey 1986, 555. excerpt

Theatre and Pantomime, Gladiatorial Games and venationes – Animal Hunts 303

Finally, the floor mosaics of Ostia’s public buildings, such as baths, tabernae and cauponae, often depict athletes, wrestlers, and boxers,36 such as in the palaestra of the Terme del Nettuno, the apodyterium of the Terme della Marciana, and the floor mosaic of the Caupona di Alexander e Helix (IV 7.4). The mosaic in the Caupona di Alexander e Helix depicts two apparently well-known professional boxers, Alexander and Helix, both of whom wear hand protectors (Fig. 10).37

36 Cf. Pavolini 1986, 244-45. 37 Cébeillac-Gervasoni – Caldelli – Zevi 2010, 291-92, no. 87. excerpt excerpt



For the ancient Latin authors, the abbreviations of the Thesaurus linguae Latinae, Index, Leipzig 1990, are used; for the Greek authors, see Oxford Classical Dictionary, Oxford 1996, 3. ed. Titles of periodicals are abbreviated as in l’Année philologique.

AE = L’Année Epigraphique (Paris, 1888–).

BGU = Berliner griechische Urkunden (Ägyptische Urkunden aus den Kgl. Museen zu Berlin).

CIL = Corpus Inscriptionum Latinarum (Berlin, 1863–).

Fast. triumph. = Fasti triumphales

Liber Coloniarum = F. Blume – K. Lachmann – A. Rudorff (eds.), Die Schriften der römischen Feldmesser, 2 vol., Berlin: [s.n.], 1848-1852.

Liber Pontificalis = L. Duchesne, Le Liber Pontificalis: Texte, introduction et commentaire, I, Paris: E. De Boccard, 1886.

P. Mich. = Michigan papyri (1931–).

P. Dura = The Excavations at Dura-Europos conducted by Yale University and the French Academy of Inscriptions and Letters Final Report pt. 1: The Parchments and Papyri, ed. C.B. Welles and others (1959).

SEG = Supplementum Epigraphicum Graecum (1923–).

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