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Volume of Abstracts Volume of Abstracts Indian Planetary Science Conference-2021 25-26 February 2021 Physical Research Laboratory ORAL Presentations No Details Speaker Page No The Impact of Stealth CMEs on Martian Topside 1 Smitha Thampi, SPL 1 Ionosphere Spatio-temporal characteristics of the He bulge in the 2 Neha Gupta, NARL 2 Martian Upper Atmosphere 3 Recurrent Space Weather Events at Mars C Krishnaprasad, SPL 3 How do we understand dust in the Martian 4 Varun Sheel, PRL 4 atmosphere? Response of the Martian ionospheric peak to the 5 Vrinda Mukundan, NCESS 5 Planet Encircling Dust Event of June 2018 MOM and MAVEN Observations of the Effects of Venkateswara Rao Narukull, 6 the 2018 Planet‐Encircling Dust Event on the Martian 6 NARL Thermospheric Densities Water ice clouds observations over Olympus Mons 7 using the Mars Color Camera and Mars Climate Jagabandhu Panda, NIT, Rourkela 7 Sounder Variation of composition of Martian atmosphere Nagaraja Kamsali, Bangalore 8 8 during solar quiet and disturbed periods University A study on the characteristic features of the V1 layer 9 of the Venus ionosphere using Akatsuki Ambili K M, SPL 9 measurements. Dinesh Kumar V. R., BITS Pilani, 10 Current Status of Venus Lightning Research 10 Hyderabad Analogue research in Astrobiology: Implications for 11 Sudha Rajamani, IISER Pune 11 delineating prebiotically relevant processes 12 Graphene in Titan Rahul Kumar Kushwaha, PRL 12 Isita, SRM Institute of Science & 13 Violacein: a Bio-pigment Exploited in Mars 13 Technology, Tamil Nadu Complex structures in the ejecta of hypervelocity 14 Surendra Singh, PRL 14 impacts on icy mixtures of amino acids Ranjan Sarkar, Max Planck The origin of Juventae Chasma, Mars, and the light- 15 Institute for Solar System 15 toned sedimentary rock occurrences within it Research, Germany New insights into the glacial activity within Erebus 16 Rishitosh Sinha, PRL 16 Montes, Mars Impact craters with fan deposits in southern 17 highlands of Mars: Insights into their hydrological Tuhi Saumya, Anna University 17 history Formation of Theater-headed valleys in the Valles 18 Pragya Singh, IIT Bombay 18 Marineris region SHARAD detection of subsurface reflection near 19 Rajiv Ranjan Bharti, PRL 19 Mangala Fossa, Mars Spectral Parameters for Orbital identification of Sandeepan Dhoundiyal, IIT 20 20 Martian Phyllosilicates Bombay No Details Speaker Page No Synthesis of chemical provinces on Mars with the 21 latest geochemical maps and implications for Alka Rani, PRL 21 geologic interpretations Hyperspectral analysis for studying temporal 22 variations of dry and water ice in Korolev and Louth Sehajpal Singh, IIRS 22 Crater on Mars Olivine-Serpentine-Magnesite Association in Salem Ultramafic Complex, Southern India: A Potential Asif Iqbal, Govt. College, 23 23 Terrestrial Analogue Site for Comparable Kasaragod Occurrences On Mars Vigneshwaran K, Govt. Arts 24 Kunnam formation - Potential Martian analogue site 24 College, Salem Emissivity and compositional Variation of Venus 25 Highlands with Ovda Regio: Insights into Venusian Nithin Mohan, NISER 25 surface processes Solar Wind Ion Spectrometer (SWIS): A subsystem 26 Prashant Kumar, PRL 26 of ASPEX on-board Aditya-L1 mission Solar Coronal Dynamics investigated using radio sounding experiment conducted on Indian Mars 27 Richa Naja Jain, SPL 27 Orbiter Mission (MOM) during 2015 solar conjunction event Proposed measurements of supra-thermal and 28 energetic particles from the Sun-Earth L1 point and Shiv Kumar Goyal, PRL 28 Martian orbit Probing the magnetic field of coronal loops using Sneha Chaudhari, Kadi Sarva 29 microwave and hard X-ray emissions during flare 29 Vishwavidhyalaya observed by SOXS mission Modelling the Impact of Magnetic Storms on 30 Souvik Roy, IISER, Kolkata 30 Planetary Environments Study of Phase Relationship of Sunspot Numbers Satish Kumar Kasde, Govt. 31 with F 10.7 cm Solar Radio-Fluxand Coronal Index 31 College Bhainsdehi, M.P. using Wavelet-Transform Technique Polarimetric Analysis of South polar crater of the 32 Lunar Surface using L-band SAR data of Shashi Kumar, IIRS 32 Chandrayaan-2 Mare Tranquillitatis region observed by CLASS on 33 Netra Pillai, URSC 33 board Chandrayaan-2 Estimation of Lunar Dielectric Constant from 34 Chandrayaan-1 and Chandrayaan-2 Hybrid-pol Inderkumar Kochar, IIT Roorkee 34 Datasets Hematite detection in the high latitudes of the Moon 35 Neha Panwar, PRL 35 using Chandrayaan-1 HySI data Compositional Variability Mapping of Transition zone between Serenitatis and Tranquillitatis Basin Abinandhan Sivakumar, 36 36 using Moon Minerology Mapper (M3) of Bharathidasan University Chandrayaan-1 & Clementine UVVIS Data Lunar Surface Thermophysical Behaviour – Present 37 Durga Prasad Karanam, PRL 37 Understanding and Future Implications Multiple Evidences for Modification of Central Peaks 38 in Lunar Complex Craters: Implications for Deepak Dhingra, IIT Kanpur 38 Determining the Subsurface Mineralogy First results of polarimetric observations of the 39 Reiner Gamma swirl using EMPOL of Mount Abu Megha Bhatt, PRL 39 observatory No Details Speaker Page No Role of impact-induced heating in early lunar-core 40 Vishal Goyal, Panjab University 40 formation Machine learning based distinction between primary 41 Suchit Purohit, Gujarat University 41 and secondary craters 42 Highly Siderophile Element conundrum of the Moon Yash Srivastava, PRL 42 Comparative Chemical and Spectral Characterization Deepchand V, University of 43 of Chromites in Nuggihalli Schist Belt, Western 43 Kerala Dharwar Craton (Southern India). Ion density distribution in the inner coma of peculiar 44 Susarla Raghuram, PRL 44 compositional comet C/2016 R2 (Pan-STARRS) Multi-fluid modelling of comets with varying parent 45 Sana Ahmed, PRL 45 volatile compositions The evolution of the Galactic dust in the Solar 46 Anuj Gupta, Panjab University 46 neighborhood Cometary Dust Particles: reliable relics from the 47 Prithish Halder, PRL 47 Solar Protoplanetary phase Status of IDP flux models and observations in the 48 Jayesh Pabari, PRL 48 inner solar system High Resolution Mg and Si Isotopic Measurements 49 of Presolar Silicates: Insights into diverse stellar Manish Sanghani, PRL 49 origins and the Galactic Chemical Evolution (GCE) Short-Lived Radionuclides (SLRs) in the Early Solar 50 Tejpreet Kaur, Panjab University 50 System Tushar Bhatt, Kadi Sarva 51 Solar wind interaction with magnosheath of Saturn 51 Vishwavidualaya NAVA payload: Identification of the array detector 52 and recent developments on front-end and processing Rahul Pathak, PRL 52 electronics Development of Langmuir Probe Electronics for 53 Chandan Kumar, PRL 53 LPEX payload for future Mars mission Development of In-situ Measurement Technique for 54 Sanjeev Mishra, PRL 54 Water Ice Detection for Planetary Applications Design and Testing of X-Band Radio Occultation 55 Sonam Jitarwal, PRL 55 Transmitter and Receiver for future Mars Mission Development of Dynamic Feedback Instrumentation 56 for Optimizing Drilling Performance on Lunar South Nilay Awasthi, Amity University 56 Pole Terrain with varying Slope Review of sublimation rates, thermal modeling, and 57 design factors for integrated heat probe lunar drill for Vedanth Sharma, IIT Bombay 57 the sampling of subsurface ice in the lunar south pole Quantitative Assessment of Errors in the Radio 58 Keshav Ram Tripathi, SPL 58 Occultation profiling Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy (LIBS) study Abhishek Rai, University of 59 of impactites and related rocks from Lonar Crater, 59 Allahabad India - An Ideal terrestrial analogue Spacecraft Autonomous Navigation with Space 60 Arpana Aravindakshan, LEOS 60 bodies as targets for planetary missions No Details Speaker Page No Analysis of Optimal Interplanetary Transfers using 61 Suchismita Choudhury, VSSC 61 Solar-Electric Propulsion Cosmogenic radioisotopes in surface dust collected Narendra Bhandari, Science & 62 62 from asteroids Spirituality Research Institute Dwarf planet Ceres: Inner or outer solar system 63 Guneshwar Thangjam, NISER 63 origin? Anatomy of Iron meteorite: Understanding core of a 64 Dwijesh Ray, PRL 64 differentiated asteroid Aqueous alteration in CM2 chondrite Jbilet 65 Winselwan as analog of alteration processes on Rahul Das Gupta, NISER 65 asteroid Ceres Alteration of Fe-Ni-S metal phase in Mukundpura 66 Dipak Panda, PRL 66 meteorite. Mössbauer Spectroscopic study of Mukundpura CM2 67 Ambesh Dixit, IIT Jodhpur 67 carbonaceous Chondrite at 30 K Fine-grained rims (FGRs) in Mukundpura CM2: 68 Shivani Baliyan, PRL 68 Implications for in situ parent body alteration Shribharath Balakrishnan, IIT 69 Formation and evolution of rings around small bodies 69 Kanpur K. Balasubramanian, Mepco Raman Spectroscopic Study on Silicon Carbide 70 Schlenk Engineering College, 70 Polytype Distribution in Circumstellar Condition Tamil Nadu Basement deep impact event as evidenced from a Saranya R Chandran, University 71 71 melt rock at Lonar Impact Crater, Central India of Kerala The origin of Insoluble organic matter in meteorites: 72 Shreeya Natrajan, PRL 72 A Multi-technique study 73 Indian Sample curation and processing facility Ramakant Mahajan, PRL 73 POSTER Presentation Simulations of the solar wind crafted Martian 1 Arnab Basak, IISER 74 environment Dust distribution within a vortex and its significance 2 Shefali Uttam, PRL 75 for Mars 3 Mathematical Modelling of Martian Dust Storm Foram Joshi, G.H. Patel College 76 Modelling of CO (a3π) Cameron bands in the 4 Masoom Jethwa, PRL 77 Martian atmosphere A universal tool to retrieve
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