Transactions of the Ossianic Society
m:U;^- ^^ms-jt CÍAmM'i4L I. t.5 f^^ : TRANSACTIONS THE OSSIANIC SOCIETY, FOR THE YEAR 1853. VOL. I. BATTLE OF GABHRA. DUBLIN PRINTED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE COUNCIL, FOR THE USK OF THE M KM BKRS. 1854. : BATTLE OF GABHRA: GARRISTOWN IN THE COUNTY OF DUBLIN, FOUGHT A.D. 283. FOE THE FIRST TIME EDITED, FROM AN ORIGINAL IRISH MANUSCRIPT, WITH INTRODDCTION, LITERAl. TRANSLATION, AND NOTES, BY NICHOLAS O'KEARNEY. DUBLIN PRINTED FOR THE OSSIANIC SOCIETY, By JOHN O'DALY, 9, ANGLESEY-STREET. 1853. PUBLICATIONS OF THIS SOCIETY ARE NOT SOLD ; TO MEMBERS. — ; REPORT. On the l"th day of March, 1853, a few individuals, interested in the pre- servation and j)ublication_ofjrish Manuscripts, met at No. 9, Anglesey-street, for the express purpose of forming a Society whose object should be the pub- lication of Fenian poems, tales, and romances, illustrative of the Fenian period of Irish histqrxj_in the Irish language and character, with literal transla- subsequent tionsand notes explanatory of the text, whenpracticable : and at a meeting, held on the 9th of May following, the Society was formed, and named the OssiANic Society, the Council to consist entirely of Irish Scholars ; when the following gentlemen were duly elected as the first Council of the Society, and the undermentioned Fenian Tracts were determined on as its first publi- cations : COUNCIL. Rev. John Clarke, R.C.C., Louth ; Euseby D. Cleaver, Esq., A.B., Del- gany; Professor Connellan, Cork; Rev. James Goodman, A.B., Skibbereen : William Hackett, Esq., ilidleton ; Rev. Patrick Lamb, P.P., Newtownhamil- ton: Professor Mac^eeny, Thurles ; Mr.
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