Congressional Record—Senate S 2768
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S 2768 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE February 15, 1995 COMMITTEE ON GOVERNMENTAL AFFAIRS stars to Members of Congress in help- Within five months of their return, the Mr. HATCH. Mr. President, I ask ing to realize the ambitious goals of nurses, with the help of Hadassah Nurses unanimous consent on behalf of the the World Summit for ChildrenÐcut- Councils throughout the United States and Governmental Affairs Committee to ting child mortality by one-third, halv- in coalition with other organizations, meet on Wednesday, February 15, 1995, churches and synagogues, amassed 30 tons of ing malnutrition and maternal mortal- medical supplies and clothing valued at $3.5 at 9:30 a.m. for a hearing on the subject ity rates, providing basic education for million for transport to Sarajevo. of regulatory reform. all children, and reducing or eradicat- Since the nurses' trip, close connections The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without ing childhood diseases by the end of have been forged between the coalition and objection, it is so ordered. this century. In recognition of Jim the Jewish community of Sarajevo. About COMMITTEE ON LABOR AND HUMAN RESOURCES Grant's outstanding contributions, 300 Jews, a remnant of the 2,500 Jews from Mr. HATCH. Mr. President, I ask President Clinton awarded him the Na- Sarajevo who survived World War II, remain unanimous consent that the Commit- tion's highest civilian honor, the Medal in the city. Under the auspices of La tee on Labor and Human Resources be of Freedom, just last summer. Benevolencija, the Jewish humanitarian so- ciety formed in 1892, the Jewish community authorized to meet for a hearing on S. Mr. President, I am certain that my in Sarajevo has assumed responsibility for 141, the Davis-Bacon Repeal Act, dur- colleagues join me in extending my caring for the entire community. They oper- ing the session of the Senate on deepest sympathies to Jim's family. He ate the pharmacies and other health facili- Wednesday, February 15, 1995 at 9 a.m. is deeply missed but his life and work ties, distribute foods, operate a daily soup The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without shall never be forgotten.· kitchen, and facilitate the evacuation of the objection, it is so ordered. elderly and children. f SUBCOMMITTEE ON ANTITRUST, BUSINESS In this way, the tiny Jewish community, which has existed in Sarajevo for more than RIGHTS, AND COMPETITION HADASSAH'S WORK IN SARAJEVO Mr. HATCH. Mr. President, I ask 500 years, has been working to save its unanimous consent that the Sub- · Ms. MIKULSKI. Mr. President, as a Catholic, Muslim and Orthodox Christian neighbors. All have been living under in- committee on Antritrust, Business life member of Hadassah, the Women's Zionist Organization of America, I am creasingly desperate conditions since the Rights, and Competition of the Com- Bosnian conflict began nearly three years mittee on the Judiciary be authorized proud of their humanitarian work around the world. I am also proud that ago. More than 12,000 residents, including to meet during the session of this Sen- 1,625 children, have been killed and some ate on Wednesday, February 15, 1995, at Hadassah's founder, Henrietta Szold, 60,000 wounded. Medical supplies are not 2 p.m. to hold a hearing on the court was born in my hometown of Balti- available to treat the sick and injured and imposed major league baseball anti- more. restore them to health. Moreover, water, trust exemption. Private philanthropy cannot take the food, gas and electricity are in very short The PRESIDING OFFICER. Without place of public policy. But it can play supply. Residents are now resorting to burn- ing what possessions they have left, includ- objection, it is so ordered. a vital role in providing aid and com- fort in places like BosniaÐwhere medi- ing old books and family heirlooms, in an ef- f cal facilities have been decimated by fort to survive the winter cold. The supplies collected by Hadassah and the ADDITIONAL STATEMENTS war. other coalition members were shipped to I am pleased to share information New York for storage in a central warehouse with my colleagues on Hadassah's provided by Queens, NY Hadassah. Eight JAMES P. GRANT international relief work. I ask that tons of clothing are now on their way to · Mr. SARBANES. Mr. President, I was Hadassah's report on their work in Sa- Bosnia by cargo ship. The remaining 22-ton deeply saddened to learn of the recent rajevo be printed in the RECORD. shipment, including pharmaceuticals, medi- death of a tireless champion of the The report follows: cal supplies and uniforms, has already been sent from Dover Air Force Base on air force world's children, James P. Grant. Most HADASSAH NURSES COUNCILS ORGANIZE planes to Croatia where it will now be air- of us knew Jim as the deeply commit- MASSIVE RELIEF EFFORT FOR SARAJEVO lifted by the United Nations directly to Sa- ted and energetic Executive Director of Just a year after its founding in 1912, Ha- rajevo. UNICEF, where his enthusiasm, his dassah, the Women's Zionist Organization of Hadassah members Sherry Hahn of Arling- compassion, and his media savvy were America, sent two intrepid nurses, Rose ton and Elsie Roth, taking advantage of the legion. For 15 years he refused to take Kaplan and Rachel Landy, to Palestine to cease-fire negotiated by former United ``no'' for an answer, forcing those more treat the malnourished and diseased mothers States President Jimmy Carter in December, accustomed to the high politics of di- and children of Jerusalem, thereby laying will return to Sarajevo to meet the shipment the foundation for its ongoing medical work and help La Benevolencija distribute the plomacy to consider the everyday re- in Israel. More than 82 years later, in Au- supplies. Hearts will beat again when re- alities for the youngest and most vul- gust, 1994, Hadassah again sent its nurses on started by a perfectly reconditioned nerable members of the world's popu- an arduous journey, this time to the besieged defibrillator included in the shipment. Bod- lation. His child survival revolution city of Sarajevo. Elsie Roth and Kathryn ies will heal when external fixators will hold can be credited with saving and im- Bauschard of St. Louis, Dianna Pearlmutter them together without invasive surgery. proving the lives of millions of children of Boston, and Charlotte Franklin of Santa Limbless people, wounded by shell fire, will who otherwise would have fallen victim Barbara, all members of Hadassah's nurses walk again when more than 100 pieces of to malnutrition, dehydration and eas- councils, went to assess the medical needs of prosthetics replace their feet, legs and the war-torn city and plan and coordinate knees. ily preventable diseases. the delivery of much needed medical supplies In a letter to Hadassah, Sven Alkalaj, the While Jim Grant's contributions as and clothing. Bosnian Ambassador to the United States, UNICEF's Director are unparalleled, it Traveling under the banner of the United wrote, ``The Republic of Bosnia and was not only there that he made his Nations High Commissioner for Refugees, Herzegovina and its people sincerely offer mark. In fact he spent his entire life- the nurses visited Kosevo Hospital and the the American organization Hadassah their time in public service: First with the State Hospital of Sarajevo during their 7-day thanks for the fine activities of four nurses U.N. Relief and Rehabilitation Admin- trip. The nurses met with hospital adminis- who, despite the dangerous situation in Sa- istration in China, where he was born, trators, doctors, nurses, and other personnel rajevo, had the courage to visit our nation's and inspected operating rooms, pediatric capital. Their mission was one of humani- and later at the United States Depart- wards and pharmacy supply centers. They tarian concern and genuine compassion for ment of State, the United States Agen- found deplorable conditions in the hospitals, our citizens who are in need of desperate cy for International Development, and which lacked even the most basic medical medical attention. the Overseas Development Council. In supplies. ``All of these registered nurses displayed each of those capacities his concern for At the time of their visit, Deborah Kaplan, an overwhelming desire to help those in those living in poverty and despair lent Hadassah National President, stated, ``Ha- need. Their compassion will long be remem- special significance to his work and dassah has a long-standing commitment to bered by those of us who had an opportunity distinguished him as an individual. providing humanitarian aid throughout the to experience their love of humanity and world. We are proud to sponsor these four their zeal for the advancement of the human Even as his own health began to fail courageous women and, through the Hadas- spirit.'' him, Jim continued his important sah Nurses Councils, will work to facilitate Ambassador Stuart E. Eizenstat, rep- work at UNICEF. He enlisted the sup- aid to Bosnia as identified through this mis- resenting the European Community, praised port of everyone from Hollywood super- sion.'' Hadassah, saying that this organization February 15, 1995 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE S 2769 should be proud of the relief they are provid- that following the time allocated to Senate, with the first vote occurring at ing in this tragic situation. the two leaders, the remaining time 10:30 a.m. Hadassah, the WZOA, sincerely thanks the prior to 10:30 a.m. be equally divided Unless there is some other agree- government of the United States, particu- between the two leaders or their des- larly the Department of Defense, for its co- ment, we are out tomorrow and we are operation in airlifting the relief goods we ignees for debate on the balanced budg- back next Wednesday.