Volume 2 ♦ Issue 4 ♦ April 2010 Set aside Sunday, April 4 from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Come join Heska Amuna's I N T H I S I S S U E Sisterhood for a morning of Heska Amuna HaShofar study, analysis, and From the Rabbi’s Desk……………..2 dramatic inquiry that will From the Chair…...………………….2 entertain and enlighten us HARS News………………..…….….3 as we delve into... Kitchen & Kiddush News………...4 Among Our Members……………….5 Psalms Contributions………………………...6 KJA Ha’Kol Drama, Poetry, Passion President’s Report…...…………..10 It's all there in the Jewish Family Services…….…...11 Psalms Shorrlines…………………………...13 Issues that we deal with today, life's pitfalls and successes, its Suzy Snoops………….……..……….14 joys and sorrows. They were already addressed long ago by the Hillel…………………………………...14 psalmists. But every generation reads the psalms with new eyes Annual Campaign Donor List……..15 and imaginations. Meet with us at Heska Amuna to learn and study together and enjoy a complimentary Pesach luncheon that should not be missed. Temple Beth El Times From the Rabbi’s Study……………..17 Our invitation is open to anyone in the Knoxville Jewish President’s Message……………….17 community. Our guide to the Psalms is provided by The Women's TBE Sisterhood………………..……..18 League for Conservative Judaism and has not only feminist but Religious School News………..…...19 universal appeal. From dramatic readings, studying an artist's Meet Our Choir………………………20 interpretations, and engaging in dialogue and debate, there should be something for Contributions………………...….…....21 everyone. Community News RSVP to Peggy Hadassah Highlights….………….24 Littmann at Knoxville Jewish Day School…..28
[email protected] JCOR……….…………………………32 or Heska Amuna at KJCFF……………………………...…16
[email protected].