Council Rejected Bycommissioners Local Youth Fine Schools to Get Vets More Than $19,000 $500,000
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File Type:pdf, Size:1020Kb Public L ibrary. V alley BroaV: Ave., L y **• J •' LEADERETTE The i school superintendents seem able to live to capes us. Now take the case 41 Dr. Ouy Hille- bee Rutherford. When he appeared al the marvelous Her ald Tribune forum ia New York recently and brought the 5 name of Rutherford before one of the moat distinguished w liracci in the country, as well as in a hundred thousand hnaaea through television, one might imagine Rutherford **• THE SOUTH HKRl.EN REVIEW would be proud The Chamber of Commerce last week said tt waa SwelL But that night, the Rutherford Board of Edu cation primly told its employees to stay home and stick to. Council Rejected Schools To Get $19,000 ByCommissioners Vets More Than $500,000 35-Point Tax Reduction Source O f Local Youth Fine Possible With State Aid Money Is Lyndhun* « . leiat gitt •»«»*• U 1 I 1 >111 b . i . u U M . I ~ Undecided Bogle And Breslin Declare the atale for %rhe»l reliel will p u rp o se* . be uhuh *tt IMker IWftffi. However. TKe S titr tSI U la suppaas I »• «® '•* *•» .ill dun ■. i , ii.. v ik e a . ^ Children Receiving rod n stien . Mote keint Ike total .m -oia PUnninq W ey« To If th e ummic? aeluatt* «ae* .Ik,lied «Hk Ike .er.»J ie*«. G et It lata red wring the tswnsktpS *e i l m i Ik e i w m i I to k« a # > Guidance s -heal Us burden the In rsle lilirtl I . to . redwelMM Ui IM* will be benedtled U thr«tl IIM HII MW It * «”lil« I" , .4 .1 Lyndhnrst church aad parents supply proper influence este it of aver 14 paiaU. se H«W l*.lei«oM U t tU H . » w { . ii.lliut.l I ..I Kolkeilofd »I» »«»S far the children ef the connnnity. Comm* James A. Bres- rording to focal eaUmaie* r.« « »«*•. • N . Un lu k ifi at Monday night’s Beart of Based on the w Ik^ I attenil Munc t'.ll l.ko tlttU lt. r „ t » . II fc«. cttfag the lew rate ef juvenile delinquency as cerreetty rep H « a for pmptatfct I m W . i • m MU m m Elk. toauoiltee ol »kiek aaee. here Is bon tbe bummm U 1U IN , M i.bim k H.l«kl> ;.><*i s .nu Ike left * jIrhr. a. Parable*!. |M - is—ntallvr ef youth conditions in the Rader ol Ly**kuM M l» *» elMlr«a». Here »•* will be diatrtboted I U W I I , ( t t J M U 1 I —I ' U a . e l , n \ er »'d*l l»NI at N inrUmt Other spectators are u til Ml Mi u: lirtkw n The commissioner m ade this . —■ •ell Jordan receive* key to kb «ev» Mate (i B ergen'* 19 muairlpallti«-» M M N u III.M .l Voetk *i Il • |t*llltf !•» MWIK lr..|(, |K«* statement in answer to statistics 1 Mrs. Jordan aad Elk Bennett. will get a total of |l|ll.* H :i IH.| mn m iu tl HUNK ••lale based on the national picture pre of w hich M M t U H w ill ** their efforts in our behalf I fir «ni/Minns throughout It nr kr Hr P » k H » l tl n»nr sented by Fred Greenwald. a so Art Champs A grateful permanently wound u«e<1 to m t tase* bark And l l i . » • it very difficult to put into 1 < an .•KKure you that Rulkr. In, .1 ui tian m m cial worker, who expressed con ed vcieran. of Vineland, has writ 1(11.11111 «m be a»ed lor r h a l I 'l l I i l e m M the appr«*c lation 1 owe U> th e « i tlu s * n « iu s 'S ta te * w ilt I . Mri-ll. ttl.e, T .» M k « cern for the younger generation, ten to Joseph Bader, chairman of orlMol aurp*e% N ui I.' * i w l « n . - . * Win Awards tire Elks organization for mafc g ra te fu l I to r an v tiatiaa? »i»«i<«; and urged the formation o f a M u t.arfteWt will receive W M .«*<!.> I!■»i » h . , the Elks Committee for the Para it possible to leave this hogpn !>o>t«nci no matter how small It i..o u t i i i u i n i l l i a * r nicipal Youth Council, w ith p a id St al wblrh lU th U «*ll hr «i^*Wii\a . *•* 1' >. *■ | plcgir Veterans, a letter of thanks after three full jtears «»f endfln* * h r IImI IM|< llltM II Mill employees, to direct a iunior em From Amvets used to reduce Uses sat f H MIJI Ik H '. i , .1^. I , , *■ mt I which tells better than anything ment I was physically able to I unaware «*f the amount plo y m en t service and recreation (I A I ♦«!«• U t ■».>• > H la ' ! else what the Elks have been try leave here almost two years pg« 1 wotk Iiu Mt P Ippotito aas Some Poston W ere So ing to do and how they have sue *>ut lack of-a herne sutUb*e t putting m ti « • (instruction of mv net *• New Duties No Money, H alf r t.M »*doC* -n* t Greenwald. whtr appeared at Good, Post W ill - c e e d e d . my condition kept me from le* home until. I made my Hint tri| tbe previous . board meeting. ; Bader is only one of the Lynd ing The assistance offered by th< \ ■ Vineland vince 11M1 and w en- so u g h t coordination of ail tht* ; Preserve Some huist Elks wi o got into the para Elks w as the key to my salute n • vsV the with him I do No Courts the (Mt «*f tea*-IWr For Hickey I tm> township's lacihties in setting up j plegic movement and have oper of this* problem- Add tn that, t; e rea ll/e th e m agnitude of th* tha «4alr 4 |IO H | t tU I bmi a n immediate prdgi-am-.. He, said ated it as it lias not been oper fact that I was never able to o*n whole project now snd *hall b« Of*o ffiwrr thaw >( > ' In So T«lli C ;«««*> i* his interest was in the future, ra Awards to poster content win ated anywhere els* in the coun ,nv own home previous to t©*ng forever giatiful to him fot Hi Oiitricl Clerk Will, it>e aehsa i i« « m »•« * present, and predic ha# . ^liitueg •• * \« -l ther than the ners. in the Faul Revere National try . into service and you can set son * uni i! ;\g effoits Vn my behalf II* j Le«qu* In E>- EWect, teeome *tale iktft t *s * ted the expansion of the .munici Preparedness Day observance Here is the letter;^ idea as to how gfatriul I feet s o ld thst it was work that ht j plenelion p a lity would create possibilities ft ere presented to Lyndhurst stu D e a r Mr B a d e r I have always been aware of liked to d»> so the satisfaction h* | Meneqer Hi it<«s the to o t A* Im iHe » « « for delinouenty that could be m et dents of-------------------------- high school and* elcmen- * would like to take thia oppor- the tine work that the Elks *W derives, from it roust t* tremen A h rttae t».*o« I t m i M a u i o n by wholesome occupation- under | schools Uui ing Monday as- j tunjty to thank you for your time New* Jersey were doing f«*r th« d o u s ; lhoma» J link-' t1i»ln*i :h a t »-•*'- « supervision. ’ semtly by Cmdr. Nicholas De Se- ancj interest spent in makng your! rriipled kiddies and I In rl aslng. 1 would like to e» j leik, «s apprrtnUnt rtHtrl I J a o «*# J Mayor Horace R. Bogle, com- ! ria, of A. W W Lewandowsxi ^ lrlp Vineland, «-nd my home It' proud of the fa<t that my lenu p re s s <mee more to you a ltd anv lerk *nd hiwoitewi manage* foi Put lu flifc» an.t f*» ••prit> t** I -i HP Ih, |.tm |huii( t nu ItOOgue *»ll ; '-«!*« *H » o * » M mendmg the speaker for h is sin- J P o s t 20, A m v e t. was most enjoyable to my wife, state organisation was the tlrst m em ber of the K.iks «<t gannatam : the Htiaid of Edu<atK*n TuevU ' eat t h r h ig h i ■ k*i • » a t m a >-*M»t> and myself. _ organize thi> lielo for the s *t..od»n« inwitatHMi to visit, m y! night following ervstion of iiw S ill »•**■ k # i o H^I 3*‘ «;•* pt.ahtMlik* and’ ait unio»t*.f>*rf 1,10 * .< ,4<««ll> *1 M t you home «t any tin* new position bv the gtoMp »l< would appreciate youi con- plegtcs 1 sincerely hope that riThr M '* ‘ * a* »*-o4 a* Mn»t sm*-erel>, : will aaaume his duto-s May I* It hit d Mu _ • stating onat m tne past year mere santcfi„ , avenue. rc*.n*.r,iiGeneral *.«relleneiexcellence veying our most sincere thanks to will be successful in your th« le ag u e * melting laoi ««*k have been onlv 15 cases referred the rest of the committee for to introduce tfua Am work te the Russell Jordan was uuliiated Ha oooid iweive •oiio?' tea*** th e » .