Lyn3har.it. Public L ibrary. V alley BroaV: Ave., L y **• J •' LEADERETTE The i school superintendents seem able to live to capes us. Now take the case 41 Dr. Ouy Hille- bee Rutherford. When he appeared al the marvelous Her­ ald Tribune forum ia New York recently and brought the 5 name of Rutherford before one of the moat distinguished w liracci in the country, as well as in a hundred thousand hnaaea through television, one might imagine Rutherford **• THE SOUTH HKRl.EN REVIEW would be proud The Chamber of Commerce last week said tt waa SwelL But that night, the Rutherford Board of Edu­ cation primly told its employees to stay home and stick to. Council Rejected Schools To Get $19,000 ByCommissioners Vets More Than $500,000 35-Point Tax Reduction Source O f Local Youth Fine Possible With State Aid Money Is Lyndhun* « . leiat gitt •»«»*• U 1 I 1 >111 b . i . u U M . I ~ Undecided Bogle And Breslin Declare the atale for %rhe»l reliel will p u rp o se* . be uhuh *tt IMker IWftffi. However. TKe S titr tSI U la suppaas I »• «® '•* *•» .ill dun ■. i , ii.. v ik e a . ^ Children Receiving rod n stien . Mote keint Ike total .m -oia PUnninq W ey« To If th e ummic? aeluatt* «ae* .Ik,lied «Hk Ike .er.»J ie*«. G et It lata red wring the tswnsktpS *e i l m i Ik e i w m i I to k« a # > Guidance s -heal Us burden the In rsle lilirtl I . to . redwelMM Ui IM* will be benedtled U thr l.il.i«tl IIM HII MW It * «”lil« I" , .4 .1 Lyndhnrst church aad parents supply proper influence este it of aver 14 paiaU. se H«W l*.lei«oM U t tU H . » w { . ii.lliut.l I ..I Kolkeilofd »I» »«»S far the children ef the connnnity. Comm* James A. Bres- rording to focal eaUmaie* r.« « »«*•. • N . Un lu k ifi at Monday night’s Beart of Based on the w Ik^ I attenil Munc t'.ll l.ko tlttU lt. r „ t » . II fc«. cttfag the lew rate ef juvenile delinquency as cerreetty rep H « a for pmptatfct I m W . i • m MU m m Elk. toauoiltee ol »kiek aaee. here Is bon tbe bummm U 1U IN , M i.bim k H.l«kl> ;.><*i s .nu Ike left * jIrhr. a. Parable*!. |M - is—ntallvr ef youth conditions in the Rader ol Ly**kuM M l» *» elMlr«a». Here »•* will be diatrtboted I U W I I , ( t t J M U 1 I —I ' U a . e l , n \ er »'d*l l»NI at N inrUmt Other spectators are u til Ml Mi u: lirtkw n The commissioner m ade this . —■ •ell Jordan receive* key to kb «ev» Mate (i B ergen'* 19 muairlpallti«-» M M N u III.M .l Voetk *i Il • |t*llltf !•» MWIK lr..|(, |K«* statement in answer to statistics 1 Mrs. Jordan aad Elk Bennett. will get a total of |l|ll.* H :i IH.| mn m iu tl HUNK ••lale based on the national picture pre­ of w hich M M t U H w ill ** their efforts in our behalf I fir «ni/Minns throughout It nr kr Hr P » k H » l tl n»nr sented by Fred Greenwald. a so­ Art Champs A grateful permanently wound­ u«e<1 to m t tase* bark And l l i . » • it very difficult to put into 1 < an .•KKure you that Rulkr. In, .1 ui tian m m cial worker, who expressed con­ ed vcieran. of Vineland, has writ 1(11.11111 «m be a»ed lor r h a l I 'l l I i l e m M the appr«*c lation 1 owe U> th e « i tlu s * n « iu s 'S ta te * w ilt I . Mri-ll. ttl.e, T .» M k « cern for the younger generation, ten to Joseph Bader, chairman of orlMol aurp*e% N ui I.' * i w l « n . - . * Win Awards tire Elks organization for mafc g ra te fu l I to r an v tiatiaa? »i»«i<«; and urged the formation o f a M u ­ t.arfteWt will receive W M .«*<!.> I!■»i » h . , the Elks Committee for the Para it possible to leave this hogpn !>o>t«nci no matter how small It i..o u t i i i u i n i l l i a * r nicipal Youth Council, w ith p a id St al wblrh lU th U «*ll hr «i^*Wii\a . *•* 1' >. *■ | plcgir Veterans, a letter of thanks after three full jtears «»f endfln* * h r IImI IM|< llltM II Mill employees, to direct a iunior em ­ From Amvets used to reduce Uses sat f H MIJI Ik H '. i , .1^. I , , *■ mt I which tells better than anything ment I was physically able to I unaware «*f the amount plo y m en t service and recreation (I A I ♦«!«• U t ■».>• > H la ' ! else what the Elks have been try leave here almost two years pg« 1 wotk Iiu Mt P Ippotito aas Some Poston W ere So ing to do and how they have sue *>ut lack of-a herne sutUb*e t putting m ti « • (instruction of mv net *• New Duties No Money, H alf r t.M »*doC* -n* t Greenwald. whtr appeared at Good, Post W ill - c e e d e d . my condition kept me from le* home until. I made my Hint tri| tbe previous . board meeting. ; Bader is only one of the Lynd ing The assistance offered by th< \ ■ Vineland vince 11M1 and w en- so u g h t coordination of ail tht* ; Preserve Some huist Elks wi o got into the para­ Elks w as the key to my salute n • vsV the with him I do No Courts the (Mt «*f tea*-IWr For Hickey I tm> township's lacihties in setting up j plegic movement and have oper­ of this* problem- Add tn that, t; e rea ll/e th e m agnitude of th* tha «4alr 4 |IO H | t tU I bmi a n immediate prdgi-am-.. He, said ated it as it lias not been oper­ fact that I was never able to o*n whole project now snd *hall b« Of*o ffiwrr thaw >( > ' In So T«lli C ;«««*> i* his interest was in the future, ra­ Awards to poster content win­ ated anywhere els* in the coun­ ,nv own home previous to t©*ng forever giatiful to him fot Hi Oiitricl Clerk Will, it>e aehsa i i« « m »•« * present, and predic­ ha# . ^liitueg •• * \« -l ther than the ners. in the Faul Revere National try . into service and you can set son * uni i! ;\g effoits Vn my behalf II* j Le«qu* In E>- EWect, teeome *tale iktft t *s * ted the expansion of the .munici­ Preparedness Day observance Here is the letter;^ idea as to how gfatriul I feet s o ld thst it was work that ht j plenelion p a lity would create possibilities ft ere presented to Lyndhurst stu­ D e a r Mr B a d e r I have always been aware of liked to d»> so the satisfaction h* | Meneqer Hi it<«s the to o t A* Im iHe » « « for delinouenty that could be m et dents of-------------------------- high school and* elcmen- * would like to take thia oppor- the tine work that the Elks *W derives, from it roust t* tremen A h rttae t».*o« I t m i M a u i o n by wholesome occupation- under | schools Uui ing Monday as- j tunjty to thank you for your time New* Jersey were doing f«*r th« d o u s ; lhoma» J link-' t1i»ln*i :h a t »-•*'- « supervision. ’ semtly by Cmdr. Nicholas De Se- ancj interest spent in makng your! rriipled kiddies and I In rl aslng. 1 would like to e» j leik, «s apprrtnUnt rtHtrl I J a o «*# J Mayor Horace R. Bogle, com- ! ria, of A. W W Lewandowsxi ^ lrlp Vineland, «-nd my home It' proud of the fa<t that my lenu p re s s <mee more to you a ltd anv lerk *nd hiwoitewi manage* foi Put lu flifc» an.t f*» ••prit> t** I -i HP Ih, |.tm |huii( t nu ItOOgue *»ll ; '-«!*« *H » o * » M mendmg the speaker for h is sin- J P o s t 20, A m v e t. was most enjoyable to my wife, state organisation was the tlrst m em ber of the K.iks «<t gannatam : the Htiaid of Edu<atK*n TuevU ' eat t h r h ig h i ■ k*i • » a t m a >-*M»t> and myself. _ organize thi> lielo for the s *t..od»n« inwitatHMi to visit, m y! night following ervstion of iiw S ill »•**■ k # i o H^I 3*‘ «;•* pt.ahtMlik* and’ ait unio»t*.f>*rf 1,10 * .< ,4<««ll> *1 M t you home «t any tin* new position bv the gtoMp »l< would appreciate youi con- plegtcs 1 sincerely hope that riThr M '* ‘ * a* »*-o4 a* Mn»t sm*-erel>, : will aaaume his duto-s May I* It hit d Mu _ • stating onat m tne past year mere santcfi„ , avenue. rc*.n*.r,iiGeneral *.«relleneiexcellence veying our most sincere thanks to will be successful in your th« le ag u e * melting laoi ««*k have been onlv 15 cases referred the rest of the committee for to introduce tfua Am work te the Russell Jordan was uuliiated Ha oooid iweive •oiio?' tea*** th e » .
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