Press. Established June 88
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PORTLAND DAILY PRESS. ESTABLISHED JUNE 88. 1862, TOL. THURSDAY MORNING. OCTOBER Is, 1874. tebms «» 18,_PORTLAND, im ly tlrTAtltt_ THE PORTLAND DAILY PRESS WANTS. New MISCELLANEOUS. Exoland Stockholder*.—It is a Published ~~ every day (Sundays excepted) hy the —1 THE PBESS. mistake says the Boston to Wanted. Traveller, suppose, PORTLAND PUBLISHING CO„ as many do, that our New manufac- SITUATION to draw off and collect accounts THURSDAY MORNING, OCT. 15. ’74 England At 109 Exchange St., Portland. A and to make myself generally useful either iu turing corporations are owned by wealthy capi- or Am well out of doors as required. acquainted in EXCELSIOR! talists. As a general thing Terms: Dollars a the City and can furnish satisfactory reference. Ad- large capitalists Eight Year in advance. To The First nvm Gossip and have but mail subscribers Seven dress, K. S. M., Press Office. ocl3d!w* Gleanings. a small amount invested in them. Dollars a Year if 1paid in ad- vance. They are too precarious and fluctuating in their Agents Wanted. values to induce of In Montana, when an editor is crowded for many this class to invest in THE MAINE STATE PRESS sell Littlefield’s patent Common Sense stove them saves more c very largely, and in our older TO damper, al than all others put to Onward and ! room, he announces: “A number of deaths and most is of the published every Thursday a gether saves J coal, keeps a regular heat. THF, successful are Morning at *2.50 Upward C3-TJ are corporations there but few who, year, if in Agents make from $4 to unavoidably paid advance, at §2.00 a year. $10 per day. D. H. postponed.” as nin BURNS, Corner of Newbury and Fremont Place. you your eyes over the large columns of Hates of ocl2 dlw* The we first IS names and are set Advertising ; One inch of space, the plan we adopted when started business has proved to be figures, down as owning a length of column, constitutes a It has been discovered that the fish, “square.” jointed number of shares which it two §1.50 per square first 75 cents week requires figures daily week; per Young Ulan Wanted. was invented because one can’t hide alter; three or iug-rod to and as the Insertions, less, §1.00; continuing who ij able and express, wealthy projectors and every other day after first 50 cents. willing to do bard work, and a cane week, ONEwants to learn the long pole under his coat Sundays. managers of these establishments Halt square, three insertions, or less, 75 cents; one Wholesale Grocery Business, pass away, 60 cents week after. Address P. O. Box, 1033. oclOdlw 1 and their estates are week, §1 00; per MMENSfiSUCCESS FIRED ! divided, the number con- Special Notices, one third addiiional. The Detroit Free Press says that William lessens. We notice this as Under head of “Amusements,” and “Auction stantly particularly Heirs Wanted. Cullen never a the Sales," *2.00 per square per week; three inscitions Bryant probably put up stove case with the Amoskeag, the e success- driers *1.50. in his life. What does it made him ful of all the Advertisements inserted in the “Maine State JOHN JAMIESON, eldest son of William Jamie- suppose large manufacturing corporations Press” has a son, of and manufac- write •f New (which large circulation in every part Glasgow, Scotland, merchant of Onr Plan “The Melancholy Days Have Come?” England, with a capital of $3,000,000, for was born °rJ*i« U.OOper square for first insertion, turer, 10th Dec., 1793, and emigrated in Synopsis and in GOODS ARE which there are few and 50 cents per square ior each insertion. early l«fe, it is supposed to Canada. It alive, he is MARKED very stockholders subsequent entitled to Address all communications to succeed to property in Scotland of consid- An iu the island holding more than ten but a erable English lady of Guernsey shares, very great PUBLISHING Co. value. Information wanted regarding him, or number __ of farmers and ^PORTLAND his childicn and descendants, if any. Address Assuring Equal Rights to All! Silencing Objectors I asked Victor Hugo if he oould not write some men of moderate means CROSS, DUNN & DAVIDSON, Advocates, Mon- who own one, two and three shares each The treal, Canada. oc9dlm English words in her album,and he wrote im- BUSINESS CARDS. out the of company was incorporated in but its first Ruling Possibility Unfairness, mediately as follows. 1831, dividend of six cent, Wanted. DOWN, Pour chanrer le spleen per was not made till 1831. DOWN, nn Tn 1835 it divided 15 E. for PoweU McCabe & J’entrai dans and J. MORRELL & QUARRYMEN Co.’s l.i Inn; percent; eight per CO., AVJ House, N. P. & O. R. R. lower than the | La je bus du gin, oent. in Willay H., Pay Guaranteeing prices lowest, 1830, four per cent, in 1837, three per House and Ship Painters and Grainers. $2 per day If good men. *oc5-2w Et God gave the Queen. having but To Unheard of cent, in 1838, nine per cent, in 1839, nothing In Office at 11 Danferth Prices. St., Up Stain. 1010, six per cent, in four Wanted. Kind and 1841, per cent, tn Order Slate at WHIPPLE & 21 Market Nutter Bros. & Co. A first class tin and considerate.—Maud (who, with CO.’s, plate 1842, seven per cent, in 1843, and nine per cent, Square. AT 6heet iron worker. None but first class need Ethel, has just been invited to for a cruise One no go in 1844. In the five to attention paid to all orders. Special atten- apply. 29 MARKET SQUARE, Portland Me. se29tf Price and Deviation, years from'1845 1819, tion given to in a friend’s polishing hard wood. Contracts taken Never Before Were yacht): “Now, the question is, inclusive, its dividends to In all parts ot the State. Such Inducements Offered. amounting seventy Wanted-—Carp enters. Garment in whom shall we ask to chaperone us ?—old per cent, were made in E. J. 9IOBBE1.L. Marking Every plain Figures. stock, adding so much want a few good Carpenters immediately. Mrs. Busbee or old Miss to the capital. Ou this B. C. HOBBELI. WE at in Doten’s Mill to-day POLITE Majorbanks?” enlarged stock, how- Apply shop ATTENTION GUARANTEED TO ALL. its ___se26eodtf sp24 BURROWS BROS. Jack who is to be of the party): “Which is ever, dividends were only six per cent, iu four WOODFORD & BABCOCK, WE SAY WE WILL DO IT. the worst sailor?” Maud: “Mrs. Busbee.” 1850, per cent, in 1851, seven per cent, in Old or Rick or Treated 1852, in LOST AND FOUND. Young:, Poor, Alike, Jack: “O, then ask her 1 For the sooner she eight percent, 1853, and the same in MODEL MAKERS & 1854, six cent, in JOBBERS, 4 goes down below the better, you know.” per 1855, four per cent in manufacturers of and satisfaction with or guaranteed every garment sold, 1856, three per cent in 1857, three per cent in Watch and Chronometer ITInkem’a Taalfl. Found. per cent. in issy, nine cent in mathematical, Optical and Philo- Emery St. a PEA HEN; the owner can have The Maine Standard the per WE ARE DETERMINED TO DO IT. gives following nine ■aphical Instruments, School ONname by calling upon C. C, PLACE, N6.3 Salem I860, per cent, in 1861, and ten per cent in Street. MONEY REFUNDED. epitaph of an cat: Apparatus, dec., ocl43t Augusta which is as far 1862, along as we hare any 56 Market Street, Printers Exchange, If the garment is not exactly what yon thought, if the “home folks” In memory of Ralph Waldo Emerson, memoranda. The past year the earnings have PORTLAND, ME. Lost. another who this life prefer color or another shape, if yon find that you can buy the AND IT SHALL departed Sept. 28, 1874, in been fourteen per cent. It should be C. F. LADIES’ Russia Leather PORTMOXNAIB, BE DONE. observed, WOODFORD, 0. P. BABCOCK. same material search of a more feline world. A containing a small sum of money. The finder and style elsewhere for less money, BRING IT BACK however,that the strength of this company and mylg_d&wly will be suitably rewarded by leaving it at this Office. Reat-quiet-cat-m-peace. most of unworn and and the full amount of will onr other successful is uninjured, money yon paid be iuib wvuu corporations, T. P. uv iouk a, uee uue, McGOWAN, QC13_ _dlw* due mainly to the making of moderate divi- returned without parley. In search of a more feline. (as said) sphere or OUR PRICES dends, withholding them altogether until an Catholic WHAT MORE CAN WE DO WE ASK! SHALL BE THE LOWEST Here no more he’ll cat-er-waul, Bookseller, Bookbinder, BOARD. adequate is for Because of a wicked pistil ball. surplus provided working capi- and dealer in We Guarantee Customers Pictures, Religious Articles, Ac. Board, Look! THE FARM AND 3*4 CONGRESS GENTLEMAN desiring board in a private fam- See ! Behold I and Wonder ! HOUSEHOLD. News and Other Itema. STREET, can learn where A ily by applying at this office. Mile. Coder Ceng re.. Boll. ocltdtf Albani, the American prima donna, Bibltt Sold on Inilalments. •3 Pieces 7 sailed from jy2tf Inch, Heavy, All Silk Sash Ribbon 50 cents a Yard. Superiority of French Faerie as Egg pro* Liverpool for this country. To Let With Board. “ 7 “ “ *> K .4 44 44 44 The 43 0g dncere. Comte de Paris has gone to where 1.