Columbia Engineering Plus Columbia Engineering Plus 1 Engineering Revolution 4 An Education for 12 2 Engineers Who Lead 3 Real Research, Real Impact 20 New York and 28 4 the Next Big Thing

Our Students Defi ne 36 5 Engineering Plus 6 Future Smart 48 Departments and Majors 54

Aerial view of Columbia campus with Columbia Engineering-a liated buildings highlighted in blue

1 Go to one of the oldest and most distinguished 1 3 Columbia Engineering’s engineering programs in the country, where College entrepreneurs A photo of the Our way of engineering attend PitchFest, Columbia Non- Better World BluePrint leadership, entrepreneurship, groundbreaking where students take neutral Torus, a small means joining some 90 seconds to “pitch” stellarator at the of today’s smartest, their ideas for new Columbia Plasma most versatile young innovation, and social responsibility are part of ventures and products Physics Laboratory to industry leaders. designed to conduct people to collaborate on It means gaining the air you breathe. the fi rst investigation high-impact research the tangible skills 2 of non-neutral with professors companies look for so With a nearly $1 plasmas confi ned on whose patented million federal grant, magnetic surfaces. that you are technically Don’t just be an “engineer.” Be a Columbia Columbia Engineers ideas and inventions astute — able to design, are studying cracking 4 Columbia Engineering generate more income build, and test your engineer. It will make all the di erence. and collapsing polar The Combustion & than almost any other ice sheets to better Catalysis Laboratory is believing that ideas — while also able understand their link focuses on converting engineering is essential university. to think about problems to global warming. carbon-based material to a safer, healthier — in a broader context so into something useful (such as greenhouse even happier — world you can bring creative gases into fuel). and future. ideas to the table.

It means working on socially responsible, culturally appropriate and environmentally sustainable solutions from day one.

It means immersing Columbia Engineering yourself in a university means not limiting known around the world yourself to one- for its �ield-shaping dimensional engineering thinkers in every discipline — not only in but rather gaining a deep Going to Columbia science and engineering understanding of the Engineering means but also in business, world itself before you becoming one of the economics, law, design, try solving its greatest most sought after media, and philosophy. challenges. young leaders of 1 2 PitchFest Climate Change your generation no matter what �ield(s) you choose, from biomedical, chemical, mechanical, and �inancial engineering to environmental law, nanotechnology, It’s a blueprint that calls Our blueprint for a computer science, or for living in a global better world is a formula medicine. capital of innovation, for leaders who are entrepreneurship, ready to solve society’s opportunity, and most pressing needs. inspiration, otherwise We invite you to make it known as New York City. your formula too.

3 4 Non-neutral Torus Combustion and Catalysis Laboratory

2 3 1 Engineering Revolution

4 5 Engineering Revolution What do curing disease, cyber security, investment banking, renewable energy, and digital media all have in common? Engineering. No silo-confi ned discipline but 1954 a transferable, transformational knowledge base, engineering has become a Admiral Hyman George Rickover, key to solving many of the world’s most pressing problems. Columbia Engineers Class of 1929, served are leading this revolution. Here’s where we’ve been and where we’re going. during the Second World War as head of the electrical section 1754 1910 of the Navy’s Bureau Founded as King’s Navigation … the In 1910, Professor of Ships. He directed College, Columbia knowledge of … and future Nobelist the planning and University has various kinds of Thomas Hunt construction of the always been an Meteors, Stones, Morgan’s research world’s first nuclear 1956 institution of and for Mines and Minerals, on fruit flies led submarine, launched Joseph Engelberger, engineers. Among Plants and Animals, him to develop the in 1954. Class of 1946, was 1982 other disciplines, and everything useful 1899 chromosome theory the father of modern Emerita Electrical the University’s for the Comfort, the Michael Idvorsky of heredity—the robotics, founding the Engineering Professor original charter laid Convenience and Pupin, Class of 1883, cornerstone of world’s first robotics Gertrude Neumark out a plan to teach Elegance of Life.” invented the “Pupin modern genetics. company. 1913 Rothchild was “the arts of Number coil,” extending the Edwin Howard inducted as a fellow of and Measuring, range of long-distance Armstrong, Class of the American Physical of Surveying and telephones. 1913, invented the Society in 1982 for her superheterodyne research improving circuit and developed light emtting and laser the method of diodes now used in frequency modulation many cellphones, flat- (FM) for radio screen televisions, and broadcasting. Blu-ray disc players. 1754 1850 1900 1940 1960 1980

1864 1932 1978 Columbia founds the Irving Langmuir, Class Edmund DiGiulio, School of Mines, the of 1903, invented the Class of 1950, first in the U.S. and the gas-filled tungsten lamp; received both an 1815 foundation for today’s 1904 research in monolayering 1964 Oscar and an Emmy John Stevens, Columbia Engineering. William Barclay and surface chemistry Dr. Charles Hard for his development Class of 1768, Parsons, Class of 1882, led to a Nobel Prize in Townes shares the of the Steadicam procured patents was the chief engineer chemistry in 1932. Nobel Prize in Physics and other specialty in early steamboat of New York City’s first for his work at Columbia cameras designed technology; subway system. in quantum electronics especially for Stanley received the first that helped develop Kubrick and now used railroad charter in laser technology. extensively by movie United States. directors.

Columbia eff ectiveness of our Engineering’s approach is the fact uniquely broad and that the world has long rigorous education embraced the work of is a student’s best Columbia Engineers, preparation for who continue a leadership role in to distinguish engineering or in any themselves in almost of the diverse career every fi eld of human paths our graduates endeavor. follow. Proof of the

6 7 2005 Industrial Engineering 2001 and Operations Electrical Engineering Research Professor Professor Keren Emanuel Derman Bergman, who developed one of 1997 joined SEAS in 2001, the first interest Columbia Engineering is working to speed rate models and his is off icially named up the Internet. Her memoir, My Life as a 1996 The Fu Foundation central research Quant: Re�lections on School of Engineering A named inventor project involves the Physics and Finance, and Applied Science in multiple patents, fiber optic network— was selected as one of in honor of the late Applied Physics and the portion of the Web Business Week’s top Chinese philanthropist Applied Mathematics that consists of optical ten books of 2005. Z.Y. Fu, who gave the Professor James Im’s fibers over which data school $26 million process for developing can be sent in the form to bring the best and high-quality silicon film of light waves. Her brightest faculty and is playing a crucial role work has captured the 2003 students to Columbia in the latest generation attention of industry Elisa Konofagou, an Engineering. of flat-screens. Top 2001 partners like Alcatel- associate professor display makers, Applied Mathematics Lucent Bell Labs and of biomedical including LG Display, 1997 Professor Chris AT&T Labs Research. engineering and Sharp, and Samsung, Robert C. Merton, Wiggins, who joined radiology, is pioneering have already licensed Class of 1966, won SEAS in 2001, is using new uses for an this technology. the Nobel Prize in data-driven modeling imaging technology Economics for his role to determine how to that is radiation free. in developing a formula turn off cancer genes. She joined SEAS for the valuation of in 2003. stock options. 1990 2000

1996 2002 2004 Computer Science Computer Science Earth and Environmental Professor Shree Nayar Professor Tony Jebara Engineering Professor invented the first is a coinventor and Klaus Lackner, who 360-degree camera in holds multiple patents joined SEAS in 2004, 1996; he also created in vision, learning, is developing “artificial the BigShot, low-cost and spatio-temporal trees” that will scrub 1998 cameras used to teach modeling that have carbon dioxide out of Professor of 2002 engineering concepts social media and the atmosphere in much Applied Physics Michael J. Massimino, to children in high- face recognition the same way that real Horst Stormer Class of 1984, was need populations. applications. He joined trees do. won the Nobel one of two NASA SEAS in 2002. Prize for Physics astronauts aboard for his discovery the Columbia shuttle of a new form of mission which quantum fluid successfully upgraded with fractionally the Hubble Space charged Telescope (he was excitations. also the first person to Tweet from space).

8 9 2008 2011 2011 2011 Mechanical Popular Science Kartik Chandran, Columbia Engineering Engineering magazine named associate professor of became home to the Professors Jeffrey Computer Science Earth & Environmental City of New York’s Kysar and James Professor Eitan Engineering, is Urban Technology Hone were the first to Grinspun among awarded $1.5 million Innovation Center. determine the actual its “Brilliant 10,” the from the Bill & Melinda The Center connects strength of graphene, magazine’s annual Gates Foundation to the latest scientific the strongest material list of the top 10 develop technology developments, green 2008 ever measured. researchers in that will convert waste building technology the United States. treatment facilities companies, and A cofounder of the Grinspun studies the into biorefineries, a building owners in Columbia Water 2008 basic rules of motion practical boon for poor New York to build a Center, Earth and Biomedical and turns them into and resource-starved greater, greener New Environmental Engineering Professor 2010 computer programs regions. York. Engineering Professor Gordana Vunjak- Mechanical that are animating Upmanu Lall is Novakovic created Engineering Hollywood movies and working to solve the the first viable, Professor Kristin creating new tools for global consumption anatomically shaped Myers is helping graphic designers. crisis. His work human bone and was to pioneer a new focuses on tripling inducted into the pan-disciplinary field water efficiency by Women in Technology CyberBioPhysical™ changing the way International Hall of 2007 2010 Systems at Columbia farmers water crops. Fame. Professor Ah- Civil Engineering and by studying the Hyung (Alissa) Park Engineering Mechanics engineering behind is developing an Professor Huiming Yin pregnancy. Her efficient, cost-effective is developing roofing ultimate goal is to energy conversion materials that double prevent miscarriages system that turns non- as solar panels. and preterm labor. recyclable plastics into jet fuel. 2010 “ In our classrooms and laboratories, the scientific breakthroughs of the 2009 2009 Funding by a Helen Lu, associate past imbue the ideas and innovation multi-million dollar professor of grant from the biomedical of the present to incubate novel National Institutes of engineering, received Health, Mechanical the Presidential Engineering Early Career Award solutions to meet the challenges of and Biomedical for Scientists and Engineering Professor Engineers (PECASE)— today and of the future.” Gerard Ateshian the nation’s highest is working to grow honor for young feniosky peña-mora artificial cartilage in his scientists. Lu Dean, Columbia Engineering lab that’s as strong and focuses on biological Columbia Engineering Convocation, August 30, 2010 resilient as the native interfaces between tissue. different types of connective tissues and 2009 how to re-establish Computer Science distinct tissue-to- 2010 tissue boundaries Professor Peter Allen Civil Engineering and systems. She was the post-injury. co-published his Engineering Mechanics principal investigator leading-edge work on Professor Patricia for the Columbia Green building disposable Culligan is working Roof Consortium, surgical robots. to overhaul the which runs New massive, centralized York City’s first-ever infrastructure projects network of green roof that are hallmarks research stations. of modern civil In 2010, she helped engineering, replacing launch Columbia’s new them with smaller, major in sustainable more decentralized development.

10 11 2 An Education for Engineers Who Lead

12 13 A Combination You Can’t Find Research, Anywhere Else Internship, and Columbia Engineering’s unique program includes an unparalleled breadth and Entrepreneurship depth of majors and minors, a fi rst-year design course, professional-level courses, hands-on design projects, research in New York City and around the world, Opportunities and Columbia’s legendary Core Curriculum. It’s a combination you can’t fi nd anywhere else. in New York City and the World The Undergraduate Research Involvement Program Columbia 400+ research positions working with prizewinning faculty reserved for Engineering Liberal Arts engineering undergraduates. Engaged Entrepreneurship Core and Engineering Program The Art of Engineering: Professional-Level Course ● Molecular Engineering and Promotes innovation and entrepreneurship First-Year Design Course Product Design through interdisciplinary minors; student Firsthand experience with the most 16 Minors Calculus challenges such as the Columbia current skills, practices and ideas ● A Better Planet by Design Physics Engineering Minors Liberal Arts Minors Venture Competition that off er project in the �ield. A sampling of courses Chemistry ● Physics of the Human Body Areas of opportunities and prize money; support includes: Applied Mathematics Architecture Computer Science Applied Physics Art History from national and international experts ● Introduction to Electrical Economics ● Atomic-Scale Engineering of Biomedical Engineering Dance through the Entrepreneurship Advisory Engineering, with Laboratory in Study Physical Education New Materials Chemical Engineering East Asian Studies Board; outreach in New York via the Circuit Design Majors Columbia-Harlem Small Business ● Design of Buildings, Bridges, Civil Engineering Economics ● Engineering Graphics Development. and Spacecraft Applied Mathematics Computer Science English and Comparative Applied Physics Earth and Environmental Literature ● Mechanical Engineering: ● Engineering in Medicine Biomedical Engineering Engineering French Micro-Machines to Jumbo Jets Science Technology Chemical Engineering Electrical Engineering French and Francophone Engineering Program (STEP) Civil Engineering Engineering Mechanics Studies Off ers Columbia students high-quality Computer Engineering Entrepreneurship and Innovation German internship experiences in a comprehensive Computer Science Industrial Engineering Greek array of engineering �ields through alumni Earth and Environmental Engineering Materials Science and Engineering Hispanic Studies and employer partnerships. Recent Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engineering History opportunities include design engineering, Financial Engineering Operations Research Latin cancer research, software development, Engineering Mechanics Sustainable Engineering Middle Eastern, South Asian, and nanotechnology. Engineering Management Systems and African Studies Industrial Engineering Music Philosophy Global Internships Columbia’s School of Materials Science and Engineering Political Science Mines was founded Mechanical Engineering Every summer Columbia Engineering Psychology in 1864 and was the Operations Research students intern in companies, NGOs, and The Religion fi rst mining school labs around the world through several Sociology in the United States. established global internship programs in Statistics The School awarded Columbia Germany, Scandinavia, Brazil, France, and the fi rst Columbia multiple cities in Asia and Africa. Ph.D. in 1875 and College was the keystone for Columbia A� iliate Research today’s Fu Foundation Not only does Columbia have faculty School of Engineering Core and labs doing pioneering research in and Applied Science. nearly every sub-�ield of every discipline, Columbia Engineering Le Marteleur (The a� iliated institutions like NASA Goddard Metallurgist), created students take about Institute for Space Studies and Nevis by the Belgian sculptor half of the Columbia Physics Laboratories make the research Constantin Meunier, possibilities virtually limitless. was a class gift from College Core. one of the early School Literature Humanities, (More on research, New York City, and the of Mines classes (1889) Contemporary Civilization, or world in the next chapters.) and stands in the Global Core Columbia Engineering Art Humanities or Music Humanities courtyard. University Writing

14 15 Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics Professor Patricia Culligan’s laboratory. Her research focuses on geoenvironmental engineering, porous How does Columbia’s Because in order to find media flow and transport, urban renowned Core solutions to the world’s sustainability, and Curriculum make you a most pressing problems, geotechnical centrifuge modeling. She better engineer? you have to fully teaches Engineering understand the world for Developing Communities, Urban around you. Ecology Studio, and works with students on independent studies and “I knew that I had to find a university to the latest engineering knowledge research. (Read more that touched not only on the but also to the impacts on those on the about her on page 10.) technical dimension but also on the receiving end of those solutions.” human dimension - Columbia’s Core Carmen Zapata Curriculum did just that. As I refined my SEAS ‘07 understanding of humanitarian relief Associate, Advanced Analytics efforts in my Supply Chain Management Booz Allen Hamilton course, in my Contemporary Civilization Supports Department of Homeland class I learned about philosophy and Security and Immigrations and

world religions, which strengthened Customs Enforcement Rather than general my understanding of others and honed education requirements, my sense of ethical duty. It is more Columbia College’s Core important than ever that engineers find Curriculum is a single set of small, discussion- solutions with consideration not only based seminars taught by leading professors in every department. Why do we give you over Because great engineers Columbia Engineering and Columbia College 20 minors in the liberal see problems from multiple students come arts, plus innovative perspectives. together to discuss the groundbreaking ideas interdisciplinary minors in timeless works such in emerging fields from “In managing hardware and software Plato’s Republic. which to choose? engineering teams I’ve found that the most difficult challenges in engineering

are often not engineering problems. These Mechanical challenges involve understanding cultural Engineering Professor boundaries, organizational behavior, and Elon J. Terrell’s making a decision on what to do (versus research involving lubricated gearbox how to do it). Columbia prepared me to systems, such as those navigate not only the technical challenges, used in wind turbines, but also those that require you to reach could be the first to integrally connect beyond your knowledge base and comfort fluid mechanics, zone and be a leader.” solid mechanics, and Stephen Wang particle dynamics applicable to several SEAS ‘06 industries. He teaches Project manager for Tribology: Friction, top Silicon Valley company Lubrication and Wear as well as individual (household name that likes to remain honors tutorials and nameless in publications such as this) project courses.

16 17 is a favorite study spot. It is the main library within the system, which is one of the ten largest academic Why do we immerse you Because engineering has library systems in the nation. in a hands-on design to be tested in the real course as soon as world and applied to real you arrive? Why does problems. every major include preprofessional “Senior year I got to help courses with knowledge Professor Shree Nayar develop an and experience fresh online curriculum for BigShot, a build-it-yourself digital from the field? camera designed to expose kids to science, engineering, and photography. My favorite moment was field testing the camera with real kids in Japan. It was the first time a project of mine made such a big impact.” Brian Smith SEAS ‘09 Ph.D. student in the Computer Vision Laboratory at Columbia

Why do we do what other engineering schools don’t? Because we don’t just educate great engineers. We educate great engineers, global citizens, and entrepreneurial thinkers. We educate leaders. We are a different kind of engineering school.

18 19 3 Real Research, Real Impact

20 21 As a Columbia engineer you will be part of A team of Columbia fascinating research endeavors on the cusp of Engineering students working with breakthroughs that have a major impact on the Electrical Engineering Professor Ken Shepard at the Bioelectronics way we live our lives today and tomorrow. You Systems Lab. Chemistry, biology, will be mentored by superstars in their fields. and integrated circuit design come together You will be the first author on research papers in the lab to build micrometer-scale and go on to present your work at national arrays of sensors that can detect biological conferences. You will be part of a great molecules or select strands of DNA. tradition of socially responsible engineering and a close community of scientists, engineers, Carleton Strength of and innovators. The work you do here Materials Laboratory, home to one of the will make you one of the next generation country’s largest centrifuges, has of leaders. a rich history of supporting the New York engineering community with specialty testing in a wide variety of Senior Design Projects problems, ranging from high-strength manhole covers to full- scale shoring system tests, as well as fatigue testing of suspension bridge wires and monotonic and cyclical concrete masonry block testing.

Some recent senior design Epilepsy Brain Sensor for In Vivo Reflectance Windmill-Driven Water Pump projects range from a rapid Observation prototyper 3D printer to a nationally award-winning neonatal vital signs monitor to a windmill- driven water pump; senior engineering capstone projects allow students to Earth and Environ- in industry, but he also integrate all that they’ve mental Engineering uses his knowledge learned to design, test, major Henry Jones of the engineering has gained hands-on problem-solving and build the novel, the experience working in process now as viable, and the useful. The Columbia’s Depart- a mentor for a high projects often lead to new ment of Mechanical school robotics team Engineering. He not that competes companies and patents and only plans to use that around the country. Rapid Prototyper 3D Printer Novel Ventriculoperitoneal Shunt even future careers. experience working

22 23 “As a rising sophomore I worked in Professor Ah-Hyung (Alissa) Park’s lab. Working in the lab gave me the chance to delve into areas of environmental engineering I was not aware of that ended up being my real passion — environmental bioremediation techniques; more specifi cally, within brownfi elds and water contamination.” Now Judy “From my very fi rst year is working with the Mayor’s at Columbia, I worked on Offi ce of Environmental a project that had a direct Remediation, focusing impact on a church in East on risk assessment of Harlem. The next year contaminants in brownfi eld when I found out one of my sites in the New York courses was being taught by City area. a leader in climate change studies, Professor Faye McNeill, I jumped at the opportunity to work in her lab.” Ultimately, Joe was able to develop his own study on ultrafi ne particle emissions and learn how to Professor in Applied Climate model chemical reactions Science Ah-Hyung (Alissa) in the atmosphere via Park has been called the computational chemistry “Carbon Lady.” She is one of methods. the leading experts on the Climate Chemistry many forms carbon takes as humans transform and move Joe Barakat it through the environment. Her path-breaking work may Hometown: Chadds Ford, PA help pave the way to a future Major: Chemical Engineering in which society obtains energy from a wide range of Professor of Chemical sustainable sources and deals Engineering Faye McNeill with its excess carbon in received a prestigious surprising ways. CAREER Award from the National Science Foundation to fund her research into From Lab to Mayor’s one of the biggest problems facing climate scientists: how O � i c e aerosol particles and ice in the environment profoundly Judy Kim infl uence Earth’s climate and Hometown: Clarksville, TN atmosphere. Major: Earth and Environmental Engineering

24 25 If you’re a Columbia Engineer, you’re doing research using state-of-the-art labs and equipment and an almost overwhelming array of basic and advanced research installations. Centers include:

● Botwinick Multimedia ● Center for Electron Transport ● Laser Diagnostics and Solid- Learning Lab in Molecular Nanostructures State Physics Lab

● Brookhaven National ● Columbia High-beta ● Materials Research Science Laboratory Tokamak and Engineering Center

● Carleton Strength of ● Geotechnical Centrifuge ● Microelectronics Sciences Materials Laboratory Laboratories “All I’ve known is living the refugee life. But I’ve always had arms stretching out to help me.” Morris is a former Sudanese refugee. He is also a key member of Professor Sam Sia’s research You’re working with team and plans to become a doctor. “I feel like I owe it professors at the cutting to the world to help people around me.” His senior edge of their fields design project is a vital signs in one of Columbia’s 200 research centers and institutes. Research centers like monitor for developing the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, where the concept of plate tectonics countries. Such devices was formulated, currently home to hundreds of researchers studying the origin, usually start at $1,000 but evolution, and future of the natural world, but also: his would cost between $50 and $200. Plans are ● Center for Computational ● ● Lenfest Center for Learning Systems Sustainable Energy already underway to test it ● Earth Institute at Columbia ● Center for Integrated in Uganda. ● Goddard Institute for Space Science and Engineering Studies

And you’re part of Professor of Biomedical Engineering Sam Sia has Columbia Engineering’s received the National Science Foundation’s CAREER Award Undergraduate Research and been called one of the World’s Top Young Innovators Involvement Program, for his groundbreaking which gets you involved in projects like: work in biotechnology and medicine. Sia uses ● Brain imaging of ● Nanotechnology for solar ● Seismic behavior of psychological disorders energy and fuel cells reinforced soil structures microfl uidics to build low- cost handheld devices for ● DNA cloning ● Recovery of heavy metals ● Space physics, microwave by recycling of industrial heating, and plasma ● Electrophysiological performing sophisticated wastes sources measurements and signal medical tests on a small Vital Designs processing ● Reliability of fatigue- ● Tissue engineering of microchip. His lab-on-a-chip sensitive structures, cartilage-bone interface ● Laser probe of thin ilms including aircraft and ships Morris Kaunda Michael device allows for diagnosis and thin ilm processing ● Virtual worlds and Hometown: Syracuse, NY, via Sudan of multiple diseases on ● Response of materials to augmented reality ● Modeling and simulation of ultrasonic excitation Major: Biomedical Engineering the spot. genetic networks

26 27 4 New York and the Next Big Thing

28 29 Museum Mile Routes to Inspiration Columbia University Botanical Garden Nine museums along Fifth Medical Center Explore 50 diverse gardens Pioneering work in the built environment from skyscrapers to long-span bridges, Avenue and across from Central and plant collections across Park: Museum for African Art, On 20 acres in the Washington from subways to water supply systems. Continuous innovation in e ciency and 250 acres. El Museo del Barrio, Museum of Bronx Zoo sustainability, resulting in one of the smallest carbon footprints of any major Heights community of northern the City of New York, The Jewish Manhattan, our Medical Center The largest metropolitan city on Earth. Global leaders in research. Silicon Alley – it’s all here. New York Museum, National Academy provides world-class leadership zoo in the United States. Museum and School of Fine in scienti ic research, health and City puts our students and faculty at the nexus of every next big thing on campus Bisected by the Bronx River with Arts, Solomon R. Guggenheim medical education, and patient and o . While you may fi nd the spark of a new idea along any New York avenue, indoor and outdoor exhibits Museum, and Smithsonian care with faculty from four on 265 acres of park lands and here are a few spots guaranteed to inspire whether you’re researching, interning, Cooper-Hewitt National Design schools (College of Physicians naturalistic habitats. or just visiting. Museum, Metropolitan Museum and Surgeons, College of of Art, Goethe House German Dental Medicine, School of New Jersey’s Cultural Center. Nursing, and Mailman School Pharmaceutical Corridor of Public Health) teaching and conducting research there. What makes Columbia a great Grand Central New York Hall of Science place for research? In part, it’s location, location, location. New New York is the largest Built initially as a pavilion for the York is surrounded by great transportation hub in the 1964 World’s Fair, the New York collaborative opportunities, world and Grand Central is an Hall of Science is now New York especially for engineers. New enduring symbol of that fact. City’s hands-on science and Jersey’s big pharma corridor One of the city’s most famous technology center. is a perfect example. No other landmarks and listed on the area has a greater concentration National Register of Historic of pharmaceutical research and Places, the station was an development. Columbia University innovation in transit-hub design that continues to inspire today. Rose Center for Earth and Space Featuring the New The Museum of Arts Hayden Planetarium and Design

Columbia has close research The Museum of Arts and ties with this major museum and World Science Festival Design explores the intersection research center, which is just of art, design, and craft today. blocks from campus. Cofounded by renowned Columbia Professor of World Health Organization Mathematics and Physics Brian Greene, the World Science WHO is part of the United Festival takes over New York The Intrepid Sea, Air & Nations — responsible for City each June. The world’s Space Museum leadership on global health leading scienti ic minds are matters, shaping the health joined by renowned artists and The Museum is centered on the research agenda, providing in luential thinkers for a ive-day aircraft carrier Intrepid (CVS- technical support to countries, celebration of science. 11), one of the most successful and assessing health trends. ships in U.S. history. DUMBO Silicon Alley The Down Under the Many of Manhattan’s tech and Manhattan Bridge Overpass new media innovators like (DUMBO) section of Brooklyn Google and DoubleClick make is one of the newest hubs for their home along a corridor start-up companies. DUMBO from the Flatiron District down includes “Silicon Beach,” which Over 2,000 bridges was the world’s fi rst to SoHo and TriBeCa along Wall Street had 65 digital companies in a and tunnels make vehicular tunnel. And Broadway. ive-block radius at last count — New York a city of two bridges set records You’ll ind just as many of the largest being Etsy, the online civil engineering as the world’s longest today’s investment bankers with site for vintage and handmade feats. The Brooklyn suspension bridges engineering degrees as MBAs. clothing and other items. Bridge (shown here) when they opened, the Home to the world’s largest DUMBO is also the irst New is one of the oldest George Washington stock exchange, Wall Street York City neighborhood to o er suspension bridges Bridge in 1931 and the makes New York City one of the free wireless on its streets and in in the United States, Verrazano-Narrows world’s prime inancial centers. parks and plazas. opening in 1883. The Bridge in 1964. Holland Tunnel (1927)

30 31 Real-World Symbiosis: Your Professional Network Our city is the front door to innovation, and opportunity is always knocking. In this world capital of culture, media, science, education, health, politics, finance, and technology, Columbia Engineering’s network can connect you to thousands of internships, job opportunities, and mentors in coveted firms and organizations. Access is key for an engineer and that’s what you have when you live in a city that is home to an amazing percentage of the world’s visionaries, experts, iconic and next-generation institutions, and global leaders. Active, global, fresh, and exciting, every opportunity that’s now and next is here.

Columbia’s STEP (Science, Technology, Engineering Program) Internships Our STEP summer program places engineering students with firms across the city and around the country. Here are some of the companies, start-ups, and organizations Columbia Engineers are interning and working with:

AOL Jaros, Baum & Bolles Alcatel-Lucent Consulting Engineers American Express Jefferson Laboratory Arup E*TRADE Langan Engineering & Rockstar Games ECI Technology Environmental Services, R3 Energy Ernst & Young Inc. Sony Music Entertainment FactSet Research Corporation LimeWire LLC Sunoco GZA GeoEnvironmental, Inc. Lucasfilm Time Warner General Dynamics Electric Tissue Engineering Group — BASF Boat University of Melbourne Bloomberg L.P. Goldman Sachs Broadcom Google Brookhaven National Greensulate Major League Baseball Laboratory MediaMerx Brooklyn Motorized Merck U.S. Patent and Trademark Corporation Merrill Lynch Office Bug Labs Micro Empowering U.S. Department of State Buro Happold HSBC Bank USA Microsoft U.S. Department of Hazen and Sawyer Morgan Stanley Transportation “ The internships and job opportunities HEICO Aerospace U.S. Foreign Service Institute of Bioengineering Van Dam Engineering available to you while in New York and Nanotechnology VMWare Big name companies CIA Institute for Myeloma & Bone like AOL, Citigroup, make it all the more worthwhile to Citigroup Cancer Research NASA Google, and Goldman CodeGreen Solutions Integral Derivatives LLC New York City Mayor’s Office Sachs are a subway ride Columbia Water Center of Operations away from campus. gain a rigorous and holistic engineering Con Edison New York State Department The #1 Train, which Credit Suisse of Transportation runs the length of the education.” Northrop Grumman city, has a stop steps Parsons Brinckerhoff from Columbia’s main john chavez Pfizer entrance. Fulshear, TX; Biomedical Engineering and Applied Math

32 33 Global Engineering Experience Engineering is synonymous with a global perspective. At least it should be. Urbanization, public health, poverty, sustainability — these are global challenges that engineers are uniquely positioned to tackle. Global engineering for the good of the world is at the heart of Columbia Engineering. The international fl ow of ideas through the work of students and faculty here leads to cooperation and partnerships with other universities, communities, companies, NGOs and governmental bodies around the world. Owning an obligation to help advance society is the history of Columbia Engineering. It also happens to be the Global Alumni future of engineering. We’ve just been doing it all along. From pioneering advances in international shipping and open management styles to leading universities and aerospace companies, Columbia University Columbia Engineering graduates are using their expertise in fi nance Global Social and banking, music and media, Responsibility Projects biotech and education to make Students here have abundant positive and signifi cant impact in the opportunities to work with international arena. groundbreaking faculty like Professor of Earth and Environmental Engineering Kartik Chandran, who has Study Abroad Study in Paris while The Columbia developed a revolutionary new model continuing your University network Global Centers in water, sanitation, and energy. Or In addition to the almost 200 global major in computer is 250,000 strong We have Global Centers in Mumbai, Professor of Mechanical Engineering study options available to both science, mechanical or with long-standing civil engineering, or alumni chapters in India; Paris, France; Beijing, China; Vijay Modi, who leads the U.N. Columbia Engineering and Columbia applied mathematics cities around the and Amman, Jordan, with new centers Millennium Project’s eff orts on energy College students, engineering students and physics. world, including opening or recently opened in Nairobi, services and rural infrastructure. Given can study abroad through programs three in China. Kenya; Santiago, Chile; and Istanbul, our mission of global social impact, it’s designed specifi cally for them with Turkey. Columbia Engineering also no coincidence that Columbia’s chapter Columbia partner universities, partners with Tsinghua University of Engineers Without Borders (EWB) including École Polytechnique or in Beijing to collaborate in cutting- was one of the fi rst in the country. Our École Centrale de Paris in France and edge genomics and with Jordan EWB chapter works to improve the University College London or Imperial University for Science and Technology lives of others locally and around the College in the United Kingdom. in biomedical engineering and nano- world through creative, sustainable technology. engineering solutions.

Global Internships Columbia Engineering has several “ Our role as engineers isn’t to go into The Columbia Columbia’s EWB has University Middle established internship programs current projects East Research Center in Brazil, France, Germany, and in Dubai, Morocco, a community and say, ‘This is wrong. Columbia Engineering is headquartered Scandinavia. Intern with the Pasteur and Uganda. in Amman, Jordan, undergraduates can We’ll fi x it.’ Our role is to listen providing a base for Institute in Paris, gaining hands-on participate in a 12- research and projects laboratory experience in biomedical week international throughout the region. research experience in to the people in a community and engineering. Work in forestry and sustainable engineering life sciences in Finland or sustainable co-led by the University understand their goals and work with engineering in Brazil. The Columbia of Campinas. Experience Overseas (CEO) program them to achieve them.” also off ers students dozens of patrıcıa cullıgan internship experiences. Professor of Civil Engineering and Engineering Mechanics

34 35 5 Our Students Defi ne Engineering Plus

36 37 Columbia Engineering does not live by Columbia Engineering Going to college in New data sets, systems, chemicals, and circuits York City means living in Columbia Engineering students are not only part of a world-class engineering one of the largest and most school, they are also part of a top-ranked college of arts and sciences, and one of alone. An engineering education at Columbia diverse cities in the world, the premier research universities in the world. where you are at the center of every industry - research, University is engineering plus a generous helping business, technology, arts, media, publishing, and of a student’s other talents and passions. You get more. Going to Columbia means free and discounted a phenomenal engineering curriculum, faculty, tickets to theatre, concerts, 1,400 400+ 40 20 and museums, ensuring undergraduates research positions reserved members of the National members of the National and research program. Beyond that you have you’ll have access to all that New York City offers. for undergraduates Academy of Sciences Academy of Engineering all of Columbia as well as New York City and the among current faculty. That number represents 13% world to expand on your education in almost 9 of the total Engineering Not only do you get all of the advantages of academic departments 40,000+ 4, 4, 10 faculty, one of the highest limitless ways. On the next few pages, read five New York City but also a Columbia Engineering In the last two years alone, percentages of any school in traditional college campus Alumni Network faculty have won the the country. students’ personal versions of engineering plus. with guaranteed campus housing for all four years. MacArthur Foundation 16 Award (the “Genius” Award) majors 3 PECASE (Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers) Awards, 4 Sloan Fellowships, and 10 NSF CAREER Awards.

Columbia University

Almost 4,400 200 13 22 Columbia College graduate and professional Libraries study abroad programs undergraduates to call schools your friends, classmates, teammates, and fellow Columbians 143 20+ Residence Halls Faculty in the American 4 affiliate institutions Academy of Arts and ● Sciences 80+ ● Jewish Theological areas of study from Seminary 500+ creative writing to ● Teachers College student clubs and sustainable development ● Union Theological organizations 79 Seminary Nobel Prize winners are Columbia alumni, faculty, or former faculty. More Nobel 80% Laureates have graduated 250,000 of undergraduate classes university alumni from or taught at Columbia have fewer than 20 students than any other university in the Ivy League.

38 39 Engineering Plus 60+ Theater a capella, comedy, dance, film, music, Lisa Mack and theatre clubs and organizations Hometown: Philadelphia, PA

“In high school I was always branded as a “science kid,” but I’ve always had a More than a passion for theatre. Being a Chemical Engineering major, I was worried I would have to leave theatre behind, but since coming to Columbia I’ve been able to act in, play music for, direct, and produce countless plays. How many engineers can dozen say that they performed in a play on Broadway*? Only Columbia could create an conservatory- opportunity like that. While what I learn in the classroom will help me throughout caliber arts majors the rest of my life as an engineer, some of my favorite moments at college have and programs been performing a Shakespearean play outside on Low Steps at midnight or seeing the cast of a play that I directed nail a performance.” * Our blackbox theatre is on Broadway, so every show I’ve done is technically on Broadway. The , an entirely student-run performance now in its

Major 118th Chemical Engineering, year Psychology minor

The CU Arts Activities Initiative offering Theatre, Engineering Student Council, Residential Programs (I was a Resident Adviser last year and free I’m a Community Adviser this year). and discounted Volunteer at St. Luke’s Hospital. tickets to New York Internships and Research City cultural events, including Broadway I’ve interned with Advanced Lubrication Specialties calibrating shows, Lincoln pressure sensors of oil holding Center concerts, and tanks. Last year I conducted blockbuster films. atmospheric chemistry research with Chemical Engineering Professor Faye McNeil and now I am working in Chemical Engineering Professor Sanat K Kumar’s lab. His lab focuses on several areas including Arts biochemical engineering, composite materials, interfacial phenomena, nanotechnology, and polymers. Link I’m working on nano-composite A Columbia program polymer research with him. allowing professors to Post-Columbia Plans seamlessly include arts Work in the engineering industry and cultural events and then go to graduate school. around the city in their syllabi. Professors can also take their classes on self-guided museum tours with all costs covered by ArtsLink.

40 41 Engineering Plus Res. Inc. A Fellowship and Social The mission of the Engineering-Entrepre- Entrepreneurship neurship Residential Initiative or “Res Inc.” is to foster innovation and Daniel Bell entrepreneurship through Hometown: El Paso, TX a residential community of engineering students “I chose Columbia because of the ‘pluses’ and I have intended to have as many as interested in starting new possible. One of my big pluses is being a Kenneth Cole Community Engagement ventures. It’s a “dorm- cubator” — a creative, and Civic Action Fellow. As a Fellow I have the opportunity to work and learn entrepreneurial environ- about community engagement and civic action through courses and through ment for engineering. hands-on experience in the community during a summer internship. I’ve also been able to travel to Norway, England, and Italy as a student here. Another big plus for me is minoring in Entrepreneurship and Innovation so that I can start my own business one day.” Kenneth

Major Cole Electrical Engineering with minor in Entrepreneurship Fellow- and Innovation ships Activities Fashion designer Kenneth I’m very involved with the Multicultural Cole established his Recruitment Committee — we host namesake fellows program events, speak to students, and help throughout the year to bring talented at Columbia to encourage students of underrepresented students to become backgrounds to Columbia. agents of social change. The program includes courses, community-based summer internships, Internships annual colloquia, and a As a Kenneth Cole Fellow, I met Mr. unique living-learning Cole while spending the summer working with the Community League of arrangement in Columbia’s the Heights. My internship focused on residence halls. helping to develop a new community center in the neighborhood. I’ve also been invited to go to Haiti to continue community work there with the Kenneth Cole Fellows. Annual Pitch- Post-Columbia Plans I hope to own my own business focused on green technology and Fest innovative ways to develop a more Our annual PitchFest self-sustaining society. lets you pitch your entrepreneurial ideas for companies, inventions, and applications and compete for funding to launch your business.

42 43 40+ 31 religious/spiritual NCAA Division I Sports. campus organizations 45+ 60+ Club Sports social justice, service, and student-led initiatives, clubs, and organizations 40+ Intramural Sports

Community Impact is one of the largest community service 14 organizations in the Ivy Ivy League League, in which 950 championships in students participate in the last four years. 25 community service programs, serving more than 17,000 8,000 seat stadium at Baker Field, home to Megan Armstrong “One of the projects I’m Activities people each year. “Athletics brings together Internships and Research Jesse Vella Columbia’s football, Hometown: Ann Arbor, MI involved in is the Columbia Columbia University Peer Health students from Columbia Biomedical internship at Columbia Hometown: New York, NY baseball, crew, field University Peer Health Exchange; InterVarsity Christian Engineering, Columbia Presbyterian under Dr. Levine; Fellowship of the Social Justice Landmark Advisors Fund of Funds hockey, football, Exchange, which gives College, and Barnard. The Major team leader; Columbia Outdoor Research and Marketing Intern lacrosse, softball, teenagers the knowledge Orientation Program (COÖP) leader; Major athletic and academic vision CU soccer, tennis, and Biomedical Engineering and skills they need to Columbia Undergraduate Scholars Earth and Environmental here are in sync — focused Post-Columbia Plans Program; High School Tutor; track and field teams. Engineering Environmental consulting, make healthy decisions. Veritas Forum inter-faith discussion EMS on scholar-athletes at the Through the program, I’ve group leader highest level — and that preferably for large-scale city is a student-operated, infrastructure. been trained as a public New York State-certified, creates great, well-rounded speaker, gained expertise in people. Being a member of Post-Columbia Plans Basic Life Support (BLS) health topics, learned how Columbia’s Men’s Division I see three possible paths I volunteer ambulance to manage a classroom, and I Varsity Soccer Team may take: One is working in the corps that provides discovered I love teaching. biomedical engineering field, prehospital emergency introduces a component When I became a leader in taking new technologies to parts of college life that I love. of the world that need them. medical care, free of Civic Engagement the program, I also learned I feel honored knowing I Another path would be social charge, to Columbia Varsity Soccer to manage groups, which justice work, leading the training University’s Morningside have developed a wonderful of social activists and their efforts has been really useful in Heights neighborhood family away from home.” other organizations and on at activism. The third option is med school to become a doctor of — just one way to gain engineering projects. None osteopathy, taking everything I’ve hands-on healthcare learned to parts of the world that of these things would have experience. happened if I had not come lack adequate health care. to Columbia.”

44 45 Engineering Plus Instruction in nearly Languages, Culture, and 50 foreign languages the Great Outdoors Mike Linshi 5 Hometown: Naperville, IL pre-orientation programs: “There are so many non-engineering interests that I’ve been able to pursue here at Columbia. I’m very interested in learning new languages and experiencing new ● CUE (Columbia Urban cultures, and I’ve been able to take multiple semesters of Chinese, Spanish, and Experience) — Community service Japanese classes. While I love being in a city like New York, I also have a strong around New York City interest in nature and the outdoors. As a COÖP leader (Columbia Outdoor Orientation ● International Student Program), I’ve had the opportunity to test hiking trails in the Catskills over the Pre-Orientation Program (ISOP) summer, and share my passion for nature with a group of incoming first-years on a ● 3 COÖPs (Columbia canoeing trip down the Delaware River in the fall semester. This year, I lived on and University Outdoor volunteered at an organic farm in upstate New York during spring break. I’ve also Orientation Programs — HOP for hiking, BOP been volunteering at a nonprofit farm and education center in the Hudson Valley for biking, ROP for river aiming to increase awareness of healthy and sustainable food systems.” canoeing)

Major Industrial Engineering and 13 Operations Research Environmental and outdoor clubs

● Columbia Barnard Earth Activities Coalition ● Consilience: The Journal of Undergraduate Recruitment Sustainable Development Committee. COÖP leader. ● CoreFoods Food Class Council. Cooperative ● Cycling ● Equestrian ● Hiking ● Kayak ● Road Runners Internships ● Rock Climbing During the summers I’ve had ● Sailing internships at an investment firm in ● Ski Racing Chicago and a management consulting ● Students for Economic and firm in New York. One semester Environmental Justice during the school year, I interned in ● Triathlon the sales department of the major American fashion label Marc Jacobs.

Post-Columbia Plans I’ll be staying in New York and working at a management consulting firm with a focus on the financial services industry. I’m excited to stay in the city, and to be directly applying my academic background in optimization and analysis. One day, I’d really like to start my own business — something that my parents have done and that I respect and admire greatly.

46 47 6 Future Smart

48 49 More than ever before leadership in every Trailblazing Alumni Designed in the Beaux- field requires a deep understanding of Arts style by acclaimed architects McKim, science and technology. That’s “future Mead, and White, the Columbia University campus has been smart.” Columbia Engineering is the perfect described as one of the great urban spaces in education for such leadership because America. we integrate top engineering majors and research, technological innovation, and a stellar humanities education like no other engineering school can or does. Graduates 88% define “future smart” — becoming trailblazers admit rate to in every field from biomedicine and banking medical school, almost twice the to education, environmentalism, and national average, and equally high entrepreneurism to security, shipping, and acceptance rates social media to corporate leadership and into the most selective graduate Clues to the Innovating to city planning. and professional Universe Educate schools Just a few months after mindset—a way of looking “From my science and performance of U.S. high NASA astronaut Mike at a problem—that helps engineering background, I school students in STEM Massimino and his team him the most. “Engineering learned discipline, problem (science, technology, Sampling of successfully updated the teaches you how to solve solving, turning complexity engineering, and math) employers Hubble Space telescope, problems. It teaches you to into simplicity, managing subjects. “We need more hiring new SEAS 21 new galaxies were look at a problem, decide by fact—all of these are people to pursue engineering graduates: identified. Massimino finds what’s important, and break fundamental attributes of careers, especially women

● Accenture himself regularly falling it down into something you successful engineers and, and minorities, because ● AllianceBernstein back on what he learned can engage.” I believe, of successful our companies are better ● AT&T as a Columbia Engineering Michael J . Massimino ’84 leaders,” says Xerox CEO when we build engineering ● BlackRock ● CitiGroup student. In particular, he NASA Astronaut Ursula Burns. In addition communities that are ● Deutsche Bank says, it’s the engineering to leading Xerox, she was diverse.… I want to help ● Goldman Sachs appointed by President them get there.” ● Google Obama to help lead Educate Ursula Burns ’82 ● IBM ● JPMorgan Chase to Innovate, an initiative CEO, Xerox Corporation ● Teach For America intended to improve

No. 1 A view of the new Northwest Columbia Corner Building, an Engineering and interdisciplinary Columbia College science and engineering building are the #1 feeder that includes — schools to Columbia among other state- University Law, of-the-art resources — one of the world’s Medical, and largest science and Business Schools. engineering libraries.

50 51 On Their Way

Amandine Godier-Furnémont ‘09 After graduating she continued at Columbia as a Ph.D. student. She holds a graduate research fellowship from the National Science Foundation and works with adult and embryonic stem cell- derived heart cells to mediate repair in the heart.

Adrian Haimovich ’10 After coming to Columbia in part to work with one of the leaders in the field of computational biology, he began to conduct research focused on advances in patient care, including using support vector machine techniques to make clinical studies more efficient. Improving the Conceptualizer, Launching the He is now pursuing his M.D./Ph.D. Developing World Implementer, Manager Newest Airliners Chase Hensel ‘10 With an estimated 2.5 economies grow faster, With 95 shipping vessels York, Frangou launched “At Columbia, we learned constructive to add to At Columbia his research focused billion people in the world they do better, and they do under her companies’ her own company, with the power of teamwork in any discussion or debate. on machine learning—teaching a “unbanked,” Citigroup CEO better for their families,” control, Navios CEO Angeliki one , valued at $2 engineering and in problem Diversity of thought brings computer to recognize patterns. He’s developed algorithms for Vikram S. Pandit believes says Pandit. Pandit’s tenure Frangou keeps an eye on million. “In the business solving,” says Jim Albaugh. strength to Boeing, as it does mining sensitive data like medical the banking industry as Citi CEO caps a career in global affairs that may world, the combination “I also learned the discipline to any organization.” records. He interned with Google, can provide leadership to finance that began to take affect international trade. of conceptualizer, of engineering, the rewards Jim Albaugh ’74 creating a successful new product and is now a member of Google’s improve communities in shape at Columbia. A native There are hurricanes in the implementer, and manager of hard work, and, most President, Boeing Commercial Associate Product Management the developing world partly of India, Pandit earned his Caribbean, political unrest in a single individual is very important for my role today, Airplanes Program living in Beijing, China. through mobile-computing B.S. and M.S. degrees in in the Mideast, floods in rare,” wrote the British that everyone has something technologies that allow electrical engineering, then Australia, and piracy in shipping magazine Fairplay. Janelle Heslop ’10 A leader in Engineers Without banking over mobile phones, his M.Phil. and Ph.D. in the Indian Ocean. After “Frangou is one such Borders, she interned at the which are uniquitous in Business at Columbia. spending two years as an individual.” Center for Climate Change Law at those regions. “Once you Vikram S. Pandit ’76 analyst on the trading floor Angeliki Frangou ’88 and at ’s Millennium Villages get people into the financial Citi CEO for Republic Bank of New Navios CEO in Rwanda Access Project. She’s system, studies show that now an analyst at GreenOrder, a strategy consulting firm specializing in environmentally sustainable and socially responsible business.

Chelsey Roebuck ’10 “ Whether you continue in engineering, He founded a nonprofit organization called Emerging Leaders in Technology and Engineering, Inc. or later tackle finance, business, politics, (ELiTE) that sends teams of volunteers to developing countries or research, the discipline you develop as and offers free summer camps and education programs to students in socioeconomically an engineering student will ground you, disadvantaged communities.

providing you the instincts to continually Benny Wong ’07 An entrepreneur, he is the ask questions, to seek explanations co-creator of the highly successful subway navigation iPhone App beyond first impressions.” called Exit Strategy NYC. jeane chen ’90 VP of Software Development, Blackbaud

52 53 Departments and Majors

Departments Majors Student-faculty Research Portfolio

Applied Physics and Applied Physics; Applied Nanoscale science; advanced scientific computing; earth science; Applied Mathematics Mathematics; Materials Science plasma physics; materials for information technologies and Engineering

Biomedical Engineering Biomedical Engineering The intersection of engineering, physical science and biological science, biology and medicine, living systems and their behavior, biomedical systems and devices. Concentrations: biomechanics; cell and tissue engineering; biomedical imaging

Chemical Engineering Chemical Engineering Science and engineering of polymers and soft materials; genomics engineering; biophysics and soft matter physics; bioinductive and biomimetic materials; interfacial engineering and electrochemistry

Civil Engineering and Civil Engineering; Environmental, earthquake, and geotechnical engineering; structural Engineering Mechanics Engineering Mechanics control and health monitoring; flight structures and construction materials; infrastructure delivery and management; solid, fluid, and probabilistic mechanics

Computer Science Computer Science; Computer graphics; computer-aided digital design; computer vision; Computer Engineering databases and digital libraries; data mining and knowledge discovery; distributed systems; mobile computing; natural-language processing; networking; operating systems; programming systems; robotics; user interfaces; real-time multimedia

Earth and Environmental Earth and Environmental Environmentally sound extraction and processing of primary materials Engineering Engineering (minerals, fuels, water); management and development of land and water resources; recycling or disposal of used materials

Electrical Engineering Electrical Engineering; Multimedia networking; lightwave communications; image and advanced Computer Engineering television; laser processing; microelectronics fabrication

Industrial Engineering Financial Engineering; Financial engineering; engineering management systems; logistics; and Operations Research Engineering Management production and supply chain management; revenue management; Systems; Industrial Engineering; quality control; mathematical programming; queueing theory; reliability; Operations Research portfolio management; option pricing; data mining; risk management

Mechanical Engineering Mechanical Engineering Controls and robotics; energy and micropower generation; fluid mechanics; mechanics of materials; manufacturing; material processing; nanotechnology; orthopaedic biomechanics

Low Library, seen created by the dome here in the foreground is the site of major facing Butler Library prize ceremonies such and the city beyond, as the University’s features the largest presentation of the freestanding granite Pulitzer and Bancroft dome in the United Prizes. States. The Rotunda

54 55 What makes Columbia Engineers so special? New Columbia Engineers celebrate their achievements They have knowledge and experience that and futures at graduation (Columbia Engineering are crucial for our times. They see the hammer optional). component parts of problems as well as the interconnections that lead to solutions.

In other words, Columbia Engineers see the Design: Pentagram forest through the trees. Text: Andrea Jarrell

Photography: David Leventi; When you’re a Columbia Engineer you have Matthew Septimus the vision and the leadership not only to see With additional photography the future but to create a better one. and illustration: Biomaterials and Interface Tissue Engineering Laboratory; Team associated with project: Rachel Burga, Christopher Elizondo, Pamela Lu, Matthew Rendely; Je Ballinger; Eileen Barroso; Jon Beck; Aleksandr Biberman; Courtesy of Boeing; Laura Chin; Citigroup; Columbia Earth Institute; — Middle East; Columbia Library Archives; Columbia University Green Roof Consortium; Department of Navy Submarine Force Museum; Includes copyrighted material of DigitalGlobe, Inc., All Rights Reserved; Getty Images; Honda; iStock; Flynn Larsen; Lonnie Major; Columbia University Athletics/ Mike McLaughlin; NASA; Navios; Shree Nayar; Courtesy of New York Transit Museum; Thomas S. Pedersen; Gideon Fink Shapiro; Char Smullyan; JB Spector, Museum of Science and Industry; Lucy Stowe; Colin Sullivan; David Sunberg/Esto; Dana Vlcek; © 2011 World Science Festival

56 Office of Undergraduate Admissions Columbia University 212 Hamilton Hall, MC 2807 1130 Amsterdam Avenue New York, NY 10027

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