Why Columbia Engineering? You’re an engineer if… …you want to make a difference in the world. …you open your family’s old television (or car engine, microwave, or doorbell) just to see how it works. …you created towers and bridges with blocks as a kid — and now dream about building them in the real world. …you look at a computer, a cellphone, a skyscraper, and think: why was it made this way? How could it be made better? …you love to get your hands on a good problem — the tricky, impossible- seeming kind. …you like thinking of ways to make life easier, happier, better.

This is an invitation to people like you. It’s an invitation to explore a field for curious, creative problem-solvers — a field called engineering. So, what exactly do engineers do? They use science and math to conceive of, design, and develop better, stronger, taller, faster, smarter solutions in fields as diverse as medicine, finance, and entertainment. Engineering is cures for disease; clean water; cyber security; investment banking; renewable energy; animation; the next great computer game or smart phone.

New Media — Columbia Professor Nuclear Power — 1929 graduate Dimitris Anastassiou’s invention of Admiral Hyman George Rickover MPEG-2 makes possible DVDs, Robotics — 1946 Columbia graduate directed the planning and construction direct satellite TV, and personal Joseph Engelberger is widely considered of the world’s first nuclear submarine, computer video. the “Father of Modern Robotics.” Nautilus, launched in 1954.

Lasers — Columbia faculty-student collaboration led to the invention of the laser in 1957.

Broadcast Fidelity—1913 graduate Flat Panel TVs — Columbia Professor Edwin Howard Armstrong changed James Im developed sequential lateral radio broadcasting forever by solidification, a process that has inventing FM radio. revolutionized flat panel displays. “ When I was younger, I didn’t know Transportation Innovations — 1768 Aeronautics and Astrophysics — 1984 Columbia graduate John Stevens pioneered graduate Michael Mossimino logged the what an engineer was. But it steam-powered navigation and railroads. longest space walk in history, and 1985 1882 graduate William Barclay Parsons graduate Gregory H. Johnson piloted the helped design and construct the Panama space shuttle Endeavour’s final mission. was obvious that I enjoyed being Le Marteleur (The Canal and the New York City Subway. Metallurgist), created by the Belgian sculptor creative and working with puzzles. Constantin Meunier, was a gift from one And one day my dad told me of the early School of Mines classes (1889) and stands in the that an engineer is a problem-solver. Columbia Engineering courtyard. Today, Le Fiber Optics — Electrical Engineering The description just fi t me.” Marteleur is a well- loved symbol of the Professor Keren Bergman’s fiber optic lauren minches, Cherry Hill, NJ research is speeding up the Internet. School of Engineering Operations Research and Applied Science. What kind of engineer might But don’t just be an engineer. you want to be? Be a Columbia Engineer. If you’ve always wanted to know… Columbia is… …how genes express …how to design the next …how to use mathematical themselves or generation of digital methods to make sound machines learn? technology? investment decisions? Faculty Applied Mathematics Computer Engineering Financial Engineering The top university in the country for revenue produced by …how to create circuits on …whether we can create …how to make 1,000 patents a nano level? computers that actually cellphones in the same time held by faculty. Applied Physics think? it used to take to make 10? Computer Science Professor Eitan Biomedical Engineering Professor Computer Science Industrial Engineering Grinspun, who has invented new Helen Lu’s research has the potential to CGI technology and was named engineer a paradigm shift in orthopedic one of the “Brilliant Ten” by Popular surgery from traditional mechanical Science magazine. fixes to biological fixes. …how to construct an artificial knee, heart, and …how to design more …how to design sneakers perhaps one day a brain that eff icient power plants? that can make people jump Alumni works like a real one? Earth and Environmental higher? Home to more Biomedical Engineering Engineering Materials Science and Engineering Nobel Prize …how to create less …how to make digital winners than expensive and more cameras smaller yet more …how to build a robot that any other university eff ective forms of fuel? powerful? can conduct major surgery in the Ivy League. Chase Hensel ’10 is part of Chemical Engineering Electrical Engineering from 3,000 miles away? Google’s Associate Product Vikram S. Pandit ’76 Mechanical Engineering Management Program. is Citi CEO.

…how to construct buildings …how supply chains get Students that can better withstand products from around the …how to start and run a Home to earthquakes? world into buyers’ hands? business as productively, the nation’s third Civil Engineering Engineering Management profitably, and humanely as Systems possible? oldest Operations Research engineering school.

Earth and Environmental …how to build faster Engineering major Judy Kim’s Mechanical Engineering major research led to an internship with Jonathan Ricketts is also a Psychology airplanes? the New York City Mayor’s Off ice of minor and an Urban Promotions Engineering Mechanics Environmental Remediation. intern at Atlanta Records. Join a close community of scientists, engineers, and innovators. “Engineering teaches you how to solve problems. It teaches you to look at a problem, decide what’s important, and break it down into something you can engage.” Columbia is Engineering Plus… michael j. massimino ’84, NASA astronaut New York 36 31 acres of a beautiful, Ivy League varsity sports. traditional campus on City. New York City’s Upper West Side.

Almost Campus 100 200 areas of study, including study abroad programs. Living engineering fields — 4 years of guaranteed from creative writing to housing — on-campus in economics to sustainable traditional, suite, development. and apartment-style residence halls.

500 400+ Internships student clubs, research positions at companies and from Engineers Without working with prize- organizations like Borders to Rugby to winning faculty reserved Microsoft, Goldman Sachs, the to the just for engineering Major League Baseball, CU Orchestra. undergraduates. NASA, and Sony Music. From the vantage point of , the heart of the Columbia campus including the brick- paved College Walk, a mosaic of green lawns, Low Steps, the famed statue of Alma Mater, and the domed Low Library. If you want to be part of solving the world’s greatest challenges in energy, economics, technology, medicine, media, and more, then use your curiosity, creativity, and problem- solving talents to improve our world. Be a Columbia Engineer. Office of Undergraduate Admissions 212 Hamilton Hall, MC 2807 1130 Amsterdam Avenue New York, NY 10027

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