The Parish of

St Michaels Church Annual Report & Accounts 2016 Description of the Parish

St Michael’s Church is in the Parish of Cwmafan in the Rural Deanery of and the in the Church in . Worship has taken place on this site since the 12th century when records show a building dedicated to St Michael on the site in 1180.

Priest in Charge: The Reverend Elaine Jenkyns, 66 Dinas Baglan Road, SA12 8AF Curate: The Reverend Stephen Jenkyns Independent Financial Mr Philip Hunkin, W B V Chartered Accountants Ltd (Watkins, Examiner: Bradfield, Vaughan), Woodfield House, Castle Walk, , SA11 3LN Bankers: Lloyds TSB, Station Road, Port Talbot Architects: Caroe & Partners, Penniless Porch, Market Place, Wells, Somerset. BA5 2RB

The Objectives and Constitution of the PCC The objective of the Parochial Church Council is to ensure that the life and work of the Church within the Parish helps to fulfil the mission of the Church in Wales both locally and more widely, whereby to advance the Christian religion throughout the world.

The PCC is not a body corporate. Its composition, procedure and powers are regulated by the Constitution of the Church in Wales, as amended from time to time by its Governing Body. Elections are held at an Annual Easter Vestry Meeting, which last year took place on March 20th 2016 and this year will take place on April 9th 2017. All persons whose names are entered on the Electoral Roll are entitled to vote and to stand for election. Before assuming office, every member of the Council must sign a declaration that he/she will be bound by the Constitution.

The PCC is responsible amongst other things for promoting the mission of the Church, the parochial budget and all expenditure there under; the care and maintenance of the church fabric and the church grounds, and for action on any other matter referred to it in accordance with the Constitution. The Council is also the normal channel of communication between the parishioners and the Bishop of the Diocese.

Page 2 of 9 PCC Membership During the year 2016/17, the following served as members of the Parochial Church Council:

Chair/Priest in Charge: The Reverend Elaine Jenkyns Curate: The Reverend Stephen Jenkyns Reader: Mrs Sue Powell Vicar’s Warden: Mrs Trudy Knowles, The Barn, Ynys y Gwas, Cwmafan, Port Talbot, SA12 9AB Peoples’ Warden: Mr Gwynne Williams, 12, Hawthorn Close, Ynysygwas, Cwmafan, Port Talbot, SA12 9BY Elected Members: Mrs Arneta Bendall Co-Treasurer-Covenant/Gift Aid Secretary Mrs Elaine Lewis Mrs Beryl Leyshon Mrs Pauline Mills Co-Treasurer Mr Thomas Huw Morgans Mrs Margaret Warren Mr David Whitelock

Mrs Trudy Knowles is secretary to the PCC

Committees The Parochial Church Council operates through a number of committees that meet between full meetings of the PCC as required. These are:

The Finance Committee The Buildings Committee The Fund Raising Committee

Electoral Roll There are 89 parishioners on the recently updated Parish Electoral Roll.

Page 3 of 9 Minutes of the Annual Easter Vestry Meeting of the Parish of Cwmafan Sunday 20th March 2016 The meeting took place during Evensong and was chaired by the Reverend Elaine Jenkyns.

Minutes of the last meeting 29th March 2015 Copies of these had been made available in the Annual Report prior to the meeting. Mr Thomas Huw Morgans proposed and Mr David Whitelock seconded that they be approved. The minutes were approved.

Annual report and review of the year The Reverend Elaine Jenkyns presented the review of the year, a copy of which had previously been circulated in the Annual Report. The reports from the Church committees and societies are in the Annual Report.

Parish Treasurer’s report There were no queries on the accounts which had already been approved by the PCC.

Elections ❖ Vicar’s warden: The Reverend Elaine Jenkyns has invited Mrs Trudy Knowles to continue as Vicar’s Warden and she has agreed ❖ Peoples’ warden: one nomination had been received – for Mr Gwynne Williams. The meeting agreed unanimously that Gwynne Williams continue as Peoples’ Warden. The Rev Elaine pointed out that this will be Gwynne’s sixth year as Warden and that he must therefore step down next year. Mr Del Evans suggested that the Wardens exchange roles next year. The Vicar explained that this would not be allowable. Mr Del Evans asked that the minutes should show the meeting’s appreciation for the work of the Church Wardens. ❖ Parochial Church Councillors: The secretary reported that 7 valid nominations forms had been received. These are: Mrs Arneta Bendall, Mrs Elaine Lewis, Mrs Beryl Leyshon, Mrs Pauline Mills, Mr Thomas Huw Morgans, Mrs Margaret Warren, Mr David Whitelock

Page 4 of 9 The chair explained that no election is necessary for this number and proposed that the above list of nominees be elected to serve on the PCC for 2016/2017. This was unanimously agreed. The Vicar explained to the meeting that she had received a letter from Mr Dyfrig Jones explaining that he is standing down from PCC for health reasons. The meeting expressed their appreciation of Dyfrig’s many years of service on the PCC. ❖ Sidepersons: A new list of sidepersons has been compiled and will be published in the church magazine via the monthly rota ❖ Representative to attend the Diocesan Conference: The Rev Elaine explained that this conference occurs at least once a year in September, and is sometimes called at other times for specific issues if necessary. Mr Gwynne Williams agreed to continue in this role ❖ Representatives to attend the Deanery Conference: The Rev Elaine explained that the frequency of these meetings is up to the Area Dean and, in our case, do not happen very often. She also explained that we are unsure how many representatives we need to appoint but suggested six as before. Mrs Pauline Mills, Mrs Arneta Bendall, Mr Gwynne Williams, and Mrs Sue Powell agreed to continue in this role. As Mrs Beryl Leyshon and Mrs Viv Bowyer were not in attendance, they were not confirmed but the Vicar will ask them to continue.

Independent Examiners It was proposed that the following be appointed: W B V Chartered Accountants Ltd (Watkins, Bradfield, Vaughan) Woodfield House Castle Walk Neath SA11 3LN Contact: Mr Philip Hunkin This will be at a cost, which will not exceed £200 per annum. Mrs Pauline Mills explained that the independent examiner would not attend Vestry, which the Rev Elaine explained was not necessary or customary anyway.

Date of the next PCC meeting A meeting of the PCC was fixed for 29th April 2015

Any Other Business There was no other business Page 5 of 9 Reports

Vicars Report

The theme of last year was very much one of reflection beginning at Lent as we worked through the Diocesan Seven Sacred Spaces booklets in our two groups. It gave us the opportunity to see what we were doing well and what we could do to improve on our mission and ministry. We identified a number of areas where we were already doing well, and also a number of areas where we could probably do more. However, doing more means more people undertaking areas of responsibility and not the people who are already leading or helping out taking on even more roles.

As you will know to gauge the feelings of our congregation as to what needed to be done and if it is possible to take any new initiatives forward we circulated a questionnaire which proved very helpful. If 2015 was a year of reflection, to make that reflection worthwhile 2016 needs to be a year of putting things into action. All churches need to be places where people have the opportunity to exercise their gifts and talents to the glory of God and for the furtherance of his kingdom. There is a proven track record of where this happens the church thrives and grows, there is also a proven track record of where this does not happen (for whatever reason) the church declines and dies. I’m sure we all want St Michael’s to be in the former category and so we need to ask ourselves what gifts we have, what gifts have we noticed in others that can be encouraged and if there is any way in which we are stifling the work of the Holy Spirit in our midst.

Our building is in good condition in no part due to anything I have done but thanks to many, many people caring for it. Hopefully 2016 will be the year where the bells will once again ring out and then we can look to see where new work is necessary. I also want to thank those who have the unenviable task of caring for our churchyards; this is an area again where all who have loved ones buried work hard at looking after their own family memorials, but we have many graves where there are no immediate family to tend them on a regular basis and we have to take up the mantle to make sure that these are kept safe.

I want to end by acknowledging the hard work of Trudy and Gwynne as our wardens, Sue as our Reader, Arneta and Pauline as our Treasurers, and so many others who do so much (often unseen). We may be a relatively small church in the grand scheme of things but together much has been done and can continue to be done to ensure St Michael’s place in our .


Page 6 of 9 Society and Committee Reports

Young Explorers

During the past twelve months our Young Explorers have enjoyed a full and fun- filled programme. Some of our activities have included Godly Play stories, games, singing, making cards for Mothering Sunday, painting egg cups for Easter, dressing-up to celebrate the Queen’s 90th birthday and planting Spring bulbs in the Memorial Garden.

Unfortunately, however, attendance has not always been very regular. This appears to be due to the fact that some parents find difficulty in getting the children home from school and back to the church hall by 5.00pm. Therefore, after much thought and careful consideration Rev Elaine and I have decided to close Young Explorers whilst we explore the possibility of replacing it with a different form of children’s ministry. In the meantime we would like to thank all the parents and helpers who have supported us in so many ways over the years and we look forward to your continued support in any future venture.

Sue Powell

Ladies’ Afternoon Bible Study Group

Our Monday afternoon Bible study group has continued to meet regularly from 2-3pm in the Church Hall. Much of this last year has been spent discussing the Acts of the Apostles. It is an important New Testament book because it confirms that the Holy Spirit, which transformed the disciples’ lives, is the same power that can transform our lives today.

After completing this detailed and lengthy study we followed a short on-line course produced by the Church Army entitled ‘Faith Pictures’. This six week course is designed to help Christians talk naturally to friends, neighbours and colleagues about what they believe. It is light-hearted without jargon and each session included a short video which the class very much enjoyed.

Sue Powell

Thursday Evening Bible Study Group

The group continues to meet on Thursday evenings and the location varies as the group meets in members’ homes, making for a cosier more intimate atmosphere. New members always welcome

Rev Elaine

Page 7 of 9 St Michael’s Ladies Guild Report

The group continues to meet fortnightly on Monday evening at 7pm. We have had a variety speakers in 2016 Tony Paultyn, a Swansea artist, gave an extensive talk on the mumbles Railway and another interesting speaker Karen Hunt talked about her time in the Metropolitan Police and had wrote a book on the subject with all proceeds going to a local charity. Our thanks go out to all the speakers that have graced us with their time and effort which enables us to carry on.

Our annual summer trip to the theatre was a success once again. We have a regular attendance of around eighteen members. If you wish to join us feel free to come along on a Monday evening at 7pm – see magazine for dates.

Margaret Langdon.

St Michael’s Church Mens’ Society

We began the year 2016 with our Annual General Meeting in January, when we re-elected our three Officers for the year and received our Treasurer’s report. Our Chairman then led the review and confirmation of our previous year’s programme and we were taken through a discussion by our Secretary on the calendar of events for 2016. This included visits to various sites of interest, Swansea Museum, Castle Coch and the Royal Mint at Llantrissant. In the Hall we were entertained with talks by Rachel Rees-Gralton, Alan Underhill and a special evening when fellow Society member Mervyn Arthur instructed us in the production of the perfect scone. For our Summer day-trip our society at last visited Brecon, where we spent the morning in the Regimental Museum of the Royal Welsh, followed in the afternoon by a gentle journey by barge down the Monmouth canal and return to the yacht basin.

During the past year our membership dipped slightly when one of our number retired to the sunny climes of Portugal. Our Society is currently involved in drawing-up a constitution to enable us to apply for grants for tools, protective clothing, etc. on behalf of our sub group, The Monday Morning Men who carry out minor repairs and clean-up duties in the Church Hall and graveyards.

Our year ended with our annual Christmas dinner when we got together with Society friends for a convivial evening, this year at the Colliers Arms, Efail Fach.

Peter Bowyer

Society Secretary.

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Mothers’ Union

We enrolled one new member during 2016, but unfortunately lost two long term members, Marion Richards in August and Esme Jones in November, and so our membership number is 31. Attendance at branch meetings is about 14 (average)f for each meeting and we will continue to meet during the summer months only for 2017 and hope and pray that the Branch in Cwmafan will be able to continue into the future.

We are still running the Branch by committee and this at least spreads the load of responsibility.

Viv Bowyer

The Luncheon Club

The Luncheon Club meets on the first Wednesday of the month in the Church Hall after morning Eucharist. The gathering continues to be popular and the excellent lunches and fellowship are appreciated by all.

Many thanks for the fantastic dedication of Mrs Pam Davies and her helpers who provide wonderful meals in a warm and welcoming way.

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