Photo by Kevin Molloy JANUARY 2016 Parish matters 4 A day in the life of: Political challenges ahead for the Parish 8 A Roads Inspector – Jane Pearce 19 Golden moments for Jersey Heritage 11 St Helier West primary substation 21 Bon Nouvel An! 13 Parish notice board 22 Designed and produced each month Town Centre News 14 Tiffin at de Gruchy 23 by MailMate Publishing Jersey in partnership with the Parish of St Helier The Tennis Locker 17 Dates for your diary 25 PARISH CONTACTS Welcome to the January edition of the Town Connétable: Simon Crowcroft Crier, our sixth consecutive year of Tel : 811821 Fax: 619146 Email:
[email protected] Town Hall: PO Box 50, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 8PA producing a monthly magazine for Town Hall Opening Hours: 9am to 5pm Monday to Friday parishioners and ratepayers of St Helier. We hope that Parish Meetings: Notices of Parish meeting are published on our website:, in The St Helier Town Crier and the Jerse y Evening Post. you enjoyed receiving the official monthly magazine of St Helier last year and found it a good way of keeping PROCUREURS AND PARISH MANAGEMENT BOARD informed about what's going on in your Parish. Available Procureurs du Bien Public: Clive Barton MBE and Peter Pearce Clive Barton MBE Tel: 880088 Email:
[email protected] by post and email (on request), from a dozen distribution Peter Pe arce Tel: 639533 Email:
[email protected] points in St Helier, and online, the Town Crier combines Director, Human Resources: Martin Roberts Tel: 811824 Email:
[email protected] useful information with news, events and opinions.