Minutes of the

Wednesday 31 March 2021 at 7.00 p.m. Assembly Room, Town Hall 09/21 Welcome and Apologies – Apologies: Procureur Peter Pearce,The Dean, Deputy Judy Martin, and Malcolm L’Amy

Deputies in Attendance: Stephen Ahier. Mary Le Hegarat could not attend in person but gave her apologies and took part electronically by Zoom Procureurs in Attendance: Geraint Jennings

Parishioners were advised that the Parish Assembly is being broadcast electronically. 10/21 Item 1: To approve the Minutes of the Parish Assembly held on 10th February 2021 Proposer: Deputy Stephen Ahier, Seconder: Barry Le Feuvre The minutes were adopted 11/21 Item 2: To approve the Minutes of the Parish Assemblies held on 24th February 2021 Proposer: Deputy Stephen Ahier, Seconder: Barry Le Feuvre The minutes were adopted 12/21 Item 3: To recommend to the Licensing Assembly the following application for a licence for the year 2021 in virtue of the Licensing () Law 1974: Name Category Business Address Clean Wine Cru Limited 6th 1 Queen Street David Cullen (Sec) Proposer: Liam Coles, Seconder: Aimee MCDonnell

David Cullen on behalf of Clean Wine Cru Ltd requested a 6th Category Licence.

Procurerur Geraint Jennings requested clarification in relation to how the wines can be purchased. Mr Cullen explained that whilst it is an online business, wines are displayed and can be seen on the premises. Procureur Jennings enquired how sales took place. Mr Cullen stated that all the bottles have labels on them, which can be scanned by your phone, and which takes you to a place on a website where that wine can be ordered, whilst you are on site. Mr Jennings asked could it be described as a modern off-licence, Mr Cullen answered possibly, as being on display could make it look like a shop.

On being put to a vote the application was approved unanimously 13/21 Item 4: In accordance with Article 32 of the Rates (Jersey) Law 2005, to elect a minimum of one person to act as a member of the Assessment Committee for a term of three years. Peter Allan WADE Proposer: James Sinclair Seconder: Danny Scaife On being put to the vote Peter Allan WADE was elected. Mr Wade was congratulated by the Constable and thanked for his service to the Parish. He was formally warned to present himself before the Royal Court on Friday 9 April 2021 at 10.00am to take his Oath of Office. 14/21 Item 5: To elect a Constable’s Officer for the du Mont a L’abbé Anthony BOUGEARD

Proposed: Danny Scaife Seconded: Isaura De Castro There being no further nominations Anthony BOUGEARD was elected as Constable’s Officer for the Vingtaine du Mont a L’abbé. The Constable thanked Anthony for allowing his name to go forward for the , as Constables Officer. The Constable formally warned him to appear before the Royal Court at 10am on Friday 9 April 2021 to take his Oath of Office. 15/21 Item 6: To elect a Constable’s Officer for the Vingtaine de Haut du Mont au Prêtre Sinead HANRAHAN Proposed: Danny Scaife Seconded: Isaura De Castro There being no further nominations Sinead HANRAHAN was elected as Constable’s Officer for the Vingtaine de Haut du Mont au Prêtre; The Constable thanked Sinead for allowing her name to go forward for the Honorary Police, as Constables Officer. The Constable formally warned her to appear before the Royal Court at 10am on Friday 9 April 2021 to take her Oath of Office. 16/21 Item 7: To elect a Constable’s Officer for the Canton de Haut de la Jessica CHAYS Proposed: Paul Matthews Seconded: Danny Scaife There being no further nominations Jessica CHAYS was elected as Constable’s Officer for Canton de Haut de la Vingtaine de la Ville. The Constable thanked Jessica for allowing her name to go forward for the Honorary Police, as Constables Officer. The Constable formally warned her to appear before the Royal Court at 10am on Friday 9 April 2021 to take her Oath of Office. 17/21 Item 8: To elect a Constable’s Officer for the Vingtaine du Mont Cochon Rachel NUGENT Proposed: Danny Scaife Seconded: Isaura De Castro There being no further nominations Rachel NUGENT was elected as Constable’s Officer for the Vingtaine du Mont Cochon The Constable thanked Rachel for allowing her name to go forward for the Honorary Police, as Constables Officer. The Constable formally warned her to appear before the Royal Court at 10am on Friday 9 April to take her Oath of Office. 18/21 The Assembly minuted their thanks to the following:

Peter Wade who has retired following completion of his term of office as Constable’s Officer on 2nd February 2021. Peter has served three terms of office, being first elected as a Constable’s Officer on 20th January 2012, he has also served two terms on the from 2012 to 2018 and has kindly put his name forward this evening to continue his Honorary service with the Parish as a Rates Assessor .

Joao Nunes who completed his term of office as Constable’s Officer on 15th February 2021. Joao has served three terms of office, being first elected as a Constable’s Officer on 20th January 2012, he is also involved in the Funchal Twinning Committee.

Maria Celestino who completed her term of office as Constable’s Officer on 1st March 2021. Maria has served two terms of office, being first elected as a Constable’s Officer on 27th February 2015. The date of the next scheduled Parish Assembly is Wednesday 14th April 2021