Vol 11 / No 16 9 August 2019

Fortnightly by Subscription calendar Hot Weather Policy Track Vet Training Day Details

DROOPYS GOLD leads kennelmate Sporting Dave across the line to take the 2019 Coral at Hove for owners the Schilly Money Racing Syndicate and Photo: Steve Nash trainer Seamus Cahill. FOR ALL THE LATEST NEWS - WWW.GBGB.ORG.UK -VSSV^.).)VU;^P[[LY'NYL`OV\UKIVHYK'NINIZ[HɈHUK0UZ[HNYHTHUK-HJLIVVR CATEGORY ONE FINALS

Date Distance Track Event Sat 17 Aug 630m Monmore Green Ladbrokes Summer Stayers Sat 17 Aug 480m Monmore Green Ladbrokes Gold Cup Mon 26 Aug 500m Puppies Nottingham Fri 06 Sep 575m Romford Coral Champion Stakes Fri 13 Sep 925m Romford Coral TV Trophy Thu 19 Sep 462m Yarmouth RPGTV East Anglian Derby Thu 26 Sep 480m British Bred Newcastle BGBF Northern Plate Fri 27 Sep 400m Puppies Romford Sat 05 Oct 714m Crayford Jay and Kay Coach Tours Kent Sun 06 Oct 480m Central Park Ladbrokes Mon 21 Oct 500m British Bred Nottingham Weds 23 Oct 661m Doncaster SIS Yorkshire St Leger Sun 27 Oct 460m Henlow Henlow Derby Sat 02 Nov 540m Crayford Ladbrokes Sat 16 Nov 710m Perry Barr RPGTV St Leger Mon 18 Nov 500m Nottingham Stakes Fri 06 Dec 575m Romford Coral Essex Vase 7XH'HF P%ULWLVK%UHG 6KHIÀHOG %*%)%ULWLVK%UHG'HUE\ Thu 19 Dec 515m Brighton & Hove Coral )XUWKHUFRPSHWLWLRQVWREHFRQÀUPHG$ERYHGDWHVPD\EHVXEMHFWWRFKDQJH


• All licensed track vets are reminded of the GBGB Annual training event which will be held again at Nottingham Racecourse on Thursday 3rd October 2019.

• A full day of educational presentations with refreshments and lunch will be provided free of charge to Licensed Vets and will count for 6 hours of CPD.

• This event is always well attended and is an extremely useful and informative day providing relevant industry CPD in an informal and fun forum.

• A provisional agenda will be published in due course.

To register please visit https://gbgb-track-vet-training.eventbrite.co.uk. For more information email [email protected] or call 0207 822 0912. APPRENTICESHIP UPDATE – UNIVERSITY OF NOTTINGHAM VET SCHOOL TRAINING DAY

Earlier this month, the Animal Care and Welfare Assistant Apprentices visited the 8QLYHUVLW\RI1RWWLQJKDP·V School of Veterinary Medicine and Science for a training day on greyhound anatomy, function, injury and rehabilitation. The day was led by greyhound specialist and Assistant Professor of Veterinary Anatomy Dr Richard Payne who, alongside his teaching team, gave the apprentices an insight into the latest research into racing greyhounds. The vet school training day was the latest in a series of off-the-job training opportunities which seek to give the apprentices a broader insight into the world of greyhound racing. These opportunities, ZKLFKKDYHLQFOXGHGYLVLWVWR*%*%·VIRUHQVLFWHVWLQJODEDQGWRWKH'RJV7UXVWZKHUHWKH apprentices spent time with an animal behaviourist, seek to give apprentices a comprehensive understanding of how best to care for their greyhounds. The training day at Nottingham, which was DOVRDWWHQGHGE\VRPHRIWKHDSSUHQWLFHV·WUDLQHUVVRXJKWWRHQKDQFHDSSUHQWLFH·VNQRZOHGJHDQG skills in looking after the greyhounds in their care. Apprentice Yazmin Schofield, said: ´,WZDVDUHDOO\LQIRUPDWLYHGD\DQGZHZHQWLQWRJUHDWGHWDLORQDQDWRP\DQGPXVFOHJURXSV ,SDUWLFXODUO\OLNHGWKHSUDFWLFDOVHVVLRQDQGWKHOHFWXUHRQWKHXVHRISK\VLRWKHUDS\IRUWKH UHKDELOLWDWLRQRIVSRUWLQJLQMXULHV7KHVHRIIWKHMREWUDLQLQJVHVVLRQVUHDOO\KHOSWRLPSURYHRXU NQRZOHGJHDQG,DPUHDOO\HQMR\LQJP\DSSUHQWLFHVKLSµ Mark Bird, GBGB Managing Director, said: ´7KLV$SSUHQWLFHVKLSDLPVWRIXUWKHUSURIHVVLRQDOLVHDQGXSVNLOORXUVSRUWSURYLQJH[SHUWWUDLQLQJLQDOO DVSHFWVRIJUH\KRXQGFDUH$VSHRSOHZKRZRUNGD\LQGD\RXWZLWKJUH\KRXQGVDQGZKRORRNDIWHU WKHLUHYHU\QHHG,NQRZWKDWWKHNQRZOHGJHZLOOEHLQFUHGLEO\EHQHILFLDOWRWKHPDVWKH\SURJUHVVLQ WKHLUFDUHHUV ´,WZDVIDQWDVWLFWRVHHVRPHRIWKH$SSUHQWLFHV·WUDLQHUVDFFRPSDQ\WKHPWRGD\DVZHOODVWKHWUDFN SURPRWHUVLQYROYHGLQWKHVFKHPH,QRUGHUWRHQVXUHRXUZHOIDUHVWDQGDUGVUHPDLQWKHEHVWLQWKH ZRUOGLWLVYLWDOWKDWHYHU\RQHLQYROYHGLQRXUVSRUWLVDZDUHRIWKHODWHVWUHVHDUFKVRWKH\FDQSURYLGH WKHYHU\EHVWFDUHWRRXUUDFLQJJUH\KRXQGVµ Find out more about the Animal Care and Welfare Assistant apprenticeship at www.gbgb.org.uk/about/careers/ or contact GBGB HR Manager Zoë Brown on [email protected].


Trainer Liz McNair created her own slice of history when landing a 1-2-3-4 in the 73rd British Bred 2-Year Old Produce Stakes Final at Swindon, with King Sheeran proving dominant in the £15,000 decider for owners and breeder Brendan Keogh and the KSS Syndicate. King Sheeran led home an extraordinary 1-2-3 for February 2017 sons of Eden The Kid and Skate On with Sheeran and runner up King Cash chased home by litter brother King Dylan. Queen Cher (Eden The Kid-Shaws Dilemma, May 17) secured the McNair/KSS clean sweep. Liz Mort, chair of the British Greyhound Breeders Forum (BGBF), said: “What an amazing night – and what cracking dogs we saw in the Produce Stakes this year – especially the final. “All six of them were examples of great breeding, rearing and training, and all thoroughly deserved to have made the final. Sheeran was especially IDQWDVWLFJLYHQKH·VFRPHEDFNIURPDKRFNLQMXU\ that resulted in two screws being put in his leg and a long layoff. “The victory completed a great comeback – and WKHUH·VQRTXHVWLRQWKH.HRJK.660F1DLU /L]0RUWDQG%RE*LOOLQJRIWKH%*%)SUHVHQWWR/L]DQG5DE0F1DLU greyhounds are in a special class at the moment. WRJHWKHUZLWK%UHQGDQ.HRJKDQG6LPRQ6HQ\NRIWKH.666\QGLFDWH (Photo: ) Every time one of their dogs wins a major competition 6WHYH1DVK LW·VOLNHDPDVWHUFODVVLQKRZWREUHHGUHDUDQGWUDLQDFKDPSLRQ²DQGRWKHU%ULWLVKEUHHGHUVPXVW believe they, too, can achieve great things with the dogs they breed. They need to believe in their own ability to turn their pups into flying machines.” 2IWKHKRVWWUDFN0RUWDGGHG´6ZLQGRQLVDJUHDWWUDFNDQGZH·UHVROXFN\WKH\DUHKDSS\WRKRVW DQGUXQWKH3URGXFH6WDNHV²LW·VQRWRQHYHU\RQH·VGRRUVWHSEXWLW·VZRUWKWKHWULS ´:H·UHJUDGXDOO\H[SDQGLQJRXUFRPSHWLWLRQVWRPRUHSDUWVRIWKHFRXQWU\DQGWRGLIIHUHQWWUDFNV2XU QH[W&DWHJRU\2QHZLOOEHDQHZRQH²WKH%*%)1RUWKHUQ3ODWHDW1HZFDVWOHLQ6HSWHPEHU:H·UH all very excited and are grateful to the British Greyhound Racing Fund for enabling us to expand into this important area.” The BGBF has now confirmed its schedule of events for British bred greyhounds for August – December 2019 as follows: British Bred Doncaster 483m Mon 12th - 26th August Northern Plate Newcastle 480m Thu 12th - 26th September %UHHGHUV·6WDNHV 1RWWLQJKDP P 0RQWKVW2FWREHU British Bred Sprint Harlow 238m Wed 30th October - Wed 13th November British Bred Puppy Oaks Romford 400m Fri 15th - 22nd November British Bred Marathon Romford 750m Fri 22nd November British Bred Derby 500m Tue 26th November - Tue 10th December :LQQHUVRIWKH&DWHJRU\2QH%UHHGHUV·6WDNHV%ULWLVK%UHG'HUE\DQGLQDXJXUDO1RUWKHUQ3ODWH will take home £7,500, Category Two winners £4,000 and the winner of the one off Category Three British Bred Marathon at Romford - £1,000. Full details for the above events, which are restricted to greyhounds born and earmarked in Britain, can be found in this and future editions of the GBGB Calendar.


7KH*UH\KRXQG%RDUGRI*UHDW%ULWDLQZLOOUHFHLYHFRPSODLQWVLQFRQÀGHQFHIURPDQ\RQHFRQFHUQHGDERXWDSRVVLEOHEUHDFKRIWKH5XOHVRI5DFLQJ Send emails to [email protected]RUFDOOWKH*%*%RIÀFHRQ020 7822 0900. Alternatively, write to: The Greyhound Board of Great Britain Ltd, Genesis House, 17 Godliman Street, London EC4V 5BD

The Disciplinary Committee wish to advise those appearing before them as “the affected person” that the Disciplinary Committee has the discretion to take account of any previous breaches of the rule(s) of racing which they consider are relevant to a case being heard before them irrespective of the date of commission of the breach.

DISCIPLINARY COMMITTEE INQUIRIES Mr Wallis stated at the local inquiry particularly successful trainer should held on the 30 October 2018 “cut corners” in terms of the use of The Disciplinary Committee of the that he believed the positive for category 2 meat despite the frequent GBGB were in attendance at a dexamethasone probably resulted Calendar notices warning against this meeting held on 23 July 2019:- from ‘Surolan Ear Drops and practice for racing greyhounds. Cutaneous Suspension’ prescribed Mr R Woodworth CBE (in the chair) The Committee accepted Professor by Towcester track Veterinary Morris’s evidence that the feeding of Mr R Coughlan Surgeon Polly Smith on the 11 May Dr AJ Higgins category 2 meat was the probable 2018 for MUXTON BELLE. Mr Wallis cause of the dexamethasone 1a Towcester Stadium claimed that Polly Smith had not – MUXTON BELLE – positive. The Committee accepted advised him that MUXTON BELLE that Mr Wallis had not previously Professional Trainer should be laid off for 7 days in Mr been sanctioned for any breach of accordance with GBGB rules and the rules but in this case cautioned Professional Trainer Mr Mark Wallis he had not thought it necessary to Mr Wallis and fined him £250. was found in breach of rules 152 enter the medication in the treatment (i), 174 (i)(b), 214, 216 and 217 book as he thought it was merely 1b – SILVA HILL of the GBGB Rules of Racing in a “wash”. Professor Morris gave – Professional Trainer that a urine sample taken from evidence that ‘Surolan Ear Drops and Mr Mark Wallis the greyhound MUXTON BELLE Cutaneous Suspension’ does not at Towcester Stadium on 7 July contain dexamethasone. Moreover, Professional Trainer Mr Mark Wallis 2018 was analysed by LGC Health Mr Illingworth gave evidence that was found in breach of rules 152 Sciences as containing the presence Polly Smith was an experienced (i), 174 (i)(b), 214 and 217 of the of dexamethasone and that he track Veterinary Surgeon and a GBGB Rules of Racing in that a urine had in his charge a greyhound that condition of her licence was that she sample taken from the greyhound showed the presence of a substance must warn trainers if a prohibited SILVA HILL at Henlow Stadium on that by its nature could affect the substance had been administered to 16 December 2018 was analysed by performance of a greyhound or a racing greyhound. It was therefore LGC Health Sciences as containing prejudice its well-being. concluded that it was not possible the presence of a hydroxylated that the prescribed ‘Surolan Ear metabolite of phenylbutazone Mr Wallis was in attendance. Paul Drops and Cutaneous Suspension’ and that he had in his charge a Illingworth, senior stipendiary was the source of the prohibited greyhound that showed the presence steward, and Professor Tim Morris, substance dexamethasone. of a substance that by its nature independent scientific adviser, were could affect the performance of a also in attendance. At the local inquiry, Mr Wallis had greyhound or prejudice its well-being. described his feeding regime which On 7 July 2018, a pre-race urine included a “small handful of cooked Mr Wallis was in attendance. Paul sample was taken from MUXTON beef” for each greyhound. He Illingworth, senior stipendiary BELLE, trained by Mr Wallis which had believed the meat to be beef steward, and Professor Tim Morris, upon analysis by LGC identified the although he acknowledged that his independent scientific adviser, were presence of dexamethasone. meat supply was always stained. The also in attendance. Professor Morris gave evidence supply receipts made clear that the On 16 December 2018, a pre-race that dexamethasone is available as meat was in fact category 2 (with its urine sample was taken from SILVA a veterinary medicine in a range of increased risk of contamination). The HILL, trained by Mr Wallis which formulations. It is a corticosteroid Committee believed that Mr Wallis upon analysis by LGC identified the that affects dogs as it does other had been fortunate not to have been presence of phenylbutazone. animals and people, with potent anti- the subject of a positive test earlier inflammatory activity, and side effects Professor Morris gave evidence that as he stated that he had been using phenylbutazone is available as a include metabolic disturbances and the same supplier for 20+ years and reduction of the body’s response prescription only veterinary medicine he acknowledged that he had been licenced for use in dogs and horses, to infection. It was his opinion that complacent. He no longer fed any dexamethasone with its potent with the predominant use being in meat to his greyhounds. horses. It is chemically in the class anti-inflammatory activity and The Director of Regulation confirmed range of side effects is a substance of drugs described as non-steroidal that the Board did not have evidence anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs). which by its nature could affect the to suggest a deliberate administration performance of the greyhound or NSAIDs relieve pain, reduce of dexamethasone in this case fever and reduce inflammation. could prejudice the well-being of a (which in any event Mr Wallis greyhound. Phenylbutazone, even when used at denied), but the Committee were clinical doses in dogs, can have side concerned that a high profile and

CALENDAR 3 effects that lead to gastrointestinal CHANGES OF GREYHOUNDS’ NAMES 29/07/2019, TOUCHDOWN URSULA, ulceration and bleeding and kidney (late BALLYMAC URSULA), I, bk, damage and as such it is now less The following Changes of B, Definate Opinion, Ballymac Razl, frequently prescribed. Although Greyhounds’ Names have been 14/05/2018, Touchdown Racing widely used in horses, it is not LɈLJ[LKPUHJJVYKHUJL^P[O[OL9\SLZ 30/07/2019, ISTABARK, (late used in other species, including of Racing:- MOANTEEN RUBBLE), I, bd, D, man, because of a risk of causing 19/07/2019, OUR SID, (late HALF Droopys Roddick, Hillcroft Lexie, blood disorders. It is banned from 03/10/2017, Mr David Wedgwood use in food producing animals, THROTTLE), I, bk, D, Confident including horses destined for the Rankin, Wilmars Ruby, 12/09/2017, 30/07/2019, LADY DELILAH, (late food chain, due to the secondary Mr Graham Blythe BETSYSGRIMINTENT), I, bd, B, risk of contaminated meat, when 22/07/2019, BALBOA ROXSTAR, Ballymac Best, Paradise Simona, eaten, causing these blood disorders (late URNEY POINT), I, bk, B, 01/05/2018, Mr Thomas Ferranti in people. Hydroxyphenylbutazone Superior Product, Dundrum Sally, 30/07/2019, OONAHS KEIRA, (late is a major and pharmacologically 12/06/2017, Mr Adam Deadman, Mr MURLENS MAR), I, bk, B, Ballymac active metabolite, also a NSAID, of Clifford Hart, Mr Thomas Riding Vic, Murlens Raw, 02/11/2017, Miss phenylbutazone in both horses and 22/07/2019, DEANRIDGE BALOO, Borbala Kalmar, Mr Ashley Hawkins, in dogs. It was Professor Morris’s (late BALLYMAC PERCY), I, be, D, Mr James Chapman opinion that phenylbutazone and Definate Opinion, Ballymac Razl, 30/07/2019, SAVANA POPPY, (late hydroxyphenylbutazone, as NSAIDs, 14/05/2018, Mr Paul Surridge, Mr POPPYS MAY), I, wbk, B, Knockglass are substances which by their nature Raymond Dean Billy, Coolavanny Pandy, 26/10/2016, could affect the performance of the Mr Kevin Boothby greyhound or could prejudice the 22/07/2019, TO TONE DAN, (late well-being of a greyhound. SEMINOLE DAN), I, f, D, Secreto, 30/07/2019, AERO TURNER, (late Slender Lady, 22/06/2017, To Tone NEWSTEAD FLOWER), I, bk, B, Mr Wallis was adamant that he and Syndicate Droopys Roddick, Ranchers Moll, his staff were careful to ensure that 21/09/2017, Aero Racing Syndicate medicines were only administered 23/07/2019, BROTHER JIM, (late to his dogs under the supervision DROOPYS MODE), I, bd, D, Droopys 30/07/2019, CLAIRKEITH SHIMI, of a Veterinary Surgeon and were Jet, Droopys Valerie, 01/10/2017, (late SWIFT SHIMMER), I, bk, recorded in the treatment book. He Westend Gang B, Farloe Blitz, Swift Pacquiao, stated that he had not administered 23/07/2019, MT HEATON NIDGE, 23/08/2017, Mr Rodney Lynn, Ms phenylbutazone to SILVA HILL and (late TRIPLE A TWEEDY), I, f, D, Gillian Woodroffe although he had suggested that the Droopys Nidge, Aughacasla Jill, 31/07/2019, CHIPPING AWAY, (late substance might have entered his 23/09/2016, Mr Paul Braithwaite MINEOLA MACHISMO), I, bk, D, Zero greyhound by “cross contamination” 23/07/2019, NADURRA INDIA, (late Ten, Mineola Smile, 23/07/2017, Mr from another greyhound housed in PENNYS CETO), I, be, B, Ballymac Philip Noise the same racing kennel at Henlow the Vic, Doddle Doo, 11/09/2017, Miss 31/07/2019, GOLDIES ROBERTS, previous day, he no longer thought Carol Gibson, Mr John McLachlan (late GLIDEAWAY FUFFY), I, be, this was the case. He accepted 23/07/2019, WILLOWDALE SHANE, D, Droopys Jet, Glideaway Kate, Professor Morris’s evidence that 11/02/2018, Mr Andy Pelley post-2013, when horsemeat (late EFFERNOGUE DEL), I, f, D, contamination was found, there was Ballymac Eske, Effernogue Diva, 31/07/2019, MOUNA GRANITE, than a substantial increased chance 24/07/2017, Miss Diane Henry (late REALITY SWAGGER), I, bd, that the source was horsemeat, 24/07/2019, BAREFOOT RUSH, D, Droopys Roddick, Marys Note, classed as category 2 meat, then (late KILARA NED), I, bk, D, Jaytee 15/08/2017, Miss Yvonne McMillian being fed to his greyhounds. Mr Dutch, Kilara Belle, 01/05/2017, Mr 31/07/2019, SALTHILL CHAMP, Wallis confirmed that he no longer James Waugh, Mr William Waugh (late KNOCK THEM BANDY), I, f, feeds any meat to his racing (Jnr) D, Ballymac Vic, Ridgemount Hot, greyhounds but acknowledged 24/07/2019, SONIC RUBY, (late 16/10/2017, Mr Ronald Peckover that he had been complacent. The FOUND OUT), I, bk, B, Droopys Jet, SLANEYSIDE EBONY Committee considered that Mr Wallis 31/07/2019, , Bigmans Daisy, 02/04/2018, Mr Mark (late TOMAHURRA SKYE), I, bk, B, should have carefully considered Bates his feeding practices at the time of Razldazl George, Slaneyside Beryl, the positive test of MUXTON BELLE 24/07/2019, TOWSTAR VIXEN, 11/04/2016, Mr Ian Walker December 2018 when SILVA HILL (late LONG CLEOPATRA), I, bebd, B, 31/07/2019, THAT CRAZY MAN, gave a positive sample. Droopys Roddick, Cruel Intentions, (late TETHERED PENCIL), I, bk, D, 23/07/2017, The Towstars Syndicate While the Director of Regulation did Skywalker Puma, Quare Morning, not consider there was evidence to 24/07/2019, SYDS BRO, (late GO 09/10/2017, Mr Martin Lloyd support the allegation of a deliberate MASON GO), I, bew, D, Tullymurry 31/07/2019, MAKING MISCHIEF, administration of phenylbutazone Act, Lemon Lucy, 29/11/2016, Mr (late MILES OF SMILES), B, bk, to SILVA HILL, the Committee Frank Wright B, Makeshift, Making Smiles, considered Mr Wallis to have 25/07/2019, IVY BELUCKY, (late 19/04/2018, Mrs Nicola Cunnington been reckless in his continued use SIOBHAN CHOICE), I, bk, B, Droopys 01/08/2019, IDE MUL ROCK, (late of category 2 meat particularly Cain, Britania Belucky, 12/02/2018, OGALLA JET), I, dkbd, D, Droopys after a positive test on one of his Mr Desmond Sharp, Mr Patrick Betts Jet, Durrow Abbie, 08/11/2017, Lucky greyhounds. 26/07/2019, MOTORBAR MEMORY, Heather They accepted Professor Morris’ (late BALLYMAC GARRY), I, bebd, 01/08/2019, UNDERGROUND GEM, evidence that the positive for D, Ballymac Vic, Coolavanny Angie, (late KIND SWIFT), I, bk, B, Swift phenylbutazone had probably 11/07/2017, Mr Ricky Overton Hoffman, Pandoras Secret, resulted from contaminated category 19/01/2018, Underground 2 meat and reprimanded Mr Wallis, Greyhounds fining him £750.

4 VOL 11 NO 16 9 AUGUST 2019 LICENCES GRANTED HALL Miss SL PT Mrs LA Taylorson HEDGES Mrs BE PT Mr TJ Nevin HAMILTON Garry James (Mr) OFFICIALS LEVERS Mr JS PT Miss GL Davidson CENTRAL PARK LISTER Miss CJ PT Mr SJ Atkinson CHANGE OF TRAINER ATTACHMENT MCDERMOTT Miss NC GT Mr D Robinson CASTLEMAN John Pete (Mr) MILLER Mr SR OT Mr S Miller – Local Steward, Paddock Steward, PERRY BARR NEVIN Mr TRM PT Mr TJ Nevin MAY Marina (Mrs) Starter NEVIN Mrs KA PT Mr TJ Nevin HARLOW NEWBERRY Mr D PT Mr TJ Nevin PERRY BARR OLIVER-FITCH Dene Steve (Mr) NEWBERRY Mrs T PT Mr TJ Nevin PIKE Michael (Mr) – Local Steward, Paddock Steward, O’HARA Mr J PT Mr TJ Nevin Starter O’HARA Mrs DJ PT Mr TJ Nevin NO LONGER ATTACHED HENLOW SIDEBOTTOM Mr A GT Mr J Waugh WALTON Simon Philip (Mr) THOMPSON Mr TCE PT Mr R Thompson BRIGHTON and HOVE – Local Steward, Starter WADE Miss K PT Mr TC Heilbron HARMS Simon (Mr) WOODMAN Mr JR PT Mr P Clarke KINSLEY COLMAN Sam Warren (Mr) NOTIFICATION OF GREYHOUND SALES – Judge, Local Steward, Paddock TRANSFER FROM OWNER TRAINER Steward, Timekeeper TO GREYHOUND TRAINER HENLOW PERRY BARR Wednesday 4th September 2019 CLARKE Lewis (Mr) SLATER Graham Charles (Mr) (Anglo Irish Greyhound Sales) - Starter WEST YORKSHIRE (Attached Kinsley) POOLE POOLE Monday 16th September 2019 PHEBY David Allen (Mr) (Banner Group Sales) – Paddock Steward, Starter OWNER TRAINERS ROMFORD REGISTRATION OF NEW DISTANCE GRICE Chelsea Victoria (Miss) AJMAL Muhammad (Mr) BIRMINGHAM (Unattached) – Paddock Steward, Starter The following have been registered SHAWFIELD BOWES Gordon (Mr) in accordance with Rule 121 of the KRUMRIE Sara Blake (Dr) DURHAM (Unattached) rules of racing, following the redesign – Veterinary Surgeon LOGAN Scott William (Mr) of the track. PARADERS TYNE and WEAR (Unattached) ROMFORD ROMFORD MCCOLL Stuart (Mr) 225 Metres – Sprint - D GRICE Chelsea Victoria (Miss) STIRLINGSHIRE (Unattached) ROMFORD PROFESSIONAL TRAINERS 400 Metres – Standard - A LICENCES RELINQUISHED ROMFORD NEVIN Terence James (Mr) 575 Metres – Standard Long MIDDLESEX (Attached Henlow) PROFESSIONAL TRAINERS Distance - S HEAD KENNELHAND NEWBERRY Derek (Mr) ROMFORD PIPER Mr TS PT Mrs YLE Gaskin MIDDLESEX (Attached Henlow) 750 Metres – E KENNELHANDS LICENSED ROMFORD 925 Metres – Marathon – M AYLING Ms LD PT Mrs YLE Gaskin ATTACHED BLAKENEY Mr J GT Mr KW Moore ROMFORD BUNTING Miss AL PT Mr MJ Fieldson HENLOW 1100 Metres BURLING Mr T PT Mr J Daly CARNEY Grant (Mr) BURRELL Mr JC GT Mr G Rafferty COATES Mr MA PT Mr R Holt CORCORAN Mr DW PT Mr T Bedford CROWN Mr AK GT Mr SJ Roberts LITTERS EARMARKED DAVENPORT Mr R PT Miss A Thompson DENNIFF Mr CM PT Miss KM Grayson Sire Dam Dogs Bitches Whelping ENGLISH Mr JAW GT Mr GS Hamilton FIELD Mr MT PT Mrs PI Cowdrill Moors Dingo Multi Laner 6 3 19/04/2019 GAUSDEN Miss GE PT Mr P Clarke GOODWRIGHT Mr JC PT Mr AMP Collett Vans Escalade Molly The Legend 2 6 01/04/2019 HALL Miss E OT Mr H Thompson-Brown

ANNUAL VETERINARY KENNEL INSPECTIONS All Professional and Greyhound trainers are reminded to arrange for their Annual Veterinary Kennel Inspection to take place using the form that was enclosed with their 2019 licence cards, additional forms can be obtained from any 5DFLQJ2IÀFHIURPWKH*%*%RIÀFH(0207 822 0927), or from the GBGB website. 7KHFRPSOHWHGIRUPPXVWEHUHWXUQHGWRWKH*%*%RIÀFHE\WKHLQVSHFWLQJ9HWHULQDU\6XUJHRQQRODWHUWKDQMonday 2nd September 2019. Trainers should contact their Veterinary Surgeon as soon as practical to make an appointment. A copy of the report will EHNHSWRQÀOHDWWKH*%*%ZLWKDGXSOLFDWHEHLQJKHOGE\WKH$UHD6WLSHQGLDU\6WHZDUG

CALENDAR 5 Open Races General Conditions Unless otherwise stated the following will apply to all open races advertised in this issue of the Calendar: • The Standard Conditions of Entry (Rules of • Entries close to the Racing Managers, at after the closing date for entries unless Racing, Rule 82) and international Entries the addresses of the stadiums concerned, otherwise indicated in the conditions. at the times and on the date shown. and Conditions where applicable (Rule • When reference is made in the calendar 83). • The draw for traps (and heats, where applicable) is made under Rule 80 by the regarding greyhounds who have not won • &ODVVLÀFDWLRQ:LGH5XQQHUV²2SHQ5DFHV Secretary of the GBGB, or their appointed an open race at the time of closing, it refers (Rules of Racing, Rule 79(b)). representative, as soon as possible to GBGB open races.

BRIGHTON & HOVE STADIUM 5,=03340504(9(;/65 5,=033:;(5+(9+ Nevill Road, Hove, East Sussex, Heats Heats BN3 7BZ 740m Flat, 18 greyhounds & 3 resvs 515m Flat, 18 greyhounds & 3 resvs Tel 01273 013364 Noon Mon 12th August Noon Mon 26th August Winner £250; others £50 Winner £250; others £50 www.brightonandhovegreyhoundstadium.co.uk Thu 22nd August Runners not attached to Hove will receive 5,=033:;(@,9: £15 appearance money. Also a £40 bonus Heats for ANY trainer supplying 4 or more 5,=0334(0+,5 695m Flat, 18 greyhounds & 3 resvs runners. Final Noon Mon 26th August 515m Flat, 6 greyhounds Winner £250; others £50 CATEGORY TWO Winner £750 and trophy; 2nd £100; others £50 Thu 5th September Thu 10th October 5,=03340504(9(;/65 5,=033:;(5+(9+ :,(:65::*(--63+05.7<77@ Final Final ;967/@ 740m Flat, 6 greyhounds 515m Flat, 6 greyhounds Heats Winner £1000 and trophy; 2nd £100; Winner £1000 and trophy; 2nd £100; 490m Flat, 18 puppies & 3 resvs others £50 others £50 Noon Mon 7th October Winner £250; others £50 *69(34(0+,5:;(@,9: 5,=033:;(@,9: For puppies whelped in November Heats Final 2017 or younger 695m Flat, 18 maidens & 3 resvs 695m Flat, 6 greyhounds Noon Mon 19th August Thu 17th October Winner £1000 and trophy; 2nd £100; Winner £200; others £50 others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won :,(:65::*(--63+05.7<77@ an open race at the time of closing ;967/@ MINOR Final CORAL 490 Thu 15th August 490m Flat, 6 puppies Heats Winner £2500 and trophy; 2nd £500; 490m Flat, 18 greyhounds & 3 resvs 5,=033:;(5+(9+ others £250 Noon Mon 19th August 515m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Winner £250; others £50 Noon Mon 12th August CATEGORY THREE Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 Thu 29th August Thu 15th August 5,=033:7905; *69(34(0+,5:;(@,9: 5,=0334(0+,5 Final 285m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Heats Noon Mon 12th August 695m Flat, 6 greyhounds 515m Flat, 18 maidens & 3 resvs Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 Noon Mon 12th August Winner £750 and trophy; 2nd £100; others £50 Winner £200; others £50 5,=0334(0+,57<770,: For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race at the time of closing CORAL 490 490m Flat, 6 maiden puppies & 2 Final resvs Noon Mon 12th August 490m Flat, 6 greyhounds Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 Winner £1000 and trophy; 2nd £100; For puppies whelped in September others £50 2017 or younger that have NOT won an open race at the time of closing

6 VOL 11 NO 16 9 AUGUST 2019 5,=0334(0+,5:7905; *69(37<770,: 5,=0334(0+,5:7905; 285m Flat, 6 maidens & 2 resvs 490m Flat, 6 puppies & 2 resvs 285m Flat, 6 maidens & 2 resvs Noon Mon 12th August Noon Mon 19th August Noon Mon 26th August Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won For puppies whelped in September For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race at the time of closing 2017 or younger an open race at the time of closing

5,=033 *69(33(+0,: 5,=0333(+0,: 475m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs 515m Flat, 6 bitches & 2 resvs 490m Flat, 6 bitches & 2 resvs Noon Mon 12th August Noon Mon 19th August Noon Mon 26th August Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For BITCHES only For BITCHES only 5,=033:;(@,9: 695m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs *69(3:;(@,9: 5,=0337<770,: Noon Mon 12th August 695m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs 490m Flat, 6 puppies & 2 resvs Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 Noon Mon 19th August Noon Mon 26th August Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For puppies whelped in September 5,=0333(+0,: 2017 or younger 490m Flat, 6 bitches & 2 resvs *69(3/<9+3,+(:/ Noon Mon 12th August 285m Hurdles, 6 greyhounds & 2 *69(3/<9+3, Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 resvs For BITCHES only Noon Mon 19th August 515m Hurdles, 6 greyhounds & 2 Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 resvs Noon Mon 26th August 5,=0334(0+,5:;(@,9: Winner £300 and trophy; others £50 695m Flat, 6 maidens & 2 resvs *69(3)90;0:/)9,+ Noon Mon 12th August 490m Flat, 6 british bred & 2 resvs 5,=0334(0+,5 Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 Noon Mon 19th August For greyhounds that have NOT won Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 740m Flat, 6 maidens & 2 resvs an open race at the time of closing For BRITISH BRED greyhounds only Noon Mon 26th August Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 Thu 29th August For greyhounds that have NOT won 5,=033:7905;/<9+3, an open race at the time of closing 285m Hurdles, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs 5,=0334(0+,5 Noon Mon 12th August 515m Flat, 6 maidens & 2 resvs Eurolink, Sittingbourne, Kent, Winner £300 and trophy; others £50 Noon Mon 26th August ME10 3SB Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 Thu 22nd August For greyhounds that have NOT won Tel 01795 438438 an open race at the time of closing www.centralparkstadium.co.uk *69(3 4(0+,5 490m Flat, 6 maidens & 2 resvs 5,=0334(0+,57<770,: Runners not attached to Central Park will Noon Mon 19th August 490m Flat, 6 maiden puppies & 2 receive £15 appearance money. Also a £25 bonus for a trainer supplying three or more Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 resvs runners. For greyhounds that have NOT won Noon Mon 26th August an open race at the time of closing Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 For puppies whelped in September CATEGORY THREE 2017 or younger that have NOT won *69(34(0+,5:7905; an open race at the time of closing Sun 18th August 285m Flat, 6 maidens & 2 resvs Noon Mon 19th August 5,=033>055,96-65,:;(@,9: :<5+(@50./;4050:;(5+(9+ Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 Heats For greyhounds that have NOT won 695m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs an open race at the time of closing Noon Mon 26th August 450m Flat, 18 greyhounds & 3 resvs Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 Noon Wed 14th August For greyhounds that have NOT won Winner £200; others £50 *69(3:7905; more than one open race over six 285m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs bends at time of closing Noon Mon 19th August :<5+(@50./;/<9+3, Heats Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 5,=033:7905; 480m Hurdles, 18 greyhounds & 4 285m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs resvs Noon Mon 26th August Noon Wed 14th August Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 Winner £200; others £50

CALENDAR 7 Sun 25th August :<5+(@50./;:;(5+(9+ *,5;9(37(924(0+,5 Final :;(@,9: :<5+(@50./;4050:;(5+(9+ 480m Flat, 6 greyhounds 642m Flat, 6 maidens & 2 resvs Final Winner £500 and trophy; others £60 Noon Wed 14th August 450m Flat, 6 greyhounds Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 Winner £500 and trophy; others £60 For greyhounds that have NOT won ;/,203305.),*2:7905; an open race at the time of closing Heats :<5+(@50./;/<9+3, 265m Flat, 18 greyhounds & 4 resvs Final Noon Wed 4th September *,5;9(37(927<770,: 480m Hurdles, 6 greyhounds Winner £200; others £50 480m Flat, 6 puppies & 2 resvs Winner £500 and trophy; others £60 Noon Wed 14th August Winner £300 and trophy; others £50 ;/,203305.),*256=0*, For puppies whelped in September :<5+(@50./;:<7,9 :;(@,9: 2017 or younger STANDARD Heats Heats 642m Flat, 18 novices & 3 resvs 500m Flat, 18 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Wed 4th September *,5;9(37(924(0+,5 Noon Wed 21st August Winner £200; others £50 480m Flat, 6 maidens & 2 resvs Winner £200; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won Noon Wed 14th August an open race over 600 metres or Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 further. For greyhounds that have NOT won :<5+(@50./;4(0+,5 an open race at the time of closing Heats Sun 15th September 480m Flat, 18 maidens & 3 resvs Noon Wed 21st August *,5;9(37(92:7905; Winner £200; others £50 ;/,203305.),*2:7905; 265m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs For greyhounds that have NOT won Final Noon Wed 14th August an open race at the time of closing 265m Flat, 6 greyhounds Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 Winner £500 and trophy; others £60 Sun 1st September *,5;9(37(923(+0,: ;/,203305.),*256=0*, 480m Flat, 6 bitches & 2 resvs :<5+(@50./;40504(0+,5 :;(@,9: Noon Wed 14th August Heats Final Winner £300 and trophy; others £50 450m Flat, 18 maidens & 4 resvs 642m Flat, 6 greyhounds For BITCHES only Noon Wed 28th August Winner £500 and trophy; others £60 Winner £200; others £50 *,5;9(37(924(0+,5:7905; For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race at the time of closing MINOR 265m Flat, 6 maidens & 2 resvs Noon Wed 14th August Sun 18th August Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 :<5+(@50./;:;(5+(9+ For greyhounds that have NOT won Heats *,5;9(37(924050:;(5+(9+ an open race at the time of closing 480m Flat, 18 greyhounds & 4 resvs Noon Wed 28th August 450m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Wed 14th August *,5;9(37(924(9(;/65 Winner £200; others £50 Winner £300 and trophy; others £50 893m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Wed 14th August :<5+(@50./;:<7,9 Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 STANDARD *,5;9(37(92:;(@,9: Final 642m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs 500m Flat, 6 greyhounds Noon Wed 14th August *,5;9(37(92/<9+3, Winner £500 and trophy; others £60 Winner £300 and trophy; others £50 480m Hurdles, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Wed 14th August *,5;9(37(92>055,96-65, :<5+(@50./;4(0+,5 Winner £300 and trophy; others £50 Final 500m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs 480m Flat, 6 greyhounds Noon Wed 14th August CENTRAL PARK STANDARD Winner £500 and trophy; others £60 Winner £300 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won 480m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs more than one open race at the time Noon Wed 14th August Sun 8th September of closing Winner £300 and trophy; others £50 :<5+(@50./;40504(0+,5 Final *,5;9(37(92:<7,9 STANDARD 450m Flat, 6 greyhounds 500m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Winner £500 and trophy; others £60 Noon Wed 14th August Winner £300 and trophy; others £50

8 VOL 11 NO 16 9 AUGUST 2019 Sun 25th August *,5;9(37(92:<7,9 *,5;9(37(9240504(0+,5 STANDARD 450m Flat, 6 maidens & 2 resvs *,5;9(37(924(0+,5:7905; 500m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Wed 28th August 265m Flat, 6 maidens & 2 resvs Noon Wed 21st August Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 Noon Wed 21st August Winner £300 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 an open race at the time of closing For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race at the time of closing *,5;9(37(923(+0,: 500m Flat, 6 bitches & 2 resvs *,5;9(37(924(0+,5 Noon Wed 21st August 480m Flat, 6 maidens & 2 resvs *,5;9(37(924(0+,5 Winner £300 and trophy; others £50 Noon Wed 28th August 480m Flat, 6 maidens & 2 resvs For BITCHES only Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 Noon Wed 21st August For greyhounds that have NOT won Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 an open race at the time of closing For greyhounds that have NOT won *,5;9(37(92:;(@,9: an open race at the time of closing 642m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Wed 21st August *,5;9(37(924(0+,5 :;(@,9: Winner £300 and trophy; others £50 *,5;9(37(924(0+,5 642m Flat, 6 maidens & 2 resvs :;(@,9: Noon Wed 28th August 642m Flat, 6 maidens & 2 resvs *,5;9(37(92:<7,9:;(@,9: Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 Noon Wed 21st August 708m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs For greyhounds that have NOT won Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 Noon Wed 21st August an open race at the time of closing For greyhounds that have NOT won Winner £300 and trophy; others £50 an open race at the time of closing Fri 6th September Sun 1st September *,5;9(37(92:7905;/<9+3, :;3(+)962,:2,5;+,9)@ 265m Hurdles, 6 greyhounds & 2 *,5;9(37(92:7905; ;90(3:;(2,: resvs 480m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Wed 21st August 265m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Wed 28th August Noon Tue 3rd September Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 Winner £300 and trophy; others £50

*,5;9(37(92:7905; *,5;9(37(92 *,5;9(37(924(0+,5:7905; 265m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs 265m Flat, 6 maidens & 3 resvs Noon Wed 21st August 450m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Wed 28th August Noon Tue 3rd September Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race at the time of closing *,5;9(37(924050:;(5+(9+ CENTRAL PARK STANDARD 450m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Wed 21st August 480m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs *,5;9(37(924(0+,5 Noon Wed 28th August Winner £300 and trophy; others £50 :;(@,9: Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 642m Flat, 6 maidens & 3 resvs Noon Tue 3rd September *,5;9(37(927<770,: *,5;9(37(92:<7,9 Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 480m Flat, 6 puppies & 2 resvs STANDARD For greyhounds that have NOT won Noon Wed 21st August 500m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs an open race at the time of closing Winner £300 and trophy; others £50 Noon Wed 28th August For puppies whelped in September 2017 or younger Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 *,5;9(37(92:7905;/<9+3, 265m Hurdles, 6 greyhounds & 3 *,5;9(37(92/<9+3, resvs CENTRAL PARK STANDARD Noon Tue 3rd September 480m Hurdles, 6 greyhounds & 2 480m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 Noon Wed 21st August resvs Noon Wed 28th August Winner £300 and trophy; others £50 Winner £300 and trophy; others £50 Sun 8th September

*,5;9(37(92/<9+3, *,5;9(37(924(0+,5:7905; 203305.),*2:7905; 480m Hurdles, 6 greyhounds & 2 265m Flat, 6 maidens & 2 resvs 265m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs resvs Noon Wed 4th September Noon Wed 21st August Noon Wed 28th August Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 Winner £300 and trophy; others £50 Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race at the time of closing 203305.),*2:;(5+(9+ 480m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Wed 4th September Winner £250 and trophy; others £50

CALENDAR 9 203305.),*2:;(@,9: Sat 19th October Sat 14th September 642m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Wed 4th September LADBROKES GOLD COLLAR 3(+)962,:*64:,7;,4),9 Heats 4(0+,5;967/@ Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 540m Flat, 36 greyhounds & 6 resvs Final Noon Tue 15th October 540m Flat, 6 greyhounds 203305.),*2:<7,9:;(@,9: Winner £250; 2nd £60; others £50 Winner £750 and trophy; 2nd £100; 708m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs others £50 Noon Wed 4th September Sat 26th October Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 MINOR LADBROKES GOLD COLLAR 203305.),*2/<9+3, :LTP-PUHSZ Sat 17th August 480m Hurdles, 6 greyhounds & 3 540m Flat, 18 greyhounds resvs Winner £300; 2nd £100; others £50 3(+)962,:*64(<.<:; Noon Wed 4th September 4(0+,5:7905; Winner £300 and trophy; others £50 Sat 2nd November 380m Flat, 6 maidens & 2 resvs Noon Tue 13th August 203305.),*24(0+,5 LADBROKES GOLD COLLAR Winner £200 and trophy; 2nd £60; Final others £50 480m Flat, 6 maidens & 2 resvs For greyhounds that have NOT won Noon Wed 4th September 540m Flat, 6 greyhounds an open race at the time of closing Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 Winner £8000 and trophy + jacket; For greyhounds that have NOT won 2nd £500; 3rd £200; others £100 an open race at the time of closing 3(+)962,:*64(<.<:; 4(0+,5:;(2,: CATEGORY THREE CRAYFORD STADIUM 540m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Tue 13th August Stadium Way, Crayford, Kent, Sat 24th August Winner £200 and trophy; 2nd £60; DA1 4HR others £50 Tel 01322 522262 3(+)962,::<44,94(0+,5 For greyhounds that have NOT won :;(@,9:;967/@ an open race over 540m or further at www.crayford.com Heats the time of closing Trainers not attached to Crayford will 714m Flat, 18 greyhounds & 4 resvs receive £15 appearance money. Noon Tue 20th August 3(+)962,:*64(<.<:; Winner £200; 2nd £60; others £50 :;(@,9:/<9+3, For greyhounds that have NOT won 540m Hurdles, 6 greyhounds & 2 CATEGORY ONE an open race over eight bends at the resvs time of closing Noon Tue 13th August Sat 21st September Winner £250 and trophy; 2nd £60; Sat 31st August others £50 1(@ 2(@*6(*/;6<9:2,5; Preference is given to greyhounds ST LEGER 3(+)962,::<44,94(0+,5 who have raced or trialled over Heats :;(@,9:;967/@ hurdles at Crayford 714m Flat, 36 greyhounds & 6 resvs Final Noon Tue 17th September 714m Flat, 6 greyhounds 3(+)962,:*64(<.<:; Winner £250; 2nd £60; others £50 Winner £750 and trophy; 2nd £100; :;(@,9::;(2,: others £50 714m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Sat 28th September Noon Tue 13th August Sat 7th September Winner £250 and trophy; 2nd £60; 1(@ 2(@*6(*/;6<9:2,5; others £50 ST LEGER 3(+)962,:*64:,7;,4),9 :LTP-PUHSZ 4(0+,5;967/@ 3(+)962,:*64(<.<:; 714m Flat, 18 greyhounds Heats 7<77@:;(2,: Winner £300; 2nd £100; others £50 540m Flat, 18 greyhounds & 4 resvs 540m Flat, 6 puppies & 2 resvs Noon Tue 3rd September Noon Tue 13th August Sat 5th October Winner £200; 2nd £60; others £50 Winner £250 and trophy; 2nd £60; For greyhounds that have NOT won others £50 an open race over 540m or further at For puppies whelped in September 1(@ 2(@*6(*/;6<9:2,5; the time of closing ST LEGER 2017 or younger Final 714m Flat, 6 greyhounds Winner £7500 and trophy + jacket; 2nd £500; 3rd £200; others £100

10 VOL 11 NO 16 9 AUGUST 2019 3(+)962,:*64(<.<:; 3(+)962,:*64(<.<:;)(52 Sat 31st August :7905; /630+(@:;(@,9::;(2,: 380m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs 714m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs 3(+)962,:>/,9,;/,5(;065 Noon Tue 13th August Noon Tue 20th August 73(@:7<77@:;(2,: Winner £250 and trophy; 2nd £60; Winner £250 and trophy; 2nd £60; 540m Flat, 6 puppies & 2 resvs others £50 others £50 Noon Tue 27th August Winner £250 and trophy; 2nd £60; others £50 3(+)962,:*64(<.<:; 3(+)962,:*64(<.<:;)(52 For puppies whelped in September /<9+3, /630+(@4(0+,5:;(2,: 2017 or younger 380m Hurdles, 6 greyhounds & 2 540m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs resvs Noon Tue 20th August Noon Tue 13th August 3(+)962,:>/,9,;/,5(;065 Winner £200 and trophy; 2nd £60; 73(@::;(2,: Winner £250 and trophy; 2nd £60; others £50 others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won 540m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Preference is given to greyhounds an open race over 540m or further at Noon Tue 27th August who have raced or trialled over the time of closing Winner £250 and trophy; 2nd £60; hurdles at Crayford others £50 3(+)962,:*64(<.<:;)(52 3(+)962,:*64(<.<:; /630+(@4(0+,5:7905; 3(+)962,:>/,9,;/,5(;065 4(9(;/65 380m Flat, 6 maidens & 2 resvs 73(@::7905; 874m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Tue 20th August 380m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Tue 13th August Winner £200 and trophy; 2nd £60; Noon Tue 27th August Winner £300 and trophy; 2nd £100; others £50 Winner £250 and trophy; 2nd £60; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won others £50 an open race at the time of closing 3(+)962,:*64(<.<:; 3(+)962,:>/,9,;/,5(;065 STAKES 3(+)962,:*64(<.<:;)(52 73(@::;(@,9::;(2,: 540m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs /630+(@4(0+,5/<9+3, 714m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Tue 13th August 380m Hurdles, 6 greyhounds & 2 Noon Tue 27th August Winner £250 and trophy; 2nd £60; resvs Winner £250 and trophy; 2nd £60; others £50 Noon Tue 20th August others £50 Winner £200 and trophy; 2nd £60; others £50 3(+)962,:*64(<.<:; For greyhounds that have NOT won 3(+)962,:>/,9,;/,5(;065 4(0+,5:;(@,9::;(2,: a hurdle open race at the time of 73(@:3(+0,::;(2,: 714m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs closing 540m Flat, 6 bitches & 2 resvs Noon Tue 13th August Preference is given to greyhounds Noon Tue 27th August Winner £200 and trophy; 2nd £60; who have raced or trialled over Winner £250 and trophy; 2nd £60; others £50 hurdles at Crayford others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won For BITCHES only an open race over eight bends at the time of closing 3(+)962,:*64(<.<:;)(52 /630+(@/<9+3, 3(+)962,:>/,9,;/,5(;065 73(@:4(9(;/65 Sat 24th August 380m Hurdles, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs 874m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Tue 20th August Noon Tue 27th August 3(+)962,:*64(<.<:;)(52 Winner £250 and trophy; 2nd £60; Winner £300 and trophy; 2nd £100; /630+(@:7905; others £50 others £50 380m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Preference is given to greyhounds Noon Tue 20th August who have raced or trialled over hurdles at Crayford 3(+)962,:>/,9,;/,5(;065 Winner £250 and trophy; 2nd £60; 73(@:4(0+,5:;(2,: others £50 540m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs 3(+)962,:*64(<.<:;)(52 Noon Tue 27th August /630+(@7<77@:7905; 3(+)962,:*64(<.<:;)(52 Winner £200 and trophy; 2nd £60; /630+(@:;(2,: 380m Flat, 6 puppies & 2 resvs others £50 540m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Tue 20th August For greyhounds that have NOT won Noon Tue 20th August Winner £250 and trophy; 2nd £60; an open race over 540m or further at Winner £250 and trophy; 2nd £60; others £50 the time of closing others £50 For puppies whelped in September 2017 or younger

CALENDAR 11 3(+)962,:>/,9,;/,5(;065 3(+)962,:/64,6-;/,6++: 3(+)962,:*64:,7;,4),9 73(@:4(0+,5:;(@,9: )66:;4(0+,5:7905; STAKES 714m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs 380m Flat, 6 maidens & 2 resvs 540m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Tue 27th August Noon Tue 3rd September Noon Tue 10th September Winner £200 and trophy; 2nd £60; Winner £200 and trophy; 2nd £60; Winner £250 and trophy; 2nd £60; others £50 others £50 others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race over eight bends at the an open race at the time of closing time of closing 3(+)962,:*64:,7;,4),9 7<77@:;(2,: 3(+)962,:/64,6-;/,6++: 540m Flat, 6 puppies & 2 resvs 3(+)962,:>/,9,;/,5(;065 )66:;4(0+,5:;(@,9: Noon Tue 10th September 73(@:/<9+3, 714m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Winner £250 and trophy; 2nd £60; 380m Hurdles, 6 greyhounds & 2 Noon Tue 3rd September others £50 resvs Winner £200 and trophy; 2nd £60; For puppies whelped in October Noon Tue 27th August others £50 2017 or younger Winner £250 and trophy; 2nd £60; For greyhounds that have NOT won others £50 an open race over eight bends at the Preference is given to greyhounds time of closing 3(+)962,:*64:,7;,4),9 who have raced or trialled over 3(+0,::;(2,: hurdles at Crayford 540m Flat, 6 bitches & 2 resvs 3(+)962,:/64,6-;/,6++: Noon Tue 10th September )66:;3(+0,::7905; Winner £250 and trophy; 2nd £60; 3(+)962,:>/,9,;/,5(;065 380m Flat, 6 bitches & 2 resvs 73(@::;(@,9:/<9+3, others £50 Noon Tue 3rd September For BITCHES only 540m Hurdles, 6 greyhounds & 2 Winner £250 and trophy; 2nd £60; resvs others £50 Noon Tue 27th August For BITCHES only 3(+)962,:*64:,7;,4),9 Winner £250 and trophy; 2nd £60; /<9+3, others £50 380m Hurdles, 6 greyhounds & 2 Preference is given to greyhounds 3(+)962,:/64,6-;/,6++: resvs who have raced or trialled over )66:;:7905; Noon Tue 10th September hurdles at Crayford 380m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Winner £250 and trophy; 2nd £60; Noon Tue 3rd September others £50 Sat 7th September Winner £250 and trophy; 2nd £60; Preference is given to greyhounds others £50 who have raced or trialled over hurdles at Crayford 3(+)962,:/64,6-;/,6++: )66:;/<9+3, 3(+)962,:/64,6-;/,6++: 380m Hurdles, 6 greyhounds & 2 BOOST STAKES 3(+)962,:*64:,7;,4),9 resvs 540m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs :;(@,9:/<9+3, Noon Tue 3rd September Noon Tue 3rd September 540m Hurdles, 6 greyhounds & 2 Winner £250 and trophy; 2nd £60; Winner £250 and trophy; 2nd £60; resvs others £50 others £50 Noon Tue 10th September Preference is given to greyhounds Winner £250 and trophy; 2nd £60; who have raced or trialled over others £50 hurdles at Crayford 1(@ 2(@*6(*/;6<9:2,5; Preference is given to greyhounds :;3,.,9;90(3:;(2,: who have raced or trialled over 714m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs hurdles at Crayford 3(+)962,:/64,6-;/,6++: Noon Tue 3rd September )66:;>055,96-;>6/<9+3, Winner £250 and trophy; 2nd £60; 3(+)962,:*64:,7;,4),9 380m Hurdles, 6 greyhounds & 2 others £50 resvs 4(0+,5:7905; Noon Tue 3rd September 380m Flat, 6 maidens & 2 resvs Sat 14th September Winner £200 and trophy; 2nd £60; Noon Tue 10th September others £50 Winner £200 and trophy; 2nd £60; For greyhounds that have NOT won 1(@ 2(@*6(*/;6<9:2,5; others £50 more than two hurdle open races at :;3,.,9;90(3:;(2,: For greyhounds that have NOT won the time of closing 714m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs an open race at the time of closing Preference is given to greyhounds Noon Tue 10th September who have raced or trialled over Winner £250 and trophy; 2nd £60; 3(+)962,:*64:,7;,4),9 hurdles at Crayford others £50 4(0+,5:;(2,: 540m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs 3(+)962,:*64:,7;,4),9 Noon Tue 10th September :7905; Winner £200 and trophy; 2nd £60; 380m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs others £50 Noon Tue 10th September For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race over 540m or further at Winner £250 and trophy; 2nd £60; the time of closing others £50

12 VOL 11 NO 16 9 AUGUST 2019 3(+)962,:*64:,7;,4),9 +65*(:;,9 4(0+,5 +65*(:;,94(0+,5:;(@,9: 4(0+,5:;(@,9: 483m Flat, 6 maidens & 3 resvs 661m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs 714m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Thu 22nd August Noon Thu 29th August Noon Tue 10th September Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 Winner £200; others £50 Winner £200 and trophy; 2nd £60; For greyhounds that have NOT won For greyhounds that have NOT won others £50 an open race at the time of closing an open race over further than 515m For greyhounds that have NOT won at the time of closing an open race over eight bends at the time of closing DONCASTER 483 STANDARD 483m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs +65*(:;,9:7905; Noon Thu 22nd August 275m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs DONCASTER STADIUM Noon Thu 29th August Station Road, Stainforth, Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 Winner £200; others £50 Nr Doncaster, DN7 5HS Tel 01302 843710 +65*(:;,9:;(@,9: 661m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs www.doncastergreyhoundstadium.co.uk Noon Thu 22nd August The Pinnacles, Roydon Road, Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 Harlow, Essex, CM19 5DY CATEGORY ONE Tel 01279 639248 Wed 9th October +65*(:;,94(0+,5:;(@,9: www.harlowgreyhounds.co.uk 661m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Thu 22nd August :0:@692:/09,:;3,.,9 CATEGORY THREE Heats Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won Wed 14th August 661m Flat, 36 greyhounds & 6 resvs an open race over further than 515m Noon Mon 7th October at the time of closing Winner £200; others £50 /(936>:;(5+(9+4652,@ Heats +65*(:;,9:7905; Wed 16th October 415m Flat, 12 greyhounds & 3 resvs 275m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Mon 12th August Noon Thu 22nd August Winner £150; others £45

:0:@692:/09,:;3,.,9 Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 :LTP-PUHSZ Wed 21st August 661m Flat, 18 greyhounds Mon 2nd September Winner £225; others £50 /(936>:;(5+(9+4652,@ +65*(:;,97<77@ Final Wed 23rd October 450m Flat, 6 puppies & 3 resvs 415m Flat, 6 greyhounds Noon Thu 29th August Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; :0:@692:/09,:;3,.,9 others £45 Final Winner £200; others £50 For puppies whelped in October 661m Flat, 6 greyhounds 2017 or younger /(936>4(0+,5:;(@,9: Winner £12000 and trophy; 2nd 4652,@ £1500; 3rd £500; others £250 +65*(:;,9:;(5+(9+ Heats 450m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs 592m Flat, 12 greyhounds & 3 resvs MINOR Noon Thu 29th August Noon Mon 19th August Winner £200; others £50 Winner £150; others £45 Mon 26th August For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race over 580m or further at +65*(:;,9 4(0+,5 +65*(:;,97<77@ the time of closing. 483m Flat, 6 maidens & 3 resvs 450m Flat, 6 puppies & 3 resvs Noon Thu 29th August Noon Thu 22nd August Wed 28th August Winner £200; others £50 Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won For puppies whelped in September an open race at the time of closing /(936>4(0+,5:;(@,9: 2017 or younger 4652,@ Final DONCASTER 483 STANDARD +65*(:;,9:;(5+(9+ 592m Flat, 6 greyhounds 483m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; 450m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Thu 29th August Noon Thu 22nd August others £45 Winner £200; others £50 Winner £200 and trophy; others £50

+65*(:;,9:;(@,9: 661m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Thu 29th August Winner £200; others £50

CALENDAR 13 /(936>4(0+,54652,@ Wed 25th September /(936>>,+5,:+(@:;(@,9: Heats 592m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs 415m Flat, 12 greyhounds & 3 resvs /(936>4(0+,5:;(@,9: Noon Mon 12th August Noon Mon 26th August 4652,@ Final Winner £175; others £45 Winner £150; others £45 For greyhounds that have NOT won 592m Flat, 6 greyhounds an open race over 410m or further at Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; /(936>>,+5,:+(@:7905; the time of closing. others £45 238m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Mon 12th August Wed 4th September /(936>4(0+,54652,@ Winner £175; others £45 Heats /(936>:7905;4652,@ 415m Flat, 12 greyhounds & 3 resvs Wed 21st August Heats Noon Mon 23rd September 238m Flat, 12 greyhounds & 3 resvs Winner £150; others £45 /(936>>,+5,:+(@4(0+,5 Noon Mon 2nd September For greyhounds which have not won :7905; Winner £150; others £45 an open race over 410m or further at 238m Flat, 6 maidens & 3 resvs the time of closing. Noon Mon 19th August /(936>4(0+,54652,@ Winner £175; others £45 Final Wed 2nd October For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race at the time of closing 415m Flat, 6 greyhounds /(936>4(0+,54652,@ Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; Final others £45 /(936>>,+5,:+(@:7905; 415m Flat, 6 greyhounds 238m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Wed 11th September Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; Noon Mon 19th August others £45 Winner £175; others £45 /(936>:7905;4652,@ Final MINOR /(936>>,+5,:+(@4(0+,5 238m Flat, 6 greyhounds 415m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Wed 14th August Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; Noon Mon 19th August others £45 Winner £175; others £45 /(936>>,+5,:+(@4(0+,5 For greyhounds which have not won 415m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs an open race over 410m or further at /(936>:;(5+(9+4652,@ Noon Mon 12th August the time of closing. Heats 415m Flat, 12 greyhounds & 3 resvs Winner £175; others £45 Noon Mon 9th September For greyhounds which have not won /(936>>,+5,:+(@ an open race over 410m or further at STANDARD Winner £150; others £45 the time of closing. 415m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Mon 19th August Wed 18th September /(936>>,+5,:+(@4(0+,5 Winner £175; others £45 :7905; /(936>:;(5+(9+4652,@ 238m Flat, 6 maidens & 3 resvs Final Noon Mon 12th August /(936>>,+5,:+(@4(0+,5 :;(@,9: 415m Flat, 6 greyhounds Winner £175; others £45 For greyhounds that have NOT won 592m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; Noon Mon 19th August others £45 an open race at the time of closing Winner £175; others £45 For greyhounds which have not won /(936>4(0+,5:;(@,9: /(936>>,+5,:+(@4(0+,5 an open race over 580m or further at 4652,@ :;(@,9: the time of closing. Heats 592m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs 592m Flat, 12 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Mon 12th August /(936>>,+5,:+(@:;(@,9: Noon Mon 16th September Winner £175; others £45 For greyhounds which have not won 592m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Winner £150; others £45 Noon Mon 19th August For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race over 580m or further at an open race over 580m or further at the time of closing. Winner £175; others £45 the time of closing. /(936>>,+5,:+(@ Wed 28th August STANDARD 415m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs /(936>>,+5,:+(@4(0+,5 Noon Mon 12th August :7905; Winner £175; others £45 238m Flat, 6 maidens & 3 resvs Noon Mon 26th August Winner £175; others £45 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race at the time of closing

14 VOL 11 NO 16 9 AUGUST 2019 /(936>>,+5,:+(@:7905; /(936>>,+5,:+(@4(0+,5 HENLOW STADIUM 238m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs :;(@,9: Bedford Road, Lower Stondon, Noon Mon 26th August 592m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Bedfordshire, SG16 6EA Winner £175; others £45 Noon Mon 2nd September Tel 01462 851920 Winner £175; others £45 For greyhounds that have NOT won www.henlowdogs.co.uk /(936>>,+5,:+(@4(0+,5 an open race over 580m or further at 415m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs the time of closing. Noon Mon 26th August MINOR Winner £175; others £45 /(936>>,+5,:+(@:;(@,9: For greyhounds which have not won Sun 18th August an open race over 410m or further at 592m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs the time of closing. Noon Mon 2nd September /,536>+(:/ Winner £175; others £45 277m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs /(936>>,+5,:+(@ 1pm Wed 14th August STANDARD Wed 11th September Winner £250 and trophy; others £60 415m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Mon 26th August /(936>>,+5,:+(@4(0+,5 /,536>40+0 :7905; Winner £175; others £45 550m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs 238m Flat, 6 maidens & 3 resvs 1pm Wed 14th August Noon Mon 9th September /(936>>,+5,:+(@4(0+,5 Winner £250 and trophy; others £60 :;(@,9: Winner £175; others £45 For greyhounds that have NOT won 592m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs an open race at the time of closing /,536>4(0+,5 Noon Mon 26th August 460m Flat, 6 maidens & 2 resvs Winner £175; others £45 1pm Wed 14th August For greyhounds that have NOT won /(936>>,+5,:+(@:7905; an open race over 580m or further at 238m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Winner £200 and trophy; others £60 the time of closing Noon Mon 9th September For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race at the time of closing Winner £175; others £45 /(936>>,+5,:+(@:;(@,9: /,536>7<770,: 592m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs /(936>>,+5,:+(@4(0+,5 Noon Mon 26th August 460m Flat, 6 puppies & 2 resvs 415m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs 1pm Wed 14th August Winner £175; others £45 Noon Mon 9th September Winner £250 and trophy; others £60 Winner £175; others £45 For puppies whelped in September Wed 4th September For greyhounds which have not won 2017 or younger an open race over 410m or further at the time of closing. /(936>>,+5,:+(@4(0+,5 /,536> 4050 :7905; /(936>>,+5,:+(@ 428m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs 238m Flat, 6 maidens & 3 resvs 1pm Wed 14th August Noon Mon 2nd September STANDARD Winner £250 and trophy; others £60 Winner £175; others £45 415m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs For greyhounds that have NOT won Noon Mon 9th September an open race at the time of closing Winner £175; others £45 /,536>4(0+,5 550m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs /(936>>,+5,:+(@:7905; /(936>>,+5,:+(@4(0+,5 1pm Wed 14th August 238m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs :;(@,9: Winner £200 and trophy; others £60 Noon Mon 2nd September 592m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs For greyhounds that have NOT won Noon Mon 9th September an open race further than 515m at Winner £175; others £45 the time of closing Winner £175; others £45 For greyhounds which have not won /(936>>,+5,:+(@4(0+,5 an open race over 580m or further at /,536>:;(@,9: 415m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs the time of closing. 692m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Mon 2nd September 1pm Wed 14th August Winner £175; others £45 /(936>>,+5,:+(@:;(@,9: Winner £250 and trophy; others £60 For greyhounds which have not won an open race over 410m or further at 592m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs the time of closing. Noon Mon 9th September /,536>:;(5+(9+ Winner £175; others £45 460m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs /(936>>,+5,:+(@ 1pm Wed 14th August STANDARD Winner £250 and trophy; others £60 415m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Mon 2nd September Winner £175; others £45

CALENDAR 15 /,536>4(0+,5 4050 /,536>7<770,: /,536>7<770,: 428m Flat, 6 maidens & 2 resvs 460m Flat, 6 puppies & 2 resvs 460m Flat, 6 puppies & 2 resvs 1pm Wed 14th August 1pm Wed 21st August 1pm Wed 28th August Winner £200 and trophy; others £60 Winner £250 and trophy; others £60 Winner £250 and trophy; others £60 For greyhounds that have NOT won For puppies whelped in September For puppies whelped in October an open race at the time of closing 2017 or younger 2017 or younger

Sun 25th August Sun 1st September Sun 8th September

/,536>+(:/ /,536>+(:/ /,536>+(:/ 277m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs 277m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs 277m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs 1pm Wed 21st August 1pm Wed 28th August 1pm Wed 4th September Winner £250 and trophy; others £60 Winner £250 and trophy; others £60 Winner £250 and trophy; others £60

/,536> 4(0+,54050 /,536> 4(0+,54050 /,536>4(0+,5 428m Flat, 6 maidens & 2 resvs 428m Flat, 6 maidens & 2 resvs 428m Flat, 6 maidens & 2 resvs 1pm Wed 21st August 1pm Wed 28th August 1pm Wed 4th September Winner £200 and trophy; others £60 Winner £200 and trophy; others £60 Winner £200 and trophy; others £60 For greyhounds that have NOT won For greyhounds that have NOT won For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race at the time of closing an open race at the time of closing an open race at the time of closing

/,536> 4050 /,536> 4050 /,536> 4050 428m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs 428m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs 428m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs 1pm Wed 21st August 1pm Wed 28th August 1pm Wed 4th September Winner £250 and trophy; others £60 Winner £250 and trophy; others £60 Winner £250 and trophy; others £60

/,536>4(0+,5 /,536>4(0+,5 /,536>4(0+,5 460m Flat, 6 maidens & 2 resvs 460m Flat, 6 maidens & 2 resvs 460m Flat, 6 maidens & 2 resvs 1pm Wed 21st August 1pm Wed 28th August 1pm Wed 4th September Winner £200 and trophy; others £60 Winner £200 and trophy; others £60 Winner £200 and trophy; others £60 For greyhounds that have NOT won For greyhounds that have NOT won For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race at the time of closing an open race at the time of closing an open race at the time of closing

/,536>:;(5+(9+ /,536>:;(5+(9+ /,536>:;(5+(9+ 460m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs 460m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs 460m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs 1pm Wed 21st August 1pm Wed 28th August 1pm Wed 4th September Winner £250 and trophy; others £60 Winner £250 and trophy; others £60 Winner £250 and trophy; others £60

/,536>4(0+,5 /,536>4(0+,5 /,536>4(0+,5 550m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs 550m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs 550m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs 1pm Wed 21st August 1pm Wed 28th August 1pm Wed 4th September Winner £200 and trophy; others £60 Winner £200 and trophy; others £60 Winner £200 and trophy; others £60 For greyhounds that have NOT won For greyhounds that have NOT won For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race further than 515m at an open race further than 515m at an open race further than 515m at the time of closing the time of closing the time of closing

/,536>40+0 /,536>40+0 /,536>40+0 550m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs 550m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs 550m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs 1pm Wed 21st August 1pm Wed 28th August 1pm Wed 4th September Winner £250 and trophy; others £60 Winner £250 and trophy; others £60 Winner £250 and trophy; others £60

/,536>:;(@,9: /,536>:;(@,9: /,536>:;(@,9: 692m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs 692m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs 692m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs 1pm Wed 21st August 1pm Wed 28th August 1pm Wed 4th September Winner £250 and trophy; others £60 Winner £250 and trophy; others £60 Winner £250 and trophy; others £60

16 VOL 11 NO 16 9 AUGUST 2019 /,536>7<770,: /,536>7<770,: 3(+)962,:  460m Flat, 6 puppies & 2 resvs 460m Flat, 6 puppies & 2 resvs 835m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs 1pm Wed 4th September 1pm Wed 11th September 11am Wed 14th August Winner £250 and trophy; others £60 Winner £250 and trophy; others £60 Winner £500 and trophy + jacket; 2nd For puppies whelped in October For puppies whelped in October £100; others £60 2017 or younger 2017 or younger Sat 31st August Sun 15th September ;/,;/,64,5;A0:4,4690(3 RACE 3(+)962,::<44,9-,:;0=(3 /,536>+(:/ 460m Flat, 6 british bred & 2 resvs 264 277m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs 1pm Wed 11th September 264m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs 1pm Wed 11th September Winner £500 and trophy + jacket; 11am Wed 28th August Winner £250 and trophy; others £60 others £50 Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; For BRITISH BRED greyhounds only others £60 /,536> 40504(0+,5 428m Flat, 6 maidens & 2 resvs 3(+)962,::<44,9-,:;0=(3 1pm Wed 11th September Sutherland Avenue, Monmore 480 Green, Wolverhampton, WV2 2JJ Winner £200 and trophy; others £60 480m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs For greyhounds that have NOT won Tel 01902 456663 11am Wed 28th August an open race at the time of closing Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; www.monmoredogs.co.uk others £60 /,536> 4050 MINOR 428m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs 3(+)962,::<44,9-,:;0=(3  4(0+,5 1pm Wed 11th September Sat 17th August Winner £250 and trophy; others £60 480m Flat, 6 maidens & 3 resvs 11am Wed 28th August LADBROKES 684 Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; /,536>4(0+,5 684m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs others £60 460m Flat, 6 maidens & 2 resvs 11am Wed 14th August For greyhounds that have NOT won 1pm Wed 11th September Winner £500 and trophy + jacket; 2nd an open race at the time of closing Winner £200 and trophy; others £60 £100; others £60 For greyhounds that have NOT won 3(+)962,::<44,9-,:;0=(3 an open race at the time of closing 3(+)962,: 7<77@  7<77@ 480m Flat, 6 puppies & 3 resvs 480m Flat, 6 puppies & 3 resvs /,536>:;(5+(9+ 11am Wed 14th August 11am Wed 28th August 460m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Winner £500 and trophy + jacket; 2nd Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; 1pm Wed 11th September £100; others £60 others £60 Winner £250 and trophy; others £60 For puppies whelped in September For puppies whelped in September 2017 or younger 2017 or younger /,536>4(0+,5 LADBROKES 630 3(+)962,::<44,9-,:;0=(3 550m Flat, 6 maidens & 2 resvs 630 1pm Wed 11th September 630m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs 11am Wed 14th August 630m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Winner £200 and trophy; others £60 11am Wed 28th August For greyhounds that have NOT won Winner £500 and trophy + jacket; 2nd an open race further than 515m at £100; others £60 Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; the time of closing others £60 LADBROKES 480 /,536>40+0 3(+)962,::<44,9-,:;0=(3 480m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs 4(0+,5 550m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs 11am Wed 14th August 1pm Wed 11th September 630m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Winner £500 and trophy + jacket; 2nd 11am Wed 28th August Winner £250 and trophy; others £60 £100; others £60 Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; others £60 /,536>:;(@,9: LADBROKES 264 For greyhounds that have NOT won 692m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs 264m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs an open race over six bends at the 1pm Wed 11th September 11am Wed 14th August time of closing Winner £250 and trophy; others £60 Winner £500 and trophy + jacket; 2nd £100; others £60 3(+)962,::<44,9-,:;0=(3 684 684m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs 11am Wed 28th August Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; others £60

CALENDAR 17 Sat 14th September *64,9(*05.,=,9@ The Fossway, Byker, Newcastle >,+5,:+(@;6:(;<9+(@ 3(+)962,:(<;<45-,:;0=(3 )90;0:/)9,+ 264 Upon Tyne, NE6 2XJ Tel 0191 210 5305 480m Flat, 6 british bred & 3 resvs 264m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Tue 13th August 11am Wed 11th September www.newcastledogs.com Winner £200 and trophy; others £45 Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; For BRITISH BRED greyhounds only others £60 CATEGORY ONE ,?*3<:0=,9,:;(<9(5;+,(3: 3(+)962,:(<;<45-,:;0=(3 Thu 12th September 656<9>,):0;,7<77@ 480 480m Flat, 6 puppies & 3 resvs 480m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs ).)-)90;0:/)9,+569;/,95 Noon Tue 13th August 11am Wed 11th September PLATE Winner £200 and trophy; others £45 Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; Heats For puppies whelped in September others £60 480m Flat, 36 british bred & 6 resvs 2017 or younger Noon Tue 10th September 3(+)962,:(<;<45-,:;0=(3 Winner £200; others £45 Thu 22nd August  4(0+,5 For BRITISH BRED greyhounds only - 480m Flat, 6 maidens & 3 resvs BORN and EARMARKED in Britain ,?*3<:0=,9,:;(<9(5;+,(3: 11am Wed 11th September 656<9>,):0;,)0;*/,: Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; Thu 19th September 480m Flat, 6 bitches & 3 resvs others £60 Noon Mon 19th August For greyhounds that have NOT won ).)-)90;0:/)9,+569;/,95 Winner £200 and trophy; others £45 an open race at the time of closing PLATE For BITCHES only :LTP-PUHSZ 3(+)962,:(<;<45-,:;0=(3 480m Flat, 18 british bred >>>5,>*(:;3,+6.:*64  7<77@ Winner £200; others £45 :,5069: 480m Flat, 6 puppies & 3 resvs 480m Flat, 6 seniors & 3 resvs 11am Wed 11th September Thu 26th September Noon Mon 19th August Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; Winner £200 and trophy; others £45 others £60 ).)-)90;0:/)9,+569;/,95 For greyhounds whelped in August For puppies whelped in October PLATE 2015 or older 2017 or younger Final 480m Flat, 6 british bred 5,>*(:;3,.9,@/6<5+ 3(+)962,:(<;<45-,:;0=(3 :;(+0<4:7905; 630 Winner £7500 and trophy + jacket; 2nd £1000; others £500 290m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs 630m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Winning Breeder receives £500 Noon Mon 19th August 11am Wed 11th September )YLLKLYZVMV[OLYÄUHSPZ[ZYLJLP]L Winner £175 and trophy; others £45 Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; £200 others £60 (+67;(.9,@/6<5+-964 MINOR ;/,569;/<4),93(5+9.; 3(+)962,:(<;<45-,:;0=(3 STANDARD 4(0+,5 Sat 17th August 480m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs 630m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Mon 19th August 11am Wed 11th September >>>5,>*(:;3,+6.:*64 Winner £200 and trophy; others £45 Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; :7905; others £60 For greyhounds that have NOT won 290m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs )662@6<9*/90:;4(:7(9;@ an open race over six bends at the Noon Tue 13th August (;5,>*(:;3,+6.:7<77@ time of closing Winner £175 and trophy; others £45 480m Flat, 6 puppies & 3 resvs Noon Mon 19th August 3(+)962,:(<;<45-,:;0=(3 5,>*(:;3,.9,@/6<5+ Winner £200 and trophy; others £45 684 :;(+0<4:;(5+(9+ For puppies whelped in September 684m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs 480m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs 2017 or younger 11am Wed 11th September Noon Tue 13th August Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; Winner £200 and trophy; others £45 ,33,5(5+;/,-<52;65,: others £60 :05.05./,9,65:(;<9+(@  ;/:,7;,4),9)90;0:/)9,+ -6336>'5,>*(:;3,+6.:65 ;>0;;,9:;(@,9: 480m Flat, 6 british bred & 3 resvs Noon Mon 19th August 640m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Tue 13th August Winner £200 and trophy; others £45 For BRITISH BRED greyhounds only Winner £200 and trophy; others £45

18 VOL 11 NO 16 9 AUGUST 2019 Mon 26th August )0.*0;@:05.05.(-;,99(*05. NOTTINGHAM STADIUM 65:(;<9+(@;/56=,4),9 Colwick Park, Nottingham, :;(@,9: 56;;05./(4:;(+0<4 NG2 4BE )6624(2,9::;(5+(9+ 640m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Tel 0115 910 3331 Noon Mon 19th August ;967/@ Winner £200 and trophy; others £45 www.nottinghamdogs.com 500m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs 11am Thu 22nd August Thu 29th August 15% of the prize money advertised for Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 the Nottingham open races below, will be deducted from the prize money for all )0.*0;@:05.05.(-;,99(*05. runners and paid to the respective trainer. 56;;05./(4:;(+0<4 65:(;<9+(@;/56=,4),9 2% Prize Money Deduction for Local )6624(2,9::;(@,9:;967/@ :7905; Greyhound Trust branches. 680m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs 11am Thu 22nd August 290m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs The management reserve the right to Noon Mon 26th August refuse entries. Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 Winner £175 and trophy; others £45 56;;05./(4:;(+0<4 CATEGORY ONE ,33,5(5+;/,-<52;65,: )6624(2,9::7905;;967/@ :05.05.(-;,99(*05.65 Mon 7th October 305m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs :(;<9+(@ ;/:,7;,4),9 11am Thu 22nd August )90;0:/)9,+ Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 480m Flat, 6 british bred & 3 resvs 56;;05./(4)90;0:/)9,,+,9: Noon Mon 26th August STAKES Heats 56;;05./(4:;(+0<4 Winner £200 and trophy; others £45 )6624(2,9: ;967/@ For BRITISH BRED greyhounds only 500m Flat, 36 british bred & 12 resvs 11am Thu 3rd October 480m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Winner £200; others £50 11am Thu 22nd August -6336>5,>*(:;3, For BRITISH BRED greyhounds only Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 .9,@/6<5+:;(+0<465 who were born and earmarked in :6*0(34,+0()0;*/,: Britain. 480m Flat, 6 bitches & 3 resvs Mon 2nd September Noon Mon 26th August Mon 14th October Winner £200 and trophy; others £45 :;(+0<4)6624(2,9::7905; For BITCHES only ;967/@ 56;;05./(4)90;0:/)9,,+,9: 305m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs STAKES 11am Thu 29th August >>>5,>*(:;3,+6.:*64 :LTP-PUHSZ Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 :;(@,9: 500m Flat, 18 british bred 640m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Winner £250; others £50 Noon Mon 26th August :;(+0<4)6624(2,9:  ;967/@ Winner £200 and trophy; others £45 Mon 21st October 480m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs 11am Thu 29th August 5,>*(:;3,.9,@/6<5+ 56;;05./(4)90;0:/)9,,+,9: :;(+0<47<77@ STAKES Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 480m Flat, 6 puppies & 3 resvs Final Noon Mon 26th August 500m Flat, 6 british bred :;(+0<4)6624(2,9: :;(5+(9+;967/@ Winner £200 and trophy; others £45 Winner £7500 and trophy; 2nd £1000; For puppies whelped in September others £500 500m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs 2017 or younger 11am Thu 29th August The breeder of the winning greyhound will receive £500 from the Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 )662@6<9*/90:;4(:7(9;@ BGBF. (;5,>*(:;3,+6.::;(5+(9+ ;OLIYLLKLYZVMHSSSVZPUNÄUHSPZ[Z^PSS :;(+0<4)6624(2,9: 480m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs receive £200 each from the BGBF. :;(@,9:;967/@ Noon Mon 26th August 680m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Winner £200 and trophy; others £45 MINOR 11am Thu 29th August Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 ,?*3<:0=,9,:;(<9(5;+,(3: Mon 19th August ;/96<./6<;;/,@,(9(; :;(+0<4)6624(2,9:4(0+,5 5,>*(:;3,+6.::,5069: 56;;05./(4:;(+0<4 ;967/@ 480m Flat, 6 seniors & 3 resvs )6624(2,9::;(5+(9+ 500m Flat, 6 maidens & 3 resvs Noon Mon 26th August ;967/@ 11am Thu 29th August Winner £200 and trophy; others £45 500m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Winner £175 and trophy; others £40 For greyhounds whelped in August 11am Thu 15th August For greyhounds that have NOT won 2015 or older Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 an open race at the time of closing

CALENDAR 19 Mon 9th September 56;;05./(4:;(+0<44(0+,5 PERRY BARR STADIUM ;967/@ Aldridge Road, Perry Barr, *(9305.)3(*2-9<0;:*0+,9 500m Flat, 6 maidens & 3 resvs ;967/@ Birmingham, B42 2ET 11am Thu 12th September Tel 0121 331 3912 500m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Winner £175 and trophy; others £40 11am Thu 5th September For greyhounds that have NOT won www.lovethedogs.co.uk Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 an open race at the time of closing Runners not attached to Perry Barr will receive £15 appearance money. *(9305.7<77@;967/@ PELAW GRANGE STADIUM 500m Flat, 6 puppies & 3 resvs Drum Road, Chester-le-Street, 11am Thu 5th September Co. Durham, DH3 2AF MINOR Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 Tel 0191 410 2141 For puppies whelped in October Sat 17th August 2017 or younger www.pelawgrange.co.uk THE LOVE THE DOGS DASH *669:30./;4(0+,5;967/@ CATEGORY THREE 275m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Wed 14th August 480m Flat, 6 maidens & 3 resvs Sat 17th August 11am Thu 5th September Winner £225 and trophy; others £45 Winner £175 and trophy; others £40 :;(+0<4)6624(2,9:96:, For greyhounds that have NOT won THE LOVE THE DOGS STANDARD an open race at the time of closing )6>3 Heats 480m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs 435m Flat, 18 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Wed 14th August >69;/05.;65::;(@,9: Noon Wed 14th August Winner £225 and trophy; others £45 ;967/@ Winner £200; others £40 680m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs 11am Thu 5th September ;/,36=,;/,+6.:4(0+,5 Mon 26th August Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 480m Flat, 6 maidens & 3 resvs Noon Wed 14th August :;(+0<4)6624(2,9:96:, Winner £180 and trophy; others £35 *(9305.*0+,9:7905;;967/@ )6>3 For greyhounds that have NOT won 305m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Final an open race at the time of closing 11am Thu 5th September 435m Flat, 6 greyhounds Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 Winner £1000 and trophy; 2nd £100; ;/,36=,;/,+6.:)0;*/,: others £50 STAKES Mon 16th September 480m Flat, 6 bitches & 3 resvs MINOR Noon Wed 14th August 56;;05./(4:;(+0<4:7905; Winner £225 and trophy; others £45 ;967/@ Mon 26th August For BITCHES only 305m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs 11am Thu 12th September ;/,305./634,:7905;;967/@ ;/,36=,;/,+6.::<7,9 Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 245m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs :;(@,9: Noon Wed 21st August 710m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs 56;;05./(4:;(+0<47<77@ Winner £200 and trophy; others £40 Noon Wed 14th August ;967/@ Winner £225 and trophy; others £45 480m Flat, 6 puppies & 3 resvs ;/,>05505.305,::;(5+(9+ 11am Thu 12th September 435m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs ;/,36=,;/,+6.:7<77@ Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 Noon Wed 21st August STAKES For puppies whelped in October Winner £200 and trophy; others £40 480m Flat, 6 puppies & 3 resvs 2017 or younger Noon Wed 14th August Winner £225 and trophy; others £45 56;;05./(4:;(+0<4 ;/,9(>*65:;9<*;065 :;(@,9:;967/@ For puppies whelped in September :;(5+(9+;967/@ 2017 or younger 500m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs 590m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Wed 21st August 11am Thu 12th September Sat 24th August Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 Winner £200 and trophy; others £40 THE LOVE THE DOGS DASH 56;;05./(4:;(+0<4:;(@,9: 275m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs ;967/@ Noon Wed 21st August 730m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Winner £225 and trophy; others £45 11am Thu 12th September Winner £200 and trophy; others £50

20 VOL 11 NO 16 9 AUGUST 2019 THE LOVE THE DOGS STANDARD ;/,36=,;/,+6.:4(0+,5 Fri 13th September 480m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs :;(@,9: Noon Wed 21st August 660m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs *69(3;=;967/@ Final Winner £225 and trophy; others £45 Noon Wed 28th August Winner £225 and trophy; others £45 925m Flat, 6 greyhounds For greyhounds that have NOT won Winner £10000 and trophy + jacket; ;/,36=,;/,+6.:4(0+,5 an open race over six bends at the 2nd £1000; others £500 480m Flat, 6 maidens & 3 resvs time of closing Noon Wed 21st August *69(3964-69+7<77@*<7 Winner £180 and trophy; others £35 ;/,36=,;/,+6.::<7,9 Heats For greyhounds that have NOT won :;(@,9: an open race at the time of closing 400m Flat, 36 puppies & 12 resvs 710m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Tue 10th September Noon Wed 28th August Winner £250; others £50 ;/,36=,;/,+6.:4(0+,5 Winner £225 and trophy; others £45 For puppies whelped in October DASH 2017 or younger 275m Flat, 6 maidens & 3 resvs Noon Wed 21st August ROMFORD STADIUM London Road, Romford, Essex, Fri 20th September Winner £180 and trophy; others £35 For greyhounds that have NOT won RM7 9DU an open race at the time of closing Tel 01708 773 419 *69(3964-69+7<77@*<7 :LTP-PUHSZ www.romforddogs.co.uk 400m Flat, 18 puppies ;/,36=,;/,+6.::;(@,9: Winner £300; others £50 660m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Trainers not attached to Romford will Noon Wed 21st August receive £15 appearance money. Fri 27th September Winner £225 and trophy; others £45 Please note from Friday 16th August we will be racing from our new starting positions *69(3964-69+7<77@*<7 ;/,36=,;/,+6.:>055,96- Final ONE 400m Flat, 6 puppies 480m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs CATEGORY ONE Noon Wed 21st August Winner £10000 and trophy + jacket; 2nd £1000; others £500 Winner £225 and trophy; others £45 Fri 23rd August For greyhounds that have NOT won more than one open race at the time CATEGORY THREE of closing *69(3*/(47065:;(2,: Heats Fri 16th August Sat 31st August 575m Flat, 36 greyhounds & 12 resvs Noon Tue 20th August 964-69+-90+(@50./; Winner £250; others £50 THE LOVE THE DOGS DASH STANDARD Heats 275m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Fri 30th August Noon Wed 28th August 400m Flat, 18 greyhounds & 6 resvs Noon Tue 13th August Winner £225 and trophy; others £45 *69(3*/(47065:;(2,: Winner £250; others £50 :LTP-PUHSZ THE LOVE THE DOGS STANDARD 575m Flat, 18 greyhounds 964-69+-90+(@50./; 480m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Winner £300; others £50 4(0+,5: Noon Wed 28th August Heats Winner £225 and trophy; others £45 Fri 6th September 400m Flat, 18 maidens & 6 resvs Noon Tue 13th August ;/,36=,;/,+6.:4(0+,5 *69(3*/(47065:;(2,: Winner £200; others £50 480m Flat, 6 maidens & 3 resvs Final For greyhounds that have NOT won Noon Wed 28th August 575m Flat, 6 greyhounds an open race at the time of closing Winner £180 and trophy; others £35 Winner £10000 and trophy + jacket; For greyhounds that have NOT won 2nd £1000; others £500 Fri 23rd August an open race at the time of closing 964-69+-90+(@50./; *69(3;=;967/@ STANDARD ;/,36=,;/,+6.:)0;*/,: Heats STAKES Final 925m Flat, 18 greyhounds & 6 resvs 400m Flat, 6 greyhounds 480m Flat, 6 bitches & 3 resvs Noon Tue 3rd September Noon Wed 28th August Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; Winner £250; others £50 Winner £225 and trophy; others £45 others £50 For BITCHES only

CALENDAR 21 964-69+-90+(@50./; INVITATION MINOR 4(0+,5: Final Fri 6th September Fri 16th August 400m Flat, 6 greyhounds Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; 964-69+.9(5+9,67,505. 365+6596(+>055,96-65, others £50 50./;:;(5+(9+ STANDARD 400m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs 400m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs Fri 30th August Noon Tue 3rd September Noon Tue 13th August Winner £750 and trophy; others £75 Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won 964-69+-90+(@50./; more than one open race at the time STANDARD 964-69+.9(5+9,67,505. of closing Heats 50./;)0;*/,: 400m Flat, 18 greyhounds & 6 resvs 400m Flat, 6 bitches & 4 resvs Noon Tue 27th August Noon Tue 3rd September 365+6596(+4(0+,5 4(9(;/65 Winner £250; others £50 Winner £750 and trophy; others £75 For BITCHES only 750m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs Noon Tue 13th August 964-69+-90+(@50./; Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 4(0+,5:;(@,9: 964-69+.9(5+9,67,505. For greyhounds that have NOT won Heats 50./;+6.: an open race over eight bends at the 575m Flat, 18 greyhounds & 6 resvs 400m Flat, 6 dogs & 4 resvs time of closing Noon Tue 27th August Noon Tue 3rd September Winner £250; others £50 Winner £750 and trophy; others £75 365+6596(+)0;*/,: For greyhounds that have NOT won For DOGS only an open race over six bends at the 400m Flat, 6 bitches & 4 resvs time of closing Noon Tue 13th August 964-69+.9(5+9,67,505. Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 50./;7<770,: Fri 6th September For BITCHES only 400m Flat, 6 puppies & 4 resvs Noon Tue 3rd September 365+6596(+4(0+,5:;(@,9: 964-69+-90+(@50./; Winner £750 and trophy; others £75 4(0+,5: For puppies whelped in October 575m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs Heats 2017 or younger Noon Tue 13th August 400m Flat, 18 maidens & 6 resvs Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 Noon Tue 3rd September For greyhounds that have NOT won 964-69+.9(5+9,67,505. an open race over six bends at the Winner £200; others £50 50./;:,5069: For greyhounds that have NOT won time of closing an open race at the time of closing 400m Flat, 6 seniors & 4 resvs Noon Tue 3rd September 365+6596(+:7905; Winner £750 and trophy; others £75 964-69+-90+(@50./; For greyhounds whelped in 225m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs STANDARD September 2015 or older Noon Tue 13th August Final Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 400m Flat, 6 greyhounds 964-69+.9(5+9,67,505. Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; 50./;)90;0:/)9,+ LONDON ROAD STANDARD others £50 400m Flat, 6 british bred & 4 resvs 400m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs Noon Tue 3rd September Noon Tue 13th August 964-69+-90+(@50./; Winner £750 and trophy; others £75 Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 4(0+,5:;(@,9: For BRITISH BRED greyhounds only Final 575m Flat, 6 greyhounds */(47065:;(2,:;90(3 964-69+.9(5+9,67,505. STAKES Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; 50./;:;(@,9: others £50 575m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs 575m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs Noon Tue 13th August Noon Tue 3rd September Fri 13th September Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 Winner £750 and trophy; others £75 964-69+-90+(@50./; 365+6596(+4(0+,5: 4(0+,5: 964-69+.9(5+9,67,505. 400m Flat, 6 maidens & 4 resvs Final 50./;:7905; Noon Tue 13th August 400m Flat, 6 greyhounds 225m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 Noon Tue 3rd September Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; For greyhounds that have NOT won others £50 Winner £750 and trophy; others £75 an open race at the time of closing

22 VOL 11 NO 16 9 AUGUST 2019 365+6596(+>055,96-65, 964-69+:;(+0<4>055,96- Fri 30th August :;(@,9: ONE STANDARD 575m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs 400m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs 964-69++6.:*64/<9+3,: Noon Tue 13th August Noon Tue 20th August 400m Hurdles, 6 greyhounds & 4 Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 resvs For greyhounds that have NOT won For greyhounds that have NOT won Noon Tue 27th August more than one open race over six more than one open race at the time Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 bends at time of closing of closing 964-69++6.:*64:7905; 365+6596(+7<770,: 964-69+:;(+0<4>055,96- 225m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs 400m Flat, 6 puppies & 4 resvs 65,:;(@,9: Noon Tue 27th August Noon Tue 13th August 575m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 Noon Tue 20th August For puppies whelped in September Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 2017 or younger For greyhounds that have NOT won 964-69++6.:*64:;(5+(9+ more than one open race over six 400m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs bends at time of closing Noon Tue 27th August 365+6596(+4(9(;/65 Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 750m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs Noon Tue 13th August 964-69+:;(+0<4)0;*/,: :;(@,9: Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 964-69++6.:*64:;(@,9: 575m Flat, 6 bitches & 4 resvs 575m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs Noon Tue 20th August Noon Tue 27th August 365+6596(+)0;*/,: Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 :;(@,9: For BITCHES only 575m Flat, 6 bitches & 4 resvs Noon Tue 13th August 964-69++6.:*644(9(;/65 964-69+:;(+0<4)0;*/,: Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 750m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs For BITCHES only 400m Flat, 6 bitches & 4 resvs Noon Tue 27th August Noon Tue 20th August Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 365+6596(+/<9+3,: For BITCHES only 400m Hurdles, 6 greyhounds & 4 964-69++6.:*64>055,96- resvs ONE STANDARD 964-69+:;(+0<47<770,: Noon Tue 13th August 400m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 400m Flat, 6 puppies & 4 resvs Noon Tue 27th August Noon Tue 20th August Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 Fri 23rd August Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won For puppies whelped in September more than one open race at the time 2017 or younger of closing 964-69+:;(+0<4/<9+3,: 400m Hurdles, 6 greyhounds & 4 964-69+:;(+0<44(0+,5 964-69++6.:*64>055,96- resvs :;(@,9: Noon Tue 20th August 65,:;(@,9: 575m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 575m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs Noon Tue 20th August Noon Tue 27th August Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 964-69+:;(+0<4:7905; For greyhounds that have NOT won For greyhounds that have NOT won 225m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs an open race over six bends at the more than one open race over six Noon Tue 20th August time of closing bends at time of closing Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 964-69+:;(+0<44(0+,5 964-69++6.:*64)0;*/,: 4(9(;/65 964-69+:;(+0<4:;(5+(9+ :;(@,9: 750m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs 575m Flat, 6 bitches & 4 resvs 400m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs Noon Tue 20th August Noon Tue 20th August Noon Tue 27th August Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won For BITCHES only an open race over eight bends at the 964-69+:;(+0<4:;(@,9: time of closing 964-69++6.:*64)0;*/,: 575m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs Noon Tue 20th August 964-69+:;(+0<44(0+,5: 400m Flat, 6 bitches & 4 resvs Noon Tue 27th August Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 400m Flat, 6 maidens & 4 resvs Noon Tue 20th August Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For BITCHES only 964-69+:;(+0<44(9(;/65 Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 750m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs For greyhounds that have NOT won Noon Tue 20th August an open race at the time of closing Winner £250 and trophy; others £50

CALENDAR 23 964-69++6.:*647<770,: *69(3964-69+>055,96- Fri 13th September 400m Flat, 6 puppies & 4 resvs ONE STANDARD Noon Tue 27th August 400m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs *69(3*6<2/<9+3,: Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 Noon Tue 3rd September 400m Hurdles, 6 greyhounds & 4 For puppies whelped in September Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 resvs 2017 or younger For greyhounds that have NOT won Noon Tue 10th September more than one open race at the time Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 of closing 964-69++6.:*644(0+,5 :;(@,9: *69(3*6<2:7905; 575m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs *69(3964-69+>055,96- 225m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs Noon Tue 27th August 65,:;(@,9: Noon Tue 10th September Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 575m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won Noon Tue 3rd September an open race over six bends at the Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 time of closing For greyhounds that have NOT won *69(3*6<2:;(5+(9+ more than one open race over six 400m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs bends at time of closing Noon Tue 10th September 964-69++6.:*644(0+,5 4(9(;/65 Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 750m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs *69(3964-69+)0;*/,: Noon Tue 27th August 400m Flat, 6 bitches & 4 resvs *69(3*6<2:;(@,9: Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 Noon Tue 3rd September 575m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs For greyhounds that have NOT won Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 Noon Tue 10th September an open race over eight bends at the For BITCHES only Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 time of closing *69(3964-69+)0;*/,: *69(3*6<24(9(;/65 964-69++6.:*644(0+,5: :;(@,9: 750m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs 400m Flat, 6 maidens & 4 resvs 575m Flat, 6 bitches & 4 resvs Noon Tue 10th September Noon Tue 27th August Noon Tue 3rd September Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won For BITCHES only an open race at the time of closing *69(3*6<2>055,96-65, STANDARD *69(3964-69+7<770,: Fri 6th September 400m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs 400m Flat, 6 puppies & 4 resvs Noon Tue 10th September Noon Tue 3rd September *69(3964-69+/<9+3,: Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won 400m Hurdles, 6 greyhounds & 4 For puppies whelped in October more than one open race at the time resvs 2017 or younger of closing Noon Tue 3rd September Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 *69(3964-69+4(0+,5 *69(3*6<2>055,96-65, :;(@,9: :;(@,9: *69(3964-69+:7905; 575m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs 575m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs 225m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs Noon Tue 3rd September Noon Tue 10th September Noon Tue 3rd September Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race over six bends at the more than one open race over six time of closing bends at time of closing *69(3964-69+:;(5+(9+ 400m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs *69(3964-69+4(0+,5 *69(3*6<2)0;*/,: Noon Tue 3rd September 4(9(;/65 Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 400m Flat, 6 bitches & 4 resvs 750m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs Noon Tue 10th September Noon Tue 3rd September Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 *69(3964-69+:;(@,9: Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For BITCHES only 575m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs For greyhounds that have NOT won Noon Tue 3rd September an open race over eight bends at the time of closing *69(3*6<2)0;*/,::;(@,9: Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 575m Flat, 6 bitches & 4 resvs *69(3964-69+4(0+,5: Noon Tue 10th September *69(3964-69+4(9(;/65 400m Flat, 6 maidens & 4 resvs Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 750m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs Noon Tue 3rd September For BITCHES only Noon Tue 3rd September Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race at the time of closing

24 VOL 11 NO 16 9 AUGUST 2019 *69(3*6<27<770,: Sat 5th October MINOR 400m Flat, 6 puppies & 4 resvs Tue 13th August Noon Tue 10th September >05505.76:;;967/@ Final Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For puppies whelped in October 480m Flat, 6 greyhounds 6>3,9;65:;(+0<4:;(@,9: 2017 or younger Winner £250 and trophy; 2nd £50; 660m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs others £30 Noon Fri 9th August *69(3*6<24(0+,5:;(@,9: Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 575m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs MINOR Noon Tue 10th September 6>3,9;65:;(+0<47<77@ Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 Sat 31st August 480m Flat, 6 puppies & 2 resvs For greyhounds that have NOT won Noon Fri 9th August an open race over six bends at the -<5*;065:(;:/(>-0,3+ Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 time of closing 500m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 1 resvs For puppies whelped in September Noon Tue 27th August 2017 or younger *69(3*6<24(0+,5 Winner £150 and trophy; others £30 4(9(;/65 6>3,9;65:;(+0<44(0+,5 750m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs >05505.76:;4(0+,5 500m Flat, 6 maidens & 2 resvs Noon Tue 10th September 480m Flat, 6 maidens & 1 resvs Noon Fri 9th August Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 Noon Tue 27th August Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won Winner £150 and trophy; others £30 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race over eight bends at the an open race at the time of closing time of closing For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race at the time of closing and have run a minimum of 2 graded 6>3,9;65:;(+0<4:;(5+(9+ *69(3*6<24(0+,5: or open races 500m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs 400m Flat, 6 maidens & 4 resvs Noon Fri 9th August Noon Tue 10th September SHEFFIELD STADIUM Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 3HQLQVWRQH5RDG6KHIÀHOG For greyhounds that have NOT won , S6 2DE 6>3,9;65:;(+0<4:7905; an open race at the time of closing Tel 0114 3221326 280m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs *69(3*6<2:,5069: www.owlertonstadium.co.uk Noon Fri 9th August 400m Flat, 6 seniors & 4 resvs Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 Noon Tue 10th September CATEGORY TWO Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 6>3,9;65:;(+0<4:<7,9 For greyhounds whelped in Tue 26th November :;(@,9: September 2015 or older 720m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs ).)-)90;0:/)9,++,9)@ Noon Fri 9th August *69(3*6<2)90;0:/)9,+ Heats Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 400m Flat, 6 british bred & 4 resvs 500m Flat, 36 british bred & 6 resvs Noon Tue 10th September Noon Fri 22nd November Tue 20th August Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 Winner £250; others £50 For BRITISH BRED greyhounds only For BRITISH BRED greyhounds only. :/,--0,3+:;(+0<4:7905; BORN and EARMARKED in Britain. 280m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Fri 16th August Tue 3rd December 137 Rutherglen Road, Rutherglen, Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 Glasgow, G73 1SZ Tel 0141 6474121 ).)-)90;0:/)9,++,9)@ :LTP-PUHSZ :/,--0,3+:;(+0<4:;(@,9: ZZZVKDZÀHOGJUH\KRXQGVFRP 500m Flat, 18 british bred 660m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Fri 16th August Winner £300; others £75 Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 CATEGORY THREE Tue 10th December Sat 28th September :/,--0,3+:;(+0<4:;(5+(9+ ).)-)90;0:/)9,++,9)@ 500m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs >05505.76:;;967/@ Final Noon Fri 16th August Heats 500m Flat, 6 british bred Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 480m Flat, 18 greyhounds & 3 resvs Winner £7500 and trophy + jacket; Noon Wed 25th September 2nd £1000; others £500 Winner £150; others £30 Winning Breeder receives £500 )YLLKLYZVMV[OLYÄUHSPZ[ZYLJLP]L £200

CALENDAR 25 :/,--0,3+:;(+0<47<77@ :/,--0,3+:;(@,9:;967/@ SWINDON STADIUM :7905; 660m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Lady Lane, Blunsdon, Swindon, 280m Flat, 6 puppies & 2 resvs Noon Fri 30th August SN25 4DN Tel 01793 706597 Noon Fri 16th August Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 [email protected] Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For puppies whelped in September www.swindongreyhounds.com 2017 or younger :/,--0,3+:7905;;967/@ 280m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Fri 30th August MINOR :/,--0,3+:;(+0<4)0;*/,: Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 500m Flat, 6 bitches & 2 resvs Sat 17th August Noon Fri 16th August Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 :/,--0,3+7<77@ ;967/@ :>05+65:;(5+(9+ For BITCHES only 480m Flat, 6 puppies & 3 resvs 476m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Fri 30th August Noon Tue 13th August Tue 27th August Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 For puppies whelped in October 2017 or younger :/,--0,3+:;(+0<4:7905; :>05+654(0+,5:;(5+(9+ 280m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs :/,--0,3+ ;967/@ 476m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Fri 23rd August Noon Tue 13th August Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 480m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Fri 30th August Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds who have NOT won Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 :/,--0,3+:;(+0<4:;(5+(9+ an Open over four bends at the time of closing 500m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Tue 10th September Noon Fri 23rd August Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 :>05+65:;(@,9: 6>3,9;65:7905;;967/@ 649m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs 280m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Tue 13th August :/,--0,3+:;(+0<4:;(@,9: Noon Fri 6th September Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 500m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 Noon Fri 23rd August Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 :>05+654(0+,5:;(@,9: 6>3,9;65:;(5+(9+;967/@ 649m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs 500m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Tue 13th August :/,--0,3+:;(+0<4  Noon Fri 6th September Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 480m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 Noon Fri 23rd August For greyhounds that have NOT won an Open over six bends at the time Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 6>3,9;65:;(@,9:;967/@ of closing 660m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs :/,--0,3+:;(+0<44(0+,5 Noon Fri 6th September Wed 21st August :;(@,9: Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 660m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs :>05+65:;(5+(9+ Noon Fri 23rd August 476m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 6>3,9;65 4(0+,5;967/@ Noon Sat 17th August For greyhounds that have NOT won 480m Flat, 6 maidens & 3 resvs Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 an open race over 550m at the time Noon Fri 6th September of closing Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won :>05+654(0+,5:;(5+(9+ :/,--0,3+:;(+0<47<77@ an open race at the time of closing 476m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Sat 17th August 500m Flat, 6 puppies & 2 resvs Noon Fri 23rd August 6>3,9;657<77@:;(5+(9+ Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 ;967/@ For greyhounds that have NOT won Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 an open race over four bends at the For puppies whelped in September 500m Flat, 6 puppies & 3 resvs time of closing 2017 or younger Noon Fri 6th September Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 Tue 3rd September For puppies whelped in October :>05+654(0+,5:;(@,9: 2017 or younger 649m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Sat 17th August :/,--0,3+:;(5+(9+;967/@ 500m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs 6>3,9;65/<9+3,;967/@ Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 Noon Fri 30th August For greyhounds that have NOT won 500m Hurdles, 6 greyhounds & 3 an open race over six bends at the Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 resvs time of closing Noon Fri 6th September Winner £300 and trophy; others £50

26 VOL 11 NO 16 9 AUGUST 2019 :>05+65:;(@,9: :>05+654(0+,5:;(@,9: Sat 14th September 649m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs 649m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Sat 17th August Noon Sat 24th August ;/,97.;=9+,(:;(5.30(5 .9,@/6<5++,9)@ Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 :LTP-PUHSZ For greyhounds that have NOT won 462m Flat, 12 greyhounds Sat 24th August an open race over six bends at the time of closing Winner £300; others £100 :>05+65)0;*/,::;(5+(9+ Sat 31st August Thu 19th September 476m Flat, 6 bitches & 3 resvs Noon Tue 20th August :>05+65:;(5+(9+ ;/,97.;=9+,(:;(5.30(5 Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 .9,@/6<5++,9)@ For BITCHES only 476m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Tue 27th August Final Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 462m Flat, 6 greyhounds :>05+65)90;0:/)9,+ Winner £15000 and trophy + jacket; STANDARD 2nd £3000; 3rd £2000; others £1000 476m Flat, 6 british bred & 3 resvs :>05+65:;(@,9: Noon Tue 20th August 649m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 Noon Tue 27th August CATEGORY THREE For BRITISH BRED greyhounds only Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 Sat 14th September

:>05+657<77@:;(5+(9+ :>05+654(0+,5:;(5+(9+ ;/,.9,,5,205.07(:7905; 476m Flat, 6 puppies & 3 resvs 476m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Heats Noon Tue 20th August Noon Tue 27th August 277m Flat, 18 greyhounds & 6 resvs Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 2pm Tue 10th September For puppies whelped in September For greyhounds that have NOT won Winner £150; others £40 2017 or younger an open race over four bends at the time of closing ;/,+,9)@7<9:, :>05+65:;(@,9: Heats 649m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Yarmouth Road, Caister-On-Sea, 659m Flat, 18 greyhounds & 6 resvs Noon Tue 20th August 2pm Tue 10th September Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 , NR30 5TE Tel 01493 378168 Winner £200; others £50 :>05+65:;(5+(9+ www.yarmouthstadium.co.uk Thu 19th September 476m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Tue 20th August CATEGORY ONE ;/,.9,,5,205.07(:7905; Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 Final Mon 2nd September 277m Flat, 6 greyhounds Wed 28th August Winner £1000 and trophy; 2nd £200; ;/,97.;=9+,(:;(5.30(5 others £100 :>05+65:;(5+(9+ .9,@/6<5++,9)@ First Round 476m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs ;/,+,9)@7<9:, Noon Sat 24th August 462m Flat, 48 greyhounds @ £100 Final Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 each & 6 resvs 659m Flat, 6 greyhounds 2pm Tue 27th August Winner £1500 and trophy; 2nd £300; Winner £200; others £50 others £150 :>05+654(0+,5:;(5+(9+ 48 entries will be selected to run 476m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs PU[OLÄYZ[YV\UK0U[OLL]LU[[OH[ Noon Sat 24th August entries exceed this number, the Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 Racing Manager will select the For greyhounds that have NOT won 48 greyhounds to participate at an open race over four bends at the his discretion as per GBGB Rule time of closing 82 (iii) and priority will be given to greyhounds that have recently trialled at the stadium and greyhounds that :>05+65:;(@,9: have previously run at the stadium. 649m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Sat 24th August Mon 9th September Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 ;/,97.;=9+,(:;(5.30(5 .9,@/6<5++,9)@ :LJVUK9V\UK 462m Flat, 24 greyhounds Winner £250; others £75


+PZ[ ;YHJR ,]LU[ ,U[YPLZ*SVZL +PZ[ ;YHJR ,]LU[ ,U[YPLZ*SVZL Tue 13th Aug 380m Crayford Ladbrokes.Com August Maiden Sprint 13 Aug 500m Sheffield Stadium Maiden 9 Aug 540m Crayford Ladbrokes.Com August Maiden Stakes 13 Aug 480m Sheffield Puppy 9 Aug 714m Crayford Ladbrokes.Com August Maiden Stayers Stakes 13 Aug 280m Sheffield Owlerton Stadium Sprint 9 Aug 874m Crayford Ladbrokes.Com August Marathon 13 Aug 500m Sheffield Owlerton Stadium Standard 9 Aug 540m Crayford Ladbrokes.Com August Puppy Stakes 13 Aug 660m Sheffield Owlerton Stadium Stayers 9 Aug 380m Crayford Ladbrokes.Com August Sprint 13 Aug 720m Sheffield Owlerton Stadium Super Stayers 9 Aug 540m Crayford Ladbrokes.Com August Stakes 13 Aug 540mH Crayford Ladbrokes.Com August Stayers Hurdle 13 Aug Wed 14th Aug 714m Crayford Ladbrokes.Com August Stayers Stakes 13 Aug 415m Harlow Harlow Standard Monkey (Heats) 12 Aug 264m Monmore Ladbrokes 264 14 Aug 592m Harlow Harlow Stayers Monkey (Final) 480m Monmore Ladbrokes 480 14 Aug 415m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Maiden 12 Aug 480m Monmore Ladbrokes 480 Puppy 14 Aug 238m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Maiden Sprint 12 Aug 630m Monmore Ladbrokes 630 14 Aug 592m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Maiden Stayers 12 Aug 684m Monmore Ladbrokes 684 14 Aug 238m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Sprint 12 Aug 835m Monmore Ladbrokes 835 14 Aug 415m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Standard 12 Aug 480m Monmore Ladbrokes Gold Cup 2019 (Final) 592m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Stayers 12 Aug 480m Monmore Ladbrokes Gold Cup 2019 (Final) Thu 15th Aug 480m Monmore Ladbrokes Gold Cup 2019 (Final) 490m Brighton Coral Maiden 490 (Final) 480m Monmore Ladbrokes Gold Cup 2019 (Final) 695m Brighton Coral Maiden Stayers (Final) 630m Monmore Ladbrokes Summer Stayers Classic 2019 (Final) 475m Brighton Nevill 475 12 Aug 630m Monmore Ladbrokes Summer Stayers Classic 2019 (Final) 490m Brighton Nevill Ladies 12 Aug 630m Monmore Ladbrokes Summer Stayers Classic 2019 (Final) 515m Brighton Nevill Maiden 515 (Heats) 12 Aug 480m Newcastle Come Racing Every Wednesday To Saturday British Bred 13 Aug 490m Brighton Nevill Maiden Puppies 12 Aug 480m Newcastle Exclusive Restaurant Deals On Our Website 285m Brighton Nevill Maiden Sprint 12 Aug Puppy 13 Aug 695m Brighton Nevill Maiden Stayers 12 Aug 640m Newcastle Follow @Newcastledogs On Twitter 640 Stayers 13 Aug 740m Brighton Nevill Mini Marathon (Heats) 12 Aug 480m Newcastle Newcastle Greyhound Stadium Standard 13 Aug 285m Brighton Nevill Sprint 12 Aug 290m Newcastle Www.Newcastledogs.Com Sprint 13 Aug 285mH Brighton Nevill Sprint Hurdle 12 Aug 435m Pelaw Grange Stadium Bookmakers Rose Bowl (Heats) 14 Aug 515m Brighton Nevill Standard 12 Aug 480m Perry Barr The Love The Dogs Bitches Stakes 14 Aug 695m Brighton Nevill Stayers 12 Aug 275m Perry Barr The Love The Dogs Dash 14 Aug Fri 16th Aug 480m Perry Barr The Love The Dogs Maiden 14 Aug 575m Romford Champion Stakes Trial Stakes 13 Aug 480m Perry Barr The Love The Dogs Puppy Stakes 14 Aug 400m Romford London Road Bitches 13 Aug 480m Perry Barr The Love The Dogs Standard 14 Aug 575m Romford London Road Bitches Stayers 13 Aug 710m Perry Barr The Love The Dogs Super Stayers 14 Aug 400mH Romford London Road Hurdles 13 Aug 476m Swindon Swindon Maiden Standard 13 Aug 750m Romford London Road Maiden Marathon 13 Aug 649m Swindon Swindon Maiden Stayers 13 Aug 575m Romford London Road Maiden Stayers 13 Aug 476m Swindon Swindon Standard 13 Aug 400m Romford London Road Maidens 13 Aug 649m Swindon Swindon Stayers 13 Aug 750m Romford London Road Marathon 13 Aug Sun 18th Aug 400m Romford London Road Puppies 13 Aug 480mH Central Park Central Park Hurdle 14 Aug 225m Romford London Road Sprint 13 Aug 480m Central Park Central Park Ladies 14 Aug 400m Romford London Road Standard 13 Aug 480m Central Park Central Park Maiden 14 Aug 400m Romford London Road Winner Of One Standard 13 Aug 265m Central Park Central Park Maiden Sprint 14 Aug 575m Romford London Road Winner Of One Stayers 13 Aug 642m Central Park Central Park Maiden Stayers 14 Aug 400m Romford Romford Friday Night 500 Maidens (Heats) 13 Aug 893m Central Park Central Park Marathon 14 Aug 400m Romford Romford Friday Night 500 Standard (Heats) 13 Aug 450m Central Park Central Park Mini Standard 14 Aug Sat 17th Aug 480m Central Park Central Park Puppies 14 Aug 380mH Crayford Ladbrokes.Com August Hurdle 13 Aug 265m Central Park Central Park Sprint 14 Aug


480m Central Park Central Park Standard 14 Aug 285m Brighton Coral Sprint 19 Aug 642m Central Park Central Park Stayers 14 Aug 695m Brighton Coral Stayers 19 Aug 500m Central Park Central Park Super Standard 14 Aug 515m Brighton Nevill Maiden 515 (Final) 500m Central Park Central Park Winner Of One 14 Aug 740m Brighton Nevill Mini Marathon (Final) 480mH Central Park Sunday Night Hurdle (Heats) 14 Aug 480m Newcastle Adopt A Greyhound From The Northumberland 450m Central Park Sunday Night Mini Standard (Heats) 14 Aug RGT Standard 19 Aug 642m Central Park Sunday Night Novice Stayers (Final) 640m Newcastle Big City Singing After Racing On Saturday 30Th 480m Central Park Sunday Night Winner Of One (Final) November 640 Stayers 19 Aug 428m Henlow Henlow 428 Mini 14 Aug 480m Newcastle Book Your Christmas Party At Newcastle Dogs Puppy 19 Aug 460m Henlow Henlow 460 Maiden 14 Aug 480m Newcastle Ellen And The Funktones Singing Here On 460m Henlow Henlow 460 Standard 14 Aug Saturday 28Th September British Bred 19 Aug 550m Henlow Henlow 550 Maiden 14 Aug 480m Newcastle Exclusive Restaurant Deals On Our Website 550m Henlow Henlow 550 Midi 14 Aug Bitches 19 Aug 277m Henlow Henlow Dash 14 Aug 290m Newcastle Newcastle Greyhound Stadium Sprint 19 Aug 428m Henlow Henlow Maiden 428 Mini 14 Aug 480m Newcastle Www.Newcastledogs.Com Seniors 19 Aug 460m Henlow Henlow Puppies 14 Aug 692m Henlow Henlow Stayers 14 Aug Fri 23rd Aug 575m Romford Coral Champion Stakes (Heats) 20 Aug Mon 19th Aug 400m Romford Romford Friday Night 500 Maidens (Final) 483m Doncaster BGBF British Bred Oaks (Semi Finals) 400m Romford Romford Friday Night 500 Standard (Final) 500m Nottingham Nottingham Stadium Bookmakers Puppy 400m Romford Romford Stadium Bitches 20 Aug Classic (Semi Finals) 575m Romford Romford Stadium Bitches Stayers 20 Aug 500m Nottingham Nottingham Stadium Bookmakers Standard Trophy 15 Aug 400mH Romford Romford Stadium Hurdles 20 Aug 750m Romford Romford Stadium Maiden Marathon 20 Aug Tue 20th Aug 575m Romford Romford Stadium Maiden Stayers 20 Aug 500m Sheffield Sheffield Stadium Bitches 16 Aug 400m Romford Romford Stadium Maidens 20 Aug 280m Sheffield Sheffield Stadium Puppy Sprint 16 Aug 750m Romford Romford Stadium Marathon 20 Aug 280m Sheffield Sheffield Stadium Sprint 16 Aug 400m Romford Romford Stadium Puppies 20 Aug 500m Sheffield Sheffield Stadium Standard 16 Aug 225m Romford Romford Stadium Sprint 20 Aug 660m Sheffield Sheffield Stadium Stayers 16 Aug 400m Romford Romford Stadium Standard 20 Aug Wed 21st Aug 575m Romford Romford Stadium Stayers 20 Aug 592m Harlow Harlow Maiden Stayers Monkey (Heats) 19 Aug 400m Romford Romford Stadium Winner Of One Standard 20 Aug 415m Harlow Harlow Standard Monkey (Final) 575m Romford Romford Stadium Winner Of One Stayers 20 Aug 415m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Maiden 19 Aug Sat 24th Aug 238m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Maiden Sprint 19 Aug 714m Crayford Ladbrokes Summer Maiden Stayers Trophy 592m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Maiden Stayers 19 Aug (Heats) 20 Aug 238m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Sprint 19 Aug 380mH Crayford Ladbrokes.Com August Bank Holiday Hurdle 20 Aug 415m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Standard 19 Aug 380mH Crayford Ladbrokes.Com August Bank Holiday Maiden 592m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Stayers 19 Aug Hurdle 20 Aug 476m Swindon Swindon Maiden Standard 17 Aug 380m Crayford Ladbrokes.Com August Bank Holiday Maiden 649m Swindon Swindon Maiden Stayers 17 Aug Sprint 20 Aug 476m Swindon Swindon Standard 17 Aug 540m Crayford Ladbrokes.Com August Bank Holiday Maiden 649m Swindon Swindon Stayers 17 Aug Stakes 20 Aug 380m Crayford Ladbrokes.Com August Bank Holiday Puppy Thu 22nd Aug Sprint 20 Aug 490m Brighton Coral 490 (Heats) 19 Aug 380m Crayford Ladbrokes.Com August Bank Holiday Sprint 20 Aug 490m Brighton Coral 490 Maiden 19 Aug 540m Crayford Ladbrokes.Com August Bank Holiday Stakes 20 Aug 490m Brighton Coral British Bred 19 Aug 714m Crayford Ladbrokes.Com August Bank Holiday Stayers 285mH Brighton Coral Hurdle Dash 19 Aug Stakes 20 Aug 515m Brighton Coral Ladies 19 Aug 275m Perry Barr The Love The Dogs Dash 21 Aug 285m Brighton Coral Maiden Sprint 19 Aug 480m Perry Barr The Love The Dogs Maiden 21 Aug 695m Brighton Coral Maiden Stayers (Heats) 19 Aug 275m Perry Barr The Love The Dogs Maiden Dash 21 Aug 490m Brighton Coral Puppies 19 Aug 480m Perry Barr The Love The Dogs Standard 21 Aug


660m Perry Barr The Love The Dogs Stayers 21 Aug 245m Pelaw Grange The Lingholme Sprint Trophy 21 Aug 480m Perry Barr The Love The Dogs Winner Of One 21 Aug 590m Pelaw Grange The RAW Construction Stayers Trophy 21 Aug 476m Swindon Swindon Bitches Standard 20 Aug 435m Pelaw Grange The Winning Lines Standard 21 Aug 476m Swindon Swindon British Bred Standard 20 Aug 476m Swindon Swindon Puppy Standard 20 Aug Tue 27th Aug 480m Sheffield Sheffield Stadium 480 23 Aug 476m Swindon Swindon Standard 20 Aug 660m Sheffield Sheffield Stadium Maiden Stayers 23 Aug 649m Swindon Swindon Stayers 20 Aug 500m Sheffield Sheffield Stadium Puppy 23 Aug Sun 25th Aug 280m Sheffield Sheffield Stadium Sprint 23 Aug 480mH Central Park Central Park Hurdle 21 Aug 500m Sheffield Sheffield Stadium Standard 23 Aug 500m Central Park Central Park Ladies 21 Aug 500m Sheffield Sheffield Stadium Stayers 23 Aug 480m Central Park Central Park Maiden 21 Aug 265m Central Park Central Park Maiden Sprint 21 Aug Wed 28th Aug 415m Harlow Harlow Maiden Monkey (Heats) 26 Aug 642m Central Park Central Park Maiden Stayers 21 Aug 592m Harlow Harlow Maiden Stayers Monkey (Final) 450m Central Park Central Park Mini Standard 21 Aug 415m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Maiden 26 Aug 480m Central Park Central Park Puppies 21 Aug 238m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Maiden Sprint 26 Aug 265m Central Park Central Park Sprint 21 Aug 592m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Maiden Stayers 26 Aug 265mH Central Park Central Park Sprint Hurdle 21 Aug 238m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Sprint 26 Aug 480m Central Park Central Park Standard 21 Aug 415m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Standard 26 Aug 642m Central Park Central Park Stayers 21 Aug 592m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Stayers 26 Aug 500m Central Park Central Park Super Standard 21 Aug 476m Swindon Swindon Maiden Standard 24 Aug 708m Central Park Central Park Super Stayers 21 Aug 649m Swindon Swindon Maiden Stayers 24 Aug 480mH Central Park Sunday Night Hurdle (Final) 476m Swindon Swindon Standard 24 Aug 480m Central Park Sunday Night Maiden (Heats) 21 Aug 649m Swindon Swindon Stayers 24 Aug 450m Central Park Sunday Night Mini Standard (Final) 500m Central Park Sunday Night Super Standard (Heats) 21 Aug Thu 29th Aug 428m Henlow Henlow 428 Maiden Mini 21 Aug 490m Brighton Coral 490 (Final) 428m Henlow Henlow 428 Mini 21 Aug 515mH Brighton Coral Hurdle 26 Aug 460m Henlow Henlow 460 Maiden 21 Aug 695m Brighton Coral Maiden Stayers (Final) 460m Henlow Henlow 460 Standard 21 Aug 490m Brighton Nevill Ladies 26 Aug 550m Henlow Henlow 550 Maiden 21 Aug 515m Brighton Nevill Maiden 26 Aug 550m Henlow Henlow 550 Midi 21 Aug 740m Brighton Nevill Maiden 740 26 Aug 277m Henlow Henlow Dash 21 Aug 490m Brighton Nevill Maiden Puppies 26 Aug 460m Henlow Henlow Puppies 21 Aug 285m Brighton Nevill Maiden Sprint 26 Aug 692m Henlow Henlow Stayers 21 Aug 490m Brighton Nevill Puppies 26 Aug Mon 26th Aug 285m Brighton Nevill Sprint 26 Aug 515m Brighton Nevill Standard (Heats) 26 Aug 483m Doncaster BGBF British Bred Oaks (Final) 695m Brighton Nevill Stayers (Heats) 26 Aug 450m Doncaster Doncaster 450 Puppy 22 Aug 450m Doncaster Doncaster 450 Standard 22 Aug 695m Brighton Nevill Winner Of One Stayers 26 Aug 483m Doncaster Doncaster 483 Maiden 22 Aug 290m Newcastle Big City Singing After Racing On Saturday 30Th November Sprint 26 Aug 483m Doncaster Doncaster 483 Standard 22 Aug 480m Newcastle Book Your Christmas Party At Newcastle Dogs 661m Doncaster Doncaster 661 Stayers 22 Aug Standard 26 Aug 661m Doncaster Doncaster Maiden Stayers 22 Aug 480m Newcastle Ellen And The Funktones Singing After Racing 275m Doncaster Doncaster Sprint 22 Aug On Saturday 28Th September British Bred 26 Aug 480m Nottingham Nottingham Stadium Bookmakers 480 Trophy 22 Aug 480m Newcastle Exclusive Restaurant Deals Throughout The 500m Nottingham Nottingham Stadium Bookmakers Puppy Year At Newcastle Dogs Seniors 26 Aug Classic (Final) 480m Newcastle Follow Newcastle Greyhound Stadium On 305m Nottingham Nottingham Stadium Bookmakers Sprint Trophy 22 Aug Social Media Bitches 26 Aug 500m Nottingham Nottingham Stadium Bookmakers Standard 480m Newcastle Newcastle Greyhound Stadium Puppy 26 Aug Trophy 22 Aug 640m Newcastle Www.Newcastledogs.Com 640 Stayers 26 Aug 680m Nottingham Nottingham Stadium Bookmakers Stayers Trophy 22 Aug Fri 30th Aug 435m Pelaw Grange Stadium Bookmakers Rose Bowl (Final) 575m Romford Coral Champion Stakes (Semi Finals)

30 VOL 11 NO 16 9 AUGUST 2019 +PZ[ ;YHJR ,]LU[ ,U[YPLZ*SVZL +PZ[ ;YHJR ,]LU[ ,U[YPLZ*SVZL 575m Romford Romford Friday Night 500 Maiden Stayers Sun 1st Sep (Heats) 27 Aug 450m Central Park Central Park 450 28 Aug 400m Romford Romford Friday Night 500 Standard (Heats) 27 Aug 480mH Central Park Central Park Hurdle 28 Aug 400m Romford Romforddogs.Com Bitches 27 Aug 480m Central Park Central Park Maiden 28 Aug 575m Romford Romforddogs.Com Bitches Stayers 27 Aug 265m Central Park Central Park Maiden Sprint 28 Aug 400mH Romford Romforddogs.Com Hurdles 27 Aug 642m Central Park Central Park Maiden Stayers 28 Aug 750m Romford Romforddogs.Com Maiden Marathon 27 Aug 450m Central Park Central Park Mini Maiden 28 Aug 575m Romford Romforddogs.Com Maiden Stayers 27 Aug 265m Central Park Central Park Sprint 28 Aug 400m Romford Romforddogs.Com Maidens 27 Aug 480m Central Park Central Park Standard 28 Aug 750m Romford Romforddogs.Com Marathon 27 Aug 500m Central Park Central Park Super Standard 28 Aug 400m Romford Romforddogs.Com Puppies 27 Aug 480m Central Park Sunday Night Maiden (Final) 225m Romford Romforddogs.Com Sprint 27 Aug 450m Central Park Sunday Night Mini Maiden (Heats) 28 Aug 400m Romford Romforddogs.Com Standard 27 Aug 480m Central Park Sunday Night Standard (Heats) 28 Aug 575m Romford Romforddogs.Com Stayers 27 Aug 500m Central Park Sunday Night Super Standard (Final) 400m Romford Romforddogs.Com Winner Of One Standard 27 Aug 428m Henlow Henlow 428 Maiden Mini 28 Aug 575m Romford Romforddogs.Com Winner Of One Stayers 27 Aug 428m Henlow Henlow 428 Mini 28 Aug 460m Henlow Henlow 460 Maiden 28 Aug Sat 31st Aug 460m Henlow Henlow 460 Standard 28 Aug 714m Crayford Ladbrokes Summer Maiden Stayers Trophy 550m Henlow Henlow 550 Maiden 28 Aug (Final) 550m Henlow Henlow 550 Midi 28 Aug 380mH Crayford Ladbrokes Where The Nation Plays Hurdle 27 Aug 277m Henlow Henlow Dash 28 Aug 540m Crayford Ladbrokes Where The Nation Plays Ladies Stakes 27 Aug 460m Henlow Henlow Puppies 28 Aug 540m Crayford Ladbrokes Where The Nation Plays Maiden 692m Henlow Henlow Stayers 28 Aug Stakes 27 Aug Mon 2nd Sep 714m Crayford Ladbrokes Where The Nation Plays Maiden 450m Doncaster Doncaster 450 Puppy 29 Aug Stayers 27 Aug 450m Doncaster Doncaster 450 Standard 29 Aug 874m Crayford Ladbrokes Where The Nation Plays Marathon 27 Aug 483m Doncaster Doncaster 483 Maiden 29 Aug 540m Crayford Ladbrokes Where The Nation Plays Puppy Stakes 27 Aug 483m Doncaster Doncaster 483 Standard 29 Aug 380m Crayford Ladbrokes Where The Nation Plays Sprint 27 Aug 661m Doncaster Doncaster 661 Stayers 29 Aug 540m Crayford Ladbrokes Where The Nation Plays Stakes 27 Aug 661m Doncaster Doncaster Maiden Stayers 29 Aug 540mH Crayford Ladbrokes Where The Nation Plays Stayers 275m Doncaster Doncaster Sprint 29 Aug Hurdle 27 Aug 480m Nottingham Stadium Bookmakers 480 Trophy 29 Aug 714m Crayford Ladbrokes Where The Nation Plays Stayers 500m Nottingham Stadium Bookmakers Maiden Trophy 29 Aug Stakes 27 Aug 305m Nottingham Stadium Bookmakers Sprint Trophy 29 Aug 264m Monmore Ladbrokes Summer Festival 264 28 Aug 500m Nottingham Stadium Bookmakers Standard Trophy 29 Aug 480m Monmore Ladbrokes Summer Festival 480 28 Aug 680m Nottingham Stadium Bookmakers Stayers Trophy 29 Aug 480m Monmore Ladbrokes Summer Festival 480 Maiden 28 Aug 462m Yarmouth The RPGTV 73Rd East Anglian Greyhound 480m Monmore Ladbrokes Summer Festival 480 Puppy 28 Aug Derby (First Round) 27 Aug 630m Monmore Ladbrokes Summer Festival 630 28 Aug Tue 3rd Sep 630m Monmore Ladbrokes Summer Festival 630 Maiden 28 Aug 480m Sheffield Sheffield 480 Trophy 30 Aug 684m Monmore Ladbrokes Summer Festival 684 28 Aug 480m Sheffield Sheffield Puppy 480 Trophy 30 Aug 480m Perry Barr The Love The Dogs Bitches Stakes 28 Aug 280m Sheffield Sheffield Sprint Trophy 30 Aug 275m Perry Barr The Love The Dogs Dash 28 Aug 500m Sheffield Sheffield Standard Trophy 30 Aug 480m Perry Barr The Love The Dogs Maiden 28 Aug 660m Sheffield Sheffield Stayers Trophy 30 Aug 660m Perry Barr The Love The Dogs Maiden Stayers 28 Aug 480m Perry Barr The Love The Dogs Standard 28 Aug Wed 4th Sep 710m Perry Barr The Love The Dogs Super Stayers 28 Aug 415m Harlow Harlow Maiden Monkey (Final) 500m Shawfield Functions At Shawfield 500 27 Aug 238m Harlow Harlow Sprint Monkey (Heats) 2 Sep 480m Shawfield Winning Post Maiden 27 Aug 415m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Maiden 2 Sep 476m Swindon Swindon Maiden Standard 27 Aug 238m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Maiden Sprint 2 Sep 476m Swindon Swindon Standard 27 Aug 592m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Maiden Stayers 2 Sep 649m Swindon Swindon Stayers 27 Aug 238m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Sprint 2 Sep


415m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Standard 2 Sep 540m Crayford Ladbrokes.Com September Maiden Trophy 592m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Stayers 2 Sep (Heats) 3 Sep

Thu 5th Sep Sun 8th Sep 515m Brighton Nevill Standard (Final) 480mH Central Park Killingbeck Hurdle 4 Sep 695m Brighton Nevill Stayers (Final) 480m Central Park Killingbeck Maiden 4 Sep 265m Central Park Killingbeck Sprint 4 Sep Fri 6th Sep 480m Central Park Killingbeck Standard 4 Sep 480m Central Park 1st Ladbrokes Kent Derby Trial Stakes 3 Sep 642m Central Park Killingbeck Stayers 4 Sep 265m Central Park Central Park Maiden Sprint 3 Sep 708m Central Park Killingbeck Super Stayers 4 Sep 642m Central Park Central Park Maiden Stayers 3 Sep 450m Central Park Sunday Night Mini Maiden (Final) 265mH Central Park Central Park Sprint Hurdle 3 Sep 480m Central Park Sunday Night Standard (Final) 575m Romford Coral Champion Stakes (Final) 642m Central Park The Killingbeck Novice Stayers (Heats) 4 Sep 400m Romford Coral Romford Bitches 3 Sep 265m Central Park The Killingbeck Sprint (Heats) 4 Sep 575m Romford Coral Romford Bitches Stayers 3 Sep 428m Henlow Henlow 428 Mini 4 Sep 400mH Romford Coral Romford Hurdles 3 Sep 460m Henlow Henlow 460 Maiden 4 Sep 750m Romford Coral Romford Maiden Marathon 3 Sep 460m Henlow Henlow 460 Standard 4 Sep 575m Romford Coral Romford Maiden Stayers 3 Sep 550m Henlow Henlow 550 Maiden 4 Sep 400m Romford Coral Romford Maidens 3 Sep 550m Henlow Henlow 550 Midi 4 Sep 750m Romford Coral Romford Marathon 3 Sep 277m Henlow Henlow Dash 4 Sep 400m Romford Coral Romford Puppies 3 Sep 428m Henlow Henlow Maiden 428 4 Sep 225m Romford Coral Romford Sprint 3 Sep 460m Henlow Henlow Puppies 4 Sep 400m Romford Coral Romford Standard 3 Sep 692m Henlow Henlow Stayers 4 Sep 575m Romford Coral Romford Stayers 3 Sep 400m Romford Coral Romford Winner Of One Standard 3 Sep Mon 9th Sep 575m Romford Coral Romford Winner Of One Stayers 3 Sep 500m Nottingham Carling Black Fruits Cider Trophy 5 Sep 925m Romford Coral TV Trophy (Heats) 3 Sep 305m Nottingham Carling Cider Sprint Trophy 5 Sep 575m Romford Romford Friday Night 500 Maiden Stayers 500m Nottingham Carling Puppy Trophy 5 Sep (Final) 480m Nottingham Coors Light Maiden Trophy 5 Sep 400m Romford Romford Friday Night 500 Maidens (Heats) 3 Sep 680m Nottingham Worthingtons Stayers Trophy 5 Sep 400m Romford Romford Friday Night 500 Standard (Final) 462m Yarmouth The RPGTV 73Rd East Anglian Greyhound 400m Romford Romford Grand Re-Opening Night Bitches 3 Sep Derby (Second Round) 400m Romford Romford Grand Re-Opening Night British Bred 3 Sep 400m Romford Romford Grand Re-Opening Night Dogs 3 Sep Tue 10th Sep 400m Romford Romford Grand Re-Opening Night Puppies 3 Sep 480m Sheffield Owlerton 480 Maiden Trophy 6 Sep 400m Romford Romford Grand Re-Opening Night Seniors 3 Sep 500mH Sheffield Owlerton Hurdle Trophy 6 Sep 225m Romford Romford Grand Re-Opening Night Sprint 3 Sep 500m Sheffield Owlerton Puppy Standard Trophy 6 Sep 400m Romford Romford Grand Re-Opening Night Standard 3 Sep 280m Sheffield Owlerton Sprint Trophy 6 Sep 575m Romford Romford Grand Re-Opening Night Stayers 3 Sep 500m Sheffield Owlerton Standard Trophy 6 Sep Sat 7th Sep 660m Sheffield Owlerton Stayers Trophy 6 Sep 714m Crayford Jay & Kay Coach Tours Kent St Leger Trial Wed 11th Sep Stakes 3 Sep 238m Harlow Harlow Sprint Monkey (Final) 380mH Crayford Ladbrokes Home Of The Odds Boost Hurdle 3 Sep 415m Harlow Harlow Standard Monkey (Heats) 9 Sep 380m Crayford Ladbrokes Home Of The Odds Boost Ladies Sprint 3 Sep 415m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Maiden 9 Sep 380m Crayford Ladbrokes Home Of The Odds Boost Maiden 238m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Maiden Sprint 9 Sep Sprint 3 Sep 592m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Maiden Stayers 9 Sep 714m Crayford Ladbrokes Home Of The Odds Boost Maiden 238m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Sprint 9 Sep Stayers 3 Sep 415m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Standard 9 Sep 380m Crayford Ladbrokes Home Of The Odds Boost Sprint 3 Sep 592m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Stayers 9 Sep 540m Crayford Ladbrokes Home Of The Odds Boost Stakes 3 Sep 380mH Crayford Ladbrokes Home Of The Odds Boost Winner Of Thu 12th Sep Two Hurdle 3 Sep 480m Newcastle BGBF British Bred Northern Plate (Heats) 10 Sep

32 VOL 11 NO 16 9 AUGUST 2019 +PZ[ ;YHJR ,]LU[ ,U[YPLZ*SVZL +PZ[ ;YHJR ,]LU[ ,U[YPLZ*SVZL Fri 13th Sep 550m Henlow Henlow 550 Midi 11 Sep 400m Romford Coral Romford Puppy Cup (Heats) 10 Sep 277m Henlow Henlow Dash 11 Sep 925m Romford Coral TV Trophy (Final) 460m Henlow Henlow Puppies 11 Sep 400m Romford Coral.Co.Uk Bitches 10 Sep 692m Henlow Henlow Stayers 11 Sep 575m Romford Coral.Co.Uk Bitches Stayers 10 Sep 460m Henlow The Theo Mentzis Memorial Race 11 Sep 400m Romford Coral.Co.Uk British Bred 10 Sep 400mH Romford Coral.Co.Uk Hurdles 10 Sep Mon 16th Sep 500m Nottingham Nottingham Stadium Maiden Trophy 12 Sep 750m Romford Coral.Co.Uk Maiden Marathon 10 Sep 480m Nottingham Nottingham Stadium Puppy Trophy 12 Sep 575m Romford Coral.Co.Uk Maiden Stayers 10 Sep 400m Romford Coral.Co.Uk Maidens 10 Sep 305m Nottingham Nottingham Stadium Sprint Trophy 12 Sep 750m Romford Coral.Co.Uk Marathon 10 Sep 500m Nottingham Nottingham Stadium Standard Trophy 12 Sep 400m Romford Coral.Co.Uk Puppies 10 Sep 730m Nottingham Nottingham Stadium Stayers Trophy 12 Sep 400m Romford Coral.Co.Uk Seniors 10 Sep Wed 18th Sep 225m Romford Coral.Co.Uk Sprint 10 Sep 592m Harlow Harlow Maiden Stayers Monkey (Heats) 16 Sep 400m Romford Coral.Co.Uk Standard 10 Sep 415m Harlow Harlow Standard Monkey (Final) 575m Romford Coral.Co.Uk Stayers 10 Sep 400m Romford Coral.Co.Uk Winner Of One Standard 10 Sep Thu 19th Sep 575m Romford Coral.Co.Uk Winner Of One Stayers 10 Sep 480m Newcastle BGBF British Bred Northern Plate (Semi Finals) 400m Romford Romford Friday Night 500 Maidens (Final) 659m Yarmouth The Derby Purse (Final) 277m Yarmouth The Greene King IPA Sprint (Final) Sat 14th Sep 462m Yarmouth The RPGTV 73Rd East Anglian Greyhound 714m Crayford Jay & Kay Coach Tours Kent St Leger Trial Derby (Final) Stakes 10 Sep 380mH Crayford Ladbrokes.Com September Hurdle 10 Sep Fri 20th Sep 540m Crayford Ladbrokes.Com September Ladies Stakes 10 Sep 400m Romford Coral Romford Puppy Cup (Semi Finals) 380m Crayford Ladbrokes.Com September Maiden Sprint 10 Sep 540m Crayford Ladbrokes.Com September Maiden Stakes 10 Sep Sat 21st Sep 714m Crayford Ladbrokes.Com September Maiden Stayers 10 Sep 714m Crayford Jay & Kay Coach Tours Kent St Leger (Heats) 17 Sep 540m Crayford Ladbrokes.Com September Maiden Trophy (Final) Wed 25th Sep 540m Crayford Ladbrokes.Com September Puppy Stakes 10 Sep 415m Harlow Harlow Maiden Monkey (Heats) 23 Sep 380m Crayford Ladbrokes.Com September Sprint 10 Sep 592m Harlow Harlow Maiden Stayers Monkey (Final) 540m Crayford Ladbrokes.Com September Stakes 10 Sep Thu 26th Sep 540mH Crayford Ladbrokes.Com September Stayers Hurdle 10 Sep 480m Newcastle BGBF British Bred Northern Plate (Final) 264m Monmore Ladbrokes Autumn Festival 264 11 Sep 480m Monmore Ladbrokes Autumn Festival 480 11 Sep Fri 27th Sep 480m Monmore Ladbrokes Autumn Festival 480 Maiden 11 Sep 400m Romford Coral Romford Puppy Cup (Final) 480m Monmore Ladbrokes Autumn Festival 480 Puppy 11 Sep 630m Monmore Ladbrokes Autumn Festival 630 11 Sep Sat 28th Sep 630m Monmore Ladbrokes Autumn Festival 630 Maiden 11 Sep 714m Crayford Jay & Kay Coach Tours Kent St Leger 684m Monmore Ladbrokes Autumn Festival 684 11 Sep (Semi Finals) 659m Yarmouth The Derby Purse (Heats) 10 Sep 480m Shawfield Winning Post Trophy (Heats) 25 Sep 277m Yarmouth The Greene King IPA Sprint (Heats) 10 Sep Wed 2nd Oct 462m Yarmouth The RPGTV 73Rd East Anglian Greyhound 415m Harlow Harlow Maiden Monkey (Final) Derby (Semi Finals)

Sun 15th Sep Sat 5th Oct 714m Crayford Jay & Kay Coach Tours Kent St Leger (Final) 642m Central Park The Killingbeck Novice Stayers (Final) 480m Shawfield Winning Post Trophy (Final) 265m Central Park The Killingbeck Sprint (Final) 428m Henlow Henlow 428 Mini 11 Sep Mon 7th Oct 428m Henlow Henlow 428 Mini Maiden 11 Sep 500m Nottingham Nottingham British Breeders Stakes (Heats) 3 Oct 460m Henlow Henlow 460 Maiden 11 Sep 460m Henlow Henlow 460 Standard 11 Sep Wed 9th Oct 550m Henlow Henlow 550 Maiden 11 Sep 661m Doncaster SIS Yorkshire St Leger (Heats) 7 Oct

CALENDAR 33 +PZ[ ;YHJR ,]LU[ ,U[YPLZ*SVZL +PZ[ ;YHJR ,]LU[ ,U[YPLZ*SVZL Thu 10th Oct Wed 23rd Oct 490m Brighton Seasons Scaffolding Puppy Trophy (Heats) 7 Oct 661m Doncaster SIS Yorkshire St Leger (Final)

Mon 14th Oct Sat 26th Oct 500m Nottingham Nottingham British Breeders Stakes 540m Crayford Ladbrokes Gold Collar (Semi Finals) (Semi Finals) Sat 2nd Nov Wed 16th Oct 540m Crayford Ladbrokes Gold Collar (Final) 661m Doncaster SIS Yorkshire St Leger (Semi Finals) Tue 26th Nov Thu 17th Oct 500m Sheffield BGBF British Bred Derby (Heats) 22 Nov 490m Brighton Seasons Scaffolding Puppy Trophy (Final)

Sat 19th Oct Tue 3rd Dec 540m Crayford Ladbrokes Gold Collar (Heats) 15 Oct 500m Sheffield BGBF British Bred Derby (Semi Finals)

Mon 21st Oct Tue 10th Dec 500m Nottingham Nottingham British Breeders Stakes (Final) 500m Sheffield BGBF British Bred Derby (Final)

BELLE VUE GREYHOUND STADIUM GREYHOUND TRAINERS WANTED All applications considered. Apply in writing to: Scott Ellis, Racing Manager Greyhound Stadium, Kirkmanshulme Lane, Gorton, Manchester M18 7BA OR ALTERNATIVELY E-MAIL: [email protected]

Published by the Greyhound Board of Great Britain Limited at Genesis House, 17 Godliman Street, London EC4V 5BD Telephone 020 7822 0900 Fax 020 7822 0901 www.gbgb.org.uk Disclaimer for advertising in the GBGB Calendar: Inclusion of an advertisement in this GBGB Calendar does not constitute or imply an endorsement by the GBGB of the advertised goods or services, nor does it constitute or imply any representation that use of the goods or services is in compliance with the Rules of Racing in force from time to time or that the goods or services will be suitable or appropriate for the use described. All persons are reminded that it is their responsibility at all times to comply with the Rules of Racing and reference to any advertisement in the GBGB Calendar will not be a defence to any disciplinary proceedings brought in relation to use of the advertised goods or services. The GBGB hereby excludes to the maximum extent permitted by law any liability arising out of the advertisement or use of any goods or services advertised in this GBGB Calendar. Printed by Orphans Press Ltd., Arrow Close, Enterprise Park, Leominster, Herefordshire, HR6 0LD. Tel: (01568) 612460 5HJLVWHUHGDWWKH3RVW2IÀFHDVDQHZVSDSHU No reproduction in part or whole without the express permission of the publisher. The Greyhound Board of Great Britain do not guarantee the accuracy of the information contained in this calendar and undertake no responsibility for errors or omissions or their FRQVHTXHQFHV

34 VOL 11 NO 16 9 AUGUST 2019