Vol 11 / No 16 9 August 2019 Fortnightly by Subscription calendar Hot Weather Policy Track Vet Training Day Details DROOPYS GOLD leads kennelmate Sporting Dave across the line to take the 2019 Coral Sussex Cup at Hove for owners the Schilly Money Racing Syndicate and Photo: Steve Nash trainer Seamus Cahill. FOR ALL THE LATEST NEWS - WWW.GBGB.ORG.UK -VSSV^.).)VU;^P[[LY'NYL`OV\UKIVHYK'NINIZ[HɈHUK0UZ[HNYHTHUK-HJLIVVR CATEGORY ONE FINALS Date Distance Track Event Sat 17 Aug 630m Monmore Green Ladbrokes Summer Stayers Classic Sat 17 Aug 480m Monmore Green Ladbrokes Gold Cup Mon 26 Aug 500m Puppies Nottingham Puppy Classic Fri 06 Sep 575m Romford Coral Champion Stakes Fri 13 Sep 925m Romford Coral TV Trophy Thu 19 Sep 462m Yarmouth RPGTV East Anglian Derby Thu 26 Sep 480m British Bred Newcastle BGBF Northern Plate Fri 27 Sep 400m Puppies Romford Romford Puppy Cup Sat 05 Oct 714m Crayford Jay and Kay Coach Tours Kent St Leger Sun 06 Oct 480m Central Park Ladbrokes Kent Derby Mon 21 Oct 500m British Bred Nottingham British Breeders Stakes Weds 23 Oct 661m Doncaster SIS Yorkshire St Leger Sun 27 Oct 460m Henlow Henlow Derby Sat 02 Nov 540m Crayford Ladbrokes Gold Collar Sat 16 Nov 710m Perry Barr RPGTV St Leger Mon 18 Nov 500m Nottingham Eclipse Stakes Fri 06 Dec 575m Romford Coral Essex Vase 7XH'HF P%ULWLVK%UHG 6KHIÀHOG %*%)%ULWLVK%UHG'HUE\ Thu 19 Dec 515m Brighton & Hove Coral Olympic )XUWKHUFRPSHWLWLRQVWREHFRQÀUPHG$ERYHGDWHVPD\EHVXEMHFWWRFKDQJH TRACK VET TRAINING DAY • All licensed track vets are reminded of the GBGB Annual training event which will be held again at Nottingham Racecourse on Thursday 3rd October 2019. • A full day of educational presentations with refreshments and lunch will be provided free of charge to Licensed Vets and will count for 6 hours of CPD. • This event is always well attended and is an extremely useful and informative day providing relevant industry CPD in an informal and fun forum. • A provisional agenda will be published in due course. To register please visit https://gbgb-track-vet-training.eventbrite.co.uk. For more information email [email protected] or call 0207 822 0912. APPRENTICESHIP UPDATE – UNIVERSITY OF NOTTINGHAM VET SCHOOL TRAINING DAY Earlier this month, the Animal Care and Welfare Assistant Apprentices visited the 8QLYHUVLW\RI1RWWLQJKDP·V School of Veterinary Medicine and Science for a training day on greyhound anatomy, function, injury and rehabilitation. The day was led by greyhound specialist and Assistant Professor of Veterinary Anatomy Dr Richard Payne who, alongside his teaching team, gave the apprentices an insight into the latest research into racing greyhounds. The vet school training day was the latest in a series of off-the-job training opportunities which seek to give the apprentices a broader insight into the world of greyhound racing. These opportunities, ZKLFKKDYHLQFOXGHGYLVLWVWR*%*%·VIRUHQVLFWHVWLQJODEDQGWRWKH'RJV7UXVWZKHUHWKH apprentices spent time with an animal behaviourist, seek to give apprentices a comprehensive understanding of how best to care for their greyhounds. The training day at Nottingham, which was DOVRDWWHQGHGE\VRPHRIWKHDSSUHQWLFHV·WUDLQHUVVRXJKWWRHQKDQFHDSSUHQWLFH·VNQRZOHGJHDQG skills in looking after the greyhounds in their care. Apprentice Yazmin Schofield, said: ´,WZDVDUHDOO\LQIRUPDWLYHGD\DQGZHZHQWLQWRJUHDWGHWDLORQDQDWRP\DQGPXVFOHJURXSV ,SDUWLFXODUO\OLNHGWKHSUDFWLFDOVHVVLRQDQGWKHOHFWXUHRQWKHXVHRISK\VLRWKHUDS\IRUWKH UHKDELOLWDWLRQRIVSRUWLQJLQMXULHV7KHVHRIIWKHMREWUDLQLQJVHVVLRQVUHDOO\KHOSWRLPSURYHRXU NQRZOHGJHDQG,DPUHDOO\HQMR\LQJP\DSSUHQWLFHVKLSµ Mark Bird, GBGB Managing Director, said: ´7KLV$SSUHQWLFHVKLSDLPVWRIXUWKHUSURIHVVLRQDOLVHDQGXSVNLOORXUVSRUWSURYLQJH[SHUWWUDLQLQJLQDOO DVSHFWVRIJUH\KRXQGFDUH$VSHRSOHZKRZRUNGD\LQGD\RXWZLWKJUH\KRXQGVDQGZKRORRNDIWHU WKHLUHYHU\QHHG,NQRZWKDWWKHNQRZOHGJHZLOOEHLQFUHGLEO\EHQHILFLDOWRWKHPDVWKH\SURJUHVVLQ WKHLUFDUHHUV ´,WZDVIDQWDVWLFWRVHHVRPHRIWKH$SSUHQWLFHV·WUDLQHUVDFFRPSDQ\WKHPWRGD\DVZHOODVWKHWUDFN SURPRWHUVLQYROYHGLQWKHVFKHPH,QRUGHUWRHQVXUHRXUZHOIDUHVWDQGDUGVUHPDLQWKHEHVWLQWKH ZRUOGLWLVYLWDOWKDWHYHU\RQHLQYROYHGLQRXUVSRUWLVDZDUHRIWKHODWHVWUHVHDUFKVRWKH\FDQSURYLGH WKHYHU\EHVWFDUHWRRXUUDFLQJJUH\KRXQGVµ Find out more about the Animal Care and Welfare Assistant apprenticeship at www.gbgb.org.uk/about/careers/ or contact GBGB HR Manager Zoë Brown on [email protected]. CALENDAR 1 KING SHEERAN VICTORIOUS IN HISTORIC PRODUCE STAKES FINAL AS BGBF CONFIRM AUGUST – DECEMBER SCHEDULE Trainer Liz McNair created her own slice of history when landing a 1-2-3-4 in the 73rd British Bred 2-Year Old Produce Stakes Final at Swindon, with King Sheeran proving dominant in the £15,000 decider for owners and breeder Brendan Keogh and the KSS Syndicate. King Sheeran led home an extraordinary 1-2-3 for February 2017 sons of Eden The Kid and Skate On with Sheeran and runner up King Cash chased home by litter brother King Dylan. Queen Cher (Eden The Kid-Shaws Dilemma, May 17) secured the McNair/KSS clean sweep. Liz Mort, chair of the British Greyhound Breeders Forum (BGBF), said: “What an amazing night – and what cracking dogs we saw in the Produce Stakes this year – especially the final. “All six of them were examples of great breeding, rearing and training, and all thoroughly deserved to have made the final. Sheeran was especially IDQWDVWLFJLYHQKH·VFRPHEDFNIURPDKRFNLQMXU\ that resulted in two screws being put in his leg and a long layoff. “The victory completed a great comeback – and WKHUH·VQRTXHVWLRQWKH.HRJK.660F1DLU /L]0RUWDQG%RE*LOOLQJRIWKH%*%)SUHVHQWWR/L]DQG5DE0F1DLU greyhounds are in a special class at the moment. WRJHWKHUZLWK%UHQGDQ.HRJKDQG6LPRQ6HQ\NRIWKH.666\QGLFDWH (Photo: ) Every time one of their dogs wins a major competition 6WHYH1DVK LW·VOLNHDPDVWHUFODVVLQKRZWREUHHGUHDUDQGWUDLQDFKDPSLRQ²DQGRWKHU%ULWLVKEUHHGHUVPXVW believe they, too, can achieve great things with the dogs they breed. They need to believe in their own ability to turn their pups into flying machines.” 2IWKHKRVWWUDFN0RUWDGGHG´6ZLQGRQLVDJUHDWWUDFNDQGZH·UHVROXFN\WKH\DUHKDSS\WRKRVW DQGUXQWKH3URGXFH6WDNHV²LW·VQRWRQHYHU\RQH·VGRRUVWHSEXWLW·VZRUWKWKHWULS ´:H·UHJUDGXDOO\H[SDQGLQJRXUFRPSHWLWLRQVWRPRUHSDUWVRIWKHFRXQWU\DQGWRGLIIHUHQWWUDFNV2XU QH[W&DWHJRU\2QHZLOOEHDQHZRQH²WKH%*%)1RUWKHUQ3ODWHDW1HZFDVWOHLQ6HSWHPEHU:H·UH all very excited and are grateful to the British Greyhound Racing Fund for enabling us to expand into this important area.” The BGBF has now confirmed its schedule of events for British bred greyhounds for August – December 2019 as follows: British Bred Oaks Doncaster 483m Mon 12th - 26th August Northern Plate Newcastle 480m Thu 12th - 26th September %UHHGHUV·6WDNHV 1RWWLQJKDP P 0RQWKVW2FWREHU British Bred Sprint Harlow 238m Wed 30th October - Wed 13th November British Bred Puppy Oaks Romford 400m Fri 15th - 22nd November British Bred Marathon Romford 750m Fri 22nd November British Bred Derby Sheffield 500m Tue 26th November - Tue 10th December :LQQHUVRIWKH&DWHJRU\2QH%UHHGHUV·6WDNHV%ULWLVK%UHG'HUE\DQGLQDXJXUDO1RUWKHUQ3ODWH will take home £7,500, Category Two winners £4,000 and the winner of the one off Category Three British Bred Marathon at Romford - £1,000. Full details for the above events, which are restricted to greyhounds born and earmarked in Britain, can be found in this and future editions of the GBGB Calendar. 2 VOL 11 NO 16 9 AUGUST 2019 IMPORTANT NOTICES 7KH*UH\KRXQG%RDUGRI*UHDW%ULWDLQZLOOUHFHLYHFRPSODLQWVLQFRQÀGHQFHIURPDQ\RQHFRQFHUQHGDERXWDSRVVLEOHEUHDFKRIWKH5XOHVRI5DFLQJ Send emails to [email protected]*%*%RIÀFHRQ020 7822 0900. Alternatively, write to: The Greyhound Board of Great Britain Ltd, Genesis House, 17 Godliman Street, London EC4V 5BD The Disciplinary Committee wish to advise those appearing before them as “the affected person” that the Disciplinary Committee has the discretion to take account of any previous breaches of the rule(s) of racing which they consider are relevant to a case being heard before them irrespective of the date of commission of the breach. DISCIPLINARY COMMITTEE INQUIRIES Mr Wallis stated at the local inquiry particularly successful trainer should held on the 30 October 2018 “cut corners” in terms of the use of The Disciplinary Committee of the that he believed the positive for category 2 meat despite the frequent GBGB were in attendance at a dexamethasone probably resulted Calendar notices warning against this meeting held on 23 July 2019:- from ‘Surolan Ear Drops and practice for racing greyhounds. Cutaneous Suspension’ prescribed Mr R Woodworth CBE (in the chair) The Committee accepted Professor by Towcester track Veterinary Morris’s evidence that the feeding of Mr R Coughlan Surgeon Polly Smith on the 11 May Dr AJ Higgins category 2 meat was the probable 2018 for MUXTON BELLE. Mr Wallis cause of the dexamethasone 1a Towcester Stadium claimed that Polly Smith had not – MUXTON BELLE – positive. The Committee accepted advised him that MUXTON BELLE that Mr Wallis had not previously Professional Trainer should be laid off for 7 days in Mr Mark Wallis been sanctioned for any breach of accordance with GBGB rules and the rules but in this case cautioned Professional Trainer Mr Mark Wallis he had not thought it necessary to Mr Wallis and fined him £250. was found in breach of rules 152 enter the medication in the treatment (i), 174 (i)(b), 214, 216 and 217 book as he thought it was merely 1b Henlow Stadium – SILVA HILL of the GBGB Rules of Racing in a “wash”. Professor Morris gave – Professional Trainer that a urine sample taken from evidence that ‘Surolan Ear Drops and Mr Mark Wallis the greyhound
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