Vol 11 / No 17 23 August 2019

Fortnightly by Subscription calendar Annual Veterinary Kennel Inspections Re-homing Retired Independently

SEAGLASS TIGER wins the Ladbrokes Gold Cup 2019 at Monmore for owner Evan Herbert and trainer Patrick Janssens (pictured with wife Cheryl (far left) and Photo: Joanne Till kennelhand Kelly Bakewell holding the winner). FOR ALL THE LATEST NEWS - WWW.GBGB.ORG.UK -VSSV^.).)VU;^P[[LY'NYL`OV\UKIVHYK'NINIZ[HɈHUK0UZ[HNYHTHUK-HJLIVVR CATEGORY ONE FINALS

Date Distance Track Event

Mon 26 Aug 500m Puppies Nottingham Puppy

Fri 06 Sep 575m Romford Coral Champion Stakes

Fri 13 Sep 925m Romford Coral TV Trophy

Thu 19 Sep 462m Yarmouth RPGTV East Anglian Derby

Thu 26 Sep 480m British Bred Newcastle BGBF Northern Plate

Fri 27 Sep 400m Puppies Romford

Sat 05 Oct 714m Crayford Jay and Kay Coach Tours Kent

Sun 06 Oct 480m Central Park Ladbrokes

Mon 21 Oct 500m British Bred Nottingham BGBF/Nottingham

Weds 23 Oct 661m Doncaster SIS Yorkshire St Leger

Sun 27 Oct 460m Henlow Henlow Derby

Sat 02 Nov 540m Crayford Ladbrokes

Sat 16 Nov 710m Perry Barr RPGTV St Leger

Mon 18 Nov 500m Nottingham Stakes

Fri 06 Dec 575m Romford Coral Vase


Thu 19 Dec 515m Brighton & Hove Coral



All Professional and trainers are reminded to arrange for their Annual Veterinary Kennel Inspection to take place using the form that was enclosed with their 2019 licence cards, additional forms can be obtained from any Racing Office, from the GBGB office (0207 822 0927), from the GBGB website. The completed form must be returned to the GBGB office by the inspecting Veterinary Surgeon no later than Monday 2nd September 2019. Trainers should contact their Veterinary Surgeon as soon as practical to make an appointment. A copy of the report will be kept on file at the GBGB with a duplicate being held by the Area Stipendiary Steward. RE-HOMING RETIRED GREYHOUNDS INDEPENDENTLY

Rule 18 of the GBGB Rules of Racing holds the last registered owner responsible for making acceptable arrangements for the retirement of a greyhound. These arrangements include two homing options; via a rehoming organisation or by rehoming independently. In addition to the Greyhound Trust, other rehoming organisations can be found on the Association of and Cats website: www.adch.org.uk under the membership section. Many trainers and owners find homes for their greyhounds independently and GBGB welcomes and encourages this when it is done responsibly. When re-homing a greyhound you should ensure: • The greyhound is physically sound and healthy. • The greyhound has clean teeth and is free from parasites such as fleas and worms. • The greyhound is up to date with its vaccinations. Serious consideration should be given to neutering the greyhound prior to rehoming. The success of re-homing is dependent on matching the greyhound to the right home. Vetting new prospective owners and visiting their home prior to the rehoming should be considered to ensure a safe and appropriate environment for the greyhound is provided. It is recommended that a lead, collar, muzzle and coat is supplied with the greyhound as well as an advice booklet, which will give important information to new owners on how to look after a pet greyhound. Information on caring for a retired greyhound can be found on the Greyhound Trust website www. greyhoundtrust.org.uk The GBGB Retirement Form, including details of the new owner must be completed and returned to the GBGB offices within 28 days of the greyhound being retired. GBGB will write to the new owner to confirm their details and to UHFRUGWKHQHZRZQHU·VGHWDLOVDJDLQVWWKHPLFURFKLSThis will ensure that the new owner is compliant with the microchipping regulations and so the rightful owner can be contacted and re-united with their should it become stray. If the rehoming is unsuccessful for any reason, then it is recommended that the new owners are able to return the greyhound to the trainer or be provided with information on suitable rehoming organisations who may be able to assist.


Greyhound racing has a proud history in this country; it is a sport which is an intrinsic part of our national landscape linking generations of families. Simon )UDQNOLQ·VIDPLO\LVRQHVXFKIDPLO\WKDW has passed their love of greyhounds and racing down from generation to generation. Here the Yarmouth Promoter and GBGB %RDUG'LUHFWRUGHVFULEHVKLVIDPLO\·V involvement in the sport and how it has been a trailblazer for greyhound welfare. ´0\IDPLO\·VJUH\KRXQGUDFLQJVWRU\EHJLQVLQ the 1930s after my Grandfather, Len Franklin, ZKROLYHGLQ(VVH[ZHQWWRWKHWKHQ¶QHZ· sport of greyhound racing in London. He 6LPRQ)UDQNOLQZLWKKLVJUDQGIDWKHU/HQDQGGDG6WHSKHQ became a successful professional gambler, regularly attending his two preferred tracks in London. After going on summer holidays to , he became aware of a greyhound racetrack just outside the town at Caister-on-Sea. The track had no facilities but Grandad and his friends decided to purchase the license and negotiated with the local landowner to build a proper stadium on the main road between Great Yarmouth and Caister-on-Sea. Construction of the new stadium was completed just as the Second World War intensified. The first race meeting was held on Saturday 1st May 1940, the day the end of the local pier was blown up to impede invasion! Only a handful of meetings were held before it was forced to close, as all the staff ZHUH¶FDOOHGXS·:KHQWKRVHZKR survived the war returned, the site was cleared, having been requisitioned during the war, and the stadium re-opened on Saturday 7th December 1946. Early in 1947 a large silver Monteith bowl was purchased and the inaugural East Anglian Greyhound Derby was scheduled. Now in its 73rd year, the East Anglian Greyhound Derby KDVHYROYHGLQWRWKH¶PXVWZLQ·HYHQWDIWHUWKH(QJOLVKDQG6FRWWLVK*UH\KRXQGHYHQWV A multi-faceted business such as a stadium, especially one in a busy seaside resort, always has areas where the commitment of family members is invaluable. During school holidays family members were called upon to help. At the age of just nine or ten, my dad, Stephen, helped out in the kennels that was attached WRWKHVWDGLXPLQWKRVHGD\VDOWKRXJKKHUHFDOOVKLV'DGGLGQ·WSD\KLPWKDWZHOO After completing a course in Catering and Hotel Management at Norwich City College, Dad joined the stadium staff full time. A few years later his elder brother Martin returned from South Africa and joined the team. Uncle Martin left the business in the 1980s and when Grandad Len eventually retired, Dad took full control, ably assisted by my Mum Pamela.

2 VOL 11 NO 17 23 AUGUST 2019 History repeated itself with the next generation when my younger brother Justin and I, having done all the holiday jobs, joined the Stadium full time. I now look after all aspects of the stadium, including managing all our office teams, covering race meetings and overseeing track safety. Justin takes care of marketing and manages our award-winning Raceview Restaurant and Executive Lounges. Today the Raceview Restaurant, three Raceview bars and three executive boxes give Great Yarmouth a much needed, year-round attraction which is DKXJHGUDZIRUSHRSOHWRFRPHKHUH:H·UHWKH WRZQ·VODUJHVWHYHQLQJHQWHUWDLQPHQWYHQXHDQGDV ZHOODVJUH\KRXQGUDFLQJZH·YHKHOG6SHGHZRUWK ,QWHUQDWLRQDO·VVWRFNFDUUDFLQJKHUHVLQFHWKHV Whilst holidaymakers are a big part of our business, we have lots of regulars who I chat to week after ZHHNZKHQRYHUVHHLQJWKHWXUQVWLOHV7KHUH·VD VWURQJFRPPXQLW\VSLULWDWRXUVWDGLXPDQGLW·V particularly great to see how popular the dogs are with families – we often have around 150 children here on race days during the summer. At Yarmouth, welfare of our greyhounds has always been our highest priority. My Grandad Len would have EHHQDJKDVWVHHLQJVHYHQSHRSOHVWRRGRXWVLGHKLVVWDGLXPRQD6DWXUGD\QLJKWWHOOLQJKLPKHGLGQ·WFDUH about the welfare of greyhounds. From the very first meeting in 1940 he ensured a vet was in attendance, which even in those days was not an inconsiderable cost. We have had a vet at every race meeting since to ensure our racers are fit and healthy. In fact, Grandad was much more in love with the greyhounds and their racing talents than the business side of the stadium – but he realised he needed the business side to fund the racing! In 1999, after a meeting with one of our racing owners, Steven Gray, who was supporting greyhound homer Mandy Hooker, in Lincolnshire, Dad suggested that we should form our own re-homing organisation, Yarmouth Greyhound Homefinders. The group had a very dedicated fundraiser who managed to raise sufficient funds to start offering veterinary assistance to meet the costs of treating career-ending injuries. We were pleased that other tracks soon IROORZHGVXLWRIIHULQJVLPLODUVFKHPHVSDYLQJWKHZD\IRU*%*%·VQDWLRQDO,QMXU\5HFRYHU\6FKHPH is also wholly committed to finding greyhounds suitable, loving homes at the end of their racing careers. Our Homefinders programme is something my family and the whole team are hugely proud RI:H·UHLQFUHGLEO\WKDQNIXOWRWKHIHZEXWZRQGHUIXOVWDIIDQGWKHKXQGUHGVRIYROXQWHHUVZKRKHOSPDNH the scheme a reality, based at our rehoming kennel, on the A140 Cromer Road in Hainford, . The Homefinders volunteers are a major part of Yarmouth Stadium and they are often found on the turnstiles or restaurant entrance with their retired greyhounds – fundraising, answering questions and showcasing what fantastic pets greyhounds make. 7KHVWDGLXP·VVXFFHVVLVWHVWDPHQWWRP\*UDQGDGDQG'DG·VWLUHOHVVHQHUJ\HQWKXVLDVPDQGKDUGZRUN Not only have we greatly contributed to the local economy, helping finance students through college and XQLYHUVLW\ZLWKSDUWWLPHMREVDVZHOODVSURYLGLQJPDQ\IXOOWLPHMREVZH·YHDOVRVXSSRUWHGORFDOWRXULVP And we have done this whilst fully upholding the welfare of our greyhounds. Dad, who retired ten years DJRLVVWLOOYHU\PXFKLQYROYHGLQWKHVWDGLXPOLNHKLVIDWKHULQWXUQLW·VDIDPLO\FRPPLWPHQWWKDW\RXFDQ·W escape from. %XWIRUPHLWLVQ·WMXVWDERXWFRQWLQXLQJWKHOHJDF\DQGUXQQLQJDVXFFHVVIXOEXVLQHVVLWLVDOVRDERXWWKH love of greyhounds and seeing them do what they do best. I am incredibly proud of the contribution our family has made to the sport through Yarmouth Stadium, over the past 75 years.” This article first featured as a blog on the GBGB website. Read more blogs from individuals LQYROYHGDFURVVWKHVSRUWDWZZZJEJERUJXNDERXWODWHVWQHZV VHOHFWDUWLFOHW\SH¶EORJ· 


7KH*UH\KRXQG%RDUGRI*UHDW%ULWDLQZLOOUHFHLYHFRPSODLQWVLQFRQÀGHQFHIURPDQ\RQHFRQFHUQHGDERXWDSRVVLEOHEUHDFKRIWKH5XOHVRI5DFLQJ Send emails to [email protected]RUFDOOWKH*%*%RIÀFHRQ020 7822 0900. Alternatively, write to: The Greyhound Board of Great Britain Ltd, Genesis House, 17 Godliman Street, London EC4V 5BD

LOCAL INQUIRIES 4 Peterborough Stadium – 02/08/2019, SAMMY JUNIOR, (late TREANMANAGH LASS MIDVILLE), B, bk, D, Candlelight 1 Stadium – TINTREACH At a local inquiry held by the Area King, Silverhill Erica, 05/06/2017, Mr JACK Stipendiary Steward on 11 July 2019, Aftab Zaman At a local inquiry held by the Area professional trainer, Mr T Simmons’s 02/08/2019, MOUNA FELDSPAR, Stipendiary Steward on 12 July explanation was accepted in respect (late GETGOIN BUNDEE), I, bef, D, 2019 owner trainer Mr K Place was of the improved performance of the Superior Product, Pass The Pub, cautioned for a breach of Rule 49(iv) greyhound TREANMANAGH LASS 01/03/2017, Miss Yvonne McMillian & 152(i) in respect of the vomit found at Peterborough Stadium on 22 in the kennel prior to the greyhound February 2019. 02/08/2019, WISHFUL POLLY, (late trialling at on 8 Starting at 4/5F the greyhound RASTAFARI QUEEN), I, bk, B, Laughil May 2019 and his failure to use his had won a 435m race recording a Duke, Genuine Pearl, 07/11/2017, Mr best endeavours to ensure that the calculated time of 26.39 seconds as Robert Little performance of the greyhound was to compared with its best recent time of 02/08/2019, BLUESTAR FLYER, the satisfaction of the Stewards. 27.03 seconds recorded in a trial on (late PENNYS ARES), I, bk, D, Farloe 24 January 2019. Blitz, Corleones Velvet, 02/10/2017, 2 Peterborough Stadium – Mr Nicholas Friar BEST TO COME 5 Romford Stadium 02/08/2019, HENBALL ALLEY, (late At a local inquiry held by the Area At a local inquiry held by the Area KILLOE DIXIE), I, bk, D, Over Limit, Stipendiary Steward on 18 July 2019 Stipendiary Steward on 23 July professional trainer Ms K Gooding Killoe Patsy, 08/04/2017, Mrs Valerie 2019 the Racecourse Executive at Lambe was cautioned for a breach of Rule Romford Stadium was cautioned and 49(iv) in respect of the improved fined £400 for a breach of Rule 152(i) 02/08/2019, LEAZES CAITLIN, performance of the greyhound BEST (ii) in respect of the circumstances (late TRIXIE LOVIN), I, bk, B, Droopys TO COME at Peterborough Stadium that led to the premature release Roddick, Tullig Abigail, 01/09/2017, on 26 October 2018 and her failure of the pickup curtain at Romford Mr David Airey to use her best endeavours to Stadium on 23 June 2019 which 05/08/2019, TRIALS FOR SHOW, ensure that the performance of the resulted in a no race being declared. greyhound was to the satisfaction of (late DROOPYS LEO), I, wbk, D, the Stewards. 6 Romford Stadium – SAMBA Scolari Me Daddy, Droopys Isabella, Opening at 4/1 and starting at 5/1 INDI 03/07/2017, Que Sera Sera the greyhound had won a 435m At a local inquiry held by the Area 06/08/2019, LIBERTY PEARL, race recording a calculated time of Stipendiary Steward on 23 July 2019 (late OULARTLEIGH SKY), I, wbk, B, 26.34 seconds as compared with its professional trainer Mr JS Simpson Scolari Me Daddy, Oulartleighclara, best recent time of 27.16 seconds was cautioned and fined £200 for a 24/10/2016, Mr Anthony Parfitt recorded in a trial on 11 October breach of Rule 61(i), 152(i) in respect RAPIDO GEMMA 2018. 06/08/2019, , of the circumstances surrounding (late CULIATH NO GORM), I, be, the vomit found in the kennel of the 3 Peterborough Stadium – B, Droopys Nidge, Tadhgs Diva, greyhound SAMBA INDI following 11/12/2016, Rapido Racing CLARINA BUD its race at Romford Stadium on 25 At a local inquiry held by the Area May 2019, and his failure to use his 06/08/2019, FOLLOWTHE BLUDOG, Stipendiary Steward on 18 July best endeavours to ensure that the (late ROCKMOUNT BERTIE), I, be, 2019, professional trainer, Mr P Ward performance of the greyhound was to D, Tullymurry Act, Rockmount Twirl, was cautioned for a breach of Rule the satisfaction of the Steward. 09/03/2017, Followthelolly Syndicate 49(iv) in respect of the improved Mr Simpson was also in breach of 07/08/2019, SALACRES JOSH, performance of the greyhound Rule 216 regarding the greyhound’s (late SALACRES BALANCE), I, be, D, CLARINA BUD at Peterborough details missing from the trainer’s Scolari Me Daddy, Balance Sheet, Stadium on 19 December 2018 and kennel and treatment books. his failure to use his best endeavours 01/04/2018, Mr Peter Harnden to ensure that the performance of the 07/08/2019, SPIRE AND MIRE, (late greyhound was to the satisfaction of CHANGES OF GREYHOUNDS’ NAMES BIT VIEW CONOR), I, bk, D, Droopys the Stewards. Buick, Ryecourt Scarlet, 11/05/2018, Opening at 5/2 and starting at 9/2, The following Changes of Bepp Boys Syndicate the greyhound had won a 435m Greyhounds’ Names have been 07/08/2019, SLIGO ALEC, race recording a calculated time of LɈLJ[LKPUHJJVYKHUJL^P[O[OL9\SLZ (late TARGET ROMY), I, bk, D, 26.82 seconds as compared with its of Racing:- Droopys Roddick, Droopys Mazda, best recent time of 27.63 seconds 02/08/2019, BOOMS AWAY, (late 16/10/2017, Mr David Wedgwood recorded in a trial on 13 December MILL FALLON), B, bkw, D, Tullymurry 2018. Act, Mill Babs, 03/03/2017, Tom And Boom Syndicate

4 VOL 11 NO 17 23 AUGUST 2019 08/08/2019, CONEY CIROC, (late 12/08/2019, SAVANA CUCKOO, 14/08/2019, EMPORIO PYTHON, DROMANA DYLAN), I, bk, D, Droopys (late TRACYS STAR), I, wbk, B, (late OUR KELLS BOX), I, wbe, D, Roddick, Dromna Linda, 09/08/2017, Skywalker Puma, Send The Answer, Kisses For Cloda, Molly Garden, Coney Racing Club 01/11/2017, Mr Kevin Boothby 23/09/2017, Mr Alan Stevens 08/08/2019, CROOKS BORIS, (late 12/08/2019, SAVANA PANTHER, 14/08/2019, HOLLYWOOD COCO, HIGHVIEW LINCOLN), I, bk, D, Over (late GRAIGUES TESS), I, wbd, B, (late DRUMCROW BERGI), I, bd, B, Limit, Highview Gem, 18/10/2017, Mr Droopys Nidge, Graigues Penny, Drumcrow William, Hushed Cheer, Stephen Caile 13/02/2018, Mr Kevin Boothby 07/11/2017, Mrs Tilena Welch 08/08/2019, GEELO MINI , 12/08/2019, SAVANA WARREN, 14/08/2019, MINSTRELS ELEVEN, (late GEELO BEE), B, bkw, B, Laughil (late PETITE ARCHIE), I, bdw, D, (late ON HE GOES), I, bkw, D, Duke, Geelo Juliet, 24/05/2018, Geelo Droopys Jet, Petite Suzy, 17/10/2017, Top Honcho, Ballydoyle Honey, Racing Mr Kevin Boothby 13/01/2018, Bassett Boys 08/08/2019, NUTTY SUZIE, (late 12/08/2019, SLIGO DOC, 14/08/2019, PUNKROCKPREACHER, SWING LOW), I, bk, B, Tullymurry (late TARGET MILAN), I, bk, D, (late KELSEYS REV), I, bk, B, Pat C Act, Southest Suzie, 16/06/2017, Mr Droopys Roddick, Droopys Mazda, Sabbath, Fergie, 08/10/2017, David Corcoran 16/10/2017, Mr David Wedgwood Mr Anthony O’Shaughnessy, Mr 08/08/2019, SAVANA DEVO, (late 13/08/2019, BLAZEAWAY ELSIE, Matthew Christelow SAMBUCA), I, f, B, Ballybough Mike, (late DA GOLD CLUB), I, bk, B, 14/08/2019, ROMEO TYRION, Jaytee Sahara, 08/10/2017, Mr Kevin Vimmerby, Piercetown Lucy, (late KEPLAR SEVENTEEN), I, bk, D, Boothby 15/03/2018, Mr Simon Deakin Droopys Roddick, Newinn Exception, 08/08/2019, SAVANA MEDUSA, 13/08/2019, DARWEN , 03/03/2018, Mr David Firmager (late STOUKE SHELIA), I, bd, (late INDIAN BULL), I, bk, D, Pat C 14/08/2019, SAVANA , B, Ballymac Eske, Stouke Bird, Sabbath, Kereight Girl, 07/10/2017, (late FREEDOM LEGEND), I, bk, D, 02/02/2018, Mr Kevin Boothby Mr Jim Hughes Freedom Trade, Freedom Sandy, 08/08/2019, SAVANA PAT, (late 13/08/2019, DINNER RICHNALAN, 06/01/2018, Mr Andrew Egan, Mr BUSINESS ONLINE), I, bkw, D, (late BOYNEPARK LAZ), I, bk, Kevin Boothby Skywalker Puma, Business Diva, D, Makeshift, Boynepark Brae, 14/08/2019, WRAYSBURY ROCKET, 02/10/2017, Mr Kevin Boothby 04/02/2017, TDC Global Investors (late DREAM ON DAD), I, wbe, D, 08/08/2019, SAVANA SIREN, (late 13/08/2019, GRANITE ND GRASS, Scolari Me Daddy, Dream Believer, STOUKE JANE), I, bd, B, Ballymac (late SENAHEL SMOKEY), I, fw, 17/12/2017, Mr Gordon Dale Eske, Stouke Bird, 02/02/2018, Mr B, Superior Product, Senahel Jen, 15/08/2019, KORMIA, (late FLOSS Kevin Boothby 13/10/2017, Mr David Thompson TRY AGAIN), I, bk, B, Tynwald Bish, 08/08/2019, TRICKY BALOO, (late 13/08/2019, KEYLIGHT STAR, (late Kuma Floss, 24/06/2017, Mr Ian Wills BLASTOFF BEAUDEN), I, wbd, D, GENTLE TAYLOR), I, wbk, D, Taylors 15/08/2019, RATHBAWN PADDY, Droopys Sydney, Blastoff Sally, Sky, Ballycannon Babe, 17/04/2018, (late BALLYHIDE PADDY), I, bk, 22/02/2018, Mr Robert Holt Keylight Hire Ltd D, Candlelight King, Kilrush Kelly, 08/08/2019, CROSS KEYS JILL, 13/08/2019, RATCHIES MOFARRA, 06/09/2016, Mr Neal Smith (late ASHVILLE JILL), I, f, B, Pat C (late GO DREA GO), I, wbe, B, Sabbath, Unlikely Faye, 19/10/2017, Superior Product, Lemon Fabia, LICENCES GRANTED Cross Keys Racing 20/10/2017, Mr Michael Stewart 09/08/2019, BRUT BLANC, 13/08/2019, WILLOWDALE JET, OFFICIALS (late WOODSGIFT ACT), I, bk, (late SOME SMASHER), I, bd, CENTRAL PARK D, Tullymurry Act, Congo Hope, B, Droopys Jet, Diva Express, CLARK Colin (Mr) 27/08/2017, Mr Roy Smith 01/10/2017, Mr Cornelius Condon, Mr – Hare Controller 09/08/2019, MARSHALLS MILLIE, James McDonald PETERBOROUGH (late STALLONE LILY), I, wbd, B, 13/08/2019, ZARAS DELPHI, (late BOSMA Remco (Mr) Droopys Nidge, Riverside Annie, HIGH ST HAZEL), I, f, B, Superior – Veterinary Surgeon 19/03/2018, Miss Rebecca Marshall Product, High St Becky, 03/08/2017, POOLE 09/08/2019, SEAGLASS SKYLA, Stophers Racing Syndicate LOWE Daniel Edward (Mr) (late SLANEYSIDE RUA), I, bk, B, 14/08/2019, CANT BLAME KAY, – Local Steward, Paddock Steward Pat C Sabbath, Slaneyside Asher, (late SWIFT DISMISS), I, bk, B, Farloe ROMFORD 14/04/2018, Mr Evan Herbert Blitz, Swift Krul, 08/04/2018, Mr Colin ACTON Glenn Richard (Mr) 09/08/2019, SUMMER SWIFT, Fowle – Hare Controller, Paddock Steward, (late WOW FIERY LADY), I, bkw, 14/08/2019, CHAMBERLAIN RAFA, Starter B, Paradise Madison, Tyrur Janine, (late WOODENSTOWN EXIT), I, bk, 07/04/2016, Mr Cornel Dragan D, Droopys Jet, Woodenstown Bib, GEEVES Peter (Mr) 12/08/2019, EXPENSIVE HABIT, 04/07/2016, Miss Linda Brown – Local Steward (late YAHOO JASPER), I, bk, D, 14/08/2019, DUNBAR KING, (late Knockglass Billy, Yahoo Roxy, LANODY BREND), I, bk, D, Confident ASSISTANT TRAINER 17/09/2017, Mr Tom McNab Rankin, Lanody Pearl, 14/09/2016, STONER Miss VJ PT Mr S Mavrias 12/08/2019, KENTISH PRINCE, Mrs Terri Leech HEAD KENNELHAND (late NOTE BENE), I, bd, D, Droopys PIPER Mr TS PT Mrs YLE Gaskin Roddick, Marys Note, 15/08/2017, Mr SHARP Miss VC PT Mr GA Griffiths Colin Moore WRIGHT Miss DL PT Miss A Thompson

CALENDAR 5 KENNELHANDS LICENSED MILLER Mr SR OT Mr S Miller ATTACHED AYLING Ms LD PT Mrs YLE Gaskin MURPHY Mr J PT Mr EJ Cantillon BIRCHAM Mr JD PT Mr NJ Bircham NEVIN Mr TRM PT Mr TJ Nevin KINSLEY BLAKENEY Mr J GT Mr KW Moore NEVIN Mrs KA PT Mr TJ Nevin SMITH Gary James (Mr) BLAND Miss JL PT Mr P Miller NEWBERRY Mr D PT Mr TJ Nevin NEWBERRY Mrs T PT Mr TJ Nevin BUNTING Miss AL PT Mr MJ Fieldson CHANGE OF TRAINER ATTACHMENT BURLING Mr T PT Mr J Daly O’HARA Mr CJ PT Mr TJ Nevin BURRELL Mr JC GT Mr G Rafferty O’HARA Mr J PT Mr TJ Nevin SHEFFIELD BUTTON Miss JD OT Mr GK Hockings O’HARA Mrs DJ PT Mr TJ Nevin AKERS Chris Robert (Mr) CADMAN Mr DM PT Miss J Llewellin PALMER Mr AJ GT Mr RC Philpot COATES Mr MA PT Mr R Holt PEARSON Miss L PT Mr DA O’Brien PERRY BARR CONLEY Ms CL PT Mrs AM Kibble RHODES Mrs KL PT Mr DA O’Brien FISHER Joseph (Mr) COOPER Mr LA PT Mr VK Thom ROBINSON Mr KL PT Mrs K Blackbird CORCORAN Mr DW PT Mr T Bedford SAMUELS Miss KN PT Mrs EG Samuels CONFIRMED OFFENDERS Mr AK GT Mr SJ Roberts SIDEBOTTOM Mr A GT Mr J Waugh DAVENPORT Mr R PT Miss A Thompson SMITH Mr LS PT Mr KP Boon The following greyhounds reported DENNIFF Mr CM PT Miss KM Grayson STEELS Miss AL PT Mr LM Steward to the Greyhound Regulatory Board DUPAS Mr S PT Mr JM Ray TANCOCK Mrs MJ PT Mr PR Chatfield HZJVUÄYTLKVɈLUKLYZOH]LILLU EASTON Mr J PT Mrs W Dawson THOMPSON Mr TCE PT Mr R Thompson >HYULK6ɈHSSYHJLJV\YZLZSPJLUZLK ENGLISH Mr JAW GT Mr GS Hamilton WADE Miss K PT Mr TC Heilbron by them in accordance with Rule 55 Mr MT PT Mrs PI Cowdrill WEATHERSTONE Mr LJ GT Mr R Hale of the Rules of Racing:- GAUSDEN Miss GE PT Mr P Clarke WHITE Mr D PT Mr SA Cahill KANTURK REPEAT, I, bk, B, GOODWRIGHT Mr JC PT Mr AMP Collett WOODMAN Mr JR PT Mr P Clarke Tullymurry Act, Coolykereen Joy, GRIFFITHS Miss AR PT Mr JR Hall YEOMANS Mr MD PT Mr JE Hayton 07/06/2016 HALL Miss E OT Mr H Thompson-Brown YOUNG Mr J PT Mr NJ Saunders HALL Miss SL PT Mrs LA Taylorson HALLSWORTH Miss JK PT Mr JR Hall OWNER TRAINERS NOTIFICATION OF GREYHOUND SALES HARRIS Miss EJL PT Mr ME Wiley HEDGES Mrs BE PT Mr TJ Nevin WILLIAMS Michael Ross (Mr) HENLOW HITCHINGS Miss LL PT Mr NJ Deas DURHAM (Unattached) Wednesday 4th September 2019 JIMENEZ Miss OM PT Mr PA Sallis (Anglo Irish Greyhound Sales) LEVERS Mr JS PT Miss GL Davidson LICENCES RELINQUISHED POOLE LINNELL Miss KJ PT Mr A Stone Monday 16th September 2019 LINNELL Mr NA PT Mr A Stone GREYHOUND TRAINERS (Banner Group Sales) LISTER Miss CJ PT Mr SJ Atkinson BEANEY Raymond (Mr) LISTER Mr OR PT Mr S Roberts DURHAM MACISAAC Mr K OT Ms J O’Neill (Attached ) MCDERMOTT Miss NC GT Mr D Robinson MERRICK Mr DB GT Mr D Talbot POWER George Scott (Mr) MILES Mr LE PT Mr AJ Taylor MIDLOTHIAN ([[HJOLK:OH^ÄLSK


Sire Dam Dogs Bitches Whelping Sire Dam Dogs Bitches Whelping Afew Dollarsmore Atouchofvenus 3 1 02/05/2019 Laughil Blake Prime Time 0 1 07/04/2019 Ballymac Eske Express Blackie 2 1 21/01/2019 Leamaneigh Turbo Bramble Panther 3 3 01/04/2019 Candlelight King Steely Charm 3 5 18/04/2019 Lemon Pumba Copeland Betty 2 6 18/04/2019 Clonbrien Hero Pippy 2 1 17/03/2019 Lil Risky Stockwell 3 3 14/09/2017 Dorotas Wildcat Bonville Twirl 2 1 23/04/2019 Magical Bale Dorotas Star 6 6 10/05/2019 Droopys Jet Forest Natalee 6 5 05/05/2019 Moors Dingo Multi Laner 6 3 19/04/2019 Droopys Nidge A Bit Of Grace 1 3 01/04/2019 Salad Dodger My Little Dream 3 2 03/04/2019 Eden The Kid Queen Paloma 3 2 14/03/2019 Vans Escalade Molly The Legend 2 6 01/04/2019 Laughil Blake Crewe Bay Ber 3 4 11/04/2019

6 VOL 11 NO 17 23 AUGUST 2019 Open Races General Conditions Unless otherwise stated the following will apply to all open races advertised in this issue of the Calendar: • The Standard Conditions of Entry (Rules of • Entries close to the Racing Managers, at after the closing date for entries unless Racing, Rule 82) and international Entries the addresses of the stadiums concerned, otherwise indicated in the conditions. at the times and on the date shown. and Conditions where applicable (Rule • When reference is made in the calendar 83). • The draw for traps (and heats, where applicable) is made under Rule 80 by the regarding greyhounds who have not won • &ODVVLÀFDWLRQ:LGH5XQQHUV²2SHQ5DFHV Secretary of the GBGB, or their appointed an open race at the time of closing, it refers (Rules of Racing, Rule 79(b)). representative, as soon as possible to GBGB open races.

Sat 19th October Thu 24th October Kirkmanshulme Lane, Gorton, )(77.96<76-*647(50,: *69(3)90./;65),33, Manchester, M18 7BA 569;/,95-3(; Heats Tel 0870 8407504 Final 515m Flat, 36 bitches & 3 resvs www.lovethedogs.co.uk 470m Flat, 6 greyhounds Noon Mon 21st October Winner £1000 and trophy + jacket; Winner £250; others £50 2nd £250; others £50 For BITCHES only CATEGORY TWO Sat 5th October BRIGHTON & HOVE STADIUM Thu 31st October Nevill Road, Hove, East Sussex, )(77.96<76-*647(50,: BN3 7BZ *69(3)90./;65),33, :*<99@*<7 Tel 01273 013364 :LTP-PUHSZ Heats 515m Flat, 18 bitches www.brightonandhovegreyhoundstadium.co.uk 260m Flat, 24 greyhounds & 3 resvs Winner £300; others £50 Noon Mon 30th September Runners not attached to Hove will receive Winner £200; others £40 £15 appearance money. Also a £40 bonus Thu 7th November for ANY trainer supplying 4 or more Sat 12th October runners. *69(3)90./;65),33, Final )(77.96<76-*647(50,: CATEGORY TWO 515m Flat, 6 bitches :*<99@*<7 :LTP-PUHSZ Thu 10th October Winner £2500 and trophy; 2nd £500; 260m Flat, 12 greyhounds others £250 Winner £200; others £40 :,(:65::*(--63+05.7<77@ ;967/@ CATEGORY THREE Sat 19th October Heats 490m Flat, 18 puppies & 3 resvs Thu 29th August Noon Mon 7th October )(77.96<76-*647(50,: :*<99@*<7 Winner £250; others £50 5,=033:;(5+(9+ Final For puppies whelped in November Heats 260m Flat, 6 greyhounds 2017 or younger 515m Flat, 18 greyhounds & 3 resvs Winner £2500 and trophy + jacket; Noon Mon 26th August 2nd £350; 3rd £250; others £100 Thu 17th October Winner £250; others £50

:,(:65::*(--63+05.7<77@ CATEGORY THREE ;967/@ 5,=033:;(@,9: Final Heats Sat 12th October 490m Flat, 6 puppies 695m Flat, 18 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Mon 26th August Winner £2500 and trophy; 2nd £500; )(77.96<76-*647(50,: others £250 Winner £250; others £50 569;/,95-3(; Heats 470m Flat, 18 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Mon 7th October Winner £200; others £40

CALENDAR 7 Thu 5th September Thu 19th September 5,=0334(0+,57<770,: 490m Flat, 6 maiden puppies & 2 5,=0334(0+,5 5,=0337<770,: resvs Heats Final Noon Mon 26th August 515m Flat, 18 maidens & 3 resvs 490m Flat, 6 puppies Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 Noon Mon 2nd September Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; For puppies whelped in September Winner £200; others £50 others £50 2017 or younger that have NOT won For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race at the time of closing an open race at the time of closing 5,=0333(+0,: Final 5,=0334(0+,5:7905; *69(3:7905; 515m Flat, 6 bitches 285m Flat, 6 maidens & 2 resvs Heats Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; Noon Mon 26th August 285m Flat, 18 greyhounds & 3 resvs others £50 Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 Noon Mon 2nd September For greyhounds that have NOT won Winner £250; others £50 an open race at the time of closing MINOR 5,=033:;(5+(9+ Thu 29th August *69(3/<9+3, Final 515m Hurdles, 6 greyhounds & 2 515m Flat, 6 greyhounds 5,=0337<770,: resvs Noon Mon 26th August Winner £1000 and trophy; 2nd £100; 490m Flat, 6 puppies & 2 resvs others £50 Noon Mon 26th August Winner £300 and trophy; others £50 Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 5,=033:;(@,9: For puppies whelped in September Thu 5th September Final 2017 or younger 695m Flat, 6 greyhounds *69(34(0+,5:7905; Winner £1000 and trophy; 2nd £100; 5,=0334(0+,5 285m Flat, 6 maidens & 2 resvs others £50 515m Flat, 6 maidens & 2 resvs Noon Mon 2nd September Noon Mon 26th August Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 Thu 12th September Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race at the time of closing 5,=0334(0+,5 an open race at the time of closing Final *69(3  515m Flat, 6 greyhounds 5,=033:7905; 490m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; 285m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Mon 2nd September others £50 Noon Mon 26th August Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 *69(3:7905; *69(34(0+,5:;(@,9: Final 5,=0333(+0,: 695m Flat, 6 maidens & 2 resvs 285m Flat, 6 greyhounds 490m Flat, 6 bitches & 2 resvs Noon Mon 2nd September Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; Noon Mon 26th August Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 others £50 Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won For BITCHES only an open race at the time of closing 5,=0337<770,: Heats 5,=0334(0+,5 *69(33(+0,: 490m Flat, 18 puppies & 3 resvs 740m Flat, 6 maidens & 2 resvs 515m Flat, 6 bitches & 2 resvs Noon Mon 9th September Noon Mon 26th August Noon Mon 2nd September Winner £250; others £50 Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For puppies whelped in October For greyhounds that have NOT won For BITCHES only 2017 or younger an open race at the time of closing *69(37<770,: 5,=0333(+0,: 5,=033>055,96-65,:;(@,9: 490m Flat, 6 puppies & 2 resvs Heats 695m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Mon 2nd September 515m Flat, 18 bitches & 3 resvs Noon Mon 26th August Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 Noon Mon 9th September Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For puppies whelped in October Winner £250; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won 2017 or younger For BITCHES only more than one open race over six bends at time of closing *69(3/<9+3, 515m Hurdles, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Mon 2nd September Winner £300 and trophy; others £50

8 VOL 11 NO 17 23 AUGUST 2019 *69(356=0*,:;(@,9: :<5+(@50./;:;(5+(9+ 695m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Eurolink, Sittingbourne, Kent, Final Noon Mon 2nd September ME10 3SB 480m Flat, 6 greyhounds Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 Tel 01795 438438 Winner £500 and trophy; others £60 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race over 575m or further at www.centralparkstadium.co.uk the time of closing ;/,203305.),*2:7905; Runners not attached to Central Park will Heats Thu 12th September receive £15 appearance money. Also a £25 265m Flat, 18 greyhounds & 4 resvs bonus for a trainer supplying three or more Noon Wed 4th September runners. Winner £200; others £50 5,=033:;(5+(9+ 515m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Mon 9th September CATEGORY ONE ;/,203305.),*256=0*, :;(@,9: Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 Sun 22nd September Heats 642m Flat, 18 novices & 3 resvs 5,=0334(0+,5:7905; 3(+)962,:2,5;+,9)@ Noon Wed 4th September 285m Flat, 6 maidens & 2 resvs Heats Winner £200; others £50 Noon Mon 9th September 480m Flat, 36 greyhounds & 6 resvs For greyhounds that have NOT won Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 Noon Wed 18th September an open race over 600 metres or further at the time of closing For greyhounds that have NOT won Winner £175; others £60 an open race at the time of closing Sun 15th September Sun 29th September 5,=0334(0+,5  490m Flat, 6 maidens & 2 resvs :<5+(@50./;4(0+,5 3(+)962,:2,5;+,9)@ Heats Noon Mon 9th September :LTP-PUHSZ 480m Flat, 18 maidens & 4 resvs Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 480m Flat, 18 greyhounds For greyhounds that have NOT won Noon Wed 11th September an open race at the time of closing Winner £200; others £60 Winner £200; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won Sun 6th October an open race at the time of closing 5,=033:;(@,9: 695m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Mon 9th September 3(+)962,:2,5;+,9)@ ,<96:<0;,3(+0,: Final Heats Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 480m Flat, 6 greyhounds 480m Flat, 18 bitches & 4 resvs Winner £7500 and trophy; 2nd £1000; Noon Wed 11th September 5,=0334(0+,5:;(@,9: others £500 Winner £200; others £50 695m Flat, 6 maidens & 2 resvs For BITCHES only Noon Mon 9th September CATEGORY THREE Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 ;/,203305.),*2:7905; For greyhounds that have NOT won Sun 1st September Final an open race at the time of closing 265m Flat, 6 greyhounds :<5+(@50./;40504(0+,5 Winner £500 and trophy; others £60 5,=033 Heats 475m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs 450m Flat, 18 maidens & 4 resvs Noon Mon 9th September Noon Wed 28th August ;/,203305.),*256=0*, :;(@,9: Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 Winner £200; others £50 Final For greyhounds that have NOT won 642m Flat, 6 greyhounds an open race at the time of closing 5,=033/<9+3,+(:/ Winner £500 and trophy; others £60 285m Hurdles, 6 greyhounds & 2 :<5+(@50./;:;(5+(9+ resvs Sun 22nd September Noon Mon 9th September Heats Winner £300 and trophy; others £50 480m Flat, 18 greyhounds & 4 resvs Noon Wed 28th August :<5+(@50./;4(0+,5 Final Winner £200; others £50 480m Flat, 6 greyhounds Sun 8th September Winner £500 and trophy; others £60

:<5+(@50./;40504(0+,5 ,<96:<0;,3(+0,: Final Final 450m Flat, 6 greyhounds 480m Flat, 6 bitches Winner £500 and trophy; others £60 Winner £500 and trophy; others £60

CALENDAR 9 Sun 29th September *,5;9(37(924(0+,5 203305.),*2:<7,9:;(@,9: :;(@,9: 708m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs 3(+)962,::;(@,9: 642m Flat, 6 maidens & 2 resvs Noon Wed 4th September Heats Noon Wed 28th August Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 642m Flat, 18 greyhounds & 4 resvs Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 Noon Wed 25th September For greyhounds that have NOT won Winner £200; others £50 an open race at the time of closing 203305.),*24(0+,5 480m Flat, 6 maidens & 2 resvs Noon Wed 4th September Sun 6th October *,5;9(37(924(0+,5:7905; Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 265m Flat, 6 maidens & 2 resvs For greyhounds that have NOT won 3(+)962,::;(@,9: Noon Wed 28th August an open race at the time of closing Final Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 642m Flat, 6 greyhounds For greyhounds that have NOT won 203305.),*2:;(@,9: Winner £500 and trophy; others £60 an open race at the time of closing 642m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Wed 4th September *,5;9(37(92:;(5+(9+ MINOR Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 480m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Sun 1st September Noon Wed 28th August Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 203305.),*2:7905; *,5;9(37(92 265m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Wed 4th September 450m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Fri 6th September Noon Wed 28th August Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 :;3(+)962,:2,5;+,9)@ ;90(3:;(2,: Fri 13th September *,5;9(37(924(0+,5 480m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Tue 3rd September *,5;9(37(92:7905;/<9+3, 480m Flat, 6 maidens & 2 resvs Noon Wed 28th August Winner £300 and trophy; others £50 265m Hurdles, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 Noon Tue 10th September For greyhounds that have NOT won *,5;9(37(92:7905;/<9+3, Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 an open race at the time of closing 265m Hurdles, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs *,5;9(37(92/<9+3, Noon Tue 3rd September 5+3(+)962,:2,5;+,9)@ ;90(3:;(2,: 480m Hurdles, 6 greyhounds & 2 Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 resvs 480m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Tue 10th September Noon Wed 28th August *,5;9(37(924(0+,5 Winner £300 and trophy; others £50 :;(@,9: Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 642m Flat, 6 maidens & 3 resvs *,5;9(37(92:7905; Noon Tue 3rd September -90+(@50./;4(0+,5 265m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 480m Flat, 6 maidens & 3 resvs Noon Wed 28th August For greyhounds that have NOT won Noon Tue 10th September an open race at the time of closing Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won *,5;9(37(924(0+,5:7905; an open race at the time of closing *,5;9(37(92:<7,9 :;(5+(9+ 265m Flat, 6 maidens & 3 resvs Noon Tue 3rd September -90+(@:;(@,9: 500m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Wed 28th August Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 642m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs For greyhounds that have NOT won Noon Tue 10th September Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 an open race at the time of closing Winner £300 and trophy; others £50

*,5;9(37(9240504(0+,5 Sun 8th September -90+(@:7905; 450m Flat, 6 maidens & 2 resvs Noon Wed 28th August 265m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs 203305.),*2:;(5+(9+ Noon Tue 10th September Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 480m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won Noon Wed 4th September an open race at the time of closing Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 Sun 15th September

203305.),*2/<9+3, 9+3(+)962,:2,5;+,9)@ 480m Hurdles, 6 greyhounds & 3 ;90(3:;(2,: resvs 480m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Wed 4th September Noon Wed 11th September Winner £300 and trophy; others £50 Winner £300 and trophy; others £50

10 VOL 11 NO 17 23 AUGUST 2019 :<5+(@50./; -90+(@50./;4(0+,5 CRAYFORD STADIUM 450m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs 480m Flat, 6 maidens & 3 resvs Stadium Way, Crayford, Kent, Noon Wed 11th September Noon Tue 17th September DA1 4HR Winner £300 and trophy; others £50 Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 Tel 01322 522262 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race at the time of closing www.crayford.com ,<963052:;(@,9: 642m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Trainers not attached to Crayford will Noon Wed 11th September -90+(@50./;4(0+,5:;(@,9: receive £15 appearance money. Winner £300 and trophy; others £50 642m Flat, 6 maidens & 3 resvs Noon Tue 17th September Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 CATEGORY ONE ,<963052/677,9: For greyhounds that have NOT won 480m Hurdles, 6 greyhounds & 3 an open race at the time of closing Sat 21st September resvs Noon Wed 11th September -90+(@50./;:7905; 1(@ 2(@*6(*/;6<9:2,5; Winner £300 and trophy; others £50 :;3,.,9 265m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Heats Noon Tue 17th September 97.;=4(0+,5:7905; 714m Flat, 36 greyhounds & 6 resvs Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 Noon Tue 17th September 265m Flat, 6 maidens & 3 resvs Noon Wed 11th September Winner £250; 2nd £60; others £50 -90+(@50./; Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won 450m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Sat 28th September an open race at the time of closing Noon Tue 17th September Winner £300 and trophy; others £50 1(@ 2(@*6(*/;6<9:2,5; 97.;=4(0+,5 :;3,.,9 Sun 22nd September :LTP-PUHSZ 450m Flat, 6 maidens & 3 resvs Noon Wed 11th September 714m Flat, 18 greyhounds Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 3(+)962,::7905; Winner £300; 2nd £100; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won 265m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs an open race at the time of closing Noon Wed 18th September Sat 5th October Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 97.;=4(0+,5 1(@ 2(@*6(*/;6<9:2,5; 480m Flat, 6 maidens & 3 resvs 3(+)962,:4(0+,5 :;3,.,9 Final Noon Wed 11th September 480m Flat, 6 maidens & 3 resvs Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 Noon Wed 18th September 714m Flat, 6 greyhounds For greyhounds that have NOT won Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 Winner £7500 and trophy + jacket; an open race at the time of closing For greyhounds that have NOT won 2nd £500; 3rd £200; others £100 an open race at the time of closing 97.;=4(0+,5:;(@,9: Sat 19th October 642m Flat, 6 maidens & 3 resvs 3(+)962,:4(0+,5:<7,9 Noon Wed 11th September :;(@,9: 3(+)962,:.63+*633(9 Heats Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 708m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs For greyhounds that have NOT won Noon Wed 18th September 540m Flat, 36 greyhounds & 6 resvs an open race at the time of closing Winner £300 and trophy; others £50 Noon Tue 15th October Winner £250; 2nd £60; others £50 97.;=4(9(;/65 3(+)962,:/<9+3, Sat 26th October 893m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs 480m Hurdles, 6 greyhounds & 3 Noon Wed 11th September resvs Winner £300 and trophy; others £50 Noon Wed 18th September 3(+)962,:.63+*633(9 :LTP-PUHSZ Winner £300 and trophy; others £50 Fri 20th September 540m Flat, 18 greyhounds Winner £300; 2nd £100; others £50 3(+)962,: -90+(@50./;4(0+,5:7905; 450m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs 265m Flat, 6 maidens & 3 resvs Noon Wed 18th September Sat 2nd November Noon Tue 17th September Winner £300 and trophy; others £50 Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 3(+)962,:.63+*633(9 For greyhounds that have NOT won Final an open race at the time of closing 3(+)962,:4(9(;/65 540m Flat, 6 greyhounds 893m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Winner £8000 and trophy + jacket; Noon Wed 18th September 2nd £500; 3rd £200; others £100 Winner £300 and trophy; others £50

CALENDAR 11 CATEGORY THREE 3(+)962,:>/,9,;/,5(;065 Sat 7th September 73(@::;(@,9:/<9+3, Sat 7th September 540m Hurdles, 6 greyhounds & 2 3(+)962,:/64,6-;/,6++: resvs )66:;>055,96-;>6/<9+3, 3(+)962,:*64:,7;,4),9 Noon Tue 27th August 380m Hurdles, 6 greyhounds & 2 4(0+,5;967/@ Winner £250 and trophy; 2nd £60; resvs Heats others £50 Noon Tue 3rd September 540m Flat, 18 greyhounds & 4 resvs Preference is given to greyhounds Winner £200 and trophy; 2nd £60; Noon Tue 3rd September who have raced or trialled over others £50 Winner £200; 2nd £60; others £50 hurdles at Crayford For greyhounds that have NOT won For greyhounds that have NOT won more than two hurdle open races at the time of closing an open race over 540m or further at 3(+)962,:>/,9,;/,5(;065 the time of closing 73(@::;(@,9::;(2,: Preference is given to greyhounds who have raced or trialled over 714m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs hurdles at Crayford Sat 14th September Noon Tue 27th August Winner £250 and trophy; 2nd £60; 3(+)962,:*64:,7;,4),9 others £50 3(+)962,:/64,6-;/,6++: 4(0+,5;967/@ )66:;3(+0,::7905; Final 380m Flat, 6 bitches & 2 resvs 540m Flat, 6 greyhounds 3(+)962,:>/,9,;/,5(;065 Noon Tue 3rd September 73(@:7<77@:;(2,: Winner £250 and trophy; 2nd £60; Winner £750 and trophy; 2nd £100; 540m Flat, 6 puppies & 2 resvs others £50 others £50 Noon Tue 27th August For BITCHES only Winner £250 and trophy; 2nd £60; MINOR others £50 For puppies whelped in September 3(+)962,:/64,6-;/,6++: Sat 31st August 2017 or younger )66:;/<9+3, 380m Hurdles, 6 greyhounds & 2 3(+)962,:>/,9,;/,5(;065 resvs 3(+)962,:>/,9,;/,5(;065 Noon Tue 3rd September 73(@::7905; 73(@::;(2,: Winner £250 and trophy; 2nd £60; 380m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs 540m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Tue 27th August others £50 Noon Tue 27th August Preference is given to greyhounds Winner £250 and trophy; 2nd £60; Winner £250 and trophy; 2nd £60; who have raced or trialled over others £50 others £50 hurdles at Crayford

3(+)962,:>/,9,;/,5(;065 3(+)962,:>/,9,;/,5(;065 3(+)962,:/64,6-;/,6++: 73(@:/<9+3, 73(@:3(+0,::;(2,: )66:;4(0+,5:;(@,9: 380m Hurdles, 6 greyhounds & 2 540m Flat, 6 bitches & 2 resvs 714m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs resvs Noon Tue 27th August Noon Tue 3rd September Noon Tue 27th August Winner £250 and trophy; 2nd £60; Winner £200 and trophy; 2nd £60; Winner £250 and trophy; 2nd £60; others £50 others £50 others £50 For BITCHES only For greyhounds that have NOT won Preference is given to greyhounds an open race over eight bends at the who have raced or trialled over time of closing hurdles at Crayford 3(+)962,:>/,9,;/,5(;065 73(@:4(0+,5:;(@,9: 714m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs 3(+)962,:/64,6-;/,6++: 3(+)962,:>/,9,;/,5(;065 Noon Tue 27th August )66:;:;(2,: 73(@:4(9(;/65 Winner £200 and trophy; 2nd £60; 540m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs 874m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs others £50 Noon Tue 3rd September Noon Tue 27th August For greyhounds that have NOT won Winner £250 and trophy; 2nd £60; Winner £300 and trophy; 2nd £100; an open race over eight bends at the others £50 others £50 time of closing 1(@ 2(@*6(*/;6<9:2,5; 3(+)962,:>/,9,;/,5(;065 :;3,.,9;90(3:;(2,: 73(@:4(0+,5:;(2,: 714m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs 540m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Tue 3rd September Noon Tue 27th August Winner £250 and trophy; 2nd £60; Winner £200 and trophy; 2nd £60; others £50 others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race over 540m or further at the time of closing

12 VOL 11 NO 17 23 AUGUST 2019 3(+)962,:/64,6-;/,6++: 3(+)962,:*64:,7;,4),9 Wed 16th October )66:;:7905; :7905; 380m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs 380m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs :0:@692:/09,:;3,.,9 Noon Tue 3rd September Noon Tue 10th September :LTP-PUHSZ Winner £250 and trophy; 2nd £60; Winner £250 and trophy; 2nd £60; 661m Flat, 18 greyhounds others £50 others £50 Winner £225; others £50

3(+)962,:/64,6-;/,6++: 1(@ 2(@*6(*/;6<9:2,5; Wed 23rd October )66:;4(0+,5:7905; :;3,.,9;90(3:;(2,: 380m Flat, 6 maidens & 2 resvs 714m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs :0:@692:/09,:;3,.,9 Noon Tue 3rd September Noon Tue 10th September Final Winner £200 and trophy; 2nd £60; Winner £250 and trophy; 2nd £60; 661m Flat, 6 greyhounds others £50 others £50 Winner £12000 and trophy; 2nd For greyhounds that have NOT won £1500; 3rd £500; others £250 an open race at the time of closing 3(+)962,:*64:,7;,4),9 4(0+,5:;(2,: Sat 14th September MINOR 540m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Tue 10th September Mon 2nd September 3(+)962,:*64:,7;,4),9 Winner £200 and trophy; 2nd £60; 3(+0,::;(2,: others £50 +65*(:;,9 :;(5+(9+ 540m Flat, 6 bitches & 2 resvs For greyhounds that have NOT won Noon Tue 10th September an open race over 540m or further at 483m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Thu 29th August Winner £250 and trophy; 2nd £60; the time of closing others £50 Winner £200; others £50 For BITCHES only 3(+)962,:*64:,7;,4),9 /<9+3, +65*(:;,9:7905; 3(+)962,:*64:,7;,4),9 380m Hurdles, 6 greyhounds & 2 275m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs 4(0+,5:7905; resvs Noon Thu 29th August 380m Flat, 6 maidens & 2 resvs Noon Tue 10th September Winner £200; others £50 Noon Tue 10th September Winner £250 and trophy; 2nd £60; others £50 Winner £200 and trophy; 2nd £60; +65*(:;,9:;(5+(9+ others £50 Preference is given to greyhounds For greyhounds that have NOT won who have raced or trialled over 450m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs an open race at the time of closing hurdles at Crayford Noon Thu 29th August Winner £200; others £50 3(+)962,:*64:,7;,4),9 3(+)962,:*64:,7;,4),9 4(0+,5:;(@,9: :;(2,: +65*(:;,9:;(@,9: 714m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs 540m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs 661m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Tue 10th September Noon Tue 10th September Noon Thu 29th August Winner £200 and trophy; 2nd £60; Winner £250 and trophy; 2nd £60; Winner £200; others £50 others £50 others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won +65*(:;,9 4(0+,5 an open race over eight bends at the DONCASTER STADIUM time of closing 483m Flat, 6 maidens & 3 resvs Station Road, Stainforth, Noon Thu 29th August Nr Doncaster, DN7 5HS Winner £200; others £50 3(+)962,:*64:,7;,4),9 Tel 01302 843710 7<77@:;(2,: For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race at the time of closing 540m Flat, 6 puppies & 2 resvs www.doncastergreyhoundstadium.co.uk Noon Tue 10th September +65*(:;,94(0+,5:;(@,9: Winner £250 and trophy; 2nd £60; CATEGORY ONE others £50 661m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs For puppies whelped in October Wed 9th October Noon Thu 29th August 2017 or younger Winner £200; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won :0:@692:/09,:;3,.,9 an open race over further than 515m 3(+)962,:*64:,7;,4),9 Heats :;(@,9:/<9+3, at the time of closing 661m Flat, 36 greyhounds & 6 resvs 540m Hurdles, 6 greyhounds & 2 Noon Mon 7th October resvs +65*(:;,97<77@ Winner £200; others £50 Noon Tue 10th September 450m Flat, 6 puppies & 3 resvs Winner £250 and trophy; 2nd £60; Noon Thu 29th August others £50 Winner £200; others £50 Preference is given to greyhounds For puppies whelped in October who have raced or trialled over 2017 or younger hurdles at Crayford

CALENDAR 13 Mon 9th September +65*(:;,9 4(0+,5 +65*(:;,94(0+,5:;(@,9: 483m Flat, 6 maidens & 3 resvs 661m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs +65*(:;,97<77@ Noon Thu 12th September Noon Thu 19th September 450m Flat, 6 puppies & 3 resvs Winner £200; others £50 Winner £200; others £50 Noon Thu 5th September For greyhounds that have NOT won For greyhounds that have NOT won Winner £200; others £50 an open race at the time of closing an open race over further than 515m For puppies whelped in October at the time of closing 2017 or younger +65*(:;,9 :;(5+(9+ 483m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs +65*(:;,9:7905; +65*(:;,9:;(5+(9+ Noon Thu 12th September 275m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs 450m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Winner £200; others £50 Noon Thu 19th September Noon Thu 5th September Winner £200; others £50 Winner £200; others £50 +65*(:;,9:;(@,9: Mon 30th September 661m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs +65*(:;,9 4(0+,5 Noon Thu 12th September 483m Flat, 6 maidens & 3 resvs Winner £200; others £50 +65*(:;,97<77@ Noon Thu 5th September 450m Flat, 6 puppies & 3 resvs Winner £200; others £50 Noon Thu 26th September +65*(:;,94(0+,5:;(@,9: For greyhounds that have NOT won Winner £200; others £50 an open race at the time of closing 661m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs For puppies whelped in October Noon Thu 12th September 2017 or younger +65*(:;,9 :;(5+(9+ Winner £200; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won 483m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs an open race over further than 515m +65*(:;,9:;(5+(9+ Noon Thu 5th September at the time of closing 450m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Winner £200; others £50 Noon Thu 26th September +65*(:;,9:7905; Winner £200; others £50 +65*(:;,9:;(@,9: 275m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs 661m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Thu 12th September +65*(:;,9 4(0+,5 Noon Thu 5th September Winner £200; others £50 483m Flat, 6 maidens & 3 resvs Winner £200; others £50 Noon Thu 26th September Mon 23rd September Winner £200; others £50 +65*(:;,94(0+,5:;(@,9: For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race at the time of closing 661m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs +65*(:;,97<77@ Noon Thu 5th September 450m Flat, 6 puppies & 3 resvs Winner £200; others £50 Noon Thu 19th September +65*(:;,9 :;(5+(9+ For greyhounds that have NOT won Winner £200; others £50 483m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs an open race over further than 515m For puppies whelped in October Noon Thu 26th September at the time of closing 2017 or younger Winner £200; others £50

+65*(:;,9:7905; +65*(:;,9:;(5+(9+ +65*(:;,9:;(@,9: 275m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs 450m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs 661m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Thu 5th September Noon Thu 19th September Noon Thu 26th September Winner £200; others £50 Winner £200; others £50 Winner £200; others £50

Mon 16th September +65*(:;,9 4(0+,5 +65*(:;,94(0+,5:;(@,9: 483m Flat, 6 maidens & 3 resvs 661m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs +65*(:;,97<77@ Noon Thu 19th September Noon Thu 26th September 450m Flat, 6 puppies & 3 resvs Winner £200; others £50 Winner £200; others £50 Noon Thu 12th September For greyhounds that have NOT won For greyhounds that have NOT won Winner £200; others £50 an open race at the time of closing an open race over further than 515m For puppies whelped in October at the time of closing 2017 or younger +65*(:;,9 :;(5+(9+ 483m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs +65*(:;,9:7905; +65*(:;,9:;(5+(9+ Noon Thu 19th September 275m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs 450m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Winner £200; others £50 Noon Thu 26th September Noon Thu 12th September Winner £200; others £50 Winner £200; others £50 +65*(:;,9:;(@,9: 661m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Thu 19th September Winner £200; others £50

14 VOL 11 NO 17 23 AUGUST 2019 HARLOW STADIUM /(936>4(0+,5:;(@,9: /(936>>,+5,:+(@ The Pinnacles, Roydon Road, 4652,@ :;(5+(9+ Heats Harlow, Essex, CM19 5DY 415m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Tel 01279 639248 592m Flat, 12 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Mon 26th August Noon Mon 16th September Winner £175; others £45 www.harlowgreyhounds.co.uk Winner £150; others £45 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race over 410m or further at /(936>>,+5,:+(@:7905; CATEGORY THREE the time of closing 238m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Mon 26th August Wed 28th August Wed 25th September Winner £175; others £45 /(936>4(0+,54652,@ Heats /(936>4(0+,5:;(@,9: /(936>>,+5,:+(@:;(@,9: 4652,@ 592m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs 415m Flat, 12 greyhounds & 3 resvs Final Noon Mon 26th August Noon Mon 26th August 592m Flat, 6 greyhounds Winner £150; others £45 Winner £175; others £45 For greyhounds that have NOT won Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; an open race over 410m or further at others £45 Wed 4th September the time of closing. /(936>4(0+,54652,@ /(936>>,+5,:+(@:;(@,9: Wed 4th September Heats 592m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs 415m Flat, 12 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Mon 2nd September Noon Mon 23rd September /(936>4(0+,54652,@ Winner £175; others £45 Final Winner £150; others £45 415m Flat, 6 greyhounds For greyhounds which have not won an open race over 410m or further at /(936>>,+5,:+(@4(0+,5 Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; :7905; others £45 the time of closing. 238m Flat, 6 maidens & 3 resvs Wed 2nd October Noon Mon 2nd September /(936>:7905;4652,@ Heats Winner £175; others £45 /(936>4(0+,54652,@ For greyhounds that have NOT won 238m Flat, 12 greyhounds & 3 resvs Final an open race at the time of closing Noon Mon 2nd September 415m Flat, 6 greyhounds Winner £150; others £45 Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; /(936>>,+5,:+(@4(0+,5 others £45 :;(@,9: Wed 11th September 592m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Mon 2nd September MINOR /(936>:7905;4652,@ Winner £175; others £45 Final Wed 28th August For greyhounds that have NOT won 238m Flat, 6 greyhounds an open race over 580m or further at Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; the time of closing. others £45 /(936>>,+5,:+(@4(0+,5 415m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs /(936>>,+5,:+(@:7905; Noon Mon 26th August /(936>:;(5+(9+4652,@ 238m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Heats Winner £175; others £45 Noon Mon 2nd September For greyhounds which have not won 415m Flat, 12 greyhounds & 3 resvs an open race over 410m or further at Winner £175; others £45 Noon Mon 9th September the time of closing. Winner £150; others £45 /(936>>,+5,:+(@ /(936>>,+5,:+(@4(0+,5 :;(5+(9+ Wed 18th September :7905; 415m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs 238m Flat, 6 maidens & 3 resvs Noon Mon 2nd September /(936>:;(5+(9+4652,@ Noon Mon 26th August Winner £175; others £45 Final Winner £175; others £45 415m Flat, 6 greyhounds For greyhounds that have NOT won /(936>>,+5,:+(@4(0+,5 an open race at the time of closing Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; 415m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs others £45 Noon Mon 2nd September /(936>>,+5,:+(@4(0+,5 Winner £175; others £45 :;(@,9: For greyhounds which have not won 592m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs an open race over 410m or further at Noon Mon 26th August the time of closing. Winner £175; others £45 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race over 580m or further at the time of closing

CALENDAR 15 Wed 11th September /(936>>,+5,:+(@4(0+,5 /(936>>,+5,:+(@4(0+,5 415m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs :;(@,9: /(936>>,+5,:+(@4(0+,5 Noon Mon 16th September 592m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs :;(@,9: Winner £175; others £45 Noon Mon 23rd September 592m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs For greyhounds which have not won Winner £175; others £45 Noon Mon 9th September an open race over 410m or further at For greyhounds which have not won Winner £175; others £45 the time of closing. an open race over 580m or further at For greyhounds which have not won the time of closing. an open race over 580m or further at the time of closing. /(936>>,+5,:+(@ :;(5+(9+ /(936>>,+5,:+(@:;(@,9: 415m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs 592m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs /(936>>,+5,:+(@4(0+,5 Noon Mon 16th September Noon Mon 23rd September 415m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Winner £175; others £45 Winner £175; others £45 Noon Mon 9th September Winner £175; others £45 For greyhounds which have not won /(936>>,+5,:+(@4(0+,5 an open race over 410m or further at :;(@,9: Bedford Road, Lower Stondon, the time of closing. 592m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Bedfordshire, SG16 6EA Noon Mon 16th September Tel 01462 851920 Winner £175; others £45 /(936>>,+5,:+(@ www.henlowdogs.co.uk :;(5+(9+ For greyhounds which have not won an open race over 580m or further at 415m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs the time of closing. Noon Mon 9th September MINOR Winner £175; others £45 /(936>>,+5,:+(@:;(@,9: Sun 1st September 592m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs /(936>>,+5,:+(@4(0+,5 Noon Mon 16th September /,536>4(0+,5 :7905; Winner £175; others £45 550m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs 238m Flat, 6 maidens & 3 resvs 1pm Wed 28th August Noon Mon 9th September Wed 25th September Winner £200 and trophy; others £60 Winner £175; others £45 For greyhounds that have NOT won For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race further than 515m at an open race at the time of closing /(936>>,+5,:+(@4(0+,5 :7905; the time of closing /(936>>,+5,:+(@:;(@,9: 238m Flat, 6 maidens & 3 resvs Noon Mon 23rd September /,536> 4050 592m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs 428m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Mon 9th September Winner £175; others £45 For greyhounds that have NOT won 1pm Wed 28th August Winner £175; others £45 an open race at the time of closing Winner £250 and trophy; others £60

/(936>>,+5,:+(@:7905; /(936>>,+5,:+(@:7905; /,536>7<770,: 238m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs 238m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs 460m Flat, 6 puppies & 2 resvs Noon Mon 9th September Noon Mon 23rd September 1pm Wed 28th August Winner £175; others £45 Winner £175; others £45 Winner £250 and trophy; others £60 For puppies whelped in October Wed 18th September /(936>>,+5,:+(@4(0+,5 2017 or younger 415m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs /(936>>,+5,:+(@4(0+,5 Noon Mon 23rd September /,536>:;(@,9: :7905; Winner £175; others £45 692m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs 238m Flat, 6 maidens & 3 resvs For greyhounds which have not won 1pm Wed 28th August Noon Mon 16th September an open race over 410m or further at Winner £250 and trophy; others £60 Winner £175; others £45 the time of closing. For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race at the time of closing /,536>4(0+,5 /(936>>,+5,:+(@ :;(5+(9+ 460m Flat, 6 maidens & 2 resvs 1pm Wed 28th August /(936>>,+5,:+(@:7905; 415m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs 238m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Mon 23rd September Winner £200 and trophy; others £60 Noon Mon 16th September For greyhounds that have NOT won Winner £175; others £45 an open race at the time of closing Winner £175; others £45 /,536>40+0 550m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs 1pm Wed 28th August Winner £250 and trophy; others £60

16 VOL 11 NO 17 23 AUGUST 2019 /,536>+(:/ /,536>4(0+,5 /,536>4(0+,5 277m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs 460m Flat, 6 maidens & 2 resvs 460m Flat, 6 maidens & 2 resvs 1pm Wed 28th August 1pm Wed 4th September 1pm Wed 11th September Winner £250 and trophy; others £60 Winner £200 and trophy; others £60 Winner £200 and trophy; others £60 For greyhounds that have NOT won For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race at the time of closing an open race at the time of closing /,536>:;(5+(9+ 460m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs 1pm Wed 28th August /,536>4(0+,5 /,536>40+0 Winner £250 and trophy; others £60 428m Flat, 6 maidens & 2 resvs 550m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs 1pm Wed 4th September 1pm Wed 11th September Winner £200 and trophy; others £60 Winner £250 and trophy; others £60 /,536> 4(0+,54050 For greyhounds that have NOT won 428m Flat, 6 maidens & 2 resvs an open race at the time of closing 1pm Wed 28th August /,536> 4050 Winner £200 and trophy; others £60 Sun 15th September 428m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs For greyhounds that have NOT won 1pm Wed 11th September an open race at the time of closing Winner £250 and trophy; others £60 /,536>+(:/ Sun 8th September 277m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Sun 22nd September 1pm Wed 11th September Winner £250 and trophy; others £60 /,536>7<770,: /,536>+(:/ 460m Flat, 6 puppies & 2 resvs 277m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs 1pm Wed 4th September /,536>7<770,: 1pm Wed 18th September Winner £250 and trophy; others £60 460m Flat, 6 puppies & 2 resvs Winner £250 and trophy; others £60 For puppies whelped in October 1pm Wed 11th September 2017 or younger Winner £250 and trophy; others £60 For puppies whelped in October /,536> 4(0+,54050 2017 or younger 428m Flat, 6 maidens & 2 resvs /,536>+(:/ 1pm Wed 18th September 277m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs /,536>4(0+,5 Winner £200 and trophy; others £60 1pm Wed 4th September For greyhounds that have NOT won Winner £250 and trophy; others £60 550m Flat, 6 maidens & 2 resvs an open race at the time of closing 1pm Wed 11th September Winner £200 and trophy; others £60 /,536>:;(@,9: For greyhounds that have NOT won /,536> 4050 692m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs an open race further than 515m at 428m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs 1pm Wed 4th September the time of closing 1pm Wed 18th September Winner £250 and trophy; others £60 Winner £250 and trophy; others £60 /,536> 40504(0+,5 /,536>:;(5+(9+ 428m Flat, 6 maidens & 2 resvs /,536>4(0+,5 460m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs 1pm Wed 11th September 460m Flat, 6 maidens & 2 resvs 1pm Wed 4th September Winner £200 and trophy; others £60 1pm Wed 18th September Winner £250 and trophy; others £60 For greyhounds that have NOT won Winner £200 and trophy; others £60 an open race at the time of closing For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race at the time of closing /,536> 4050 /,536>:;(@,9: 428m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs 1pm Wed 4th September 692m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs /,536>:;(5+(9+ 1pm Wed 11th September Winner £250 and trophy; others £60 460m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Winner £250 and trophy; others £60 1pm Wed 18th September Winner £250 and trophy; others £60 /,536>4(0+,5 /,536>:;(5+(9+ 550m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs 1pm Wed 4th September 460m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs /,536>4(0+,5 1pm Wed 11th September Winner £200 and trophy; others £60 550m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs For greyhounds that have NOT won Winner £250 and trophy; others £60 1pm Wed 18th September an open race further than 515m at Winner £200 and trophy; others £60 the time of closing ;/,;/,64,5;A0:4,4690(3 For greyhounds that have NOT won 9(*, an open race further than 515m at the time of closing /,536>40+0 460m Flat, 6 british bred & 2 resvs 550m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs 1pm Wed 11th September 1pm Wed 4th September Winner £500 and trophy + jacket; /,536>40+0 Winner £250 and trophy; others £60 others £50 550m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs For BRITISH BRED greyhounds only 1pm Wed 18th September Winner £250 and trophy; others £60

CALENDAR 17 /,536>:;(@,9: /,536>7<770,: 3(+)962,::<44,9-,:;0=(3 692m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs 460m Flat, 6 puppies & 2 resvs   1pm Wed 18th September 1pm Wed 25th September 480m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Winner £250 and trophy; others £60 Winner £250 and trophy; others £60 11am Wed 28th August For puppies whelped in October Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; 2017 or younger others £60 /,536>7<770,: 460m Flat, 6 puppies & 2 resvs 1pm Wed 18th September 3(+)962,::<44,9-,:;0=(3 Sutherland Avenue, Monmore  7<77@ Winner £250 and trophy; others £60 For puppies whelped in October Green, Wolverhampton, WV2 2JJ 480m Flat, 6 puppies & 3 resvs 2017 or younger Tel 01902 456663 11am Wed 28th August Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; www.monmoredogs.co.uk Sun 29th September others £60 For puppies whelped in September 2017 or younger /,536>+(:/ CATEGORY TWO 277m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Sat 23rd November 3(+)962,::<44,9-,:;0=(3 1pm Wed 25th September 4(0+,5 Winner £250 and trophy; others £60 3(+)962,:;9(-(3.(9*<7 630m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs 2019 11am Wed 28th August /,536> 4(0+,54050 Heats Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; 428m Flat, 6 maidens & 2 resvs 480m Flat, 18 puppies & 6 resvs others £60 1pm Wed 25th September 11am Wed 20th November For greyhounds that have NOT won Winner £250; others £60 an open race over six bends at the Winner £200 and trophy; others £60 time of closing For greyhounds that have NOT won For puppies whelped in December an open race at the time of closing 2017 or younger 3(+)962,::<44,9-,:;0=(3   /,536> 4050 Sat 30th November 684m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs 428m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs 11am Wed 28th August 1pm Wed 25th September 3(+)962,:;9(-(3.(9*<7 2019 Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; Winner £250 and trophy; others £60 Final others £60 480m Flat, 6 puppies /,536>4(0+,5 Winner £2500 and trophy + jacket; Sat 14th September 460m Flat, 6 maidens & 2 resvs 2nd £500; others £250 1pm Wed 25th September 3(+)962,:(<;<45-,:;0=(3 Winner £200 and trophy; others £60 4(0+,5 MINOR For greyhounds that have NOT won 630m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs an open race at the time of closing Sat 31st August 11am Wed 11th September Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; /,536>:;(5+(9+ 3(+)962,::<44,9-,:;0=(3 others £60 460m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs  For greyhounds that have NOT won 1pm Wed 25th September an open race over six bends at the 264m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs time of closing Winner £250 and trophy; others £60 11am Wed 28th August Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; others £60 3(+)962,:(<;<45-,:;0=(3 /,536>4(0+,5  4(0+,5 550m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs 480m Flat, 6 maidens & 3 resvs 1pm Wed 25th September 3(+)962,::<44,9-,:;0=(3 11am Wed 11th September  4(0+,5 Winner £200 and trophy; others £60 Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; For greyhounds that have NOT won 480m Flat, 6 maidens & 3 resvs others £60 an open race further than 515m at 11am Wed 28th August For greyhounds that have NOT won the time of closing Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; an open race at the time of closing others £60 /,536>40+0 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race at the time of closing 3(+)962,:(<;<45-,:;0=(3 550m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs   1pm Wed 25th September 480m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Winner £250 and trophy; others £60 3(+)962,::<44,9-,:;0=(3 11am Wed 11th September  Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; /,536>:;(@,9: 630m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs others £60 11am Wed 28th August 692m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs 1pm Wed 25th September Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; others £60 Winner £250 and trophy; others £60

18 VOL 11 NO 17 23 AUGUST 2019 3(+)962,:(<;<45-,:;0=(3 3(+)962,:(<;<45-,:;0=(3 MINOR   Thu 29th August 630m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs 630m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs 11am Wed 11th September 11am Wed 25th September Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; ,33,5(5+;/,-<52;65,: others £60 others £60 :05.05.(-;,99(*05.65 :(;<9+(@ ;/:,7;,4),9 )90;0:/)9,+ 3(+)962,:(<;<45-,:;0=(3 3(+)962,:(<;<45-,:;0=(3 480m Flat, 6 british bred & 3 resvs  4(0+,5 Noon Mon 26th August 264m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs 630m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Winner £200 and trophy; others £45 11am Wed 11th September 11am Wed 25th September For BRITISH BRED greyhounds only Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; others £60 others £60 For greyhounds that have NOT won ,?*3<:0=,9,:;(<9(5;+,(3: an open race over six bends at the ;/96<./6<;;/,@,(9(; 3(+)962,:(<;<45-,:;0=(3 time of closing 5,>*(:;3,+6.::,5069:   480m Flat, 6 seniors & 3 resvs 684m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Mon 26th August 11am Wed 11th September 3(+)962,:(<;<45-,:;0=(3   Winner £200 and trophy; others £45 Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; For greyhounds whelped in August others £60 684m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs 2015 or older 11am Wed 25th September Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; 3(+)962,:(<;<45-,:;0=(3 others £60 5,>*(:;3,.9,@/6<5+  7<77@ :;(+0<47<77@ 480m Flat, 6 puppies & 3 resvs 480m Flat, 6 puppies & 3 resvs 11am Wed 11th September Noon Mon 26th August The Fossway, Byker, Newcastle Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; Winner £200 and trophy; others £45 others £60 Upon Tyne, NE6 2XJ For puppies whelped in September For puppies whelped in October Tel 0191 210 5305 2017 or younger 2017 or younger www.newcastledogs.com )0.*0;@:05.05.(-;,99(*05. Sat 28th September 65:(;<9+(@;/56=,4),9 CATEGORY ONE :7905; 3(+)962,:(<;<45-,:;0=(3 290m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs  Thu 12th September Noon Mon 26th August 264m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Winner £175 and trophy; others £45 11am Wed 25th September ).)-)90;0:/)9,+569;/,95 Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; 73(;, Heats >>>5,>*(:;3,+6.:*64 others £60 :;(@,9: 480m Flat, 36 british bred & 6 resvs Noon Tue 10th September 640m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs 3(+)962,:(<;<45-,:;0=(3 Noon Mon 26th August   Winner £200; others £45 For BRITISH BRED greyhounds only - Winner £200 and trophy; others £45 480m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs BORN and EARMARKED in Britain 11am Wed 25th September )662@6<9*/90:;4(:7(9;@ Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; Thu 19th September (;5,>*(:;3,+6.::;(5+(9+ others £60 480m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs ).)-)90;0:/)9,+569;/,95 Noon Mon 26th August 3(+)962,:(<;<45-,:;0=(3 73(;, Winner £200 and trophy; others £45  4(0+,5 :LTP-PUHSZ 480m Flat, 6 maidens & 3 resvs 480m Flat, 18 british bred 11am Wed 25th September -6336>5,>*(:;3, Winner £200; others £45 .9,@/6<5+:;(+0<465 Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; :6*0(34,+0()0;*/,: others £60 For greyhounds that have NOT won Thu 26th September 480m Flat, 6 bitches & 3 resvs an open race at the time of closing Noon Mon 26th August ).)-)90;0:/)9,+569;/,95 Winner £200 and trophy; others £45 73(;, For BITCHES only 3(+)962,:(<;<45-,:;0=(3 Final  7<77@ 480m Flat, 6 british bred 480m Flat, 6 puppies & 3 resvs 11am Wed 25th September Winner £7500 and trophy + jacket; 2nd £1000; others £500 Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; Winning Breeder receives £500 others £60 For puppies whelped in October )YLLKLYZVMV[OLYÄUHSPZ[ZYLJLP]L 2017 or younger £200

CALENDAR 19 Thu 5th September ,?*3<:0=,9,:;(<9(5;+,(3: >>>5,>*(:;3,+6.:*64 (;5,>*(:;3,.9,@/6<5+: :<7,9:;(@,9: 5,>*(:;3,.9,@/6<5+ :;(@,9: 706m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs :;(+0<4)90;0:/)9,+ 640m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Mon 23rd September :;(5+(9+ Noon Mon 16th September Winner £200 and trophy; others £45 480m Flat, 6 british bred & 3 resvs Winner £200 and trophy; others £45 Noon Mon 2nd September Winner £200 and trophy; others £45 5,>*(:;3,.9,@/6<5+ For BRITISH BRED greyhounds only >>>5,>*(:;3,+6.:*64 :;(+0<4:;(@,9: :<7,9:;(@,9: 640m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs 706m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Mon 23rd September -6336>'5,>*(:;3,+6.:65 Noon Mon 16th September ;>0;;,9:;(5+(9+ Winner £200 and trophy; others £45 Winner £200 and trophy; others £45 480m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Mon 2nd September NOTTINGHAM STADIUM Thu 26th September Winner £200 and trophy; others £45 Colwick Park, Nottingham, NG2 4BE >>>5,>*(:;3,+6.:*64 Tel 0115 910 3331 >>>5,>*(:;3,+6.:*64 )90;0:/)9,+:;(5+(9+ :<7,9:;(@,9: 480m Flat, 6 british bred & 3 resvs www.nottinghamdogs.com 706m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Mon 23rd September Noon Mon 2nd September Winner £200 and trophy; others £45 15% of the prize money advertised for Winner £200 and trophy; others £45 the Nottingham open races below, will For BRITISH BRED greyhounds only be deducted from the prize money for all runners and paid to the respective trainer. -6336>5,>*(:;3, 5,>*(:;3,.9,@/6<5+ 2% Prize Money Deduction for Local .9,@/6<5+:;(+0<465 :;(+0<4)90;0:/)9,+7<77@ Greyhound Trust branches. -(*,)662:;(@,9: 480m Flat, 6 british bred puppies & The management reserve the right to 640m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs 3 resvs refuse entries. Noon Mon 2nd September Noon Mon 23rd September Winner £200 and trophy; others £45 Winner £200 and trophy; others £45 For BRITISH BRED puppies whelped CATEGORY ONE in October 2017 or younger 5,>*(:;3,.9,@/6<5+ Mon 7th October :;(+0<4:7905; 290m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs -6336>'5,>*(:;3,+6.:65 Noon Mon 2nd September ;>0;;,94(0+,5  ).)-56;;05./(4)90;0:/ )9,,+,9::;(2,: Winner £175 and trophy; others £45 480m Flat, 6 maidens & 3 resvs Heats Noon Mon 23rd September 500m Flat, 36 british bred & 12 resvs Thu 19th September Winner £200 and trophy; others £45 11am Thu 3rd October For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race at the time of closing Winner £200; others £50 5,>*(:;3,.9,@/6<5+ For BRITISH BRED greyhounds only :;(+0<4)90;0:/)9,+7<77@ who were born and earmarked in 480m Flat, 6 british bred puppies & -6336>5,>*(:;3, Britain. 3 resvs .9,@/6<5+:65-(*,)662 :,5069::;(5+(9+ Noon Mon 16th September Mon 14th October Winner £200 and trophy; others £45 480m Flat, 6 seniors & 3 resvs Noon Mon 23rd September For BRITISH BRED puppies whelped ).)-56;;05./(4)90;0:/ in October 2017 or younger Winner £200 and trophy; others £45 )9,,+,9::;(2,: For greyhounds whelped in :LTP-PUHSZ September 2015 or older >>>5,>*(:;3,+6.:*64 500m Flat, 18 british bred )90;0:/)9,+:;(5+(9+ Winner £250; others £50 480m Flat, 6 british bred & 3 resvs >>>5,>*(:;3,+6.:*64 :;(5+(9+ Noon Mon 16th September Mon 21st October Winner £200 and trophy; others £45 480m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs For BRITISH BRED greyhounds only Noon Mon 23rd September Winner £200 and trophy; others £45 ).)-56;;05./(4)90;0:/ )9,,+,9::;(2,: -6336>5,>*(:;3, Final .9,@/6<5+:;(+0<465 )662@6<9*/90:;4(: 500m Flat, 6 british bred :6*0(34,+0(:;(5+(9+ 7(9;@>0;/<:(;5,>*(:;3, .9,@/6<5+:;(+0<4:7905; Winner £7500 and trophy; 2nd £1000; 480m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs others £500 Noon Mon 16th September 290m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs The breeder of the winning Winner £200 and trophy; others £45 Noon Mon 23rd September greyhound will receive £500 from the Winner £175 and trophy; others £45 BGBF. ;OLIYLLKLYZVMHSSSVZPUNÄUHSPZ[Z^PSS receive £200 each from the BGBF.

20 VOL 11 NO 17 23 AUGUST 2019 MINOR *(9305.7<77@;967/@ 56;;05./(4:;(+0<44(0+,5: ;967/@ Mon 2nd September 500m Flat, 6 puppies & 3 resvs 11am Thu 5th September 500m Flat, 6 maidens & 3 resvs Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 11am Thu 19th September :;(+0<4)6624(2,9: For puppies whelped in October Winner £175 and trophy; others £40 :;(@,9:;967/@ 2017 or younger For greyhounds that have NOT won 680m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs an open race at the time of closing 11am Thu 29th August Mon 16th September Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 56;;05./(4:;(+0<4  56;;05./(4:;(+0<47<77@ ;967/@ :;(+0<4)6624(2,9::7905; ;967/@ 680m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs ;967/@ 480m Flat, 6 puppies & 3 resvs 11am Thu 19th September 305m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs 11am Thu 12th September Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 11am Thu 29th August Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 For puppies whelped in October ).)-56;;05./(4)90;0:/ 2017 or younger )9,,+,9:;90(3:;(2, :;(+0<4)6624(2,9: 500m Flat, 6 british bred & 3 resvs :;(5+(9+;967/@ 56;;05./(4:;(+0<4:;(@,9: 11am Thu 19th September 500m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs ;967/@ Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 11am Thu 29th August 730m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs For BRITISH BRED greyhounds only Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 11am Thu 12th September Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 Mon 30th September :;(+0<4)6624(2,9:  ;967/@ 56;;05./(4:;(+0<4:7905; ).)-56;;05./(4)90;0:/ 480m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs ;967/@ )9,,+,9:;90(3:;(2, 11am Thu 29th August 305m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs 500m Flat, 6 british bred & 3 resvs Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 11am Thu 12th September 11am Thu 26th September Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 For BRITISH BRED greyhounds only :;(+0<4)6624(2,9:4(0+,5 ;967/@ 56;;05./(4:;(+0<44(0+,5 500m Flat, 6 maidens & 3 resvs ;967/@ :;(+0<4)6624(2,9::7905; 11am Thu 29th August 500m Flat, 6 maidens & 3 resvs ;967/@ Winner £175 and trophy; others £40 11am Thu 12th September 305m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs For greyhounds that have NOT won Winner £175 and trophy; others £40 11am Thu 26th September an open race at the time of closing For greyhounds that have NOT won Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 an open race at the time of closing Mon 9th September :;(+0<4)6624(2,9:7<77@ 56;;05./(4:;(+0<4 ;967/@ *(9305.*0+,9:7905;;967/@ :;(5+(9+;967/@ 500m Flat, 6 puppies & 3 resvs 305m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs 500m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs 11am Thu 26th September 11am Thu 5th September 11am Thu 12th September Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 For puppies whelped in October 2017 or younger Mon 23rd September *(9305.)3(*2-9<0;:*0+,9 ;967/@ :;(+0<4)6624(2,9:4(0+,5 ;967/@ 500m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs 56;;05./(4:;(+0<4  11am Thu 5th September ;967/@ 480m Flat, 6 maidens & 3 resvs 11am Thu 26th September Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 480m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs 11am Thu 19th September Winner £175 and trophy; others £40 Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won *669:30./;4(0+,5;967/@ an open race at the time of closing 480m Flat, 6 maidens & 3 resvs 11am Thu 5th September 56;;05./(4:;(+0<4 :;(5+(9+;967/@ :;(+0<4)6624(2,9: Winner £175 and trophy; others £40 :;(@,9:;967/@ For greyhounds that have NOT won 500m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs 11am Thu 19th September 730m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs an open race at the time of closing 11am Thu 26th September Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 >69;/05.;65::;(@,9: ;967/@ 680m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs 11am Thu 5th September Winner £200 and trophy; others £50

CALENDAR 21 Sat 14th September ;/,36=,;/,+6.:)0;*/,: Aldridge Road, Perry Barr, :;(2,: ;/,36=,;/,+6.:+(:/ Birmingham, B42 2ET 480m Flat, 6 bitches & 3 resvs Tel 0121 331 3912 Noon Wed 28th August 275m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Winner £225 and trophy; others £45 Noon Wed 11th September www.lovethedogs.co.uk For BITCHES only Winner £225 and trophy; others £45

Runners not attached to Perry Barr will receive £15 appearance money. ;/,36=,;/,+6.:+(:/ ;/,36=,;/,+6.::;(5+(9+ 275m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs 480m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Wed 28th August Noon Wed 11th September CATEGORY ONE Winner £225 and trophy; others £45 Winner £225 and trophy; others £45 Sat 2nd November ;/,36=,;/,+6.:4(0+,5 ;/,36=,;/,+6.:4(0+,5 :;(@,9: 97.;=:;3,.,9 480m Flat, 6 maidens & 3 resvs Heats 660m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Wed 11th September Noon Wed 28th August 710m Flat, 36 greyhounds & 6 resvs Winner £180 and trophy; others £35 11am Wed 30th October Winner £225 and trophy; others £45 For greyhounds that have NOT won For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race at the time of closing Winner £250; others £75 an open race over six bends at the time of closing Sat 9th November ;/,36=,;/,+6.:)0;*/,: :;(2,: Sat 7th September 480m Flat, 6 bitches & 3 resvs 97.;=:;3,.,9 Noon Wed 11th September :LTP-PUHSZ ;/,36=,;/,+6.:+(:/ Winner £225 and trophy; others £45 710m Flat, 18 greyhounds 275m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs For BITCHES only Winner £500; others £100 Noon Wed 4th September Winner £225 and trophy; others £45 ;/,36=,;/,+6.:>055,96- Sat 16th November 65,:;(@,9: ;/,36=,;/,+6.::;(5+(9+ 660m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs 97.;=:;3,.,9 480m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Wed 11th September Final Noon Wed 4th September Winner £225 and trophy; others £45 710m Flat, 6 greyhounds Winner £225 and trophy; others £45 For greyhounds that have NOT won Winner £15000 and trophy + jacket; more than one open race over six 2nd £1500; 3rd £700; others £350 bends at time of closing ;/,36=,;/,+6.:4(0+,5 480m Flat, 6 maidens & 3 resvs MINOR ;/,36=,;/,+6.::<7,9 Noon Wed 4th September :;(@,9: Sat 31st August Winner £180 and trophy; others £35 710m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs For greyhounds that have NOT won Noon Wed 11th September an open race at the time of closing ;/,36=,;/,+6.::;(5+(9+ Winner £225 and trophy; others £45 480m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs ;/,36=,;/,+6.:>055,96- Noon Wed 28th August 65, Winner £225 and trophy; others £45 480m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Wed 4th September ;/,36=,;/,+6.::<7,9 Winner £225 and trophy; others £45 :;(@,9: For greyhounds that have NOT won 710m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs more than one open race at the time Noon Wed 28th August of closing Winner £225 and trophy; others £45 ;/,36=,;/,+6.:4(0+,5 +(:/ ;/,36=,;/,+6.:4(0+,5 275m Flat, 6 maidens & 3 resvs 480m Flat, 6 maidens & 3 resvs Noon Wed 4th September Noon Wed 28th August Winner £180 and trophy; others £35 Winner £180 and trophy; others £35 For greyhounds that have NOT won For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race at the time of closing an open race at the time of closing

;/,36=,;/,+6.::;(@,9: 660m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Wed 4th September Winner £225 and trophy; others £45

22 VOL 11 NO 17 23 AUGUST 2019 ROMFORD STADIUM CATEGORY THREE 964-69+-90+(@50./; London Road, Romford, Essex, :;(@,9: Fri 30th August Heats RM7 9DU Tel 01708 773 419 575m Flat, 18 greyhounds & 6 resvs 964-69+-90+(@50./; Noon Tue 17th September www.romforddogs.co.uk :;(5+(9+ Winner £250; others £50 Heats Trainers not attached to Romford will 400m Flat, 18 greyhounds & 6 resvs Fri 27th September receive £15 appearance money. Noon Tue 27th August Winner £250; others £50 Please note from Friday 16th August 964-69+-90+(@50./; we will be racing from our new starting :;(5+(9+ positions 964-69+-90+(@50./; Final 4(0+,5:;(@,9: 400m Flat, 6 greyhounds Heats CATEGORY ONE Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; 575m Flat, 18 greyhounds & 6 resvs others £50 Noon Tue 27th August Fri 6th September Winner £250; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won 964-69+-90+(@50./; *69(3;=;967/@ an open race over six bends at the :;(@,9: Heats time of closing Final 925m Flat, 18 greyhounds & 6 resvs 575m Flat, 6 greyhounds Noon Tue 3rd September Fri 6th September Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; Winner £250; others £50 others £50 964-69+-90+(@50./; Fri 13th September :;(5+(9+ 964-69+-90+(@50./; Final 4(0+,5: Heats *69(3964-69+7<77@*<7 400m Flat, 6 greyhounds Heats Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; 400m Flat, 18 maidens & 6 resvs 400m Flat, 36 puppies & 12 resvs others £50 Noon Tue 24th September Noon Tue 10th September Winner £200; others £50 Winner £250; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won 964-69+-90+(@50./; an open race at the time of closing For puppies whelped in October 4(0+,5:;(@,9: 2017 or younger Final 575m Flat, 6 greyhounds 964-69+-90+(@50./; 4(0+,5:;(@,9: *69(3;=;967/@ Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; Heats Final others £50 925m Flat, 6 greyhounds 575m Flat, 18 greyhounds & 6 resvs Noon Tue 24th September Winner £10000 and trophy + jacket; 964-69+-90+(@50./; 2nd £1000; others £500 Winner £250; others £50 4(0+,5: For greyhounds that have NOT won Heats an open race over six bends at the Fri 20th September 400m Flat, 18 maidens & 6 resvs time of closing Noon Tue 3rd September *69(3964-69+7<77@*<7 Winner £200; others £50 Fri 4th October :LTP-PUHSZ For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race at the time of closing 400m Flat, 18 puppies 964-69+-90+(@50./; Winner £300; others £50 4(0+,5: Fri 13th September Final Fri 27th September 400m Flat, 6 greyhounds 964-69+-90+(@50./; Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; 4(0+,5: others £50 *69(3964-69+7<77@*<7 Final Final 400m Flat, 6 greyhounds 400m Flat, 6 puppies 964-69+-90+(@50./; Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; 4(0+,5:;(@,9: Winner £10000 and trophy + jacket; others £50 2nd £1000; others £500 Final 575m Flat, 6 greyhounds Fri 20th September Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; others £50 964-69+-90+(@50./; :;(5+(9+ Heats 400m Flat, 18 greyhounds & 6 resvs Noon Tue 17th September Winner £250; others £50

CALENDAR 23 964-69+-90+(@50./; 92)(9;65;90<47//<9+3, 964-69+.9(5+9,67,505. )0;*/,: Heats 50./;7<770,: Heats 400m Hurdles, 18 greyhounds & 6 400m Flat, 6 puppies & 4 resvs 400m Flat, 18 bitches & 6 resvs resvs Noon Tue 3rd September Noon Tue 1st October Noon Tue 15th October Winner £750 and trophy; others £75 Winner £250; others £50 Winner £250; others £50 For puppies whelped in October For BITCHES only 2017 or younger 964-69+-90+(@50./; 964-69+-90+(@50./; 4(0+,5: 964-69+.9(5+9,67,505. 4(0+,5: Heats 50./;:;(@,9: Heats 400m Flat, 18 maidens & 6 resvs 575m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs 400m Flat, 18 maidens & 6 resvs Noon Tue 15th October Noon Tue 3rd September Noon Tue 1st October Winner £200; others £50 Winner £750 and trophy; others £75 Winner £200; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race at the time of closing an open race at the time of closing 964-69+.9(5+9,67,505. 50./;)0;*/,: 964-69+-90+(@50./; Fri 11th October 400m Flat, 6 bitches & 4 resvs :7905; Noon Tue 3rd September Heats Winner £750 and trophy; others £75 964-69+-90+(@50./; 225m Flat, 18 greyhounds & 6 resvs For BITCHES only )0;*/,: Noon Tue 15th October Final Winner £250; others £50 400m Flat, 6 bitches 964-69+.9(5+9,67,505. 50./;+6.: Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; Fri 25th October others £50 400m Flat, 6 dogs & 4 resvs Noon Tue 3rd September 92)(9;65;90<47//<9+3, Winner £750 and trophy; others £75 964-69+-90+(@50./; Final For DOGS only 4(0+,5: 400m Hurdles, 6 greyhounds Final Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; 400m Flat, 6 greyhounds 964-69+.9(5+9,67,505. others £50 50./;)90;0:/)9,+ Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; others £50 400m Flat, 6 british bred & 4 resvs 964-69+-90+(@50./; Noon Tue 3rd September 4(0+,5: Winner £750 and trophy; others £75 964-69+-90+(@50./; Final For BRITISH BRED greyhounds only :;(5+(9+ 400m Flat, 6 greyhounds Heats Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; 964-69+.9(5+9,67,505. 400m Flat, 18 greyhounds & 6 resvs others £50 Noon Tue 8th October 50./;:;(5+(9+ Winner £250; others £50 400m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs 964-69+-90+(@50./; Noon Tue 3rd September :7905; Winner £750 and trophy; others £75 964-69+-90+(@50./; Final :;(@,9: 225m Flat, 6 greyhounds Heats Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; MINOR 575m Flat, 18 greyhounds & 6 resvs others £50 Noon Tue 8th October Fri 30th August Winner £250; others £50 INVITATION 964-69++6.:*64:7905; Fri 18th October Fri 6th September 225m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs Noon Tue 27th August Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 964-69+-90+(@50./; 964-69+.9(5+9,67,505. :;(5+(9+ 50./;:7905; Final 225m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs 964-69++6.:*644(9(;/65 400m Flat, 6 greyhounds Noon Tue 3rd September 750m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; Winner £750 and trophy; others £75 Noon Tue 27th August others £50 Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 964-69+.9(5+9,67,505. 964-69+-90+(@50./; 50./;:,5069: 964-69++6.:*64)0;*/,: :;(@,9: Final 400m Flat, 6 seniors & 4 resvs 400m Flat, 6 bitches & 4 resvs Noon Tue 3rd September Noon Tue 27th August 575m Flat, 6 greyhounds Winner £750 and trophy; others £75 Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 Winner £500 and trophy; 2nd £100; For greyhounds whelped in For BITCHES only others £50 September 2015 or older

24 VOL 11 NO 17 23 AUGUST 2019 964-69++6.:*644(0+,5 964-69++6.:*64:;(@,9: *69(3964-69+7<770,: MARATHON 575m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs 400m Flat, 6 puppies & 4 resvs 750m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs Noon Tue 27th August Noon Tue 3rd September Noon Tue 27th August Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For puppies whelped in October For greyhounds that have NOT won 2017 or younger an open race over eight bends at the 964-69++6.:*64>055,96- time of closing 65,:;(5+(9+ 400m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs *69(3964-69+4(0+,5: Noon Tue 27th August 400m Flat, 6 maidens & 4 resvs 964-69++6.:*64:;(5+(9+ Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 Noon Tue 3rd September 400m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs For greyhounds that have NOT won Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 Noon Tue 27th August more than one open race at the time For greyhounds that have NOT won Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 of closing an open race at the time of closing

964-69++6.:*647<770,: Fri 6th September *69(3964-69+:;(5+(9+ 400m Flat, 6 puppies & 4 resvs 400m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs Noon Tue 27th August *69(3964-69+)0;*/,: Noon Tue 3rd September Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 400m Flat, 6 bitches & 4 resvs Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For puppies whelped in September Noon Tue 3rd September 2017 or younger Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 *69(3964-69+4(0+,5 For BITCHES only MARATHON 964-69++6.:*64/<9+3,: 750m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs 400m Hurdles, 6 greyhounds & 4 *69(3964-69+4(0+,5 Noon Tue 3rd September resvs :;(@,9: Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 Noon Tue 27th August 575m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs For greyhounds that have NOT won Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 Noon Tue 3rd September an open race over eight bends at the Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 time of closing 964-69++6.:*644(0+,5: For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race over six bends at the *69(3964-69+>055,96- 400m Flat, 6 maidens & 4 resvs time of closing Noon Tue 27th August 65,:;(5+(9+ Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 400m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs For greyhounds that have NOT won *69(3964-69+:7905; Noon Tue 3rd September an open race at the time of closing 225m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 Noon Tue 3rd September For greyhounds that have NOT won Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 more than one open race at the time 964-69++6.:*64>055,96- of closing 65,:;(@,9: 575m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs *69(3964-69+4(9(;/65 Noon Tue 27th August *69(3964-69+)0;*/,: 750m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs :;(@,9: Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 Noon Tue 3rd September 575m Flat, 6 bitches & 4 resvs For greyhounds that have NOT won Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 more than one open race over six Noon Tue 3rd September bends at time of closing Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 *69(3964-69+/<9+3,: For BITCHES only 964-69++6.:*644(0+,5 400m Hurdles, 6 greyhounds & 4 :;(@,9: resvs Fri 13th September Noon Tue 3rd September 575m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs Noon Tue 27th August Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 *69(3*6<24(0+,5:;(@,9: Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 575m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs For greyhounds that have NOT won *69(3964-69+>055,96- Noon Tue 10th September an open race over six bends at the 65,:;(@,9: Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 time of closing 575m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs For greyhounds that have NOT won Noon Tue 3rd September an open race over six bends at the 964-69++6.:*64)0;*/,: Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 time of closing :;(@,9: For greyhounds that have NOT won 575m Flat, 6 bitches & 4 resvs more than one open race over six *69(3*6<2:7905; bends at time of closing Noon Tue 27th August 225m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 Noon Tue 10th September For BITCHES only *69(3964-69+:;(@,9: Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 575m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs Noon Tue 3rd September Winner £250 and trophy; others £50

CALENDAR 25 *69(3*6<2:,5069: *69(3*6<2)90;0:/)9,+ *69(3>055,96-65, 400m Flat, 6 seniors & 4 resvs 400m Flat, 6 british bred & 4 resvs :;(5+(9+ Noon Tue 10th September Noon Tue 10th September 400m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 Noon Tue 17th September For greyhounds whelped in For BRITISH BRED greyhounds only Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 September 2015 or older For greyhounds that have NOT won more than one open race at the time *69(3*6<2)0;*/,::;(@,9: of closing *69(3*6<2)0;*/,: 575m Flat, 6 bitches & 4 resvs 400m Flat, 6 bitches & 4 resvs Noon Tue 10th September *69(3>055,96-65,:;(@,9: Noon Tue 10th September Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For BITCHES only 575m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs For BITCHES only Noon Tue 17th September Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 *69(3*6<2:;(5+(9+ For greyhounds that have NOT won *69(3*6<24(9(;/65 400m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs more than one open race over six 750m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs Noon Tue 10th September bends at time of closing Noon Tue 10th September Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 *69(3)0;*/,: *69(3*6<2>055,96-65, 400m Flat, 6 bitches & 4 resvs *69(3*6<24(0+,5 :;(5+(9+ Noon Tue 17th September MARATHON 400m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 750m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs Noon Tue 10th September For BITCHES only Noon Tue 10th September Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won *69(3)0;*/,::;(@,9: For greyhounds that have NOT won more than one open race at the time an open race over eight bends at the of closing 575m Flat, 6 bitches & 4 resvs time of closing Noon Tue 17th September Fri 20th September Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For BITCHES only *69(3*6<24(0+,5: 400m Flat, 6 maidens & 4 resvs *69(3/<9+3,: *69(37<770,: Noon Tue 10th September 400m Hurdles, 6 greyhounds & 4 Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 resvs 400m Flat, 6 puppies & 4 resvs For greyhounds that have NOT won Noon Tue 17th September Noon Tue 17th September an open race at the time of closing Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For puppies whelped in October 2017 or younger *69(3*6<2>055,96-65, *69(3:7905; :;(@,9: 225m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs *69(34(0+,5:;(@,9: 575m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs Noon Tue 17th September Noon Tue 10th September 575m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 Noon Tue 17th September For greyhounds that have NOT won Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 more than one open race over six *69(3:;(5+(9+ For greyhounds that have NOT won bends at time of closing 400m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs an open race over six bends at the Noon Tue 17th September time of closing *69(3*6<2:;(@,9: Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 575m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs *69(34(0+,54(9(;/65 Noon Tue 10th September *69(3:;(@,9: 750m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs Noon Tue 17th September Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 575m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs Noon Tue 17th September Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won *69(3*6<2/<9+3,: Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 an open race over eight bends at the 400m Hurdles, 6 greyhounds & 4 time of closing resvs *69(34(9(;/65 Noon Tue 10th September 750m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs *69(34(0+,5: Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 Noon Tue 17th September 400m Flat, 6 maidens & 4 resvs Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 Noon Tue 17th September *69(3*6<27<770,: Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 400m Flat, 6 puppies & 4 resvs For greyhounds that have NOT won Noon Tue 10th September an open race at the time of closing Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For puppies whelped in October 2017 or younger

26 VOL 11 NO 17 23 AUGUST 2019 Fri 27th September 365+6596(+7<770,: SHAWFIELD STADIUM 400m Flat, 6 puppies & 4 resvs 137 Rutherglen Road, Rutherglen, 365+6596(+/<9+3,: Noon Tue 24th September Glasgow, G73 1SZ 400m Hurdles, 6 greyhounds & 4 Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 Tel 0141 6474121 resvs For puppies whelped in October Noon Tue 24th September 2017 or younger ZZZVKDZÀHOGJUH\KRXQGVFRP Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 365+6596(+4(0+,5:;(@,9: CATEGORY THREE 365+6596(+:7905; 575m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs 225m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs Noon Tue 24th September Sat 28th September Noon Tue 24th September Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won >05505.76:;;967/@ an open race over six bends at the Heats time of closing 480m Flat, 18 greyhounds & 3 resvs 365+6596(+:;(5+(9+ Noon Wed 25th September 400m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs Winner £150; others £30 Noon Tue 24th September 365+6596(+4(0+,5 MARATHON Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 750m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs Sat 5th October Noon Tue 24th September 365+6596(+:;(@,9: Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 >05505.76:;;967/@ 575m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs For greyhounds that have NOT won Final Noon Tue 24th September an open race over eight bends at the 480m Flat, 6 greyhounds time of closing Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 Winner £250 and trophy; 2nd £50; others £30 365+6596(+4(9(;/65 365+6596(+4(0+,5: 400m Flat, 6 maidens & 4 resvs 750m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs MINOR Noon Tue 24th September Noon Tue 24th September Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 Sat 31st August For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race at the time of closing 365+6596(+>055,96-65, >05505.76:;4(0+,5 :;(5+(9+ 480m Flat, 6 maidens & 1 resvs 365+6596(+  400m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs Noon Tue 27th August Noon Tue 24th September 925m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs Winner £150 and trophy; others £30 Noon Tue 24th September Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won For greyhounds that have NOT won Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 an open race at the time of closing more than one open race at the time and have run a minimum of 2 graded or open races of closing 365+6596(+:,5069: 400m Flat, 6 seniors & 4 resvs 365+6596(+>055,96-65, Noon Tue 24th September -<5*;065:(;:/(>-0,3+ :;(@,9: Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 500m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 1 resvs 575m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 4 resvs For greyhounds whelped in Noon Tue 27th August Noon Tue 24th September September 2015 or older Winner £150 and trophy; others £30 Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won 365+6596(+)90;0:/)9,+ SHEFFIELD STADIUM more than one open race over six 3HQLQVWRQH5RDG6KHIÀHOG bends at time of closing 400m Flat, 6 british bred & 4 resvs Noon Tue 24th September Hillsborough, S6 2DE Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 Tel 0114 3221326 365+6596(+)0;*/,: For BRITISH BRED greyhounds only 400m Flat, 6 bitches & 4 resvs www.owlertonstadium.co.uk Noon Tue 24th September Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 CATEGORY ONE For BITCHES only Tue 26th November 365+6596(+)0;*/,: :;(@,9: ).)-)90;0:/)9,++,9)@ 575m Flat, 6 bitches & 4 resvs Heats Noon Tue 24th September 500m Flat, 36 british bred & 6 resvs Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 Noon Fri 22nd November For BITCHES only Winner £250; others £50 For BRITISH BRED greyhounds only, BORN and EARMARKED in Britain.

CALENDAR 27 Tue 3rd December Tue 3rd September 6>3,9;65:;(@,9:;967/@ 660m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs ).)-)90;0:/)9,++,9)@ :/,--0,3+:;(5+(9+;967/@ Noon Fri 6th September :LTP-PUHSZ 500m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 500m Flat, 18 british bred Noon Fri 30th August Winner £300; others £75 Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 Tue 17th September

Tue 10th December :/,--0,3+7<77@ ;967/@ :/,--0,3+:;(+0<4:;(5+(9+ 480m Flat, 6 puppies & 3 resvs 500m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs ).)-)90;0:/)9,++,9)@ Noon Fri 30th August Noon Fri 13th September Final Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 500m Flat, 6 british bred For puppies whelped in October Winner £7500 and trophy + jacket; 2017 or younger 2nd £1000; others £500 :/,--0,3+:;(+0<4:7905; Winning Breeder receives £500 :/,--0,3+ ;967/@ 280m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Fri 13th September )YLLKLYZVMV[OLYÄUHSPZ[ZYLJLP]L 480m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs £200 Noon Fri 30th August Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 MINOR :/,--0,3+:;(+0<4:;(@,9: :/,--0,3+:;(@,9:;967/@ 660m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Tue 27th August Noon Fri 13th September 660m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Fri 30th August Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 :/,--0,3+:;(+0<44(0+,5 :;(@,9: Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 :/,--0,3+:;(+0<4  660m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Fri 23rd August :/,--0,3+:7905;;967/@ 480m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Fri 13th September Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 280m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs For greyhounds that have NOT won Noon Fri 30th August Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 an open race over 550m or further at Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 the time of closing :/,--0,3+:;(+0<47<77@ Tue 10th September 500m Flat, 6 puppies & 2 resvs :/,--0,3+:;(+0<4:;(5+(9+ Noon Fri 13th September 500m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs 6>3,9;657<77@:;(5+(9+ Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 Noon Fri 23rd August ;967/@ For puppies whelped in October 2017 or younger Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 500m Flat, 6 puppies & 3 resvs Noon Fri 6th September :/,--0,3+:;(+0<4:7905; Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 :/,--0,3+:;(+0<44(0+,5 :;(@,9: 280m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs For puppies whelped in October Noon Fri 23rd August 2017 or younger 660m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Fri 13th September Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 6>3,9;65:7905;;967/@ Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won :/,--0,3+:;(+0<4  280m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs an open race over 550m or further at Noon Fri 6th September 480m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs the time of closing Noon Fri 23rd August Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 Tue 24th September 6>3,9;65 4(0+,5;967/@ :/,--0,3+:;(+0<4:;(5+(9+ :/,--0,3+:;(+0<4:;(@,9: 480m Flat, 6 maidens & 3 resvs Noon Fri 6th September 500m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs 500m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Fri 20th September Noon Fri 23rd August Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 an open race at the time of closing :/,--0,3+:;(+0<4:7905; :/,--0,3+:;(+0<47<77@ 6>3,9;65:;(5+(9+;967/@ 280m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs 500m Flat, 6 puppies & 2 resvs 500m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Fri 20th September Noon Fri 23rd August Noon Fri 6th September Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 For puppies whelped in September 2017 or younger :/,--0,3+:;(+0<4:;(@,9: 6>3,9;65/<9+3,;967/@ 660m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs 500m Hurdles, 6 greyhounds & 3 Noon Fri 20th September resvs Noon Fri 6th September Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 Winner £300 and trophy; others £50

28 VOL 11 NO 17 23 AUGUST 2019 :/,--0,3+:;(+0<4  Sat 31st August Wed 11th September 480m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Fri 20th September :>05+65:;(@,9: :>05+65:;(5+(9+ Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 649m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs 476m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Tue 27th August Noon Sat 7th September Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 :/,--0,3+:;(+0<44(0+,5 500m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 2 resvs Noon Fri 20th September :>05+654(0+,5:;(5+(9+ :>05+654(0+,5:;(5+(9+ Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 476m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs 476m Flat, 6 maidens & 3 resvs For greyhounds that have NOT won Noon Tue 27th August Noon Sat 7th September an open race over four bends at the Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 time of closing For greyhounds that have NOT won For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race over four bends at the an open race at the time of closing time of closing :/,--0,3+:;(+0<47<77@  480m Flat, 6 puppies & 2 resvs :>05+654(0+,5:;(@,9: Noon Fri 20th September :>05+65:;(5+(9+ 649m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 476m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Sat 7th September For puppies whelped in October Noon Tue 27th August Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 2017 or younger Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race over six bends at the Wed 4th September time of closing Lady Lane, Blunsdon, Swindon, SN25 4DN Tel 01793 706597 :>05+654(0+,5:;(5+(9+ :>05+65:;(@,9: [email protected] 476m Flat, 6 maidens & 3 resvs 649m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Sat 31st August Noon Sat 7th September www.swindongreyhounds.com Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 For greyhounds that have NOT won MINOR an open race at the time of closing YARMOUTH STADIUM Yarmouth Road, Caister-On-Sea, Wed 28th August :>05+65:;(@,9: Great Yarmouth, NR30 5TE 649m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Tel 01493 378168 :>05+654(0+,5:;(5+(9+ Noon Sat 31st August 476m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 www.yarmouthstadium.co.uk Noon Sat 24th August Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 Sat 7th September CATEGORY ONE For greyhounds that have NOT won an open race over four bends at the Mon 2nd September time of closing :>05+65:;(@,9: 649m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs Noon Tue 3rd September ;/,97.;=9+,(:;(5.30(5 :>05+654(0+,5:;(@,9: .9,@/6<5++,9)@ Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 649m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs First Round Noon Sat 24th August 462m Flat, 48 greyhounds @ £100 Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 :>05+657<77@:;(5+(9+ each & 6 resvs For greyhounds that have NOT won 476m Flat, 6 puppies & 3 resvs 2pm Tue 27th August an open race over six bends at the Noon Tue 3rd September Winner £200; others £50 time of closing Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 48 entries will be selected to run For puppies whelped in October PU[OLÄYZ[YV\UK0U[OLL]LU[[OH[ 2017 or younger entries exceed this number, the :>05+65:;(5+(9+ Racing Manager will select the 476m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs 48 greyhounds to participate at Noon Sat 24th August :>05+654(0+,5:;(5+(9+ his discretion as per GBGB Rule Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 476m Flat, 6 maidens & 3 resvs 82 (iii) and priority will be given to Noon Tue 3rd September greyhounds that have recently trialled at the stadium and greyhounds that :>05+65:;(@,9: Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 have previously run at the stadium For greyhounds that have NOT won 649m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs an open race at the time of closing Noon Sat 24th August Mon 9th September Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 :>05+65:;(5+(9+ ;/,97.;=9+,(:;(5.30(5 476m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs .9,@/6<5++,9)@ Noon Tue 3rd September :LJVUK9V\UK Winner £200 and trophy; others £50 462m Flat, 24 greyhounds Winner £250; others £75

CALENDAR 29 Sat 14th September Thu 19th September ;/,97.;=65:2@-9,,:(; ,(+,9)@4(9(;/65 ;/,97.;=9+,(:;(5.30(5 ;/,.9,,5,205.07(:7905; 843m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs .9,@/6<5++,9)@ Final Noon Mon 16th September :LTP-PUHSZ 277m Flat, 6 greyhounds Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 462m Flat, 12 greyhounds Winner £1000 and trophy; 2nd £200; Winner £300; others £100 others £100 ;/,97.;=@(946<;/465+(@ ;/<9:+(@:,(+,9)@ Thu 19th September ;/,+,9)@7<9:, :;(5+(9+ Final 462m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs ;/,97.;=9+,(:;(5.30(5 659m Flat, 6 greyhounds Noon Mon 16th September .9,@/6<5++,9)@ Winner £1500 and trophy; 2nd £300; Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 Final others £150 462m Flat, 6 greyhounds ;/,97.;=:<7769;: Winner £15000 and trophy + jacket; MINOR *(;,.69@65,9(*05.,( 2nd £3000; 3rd £2000; others £1000 +,9)@7<77@;967/@ Thu 19th September 462m Flat, 6 puppies & 3 resvs CATEGORY THREE Noon Mon 16th September Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 Sat 14th September ;/,97.;=-9,,;6(09 .9,@/6<5+9(*05..,5;: For puppies whelped in October :;(5+(9+ 2017 or younger ;/,.9,,5,205.07(:7905; 462m Flat, 6 dogs & 3 resvs Heats Noon Mon 16th September ;/,8<0*2*(33:<7769;05. 277m Flat, 18 greyhounds & 6 resvs Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 @(946<;/,(+,9)@ 2pm Tue 10th September For DOGS only :;(@,9: Winner £150; others £40 659m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs ;/,97.;=:,=,550./;:( Noon Mon 16th September ;/,+,9)@7<9:, >,,2,(+,9)@:7905; Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 Heats 277m Flat, 6 greyhounds & 3 resvs 659m Flat, 18 greyhounds & 6 resvs Noon Mon 16th September 2pm Tue 10th September Winner £250 and trophy; others £50 Winner £200; others £50


+PZ[ ;YHJR ,]LU[ ,U[YPLZ*SVZL +PZ[ ;YHJR ,]LU[ ,U[YPLZ*SVZL Mon 12th Aug 695m Brighton Coral Maiden Stayers (Heats) 19 Aug 483m Doncaster BGBF British Bred (Heats) 8 Aug 500m Nottingham Nottingham Stadium Bookmakers Puppy Fri 23rd Aug Classic (Heats) 8 Aug 575m Romford Coral Champion Stakes (Heats) 20 Aug 400m Romford Romford Friday Night 500 Maidens (Final) Fri 16th Aug 400m Romford Romford Friday Night 500 Standard (Final) 400m Romford Romford Friday Night 500 Maidens (Heats) 13 Aug 400m Romford Romford Stadium Bitches 20 Aug 400m Romford Romford Friday Night 500 Standard (Heats) 13 Aug 575m Romford Romford Stadium Bitches Stayers 20 Aug Sat 17th Aug 400mH Romford Romford Stadium Hurdles 20 Aug 750m Romford Romford Stadium Maiden Marathon 20 Aug 435m Pelaw Grange Stadium Bookmakers Bowl (Heats) 14 Aug 575m Romford Romford Stadium Maiden Stayers 20 Aug Sun 18th Aug 400m Romford Romford Stadium Maidens 20 Aug 480mH Central Park Sunday Night Hurdle (Heats) 14 Aug 750m Romford Romford Stadium Marathon 20 Aug 450m Central Park Sunday Night Mini Standard (Heats) 14 Aug 400m Romford Romford Stadium Puppies 20 Aug 225m Romford Romford Stadium Sprint 20 Aug Mon 19th Aug 400m Romford Romford Stadium Standard 20 Aug 483m Doncaster BGBF British Bred Oaks (Semi Finals) 575m Romford Romford Stadium Stayers 20 Aug 500m Nottingham Nottingham Stadium Bookmakers Puppy 400m Romford Romford Stadium Winner Of One Standard 20 Aug Classic (Semi Finals) 575m Romford Romford Stadium Winner Of One Stayers 20 Aug Wed 21st Aug 592m Harlow Harlow Maiden Stayers Monkey (Heats) 19 Aug Sat 24th Aug 714m Crayford Ladbrokes Summer Maiden Stayers Trophy Thu 22nd Aug (Heats) 20 Aug 490m Brighton Coral 490 (Heats) 19 Aug 380mH Crayford Ladbrokes.Com August Bank Holiday Hurdle 20 Aug

30 VOL 11 NO 17 23 AUGUST 2019 +PZ[ ;YHJR ,]LU[ ,U[YPLZ*SVZL +PZ[ ;YHJR ,]LU[ ,U[YPLZ*SVZL

380mH Crayford Ladbrokes.Com August Bank Holiday Maiden 661m Doncaster Doncaster Maiden Stayers 22 Aug Hurdle 20 Aug 275m Doncaster Doncaster Sprint 22 Aug 380m Crayford Ladbrokes.Com August Bank Holiday Maiden 480m Nottingham Nottingham Stadium Bookmakers 480 Trophy 22 Aug Sprint 20 Aug 500m Nottingham Nottingham Stadium Bookmakers Puppy 540m Crayford Ladbrokes.Com August Bank Holiday Maiden Classic (Final) Stakes 20 Aug 305m Nottingham Nottingham Stadium Bookmakers Sprint Trophy 22 Aug 380m Crayford Ladbrokes.Com August Bank Holiday Puppy 500m Nottingham Nottingham Stadium Bookmakers Standard Sprint 20 Aug Trophy 22 Aug 380m Crayford Ladbrokes.Com August Bank Holiday Sprint 20 Aug 680m Nottingham Nottingham Stadium Bookmakers Stayers 540m Crayford Ladbrokes.Com August Bank Holiday Stakes 20 Aug Trophy 22 Aug 714m Crayford Ladbrokes.Com August Bank Holiday Stayers 435m Pelaw Grange Stadium Bookmakers Rose Bowl (Final) Stakes 20 Aug 245m Pelaw Grange The Lingholme Sprint Trophy 21 Aug 275m Perry Barr The Love The Dogs Dash 21 Aug 590m Pelaw Grange The RAW Construction Stayers Trophy 21 Aug 480m Perry Barr The Love The Dogs Maiden 21 Aug 435m Pelaw Grange The Winning Lines Standard 21 Aug 275m Perry Barr The Love The Dogs Maiden Dash 21 Aug 480m Perry Barr The Love The Dogs Standard 21 Aug Tue 27th Aug 660m Perry Barr The Love The Dogs Stayers 21 Aug 480m Sheffield Sheffield Stadium 480 23 Aug 480m Perry Barr The Love The Dogs Winner Of One 21 Aug 660m Sheffield Sheffield Stadium Maiden Stayers 23 Aug 476m Swindon Swindon Bitches Standard 20 Aug 500m Sheffield Sheffield Stadium Puppy 23 Aug 476m Swindon Swindon British Bred Standard 20 Aug 280m Sheffield Sheffield Stadium Sprint 23 Aug 476m Swindon Swindon Puppy Standard 20 Aug 500m Sheffield Sheffield Stadium Standard 23 Aug 476m Swindon Swindon Standard 20 Aug 500m Sheffield Sheffield Stadium Stayers 23 Aug 649m Swindon Swindon Stayers 20 Aug Wed 28th Aug Sun 25th Aug 415m Harlow Harlow Maiden Monkey (Heats) 26 Aug 480mH Central Park Central Park Hurdle 21 Aug 592m Harlow Harlow Maiden Stayers Monkey (Final) 500m Central Park Central Park Ladies 21 Aug 415m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Maiden 26 Aug 480m Central Park Central Park Maiden 21 Aug 238m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Maiden Sprint 26 Aug 265m Central Park Central Park Maiden Sprint 21 Aug 592m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Maiden Stayers 26 Aug 642m Central Park Central Park Maiden Stayers 21 Aug 238m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Sprint 26 Aug 450m Central Park Central Park Mini Standard 21 Aug 415m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Standard 26 Aug 480m Central Park Central Park Puppies 21 Aug 592m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Stayers 26 Aug 265m Central Park Central Park Sprint 21 Aug 476m Swindon Swindon Maiden Standard 24 Aug 265mH Central Park Central Park Sprint Hurdle 21 Aug 649m Swindon Swindon Maiden Stayers 24 Aug 480m Central Park Central Park Standard 21 Aug 476m Swindon Swindon Standard 24 Aug 642m Central Park Central Park Stayers 21 Aug 649m Swindon Swindon Stayers 24 Aug 500m Central Park Central Park Super Standard 21 Aug 708m Central Park Central Park Super Stayers 21 Aug Thu 29th Aug 480mH Central Park Sunday Night Hurdle (Final) 490m Brighton Coral 490 (Final) 480m Central Park Sunday Night Maiden (Heats) 21 Aug 515mH Brighton Coral Hurdle 26 Aug 450m Central Park Sunday Night Mini Standard (Final) 695m Brighton Coral Maiden Stayers (Final) 500m Central Park Sunday Night Super Standard (Heats) 21 Aug 490m Brighton Nevill Ladies 26 Aug 428m Henlow Henlow 428 Maiden Mini 21 Aug 515m Brighton Nevill Maiden 26 Aug 428m Henlow Henlow 428 Mini 21 Aug 740m Brighton Nevill Maiden 740 26 Aug 460m Henlow Henlow 460 Maiden 21 Aug 490m Brighton Nevill Maiden Puppies 26 Aug 460m Henlow Henlow 460 Standard 21 Aug 285m Brighton Nevill Maiden Sprint 26 Aug 550m Henlow Henlow 550 Maiden 21 Aug 490m Brighton Nevill Puppies 26 Aug 550m Henlow Henlow 550 Midi 21 Aug 285m Brighton Nevill Sprint 26 Aug 277m Henlow Henlow Dash 21 Aug 515m Brighton Nevill Standard (Heats) 26 Aug 460m Henlow Henlow Puppies 21 Aug 695m Brighton Nevill Stayers (Heats) 26 Aug 692m Henlow Henlow Stayers 21 Aug 695m Brighton Nevill Winner Of One Stayers 26 Aug 290m Newcastle Big City Singing After Racing On Saturday 30Th Mon 26th Aug November Sprint 26 Aug 483m Doncaster BGBF British Bred Oaks (Final) 480m Newcastle Book Your Christmas Party At Newcastle Dogs 450m Doncaster Doncaster 450 Puppy 22 Aug Standard 26 Aug 450m Doncaster Doncaster 450 Standard 22 Aug 480m Newcastle Ellen And The Funktones Singing After Racing 483m Doncaster Doncaster 483 Maiden 22 Aug On Saturday 28Th September British Bred 26 Aug 483m Doncaster Doncaster 483 Standard 22 Aug 480m Newcastle Exclusive Restaurant Deals Throughout The 661m Doncaster Doncaster 661 Stayers 22 Aug Year At Newcastle Dogs Seniors 26 Aug


480m Newcastle Follow Newcastle Greyhound Stadium On 476m Swindon Swindon Standard 27 Aug Social Media Bitches 26 Aug 649m Swindon Swindon Stayers 27 Aug 480m Newcastle Newcastle Greyhound Stadium Puppy 26 Aug 640m Newcastle Www.Newcastledogs.Com 640 Stayers 26 Aug Sun 1st Sep 450m Central Park Central Park 450 28 Aug Fri 30th Aug 480mH Central Park Central Park Hurdle 28 Aug 575m Romford Coral Champion Stakes (Semi Finals) 480m Central Park Central Park Maiden 28 Aug 575m Romford Romford Friday Night 500 Maiden Stayers 265m Central Park Central Park Maiden Sprint 28 Aug (Heats) 27 Aug 642m Central Park Central Park Maiden Stayers 28 Aug 400m Romford Romford Friday Night 500 Standard (Heats) 27 Aug 450m Central Park Central Park Mini Maiden 28 Aug 400m Romford Romforddogs.Com Bitches 27 Aug 265m Central Park Central Park Sprint 28 Aug 575m Romford Romforddogs.Com Bitches Stayers 27 Aug 480m Central Park Central Park Standard 28 Aug 400mH Romford Romforddogs.Com Hurdles 27 Aug 500m Central Park Central Park Super Standard 28 Aug 750m Romford Romforddogs.Com Maiden Marathon 27 Aug 480m Central Park Sunday Night Maiden (Final) 575m Romford Romforddogs.Com Maiden Stayers 27 Aug 450m Central Park Sunday Night Mini Maiden (Heats) 28 Aug 400m Romford Romforddogs.Com Maidens 27 Aug 480m Central Park Sunday Night Standard (Heats) 28 Aug 750m Romford Romforddogs.Com Marathon 27 Aug 500m Central Park Sunday Night Super Standard (Final) 400m Romford Romforddogs.Com Puppies 27 Aug 428m Henlow Henlow 428 Maiden Mini 28 Aug 225m Romford Romforddogs.Com Sprint 27 Aug 428m Henlow Henlow 428 Mini 28 Aug 400m Romford Romforddogs.Com Standard 27 Aug 460m Henlow Henlow 460 Maiden 28 Aug 575m Romford Romforddogs.Com Stayers 27 Aug 460m Henlow Henlow 460 Standard 28 Aug 400m Romford Romforddogs.Com Winner Of One Standard 27 Aug 550m Henlow Henlow 550 Maiden 28 Aug 575m Romford Romforddogs.Com Winner Of One Stayers 27 Aug 550m Henlow Henlow 550 Midi 28 Aug 277m Henlow Henlow Dash 28 Aug Sat 31st Aug 460m Henlow Henlow Puppies 28 Aug 714m Crayford Ladbrokes Summer Maiden Stayers Trophy 692m Henlow Henlow Stayers 28 Aug (Final) 380mH Crayford Ladbrokes Where The Nation Plays Hurdle 27 Aug Mon 2nd Sep 540m Crayford Ladbrokes Where The Nation Plays Ladies 450m Doncaster Doncaster 450 Puppy 29 Aug Stakes 27 Aug 450m Doncaster Doncaster 450 Standard 29 Aug 540m Crayford Ladbrokes Where The Nation Plays Maiden 483m Doncaster Doncaster 483 Maiden 29 Aug Stakes 27 Aug 483m Doncaster Doncaster 483 Standard 29 Aug 714m Crayford Ladbrokes Where The Nation Plays Maiden 661m Doncaster Doncaster 661 Stayers 29 Aug Stayers 27 Aug 661m Doncaster Doncaster Maiden Stayers 29 Aug 874m Crayford Ladbrokes Where The Nation Plays Marathon 27 Aug 275m Doncaster Doncaster Sprint 29 Aug 540m Crayford Ladbrokes Where The Nation Plays Puppy 480m Nottingham Stadium Bookmakers 480 Trophy 29 Aug Stakes 27 Aug 500m Nottingham Stadium Bookmakers Maiden Trophy 29 Aug 380m Crayford Ladbrokes Where The Nation Plays Sprint 27 Aug 305m Nottingham Stadium Bookmakers Sprint Trophy 29 Aug 540m Crayford Ladbrokes Where The Nation Plays Stakes 27 Aug 500m Nottingham Stadium Bookmakers Standard Trophy 29 Aug 540mH Crayford Ladbrokes Where The Nation Plays Stayers 680m Nottingham Stadium Bookmakers Stayers Trophy 29 Aug Hurdle 27 Aug 462m Yarmouth The RPGTV 73rd East Anglian Greyhound Derby 714m Crayford Ladbrokes Where The Nation Plays Stayers (First Round) 27 Aug Stakes 27 Aug 264m Monmore Ladbrokes Summer Festival 264 28 Aug Tue 3rd Sep 480m Monmore Ladbrokes Summer Festival 480 28 Aug 480m Sheffield Sheffield 480 Trophy 30 Aug 480m Monmore Ladbrokes Summer Festival 480 Maiden 28 Aug 480m Sheffield Sheffield Puppy 480 Trophy 30 Aug 480m Monmore Ladbrokes Summer Festival 480 Puppy 28 Aug 280m Sheffield Sheffield Sprint Trophy 30 Aug 630m Monmore Ladbrokes Summer Festival 630 28 Aug 500m Sheffield Sheffield Standard Trophy 30 Aug 630m Monmore Ladbrokes Summer Festival 630 Maiden 28 Aug 660m Sheffield Sheffield Stayers Trophy 30 Aug 684m Monmore Ladbrokes Summer Festival 684 28 Aug 480m Perry Barr The Love The Dogs Bitches Stakes 28 Aug Wed 4th Sep 275m Perry Barr The Love The Dogs Dash 28 Aug 415m Harlow Harlow Maiden Monkey (Final) 480m Perry Barr The Love The Dogs Maiden 28 Aug 238m Harlow Harlow Sprint Monkey (Heats) 2 Sep 660m Perry Barr The Love The Dogs Maiden Stayers 28 Aug 415m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Maiden 2 Sep 480m Perry Barr The Love The Dogs Standard 28 Aug 238m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Maiden Sprint 2 Sep 710m Perry Barr The Love The Dogs Super Stayers 28 Aug 592m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Maiden Stayers 2 Sep 500m Shawfield Functions At Shawfield 500 27 Aug 238m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Sprint 2 Sep 480m Shawfield Winning Post Maiden 27 Aug 415m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Standard 2 Sep 476m Swindon Swindon Maiden Standard 27 Aug 592m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Stayers 2 Sep

32 VOL 11 NO 17 23 AUGUST 2019 +PZ[ ;YHJR ,]LU[ ,U[YPLZ*SVZL +PZ[ ;YHJR ,]LU[ ,U[YPLZ*SVZL

476m Swindon Swindon Maiden Standard 31 Aug 380mH Crayford Ladbrokes Home Of The Odds Boost Hurdle 3 Sep 649m Swindon Swindon Stayers 31 Aug 380m Crayford Ladbrokes Home Of The Odds Boost Ladies Sprint 3 Sep Thu 5th Sep 380m Crayford Ladbrokes Home Of The Odds Boost Maiden 490m Brighton Coral 490 2 Sep Sprint 3 Sep 515mH Brighton Coral Hurdle 2 Sep 714m Crayford Ladbrokes Home Of The Odds Boost Maiden 515m Brighton Coral Ladies 2 Sep Stayers 3 Sep 285m Brighton Coral Maiden Sprint 2 Sep 380m Crayford Ladbrokes Home Of The Odds Boost Sprint 3 Sep 695m Brighton Coral Maiden Stayers 2 Sep 540m Crayford Ladbrokes Home Of The Odds Boost Stakes 3 Sep 695m Brighton Coral Novice Stayers 2 Sep 380mH Crayford Ladbrokes Home Of The Odds Boost Winner Of 490m Brighton Coral Puppies 2 Sep Two Hurdle 3 Sep 285m Brighton Coral Sprint (Heats) 2 Sep 540m Crayford Ladbrokes.Com September Maiden Trophy 515m Brighton Nevill Maiden 515 (Heats) 2 Sep (Heats) 3 Sep 515m Brighton Nevill Standard (Final) 275m Perry Barr The Love The Dogs Dash 4 Sep 695m Brighton Nevill Stayers (Final) 480m Perry Barr The Love The Dogs Maiden 4 Sep 480m Newcastle Follow @Newcastledogs On Twitter Standard 2 Sep 275m Perry Barr The Love The Dogs Maiden Dash 4 Sep 640m Newcastle Follow Newcastle Greyhound Stadium On 480m Perry Barr The Love The Dogs Standard 4 Sep Facebook 640 Stayers 2 Sep 660m Perry Barr The Love The Dogs Stayers 4 Sep 480m Newcastle Newcastle Greyhound Stadium British Bred 480m Perry Barr The Love The Dogs Winner Of One 4 Sep Standard 2 Sep 476m Swindon Swindon Maiden Standard 3 Sep 290m Newcastle Newcastle Greyhound Stadium Sprint 2 Sep 476m Swindon Swindon Puppy Standard 3 Sep 706m Newcastle Www.Newcastledogs.Com 706 Super Stayers 2 Sep 476m Swindon Swindon Standard 3 Sep Fri 6th Sep 649m Swindon Swindon Stayers 3 Sep 480m Central Park 1st Ladbrokes Kent Derby Trial Stakes 3 Sep Sun 8th Sep 265m Central Park Central Park Maiden Sprint 3 Sep 480mH Central Park Killingbeck Hurdle 4 Sep 642m Central Park Central Park Maiden Stayers 3 Sep 480m Central Park Killingbeck Maiden 4 Sep 265mH Central Park Central Park Sprint Hurdle 3 Sep 265m Central Park Killingbeck Sprint 4 Sep 575m Romford Coral Champion Stakes (Final) 480m Central Park Killingbeck Standard 4 Sep 400m Romford Coral Romford Bitches 3 Sep 642m Central Park Killingbeck Stayers 4 Sep 575m Romford Coral Romford Bitches Stayers 3 Sep 708m Central Park Killingbeck Super Stayers 4 Sep 400mH Romford Coral Romford Hurdles 3 Sep 450m Central Park Sunday Night Mini Maiden (Final) 750m Romford Coral Romford Maiden Marathon 3 Sep 480m Central Park Sunday Night Standard (Final) 575m Romford Coral Romford Maiden Stayers 3 Sep 642m Central Park The Killingbeck Novice Stayers (Heats) 4 Sep 400m Romford Coral Romford Maidens 3 Sep 265m Central Park The Killingbeck Sprint (Heats) 4 Sep 750m Romford Coral Romford Marathon 3 Sep 428m Henlow Henlow 428 Mini 4 Sep 400m Romford Coral Romford Puppies 3 Sep 460m Henlow Henlow 460 Maiden 4 Sep 225m Romford Coral Romford Sprint 3 Sep 460m Henlow Henlow 460 Standard 4 Sep 400m Romford Coral Romford Standard 3 Sep 550m Henlow Henlow 550 Maiden 4 Sep 575m Romford Coral Romford Stayers 3 Sep 550m Henlow Henlow 550 Midi 4 Sep 400m Romford Coral Romford Winner Of One Standard 3 Sep 277m Henlow Henlow Dash 4 Sep 575m Romford Coral Romford Winner Of One Stayers 3 Sep 428m Henlow Henlow Maiden 428 4 Sep 925m Romford Coral TV Trophy (Heats) 3 Sep 460m Henlow Henlow Puppies 4 Sep 575m Romford Romford Friday Night 500 Maiden Stayers (Final) 692m Henlow Henlow Stayers 4 Sep 400m Romford Romford Friday Night 500 Maidens (Heats) 3 Sep Mon 9th Sep 400m Romford Romford Friday Night 500 Standard (Final) 450m Doncaster Doncaster 450 Puppy 5 Sep 400m Romford Romford Grand Re-Opening Night Bitches 3 Sep 450m Doncaster Doncaster 450 Standard 5 Sep 400m Romford Romford Grand Re-Opening Night British Bred 3 Sep 483m Doncaster Doncaster 483 Maiden 5 Sep 400m Romford Romford Grand Re-Opening Night Dogs 3 Sep 483m Doncaster Doncaster 483 Standard 5 Sep 400m Romford Romford Grand Re-Opening Night Puppies 3 Sep 661m Doncaster Doncaster 661 Stayers 5 Sep 400m Romford Romford Grand Re-Opening Night Seniors 3 Sep 661m Doncaster Doncaster Maiden Stayers 5 Sep 225m Romford Romford Grand Re-Opening Night Sprint 3 Sep 275m Doncaster Doncaster Sprint 5 Sep 400m Romford Romford Grand Re-Opening Night Standard 3 Sep 500m Nottingham Carling Black Fruits Cider Trophy 5 Sep 575m Romford Romford Grand Re-Opening Night Stayers 3 Sep 305m Nottingham Carling Cider Sprint Trophy 5 Sep Sat 7th Sep 500m Nottingham Carling Puppy Trophy 5 Sep 714m Crayford Jay & Kay Coach Tours Kent St Leger Trial 480m Nottingham Coors Light Maiden Trophy 5 Sep Stakes 3 Sep 680m Nottingham Worthingtons Stayers Trophy 5 Sep


462m Yarmouth The RPGTV 73rd East Anglian Greyhound Derby 575m Romford Coral.Co.Uk Stayers 10 Sep (Second Round) 400m Romford Coral.Co.Uk Winner Of One Standard 10 Sep 575m Romford Coral.Co.Uk Winner Of One Stayers 10 Sep Tue 10th Sep 400m Romford Romford Friday Night 500 Maidens (Final) 480m Sheffield Owlerton 480 Maiden Trophy 6 Sep 500mH Sheffield Owlerton Hurdle Trophy 6 Sep Sat 14th Sep 500m Sheffield Owlerton Puppy Standard Trophy 6 Sep 714m Crayford Jay & Kay Coach Tours Kent St Leger Trial 280m Sheffield Owlerton Sprint Trophy 6 Sep Stakes 10 Sep 500m Sheffield Owlerton Standard Trophy 6 Sep 380mH Crayford Ladbrokes.Com September Hurdle 10 Sep 660m Sheffield Owlerton Stayers Trophy 6 Sep 540m Crayford Ladbrokes.Com September Ladies Stakes 10 Sep 380m Crayford Ladbrokes.Com September Maiden Sprint 10 Sep Wed 11th Sep 540m Crayford Ladbrokes.Com September Maiden Stakes 10 Sep 238m Harlow Harlow Sprint Monkey (Final) 714m Crayford Ladbrokes.Com September Maiden Stayers 10 Sep 415m Harlow Harlow Standard Monkey (Heats) 9 Sep 540m Crayford Ladbrokes.Com September Maiden Trophy 415m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Maiden 9 Sep (Final) 238m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Maiden Sprint 9 Sep 540m Crayford Ladbrokes.Com September Puppy Stakes 10 Sep 592m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Maiden Stayers 9 Sep 380m Crayford Ladbrokes.Com September Sprint 10 Sep 238m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Sprint 9 Sep 540m Crayford Ladbrokes.Com September Stakes 10 Sep 415m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Standard 9 Sep 540mH Crayford Ladbrokes.Com September Stayers Hurdle 10 Sep 592m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Stayers 9 Sep 264m Monmore Ladbrokes Autumn Festival 264 11 Sep 476m Swindon Swindon Maiden Standard 7 Sep 480m Monmore Ladbrokes Autumn Festival 480 11 Sep 649m Swindon Swindon Maiden Stayers 7 Sep 480m Monmore Ladbrokes Autumn Festival 480 Maiden 11 Sep 476m Swindon Swindon Standard 7 Sep 480m Monmore Ladbrokes Autumn Festival 480 Puppy 11 Sep 649m Swindon Swindon Stayers 7 Sep 630m Monmore Ladbrokes Autumn Festival 630 11 Sep 630m Monmore Ladbrokes Autumn Festival 630 Maiden 11 Sep Thu 12th Sep 684m Monmore Ladbrokes Autumn Festival 684 11 Sep 285m Brighton Coral Sprint (Final) 480m Perry Barr The Love The Dogs Bitches Stakes 11 Sep 475m Brighton Nevill 475 9 Sep 275m Perry Barr The Love The Dogs Dash 11 Sep 285mH Brighton Nevill Hurdle Dash 9 Sep 480m Perry Barr The Love The Dogs Maiden 11 Sep 515m Brighton Nevill Ladies (Heats) 9 Sep 480m Perry Barr The Love The Dogs Standard 11 Sep 490m Brighton Nevill Maiden 490 9 Sep 710m Perry Barr The Love The Dogs Super Stayers 11 Sep 515m Brighton Nevill Maiden 515 (Final) 660m Perry Barr The Love The Dogs Winner Of One Stayers 11 Sep 285m Brighton Nevill Maiden Sprint 9 Sep 659m Yarmouth The Derby Purse (Heats) 10 Sep 695m Brighton Nevill Maiden Stayers 9 Sep 277m Yarmouth The Greene King IPA Sprint (Heats) 10 Sep 490m Brighton Nevill Puppies (Heats) 9 Sep 462m Yarmouth The RPGTV 73rd East Anglian Greyhound 515m Brighton Nevill Standard 9 Sep Derby (Semi Finals) 695m Brighton Nevill Stayers 9 Sep 480m Newcastle BGBF British Bred Northern Plate (Heats) 10 Sep Sun 15th Sep 480m Central Park 3rd Ladbrokes Kent Derby Trial Stakes 11 Sep Fri 13th Sep 480mH Central Park Eurolink Hoppers 11 Sep 480m Central Park 2nd Ladbrokes Kent Derby Trial Stakes 10 Sep 642m Central Park Eurolink Stayers 11 Sep 265mH Central Park Central Park Sprint Hurdle 10 Sep 480m Central Park Eurosuite Ladies (Heats) 11 Sep 480m Central Park Friday Night Maiden 10 Sep 480m Central Park RPGTV Maiden 11 Sep 265m Central Park Friday Sprint 10 Sep 450m Central Park RPGTV Maiden 450 11 Sep 642m Central Park Friday Stayers 10 Sep 265m Central Park RPGTV Maiden Sprint 11 Sep 400m Romford Coral Romford Puppy Cup (Heats) 10 Sep 642m Central Park RPGTV Maiden Stayers 11 Sep 925m Romford Coral TV Trophy (Final) 893m Central Park RPGTV Marathon 11 Sep 400m Romford Coral.Co.Uk Bitches 10 Sep 450m Central Park Sunday Night 450 11 Sep 575m Romford Coral.Co.Uk Bitches Stayers 10 Sep 480m Central Park Sunday Night Maiden (Heats) 11 Sep 400m Romford Coral.Co.Uk British Bred 10 Sep 642m Central Park The Killingbeck Novice Stayers (Final) 400mH Romford Coral.Co.Uk Hurdles 10 Sep 265m Central Park The Killingbeck Sprint (Final) 750m Romford Coral.Co.Uk Maiden Marathon 10 Sep 428m Henlow Henlow 428 Mini 11 Sep 575m Romford Coral.Co.Uk Maiden Stayers 10 Sep 428m Henlow Henlow 428 Mini Maiden 11 Sep 400m Romford Coral.Co.Uk Maidens 10 Sep 460m Henlow Henlow 460 Maiden 11 Sep 750m Romford Coral.Co.Uk Marathon 10 Sep 460m Henlow Henlow 460 Standard 11 Sep 400m Romford Coral.Co.Uk Puppies 10 Sep 550m Henlow Henlow 550 Maiden 11 Sep 400m Romford Coral.Co.Uk Seniors 10 Sep 550m Henlow Henlow 550 Midi 11 Sep 225m Romford Coral.Co.Uk Sprint 10 Sep 277m Henlow Henlow Dash 11 Sep 400m Romford Coral.Co.Uk Standard 10 Sep 460m Henlow Henlow Puppies 11 Sep

34 VOL 11 NO 17 23 AUGUST 2019 +PZ[ ;YHJR ,]LU[ ,U[YPLZ*SVZL +PZ[ ;YHJR ,]LU[ ,U[YPLZ*SVZL

692m Henlow Henlow Stayers 11 Sep 462m Yarmouth The RPGTV Supports Category One Racing 460m Henlow The Theo Mentzis Memorial Race 11 Sep - E.A. Derby Puppy Trophy 16 Sep 462m Yarmouth The RPGTV Yarmouth Monday & Thursdays Mon 16th Sep - E.A. Derby Standard 16 Sep 450m Doncaster Doncaster 450 Puppy 12 Sep 450m Doncaster Doncaster 450 Standard 12 Sep Fri 20th Sep 483m Doncaster Doncaster 483 Maiden 12 Sep 450m Central Park Friday Night 450 17 Sep 483m Doncaster Doncaster 483 Standard 12 Sep 480m Central Park Friday Night Maiden 17 Sep 661m Doncaster Doncaster 661 Stayers 12 Sep 265m Central Park Friday Night Maiden Sprint 17 Sep 661m Doncaster Doncaster Maiden Stayers 12 Sep 642m Central Park Friday Night Maiden Stayers 17 Sep 275m Doncaster Doncaster Sprint 12 Sep 265m Central Park Friday Night Sprint 17 Sep 500m Nottingham Nottingham Stadium Maiden Trophy 12 Sep 400m Romford Coral Bitches 17 Sep 480m Nottingham Nottingham Stadium Puppy Trophy 12 Sep 575m Romford Coral Bitches Stayers 17 Sep 305m Nottingham Nottingham Stadium Sprint Trophy 12 Sep 400mH Romford Coral Hurdles 17 Sep 500m Nottingham Nottingham Stadium Standard Trophy 12 Sep 750m Romford Coral Maiden Marathon 17 Sep 730m Nottingham Nottingham Stadium Stayers Trophy 12 Sep 575m Romford Coral Maiden Stayers 17 Sep 400m Romford Coral Maidens 17 Sep Tue 17th Sep 750m Romford Coral Marathon 17 Sep 480m Sheffield Sheffield Stadium 480 13 Sep 400m Romford Coral Puppies 17 Sep 660m Sheffield Sheffield Stadium Maiden Stayers 13 Sep 400m Romford Coral Romford Puppy Cup (Semi Finals) 500m Sheffield Sheffield Stadium Puppy 500 13 Sep 225m Romford Coral Sprint 17 Sep 280m Sheffield Sheffield Stadium Sprint 13 Sep 400m Romford Coral Standard 17 Sep 500m Sheffield Sheffield Stadium Standard 13 Sep 575m Romford Coral Stayers 17 Sep 660m Sheffield Sheffield Stadium Stayers 13 Sep 400m Romford Coral Winner Of One Standard 17 Sep Wed 18th Sep 575m Romford Coral Winner Of One Stayers 17 Sep 400m Romford Romford Friday Night 500 Standard (Heats) 17 Sep 592m Harlow Harlow Maiden Stayers Monkey (Heats) 16 Sep 575m Romford Romford Friday Night 500 Stayers (Heats) 17 Sep 415m Harlow Harlow Standard Monkey (Final) 415m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Maiden 16 Sep Sat 21st Sep 238m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Maiden Sprint 16 Sep 714m Crayford Jay & Kay Coach Tours Kent St Leger (Heats) 17 Sep 592m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Maiden Stayers 16 Sep 238m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Sprint 16 Sep Sun 22nd Sep 415m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Standard 16 Sep 480m Central Park Eurosuite Ladies (Final) 592m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Stayers 16 Sep 450m Central Park Ladbrokes 450 18 Sep 480mH Central Park Ladbrokes Hurdle 18 Sep Thu 19th Sep 480m Central Park Ladbrokes Kent Derby (Heats) 18 Sep 515m Brighton Nevill Ladies (Final) 480m Central Park Ladbrokes Maiden 18 Sep 490m Brighton Nevill Puppies (Final) 708m Central Park Ladbrokes Maiden Super Stayers 18 Sep 480m Newcastle BGBF British Bred Northern Plate (Semi Finals) 893m Central Park Ladbrokes Marathon 18 Sep 640m Newcastle Exclusive Restaurant Deals At Newcastle 265m Central Park Ladbrokes Sprint 18 Sep Greyhounds 640 Stayers 16 Sep 480m Central Park Sunday Night Maiden (Final) 480m Newcastle Follow Newcastle Greyhound Stadium On 428m Henlow Henlow 428 Maiden Mini 18 Sep Social Media Standard 16 Sep 428m Henlow Henlow 428 Mini 18 Sep 480m Newcastle Newcastle Greyhound Stadium British Bred Puppy 16 Sep 460m Henlow Henlow 460 Maiden 18 Sep 706m Newcastle Www.Newcastledogs.Com 706 Super Stayers 16 Sep 460m Henlow Henlow 460 Standard 18 Sep 480m Newcastle Www.Newcastledogs.Com British Bred 550m Henlow Henlow 550 Maiden 18 Sep Standard 16 Sep 550m Henlow Henlow 550 Midi 18 Sep 659m Yarmouth The Derby Purse (Final) 277m Henlow Henlow Dash 18 Sep 277m Yarmouth The Greene King IPA Sprint (Final) 460m Henlow Henlow Puppies 18 Sep 659m Yarmouth The Quickcall Supporting Yarmouth 692m Henlow Henlow Stayers 18 Sep - E.A. Derby Stayers 16 Sep 462m Yarmouth The RPGTV 73rd East Anglian Greyhound Mon 23rd Sep Derby (Final) 450m Doncaster Doncaster 450 Puppy 19 Sep 462m Yarmouth The RPGTV Free To Air Greyhound Racing 450m Doncaster Doncaster 450 Standard 19 Sep - Gents Standard 16 Sep 483m Doncaster Doncaster 483 Maiden 19 Sep 843m Yarmouth The RPGTV On Sky 431/Freesat 250 483m Doncaster Doncaster 483 Standard 19 Sep - E.A. Derby Marathon 16 Sep 661m Doncaster Doncaster 661 Stayers 19 Sep 277m Yarmouth The RPGTV Seven Nights A Week 661m Doncaster Doncaster Maiden Stayers 19 Sep - E.A. Derby Sprint 16 Sep 275m Doncaster Doncaster Sprint 19 Sep


500m Nottingham BGBF/Nottingham British Breeders Trial Stake 19 Sep 400m Romford Romford Friday Night 500 Standard (Final) 480m Nottingham Nottingham Stadium 480 Trophy 19 Sep 575m Romford Romford Friday Night 500 Stayers (Final) 680m Nottingham Nottingham Stadium 680 Trophy 19 Sep 500m Nottingham Nottingham Stadium Maidens Trophy 19 Sep Sat 28th Sep 500m Nottingham Nottingham Stadium Standard Trophy 19 Sep 714m Crayford Jay & Kay Coach Tours Kent St Leger (Semi Finals) Tue 24th Sep 264m Monmore Ladbrokes Autumn Festival 264 25 Sep 480m Sheffield Sheffield Stadium 480 20 Sep 480m Monmore Ladbrokes Autumn Festival 480 25 Sep 500m Sheffield Sheffield Stadium Maiden 500 20 Sep 480m Monmore Ladbrokes Autumn Festival 480 Maiden 25 Sep 480m Sheffield Sheffield Stadium Puppy 480 20 Sep 480m Monmore Ladbrokes Autumn Festival 480 Puppy 25 Sep 280m Sheffield Sheffield Stadium Sprint 20 Sep 630m Monmore Ladbrokes Autumn Festival 630 25 Sep 500m Sheffield Sheffield Stadium Standard 20 Sep 630m Monmore Ladbrokes Autumn Festival 630 Maiden 25 Sep 660m Sheffield Sheffield Stadium Stayers 20 Sep 684m Monmore Ladbrokes Autumn Festival 684 25 Sep 480m Shawfield Winning Post Trophy (Heats) 25 Sep Wed 25th Sep 415m Harlow Harlow Maiden Monkey (Heats) 23 Sep Sun 29th Sep 592m Harlow Harlow Maiden Stayers Monkey (Final) 480m Central Park Ladbrokes Kent Derby (Semi Finals) 415m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Maiden 23 Sep 642m Central Park Ladbrokes Stayers (Heats) 25 Sep 238m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Maiden Sprint 23 Sep 428m Henlow Henlow 428 Maiden Mini 25 Sep 592m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Maiden Stayers 23 Sep 428m Henlow Henlow 428 Mini 25 Sep 238m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Sprint 23 Sep 460m Henlow Henlow 460 Maiden 25 Sep 415m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Standard 23 Sep 460m Henlow Henlow 460 Standard 25 Sep 592m Harlow Harlow Wednesday Stayers 23 Sep 550m Henlow Henlow 550 Maiden 25 Sep 550m Henlow Henlow 550 Midi 25 Sep Thu 26th Sep 277m Henlow Henlow Dash 25 Sep 480m Newcastle BGBF British Bred Northern Plate (Final) 460m Henlow Henlow Puppies 25 Sep 290m Newcastle Book Your Christmas Party With Us At 692m Henlow Henlow Stayers 25 Sep Newcastle Greyhound Stadium Sprint 23 Sep 480m Newcastle Follow @Newcastledogs On Twitter Maiden 480 23 Sep Mon 30th Sep 480m Newcastle Follow Newcastle Greyhounds On Facebook 450m Doncaster Doncaster 450 Puppy 26 Sep Seniors Standard 23 Sep 450m Doncaster Doncaster 450 Standard 26 Sep 640m Newcastle Newcastle Greyhound Stadium 640 Stayers 23 Sep 483m Doncaster Doncaster 483 Maiden 26 Sep 480m Newcastle Newcastle Greyhound Stadium British Bred 483m Doncaster Doncaster 483 Standard 26 Sep Puppy 23 Sep 661m Doncaster Doncaster 661 Stayers 26 Sep 706m Newcastle Www.Newcastledogs.Com 706 Super Stayers 23 Sep 661m Doncaster Doncaster Maiden Stayers 26 Sep 480m Newcastle Www.Newcastledogs.Com British Bred Standard 23 Sep 275m Doncaster Doncaster Sprint 26 Sep 480m Newcastle Www.Newcastledogs.Com Standard 23 Sep 500m Nottingham BGBF/Nottingham British Breeders Trial Stake 26 Sep 480m Nottingham Stadium Bookmakers Maiden Trophy 26 Sep Fri 27th Sep 500m Nottingham Stadium Bookmakers Puppy Trophy 26 Sep 400m Romford Coral Romford Puppy Cup (Final) 305m Nottingham Stadium Bookmakers Sprint Trophy 26 Sep 925m Romford London Road 925 24 Sep 730m Nottingham Stadium Bookmakers Stayers Trophy 26 Sep 400m Romford London Road Bitches 24 Sep 575m Romford London Road Bitches Stayers 24 Sep Wed 2nd Oct 400m Romford London Road British Bred 24 Sep 415m Harlow Harlow Maiden Monkey (Final) 400mH Romford London Road Hurdles 24 Sep Fri 4th Oct 750m Romford London Road Maiden Marathon 24 Sep 400m Romford Romford Friday Night 500 Bitches (Heats) 1 Oct 575m Romford London Road Maiden Stayers 24 Sep 575m Romford Romford Friday Night 500 Maiden Stayers 400m Romford London Road Maidens 24 Sep (Final) 750m Romford London Road Marathon 24 Sep 400m Romford Romford Friday Night 500 Maidens (Final) 400m Romford London Road Puppies 24 Sep 400m Romford Romford Friday Night 500 Maidens (Heats) 1 Oct 400m Romford London Road Seniors 24 Sep 225m Romford London Road Sprint 24 Sep Sat 5th Oct 400m Romford London Road Standard 24 Sep 260m Belle Vue BAPP Group Of Companies Scurry Cup 575m Romford London Road Stayers 24 Sep (Heats) 30 Sep 400m Romford London Road Winner Of One Standard 24 Sep 714m Crayford Jay & Kay Coach Tours Kent St Leger (Final) 575m Romford London Road Winner Of One Stayers 24 Sep 480m Shawfield Winning Post Trophy (Final) 575m Romford Romford Friday Night 500 Maiden Stayers (Heats) 24 Sep Sun 6th Oct 400m Romford Romford Friday Night 500 Maidens (Heats) 24 Sep 480m Central Park Ladbrokes Kent Derby (Final)

36 VOL 11 NO 17 23 AUGUST 2019 +PZ[ ;YHJR ,]LU[ ,U[YPLZ*SVZL +PZ[ ;YHJR ,]LU[ ,U[YPLZ*SVZL 642m Central Park Ladbrokes Stayers (Final) Wed 23rd Oct Mon 7th Oct 661m Doncaster SIS Yorkshire St Leger (Final) 500m Nottingham BGBF/Nottingham British Breeders Stakes Thu 24th Oct (Heats) 3 Oct 515m Brighton Coral Brighton Belle (Heats) 21 Oct Wed 9th Oct 661m Doncaster SIS Yorkshire St Leger (Heats) 7 Oct Fri 25th Oct 400mH Romford RK-Barton Triumph Hurdle (Final) Thu 10th Oct 400m Romford Romford Friday Night 500 Maidens (Final) 490m Brighton Seasons Scaffolding Puppy Trophy (Heats) 7 Oct 225m Romford Romford Friday Night 500 Sprint (Final)

Fri 11th Oct Sat 26th Oct 400m Romford Romford Friday Night 500 Bitches (Final) 540m Crayford Ladbrokes Gold Collar (Semi Finals) 400m Romford Romford Friday Night 500 Maidens (Final) 400m Romford Romford Friday Night 500 Standard (Heats) 8 Oct Thu 31st Oct 575m Romford Romford Friday Night 500 Stayers (Heats) 8 Oct 515m Brighton Coral Brighton Belle (Semi Finals) Sat 12th Oct Sat 2nd Nov 470m Belle Vue BAPP Group Of Companies (Heats) 7 Oct 540m Crayford Ladbrokes Gold Collar (Final) 260m Belle Vue BAPP Group Of Companies Scurry Cup (Semi Finals) 710m Perry Barr RPGTV St Leger (Heats) 30 Oct

Mon 14th Oct Thu 7th Nov 500m Nottingham BGBF/Nottingham British Breeders Stakes 515m Brighton Coral Brighton Belle (Final) (Semi Finals) Sat 9th Nov Wed 16th Oct 710m Perry Barr RPGTV St Leger (Semi Finals) 661m Doncaster SIS Yorkshire St Leger (Semi Finals) Sat 16th Nov Thu 17th Oct 710m Perry Barr RPGTV St Leger (Final) 490m Brighton Seasons Scaffolding Puppy Trophy (Final)

Fri 18th Oct Sat 23rd Nov 400mH Romford RK-Barton Triumph Hurdle (Heats) 15 Oct 480m Monmore Ladbrokes Trafalgar Cup 2019 (Heats) 20 Nov 400m Romford Romford Friday Night 500 Maidens (Heats) 15 Oct Tue 26th Nov 225m Romford Romford Friday Night 500 Sprint (Heats) 15 Oct 500m Sheffield BGBF British Bred Derby (Heats) 22 Nov 400m Romford Romford Friday Night 500 Standard (Final) 575m Romford Romford Friday Night 500 Stayers (Final) Sat 30th Nov Sat 19th Oct 480m Monmore Ladbrokes Trafalgar Cup 2019 (Final) 470m Belle Vue BAPP Group Of Companies Northern Flat (Final) 260m Belle Vue BAPP Group Of Companies Scurry Cup (Final) Tue 3rd Dec 540m Crayford Ladbrokes Gold Collar (Heats) 15 Oct 500m Sheffield BGBF British Bred Derby (Semi Finals)

Mon 21st Oct Tue 10th Dec 500m Nottingham BGBF/Nottingham British Breeders Stakes (Final) 500m Sheffield BGBF British Bred Derby (Final)

Published by the Greyhound Board of Great Britain Limited at Genesis House, 17 Godliman Street, London EC4V 5BD Telephone 020 7822 0900 Fax 020 7822 0901 www.gbgb.org.uk Disclaimer for advertising in the GBGB Calendar: Inclusion of an advertisement in this GBGB Calendar does not constitute or imply an endorsement by the GBGB of the advertised goods or services, nor does it constitute or imply any representation that use of the goods or services is in compliance with the Rules of Racing in force from time to time or that the goods or services will be suitable or appropriate for the use described. All persons are reminded that it is their responsibility at all times to comply with the Rules of Racing and reference to any advertisement in the GBGB Calendar will not be a defence to any disciplinary proceedings brought in relation to use of the advertised goods or services. The GBGB hereby excludes to the maximum extent permitted by law any liability arising out of the advertisement or use of any goods or services advertised in this GBGB Calendar. Printed by Orphans Press Ltd., Arrow Close, Enterprise Park, Leominster, , HR6 0LD. Tel: (01568) 612460 5HJLVWHUHGDWWKH3RVW2IÀFHDVDQHZVSDSHU No reproduction in part or whole without the express permission of the publisher. The Greyhound Board of Great Britain do not guarantee the accuracy of the information contained in this calendar and undertake no responsibility for errors or omissions or their consequences.