Pickering Portrays Peter in the Rock' This Week Registrations Exceed

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Pickering Portrays Peter in the Rock' This Week Registrations Exceed "Ye Shall Know the Truth" Vol. XXXVI — No. 21 Taylor University, Upland, Indiana April 1, 1952 Formosa Team Continues Preparation To Represent Christ As Athletes With this backdrop scene, Lois Inboden and Rod Liechty emphasized Last 1 hursday, the Taylor five accompanied by Coach the theme 'Sound Forth Christ' Don Odle visited the county clerk's office in Marion to pro­ cure their passports for their coming exhibition tour of For­ Cleveland Heads mosa, Hong Kong and Japan. Gem As Editor Registrations Exceed According to Coach Odle, the athletes are traveling light; they re packing only basketball equipment, Bibles, hymn books In elections held last week by messa e lOOO Mark At Conference f. '? g ; As Frank Anderson, writer for The Indianapo­ the '52 Gem staff, Gladys Cleve­ lis unes, put it, "The touring collegians don't expect to change land was elected editor for the Last Sunday afternoon, the registration at the 19tli annual the world for the better right away. But even if success against annual of the coming year. Dave Pelton was chosen business man­ Youth Conference totaled 1,017. Young people came to Taylor communism is measured in drib­ from twelve different states for the occasion. Sunday afternoon bles, basketball dribbles, they'll ager. feel well rewarded." As a first-semester senior, an estimated crowd of 2400 filled the gymnasium' and about 200 people were turned away. Following' are testimonies given Gladys comes from Lake Placid, by each member of the Formosa- New York. She is a sociology ma­ Ot the 1017 who registered, 657 of these were girls. Those bound team: jor who plans to go to the mis­ in charge of the dining hall re­ sion field. The Echo has claimed Dept. Picks Play port having served 5,082 meals M hat a tremendous challenge Gladys as a feature writer this during the week end. it is to have the opportunity to year. The Barretts of Wimpole According to decision cards, 75 present the gospel to the people Dave Pelton, a sophomore from Street, a three-act play by Ru­ accepted Christ as Saviour, 49 of Formosa. We are united in our Flint, Michigan, is a business ma­ dolf Besier, has been selected as consecrated their lives to Christ, determination to see this mission jor. He plans to enter into a the Speech department produc­ 28 gave their lives for full time fulfilled. Christ said 'Go ye', 'I tion for May. service on the mission field and 23 will provide every need'." phase of that field upon gradua­ tion. Dave's interest lies in The play, an authentic love made other dedications. Coach Don J. Odle spring sports, and he is prom­ story of Elizabeth Barrett and The following states were rep­ "I do consider this a great op­ inent in the realm of tennis. Robert Browning, has a cast of resented on campus: Oklahoma, portunity and privilege to serve From a list of recommendations twelve men and five women. It Maine, Virginia, Ohio, Illinois, Jesus Christ in this capacity. 'The submitted by the Organizations is a vivid portrayal of the Barrett Michigan, Indiana, Pennsylvania, field is ripe and ready for har­ and Publications committee, this children's struggle against a ty­ Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama vest.' If I can use my talents in year's editor chose three names rannical father. and Wisconsin. The largest group this 'Venture for Victory', I am Don Odle will coach the Formo­ from any one place was from ready to go in His name." sa team in their Venture for Vic­ Columbus, Ohio; there were 41 in Forrest Jackson tory. the group. The Lord has wonderfully Choir Goes East Friday Two offerings were taken dur­ ing Youth Conference. On Satur­ opened the door for the gospel in WBAT Features by Lola Tedrick Formosa. I count it a great oppor­ day evening, the missionary of­ tunity and a personal responsibil­ Taylor Program Professor Eugene Pearson has announced the itinerary fering amounted to $750.51, Sun­ ity to tell the Formosan people for the spring tour of the Taylor university A Cappella choir. day afternoon's offering was A daily program, "Taylor $759.65. about the Christ I know and love. From April 4 until April 18 the 40-voice group will sing in I hope and pray that the gospel Time," will be featuring Taylor gospel teams this week. various services throughout the East. They will make fifteen of Jesus Christ and its power of appearances. saving from sin will find its way The programs will be fifteen- into the hearts and lives of the minute devotional Lenten services. A trip is made by the choir every year. Last spring they Tanis Speaks Formosan people." "Taylor Time" is on the air at gave sixteen concerts throughout Indiana, Illinois, Ohio and Howard Habegger 4:45 p. m. each day on station Michigan. Contacts are made for of Experiences "My heart was deceitful above WBAT-1400 on the radio dial— Serve by Praying the tour through the interest of all things and desperately wicked Marion, Indiana. students and alumni of the school. Rev. Carl J. Tanis will speak until one day I met my Master Station WBAT will also broad­ Most of us believe in tithing. Don Jennings is choir presi­ in Chapel Monday morning and face to face. The blood of Jesus cast a special program by the Ten per cent of what we earn dent. Other officers are Carlyle Ambassadors Monday evening at Christ cleansed me from all sin Taylor A Capella choir on Easter goes into the Master's service. Saylor, vice president, Stewart 6:40 in Shreiner auditorium. He and now has given me the great­ Sunday, April 13 at 5 p. m. But what about our time? Ten Cuthbertson, chaplain, Doris Os­ will be in the consultation room Monday afternoon for interviews est opportunity and responsibil­ The fellows in Swallow-Robin per cent of our time would be 2 walt, secretary, Howard Mellott, with students. ity of telling others of the love have started a radio station which hours, 40 minutes! All that we property custodian, Rex Gear- Rev Tanis is the deputation and power we can have in Christ. can be heard throughout their have been asked to give in prayer heart, business manager, Bruce secretary for the Sudan Interior The harvest truly is plenteous, dormitory. is five minutes each day for two Kline and Arloeen Williams, li­ but the laborers are few, and it is weeks. Only five minutes to pray brarians. mission. He is a graduate of The evening of open house the Moody Bible institute and North­ my desire that this laborer give for eight men who have given The tour will include the fol­ fellows initiated their first broad­ ern Baptist seminary. For 15 his all to these Formosan people." three months of their lives to cru­ lowing churches: cast over station WTBS, Taylor years he has been a missionary Norm Holmskog sade for Christ in Formosa. Let's broadcasting system. The sta­ April 4,5,6—Fri., Sat., Sun. Rev. in Africa among the wild head- "My wife and I left the United tion which is operated in Harold make the most of the opportunity to support them in prayer. .at Don Rose, 133 Cleves Ave., hunters and cannibals. There Rev. States on March 1 for Formosa Draper's room, has a frequency of Tanis established a Bible training least five minutes a day for the Cleves, Ohio. under the Oriental Missionary so­ 890 kc. Plans are being made for institute which trains hundreds ciety. We praise the Lord for His next two weeks. April 7—Monday. No concert a stronger setup that can be heard set as yet. of native young men and women leading and guiding. The past in the girl's dormitory as well. Five minutes! to be missionaries among their April 8—Tuesday. Hansberger (continued on page 4, column 1) own people. Today there are thou­ Memorial Methodist. Rev. Herbert sands of Christians in that area. M. Frazer, 13th and Cleveland McLennan To Bring Pickering Portrays Peter Ave., Columbus, Ohio. April 9—Wednesday. Christian Chapel Message Missionary Alliance Church. Rev. In The Rock' This Week Paul Henry, Ambridge, Pennsyl­ Rev. Ross McLennan, a Meth­ vania. odist minister and field repre­ The Speech department will present Mary P. Hamlin's April 10—Thursday. St. John's sentative for the National Prohi­ drama, "The Rock," this Thursday, April 3, at 8 p.m. in May­ Evangelical United Br ether n bition party will be the chapel tag gymnasium. This three-act play shows the character de­ Church. Rev. F. H. Fletcher, 1218 speaker for Wednesday. velopment of Simon Peter. W. Arch St., Shamokin, Pennsyl­ After graduating from Taylor In the first act Simon, a poor young fisherman, pours out vania. university, Rev. McLennan attend­ to his little wife, Adina, his ambition to become a great April 11—Good Friday. Calvary ed Garret Biblical institute. For merchant. However, he becomes Protestant (8 p.m.) Rev. L. F. the past eight years he has been fired by enthuiasm for a strange Moon, 134 Park Ave., Baldwin, engaged in interdenominational Conference Helps teacher from Nazareth, Jesus, His Long Island, New York. work. mother-in law, Uncle Ucal and April 12—Saturday. Evangeli­ Rev. McLennan has served as O.M.S. in Ecuador the wicked Magdala oppose him, cal Congregational. Rev. Oscar chairman of the public affairs but Adina stands loyally by. Bachlund, 43 Grove Street, Stam­ committee of Saginaw Michigan The Youth Conference cabinet As the play progresses Simon ford, Connecticut.
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