TBB Tlie youiiK ladles^ soolnl olub was re^ oriwuized last Saturday nt Miss Rosa l'llBrid«y,MAr 17,1804. Collmth's. The rollowiiiK officers were elected; Mrs. Eltu Thorburn, presi­ dent; Mrs. Fhira Black, vice president; SPRING WAGONS .'v'Felts. 1 Miss Id 1 Craig, secretary; Miss Rose se ;'Cora Clark ut ilie reading Colbuth, treasurer. Tlie next meeting A at Mason last. Saturday.—Jolin will be iield at Mrs. Will Biukert's ,j. Potter visited in town taut Sunday.— May 26.—The ladles' .aid society will , Hiis been newly Furnished and :; Planting corn Is the order of the day. meet witli Mrs. S. W. Mayer Thursday Cjeancd tip and is in .S. Meiich is laying tlle this Rpring.— alteriiuon of this week.—Miss Bertha VOL. XXXVL^NO. ai. First-class Shape. MASON, MICH.. THURSDAY, MAY 24. 1894. Bert Potter has tiie inunipa. Plieipsof Bath and Miss Bessie Soni- WHOLE NO. 1846i erviile of Maaon were the guests of Southeast Alaledou. Mrs. June Maxwell oVer Sunday.— G. S. Wilson iiad botli of his horses Miss Lizzie Sloan of Lausing spent A aOOp FEED BARN Ice cream soda at Longyear Bros. Memorial Day Prograiii. TlStm AMD ViaiTUM- killed liy ilKiituing wliile plowing on Sunday with her sister, Mrs, Alta Monday. His hired man was knocked Fisher.—Mr. uud Mrs. Cliarlie Cook . In connection with the House. , Col. L. H. Ives will deliver tbe Memorial day services will be down but was not hurt much.—Mrs. occupy their new house.—Henry Bar­ I Decoration Day address at Felts. appropriately observed in Mason, May Mrs. A. J. Hair la ylslting Detroit friends JUST READ ker ot Potterville spent Sunday at Ed, D. S; DUFFIELD, Piop'r. this week. Ed. Lundy of Gratiot county is visit­ Browne's Book Store! , That nice $1.25 men's shoe only $1.00 30. The followInK gentlemen will of- This carefully and see what a little ing lier brother, Austlii UIggs, and Moore's—The ladies' aid society of llie I at Brown Bros.' 40w2 ftuiate 08 officera of the day; otlier friends of Aiaiednn. — Irvin M. E, churcli will iiold a picnic social Pre«ldent-«ol. Jobn A. Shannon. yMterday°' money will buy. Extra Heavy Speer spent the fore part of the week ut Miss Emma Umpiistead's Saturday Having purchased the H. M. Williams stock of Paints, I Carl J. Loomis Is again at his post Marsbal-Malor John O. Snook. .^'i *'i'H!?" P'orceof East Saginaw was In Oliaplaln-Rev. H. W. Powell. town laat (Saturday. Clothes Boilers, only $i.oo. Three with his uncle, L. P. Lundy of Lan­ afternoon of this week. All are invii­ will now carry a full line of the well icnown jw turnkey and deputy sheriir ut the ProceMlon—Tbe proccttilon will lorm OD' O sing. ed.—Bert Ripley of Lansing called ou DON'T FORGET ... I Jail. street, wltb right on. Ash street, al ItSO p. m. Blalehford was called home to Toronto, ply Chair Seats, the best made, with •Iiarp, lu the following order: Maann K. O. Canada, this week, ' Jacob Cook last Saturday.-Dr. Chad- To call nl tlie Cottage prayer meeting at the real brass headed tacks, only loc. Cop­ dork is improving tlie looks of his T. M. Band. Co F. M. N. O. V. B. K. pT, K. Wlulleld. BOYOELL BROS.' PREPARED PAINTS. deuce of 8. P. Stroud tomorrow even 9; 7.' M •« O- A. B. ball and escort Miss Ann- Barnes of Lansing la vlslilnc iiouie ,vitli a coat of paint.—Mrs. G. A. among her Mason friends. per Bottom Tea Kettles, only 48c. Floyd Harwoiai and fainJIy are vis- Maple Sf reef Feed Store I lug..' Phil. UcKeroan Poet, G. A.B.. locludiagall Miliar and lier class of eloculloii will •¥«ICTI.'r PVMB WHITE I.EAD, veterans, Pbll, McKernan W. It. U. and „Hlaa Winnie Wessela of Lansing, passed ' itliiijatEd. Moi'rl.soii's; al.HO Mr. and TMrs. Surah Miner, aged 76 years flower girls to the opera house, where the Good 35c Brooms, only '14c each. give an entertainment at the Pie.^iby- .... I.'ull .... We are Closing Out a liig Variety of Carriages and Wagons at HATIOJTAI. TINTINQ COLOM, foilowiug ezerolsea will be held: Sunday with friends In this city. Mrs. Hunt uiiii Mr. and Mi's. Good of terian ciiurch next Saturday evening. died at her huiiie lu Leslie last Sun Extra quality Envelopes, only 5c a Aurelius. — Tlie liaptiam at Statt'a aHANIMO CALOaa. OIU. VABNISHEM. Music. Mr.J. B. Foote. prlnoipaiof tbe Onondaga This will be under the auspices of the ?Iour, Feed, Linseed Meal, |day. Prayer, . . Rev. H. W. PoweU scboola.wasin the city Saturday. bridge,, from Aui'clius, was well at­ And a complete line of Mualo. bunch. Eqtra Fine Tumblers, 5c Y. P. S. C. E. and a good attendance | The C. L. S. C. will meet with Miss tended by nearly everybody In the is desired,—Tlie Presiiyterian Sunday Oats, fiasoline. Kerosene Oil, Boater of Comrades, whose • rave* are lo be ^**iPJ, f;^"" people have bren attending each. Men^» regular made Fast Onni Neely next Monday evening at decorated, Hlsiorrao L. E. Uawley the Ulll divorce suit in court tbls week. vicinity.—Miss. L. Mapes is still in school is making ])rcparations for RUINOUSLY LOW PRICES! PAINT BRUSHES.^ Music. Lansing.—Mark Winters and family Cigars, Soap, Starch, Candy, Jennie Keysiir, who Is leaching near Stock- Black Hose, 10c per pain Those children's day.—Mrs, H. Jacobus and Our stock of WALL PAPER and Memorial Addreaa, Past Department Prasl> bridge, spent Saturday and Sunday at home. "re moving iieie from Cliarlotte.—Mrs. Mrs, Geo, Miller visited relatives in > III racl cveryllilug tliat la to be fouud Frank A.:Wrlght ia the partner of deut W. B. 0., Mrs.S; A..C,Plamaier heavy Socks strll go for iioc a pair; vgjjte Parmer h visiting friends .here. Within a day's driviJ of Mason and contcmpl.i.tc purchasing anything- Mrs. Agusta Sackrlder ot Detroit spent aev- Webbervllle part of lust week.—Mrs, 111 a Flrat-UluSH F«cil Store. WINDOW SHADES is larger and more complete A. J. Reamer iu the new grocery and MU81\ Ssue *'* fflends since our latt three pair for 25c. Call and see ..—Jipkiather chaiitceable as ever.-OII ver ill our line this season, it will certainly p.ny you to come NOW to- Lucliida Phillips of Alaledou spent I feed store. Benediction. ,- .S.Wflffc Jjus another attack of erysipelas. last wreK willi Mrs. Ida Hancock.— than ever hefore. our Ladies* and Childrera's 10c Hose. IF YOU LIVE our factorv, in the Northeastern p.nrt of the citj', and we will convince Dr. Frank £. Thomas will answer At the close of these exerclaea tbe Miss Florence Ludwlg of the Walnut street Mr. and Mrs. Elijah Pulling returned PRICES MDCH LOWER. New Laces and lots o* thenu In Tho ffreiJtest worm destroyer ou m m m\ m mt mm calls from bin olllce. at uight as well as procession will form and march tu tbe SM?eTiylor »oo. A. B. ,H. Field. a T^Ti T'l^iO Ti 1^ ship—you know where to find us. Wc have a large Variety to select? C. E.8«irre left this morning for the season broidery Silks in all colors. Don't I of drunk aud disorderly. Hall and disband. upon tbe lakrs. He goes as first male of the Buy Dullam's Great 25-cent Cough \J J.L fr KJAk'AM. ^^^^^^ ^^^^1 ^^.|][ pleasure in showing you our work. Committee of Arrangements. steamer IB. T. Green. fail to call and see- us at the largest ;tlnlc(loH Tia Meridian Line. The Pyramid Plio Cure Died, In Leslie township. May 22, of Cure at Haistead & Son's aud F. H, and lightest store ire the city. Ash Hai'd limes (jncial at theGraiige hall Field's. • Is a new discovery for the prompt, pci- coiiaumptiou, Mrs. E. Deusterbeck Weed your wheat Aelds. B??'"'/?'!?"}!? daughter of Presiding Yoiiis Truly, NEW a NOTE a. I She leaves a husband and two nous. RlderO.H. Ulcker. visited ber friends the ' Thursday evening, the proceeds lo go niancnt cure of Piles in every ffjrir.. The Paddock block looks gay la its Mlaaee Barnbart Tuesday. and Main streets, toward fitting ont the Sunday sclnail Nortli Leslie. Every druggisthasit^ The finest display of lawn mowers at new paint. Harry Bond, Orla Cannon. Maud Bement of Dist. No. 8 for rally day.—The next Mumps! Mumps! Nearly everyone See notice of cow for sale. and Maud Crumb snent Sunday with Miss FORD & KIRBY. Business Cards. very low prices at C. F. Brown's. * legulur meeting of Pomona grange at is having the mumps.—G. W. Brewer North Aiirelins. ROGERS MANUFAOTURINQ CO. M. J. Bement buyahurseaatLaiiiga* Crumb's parenU at Pleasant Lake. Ford's Bazaar. Board of review meets again next burg to-day. Felts Is postponed to June;].5 and 16 of Williamstoii was here on business The L. A. S. will he eiiterlained by Moiiilay. Last Monday Frank McKeever Peer! Langley -was home from the Stale OINO.OOINa, GONE. L. H. IVES, gen­ pleaded guilty to a charge of drunk Normal three days laat week. Tbe dedloatiun ' on account of rally ilay.—M. V. Olds is Saturday. — Will. Muniliy of Diiiioii- Mrs. Frank Bond Wednesday, May 23, The flab ia Grand rivee are dying of G eral auctiooeer. Farm property • Similes of Vennor ! Get tbnl cyclone land disorderly, deiaisited fG.85 and or tbe ••Gym." gave brr a vacation. ' cleaning away tlie asliea and enlarging ilule called on B. Brown and wile last at 2.30o'clock.—Viola Fosimri; return­ SHERWOOD'S apaclalty. Leave order* at this ufflce oreall Home disease. ofT the sun. fled. Mr. Cole, agent hisoellar for a new liotise. He will week.—Ira Jones, wife and lialiy of ed to her lioiiie in Ctiiiieltown to duy. at realdeiice. SatUfocllon cuarknteeil. for tbe Slay Ion lecture Steel Harness i iDOtW MISSION Chenille and lacecurtaiu» cheap, at bureau. Is In Maaon1 engage engagedd I nIn workin w< g up • ' coiiinieiice liullding next month. Aurelius called on friends in lliis —Some from here attended baptism W« bave cvenr fa-1 Wild cherry pliosnliate at the Star Paint on the residence of Dr. Rtmt course oft eclures for next winter. , NOW ONLY 1 cllltjr nccMSBry Iter' ATrilHMETM. Clias. U. Hall'a. % Among the losses by the lire were vieinily Sunday.—Miss Belle Simpson services near Kiniiieviiii'. OoDSlcsmenta •eearlBS beat •«•( Drug Store. and C. J. Rayner lias improved the Mrsrs.. Blatebi;oruiatenrord lefleftt foforr PorPortt HopeHope, Ontario, • clippings from the Ki:ws for nearly of Onondaga was a recenl gue.>t of •oUdUd. • alts fit ehipiMra.' K. DOVINO, attorney at law. Olllco In looks of Ihe corner of Ash and Are you interested in Rally Day? Mondanda;y evening, being called by leJlegral m to 1$10. Our rcfcrcncca ar«< Parkhurat block, Manon.SIIch. l»yl Win. MudKC of Onondaga is build­ tbe bed side of ber father wbo la dar four years, treasurer's account booic Mrs. Harry Fox.—Mrs. Win. Root Anreliii.s. Bttt market streetit. If not, why uot t dangerously prict tecurf d— •njr reapaaalblel ing u new barn. ill. CASH ' belonging to Alaledou library Uist. and Mrs. Geo. Jones were in Bunker- builBMS bom* ori LAWTON T. HEMANS, There will he a cake and cifTee No. 5, flfty cents in money and thiw hill one day last week to attend a mis­ Uncle Horace Stralton reiiirned last prompt ritivnt. You will lie pleased with. "Out Coun­ Fred Becker of Agpata, Ohio, is now mak­ bBBk la Cblca«a. A TTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT "Our Country Cousins" at the opera social ut R. R. Doolittle's Friday, Mav try Cousin" at opera bouse to-night. . year's records of the lecture worli of sionary iiieeling.—Cliarles Hay ward of Moiuhiy from Juekson, where he hus , IA.rtl Unum ei. law. Olllee over Flrit SUte aad Sav- house this evening. ing bis home with hia uncle. Tlieron Becker been visiting llie past two weeks.—Sis I M<>wtraiMlr<«. .ngibanli, HaMon, Mich. 25, for the beneflt of Rally day. Bifl of Wheatfleld, He Is but a small boy. yet the Ingham Co. Pomona Grange, all Wheeler, G raliot counly, was the guest \ ^ 111^" flillmimii 10 centa each. All Invitetl. Rev. G. D. Chase will deliver bis made the trip from Ohio alone and remained • of which stiouey cannot replace. of Robert Dili and family Saturday more were iinmersed in Grand rivi-r ••tablisliMl Silberman Brothers] This is Queen ViclorlM's birthday. led ure on Wyandotte Cave„ at Edeii wltb M.J. Murray's people two days before IWRlTCl 1809 M. CUMMINS, lawyer, olllce overFarui; and Sunday.—Paul Darling and wife last .Sunday and in the evening lie PaRTicuLanil Ilt*l Cnicaco. Illinois A . era' Uank, Maion, Mich. Shels 75 years ofage. Miss Maggie Cush of Nortli Lansing June 1. be oould And bla uncle. mcalllchl. Lord's sujiper was administered al li.e •harwootf Hirntu Co.>*UBUfiN. N.V, is begiiiiihig a case against that city of Arlaiid were the guests of Mr. and K. SANDERS, attorney and oaunnolot Renieinber I am headquarters for Mrs. L. Hasbiouck Sunday.-Mrs. Ed. Baptist church.—Oue week ago your for iliimages received on a defective A. J. Hall presented the city enough Shall we celebrate July 4 ? Tr. 'Oiibbot and Geo. Archers have G. at law. omoe lu the lluDtlnt;ton block, for garden bose. C. F. BKOWN. • gravel to paich upB. street iu pretty 6 lbs Oraekers 25«r ^Vf^u improving their residences by Duesterbeck is verv low.—M. J. Bow- correspondent was called to liie bed­ up atalrs, Maaon, Mich, sidewalk. She asks for $3,500. Thursday, May 17, brought one of side of his motlier, only to sec lier pufS Ben B. Crapo Is building hini good sliape. "-additions.—Miles Gibson luw the frame dish, wife and little daughter of Aure­ Ihe heaviest ruins we ever hud here. 7 lbs Rolled Oats 25e away in a few minutes after nrriving. J. HOOD, altornry and cnuuiielor at houae In Wllliainston. Tiie annual Masonic picnic of Jack­ up for a new liouac—Geo. Miller has lius are visiting at G. S. Hyde's.—Mrs. o. law. Oinoe at Probate olllce, Manun. 71 son and Ingham counties will be held Col. J. A. Shannon aud Lawyer O.. Gutters became creeks and Sycamore returned to Round Luke where he has Frank Cazier euterlaiiied her mother, The rest of the family foliowi.l him on Seven students graduate from Leslie E, Sandera are |iroviding themselvea creek became a river. In the sur­ GlbsPtcJcles »5c Tliursday and all reliirneil mi .Monday. at IMeasuiit Lake June 21. Address by engaged lo lalte care of llie boats at $20 Mrs. Burnette of Onondaga, Sunday. rHVMICIABIII. higli school this spring. Chas. E. Townsend of Jackson. with a typewriter. rounding country on Friday morning —Mrs. Bougiiloii Brown visited lier —L. B. Freshour trailed liorses again DR. HOLMAN S. HUMPHREY water stood several inciies deep over per nionlh.—C. F. Warner is one of U. FRANK E. THOMA.S. PHYSICIAN 3 cans Corn 35e aunt, Mrs. D. Johnson, last Thursday. lust week. He went to Grass Lake on Work at the ngrlenltural college be­ Ginger ale on draught, at Longyear Special price on capes and jackets, flelds that had no rapid surface drain­ the most unfortunate of veterans. A D and Duriseou. OlUce over Webb A Wlili- gan again last Monday, at Clias. H. Hall's. • few years ago lie lost both limlw by —James Dill lias hired out to work for busineiis Tuesday of last week, return­ nian'ii clothing atore. Night .calle aniwored Bros.' t age and in some places considerable 3 cans Tomatoes 25e gangrene, said lo have been eau.ied by Elias Sanders this summer und lias ing on Wednesday.—C. 12. Morgan lias from olllce. Hiram B. Elliott of Blves plants 70 It ia now decided that on June 5 The ladles aid society o£ Eden will damage was done by wash-outs. In lieeii tiiider the doetor's caro during . a gun shot wound nearly 30 yeais ago, moved iiiio Ids leiiaiit house.—Mrs. Tlie Gnial Eogllsli Physician and Surgeon, W. W. ROOT, M. O., acres of beans this spring. Lansing taxpayers will vote upon the meet nt the home of Mrs. A. C. San­ tills city where Ash street crosses Lan­ 5 boxes Sardines 3Sc Nellie Wilccv, who has been sick for the jiast week.—Claude Hill is sick.— proposition of bonding the city for ders Thursday, May 31. sing street Just west of the creek the aud the same Iia.i lately liroken i:ui in Kiio-\vn to almost every honsehold in Michigan AS THE DOCTOR THAT CURES AFTER ALL HYSICIAN AND SURGEON. OFFICE That $1.25 fine kid patent O.Yford Is his left arm. Mr. Warner should tlie past few weeks, is slowly recover­ Mrs. Swartwout is iiiiproviiig slowly, houn from oue to two. and rrom alx to $100,000 for a bridge and city hall. water came down from the south and 22 lbs Gran. Sugar $1 P only $1.00, at Brown Bros.' Ar,w2 Clarence D. K!rl>y, rCcentiy a Leslie surely have ths sympathv of all in ills ing.—.Mrs. Jolin Closson and daughter now being able to sit u(i some of tiie ^ OTHERS HAVE FAILED. EXAMINATION OF PATIENTS AT 1IOTEI.S. sivenp. M. west iu such volumes, uniting on the time.—The Baptist Sunday school will The Ladies' Aid society of the B8i>- druggist, is to be married to Miss Onu reat allliction.—We are"glad tliat we of Onondaga visited lier lirother, R. jfi. The chronic anilctud, in order to Imvo llio best slilll of tlio Noted Sijieclallst, must citiier ao to tiirh tuecinlttt.ar tho The estate of the lute Senator Stock- corner, that it tore a deep and wide observe Ciillilren's Day with appnipii- SntriiilitI mutt go llitm. Stutisilcs show Uiat, iinioui; all cliroulc .sulfurers, uot'iiioii! lliiwi one In bye hundred evur go MINCEI. IW^BTEOUN. list cliuruli will serve a ten cent tea in Weiitz at Owosso to-day. RUlley across Ash street diagonally to gad the pleasure of attending the Sun­ Dili. .Salurday.—Miss Nellie Sanders jlSi 111 thu lawr cities to r.M:ulvo iruatnieiil; this fact Is owln« mainly to two reason^: Mr>t. tliu lerrllilo drciid llio sick liavo . bridge is estimated ut (COO.OOO. and ilabel Roystoii were in Jackson ate exercises. the parlors of tlie cliurch Friday even­ the creek, and repairing, the damage We are JPajfing 9c for day school convention last Sunday. tP of leaving home aiid ttolni; Into llio turmoil, noise and confusion of a Kruat cliy. and tlio worry and exhaustion incident FARMER*' MUTUAL Born, to Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Monroe, ing from 5 to 7 o'clock. You are cor C. F. Warner of WheatHeld decided last Saturday.-.Some of our young j«t to travel. i^ucDiid, Iho Kruat expuiiMi of lliu trip iiiid tho uiireusoiiiiblo prices clian;ed for u.\amlnntlon and treatment by to have Ills left arm amputated yester­ cosU the city about $50. In numerous The schools were well represenled und IRK INSUR.VNCE COMP.\NY OF IlfO' on Sunday, May 19, u daughter. dlally invited. places the weight of water was expen­ pe()|iie went out hanging "Miy bas­ Ilausville. thu city speclall.sls. It Is a notorious fart that chronic dl.soases aro .so dIsUm-t from acute ones that tlio regular practf- ham county. Sufeat, cheapest, bent. For day. .He is a suUeriiig veteran. gave in good rejiorts. Glad to seesucli ^ Honor, as a rule, wants notliln!; to do willi tliem, anil. If satlsUed with his income, will fniukiy say so, licnco tho necc.s- F sive. an luterewt In Sunday Hchool work. kets" lust Saturday evening with tlie Carrie and Loie Daniels of Mason Urslty of tho .specialist; and that h ' arormatlon write to O. F. Miller, secretary. Twenty-five dollar beilroom suits for Joshua Carr of Eden pleaded guilly result that one voung hidy run into a and rocolvo (Irsl-cla Maw>D. R. J. Uullen, Pruldenl, Maaon. $15 at Ihestore of Mason Furniture Co. C. M. Clark, who recently sold boots were in hiwn Saturday.—A cousin of to being drunk and disorderly last and shoes in tlie Parkhurst block, la Last Thursday we Just mentioned White Uak. barb wire fence, but fortunately not # specialist visits your Tuesday, Justice Squiers suspended Mrs. E. F. Gayloru irom Canada is jCt from his skill, honesty, JEWELER. A part of Leadley's dam at Lansing now married and keeping house,at the Masonic gathering held tbe pre­ Kev. J. A. Sly of litis place assisted .seriously hurting her, only imw she liergtiest.—Twenty-live were baptised TKF wliero, iiltliou^fii oC4:iisioiiaiiy a Jiiin;;ry oucior wiii cuuitun ii. !,ii:iv uijiii MV num..,. M.-,-,, i.«,ijr i,,,ui i..,.,- went out Saturday iilglit. Damage sentence during his good beliavior and Butte City, Montaira. vious evening. It deserves more ex­ wears a'court plaster under one eyc.-- fact Unit thu suniu sulfcrer has liccn ii iiallent of said doctor for iiionllis and often years, uud paid liliu all thu iiioiiey lie riLtAS CULVER,dealer in watchea.clocka, he has a tine of $5 to pay. Rev. Saejott in a quarterly meeting at at Doaiie's Creek last Sunday.—Keep could rako and .soripo aud now llnds liiinself worse olT than at bcjtlnuini: of irvaimeiit, yet Is cautioned Ity this M. 1). to $1,000. tended notice. The Dansville lodge Dundee April 2i». One hundred peo- Tlie eiitertaliiiiiciit given by Frank # Hi lewelry,allverware,etc. RepalrlnKdone. Myron Robinson came home from in iiiitid that you can KCI the Detroit jfc look out for fraud and litiioraiice. Comnimi decency would, at least, sujisest sll.uncn on tho part of such crcitures. Docs Dr. ; Tlie NKWS extends i^yinpathy to Mr. had been invited to come tuMitsonand ])le communed.—Don't forget llie date IJatemaii and Miss Allie Hazleton at W Uumpliruy curo evervlHMly? No'. Doc-s lio treat every cuso Unit (toes lo lilni? ^o! MtKt rni|>b»llciilly no! Hut ho docs euro n For largest assortment, most stylish the lakes yesterday on account of the Weekly Tribune for 50 cents for one Burilelte Wooilwortli of iLeslie, wliose confer tbe M. M. degree. They came of tho organization ofa grange in the the school house Inst Friday evening jfe Krealer purccntuKO of eases ncrenteil for treiitineut tluiu any .specialist of our ueiinaliilHure. Ills business has iissumed Riicli C. L. CASTERLIN, goods and lowest prices III foot wear, wrecking of Cajit. VanPatten's boat year of E. Z. Strong,—Dr. Winters re­ T|? uliiuntUv proportions In I'eiitriil .\lli'lil«au tliiit he liiis tnuiid it an alisoluto uecesslt.v to i'li:in;:« Ills lieiidnuarters from Illlls- wife dieil last Monday, aged 82 years. in goodly number and had on their Cady school liouse Saturday at 2 |). m. wus not very hiigelv alleiided hut was O.vN. COLLECTION,INSURANCE AND go lo Brown Bros.' •Hi\v2 on whicli lie wus employed. moved a tiiiiior from the eyellil of K. . IV. 1,1 ,>l,ut tl.liir. 1,1 ..,-11,1,[I .,, ,1 ,11..., ,1 ,.i.>w,...... v...... - The hiisliaiid and a young son thus working clothes as they demonstrated May 2«.—F. W. Havens of Fitchburg very highly apinecialed liy all present llllo to I.ausliiK, und to drop ull lils luillaiia and Ohio towns; tlius lu future .•oiiliiilus Ills work, iilniost entiruiy to llio ijrreiit r J Real Estate Brokera. Olllce ovorF. \V. M. .Seoit.—Whitney Fiiinily's show Wobb^H Shoo Store, Mason, .Mich. Many fear that the coiitinueil and to the satisfaction of all. W. M. Hor­ Come again. Stuto of JllchlBiin. This eiiabiiv* everyoiio under lils caro Ui comniuiileato with or sec tho Doetor on short nolico at all times. nionrii the loss of wife anil mother. Train for Lansing on Rally day took dinner with G. H. Proctor last exiiiliil here this week Friday. Tliey heavy fall of rain has injured the leaves Leslie at 9 o'clock. Tickets 50 ace Doane has his lodge in excellent •jtk Int. llu.MniiiKV's "Goi.D t;uuE" rou OA- earnestly rciiiiests all persons under treat WL Tliat $1.50 and $2.00 ladies' fine kid WE ARE JUST . .... Saturday.—J. W. Wolcott and John always draw a large crowti anil are a nieiit lo write lilm often, as udvleu may ¥-KR. GEO. C. MOODY, VETERINARY cliances for apples. and 25 cents; Eden, 0:15, tickets 40 and working condition and the compli­ Potter made a business trip to Wil- favorite here.—BoartI of review of tills 3'^ TAIlllll, ASTIIHA ANO Al.I, Al'FKCTIO.NS OF be necessary week after week In order to ^fm XJ Surgoon and Dentlal.tgraduale Ontario patent tip shoe is only $1.25 aud $1 50 20 cents; Mason, 9:25. tickets 30 and 15 ments they received must have been dKi'iiK Ui'PKlt .^lll I'ASSACES. Tills remedy l>iisii any piven case on as rapi.'Ily us jios- Veterinary College). Treats all diacasea of Some careless fellow in his liaste to at Brown Bros.' 4(iw2 liamslon Monday. — May Walker township will meet at E. A. Dcns- embodies all thu ••tonic" and ••antlsoptle" Horaeaand Cattle. Will attend calls day and cents; Holt, 9.35, tickets 20 and 10 very gratifying to them. Visiting teaches in the Williams district.—B. sible, und uKoodcouiinon-seiisustatement Wgf get lo the tire Saturday night stepped brothers were also present from Leslie, niore's furnlltire rooms on Tuesday proiK-rties of Uoi.n, mid its cunitivo iKiw- on tho iiartof thu iiatleiit by mall Is tho ^ ?li(ht. onice and realdence corner A and Tliere was a little blaze of fire in the ceil la. RECEIVING Parker und wife of Chelsea were guests and Wednesday, tlie 22 and i"!. Tliey 3; er is lis near a ••sivolllc" fur Uiiturrhai uf- \ah-aU., Maaon, Mich. 1593yl on McCrossen's garden. Lansing und Okemos, about 100 mem­ Children Cry for,Pitcher's Castoria. JW feet Ions as 11 Is posslblo lo produce, and wmK tblni; to a personal eunsultutlon. Mjr house where Willis• McCarrIck lives of tlieir sister, Mrs. D. E. Walls last also will meet at the same place May Holley & Bulleii of North Aurelius bers of the order being in attendance. when used In connection with the Doc- Dogs got after Siniiley Stanloii'a pet In tiie Second ward ..last Saturday A LARGE LINE OF week,—Mrs. Mary Squires died at THOUSANDS OK >IEX iBi ITCH & R.\Y.MONn, Dealera In general wish to inform the public tbat they The Dansville visitors were fed at the 2S anil 20.—The leucliers have all been mttor^s resuiar ronstiiutloual courso of rabbit last Tuesday and killed It after night at 12 o'clock, 'flie alarm was Charlevoix after a long illness and lias ^ Ireatnienl and dietiiry, will cure any ease All over tho country aro bulni; slowly bled hardware, paints, oils, und I'ariiiera' aup- have on liaiid a gooil stock of tile, ex­ M. E. church before the meeting and offered tiieir positions again and all of Catarrh: provided tliesulTerur will fol- to dualliyear after year owlii« to the vi­ plleaF . Main atreel, Maaon, Mich. 17S0yl, an exciting chase about the streets. given ami a crowd lurnetl out witli been brought to Dansville, her old When Baby waa ilck, wo gave her Castoria. tal llulds pa-sslns off with tho urineiwaterl , cept 3 inch and 8 inch. They are then after the work all repaired to the have accepted except .Miss Hllliard.— low Dr. lluniplirey's liislructions. Wlieii the fire (lepartiiient but the lire was home, for burial. She was a sister of Wtiea she was a Child, she cried tor Cutori*. Dance al llie rink Friday night.—The it is uiidorstiKid that Ciititrrli In some They feel all run down, drantfed out and ' A, BARNES.NOTARY. Loan, Insurance The circuit court jury has been ex­ burning the first kiln of the season, same place where the M. E. ladies had form or of some part. Is thu foiiiidiitlon of whipped of oiierpynnd ambition, but are ^ out before they could be of assistance. Andrew Hobart—The Dansville W. coiiiiiioii council have made the follow­ ^ f .and Collontlon Agent. A fresh supply of cused till June 4 wlieii they will re­ and after the SO lust, will have all spread a flue banquet. Justice was When she Ixcame Wis, stao clune to Cattoria, our-llftlis ot all chronic ailments and all unconscious of wlicrotlio truoeausoof J Onice al realdence. C. T. U. sends six .'delegates to tiie ing appointiiieiits: Marslial, W. G. #f liu fallurolo reco;;iilzu und cure tills. Is their troublo lies. Seeklni; relief from ^ money to loan. turn and try Attorney General Ellis. sizes. * done the viands iu a way^blgliiy com­ When the tiad Children, she cavo them Castoria the family doctor, thoy aro treated for ^gl The stale board of health requests county convention: Mesdumes C. W. Hawtrofl; sexton, I. Dakin; cemetery tliu reason for so iiiucli dlsappoiniment ONEY TO LOAN, BV THE REAL Es­ plimentary to the cook and then W. #^ on the partof sulTurers with hini: slund- liilioiisnes-s, DyspoiHla, Heart Troubles or I sell corn planters for my health. every board of heallli in Michigan to The Woman's Relief Corps request M. VauSlyke of Mason lodge called to Austin, E. S. Clark, A. L. Simons, trustee, A. D. Beardsley; street cian- Uheumatlsm anil Kidney Disease, but lo ^ M tate Agent, JOHN DuMsnAOK. offer free vaccination witli bovine vir­ dK 111); alTectloiis fully e\']>hiliis wliy so few no purjxiso. Tliey try patented nostrums, ProlU no object. Come and buy one the co-operalion of the generous people order and drew upon several present Wm. Abbott, A. iL. Crossman, Atta miasioiier, A. J. Miller; lire warden, ^ are cured of their dlseanes. ITY BAKERY.-FRE.SH BKE^ D, WES cheap. C. F. BROWN * us, under Aet 140, laws of 1879; ailso OnoBdaga. IBF The Doctor IS surrounded Willi tho fln- but theso disapiiolnt them. Tlieso suiter- ^ of Mason in contributing flowers aud for remarks. Extemporaneous efforts Woods. Mrs. John Pctter and Mrs. C. F. West; liealtli oiUcer, Dr. J. F. ers may be uf all IIRPS, from mero boys lo JL^ C and cakea. Mason, Mich. that each local board do recommend evergreeiis for the decoration of sol­ est and most u.xtunslve collection of In- advanced life, Imt tho niiijorlty aro mid- ^ Ame, the barber, over McCrossen's were made by G. A. Hasty of Lansing, Rose Dutrisac are county olllcers there­ Nevada, the Gold King, was played Lemon.—Jos. Martin is very low with ffr sirumonts everlmiiorted to this country general vaccination and re-vaccination diers' graves on Decoration Day, and fore will go.—Wm. Hall is selling all dioascd married men who liavo worked EO. A. EARLE, DEALER IN HEAVY drug store, will be glad to see yon at J. T. Campbell, Rev. O. D. Chase and to a full house Friday evening. Ou cancer of tlie stomaeli.—Mrs. Dr. Wil­ for o.vamlnlUB and troatlns all forms of day and nlslit. as you nil«lit say, for years ^ \jr and Shelf Hardware. Maple at.. Maaon. of all persons not successfully vaccinat­ cordially invite all patriotic ladies to L. J. Ford of Mason, Horace Doau of the fences over ou Orlando Corwiu's flr chronic aliments of thu liead, face. uyo. his tousorial parlors. Hair cut 15c.*tf account of tlie storm Thursday even­ lis Dakin lias located here for Ihe and years. If such will como to me, and - ed williiii five years. meet them at their hall next Tuesday Dansville, aud Rev. W. J.|Maybeeand farm. Has taken the job for §165.— ear, throat, iioso, chest, luni;s. iieiirt. sto- lirlnsa liotUu of their nrlno. I will show • B. WORDEN, penslonerattoriioy, omdal- ing there did not many turn out. Tlie practice of medicine. -Heiiiaii Holl'- iHr tiiacii, liver,' spleen, kidneys, 'bovrels, re- them tho cause of their trouble. Miss Beulal" Penibertliy, aged eight afteriiooii and assist in preparing tbe Judge R. H. Person of Lansing. The Mrs. Davis of White Oak has the J.In? as uaual in all pension mailers, otilcc "Cliristlan Baptism" will bethesub- total receipU for the two iiigiils were man is iiome on a visit. iirodurlivu or;;ans, urinary or);aiis, bralu at realdence, Mason, Mich. 1671. years, hud a birthday last Monday and tloral oll'erings. aflair is pronounced a prominent and rheumatism.—Earl King aud Frank i|af and uurvoiis siHlt^in, iiaralysls, riiunia- ject of the morning Nermoii at tlie M. nearly $53. Several came from Eaton her young friends celebrated with her. MARY J. SQUIERS, President. interesting one in Masonic circles. Ciickuer are gatliering in the eggs on tlsm, sick Iioaoiielie, barkaelie. tntnors, TIIOUS.\NDS OV -NVOMKX ^ E. church next Sunday. At the close Rapids aud Leslie and all seemed lo BuyDullam's Great German 25 cent Krowtlis, Joint diseases, plies, lii|> dlsuasu. Suiter the disapixilntmeiits of a broken -AND- White Oak avenue and it maiies it enjoy iho play and tlie dance wliich # Tiie ladies' aid society of the DiiBols of tiie sermon tiie rite of baptism will At last arrests bave been made for Cough Cure,'at O. W. Haistead & sciatica, skill diseases, ulcers and ev.'ry down, l)cnunil«Hl, nervous .sy.stcin In their be administered. The evening service quite iiamly these busy days.—Frank was given afterwards.-Ourburglarous Sou's and F.H.Field-a. • Mr form of weakness of elllier maleor fenialo marital relations who can bu perfectly W Michigan (Textral district will meet at the home of Mrs. sioniiig the residence of Chas. Monroe, Come, Pioneers. Norton lost one of his best hoi-ses last friends were again busy last Friday The doctor's speclllc medli^lnes^-o straight cured. j|t Joiin Darrow on Friday, Juno 1. All \tiU be oiiiitled next Siiiidiiy on ac­ Three young men will appear before iHp tilt lie diseaseii urttan.and can lie plainly count of the G. A. It. services in the Fiiie, Plain and Colored week. uigiit. Tiiey broke into A. D. Loomis' Vrile for 'Ih-irale Qtietllon Zitt to ^£ •Ihe Niagara Falls Rente." come, Justice Squlera to-day to be tried for MASON, MICH.. May 23,1894, felt at work In llio diseased parts very afternooii. wagon sliop and carried oil a number Crop iteport. •fsliortly after their use is lieKun. They Zmliet. y'riynie QiiettioH JAII to Gen- tliatolleiise. Tliey are Fred McKeever, DEAR FRIENDS AND PIONEER:— SOUTHWARD, Charles Robinson, one of ihe "Her­ M'cst Aurelius. of tools. We hope that it will be found .Mx'niOA^, DKeAliTMKNT nv STATK. .M- are plea.saiit to take, mild but searching tlemen alto bj- requett. Arthur Faxon and Felix Ury. It had We cordially Invite yoU'to_ attend In action, yet asiree with the most del leal e a. in. p. in. p. ni. bert brothers," famouH acrohats, died That $1.50 men's tine siioe is only Alice Haines of North Leslie visited out who commiis all such little depre­ l.AKsi.Mi. .MAY 0, l.Mll. Vonilerfiil Ctirei by my now Improved $1.2.-), at Urowii Bros.' been supposed tn lie the work of small the 22(1 annual meeting of tlie ingbam ^jj. lady or child, do not reduce the stieiiKtli, Mnson 10::io 3:IS »10:2U last Friday from the efl'ectsof cigaretle 40 w2 boys, and if these young men are proy County Pioneer Society, to be held at Lois EcUhart over Sunday,-.Mrs. R. dations.—Prof. J. B. Foole's inollier Teiuperaturoftud nilufiiU weru liolli rnvor- WF ami can lie used wlillu ut the usual occu- iiietliod of ireatment aceonipllsluid lu - laukHon.. ll:-25. l:ll.i 11:30 ablB lUirliiii April, ami lliu iirowiii,; wlieal nervous dlsabllily, prematuru declliioof jajb smoking. Next. A herd of 01) hogs belonging to en guilly public indignation will be Mason, on Tuesday, June 5, 1894. S. Reynolds returned to Jackson last made him a visit lust week. —The iKitliiii, as many patients still iilile for p. m. a. ni. luuilo fairly KiHjd proitreiiM. Tlio uvtiriiKO con- hard work iriid close intention to business manly powers, and kindred niteetlons, W Batinigart & .loliiistoii and kept in a high. Prominent pioneers ol the couuty, TO WHICH WE Saturday after a week witli her broth­ Wliitney Family ahow will soon visit aultiii May 1, III tliu jioutbcru and ecutral # ure often slowly, surely, yet uncoiiselous- wiileli have licen neglected or unskilfully Chicago 5:30 !':00 7:10 C. P.Taylor has rented the bnlldliig er, J. O. Hogoboom.—Geo, Swift and our town. The date has not been lixed couulleH wan 80 per ccut, aortlicrn 00 pur lydyliii;, knowing; tliuni.selves ill, yet de­ Dl.HOlllllN S. HPPHHEY treated. No experiments or failures. I'li- Detroit 8:15 0:15 7:15 across from Hotel Horton and will soon 40-aure field Just west of the agrlonl- Incluiling John N. Bush and Hon. D. ccHl, and malo 110 per ccnl, coinparlsoii beliu; tients treated by mail and medlelnes sunt i|L tural college has been so aflllcted with j/james L. Fuller will go to Ionia L. Case, will address the meetimr. INVITE YOUR ATTENTION, Minnie Simpson of Council Hills, 111,, yet but will be some time next week. with vlUillly anil itrowtli o( avoraito years. ceived Into a false security, tliey iirocrus- by o.vpro.sa free from observation. w p. m. p. ni. a. m. move his laundry there and put in tliiatuiiiid put nir thu mailer niitll the St.Thomas... 0:20 0:20 12:55 hog cnlera that nearly all have died. •^iiext riaturilay where Mrs. Fuller has Every pioneer will have an opportun­ visited the latter's parents here last —Fred Mendel was one of the chaps One year aso the average condition In llie Seiisu Is rendered incurable. Tlio doctor Qures flfter /111 Oti^ers Fa"'. public bath rooms. already gone and where they will oc­ a. m. a. in. week. Jennie Simpson returned with who came up from Eaton Rapids last Koullieni counUuH was Ti per cent ami central Niagara Falls 1:22 Tiie farmers of that vicinity are alarm­ ity, uiiti is requested to add Ills part to 7t per cent, and tlie crop oflliKI was CHllmated fortunates arises not only from tho fact of the most scluntillc 5:18 fills Memorial services at the opera house cupy responsible positions at the house the reiiilnisceiices of the good old them for an indcllnate time. They Friday evening to see the play. He in oco'iiir Mt '.'•imioPM ',\ivi,(.i,, ui' vvr. -..••if ed at the prospect of the disease being and snecllic medical Ion known CIIIKU' In this or any oilier coun­ NORTHWARD, next Sunday at 2 o'clock p, in.; sermon of correction now under the inaiiage- times. V,. , I ... -..i-i 111.; .\lk>;;in on wore 11 l.,jii« toi".ed c.i|i uii iitfj M Ij bH.liolN ...... Jit.Mai'i. lU iSffJ \\ .'. .•(•a.^n:i •.. i... .•. .•• !• i ' •• . > ..li li .(>;.:. II.: 'I aro kepi In communicated to their hogs. iKiuiraiici.-of Ihoseiliiui i. sulls wliK-licurtalii.solltaiy and liidls try but also to the fact of llie diree nliuence of his nowerful a. m. a. in. p. m. by Rev. G. D. Chase. There should nieiit of tlieir brother Otis. Mr. and tlu-'r v/uy liomv.—Ftank Jennings when lie gut ready to go homo lie avoruuo cuiulltion May I, Ui tliu souiliurn will upon llio peculiar nieiilal delirussions iihvay.s found In such W Maaon In pursuance of theslatute, the com­ Mrs. Fuller lake willi them the liest At 10 o'clock a. III. the exercises will couiillen WH* SI pur ccul, ami central (il per creel priicllees produce. Thuso vices If persisted In uvuiilually eases, by which ho is enabled to Infuse a part ot his own oiiurcy J|b: •5;as Il:a5 6:80 be a large attendance. commence at the opera house with a anil Belle VaiiGeison were gutsU at thought he would see if he couldn't ccat,and tho total yield lu llie HUIIU was 25,- ajL undermine tho cniisiltution, Induce nervous debility and early into Ihulr hopeless lives. Were uot nil sucii oases held In Uio W Lansing 3:S: 11:57 5:55 mon council last Monday night order­ wishes of all, and all know that they I). B. Jenniiig's recently.—J. J. decay, or;.'anlc weakness, nreniaturo loss ot the manly powers, P. in. short address of welcome by the presi­ lovarlikjasos find something better, so lie took a new 2S«,218 bUKbeln, an avoraite of 15.50 busliuls jit liivolnnliiry loss of vital fluids, general iimsliiillon, nnd oft most sacred coiillilenco Uio do<:tor could print letters fron Owosso The place to buy lawn mowers, gar­ ed the cliy marshal to seo that all bus­ will be found the right people in the Slaughter is visiting his daughter Mrs. per acre. In 1S9I tlio iivcriigo condition Slay 0:17 Ar. 1'J:I5 7:11 dent. derby hat which belonged to F. J. Lin tlio soutUerii counties was 101 per cent, times Inibeclllly and chronic epilepsy. Of all maladies iillllct- D't 2:211 den ho.se and corn planters is at C. F. iness places in town are kept closed right place. Willis, not knowing whose it was. He JSt liiK miinkind there Is piiibiibly iioiio about wlilcli the common Bay City 8:50 •I:,'H 8:25 Brown's. » on Sunday. We are informed that At noon the meeting will aiijourn G. W. Eakiiis at Addison.—O. M. aud lu tlio central 00 per cent and tlio crop of ™ family doctor in iieneral pnieilco knows .so little, yotnosulleiurs eiMiMPlton. iUUttS. went home with some Onondaga girls Unit year wiui •J8,«39,1S3 bUKliel«,and avoraye aindwin p.in. 7:00 a. m. many of the businessmen themselves Fine line of Pongees and salines, at for a picnic dinner at tlie Baptist Roberlson has become a member of of 18.10 uuabolH par acre. Noarly 07 per cent need the attention of tlie o.Npoiiencedspeclallstmore tlian these, Mackinaw.... 7:60 0:55 'Jlho team of Geo. Wilson timt was By Will Carleton aiffli, by Pilot Modlum; and they recognized it. The next day us hero wo liavu to minister to a diseased iHXly, ii diseased mind, favored such aclloii, as the custom of Chas. H. Hall's. * church. Tables, wiiii liot tea and cof­ the A. O. U. W. lodge at Eaton llai)- oflUo toUil cropln Iboijlute Is grown lu Uio killed liy lightning last week was in­ dam Glimmer aiO^i, by Green backs 2:23ii. Mr. Willis tclegraplied him to come Houtlioru aud central COUUUOK. und IiniiKliiatloiis lllled Willi morbid desires and fearful uppiu- 0^1011 Vlesrroys the YirlKiitest intellect. Tho runroductiyo fuiic-; •Dally. O. W, RUGGLES, remaining open had been uselessly fee and every convenience for au en­ Will serve a IBw good mares at JIU lo Inaure. ids.—Nellie Roralieck is recovering iienslons. Dr. lluniplirey's uiiparalloled success Willi these uii- tlon i.H tho malnsprinK of animal llfo-pre.servolt at all hazards. Oen'l Pass .and Ticket Agent,Chicago, sured in tlie mutual. Tho loss has Geo. H. Derby of Stockbrldge charg­ joyable dinner, will be provided. from an attack of scarlet fever. We up immediately and settle or he would Tlie total number of bushels of wlioal re­ growing of late. Call at my barn snd Inspect hlin, ported marketed by fiirniora in April U I.IHO,- M.J, MnRRAY.Tlckot Agent,Maaon. been adjusted at $1G0 and paid. ed Alfred S. WilUanis of the same The uflernoon will be taken up with •»5w» , A. G. LYOK. hardly think it is generally under­ have him arrested. He came up Sat­ town with assault and battery, and mti, and In tbe iiluu moulliR, Aui;uHt^.\pril FOR RKNT. The blacksmitli shop short speeches on the pleasures and Ua*i Jubilee. stood that scarlet rash is really scarlet urday evening and paid j!3.,'>0, the price l'.>,013,108, wliicli IM 271.5!i0, tusUoln more tliiin The Livingston county mutual In­ last Thursday liiey came before Justice of tlie hat.—The Leslie ball club came reported niarkolcd In llio samo inonlha la»l surance company levies an assessment next to llio jail. The best location In hardships, and iiiterestlngiiicideiils of „Tho horse known as Bert Jubilee, owned by fever in a mild form. Children with ^•ear. Alio elevators and inlllii from wlilcU See tlic n'orld's Fair fur Fifteen Cents Squiers to adjust their difrerences. early days in Michigan. George Ulehl. will make tbe eutlro aoasou lu the scarlet rash are allowed to run over last Thursday afternoon to play Upon receipt of your address and of two mills upon the dollar on the the city. Inquire at olllce of A. M. tlio vlllageof Dansvllloat Wm,;Maroyaburn. reporu bave been received, there was uo Cummins. • The case wus settled by the complain­ Let every pioneer come with a well about and attend school wlien they tlie Spriugport Shamrocks, but tiie wheat marketed during Ibeinoutli. fifteen cents in postage stamps, we amount of the face of policies to bear ing witness paying the costs, and bntli 85 to Inaure, Owners disposing of mures bo- its expenses this year. filled basket, in true pioneer style and lore foaling wlUbohold^^ can communicate tlie disease to others Shamrocks did not come, so they play­ Timothy anil June ijriiss meadows aro in will mall you prepaid our souvenir John Collins of Holt was complain­ signed an agreement that all difler- ed n picked nine. A sliower came up prime condition. The lilalomeut that they renew old acqualiiiaiices. Very truly, who are likely to have a,severo attack never looked bolter al this time of yoar ou- portfolio of the World's Coltimblaii Will people owing us long running ed of by James Kennedy of Alaledou, ences end and oftenses to date be tlrop- Nallee. before the game was done.—Farmers J. R, PRICE, President. of genuine scarlet fever.—Wm. Miller curii frequently In correspoiulonta' Holes. Exposition, the regular price Is fifty accounts please remember that we need last Thursday for being drunk and dis­ peil, no further prosecution following. Tlie oounty drain oommlasloner of Ingham are very busy putting in their corn. I. Clover thai wus seeded liisl year nroinlses au GEO. W. BRISTOL, Secretary. county will be III blaoUloo over Urowne'BlIoolt of Pottervlllo is liere attending to his averoee crop, but old clover Is about all do- •cents, but as wo want ynu to have one money to settle our bills, and kindly orderly; second ofTeiiso. Collins was P. Mosiey and L. L. Slono were the Much 27, William Gutchess of Ing- Store, Mason, Mloh„ ou Saturdays aud Mou- farm liere. Mr. M. comes every year HlroyeU, probably lu most cases by the clover we niako the price iinniiiial. You respond at once, obliging us ? arrested by the sheriff and taken be. Cow for Nitle or Exclianv». '^'iSh „ JOBN A, SHANNON, and llxes up fences and keeps the place first ones that planted. There will be root borer. VarloiiM names as "itrubs," will Und it a work of art aiul a thing fore Justice Fniguson, pleaded giilliy iiiiiii had a setof double liarnessstolen. "crown-worms," "Insocls," "Krcon, browa •I0W2 BROWN BROS. Jeraoy, Syearsold, nowrallcb. Will soli or S'lf Coanty Drain Coinmlaalonor, in order,—D. E. Haines is living with a Urge acreage of beans planted also, and yellow worms," "root borerN," "siniiU to be prized. It contains full page and was flned $50 and costs, in duliuilt Detective Rouse has been working at exoliBUge for read borae. P. M. BAan, Singer ills son. He Is a total wreck of his Wallace Rossman has tiie ground black bug that eata tlie clover roota oir," etc., views of the great buildings, with Thursday last was Ihe hottest day of which ho iR-passing 1)0 d..ys at liio the case since and last week lie arrest­ agent. - .p Ment or Male. plowed for 60 acres.—Your correspond­ aro elvon lu the reports. One corrcspoiidoni May ii'is furiiislietl in many years, Detroit work house, ed James Grow of Ingham and Henry Ilioyelo to sell or rent by tho hour, day or former self. Old ago and a failure of In lIlvluKstou couuly reports Irom OIKIHIO •descriptions of same, uud Is executed Milch tow For HMle. W60k. . w,J.MuKomt, intellect being liie cause.—Mrs, Nettle ent wislies to rectify a mistako which forty Utile Breeu worms, about onu.fourth of ill highest style of art. If iiotsatlBlled and Friday night and Saturday A. Bommer from near Dexter. The Inqulro of 0. M, .SInifor, Maaon, 18w2 Turner and daughter from Toledo are he made in lust week's items. The L. au Inch louK, around each clover Mlool, Il with It, after you get It, we will re­ brought a snow siorin that was not Wanted: An intelligent man, irood harness was found iu the possession of aarksr * Oa'a Pricea. IM estimated that about ouo-fourth of Isiilwuys piofurablo 10 sou my iiatluiits, wlieru this Is impossible, owlii); jl| Uo Nut ruh guests of uraiidpa Collins,—Truman A. S. meets next Wednesday afternoon ro llio expenses pt travel adduil fund the stamps and let yon keep the Just ihe thing for a respectable climate, penman (a member of tlio S. of V. or the latter. Tliey were brought before Tbe reason We will notmaKo tile longer the clover lu tho soutlicru countlus will bo illslanc'es, oxtreine weakness or wlier In Toall'H mill pond. 'tSw2 W, A. TKALI., Glllett and sister of .Charlotte visited at Mrs, James Tillotson's instead of plowed up, Tlio uvoi'iiKU coiidlllon of what Tiealment nwi or Express, of irealiiieiit Is a'""'n Hem, I Will, wlieu ileiiuesled ' by mall, Will' i a stamp hook. Address, H. E. BUCKLUN & Tlio administration now gives Win. soliool teacher preferred) to superin­ Justice Squiers where Grow confessed lat tbey are long enough now, IS of the IL'every condition and kind of disease \which , It faithfully t»ndcorroctly laying a rod, aud preaont prices make bn their parents here Sunday.—Helen Mrs. Grove Baldwin's,-Mrs, John reinalD) ranves from HI per cenl lu the 'onclo.sed forrojily, send iinrliiteil iiuestlon listconcoriiliiL'every eonditlmi and !'''}/)/•• ,,,','.;;iil,;," lYsi Is rx^xnriinil Tlicso Co., Chicago, III. .1 field but threo mails per week tend the work of a corps of ligeiils to being an accessory after the factantl Pliinis, Wnlou Seta. KOulliorn coiintU'BloOj pur cuui in thu north- l^uriiw of troutitieiit made known when c] canvassing foi^a specialty in the vicin­ small expense, as follows:' Brown is better. Jones Is on the sick list,—Several from f answered, will eniiblu mo lo curo nil euiiiblo diseasess'oilir. uTerm i V s11 o iihiinlf troiitnieiiy willtent inad. Wliero laiimo partiesy ur. u rno; t toof^^^ fu^r Ulslunt, six;ouiicof, ^^o s Naturally, the people don't like the told Isoiiie hard things on Bommer. 'Five times tho prollt made raising the Inoh Ills ooMtperl.OOO,,,, ,8 9.00 orn oouiitlus. lists must lie sliiiieil, dated, post oilk-e and e.\iiress olllco (jivmi, iiluiiily willten. Wliero piiillesuruiioltoofiii^m^^^ °JVii-.V? ity of Mason; also to take charge of r - ' liero attended the baptism at Stott's f of urine ill iicleiiii bonlesiiould beseiit by expressLVsiiroWde, '' d' I't can reach' mowitlilii rwKi.vi: iioriis ufler lieInK passed. Uriii; change. Our correspondent will The latter also pleaded guilty when he Cgypllaii Troo Onion over any other; Wlii- *(M«*MS>t^S(»ll**ttltl||S lUiM Tlio present outlook for an avorai;o Torop of X Visit alwnvs Hioso parlies who ask imtloiitH to send tliol RlIKtlMATISM CtlKED I.V A DAY.—"Mystic the delivering and collecting; steady Ingtou oabbago. the best early cabbage in the 4*>«MtSM«)*lt«(Stl*t**tls ]7«60 I Sufferers from Piles bridge lust Sunday afternoon,—Mr, apple* Is oucouraiilnK. Tho tluurus lor llio ui'l^llinix I lemSe ve^^ else. I.'ie.sl, mine elves Oie scholarly pl.yslc iii Culo" for RhoumntlNin and nenriilgla, rmllcal.11 - ;ilease mail all communications from saw he had to. urow paid $7.10, the worldv Aoino Tomato oan't bo beat. Ruby Whalaii, the phologiaplier. Is taking ,ll^l;;5;:\ii;;^\s^l;lild!!.5;f';l;i;i;l^.:;;7:ii!;l;;;:i^ employment: good pay to right party. **t*t*l«Mtt*t4|i*«(«l*«|M 3ff|00 Should know that tho Pyramid Pilo Curo snutheru counllesaro SI par com, central aud .Tceni, to frlKhteh the iKimranl. The nrlno for muilysls '- ly cures In 1 lo S diiva, .Ha anllon njioii the that village as soon as Tuesday even­ cost of prosecution, and Bommer is In King Popper, Kalamazoo Celery. Plants and

"^•f;=^''M^'.^.'T-q'.t'.'.-"^'r«'T-",n'^ "A CHEEBFUL CHUECH." said: "Give us an amplr.theater"— She wears this same draw she wora BTAraOVOBI0,ClTTOrT0UD0, IM. ' that ia, a largir family circle gathered twenty years ago. How faded U LUCAS COONWT. around a fireplace. For many years is, and now out ot datel She FbAMKj. Cnsicit mskes oath that he it the senior partnorof thofinn of F, J. CnBiiiiT Bev. Dr. Talmaire Lays Down Soma we had folt that an amphitheater was sits and listens as well as she can. Her mbrementa, -It plunged forward LIFE>8AVERS GO DOWN. eeCo., doing buslneBs in the City ot Toledo ;WM noil enouffh to gi?e her eTen a sides ttt buildings all of the glass was Bxoallent Freoepta the only proper shape for an audience eyes are so dim she can not Bee hi^lf County and State aforosald and that said through the nnioB.,llnea opposite it ELEMENTS IN A FURY. •oMt aupply, and she moved into town shattered. Even ht^aVj plate glass was rear Horoea Perish Off Port Huron— room. 'I'he prominent architects ot wiiy across the church. Ber ear is so firm «aU pay tho sum ot ONB nuNnnsn noi> arid kept going antil it croaeed the I LiBB for each and every case of Catarrh that •ad took In sewinff. . not proof against the volley. Stock Thlrty-Klght III All tost. the country eald: "It can not be done. imperfect that she can only catch octia- ¥aii want the Best ^tate road, for control of which both The Entire Northwest Swept by a suffered badly. Tbe courthouse, city Aa ta now to Keep tha Charoh Cbearfal ! cannotbecurodbytbousoof HAI-L'SCATAKOB Time had healed the sorrow in the PoiiT UuiioN. Mich., May 31.—In an You need a churchly building." And sionally a note of the psalm or a word 'j CUBSCUBS.. FnxNK J. CUENBT. armies wore fighting. On it wont' over hall and sohoolhouses suifored.' Several and at tha Same Time Praaarva ,hearti(of the town folk as it had cov­ Fierce Oalo. effort to sovo tho crew of tho schooner the Fear and Love of Ood ' BO we hud plan after plan ot churchly of tho preacher. Someone sitting next I Bwom to before mo and subacribed tn my tho rood, through more woods, and in­ chunks 14 inolios in clrcumferonce wore presenoo, thisOthday of Oocombor, A. D. IbSO. ered the irravo with Kroeo. As I watehod William Shupo, which was water­ —A Prayer for Ueroy. buildings presented;'but in due time to her gives her a book and finds the to a clear field, bringing up at Widow found, Tho damage is oxtonslvo. (H^l A. W. OLBABON, Royal Baking Powder never disappoints; her I thought ot her sorrow and ffreat Worst storm in Tears—Life and Properly logged 14 miles out Friday night nnd God sent a man who grasped our idea place for hor. She soys: "Thank you, Notary PvbUe. Olonn's house, half a milo in the rear Munh Damage In Wlsoonslii. needs, and wondered how we could aa ncstroyed-llallslorin In Cle*eland— drifted to shore 6 miles north Satur­ and executed it ' So fur from being a miss, thank yoni" She holds the book BsU's Catarrh Cure fa taken intomollyand of the whole .union army. Bosecrans Asiii.AND, Wis., May !il,-The old The following sermon was daltrered never makes sour, soggy, or husky food; Boon forget her, Fearful Ilavoo on Lake Mlohlgau day, four volunteer llfo savors woro failure, it satisfied our want, and all close up to hor eyes, and, with a voice acts directly on tho blood and mucous sur­ had to pull two brigades out ot the portions of Ashland's broakwater are hy Rev. T.De Witt Talmage to a con­ faces of tho Bysfem. Bond for tostlmonlals, I sliw her ontor a shop and como out —Snow In Iowa. drowned. Tho dead are Augus King, our three churches were built on the all tnll of tremors, sings: battle and send them after Bates to almost demolished, the sea brouking gregation that filled every nook ot the froo. F. J. CnssiY & Co, Toledo, O. never spoils good materials; never leaves direrttly with a disappointed look, tuck­ Capt. Ilonry Little, William Lewis and amphitheatrical plan, and scores ot Joaus, lover ot my aoul. larSold by DrugBlsts, 75c. drive liim back to %vhero ho belonged. entirely through at throo difterent Brooklyn tabernacle, and which had ^aU'B Fomtly Pflls. 8B0. ing' something under her arm. In mjr THK WORST FOR YBAUS. liurnoy Mills. Capt. Daniel Lj'nn churches all over tho oountry have Lot mo to Thy bosom fly, lumps of alkali in the biscuit or cake; while own arma I carried a box of cut flow- In that wild, rosistloss charge the 'Ton- ST. PAUL, Minn., May 18.—Tho great places and wrecking it tho entire swam ashore and was saved. barely been dismissed when fire once adopted the same plan. Whllo tho billows near mo roll, Bloept, tiw Mi­ nossoo brigadier had three horses ahot length, so that it will havo to bo I>B- more deprived tho church of a house While the tempest still Is hlgbt SUB—"You profess to think o grcot dool era whioh I had purohasod to place on storm which swept'over Minnosota and Tho crew of six men nnd a woman And, my brethren and eisters, we all these things do happen with the best dler ilMpikiM under him.—American Tribune. built Tho new portion stood wolL ot worship. Tho subject wns; "A Hide mo, O. roy Saviour hide. of mo That Is oU right so long as every­ moro the gravo of un only eon whom I had western Wisconsin Tuesday night was cook of the Shupo took to tho rigging. fail in our work just in proportion as Till the storm of life is past thing is going pleasantly. But would you Thedamoge will probably reach «76,00<». Cheerful Churdi," and the text: TowakeatbiMk laid to rest just after that dreadful bat­ tho most Fevcre since the cyclone of Tho tug Thompson attomptcd to go to we try to be liko otlier churches, liko Safe Into the haven guldo— moko any great Bocrifico for my sakol" Ho of cooks who cling to the old-fashioned PATRIOTIC OBSERVATION. —"You know I would. Haven't I offered to of day, tle of Bull Run. April 14, 1880, crushed eighty-six lives KKWAIIMKR, Wis,, May 31.—The last rescue them, but tho wind was blow­ Behold thou art fair, my love.—Solomon's every man, to bo individual, gathering Oil I rocolTo roy soul at last bear the mors- of the heavy rainstorms ondci'i Friday Bong, 1 v., I, marry yout"—Boston'Jrangcrlpt Although it was raining very hard at Tba Dotjr and Prtvllego o( a tMVlng and at 8t Cloud and Sauk Rnplds. So far ing such a gale that it could not get up all its peculiarities and idiosyncra- And .Tesussays to her: "Mother, are methods, or who usq other baking powders. morning in a blizzard of snow and halL "Higher criticism" says that this Chaap Ezonrsln* to the Wast U«..iW.«..i-'tefc«*'*'^ roar this time, wondering still moro at her Uratefnl People. as reported only lour peoplo havo been out of the St. Clair river. Saturduy cles, and hurling them toward somo you weary?" nnd she says: "Yes, book of Solomon's iSongis a love scene, An exceptionally fovornblo opportunity ' Iu eoboca die away; mysterious woy, I followed. Tho lost At this season thero should bo no al­ killed, but tho loss to buildings, crops, No moil has arrived from tho south morning tho tug succeeded in good and grand object. In other words, Jesus, I am very tired," Jesus says; a forlorn maiden sighing for her beau. tor visiting tho ricOicat and most productive No mate to hear tbo bugle note place which sho hod entered wns a loy in tho golden tribute of our country bridges and rail-,vay» by wind, hall, since Thursday owing to the tracks of • reaching the disabled schooner, but no two churches ought ever to bo just "Mother, aro you poor!" And sho says: soctionsof.tbowost and northwest will be Borno on tho waking broexs. If so, it is an unclean and debauched music store and I racked my brain to to tho soldiers, Their memory should lightning and flood will foot up an tho Green Hay road being washed could not get near enough to bo ot alike. Here is a church, for in "Yes, 1 am very poor. I can not sew. . afforded by tho Hoine-Seokers' low-rulo ox- If you want the best food, ROYAL Or aeo tbo smoke from oamp-Qroa float Utterance inserted in the puro Word of find a reason for her doing sa Sho be chorishod, their bravery extolled enormous sura. ' The downpour of rain out Farmers report tho pea crop any assistance. It returned to Port stance, whose object it is to nny more. I can not knit any more, } I curalona which havo boon arrasgcd by the Abova the arcblng trooi;> God, aud is not fit tor common reading, ! North-Wostorn Lino. Tickets for tlioso ex- hurried along and presently sho soomed and their examples emulated. It is im­ for a given period was tho greatest totally ruined. Huron and secured a largo yawl and prepare . philosophers and artists am very poor." Jesus says to her: Baking: Powder is indispensable. Hy opinion is that it is an inspired ode, t curslona will bo sold on May 8th and S9th, to • No more to breathe tbo Incense sweat to come to tho desired place, cautiously possible to value too highly their ever known. Great Damage Hesults. on extra force of mon and started lor and criticB for Heaven. God spcod "Mother, would you liito to rest?" Sho points in nortliwostcm Iowa, woatcm Min­ I- From soldiers'.homely lore, setting forth tho feeling of Christ to­ looked around her and then entered. deeds on southern battle fields, nor to Vooug Trout Killed. ELWOOD, Ind., May 31.—Property to ; the schooner. Thoy ronolicd the boat thom in the diificult worki Hero is a says: "Yes, Lord, that is what I want nesota, North Dakota, South Dakota, Man­ As busy hands and hurried foot ward the Church and of the Church to­ itoba, Nobroakn, Colorado, Wyoming, Utah, When I carao abreast of tho place I speak too omphaticallyof their patri­ HUDSON, WIS., May 18.—Tho heavy tho value of 110,000 was destroyed hero nnd made last, but boloro thoy could church, on the other hand, that pro­ —rest" "Courage, mother," soys Jesus, Tho moralnR meal prepare: ward Christ Christ is tho bridegroom, Montana and Idaho, and will bo good for re­ Ko moro tbo breakfast call to.bail saw that it waa a loan-shop. Could it otic motives. Tho inculcation of tho rainstorm of Tuesday night has caused by tho storm. At Franklin, .5 miles cammiinicato with those on board the pose to bring only the poor into tho "I will see thee through." She goea turn possago within thirty davs from date aoni. usiiM nwna eo., in w*u sr., Rm-fom. and the Church is the bride. The same With merry quip and Jest, hovo como to this? Was sho so reduced lessons of patriotism is as much a duty AVillow river and .Trout brook to over­ south of this city, the Smith City iron lihupo tho yawl capsized and all except Kingdom ot Jesus Christ, looltingnot home. Tho next morning, in tho tene­ of sa,10l . Stop-ovor prlvUiJgo... s wiU bo allowed Or hasto to greet tho tardy mall worils we can utter to-day truthfully, in circuraatancoa that sho found it ncc- OS tho defense of tho country. Tho an- flow their banks, causing a damage of works, in course of construction, were Daniel Lynn were drowned. after the rich. God such a church ment house, somo ono dwelling on on going Ip in territory to which tlie From those ho loved tho best; whether in regard to the Church of tlckoti uro sold. For lurthor Information, SALLT GAT—"Whot a cunning llttlo fol- AND HB SCOWLED DARKLY.-"Ah, there'8 ovor 150,000. II. T. Drake, of St. Paul, destroyed, with a loss of $10,000. Tho Sand Beach liio siiviiig crow, 00 in its undertaking. Hut thero is n another floor comes to her room and God in general or tliis Church in par­ cuU on or address Ticket Agents of connect- thehr hub I" soliloquized tlio tragedian, os ho No moro to see tho banner bright owned a private trout hatchery and K0K0.M0, Ind., May 19.—Tho root of miles away, was then telugrapliod lor larger idea that a church may take— knocks. No answer. The door ia stood on an omiuenco andtookllla flrot vlow ticular: "Behold, thou art fair, my Intr lines. Circulars .giviug rates and de» Its lovely folds unfurl has lost 70,000 yearlings and 50,000 tho furnace of the Diamond plate glass and came down on a special train. Tho bringing in the rich and tho poor, the opened. Sho is doadi Tho night be­ taUcd informatioa will ho mailed, free, upon olBoaton. ^ lovo." Tho past week has been an arch look, you know."—Inter Ocean. Against tbo sky's soft amber light fry, valued at J'JO.OOO. P. O. Crary and works was blown oil Thursday night, Thompson loft hero ut 2 o'clock with wise and tho ignorant, the higli nnd fore tho chariots of God halted at that application to W.A. ThnUl, General Pas- And olouas ot gold aad pearl; one of prolonged congratulation for : Bongor und Ticket Apcnt, Chicago & North- Western American Hccnory. others of this city owned another liico and Zion church, 4 miles oast, was de­ the life saving crow in tow and sho and the low; so that kneeling beside pillow of straw, and Jesus kept His Which WIU Yon Be, No more al mourning of tbo guard that wo havo for twenty-five years Wostom Rallwaj-, Cnlcago. Tho ChlcoBO, MUwaukeo& St. PaulR'y To take his plnco la ranks, hatchory and lost 300,000 fry and 20,000 stroyed. Tho damago iu tho county dropped tho boat about a mile above each other shall bo the man faring promise. Ho said tliat He would give A farm rontor or a fann owner! It rests haa now ready lor dlatrlbutlon a sixteen pago been permitted to associate with each Or reap tho morn-roUof's reward— yearlings, valued at about $20,000. will exceed $100,000. tho Sliupe. Tho life savers finally sumptuou.sly every day, and tho man her rest, and Ho has given her rest "ALL tho world may bo a atago," remarks witli youraolf. Stay whero you aro and you portfolio ol scenes along Its lino, hall.tones, Tho weary sentry's thanks; • Ill lowrn. other in the relation of pastor nnd peo­ tho disgusted dramatic critic, "but Shako- wUl bo a rontor all your Uio. Move to No- ol tho BI20 ol tho World's Fair portlolloa Clilcfcoiis Beheaded. reached the wrecked schooner and who could not got hia breakfast God Glory be to God for the lieiglit, the lately issued. Thoy are only ton cents each DunuQUE, la., May 21.—The spcota^ ple. When I camo to Broolclyn I found spoaro was wrong when ho said that all the braska whoro good land Is cheap and cheop No moro to pass tbo long, long day CABTUAOK, III., May 18.—A cyclone took ofl tho crew after hard work and speed such a church. depth, tbo lengtli, and the breadth men nnd women woro players."—Philadel­ land la good nud you can easUv bocomo nn and can bo obtained ^v^tllout delay by clo of Buow tailing after tho middle of a small band of Christian disciples who romitting tho amount to GEO. H. HEAiri'Onu, On lonely picket post, at Denver, in this county, destroyed a landed them on shore about 5 o'clock. Oh! my friends, we need to break of such Christian comfort! OhI phia Record. owner. Write to J. Francis, Cl. P. & T. May was soon Friday morning. After from various causes had become less Bm-Ungton Route, Omaha. Nob., for a do- General Pass. Agent, Cliicago, IU. Whero otl tbo bushes, far away, number of farm buildings, fonccs and They wero all alive, but iu a greatly away from slavery to ecclesiastical that wo might havo such joy Seem an advancing host; several days of extromo hot wcutlicr, and less, until thoy stood upon the J. I. Case T. M. Co, Bcriptivo iiamphlot It's free and a postal fields of grain. Ono hundred chickens exhausted condition, having boon drift­ customs. Wo dare not sing if anybody as that which inspired tho men at ivlll bring It to you. No moro to speed the weary hours resulting Thursday in prostrations by very verge of extinction ns a church, •Dsers of Threshing Machines, Enginca GtJssiE (at dinner)—"Aro you lond of had their heads out ofi as smooth as if ing for forty-eight hours. hear ns. We dare not preach unless tho battlo of Leuthon. They wore and Siiwmills havo long boon familiar with French dressing?" Miss Breezy—"'Sfes; I With dreams o'er fragrant pipe, sunstroke, tho mercury sunk from 90 nnd tho question was being agitated ' Or plucking dear, familiar Uowcrs by a knife. Xo ono was injured. Tho CiiiCAOO, May 31—Tho latest esti­ we have rounded off our sentences to singing a Christian song as thoy went tho name of tho Cm heading this notico. Its HILLS—"^Vhon doea tho rool-gai^cn sea­ ot aU iny gowns mado in Paris."—Phlla- degrees to 42 degrees inside ol twulvo from time to time whether it would bo son open?" HuUs—"Aa soon as my wife clphla UccorcU Or luscious berries rlpo; cyclone cloud resBinbled a balloon with mate of the loss ol life off tho harbor suit the criticism of tiio world. Wo into battlo. A gener.il said to the career has been consistent and honorable f hours. possible to maintain a church life in nu exceptional degree. During tho past goes to tho country.»—N. Y. World, a twisting rope hanging below it. of Cliicago during tho recent storm is dare not dress for church until we kinir: "Shall I stop tlio.se people sing­ "I TELL you, Bronson, there is nothin/i No moro tbo camp-flro's peolal glow Terrific Stnrin In »w Jersey. longer. Indeed, had not those men .. winter a largo part ol ita mmninoth works At evontido to jock, Ill Indiana. twenty-eight. Add to this numbor the have examined tho liishion-plates, and ing?" "No, FBEsnxnss and purity aro imparted to tho impossible to a jealous woman." "'Witli NEW Yoiiic, May 2L—Southern Now and women been consecrated and said tho king; "men tliat I have been i-cmodcicd and rebuilt, and the complexion by Glenn's Sulphur Soap. Whoro talcs of luvo and Joy and woe LEBANON, Ind., May 18.—A cloud six members ol the crew ol thu schoon­ we would rather stay at home than ono exception I agreo with you. Tho excep­ Jersey experienced a thunderstorm Fri­ earnest, they would have surrenderd can sing like that can fight" I would ! P^"''? nowprobably tho most complete of Hill's Hair and miskcrDyo, 50c. tion is tho truth."—Harper's Bazar. Tho laugh or tear bespeak; burst in tho vicinity of Dover, 0 miles er CummlngR, wrecked off Milwaukee appear with a coat or hat not sanc­ that wo had a singing church, a joyful extant Or as tho hlookeaod brlorwood bowl day night Fourteen houses wcro to tho adverse circumstances. They Careful buyers ore learning tho lesson west of this city, about midnight Tues­ on Friday, and tho lour lifo-savers oil tioned by custom. When will the d:iy church, a jubilant church, a comfort­ thaMt pays to deal i\-ith reliable firms, and Its cheering vlipor breathes. strnck by lightning in Ilridgeton, three mar.shalcd a congregational mooting, To see sweet visions gcnlly.roll dny night, and tho entire country is Port Huron, Miclu, and tho total loss ot deliverance come to the church of ing church, for then wo would have a anyone contcmiilating tho purcliaso ol at Cedarville, four at Newport, two at and, gathering up all tho forces possi­ threshing machinery ol any kind, saw­ Along tho fleecy wreaths. flooded to a depth ot from 3 to 10 feoL nt these three points alono is thirty- God, when, instead ol a dead religion, triumphant church. CURES PROMPTLY Dutch Nccit, seven at Vinolaud and ble, they cast 19 votes for a pastor, all mills, etc., should \vrito for Illustrated Wolf and Sugar creeks, which eight The schooners Myrtle and , laid out in state ol catafalque ol pomp I remark, fnrtlier, that we havo Catalogue issued by tho J. I. Case T. M. Co., SWELLINCSp He sleeps, tbo soldier sleeps, no more several ia Jlillvillo. Several barns of which I am happy to have received. To waken to tto fray,: were but small streams, aro Evening Star, wrecked at Tiventy- and insincoritj", wo shall have a liv­ hero tried to build a church abreast of Racine, Wis. which is maUed free to any were strnck and burned to the ground. address, • ^ ^ BACK-ACHE, Tbe cannon's loud lictUnt roar, now rushing torrents of water sovontli street Friday uvoning, havo It w.as not through nny spirit ot per­ ing, bounding, sympathetic, glowing the times. It is all folly for us to try Z. Johnson lives in tho southern quar­ The bugle's blataat liray, from 1 to y miles in widtli. The new gone to pieces, and the Jaclc Tlioinp- sonal courage or reckless adventure Christianity? to do things the way they did fifty or "Mv," said a dlscoumged urchin, "I nln't LMNESS, SORENESS. Tho shout of sentries iiishlng ID, ter of Ilridgeton and the lightning ran iron bridge which spanned NVolt son is rapidly meeting the snmu late. that led me, from ono of the warmest a hundred years ago. We might as goinfr to school any more." "Why, dear?" Tho lone roll ot tho drum, down tho chimney of his house nnd I remark, Inrtlicr, that we have tried creek on tlio Cniwlordsvillo road, 10 and most congenial pastorates in Phil­ well be plowing with Elijah's croolced "'Cause 'tain't no use I can never learn to SOOTHES, SUBDUES, CURES. The shell's wild scream and horrid din, prostrated all the occupants. Sucii was here to build and to conduct a cheerful apoU. Tlio tcjiolier kecp.T changing tho words Tho bullet's deadly hum, miles west of hero, gave way FIRE IN PHILADELPHIA. adelphia that a man ever enjoyed, to stick, or go into battlo with Saul's thu force ot the storm and tho rain church. While, its you know, wo have every day." about daylight Wednesday morning. this most uninviting field; but it was armor, or prefer a canal boat tc Tho battle line, the gleaming steel, camo down in such torrents that the Kl(t .Stores nn Arch Street llurn nt n I.0SS not held back tho terrors ot tho law Tlio crash was distinctly heard a mile the fouling that God had called mo to an express train, as to be cling­ Like the Gentle Dow From Ilenven Tho volley's bllnalng Hash, earth was washed away in many jilaccs of ein4n,uoo, and the sterner doctrines of tlie GoS' away. Numerous wooden bridges and tho work, and I wassuro that lie would ing to old things. What wo most Comes blissful pcnco to a turbulent, unrulv SHE KNOWS WHM5 WHAT Tlie charKO, tho airlckon comrade's rcol, and the g.as and water pipes were laid Piiir.AnKi.pmA, May 21.—Firo on pel, wo havo tried in this houso to liver brought Into subjection and disciplined Tho vengeful forward dash, culverts woro destroyed aud tlio roads see mo through. need now is a wide-awake church. bare. _. Sunday consumed S.')-15,000 worth ol present to this people tho idea that with tliat grand regulator, Hostolter's Tho grandeur o( the serried rank, arc impassable, linndreds of rods of I have thought that it might bo People who aro out in tho Stomach Bitters, a boon of priceless worth, property in the heart ol the business the gladdest, brightest, happiest tiling A3 o'er the field It sweeps, fences and dozens of small buildings profitiible to ns to state briefly what world all tlio week, jostled against this not only to the bilious, but also to tho Tho struggle on tho breasiworlis' bank— UN r.AKIS MICHIGAN. suction of the citj-. Thu finnies wero in tlio univcr.sc is the Christian re­ malarious, tho rheumatic, tho nervous, tho wcro washed away. Tlie damago to kind of a church wo havo been trying ligiitn ing-footed century, come into the For, lol Tho uolUior sleeps. Ships Founder and Go IJnn-ii with Tliclr discovered about 12:30 o'clock in ligion. There i.s so much trouble in fcoblo, tho constipated, and those whoso growing crops and the loss by drowned to establish. church on the S;ibb.ilh, nnd go right to kidneys aud bladder aro inactive Tho Uvcr Crews III a liule. tliu cellar ot tho ;itoro ol the world; business men havo so Sweet bo hia sloop, for all ho had— live stock will be very great, and, In tho first place, I remark that wo sloop, unless thoy havo a spirited serv­ la always chioliy involved In ninlarlal com­ Ilia life—lie freely gave CniCACO, May 21.—Tho northeast the Julius Scliicl company, dealers many anxieties; toiling men havo so while it is impossible to estimate tho have been trying to build hero a Chris­ ice. Men enffaged iu literary callimja plaints, lor which the Bitters Is a specific. That o'er a land with peace mado glad gale which began with the cliango of in dry goods and millinery, 50, m.iny fatigues; orphans havo so many damage until tho waters recede, it is tian church; distinctively such; in all the week, reading pungent, slia;p The flag ho loved might wave; weather Tliursday night blow with in­ 52 and' 51 North Eighth street and SOU desolations—for God's sake, if there . SxnANOEn—"What havo you in that on­ And whilo his grave tho chaplot bears known tliat it will reach many thou­ other words, a church where we should writings, can not be expected to I volopo iliat you aro haudlhig so carefully?" creasing foroo all day Friday. The Aroh street lieloro tho fire dupart- bo any bright place on eartli, .show it Above ita lowly sod, sands of dollars. preach the Lord Jesus Christ and Him come and hear our ecclesiastical hum Singorly—"A live fly. I'vogot to catch aa gale approached tho dignity of a ciont arrived tho flames had conimuni- to thom. Let tlio church of Jesus early train in tho morning."—Judge. Tho crown of duly dono bo wears PAItTINO WITU JOHN' 6 FLUTE. Mare Dams Hurst. drum. If a man stays at hone Defore ilio tlirono ot God. catud with tho upper floors through crucified. Jly theology is all gone into Christ be tho most cheerful spot on hurricane, blowing at intervals at on Sundays and reads the neu-s- Wbf-n Traveling —Thomas Calvcr, In Once a Wceli. ST. PAUL, Minn., May 10.—A Hudson un elevator shaft, and tlio entire prop­ five letters—>Tesus, Je.su.s, tho pardon earth. Let mo say that I do not want cssary to pawn articles to exist? I nivcrsnry of tho day when tho graves 00 miles an hour. Tiie beach papers, it is because the newspapers Whether on pleasui-o bout, or business, tnko (Wis.) special to the Dispatch says: Tho erty was destroyed. The fire quickly of all offcy.ses. Jesus, tho foundation anybody to como whining around me waited patiently until sho appeared, of our beloved heroes aro strewn ivitli in tho neighborhood of Chic.igo are more interesting. Wc need, my ou ovory trip a bottle of Syrup of Figs, as Jewett mills dam, besides tho new spread to the wholesale millinery of all structures. .Tesus, tho balm of about tiio Christian religion. I have it acts most pleasantly and effectively on tho tho "somotliing" under lior shawl wns the flowers of a nation's lovo should bo \vos a "lee shore." From Gloncoo to brethren, to rouse up, and stop hunt­ Richmond and llnrkhardt dams, have nnd straw goods establishiuent ol all wounds. .Tesus, tho oycsalvo for no faith in a religion mado up of equal kidneys, llvcrand bowels, provcntluKfovors, gone and sho started to retrace her observed witli all tlie fervor which a South Chicago It was strown with ing with blank cartridires. The headaches nud other forms of slcknuss. For gone out, causing much damage. Sev- L. Daiincnbaiim's Sou & Co., ad­ all blindness. Jesus, the guide tlirough parts of wormwood, vinegar nnd red steps horaownrd. patriotic and homo-loving jiooplo can wrcclcage. Kight vessels camo to grief church of God ought to be the leader, sale In .'lO coats imd 81 liottlcs by all leading er,il bridges aru out, including thu joining on Arch street, nnd their all perplexities. Jesus, the hope lor pepper. If the religion tliat is pre drugelsts. I did not follow farther, but resolved command. nnd at least ten lives woro sacrificed. the interpreter, tho inspirer of the Tower bridge, which cost originally stouk and building were jilso destroyed. all diseuragements. <)csus, the reform scntud to us bo a depression, we that I would not sleep that night until The obson-ation of Decoration day The lumber fioct snlTcred most Tho ago. It is all folly for us to bo dis­ ?'2.5,000, and has now been made use­ The two buildings belonged to thu us- for all worngs. 1 havo faith to be- will get along bettor without it IT takes a man with a good deal ol inllu- I knew just how John's wifo was should not be left alono to the organi­ financial loss approaches SIOU.ODO. cussing old issues—arraigning Nero, cnco witli himself to do somcthinK ho doesn't- less Superintendent Scott, of tho tjite of Morris Danncnbtium. Tho llvc that there is moro power If it be a joy, let it shine out situated. After changing my wot gar­ zations of old soldior.s. A grateful na­ Tho scene off tho lake front w.is hanging Absalom, striking the Philis­ want to and doesn't havo to, uocausc ho' ;:1 M^.i Omaha railroad, is here and estimates llamus wure conlliiud to those two in ono drop of tho blood of from your /ace anti from your convor ought to.—Puck. ments for dry apparel and having a cup tion should make ot the day an annual unparalleled in Chicago's history and tines with Sharagar's ox-goad—when the damago to that road in washouts buildings, but adjoining stores on Arch Jesus Christ to curo the woes of .sation. If a man comes to my honse of tea, I started for her home. occiision for tlio rohcars:il of tho valor­ thousands of people turned out to witr all around about us aro iniquities to be MeVIckor's, Chicago. and otherwise at upwards of fT'i,000. and Eighth structs suffered loss from the world than in an ocean full of hu­ to talk ot religion with a lugubrious •When I reached tho door of her ous deeds of "the boys ot'01;" citizens LoMS Will lEcarli 191,0110,001). ness thu thrilling ininilonts of the day. man quackery. Jusus is tho grandest slain. "America" will closo its run May 20, nnd SANTACLAUSSOAP fire, smoku nnd water. Tlio origin ol countenance and manner lull of snif- <'.Mlkado,"Gilbert & Sulllvnu'Bina8ter]iiecc, aptirtmont at tlio end of a long, dimly- should vie with each other in exempli­ At midniglit sovural craft wore in dan­ notu in any miiistrulsy. Ho is the IS rainy ST, PAVI., Minn., May 10.—Uuporls tliu firu is unknown. Thu losses aru as fie and dolorousucss, I feel like saj'ing Did I say that tho church ought to will bo tho opera following. Seiits secured BECAUSE iT^ THE BEST. PUREST Z MOST £C0H0f41CAL lighted hall, I heard her running tho fying their alTcctiou for the.m, nnd the ger of going on thu boacli. Following brightest gem in any crown. Tho cen­ nip lit antl from thu districts visited by slorm and follows: to my wife; "You had belter lock up be abreast ot tho times? I take that by mall. machine aud singing as slio worked, 1 youth ot liio land then, it at no other aro tho vessels wrecked in tliu vicinity ter ot every circumfurencc. The cir­ SOLD EtZRYWllERE talking ot flood indicate that the loss was heavier the silver before ho steals somelliinir." b,-icic. The chiircli of God ought to he TnE paat^o; tho present— 1; tho futuro—1 was surprised at this, for with iiovcrty time, should ho:ir tho history of their ot Cliicago: Julius .Schlel i Co., Sl':.VOno. partly Insured; cumference of overy center. The paci­ Decoration than lirst reported and will rc:ich at I have found It an invariable rule that ahead of tlie times—as far in advanco —Puck. I had ulwaj's coupled discontent. achievements. A patriotic people must Veffiels Lost. L. Dunnenbiium's .Son i Co.. il.'iO.WO. parthilly fier of all lurbulance. Tho umpire of T THEN.K.FAlRBANKGOHPM.CHiG.uii>. tlay reminds least ?1.000,000. All the railway lines Insured; eslate of Morris llaniieiibuum. flTT,,- men who profess faith in tiio Lord as the cross of Christ is ahead of all She answered my Icuock by opening not sulfer tlio stigma that thcy.liavo .al­ Schooner Evening Star, Capu M. W. Kllton, ail disputes. Jcsns! Jesus! At His mo of an in­ entering St. Paul except Iho Chicago wonlablioi'e at Tweniy-slxlh alrootai liUi) p VM fully Insured: J O. IJenil.v. S.'.'i.WiO; William Jcsns Christ, priding themselves at tho human invention. Paul was a. tlion- tho door and saying how surprised sho lowed tho enthusiastic and iiearty rec­ Knekc & Dros., f.'V.nO); Koiioliitk .Silk eomp.my table all nations are to sit Around THE MARKETS, cident of our Great Western and Minneapolis St. m.; crew of live restued by people on shorn same time on their sanctimonionsncsn, sand years aiicad of tho d.iy in wliich was to SCO mu standing tliero. Wo ognition ot this occ.ision gradually to of;NewYork. il.l.C/); John W. Leematstreo, this throne all worlds are to revolve, OTTT J\.TirJD GrXlV first celebra­ Louis employed all tho idle men they Schooner C O. Ml.\er, Capt. Henry Ahobihs, always turn out badly. I nover know he lived. Tho .swift-footod years that NEW YOUK. .May SI. talked of mnny interesting subjects, fail.—Chicago Graphic went uriliore ut One Hundredth sireol ut 4. p. S-JO.liuO; Oecr .Soa-s. K.'i.OOO; WilUiim Kennth, lie is to bo the irradiation ot the tini- LIVE STOCK-Caltlc M 10 ff. 4 An tion in tho could Und in i».'pairiug bridges and owner of buUdlni; Hli .Ueh street. 5.1,1X10. an exception. While tlio.so who aro have passed .since Lntlicr died havo not Sheep.. fj, 4 "1 sho tolling mo of tho children and lior m.: crew of aevou rescued by South Chicago ver.se. Jesus! Jesus! It Is that truth 3 m little town traclis waslied away by tho torrents tlio most consistent tho most u.sofal yet come up to Luther's grave. Givo Hogs (.4 5 m work and of her many, many struggles AS BY A MIRACLE. life-.s;>vtug crew. that we have tried to preach in this FLOUit—.Minnesota Patents... 3 ^o where I lived in tlio southern part of which swept down every river and Sehooiirr .Myrtle, dipt. Wilson, wont down SEVEN MEN KILLED. iind the most consecrated havo per­ iniquity four thousand years the start, City .Mill I'utcms IRANK LESLIE'S with poverty and doctors and drug tubcrnnclc. 4 05 (it 4 30 Showlne Ilnw I'resfuco of .Mind Can So- brook in tliis section on Tuesday and oft Thlriyllf ih street at I5:3J p. la.; crow of six fume in their conversation and Heaven and tlio feet of Christianitj' aro so WHEAT-.Vo. SKed Illinois. bills. Naturally our conversation turned Trains Com,* Toselber on llio Newport Ungraded Ked ,V.l S 1)1 curo AlKcnen of liodli..,!. Wcdnesdiiy. suppaseil to be drowned. in their face nimble that if you will but givo it full Scenes and Portraits It was in tho 'GO'S nnd for soran years to the subject, of Decoration day as tho Schooner Lincoln Oall, Capt. S. Johnson, News SIlHslHHlppl Vnlli-y Ituad. Do you ask mor*i minutely what wc COKN-No.a ; CIVILWAR Tho opera houso was crowded. The Krery Itrlilgo Cone. swing, it will catch up and pass it In Ungraded Mixed 43 Ct, Wi OTP THE tho towns around us had boon keeping morrow had been eliristcnod, and smil­ went ashore-.ll Glencoo at 8:30; Anton Gundor- I'ni.NCKTox, Ky., May 21.—A collision believe? I can toll j'ou. W'o havo no The happiest Christians that I h.-ive OAT.-J-Track .MUed Western.. curtain Imd gone down hastily in tho two bounds. The church of God ought 8s fe what j'oii now call Slemorial day, and ing such a sweet, calm , she MAIUKX HOCK, Wis., May 10, • Uush sen, Manistee, Mich., deckhand, drowned; crow in thu Standing Pock tunnel ou tho dry, withered, juiccless theology. We ever known have been persons from UYE—Ungraded Western , middle of tlio second act of tlie mufiicil of four rescued by Kvauston life-saving crew. to bo ahead of the times. PORK—Mess. .Vew...: 13 •£!leru 7 .t'Mlfe 7 CO a small flag nnd scatter llowors on tho er end of tho room brought from it a Wednesday night and the raging tor­ WllUuma, went ashore al Twcniyslxihsiroci railway, 13 miles cast ot this place, ninkcr of Heaven and earth, the deliv­ time people get over tho aliams and pre­ I remark, lurther, tluit we have tried UDTTKU—Western Creamery.. 14 ft 17 a slight buzz of surprise nnd impa­ ..... GRAND GflVflLRY CfiflRGES I graves ot our soldier boys onco a year, box filled with flowers, which she had rent carried everything bcforu it al 3;'i1 p. m.; John Johnson, cook, drowned; i killed seven liion. Two trainmen had erer ol tho distressed, the homo for tho tenses ot society, and have no longer here, in the love and lear of God, to W'o.iiorn Dairy 0 is, 12 60 that we would show to all that our tience, sat waiting for it to ri.se again. Every bridge from tiie headwater of ircw of 9ls saved by iwojJlo on ahora their skulls frautured and will die. build a church that would be charac­ CraCAGO. rAND PORTRAITS OF THE LEAOINO GENERALS ON BOTH SIDES. bought to placo on John's grave. homeless, the friend for the fricndles.s. any patience with anything liko im­ BEEVES—Shipping Steers J3 lii ffi 4 40 boys in blue and our boys in gray wero Something h.id liappened. Itush river to tlie outlet in the -Missis­ Schooner J. Loomia McLaren. Cnpt IC John- . , i,utweun extni freight She told mo tlien, with hor eyes filled We believe in Jesus Christ, able to .save posture in religion. O Christian! how terized by conversions. I have heard Cows I fO dt, 3 Si f To bo published in tblrty weekly parta. Each parpar t contalnlne sixteen pictures wlUi not forgotten, and the SOtli of May wsis A fire liad brolcen out in tho prop­ sippi lias been swept tiway. Uotli flour­ son, went ashore at Twunty-sovenlh street at " ' , , , K_;,,„., to tlio uttermost, pardoning the guilty, of very good peoplo who could preach Stookcrs Z 70 dr. 3 a> appropriate. dcscrlptlTO reading matter and hanosoom: e covet. UaUed to any address with tears, sho know hor John was n dare you bo gloomy? Is not God your Feeders....- 3 SO (it 3 S.'i sot apart for that work of love. erty room. ing aud sawmills wero ruined and the r;30: J. Poland, mate, killed In mlillake: crow ^o. 002, west bound, and tho bridge on for fifteen or twenty years, and ace lonrocolptof noble soldier nnd ho so dearly loved of .six reacueJ by poUca train, in chai'go ol Conductor llilL imputing the righteousness to the be­ Father? Is not Jesus Christ your Uuwhers'Steers 3 U) ft s 35 Witli the fcoblo moans at their com­ total loss will reach $100,000 in this ,;ullB TWELVE CEflTS FOR EACH PART. It was the night before the 30th that flowers sho could not think ot his gnivc Schooner Mercury, Capt M. Shumor, went 1 wtis out with his train and o.x- liever. Wo believe in the Holy Ghost, Savioar? Has notyour path all through no conversions, but yet have faith. It o -.11 mand tlic stugu attendants tried in county. At Iciist a dozen fnrmliouscs ft 5 CO m I saw her wallcing along throuyii tho with but a Ung to mark it nnd so sho iishore at Twenly-Ilflh atreotaiS m.; crow py^tgd t,ii(e the siding just cast of the comforter, the stinctiflcr, cheering life been strewn with mercies? Are takes a very good man to do that I snEniv!.'."!.".".'.•.••.!.•.'."!!!.•.• PART ONE READY APRIL I5tl). vain to extinguish it. along Uusli river were wasliud away. lii 75 rain, seemingly utterly regardless ot had tnanagea to buy somo for it. Tho of seven rescued al Illlnm.s Ccniral plor. j 1,1.1,1.1.11 w . ,, , , np the heart in life's ills, and you in.scnsiblo to the fact that there do not Iciiow howti man can keep his UUrrEK-Creamery ' And each week another part Issued until tho series is complete, nerolt 03,00 at tho storm wliich swept around her. Tlio flames liolced up tho coiubustiblo Ivllird liy a Cyclniip. ^ Schooner ISalnbow, C»pL Pugli. fouled oil tho ' tbu tunnel. Hu sunt a Ilaginan ahead kindling bright lights in every faith up if souls aro not brought to Dairy 10 (fe , once aud receive Uie paru weekly or send 13c. at a time fur cacli part. children would go with her enrly on aro glories awaiting j-ou in the hotter EGGS- P Poatasa atauipa accepted. Address She had noitlier umbrelia nor cloak to materials strewn carolcsslj- about aud harbor al noon -and capsized hy the Jack : and was backing u;), with a boarding dark landing placo. Wo believe tho Lord Jesus Christ Thtit church -l-rcKh tho itiorrov/ nnd they would spend an Ku.VKr.K, O., Jlay :i>. — A cyclone Thomp.son, sank al 3:10 p m. off'IVolfih Htrout; • c;ir ill front. llu had followed lanti—doxologics of celestial worship, HltOO.M COH.V— protect her slim form from tlie watery bcgtin to cat tlieir way upward. Denso that the whole race is so that docs not briiig men and women Westora (per ion) SO 00 (&M 00 hour or two with hira. pa.s.sed one-fourth mile west of here al four men rescued from vcs-il by tug Spencer; j fl.i;,„„i„ too closely, and just eternal chorals, tearlesseyes.songs that Wgstorn Uw.irf 45 110 fti» 00 LEON PUBLtSHINB CO., Exclusive General Western Agents, elements. She wore a thin .calico cWcss volumes of smolco obstructed tlio ef­ sunken in sin that nothing bnt the to tho feet of the S:ivionr is a failure. 'Sho had mnnagod to buy some." 4:»0 o'clock Tliursday afternoon, kill­ the eaptnin und iwo men went ashore on a ; ^ ""h ' , ,, . '' , . resound under arclies of strength and lllnols Gooil to Choice 45 00 (,^70 00 1030 Caxton Building, : CHICAGO, ILL. and a well-worn shawl; her head was forts of the linstily-iniprovised firo haichwayatT»enly-llfihslreolal5p.uL as he entered thu tunnel Liiginuur omnipotent arm of God can over lift it POTA-mi-IS (iic-r bu.) ft IW •yes, thero was the secret of her walk ing five persons, fatally injuring two hosannas that clap their hands at tho care not how fine the building or POUIC-.Meas covered by an untrhumcd straw hat. brigade, and rose aloft through tlie Tho Vletli IS Jones, with the extra freight, reached ont We believe in grace—tree grace, 11 MUftll 0S« in the storm and her mysterious disap­ ollicrs and slightly wounding scvor.il foot of tho throne? Is it nothing to how .sweet tho music, or how cloquont LAKU—steam 7 17iil}li 7 SSI', Sho was netit and clean. I know some­ unprotected regions back of tliu stage. The number of lives lost is estimated I'i-^ train going ilO sovereign grace, triumphant grace, FIvOUH—.Spring Patents.; 3 Sll (ft 3 50 pearance into tlie placo of tho "three moro. you that all the hills of Heaven aro tho preaching, or how elegant the sur­ THE POT INSULTED THE KETTLE BECAUSE what ol her circumstances and so won­ follows- miles au hour, llu aud ins fircmnn eternal grace. We bolievo in a lliblo— Sprln;; M.-iilyhts 2 SO e^. 3 «l balls." I said nothing to her ot what The ten-iblo truth could bolcupt from When It Occurred. ''lvaiou'(ru..derson,Manlatee,MIch,aalloroa saw thu dnngui-in timu to jump. Tlio radi.mt with tho laces of those who roundings—it is a failure Tlie church W inter I'uteals S Wl (J. 3 00 dered at her being away from homo at authentic in its statements, immacii- 2 00 &-i 75 intended, but silently admired such tho audience only a few moments The scene ot tho cyclone is a hard Lincoln Uill, drowned at Olcnijuo; John John- ' engine crashed into tiie boarding car, havo irone up from you, and wlio aro of God was made for just one thing— Wlnlir Mralk'hu....- THE COOK HAD NOT USED . M blossoms. by falling spar: Tliom:ia Sidlo, lUherinaii, Chi­ engine plowed almost througli it, cholc- Hnrley. Good lo Choice 51 Small, had begun tlioir wedded life in whosu ghastly paleness moclced tho away and notliing left to mark the spot thu residence of those wlio aro soul- tliat nuvur ache, in splendors that never ing fine touches to Christians already That evening a friend called nt tho cago, Kwept from the govorninout breakwater ing up tliu tunnel with thu dubris. LUiim:i:— a little, vino-coveroil cottage just on meclianical .smilu it wore, tliu leading where they stood cccopl holes in thu and drowned; Ciiiit. Wilson and live unknowa suicides—of their own Irr.e choice re­ die, to maku you glad? Then lake no polislicd. We Iceep our religion too Sldlnh- 10 00 ft33 ."-.O placo of "three balls" nnd upon infiuiry Later dcvchipmuuts show thu causu of P'loorlng ft:i7 00 SAPOLIO the outskirts ot our town. tenor .stopped in front of llie curtain. ground. sailors of ibe schooner MyrUa fusing tho divine mercy. We believe in more niurcy at the hand ot tliy God! ni'.icli indooi's,anil under shelter, when it :i« 00 found that it was John's old, loved tliu wreck to be duu to tliu liagman ol Common lloarda M Wl &u 00 John worked in tho town—a splendid Thero tire times wlien the soul ol Miiiiy Wrecks Along the Lakes, the salvation of all men who nccupt Givu bacl< the marriage ring of lovo ought to bo climbing thu rooks ot hew­ renilng 13 00 ftlfl 00 fluto that sho hnd not pawned, ns sho \ The scene ot devastation is about thu work train who got his ordurs con- Lath, iJry 2 50 ineshanic thny said ho was—a manly- in addition to tho vessels already Christ by faith, bo thoy sprinkled that Jusus put on your finger in thu ing ill tho forests. Tlicn it wonld he a ft S 00 GOOD COOKING DEMANDS CLEANLINESS. was ignorant ot the practice, but had man, moved by •an intuition whoso one-quarter ot a inilo wide and 0 miles fusud. .Shingles s 00 ft 3 15 looking follow, t.iU. broad-shouldered, named, tho following aro reported or imuiei'.scd, worsliip they In catlie- daj' ot your espousal! Plant no more st:iUvart roliirion, a robust ruligion, a sold. lightning flash inflnitoly tran.sconds iu length. Tlio great funncl-sliapcd KANSAS CITY. SAPOLIO SHOULD BE USED IN EVERY KITCHEN. with wavy lialr and dark-brown eyes. thu swiftest processes of thought, leaps wrecked; A STAGE ROBBER KILLED. dral or in log cabin, boliuvo thoy in of thu fiowurs of Heaven wliero tliuro ruligion ablo lo'digcst tlio strong meat OAITLE-Shlpnlng Steers S3 OH ft 4 25 Ilo purchased tho samo at ray request cloud traveled in an irrcguhir south- Slockers and 1'tellers 3 1X1 Ci 3 70 Uo mado a corafortablo living and llioy instantly and unerringly to tho solu­ Schooner M. J. Cummlnga, sunk, Milwaukee, Prcsbylorianism or Episcopacy, dwuU ought to bo nothing bnt nettles nnd ot the Word, insteiid ot being kept on and wo sent it, togoUior with a purso cnslcrly courso, the greatest damage Ills Companion Seriously Wouniln Two of nous 4 a ft 4 HO {ELY'S CREAM BALM CURES tvcru very hnppj. When tlio oldest tion of some gigjintic problem before seven lives; achoonor C. C. llurncs, nshnro, thuy under Italian .skius or in Siberian niglitslindo! tiie pap and gruul of spiritual invalid­ SIIEEl' 3 ,'.U & 3 05 well filled witli monoy oolloctcd by tho being done about ii milo from whcru it Milwaukee; unknown sohooner, a.slioro, Cud- the I'uHsenirerH. ohild wns iii.\ and tho youngest a baby v.'hoso sudden awful and incvitablu snow storm.s, be, thoy Ethiopian of ism. It is high time thai wu threw off OMAHA. army boys, to John's wife, tnaking it rose and passed on east aliy, Wis.; schooner Mosoa Gii'io, ashore, STOCKTON, Cal., May 21.—Two masked Wo try to maku this churoli a cheer­ C.^lTLl'I-.Steers »3 r>fl 4 20 C AT A R R H MINNEAPOLIS^'SI. in arm.'! tliat groat "call to arms" tor a front the plodding faculties of reason Michigan City, Iml; schoonor Mliioriii State, American. All ono in Christ, ono the Sunday clotlius of sickly suiitimon- feeders S W ft 3 70 indeed a day ot decoration to those Fiirloim IliiUstnrm at CUvcland. men madu an attumpt to hold up tho ful church, A man, on Salui'day attur- IPWCE so CENTS. ALL DRUCCISfSl nation's safety came, and .Tohn—what stand appalled and liolplcss. scuttled, Klk Kaplds, MIoh.; schooner Surprlac, Lord, one faith. Vio built tho tab,5i- •ality and put on the work-day drussol HODS 4 U5 ft 4 75 lonely hearts.—Chicago News. Murphy's stage Saturday nioriiing 13 nonn, stands in his store and says: SIlEl'.l' 3 OU ft 4 40 VICTORY J8,"B. could .'/ohn do but respond? Cl.KVi'.i.ANn, 0., May IU.—Tho worst ashore. Two lllvora Polut, Wla.; steam- naclc for the p|prposo of sotting fortli an eurnest, active Cliristianily. In llio life of this mai'i tho supremo II S. Tlce, sahoro, Groon Hay. Wl.'i.; miles above Milton, and ono was in­ "How shall I muut these obligations? NORSK POWERS, STACKERS, Eto. 1 A company wns orgnni-,;ed in our lit­ hailstorm tliat has visited this city in ihcso great theories ot tho Gospel ot moment had come. scow St. Ciilliurlnc, ashore. .Sand Uciicli, Mich; stantly killed by Messenger iieiidricks, How can I undnro this now disaster I thank yon lor all yonr kindness, 'wmiTB TOs nivaintATaB OATAMOVS. tle town and John onlistod. One day, A DESPERATE CHARGE, years ragod here for nearly an hour tho Son ot God. Would tliat wo had OP SPECIAL VALUE The problem confronted him, and ho schooner Myrtle Lump, ashore near Monoin- who fired on tho higluvaymun imnicdi- that is coming upon mo?" llu goes fov all your sympatliy, for all yonr BIG FOUR THE MIMIEAPOUS THRESHIKQ MAGHiHE CO, with banners flying, and tho boat of Tliur.sdiiy artcrnoon. Tlio storm was luce, Mich; schoonor Emily 'Aiylor, ashore, been more faithful in tho pulpit! in broaldng up sud­ It Carried i» Hold <;oiiredoratD IlrlRado was cfjuiil to it. atuly after thuy stopped tliu stage. home. ,Sabb:ilh morning finds him in prayers for mu as pastor. It is a sor­ den attockaot colds, MmBAPOUa. MMMUOTA. drum and noiso ot Cfo resounding nccompanicd by heavy rain, thunder Manitowoc, Wis.; schoonor Islipomliig, dis­ Would tliat wo had been more faith­ Completely Tliroui;li tho Union Army. Thu building must bo emptied with abled, Alpena, Mich.; schooner .Slzor, aahoro, The sucond robb-jr returned the tiro tliu houso ot God. Tlirough tho .song, row to rao that I am to bo absent, cbillB, fevers, and in- araiaa nil rtfia mij ttH m ma, through tlie streets as if it woro a gala aud lightning. Many of tho hailstones ful in the poiv. flamnmtton—Doctor From nine in tho morning till five in all .speed, but without tho dreadful Menominee, MIelu; schoouor IVliialow, nshore, and seriously wounded Miss Ella Pray, through tho surmon, through tho even for a few month.s. I havu workoil day instead ot a day ot gloom and foar, wore as largo aa hen.s' eggs and woro Monoinlnce, Mich; ateamorUlolmiin, duinugod, Fieroo'sPloosont Pel­ thu afternoon this charging and coun- knowledge tiiat life and dontli woru in­ a pas.suiigur from Stockton, and T, T. I ruinark, lurtlier, that wo have tried prayer, the Lord Jesus Christ s:iya to to tiie full extent of physical, mental lets, They carry off ROUTE iliey marched away. • driven beforo a brisk soutli wind. Thou­ Ashtubuhi, O. tor-clini'ging in tho woods went on. volved. There must bo no msiddoned Hume, of Murphy's, aiiolhur iiassungui-. hero to build a church distinctively un­ that man: "O man! I havo watched anil spiritual endurance tor this church. tboeo troubles at the FMlMlll&^Si I i remember it plainly, as it it wore sands of windows all over llin city wcro Brigadti after brigade was knocked to rush ot frenzied humanity, blocking Klx .More PerUll. Tliu duiid robber and his comrade woro conventional, Instuad ol asking, as theu; I will sco thou through; I My closing prayer this morning it start And if yon LINE TO .but yesterday, seeing John stoop ovor brolten, greenhouses wero wrecked and would only keep irwsaa mil nria .mrtiM p. nift pieces, toll back, reformed and wont in tho doors and barring its own way ol MiLWAUKisiJ, Jlay 31.—Six lives, two luft hy the roadside. A pos.su has BOiiiu people aro disposed lo do, how will stand botwoon llico and thy that God will have mercy on tho dying jtho baby in her arras, as it loath to several runa%vays resulted from horses youraolf in proper again. Tliero waa a surprise every escape. vcssuls wreuked and a number ol started after thu surviving highway­ other peoolu do it, wo havo asked the creditors. I will make up in Meav- population of our great cities, and that condition with tbsm leave them, klsa tho tiny face and hands trying to escape tho bombardment of CINCINNATI, half hour. Tho trees wore not so thick Tliero w.as only ono thing to bo dono. others damaged is the record ol tho man. quuslioii how puoplu do not do it. Im­ eiily treasures what you havo lost in tho whole cartli will put on bridal I—the liver active [over and ovor again. ico. The damago will amount to sev­ 0. PISO'S CUHr FOP aa to hinder tho progress of tho troops. A.ssHinin(f tlio easy attitudu of a fa­ disaster occasioned at this port by perious custom ha.H duuldcd tliat earthly troasurcs. Oouragu, mail, array for tho coming of her Lord, and the Bystem reg­ I j Ho fought and fell, a captain among eral thousand dollars. ular—you'd find INDIANAPOLIS 'Caaaasaritva* and psoiilo Thoy woro thick onongh, however, to vorite singer in thu act of responding tho norlhoast galu wliiuh sut In Tlini'S- Udllor of Iho Luiidnii Worlil, Talcnn with cliurchos shall bo angular, chuurlcs.s, courage! Angols of God, I comnianil Itido on! King uf Jusus! Ilido onl who bar* weak land or A.lb-'i our boys, and whon well enough thoy (iralii lleaten Down. yoa oouldn^ take diwiif^ osBily. in»,.bouMnu Plso'sOaia/orj conceal moveinoiil.s, until often tho to a second onooro, tho loading tenor day night and continued with increas­ » I'll, lixplres In i« Few lloujii, gloomy, un.sympathetic; for,gclting you to clour tlio track tor that man; lllcs.scd be Uio Lord God of Israel, from -AND ALL sent him homo, only for tho loved ones iNDiANAroLis, lud.. May 10.—A wind Thoae tiny, sugar-coated " PoUota" are Oonsampilon. It. baa ;aara4 colnmns inarching In difCorent direc­ unfolded a pioou of slieot ninsic and ing volouily until tho wind was LoNPON, May 31.~Edmnnd Hodgson tliat what mon call v, pi(nis gloom is put yonr wings ovor his head; with ovcrlasling lo ovorlasling, and lot tho the moat porfootly natural In their action Ikaamfs. ahMno^lBJ^I^ ithero to seo how intonsoly ho suilerod. and rain storni with hail passed over one. It Knot bad loiai tions camo trout to front or front to spolco in a low tone to the leader of blowing 40 miles an hour Friday morn­ •Vales, editor and proprietor of tlio impious, and that that church his tho your golden .scepters strike lor his de­ wlnlo earth bo Uliud with His gJoryl —no griping, no vlolonooi Toko them tor SouTHBRN POINTS. Tho journey waa too much for hira, this city at 8 o'clock Tliuraday night tha bMtooaibiyrttii. llnnk within half a mnskot shot beforo the orchestra: ing.- Thu soiioonor AL J. Cummings AVurld, died Sunday, Mr. Yates' deatli best areliiloclui'O whore lao puojilo aro fense; throw around liiin all tho (Ho- Anion! and Amen! whid and wn in tbo atomoch, tuUnesi, and •Tsrywb.m. Mi tjnconscious whcti ho arrived, ho ro- It blow down a fow Ireoa without seri­ dInlnwB. Thoy obaolutely and permanently . ARRANQB YOUR TRIP . . either discovered llio other. Then vol­ foundered in tho buy at 9 o'clock Fri­ wns quitu sudden', liu alleiulod tho tho most conitortalilo, nnd that that fonses o( elcrnityl" That businnsa iriaincd so until ho lifted up his oyos in "Prof. Gibbons," ho said, "oblige mo ous damage to tho clly. Great dam­ eure Constipation, Indigestion, BiUaumetB, leys wero delivered and received at day morning, carrying down five men Gnrricu lliealcr Saturday uvuning, is the most ollicieut Christian norvico man is stfonglhoning. Ho goes to the —When God says "come," Ho goes Jaundiiw, Sick or Bilious Etadocbaa, and VIA tlint hind whoro battle strito and beat by playing 'Two Little Girls in llluo.'" age Is reported from tlio Koctloii soulh- short rango. Masses of troops fell to and QUO woman, Ono mii'n, llobcrt Pat­ tiiat bulng his first appcaraiico at a where tiio peoplu are made inr>nt sick store next day fueling that God Is with out to meet us; when Ho ssiys "go," He eveiy liver, Htomach and Bowel •of miirtiul drum aro nover Imown and —Chicago Tribune. wcst ol Indianapolis, At Patriot, in BIO FOUR ROUTE, fighting until ono or tho other gave terson, of Kingston, was savod, Tlioso place (if public umiisumeiit since his of sin, and most anxious after him and ready to deliver. goes wil^i UU.—B. A. Lawrence. floldiers' graves aro no.ver dug. Wo Switzerland county, hailstones as big A.W. K-A way. This happened wlion Stuart, of —A young Lake Bonton carpenter, lost aro as follows: jirolongcd iiliiusK. Wliiluiii Ihotliuator Christ and Iluavon. And so wu e. o. MCCORMICK, O. B. MARTIN. 130X buried him—I say wo bociiuso our as snowballs shivered trees and pound­ That same Sunday there Is a pi^ir —The dovil sots no traps for tho man tho confcdorato. side, marching to ro- recently married, described tho dear lie had a 111 atul was ruiiiovud us spuud- enlb.'d tho architects logotlier for Mgar Traffle Oamral PMaaagar Md ivholo town honored our fnllon cap­ ed tho wheat Into tho earth. Six inch­ The Dead, old woutau In tho church honriug the who oxpccls to go to Heaven by boinf PIEROE^*CURE Moaagtr, TMiat A|wit, wMBir wuniia T« ABTimuMui ruM**. llovo Clicatiiam, camo plump upon two girl's dress as follows: "It has plain ily as poKsllilu to his rusiduuco. Tho •or first church building and tain, iind universal was tho sorrow os- es ol ice fell in places. Timothy Uonsaur, male, UulTnlo, N, Y.; John Gospul. OhI hew shrunken she iaf religious a couple of hoi'jra a wsek. Mota «tat'r«i''*.v,lfea AHmtlaaaMM..! brigades of Van Clove's 'division of sides, with base around tho bottom, physicians who were Miiiimnnuil to at­ or aoner |al*jtorJHy CINCINNATI, O: i)resr,cd for Iiis wifo,and;bablos. McCullough, captain, Marino Clly, Mich,; union troops, and fought them inuzzlo crown molding above, dormer window DKOATUIS, 111., Alay 19,—A damaging Thomas I'uscott, sailor. Murine Oily, Mlelu; tend lilm held (Mil lilUi! hupc. iiC his re­ j jThoi'c ivim a littlaiJiuohoy loft, and to inuz/.lo. liato's brigade, led by tho sleeves running Into the gable, witli a hailstorm prevailed horo Thursday unknown suilors, two, known ns "Jlin" und covery, and at -1 o'clock Siiiulay niorii­ Mary Iccpt Iier ploo6]ahd raised garden "Ed," Mnrlne City, Mich; unknuwu wouuo, present junior senator from Tonnvsaeo, scroll work of velvet around tlicneek." afternoon, the hall in somo cases being ing the end oainu. jltiiii' to r.M. • , Aa yqai's'T by ,'that cook, of Itaolou, made ono ot the most remarkable —Minneapolis Journal. aa largo os a man's list. On the south NOTES OR OOHEHTIC ECONOMV ' CRATIO*.'' AWARDED HIGHEST HONORS. WORLD'S FAIR. BSSBOIB Btataof MIohli Br JohnM Wire. B City or Mnaan^l«B, , county or ,loibRin. . (i. At ,a nenlon of the Prabaie Court for the oounty of Innliani, hnlden at the probata offlea In In the matter of the application of the Oounty Drain Co or the oounty of Inghain, In the state of MloUlgan, for the appoint- It*B • great iHvtiig of cblckensto thmenlorthreeapeolalooniinlnlonerstodaterinlnetheneoaailte city or Mnnon, In laid county, nn thsMibday of April. Aymla, foradrai0.1881a . Presentn throui, Honh .cerini A. K.OpwIes.JudKn lands In thee townahlof Probatap .o r Auraltua, fn said Thorsday, May 24, 1894. oounty or laglium, and for the taklag or private property lor Ihe use and beueflt of the publlo for the purpoie thereof, aud tbe Juat oompen- feed tfaeiii Spanish Poultry Food as liie Ev^ing: News, aatlon to be Miade thereror. Boou m liBtolied. ,GoxBY At Wiuibliigtou; ClevelMd WiiaKKAS, Ontliattthday of Aprn. A. D. 1801. an application In writing was made to thle court by the County Drain Commlialoner of Urge vaccination. It la linportant. Iheccount y or Ingham, ror tbe appointment or three special eommlMloneri to delerndne the nececalty Tor n drain through certain lands In N'ever irritate y«ur husband Just M -•goneHahliiir.'i. • \ • •aid towuNlilp or AurelluR, oounty or Ingham, wblch lands are described In laid application, and rnr the Inking of prlvulo property for tbe be Is leaving; liome, oa it udds greutly Cliflotxl Meuoli oxpocts to Idcule In D and Grand Uupidsanun. • •« HW Orett Didly of JlOcliigaa.'' WiiRHKAS, Thla court did, on Ihe 98lli day of April, A. O. mt, upon due examination of such application, nnd all the proceedluga here- BEOAUBB lie MMlled the! democratlo lorore taken In the premlaea. find the aame to be In sccordanco with the statute In such coae made and provided, and did thereupon by an to tbe expeu8e, A. D. lav-l, at ten o'clock In the forenoon or that day. aa the By liuvliig your dish water tbon- Bring your wool (o Mnson und get la Retting hot abot froui aeveral of bla tlino wbenrand at the office of the Judge of Probata, In the olty or Maaon, In aald county, aa the place where a hearing would be had upon puty papera. Hueh application, nnd did then und there order that all peraona wboae lands were tn be traveraed by aald propoaod drain, or who would be ougbly bot tire dlsbes wash much eus- the highest murket price. A FUJLL-GROWN AVAN. ^ far« y«a». llubleto naaciament lor benellla In Ihe couitructlon thereor, aud who had not releoaed the right Iherefor of way iind all damagea on acoount thereof, 10 appear at the. time and place dealgnuted, lo be heard with reapeot to Huob application, ir they ao deaire, und sbow cause, iruny ler, thereby «uvlug u lot of valuuble Rev. Xn|iol«on .Sinltli Is giving bis FOB diBplayins a banner in tbe cap­ StotfrndagmaAgamtag in ttraagth yw by year, admind 1>y pabimilMi tliere ahould be, why aald application ahould not be granted; time. ^•MiH Tree" lecture in Lansing. itol grounda at Waabinglou, Coxey, AND WiiKBBAH, There Is now on file with thla oourt n deacrlptlon and survey or the aald propoaed drain, from which description and Browne and Jones are apending 20 anil di paiyla fnr Ih fnn-'ri 'r oa idl pabUo quMtioaa.aad aurvey It sppeari that tbe commencement, general oouree, aud terinlnua ol aald propoaed drain are as followa, to wit: By bolllttg potatoes with tiielr Jack' Modest Fflireiibaoh of Lansing has A Tile Drain In iheTownahIp of Aiirehoi, In tbe County of Ingham, Slate of Michigan, Said drain to be upon the line and route, and ets on you«IBve quite a lurge proportion Xhe only Pure Cream of Tartar Powder.—No Ammonia; Ko Alum. daya iu Jail. It would aeem aa tbougb «pt tia lattioBie marit aa a gnat awnpapar. of the loDKtb, dimenaiona, average depth and width hereinafter set forth and deacrlbed oa follows, to wit: Commenolng In tbe weat paid the tax tor aelling mult und brew- the autkorltlefl bad adopted tbe beat Aurellus Drain on tbe N W of the S B • John D, and Klltlu VunCouit u Crosaing farm line between the N W !^ of the 16 roda nnd 12 feel on the N W J4 of the BE'A 35c per pound. Kiitial, if not superior, house of cori'cclliin, Purseli or Fuller, w M ol scJI cf aeo 8 Delhi 550 day? S V>° weat CO S B ^ aectlon ia nnd the S W ^ ol the S.E ot aectlon 10. It la found thut tiie fiiriiwir held ilie and when ahe left Delia told her tliat John K. Benton tojauiea A. furkpllul H ot aecUou lb, U% roda east or weat line of to any made. olllce of warden illegally, now cun he when alte returned, at .S:1S, ahe would UblkluoUinsing .„ 1,600 THE board of agriculture, after Bucklea>8 Arnica Salve. farnii be paid for him. uot find her there. Nothing wns Re^ iiold C. I'ee/. lo I suae Osgood a|l^ uf u patient experiment, decides that the SP^irD TOUR OCTINO ON THK OKEAV Croaalng farm line between the S W of the 15 rods nn the S W Ji of the 8 E>:(of aeation By having tbe water iu tbe kHUe thought of ihe expression ut the time. 7-10 of lot^ bik IMI Luualug 2,300 I.AKES. The Best Salve in the world for Cuts, S E of aectlon 16. and tbe eaat U ot the a and on the stoye before buildliii; the Franklin D. 8iinoua lu Alvuh U. Flier pine barrens of Michigan cannot be Bruises, Seres, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, W K of aectlon 10,7S roda and 13 feet north OSJ^'rods on the east Ji of the S W K of aectlon Tlie WJiitiiey show pe< of section 21. on flrst symptoms of a cold, yor. save time, und then discoverett tliut the lit lot « bik 4 Urowiiell'B add Stock. berths. Avoid tlio beot and dust by travel­ perfect satisfaction or money refunded, Endbr drain, lidrodaSof IboN iVhe d. undil. I-Ic could iKit see tlio show lirldge...™- years of experiment. ing on tbo D. & C. floating palaces. The rnl Jiiutt nexi, ntion'riock In the tlio.l2lh day of May, A, D., ISHI.Utho time give notice to the persons Interested in said es­ Leading Grocer. DanKVillojinii surrnundinif acbools; H, Village iloctors in the cit.v. I see by your tampering with tlie bullot. ook'sCottenikt Poniiiiasipr. B. II. Eroernon, llniikcr. forenoon, at the probate, olllce In aald county, aa lliiirted for tlie presenUiUon nt claims. tate, of the pendi-ncy of said pcUtlon and the council; U,iirt)osu at the olllce of Geo. W. Bristol, in the residence of the deceased lu tbe township of eighteen hundred ninety-three, e.\ecutcd by .1. MtMlc l>y tlie cliolr. guaranteeyi, at one o'clock in the afternoon >i»vcniber, A. II. IN»4, at nine o'rdock In same place, which said mortgage was recorded Tliey .alw.nys keep the Very Choic­ ^ ., , . . Adillorutrick aon, nnd F, H. Field, lJuiihville, diiifj hard ti..ioH aud a Furniture, etc. dict and costs for defendant. No. a Klsher block. Detroit. JUch. of said days. Six niuiithe frnni the 11th day of the forendon of said days. Slxlmonths from Ihe ill tbe (illlcu uf the register of dceas of thu fl. Reclliitinn, Derornlimi Day, LuclluJliiy stores. 4 coiuuuli'iico al­ SoUls JJitsaty W, It. UcCrc::t3, rrsESitt. MAPLE (STBIET MARKET .May.\. U. IMII, Is the time limited for the pru- llrst day of May A. U. 18UI, is the time limited fu county of Ingham, in liber cighly-nino of niort- est of .ill kinds of 7. Reolutlou, Story of the-Wiir, ia ways. 'i-|io beat W. J. Miiybee wiia admitted to full SL-nlailon ol claims. the presuutatluu of claims. giigea, on page four hundred uud tlfty-oue. on „ „ iEttleAaelllne ' i.uUll ever offered citizenship. 4llwl GEO. W. nUISTOL, I. II. WRATHEKWAX, the twenty-llrst duy of December, A. U. I8U:), at Recitation, Meniorlid Toein, .Miie Grimes ir Is Strange fur lioniti us: for IiM EVER OFFERED IN DANSVILLE | Keep u Full Line of N. TKMI'LElt. J. W. FREE.MAN, four o'clock p. m.; And whereas, tbo amount Recital Ion, Our Dead, • Grace Long That people suffering .rom Piles wiL rep.-iiring boola Jane W. Foote vs. City of Lansing, Coiiimlssinners. claimed to be due on said niortgngu ut the dale Fresh& Salt Meats Iteclmtlon, Uiikimwii, Mnriha I'utrick •.-•.' 'I Kl"^''*>rubborboota treapoas ou the case, continued till next Dutcri Maiinn. .Mny2l, 1891. Commissioners. Dated .May Bth, 1891. 4owi of this notice Is the sum of three tnuusaiid, two Recllu-tiitioii, OnrNobleiXJ .A. It., endure tliem for yca-.-'a or submit to (lim- term. Fresh aud Salt Meats hundred sixty dollars of prlnciiial and Interest, POULTRY AND GAME. .... Kvii Chase gerous, painful, cruel nnd expensive Style, Quality anil Prices to Suit All. JROUATE ORDER. Stale of .Michigan, conn nnd thu further sum of tll'iy dollars attorney fee Muaieliy the choir. surgical operations, when all the time i< huildreUsoflhioge Peter Sweeney va. Cliarles Carl, ex The Keystone Watch .-\iid >ill goods in their line. AN HONEST MAN ly of Ingham, as. At-i se^hiou ol the pr»v stipulated for In said murtguge, and which is the Adilri-sahy . J. T. Campbell 7->-, which conatantly ecutor; useuiniisit. Trial hud with Ibate court for said county, held at thu itrnbate whole amount clulmud to be unpaid on said .Musict»y the choir. tliere is u painless, certain, lasting cure, S3 m-ed attcntioB. verdict and Judgment to Ihe amount Best dualities, Gocd Weights. W A NTKl (-To sel I ou r .STA N D A RD Tena, Col- mortgage, and no suit or prciceeding having Oaek Paid for Hides and Pelts wiiicb gives instant relief and oosta but a =J; Full (nstrnctlona Case Co. of Philadelphia, fees, Spli-es, etc., to conHumers. These gooda olllce hi the city of Mason on the 10th day of been instituted at law to recover the debt now Itoiiedlctioii. tritlo. It is called the Pyramid Pilo Cure K<-riiwiibeachont- of$l,2S3.C01orplaintifl'. The amount 8-11 theinsflvcx after one trial. Rig prohl to May, in the year one thousand eight |£. ht so that a boy Heatlquarters for Btilk Seeds, was sued for un account of work done the largest watch case inauufactiii- We kill our ciwii meats. Cull and iimnls. Write lor elrcuhir. I.MPEItlAL TEA hundred and ninety-lour. remaining secured by said mortgage, or any part ami can bo found at all drug stores. Aiiv lES can nae them. a saving of 200 per | CO.. 38 Cadillac Square, Detroit, Mich. 30yl Present, A. E. Cowlcs, Judge of Probate. thereof, whereby the power of sale contained in drti.ijgiiit will get it for you if you ask Money caved ia cent to tlie customer. by Peter Sweeney for Patrick Sweeney ing concern in the world, is now In the matter of the esinte of Amelia Urace, said mortgage has become operative; Now, t.iiMMMU Council I'rccoeiliiigN. money made. of wboae estate Charles Curl was exec­ deceased. therefore, notice Is hereby given, that by virtue hiin. These loola n»y utor. Stay of proceedings entered. putting upon the Jas. Boss Filled On reading and ftllng Ihe petition duly verified ofibesuld power ot eale,nnd lu pursuance of [urirl0IAI..I for thcmsclvea of Geo. W. Bristol, adininlsirator of said estate, the statute In such case made nnd provided, the MASON, Mich., Jliiy H, lSi)4. A New Pile Remody nianytlmce everr We handle the Famous Dentoil Broom, hand-m.nde. liunsing Lumber Co. vs. Helen Ed­ and other cases made by it, a hmv praysng that bo may be licensed to sell the real said niurtgagu will be fnri-closed hy a sale of the T. Complete ahoc rcp,\h- outflt, inclndloc wards, aaauiupsit, discontinued by estate whereof said deceased died seized, and in premises therein described, al public auction, tu New Store! The council met pursuant to ud- Has created a sensation among pliy.sicinns ^ron laata aud st.-indard. and everything aee. (ring) which cannot be twistetl or said petitlou described, for the purpose of pay the liighest bidder,nt the frontdoor of the court jotiriiment und was CUIIM! to onler by by its wonderful elTects iiispiieiiily curing easary for cunipK-ie work. 25 artidca oolr stipulation. pulled off the watch. in Ihe debts of said deceased and the expenses house hi Mason, In said connty of Ingham, on Muyor Reed. Pres. Hlmer, Hoyt, every form of Piles. It Is called tlie coo. See cut. Kxtra toola, etc. for hor. Sec our new line of FUDORAS. John H. Forster vs. Lotus Lily WEAK, NERVOUSSDISEASED MEN. and charges of the adminlattatlen of bcr estate; tho ttaciily-llratilay »r July next, at one •e»awork-33.artIclca. «3.00. either onMit by It is a sure protection against th? Thereupon It Is ordered, that WeiliivNilwy.the o'clock in the afier,iuon of that day; which said Moodv, Mills. Pr-itt«nd Kose. Pyramid Pilo Cure. It is clicap ami sini exprcaa or freight, neatly boxed, on lecalpt of Separator Creamery Co., nasnujjiait Thoosanda ot Ymg tmd Middle Aged Men are annnaUy awept to a preinatara srave lllllKlay or June next, ut ten o'clock In the premises are described as follows, to wit: The New Goods Minutes of the lust meeting read und pie to use, but nothing removes tlio prfce. The one ordering the fint Kt In a piae* Also a Fine A.ssortment of judgment by default for plalntiH, $53-4 pickpocket and the many accidt ins through early indiaerotion and later ezceasee. Self aboao and Cooatitutioaal Blood forenoon, he assigned fur the beartug of said pe­ south half of thu northeast quarter of section ccnree the agency and make* largo profit*. Children's and Misses' 80. Diaeaaes have ruioeo and wrecked tbe lite of many a promiaiac yoonc man. Have you number thirty-live, m ton-nslilp number three approved, utter which >tlie tinunce disease so quick]v, safely and stircly, Hose, that befall watches fitted wiili ilio any of (he followinc Brmptoma: Nervonaand Despondent; Timd in Xoming: No Ambi- tition, and that the heira nl law of said deceased, north, range number oue east, Ingham county, committee reported on the following At-y druggist will get it for you. j So gooda Botll paid for. Addreaa, mi made on the Lamb knittinj • maLhine. Try a pair and we U James I. Lamb et ul. va. John Cross- faon; Memory Poor; Butly Fali«aed: ExeiUhle and Irriubla: Ejaa Blor: Pimple* on uud all other persons interested in said estate, Michigan, containing eighty acres of land ac­ acowomy »tI, Mif>m,jptii>; know we will sell you more. man, trespass on the case; trial hud old-style bow, which is simply tto Face: Dreama and Drains at Nicht; Reatlesa; Hwnard Lookinir; Blotchee; Sore arc required to appear at a session of said court, cording tu the origrbal government survey, be claims und recommended >tiieir allow­ with verdict for defeiulant and judg Throat; Ilair Looae; Paina io Body; IJaaken Eyes: Litoleaa; Diatrtnttel and Lock o( then to be holden in the probate oftlce tbo same more nr less. ance us followa: in by friction and can be twistetl tiff Baervr and Htrength. Oar Jf»» Method Tiulwtnu will baild yoa np Daatally, pbysicallr in the city of Mason, and sbow cause, If any Dated April 21,1801. C. E. Rail and men on streets 3l.0fl ment for costs. Stay of proceedings and aaxnally. there be, whv the prayer of the petiUoncr should JACOB DAKIN, .Mortgagee. D. Mouthwlcfc T nights on stieela 1».I3 See Our MEN'S $2.00 BOOTS. entered. •with the fingers. It is called tiie nut he granted. And it is lurther ordered, that E, S. AVEiiy, Attorney. <2wI3 Wm. H. Well* faalenlHga lor :llro bell Choa. Fatteraon. the said petitioner give notice to the persons and mending Irons for rond ecruper.... Norman Fairchilda of Lealie has interested iu said estate, of the pendency of said ORTGAGE SALE. Whereas, default has Lucy K. Morey lllil louda gravel I.IS |S yOUR BLOOD IMPURE? Are you^aufferlng from any Kidney or I been admitted to full citizensliip. DRS. KENNEDY &KERGAN.".';: petitlou and the hearing thereof by causing tt been niadu in the pnynient ol money se­ Wm. 11. Uayner3 load paving atone 5.IIU Female Complaint. ? Have yoyc u a Cough_ , Col_ d_ _o r any disease of I We buy strictly for cash, hence we are able and willing to ^ Jacob Stahl vs. Tbe Continental copy of ihls order to he published in the INUIIAM Mcured by a real estate niorigngc, dated the eighth 1.50 ^8? IS your ** •- . / ..diseas. e of CouNTV NEWS, a uewspapsr printed and clrcu- day ol Scvcmberlii the year of our Lord one Hoyt Bros, groceries fur Win. Scyder for groporlyThroat? ,I fChes jroii thav oro Lungsan; ? Is your Liver performing Iit s functions meet honest competition at any nnd all times. Trust Co., nsaumpslt; continued till latud iu said cuuuly, three successive weeks pre. tht^usaud eight hundred nnd. ninety, executed board ofKre«l Nichols ... 1.50 •'°'*>P'.al.nt8 It will certainly pay you iiexl term. " At It yeara ot age I learned a bad habit which almoat mined vlous to said day of hearing. „^„„ by Edwin States, G, Euwiu Slates and Mary A. Hoyt Bros, groceries furiiiahed Mra. try the meaicTnes "mentioned befow,"wTi"ic"h""ar"e warranted'.*' me. I became nervoua and weak. Hy back troubled me. leonld A n uu copy. A. E. COWLES, , States ot tho township ol Wheatlleld, Ingham Breed for caro of Nellie O'Dell.3 weeks3.7 5 The Ingham County Suvinga.Buiik atand no exertion. Hood and eyea became dull. Dreams and O, J. liuon, Judge of I'rnbate. county, Michigan, to Emma O. Reed of the city A. J. Talliiiaii work In cemetery AM A REMARKABLE CURE. Investigate our method of giving away Silverware. | va. Juniea B. Porter, ec ul., asaumpbit I'ri.hate liejilster. JSwl Marshall Aaeltlne worIc In cemetery 4..'liJ MKsaiia. FOLEY & Co.. Chicoso. judgment by default, $108.49. drains at night weakened me, I tried seven Uodieal Firma, Elec- of Mason, Mlebigaii, wliicli said moitgage wu's ' OENTLEiiEit -.—I bad a acrofulona taint of tho Clinic Sarsaparllla and CAN ONLY EE HAD v.,ih ttio Delta, Patent Medicinea aad Family Doctora. Thoy gave me recorded in the ufllce of the register of deeds of On motion tlie report was accepted blood from childhood. An nicer began on the caaca bearlne their traJe mark— no help. A friend advised me totry Dra. Kennedy St Korgnn. Thoy IIANCERV SALE. In pursuance of ami by the cuuni.v of Ingham in liber 75 of mortgages A Fresh and Excellent Stodk of und the clerl* liisUuuled todiuworders Bido of tho noso, b.ivlnff nil the oppoaraneoa of 1 A Bran New Line of Wall Paper, Ingrains, etc. c^ virtue ol an order and decree of the Circuit on piige ^I6, on the Sth day of November, in the fur suine. most malignant cancer, beeaao obont the alzo oi The most powerful BJood j Good Beading at Small Cost. sent me ono month'a treatment and it cured me. I could feel Court for the county of Ingham, in chancery, 1yea r 181K). at 3:30 o'clock ii, ni. a sUver doUar and ezadod a tbln, offensivo mat- Sold only through watch cka! crs, Their Sea Method TriatmenI ewei uhen the state of Michigan, inndo .and dated on the And whereas, an installineutof Interest on said The committee appointed nt the last Cleanser. Public Opinion, publiahed at Wash­ myaelf gaining every day. third duy of Kehruury, A. li. ISill, in a curtain miirigagu amounting to the sum ol two hundred meeting lo cdiifer in regard to rooms tor. The agony of mind I sufforod cannot bo without e.\tra cliarge. alltlu/aiU." They have cored many ot my trieada." ' cause therein pending wherein John Dt'^jnuf. aud nliieiy-four dollara aud nfty cents became described nsl contemplated tbo proBTOas o( tho ington, D. C, la a weeltly journal de­ Don't uae your knilo or nnycr nail:, li onm loirr cashier, is Cdmpialnuut, and Eugene L. Wright, duo on thu 8th day of November, A. D,18U2,only -CANDIES usketl for further time which was uisoaso. voted to the reproduction. In coiideiia- wslGhcaae. SuiiU lur &n oii.'.nu r.a.'i. Dr. Moolton, Ida-M, Wright, David Ainherg, sipiiru I". Harveya part uf which said insiallrociit has been paid; grunted. ed form, of carefully eelected niaguzine and Harry !•', Harvey are defeudniits. and a second liistallmeiil of like amount be- The leaignutidii of Aid. Moiidy as Notice Is hereby given that I shall sell at pub' camu duo on thu Sth day of November, A. I). E. A. DENSMORE. articles and of editorial coninieiit from m mmmm wm. He unction to the highest,bidder at the front 1SU3. on said murlgnge, none of which said sec­ chuirinuii of tiie street Cdiiciiittee wus in tbo bottom and of tho Boro ceemed to Use Clinic Kidney Cure the repreaeiitative daily uud weekly iloorofthe courthouse, lu the city of Mason, ond iiistullnient has been paid, but is sull due laid on the table for one week. li lUko ita place, preaaof all political parliea and from JIASON MARKETS. GREEN STUFFS Jooson onn curd theo continno naturald ilosl nntUi t oa n ovoi. urfac, o "Some 8 years ago I eontractoda aariona eonatitntiocol blood county uf Ingham, and atatu of Michigan, (suldtogeilie r with n part .of said first Instailnieni: On motion by Aid. KInierthe street romalnoo. .No part of tb1o0 disonsdisonsoo tomal tomolnan . Warranted for all Kidney ull parts of the country. The readers court bouse lieing a place of lioldlnu the circuit aud by virtue uf thu default in Ihu payment of conimissioner was Instructed lo ilruw Tbns.tbo.carMBBp .continue H. B. ADAHSd unti,. l an ovon eu) of Public Opinion get both aides of WHEAT.No, 1, WhitOKAIKe . disease. 1 wont to Hot Bpringa to treat for eyphilta. Mersnry almost court for snld cuniity,) on Frlilny, llie SIHh faldiulurest under thu terms of tho said mon. IN SEASON. gruvol from A. J. Hull's lot on the 1609 Wab.-ish Avo., Chicago. Complaints. every question. It ia juat tbe paper WHEAT, No,'.J, wnlte 3 SO killed me. After a while the symptoma again appeared. Throat liny nr Jiiiii-, A. ISIU, at ten o'cloclc iu gage lor thirty days after thu same became due WHEAT.No,2,red,.. became aore, paina in limbs, pimple* on face, blotcbe*, eyea red, the forenoon, the hinds described in said de­ lud payable, thu principal sum secured by said streets near saiil lot. 'KtM that tbe farmer und villager need for WHEAT, rejected a n loaa ot hair, glands enlarged, etc. A medical friend adviaed Dra. cree or so much I hereof as may bo necessary to morigagu witli ail Interest thereon at the option Tlie retjiiest (if E, H. Williams to SUPrERED 2T YEARS. geuei'ul reading. It keepa ita readers @ raise thu amount due to the coinplaliianl fiii- of the party of the second part, became duu and huvo the catch busiii removed I'lotn Mr.G. A.Slilloon, n merchant of TanipIco,IU„ CORN, pel hundred (western' @ 00 Kennedy dc Kergan'a Now Method Treatment. Itonredme, andl have |irlncl|)al, interest and costs in this cause. Said iiayalile, nnd which option the said Emma O. vritos, August 10th, 1691 j fully abreast of the times uud supplies OATS,perbuiihel 30 had no ajrmptoma for five veara. I am married and happy. Aa a lauds being desarlbed us lullows; A plecu or Heed iicri'by exercises, Oeclarlngbolh principal ri'diitoflila pi'iiiierly on CdUitiibia .St. fitnssna. tcuiv & Oo. them witii tiie best tliou«ht of the day CLOVER SEED, per bushel doctor, I heartily rnoomend it to nil who have thia terrible dieoaso— parcel iiflaudHHuiiled and being In the town­ and interest of said mortgnge due aad pnyablu wus referred lo tlio street committee. G::NTI.F.!IEN:—Your Kidney CUTO Is mooting Foley's Honey and Tar W. L. DOUGLAS iu tbo lields of politics, foreign uflltli's, TIMOTHy HEED,por bushel Cnreu a yeurt, itgu.typliilii." It will eradicate tbe poison from the blood." ship ol While Oak, In lliu cnuiily of Ingham, and hy virtue of the provisions of said mortgage; T.-it.h wondortui BUCCOSS. It has cured some sociology, commerce, Ilnunce, religion, Rye per buabel stale of Mlclilgaii, described as llie north one- aud whereas, tlio aniuunt claimed to hu due on FRED WALTON On motion by Aid. Elmer Dr. S. H. cn=oa hero that pbysioiana pronounced incur- Cough Syrup MIS0KI.I,ANEOt>S. Capt. Tnwnsend. liairC/ilof thu iioitheast qnarter (Ji) of Kuclion said iiiorlgago at the date of this notice. Is Ihe Culver was upjiolnted health ollioer nblo. 1, niyself, nra nblo to toatlfy to its merits. science, education, art and new booka. SALT.Siiglnuw, per barrel & 85 15 YEARS IN DETROIT. 150,000 CURED. nuuiburlirtecn(l.'))town two (2) north of range sum of liiur tliousaud six hundred and foriy.llvu for tbe ensuing year. My f iico to-day fa a living rlcturo of health, ond $3 SHOE^^^' Public Opinion uud tlie rural weekly BEANS, unplckcd,porbualieI 12S«0 two (2, east, „ARUIS E. THOMAS, dollars aud llfty-llve cenls uf principal and in­ \Vak and norvons. My kidnoya bocaina HEMANS, gauu, iir any part iheredf, whereby the jiowur of cctca of ita medical qunlitloa. .oBf ?,l,and 83.50 Dress Shoe. BUTTEIl, per pound a 10 nITected nnd I feared Uright'a diaooso. Married litii waa nnaatia- ^"""^^•*"'="'«""l,AWTOS'l'. salu ciintnliied in said mortgage bus become closed on .Sunday us leijiiired bv law, editorial comment and magazine liter­ APPLES,dried, per pound & » faotory and my homo unhappy. 1 triod every thing—all failed till Solicitor for C'ouiplalnajit. operative. was curi'iiMl a.s liillow.«: Yens, Elmer, k lii|ual cuhioin wurT, coslliig iroiii. Jo lo Js" ature than cull be hud In any other CHERRIES, dried, per pound ® 18 I took treatment from Dra. Kennedy nnd Kergan. Their Now Dated Mason, May 15, A. U. 18SM. Now, tliereforo, notice is hereby given that hy Vi/HAT A PHYSICIAN SAYS. Foley's F.aiily Pills way for five times their co.st. TliC' PEACHES,dried, per pound I0(» 12 Method built ma up mentally, phyBlcaily and aoxuolly, I tuel virtue of Iho power of sale. In pursuance of the Hoyt, Mills, Mooily, Pratt and Uo.^e. Agnow, Ottawa Co., Mich . Fob. U, 1803. t.oO .Police Shoe, 3 Soles. ONIONS, per hualiel tt 76 and act Ilko a man in every lespoct. Try thorn," < statulu 111 such caso made and provided, thu said FARMERS' BANK 0;i iiiiitidii the ciuinoll ailjouriied I'lir 'iOi.r.r & Co., ClilcaKo. 1 price of Public Opiiiiuii liaa been re­ g«eco I / Everywhere. Cniupetoni uiurigagu will hu f.ireul08ed hy a salu ol' thu ono weelt. F •• Constipation, Head- llest Walking hhoGoTr'inlidc. AQBICULTimALAND, PLABTEBL, SALTper ton.perto n 6 BOad M m" No Names Used Without Written premises liuielnadi-r descrihud, at public nuc- Oldest and StrongeatBlatonndSuvinga duced from §3.00 to, $2.50 per year. We HAY, per ton ; g m Consent of Patient. iloii, lo ilie highest bidder, al thu front dour of Banic. EuaiiNK A. Tvj.ER, City clerk. .'...ne and Biliousness. 82.60, and 82 Shoos, hnvo just completed uri'uiigeiiieiita by I.IVK STOCK AND MKATS, cute for fiioli positions at the Grand Haiiids IV"" Hie cnnri lioiisu lu Ihu cily of .Mason, in said 1 l"-i-.imonin, in nliof which I lim-o used your which we can oiler Public Opinion anil OATTLE, per luil pounds 2 (S,!' 2,1 Iness Coilene, Shnrtliund, and Nurmiil beliooi. couiily ol' Ingham, (tliat buiug uiio of tho places iiu.yti.aVi-.rwithtbQmo8tpriit.ifyingsuccos3t, -— Jtpratifyingsuccoss. Does not gripa lIiie<|Hiilled nl the price, HOGS, per Kill pnuiiUs 4 21 li'drCutulOBUe, address A. b. Parish, Propr. where the circuit court for said count v Isliiilden) CAPITAL, $75,000. Wliat orTliese? urj truly, " ~ ; the NKWS for $3.00 cush per yeur. PORK,dreSHCd, per lUO pounds 5 6l)a Oup New Method Treatment ra^o%V\'ii."°?ire%"o'cryr»\^ ou NnliiiKn.T, lilt, k'llli liny i>i ,liily next, - lourj truly, J. C. Ciaitop, M, D. | ° 3 SJi'ltUuKHiidtJervlcvnblo.Uea2 & 81.76 School Shoets HAMS, perpnund ;,. US fl draina nnd loaaea, purlfloa tho blood, oloara tbo braia, builds up the nervous and sexual at ten ii'cI'M'k In iliu fi)reiiuiiu i>f that day ;whlch Marriage liceusea during the past 1 the world. All Stylva. i Buy Dullam's Great German 26 ceiit Olllf.'KENS, perpouiid,dreHHed it R syetonis and reatoroa loat vitality to tho body, •TO •X'aEZZI siilil preiuWi'S are iluscnhud iu snld murlgagu ns M. D. UHATTERTON. - President eok: ACCEPT NO 8US8TITUTB POR THISC '.^ciLeNDIO MEDICINIS. O Arc IiiBlallio Ueit. 1upo lorn Service linvln' e niirCKENS,per pound,alive &' 5 WC Guarantee to Care Mervoua nc-blllty. Fnlllnir Manlioaal, lolluws. tu wli: Thu west Uillf uf thu soutli- LADIES'uKlaa Sltoea) . Kumo' i Cough Cure at O. W. Halstead & TURKEYS,por pound,alive & 8 L. C. WEBB, - Vice-President .Silas II. Rosier, Leslie tiroV;.'«:£ Kulhoriioo in*-Jis;n«,-d to r'.3coinmeno are for cold ane db yauarante tho fallowinc thefng !fIrst-clBs a Ttrmn Who 1 prleu alainiied on ;SQn% nnd F.H. Field's. * DU0K8,perpound,Hlive 6® 7 •aypliilla.VHrlcacele.wtrlGture.Oleet.Ilitnatural itlHcUariccH, west nuailir (|/;). alsu lliij east linir(Ji;)or Ihu A. .1. HALL, - Cashier . ;i5 ^3, $2.6bottom0 $2., liruokto$1.76u DUCKS,per pound,ilrcsned ; @ 10 Weak Ptaria aiiU All Kiduey aud uludder itiaeaaea. suiilhwest nuarter (K) except ten acres oil' liin "da Wing, LoHllo M. Haulon & Co., IVilllfiJiistoii. £. K. Slioi'wood, Woblcrville. lUaaa. RIITI.niNn MATICItlAL. Dra. Kennedy & Korgnn are tho loading apnalnlists of TRAVELING. PUBLIC! unrlh i-iid. suetliiii iweniy-feveii ('.'7); also that (Jlyde H.Hmllh, LaiiNlng »\ . J''S,"^."«"'«<»'">.St}'llah,I'«rfect j Tliat is >Vliat. WATER LIME, por barrel 1 2091 » America. Tliny guarimtoo to euro or no pay. Their ropu- The mull route trom DiiuBvlllo lo Mnaou liart of thu wusi half (m of the iiorlliwest E. L. lliilioii & Co., N. .'.:ii'(.aiii,s. Jii-j. II. Spoiiccr, locko. REMEMBER tation nnd nttoun yoara ot businesa aro at atuko. You having been discontinued, tlie Kubscrlbera iliiuiUT 111) nf section ililny.riiiir (ill; lying norili latonit Faii on Tise Certiiicates of Deoosii, AilHlluItort Hnilllio 1'', ,CImdddOK Ijiiisliig , Liiuhliit! !!.!!'.'Jil 1 ] Dr. Koch'a German Nerve Pills for OALOINED PLASTER, por barrel... 33 60 ran no riak. Write thorn for un lioiieat opinion, no matter who treated you. It may will hereiitlor run a vehicle over tho rond uf the riiiid and cruek, all lu tiiwii three (M) 2,1 P. 1). Carr, Jloridiiiii. •I. S.'SwccKoy, Bunkor Hill. norvous people. Guaranteed to cure 'iIME, nor barrel ', a 78 aave you years of regret and eulToring. Chargoa rooaanablo, Writo for a dully (Sunclays and the 4tb ofJuly excepted) iiorlli of ninuii iinu (Ij east, Iiiglniiu euiintv, Money to Loan. Cull nnd Soo Us, •iiicilu ii'ioolanil, " 27 weak memory, losa of brain power, •LAHTbRING HAIR, per bushel » 80 lor iilio ooiivoyanoo of pasRengera, express, .Allchlgaii, CdiiMiliiInit oiiu iiuiulri'il aud sl.\iy F. I[.Fiol.l,l)nii'svillc. Goilding Sc Wiloo.v, Onoiulnga. SHINaLES.perlliouaand 1 OOai 00 Oueatlon LUt and Book Free. Conaultatlon Free. and freight, at reasonable rates, leaving pane. ncrus of Iniul, ho ilii< sumu iniiru or less. A. .IdllllK, lyiiiisiiig '.'I loat manhood nightly einlaaions and LATH.perMloet 4U0«6 80 vllloat8o'clock A. M. and arrivingniMnaon '••'^'•V^ y. RAIMiPAiLL^ M 4oinu; wooda, a >optdar^^;N^ Tas National Editorial association BLEOTBOOUTCO. A UAN WITH A HISTOBY. feaort,.'iwaa: destn^ :l>y flre^'^^^w will meat lii tenth annual convaniton Mardsrsf Wllaiia Qlvan m fatal Shook ia West Aurflllns. many surroaadtBff dweUiags, the lose at Asbury Park, N. J., July a to 90. : Aabuni (N. V.) FrlSun. Mrs. M. SlDi|>8on lost a cow Tuesday. being over •lll)O,00a . • Tbe Tarrlbto Oxperienoe That B*« ' ViouiiT storms of wind and snow AiiBtrnir, N. V.; May 10.—Lucius P. —Scarlet fever Infests tbe vicinity. TuK Bellaire (0.) Nail eompany closed swept over Illinois, Wisconsin, Ohio, Wilson died in the eleottooution chair tea Jobn W. Thomaa, of Theta. The solinol house at No. 3 was fumigat­ BIASON, : i t I MICHIGAN. ita entire works because of a shortage TUaraday.May S4,1804. Iowa and Indiana,, doing vast damage •t the penitentiary In this elty Mon­ Tennesaae. ed lust Monday.-Byroii Eckliart bas of coal and coke and t.DOO persons wore to crops and buildings and causing day. At his own request he was pho* scarlet fever.—Anno Halsey wos home idlft some deaths. Alaiedon. over Sunday. Siie bos three weeks ill tographed in his cell All through the Afflloted with • Feeullor Dtsease-nia Hi POISON, supposed tb have beon placed more school In the Butta dIstrlct.-Tbe AI'PMOATION was mode in Philadel­ morning bo preserved an unruffled de­ Bo

, I!! ^