Soviet Rocket Launches After 14-Day Delay
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SIPA:LT Volume 89. No. 24 Serving the San Jose State University Community .S'ince 1934 Monday. October 5. 1987 SJSU Soviet rocket routs launches after Titans In the turning - 14-day delay point play of the game, Spartan SJSU to receive specimens running hack James Saxon tor 120) charges biology-chemistry research over the top to By Russ Itaggerly Daiiy staff writer score a The payload aboard Cosmos 147. the Soy let spate touchdown in mission. Nhh:11 \\ as ,:llethded 10 lin the rocket is a the second off Sept. 15. has finally blasted ott quarter putting amit..1 astute,' Sept 79 trom module containing Tsihmenelw 111Ille the \ lel 1..111011 SJSU ahead of Resealchei, at SJSI m both the 10 live rats and two Fullerton State elientrat) and biology denannielli, 10-7. S,ISti won N I ek.el sallinles from the labo rhesus monkeys. ratoly animals on hand the spoke 46-19, for story craft for reseatkil School. when she was selected to see page 4. The now called Flight participate in student program by 1778 bx the So) lets. is named nom NASA. their practis'e of numbering all Connolly. pioiect manager launches in sequence from the hist at the NASA Ames Research Center sputnik to today The pay load in charge ot \ participation aboard the rocket is a module L'011- in the Soy let space t light. will be de- taining 10 Ike tat. and two rhesus parting w ith the rest ot the NASA monkeys. Wain ( 51,, the Sox ret Union. 'The launch of flight 1778 was k ill be mer there around delaxed due to a pniblein with the 30 days (dining which time) we can monkey module." said Marilyn mum the samples to be sent to the Vasques. one of the NASA Ames re- salmis researchers at their unisersi- searchers who will trat el to Aloscow ties." he said. today At S.ISU. Professor Dan Holley Vasques is a 'no ei sit). of Cali- and Ins co-IL-wait:her Carol Mark- fornia at 1>its is hiologx graduate ley. will he conducting the work in who's contracted to Santa Clara Uni- the biology depooment 1)r. Stan versity.. She v.:is ins olsed in the Tills and his coaese.ticher. Profes- NASA Ames facilits es en while at- sor I eon N'engox ss ill he heading tending San Jose-. Piedmont High Sr', -1 TS. hock prate Spartan hoopsters faced with tough non-league slate By Karen M. Itcrenti \kill nose' ro ploy \Ilk login] State patty sitehtt.wrsitolis 'Pt` "hoc .15‘f inen's basketball coach toi two yea], before coin. Ken Johnston Dairy staff photographer Lint team. w hich was 16-14 last season. mg to He yy as with the team )011 face its most difficult schedule %%hen (hes %son the 1979 NCAA in the imie )ear tenure of head coach Chimmiouship Bill Herr). Six of the teilnis the Spar- In addition to non-conterence Students donate blood to help Homecoming tans face in the 19/47-,41,4 season contests. the Spawn]. yy ill also play reached post season play last year against l'CAA Rat C.110.'1111.1 State "les piobably the toughest 'my eisity at Fullerton tyy 1st- In the Tai By Brenda %oil don't lime any risk ot getting schedule in the nation... Item y said 19S7 -8S season Cal State Itillerton Daily staff writer II)S because no pool Instruments officials want to reassure people The Spartans yy play two participated in the National 111)1(.111,, The Allierlean Red Clos. Red Cross ale being used. It omitting. sou run games against the Um y el sity of Ne- nal Tom 'lament lost x ea' again on campus COMM, hIP,' once that the AIDS virus cannot be contracted the risk of getting \ IDS soiCie re- y ;Ida Las Vegas. who made it to the "It's tip to iis to v, in those semester blood drise. 'Hie iy ceising blood hom soineinw semi finals of last year's \CIA games "mope' in the Student Vim, oursclYes starts today blood. else . but because is hemg tournament. and one game each into the op :4)." Berry said. Ballroom from 10 a.m. to 3 p by donating thini taken aVk 1,11 C:111.1 .!.,1 against Memphis State I.Mixersity think skeie going to beat some of are encouraged to do Stildent% it." ltditle s,ild Unisersity of Missoin and Auburn thOm.i blood because of the nulls idual ventage of members and ki x needles. Red ()Ivo, of i- shOUldliI \sorry nate donating blood ..StUdenk Eltitseisitx All of those teams won Berry 's team is led by his son. else!) to them. By donating will receiye want to benefits a plaque from the Red cials reassure people that the about it rk 'mho, iing AIDS) It mix - mote than 20g:trite. last yea" two-time \ II \ mei ican Ricky blorx.11, it student CUll find out their Cross. AIDS situ, cannot he contracted by thing else they 'ie getting help. too.'' S.111' may also lime the oppoi- Berrx The toot S sxing-man ..-lood type. and hase a possible Those xx ho are not imolyed in donating blood Horn sold tunity to face the Lim ei sity ot 111) repiesentet.1 the I 'lilted Sidle% In the blood disease detected. said Ile idi Homecoming aetis ine %till en- "There is no way yOU Call get Flokk ex cr. students ;lie encour- nois on the second night of the 1.iehi Pan- American Moles Horn, ROT(' public affairs ot t couraged to donate blood. AIDS from donating blood because aged not to donate Mood Itist (0 get ing Mini Classic Basketball The Spaitaiis open their home drive is part of this week's Students inteiested in donating they use new needles teach Wile .1 tested tot the IDS )iiiis. said June The Tournament in I)ecenther. season with on exhibition game Homecoming celebration. Gimps bloat must weigh at least 110 (1011.111On I% taken).- said Trang VII. Flett her. ',Minato') threctoi tor the also participated in last season's against the team from the Malbas the Himicconiing pountls and he cleat 01 illness There medical technologist lot Anielican Red Cr,,,, panicipating in NCA.A toulTaiiiient. Club oi Sweden \os I eleht neek Intel \ .11 lequired Red Cross Sanitise. event will receive points tor the Cuilenily . the Ante'', on Red p go, 1 opponents in The team opens its PCAA sea- that before students can donate again. Oscal Hattie. an educator al Cross Illood number of members donate supply is !hall a hostile eny Berry said son at the ( ma Sidle liniversity lkspite nem.s that acquired im- SJSrs Student Health Services blood. In addition to receiving points sup- the) )% Mild like II It, he .1hli -All the "It will show tis what we need to I testi and plas its PC \ A home mune deficiency syndrome can he ported \'ii's IINett toward the Homecoming trophy. the statement. h111111.1 SAC Ill he work on to impro)e... openei agoinst Ness Alexico State spread through blood transfusions "In terms or donation of blood. organization with the highest per- great ad)iiiitage.'' Het, het saki In late December. Berry 's team t inixersits Tin SJSU group focuses Local bank Sexual harassment pamphlet available Ity !hilly Olsen the dit1111111,11.11 'tin 10 pkihilh t an pick up the pam- Daily stall wnier chore and dist' ihute it to all students. phlet in the 'simulative Action Of- on eating disorders sponsors SIM' has linally supplied its faculty anti staff this fall. fice. located in Withlquist Library campus yy ith ammunition to help But to (late, only a few students and in the Academic Vice Presi- By Lorraine Grant glom) n heft' It the> %k din to set goals 'dims of sexual limossment receis ed the brochure denes office. located in the Admin- Daily staff writer that are reasonable and appmpriate. fund raiser The \seaport ' information As tar as I kilo)). the pairiph- istration Building. lis the Uniseisity tit let was only pixen directly it, sin- A wornen's support pimp is then we provide weekly support... By Lorraine Grant pamphlet used The information pros ided in the Berkelex rx as re- dents during student orientation day . now available for those SJSU Fiedler said. Daiiy staff wnter ('alitornia brochure explains what sexual ha- SISt \ minimise Ac- hetoie saki Hexed). women who suffer from eating dis- ot the common types of The Union Bank will hold used bx the rassment is, how it may be experi- \ Aides. assistant ditector of eqtral CM - orders. food disorders are bulimia and ano its first "Heart of the City. 11011 COMMIllee enced and what a person can do Run'. Thursday. A resolution approsed hy the ploy ment opportunity and affirma- "They're like alcoholfts Their rexia. See PAMPHLET, back page lives are essentially out ot control Bulimia is an eating disorder "It's a fun way to meet Academic Senatc Iasi semester urged toe action and food has become their best which people. particularly women. people in the downtown area." friend and at the %Wile time, their tend to binge. consume a large said Susan Murdy, who is a worst enemy," said Lois Fiedler. a amount of food. then purge. Some llnion Bank public relations of- Decision still pending counselor at SJSU for one year. women vomit, fast Of do continuous ficer. "If people are fearful of being exercise. The 3.1 mile race. which overweight or are overweight.