Jiattrpfitfr Fcupmttg Mvma Yanks Aid in Recapture of 2 Key Towns
\ THUMDAT, JULY f, ItSO iKtmcljpatpr lEppitteg IfgraUi Spend and Save on Manchester's Red Tag Specials Mr. .and Mra. Frank J. PranaU clalmanta (Or unemployment bene fit! in the etate < remained un and two children have moved Little Change V The Weather About Tow n from 87 Washington street to changed at 28,125 during Ifpt week ae compared with 28,008 for. the their recently completed home on SPECIAL I Average Daily Net Press Run Fereeaet of U. fl. Weather Bnrean AH parenU of glrta attending the In Idle Here prevloua week. Whof you buy ;Panner street The IncreiMe in initial claima For the Month of June, 18B8 Olri Scout day camp at Cam ^ waa attributerl to claima from Reg. $2.95 Ingraham Tenight, fair; low aear 60. Sat Merri-Wood are Invited to t f Rev. James V. Claypool, who .Is employee not entitled to paid va- open houee at the camp tomomw at preserit spending his vacation Situation Last Week 9,904 urday, fair and warms Ugh aear ond whore you cationa during plant ehutdowns. S4. afternoon, at two o’clock, ^ e y In Klllingly, will be guest speaker About the Same; State Layoffs were reported In the Member of the Audit JiattrpfitFr fcupmttg m vm a will flrat be given an op p or^ lty at the Sunday morning worship following industries: OarmenL ALARM CLOCKS Bateau of ClrcutettoBS to Inspect the camp and >^lt the Manchester-—A City of Village Charm Buy it mokes o • • services at the South Methodist Statistics Are Given electrical appliances, machines, •A.
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