that In aitothar much respect as any IB lb* rue*, and be looked lm- Commodore, Crumeo.u.r: Roar ter mmi going so fliat at lb? finish AMERICAN JOCKEY CLUB. YACHTING. Olio C'ruiueiiauor: .\l»nan good ju ices took exception Treasurer llurrv 11- Holraos; Sailing faster, J"®,®1 "Itob Boy,my* a weil informed turf writer, "'has t* him, however, on aceounl ol bia siacknc.-* In th* The races at Jerome Perk to-day, although Dot so 7>"Si??Steward, EawarJ Graham; Usurer, td a waul 01 iu over HPXTCIAti MEETING or THE new took yacht ward A. D ivld. H as about uim as ever luitdi*, strength ibwcoupling, which numerous us usual, should be ol a first class order am ESGLASD. much fashion any the aud down course L>« at once when up Kpsotn would, they said, from the of the horses that are sure to con¬ CIjUu in REOAED to the yacht nebeio. stripped, aod the eye catches bis form decidedly against lilb cb a ce And so it proved, lor quality yachting j«otk*. seen in a crowd, attracted t>y his singular marking.a alior coming down Ibe bill 10 Tottenham Comer tall tlia tend. Four events aro on iho card, ilto Oral beintra Irco THE tote on the catamaran question Yacht Kestlrss, Commodore ». X. out ol N.Y.Y.C., Ksne, lull t'Old face and b:s two white stockings, end raring was knocked Browa l'nnoe. aud aaolncr hatulicup a'eepstakca, ¦ dash of a mile, which will Ion* American easay fruitless. tbe little A TIE. etilcd Irom Whtte.wne, L. L. yesterday raornlna. for a handsome proved Ahyre. haveuiue Second of the Ascot at** t;» iastii/ air ol walking. That be I* p<>ny wbo won three laces at til* last Newmarket starirra, comprising:.Kxpionoa, carrying A special meeting ot the members of tbe New York btutou Island. Day colt nobody can deny, bot there if a want of length, meeting. looked well enough; but it aeemed out ol iha 100 lbs.; Bertram, ICS Uw.; Australtnd, 100 lbs.; DaiW Yacht Club wus held at ihroo aller- Yacht Mr. Cbarlo. J. ci him >o was an o'clock yestorday Dreadnetight, N.Y.Y.O., ol uud of that waur-and-taar quetiion 'o «xp> will; uevcrtbaless, lie *aslsn, 100 ibe.; iaiiltiess, luJ lbs.; Ubadamanibua, ubsmnce, appearance a lavorite us lirown 1'rioc*. Uoforo three o'clock noon, la the roar room of the Broad street Deluiouico's. from N..w York, paased tbo Uk.iau> Tele with fashion. good lb*. On 10.r> uud US O'borue, Meeting. which one likes to see Intermingled evrytbiug was :u readiness. The prelimi¬ UK ; Mary, lbs.; Wuco, lbs., Peru, Tbe meeting w.ih called fur tbe purpose or considering station yesterday alteruoon m route to Martha i and bad l>ceu The aecond race is tbe Ladles' lor three- graph Howovcr, Rob Roy is all freedom anil action, nary canter gou* through with, lbs. Slakes certain protests which liad been against tho ad- V to The of n whicb Cbsmtut'* lameness was plainly percep¬ oiu (lilies, a Oash ol a mile auU a hall. There were therein lies bis ability race." engagements tible. and tb<> teveuieeu starior» proceeded 10 the pout. year miaalon Into tbe club of tbe schooner Neroid and ot At a meeting of the Brooklyn Yaebt Club bold be run the tnlrd nominations lor this but three P.ib iccludo three events to day Mr. AlcGe.irgo wus singularly fortunate iu gettiag tbe Uliy-oue erect, oaly taking such actlou In relation thereto as might be evonlaif at their rooms, corner of Court and Montagu# GRAM ITTEMim AND FI\R Wt'ATHKR. at which lot lb tine and Inn to a sturt just will mart. These are Odon Bow io's f Thursday of the present meeting Ascot, dropping flag perfect bay (Illy Pride, by deemed advlsttblo. Commodore Nicholas Kane tooK roe's Mr Write*. of W-Hack'. Theatre, w.a the iiold as .soon as they reached tbe atariing po ut. l'aiuaius, duiu P. Lorillard's 1 are the fourteenth new Hiencial Stakes, (ilun Arthur and lirowa I'riuce were the ilrst to break Kiugflsher, My Maryland; hay (Illy tbe cbulr, and Mr. Anson I'. .Stokes, tbe owucr of tbe elected a member. U was .tat*that,lb. in Summer Zoo Aunr.tli.iu, dam and U. L. unaatrooosly Cup and the All Agod .Stake*. He ta lbs tlie line, ind before going eery far Glen Ar- Zoo, by Mazourka, Nereid, occupied a seat at the same table. There van tnodala lor the yacbt. wl.loh were soogoa.ful In the Newmarket the Stukrs, Ibur lorced tbe d.c« by goiug 10 front, having i.orlllard's bay Ally ldulla, by liienHg, dam Item. Rob and Win Cup, July tneetisg; Urown I'riuce close while ijulto a largo attendance of membera, and opinions regatta of the club last Tuesday would be ready at tbe Cradle, Silvio, Roy Bflplicrbe Newmarket Second the AH Aged Stake*. alongside, fantalu*, The third race will be bsalg of a inile and au eighth, October; Tbundamoa* and Uon Carlos same nest, appeared pretty equally divided on tbo question. noxt id toting. Now. lor lbs Tlisae uro - (tie Event*. Newmarktt Houghton; ttio Claret Stakes, followed by Youubot, Plunger, Orleans, Silvio, Kou aad tbreo will start purse. Ambush, Alter tbo meeting waa called to order Commodore Important and the retnuiuder all well ihc White- market Craven meeting, 1ST8, and the Cbanip'on iioy, up escept ctri'/lag 11S lbs.; (slater of Mercy, 113 lbs., aud Kino stnted tbat In order to arrive at soruo JiAbE BALL. 21c is chapel representative, Ladr Millar, whose owner had 118 lbs. Stakes, Newmarket Second October, same year." about as tnucb chance ol winning the race on loot as Courier, decision it would be advisable to offer eomo race will be a ANB YALE. June 13. IST7. out engaged 10 file St. I.eger. the Uliy bad. Jngcilou was running through bis Tne loortli free handicap swsspslskes, resolution en the question. It was tben moved and BKCOND CAME URTWKKS UABTTORD 1.OXDOC, bill mile a TIIP. I OKON'.ITIUl STAKKfc. horses a* they run up the by tbe aud quar¬ tbe distance one mile cud tbroe-qnartera. Kur this This wjsthc second day of the Ascot meeting. Tlie ter and so was tbe tbe seconded tbat. In tbe opinion of tbo mooting, the yacht VICTUUX 1'OU 'fUE IiAllBlt. For tbo .Stakes five blliea faccd the ptsi, Grey *'r«r, pair joining there will be six starters, comprising Viceroy, with ecatber was floo and the course in goou condition. Coronation leading lot and keeping in (rout until well rouuu lb* Nereid is fit to be Vepresented la tbe club. Tbe pro¬ Mliw Hat.*, Juuo 13, 1877. starter. I.urd Horilcgtoa'a Heipho^be pruvo* the long bend and hegmuing tbo descent to lattenham lu2 lbs.; Major Barker, 89 Iba.; (Jaiway 118 Iba.; Her- poser of tho resolution stated that he bad consulted between the Ttie attendance ot spectators was very large. Corner. Here bad to and Tantalus The game of hamuli victor a with l.ord Brwflortf's Manwuvre in Jageiion give up, trum, 10."> lbs.: Partnership, lit) Iba., and Rappahan¬ some or the tik noYAL nrrr err. by length, also dropped back, co tbttl G;en Arthur and lirown old membera ot tbo club and fouud that Harttori Club and the Yalo Un.veutty nine took pa thoiecon gut out ol' cncounge rather than raise objections to the introduc¬ tho game there was »«ry Utile public betting. luy I'nffce George. races, 14 lbs. extra; maidens allowed 7 ; the and thus, .it tbe critical 01 the race, oriole 2 to 1 t. 1,000 to 750 on Zoo Zoo off. opened out of the ta receive "Jixj and ihe third to Bare her oiilleuliy, point tion ol such cnlt. on oi tut of some ball dozeu <-o eg R. Johnstone's chestnut coll by Mandrake, liity sov-i., lost a deal of valuable ground. Glen Arthur ban Mil' uuii an JCighllu account presence "take, tlid true. _'l sub*. good to l Mr. then who rati n second for 'he I'rmre nicnnwtiil-' sbakeu oil Brown I'riace, who lout ground Ulster ef Mercy.. 2 l Courier 3 to 2 t. Colgate raid that be wan ouo ol tho yacbt Thane, good yesurdny l.ord Uartiugt'in s t>. f, lielph^be. by Toxophilite, Kven t. started tho favorite lor the at 4 1 coming down the lull, aud entered tbe straight with a Auibusb ovuirrs that protected, but, still ho cunwldcrcil tlio no little m»»ppotutraeut felt by the Irloi.di of Wales Stakes, Cup out ol Ynga, l'J9 lb*. ('no. 1 lb«. ex.) cie-to lend ol inn ol whom Knar aod rltlvio Milt mid 'l~nr"-QMirtcri ^'nmro'waa a I l.ord Cllfdea, fish), lirey NorolJ lis entitled to hut not to bo the ball dur- to 1, bat failed to obtain place. l.ord Hradiord's ell. Mainetivre, by w»re the nest while ilrowu Chaiiunt, Al- Viceroy... 3 to 1 i. Partnership 3 to 1 L. representation, oi Yule at iho seeming ill look in handling out oi J'i'l lo«, 2 i two, I'riace, St UlAhT. tjuick Mjrch, tyre and Kbidorrocb wore ail lumped logettier. Grey Hertram utoU tiuiway 3 to 1 t. classed with tbe second clnsd xc'iooucra. ln:c the game. The Holding errors of the nine wore valno300 tovs.. l.ord I'aiuuiuth's b. f. l.udy (joiiginty, l>y King -Dot aau lor a lew Barker.... C to 1 t. 4 to 1 t. The Koyal Hunt Cup. of plate, ol 8 l-'riar toon up, Chaaiani, atrldcf, Major Rappahannock... Mr. Alcxaudor H imiilou al lied that he had been a of which Morgan, tho catcher, Qvo, he the >econd and -»0 sovs. lo the Tom, out hady Coventry, 1'2'i ll>< ; like to the Iront ax ho the hill, but eight, w;th 150 buv*. to third, looked going began member ol tho club for over thirty ye.irs, and he with !»»..«.! rtin uddrd to u bund n ap swenpstauos of 10 ovs, euch. Tor .riiK wiv.vrm.BKi.rniKBK. lie soon collapsed, and lirown I'riuce also rot trod a WEST SIDE PARK. sees tho winner ol any the One liea'.ea nors* a ol a mile from home. J!. L» Hoy thought suo!i protests were against tbe sporting spirit two Uoe one 1BT"~the cotoh ot a all (two-year-olds excepted); " who so unexpectedly enptured quarter noticeably piuyf, are io lbs. Eo'phahe, came lull or oa the handicap alter ihr wttigliis carry Thousand Culneaa ami finished second In tho Onki last now along runuiug uppar grounu, The at West Side New that every member of tno club should bo iinbned with, foul bound bv Vork after a long run. Be now mile and up lull all Iho w i>). with Ithidorroi b on tliu lower side, and tbey closed up attendance Driving Park, extra; (straight lie was not so snuguine about tho wonderful speed o.' *11. a round of as ho secured the balL Lo'd Wilton's br. c- Cradle, by Sut Glen Ar¬ Jersey, yesterday was quite lurgo. Tlieru were two liu.rty applause tbe aa Commodore once built a moon, 4 yearn 1 er's colors. She tvus bred Mr. and sold thur ami .Silvio bad too much ol a lead, and though races on tbe one a match and tbe other a Norei.l, Sterons Tbe o.her w«. the .ioub!e play by Wlfliam. and Dow¬ Hone) by Chaplin alter ins so card, being Mr. J. Maunington's h. (t. Sutton, by Sa<;cba>otue- the outsider struggled gaine.y running double bull yacbt which eventually proved a failure. ner which out tho "Ida in (t i wben a yearling to l.ittl Ifjrtington for ?»".<> guineas. yet .Silvio outstayed him and won sweepstake. The mouther was dcJIplitlul und tho put professional Ltr, out ot CltriMuias 1'iu, year" strongly throughout, The uro tho Ho concluded that be would he to sea the double o1' tb0 W. S. Crsw.urd's b. I'nnco t;«<>r;;e. oy I'ox- Her sire (Toxophilite) wag by l.ongbow, and a line race tiv hall a length ; Glen Aribur bcuiKob Hoy track in superb order. following hy saylug sorry o.ghtU Inning, only play «*®e* Mr. lor and ftt'VMAItlKH. ou tbo of tbo optnlite, out ol Koyal "tieorsf's dam, by Young be snil her ('am one hy three-i|narlers ol a length second pluoe any uttcinpt part tbo member* of club to The errors ou tho Yalo were five by»1oon, Vugs, was a head heboid the Al- Wli.ST SlBK IlKiTIKr; Pj>KK, X*W JKttRKy.TllOTTISrO. Heibouiou, 4 years 3 Uhidorrocn only lavoriics, oppose a now departure, which, on the other bund, and one eucU by Downer and Piatt^MorganThe b. I. l.o of the liiqhly esteemed brood mares Of the ivre Hrown I'rincu sixth, behind whom came tiie Wkuniwuay, Juno 13..Match $200, utile bean*, test Wi.e.ton, Lord Bradford's I'lcc.ililu, by M.irucha', tilth, in harness. should receive every incut. seoond wuo waa out o! ins* I'irkie, 3 yoar* V late Sir H was bought by Mr. ''hap- polling tip division, ueadnd hy Toucbct, Tbunderstoue, three in Ore. encourage Y.loa missed Clark, iholr busoroan. Joseph itvtey'* lot, Mnlor arrived shortly 1'. Maneu's a. g. Moacow 1 1 1 A SKfAlt ATE CLANK FOR Lord Kosehery'x b. o. K«sb«ck, by Victorious, out IIu nt tbo sale ol tho stable. Is t naniant and Grey Friar. Lady CATAMARANS. 3 0 Hawley Vaga by before the Ol the course lor tbo next ruco. K. Howard's hr. m, Lady Kmma 2 2 2 Mr. ol l.a Koae, years clearing rims. Hubert C'eutro thought it was unfair to class a ^"ff«amm.noa"at \ViTllatnsMIlled b. h. Drown Stoekweil, ont ol Mendicant, llelphobe commenced to Benson's chronograph tbe race occupied hi. well. Captain Stirling's Whitebait, by Bread. According -r. Mil*. two-hull yacht with a one-hull and It was a bud place very out of Laura, by Limbton, 4 vo ir* her turf" career at tlio Newmarket flru sprlug meot'ng 'Jm. Mil Quar" Half. yacht, ^ puTim. u An >oori as the race wae devilled the majority First beat *0 1 :-0J* 2:12 precedent tor Ihu club to make. It was also Tlie olubi weat to tne bat 10 the follow ordoir. Dw tor's Mratbtnoro last year over tbe ltn-tby Stake* cour'e of six fnr:on»s, grout 1 placing ng Uuko ol Montrose's b. c. by ol iho holiday lolks madepreparuitons lor their depar- Sscood beau JlU.'e 2:48}J the present yaobt owners at a disadvantage, and ho Yu a. ; llopbloo'ii, I'arrnesao, with theoudsof 7 to her, sho 1>eat tho race was vrm >t Third heat 3H 1:17 tiie IIrat o( the club bo to "-Wueaton, .«. out of Cogmsaance, 4 years 0 when, C against tar*, ho that when the last culled there 2:J4^ thought doty should protect tf ill'aroH, -d b. ; ' 0»erBc,fft0^*; Carter,' fourteen others started. favorite, Midlotbliu, and eight others with case. Sho goo24; "¦"'J'. a.7 *. . Kcrcu.ou, THK W1XNKR.( H t»t*. was ibmi laid np until the Newmarket Seconl October ;*t«rt, b.; b.; C.rey, tia* the Stanley .Slakes, ol' hall k mile, and, although U. Swiek'scb. m. l'annv H Ill Commodore Kauu then asked Mr. Colgate to take i p. Cradle, brown colt, by Hue Saw, out of IJoaey tuoou, meeting, wben she won tlie Bro'.by St. k-g (six there were out livo starters, tb* tact that Grace aud J. ruwlmg's b. $. Jim Moflot 2 2 2 tbo chuir aud make some remarks. After reviewing 3,V? to 'hit Larltin'.. .nd only cause 3 the ot VaTea weVeTn^bie was bred Lord Wiltiin, hi* present owner. As a at even front the small Krallea acre ol the nuial't'r was Hiilllcient to C. Davidson's g. g. Major 3 U position tho case, ho said mm suggestions had Tl. -ond by furlongs) welghlH Iho latter woh the .riJtu. been oRered that the Nereid should wiihdrtivv from ilio while tie so:uo Utile excitement. really baseJ,?e%^al;i.rbVdtn.owas a. ueur homei. tb.^m.yi nnd unnamed, ran four field ol the two stakes worth two-year-old. tiines, three, being j'i-.t $0,000. better ol the iwo, considering what oho ht»d done al Quarter. Half. regatta, but her owner a|>peured to be satlsiled mat ho go', and camo were ihey able to securing ono victory, ills flist appearaueo «as in tho Tne filly n'-xt showed iu the .fuvenllo Handicap, N^market, and iiicreiore only a ehuceol od-'s was First beat ..43 1-2-i 2:48'; wus rigut in what ue bad done und declined to make tot as Ihtot,,yt.l*,cc*^vMi I y rraohieu tbe llrBt in the third was second favorito 42 i:2j 2:47 such concussion, ilo that m.liter to tbe Kighth Beaufort Biennial Slakes, half a mile, Chester, live and the Criterion Nursery Handicap, six ohia nabie against her, while Grace Second heat U any rogroitci the inning. wnen ni ^ hanusomely left, furlon;?, at 7 to 4. Neither wero In it, us l.ady Jlitrdbcat 40 1 ::!0 hi< d been made public by the owner ol tbe Nereid was Bro^ , ^rltlU8 un(j thrown out to wa* last home. A like fate awaited the lor o: nhe bad so tniich tbo worst however, 2:4ti>j hut ciugnt napping by when he him lurlongs, both which Guinley, goinie oil' al a tremendous pane, .¦chopped'1 The trolling match lor $200. announced to take turougu the drculur he bad issuod. If Mr. Stokes' Si.rt. lu tne sevouth nnink iv110aWn hit clean to Following day, sumo mooting, in tho Badminton .Stake*, of the weights tbat she failed to cct a place, she giving her liei