Exciting Discoveries in Animal Signalling and Sexual Dichromatism
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Received: 7 May 2021 | Accepted: 2 June 2021 DOI: 10.1111/1365-2435.13854 FE SPOTLIGHT Exciting discoveries in animal signalling and sexual dichromatism Gregory F. Grether Department of Ecology & Evolutionary Biology, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, USA Correspondence Gregory F. Grether Email: [email protected] Funding information National Science Foundation, Grant/Award Number: DEB- 2040883 Handling Editor: Charles Fox Territorial animals often use signals, such as scent marks, colour- mature males injected with 3- Hk had more ommochromes in their ful plumage and vocalizations, to advertise territory ownership wing spots at the time of death, compared to sham- manipulated and (Bradbury & Vehrencamp, 2011). In theory, the same traits could unmanipulated controls. also serve as indicators of territorial fighting ability that help individ- It had already been established that artificial augmentation of uals assess opponents and avoid unnecessary escalated fights. For wing spot size enhances the ability of males to hold territories but that to work, there needs to be an unbreakable link between the reduces their survival in the field (Grether, 1996a, 1997). Under nat- trait and fighting ability; otherwise ‘cheaters’ would be favoured by ural conditions, wing spot size correlates positively with both ter- selection and the trait would eventually cease to be predictive of ritory tenure and survival (Grether, 1996b), as well as with indices fighting ability (Maynard Smith & Harper, 1995). While it is theoret- of immune system strength and physiological condition (Contreras- ically possible for condition- dependent traits to be reliable indica- Garduno et al., 2008; Contreras- Garduño et al., 2006, 2007). Thus, tors of fighting ability merely because they are costly for survival wing spots have all the hallmarks of a condition- dependent sexu- (Grafen, 1990; Penn & Számadó, 2020), in the best- documented ally selected trait (Andersson, 1994). G- Santoyo et al.'s (2021) con- empirical examples, signal expression is constrained by the same firmation that the red pigments have a dietary origin suggests that factors that affect fighting ability itself, such as energy reserves and the final size of a male's wing spots depends on his hunting success body size (Bradbury & Vehrencamp, 2011). Classic examples include during the adult maturation period. While the maximum wing spot the frequency of roaring in red deer and the pitch of croaking in area is fixed at adult emergence, the proportion of the area that toads (Clutton- Brock & Albon, 1979; Davies & Halliday, 1978). actually fills in with pigment is quite variable (Grether, 1996b). G- The red wing spots of male American rubyspot damselflies Santoyo et al.'s (2021) hypothesis could be tested further by tem- have long been thought to be indicators of territorial fighting abil- porarily placing immature males in field enclosures stocked with ity (Grether, 1996a, 1997), but the mechanism that prevents males different levels of prey. Males with greater access to prey should from producing deceptively large wing spots is unknown. G- Santoyo develop proportionally larger wing spots, and be more likely to win et al. (2021) provide compelling evidence for a new hypothesis that territorial fights after they reach maturity. they refer to as detoxifying ability signalling. Other insects detox- Adding to previous experimental evidence that the colour of ify the metabolic by- products of the amino acid tryptophan by the wing spots is affected by immunological challenges (Contreras- converting them to non- toxic ommochrome pigments, which are Garduno et al., 2008) and oxidative stress (Martínez- Lendech then excreted. By contrast, the damselflies deposit ommochromes et al., 2018), G- Santoyo et al.'s (2021) discovery that the chroma in their wings, which G- Santoyo et al. (2021) suggest makes the (colour saturation) of the wing spots can be increased by injecting wing spots honest signals of male nutritional status. In addition to mature males with tryptophan metabolites suggests that the colour using state- of- the- art methods to characterize the wing pigments, of the wings spots might be a dynamic indicator of a male's physi- G- Santoyo et al. (2021) show that the ommochrome precursor ological condition well beyond the age when wing spot size is de- 3- hydroxy- kynurenine (3- Hk) is toxic to the damselflies and that velopmentally fixed. Escalated damselfly territorial fights are highly 1624 | © 2021 British Ecological Society wileyonlinelibrary.com/journal/fec Functional Ecology. 2021;35:1624–1626. GRETHER Functional Ecolo gy | 1625 energetic and males have to replenish their energy reserves through coloration filled with highly tractable subjects for behavioural ecol- hunting to remain competitive (Marden & Waage, 1990). Thus, if the ogy field research. chroma of the wing spots is affected by prey consumption through- out a male's life, wing spot chroma is likely to be a better indicator of ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS the fighting ability of older males than wing spot size. Whether the This work was supported by the National Science Foundation grant damselflies perceive these differences in chroma, and adjust their DEB- 2040883, but the opinions, findings and conclusions do not responses to rivals accordingly, remains to be tested. It has been necessarily reflect the views of the National Science Foundation. shown that territory holders use wing spot chroma to discriminate between mature and immature male intruders (Grether et al., 2015), ORCID and the same method could be used to determine whether males Gregory F. Grether https://orcid.org/0000-0003-3441-0537 discriminate between the smaller differences in chroma seen in ma- ture males. REFERENCES Beyond providing experimental evidence for a new honesty- Andersson, M. (1994). Sexual selection. Princeton University Press. enforcing mechanism in animal signalling, G- Santoyo et al. (2021) Bradbury, J. W., & Vehrencamp, S. L. (2011). Principles of animal commu- nication (2nd ed.). Sinauer Associates. raise intriguing questions about the evolution of sexual dichroma- Clutton- Brock, T. H., & Albon, S. D. (1979). The roaring of red deer and tism. Female rubyspot damselflies consume the same tryptophan- the evolution of honest advertisement. Behaviour, 69, 145– 170. rich insects as males do, but instead of red wings spots, females https://doi.org/10.1163/15685 3979X 00449 have amber- coloured wing patches (Figure 1) that probably help Contreras- Garduno, J., Buzatto, B. A., Serrano- Meneses, M. A., Najera- Cordero, K., & Cordoba- Aguilar, A. (2008). The size of the red wing them blend in with the background vegetation while hunting spot of the American rubyspot as a heightened condition- dependent (Grether & Grey, 1996) and also when they are most vulnerable to ornament. 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Proceedings of the National Academy of striking sex difference in tanager coloration results not from redox Sciences of the United States of America, 109, 12626– 12631. https:// but instead from sex differences in feather microstructure (McCoy doi.org/10.1073/pnas.12071 14109 Grafen, A. (1990). Biological signals as handicaps. Journal of Theoretical et al., 2019). Biology, 144, 517– 546. Ommochromes have some interesting properties from a sig- Grether, G. F. (1996a). Intrasexual competition alone favors a sexually nal evolution standpoint, and despite being common in insects dimorphic ornament in the rubyspot damselfly Hetaerina americana. (Futahashi et al., 2012; Linzen, 1974), are vastly understudied com- Evolution, 50, 1949– 1957. Grether, G. F. (1996b). Sexual selection and survival selection on wing pared to carotenoid, melanin and pteridine pigments. G- Santoyo coloration and body size in the rubyspot damselfly Hetaerina