Die Suid-Afrikaanse Instituut Van Internasionale Aangeleenthede the South African Institute of International Affairs National Office-Bearers/Nasionale Ampsdraers

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Die Suid-Afrikaanse Instituut Van Internasionale Aangeleenthede the South African Institute of International Affairs National Office-Bearers/Nasionale Ampsdraers Smuts House Notes Symposium • South Africa's Trade Relations: Foreign and Regional Interdependence Jacqueline Matthews • The Implications for the South African Economy of Russia's Foreign Trade Policy G. Ariovich and H.F. Kenney Cuba and Africa Robin Hallett Great Power Interests in the Indian Ocean Henry Albinski Book Reviews VOL 4 NO 2 1980 DIE SUID-AFRIKAANSE INSTITUUT VAN INTERNASIONALE AANGELEENTHEDE THE SOUTH AFRICAN INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS NATIONAL OFFICE-BEARERS/NASIONALE AMPSDRAERS CHAIRMAN/VOORSITTER H F Oppenheimer DEPUTY CHAIRMAN/ADJUNK-VOORS1TTER Gideon Roos VICE CHAIRMEN/VISE-VOORSITTERS DrCB Strauss (Chairman of National Administrative Committee) and all Chairmen of the Institute's Branches ex officio en alle Voorsitters van die Instituut se Takke ampshalwe (Cape Town/Kaapstad, Witwatersrand, Natal, Eastern Province/Oostelike Provmsie, Pretoria, Stellenbosch, Border/Grens, Transkei, SWA/Namibia/ Namibie and/en Pietermaritzburg) HON. TREASURER/ERE-TESOURIER J C Williams HON. LEGAL ADVlSER/ERE-REGSADVISEUR A L Bostock DIRECTOR-GENERAL/DIREKTEUR-GENERAAL John Barratt INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS BULLETIN Published by the South African Institute of International Affairs and supplied free of charge to members Three issues per year Subscription rate for non- members R5,00 per annum (surface mail), R7,00 per annum (overseas airmail) Pi i(.e pei copv R2 00 Uitgegee deur die Suid-Afnkaanse Instituut van Internasionale Aangeleenthede en gratis aan lede verskaf Dne uitgawes perjaar Intekengeld vir nie-lede R5.00 perjaar (landpos), R7.00 perjaar (buitelandse lugpos) Prys per eksemplaar R2 00 EDITOR/REDAKTEUR Peter CJ Vale ASSISTANT EDITOR/ASSISTENT-REDAKTEUR Sonja Begg Review copies of books, monographs and pamphlets, as well as all correspon- dence on editorial matters should be addressed to the Editor, International Affairs Bulletin, South African Institute of International Affairs, Jan Smuts House, P O Box 31596, Braamfontein 2017, Johannesburg, South Africa Resensie-eksemplare van boeke, monografiee en pamflette, sowel as alle korres- pondensie oor redaksionele sake moet geng word aan die Redakteur, Inter national Affairs Bulletin, Suid-Afnkaanse Instituut van Internasionale Aange- leenthede, Jan Smuts-Huis, Posbus 31596, Braamfontein 2017, Johannesburg, Suid-Afnka DIE SUID AFRIKAANSE INST1TUUT VAN INTERNASIONALE AANGELEENTHEDE THE SOUTH AFRICAN INSTITUTE OF INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS International Affairs Bulletin Volume 4, No. 2, 1980 CONTENTS SMUTS HOUSE NOTES 1 Symposium • SOUTH AFRICA'S TRADE RELATIONS: FOREIGN AND REGIONAL INTERDEPENDENCE Jacqueline Matthews 3 • THE IMPLICATIONS FOR THE SOUTH AFRICAN ECONOMY OF RUSSIA'S FOREIGN TRADE POLICY G. Ariovich and H.F. Kenney 18 CUBA AND AFRICA Robin Hallett 44 GREAT POWER INTERESTS IN THE INDIAN OCEAN Henry Albinski 56 BOOK REVIEWS The Geopolitics of Information: How Western Culture Dominates the World by Anthony Smith 74 Arab Nationalism: an Anthology Edited by Sylvia G. Haim 75 Militant Islam by G.H. Jansen The South African Institute of International Affairs is precluded by its Constitu- tion from expressing an opinion on any aspect of international affairs. It is not, therefore, responsible for any views reflected in this publication. Die Suid-Afrikaanse Insthuut van Internasionale Aangeleenthede word deur sy Konstitusie daarvan weerhou om 'n mening oor enige aspek van internasionale aangeleenthede uit te spreek. Dit is daarom nie verantwoordelik vir enige siens- wyse wat in hierdie publikasie weergegee word nie. AUTHORS Dr Jacqueline D. Matthews is Senior Lecturer in Business Adminis- tration at the University of Natal in Durban. She is the author of Association System of the European Community. Dr Matthews' article South Africa's trade relations: Foreign and regional interdependence, is a revised version of a contribution which appeared in the Journal of World Trade Law, vol. 13, no. 6, November/December 1979. Dr G. Ariovkh and Mr H.F. Kenney are Economists at the Chamber of Mines of South Africa. Dr Ariovich, a specialist in international trade, took two degrees in Economics and Business Administration at the Hebrew Uni- versity of Jerusalem. He obtained his doctorate in Economics at the Randse Afrikaanse Universiteit. Mr Kenney studied at the University of Cape Town and at the London School of Economics. He has lectured at the University of Port Elizabeth, the University of the Witwatersrand and at the University of Cape Town. This article is based on a comprehensive study entitled Soviet Foreign Trade Policy and Its Implications Jor South Africa's Mining Sector, carried out for the Chamber of Mines of South Africa, and, at management's request, confidential material has been omitted. Mr Robin Hallett is an Historian who has written several books on Africa, including Africa to 1875 and Africa since 1875. From 1972 - 1979 he was a Senior Lecturer in the Department of History at the University of Cape Town. He has also worked in Nigeria and Tanzania and is now living and working in Oxford. Cuba and Africa, originally the theme of an address to a meeting at Jan Smuts House on 5 March 1980, was re-written for the Bulletin. Professor Henry Albinski is Professor of Political Science at the Pennsylvania State University. Previously he held Visiting Pro- fessorships at the Universities of Western Ontario, Queensland, Sydney and Flinders respectively. Professor Albinski has been a Consultant with the Institute for Defence Analyses, the Georgetown Centre for Strategic and International Studies and with the United States Department of State. The article Great Power Interests in the Indian Ocean is a slightly edited version of extemporaneous remarks delivered to a mee- ting at Jan Smuts House on 27 February 1980. Midas Printers (Pty) Ltd. Johannesburg S.A. You don't need to bank with Nedbank to get the best Foreign Exchange deals. You don t need to have on account at Nedbank to use Nedbank s Foreign Exchange dealing room It s a service open to any company that needs the best deal We can advise you on how far forward to cover What movements to expect What effects fluctuating interest rates will have We can tell you about financing of exports and imports And arrange anything from simple telegraphic transfers to Tom/next swaps It foreign exchange means more to you than a simple spot auote phone in You re our kind of customer &NEDBANK As a matter of interest: Your local Nedbank Foreign txcnange Manager is in direct computer link with our central dealing room Consult thts list for your nearest one Head off ce International Division Messrs H Uppert (Assistant General Manager International Division] MJ Reid RV Stone RJ Payne H van def Steeg 8335856 InJemottonoJ Branch (Johannesburg) Messrs TG Euljen{RegonalAssstanlGeneral Manager) JB Cullgart JP Rheoaer 633 5856 FoxStreetBranchMr JM Inkley 636-1367 Kruls Street Branch Mr UM Wilmanns 37-4316 Braamfonteln Branch Mr HG Brlckman 285320 Risslk Street Branch Mr VB Knel 836-6581 Sandton Branch Mr CK daVrles 783 7124 Isando Branch Mr A Derksen 36-7412 Industrla Branch Mr E van der Merws 6731236 Bromley Branch Mr JW Nleuwoudt 786 7115 Pretoria Branch Mr CF deCarvaho 41 2541 Durban Regional Ofllce Mr TS Crawford Browne 32 3321 Durban Smith Street Mr H Doornekamp 32 3321 Cape Town Regional Office Mr CJA Froger 22-6141 or 22 1141 Cape Town [g George s SfreetJ Mr SC duWessis 22-6W Port EltzaOetfi (Main Street] Mr RK Johnson 52-3760 BloemlontelnMr PJJ Botha 7-6121 GREY PHILLIPS BUNTON MUNOEL& BLAKE 65828 WITH THE COMPLIMENTS OF GOLD FIELDS OF SOUTH AFRICA LIMITED Midas SMUTS HOUSE NOTES OLIVER DENEYS SCHREINERf The Institute records with deep regret the death on 27 July 1980, of its longest serving Honorary President, Mr Justice O.D. Schreiner, at the age of 89 years. He became a member of the Institute in 1941, only seven years after it was founded, and, after serving as Chairman of the Institute's Council, was elected an Honorary President in 1950, a position he occupied for 30 years. Judge Schreiner was held in high esteem and warm affection by Institute members throughout South Africa. He was a familiar and much-loved figure at Jan Smuts House, where he regularly attended Institute meetings until shortly before his death. The Institute is proud and grateful to have been associated over so many years with this leading Jurist and great South African. Judge Oliver Schreiner and his contribution to the work of the Institute, through four decades of its development, will not be forgotten. John Barratt Director General: SANA SOUTH AFRICA'S FOREIGN POLICY MAKING: A CASE FOR EXTERNAL ADVICE The use of outside experts to advise governmental decision makers in a formal manner has become a firmly established practice in South Africa. Probably the best known example is that of the Prime Minister's Economic Advisory Council. A more recent addition is the National Manpower Commission, and in July 1980 a so-called constellation committee composed of offi- cials and outside experts was formed. Quite apart from their contribution through official bodies, non-governmental experts no doubt also advise decision makers in an ad hoc and informal fashion. There is however no known formal advisory body involving outside experts specifically designed to advise South Africa's foreign policy makers. This is perhaps understandable given the fact that foreign policy formulation is concentrated in very few hands, together with the virtually universal tendency of govern- ments to jealously regard it as a highly sensitive, complex, confi- dential and consequently exlusive matter. Yet, despite these con- siderations, there does seem to be a case for formally involving outside experts in an advisory capacity in South Africa's foreign policy making. The most cogent argument in this regard is un- doubtedly the highly problematic situation confronting South Africa in its foreign relations. Such a proposal is no reflection on I the handful of foreign policy f ormulators and the Department of Foreign Affairs; it is merely a recognition of South Africa's pecu- liar position in the world and of the need to provide decision makers with the best possible advice available.
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