Ministry of Defence Main Building (06/D/00) Whitehall London SW1A 2HB United Kingdom +44 (0)20 721 89000 Telephone [MOD]: +44 (0)20 721 89000 Ref: E-mail: PersTrg-Sec- PW 24-09-2013-145030-001
[email protected] Ms Barbara Groombridge request-178022-
[email protected] 8 October 2013 Dear Ms Groombridge, Thank you for your correspondence dated 24 September, in which you requested the following information: Dear Royal Navy, Please send me the following information: Details of all schools in Walsall (with postcodes if possible) visited by the Royal Navy between September 2010 and July 2013, including local authority schools, private schools and sixth -form colleges. How many times did they visit each of those schools? What year groups in those schools were visited? What kind of activity were they engaged in when they visited those schools (e.g. careers days, presentations, schools challenge, other (please specify)? Which schools have a Combined Cadet Force? Dear British Army, I would be grateful if you would send me the following information: Details of all schools in Walsall (with postcodes if possible) visited by the British Army between September 2010 and July 2013, including local authority schools, private schools and sixth- form colleges. How many times did they visit each of those schools? What year groups in those schools were visited? What kind of activity were they engaged in when they visited those schools (e.g. careers days, presentations, schools challenge, other (please specify)? Which schools have a Combined Cadet Force? Dear Royal Air Force, Please send me the following information: Details of all schools in Walsall visited by the Royal Air Force between September 2010 and July 2013, including local authority schools, academies, free schools, private schools and sixth-form colleges.