The Trail, 1949-03-11
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TACOMA, WASHINGTON FRIDAY, MARCH II, 1949 Kappa Phi Dance . Tonight luuio.r Prom f~OLilEGE OF PUGET SOUND Tomorrow Petitions Total 42 For AS~PS ,Offiees Petitions of 42 candidates for ASCPS offices were turned in to the Student Body office ahead of the Thursday noon deadline. Absentee ballots will be provided for the Adel phians and the Band, who will be on tour during the primary elections March 23, 24 and 25. The candidates for office Nancy Rhiel, Ruth Wolland, Stan will be given tests on the ley Wot·swlclt, Jackie Thurber, ASCPS constitution March 14 at Got·don Jones and Jacqueline Hodg- noon in .JllO. They will be intt·o son. duced to the st1\dent hod:y in chapel Mat·ion Cal"le, Rose Carbonne, March 18, 21 and 23. Jean Tippie, Bob Angeline, Joan Candidates who filed petitions for Mooney and Gene Brown are run- ASCPS p r e. s i d e n c y were Bill ning for the senior representative Stivers, John Sampson and Robert post. The aspirants for· the junior Rinker. Those tt·ying for the vice representative office are Mary-Lou pt·esidency are Naomi Hespen, Johnson, Glol"ia Nelson, Georgia Lorayoe Rockwa.y and Yvonne Tippie, Howard Meadowcroft, An Battin. nette Ogclen, Ri·Chal.'d Drues and Ralph Wehmhoff. 'l'he seven candidates fOl' student body secretary are Lita Johnson, Claire McNeill, Grace Fullager, Ed HeJlvet\Son, Lois Wasmund, • Joanne Stebbins and .Jeny Snu!fin are candidates >for sophomore t·e Lenten Cantata Has presentative. Northwest Premier Bruce Andreason a.nd Chuck LOGGER CAGiERS as they entrained for Kansas City, are (left to right) seated: Don Caddy seem to have the yell king Ellis, Bob Angeline, Bill Richey, Herb Klippert, Rod Gibbs, and Coach Heinrick. Standing: "FOI'sa.k.en of Man," a Lenten Can spot pretty well sewed up, since tata, wlll be presented for the ftt·st Bob Sater, Bob Rinker, Bill Stivers, Bob Fincham, and Dick Brown. Photo by Svensson. they al'e the only male candidates. time in the Pacific Northwest iby Those running fo1· yell queen are the choir of the First Methodist Paddy Black, Sue Pringle, Nancy Many M~xed House Parties; Soph Examinations Church .SunGlay at 5:30 p. m. Di Clarey, Eunice Will'iams and Bar Slated for Tuesday t•eoted by D. Robert Smith of the bara Albertson. CPS music faculty, the Cantata 'fea The senior gil'ls running .for May No Dances 30 y·ears Ago tures four CPS students in solo Sophomot·es are slated far ap Queen are Mollie Mae Morse, Janice By JACK L. RAPHAEL proximately eight hours of examina. roles and fifteen from the CPS cam Lud1wig, Anita. Garland and Beverly Thirty years ago CPS students couldn"t dance, at least not tions Tuesday. No cral;Jlming is pus in the choir. J0hnson. with the blessings of the faculty and trustees. They could necessary. Tue-sday is the date for A musical pottrayal of dramatic Statements of the platforms of have mixed house parties, and they did. Today dances are a the National Sophomore Exams. scenes in Christ's l'ife, "Forsaken of the candidates will be publl$hed In .. regular part of school social life, but the mixed how:;e parties Albout 500 second semestet·' sopho- Men" begins with Christ teaching the March 18 issue o'f the Trail. are frown provokers. em•ollment and that of 1949 is strik- mores a nd first semester juniors are the disciples Sind ends with the The statements must be less than ln 1919, Mrs. Seward went ing. Thet·e were only 154 students eligible for the test. This means Crucifixion. The composer, Dr. Leo 100 wo1·ds long, and must be turn to work as secretary to Dr. at CPS 30 yea.t·s ago, as compared those who have between 42 and 60 Sowerby, is organist and choirmas ed in to the Trail -office by noon Edward H. T.odd, presiden.t of to the pt•esent enrollment of 2079. semester credits. ter of St. James Episcopal Chu,t·ch ' Tuesday. CPS. She stayed in. the posi... In 1919, there were 20 faculty Pt>ofessor Delmar Gibbs will di ln Chicago and one o.f bhe outstand tion until the close of the 1946 membel•s, exclusive of the president, rect the ti!Stlng which will begin at ing eontemporat-y composers. .Among VVorkshop Players summer session, when she :re~o. registrSJr and bursar. The registrar 8:00 a. m. and end Sit 4:00 p. m. hls more noted wot·ks ~s the Fout1lh Si.g?!led. and. bursar wer.e one and the same. with a .lapse of one hour at noon. Symphony, which wa.s played by the DiSJ)lay Talents Mrs. Seward rebw·ned to her old Boston Symphony during the cux•• There were no fraternities or All students eligible for the test Albout t hirty a~:rpiring actors and rent season. job recently. She now acts as a sorol'ities at CPS. Literary societies w!U meet Tuesday in the JonesHall • actresses with the aid of -thei·r stu buffer and filter for Dr. Thompson. took their place. There were few Auditorium to be assigned. The D. Robert Smith studied the Can dent directors will present nine "Tbe ·biggest change that I've departmental clubs, and no foreign tests will be given in the audi tata with Dr. Sowe11by last summer work-sbop plays i:n the Jones Hall noticed Is in the size of the student language erganiza.tions. torium and B22--23 of South Hall. in Evergreen, Colorado. Another Audit0rium at 9 p. m. Thursday. body," she said. The men's dorm was called "The Professor Gibbs urges all students ~ember of the CPS music depart The idea of the work-shop plays The contrast •between the 1919 Milliona.ire's Club". According ·to to bring only a pen and pencil and ment, Clyde Keutzer, became ac is twofold. The first is to help Mrs. Seward, college students at no •books. Students who miss the quainted with Dr. Sowerby when speech and dramatlOs majors un I that time were seldom solvent. The test will pay $10.00 for a later test he attended the St. .Tames Epis dex·stand the di,rectil'lg of plays. The copal Church while a student at the Adult Education small women's dorm was called th~ · ing. second is to give proposed thespians University o'f •Chicago. an opportunity to .pradice their I ".Sacajawea Club." I Adds Fotu· Courses CPS was located on .Sixth Avenue, Solo parts will be sung ;by John talents. Four new evening courses have at the site of the Jason Lee Junior Pep Rally Planned Jones, Emest Bates, John Tuttle, Student leaders are Patty Lou been added to :the CPS adult edu High. Vern Anderson, Gloria Swanberg, Schaller, Margaret Ellis, Mel\iln cation program. The library boasted 6,500 volumes To Welcome Team a nd Helen Hahn. Doris Helen Smith, Gidley, Bat•bara Bixler, Claudi:!!i I Rec1·eational crafts, a course in as compared to today's collection of Win or lose, they're still the pride a special student in oi"gan at the Zedilter, Bill Gianelli, Harold Simon of the CPS students. college, will provide the organ ac son, Nancy Riehl, Patti Purvis, l manual crafts, is being inst111cted more than 53,000. I by Miss Christine Mutty. Tbls class The catalog for 1920 says, "The And to ~how that losing a little compa,niments. Barbara Rowe and Bob Wolf. and Miss Gat·dner'·s class in the policy of the college is to grant to Uff in Kansas City isn't going to Hiatol'Y ot Renaissa.nce Culture its students the greate$t amount put the damper on the spirit of started Mat·ch 1. <>f self-respons'lbil!ty that is shown the student .body a huge meet-tbe DeDioeratie Increase Classes in pl'ofessional writing to be safe-". t:t·ain rally is ,belng planned by the and history are a lso being offered. In those .days the "Ttall" was a . ' yell tea.m. Found in Last Survey The wrtting class, taught .by Mw·~ monthly publication! A car ca1•avan will leave the Election surprises are still coming in. When the figures of ray Morgan Is ·being held in Jones • the latest student opinion poll were tallied', the majority of F!.a.ll on Monday. The Negro in U.S. Tickets G·o On Sale school a t 11:15 this rooming to meet students were Democrats. The Republican interviews had. history will be the. subject of Mr. the·inet· that will come in dwindled from an overwhehnin.g majority to a mere 24 per Johnston's class. This class il3 held For Film. Group at the Milwaukee Depot at 11:45. "v · f bl , t rd th R d in Jones Hall on Wednesday at 7 cent of those queried. Demo- Tickets will go on sale Thw·sday The local gendarmes will provide crats made up 41 per cent of eey avora e owa e · e s, p. m. Both classes began this week. night for the second Film Classic those polled. Those claiming while nine answered "favorable." With the addition of these four :a police escort for the Coach John. f The "neutt·al" answer brought 23 Series. The movie to 1be shown that to avor no party totaled 27.7 t•eplies. Thirty-three indicated an classes, seven adult education n igbt, seventh ·in the first series, is Heinriclc a nd his twine twisters.