William Ran- Annual Loyalty Day Parade This and Joseph Papay of Fordham Col- Saturday
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THE Vol. 29 FORDHAM COLLEGE, NEW YORK, APRIL 27, 1950 No. 21 Rifle Tea Tops Nation Defeats Best Fordham Democrats to March Eight Seniors Get Council Debaters In Loyalty Parade Saturday Of Army, Navy Eobert D. Philbrick, president Irad School Grants By DAN RUSKIN of the Fordham Democratic Club, Rev. Gustav Dumas, S.J., Dean of extends an invitation to all Ford- The Fordham Air Force ROTC rifle Win Championship ham students, regardless of politi- ;he Fordham Graduate School, has quintet shot their way to the national cal affiliation, to march in the mnounced that Patrick J. Murphy championship in the William Ran- annual Loyalty Day Parade this and Joseph Papay of Fordham Col- Saturday. dolph Hearst-Department of Defense lege have received scholarships to Tournament, it was disclosed last Those who wish to march may the Graduate School. join the Fordham Democrats' con- Sunday in Washington. Fordham's tingent on 93rd Street, East of Fr. Dumas also announced that Al- Air Force hot shots, firing for the Park Avenue, at 1:30 p.m. on Sat- bert Bernardani, John J. Corrigan, first time as an individual unit, urday. Frank McCabe, Gregory E. Mellen, turned in the fine score of 951 out of Joseph Potter and John Scanlon have a possible 1,000 points. This victory College Classes received Graduate School assistant- officially dubs the Rams as the rifle ships. champions of all senior ROTC units To Vote May 5 Pat Murphy, AB, a resident of •in the nation. For Officers New York City, attended Regis High By so doing, the Rams scuttled School. His scholarship is in English. Notre Dame's naval ROTC team, na- College-wide elections for the class officers of president, vice-presi- Joe Papay, AB., a resident of Mont- tional ohampion in its own class. dent, treasurer and secretary will be vale, N. J., attended Park Ridge Pub- The gobs from South Bend placed held on next Friday, May 5, in Keat lic High. His scholarship is in philos- second with a 931. Showing close on ing Hall cafeteria. ophy. their heels was the Army ROTC sen- The Editor of the Maroon and the day-hop and the Athletic Association Six Assistantships ior champs from Duquesne with a representatives to the Student Coun- Al Bernardani, BSI, a resident of 926 tally. cil will also be elected in the ballot- Brooklyn, attended Manual Training Fordham's Bob Silva captured in- ing. High School. His assistantship is individual scoring honors with a 195 Each class will cast .Votes for thei particular candidates. All aspirants biology. John Corrigan, BSI, a resi- mark out of a possible 200. He was Gazing f rondly at the first place cup which Fordham's Council of Debate for class positions will tun for adent of Brooklyn, attended Brooklyn won in the Marshall Wythe Intercollegiate Debating Tournament are (left won in me marsiiau TTJUIC miitcivuiicBia>c ucuauu6 >u.i...»...^..v u.v !.„.. specific office. Vice-president will be Tech. His assistantship is in physics. 1 lo right): George Fischer and Jack Brant, the champion debaters; the Rev. the runner-up in the presidentia Harry Klos, BSI, a resident of Belle- Lawrence Atherton, S.J., moderator; and Joe Boillin, debate manager. race. ville, N. J., attended St. Benedict's The day-hop and Athletic-Associa- Jack Brant and George Fischer of tion representatives and the editor Prep. His assistantship is in biology. the Fordham Council of Debate cap- Bids for Senior Ball June 14 of the Maroon must be members of Available to Entire College Mark Jackson, AB, a resident of tured the first place cup in the the present junior class and must be Syracuse, N. Y., attended Syracuse Marshall Wythe Intercollegiate De- Bids for the Senior Ball to be elected By the members of that class The athletic delegate, however, mus' Central High. His assistantship is in . bating Tournament by emerging vic- held at the Hotel Astor on June 14, are selling steadily, accrJrding have had some affliation with recog history. Frank McCabe, AB, a resi- torious over more than twenty east- to Peter Menk, president of the nized school athletics. dent of New York City, attended ern seaboard colleges. The tourna- senior class. Bids may now be All candidates have submitted DeWitt Clinton High. His assistant- ment was held at William and Mary purchased by members of any petitions signed by their classmates ship is in psychology. Gregory Mel- College of Williamsburg, Virginia, to the Dean of Discipline's office. class in the college. Petitions for the editor of the Ma len, AB, a Resident of the Bronx, at- on April 13, 14, and 15. Claude Thornhill's band and roon and the day-hop representativ tended For'dham Prep. His assistant- the Teddy Wilson trio will fur- can be signed by juniors only. In ship is in the classics. The Fordham duo weathered six nish continuous music from 9 to rounds of debate in which they suf- terviews of the.candidates are bein; Joseph Potter, BSI, a resident of 1, Thornhill will feature the. vo- conducted by ftie Election Commit- fered one defeat at the hands of the cals of- Russ Mclntyre, Nancy tee this week. New York City,. attended Cathedral University of Pennsylvania. In the Clayton and the "Snow Flakes." 1 Campaign week will commence o College. His assistantship is in psy- finals they again met Pennsylvania, Bids are still on sale for $6.00 in Keating cafeteria and are dated next Monday. Each candidate wil chology.'John Scanlon, BSI, a resi- COACH WOODHAM INSTRUCTING which had dropped one to Haverford when sold. Reservations will be advertise his platform to the studen dent of New York City, attended College, and defeated the Quakers. secured later according to the body. A $15 expense budget has bee- Bronx High School of Science. His closely trailed by Don Murphy of set on all campaigning activities b Notre Dame and Norbert Kraemer Fordham's other victims were the date the bid was purchased. the Election Committee assistantship is in biology. University of Virginia, University of of Duquesne, both ringing up a 194. Georgia, University of Mississippi, The Maroon contingent registered Davidson and Hampden - Sydney. in. the following order: Silva, 195; N.Y.U., Rutgers, Princeton and Navy President of Chile Receives Degree; John Cuneo, 191; Torn Evers, 190; were some of the other teams in- Dom Defllippis; 188; Dick Giery, 187. vited and participating. "Silva Most Valuable Upheld Nationalization Called a Defender of Democracy Following his fine showing as the Throughout Brant and Fischer de- Llhile," and praised his "strenuous ent at 'the ceremony were Rev. team's, sparkplug, Bob Silva was fended the nationalization of basic "The universities of the United Lawrence A. Walsh, S.J., University unanimously selected as the most non-agricultural industries—the af- efforts to raise the cultural and eco- States are the pillars on which this nomic levels of the- workers" of Provost; Rev. Charles J. Deane, S.J., valuable member of the team. He firmative of the national question. great and powerful democracy stands University Secretary-General; Rev. For their efforts, Fordham was in its effort to safeguard peace, jus- Jhile. Jerome D'Souza, S.J., Delegate from and John Cuheo, second high man for awarded a permanent plaque as Father Rector declared that the India to the United Nations; Rev. the year, will be next year's co-cap- tice, and dignity," said President Gon- Chilean nation "arouses sentiments well as the trophy for which three zalez Videla of Chile, after he was Eugene T. Culhane, S.J., Moderator tains. wins are necessary for permanent of friendship and gratitude" at Ford- of the International Club; the Hon. presented with the honorary degree ham. The presentation of the degree In the National Air Force ROTC retention. -• of Doctor of Laws by Rev. Laurence Claude G. Bowers, Ambassador of Jack Brent and George Fischer was an honor to Chile, to its Presi- the United States to Chile; and thecompetitions, they rose, to the occa- J. McGinley, S.J., Rector of Ford- dent, and to Fordham University, he nave been debating together since ham University, in a ceremony con- Hon. Felix Nieto del Rio, Ambassa- sion by peppering anything that re- said. dor of Chile to the United States. their first year at Fordham. Both in- ducted in the President's Room on Among the other dignitaries pres- sembled a bull's eye. Vieing in a field tend to enter law school this fall. Thursday, April 20. of one hundred and forty-five en- Talented Champs President Videla, in a talk follow- tries, the lads from Collins base- Jack Brant is best known for his ing the presentation, spoke of his ment blackened their sights and out- »and which has played at the Mili- own student days and of present ed- bulled a strong Kentucky club by ucational conditions in Chile. He tary Ball and other dances on the one point. This intrepid sharpshoot- campus. This year he is the presi- said that "the appeal of humanistic dent of the Council where in addi- education and the splendor of liberal ing made them the National Cham- tion to his debating he has been in professions . should harmonize pions of all senior Air Force ROTC charge of the Council radio program today with a much greater develop- teams. on WFUV for the last two years. J ck ment of a technical industrial educa- With one trophy to their credit, the ? is majoring in history and hastion." already been accepted by Fordham airmen trained their sights on the L Toward this goal the President aw School.