volume Number 43/7 One giant leap for mankind Roundup SPACE CENTER ROUNDUP Lyndon B. Johnson Space Center Scientist-astronaut Harrison H. Schmitt, Lunar Module pilot, is photographed next to the deployed United States flag during lunar surface extravehicular activity at the Taurus-Littrow landing site. The highest part of the flag appears to point toward our planet Earth in the distant background. This picture was taken by Astronaut Eugene A. Cernan, Apollo 17 commander. While Astronauts Cernan and Schmitt descended in the Lunar Module to explore the Moon, Astronaut Ronald E. Evans, command module pilot, remained with the Command and Service Modules in lunar orbit. NASA AS11-40-5880 NASA AS17-134-20384 Space Center Roundup PRSRT STD One small The Roundup is an official publication of the U.S. POSTAGE “Here men from the planet Earth first set foot National Aeronautics and Space Administration, PAID Johnson Space Center, Houston, Texas, and is WEBSTER, TX step for upon the Moon, July 1969 A.D. We came in published by the Public Affairs Office for all Space Permit No. G27 peace for all mankind.” Center employees. The Roundup office is in Bldg. 2, Quote from the plaque affixed to the Lunar Module Rm. 166A. The mail code is AP121. Visit our Web site at: www.jsc.nasa.gov/roundup/weekly/ man… and signed by Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins, For distribution questions or to suggest a story idea, Edwin (Buzz) Aldrin and President Richard Nixon. please call 281/244-6397 or send an e-mail to 35th anniversary coverage of the
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