Ritualized Rhetoric and Historical Memory in German Foreign and Security Policy Sara A
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Old Dominion University ODU Digital Commons Graduate Program in International Studies Theses & Graduate Program in International Studies Dissertations Spring 2014 Ritualized Rhetoric and Historical Memory in German Foreign and Security Policy Sara A. Hoff Old Dominion University Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.odu.edu/gpis_etds Part of the Defense and Security Studies Commons, International Relations Commons, and the Rhetoric Commons Recommended Citation Hoff, Sara A.. "Ritualized Rhetoric and Historical Memory in German Foreign and Security Policy" (2014). Doctor of Philosophy (PhD), dissertation, International Studies, Old Dominion University, DOI: 10.25777/257j-wf84 https://digitalcommons.odu.edu/gpis_etds/57 This Dissertation is brought to you for free and open access by the Graduate Program in International Studies at ODU Digital Commons. It has been accepted for inclusion in Graduate Program in International Studies Theses & Dissertations by an authorized administrator of ODU Digital Commons. For more information, please contact [email protected]. RITUALIZED RHETORIC AND HISTORICAL MEMORY IN GERMAN FOREIGN AND SECURITY POLICY by Sara A. Hoff B.A. June 2005, University of California, Santa Barbara M.A. June 2009, Wright State University A Dissertation Submitted to the Faculty of Old Dominion University in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSPOHY INTERNATIONAL STUDIES OLD DOMINION UNIVERSITY M ay 2014 Approved by: egina Karp (Director) Simon Serfaty (Mem PetgcSchulman (Member) ABSTRACT RITUALIZED RHETORIC AND HISTORICAL MEMORY IN GERMAN FOREIGN AND SECURITY POLICY Sara A. Hoff Old Dominion University, 2014 Director: Dr. Regina Karp Recent changes in German foreign policy behavior have led to questions about Germany's European vocation. At the center of this inquiry is Germany's struggle to resolve the intersection between historical memory and present day international responsibility, especially in cases involving the use of force. This dissertation examines how and when historical memory has influenced, shaped, and informed contemporary German foreign and security policy and rhetoric by examining cases within two policy areas: out of area operations and nuclear nonproliferation. Focusing on the case of Libya, this dissertation also considers the cases of Kosovo, Iraq, and Afghanistan. Nuclear nonproliferation, a global policy issue, highlights Germany's role as an international actor by focusing on Germany's voice and actions during the negotiations with Iran over its nuclear program. This dissertation hypothesizes that Germany has a ritualized foreign and security policy and rhetoric determined by historical memory. The argument is made that historical memory and ritualized rhetoric is used depending on policy area, allowing Germany to present reason, argument, and justification to a variety of international security challenges, either to support or oppose military involvement. This dissertation finds support for questions regarding Germany's European vocation. However, Germany exercises self-interests precisely within the institutions of the European Union and the North Atlantic Treaty Organization. What has changed is that Germany is increasingly using rhetoric of memory and guilt in order to obscure that it is actually acting in its self-interests. German policy choices, as they relate to the future use of force will be critically guided by this rhetoric. V Fur Oma ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First and foremost, I would like to express my deepest gratitude to my advisor and dissertation chair, Dr. Regina Karp, for her continuous encouragement, expertise guidance, and mentorship. Dr. Karp has immensely influenced my intellectual development, especially in the areas of security studies, arms control, and nuclear nonproliferation. I sincerely appreciate all the support and assistance I received from my committee members, Dr. Simon Serfaty and Dr. Peter Schulman. I am indebted to Dr. Simon Serfaty for helping me refine my topic choice after several discussions during the beginning stages of my research. I would also like to thank Dr. Dieter Dettke who influenced my arguments by commenting on an early draft of my dissertation prospectus and pointed me to invaluable literature after a conference in 2012. I am forever grateful to my father, Joachim Hoff, who instilled in me the importance of order, persistence, and hard work (“von nix kommt nix"). This dissertation is dedicated to my grandmother, Waltraud Hoff. Everything I am or ever will be is due to my grandmother's resolve in raising me and teaching me everything I know about life. There is not enough room on this page to explain the enormous impact she had and still has in shaping my path and daily thoughts. Danke, Oma. The process of researching and writing this dissertation has truly been lonely and isolating at times; my internal state swayed from feelings of doubt to sheer panic overcome only by daily doses of green tea and the eternal wisdom of my Weimaraner, Lizzy. I could not have completed this task without her unconditional love, support, and relentless optimism. I am also grateful for my fellow group of 'dissertators'; our weekly e-mails, text messages, and conversations kept me on my toes and motivated me to finish on schedule. I would like to thank my family and friends scattered across four continents for their patience and encouragement throughout this process. Last but not least, completing this dissertation would have been impossible without the love and support of my partner-in-crime, Tommy Worden. TABLE OF CONTENTS LIST OF TABLES.............................................................................................................................................x LIST OF ACRYONMS................................................................................................................................... xi Chapter Page I. INTRODUCTION.......................................................................................................................................1 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................................................. 1 RESEARCH DESIGN.......................................................................................................................4 RESEARCH QUESTION AND HYPOTHESES.............................................................................7 DISSERTATION ORGANIZATION............................................................................................... 9 II. HISTORICAL MEMORY, RHETORIC, POWER, AND IDENTITY IN GERMAN FOREIGN AND SECURITY POLICY............................................................................................................................ 11 INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................11 RHETORIC AND GERMAN FOREIGN AND SECURITY POLICY......................................... 11 HISTORICAL AND COLLECTIVE MEMORY AND GERMAN FOREIGN AND SECURITY POLICY.........................................................................................................................14 POWER AND GERMAN FOREIGN AND SECURITY POLICY..............................................29 IDENTITY AND GERMAN FOREIGN AND SECURITY POLICY: EUROPEAN AND NATIONAL IDENTITY AND EU EXPANSION..........................................................................35 III. EXPLAINING GERMAN FOREIGN AND SECURITY POLICY: THE THEORETICAL DEBATE........................................................................................................................................................ 43 INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................43 THEORIES OF GERMAN FOREIGN POLICY...........................................................................65 SUMMARY.................................................................................................................................... 80 IV. ANALYZING CHANGE IN GERMAN FOREIGN POLICY: OUT OF AREA OPERATIONS AND THE USE OF FORCE..........................................................................................................................82 INTRODUCTION...........................................................................................................................82 OUT OF AREA MILITARY OPERATION: A HISTORY OF THE USE OF FORCE IN GERMANY'S STRATEGIC CULTURE........................................................................................83 THE USE OF FORCE: LIBYA..................................................................................................... 108 GERMANY'S BEHAVIOR: MEDIA AND SCHOLARLY RESPONSES TO LIBYA 119 SUMMARY................................................................................................................................ 128 V. ANALYZING CHANGE IN GERMAN FOREIGN POLICY: NUCLEAR PROLIFERATION, SANCTIONS, AND DIPLOMACY: THE CASE OF IRAN.....................................................................130 INTRODUCTION........................................................................................................................ 130 ix GERMANY'S FOREIGN POLICY TOWARD IRAN'S NUCLEAR PROGRAM: TRADE, RHETORIC, ACTION, AND THE M EDIA............................................................................... 155 SUMMARY..................................................................................................................................162