
Table of Contents

Volume 1 Wondering about

Publisher’s Note ...... xix Language ...... 53 Editors’ Introduction ...... xxi Leadership ...... 55 Contributing Scholars ...... xxv Lifestyles ...... 56 Love...... 58 The Concepts of Ethics Luck and chance ...... 59 The Absurd ...... 6 Merit ...... 60 Accountability ...... 6 Moral education...... 62 Aggression...... 8 Moral equivalence ...... 64 Altruism...... 9 Moral luck ...... 64 Authenticity ...... 13 ...... 65 ...... 14 Moral responsibility...... 67 Bad faith ...... 15 ...... 68 Benevolence ...... 16 Motivation ...... 73 Character ...... 17 Natural law ...... 74 Charity ...... 18 Naturalistic fallacy...... 79 Choice ...... 21 The Other...... 80 Collective guilt ...... 22 Ought/can implication ...... 81 ...... 23 Perfectionism...... 82 Consistency ...... 24 Permissible acts ...... 84 Conversion of one’s system of beliefs...... 26 Pessimism and optimism ...... 85 ...... 26 Power...... 87 Equality ...... 28 Practical reason ...... 91 Excellence ...... 31 Prisoner’s dilemma ...... 92 Exploitation ...... 33 Property ...... 94 Fairness ...... 35 Punishment ...... 95 Fatalism ...... 36 Reason and rationality ...... 97 The ...... 36 Responsibility ...... 99 Greed ...... 40 Revelation ...... 103 Harm ...... 41 Right and wrong ...... 105 Human nature ...... 42 Rights and obligations ...... 109 Immortality ...... 46 “Slippery-slope” arguments...... 112 Impartiality ...... 48 Tragedy ...... 113 Incommensurability...... 48 Truth ...... 114 Inequality...... 49 ...... 118 Intention...... 49 Values clarification ...... 121 Intrinsic good...... 50 Weakness of will ...... 123 Is/ought distinction ...... 51 Wickedness ...... 124


Will ...... 125 Marxism...... 209 Work ...... 129 Maximal vs. minimal ethics...... 211 Mean/ends distinction ...... 212 Theories & Traditions Metaethics ...... 213 Absolutism...... 136 Moral principles, rules, and imperatives ...... 215 Academic freedom...... 137 Moral-sense theories ...... 218 African traditional ...... 139 Narrative ethics ...... 220 Anthropomorphism of the divine ...... 144 Native American ethics ...... 220 ...... 144 Nihilism ...... 222 Aristotelian ethics ...... 146 Normative vs. ...... 223 Atheism ...... 147 Objectivism ...... 226 Cannibalism...... 149 Panentheism...... 227 Caste system, Hindu ...... 151 Pantheism ...... 228 ...... 153 Paradoxes in ethics ...... 229 Chivalry ...... 153 Platonic ethics ...... 231 ...... 155 Pluralism ...... 235 Communitarianism ...... 156 Post-Enlightenment ethics ...... 237 Comparative ethics ...... 158 Postmodernism ...... 241 Confucian ethics ...... 160 ...... 242 ...... 162 Prescriptivism ...... 244 Critical theory ...... 162 Private vs. public morality...... 245 Cynicism ...... 164 ...... 246 Cyrenaics ...... 166 Progressivism ...... 250 Daoist ethics ...... 167 ...... 251 Deconstruction...... 168 Secular ethics...... 252 Deism...... 171 Situational ethics ...... 254 ...... 171 Skepticism ...... 255 Determinism and freedom ...... 173 Social Darwinism ...... 257 Dilemmas, moral ...... 174 Sophists ...... 259 ...... 176 Stoic ethics...... 259 Egoism...... 176 Subjectivism ...... 261 Egotist ...... 178 Supererogation...... 262 Emotivist ethics ...... 178 Teleological ethics...... 264 Enlightenment ethics ...... 180 Theory and practice ...... 265 Ethics ...... 183 ...... 267 Ethics/morality distinction...... 185 Universalizability...... 269 Evolutionary theory ...... 185 ...... 269 ...... 187 ethics...... 271 Fact/value distinction...... 191 Free-riding ...... 193 Theorists & Practitioners Golden mean ...... 194 Abelard, Peter ...... 274 Golden rule ...... 196 ...... 274 Hedonism...... 197 Aristotle’s Nicomachean Ethics ...... 276 observer ...... 199 Atatürk...... 277 Idealist ethics...... 199 Ayer, A. J...... 277 ...... 201 Bacon, Francis ...... 278 Intersubjectivity...... 203 Beauvoir, Simone de ...... 279 Intuitionist ethics ...... 204 Bentham, Jeremy ...... 280 ...... 206 Berdyayev, Nikolay...... 280 Libertarianism ...... 207 Bergson, Henri...... 281


Boethius...... 282 Mill’s On ...... 326 Bradley, F. H...... 282 Montesquieu ...... 328 Buber’s I and Thou ...... 282 Moore, G. E...... 329 Camus, Albert ...... 283 More’s Utopia ...... 329 ...... 283 Nagel, Thomas...... 331 Comte, Auguste ...... 284 Nietzsche, Friedrich...... 331 ...... 284 Nietzsche’s Beyond Good and ...... 333 Darwin, Charles...... 286 Ortega y Gasset, José...... 334 Derrida, Jacques ...... 286 Orwell, George ...... 334 Descartes, René ...... 288 Pascal, Blaise...... 335 Dewey, John ...... 288 Peirce, Charles Sanders ...... 337 Dewey’s Human Nature and Conduct...... 291 Perry, R. B...... 337 Dostoevski, Fyodor ...... 291 ...... 338 Du Bois, W. E. B...... 292 Plato’s Republic...... 340 Durkheim, Émile ...... 292 Rand, Ayn ...... 341 Emerson, Ralph Waldo ...... 293 Rawls, John ...... 342 Epictetus ...... 293 Rorty, Richard ...... 342 Epicurus...... 294 Rousseau, Jean-Jacques...... 343 Foucault, Michel ...... 295 Royce, Josiah...... 344 Gandhi, Mohandas K...... 295 Russell, Bertrand ...... 345 Hare, R. M...... 296 Santayana, George...... 346 Hegel’s Phenomenology of Spirit ...... 296 Sartre, Jean-Paul ...... 346 Heidegger, Martin ...... 298 Sartre’s Being and Nothingness...... 348 Hobbes, Thomas ...... 298 Schopenhauer, Arthur ...... 348 Hobbes’s Leviathan...... 299 Schweitzer, Albert ...... 349 Hume, David ...... 301 Shaftesbury, third earl of ...... 349 Hume’s An Enquiry Concerning the Sidgwick, Henry ...... 350 Principles of Morals ...... 302 Smith, Adam ...... 350 Jefferson, Thomas ...... 304 ...... 352 Jung, Carl...... 304 Solzhenitsyn, Aleksandr ...... 353 Kant, Immanuel ...... 305 Solzhenitsyn’s The Gulag Archipelago...... 354 Kant’s Foundations of the Metaphysics of Morals . . 307 Spinoza, Baruch...... 355 Kierkegaard’s Either/Or ...... 307 Spinoza’s Ethics ...... 357 Kohlberg, Lawrence ...... 309 Stalin, Joseph...... 358 ...... 310 Tagore, Rabindranath ...... 361 Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm ...... 311 ...... 361 Lenin, Vladimir Ilich ...... 312 Thomas Aquinas’s Summa Theologica ...... 363 Levinas, Emmanuel ...... 315 Thoreau, Henry David ...... 365 Locke, John ...... 315 Tillich, Paul ...... 365 Locke’s Two Treatises of Government ...... 317 Unamuno y Jugo, Miguel de ...... 366 Machiavelli, Niccolò ...... 318 Voltaire ...... 366 MacIntyre, Alasdair...... 320 Wang Yangming ...... 367 Maimonides, Moses...... 320 Weber, Max ...... 367 Malcolm X...... 322 Whitehead, Alfred North ...... 368 Malthus, Thomas ...... 322 Wiesel, Elie ...... 369 Marcus Aurelius ...... 323 Wittgenstein, Ludwig ...... 369 Marx’s The Communist Manifesto ...... 323 ZhuXi...... 370 ...... 325 Zhuangzi ...... 370 Mill, John Stuart ...... 326


Volume 2 Politics, Government, Law, Human Rights, and War

Politics & Government Nationalism ...... 444 American Association of Retired Persons ...... 378 Native American casinos...... 448 Anarchy ...... 378 Nazism...... 449 Apology ...... 380 Nonviolence...... 451 Arendt, Hannah ...... 381 Nozick, Robert...... 452 Assassination ...... 382 Pacifism ...... 454 Boycotts...... 386 Political correctness...... 455 Burke, Edmund ...... 386 Political liberty ...... 456 Campaign finance reform ...... 387 Political realism...... 458 ...... 388 Politics ...... 458 Citizenship...... 391 Poverty...... 462 Class struggle...... 392 Poverty and wealth ...... 464 Clinton, Bill ...... 394 Profit economy ...... 465 ...... 394 Realpolitik ...... 466 Congress ...... 396 Revolution ...... 468 Conservatism ...... 398 Sedition ...... 469 Constitutional government ...... 399 Social contract theory ...... 470 Covert action ...... 401 Socialism ...... 472 Declaration of Independence ...... 402 State of nature ...... 474 Democracy...... 404 Taxes ...... 475 Dictatorship ...... 406 A Theory of ...... 478 Dirty hands ...... 409 Treason ...... 479 Distributive justice...... 409 Tyranny ...... 480 Economic analysis ...... 411 Voting fraud ...... 480 Economics ...... 412 Watergate scandal ...... 481 Entitlements...... 414 iek, Slavoj ...... 482 Espionage ...... 415 Fascism ...... 416 Law & Human Rights Freedom of Information Act ...... 417 Accused, rights of ...... 487 Free enterprise ...... 418 Adversary system ...... 488 Future-oriented ethics ...... 420 Affirmative action ...... 488 Habermas, Jürgen ...... 422 Ageism...... 490 Hitler, Adolf ...... 424 American Civil Union ...... 491 Immigration ...... 427 American Inns of Court ...... 492 Immigration Reform and Control Act ...... 428 Americans with Disabilities Act ...... 493 Income distribution ...... 428 Amnesty International ...... 493 Liberalism ...... 432 Animal consciousness ...... 494 Lincoln, Abraham ...... 433 Animal research...... 495 Lobbying ...... 434 Animal rights...... 497 Lotteries...... 435 Arbitration ...... 501 Marx, Karl ...... 437 Arrest records ...... 501 McCarthy, Joseph R...... 439 Attorney misconduct ...... 502 Merleau-Ponty, Maurice ...... 440 Attorney ethics...... 503 Nader, Ralph ...... 443 Attorney-client privilege ...... 505


Bilingual education ...... 506 Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich ...... 572 Bill of Rights, U.S...... 506 Holocaust...... 574 Bosnia ...... 508 Homeless care ...... 580 Brandeis, Louis D...... 510 Homicide ...... 581 Capital punishment ...... 511 Homophobia ...... 583 Child abuse ...... 513 Human rights ...... 584 Child labor legislation ...... 514 Human Rights Watch ...... 590 Child support ...... 517 Humane Society of the ...... 591 Children ...... 518 Hunger ...... 591 Children’s Bureau ...... 523 Hussein, Saddam ...... 594 Children’s rights ...... 523 Identity theft ...... 595 Choiceless choices...... 526 Infanticide ...... 597 Civil disobedience ...... 526 Intellectual property...... 598 Civil Rights Act of 1964 ...... 528 International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights . . 600 Civil rights and liberties ...... 528 InternationalCriminalCourt...... 600 Civil Rights movement ...... 529 Internationaljustice...... 602 Code of Professional Responsibility ...... 532 Invasion of privacy ...... 603 Codes of civility ...... 533 Jackson, Jesse ...... 604 Commission on Civil Rights, U.S...... 533 Judicial conduct code ...... 605 Concentration camps ...... 533 Jurisprudence...... 605 Congress of Racial Equality ...... 536 Jury system ...... 607 Constitution, U.S...... 536 Keller, Helen ...... 607 Cruelty to animals ...... 538 Law...... 608 Dallaire, Roméo...... 539 Lawyer for the situation...... 612 Disability rights ...... 539 ...... 612 Discrimination ...... 541 Lemkin, Raphael ...... 614 Dronenburg v. Zech...... 544 Loyalty oaths ...... 615 Due process ...... 544 Lynching ...... 616 Dworkin, Ronald ...... 544 Magna Carta ...... 618 Electronic surveillance ...... 547 Mandela, Nelson ...... 620 Emancipation Proclamation...... 549 Miranda v. Arizona ...... 621 English Bill of Rights ...... 550 Moral status of animals ...... 622 Erroneous convictions ...... 551 National Anti-Vivisection Society...... 623 Ethics in Government Act ...... 552 Natural rights...... 624 Famine ...... 553 Nobel Peace Prizes ...... 626 First Amendment ...... 554 Oppression...... 628 Fraud ...... 555 Parenting ...... 630 Freedom of expression ...... 556 Parole of convicted prisoners ...... 631 Gault, In re ...... 560 Peace Corps ...... 632 Gangs...... 561 People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals ...... 633 Genocide and democide...... 562 Perjury ...... 633 Gewirth, Alan ...... 566 Personal injury attorneys ...... 634 Gideon v. Wainwright ...... 566 Police brutality...... 635 Good Samaritan laws...... 567 Poll taxes ...... 638 Goss v. Lopez...... 567 Poona Pact ...... 638 Gray Panthers ...... 568 Privacy...... 640 Hammurabi’s code...... 568 Refugees and stateless people ...... 641 Hart, H. L. A...... 570 Rwanda genocide...... 642 Hate crime and hate speech ...... 571 Schindler, Oskar ...... 644 Head Start ...... 572 Sentience ...... 645


Singer, Peter ...... 646 Homeland defense ...... 703 Slavery...... 646 International law ...... 704 Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals . . . 652 International Monetary Fund ...... 706 South Africa’s Truth and Reconciliation International Red Cross ...... 706 Commission...... 652 Intervention ...... 708 Supreme Court justice selection ...... 654 Iraq...... 708 Supreme Court, U.S...... 655 Isolationism ...... 710 Three-strikes laws ...... 657 Israeli-Palestinian conflict ...... 710 Torture ...... 659 Japanese American internment ...... 712 Convention on the Prevention Just war theory...... 714 and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide ...... 660 Kosovo...... 715 United Nations Declaration of the Rights of Land mines ...... 716 the Child ...... 661 League of Nations ...... 717 United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Limited war ...... 718 Disabled Persons ...... 662 Manifest destiny ...... 719 Universal Declaration of Human Rights ...... 663 Marshall Plan...... 720 Vegetarianism ...... 663 Mercenary soldiers ...... 721 Veterans’ rights ...... 665 Military ethics ...... 722 Victims’ rights ...... 666 Monroe Doctrine ...... 723 Vivisection...... 668 Mutually assured destruction...... 724 War crimes trials ...... 668 National security and sovereignty ...... 725 Welfare programs ...... 670 North Atlantic Treaty Organization...... 726 Welfare rights ...... 672 Nuclear arms race ...... 728 World Society for the Protection of Animals ...... 673 Nuremberg Trials...... 729 Zero-base ethics...... 673 Nussbaum, Martha...... 731 On War ...... 732 War Peace studies ...... 732 The Art of War...... 677 Peacekeeping missions ...... 734 Assault Weapons Ban ...... 678 Potsdam Conference ...... 735 Biochemical weapons ...... 679 SALT treaties...... 736 Bushido ...... 682 Sanctions ...... 738 Chemical warfare...... 684 Scorched-earth policies ...... 740 Child soldiers...... 686 Sovereignty ...... 742 ...... 687 Terrorism ...... 744 Colonialism and imperialism...... 689 Treaty of Versailles ...... 747 Conscientious objection...... 691 Truman Doctrine ...... 747 Deterrence ...... 693 Unconditional surrender ...... 747 Developing world ...... 693 UnitedNations...... 749 The Disappeared ...... 695 United Nations Issues a Declaration Against Torture . . 752 Dresden firebombing ...... 695 ...... 755 Geneva conventions...... 696 War...... 757 Genocide, frustration-aggression theory of ...... 698 Weapons research ...... 761 Globalization ...... 699 World Trade Organization...... 763 Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings...... 701 The Wretched of the Earth...... 763


Volume 3 Ethics & Professional Practices

Bioethics: Health, Medicine & Mortality Organ transplants...... 851 Acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) ....771 Pain ...... 853 American Medical Association...... 774 Principles of ...... 854 Behavior therapy ...... 774 Principles of Medical Ethics with Annotations ...... 775 Especially Applicable to Psychiatry ...... 855 Biofeedback...... 780 Psychopharmacology...... 855 Biometrics ...... 781 Quinlan, Karen Ann...... 857 Biotechnology ...... 783 Right to die ...... 857 Brain death...... 785 Soviet psychiatry ...... 859 Child psychology...... 786 Stem cell research ...... 861 Cloning ...... 788 Suicide assistance ...... 862 Death and dying...... 790 Therapist-patient relationship ...... 863 Diagnosis ...... 791 Triage...... 865 Electroshock therapy ...... 792 UNESCO Declaration on the Human Genome Ethical Principles of Psychologists ...... 794 and Human Rights ...... 865 Ethics of DNA analysis ...... 795 World Health Organization ...... 866 Eugenics ...... 797 Euthanasia ...... 798 Economics & Business Family therapy...... 800 Accuracy in Media ...... 871 Freud, Sigmund ...... 801 Advertising ...... 872 Genetic counseling ...... 803 Advice columnists ...... 875 Genetic engineering...... 804 Affirmative action ...... 876 Genetic testing...... 807 Agribusiness ...... 878 Genetically modified foods ...... 809 American Federation of Labor ...... 879 Group therapy ...... 812 American Society of Newspaper Editors...... 879 Health care allocation ...... 813 Antitrust legislation ...... 880 Hippocrates ...... 816 Art...... 881 Holistic medicine...... 817 Art and public policy ...... 883 Human Genome Project...... 818 Betting on sports ...... 885 Hypnosis ...... 819 Book banning ...... 886 Illness...... 820 Bribery...... 890 Institutionalization of patients ...... 821 ...... 891 Intelligence testing...... 823 Cell-phone etiquette...... 896 Kevorkian, Jack ...... 824 Censorship ...... 897 Life and death ...... 824 Cheating...... 901 Lobotomy ...... 828 Children’s television ...... 903 Medical bills of rights ...... 830 Coercion ...... 905 Medical ethics ...... 831 College applications ...... 906 Medical insurance ...... 835 Computer misuse ...... 907 Medical research ...... 838 Consumerism...... 908 Mental illness...... 843 Corporate compensation ...... 908 National Commission for the Protection of Human Corporate responsibility ...... 909 Subjects of Biomedical and Behavioral Research. . . 848 Corporate scandal ...... 910 Opioid epidemic ...... 849 Cost-benefit analysis ...... 912


Downsizing ...... 913 Retirement funds ...... 970 Employee safety and treatment ...... 914 Sales ethics ...... 972 Ethical codes of organizations...... 916 Sedition Act of 1798 ...... 973 Ethics in Accounting ...... 917 Self-regulation ...... 974 Ethics Reform Act of 1989, Public Law 101-194 . . . 920 Song lyrics...... 974 “Everyone does it”...... 921 Stewart, Martha ...... 977 Executive Order 10988 ...... 922 Tabloid journalism...... 979 Fair Labor Standards Act...... 922 Telemarketing ...... 980 Fairness and Accuracy in Reporting ...... 923 Tipping ...... 980 Fear in the workplace ...... 923 Tobacco industry ...... 982 Hiring practices ...... 925 Warranties and guarantees...... 985 Index librorum prohibitorum...... 926 Whistleblowing ...... 986 Infomercials...... 927 White-collar crime...... 987 Information access...... 927 Inside information ...... 929 Science, Technology & the Environment Insider trading ...... 931 Anthropological ethics...... 991 International Labour Organisation...... 931 Artificial intelligence...... 992 International Organization of Consumers Unions . . . 932 Atom bomb ...... 995 Internet piracy ...... 932 Atomic Energy Commission ...... 996 Journalistic entrapment ...... 934 Biodiversity ...... 997 Journalistic ethics ...... 935 Clean Air Act...... 998 Knights of Labor ...... 937 Clean Water Act ...... 998 Labor-Management Relations Act...... 938 Computer crime...... 998 Libel...... 938 Computer databases...... 1001 Library Bill of Rights ...... 939 Computer technology ...... 1002 Marketing ...... 939 Conservation ...... 1003 Marketing Ethics ...... 941 Deep ecology...... 1004 Media ownership ...... 943 Deforestation ...... 1006 Minimum-wage laws ...... 945 Dominion over nature, human ...... 1007 Money laundering ...... 946 Earth and humanity ...... 1007 Monopoly ...... 947 Earth Day...... 1009 Motion picture ratings systems ...... 948 Ecology ...... 1009 Multinational corporations ...... 949 Endangered species ...... 1010 Napster...... 951 ...... 1012 National Labor Relations Act ...... 952 Environmental movement ...... 1016 National Labor Union ...... 952 Environmental Protection Agency...... 1018 Negligence...... 953 Experimentation ...... 1019 New York Times Co. v. Sullivan ...... 954 Facebook ...... 1020 News sources...... 955 Gaia hypothesis ...... 1021 Outsourcing ...... 956 Gene Editing and CRISPR (Clustered regularly Pentagon Papers...... 957 interspaced short palindromic repeats) ...... 1022 Photojournalism...... 959 Global warming...... 1023 Plagiarism ...... 960 Green parties ...... 1024 Price fixing ...... 963 Greenhouse effect ...... 1024 Product safety and liability ...... 963 Greenpeace ...... 1025 Professional athlete incomes ...... 966 Industrial research ...... 1025 Profit taking...... 968 Leopold, Aldo ...... 1027 Public’s right to know ...... 968 Lifeboat ethics ...... 1027 Reality television ...... 969 Manhattan Project ...... 1028 Redlining ...... 970 Milgram experiment ...... 1029


Muir, John ...... 1031 Robotics...... 1047 National Park System, U.S...... 1031 Science...... 1049 Nature Conservancy Council...... 1032 Sierra Club...... 1054 Nature, rights of...... 1032 Silent Spring ...... 1054 Nazi science...... 1034 Social media ...... 1055 “Not in my backyard” ...... 1036 Sociobiology ...... 1058 Nuclear energy...... 1037 Sustainability of resources...... 1059 Nuclear Regulatory Commission...... 1040 Technology ...... 1061 Pollution ...... 1040 Toxic waste ...... 1068 Pollution permits ...... 1042 Union of Concerned Scientists ...... 1069 Population Connection ...... 1043 Virtual reality...... 1069 Population control ...... 1043 Walden...... 1071 Rain forests ...... 1045 Wilderness Act of 1964 ...... 1072


Volume 4 Ethics & Human Identities

Religion & Ethics Guilt and shame...... 1123 Abu Bakr ...... 1076 Hadith ...... 1125 Abu Hanifah ...... 1076 al-Hallaj ...... 1125 Ahimsa...... 1077 Hartshorne, Charles ...... 1126 Akbar the Great ...... 1077 Hasidism ...... 1126 Ali ibn Abi Talib ...... 1078 Hebrew Bible...... 1127 Asceticism ...... 1079 Hindu ethics...... 1129 Asoka...... 1080 Holy war ...... 1131 Augustine, Saint ...... 1081 Huineng ...... 1133 Aurobindo, Sri ...... 1083 Husayn...... 1134 Avalokitesvara...... 1083 Ibn al-’Arabi ...... 1134 Averroës ...... 1084 Ibn Gabirol ...... 1134 Avicenna ...... 1084 Ibn Khaldun...... 1135 Bahya ben Joseph ibn Pauda ...... 1084 ...... 1136 Bhagavadgita...... 1085 Jain ethics ...... 1138 Bodhidharma ...... 1086 James, William ...... 1140 Bodhisattva ideal ...... 1086 Jesus Christ ...... 1141 Bonhoeffer, Dietrich ...... 1088 ...... 1142 Buber, Martin ...... 1090 Jihad...... 1144 Buddha...... 1091 Kabbala ...... 1145 Buddhist ethics ...... 1093 Karma ...... 1146 Bukhari, al- ...... 1094 Kierkegaard, Soren ...... 1147 Butler, Joseph ...... 1095 al-Kindi ...... 1149 Calvin, John...... 1095 Kukai ...... 1149 ...... 1096 Laziness ...... 1150 Church-state separation ...... 1098 Lust ...... 1150 Dalai Lama ...... 1099 Luther, Martin ...... 1151 Dignity...... 1102 Lying ...... 1152 ...... 1103 Madhyamaka ...... 1154 Divorce ...... 1104 Manichaeanism ...... 1155 Dogen ...... 1108 Marriage ...... 1156 Edwards, Jonathan...... 1109 Messianism ...... 1158 Ethical monotheism ...... 1110 Moses...... 1158 Evil ...... 1111 ...... 1160 Faith healers...... 1114 Muhammad ...... 1161 al-Farabi...... 1116 ...... 1162 Farrakhan, Louis ...... 1116 Nagarjuna ...... 1166 Fatima ...... 1117 Nanak...... 1167 Five precepts of Buddhism ...... 1117 Narcissism ...... 1167 Four noble truths ...... 1118 Niebuhr, H. Richard ...... 1168 al-Ghazali ...... 1119 Niebuhr, Reinhold ...... 1168 God...... 1121 Nirvana ...... 1168 Godparents...... 1122 Philo of Alexandria ...... 1170 Gluttony...... 1123 “Playing god” in medical decision making ...... 1170


Promiscuity ...... 1171 Gay rights ...... 1235 Qur’an...... 1172 Gender bias ...... 1238 Rabi’ah al-’Adawiyah ...... 1174 Griswold v. Connecticut ...... 1240 al-Razi ...... 1174 Homosexuality...... 1240 Religion ...... 1175 In vitro fertilization ...... 1244 Religion and violence ...... 1179 Incest ...... 1246 Roman Catholic priests scandal...... 1180 League of Women Voters ...... 1248 Rumi, Jalal al-Din ...... 1182 MacKinnon, Catharine A...... 1248 Sankara ...... 1182 Mapplethorpe, Robert ...... 1252 Scientology ...... 1184 Men’s movement ...... 1253 Self-righteousness ...... 1185 National LGBTQ Task Force ...... 1254 Shari’a ...... 1185 National Organization for Women ...... 1255 Shi’a...... 1185 Pornography ...... 1255 Shinran...... 1186 Premarital sex ...... 1259 Shinto ethics ...... 1186 Pro-choice movement ...... 1261 Sikh ethics ...... 1188 Pro-life movement ...... 1262 Sin...... 1190 Prostitution ...... 1264 Sufism ...... 1194 Rape...... 1266 Sunnis ...... 1194 Rape and political domination...... 1270 Taboos ...... 1195 Right to life ...... 1271 Talmud...... 1196 Roe v. Wade...... 1272 Televangelists ...... 1198 The Second Sex ...... 1274 Temptation...... 1200 Sexism ...... 1275 Ten Commandments ...... 1201 Sexual abuse and harassment ...... 1276 Torah ...... 1202 Sexual orientation and gender identity ...... 1278 Tutu, Desmond ...... 1205 Sexual revolution...... 1280 Tzaddik ...... 1205 Sexual stereotypes ...... 1281 Upanisads ...... 1206 Sexuality and ...... 1283 Vardhamana...... 1207 Sexually transmitted diseases ...... 1287 Vedanta ...... 1207 Sperm banks ...... 1289 Vice ...... 1209 Stanton, Elizabeth Cady ...... 1289 Xunzi ...... 1210 Sterilization of women...... 1290 Zen...... 1211 Stonewall Inn riots...... 1291 Zoroastrian ethics ...... 1211 Suffrage ...... 1292 Surrogate motherhood ...... 1294 Gender, Sexuality & Reproduction Title IX ...... 1296 Abortion...... 1216 Wage discrimination ...... 1297 Abuse...... 1221 Wollstonecraft, Mary...... 1297 Adultery...... 1222 Women’s ethics ...... 1298 Agreement for the Suppression of Women’s liberation movement ...... 1299 White Slave Traffic ...... 1224 Birth control...... 1224 Race, Ethnicity & Tribalism Birth defects...... 1226 Abolition ...... 1307 Butler, Judith ...... 1228 Alienation ...... 1308 Cesarean sections...... 1231 Anger ...... 1310 Ecofeminism ...... 1231 Anti-Semitism ...... 1311 Equal pay for equal work ...... 1232 Apartheid ...... 1313 Equal Rights Amendment ...... 1232 Apologizing for past wrongs ...... 1316 The Feminine Mystique ...... 1233 Behaviorism...... 1317 ...... 1234 Bigotry...... 1318


Black Lives Matter ...... 1319 Scottsboro case ...... 1383 Brown v. Board of Education ...... 1321 Segregation ...... 1383 Bystanders ...... 1322 Self-deception ...... 1385 Compromise ...... 1323 Self-interest ...... 1386 Confidentiality...... 1324 Selfishness ...... 1388 Conflict of interest...... 1326 Suicide ...... 1389 Conflict resolution ...... 1328 Tolerance ...... 1391 Corruption ...... 1329 Unarmed black killings by whites in the Cruelty ...... 1331 twenty-first century ...... 1392 Diversity ...... 1332 Uncle Tom’s Cabin ...... 1395 Dress codes ...... 1334 Violence...... 1395 Drug abuse...... 1335 Washington, Booker T...... 1399 Drug testing ...... 1336 Zionism ...... 1401 Electronic mail...... 1338 Elitism ...... 1338 Hope, & the Future Envy...... 1340 Common good ...... 1404 Ethnic cleansing...... 1341 Compassion ...... 1406 Ethnocentrism ...... 1342 ...... 1407 Evers, Medgar ...... 1342 Courage ...... 1411 Genocide, cultural ...... 1343 Custom...... 1412 Gossip ...... 1344 Desire...... 1413 Grotius, Hugo ...... 1345 Dignity...... 1415 Hate ...... 1345 Etiquette...... 1416 Heschel, Abraham Joshua ...... 1347 Family ...... 1418 Hypocrisy ...... 1348 Family values...... 1422 Integration ...... 1349 Forgiveness ...... 1423 Internet chat rooms ...... 1352 Freedom and liberty...... 1425 Jealousy ...... 1353 Friendship ...... 1429 King, Martin Luther, Jr...... 1354 Future generations ...... 1430 Ku Klux Klan ...... 1356 Generosity ...... 1431 Mass incarceration of African Americans Gratitude ...... 1433 and other ethnic minorities ...... 1358 Heroism ...... 1434 Multiculturalism ...... 1360 Honesty ...... 1436 Nation of Islam ...... 1361 Honor...... 1440 National Association for the Advancement Honor systems and codes ...... 1441 of Colored People ...... 1363 Humanism ...... 1442 Native American genocide ...... 1364 Humility...... 1444 Pan-Africanism ...... 1366 Individualism...... 1445 Paternalism ...... 1367 Integrity ...... 1447 Peltier conviction...... 1368 Justice ...... 1448 Plessy v. Ferguson...... 1369 Life, meaning of ...... 1450 Pogroms...... 1369 Loyalty...... 1454 Racial prejudice ...... 1370 Mentoring ...... 1455 Racial profiling ...... 1371 Mercy...... 1456 Racism ...... 1374 Needs and wants ...... 1458 Reparations for past social wrongs ...... 1378 Obedience ...... 1459 Resumés...... 1380 Passions and emotions...... 1460 Revenge ...... 1380 Patriotism...... 1464 Reverse racism...... 1382 Personal relationships ...... 1465 Scott v. Sandford ...... 1382 Pride...... 1469


Promises ...... 1471 Appendixes Prudence ...... 1472 Bibliography ...... 1495 Public interest ...... 1474 Biographical Directory ...... 1511 Reconciliation ...... 1475 Glossary...... 1522 Role models...... 1475 Nobel Peace Prize Winners ...... 1533 Self-control ...... 1476 Organizations...... 1537 Self-love ...... 1478 Time Line of Primary Works in Moral and Self-preservation ...... 1479 Ethical ...... 1549 Self-respect ...... 1480 Service to others ...... 1482 Indexes Social justice and responsibility ...... 1483 List of Entries by Category ...... 1553 Temperance ...... 1484 Personages Index ...... 1567 Trustworthiness ...... 1487 Subject Index...... 1575 Virtue...... 1488 Wisdom ...... 1492