. I write to you … p. 27 . For a visible communion p. 29 . Information of the General Government p. 31 . Moved by the compassion of the Good Shepherd p. 33 . Fully conformed to Christ Shepherd p. 37 . In the sharing of goods p. 39 . In the spirit of the Pauline Family p. 40 . Church - world p. 41 . Deepening together p. 44 . Digital dictionary p. 46 . Family agenda p. 47 . Alive in the house of the Father p. 47

Suore di Gesù Buon Pastore “Pastorelle” – Roma, Via della Pisana 419/421 Bollettino Informativo anno XXXVII Settembre-Ottobre 2012 CTN anno XXXVII 2012/2 – p. 26 CTN anno XXXVII 2012/2 – p. 27

Dearest Sister, TODAY is born for you the Savior!

Yes, precisely today is born for you, for your community, for the Church and for the world, because each day is the day of Salvation for those who believe in Him who gave his life for humanity, he was made flesh in the womb of a woman, the Mary and he allowed himself to be laid in a manger for love, only for love.

You, too, believer of the Third Millennium, are called, with your life, to share this Good News, there in the milieu where you live, as you are, because there where you are and how you are, the Savior is with you and He makes himself light and food for you today!

Perhaps you’re thinking that I’m not saying anything new and you’re right, but the new could be you, if you have allowed yourself to be renewed along this 2012 by Jesus Good Shepherd who have visited you in different ways. For this, I invite you to take a little time during this holiday season to retrace the year that is about to end and see the many reasons to be grateful of spring in your heart; how many unexpected light you have received; how many healing encounters you have experienced and how much solidarity you have offered to those who evoked in you your being a daughter of a Father who loves always!

Contemplate in this Christmas both the great and humble mystery of our God who descends, who humbles himself, who makes himself small for all of us and teaches us: "At Christmas, Jesus opens the school, he receives the enrollees. Are you all enrolled in his school? You told him: "I come to school too?" The first school of Jesus is at Bethlehem, his first chair is the crib. See that you meditate the Gospel throughout the year, you can use the Missal, where you can find a passage each day or the daily Gospel”1.

Today, while the homeless in the world is increasing, Jesus was born in a cave, so that we learn to provide hospitality even with the little we have.

1 PrP III, 1943, p.97. CTN anno XXXVII 2012/2 – p. 28

Today, while hunger in the world is increasing, Jesus truly becomes food for us again, so that we learn to allow ourselves to be eaten, in sharing who we are and what we have.

Today, while children are used and abused, Jesus becomes a child so that we learn to appreciate the smallness for which He has always blessed his Father.

How many precious treasures the Christian faith gave us and gives us!

In this year’s 75th anniversary of Foundation, which coincides with the Year dedicated to the faith, I invite you and all Pastorelle to live it in daily remembrance of Jn. 15:1-8, the Gospel passage chosen in the 8GC as the icon that accompanies this six-year period of the congregational journey.

For this, I suggest that you read it every day, personally and / or with your community, allowing the Word to form your heart, that it may become flesh in your daily life and so bear fruit for a New Evangelization.

Moreover, to celebrate these 75 years of life of the Congregation, I propose an initiative with the theme: “IN GRATUITUDE OF THE GIFT WE ANNOUNCE SALVATION”, which, if you wish, you can adhere freely, narrating how you have lived and are living your faith as a Pastorella. You can do this through a story, a poem, a song, a drawing or other means that best express your experience in order to contribute to a reciprocal edification. If you plan to adhere to the initiative, you can send your contribution to me before April 2013, so that the collected material will be arranged for a publication scheduled for 7 October 2013, the day of the celebration of our 75th anniversary.

To share in the journey of faith could be a beautiful gift that we can offer to each other and also a way to renew in us the pastoral charism we have received to announce salvation.

Confident that the Spirit continues to work in you, so that you may bear His fruit to the people whom you will greet “Merry Christmas” even this year, I accompany you with my prayer and daily offering.

Merry Christmas and a fruitful 2013 full of every blessing for you and the people you love and to whom you announce Salvation.

sr Marta Finotelli superior general

Rome, 20 December 2012 Christmas Novena CTN anno XXXVII 2012/2 – p. 29

From the Sisters of the General Government

“In all circumstances give thanks, for this is God’s will for you in Jesus Christ” (1Thess 5:18) At this time, while we are engaged in what was scheduled in the Programmation, we are continuing to be open in receiving and living the unexpected, which speaks to us of the transitoriness of things and the need to give space to what is essential. For this reason we welcome with pleasure the invitation of the Apostle to give thanks for everything. To live and accompany the different situations of the Congregation, in their beautiful and less attractive aspects, is the hallmark of our care of the Sisters entrusted to us by the Good Shepherd. The admission to the first profession and to the perpetual profession of some young people, have been signs of hope that have opened our hearts and solicited a greater commitment to live with radicalism our belonging to Jesus Good Shepherd. Likewise knowing that there are some young people who are approaching our religious family and are orienting themselves to share our life, is cause for joy and encouragement. In the month of October, we have received as a special gift to be able to follow the Synod of Bishops on “A New Evangelization for the transmission of the Christian faith.” Through reading of press releases and reports, dialogue and sharing among us, but especially the visit of Mons. Luis Antonio Tagle, Archbishop of Manila, newly elected Cardinal, and member of the Synod, Rev Luiz Alves de Lima, a Salesian, coming from Brazil, who was one of the Adiutores Secretarii Specialis, we had the opportunity to participate more fully in this ecclesial event, which cannot but involve all the Pastorelle, to whom a pastoral charism has been entrusted. A particularly exciting moment was also the "missionary mandate" via skype, of Sr. Chiara Raccuglia and Sr. Jesús Aurelia Casimir of CI-PE Delegation, called to leave for the new mission in Cuba, particularly sent to the people of God present in Cantel and Varadero, in the Diocese of Matanzas. Significant was the fact that this happened immediately after the Synod of Bishops. We are aware of our smallness before the task requested, but are grateful to the Lord who gives us confidence and assures us His loving care as the Good Shepherd. In hope, we look to the future and with the Church, we place at the centre of our pastoral concern and evangelizing action, Christ crucified and risen. It is with joy that we attended the Consistory for the creation of the new cardinals and the Mass of Thanksgiving on 24-25 November. Among them was Mons. Luis Antonio Tagle, Archbishop of Manila (Philippines) and Mons. Rubén Salazar Gómez, Archbishop of Bogota (Colombia), both of the Local Churches where we are present. Benedict XVI’s homily at the Eucharistic Celebration, while speaking to the new cardinals, underlined the demanding responsibility of "bearing witness to the Kingdom of God, to truth. This means highlighting always the priority of God and his will, before the interests of the world and its powers”. So once again, emphasising the need to give priority to God. In addition, at the beginning of the Mass, Cardinal Harvey, on behalf of all the new cardinals, expressed a greeting to Benedict XVI saying: "The Church exists to answer the great mission of preaching the Gospel ad gentes. In this providential year of faith, we can try with greater effort to CTN anno XXXVII 2012/2 – p. 30 place at the service of the world, the most beautiful gift we are rendered capable: to share with all mankind the Way, the Truth and the Life". It is a commitment that involves all pastoral workers and therefore each of us. This was for us an occasion to enrich an ever broader vision of Church; hear the beating of the heart of a young church which, even in its poverty, has pledged to develop a service of evangelization ever more gratuitously. Sr Cesarina Pisanelli Councillor for the style of Life

From the group of government of Brazil San Paolo - Gabon

“Take care to maintain unity because there is nothing more precious. Bear the weight of all the Sisters as the Lord bears you”. Animated by the spirit of faith, of entrustment and gratuity and in co-responsibility, we assumed the Mission of animation of the Province in the evangelical service of authority, taking as illumination the text of Romans 12:5 -16 and the word of St. Ignatius of Antioch2. While in our heart we have a great sense of gratitude! From the outset we met surprises and unexpected changes and started with fear and trembling, but showed openness to the action of the Spirit in embracing this service entrusted to us. This first year was marked by the desire and commitment to cultivate an increasingly united Province, founded on principles and relationships ever more fraternal. We are aware of being faced with a reality that challenges us because of fragility in relationships, in health, in the lack of vocations ... The exercise of this service is an opportunity to free ourselves from the constraints and conquer inner freedom, certain that the Congregation also depends on each Pastorella Sister. The programming made in January in the light of 8° GC, was a "breath of the spirit": all the Sisters were involved in the same process, with a single starting point and with a common project, putting in first place Vocation Ministry/SAV3, fraternal relationships, pastoral care and pastoral commitments, which have guided our journey. From the beginning there was among us a climate conducive to sharing and joint responsibility, confidence and serenity. Up to now we have been able to work together without any major conflicts. Each is responsible for the respective area in the whole Province as well as in turns, coordinating Council meetings. Each meeting has a space for prayer, sharing, reflection and work ... but also a space for mutual understanding and free time. Even when the topics are serious and demanding, we don't allow them to weigh on us, carrying everything lightly and with maturity. We feel that we are growing in response to the service entrusted and together humbly learning along the way. We are aware that the horizon of this service has some difficulties which must be overcome, as the accumulation of work, the meetings with limited time, the challenge of working in communion, the context of the Province, the disappointment of some Sisters, knowing how to accept criticism, the unexpected and others. The certainty of the love and mercy of Jesus Good Shepherd lead us and fortify us in our meetings. Looking at the journey already travelled, we can say with confidence: "It is the Good Shepherd who leads us"! Sisters of the Council Elenir Agustini, Conceição das Dores Nicomedes, Florinda Dias Nunes, Marli Terezinha Zavaski e Rosilene de Lima

2 S. , in Servizio Evangelico dell’Autorità, Roma, 2005, p.6. 3 SAV: Service of Vocational Animation.. CTN anno XXXVII 2012/2 – p. 31

The Superior General, Sr. Marta Finotelli, with the consent of the Council, which met in the months of October, November and December at the Generalate, has made the following decisions:  Has admitted to the Perpetual Profession the junior Sr. Elva del Milagro Rojas Sanchez of the CI-PE Delegation.  Has admitted to the first Profession the novices of the Single Spanish speaking Latin American Novitiate : Liliana Elizabeth Ramirez (ARG-BO); Natali Bardales Murayari and Johanny Jehinna León López (CI-PE), and Alejandra Cinthia Bustamante Luna (CO-VE-ME).  Has approved the programme for the year’s preparation to the Perpetual Profession of the juniors Sr. Revelyn Blanca and Sr. Rodelia Bordan of the PI-AU-SA Province.  Has met, through the Skype connection, the two Provincial governments of ICN/Mozambique and BR-SP/ Gabon to reflect together on the prospects of our presence and mission in Africa.  Has taken into consideration the report of the specific visit to the Province of BR-CdS in the month of October in relation to the economy. The visit was carried out by Sr. Rita Ruzzene (general vicar) and Sr. Aminta Sarmiento (general bursar).  Has examined the Draft of the Directory for the Pauline Cooperators “Friends of Jesus Good Shepherd” which has been elaborated by the Commission.  Has considered the Draft Programme of the next Meeting of the General Governments of the Pauline Family (7-10 January 2013).  The General Government has begun the reflection and study for outlining the plan of the canonical visit to the different circumscriptions.  From the 7 to 8 December has met with the Sisters of the ECIR (Central Equipe for Information and Reflection) to review the work done and give continuity to what has been started in the area of Congregational Information and Reflection.


Iniziative:  Narrazione del come ciascuna ha vissuto e sta vivendo la sua fede di Pastorella attraverso un racconto, una poesia, un canto, un disegno, o altro mezzo...  A fine aprile 2013 raccolta di quanto inviato per pubblicarlo il 7 ottobre 2013, giorno celebrativo del nostro 75°  Sarà inviato il Triduo in preparazione all’anniversario per i giorni 4 - 5 - 6 ottobre 2013  Presso la casa generalizia: - Il 3 ottobre alle ore 18.00 lectio su Giovanni 15, tenuta da don Andrea Lonardo - Il 7 ottobre alle ore 16.00 solenne celebrazione presso la cappella della casa generalizia, estesa alle comunità sjbp del Lazio e alla FP presente in Roma  Ogni Circoscrizione si organizza per la celebrazione dell’anniversario CTN anno XXXVII 2012/2 – p. 32

Anniversari di Professione 2013 60° 1. sr Giovanna Gaffurini (ICS) 6. sr Cesarina Paolini (PI-AU-SA) 2. sr Angelica Malfatto (ICN) 7. sr Letizia Selle (PI-AU-SA) 3. sr Tecla Mazzei (ICS) 8. sr M. Luisa Simion (ICN) 4. sr Angelina Obinu (ICS) 9. sr Angelica Spezzani (ICN) 5. sr Alessandra Paoli (ICN) 10. sr Emanuela Tonon (ICN)

 sr Concetta Anzalone  sr Domenica Bond  sr Adele dal Bello  sr Luciana Floriani  sr Giuseppina Franchi  sr Maria Stella Lipparoni  sr Immacolata Marruco  sr Lorenziana Pangrazi  sr Paola Pradel  sr Agnese Romeo  sr Angela Simoni  sr Teresa Grammacia  sr Angela Oliveri 50° 1. sr Candida Basile (ICN) 18. sr Aurora Mondini (CO-VE-ME) 2. sr Rosanna Benedetti (ICN) 19. sr Assunta Ongaro (ICN) 3. sr Angela Biagioni (BR-SP) 20. sr Rosalia Pauletto (ICS) 4. sr Riccarda Biasion (ICN) 21. sr Silvia Pedrotti (ICN) 5. sr Antonia Brustolin (BR-CdS) 22. sr Ana Peres (BR-CdS) 6. sr Luciana Chiarentin (CI-PE) 23. sr Luisa Piras (ICS) 7. sr Gina Dal Ferro (ICN) 24. sr Anna Maria Principi (ICS) 8. sr Anna Maria Domenichelli (ICS) 25. sr Giuseppina Randini (ICN) 9. sr Gertrude Duz (BR-SP) 26. sr Marta Razera (BR-CdS) 10. sr Roberta Falsarone (ICS) 27. sr Vilma Rech (BR-CdS) 11. sr Rosina Fornari (ICS) 28. sr Flora Roman (BR-CdS) 12. sr Anna Genovese (PI-AU-SA) 29. sr Vittorina Rossini (ICN) 13. sr Rosa Maria Gomes (BR-SP) 30. sr Terezinha Sartori (BR-CdS) 14. sr Aparecida Grandolpho (BR-SP) 31. sr Leonia Silvestrini (ICS) 15. sr Giampaola Longo (ICS) 32. sr Teresa Trevisan (ICS) 16. sr Vita Longo (ICS) 33. sr Lídia Villani (BR-CdS) 17. sr Leticia Lopes (BR-SP)

 sr Felicina Campedelli  sr Graziella Zanella  sr Alessandra Masi 25° 1. sr Emanuela Ciccomartino (ICS) 2. sr Geltrudes De Sanctis (ICS) 3. sr Marisa Gabriela Loser (GG) 4. sr Rosa Szoke (ARG-BO CTN anno XXXVII 2012/2 – p. 33

Brasile Caxias do Sul – Uruguay

“Se conoscerete veramente la vostra vocazione, sarete più felici e più felice di quegli uccelli che cantano tra i rami” (Giacomo Alberione, So p. 24) Nel pomeriggio del 26 novembre, abbiamo realizzato il nostro ultimo incontro di quest’anno per le sorelle della terza età. Per celebrare meglio la festa del nostro Fondatore, una festa tanto cara per tutte noi abbiamo dedicato tempo alla preghiera e condivisione sulla la vita e sulla missione del Beato Giacomo Alberione. Abbiamo potuto condividere lungamente sul tema: «Quale è stato il filo conduttore della vita di Alberione e quale il filo conduttore che ha animato la nostra vita di Pastorelle?». Le esperienze condivise sono state molto ricche, abbiamo constatato che il filo che ha condotto Alberione, è scaturito dallo Spirito Santo e così anche per noi, nonostante la nostra piccolezza. Lodiamo il Signore per le meraviglie che ha realizzato in noi nel vissuto della nostra vocazione di Pastorelle. (cfr. Blog das Pastorinhas-27/11/2012)

Brasile San Paolo – Gabon

Nei giorni 17 e 18 novembre si è svolto il XVII Incontro delle Comunità Quilombolas della Vale do Ribeira, in Ivaporunduva - San Paolo. “Questo incontro ha visto la partecipazione degli agenti di pastorale dei Quilombos provenienti dalle città di Itaóca, Barra do Turvo, Iporanga, Miracatu, Iguape, Cananéia e di Registro. È stata molto espressiva e promettente la presenza della gioventù Quilombola. Gli esperti hanno offerto al gruppo dell’informazione alcuni suggerimenti per i percorsi che l’organizzazione Quilombola potrà fare nella Vale do Ribeira. Nel secondo giorno i partecipanti, insieme con tutta la comunità locale, hanno festeggiato i loro 18 anni di origine dell’Associazione di Ivaporunduva, età della maturità. Hanno fatto memoria storica della loro resistenza e dell’organizzazione, durante la quale hanno avuto un momento di grande emozione, specialmente quando si è fatto il ricordo dei loro antenati, che hanno fatto parte del cammino di questa storia. Sono stati momenti significativi ed emozionanti, dove si è esplicitato che “il cammino si fa camminando”. Si è concluso l’incontro con il pranzo comunitario e un delizioso churrasco”. (cfr. Blog das Pastorinhas-30/11/2012) CTN anno XXXVII 2012/2 – p. 34 Colombia – Venezuela – Messico

“Mettimi come sigillo sul tuo cuore, come sigillo sul tuo braccio; perché forte come la morte è l'amore” (Ct 8,6) Le sorelle della Delegazione CO-VE-ME hanno ringraziato Dio per la presenza di sr. Rosa Edilma Pinilla e sr. Carmen Cecilia Rozo, nella celebrazione del loro 25° di Consacrazione Religiosa. Il testo del Cantico dei Cantici, sopracitato, le ha aiutate a fare memoria dell’amore, della gratuità e della misericordia di Dio, sperimentati lungo il cammino percorso, dell’accompagnamento della Congregazione e in particolare della Delegazione, attraverso la quale hanno risposto a questa meravigliosa chiamata del Signore. L’8 dicembre 2012, don Gennaro, padre somasco, ed alcuni sacerdoti della Società San Paolo, hanno celebrato l’Eucaristia di ringraziamento. Erano presenti i parenti, gli amici e i membri delle comunità parrocchiali dove le due sorelle hanno prestato il servizio pastorale. Tutto è stato condiviso in un clima di fede, gioia, fraternità e gratitudine, augurando a sr Rosa e a sr Carmen di continuare ad essere luce ovunque si trovino.


Cooperatori paolini “Amici di Gesù Buon Pastore" in Corea Dopo aver ricevuto lo STATUTO dell’Associazione Cooperatori Paolini, le Pastorelle in Corea hanno cominciato a organizzare i Cooperatori paolini “Amici di Gesù Buon Pastore”. Hanno invitato qualche persona che ha interesse per la nostra congregazione e celebrato la Messa per il 74° anniversario di fondazione e l’inizio ufficiale del gruppo “Amici di Gesù Buon Pastore”. Dopo la celebrazione è seguita la condivisione del pranzo e l’incontro con gli Amici di Gesù Buon Pastore, in cui è stata presentata sr Chae Silvia come responsabile del gruppo. Con tutti i presenti è stato organizzato il programma per un anno: ritiri spirituali in Avvento e Quaresima ed una Celebrazione Eucaristica mensile. Preghiamo per ogni Pastorella e per gli Amici di Gesù Buon Pastore della Corea, perché possano vivere profondamente la loro vocazione per la Gloria di Dio.

Italia Centro Nord – Mozambico

Amici di Gesù buon Pastore per la missione delle Pastorelle Gruppo Missionario “Amici di Gesù Buon Pastore” Formazione all’interculturalità e alla pluralità delle religioni Con la gioia di chi ama ritrovarsi e condividere, abbiamo vissuto i primi due incontri del Gruppo missionario, dopo la pausa estiva, con la sorpresa di volti nuovi. Pausa? Non è stato così per i nove amici che nel mese di agosto hanno vissuto l’intensa esperienza missionaria nella Missione delle Suore Pastorelle a Pemba. Sono stati loro i protagonisti del primo incontro in quanto attraverso presentazione di pawerpoint e testimonianze dirette hanno raccontato l’avventura in terra africana. Preziosa la presenza di sr Irene Tollini che ha accompagnato il gruppo e ha fatto da riferimento durante il mese a Pemba. Questa esperienza ci conferma nella determinazione a proseguire nella proposta formativa del gruppo e nell’orientamento ad accompagnare quanti, giovani e adulti, desiderano condividere un tempo nella nostra missione. CTN anno XXXVII 2012/2 – p. 35 Provocati dalla testimonianza del gruppo e dai fatti che quotidianamente ci interpellano, ci siamo chiesti quali potrebbero essere i temi da sviluppare, su cui riflettere personalmente e come gruppo missionario. Unanime è stata la proposta di riflettere su: Quale missione nella multiculturalità e nella pluralità delle religioni? Tanti di noi, infatti, sperimentano nel proprio ambiente la sfida del confronto e dell’integrazione con culture e religioni diverse. Per noi Pastorelle è stata un’ulteriore conferma della validità di un percorso formativo per i laici con i quali collaborare condividendo la spiritualità pastorale, cammino che si inserisce bene nell’itinerario post-Capitolare. A Don Amedeo Cristino, prete diocesano, Fidei donum, rientrato dalla missione nel nord del Benin, attuale Direttore del CUM (Centro Unitario Missionario), a Verona, abbiamo chiesto di orientare il gruppo Amici di GBP nell’approfondimento degli argomenti suggeriti. Con grande competenza e semplicità don Amedeo ci ha introdotti nel grande cantiere della multiculturalità attingendo ai dati dell’osservatorio di Migrantes – attualmente la fonte più attendibile - disegnando la geografia della presenza multietnica e plurireligiosa in Italia e in Europa, sottolineando che, Il fenomeno migratorio e l’amnesia spirituale che affliggono spezzoni importanti della nostra società, aprono spazi di primo annuncio del Vangelo. Viviamo in un clima culturale alimentato da pregiudizi e non conoscenza, dove i mass media sono a volte il portavoce di chi vuole uno scontro di civiltà e dove l'altro, il diverso, lo straniero, diventa un nemico, qualcuno da cui guardarsi e diffidare; uno di cui avere paura. Questa è una situazione nuova e comporta una primissima conseguenza: il dovere della conoscenza. Non è più possibile ignorare lo straniero o rifugiarsi nell’indifferenza verso l’altro, a colui che è radicalmente altro per colore della pelle e tratti somatici, per lingua e cultura, per religione, etica, costumi, ecc. Occorrerà dunque sviluppare una cultura dell'ospitalità. Certo, la compresenza di culture e religioni differenti non significa automaticamente comprensione e tolleranza reciproca. E' necessario decidere di lavorare insieme per costruire insieme una umanità migliore, creare occasioni di confronto che possono essere a carattere culturale, religioso o semplicemente conviviale. L’augurio e l’invito che ci ha fatto don Amedeo è di non innalzare muri che ci dividono dagli altri ma di abbatterli. Muri fatti di pregiudizi, di tradizioni, di idee religiose, che sono talmente radicati dentro di noi, e difficili da sradicare. Ha incoraggiato a rafforzare la propria identità religiosa e la propria fede approfondendo la conoscenza delle altre religioni. Questo è il compito che ci aspetta affinché quella novità portata da Gesù, possa fiorire nella nostra società. Lungi dall’aver esaurito l’argomento. È cresciuto il desiderio di continuarlo nei prossimi incontri.

Italia Centro Sud – Albania

La cura dei bambini in alcuni loro diritti fondamentali Il centro di accoglienza per bambini è una iniziativa delle Pastorelle presenti nel territorio di Scutari (Albania) a favore delle famiglie povere della periferia di Fermentim. La presente attività ha lo scopo di offrire accoglienza e solidarietà ai fanciulli, e si presenta come luogo educativo in un spazio sano, pulito e caldo. La comunità delle suore Pastorelle intende condividere la fatica educativa delle giovani famiglie e di aiutare loro a far fronte alle varie difficoltà: precarietà, debolezza, insufficienza e di garantire il necessario quotidiano per i loro figli. La maggior parte dei bambini hanno il papà disoccupato o che lavora saltuariamente, alcune mamme accudiscono la famiglia mentre altre lavorano in CTN anno XXXVII 2012/2 – p. 36 fabbrica; in ogni caso il salario è minimo. Le abitazioni sono spesso senza luce, né acqua e poco riscaldate o riscaldate male. Il percorso educativo prevede una prima forma di scolarizzazione, che potremmo chiamare “primina”, la cui finalità è di aiutare i piccoli ad inserirsi nella scuola elementare. La valutazione dei risultati ottenuti ci sembra che sia buona. Il centro di accoglienza è aperto dalle ore 9.00 alle ore 12.00, dal lunedì al venerdì, e offre ogni giorno un pasto gratuito e tanto calore.

Comunità dipendenti dal Governo Generale

Arrivo delle Pastorelle, sr Chiara Raccuglia e sr Jesús Aurelia Casimiro, a Cantel, diocesi di Matanzas, in Cuba. Finalmente possiamo condividere con voi il nostro arrivo a Cuba. Quando l’aereo è atterrato a L’Avana, il giorno 5 novembre 2012, il nostro cuore batteva molto forte per la gioia di essere arrivate. Ci è venuta in mente l’uscita dal carcere di Pietro: "si sono aperte tutte le porte senza difficoltà” e fuori c’era il Parroco ad attenderci: P. Jesús Marcoleta, insieme ad una coppia. Con un forte abbraccio di accoglienza abbiamo sentito la comunione dell’essere Chiesa, anche senza esserci conosciuti prima. Così ci siamo incamminati verso Matanzas (a circa 100 Km da L’Avana) dove ci siamo fermati nella Casa del Vescovo per salutare Mons. Manuel Céspedes Hidalgo. Un saluto di benvenuto molto semplice e accogliente. Poi abbiamo continuato il viaggio (altri 40 km) verso Cantel, dove ci attendeva la comunità parrocchiale con la cena e con le porte aperte della casa e del cuore. Nello scendere dalla macchina, con emozione abbiamo baciato la terra che toccavamo per la prima volta. Ci è sembrato di toccare un suolo sacro. Dopo una preghiera di azione di grazie e di lode nella chiesa, ci siamo salutati e siamo salite nella casa dove abitiamo, che era stata preparata con molto affetto e finezza dal parroco, P. Jesús e dalla comunità parrocchiale. Siamo grate per quanto Gesù Buon Pastore ci ha permesso di vivere, per questo popolo che ci ha affidato e perché ci dà la gioia di servirlo. Ringraziamo anche la Congregazione per la fiducia che ha deposto in noi. Saluti e un abbraccio. In comunione di preghiera.

L’indirizzo delle nostre sorelle di Cuba: Hermanas Pastorcitas Calle principal n. 80, entre Avenidas 4 y 6 44100 CANTEL, Matanzas CUBA Tel: 0053 45 618080 Email: [email protected] CTN anno XXXVII 2012/2 – p. 37

Mother Giuseppina Cosner the meek and silent face of pastorality (first part)

In 1954 Mother Giuseppina Cosner, was invited by the Founder to be part of the first group of government of our Congregation and entrusted with the dual role of Vicar General and secretary. These roles she fulfilled with sensitivity and precision. At that time the Congregation was experiencing a further prodigious growth and foundations abroad already promoted by Fr Alberione in Brazil and Australia. Communities were also opened in the Philippines, Colombia, and . Meanwhile, Mother Giuseppina carried out her office of Vicar General with great discretion and delicacy, always submitting to the mother general, every decision and choice of some importance, with sincere cooperation and frequent dialogue so as to visibly exemplify the unity and communion of hearts that was required of all the sisters. From 1954 Mother Giuseppina lived in the mother house at Albano Laziale. In the first years, she was Vicar General, superior of the community, teacher and mistress of postulants. All these commitments she carried out with serenity and profound adherence to the teachings of the Founder. At that time, the mother house was crowded with many young aspirants and postulants who were always eager to engage and dialogue. In particular, the younger ones were looking for a mother figure who would listen to their little worries. The young mother-teacher welcomed them and listened to them with kind patience, always ready to support and assist in all necessities. Past postulants remember her as someone who was always available, someone in whose presence each one was made to feel “unique”, that is, accepted and listened to without rush or impatience. She was always an example of meekness and uprightness and her expression was sweet and full of tenderness. The role of general secretary was a demanding one but Mother Giuseppina performed it with admirable precision and punctuality. All was handwritten in those days, and recorded in large exercise books that didn’t allow for errors or deletions. And so, at every Council meeting Mother Giuseppina would take notes which she would later record in the Minutes book with the utmost diligence. At the first general chapter in 1969 she was confirmed as Vicar General but was relieved of the demanding role of secretary. In the years that followed the spirit of the Second Vatican Council touched our Congregation and set in motion a great fervour for renewal and aggiornamento. With the serenity that was typical of her, Mother Giuseppina, contributed well to the novel reflection and did so with seriousness and prudence. The verification of the various possible positions was always done in the light of [the teaching of] Alberione and the superior general, Mother Celina Orsini. With the general chapter of 1975, she completed her term of office as Vicar General and she asked to be assigned to a small community where she could live a more direct CTN anno XXXVII 2012/2 – p. 38 pastoral experience at the service of the parish. She was sent to Albiano (TN), where she stayed over a year, performing all her duties, even the most ordinary ones, with joy and dedication. It was an extension of her ministry of listening to the people of the parish: young and adults, elderly, families and priests. It was here that we really came to recognize the meek and silent face of pastoral care: smiling, discreet, wise and humble. She was not yet fifty years of age but displayed the spiritual maturity that does not depend on age but rather on one’s spiritual life and adherence to the work of the Holy Spirit. It was at this happy time of her life, when she was manifesting her maternal heart at the service of the parish, that she fell ill. She was diagnosed with a tumor that would cause her death. She returned to Albano for treatment and there was surrounded by the love and affection of the Sisters. In the course of her illness, there were alternating phases of hope that she would be healed and times of strong crisis. [Mother Giuseppina] was aware of the seriousness of her illness, but she trusted and would often repeat the words of the apostle Paul: "If we live, we live for the Lord; and if we die, we die for the Lord" (Rom 14:8b). She never lost the hope of getting better and had a strong desire to live: "To do more good in the parish, to the sisters, my family, to comfort my elderly parents," this is how she sometimes expressed herself. But in the end she would always say: "I accept the will of God, as God pleases.” She was always excited about the Pauline ideal and the vocation of the Pastorelle Sisters in the Church which she understood well. Her illness became her pastoral mission characterized by offering and prayer, where everything is handed over to the mysterious action of God in the secret of one’s heart. Although still young, Mother Giuseppina prepared to meet the Lord in peace and silence just as she had lived, and her face retained that look of sweetness and meekness which attracts the human person. She spent the last seven months of her life in bed having to depend on the Sisters for everything. She never failed to thank them sincerely and with affection. Throughout the liturgical year, she lived in intimate communion with the Lord. But in October 1978 her condition worsened and day by day the illness deprived her of even the smallest autonomy. On the eve of the solemnity of All she received the anointing of the sick with a lucid mind and entrusting herself totally to the Lord Jesus, the Good Shepherd. While there was feasting in heaven in honour of the Saints, the friends of God, Mother Giuseppina, joined them, taken by the hand by the Good Shepherd, entering into the heavenly Jerusalem almost on tiptoe just as she had lived, but with her countenance made luminous and transparent with the same beauty of God. As Mother Celina said in her letter to the Sisters: "We believe that the Lord has wanted to console us by calling her on this beautiful day to be joined quickly to the great multitude standing before the Lamb.”

Sr Giuseppina Alberghina, sjbp CTN anno XXXVII 2012/2 – p. 39

Carissime sorelle, diamo continuità alla proposta dei testi che ci possono aiutare a riflettere, tra di noi e con il Popolo di Dio, sulle tematiche economico-sociali che toccano da vicino la missione pastorale. Come sappiano, dal 7 al 28 ottobre 2012 si è svolta la XIII Assemblea generale ordinaria del Sinodo dei vescovi, con il tema: “La nuova evangelizzazione per la trasmissione della fede cristiana”. Per la prima volta, il Papa ha permesso che si pubblicassero le proposte sorte nel Sinodo dei Vescovi e quindi abbiamo questo materiale prezioso in attesa della Esortazione apostolica post- sinodale che Benedetto XVI preparerà nei prossimi mesi. Ed è proprio alcune di queste 58 proposte che vi suggerisco per la vostra preghiera e riflessione. Anzitutto vi invito a partire dalla proposizione n. 50, che tocca la nostra vocazione, la nostra identità di consacrate e che mette in evidenza l’essere comunità apostoliche aperte alle esigenze dei tempi e dei luoghi: faccio riferimento in particolare agli art. 10,14 e17 della Regola di Vita (RdV).

Proposizione 50: Vita consacrata La vita consacrata, di uomini e donne, ha dato un contributo molto importante al lavoro di evangelizzazione della Chiesa nel corso della storia. In questo momento di nuova evangelizzazione, il Sinodo chiede a tutti i religiosi, uomini e donne, e ai membri degli istituti secolari di vivere radicalmente e con gioia la loro identità di persone consacrate. La testimonianza di una vita che manifesta il primato di Dio e che, per mezzo della vita comune, esprime la forza umanizzante del Vangelo, è una potente proclamazione del Regno di Dio. […] Il Sinodo chiede agli Ordini religiosi e alle Congregazioni di essere totalmente disponibili per andare alle frontiere geografiche, sociali e culturali dell’evangelizzazione. Il Sinodo invita i religiosi a recarsi ai nuovi aeropaghi della missione.

Vi inviterei a proseguire la vostra riflessione prendendo in considerazione un blocco di proposizioni, che secondo me, ci possono aiutare a leggere il nostro vissuto pastorale. Credo ci spronino a considerare ciò che è oggi il nostro contributo come Congregazione nella Nuova Evangelizzazione e ciò che, alla luce di queste preposizioni, possiamo ancora offrire in modo nuovo o rinnovato. Qui vi invito a riprendere la RdV e in particolare i nn. 6-9, 11-13, 25-26 e 43.

Proposizione 19: Nuova Evangelizzazione e sviluppo umano Il magistero papale, nel suo insegnamento sociale, ha dimostrato i legami teologici, antropologici e pedagogici tra l’evangelizzazione e lo sviluppo e la libertà sia della persona che della società. Oggi non è possibile pensare alla Nuova Evangelizzazione senza la proclamazione della piena libertà da tutto ciò che opprime la persona umana, cioè il peccato e le sue conseguenze. Senza un serio impegno per la vita e la giustizia e senza un cambiamento delle situazioni che generano la povertà e l’esclusione (cfr. Sollicitudo rei socialis, 36), non ci può essere progresso. Questo è particolarmente vero di fronte alle vere sfide della mondializzazione

Proposizione 31: Nuova Evangelizzazione e opzione per i poveri CTN anno XXXVII 2012/2 – p. 40

[…] Oggi ci sono nuovi poveri e nuove forme di povertà: gli affamati e i senzatetto, i tossicodipendenti, i migranti, gli emarginati, i rifugiati politici o «ecologici», i popoli indigeni. L’attuale crisi economica colpisce seriamente i poveri. Fra i più poveri nella società contemporanea sono le vittime della triste perdita di rispetto per la dignità inviolabile della vita umana innocente. L’opzione preferenziale per i poveri ci spinge ad andare a cercare i poveri e a lavorare per loro affinché possano sentirsi a casa nella Chiesa. Loro sono sia destinatari che attori della nuova evangelizzazione.

Proposizione 25: Scenari urbani della Nuova Evangelizzazione [...] La Chiesa sa anche che in molte città l’assenza di Dio si incontra nei molti attacchi alla dignità umana. Tra questi: la violenza legata al traffico di droga, la corruzione in varie forme e molti altri crimini. Siamo convinti che la proclamazione del Vangelo possa essere la base per restaurare la dignità della vita umana in questi contesti urbani. È il Vangelo di Gesù, che è “venuto perché abbiano la vita e l'abbiano in abbondanza” (Gv 10, 10).

Vi auguro una proficua riflessione e condivisione; uniamoci nel ringraziare la Provvidenza Divina e preghiamo secondo le intenzioni dei nostri Benefattori e amici. Questa nostra preghiera, unita allo sforzo quotidiano di vivere la povertà evangelica, ci aiuti a divenire sempre più strumenti della Provvidenza per il popolo che serviamo e per l’umanità. Santo Natale e Buon Anno 2013 ! sr Aminta Sarmiento Puentes Economa Generale sjbp

Iniziative significative fatte dalla Famiglia Paolina in occasione del 26 novembre 2012

Grazie alle celebrazioni, in diverse parti del mondo, che sono state fatte in occasione dell’anniversario della morte del nostro Fondatore, possiamo essere testimoni delle abbondanti ricchezze che Dio continua a donarci. Abbiamo avuto esperienze di riconciliazione nella XXIV Giornata Alberioniana del 1° Dicembre 2012 in Messico. La preghiera iniziale è stata illuminata dalla frase: “Abbiate il dolore dei peccati… vivete in continua conversione” e guidata da un membro dell’Istituto Gesù Sacerdote. A questa preghiera è seguito un incontro sul perdono, condotto da un’esperta in psicoterapia membro dei Cooperatori Paolini. I frutti li possiamo vedere attraverso le parole di uno dei presenti alla giornata: “Con le lacrime, in più di un partecipante, ci siamo scambiati il perdono come Famiglia Paolina, e sotto la protezione del Divino Maestro ci siamo impegnati a continuare nel lavoro per l'unità, come è stato voluto dal nostro Beato Fondatore”. Si sono fatte iniziative espresse con creatività come nelle Filippine, dove le formande delle PDDM hanno mostrato il loro dono con un mimo che presentava la storia della Salvezza nella Bibbia, in sintonia con l'Anno della Fede. Non sono mancate proposte di promozione umana e di evangelizzazione. In Argentina, la Messa del 26 novembre è stata trasmessa in diretta su Radio Maria, esperienza rilevante perché ha CTN anno XXXVII 2012/2 – p. 41 permesso di far conoscere il nostro carisma e la nostra missione a molti "ascoltatori". In India la San Paolo audiovisivi ha prodotto e lanciato una serie di CD audio, tra cui 'Indian Natale', diventato un successo, due DVD prodotti dalla San Paolo Multi Media a Mumbai. Inoltre, si sono ricevuti incoraggiamenti per fare più iniziative a favore dell’unità nella FP e per la nuova evangelizzazione. In Portogallo, il Vescovo ausiliare di Lisbona, ha esortato tutti i membri della FP a continuare con l'audacia del Fondatore, il profeta della nuova evangelizzazione, nella convinzione che questa missione è sempre più necessaria nella Chiesa: "Come S. Paolo, anche il Beato Alberione è un esempio e uno stimolo, non solo per i membri della Famiglia che ha fondato, ma per tutti i cristiani, per tutta la Chiesa". a cura di sr Magally Marin sjbp

The Church and the New Evangelization in the different Continents

Some flash of the presentations on the Continents, made on 8 October 2012, at the beginning of the Synod on “The New Evangelization for the transmission of the Christian faith”. We are sharing these presentations in view of helping us have a greater knowledge of the ecclesial reality present in each continent.


Evangelization has taken place in the African Continent from the very beginning of the Church. The encounter between the Ethiopian Eunuch and the Deacon Philip (cf. Acts 8: 26-39) is a case in point. However, for most sub-Saharan Africa the task of Evangelization is of more recent occurrence so that to distinguish between Old and New Evangelization is very difficult. Yet it would seem very appropriate to speak of New Evangelization for Africa starting with the challenge posed by Pope Paul VI in 1969: "Africans, be Missionaries to yourselves. (...( To respond to the challenge, necessary Pastoral structures at national and regional levels were established or re-invigorated. In that line SECAM was established in 1969 intended to "preserve and foster communion, collaboration and joint action among all the Episcopal Conferences of Africa and the adjacent Islands".(...) A very fundamental establishment for New Evangelization in Africa is that of small Christian Communities, These have become Iiving centres of Evangelization of the present day Continent.(...)

(H. Em. Rev. Card. PENGO, Archbishop of Dar-es-Salaam) CTN anno XXXVII 2012/2 – p. 42 AMERICA

Being conscious to generate ecclesial communion begins with pastoral conversion(...),understood as the acceptance of the Kingdom of God and the commitment to being a of Christ to proclaim him throughout the world (Mk 1:15), a commitment which requires personal conversion(...). The pastoral renovation in America, begun as a response to Vatican Council II, dynamized the internal life of the Church: the pastoral agents have multiplied, formation in the faith has intensified,(...) Religiosity remains alive and is the great potential reserve of our peoples (a characteristic peculiar of America is the existence of deep popular piety deeply rooted in all the countries.(...) (...) The life of the Church expressed as community of communities, in communion and unity, allows each Christian to discover that in the Xxi century it is possible to live as a disciple of Christ in a community of disciples of the Lord Jesus, become conscious as a missionary disciple of the urgent need to bear credible and trustworthy witness of faith in today’s world(...). The New Evangelization, which is opening up in America, start out with the meeting with Christ which the Church offers to the faithful Christians (Jesus Christ is the "Good News" of salvation communicate to men of yesterday, today and forever; but at the same time He is also the first and supreme evangelizer (...). The influence of faith in society so that the reading of the Gospel permeates and gives the meaning to human life, depends in large part on the action of lay people (...). Today, in a world that is evermore pluralistic, dialogue opens a path in different environments, the topics that near dialogue in America are among others: the Word of God, Human Dignity, the Family, Life, Education, Ethics, Economy, Development of Peoples, Human Mobility and in particular Migration, Solidarity, Ecology, Justice and Peace. In all the themes guiding force is the Truth (...) The pastoral conversion continues in the continental mission, an undertaking assumed at Aparecida by the Latin-American and Caribbean episcopate. For this reason in America, the New Evangelization is identified with the continental mission.

(H. Exc. Rev. Mons. Carlos AGUIAR RETES, Archbishop of Tlalnepantla, MEXICO)


Asia is a continent experiencing the hopes and joys of a constant rebirth in the Spirit (Ecclesia in Asia). We all know that 60% of the world's population lives in Asia. It is a young continent with a majority of the population young. And hence in several ways Asia is very central for the future of the world(...). The Churches of Asia have identified three thrust areas for our work because of the three major challenges facing us. So we need to have a dialogue with cultures, a dialogue with the poor and a dialogue with religions: to study what the Gospel mandate means to us in our relationship with these three major realities (...). May I conclude with two further elements from our Asian context: For us religion is more a discipleship of a person than an adherence to a doctrine or obedience to a set of rules. The person of Jesus is deeply attractive: His message and His life, His passion, death and resurrection. Adherence to doctrine comes as a fruit of discipleship of a master. This is how the first Christians proclaimed the Good News (...). The challenges before us are immense. But the possibilities are great. Young Asia is blessed with an unprecedented communications boom. This is not to be viewed as a threat but a great gift from God to be used to spread the Good News. Our call is to train our youth particularly to use the new media and benefit from the new media. (H. Em. Rev. Card. Oswald GRACIAS, Archbishop of Bombay, INDIA) CTN anno XXXVII 2012/2 – p. 43


Europe must be evangelized. It needs it. Two Special Assemblies of the Synod of Bishops have already been dedicated to the topic of Europe. (...) Many of the mass-media broadcast a presentation of the Christian faith and history that is full of lies, misinforming the public as to the content of our faith as well as to what makes up the reality of the Church. Even our catechetical activity, especially that joined to the State institutions, presents many limitations. A few years ago, the European Council of Episcopal Conferences did research in all the countries of the continent on the juridical, statistical, ecclesial and cultural situation of the teaching of religion. (...) The World Youth Days of Cologne and Madrid, and the pastoral visits by the Holy Father to various countries, have constituted a great sign of hope and have had an extraordinary missionary effect.(...) We thank Divine Providence, because in the last years, reconciliation between European nations has continued, despite the aforementioned problems. Encouraged by His Holiness Benedict XVI, the episcopal conferences of Slovakia and Hungary were able to sign an act of reconciliation in 2006. Their gesture could be used as an example for society in both nations. Another courageous event was verified just a few months ago. The Orthodox of Moscow and of all of Russia, Cyril, signed an act of reconciliation with the President of the Polish Episcopal Conference in Warsaw. In it, both sides also confirmed their common intent in defending and embracing human and Christian values in Europe.

(H. Em. Rev. Card. Péter ERDÕ, Archbishop of Esztergom-Budapest)


(...) More than 30% of the population of this vast area was born since the Synod for Oceania. We see everywhere the vibrancy of youth, e.g. large numbers who attended World Youth Day in Sydney in 2008; annual Téné celebrations in New Caledonia, the youth festival in Samoa earlier this year; vocations to priesthood and religious life with a missionary outreach beyond the CEPAC area (...). In each of the four Conferences our Catholic Schools perform well and are integral to parish life. Our schools are fertile ground for the "new evangelization" offering the opportunity to re-engage families in the life of the Church (...). “A new evangelization is needed today so that everyone may hear, understand and believe in God's mercy destined for all people in Jesus Christ” (EO 18). (...). That today is the biblical today:"if today you hear his voice ..." Today the Church in Oceania is invited to hear anew the invitation of Jesus Christ to walk his way, to tell his truth and to live his life under the constellation of the Southern Cross that lights up the night sky all over Oceania.

(H. Exc. Rev. Mons. John Atcherley DEW, Archbishop of Wellington, NEW ZELAND)

Read the complete text in the different presentations: http://www.vatican.va/news_services/press/sinodo/documents/bollettino_25_xiii-ordinaria- 2012/02_inglese/b05_02.html CTN anno XXXVII 2012/2 – p. 44


Compassion is a deep vein of love. Like one of those nuances that cross a flower petal or a butterfly's wings: you will see, if you stop and do not walk past, the face of the crucified Shepherd of such beauty and freedom, a grace for every human heart that knows the price. It is He who reveals it since it is He who carries it engraved in his humanity, for each person, man and woman destined for redemption.

In the mystery of redemption Fr. Alberione was well aware that compassion is the promise of life of the Creator in the garden which became a desert4; that compassion is the searching of souls by the Good Shepherd5; it is referred to as the way of holiness, it is the offering of the Son to the Father as a victim for salvation6. He was well aware that the heart of the Pastorella has to gradually become similar to that of the Good Shepherd, to empathise is to feel the pains of Jesus, it is to suffer with Him and not with a vague sentiment, uncertain, so superficial in word7. Nothing pitiful, but the decision of the heart: “I'll make mine the groan of Jesus: «I have compassion for this people»8. To suffer with Christ is suffering with his Body, because of ‘human misery, moral as well as corporal’ of his members9. "If you have the heart of the Good Shepherd you will care for all, you feel compassion for unbaptised children (...), for young people who allow themselves to be dragged (...), for parents who are to educate their children, (...) for the aged who still don't think to prepare for death, for the dying, for unbelievers.... "10. And in the figure of Mary one finds as an icon of compassion with multiple colours: "In Mary there is a wisdom that knows the needs; goodness that feels for our miseries; power for interceding (...). Her eyes are turned toward all her children: good and bad, to discover the spiritual and material needs, the difficulties, the dangers. She knows all. Moreover: She is sensitive and compassionate; better than any earthly mother, even the most benevolent: She is the Mother of mercy ... powerful before God, whom she has faithfully served”.11 Wisdom and sensitivity, kindness and breadth/depth of insight, knowledge and ability of intercession form the fruitful path of compassion.

The ambiguities of compassion Fr Alberione still warns: "There are temptations that seem to come from compassion, from charity; temptations to put aside trails and hardships"12. They are the ambiguities that in compassion resist the discernment of the Spirit, they do not allow themselves to be tested by the fire of faith, they slow down the maturing of self, of the other and of relationships in truth and freedom. Compassion does not serve the bondage of the other, it is not a resigned adjustment to limits no matter what they are, it is not acquiescence to suffering, to veniality, it is not complicity in evil. Compassion does not follow the movement from the top down, from the rich to the poor, from one who has toward one who has nothing, from the powerful to the weak, from the capable to the incompetent, from safe to unsafe, from master to subjects. We remain in the rhetoric with such avid

4 Cfr. PrP III, 1948, p.194. 5 Cfr. PrP I, 1947, p. 98. 6 Cfr. PrP II, 1957, p. 98. 7 Cfr. AAP, 1960, 53-54. 8 Alberione, Brevi meditazioni per ogni giorno dell’anno = BM, 1948, p. 100. 9 Cfr. BM, pp.100.268. 10 Cfr. PrP VII, 1954, pp. 139-140. 11 BM, p.384. 12 PrP VII, 1955, p. 206. CTN anno XXXVII 2012/2 – p. 45 pity, the precarious, the marginal... while remaining in plenitude, in security, at the top. "When there is no faith the poor don't move us to compassion, neither the sick, therefore we act as if it were a "13.

Faith purifies and elevates. Compassion is life attracted by the fullness of Love: like wheat which knows to have come to its fruition only when consumed as bread and desires fulfilment. Suffering with Christ and his Body is to generate life in Christ as his living members, in a mutual exchange of disposition to holiness: the fruits are unavailable to any calculation or expectation, what remains instead is the mysterious economy of God. Human mediation which is involved in the experience of compassion- the body, sensibility, sentiments, ties, lived experience, knowledge ...- find the truth of itself by allowing, in faith, to become involved in the mediation of the Word who became flesh. In Him, human nature becomes the fertile womb of every good. Therefore compassion pursues its true purpose which is generative: to share with Christ and his Body in order to live in Christ and in his Body. The dynamic is that of , the immersion in the fullness of the mystery of Christ of which the Spirit makes us partakers: in the Son who became one of us, in the crucified, risen and glorious Son. The movement is that of feeling joined by the same creaturely identity, of fraternity, of identification with the other. The pedagogy is that of the daily exoduses which in the great exodus of the Cross speak of sacrifice that saves, of selfless and creative good, of joy in being ‘simply servants’.

The faces of compassion The maternal face of compassion: is the patient waiting that the other be born; it is to accept that a body be deformed as a new creature takes shape; it is to slow down for prudence’s sake, in not wanting to harm; it is waking in the middle of the night to feed, forgetting even ones need of rest; it is to place in the arms of others the gift received and which is for others, for the world, to entrust it at some distance from oneself. It is to believe that tears of detachment will be the foundation of one’s trust, seed of one’s future freedom.

The paternal face of compassion: is not to remain a stranger to the pains of childbirth and far from the entrance of life’s cry; it is to receive the child not from one’s own power, but from a source that neither father nor mother possess and of which they can and should be only a symbol. It is to enable the son to be his own self, in his own identity and unique singularity; it is the freeing ability from anxieties and fears, which introduce the challenges of life, delivering maps and compass to navigate beyond the confinements of home. The different shades between mother and father, between male and female, are to be considered in their entirety: it is only in this entirety that compassion as strength can be even maternal and tenderness even paternal; these necessary qualities together for the patient responsibility to educate, to guide as indispensable wealth a son or a daughter from the many imperfections.

The filial face of compassion: is to accept the challenge of a young person growing up in freedom without renouncing one’s own parents. It is welcoming one’s name, as the name recognizable among thousands; that enables one to remain within a received story, but to be built with the fatigue of responsibility. It is the disposition to gratitude and appreciation. It is honouring the fragility that comes as part of life; it is to return the attention received in coming into the world with the attention to the life that is closed to this world.

The friendly face of compassion: is to compete in the gratuitousness of friendship, interest-free relationship. It is to reciprocally and lovingly accept the ill timed true questions of help; it is welcoming the friend’s revelation even when one would want him/ her to be different; it is hospitality which foresees invitation; it is the tenderness that anticipates the difficulty; it is asceticism of detachment that enables one to always remain close to the friend.

The community face of compassion is silence that sow mercy; it is the word that keeps away from the embers and resumes drinking from the spring water of reflection and sharing; it is the

13 PrP VI, 1953, p. 129. CTN anno XXXVII 2012/2 – p. 46 grace to transform into perfume the acrid smell of sin; it is the beatitude of being peacemakers. It is to serve the physical and moral infirmity, mutually rendering light the burden that oppresses. It is faithfulness that honours the encounter between diversities; it is the pregnant fecundity of hospitality. It suffering if the other is in error; it is to invoke the Spirit and await him at every reality which affirms life.

The face of ministerial compassion: is suffering with those without a voice even in the church; it is the intelligence of the gift that gives rise to the gift and knows to live in concealment; it is meekness needed for zeal to discern the correct measure even in doing right things. It is to acknowledge the person first and foremost, beyond his/her role; it is abandoning any reproach. It is to appreciate whatever it be, the other person’s rhythm, notwithstanding your preferences. It is to move beyond one’s safety zone with a few. It is to hand on competencies, knowing that in offering them, they no longer belong to you; it is to prepare others to serve, entrusting oneself in the gift that is handed over.

Sr. Annarita Cipollone sjbp

Hardware = In electrical engineering and computer science, the term hardware refers to the physical part of a computer — all those electronic parts, mechanical, magnetic, optical, which enable operation (called instruments). More generally the term refers to any physical component of a device or electronic equipment. The etymology of the word comes from the fusion of two English words, hard (hard, heavy) and ware (object). Example of hardware: the internal parts of a computer, such as the motherboard and memory, but also everything that should be connected, as a monitor, keyboard, mouse, printer ...

Software = the logical part (and therefore soft, "soft, gentle") making up the computer. Software is normally carried out by a programmer, using one or more programming languages, to perform specific functions. It can be free or use the license fee. The term traditionally opposed to hardware (the physical component) which makes possible the execution of software. Roughly speaking we can say that software programs are installed on your computer, such as the operational system (Windows, Linux ...), text editors (Word, Wordpad, WordPerfect Office ...), antivirus, internet navigator, programs to manage images (Photoshop, Corel Paint, ...) that is all the other programs that normally are in computer.

NB: The use of a licensed software validating it with the serial number activation that are offered free on the internet is an abuse of the law. Since the licenses are expensive and the control is poor and even difficult, unfortunately it is now a widespread practice that leaves the false impression that it is a normal thing to do, when in fact it is not. Two alternatives are solidifying in the market: The first is the sale of computers, notebook, netbook or tablet (hardware) with already built-in operational system (software). These are called OEM licenses, from English CTN anno XXXVII 2012/2 – p. 47 original equipment manufacturer, which are pre-installed and can be used only in that unit, so they have a much more affordable cost. The second is the use of license free software such as Linux. This alternative is quite common ideologically, but less used in practice, due to program compatibility problems used more routinely and little skill of common users in managing these issues.

Bearing in mind these rules and the fact that we are an Institution, it would be very proper and prudent in our upcoming purchases to take into consideration one of the two alternatives listed above!

sr Cristiane Ribeiro sjbp

NB: Le sorelle che ancora non ricevono direttamente nella loro posta elettronica le: . “novità” del sito . il Comunichiamo Tra Noi . le schede di approfondimento . le tracce di lectio per Quaresima e Avvento . e altro materiale proveniente dal GG mandino la propria e-mail alla segreteria generale.

Arrivi e partenze sr Francesca Longoni dal Brasile 10.10.2012 sr Felicina Ferro dal Gabon 13.11.2012 sr Francesca Longoni per il Brasile 29.11.2012

Suore di Gesù Buon Pastore sr Paola Pradel (ICN) 13.11.2012 CTN anno XXXVII 2012/2 – p. 48 Familiari sorella di sr Liliy Ann Santos (PI-AU-SA) 18.10.2012 sorella di sr Letizia Selle (PI-AU-SA) 20.10.2012 fratello di sr Carmen Duque Cuellar (CO-VE-ME) 22.10.2012 sorella di sr Emanuela Tonon (ICN) 26.10.2012 sorella di sr Maria de Lourdes Bonetti (BR-SP) 28.10.2012 papà di sr Lucy Gocotano (PI-AU-SA) 28.10.2012 fratello di sr Cesarina Paolini (PI-AU-SA) 02.11.2012 fratello di sr Maria Veronica Gungon (DGG) 30.11.2012 fratello di sr Teresa Floris (ICN) 01.12.2012

Figlie di San Paolo sr Antonietta Bottiglieri Albano laziale (RM) 08.10.2012 sr Maria Rita Guidi Alba (CN) 13.10.2012 sr M. Palma Sala Albano Laziale (RM) 15.10.2012 sr Bernardette de Castro São Paulo (Brasile) 21.10.2012 sr Maria Teresa Tosi Roma 02.11.2012 sr Maria Veritas Mattuzzi Albano Laziale (RM) 05.11.2012 sr Giovanna Angiolina Caprilli Roma 28.11.2012 sr Maria Paolina Hagiwara Kikue Tokyo 05.12.2012 sr Giovanna Angiolina Caprilli Roma 29.12.2012 sr Giovanna Baxiu Roma 13.12.2012 sr M Esther Martinez Durán Mexico Capri 14.12.2012

Pie Discepole del Divin Maestro sr M. Ildefonsa Severina Bianchi Cinisello Balsamo (MI) 14.11.2012 sr M. Yolanda Maria Berenice Herrera Bogotà (Colombia) 24.11.2012 sr M. Beata Henryka Michalczyk Częstochowa (Polonia) 25.11.2012 sr M. Ester Antonia Marin Sanfrè (CN) 29.11.2012 sr M. Fidelis Teresa Cecchetto Cordoba (Argentina) 08.12.2012

Apostoline sr Annalisa Casati Roma 30.11.2012

IMSA e ISGA Maria Andreina D’Ambrosio Brindisi 21.12.2012

Società San Paolo fr. Vittorio Tarcisio de Ligio Roma 31.10.2012 fr. Ampelio Lino Biancon Roma 05.11.2012 fr. Pietro Stefano Garelli Alba 08.11.2012 fr. Matsuo Paolo Corrado Nakamura Tokyo 22.11.2012

Responsabile: equipe informazione. Pubblicato nel sito www.pastorelle.org il 20 dicembre 2012.