—r CRANFORD (N.J.) CHRONICLE Something For Everyone horal-$ocie LeonardDeStefano help* Brearley^ 7 appointed Garwood Boosters set flea policeman. . Mayers Page 14 Thursday, July 24, 1980 market. . page 14 honored. . page 14 \ '.' '•, .. ,'. -.•..-• ..'•;-• n e Borough Gets Another ! VOL. 88 No. 30 Published Every Thursday Thursday, July 31,1980 . Serving Cranford, Kenilworth and (iarwood USPS-.136 800 Second Class Postage Paid Cranford, N.J, 20 CENTS Reprieve On Dumpine KENILWORTH- The borough has afternoon instead Of 5 p.m. The borough In Our gained yet another temporary reprieve garbage trucks make two or three trips in switching its garbage dumping site wri a day to the dumps and would have to moves to town T from the Hackensack Meadowlands to line up well before 3 p.m. to meet the Edison. deadline. „. . A Supreme Court justice last Wednes- The borough was to have begun By ROSALIE GROSS ," said Coffey. "It's not my best, "I'd love to. connect locally-with a Coffey taught for 13 years before day ordered a week's stay for Kenil- hauling its garbage to Middlesex County . There's a new playwright in. town. but it's the most successful financially." theatre group, "he said, "but must learn moving into industrial training and then w6rth, Elizabeth, and five other towns by July 1, but a series of court stays has His name is. Thomas Coffey and he The writer won the Irish Life Drama 'my new job first." He's also looking personnel work. He was employed by ordered to make the move by the state resulted in the borough using the Edison recently moved to'Cranford from Award, the top one in Ireland; for "Gone forward to the Broadway theatre scene, Jhree American companies -in- Ireland;— and this Monday the full Supreme Court dumps only one day-July 16. The round ' Tomorrow,^—which-was" produced in but~with~perhaps more eagerness to subsidiaries of General Electric and Coffey has been writing plays part- 1965. The play is a social commentary on local theatres. "There's, an intimacy Data Products, and Merck. Although a __extended. _t_he;Jernporajry_stay_through..- trip-ta-Edison-took nearly-three hours;—ALL AGESwjere^ttracted-to-the Sargains-Saturday^at the-Knightfs Qf trucks and cars whlle.-at rights women look overracks of clothes. nNeurputhr nex,t Tuesday The Appellate Court last Which is twice as long as the trip to the Columbus flea market." At left Ghris Johnson of Cranfprd surveys Photos by Jon Delano . •. > '•••"', ;.,•'.,• " time for: 22 years and has had nine small town life in Ireland drawn from . and enthusiasm that's more satisfying frequent visitor to the United States on •staged in Ireland, including four at the Coffey's experiences'in his native Ennis business, Coffey and his family moved week, however, had. refused any further dumps in Kearny. '- ,. 1 than the professionalism of big shows," ""Mi Take a look at the top of the.eat - famous Abbey Theatre in. Dublin. His •in Cdlinty Clare. He has won other he said. • to 43.Lewis St. sevoral weeks ago for the stays., • ..-••' • The seven county towns were told two then dike, for the Lenape storm literary awards both, in Gaelic and - ' i£,jS§sffl&kf^Mu credits also include a good deal of Coffey describes himself as a "self- lorig-torm assignment. He and hi»j«ife • The Supreme Court ordered the stay years ago by the Hackensack Meadow- l detention basin above CoUnty"'Park' English.. have three sons, two of whom are a-t' io give, the Board of. Public-.Utilities a lands Development Commission they tejevisibn," including one third of the taught" 'playwright who learned the Drive and you'll see a new bikeway scripts for "The Riordans," a drama tending Union College' and the third chance to-act on a request by Kenilworth could no longer dump garbage there. 1 One of his other plays which has been craft from his interest in staging, in the'm^king. The paved path atop series Which ran five years, the'longest produced in America is "Them," which acting and directing. He '-'scribbled a lot attending an engineering school in that the. hours vof operation of theAfter,several delays, the state Depart- I'th'e'dikeMH'be about 1.5 miles long. England. Mrs.. Coffey and their sons Middlesex County dump be extended. ment of Environmental Protection running series on Irish; -te|evision. concerns the difficulties of a family with ifuuny own amusement" at school and County officials plan to extend it up Writing is a "spare time hobby".for a retarded son who reaches his 21st wrote a three-act -melodrama "which also enjoy amateur acting. Closing time in Edison is 3 p.m. ordered the towns to Middlesex County I past Geiger's to Springfield Avenue compared with 5 p.m. in the Meadow- by July 1. That decision is awaiting Coffey who has been a teacher and now .birthday and.focusefl OH problems within never saw! the light of day." While an What's writer Coffey up to now? He is I where cyclists can hook into the is personnel manager, for Merck & the community. "Critics consider this English and drama teacher aLa college almost finished with his first novel, a lands and Saturday closing is early appeal in. the Appellate Court. The Echo Lake Park path. At the Company's International Division. He my best play, but I don't agree," said of commerce, Cbffey- entered a com- humorous work loosely based on ex- Supreme Court two weeks ago refused to I Cranford end, it will run down close grant a permanent stay until the appeal worked for Merck seven years in Ireland Coffey. He. explaiped the play is petition for a one-act play in Gaelic. He periences in. personnel work irl Ireland. • | to Kenilworth Boulevard where "technically not so good, but the .sin- is decided. . ' and is on'a three-year assignment with won an award and' was prompted to "It's a departure forme," he-said. He cyclists can connect with a forth-' the company in Rahway. cerity is there. It's a. subject I. feel, also has a play drafted for Irish' I coming extension of the Cranford enter another competition and won Jaycees Blood Coffey's most successful play, strongly about. I'd love Jo rewrite it. but another award. television which he expects to finish.by ) bikeway network which will run "Anyone Could. Rob ajSank," a farce, would probably damage the sincerity." Christmas. ' across- the top of Nomahegan Park. This spurred him to "read more and MBS;T&E On ran the past two Weekends at Seton Coffey also has acted in and directed educate myself" and the result was a Has he ever considered turning to Hall's Summer Theatre-in-the-Round. amateur and semi:prbfjessional groups full length play in English, "Stranger playwrighting,as a full-time profession? Drive Aug. 2 1 v The play was written 21 years ago and in Ireland. He has direij*ra three of-his ;• Beware," a who-done-it set in an "If I had a trig hit, I wijuld consider it,"' KENILWORTH-- The Kenilworth Regional Agenda hifs had two runs at the Abbey Theatre own plays. He has given courses' for isolated Irish village and the impact of Coffey stated. "Now I doubt if I would be Jaycees, in conjunction with the New The Union. County Regional High Bud route and two television presentations. "It's amateur groups and has adjudicated the murder On the community. It.was able to support my family. "I don't have, "Jersey Blood Services and, the American School District will conduct several very popular with amateur groups in drama festivals in Ireland. accepted, by the: Abbey.Theatre.. the nerve to take the risk,". •i ThomasCoffey Red Cross; is holding its annual blood discussions from August to November to drive Saturday, Aug. 2 from 10 a.m. to 3 • consider assessment, Minimum Basic p.m. at David Brearley High School, - Skills test.results', the; monitoring 14th Street and Monroe Avenue. reports of the county superintendent of ^,JPersons_UeiweerLthe-ages-of47-and66- schools, and the district's "T and E" are eligible to donate blood. Donors need plan including budgetary requirements . not be Kenilworth residents and their The first discussion is scheduled for immediate family and grandparents ,.. ._ -WK-.1 will be covered .for blood .needs fora Tuesday, Aug. 5 at Jonathan Dayton r—FBIENDLY-CHA-T |d' Regional High £chooi,-Spr4ngfieldr.t-T-h;e discussion will be-conducted-during the

begins at 8 p>m. 276-4247. • a new This meeting- will emphasize heringTHas Record Sales Minimum Basic Skills test results, KENILWORTH - Schering-Plough quarter despite the recession, but that Council To Name monitoring reports of the county TEENS, Uke Walter CaldwelI of Kenilworth, found eight-track tapes to Corporation this week reported record the company's relatively small home superintendent and the' "T and E" choose from. • sales and earnings for the second products operations experienced a slight a,nnlial plan for 1980- 8*. _-. quarter and the first half of 1980. decrease in sales due to the jsharp • Policeman Tonight Copies of all reports will be available Sales for the second' quarter were decline in home construction.' at Lincobi for viewing by We audience. In addition, $437.5 million, an increase of 14.1 percent' GAIIW00D- The Borough Council is over 1979 second quarter sales of $383.6 slated to appoint a police officer at a residents may inspect these reports, Softball Players Honored By ROSALIjB GROSS . Richard 2uidema of Covenant Christian, upon request, by contacting the million. Net income reached $66.8 Mopbds Impounded NJ transit has recommended that special meeting tonight at 8 p.m. at KENILWORTH - The winning record. Players were Lisa Pontoriero, million, 11.7 percent higher than the Lincoln School will be filled with when the Vote was taken.- ••' secretary to the Board of Education teams of the Kenilworth girls softball Caroline Poranski, Valeri Keenan, all No. 28 buses terminate at Union students., again in "September after Covenant Christian Schoolwas started Borough Hall.. $59.8 million recorded in the same College. William Wright,.the town- There is a vacancy on .the 14-man during working hours. Residents of the league received Olympic style medals at" Karen Davis, Jennifer Sawicki-, Kris period of 1979. Earnings per common standing empty for one year. in. 1972 with 13 pupils and met at a force caused by the resignation of regional district, parents of students,, Simoes, Kelly Shields, Lynn Ferrara, For Violations ship's transportation representa- a recent Borough Council meeting share for the quarter amounted to $1.24 tive,, reports that the- __JEhe-Schobl-l)oaF(i74s-lea8ing--thcr-firgt ch,nrctrhTNgfTh Plainfi«lri.~it r""vH.to Joseph Rigano on July 1. and teaching staff members are invited." - The fifth and sixth grade winners, Patty Wrenn, Claudine Vitale, Colleen compared to $1.10 in the prior year. scliuul tu Covenant Christian ..LaGrande iachool Fanwood, two years The appointment is expected to go .to the Dodgers, concluded the season with Buerer and Lori Ricter. tr :io_theJJnion. Leonard DeStefano who was appointed a • a 7-1 league record. Team members are various through Kenilworth. to Cranford and |""County Educational Services Com- school board recently sold the facility. 1 amounted to $890.1 million, an increase violations ofLtheJaw - special policeman June 24 with thq Kim Shields, Nancy Maaterson, •-wouldWlude~a~9r2O-p:mrtrip~fronrr . Covenant will have between 140 and 150 J~xPgctaiiojnH41he_^^ ^en^^ Police Chief mission^ Each will use the gym' 2>A days Rowinski, councilman, and Denise the first half of 1979. Net income totaled puptts lit grades K to 12 this September patrolman onc(i he compjeted 100 hours Joseph R. Ventre. -' I studentsTsome No. 28 buses began Covenant School will sign a three-year and fewer than 15 teachers. Stephen of training. . . . • rForTJnused Pools Tracy Cronin, Lynda Westervelt, Materia, softball director. Livio Man- $137.2 million, an increase of 13.3 per- servicing Granjord through college ('wfe^^l^iiST* Angela Merlucci, Julia Ann Dimeter, He reported the police will continue to lease at an annual rental of ^ 24,875 with Fikkert is the principal. Several. residents ' questioned the cino, mayor, commended the directors, cent over the $121.0 million reported for impounpo d mopedpss which are operatep d I loop last year.' ' an option to lease the school for two The school j approved by the state council at its July 8 meeting on hiring GARWOOD - Swim pool owners are Rachal Parrot and Lori Bertolotti. Denise Materia, Richard Wills, Mark the first half of last year. Earnings per s urged by the Garwood Board of Health The seventh and eighth grade .win- common share were $2.55, compared carelessly and owners will have to pay a additional years al $27,646. Union and is a tuition-based, parent-run procedures for new officers. Wills and the mothers who volunteered fine to get the moped'back. County Educational Services will sign a facility and not specifically affiliated to consider the safety and health aspects ners, the Lucky Charms, boasted a 7-0 as coaches ' ~' with $2.25 for the first six months of of their pools. " 1979. Ventre reminded residents a license is- one:year lease at $22,353. with an option with any church. - • Sept. Vote For Teachers Noting that many pools not in use have W- — • - ' In commenting on the impact of. the required to operate a moped and the 'Mash' here for a second year. The county Educational Services general economic downturn in the borough requires registration. Commission will begin classes at Lin- GARW0OD-- The Garwood Teachers become unsanitary and unsafe, the Cranford's Summer Drama The school board will realize a total of board recommends that" anyone whojpo United States, Richard J. Bennett, Workshop presents"Mash" tonight. $47,228 for 1980-81 forboth rentals. This coln for emotionally disturbed high " Association is not expected to meet until president, said that domestic phar- 50 SIGN UP 1 school' ago children. There are- 25 school opens to vote on a tentative' longer intends to use his pool drain it The play based on the TV serjes and will be Used to offset unbudgeted ex- maceutical and consumer product sales KENILWORTH-- Fifty 19 and 20-yqar- movie begins at 8 p.m. at Cranford students enrolled now and there may be • agreement reached between the school completely. Unused pools can become penses sudfas the-additional child study stagnant and provide breeding places had registered gains in the second old men signed up at the local Post High School. teams hired this summer to reduce the 36 by September. The commission board and GTA on a two-year contract. operates. Westlake School in Berkeley for mosquitoes and other insects. Also, Office in the first two days of draft Nothing "fishy" about this fun: it's the new "fish Michael Burke, left, ..and-JDanny O'Brien, with backlog of student evaluations, The board approved the agreement last registration. According to Peter Heights for emotionally disturbed ele- week, but details cannot be released pools that are not fenced are a hazard to climber".in playground at Centennial Avenue Stephen Charney up top. One "fish eye" awaits in- mentary age students. small children. Some Mail Tips Vittoria, Postmaster, registration pro- Covenant School, which mUst vacate until both sides endorse the settlement. ceeded smoothly with 20 men signing up Small world Pool. That's Kristine Irwin in the mouth, flanked by stallment. its present building by today,, began The Lincoln School library will remain Monday and 30 on Tuesday; moving desks into Lincoln School this.. vacant and the school board will con- Small world department, Irish tinue to have its offices in the basement. For Vacationers 'Style: In the course of her interview week. The lease is expected to be sigrtid with Thomas Coffey, the leading next week. The school was closed to students in story on this page, news editor The school board unanimously ap- June 1979 along with Roosevelt School KENILWORTH - Peter. Vittoria. Rosalie Gross learned that the Irish proved the two leases at a brief meeting because of . declining enrollment. Kenilworth postmaster, • reminded author admired Sean O'Casey, the Tuition up ' last Thursday. Representatives of the Roosevelt was sold _to_ , Sp|qmon;...... ' residents of several simple steps they' famous Irish playwright. She two scliools-were in~the- audience and •Schechter'ScHool "which" has operated it SOFTBALL CHAMPS — Players.orv the fifth and sixth grade winning can take before, leaving on vacation to Why don't inquired whether he Knew of David "applauded for joy," in the words of the past year. , girl's softball team-sport olymplc-medals^they-received at~recenf" "makesure mailisha tidied smoothly in" Krause, who was well acquainted Borough Council meeting. Girls are Kim Shields, Nancy Masterson, their absence. with O'Casey and is editing a three- Michelle Margeton, Alicia Petracca, Tracy Cronin, Lynda Westervelt, He suggested a neighbor or relative be you come volume series of his letters. Coffey Angela Merlucci, Julia Ann Dimeter, Rachal Parrot and Lori Bertolot- asked to remove mail and newspapers said he had, indeed, and that a friend ti. In rear are Gary Rowinski, left, councilman; Livio Manclno, center, from vacationers' mailboxes daily or and sit on had given him Krause's name as and Richard Wills, softball director. ' " . have mail held at the post office. He said > somebody he.should look up in the U; a written request to hold mail to up to 30 S. Krause happens to be an uncle of days can be given to an individual's Mrs. Gross. He is a professor of Irish Students at Unjon College and JUnion -equivalent student for one academic it 11th among the 17 counties which letter carrier or submitted at' the post. drama at Brown University and his- County Technical Institute face tuition year. help finance community college c'duca-' office. If an extended absence is an- Poroi second volume o( O'Casey letters increases this,fall. The state provides a maximum of $725 tion in New Jersey. Kenilworth Calendar ticipated, Vittoria said, a temporary has just been published. per full-time equivalent student. T^he According to the New Jersey Tax- FINE ITALIAN DINING The increase for county residents who "mail • forwarding order can be are fullrtime students will be"10 percent,, county provides about $400. Tuition payers Association, the amount of state Friday. July 25 7-9 p.m. - Building office open. under the new schedule would be $550. aid is increasing, but at a much slower Wednesday, July 30 requested. from $250 to $275 per semester. Tuition 2-4 p.m. - Running club, Brearley,. 1 The postmaster stressed the im- Wed-Sat,4:30-8:3ft p.m for part-time students will go from $20 to The remaining $175 comes from various rate than that of the counties. 7th grade to adult. ' 12:15 p.m. - Rotary meeting, portance of not letting mail accumulate Sun 3-8:30 p.m. $21 per credit hour per semester. fees and miscellaneous revenue. Most of the county institutions charge 3 - 6 p.m. - Weight training, Raven's Nest. in a mailbox saying, "it's a sign even Saturdays Altogether about 10,000 students will The "less than full funding" from the a tuition in the $500 to $550 range. A Brearley, 7th grade to adult. 2 - 4 p.m. - Running club, Brearley. novice4" burglars can detect.1' CRANFORD HOTEL be affected. state cited by Lucas pertains to anspokesman for Union College noted that Monday, July 28 . "J 6 - 9 p.m. - Weight training, Br- The experiment with a four-hour even with the increase the local schools - Other tips, include taking an ample ,,1 South Union Ave. school, in lieu of suspension at The decision was announced this week anticipated drop in the full time equiva- 2 - 4 p.m. - Running'club, Brearley. rearley. supply of stamps, and. postal cards, by' the U-nion County Coordinating lent aid-which is pegged to a statewide charge far less tuition than most state 6-9 p.m. - Weight training, . 6:30-9:30 p.m. - Basketball, Crqnford High School has • been and private schools in New Jersey. which cost only 10 cents postage, and 276-2121 termed a success by administrators. Agency for 'Higher Education whose formula of 70,000 students, which is Brearley. Brearley, 7th to 12th grades.. addresses of . those to whom the director, Richard W. Lucas, said the estimated to be as "much as 10 percent In Union County, the, coordinating , 7•••- -9 p.m. - Summer band, 7 r 9 .p.m. - Summer; band, They've recommended it be con- : vacationer will write. tinued this fall. Page 2. hikes resulted "from less than full lower than the expected riumber of en agency contracts with the college here Brearley. Brearley. funding from the state and- only a rollees. and the technical institute in Scotch GETTING SOME POINTERS - Young wrestlers from Llhcoln- 7-9 p.m. - Summer chorus, 7 - ft.p.m . - Summer chorus, modest increase in appropriations from The "modest' increase" from the Plains to provide college services for the Franklin School recently participated in a week-long wrestling clinic Brearley. Brearley. the county." ^ county amounts to $121,482 for 1980. This _county'. at Keystone Junior College in LaPlume, Pa. In foreground, Larry For- .7 - 9 p.m. - Consumer office open. Thursday, .*uly 31 To help make sure Lucas said, the "Increases were is a. 6 percent increase over 1979, The agency also set the maximum nicola, Keystone's varsity wrestling coach, demonstrates hold on Curbside-recycling, southside. New ramp Tuesday, July 29 required for*both in order for both'in- compared to the 6.9 percent average tuition for non-credit courses at $1.40 a v • . •*_ Ricky Jelinski. Observing, kneeling, from left, are: Alex Scherer, Don- Curbside recycling, northside. 1-4 p.m. - Welfare office open. your home lives on, stitutions "to maintain viable, high hike of county appropriations through- contact hour. This new policy is in line ny Tomalo, Scott Dear, Joe Kilburg; standing, Danny Pasquariello, ^j, 7-9 p.m. -""Zoning office open. 4 - 5 p.m. - Building office open, The Cranfbrd Public Library will quality services." out the state. Union County ap- with the resolution adopted by the state Michael Graham, James.Carrea, Patrick Buckley and Dominic Carrea. you need two kinds be getting a new ramp for the handi- It costs the Union County institutions propriated $2,146 million for the two- Board of -Higher Education July 18, 'Mash' tromps onto the stage of Cranford High School tonight with capped. Total cost is $8,035. About about $1,800 to educate a full-time year institutions this year, which makes Lucas said. Summer Drama Workshop production. In this rehearsal scene, Tracy of insurance. half of the cost will be underwritten K'Meyer as Nurse Janice has it out with Brian Levine, center as 'Ugly' Federal Funds Approved [ LEGALS by federal Community Development and John Pak as Trapper. Photo by J,on Delano.- i. ciiT HOMI:OWNI:HS 2 (Jl-T MORTGACJi: PKOIT.C • funds. ;l ; NOTICE TO BIDDEHS .with certain public- contracts and - aupnluniontu Ihu La>v Aoulnst INS1IIMNCI I HOM TION INSURANCi: I-HOM • ' ' .' . '*•'•"•'. Notlda Is hereby Qlvon that sealed bids will bo received by thu BOrouQh Discrimination" approved April 6, 1045 (PL 1045, dot)). • AM.STATM. Kc«a(is<' AI.I.STATF lir i:. If you die C\otU on behalf of the Muyor,and Council of thu Borough of Gurwood ut the Tho Mayor and Council of tho Borough of Garwood rusorvos the right to Paul cites basic skill gains For Kenilworth, Garwood Municipal Building, Canter Street and South. Avenue, Garwood, N.J. on- ru|uct any or all bids. you need protection before the inorl;|it(|e is AUGUST 7, 1880 AT 2:00 P.M. lor the ADDITION TO AND PAVING OF Sidewalks An idea for Cleveland By Order of tho Mayor und Council ot thu Borough ol Garwood, Union •i(|iiinst loss l>v wind- l>iiid, niort!| before Ihe.hour narriud above, the ulandard proposal form und concolluslo'n of stability during the three years-the Other schools have maintained stable 1 Altuyor, plouiiu contuct tt» plan for an economically viable results, and in sonic cases, im- Mounting construction costs^ and was hot pu.iucdiliis year, was for a -Walchutig Reservation with 13 young men signing affidavit uru attached lo the supplementary specifications, copies of which . Wuldumur R. LVatru by XJall- YouVe in good hands. tests have been given tu^j&identii in percentages of passing scores. The' high interest rates have been cited will btt lurnlshod UROII application to the Englne.er. business district. For a perspective provemenfof such a magnitude that the "schoolbouae mall" containing a begin August 4, 11 and 18. up Monday and six by mid- Tho CurWortl Chror»icl»j! Allsl.ilc liisiir.iii.c (loiiipiiny 1 grades 3, 6, 9 and 11. Both skills at three-year percentage -averages are: The hlddurii ure bdvluud that they must comply with the provisions nut on Summit. !! downtown, «eo article as factors for tho dearth of proposals combination of boutique shops and Call 352-8431' for informa- afternoon Tuesday . 276-6QOO, . • ; ;. • Allstate l.ile Instir.im e Coinpiinv • Northhrook.IIJ. 7 Hillside. and~reading at Otange have Brooksidu..- reading, 97.1, math, 93.0; state considers it to be statistically Call 352-8431' fo rm lorlh In Now Joriiey Public Law. Chuplor 127, PL 1075 which has onapttd.In- on the "editorial'page, , significant using theicjo'-'mujji." andcontrlbuted to the government's offices. tion. : l-9.lW.P0 Jtinu-2J,..l8W.-TliI».law.ialaleB to discrimination In coruieiillon \ shown tiie kinds of guins thut the state Bloomingdale - reading, 98.4, math, f

••':/ V"

Thursday, July 31. 1980 CRANFOftEWWJi..) CHRONICLE Page a Page 2 CRANFORD (N.J.,) CHRONICLE Thursday, July i\, )9«0 lJR^^ TYoungsters-GitedrAt-Playgrouiids EXIT 137 GOP Club Stages Party August 9 The directors of the Cranford Memorial, William Lee and Victor The Cranford Rcptibliccn Club will . Rowe, club president, said the public is playgrounds awarded mid-season most Worthinglon. hold a "Shrimp, Cocktails^rid Candle- invited. Tickets are $6 per person, Marks; Recommended Again Why don't valuable trophie§ to. 11 youngsters for Children at Adams Avenue play- light-" function August 9. ' " payable at the door. The function begins TALL OAKS their overall contribution to their local ground enjoyed an afternoon of bowling By ROSALIE GROSS - It will-be at the home of Mr. and Mrs. at 7:30 p.m. Reservations may be made deterrent to inappropriate behavior, but you come SOUTH Elizabeth playground. at the Parkway Bowl in Roselle Park.. Ralph Taylor, 25 Brown Terr. Jeahnine at 276-3304 before August 6. The spring semester experiment with he was satisfied that 177 student days REST AREA The winners were: Sunny Acres, Mike High scorers were Dave Gagne and a four-hour Saturday detention in lieu of , were served on Saturday rather than Schweikardt and Ralph Serpb; Living: Leah Whitefield. suspension from Cranford High School suspending students from one to three and sit on G 5 Parkway J ston, Linda Buriewski; Lincoln Avenue, • Robbie Wilson's dpjg Corky was named James More Takes New Post At -WINCL for students who misbehave was termed days 'who. could ill afford to miss Terry Murphy and James Woods; best all around pet at the pet show at a success by high school administrators school." Adams Avenue, Frank Williams and Adams Avenue. The most unusual James More of Cranford has been Abraham Rothbard, president, also and they are.recommending "Saturday In comparing the past two school schooH' be continued next- term.- Karen Mitchell; , Bernadette award went to the wild sparrow belong- promoted to application packages annouriced the promotions~of Marilyn ^years^SeyVarth noted that" the;numberc>f Matten and T.pny Marchetti; and^ ing to Tracee Aurand. manager of the WINCL time-sharing Skolniek as assistant corporate vice In a report prepared this month by Students suspended dropped from 172 to subsidiary of National . Color president, Mila Kerekes as assistant Robert C. Seyfarth,, CHS principal, he 162, but the. number of suspensions Laboratories Inc. in Rqselle. He joined billing supervisor and Getro Zamo as noted that the total days of out-of-school. dropped from 524 to 342. While the FINE ITALIAN DINING the firm as a systems programmer in assistant shipping and receiving super- suspensions dropped by-170 days from- figures are for the entire school year, l!>77. ' • • •- visor. the 1979-80 school ^ear to the 1978-79 the Saturday school only operated the Wed-Sat.4:30-8:30 - year. This year there were 766 days of latter half. . suspension compared with 936 the •TheSaturday session is assigned with Sun 3-8:30 p.m. previous year. The drop in suspensions parental permission. Seyfarth reported took place even though the enrollment '„ "positive" parental reaction with only 5 CRANFORD HOTEL SPECIAL increased from 1,354 to 1,620 this year percent opting for out-of-school sus- ONE OF THE FIRST patients In new adolescent unit at Overlook 1. South Union Aye. WESTFIELD SALE DAYS with the addition of the ninth grade. pension because they felt their child Hospital is Carol Dusch of Cranford, wht> is recovering from an auto 276-2121 OFFER... The Saturday school, which was would not attend accident. ^1 haven't been off the phone since Uiey moved me into this /Z Price on ALL Spring & Summer Shoes "scheduled frorri 8~a7mTtcfriopn7 was~de^ r |-—N-EW SIGN-arinounein§-renpvate.^-riestrarea puts- and Bradford-pearsron-the-roap-for-oak-trees^toc while supplies last assigned. ~un7t7 she s'aicT WiflrTieT ls~Joanne Masrers^h, patient care coor- 'Cranford, which is well knbvvn for "Old Peppy" Photo by Jon Delano. , , signed.as a disciplinary tool, particu- % «The supervising staff included John dinator. • SAVINGS FOR WOMEN larly for students whocut classes. It .was. Irwin, math teacher, and Ralph Notaro, The area has been closed for several an intermediate step»betweenjjhe\l}4,\ A rest area .called . '-Tall Oaks", is / guidance counselor and certified getting a facelift and more attention years to permit the widening of the Women's Casual Shoes ANDREW GELLER SHOE'S hour detention dnd suspension, wKIchi English teacher. They provided parkway and when it reopens it will be continued tobeimppsed in drug, alcohol New Adolescent Care Unit —from Garden State Parkway motorists -8rSandals-NOW~M 2 PR ICE academic assistance-to. the students and passing through Cranford, . ~" resurfaced with new lighting, picnic MAR and assault cases, or for failure to at- small group counseling. The program tables and trash barrels. Reg. $22 $49 Bernardo. Bare Traps, Jacques ••Reg. $32.$75' " tend the assigned Saturday'school. costs approximately ^OOO^a.^ear. jrr A new blu^-overhead sign'north of the A spokesman for the state Depart- Cohen. Zodiac.-Fred''Bruun. Qlurks of England Eighteen Saturday sessions were Deputs At Hospital SAl^E DAYS - salary for the two supervisors. township over the squthboiind^lanes ment of Transportation says it is a place Women's Dress Shoes Ked Grasshoppers, scheduled from-* F«b, 2 Jo June 21. In recommending t6 the Board of . .Overlook Hospital's new f-»ve^bed< so. bright and cheerful/ And I wanted a announces the rest area which isljehind "to pull off the road, stretch your legs Seyfarth reported there were 246 Satur-' Education that it continue the Saturday adolescent unit opened last week and phone." • .•••-, st, August 1st & 2nd Parkway Village and Carol Court. & Sandals N<3W 1/2 PRICE Daniel Green Outdorables QUANT •and walk.your dog." • • nog: -•32 $58 1 days assigned with 177 actually served sessions next term, Seyfarth pointed out. was immediately filled to capacity. One . Major funding for the unit, was •iilienne -Aigner, Caressi), Shoe • Strings.. NOW 1/2.PRICE j COSMETICS for a 72 percent record pf attendance. the following pluses: parents are given of the five initial occupants was Carol provided by Mrs.; John R. Atterbury of Reg. $14 $21 There was an average of 13.7 students •• . Scoll's own •.- an option of disciplinary measures, Dusch, 17, of Cranford, who is recover-, Summit as a memorial to her husband; • HANDBAGS . assigned each Saturday with 9.8 attend-; individual academic help ,can be given ing from back injuries suffered in a car Additional funds.were donated.by the Westfield Sale Days To Run AMALFI SHOES % ,ing. There were 77 different students those attending, and it increases the accident. .' Julie Heath Pediatric Fund. Julie died in 20% OFF Selected Furniture Items . NOW 1/2 PRICE assigned with a total of 69 students at- amount'of .school time' for. those who NOW 1/2 PRICE "The teenagers are thrilled to be in a bicycle accident at age 13, and the fund 20% OFF Selected Hearth byT^altzgraff Reg. $58-$89 tending one or more sessions. Of these, misbehave by" substituting Saturdays the new adolescent unit," said Joanne was established to help provide a unit Thursday Through Saturday 43 students attended from one to three . with out-of-s'chool suspensions, which, Masterson, patient care coordinator. designed to make hospitalization more 25% OFF Armatel Mugs Saturdays for a single infraction of said Seyfarth, was viewed as a vacation 1 Westfield Sale Days open today and Westfield. SAVINGS FOWWIEN OFF school rules. The other 26 were multiple "The biggest thing is' that they each pleasant for teenagers. New Providence -I (Litnited Quantity) run through Saturday. A special feature To enter the Gift Give-A-Way by- many students. "Instead ..of in- • have their o\vn phone, ^nd ' free color Twig No. 2 provided funds for furnishing offendi&s and were assigned to Saturday creasing their free time as was often the ' is a ".Gift Give-A-Way dfawing Satur- sweepstakes at any time during the Sale FLORSHEIM MEN'S SHOES MEN'S SANDALS sessions on nipre than one occasion. > television.-" • .< the unit. . • •« ' Selected Sale Items by Village Days, prilit your name, address and case with a suspension," he said, we are " "Teenagers have a greater need for .. NOW $28.00 lip glosses •lipsticks •lip . Seyfarth noted that it wa§ difficult to actually subtracting from their free' y Carol affirmed that. "I-need my' day- _ •'•••* phone number on a sales slip from" a NOW 1/2'PRICE telephone," she said. "I was in intensive- privacy than other age groups," said 50% OFF Clearance Table Norman Greco, president Of the Values to $70 -This is a limited groupof deterrnihe' if Saturday school was a time." ...... participating merchant and drop it, "or a c'urr'ent-il'tyias. Noii Originally $28-$36 ., pencils • eye makeup , care in pediatrics, and those,rooms don't Gloria.O. Schrager, M. D., director.of sponsoring .Wesifield Area. Chamber of • reasonable facsimile thereof, into the have telephones.. I haven't been off the pediatrics at Overlook. "They, often are Commerce, will draw a winning ticket at barrel placed in the lobby of the Clark's of England Casuals eye glosses • cheek colors 'Gym Houses' Subject To SafeJty phone since the^» moved me into this uncornfortable on an adult floor, and <4Qne Stop Gift Shopping" ten-minute,intervals from 10 a.m. to 4 National Bank- of New.Jersey, corner of •unit. --.•'• • ; -' •------>.'v--' ------• they have a similar problem when .p.m.'each'day from a 'barrel at the Broad and Elm, says the Chamber. . NOW l/2 PRICE cover-up make-up "My roommate andTllke the same soap they're in the pediatrics wing. The unit corner of Broad and Elm.AH giftsjor the All the stores in Westfield take part in i 'The Union County have been two incidents in They.. are a hollow, operas, so we aren't having any.problem offers them an ideal setting." Come On In • The Coffee's Ready . drawing have been donated by~~par-~ OriginalIv $28 $44 VALUES'-'3 to '8.50 Department of Human which young children masonite-and-wood box 30 this special end of summer sale by offer- choosing programs," she added. . Bright colors are used throughout the ticipating Westfield merchants and have ing substantial reductions on-summer MEN'S HOSIERY NQ.wIr/2. PRICE Resoqrces^*J)iyision of were .strangle^ pp ^sAlthoughPshe's-lT^afoliwasn't in- rdomscandrtntthe-lounge, whidtcohtainsr tt=» ^'tod-at ~$2:)0-^r-$fi().: During, the entrappfiitthMti: a'ster^a^uvdigj^e^aKfevAnd^sifingr r T r f frcc~ j^ NOW-h^PRlGE y ihCtoyr efore.the-TneHt-.:.a3oIescent.sectU)n e been; expanded. J?amilifes "'•"' w'ill'biabroadcastingliveTrom'dowjitown CJ : Tjiiursday after 0 p.m. ". Originally $2.25. fb ST. "Indoor .Gytn Houses^', "The "Gym Houses," slide "on the opposite side. opened: "The little kids in pediatrics may vi^irpatiw^in'~ffie*iuniFatTany"'~~ " —- TOF WESTFIEbDr which has. been' recalled that are being recalled Call-(800) 638-8326 for were greast.-and so rquch fun," she said. time, whjle other relatives and'friends Pharmacy by the . manufacturer, Were manufactured from - information. ••'; •. > . "But I like this room so much more-it's may. visit\'fromHl:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. GUIDES AVAILABLE DONOVAN NAMED ' 1962 through 1979 and sold 132 t. Broad St. WE HONOR Creative Playthings, y *>• Copies of "New Jersey Vacation" Alfred D Donovan of South Orange, MASTER CHARGE 17 N. UNION '• CRANFORD #276-0062 EllenBloom, consumer nationwide for ap- Westfield 233-1844 Guide," "Now Jersey Campsite who has resigned as a member of the Omm Dailv 'til 5:30 BANKAMERICARD affairs director; said there proximately a$29 to $60. Listing'- and "New Jersey Boat Basin Union College Board of Trustees, has Thursday Nit(i'til9 HANDI CHARGE Directory" inay be obtained-free from AMERICAN EXPRESS "beeaeJected a trustee'emeritus. He is CARTE BLANCHE We don't fiddle the New Jersey Office- of Tourism and vice president-emeritus of Seton • Hall QUIMBY at CENTRAL, WESTFIELD • 233 5678 Promotion, P.O. Box 400T, Trenton, N.J. University. '•' /: 08625. . '^1 •/ around THURSDAY • FRIDAY • SATURDAY Moms Center WESTFIELD SALE WESTFIELD SALE DAYS JLinks With IN WESTFIELD ——,-r—r—^—-—Xhursday-Friday-Saturday 7, The Mothers Center of UP TO Central New Jersey, a Bell Ringing Specials & AUGUST 2nd "group which offers women an opportunity to speak • ' SPECIAL GROUP v freely of the joys, Westfield stores, known for quality and value, John M. Wilson pressures and anxieties of I motherhood, has affiliated FAMOUS NAME with the Westfield YWCA. are clearing out their summer stock at ALL Wilson Joins The center, started by, a TERRY group drawn together with fantastic reductions Insurance a desire of creating a SUMMER Now Is The Time For The Best support . system "for SHIFTS OFF Corporation mothers in the com- SHIFTS Selection Of SUMMER Items munity, offers workshops, Hear Ye! CAFTANS & John '%'. Wilson of lectures, support groups, . Cranford has joined North You'll Be Wonting ond Needing. resource, referrals and in- fill Sumimer Clothes American Reinspra~nce formation files. An open LOUNGEWEAR fimise will be held Mon- All Sales Final - Sorry, No Charges Corporation and been $ J99 appointed an officer of the day, Sept. 15'from 10 a.m. Hear Ye! OPEN 9:30 - 5, MON-SAT firm. In his new position, to noon at the, YWCA. Wilson will play an im- YOU CAN SAVE - Beginning the week of J portant managerialrolein Sept. 29, the" center will THe underwritihg" of ~ "sponsor weekly conversa-^ property reinsurance tion hours, post-natal business. groups and on-going Hear Ye! SEMI-ANNUAL HEZN support groups, With child Wilson has a B. S. 1O8 WESTFIEUD * 232-157O degree from St. Johns care available at the University and an MBA FROM TO YWCA. A GestalL GIRDLE & BRA SALE from- the college of therapist* will explore. •••••••••'•-. Insurance. He and his wife ways orjt's relationship Barbara reside with their with parents affect rela- two children at 1 Hickory tionship with one's A1TBATHING SUITS AH SKIRTS Street: AND EVEN MORE! children at a session Monday, Sept. 22, to which V2 Off Reg. Price Vz Off Reg. Price mothers and fathers are SUPER GIFT GIVE-AWAY!T Bell Workers invited. . ' MISSES • JUNIOR •CHILDREN •'&u SATUR DA Y every 10 MUNIJTES from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., a lucky shopper Special Group DRESSES (ilHSi)N' AID will win a gift worth $20 to $60 during the all-day druwing held on the corner AH SHORTS Learn CPR ; Gibson Associates of> Clothing & Fashions Cranford is among the of Broad and Elm Streets. V2 Off Reg. Price Vi Off Reg. Price Forty-five employees of • corporate underwriters of 143 E. BROAD ST. WESTFIELD 233-2121 New Jersey Bell Gifts & Accessories the county's Summer Arts TO ENTERS- Any time during'Wcstfield Sale Days, you can enter by printing Telephone in Cranford Festival. OPEN THURS. EVES. have been taught the life- your name, address and phone number on a sales slip from a participating ICOTTON KNIT TOPS AH SHORT ROBES saving technique of CPR Furniture $ s (cardio-pulmbnary res- : SPECIAL THIS : merchant and dropping it, or a reasonable facsimile thereof, in a special uscitation) by instructors Leather Goods I WEEK WITH ADV. From 3to 6 $799 WESTFIELD SALES DAYS from the Cranford 'First drum in the lobby of the National Bank of New Jersey-corner of Broad Aid Squad. X DISC BRAKES : 3 DAYS ONLY-JULY 31, AUGUST 1 & 2 •V Brund Now • ^^ and Elm Streets. . Five' different classes M Shou!) Inylallod. T t All COORDINATES All LONG ROBES were held from May * All Cur a and Modulu through July in which the ^hanio Duy Survlco SAVE +REGULARBONDEUBRAKES* SHOP THESE WESTFIELD V2 Off Reg. Price skills of resuscitating a Axlo Sol $9.95 -V2 Off Reg. Price %OFF pulseless, non-breathing -.353-9244 patient and the skills of S. ELMOHA EXXON 1 SALE DAYS STORES NyBort & Cotton Blend- "' ON ALL GIFTS & LAMPS clearing jUin obstructed SERVICENTER airway wfrejtaught. S Elmur.1 Avo . Cot MADE IN AMERICA HAND FEATS All Terry CASTLE BOOTERY CURIO CABINETS; BARS, OCCASIONAL FURNITURE Joseph Hollan Jr., an Enco, bolw. SI Goorgo T-SHIRT EMPORIUM Long & short NIGHTGOWNS ft Bnyway Circ. ELI?. ARTHUR STEVENS GRILL'S SILK AND COTTON SHOP $ employe pf New Jersey FRAN MARIE MADEMOISELLE THE SILVER MINE SHORT SETS 7 Bell Telephone and a TOWN BOOK STORE V2 Off Reg. Price RED TAG SPECIALS member of. the First Aid MARTIN JEWELERS JEANNETTE'S GIFT SHOP ' MARCUS JEWELERS Squad, was the coordina- PAT LAUREN . . GEOFFREY'S THE LINEN PLACE Special Group BLOUSES tor for the CPR classes. JANE SMITH PICKWICK VILLAGE CLEAN STAN SOMMERS HICKORY FARMS OF OHIO SPORTS CENTER All BABY DOLLS 30%OFF MAHLER'S THIRD TRIO LTD. BARON'S SflVE SCOTT'S OFWESTFIELD 1/2 Off Reg. Price Mahler's Symphony No. RANDAL SHOES BONNtY'S OF WESTFIELD —. on Selected- Dinettes ir* Stock— ___::. V_.ALIC1AJ(ARPAII__ 3~ will ~be "performed "We~ca re aFdu[tvalue rjastjasrnoch-as-y ou do! -"TONY'DENNIS LANCASTER; LTD: Saturday at the Waterloo CARS ELIZABETHTOWN GAS CO JOHN FRANKS -8ASKIN ROBBINS Village music festival at MILADY'S AllPANTS Quantities are limited. In Our Appliance Dept. 4 THE LEADER STORE ELM RADIO AND TV 8:30 p.m. Guest artists will LADY LESLIE AT JOHN FRANKS Not all colors and sizes are available CLARA LOUISE WARREN'S PLACE REFRIGERATORS, ELECTRIC RANGES, WASHERS be Marilyn \ Savage, in avery style, so hurry in for best selection! mezzo-soprano, the Pro WANTE0 Vz Off Reg. Price DRYERS, RANGE HOODS! Arte Chorale, and the boys of the choir of the Church SCRATCHED, SCUFFED, MARKED, TREMENDOUS BUVS! of the Transfiguration, JENEWEIN FREE PARKING throughout Westfield^on Thursday after 6 p.m. Call 347-4700. VOLKSWAGEN In Our T-V-Dept, 'FIDDLER' IN UNDEN COME TO WESTFIELD SALE DAYS AND CELEBRATE The Linden Summer 900E.EIIz;ibethAvo SELECTED MODELS REDUCED 1 Theatre will present f Linden WITH SUPER SAVINGS AND LOADS OF FREE GIFTS! BELOW OUR ALREADY DISCOUNTED PRICES "Fiddler on the Roof" • today through Saturday at ' 486-6200 167 E. BROAD ST. WESTFIELD, N.J. NO GIFT WRAPPING - Linden High School at 8:15 p.m. < I ••...

• •*»,. .-«• •h-tt.


Thursday, July :il, l'MU CHANKOHD <.N.J.) CHRONICLE Page 4 CRANFORD (N.J.) CHRONICLE Thursday, July 31, 19»0 Check Rules On Fencing of limitations .on heights of .. .••• • . -.'.-.••' fences in the township and Stolen Jn-Cranford Is ••e••••••« Cranford property Adiustrrient the need for a permit owners are advised to con-" 'Restrictions for fences before erecting one." The suit Jocal . regulations are found in the newheight limitation for solid, Recovered In Hillside before erecting fences, Zoning Ordinance, Article ' semi-solid and open fences stated Theron Weeks Jn.-; V, Section C, page V-28. is four feet for rear and A van carrying drug-related items St. July 21. Tl'hafrman of th'p Rnard of Weeks reminded residents' • side^yards. Six-foot tall that, was stolen here July 21 was re- Jeff Decker, Belleville, reported that fences ape restricted as covered in Hillside two days later and its his wallet containing $80 in cash was ' far as location on the driver charged with possession of stolen , stolen or lost at Orange Avenue ^obl property and are treated property. July 19. A raft and lawn chair were like building additions. The van was taken while its owner was taken from the rear of the home of Mrs. For information call the making a delivery at Ketchum Jersey on Gertrude Lachs, 1 Osage Dr., July 20 TAKE HOME SPECIALS building inspector's'office, South Avenue. The owner, Joe and a lawn chair from the front porch of 276^8900, Sprovach, reported seeing the vehicle in Mrs. Madeline PoHdori, 6 Retford Aver, HAWAIIAN Newark and Hillside and this was July 17. Joyce Whitehead, 36 Alden St., . passed oh to Hillside police by Det, reported her license, registration and SWIM SUITS William O'Donnell. other papers stolen from her vehicle Hillside officers charged "Jeffrey *B. July 15. TENNIS CLOTHING Harrington^ 19, 22 Grifman Ave.,. Last Thursday three tapes; a carrying ON.THE JOB — Brenda Miller at the Summer Youth Center with table Newark. The van's contents were case and cassette Were taken from the soccer enthusiasts Davfe Levy, left, and Frank" Williams. 50 missing. They included a small amount car of Allan Grossman, 24 Elmora Ave., TENNIS RACQUETS HBUNCH of 10 of prescription drugs. and a tape deck from the car of Marge Several other thefts were-reported to Biela of Union while it was parked at the police here recently. They included 'Orange Avenue Pool. A case and 30 Brenda Miller Assumes Job BASEBALL GLOVES Cranford Store Open Sun 9-1 removal of four wheels, tires and hub cassette tapes were taken from the car caps-from a car atr-the=EichenuIalt of Judy-Dormr? Gherokee-Rdrat-the _ WARM-UJ^SUITS— home, 49 Lewis St.,-lasLIhursday.'Two Orange pool July 23. Two tape cases Programmer ENJOYING new. "Spring Toy" unit at playground.are, from left: John typewriters valued at $1,700 were taken were reported taken from the car of O'Brien, Billy Hull, Sean Waters, Eileen Scheider, Frank Reider and from Everlasting Valve Corp. on Myrtle • Elizabeth Shells, 29 W.Hfllly,Tuesday."* Brenda Miller has formally assumed inSkyland, N. C, and was an elemen- Tom Mooney. . OTHER ITEMS / V FLOWERS the 'new position of recreation tary physical education specialist -4n - . '• •' :m • r"^' " ' • ' ' .... ,. . programmer-coordinator in the Recrea- Charlotte, N. C. 116 North Ave. W., Cranford tion and Parks department. She holds a B. S. and M. S. degrees in CRANFORD SPORT CENTER 276-4700 NEW*'" POST HardMck Joins National health education and physical education Trailside Features 'Beach 143 Chestnut St.. Roselle Rk. Marilyn Mrs. Miller previously served as afrom Western Carolina University. Her 38 North Avenue, E. 276-1569 241-9797 program and activity leader for pre-husband, Wayne, also has a background has been, named school children in the Westfield YMCA CLOSED WED. JULY & AUGUST 130 W. Third Avo.LRosello associate dean of Ihe in recreation and is a professor in that Life' In August Sessions 241-2700 Arson Council Task Force and as a recreation leader for thefield at Montclair State,. ' Muhl0nberg Hospital learning, disabled at the Scotch Plains • The job here was created in the wake ,„ New activities and additional sessions rectional skills.''**--—-- School of Nursing. •Assemblyman Chuck Hardwick his has important benefits for legislator?;, Recreation Commission. • of federal cutbacks in the CETA 61 'programs highlight August at the• August 11 marks, .the start of t\Vo been named to a National Arson Council law enforcement agencies, insurance Before moving to Cranford she wasprogram.'which had underwritten /Trailside Nature and Science Center in favorite activities - Wigwams in---the Task Force charged with mounting a Companies and policy holders. director of recreation for the Blooming- temporary-staffers in the department, Mountainside. All involve children and Watchungs" and "Camp Crafts." Open majpr offensive on one of the nation's "It's estimated.that one of every three ton Manor Intermediate Care Facility in,she will be coordinating volunteer-run- adults in a learn-and-enjoy nature dis- to third and fourth graders, "Wigwams" TALL TOM ATOS — John Fedash cuttivated a tomatp plant on Scher-' fastest-growing arid most serious . homeowner and fire insurance premium Illinois. She has taught health education sports and recreation programs and is covery. . • ~ delves into the world of the ' LermtV rer Street that ranged upward of seven feet before a rainstorm crimes. .dollars goes ta pay for losses cause4 by and physical education at Radford working with senior citizen programs Lenape Indians whose favored winter GLOBAL Since 1980 is the "Year of the Coast," camp site was the Watchung Reser- stunted its top part last week. Jon Delano photographed Fedasti with U.S. Sen. John Glenn is honorary arson and arson-related fraud," Hard-/ College in Virginia.and at a high school an(] youth activities among other duties. wick pointed out. the Union County Department of Parks vation. Youngsters will learn how these his still-prospering' plaint. . ••..*'•.-..' • chairman of the Task Force which will .••'.' - ..••.. . . . ic* • .' • • mmei and Recreation facility presents "Beach CARPET CLEANING present its findings in a National ' "I'm delighted to be in the position of native Americans used area^plants and Life," a special program about the New animals to meet their needs. Partici- welcomes 1980. at 1979 prices with the Legislative Conference on Arson in bringing* the'best ideas and programs Doll Program Set At Pool Tomorrow Jersey shore. Beginning Monday, Cleveland in December. from around the country back to Union pants will handle real artifacts and work August 4, the event will introduce on Indian crafts. - *•; INFLATION FIGHTER SPECIAL! The force will unite federal, state and County," he said. A display of dolls portraying historical Democracy" program which describes youngster_s in' the third an^ d fourth .lpcaT officials—prosecutors-, legislators, Hardwick .was appointed to the Tasilt Firsts aid, pjoper^ dress, survival » .P'RQFjS.SJjQIVlAi: STEAM CLEANING figures will be-exhibited tomorrow at thc....)he lives - of the historical persons., th^grSdj,s ta.,gommon shei^fish «nd. show attorneys general, and representatives F;orce as a representative of the Council dolls technique^ identification of wild 'edible ; : "Cent'enhial Avenue Pool at'l? p.m. "by" P°rty them how to identify egg case&>of skates • „••."••%-.+' + PLUS •'4- ;+'"4 .*'•-•••• '"•. of the insiirance industry-in a full-scale of State Governments. . and poisonous plants will be discussed the local chapter of B'nailJ'rithWomen.r . ' The program will be repeated at"lhe and whelks. Youngsters will create a and practiced during "Camp Crafts." •••• CARPET SCRUBBING (SHAMPOOING) assault on arson. Last year, arson The Westfield Republican is author of Orange Avenue pool Aug. 13 at l:30.p.m. sea-life casting or rnobile during the claimed—1,000 lives nationwide, and model legislation encouraging Members will' present the "Dolls for This 10. a.m. four-day "course runs from four-day 10 a.m. course. August 11-through August 14. • BATH N i SUFI'S A-RNO~AD0ITIONAL7CHARGE! accounted for, nearly $2 billion in cooperation of police and insurance S 5 ^_ Call Today For A FREE Estimate property losses, Hardwick said. companies in arson fighting by Marino Winner Of Ping-Pong Tourney Sixth through' eighth graders will "Tree" Watchung," Tuesday and .red; V6 to 50 •nr^The"grave^reat-.tov.6ujr^iy«,~our^~providing^civil? imnHJnity-when, they- learnjiow to find their way .through- the Wednesday Planetarium showj;, .Wed-.- :L: 1 -—- -—iuxibjiBto^ses^ahd^^ppj^§x^ssharje4lnf^dptn^mnron-suspicJoi'ugiiHfes^ " a? dotnoE3^iesday~^ral~Gyziug?^^r^4|^^ »^»_^-'WIL',,Ji.L ...... ^k : l :: •s :duxmi ^nen^ TANillORIAL SEHVICVS^INC^^^^j rwe focusattentidrrand'ourT>est~" ^~-^-- f- £-'.™'*«>*P H-r; ^r-—- - ;.. _. THE COMPUTE CLEANING COMPANY" ;._refiently __..V_' cooperative^efforts^on ,-thjs^heinous---—The bill has passed theAssembly, and— I __JChersiiiglesplay-OfLcompetition.began threfcday rijjaJm._.pr^ crime," said Hardwick. . Marino teamed with AJ Little to win with a field including LoGuidice, Laura starts Mohday offers games ar\d con- tinuing this month. Call 232-5930 for'in- has been reported favorably out of a the doubles tournament. Coming in Stafford Jeff Kaszak, Dave Whitmeyer,, tests for participants to test their di- formation. • ' . *• "Arson begins, and the solution Senate committee. It has received the belongs, promarily at the local level; : 'endorsement of Attorney General John second were John Korn and Stephen Lo- Little, Mike Galiszewski, and Marino. . . 1/2 PRICE where detection and prosecution must" Degnan and Insurance Commissioner . BUDGET HELP ^ occur. However, a forum for exchange^ James Sheeran,~who supported itr in a~~ Money - munagement-Waranls^at thc^Unioh" Film SeriesSlated AtJUC. RICHARD SHEINBLAT! P.D.S., P.A. of the best ideas to deal with the crime UC MAILING statement this week. and budgeting.information County Extension Service, Three special programs in an oh-going combat regiment which fought in World is provided by Gwen 233-93G6. "Fall of 1980," a-24-page • General Dentistry brochure announcing all series on the heritage of the Western War I. John Cosley of East Orange, an course offerings at Union w.orld will be conducted the next three 82-year-old World War I veteran who Golden Serves At SKIRTS BLOUSES Tuesdays at Union College. fought with that regiment, will lead a •Orthodontics College and Union County SLACKS Technical Institute and The programs consist of films and discussion. req.- M 2 to M0 1/2PRICE • Periodontics Vocational Center, has guest speakers who are experts in the The Subject Aug. 12 will be the Prosecutor's School been mailed to alareal s explored in the films. They will be .Holocaust films "Night and Fog," a 'Endodo-Dlics. -residences—ii Union held Aug, 5 at 10:30a.m.'.Aug. 12 at 10:30 "classic on the reality of the death Howard G. Golden7~as3tstant-county County. " a.m. and Aug. 19 at 8:45 a.m. camps; "Music of Auschwitz," a film on •Reconstructive Dentistry:. 'DOWNTOWN- GARDEN1 — Sicilian zucchini prospers under prosecutor, served as a faculty advisor The film series, called "From the Age the famed inmates orchestra; and for the National College of District of Absolutismto the Age of. the.AtotPw'" ;is, ".Hangman," which includes a dramatic watchful eye of Amaslo Marsiglla, proprietor of Crartfqrd Barber can DAWN QUESTIONS SHORTS Attorneys' 1980 Career Prosecutor ..pprtof a course in Western .Civilization reading of Maurice Ogden's poem on the S S •Inhalation Sedation Shop^ He's had a small but flourishing hobby garden behind the shop by JOAN VARANELLl Information on plants, being conducted during Summer Session reg. 6 to 22 for seven years. •. . .* • .'••''. Course in Houston. ' . WONDERFUL, WONDERFUL universal need for social responsibility. (Nitrous Oxide) Some 160 prosecutors from throughout lawn, shrubs and' tree II at the College. The film and speaker COPENHAGENI problems is' available aspect of the course isopen to the public The film Aug. 19 will be "War Game,' the country completed the 11th annual From Ballet to beer, Denmark, has three-week course. Golden has been from the . county and is free. • a cinema' verite acpount of the panic and •Intravenous Analgesia something to suit everyone's taste agricultural "agents, Eric The films to be shown Aug. 5 aregrim effpets of a nuclear war as it might Gambling Charge Car Strikes TThree team leader of the county's Plainfield and this fall, you can spend a week in' Speedy Trial •' Unit and was recently H. Peterson Jr. and"Where Are My People," a study of the happen. Guest speakers are also being A Fanwood man has been accused of Copenhagen for just $603.00 per per- can WorJd War I genocide of the Armenians BLQUSES Stephen Bachelder, in the arranged for the latter two programs. •-.—— Hours By Appointment assigned as supervisor of .the Special son sharing a double room. 1 5 gambling in Cranford. Enforcement Unit. - morning at'233-9366. by the Turks, and "Men of Bronze, ' an All programs will be conducted in the reg..M3 to .3O 1/2 PRICE John Merlo, 47, 224 Herbert Ave., was This fantastically low price includes evocative documentary of the first black North Lecture Hall. Richard Sheinbjatt.-CtD.S., PA apprehended by a county investigator, Parked Vehicles roundtrlp transportation on Scan- danavian Airlines, 6 nights in a first does Sal Apuzzio, last Thursday. He allegedly FARMS DEPLETED 221 Chestnut Street was conducting a gambling operation Exposure Charge class hotel, a sightseeing tour of A 74-year-old Cranford driver struck, Copenhagen with a sampling stop at • Two generations of Roselle, New Jersey O72O3 near the Cranford train station. He was three parked cars during a three hour the famous Carlsberg brewery, a intensive farming KNIT TOPS released on $200 bail for an August 19 A 19-year-old Cranford man has been depleted the farmland period Friday evening. Joseph A. charged with indecent exposure. He.was ticket to the Royal Ballet, opera or reg"'.'S3 to"4-26 1/2 PRICE 2451615 Municipal Court hearing. . Angelis, 130 Columbia Ave., received a other artistic event, roundttip air- again! around here by. the late apprehended by Officer Edward Zar- Kith Century, and' many of careless driving summons after his zecki outside Hatfield Wire and Cable, 12 port/hotel transportation, taxes and vehicle struck cars on North Union, •service charges. Complimentary the local ' farmers, Orange and his own street. He reported Commerce Dr., July 23. UPSTAIRS including members of the Two residents reported exposures in coffee and pastry, a nfghf club ad- THURS SAT to police that he had an eye problem. mission and a free drink are just a Cory and Crane families, Nomahegen Park in recent days. There few of the other special features add- AND moved West and North. has been a total of four such incidents ed to make your stay in Denmark Remaining farms were John Burke, 31 Princeton Rd., suf- v DOWNSTAIRS S S reported, in the park area in recent delightful. „ turned to successful 1/2 PRICE fered a laceration on his forehead when weeks. reg. 22 to. 9 5 his car struck a tree at Elizabeth and Autumn is the time to enjoy Europe orchards. Van Buren at 12:07 a.m. Saturday. He FARBEH NAMED as the Europeans do, so come to. .was taken by"the~FirstHATd Squad~~to~ —MrsrAnne Farber has been promoted ~Vatan's~Travel~Agericy~and~leflFs~ STAMPS & COINS Overlook Hospital for treatment. He re- associate librarian at Union College, her have you singing, the praises of " The Central Jersey ceived summonses for careless driving alma mater. She has been on the staff wonderful, wonderful Copenhagen Stamp and Coin Exchange arid not having an insurance card. for 13 years. ---•-•-:<••• y this fall: - ' will conduct a stamp and 1/2 PRICE coin show and sale Sun- day,- Aug. 10 at - the Ramada- Inn, Clark, from All .SiAlKS FliVAl V 10 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Closed-Wednesdays Durimi July & Auyust ft a WE SAVE 33% TKWtl \I,H\(V Admission is free. (Blu« Ribbon Shopping C«nt«rJ MEKCK APPOINTS Dr. J. J. Wittick was 94 North Averiue recently appointed to the ON AIR-CONDITIONING Garwood—789-4063 position of director, Quality Control 15 NORTH UNION AVE Operations of the Merck -AND SO CAN YOU Chemical Manufacturing ANEW Division of Merck & Co., CRANFORD 27^-0234 Inc. in Rahway. HUMAN

Colonial Liquors is now ii linost products in tho SERVICES mumbor ol World of Liquors. Our induutry to tlio public at tho lowout Hi* u S™TLai u PROGRAM Oroup is dudicatod to bringing tho possible) pricus through muss purchasing. TOP VALUES reduces MANY MORElN-STORE SPECIALS cooling PRICE SflLE.. STOREWIDE- costs GERONTOLOGY G0RD0N51 IMLLER imelFLBSattlMJS AVAILABLE AT PRICE SUITS • SPORT JACKETS SUMMER THAT'S MORE AND < MORE IMPORTANT SLACKS* KNIT SHIRTS UNION ColUqc Q. VODKA £(|BEQ»a'"24 12.02 CANS ONLY l •« TODAY! ALL SUMMER This new degree program Is "designed to train Individuals SHORT SLEEVE DRESS SHIRTS SAVE 2:34 for immediate employment in social, health, recreation kJ »""«««n7| VooU Before we decided to sell HEAT SENTRY, we InstaNed It In our own arid community organizations serving the needs of the SPORTSWEAR & TIES MERCHANDISE 'biirvicut; nml Spt.cilil Oriluru t wi:liulnil IMPORTED offices for a two-week trial! It works and thats why we can elderly. Specllic gerontology courses examine tho social, psychological, economic and health aspects of aging and DAB BEER SAVE 4.01 recommend It! familiarize students with the special problems and needs I 6 PACK. • I of tho aged. - have now been reduced to t SAVE 1.S0J CONTINUED Exhaust summt'rtlmB heat, as high as ISO degrees, from your attic with a Daytime and evening classes are available for (ull-tlmo 1/2 price during this sale. I&B PEPSI COLA Butler Power attic ventilator. Super-heated air in your attic-penetrates your and part-time students beginning September 2. living area, overloading your cooling ' sysfem. HEAT 'SENTRY eductions from -automatlcally-exhausU-thls-trapped, -hot-air allowlng-ybui'-oIK-condl+lot>ing- •tooperate moro efficiently. Reduce your'aiK-condltioning bill& and conserve - fllt-SUmmERCLGTHES energy, too; See us today. ~- i •• 15%Tto50% CASE inlormatlon, call:, HflVE BEEN REDUCED! , WINE or write: 272-8580 Thero will bo a chargo for alterations during this salu! LAMBRUSCO '1 OR QUAflT BIANCO. . •'"•"• U Please send Application for Admission ' SAVF. J8t SAVE 7 20 iZ Appointment with Counselor D More Information! CASH 4 CARRY ONLY REEL-STRONG FUEL CO. •7 "DEP£NDABU, FRIENDLY SERVICE SINCE 1925" Union College, Cranford, NJ 07016 icmcnil i |Q *4Jm«r Sorvic* W^ier Hujluri Name' _j ••' COLONIAL LIQUORS \L ^ Humidifier' conncRi Address on., Tuoa., Fri., 0:30 to 5: r^n? SOUTH AVE., GARWOOD (noxt to stop & shop) 789.-1244 Air Conditioning 2760900 , Day or Nit» Tluirs. 0:30'to 8 S XM • IN THE EVENT Of TVK)UH«PHIC»L tMKUHS LOWEST PRICES PfflMITTED BV N,J. UW City _„ _.- Tel. Sat. 9:30 to 5:00 1 34V UXINOTON AViNUI, CRANrORO MaStercharyu; ,. U North Union Avinue • Craixforil* 272-5350 Visa [Iti'.V. itlll •'

•-$;••/; :M ..J


Thursday, July 31.- mo CRANFORD (NJ..rrHK/).Niri,K .A 75-milli- Former College Club Head Wasky, Pompton Plains; cooperation-with the Caldwell College, ship, enthusiasm and devotion which League's Jim Htirrington "on behalf ol meter World War I artillery shell found Valley..'..The Cranford Golf Course is music department, is offering courses Teddy, where are you? Mrs. Maizie M. Wilson, three sons, Edward W. the many people ol Cranford uho give by youngsters in the Rahway River near next to the theatre on North Avenue. Its former presfdent of "the this fall toward certification in the United Way and suppoi-i th<- ex 76, died Sunday at Thomson, Danville, Calif., J Droescher's Mill last week is scheduled manager is Sam Shapiro. College Women's Club of categories: minister of music, assistant Sermon On Gossip cellent work of. the Cerebral I alsy Like. Ronald Reagan, the the courts, wranglers having cut Cheshire Hospital, Keene, Cranford. Robert H. Thomson, New for detonation today at^Fort Dix Army 60 years Providence and James minister of music, organist, choir League. editor has a strong affinity for down the fence on their own. base. . ' '• Assemblyman Pierson says the N. H. after a long illness. A Surviving are a son, director, cantor; and 'director of folk • "Gossip and the Gospel" will be-the : native of Pine Bluff, Ark., "Peter M. Wilson, East Cahill, Elberon, and 13 sermon topic at the Osceola horses. On a recent excursion in Such discrimination against 10 years" . freeholders feel there should be more grandchildren. music. Classes wij| be held Monday, and -.. OA'TKS ' Latest addition in Cranford Industrial sentiment for a county park system Mrs. Wilson spent most of Swayzey, N. H.; a brother, Wednesday evenings at raldweU Presbyierian Church-Sunday .at. 10 am •••'"R<.>V-..- John-- ()Ht«^--<>(-• -S(-:—j the saddle threngb a national horses prompted a notion that her life in Cranford. Albert R. .Mills, Pine A mass of resurrection The'Rev. Robert R: Kopp. pastor/will park, we found ourselves bann- Reagan, if elected, might do for Park.is new $1,6 million Cali Building at before they take action.,..Six sets oL was offered Monday at College. : •-••:-••-••• Church, who suffered a heart attack last plans for- a new Sherman School sub- moving to Keene two Bluff; a sister, Jeanne . Scholarships of half tuition will be preach. Vv'eeJt.,has been taken out of theinte-nsiyc 14 Commerce Dr. .--,,' years ago. Our Lady of Good Council ed from some favorite trails of equestrians what Jimmy Carter 20 years mitted for a meeting of the Board of Mills, who lives in.. Por- awarded by the college to full-time David Hunte, a member of Osceola, care Unit .at St. Elizabeth Hospital. yesteryear. The federal govern- had done for hikers—that he A graduate of the tugal, and five grand- Church, Pornpteui-PJainsZ- wi attend tne Youtn Richard Kaul and Everett Heim, 4 and Education....A. Nelson Trimble, Interment Was in St. "feachag 'n parochial schools and to " Triennium at Elizabeth and remains in a private room ment had moved the old^stables would canter down Penn- manager of Potts for 24 years is to University of' Missouri, children. persofflr involved in full-time parish there Father Oates is reportedls • 3 Burchf ield Ave., head the opposition to she was. a member and a Joseph Cemetery, halfway down the valley from sylvania Avenue instead of the bowling plan, They say that Zirpolo charge....Nat R. Foster will move to Bierwirth Arthritis Foundation, P. the,diocesan, worship office, 260 South DEDICATED TO DIGNIFIED The result is favored and often Republican platform which North Ave. E., "so1d' to William 6. Box 3G9, Concord, N. H. celebrating this summer's mid-decade solo access to the better-trails says, "we vigorously - support Seeman Main^Street.'-L'fidii-telophone-472-2500, International Conference. on Womenr l^QjiimiJieAail^^^ Pre-registration may be accomplished credit their placement to Mary Sullivan. SERVICE SINCE J897. ^by _those_who drive-or•••ride-a- the-right-:of-persoi3?l-nnobilitthih^fblit y (oca| fiafttan Valley Lin-,e ../ii wili li ™be dmiinrt similar nt o»hi thie suni unit tnn\u now I nin n<5 usoe n onn th the« .1929 under the name of (Ben)-King & ing. died yesterday Arrangements are by • Harold A. Seeman, 64, by mail, through August 25. Classes . federal shuttle bus to the higher and freedom as exemplified by Boonton, Bergen County, Pascack Valley and Main Lines. They're be- Muhlenberg Hospital, the Fletcher Funeral died Saturday \.in the begin Sept. 3. She's calling attention" to the event iii William Sperr7y0 yearPark-is s at N. Union Plainfield, after a short Home, Keene. Princeton Medical Center Copenhagen, ' . /trailheads. The pristine two- the. automobile and our modern ing made in Vermont by Bombardier Ltd] of Montreal, which acquired 30 years and Riverside Avenues...\The library illness. . Arrangements legged lobby is threatening to nighway system.'.'.Ti)at sojunds design rights "from Pullman-Staridard Co. which made earlier ver- after a brief illness. building will open, .about Aug. 15, have been made by the ' Funderal services were Selden Named kick the four-legged set out of like a line Henry Ford would s i o n s . an alligator in the river at Bluff and 1910....The Central Railroad buys land Gray Memorial Funeral Mrs. Mary held Tuesday at the the-valley altogether. have tried to slip inter William High Streets-: They found iC was a stuffed near. Aldene, nocth of the tracks:...The Home, 12 Springfield Bannworth Funderal Mm' A • • • mm MU • Ave\ . - •' • •-•••. Lauren Selden has been organizer of the Virginia McKinley's 1900 platform; Ted- specimen. Public' Works Dept. was: Middlesex Water Co. returns Cranford Home, Elizabeth. Inter- made executive director affiliate of Lhe Civil notified to remove the Intruder to Netherwopd since the wells of Middle- Mr. Bierwirth was bom I • Mk ^^mYmmm ^^. •:hn^-~Jun*—funeral—is—this—moi-ning- _S c h oo Lb LN u rs I rig __ Jfeepublicans "reject the elitist use Of the existing infrastrue- has no way to judge "the sincerity or. because I was born.in Littleton, but my 13....Forrest Reeves will open a 5 & 10 Center.; Edison, after—a~! ! parents moved away when I_was 16. naccone, died, in'li)47..'-. from. the^Qooley-••• F uHeral notion that Americans must be hire of roads, and rails, will be honesty of the men who write, ".'l. am .^She was born in Italy-.•;"-Sarvi.ving. iire, .'f^^JiteMfiiSf 218 W. North.Aye-,; ^ foreed-out^Whei^cami^Th^ Sw I W3?177- I' • and came. td-Eiizabeth,^•'Jolih;/;E!ast'''Bru'r^^ T home uhtilT reached the years .g^.agov'^rs'.'/lan/ ^'_daughjer, jVJrs.__Caroly_n JuneraLjn.ass_aL._lu a.m., ftollar^ age-oM8~I-am-now--tncarcerated-in naccone, lived in CCranford Cash, Edison, with whom followed by interment in Tng the PATHT .strike, or down current cars date back to 1923/Unfair to.the prisoners? Maybe so. prison and have never felt more lonely- for 55 years and moved to. she lived; a brother, .St. Gertrude Cemetery, Christian the Garden State Parkway on Fifty-seven new passenger cars 1 His stance, and questions, reflected in my life . ..." investment in its downtown Edison eight years ago. Anthony Pepe, California; Colonia. summer Fridays. Or divert the and ten jnew locomotives will The Chronicle's approach, and qualms, Garrett Ray, the Colorado editor, join the fleet. That's six fewer too. Then I received a touching letter , reported that he had set that letter in Summit; like Cranford, is concerned National State Bank Building. Many of inaugural parade on to 1-95. 1 Mrs. Ethel G. Scott Fathering • Overheated radiators and thecars than were projected two from an i nmate at a Georgia State type, just as we had here, in Cranford, about its central business-district and the buildings in the downtown district 25 price of gas, not elitist notions, years ago, but through new Prison. Unlike the others, this one had a and then received a letter from another has taken steps to improve it, notably in years ago still looked as they were then Law Project "Christian Fathering,"; "local angle" - and our readers know inmate at the same prison. "I was born a hew ' parking garage. Norman E. when constructed 25 years before that. si Funeral services for Union. Her husband, the third of seven films in are forcing people out of their seating configurations the total how we favor the "hometown" approach in Littleton and lived there with my Rauscher of the Summit Herald made However, during the last 10 to 15 years, Mrs. Ethel G. Scott were Arthur W. Scott, died in the series "Focus on the cars. The only potential elitists passenger capacity will be up 20 to news and opinion. parents Until I was six years old . . ."• these observations.on the subject: many in Summit began to look at the old held Monday. She died 1977. Family," will be shown percent altogether, and "I was born in Cranford but my parents Ray wrote the prison to ihquire about town and realized thatsomething.h ad..to__,... Aids Mentally Friday in Muhlenberg Surviving are. several Aug. 12 at 7:30 p.m. at the on the parkway are drivers with Although we lament the fact, the truth > Hospital, Plainfield, after exact change and the only real passenger comfort can only im- moved away when I was in the fourth the two local men. The assistant warden is simple: Summit is growing old. The be done quickly "to maintain an at- . nieces and nephews, five Grace and Peace Fellow- Take home one of these Free Gifts when grade," he began. "My parents were wrote this about the one Whose parents tractive look_so_ that customers would a long illness. grandchildren, .and five ship, Raritan Road. The -^•-...^=, elitists are the motorcyclists prove. . . v- town we call home can Jracejts modenu — Born in Elizabeth, Mrs. killed in an automobilejiccident when I ^weriLkilledJnJheJvteck: .^-^——^^ beginnings back "to the Civil War^and continue to shop Ideally/especially with great-grandchildren, series was prepared by you deposit $5,000 or more in a new roaring alongihe_shouldeiu. was 16 ahdTlived in a foster home until I 111 In G)unty/ Scott lived in Cranford 40 The Gray Memorial James C. -Dobson, PhD; the advent of highway stpres and malls years. She was a member OTIllEIl MODES: The roads, BUS LINES: 271 modern was 18. I am incarcerated in a Georgia "The inmate is serving multiple with their copious parking facilities. Funeral Home, 13 Spring- Problems of adolescence or existing Certificate or Savings prison now; and I have never felt so sentences for burglary, escape and The Community Mental of the Connecticut Farms field Ave., completed i will be featured on Aug. 19 HOT/fcOLO coupled with the prices of driv- buses have also been ordered. £entury There are many homes, Today, the work goes on. We are sure Presbyterian , BEVERA.GE DISPENSER alone in my entire life."' voluntary manslaughter. He was born in especFaH^tho^Tiglii tt outsWe'The'downtid th d - Health Law Project, a .arrangements.. .. •• and 26.' ' ' • • ' ". .Account, or $10,000 or more ing arid maintaining a vehicle, Assemblyman William J. i l th ih many Summit residents feel that the United Way member • That was a pretty gripping opener and • Georgiar His mother and father, three town business district that are now 80> taxpayer is an unwitting contributor to in a new 6-Month Money are enough to drive the culture, - Maguire says $ome of the the Subsequent appeal for a pen pal here brothers and two sisters-in-law reside in ^ and even 100 years old So-Called "Old agency, p'roWde.s legal the welfare of the merchants. We don't services to people who in the future if not the present, accessories fa v.pripg the handi- was compelling, too. "I believe that the state. His- girlfriend also resides in Summir are those areas that grew out think that tax dollars being spent on the Market Certificate! to some other forms of getting s g city's downtown business district (i.e., have mental health bcappee negotiated are tod towaro COStldy practicaliand COUld- somaroune do thf em Cranfory relatived ares astil anl dliv I ethough in otr Georgiahim on. aAl regulal thesre basiindividuals Ths ed secono visidt fro^ m0 ,^des t downtowhouses onln arey aa s(mewit,s h somthroe owf the tier-parking garage.) is in anyway problems'and live in the around, and that brings us back' b gotited toward practicali around the Cranford area and I thought him n a regular basis" The second - iy e' th community. This service ty. However, improved--••- bus" • that maybe you can find the kindness in letter O Writer Was described similarly. thfrom ldthet railroa h d Of course there are subsidizing the. downtown merchant. We to the real world. Transporta- 1 So you wont see the missive from the ' d sections in other is needed because men- tion experts know that auto use vice is a must, and the thrust of your heart to publish my letter in your ma old homes an think the tax dollars spent downtown, is tally disabled people often community newspaper so that some of "Cranford boy or the.' Littleton boys J i e Silm- an investment in our future. will be curtailed and alternate the improved service is valid. In The Chronicle. And, like Ray, I'm' of tow but by and arg t don't have (he money to • my'relatives or someone who knew them s ag6e ^ be pretty-muc JJ h ascer- Go to any large city and take a drive hire private attorneys. means of travel are required. Bus routes are getting attention might write to me." back to skeptical perusal of letters to the, ^^ b£ thhe ffaC t g&atts ome off ddown. editor, especially those from Georgia . i through what was once called the Louis Gambaccini, state too: NJ Transit has proposed, Moved by the appeal, I had it set in town s most famoUS andmarks are "downtown business area" and look at The Community Mental transportation commissioner, for example, that all No! - 28 type, with a headline, and entered it in prisons. those buildings that went up between the all the empty store fronts. Those that Health Law Project has some thoughtful comments buses terminate at Union Col- turn of the century (The Wulff Building) are not empty are generally occupied by handles many cases in- on this in the New Jersey Bell lege, which will broaden the and the mid-1920s (The Bassett store front churches, social agencies or cluding consumer, debt- Journal. He says we need to be scope of service to parts of Building). In between, many buildings pool parlors, hardly the kind of enter- collection and rights weaned away from "automobil- and, homes, large and small, were prise that cultivates hard tax rateables. problems, child custody Kenilworth and Cranford. Viewpoint constructed with many of them long Such areas came into being because the and support problems, and ity." He speaks of "total The latest Eagleton Institute gone and many still in use. business district was permitted to erode, problems involving 30 QT POLORON CC petroleum efficiency of the poll found that about one out of Since Summit is a mere six square become tacky and uninviting. Const governmental and public urban society" built around every eight chief wage earners Critical of police parking enforcement miles, the- task is not that difficult to quently, merchants moved out and the assistance benefits. public transportation. He in this area commute to New maintain a constant monitoring of its city was left with a bunch of vacant The staff is specially foresees a lifestyle that requires York City, and a higher percen- To; fhe Edi*ori ,. . ' . fine Cranford^obyiously "doesn't need condition. Unlike a Neware k or Jerseyy stores and buildings.' With the loss of trained and sensitive to ROGERS 5 nf all Wnrkprc; nnH rriiof " I just paid a $10 fine given to me by one : the probtems~ai)d needs or~" relianceon^petrorgum for that Jage^^Lworkers_ana_cmet._ . ( ^ « thebair'-policemenr "over^parkihg"'""ana^"restricted park develop almost overnight because of the you think was made to make up the loss? mentally disabled- per- mobility. He acknowledges the of Cr dn Ot on ing" offenders, the town does not need sprawling, land mass, Summit is for- Right. Mr. andd Mrs. Homeowner. " sons. It is m.ide up of. wage earners must be com- Unfortunately, 1 did not see the sign that us workers to buy in the stores. One of tunate that it is small enough to keep By keeping downtown Summit at- attorneys - and social' American "fixation" with mutinplacesg liktoe Newarother. kNe anwd Jersey prohibits parking on North Avenue the reasons I wrote this letter is that tabs on itself. ,' •' tractive, by providing more parking and - workers. -The—attorneys-'- FUNERAL HOME pjpivate cars, a psychological City which are accessible to before 6 p.m. It was 5:45 and I was too upon investigation I was -andam notthe In the last 25 years," Summit's doWn- by constahtfy'improvirfg <5uY image, Mr. handle legal problems and sociological phenomenon public transit. People in this happy to get to the Cranford Book Store, only victim of the overzealous police town had undergone almost a complete and Mrs. Summit Homeowner will not while the social workers 218 NORTH AVE., W. 276^0255 that will alter only through con- before it closed at 6 p.m. ' department. cosmetic changeover. Twenty^ive have to help' foot a bigger tax bill be- provide non-l«gal direct area also mentioned "location" Although I now work in Elizabeth tinuing economic change. The as one of the things they liked p, p years ago, a school and a hotel as well as cause of merchants', exodus. The services. ' • A Funeral'Home . . . of homelike atmosphere, com- storeGeneras in'Cranfordl Hospital,, Iwher stille patronizI had workee thed So you collect your fines. 1*11 go to the one-family houses lined DeForest merchants will want to stay in Summit The people who are car is not going aw^y soonr-But—about New Jersey. Mobility and for two years. I got to know some of the malls where parking is free. Avenue. Today, parking lots dominate.- because it operates in a town which helped by the Community pletely modern, air conditioned,.offstreet parking the future lies in restored and access are critical to our sense store owners, and I .felt I still should Kathleen Valetsky Twenty-five years ago there was no cares and which-encourages business Mental Health Law . Kemper Building, no Medical Group facilities^ . MULTI-POSITION expanded public' transportation. of location, and top quality support their shops. However, I can't . • , . 4ColeSt. and the businessman. Such a com- Project must request LOUNGE • PROGRESS: The state's public transit is a necessary afford the prices in Cranford. At $10 a Bridgewater Building, no tier-parking garage, and no bination can do Summit no harm! those' .-• services. Eligible , GE AM/f-M • plan, focusing on making better priority in this area. people.who do not have the also PORTABLI RADIO money to iire private DOOLEY COLONIAL HOME (Federal regulations do.not allow a gift for tho transfer of funds already Note from Hayecks attorneys, receive the on deposit at Capital Savings. Freo gift offor available at all offices and. 'Mash'.grateful Appreciative services for free. People 556 Westfield Ave., Westfield limited to one gift per family while supplios last. Gifts shown are based Battle threshold who apply,.ibut are not: 233-0255 upon availability. Should items illustrated.becomo unavailable, we To the Editor: To the Editor: To the Editor: > eligible, are referred to reservo.tbo right to substitute"comparable gifts.) l& . . reporter thought nothing about, We, the family of the late Fred J. We would aJWo like to' .iharilT--.the W«, the Cast and" Crew of "MASH" We would like to expres's our thanks to Our observer of the Township Cranford P.olrce and Fire Depls., the other agencies and Committee has discerned a sub- it at the time, but has subse- Hayeck,. wish to publicly acknowledge would like, to heartily thank all of-the. the Cranford police and the First Aid organizations. the fine assistance we received in our Cranford First Aid Squad, the staffof people who kindly donated their articles tle s h \ii'\x\ p r e - d e c i s i o riquently found the phrase popp- Squad fortheir quick response when our The Community Mental SCORE THE MOST ON OUR SCORE THE MOST ON OUR ing up with regularity among hour of need from our many friends, Memorial General Hospital, our friends of military clothing and medical equip- son became ill on Saturday. behavior. Until about eight customers and business associates. at. the United Auto Workers Hall (Region ment to be used as props in tonight's Health Law Project serves To help make sure members of the governing body. 9), the clergy and especially the Rev. residents o/Union County, months ago, the committee used Their outpouring of sympathy helped production of MASH at the Cranford .. Our appreciation is also extended to to break out a can of communal Recently lead poisoning loomed bolster our. spirits during our darkest Mark J. Dooley of St, Stephens Church High School Auditorium. including Cranford, your home lives on, when one committeeman said in Kearny for their wonderful co- Dr. Pumo, who was passing at the time. Garwood And Kenilworth. I'A-YEAR hours. We would also like to thank a|l. MASH, performed by the Summer 6-I peanuts while they were chew- operation and assistance. You all were His evaluation of the situation made the you need two kinds ing over decisions in workshop two times that the group would those who sent flowers, mass cards, and Drama Workshop, depicts life in a field proper care available to him quickly. have to "bite the bullet and a donations to various organizations in so wonderful and helped ease our pain in army hospital during the Korean War. sessions. Then Henry Dreyer Fred Hayeck's memory. We also wish to our time of great sorrow. We are grate- The performance starts at 8 p.m. Every- of insurance. Jr., or perhaps Barbara former mayor testified that ful to you all. Mr. & Mrs. Leonard /Jawodnick MONEY MARKET MONEY MARKET somebody would have to "bite express our heartfelt appreciation to all one is welcome. . . Brande, said it was time to "bite, who sent cards & visited the funeral The family of The Cast and Crew of Mash > 424 N; Unio/i Ave. GET HOMEOWNl-RS 2. GET MORTGAGE PROTEC- the bullet" on some issue. Our the bullet" on a third matter. So home. Fred J. Hayeck INSURANCE FROM TION INSURANCE FROM far no cases of poison or chipped ALLSTATE. BPC;UISI> ALLSTATE LIFE. If you die CERTIFICATES CERTIFICATES before I lit' mortjiagc is teeth have occurred, probably you need protection . $10,000 Minimum &lje Craniorb Cfjromdc because the phrase is usually Community calendar aqainst loss by wind- paid, iiiorl(|c)(]C' protection $500 Minimum » Interest Compounded Daily Thursday, July 81 band concert, Memorial Park. life insurance helps (|ivc (Monnv con bo withdrawn uf(or 6 monlhu. wilh no churgu for Ihu (ji" you iFuciorjl ro(julation>, rutjuifu j siitibliintitil inlijrtKit penijlly fu' t'tirly Stuurt Awbrcy * Kdlloi* couched in a future conditional Tradition upheld storm, fire, th(*ft and withdrawal If/normy '^ withiiriiwn wit fun unu v>!'" *IMIM IHUIUMI U. np.-iwi) Hrvrrlt-y Awbrev J'ubllsher. 10 a.m. - Senior citizens arts and Monduy, Au>(. 4 many other hazards. vour family a deht-fiw home. . recoivod. Fodeml regulations prohibit compounding ol inli»us;t on this lypu Advrrtiiiiiitf Plrrctor - tense, something like, "we crafts class, Community Center. 7 -10 p.m. - Open center for Cran- of account and require a bubstantiul inturust punultv for uurly withdrjjwul ) ii chiifQo will b« m.idu for Oio i)i*1 you may hiivt) nutnvi'd )- Hi^ullr Groan NewH Kdltor might have tobitethe iBullet on a Mury BfCkrr He^lonul Advertising To the Editor: ment, a complete success. 11 am. - Children's craft program, ford youths, ages 12 to 17, each week new sewer line." The public Our town recently lost A special public library; night at Brookside School. •* 1 p.m. - Senior citizens bridge -8:-l& p..m, - Board'of Adjustment CALL OUR OFFICE PHONE US FOR A CURRENT RATE QUOTE ON MONEY MARKET ACCOUNTS! MUh^riC.'.."^'!!, "A.lvrrti lii« 1'rumollui.s , library reports that the phrase friend-Mr. Fred Hayeck. On behalf of Their mother, Joan, can be proud that a derived, from soliders who bit the Guertin family, I would like to use the Hayeck tradition of dedication and club, C6mmunity Center. meeting, Municipal Building. 215 Birchwood Avenue, Suite 111 - OTHER TOP-EARNING'SAVINGS PLANS ALSO AVAILABLE Elolae V. Hull Huslnfss MunuRrr this means to express our sincere and 6:30 p^.rn. - Cranford Recreation Tuesday, Aug. 5 Sully Blood I'ruductlon IVfunui^rr bullets for lack of anasthesia business is being firmly upheld. Our Free Loan Info Audrry Beck Circulallou MaiiaKrr heartfelt thanks to his sons, Sam and warmest wishes for a speedy recovery Bandhtfoncert, Memorial Park. 10 a.m. - Senior citizens exercise Cranford • 272-3200 while undergoing a painful Fred. Both made the promotional party, Jed Feibush, a highly Jran Illume Cluaglfird M» _op'eration-in~tne-field. When the .go out to her. Thanks_again^J _- 7:30 p.qr v Bingo, St. Michael .classy-Community Center..; • competent loan officer given -by-tlie- f ive - recently -'a'dvuh'ced Mrs. John L. Tanzer - 'School. 11 o,m. - Children's films public "ThTffsiliiy lJyTfwbruy Coin- committee says it is going to members of the Cranford Fire Depart- with many years of. ex- tfvi'Fy 166 N. Lehigh Ave.' • 8 p.m. - Drama Workshop presents library. perience, is the manager itions in New Jersey Inc., a cor- "bite the bullet" it is time to "MASH," Cranford High School. 7 p.m. - Recreational activities for poratio'n :il ai-23 Alden Stifel. Cfaliford, of the Roselle branch of N. J. 0701<>, USPS i:«5 BOO. perk up your ears because it Friday, Aug. 1 . this handicapped children, ages 8 to The Money Store, He •Member Audit Bureau of Circulation, signals that a decision is 1:30 p.m. - "Dolls for 18, Community Center- invites interested New Jersey Vrens Associulion, Crunford On tl]je accident Democracy," a display, of dolls por- Wednesday, Aug. fi CAPITAL SAVINGS necessary, or imminent, or homeowners to call him Cluiinber of Commerce. National Press undesirable, or a combination of traying historical figures at the 7:30 p".m. - Bingo at Temple Beth- at 241-5000, for advice on Association. •• • , Centennial A Venue pool; sponsored El. ' • , /instate To the Editor: . • ' • this emergency. It made us feel very any and all aspects of bor- Subscription rutes by mail prepaid these, and that there is no by B'nai B'rith Women / • 7:30 p.m. -Jersey. Central Railway- one year, within Union County $!>.00. out This is our first year in Cranford, we good and safe to see how these young rowing. All information CRANFORD FANW00D LINDEN ROSELLE ORANGE WESTFIELD i anasthesia in the Municipal Historical Society meeting, Com- I of state. SUM), , " are senior citizens and we love it here. people handled everyone and every- 6 p.m. - Pop Warner Football prdc- will be held in strictest YouVe in good hands. 276-5550 322-4500' 276 5550 . 677 OGOO 233 7070 WHERE YOUR CAPITAL SCORES MORE. All material copyrinhted l!)«0 l>y Building. The battle threshold in We were at the Centennial Pool when thing. • ;.. ^ .. tice'"begins at Hillside Avemlie munity Center. • confidence and there is ro Allslate Insurance Company School. ' " • • • • A.('.N.J.^Inc. Offieial newspaper for political economics here has 8 p.m. - Planning Board meeting, obligation. . 1 the two youngsters got hurt. We can't Allstate Life Insurance Company • Northhrook.lll, Momhui ("SI.IC S.ivHiH):, N.pw Insiirtul to $100,000 Crmiford. Kenilworth and Garwood, Se- shifted from guns vs. butter to 6:30 p.m. - Cranford Recreation Municipal Building. '...."' (Advertisement) •, cond Cliiss IVwIa^e; Paid at Cranford begin to tell how the Police, First Aid Ruth and Nat Amsterdam ; { I01> bullets vs..peanuts. f New Jersey, 07016, U l«-' ' '^6-imo.. Squad and the Lifeguards responded in 40 Meeker Ave. \

' I- •-.-*»•

-*• \ •:/»•.

Page 8CHANFORD(N J.i CHRONICLE Thursday, July 31, 1980 Thursday, July 31, 1980 CRANFOHD (N.J.) CHI(O.\'in,K PAINTING FOR SENIORS. Sullivan Koenig-Vena Births Teens Bill 'Birdie' daiiiiJwill-be-offej-edagaiu edit-.tiaurseK^iiLUi lucnuni-.... in eight towns. Tin- c-lasi. will- IJ.- GarolGrasfcewitz Is Forty area students culminate five in the fall to senior citizens in Cranford. Mr. and Mrs. William John Foppert The course will be given by -Union- -Mondays from 10 am. to :i j> HI «-; ii.^- Illof Henningsville, Pa., are the parents weeks of Rehearsal' with performances Community Center."beginninn- S/pt • it ement through Saturday of ;"Bye,.B,y.e, Birdie" College's senior citizen center which

/"• •-'. of a son, Jesse William, born July 10 in M Mr. and Mrs. Eugene H. Koenig, 228 Reading, Pa. The grandparents are Mr.' at 8:15 p.m. at Edison Junior High V r Dressed in her maternal grand- School, Westfield. It is being presented Mr. DeAnplo . and Mrs. Warren Rankin of Westfield mother's wedding gown, Frances' Hillside Ave,, announce the engagement by",the Westfield Summer Workshop. Marie Sullivan became the bride of Carol Anne Graskewitz, daughter of of their daughter, Sandra Jean Koenig, and Mrs. William J. Foppert of Cran- Mr. and Mrs. Edward F. Graskewitz, Garwood, to Joseph Michael Vena, son ford. . . More than 60 workers have been Henry Joseph Marcantonio July 19 at St. 355 S. Union Ave., was married June 28 assembling the town of Sweet Apple, COVENANT Michael Church. of Mr. and-Mrs. Michael Vena, Linden. A son, Mitchell Craig, was born July 8 to John Thomas DeAngelo. He is the son Msf Koenig is employed' at Leberco where rock star Conrad Birdie is'staying Barnes-Keating Bridal The bride is the daughter of Mr. and of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph DeAngelo, 10 to Robert arid Leslie Bernstein, 10 before he goes off to fight in the Korean Mrs. Leo J. Sullivan, 21 Tuxedo PI., and Laboratories as a microbiologist. Her Cranford Ave. Mrs. Bernstein is the CHRISTIAN The wedding of Lynne Ann Keating, Hazel St. fiance is employed 'as a professional War. Cardiff took place May 18 at St. Jo|hn the the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. former Leslie Kane of Cranford and Mr. Alex Shuhan of Cranford has been the daughter of Mrs. Jane Keating,' 629 Apostle Church, Linden-Clark. The Herajy Marcantonio, Elizabeth. The re- Rev. John M. Oates officiated at the mover with Engel Van Lines. Bernstein is a partner in the law firm of Raritan Rd., and "the late Paul M. nuptial mass at S(s«»Michael Church. rehearsal pianist and will' play also in groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. ception was a±Galloping Hill Inn, Union. The wedding will be Aug. 10 at the Anzaldi and-Bernstein, .Cranford and the show's orchestra,",, SCHOOL , Keating, to Robert Alan Barnes of Howard Barnes, ,540 Richfield Ave., The nuptial mass was performed by Holly Graskewitz, sister-in-law of the Church of the Nazarene, Edison. Summit. Grandparents are Mr. and Kenilworth.. , Rev. John Oates of St. Michael Church brjde, ' was the soloist and • Frank Mrs. Allan Kane, 105 Wilshire Dr., and The nuptial mass was. performed by and the marriage ceremony was per- Graskewitz, brother of the bride, was "Mr. and Mrs_Selig Bernstein, West VISIT CAPITAL - Kathy Rey. Joseph Rice and the reception took formed by Br. John Marcantonio, the lector. . . Cullinen, left, and Carlene NJPT' 8 Gracie Says The bride was given in marriage by Seniors To Atlantic City Orange. • . • plac'6 at Town and Campus,"union. -deacon, brother of the groom, assisted Mr. and'Mrs. Wayne E. Rozman of Weachock tour Washington, D. by Fr. Dominic DiGuardo of St. Anthony her father. She was. attended by Denise The bride was escorted by her uncle, Jugah, as maid of honor; Bridesmaids The Monday Senior Citizens Club has .: Cranford announce the birth of their C. while at recent 4-H leadership 'Goodnight' Tonight 889-1927 John Nakonechy, and had her sister, Church, Elizabeth. Frank Palermo, planned a bus trip to Atlantic. City Aug. first child, Michael Wayne, June 29, training program. *'".•.. Elizabeth, was organist'and soloist. were Karen Reilly,-Linda Pelosi and Karen Keating of Elizabeth, as maithof JoAnne DeAngelo,-sister 'of the groom. 21. The monthly schedule is; Aug. 4, < Maternal grandparents are Mr. and The special production of "Say honor. Bridesmaids were Jane and Jean Nathalie C. Sullivan, was her. sister's Christine P'erovich," niece of the bride, executive board, 11 a.m. and business Mrs. Kenneth Meier and paternal Goodnight, Gracie" running Thursday Keating, sisters of the bride, and' Jill maid of honor. Bridesmaids were Leona • meeting 1 p.m.'; Aug.-11, bingo; Aug. 18, grandparents are Mr; and. Mrs. Walter Members At was flbwer girl. . .. . ; nights at New Jersey Public Theatre, Nelson, New York City, sister 'of the Golday, North Plainfield,. and Denise .birthday- party, and Aug. 25, hot dogs E.-Rozman, all of Cranford.. has been" extended one week. This groom. . / Leach, Annapolis, Md., -and Palm Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Stacker Robert Vicci was best man. Serving as Mr. and Mrs. John Gordon, 226- ushers were Robert and Joseph will be available. . comedy about the television generation ; Nate Chmt^^entnoj^wa^J>e^maiv Beach; FJa. • HDenman RdTrannounce the adoption of a will also he playing tonight at 8:30. ~a~nH~ushers were~Tony Gmone, ~Gar- Steven Marcantonio,-^brother of the d son,' Michael-John, IV2 years old.. He grades K tHru - wood; John Cherup, Ventnor, and John groom, was best "man, and ushers were Philip-Rizzardi, cousin of the groom. Dance, Theatre Series joins a sister, Carrie, 4V->. Grandparents "Say Goodnight, Gracie" is a NJPT Nelson, New York City, brother-in-law. Philip DiBenedetto and Frank Grossi, Lockhart . Michael Perovich, nephew of the bride, are. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Carey, Carlene Weachock and Kathy Cullinen .Studio workshop production. All the was the ringbearer. . Mrs. John T. DeAngelo of Cranford recently attended a citizen- ' actors are either students or teachers at of the groom. - •' ; both of Elizabeth. • • " Lyndhurst, N.Y.,' and'Mr. and Mrs. parent eontrolled Mrs. Barnes is a 1976 graduate of The bride graduated., from Holy The newlyweds are. 1976 graduates of. "Charles Gordon; North Arlington. ship and leadership training program'at the studio. The play is under the direc- •Cranford High School. Her husband • Trinity High -School,'. Westfield, and Cranford High Schqpl and Union County Slated At Montclair the National 4-H Center in Washington, tion of David Christopher, head of the graduated ixom Dayld Brearley High Kean College with a B. A. in English Technical-Institute. Mrs. DeAngelo is . •Dan and Ruth Radakovich, 107 D. C. ' ' '•'• '••••••• studid. . NJ. accredited Stocker employed as a dental hygienist by Dr. I. Tickets are $4 at. the door. School, Stockton State College,, and the literature. She is employed as an Montclair State College is presenting, /Cranford Ave., are the parents of a The program was designed to help Casino Career Institute, Atlantic City. editorial assistant for Marine Engineer- J. Post. Her husbandTs"em'pToyed by Dr. daughter, Jaime Marie, born July 22 at .young people understand the American •*»••'. Saul Herman ari a dental technician. ' Why don't separate series in dance and one-man St. Barnabas Medical Center. She joins government .and heritage, .and to He is employed as a blackjack dealer at ing Log, New York City, and con- theatre performances. 'VOLPONE'AT FESTIVAL the Broadwalk Regency Hotel, Atlantic tributing editor, for the Scotch Plains The couple honeymooned in Acapulco a brother, David, 3! Maternal grand- prepare for-active citizenship. - multi-denominational Wedding and Mexico City and are residing in you come The dance series includes: Yass City./. • ••;••.. Times. ..'-.' mother is Marie Buontempo, 11 Carlene and Kathy were selected to North Plainfield. • • • Hakoshima, miniis't', Sept. 26; Joffrey T,I Washington PI., and paternal• grand- attend on the basis of their countrywide Ben Johnson's classic comedy, The couple resides in Cardiff following' . ' Her husband graduated from St. Mary St. Michael Church was the setting for Dance Company, Oct. 24; Greenhouse "Volpone," a tale of a miser's fortune '( .';•• Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Barnes "a honeymoon trip to Aruba. High. School, Elizabeth, and Rutgers the marriage of Mary Susan Lockhart to and sit on parents are Mr. and Mrs. Andre Rada- involvement in the 4-H Club. Carlene Centennial arid.Lincoin, CRANFORD Dance Ensemble, Dec. 13; and Alvin kovich, South Amboy. ' *>, founded the'Rhythm and Steps Dance . and the greedy parasites who plot end- University with a B. A. in music theory. Timothy Stocker. The bride is, the Miss Ramondelli Ailey Dance Ensemble, Feb. 13 to 15. lessly to get it, will be the third produc- He is employed as a- service consultant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Club where she teaches and.was active Spuscriptions are $20. in the" modeling club. . tion of the season at the New Jersey for Dunn and Bradstreet, Mjllburn;. Lockhart, 26 New St., and the groom is Is Betrothed Shakespeare Festival,, .Madison. It • - ANNUAL " ' - the couple will make their home in Mr. and Mrs. Aldo V. Ramondelli, 729 The theatre series stajs Vincent Price the son'of Mr. and Mrs. Allen R-. Stocker as Oscar Wilde in "Diversions and De- The Polka Comes "SLY FOX" . •-••-. previews Tuesday and Wednesday and Elizabeth following a wedding trip to • Jr., Dunellen. --- Walnut Ave;, announce the engagement opens officially Aug.' 7, playing in Curacao and Caracas, Venezuela. of their daughter, Barbara; to Michael lights," Nov. 21; Emlyn Williams as "Sly Fox" will close the seasonrfor AUGUST FUR SALE I Rev. James Benedetto . of St. Charles Dickens, March 13; and William Summerfun Theater at Montclair State repertory through Sept. 21 with MichaelChurch officiated at the June 14 /iTmoni/son. oLMr^ and Mrs.- Vincent. FINE ITALIAN DINING To Echo Lake • "Macbeth" and "Comedy of Errors." Timoni,, Scotch Plains. Windom in "Thurber II," April 22. The College;It will run fr6m July 29 to Aug: SPECIALS ON ceremony. A reception.followed at the series costs $15. Call 893-5.112. 2. Call 893-4218. . Ca 11 377-4487. : . Colonial Country Club* Cplonia. The bride-elect is a graduate of Wed-Sat,4:30-8:30 p.m. Polka music will entertain audiences WALKING COATS Cranford High School and Union. at the Summer Arts Festival program BUYING Escorted by her father, the bride was Sun 3-8:30 p.m. attended by Kelley Kimmel as maid of College. She is attending Rider College- . CANCER PATIENTSUPPORT Wednesday, "Polish Night," featuring PATRIOTIC SPECIAL (As Shown) . honor. Bridesmaids were Jean Lawrenceville. , ' CRANFORD HOTEL The American Cancer Society offers the Dick Pillar Orchestra and the Polka An. original solo per- LQcJ{h.axi,_Lhe-bxklels- sister, Ruth .Sale Her fiance is a graduate of Scotch several rehabilitation and jsupport_ _Pi>U£ousins..begins ajL7i30ip_jn. ]n Echo_ .ffirmance _QL-JEdwLard_ programs~7br cancer patients. These Lake Park. . Hi Available in Everett Hale's classic «• an^ettyjiuegel, sisters of the groom. Wagner Co,, ^Tn isfandTHe'is include the "Reach to Recovery" The. evening's free concert is the first novel,-'-'The Man Without OR Robert Huegel was the best man and employed at Elizabethan Gas Corn- program for women who have under- time the six-member .band will perform A Country,,' adapted by GO L D & S! ushers were Mark Stocker, thegroom.s as a marketing representative. ' , gone J>reast cancer surgery; ''The at the festival wJiich_Js_,h_QSied_by.. the andJ__star.ring...'. artistic - brothjpxj^gejie^glaj^^^^^ rehabilitative-and social Union County Department o.f Parks and director Paul Barry/ will I! Reg. $495" Williams. ••' • • ">••••• . "" • ' club' for laryngectomy patients; and., Recreation. They Vill *play .polkas, be the third attraction irf • Mrs. Stocks is S^a^^^g^^g^ . obereks^v* :tJir^i98ff^%jiay^wgg: who have undergone colon and rectum Special series at tne~New PLUS A LARGE SELECTION OF and her husband is' a department cahcer operation r NEW FURS SPECIALLY PRICED! manager with Rickel Home Center, the aiifttemie can dance Co the music. If it •Jersey- Shakespeare Love, A Vet Jersey .City. On Coping 35f7$ft or 232-0641. rains," the show moves to the Warinanco Festival, Drew Univer- Whenever possible we will pay The nowlyweds honeymooned in Park Skating Center, Roselle. sity, Madison. additional;'over gold-& silver lAJestiieia ZJ^ ~* -k •.••..•'• * * *.* * •...•-.*.* ****** *•*•!*.• value, based on antiquity •APPLE TREE' LUNCHES:. and saleability. r J 275 Attend EAST , The musical comedy "The Apple Six workshops .designed Tues-Sat, to help individuals cope •••••••THH -NEW JfiRSKY-- ''^k^a^HsHSi'slroin Rial to) Tree" will be'presented by the company 11:30-3 with the stress of daily G, S PKWAY fXIT Martin Jewelers- CALL 232-3423 Summer Repertory'Theatre Aug. 7 to, 9 Picnic •TrbUC THEATRE'. and 13 to 16 at 8:30 p.m. at the Wesley living will be conducted by CRANFORD, DINNERS: serving you with Daily 9:30-5:30 / Thurs. 'til 8p.m. '-.i United Methodist Church, Plainfield Union College at Cranford Two hundred seventy- Presents. Mrs. Henry J. Marcantonio .High School during Sep- W/ed-Sat, integrity for Avenue, South Plainfield. Call 757-9578. five persons attended the Coming Aug. 8t,h - Aug. 30th more than tember in cooperation annual picnic of the 5-9 with the Center of Psycho- - Ferraritesi- Association therapy and Education of July 13 at the Knights of' ^ TENNESSEE WILLIAMS' A COMEDY Summit. , Columbus grounds in . IN MARINO'S The workshops are: Now appearing in our Lounge Springfield. TWO ACTS' Moh-.Xu(>'.i-. fu "Responsible Assertive The'food was prepared RESTAURANT •JFISH MARKET thru Sat I " '•" fly" Behavior for\ Women," at Marisa's Restaurant by 34 North Avei.E* Cranford •276-1333 Mondays beginning Sept. DOUBLE DELirE the chef, Mario DiFabio, ISDEAD! James Kirkwood 22, 6 to 7:55 p.m.; "The Activities included soccer, Fri. and Sat. evonings at 8:3Q — Sun. at,7:30 Adolescent in Conflict," Comjng August 12tr| volleyball, sack races and Rusajrvulions;: 272 5704 • 3 WDuks only "- July 11 Ati(]. 2. Mondays beginning Sept. songs by the choir. The 22, 8:05 • to 10 p.m.; DANTE SHOW weatherman cooperated 118 South Avenue E., Cranford, IVow .fersev O7OI6 1 "Aspects of Divorce," to top off a successful day. ' ' " (2OI) 272-5704 '.'. Wednesdays beginning BANQUET FACILITIES THURS. NIGHT SPECIAL: "SAY GOODNIGHT, GRACIE" 8:30 P.M. MARTIN ITUR Sept. 24, 6 to 7:55 p.m.; * From 20 To 500 "Living Single," Wed- Resident • •^••••••••••••••••••,••••^1 Seafood Restaurant! nesdays, beginning Sept. Phone 272-4700 • Serving Lunch 24, 8:05 to 10 p.m.; 'OVA' Dinner • Cocktails "Coping with Stress," Wins Bridge etoer's Hours: COCKTAILS 0PEN7MYS STEAK HOUSE Thursdays, beginning Sept. CHILDREN'S MENU LUNCHEON • DINNER Mon. thru'Thurs. 11:30-9:00 P.M. Sat. 11:30-10:30 P.M. 25, 6 to 7:55 .p.m.; and SJJSF.AFOOD • STEAMEHS & LOBSTERS i^ | Frl. 11:30-10:00 P.M. Sun. 1Z;00-9:00 P.M. •''Making-- Marriage Tourney I ~.r M 540 Springfield Ave. 624 Wostfield Ave., Elizabeth • 352-2022 Work," Thursdays be- Ruby Rhoads, 8 PRICES GOOD THRavU AUG. 6, 198m0 Westfield • 233-2260 ginning Sept. 24, 6 to'7:55 . Hemlock Circle and Arnie Quality 507 Main St., Belmar 681-0236 p.m. • •„ :; ••'• '•. '• ' Katz, North Plainfield were master point winners at the 1980 North SOFA "IN THE American summer ROCKERS ting'g Court championships of the BEDS SPOTLIGHT RESTAURANT American Contract Bridge ROOMS MFRS. LIST $334 to $669 League July 18 to 27 in MAPtEjJR PINE LUNCHEON •w DINNEUIIMIMCRH Serving the Finest In Continental Cuisine Chicago. LIMITED $ $ COCKTAILS ON CANVAS ^> Complete Dinner *8.95 They won first in their QUANTITIES 269,. TAKEOUT Section in the special BEDROOMS ORDERS the Coachman Wri Mop. -"Sat. 4-7 p.m. MAtTRESSES & BOX SPRINGS pairs, a two-session game -*< Residents of the Cranford area are Indeed fort- v '. Located In utlnos|>lu're with an WHITE "PIANO BAH NIGHTLY" FOR MAJOR APPLIANCES FESTIVAL ; Exit 136 G.S.Pky,, Cranford rmpliusU on scaf• - D.iilv (i I'M TI,I VUhiUeU Un« (Near T*r»UI Hd ) . Westfield 232-3745 Doily 10 - 5:3O - Thurs. til 9 CHANKOKO (N.J.) CHHONICLE Thursday, July 3,, H 1980

Thuniday, July 31, 1980 CRANFORD (N.J.) CHRONICLE Page 11 Political Notes: Bassano Reports On Anthology Planned; through June: Henry Greenstein, 13 From Here Press has on the Arts, -.. :..,... "Union County Literature Luey F«rri, 4 Cranford Terr., ..^K.w^v . central airconditionihg, invited ; residents and will'be copyrighted -with its ago. si , Charles Kiamie Jr,,'327 Manor Harter is co-editor of the Today," a project Scarbrough's all rights reverting to the Progress Of Trenton Legislation bay window^nd new chimney, $3,790; natives of Union County to anthology "Advance Esther McCutcheon, 114 Alden St., rear . addition, $10,000; John Davis, 6 submit their writings for designed to promote the authors; upon publication. Beauty Salon West Holly St., addition, $12,000; G. Token to Boardwalk," literature of county "Both previously published nuclear power facility can leased findings of a state palities would have to hire • deck,. $500; Kenneth Tardiff, 20 Oneida possible inclusion in a new published by Poets & residents through CU'ITING • BLOWING begin operations in the even more new officers !,P1-, enlarge kitchen, $14,000; Boyle- Worthington, 6 Adams St., siding, anthology W be published Y and ~"never-before-publi- same: Public Advocate Office Writers of New Jersey in workshops, readirfgs, and WIGS - TINTING - PERMS $4,000; Arnold Hopier, 27 Fairfield Ave., shed works may be sub- legislative state released by thereport on classification for than- the county would jijU(Midway Inq., South Aye., storage tank this fall. A series of public 1977. She has conducted . . involving Committee on Agriculture "facility, $400,000; Algirdas Brazinskas, 9 roof, $2,400.; Rubeno -Melao, 434 readings will be coor- publication,, -'•'.. mitted by their authors. FOIL FROSTING the county jail which cited eliminate if, manpower • •'••>• - - •- r , spousal assault, disposal j Environment, Lexington A;ve:, dormer; "$6,000; A. writing workshops for Contributors to the Writers interested in an(( Environ the Union County was curtailed, Okrasmski w^Johnson Ave,, alteration, $20,000; Art dinated with publication. OPEN THURSDAY of radioactive .waste and Rosman, 2 Braemar Circle, fence, $100; persons of all ages anthology will each, workshops, readings, and Complt-lt' Beauty Services Offered Authorizing a program program as "the most said. Kaufman, 439 Lexington Ave., vinyl "Between Two Rivers: throughout the state. service e on 'juriesjuries,, havhave of research info the use of I sidingv^^.OOO; Morris Silberstein, 91 John Markham, 240 North Ave. W. receive ten copies in contributing to the anthol- MHN WEIX'OME. comprehensive in Union County Literature "I attended'the first American Can- . PRISONERS fence, $150; Richard Mabee, 33. William J. Higginson, payment for their work, ogy are invited to call 322- been approved by the ij or heroin tore- Glenwood ftd.v- wood-burning stove, Today" wi}l contain 105 Mlln St., Cranford cer Society stop-smoking clinic for Blue The GOP freeholder :y['$700; William Muuse, 447 Orchard St.; "Dartmouth Rd;, siding, $5,000; Peter publisher of Fronri Here and will have the op-5i)28, leaving their name, poems, stories, drama, Press, recently moved to portunity to read their Cross-Blue Shield employees and became ^"'siding, $5,000; Ramon Garcia, 109 Vergalia, ,145 N.. Lehigh Ave., siding, songs, essays, and car- address, ajid^elephone )!^'Centennial Ave., wood-burning stove, $4,000; Patrick Maffiore, 101 Dehman 0 Fanwood. He directs work in public. The book number. P - 2761471 • a staunch ex-smoker. Then I was asked to toons by :more than 30 ;o»Weber, 112 Herning -Ave., addition,. alteration, $2,500; E. Zahumeny, . 17 American Cancer Society program. Blue (Of writer. In 1978 she won the A provision whereby, an mittees," Bassano said, tain the county police at Hardwick has been • ^4,000; Paul * Conley, 31 Spruce St., Warfsworth Terr..addition, $25,000;. Cross and Blue Shield offer this program" abused spouse can obtain present manpower levels honored by the Rahway (;v first annual Arnold^ "with no indication on v addjtion, $6,500; Barry Heimowitz, 4 John McGrath, 16 Heathermeade PI;, Gingrich Memorial Award' to. companies because helping people to an immediate court order when action will be taken ''especially in the efforts Forum Inc. and New Ct, deck, $500; Warren J, Lowell, to prohibit his or her at- to keep our county parks addition, $25,000; Johanna Swider, 14 in Literature from the. stay healthy is a major priority.. And no - on them." Directions Inc., organiza- Leigh Ave; garage extension, Roger Ave., siding, $6,500; Blair Rush, tacker from returning to safe." Frank H.- Lehr, tions of prison-based K); Mr. and Mrs. Aschniies, 25 Spruce New Jersey State Council' one can deny: Cigarettes are dangerous to the home for a period up to Virginia McKenney and 49 Johd, St., alteration,' $900. groups serving prisoners, „»:, siding,,-$2,pO0; David R. Ko?ak, 211 Mr. dnd Mrs. Turner, 200 High St., . your health. - ' 72 hours, passed 66rO. " Ralph Froehlich, sheriff Peter Okrasinski made their families and the running for re-election, re-' the statement.. Munici- 'Manor Ave., fence, $230; Alex. Rober, 7 addition and alteration, $3,500; Jerome MacKay An exemption from conurhunjty; J^3Salle- Ave., fence, $1,730; Robert -'' " Cigarette smokers have 70% more jury duty for full-time Baron, 21 Greaves PI;," shedr"$300;" he;irt attacks than honr.smokers. More- • Behrens, 26 Lenox Ave., siding, $6,000; Michael-Hnyda, 311-Lincoln Ave. E. students while schools are Mr. Romano, 29 Harvard Rd., fence, Association strokes. An inordinate share of cancer of in session and a tightening LEGALS alteration, $2,500; Claude~eook, 16 Elm $1^0; ,Capodanno Electric,_4gO Ludlow St., addition and wood-burning stove, the lung, larynx, esophagus, mourn and of other exemption pro- Ave., fence, $800;. Mr.. and Mrs. cedures, approved 60-6. . TOWNSHIP OF CRANFORD $10,500; Robert A. Guertin, 6 Vice Pres bladder... not to mention emphysema ant SYNOPSIS OF 1079 AUDIT REPORT OF THE TOWNSHIP OF CRANFORD, Cassidy, 1 Garden PI., fence, $600; Heathermeade PI. alteration, $600; The two bills which have NEW JERSEJT AS RE0UIRF.0 BY N j.S. 4OA.H-7 Patricia. • . MacKay, chronic bronchitis. Smokers die younger Mildred Lynch, 228 Denman Rd., siding, Evelyn Biach, 17 North Ave. E., won committee approval COMBINED COMPARATIVE BAUNCE SHEET $3,200; Henry J. Mattliews, 8 .Hickory director of public informa- are: - ' .,.,; •• .-' -. • • .-. • • • ' ASSETS !t alteration, $35,250;Peter Merola, 3 Penn than non-smokers. And Women who St.,.addition, $10,000; John DelRusso, 31 Rd., patio, $3,500; Peter Merola, 3 Penn tion for Union College, smoke are far more likely to have stillborn Requiring the adoption Dicambtr 31. Cranford, and Union of a statewide nuclear 1B7fl • t87B •"""Harvard Rd., siding, $7,000; 111 N.Rd., brick veneer, $3,500; Henry,W. Cash and Investments . >,o.Union Ave. Co., 115 N. Union Ave., sign, County, Technical or premature babies. emergency evacuation J2.B32,165.32 Leicht, 324 Stoughton Ave., shed, $450; TaMes, Assessments', Liens and Utility * 2,233,283.03 ,.'..,$200; Dr. Norma'n-L.. pecker, 301 North John Tedeschi, 307 Retford Ave., shed, Institute, Scotch Plains, Grim as it all.sounds, there's hope. plan before any hew ' charges receivable has been elected vice Property Acquired for Taxes • Assessed Value 396,618.52 359,934.32 ^i.jVve., alteration $17,000; Robert Merrill, $200; Joe Ned Brown Jr., 24 Hamilton IF YOU'RE INTERESTED IN PLAYING, OR suppoRTiNG After ten years, death rates, of ex-cigarette Olhor Receivables • 9,119,000.00 5,234,900.00 ^;27 Hillcrest.Ave., chimney, $250; Louis Ave., addition, $1,500; Robert A.. president- of the New Fixed Capital • Swim Pool Utility 494,635.92 128,187.54 Jersey Council of smokers from all causes are almost the • ' 1,998,629.60 '^©rigando, 117 Glenwood Rd., addition, McLaughlin, 9 Algonquin Dr., siding, POP WARNER FOOTBALL, Fixed Capital Authorised and Uncompleted • 1;968,629.6O to $10,000; Stephen , Skowron, 1585 Community College same as those for people who never- A Visit To Swim Pool Utility $3,000; John Rosko, 12 Rutgers Rd., Township-Owned Properly • •' 27,500.00 27,500,00 . ">aSpringfield Ave., siding, $3,500. Bifblic, Relations Officers. ,.jj -220,937.45 siding, $4,315; Barbara Torres', 219. smoked., , ' ^ Deferred Chargegss toF FutureTaxotlon • ' . • 222,218,88 ' Sailer St., reroof, $1,000; Sidney The "council, which is Genera„ l Capitap..al- •''•', 4,174,100.00 one year old, was formed What can you do about it.' If-you're 2,803.700.00 John Schmitt, 431 Denman Rd, newMarchetti, 33 Harvard Rd., in^ground COIVIg ON DOWN 'Arthur's Deferred Charges to RevenuR e of Succeeding Years 66,550.00 104,942.00 to increase, through a con- an employee, ask your employer'aKuit, "" ~$i57i?S2,(i2a.B1 ^residence, $51,000; George Bugel, .319 pool, $6,000; Richard Illing&>, „_„„„31 FairfielCJUd , LIABILITIES, RESERVES AND FUND BALANCES 5 Elizabeth Ave., addition, $14,500; John Ave., siding, $3,700; Donald Jones _127_.certed effort, the public's starting a stftp^mokingjTOk'nim-- Ii> y.6ut_ Bond Anticipation Notes and Serial Bonds „„„, * - • ' — awarencss-of—the-import-r | _._Lyp,_22JEershing Ave., d6rmer-$8;8O(>;--rmersTdeT5F:,"Tehee, $300; Alex "aTmpiinyTiir enrolled with Blue Cross-Blue » 3.224,900.00 Improvement Authorizations , . . • 2.301,000.00 oo.Coach & Four Inc-. 27 North Ave. E. Lysyriecky, 20Dartmouth Rd., addition, aot role the state's 17 Approprlollon Reserves, Special Funds and Other 2,869,346.08 2,013,489.36 • community colleges play, . Shield, .consider the benefits of having us : ^central air conditioning, $6,987; John $13,900; Dongel Realty-Partnership, 19 Children in grades one Liabilities • , . . wifiiin New Jersey's pver- _| put on' a stop-ismoking progriim for you- Amortizationof. Debt, for Fixed Capital Acquired or 1/253,704.12 •'• 1.0di. 407,93 • tf,Theisz, 710 Lincoln .Aye:....JE.;.alteration Comhierce Dr.,-. interior partitions, jniiisjoHillsidee AveAye.^^jbcnoaLiicound. School Grounds to four in the Title 1 and ^•juarf - • - • f 1 > all. system of higher Jxintffjts for you and your .people,' 778,829,60 ' ition!_$10,000; David Jagorman^^^ooO; Glenn Connolly, 10 Iroquois Pi." lowerr sbrtimer school- . 728.929.60 Tedueation. . ' / Kidsinust be 9-14 years old (age as of 1/1/80T ; 6,BB8,OB8.62 "•.:B.B22.307,Z9-. «lKA^^fireplace, $3,475; Marie^jj^iitiou^^ 745 .. ^-_™——— r ., "•-,-V 'ther Than Local 13 .927.B6B.87 12.988,868.25 1&129 Lexington Ave., addition,'-$12,000; Michaiid, 18 Broad St., siding, $6,000; between the college and BRING COPY OF BIRTH CERTIFICATE & SMALL SCHOOL PICTURE Property TaK Levies children in grades I t.Stanley Sobon, 5 Roger Ave., addition, Thomas H. Willis, 386 Centennial Ave., the institute, which toge- Collectiolli n of Delinquent Taxes end-Tax Title Lions- " " 3,180.3,61.47 ..._.. 3.2X4:7-7-5.03- through 8 have- been •200.B4B..1P j,#4-,5OO; Theodore Meglis, 136 Mohawk alteratjpn, $1,000; Jack DiCristofalo, 84 ther provide for the com- FOR INFORMATION CALL GREG SCHNEIDER, 276-911 8, MYRA MF,RRITT, 276-9061 OR RAY VITO, 276-1 396 281,396.02 ;M building their skills in Expondlturos: • a 18,109,176.73 Dr., siding, $.4,200; Temple Beth-El, 2 Albany Ave., patio, $3,750; William munity college needs of reading and mathematics. Budgeted Expenditures, for Municipal Purposes — Francen, 220 Central Ave. addition, 6.8B5.937 92 Georgia St., addition, $6,000; Mr. and Union County. The children receive.one "County Toxos 6.783 ,862.57 $500; AramonUARA Services), 769 Local School Taxes 2,499,885.99 . 2.339.864.73 i:Mrs. Smith,^.21 Oneida PI., addition, Prior .to coming to the hour of individualized or 8.990.361.38 Bfue Cross Other Expenses 8,475 .239.96 ;;$3;000; Nevlide Kastrati, 101 Holly St., Walnut Ave.,. fence, $3,000; Richard Union County Community small group instruction. Ml,11- 24 .406.70 ..-^fence, $100; Susan Melnick, 419 Orange Meyers, 115 Mohawk Dr., deck, $2,250;: ColLege ; System, Miss Less Expenditures to be Raised by Future Taxes 17,376,323.01 .18,623 163.98 Skills are increased : Howard Cooperman, 39 Morse St., deck, Blue Shield - Total Adjusted Expenditures. 68 ,942.00 ocAve., fence, $400; Peter Merola, 3 Penn MacKay was a public of New Jersey through the use of reading Excess in Revenue. 17,364,973.01 1 6,664^22 \.65~ H $1,160; Ibrahim Hussien, 1221 Orange •'«•"-.•,'• ' ••,•'••.'• " J]Rd., open deck, $3,000; Estate of Lila relations writer for the and math books and work- fund Bslsnce, January 1 - ' '. ' 744,203.72 730 ,616.P4 geLiofed Uo/kDiiM Croia Asaocialkinv 1,122.991,57 Ave., bedroom, $2,000; Louis Toma, 96 Community' Service Lees Ullllud as Anticipated Revenue ••• 1,192 ,374.63 ".'•'Speed, 528 N. Union Ave., demolish books, reading and math 800.000.00 Kcnilworth Blvd., reroof, $1,080' L &"F" games, language1 ex- Fund*Batanco, December 31 _i«jresidence, $2,000; Springfield Park Society, a New York City O71«^S~ •f'lWanor;-30 Springfield Ave., construct. 4 Investment Co., 354 North ^.ve. E., two social agency. She has perience stories, stories signs,$225; Rbbert Guthrie, 316 S. Union for comprehension and a [ • SWIM POOL UTILITY OPf IUTIN0 FUND townhouses, $240,000; John F. Bracco, .32 also done public relations COMPARATIVE STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS AND CHANOES IN FUND BALANCE Commerce Dr.,, new residence and. Ave., shed, $l?0; Lola Baron, 21 Greaves work for Stevens Institute variety of learning cen- Revenue and Other Incorrte Realized: • ' '' '*- PL, reroof, $1,600; Robert R. Graham, ters. Fund Balance Utltlzod office, $33,000;Kenneth Konegen, 97 ofiTechnology in Hoboken Collection of Membership Fees J 25,079.00 141,792.00 ^Centennial Ave'., alteration/$5,000; 36 Munsee Dr., addition and alteration, and worked for two years Miscellaneous 42W8.50 ..,414,486.60 $15,000; Alexander Truglio, 511 High St., '33,324.40 ;;;feusan M. Caprario, 173 Locust Dr., as a reported for The Other Credits lo Incoma-Unexpended Balance of 19,901.05 fence, $120; R. Mersereau,' 208 Locust . Appropriation Reserves ^ , , reroof, $1,800; Edith Swfcnson, 38 Herald News in Passaic. • 19,605.89 -MNomeheganCt., siding,$1,475; Reynolds Dr., ' addition, $6,900; Robert Expenditures: Sommerlad, 31 Tulip St., shed, $262; N. The Opening of Their Main Office Operating -Plumbing, 358 North Ave; W., siding, SWIM FOR CANCER 1 -Capital Improvements 313,763.00 293,111.00 o'$2,500; Lewis Bryant, 417/Brookside PI., Lettieri, 316 Stoughton Ave.,'addition,': The American Cancer Debt Service * " $ 26,500.00 ' prefab fireplace, $4,425/ $15,000; Edwin F. Lips, 1 Colin Kelly St., Society's Union County Deferred Charges and Statutory Expenditures 139,006.00 • 143,257.50 alteration $800.. unit Will sponsor a "swim ee 14.2fJB.4Q Jg Darla Stephens, 108 Gallows Hill Rd., . 49«,159.00 ; Excess In Revenue . 450,654.90 for cancer" from July 25 ALU.1W. PRODUCT Fund Balance, January 1 • . fl.928.79 2B,328.'63 through Aug. 6 as part of AUTO DEALERS AUTO DEALERS 41.M2.5O 55,325.87 its fund-raising activities. AUTO DEALERS [ AUTO DEALERS Loss Utilized as Anticipated Revenue 50,791.20 |Arthur's To Open Unit In Springfield AUTO DEALERS 25.070.00 _. 41.792.00 Participants will receive . Fund Balance, Decomber 31 ' t ,-;;. Arthur Goldstein, president of M AIAll\i M U 1,862.50 Ledgewood MaJl in Roxbury, Morris prizes and trophies REILfcY LINCOLN • 'I RECOMMENDATIOMS . Arthur's Jewelers & Distributors Inc., County. CAPITAL ROTCHFORD Wo rucommund that;, " . ' depending on the a.mount VALUE IS YOURS IN NEW CARS. has announced plans for a new store at FORD 433 North Ave. E. , • Tho balances in certain rusarve accdunts be reviewed. Goldstein says, "our policy is no frills: of money collected from S. INC. USED CARS. SERVICES PARTS the General Greene Shopping Center OH - no sales people, no. deliveries, no gift OLDSMOBILE, INC. MERCURY Westfleld, N.J. All books, records-and reconciliations bo maintained on a timely baila. sponsors. Call 354-7373 or TUI\BOKO UTO'MP All veterans' deduction*, be properly authorized. , ' Morris and Mountain Avenues in wrapping. We feature 'guaranteed Hom,i'' i rnpr o vOrmm 1 AUTHORIZED SALES '232-0641. - Qualify Used Cars , Aulormed FORD . Tho Bond and Interest Fund should be reconciled monthly. Springfield. Work has already begun at national brands and our merchandise is Pr cw:1u( ts OLDSMOBILE UNION DAILY RENTALS Monthly trial balances of taxes receivables be prepared' \ . . . • the Springfield site and the grand Dealer Since I9?O "discount-priced" every day of the 1 Superb Service Personnel policies regarding termination or severance pay for,department heads should be updated. HORNE NAMED or rn .Window •• &. Ooor s iALESfl, SERVICE LONG TERM LEASING ^.opening is set for* this fall. . year." ' ,,; RfdCarpeYl.vasc Sales- Service Rentals The Surety Bond for the Director of Parks and Recreation be'lncreased to $46,000.00 and reviewed periodically for its adequacy. -. • ' * ' ' William R. Home has L SERVICE COUNTY ALL MAKES ' Since 1945, when Goldstein opened his Since 1972, Arthur's has been sending' • Open Eves, til 9:30 first housewares store in Plainfield, the out periodic catalogs of all its offerings.; been give a special 276-3205 232-7651 Sat. liUoo BUICH 23^-3700 Tho ubovo summary or synopsis was preparqd from the report of audit of the Township of Cranford, County of Union, firm has expanded to include stores at Featured brands include Kodak, Nikon, assignment as assistant to New Jersey f<>' the calendar year 1 979. This report of audit, submitted by Joel.J. Rogoff, Registered Municipal Ac 339 N. Broad Street Service - Parts 1 the vice president and 103 SOUTH AVENUE 245-6100 countont and Partner in the Firm of Touche Ross & Co., Is on file at the Township Clerk's Office and ma ,' be inspected its Green Brook headquarters, in Union Smith Corona, Hoover, Sony and CRANFORD Eli/abelh.-NJ 354-3300 654-3222 by any Interested person. 'on Morris Avenue, and at the Panasonic, Seiko and Bulova among general manager of the "» SOUTH *«| . | NltilKID 168 WESTFIELD AVE. Merck Chemical Manu- 600 South Ave. East, J others. ROSELLEPARK. N.J. USED CARS • - . Wesley W. Phllo, Township Clerk facturing Division of "M Years This Location" Dated: July 31, i960 .. • " . AUTO SERVICE BANKS Fee: 6 BO ,64 """ NOURISHING ANSWERS Merck & Co., Inc. in BUILDERS COLLISION CONTRACTORS Food and nutrition in- Rahway. Cranford, N.J. DECORATORS TOWNSHIP OF CRANFOHD' | formation is available. Mr. Home is a resident \MI Transportation to NOTICE TO BIDDEH9 J A. BUONTEMPO Soalod Proposals (or ihe fronvEllawese McLendon; of Scotch Plains, N. J. He KEMLWORTH TERMINAL Rohabllllallon of Roundhouse ^nd Extension Service home General Builder DAVISBlfbs. and his wife Phyllis have WarehouBss lor Craplord Public economist, at 233-9366. (Former location of Fuel Oil Supply) AUTOCENYER since 1950 MILL END STORES, Inc. Meadowlands Race Track Works Qorsflo, locolod at 364 North three children. STATE BAVK • Alterations Custom Mad* Avanua Eaat, Cranidrd, Countyjof Jack Davis DRAPERIES Union, Slalo ol New Jorooy, shajjlba —V -1 J- Poam RubW Municipal Building, SprlnflflJId - IN STOCK 1 . COMPLETE COLLISION SERVICE Additions 19 Years Experience ' General Repairs RerVlodellng ..' ' Hiadquarltn Broad A E. Jersey Sts.,Ellzabolh - 6:30 Avenue, Cranford, New Jersey^ at 356 Hillside Ave., Hillside 272-4500 TOWING dmp«ry hardware 1:00 p.m., Prevalllno Time, "ton ANY SLR I Fully Insured , 'CJLJ Free Estimates ,. - For Departure Information-- Frlday.August IS, 1880. Proposals 101 South/{va., Cranford •I" BOULEVARD H.F. BENNERJNC Free Estimates Interior Decorating ahall be submitted on a single con- KENILWORTH. CALL CRANFORD Coll: Beviano Chartered Seryice tract bid basis. All envelopes con- WG havo over $4,000 worth ol equipwont lo tost your 272-5177 ' 606 SOUTH AVE., E, CRANFORD Specialists taining proposals shail be labelled: BERGEN 276-7573 "PROPOSAL FOR REHABILITA- ampliflor and rocoivor lor'tho following 8 points: 1. Harmonic MeVnber FDIC . Call 688-9416 486-2505 TION OF ROUNDHOUSE A|jlD Distortion 2. Frequency Rosponse 3. Signal lo Nolso Ratio SPECIAL License #02160 276-1111 276U74 962 Stuyvesant Avenue Union ' WAREHOUSES FOR CHANFOBD 4. Power Response 5. Input Volts for Rated Output 6. Stereo CAMERA FUEL OIL PUBLIC WORKS OARAGE." J Separation 7. Dial Calibration 8. Maximum Powor! FUEL OIL GUTTERS All proposals ahall be In writing WILL: INSURANCE PAINTERS on forms furnished by the Architect. ALL DAY on TUESDAYS OPENING LUMBER Al proposals shall be accompan[pd • HELP' VOU sulect llu> GUTTERS& LEADERS by a bid guarantee. In the form oii a corfocl pioc^ of'^qiiip Vivrtar REEUTROM cashier's check, certified cheok'or and FRIDAYS ONLY! Thoroughly Cleaned in iiiov FINE bid bond, In the amount' bf ten tyt- OR CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT! monl (oi your noudsi 2500 OFFER: ^Nothing Counts Like Service FIEL fO: cent (10%) ol the bid, not to exceed Flushed and Insured TOP i HOUSE twenty thousand tiolltfrs Electronic Flash p^;rFOR* OIL ' ' " •*% $ •SIPPLV CO. (S20.000.00), lo be made payable«to TEACH VOU how 10 |/« COMPLETE' HEATINC *25 • 45 PAINTING the Township of Oranford. The Bbc- usu it LOW, DISCOUNT ' INSTALLATION Since 1925 Minor Tree Trimming LUMBER , cessful bidder wll be required to fiir , "I 'm' •%:'"., ) OneOne, KOHLER.\MacBEAH nlsh and pay for a satisfactory sure- I 544 North Avo. East, Woalllold « 2320483 ^ner'l^on j • REPAIRS AND SERVICE ' HEATINGOILS - Consumer Raport - ty performance bond In the full GrOMotr Mall, HI. 206. Rarltan • 526-4434 PRICE PROMPT EFFICIENT, BUILDING MATERIALS CHARGE YOU n corn : • AIRCONOITIONINC ^INSTALLA-TIONS amount of the contract price and a SERVICE AGENCY . MLLLWORK Yes, CONSUMER REPORT rated our one-year1 maintenance bond. No bids ' mlU Kifv IV<|<; ( f i . S.it ^1 ini..fwMi»l T'^if, In') I __ualitivc DISCOUNT J" "«" '"»i Wml S.il »Wl«li'Thu;vfi. loi)'1 SERVICE lnlur»nci lickitnrlj Simt I'll' will be received after the time and • 230 Centennial Ave. Ned Stevons FrlodrlcK air conditioners aa #1 PRICE 549 Lexington Ave. In energy efficiency, for most dale above'speclfled. No bids may anuiol-.1 to -1/ tvet Cranford 276-0505 be withdrawn within sixty (60) d|ye ') Portion joom ho.1,1 nh CRANFORD 2267379 after the date specified for the ope- • CONTINUE TO TEACH W BTU categories. Ask us about It. .'8mni evciiglit r.inel • ; Call 276-9200 Seven Dttys 12'6 SOUTH AVE E. .Ing of bids, The Township Commit- '' YOU plin!O()r;i|)hv ilS it-mo. 276-0900 33d CENTENNIAL AVE. tee reserves the Hght to reject qny ROBBINS & ALLISON Inc. • umle nuiiihei of 80 with 16 8 l> m bast tlmal CRANFORD • 2763000 WmL CLADLY long ns you Wiinl to CRANFORD and all bids. " - Local Moving & Storage ASA 100 Him • TlliVOUWHY AH bidders arerequlred to comply lit put loythtr batterl $ 00 PLUMBERS PLUMBERS with the New Jersey Prevailing SEWER/DRAIN CL TELEVISION REPAIR Wage Act, P.L. 1663, a. 150. All bid- • SERVICE yotir uPto 26 ders shail comply with the |e- ; i Friedrioh qulrsments ol PL. 1075, c. 127 »pd Rebate Values -REYNOLDS™ L P;L.19*!Vc.-33.-;Aff|rmatlve Actlfn J S.J. SHAW. JH SEND it to tho f;iclor\ -COMP-LETE PLUMBING-& HEATING INC KEYDER .Laws. , • -i* ACCOSSQI10'.) • • Approv«d Arborlsl ' V^ Bidding dpcumenls, plans aod ' NO CHARGE PIUs FREE urilaue TREE— •IOIJI Y«nr.S«/uljiu Ci«nlo.d\^ (FREE DELIVERY AND _ .spocUtcatlons may be obtained it\ Electronic Flash Book OVIH 35 Yrs Expominci; COLOR the office of the Architect, Leslie fy. HEATING7 FUEL OIL & KEROSENE SftMf DAY SEHI/ICE • Healing Coolmc) . Dennis & Son, 134 Elinora Avenue, BLACK & WHITE SERVICE Elizabeth, New Jersey, Mondky [litthrootii (iml Kilrfti'ii • Alternlions -Rt'ptVrs INSTALLATION FOR ALL Mmii'rni.Mliiiri!', ' EMERGENCY All Mokos throuoh Friday, between the houja sales and services for residential, sy Air C-onctitioninc) Admiral to 2onlth • Landscaping . TREE SERVICE of 9:00 a.m. and 4:00 p.m., upon pro- BERGEN -iivirr SAI rs RI-'MAIH SEWER AND DRAIN EUtWINO I SI I 'I III NEW WINDOW UNITS per notice and payment of » che^k \i' (I- • I t.)il C ;oi(i[)lt-ti; Jill) CLEANING SERVICE Survice • Free estimates for fl^ly dollars ($60.00) for'each set commercial and industrial needs. .MlflSONAHlE HATES Within 24 Hours • TREE SERVICE AVAIL. •1TIMATIB -; Moods of plans and specifications, payable 276-1320 • Fully insured • SfHAVlNG Ei - to Loslle M. Dennis s\ Bon, said cojl i ANTENNA INSTALLATION • Reasonable prices being the reproduction price of Ihs lH_ CAMERA Offer expires: August 31, 1960 • FULLY INSURED 276-5367 AND REPAlH SERVICE documents, and Is not returnable. * AGENT/ALLIEDVAN UNES :iG0 • REASONABLE RATES ..._ ——. COMPANY By order ol the Township CommJJ. < «•* .,. —.-• 24 Eastman St., CRANFORD 276 1160 26 Tulip St., Crahford tee. ~i 213 SOUTH AVE'., E. CRANFORD . Cranford 2iB^ontonnlal Avu. 218 CENTENNIAL AVE., Ch. • 276-1160 Wooloy Kl. Pl.Kp Mumbaf Cfan(ord Chanjbor of Commerce Townnhlp Cloi}< 272-9290 686-5096 276-3607 Dated: July 31, 1080 j TEL. 2 76-0898 276-1024 «ii ••You can doduct 15% ol tho coal ol a now burner and its installation ;i!. ;i tax credit This f.x -.«,„• • authored by thu National Enorpy Act approvud by Connross.- ' " '• ' '' JUVIMU->.I.M

\ ' .„..,.-.»*

Page 12 CRANFORD (N.J.) CHRONICLE Thursday, July 31, 1980

Thursday, July 31, 1980.-CRANFORD (N.J.) CHRONICLE Page 13 Three Loea^^Wrestlers Box Graiifdrd Pop Warner Football Compete In National Meet Thrte wrestlers representing Cran- pionships July 3 - 5 at Jamestown Swimpiers Begins Practice Tomorrow ford competed in the 1980 AAU Eastern Community College, Jamestown, N y. Age Group National Freestyle Cham- The local grapplers qualified for the Pop Warner Football launches its 1980 plication forms and registration fees at national tournament through district season tomorrow at Hillside Avenue that time. ~" and state competition. Are8-0 School when the teams and cheer- Boys can still sign up for a team, leaders both hold Their first practice tomorrow or at any practice, session at' The C ra nford sessions at 6 p.m. Parents who have not the Hillside field, or by calling Greg Matthew Trouts won first place in the done so ore asked to bring signed ap-~ Schneiderr276-9U8:" -~ -60 pound bantam division for Cranford Recreation Swim Team A third grade student. at Brookside remains undefeated with School, he is a member of the Cranford an 8-0 record! Their most Recreation wrestling program, com- recent triumph was a 157 Swim Club Team Ends Tough Season to 131 victory over Copper peting on the sixth grade team. He Cranford Swim Club, to 877-kirttfne '•.» iwo wins featured strong cornpeti- qualified by winning the district tourna- Springs Country Club, Myarsville. competing in the Union agaiast a build ing Noma- tibn with Cranford ment and placing second in the>N! J. County Summer Swim hegan team swimmers continuing stafe tournament: • League, tied up ite season their powerful stride and winners In . Cranford dropped its the Individual, medley .were Kevin with a 3 - 3 record, last two meets last week in with tight scores going Nlemsyk, j>haron Turney, Mike finishing third in the into the relays. Terry • . Representing Cranford ana advancing Sommerlod and Julie Brellnskl. . closely matched contests through ihree rounds of competition in league and second in the losing to Manor Park at Biuno coaches the team. * the 85 pound junior division was Chris Free style first* were grasped by league's relay carnival, a Westfield by a score of 126 Ellen Sommerlad, B and Janet • The meets were ' Martin. Martin qualified for the Korsch, 11, first In the. bock stroke close six points behind to 111) and' to Columbian nt highlighted by strong freestyle nationals by winning both the AAU were" Jeff Baker, B and Kate Hull, Westfield's Manor Park. 10. " ; • performances by' Judd Koplckl, district and state titles He is an eighth This week features Cranford 120 to 115. In the Carey Krause, Chris Ryan,. Sarah Harrington, Peter Smith and Rich grade student at Orange Avenue School In the breast stroke, first places individual time, trials and Columbian meet, the Smith key breast strokers were and a member of the town wrestling pro- wentjo aob Hull, 10; Tom Turney, the championships Satur- Cranfard Swim Club pool Kelly O'Brien, JuticftCoplcki, Sue1 11; Brian Byrnes, 13, arjd Mike day at Columbian -Club, AAcMahon, Sandy Dpllar, John gram; competing on the eighth grade Sommerlad, 16. First In."lie Butter record for girl's 11-12 year McGurk and Alow Shuhan team. '_...._. fly wore Steve Nlro, 10; Kovln Union. freestyle relay was broken Nlemsyk, 12 and Jeff Glennon, 16. l the . team soundly— >y 12 seconds with a time In, the backstroke division superior times were turned in by- ' Rob Pender,-1980 varsity all-countcy Divers achieving first were Pam defeated Nomahegan of of 2:09.68 . by .the con- Judd. Kopicki, Ann Salway, Chcls wrestler, competed in the highj school Bollartd, 11;. Jim Smith, 13; Mary Westfield by a score of'150 sistontly winning team of Ryan, Peter Smith, Kim Stura and Sarah Hull, 13 and Sean Byrnos, 15. Rich Smith..Top botterfMers we.re advanced division. A Cranford High to 92 on July 14. In a return Lauren'Krause, Karen Megan Taylor, Judd/'Kopicki, ON. YOUR MARKS — Butterfly competition ;, sophomore, Pender-qualified with first meet at Nomahegan, they j im Stura and Carey Krause, Chris Ryan, LAurtn oneSi K Krause, John Ha"** ing ton and Erin gets underway, with Cranford Swim Club's place finishes in both the AAU district repeated their victory 147 Sandy Dollar. Bothmeets Ryan and state tournaments at 99 pounds. He Peter Harrington closest to camera. took the option of advancing one "weight MATTHEW TROUTS, Cranford class in the national tournament and Centennial Pool Offers Swim Clinic Recreation wrestler, who won a competed in the 105.5 pound class, His Oy first place in AAU eastern meet, 35 er third place finish. qualified him to A competitive swim clinic will be Swimmers will be video taped as dif- with ' Olympic champion Ben compete in the AAU World Team Trials Peterson at awards presentation. offered at the Centennial Avenue indoor ferent strokes,, starts and turns are in Lincoln, Nebraska in August. pool from Aug. 4 to 15 frortv 10:30 -11:30 learned • "".'" each weekday morning. The fee for the Dave Jones, a water safety instructor TennifrToumey Is * two week session is $10 payable at the for the past seven.years and swim team first session. Only Cranford Pool coach at the Cranford Pools, will be the members are eligible to attend. The .clinic director. ^His assistant is Joe Later This Year clinic will provide swimmers with the. Dooley, a competitive swimmer for the opportunity to improve the skills past seven years, who presently swims In previous years-, the 35 and Over necessary for .competitive swiitimjng. for St. Peters College in Jersey City. Tennis'Tournament was held lrnmedi- -ately-following the Open Tennis'Tourna" ment. This year the Tournament will be held in September to take full advantage Golf Tourney Open To Teens of cooler weather.- Both men's and will;, begin; Sep- Youngsters 12. to 17 years old are in- Confestjirtts-mustibe.co.ujity residents ^ill- beginT ' yitedto •enteKhe Seventh'Anrtual Union who are not menibei^of private clubs. '£'nd (He mixed-doubles; an-; —County-- Junior- Rublit^Ljnks—"Go.l'f-- Players-wiilfbe-placedHn -one-bf-two Septembei—STr^The—Recre'atiorrTmd~~ Tournament at the Ash Brook Golf divisions according to age, 12 to 14 years Parks Department will accept regis- Course, Scotch Plains. or 15 to 17 years. Both the. girl and the tration by phone (276-6767) or in person boy winner and • runner-up in each at the Community Center. . Sponsored by the Union County catagory will receive awards. Department of Parks and JRecreatkin, ^Applications are available at the three the tournament begins Monday .'"August' "golf courses or by calling 756-0414, 686- Runners Train At 1L Entries close Monday at 5-p.m. 1556, or 574-0139. Cranford West The Cranford Recreational Track team, with coach Ray White, enjoyed a week at Cranford West recently. Par- ticipating were Kristy White, Bill Anelli, OLndy__Iann£lli, Ver.onica-JK.ero, -Amy- Smith, Sue Hogan,, Mary Beth Hogan, Box: Less than O.1 ing tar. Jim Bevan, Tracey White, Scott Van • Why, Laurie Sullivan, Lisa Murray, NAVAJOS were CBL Nomahegan League playoff III and Kevin Hare. In back are. Tony AltQ.bel.lt~, assist- 'John Beavers, Kevin White, Rob charopsJhis'year. Members^of team, sponsored by ant manager. Coata Kaloyios, G/eg Fazzaro, Jerry A.matrani, Robin Lefkovic, Crissy Victor bennis Realtors, are, from left, front row: Hare, Bryan Cast imore, Brandon Owings, John Rugiano and Dennis Burd. The runners •~\ hope to stay in shape for the upcoming Russ Morris, assistant manager, Robert Paul, Greg Nllland, Jamie O'Reilly and Robert Paul/manager. : Kachoogian, Al Villani, Brian Morris, Tony Altobelli Not pictured, Joanna Bardwill and Michael Finnen. •.cross country seasori. Archers Compete |n Novelty Shoot Hiking Activities Are The Recreation • and Michelle Yantz. On the Pat Galbriath, Lynn Bopf Register Now For Planned For Weekend Parks Department ' Hillside Range, winners andJared Corcoran in the The"" Union County Hiking Club has archers held their weekly for the • beginners were: beginner class. The inter- planned two activities for • the first Novelty Shoot Friday. The JPat Galbraith, Lynn Bopf mediate' winners were: Soccer School At Saturday in August. . , winners at Orange were: 'and Jared Corcoran. Dave Rajkowski, Joe Tom Harvey will lead the six-mile HillsideJ.s__mtermediate DeMarco and Alex South Mountain Ramble, which will be Don Eckloff, Liz winners were Joe Zie'linski. Orange's followed by a picnic lunch. Hikers will Chapman, B.rian Lopez winners were beginners: Mother Seton meet at the Locust Grpve picnic area on and Chris Daily. Orange DeMarco,. Dave Liz Chapman, Don Eckloft the South Mountain Reservation, West 1 A one-week soccer school will be Orange, Saturday at 10 a.m. intermediate class Rajkowski and Alex and Chris Daily; inter- conducted at Mother Seton Regional winners were: Bob Zielenski The annual mediates, Bob Mulcahy, The Minnewaska hike and swim is High School, Clark from Aug. 18 to 22, 9 also slated for Saturday..Leader Erwin Mulcahy, T. Ft. Colarusso Novelty Tournament was T. R. Colarusso, and Rich a.m. to 4 p.m. Individual skills, group YOUNG GOLFERS, including Scott Chapman, practicing his swing, and Todd Whitelock. also held last week. Bolanowski, . and ad- Conrad will meet participants at the and team tactics and physical fitness and Doug Manuel and Gary Bernard, waiting their turn, all from CJran- Packanack-.Wayne Mall, Rt. 23, Wayne, Advanced winners were: Winners at Hills i de [ s va need, JPaul__Harringt.OjrL -will-be-stressed—in-preparation-for the ford, are- enrolled in Union County Golf Camp at. Galloping Hfll Paul Harring ton 'and Range were Clayton Lee, and Michelle.Yantz. . r at 9 a.m. fall season. Coaches are Gregg Miller course. Pro Terry MeCormack, left, is instructor. Next two week ses Additional information about the and Sam Sabaliauskas of Woodbridge sion begins Tuesday. . hiking club events is available by calling Giant-Bronco Game Funds Press Scholarships High School. the Union County Department of Parks There is a $45 fee and enrollment is and Recreation, 352-8431. The New York Giants Stadium — in • the first to season ticket County Offers Equestrian, Tennis Camps will again donate the limited. Call ..Miller, 254-0910, or Meadowlands, holders with the balance Sabaliauskas, 753-8175 to register. profits from a 1980 pre- available at the stadium The Watchung Stable riding instructors and are protective"" head gear is season game to the New Last year, the NJPA ticket office and through will host a new summer held at the Watchung required. All students will Jersey Press Association Scholarship Fund awarded NJPA member mail order program introducing Stable in the Watchung receive special Scholarship Fund, Inc. $10,(XA> 10 ten New Jersey advertising. SWIMMING FOR YOUNGSTERS children to the horseback Reservation, the complex Equestrian Camp T- don't . The scholarship game will journalism students in'., riding world. Equestrian features two riding rings, shirts. be played Saturday night, grants ranging from.k.$500 A 10-session swimming course for Camp, a series of three outsdie hunter course and Registration can be you come Aug. 16 against the Denver to $2500. "~7 DBHSSets young children will .begin Aug 4 at the one-week sessions, begins more than 20 miles of done at the, stable, open Broncos in Giants Tickets will be offered Westfield YWCA. The YWCA also will Monday with additional bridle path weaving daily except Monday, and sit on sponsor a synchronized swimming camp lessons beginning August through the reservation. "from 7 a.m. to 3 p.m. Echo Lake Winners Announced Physicals from Aug. 18 to 22 from 9 a.m. to noon. 11 and ia. Home of the Watchung Information is available at AH levels of instruction, from beginners Each session is geared Mounted Troop, the stable 273-5547. Physicals for studehts on up, will be coached by Aqua-Sprites was recently recbgni2ed The__ Dick Pearce second piace won by Mrs. to specific skill levels. The . The Union County who are interested in specialists. first is for beginner, the by the National Department of Parks and Tournament for the Echo Donald Shepherd. First participating in a fall second • for intermediate Association of Counties for Lake Wednesday golf place in Class C was won Recreation also offers a sport will be held on SAVING MONEY and third for advanced programs- and services. tennis canrip at Warinanco FINE ITALIAN DINING group was won by Mrs. by Mrs. Eugene Dervin Tuesday, Aug. 19 and riders. Classses include Enrollment is limited to Robert Theobold. In Class with Mrs. Dexter Force A discussion series for consumers is Park, Roselle, and "Golf Cambridge Soft Pack: For easy Thursday, Aug. 21 at 9 being held Wednesdays at the Union instructional and trail Union County residents Camp" at Ash Brook Golf Wed-Sat.4:30-8:30 p.m and Mrs. L. Mayo tied for a.m. in the Health Office riding plus an introduc- who are at least.nine years A, first place went to Mrs. second. ' Mrs. George County Extension Service, .300 North Course, Scotch Plains, and at David Brearley tion to the anatomy of a old. Proper riding attire at Galloping Hill Golf Sun 3-8:30 p.m. Vincent DeLisi and second Kepping had the lowest Ave. E, Westfield, from 9:30 to 11:30 consists of jeans and I drawing smoking satisfaction in an ultra place to Mrs. William Regional High School. a.m. The topics are:. Aug. 6, "Saving horse, care and grooming, Course, Union. Infor- score for putts. Both Mrs. Pleasae bring per- bridling and saddling. A sturdy shoes with a heel. mation . for these CRANFORD HOTEL McCann. In Class B, first Michael Apostolik and Ways at the Supermarket;" Aug, 13, Riding clothes may be place winner was Mrs. mission slips signed by a "What's in a Price?;" Aug. 20, "A Look picnic ride highlights the children's instructional 1 South Union Ave | low tar cigarette. Only 1 mg tan Mrs. Thornton Smith had parent or guardian to the week. worn, but are not programs is available by W. G. A. Connell, wjth chip-ins on the 16th hole. at Advertising." Call 233-9366 to 276-2121 1. - . ^ ... physicals. register. Lessons are taught by necessary. A hunter cap or calling 352-8431. Diamond AtXion *\ Cambridge IOC's: For satisfying D. Rydn & Sons, In first place the winning'run to the plate, but Dob homered for the Vets and Jim of Apple's I PUiyoMs bugln newt AMERICAN CONFEKENCE lint Ire season, suddenly found Uebrlch shut the door by Inducing Shoehan, Dt-nnis Klhg- and ponnolly • week among . A ^Division Eait W Cranford Men's tham&tiluus tied with OuHy'4 al 14 a soft 'oUl to The third basemon. and added two single* each. Frynchy's, Duffy's ;ind Mflsta to 1 when Joe Curluccl shut them the Movers wore winners, 6 to 3, peter, and D Division, Apple's II, Z.ldiTM H.ndurs 13 4 tobacco taste in a longer length, ultra low put on three hits apd the Konilworth John CollrmrTs n -1 pitching record Ross Dros. and Pollack's. tsvurn won, 4 to 0. Carluccl struck lithe best the Cranford league has Poacock AQi'ncy 13 S Softball out eight and blltiwed only one had In the last five years, Kenilworth Mountain Aflen 10 7 E.iglos 10 II runner to reach third In raising his Global Carp«t Cleaning clinched, Tri;vor Floor w ix I! rocord to nine and two, Tom Lies at leait a tie for first place In the ( tar cigarette. Only 4 mg tar. 13 Stroked a pair of two out KBl • O. Hyan 8.'S6ns Movurs -J5 American Division with a 6 to 4 win Softball League doubles to lead Duffy's offense. over Alay Steel. t



Thursday,, July 31, 1980CRANFORD

Page 14 Thursday, July 31, 1980 Boost Brearley Choirs SPLIT LEVEL J STARTER HOME plan yearly furfd raising activities. ea Museum. This tribute", a vacancy caused _by the resignation of cussed holding the special meeting at its chen, den, attached garage. Gas furnace ary Public REALTY WORLD stories. ..!.JL__: 272^5600 presented Sunday. The .celebrants formerly owned Mayer's Grocery school level as well as in the towns of adult. . .-. -/ r. •; Raallor.Notary Public presented as a gift to the Officer Joseph;Rigano. Since that meet- regular July 8 meeting.. Monday, Aug. "4 I, 4 years young, fenced yard, gasgrlll. Be Mtmb*r at Cr*rrt»rd and WntfUld .'. «.«. NUNN " "" . --..-••-• j g DeStefano has been completing 100 The mayor also stated.that a special on North Avenue. ' . Garwood and Kenilworth. Board of Raatton aod Muittpl* Uitfng. "A World of Difference" n | 2 -4 p.m. - Running club, BrearlejL Wl North Ave E., Cran/ord ...,..' hours as a special in training before meeting was necessary because the first to see all if fias to offer. Chp]ce~CTaTF" 106-North Union Aye -Cranfprd -2^2^4020" At the first meeting of the Brearley 7th grade to adult. Weight training, ; CALL..276-81IO council couldconfirm the. appointment. council would not convene again until 6 - 9 p.m. ford location. $76,500 ' New Artiist - Laura Jbhnstone Aug. 12. ','We are a policeman short, Choral Arts Society in June, the follow- • , Council voted unanimously to approve Supreme Court Considers Brearley. - Summer banoj Capital Savings Appoints have, men, on vacation and this man is ing officers were elected: president, Vi- the recommendation, allqwing._.the_...of- 7 - 9 p.m Alliance Realty now qualified to perform the duties of vian Volz; advisor, Corbo; vice 7 ''.':-' ficer to begin his duties last Friday. Brearley. 789-0823 Realtort/Notary his office," the-mayor said. He noted presidents, BillForeman and Pat Hub- Summer chorus, LOST Only four members of council voted on- 7 - 9 FOR STALE that the police chief needed manpower inger; recording secretary, Loretta 242 North Aye., Gmnvood I County Wins 15 the appointment, as Walter Maszczak' Garbage Stay Again Today Brearley. II Four Staffers To New Posts and it was vital that the appointment be Spina; corresponding secretary, Mary . M«mber Union County. Crftnfotd .and ' • was oh vacation and Dominick Carrea 7 - 9 p.m. - Consumer office open*' FOUR .15x8 WHITE spoked TW.O MONTH OLD mala tab- made so the officer could start im- stead of the Edison municipal dump. Anne Pelusio; and treasurer, Jane W«lfl(. the month but against the police hiring practices," additional stay on Monday until today ISLAND HEIGHTS RANCH, PART TIME WORK from ATTRACTIVE OAK BUFFET national achievement churches -.a;nd._ senior office. She is a graduate of Cranford and is now pursuing advanced studies at Maszczak explained. . when the futfcourt could hear the towns' 6-9 p.m! - Weight training, 3 fjedrooms, living room ' *AII Makes A Styles • citizen housing projects. High School and has attended the Insti- the! Institute of Financial Education. • had been cancelled for the summer August Flea Market Will home with new telephone 60x20x29 like new. Asking Call, 334-4624 awards for outstanding —' ~~~ session. Now, I will be unable to vote on He said, he felt that a standardized pleas to let them continue hauling their Brearley. . ' WTdining area, full Sat In kit- program,. Caft earn $6-$8 $175. Electric Magnus-3. service programs, it was Union County's Summer tute of Financial Education. She 6:-30 - 9:30 . p.m.. „- Basketball, chen, full basement, gas hot Previously held positions^as teller, head Joanne T. Buckshaw has been ap- • the recommendation." method bf hiring is needed by the police garbage to the-'Hackehsack Meadow-" per hour.CBll 761-7194.U. octave chord organ, ,925. 2 STAMPS announced by the National Youth Employment •v • Brearley, 7th - 12th grades. water baseboard heat. On 0 • •• . The councilman also.claimed that as committee.. He said he had made these lands instead of Middlesex county, as wooden bar stools with U.S. PLATE BLOCKS Association _of_Countie.s_JPl &:M!- woru3tt...award teller_aM.assistant treasurer, ^ ^- -pointed an-assistarit vice presidentrShe- of Monday, the only reason he knew of sentiments;''Known at the July 8 council ordered^ bj^thg st#te jbepartment of_- .Ai_ d Band's Trip To Florida 7-9 p.m. - Summer band, iBrge lot near RtL37 close toj -backs-.,- $25i Keep—calling" •NACO). '. • for its success in assisting •Hector Velez has been appointed an is a graduate of Weequahic High School, "shopping^ $447S6or frfn- SCHOOrBUS DRIVER. 7 to Singles, Accumulations, Col- the meeting was "through the Brearley. '276-0584 after 5 p'm. 7/31 lections, Canada. Top Prices The NACO award youths in establishing 'assistant vice president and branch Newark, and received her B.A. degree Va bus ride to the -~7 ^~9.p.mr -" Summer chorus," cipals 276-3815. 9 a"nh., 2 to 4 p.m. Will vine." He said he had not been 1973 " paid. Call 527-801 1 program was developed to and... achieving career ^manager of the Orange office. He at- frbm-Jersey City State College^ She has ...... Race Track Sept. 12. Brearley. . .1, train. Ideal for retired per- YAMAHA 750. pg ' p goals, through skill tended San Juan CentrarUigh School alsoattended the.Institute of Financial-* ^ L that the meeting was-scheduled i son. Short hours, good pay.- 5,000 miles. Best called Borough Hall to ask, the Garwood Policeman's Benevolent Board of Public Utilities time .to con- ing planned by the David Brearley High Tickets are availabje to anyone over 19 8 p.m.'"- Planning Board. HOUSING give national recognition training'. ancH^n^^ejoh ^ncl has completed additional course- Education. In addition to fulfilling- her ^ School Band Boosters in an effort to years bf age at $10 each. This includes Garwood area. 789-0012. reasonable offer, must sell Mayor John J. McCarthy said all the Association Local 117 and a. special sider an application by' Kenilworth. ahd Eguaj.Opportupity employer.! 789-2098 af.ter£ p.m. 8A7 training activities'/"^ council .members had been notified police officer-had questioned the hiring the other towns to have the hours of. raise $35,000 needed to finance the refreshments, reserved seating The Union County Ride-" "^^ 'fin'ffnciaTTnj'tTtutions*n?t tn^Sa-VJjfjgs iher-forrrieF-eapaeit-y-asrhead-teller-r;—; band's trip fothe Grand National Cham- cess to the clubhouse. For reservations, about the meet'jn^oarlier thisi Comnnrw sequence of the strike settlement. I Borough Hall. . SENIOR CLERK TYPIST E" annual plan. , 11. who has supervisory ex- 218 CENTENNIAL AVE. • CRAIMFORD 2/6-1160 cannot see subjecting' them to'still Full Time - Excellent Fr- MOTORCYCLE '79 BMW. RtW YOUR another increase." perience or demonstrates R65 model, 650 CC, 2,500 SISTER SUZAN inge Benefits. Aply leadership capabilities. This Recreation & Parks Dopt. miles, $3,300. 272-9587 READINGS Union shop offers com- ,'. 9/18 Gar Crashes Into Bar 1 1 4 Miln , Stroot. petitive salary, excellent HANDWRITING ANALYSIS SITPKR SAVER 276-6767 ..' working 'condition and '79 JEEP GOLDEN Eagle, TAROT CARD READINGS THIRD QUARTERLY NEWEST PATROLMAN — Leonard DeStefano is sworn In Thursday Equal opportunity by John J. McCarthy, mayor... GARWOOD- A driver who said she benefits. —— :*•- '••• chocolate brown, 4 s°peed A SPECIALTY fell asleep at the wheel escaped injury: employer White Power Flfas^lnc. transmission, 4 wheel drive, i115-B-North Ave., W. Cranford £ CLASSIFIED AD AM/FM cassette stereo INSTALLMENT OF 1980 when her car crashed through the front PART OH FULL.TIME work 850 Springfield Road doors of Jack's Tavern, 1 South Ave., Union, N.J. 17,000 miles, $6,500. FOR APPOINTMENT Plan Board Defers Action from homo, stuffing 272-9587 9/18 early Saturday morning. • Vanessa envelopes, addressing or 687-^522 272-9791 UNTIL THE McAllister, Westfield, who was alone in typing. Gqpd pay.JStart im- PONTIAC FIREBIRD 1971,. GARWOOD- The Planning Board Ann Building and Supply Corp., TYPIST. GENERA^ OFFICE her car, was given'a summons for care- mediately, Information, Bond work. Part time, excellent P/S, A/CJ good-condition. requested several changes to plans for a represented by Cranford attorney less driving by Police Officer Leonard ITEMS ARE Robert A. Bernstein. The proposed stamped, self-addressed typing -sklllsl No^steno, 4 Best bffer, Call 276-1401; commercial one-story building at the DeStefano. . . ' , envelope. • SMYCO, Box hours a day, 5 days a week. corner of Willow Avenue and Center building is 900 square feet and will be de- CHRONICLE TAXES signed with a brick facade and two 1 536-B, Union, New Jersey Phone. 232-0338 for ap- ••71 ELDORADO, new Street and told the applicant last Wed- Guilty Of SHopHfting 07083. pointment. snows, nodds mufler.'$900 nesday to bring the revised plans back in windows. The desigri would be adaptable CLASSIFIED for either a retail store or office. or best offer. . Call SOLD! September for consideration. GARWOOD-- Olivia Jamison, PART TIME VAN DRIVERS 276-6302. *UP TO A MAXIMUM OF 8 WEEKS The plans were submitted by the Marr The borough engineer and planner Plainfield, was found guilty Monday of recommended about 10 revisions to the CALL 276-6000 stealing $135 worth of shoes from Shoe- Two positions for September. Hours for riach posi- '76 VW RABBlt/Hatchback, Minimum charge $2.70 for ARE DUE plan before it would meet local zoning town July 17. Judge James T. Leonard tion 7 a.m. to 9 a.m. und 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. Will pro- deluxe model, -auto., SUPER SAVER CLASSIFIED ADS include all iiersonal party for ordinances. 20 words; each additional Drivers Fined credited her with 11' days spent in the vide transportation for hundicappod students from 31,000 miles, _AM/FM, c sale items such as antiques, aulps, furniture,, household 'Since the Planning Board is not Union County jail-after she was unable homo'to school in Jonuthun Dayton .Regional High bumper guards, wiridovv. word, 10 . Repeat Inser- 1 items', clothing, etc. (no real estate) scheduled to meet in August, the revised to post bail. She was released following shades," gas ' tank lock, bno - tion, $2,00 for 20 words. GARWOOD-- Municipal Court* Judge Schoolin Springfield and from school'tahbmorCloan- jplans will be voted on Sept. 24. Monday's "court appearance. dflving" record essential. Will assist in obtaining re- owner, liko new. 241-2444 AUGUST 1 Pre-paid James T. Leonard fined two persons ....'.I...., .V -.. .-- - -'-•• quired special license. Puymont ruto;S5.3O per hour. - * . ". 9/14 .$213 each and suspended their drivers CAN CATCHESFIRE 5© Contact CharlosBuumun,-Assistant Superintendent, '78 VOLKSWAGEN RABBIT; NO INTEREST CHARGED JUST I'vr 15 HordN >•*• licenses for dar Street ON SCHEDULE — Work Is progressing right on opening. The plumbing Is in, the.roof i& being In- Open 8:30 a.m. -4 p.m. driving while on the revoked list, also target at th6 public library with! the 2^500 square stalled and the floors are expected to be poured ext. 309 for inturvluw uppointmont. the boy ano .jok him home. He was re- Friday. Police huve not determined how Muritimu Computur Corp. • Mon - Fri Clip und mail or bring to Chronicle otfico • was fined $215. He was charged July 9 by portedly treated by a family physician. entry was gained. foot addition expected to be ready for a November. by next week. , ftyan. 505 South Avo. 6-600CT Crunford, IM.J. 07016 •-.-••_' f- I f, Page 16 CRANFORD (N.J.tCHRONICLE Thursday, July 31, l!tKO: Nadelman Qualifies For Insurance Council Eli Nadeld an of Cran •mS-V'!i ™ ford has force of-H.000 throughout the United Among OUrcollegians Weekday/Weekend Barribi Virgilio of Cranford has been .. V»W>ed... as ..a member of the -1980 States and' Canada. Membership is named sales-assoeiate-of the montlrby Chairman's Council of New York Life based on the agent's 1979-80 sales per- Jack Donovan, son of Mr. and Mrs. •and disorders,' Ann Marie Hickey. 251 the Berg Agency. Announcement'" was John F. Donovan, 405 Elm St., Insurance Company. " formance. Council members are in^ted Hillside Ave.t communication sciences College Expanded made by Larry Tynday, manager of tiie to attend a four-day, educational con- graduated from. New Jersey Institute of, and disorders; Joseph E;_H6libie, 90 office at 1101 Raritari Rd. The council is composed of t'he leading Technology with a bachelor of science 400 agents arndng New York Life's field ference in Marco Island, Fla. J WinansAve., industrial education/tech- Forty-five sections of college credit degree in engineering technology. He nology; Deborah J. Johnson, 164 was president of Sigma Pi fraternity and courses--the largest^number ever-will Mohawk, Dr,, English; Donna Moller. be offered in Union College's- Weekday/ BURGLAR ALARM sports editor of the school newspaper. 105 Walnut Ave., fine arts; Gerard He is employed as an engineer by Weekend College program beginning USED BY U. S. MINT Paradiso, 22 Beech St.. Spanish; Jana with, the upcoming fall semester. Bechtel Power Corp., Gaithersburg, Polsky, 995 Springfield Ave., speech and What have you dorfe to protect Md., and is involved in the design of nu- theatre; Marie Regenthal, 19 Woodlawn. The program,' which will begin yourself? It's better to have it and not clear power plants. '. Ave., home economics; Howard Sllber- Tuesday, Sept. 2, offers classes on a need It than to need it and not have It. rr stein, 91 Gler^wood Rd., recreation; and once»a-week basis-mornings, after- BE SECURE. Protect yourself and Lynne M. Figman, 14 Chester Lang Kenilworth residents Barbara Keating, noons, evenings and Saturdays. It your loved ones. Burglary is the No. 1 PI., was one of 141 students and recent 55 S. 23rd St., political science, and Lisa enables the student who is busy during the week to earn degree credits Friday crime in the nation. , t graduates of Rutgers University to be Reuter, 5 Red Maple Lane, home LOW COST'PROTECTION: [elected to Phi Beta Kappa. She economics. nights, Saturday" mornings, and graduated this year. Saturday afternoons. HEGCO. EFFICIENCY Thomas J. Walsh, Oak Lane, has been Roger Williams College, Bristol, It. Ir, The Weekday/Weekend student may 276-9154 • 276-5778 accepted for fall admission at Widener •awarded degrees to the following Cran- take any combination of day, evening or College, Chester, Pa. He will .major in ford residents;' Laura Jeanne Kraus, weekend courses. Classed meet for two- /_• accounting, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert L. and three-quarter hours. _ ..:,, • ; • • Edith Laezza, daughter of Mr. and Kraus, lip. Ridge St., B. A. in fine arts; ^rhe college tatf? offer 37 cqursesjn:._ Mrs. John Laezza, Lincoln Avenue, was and, Laura Jean Henderson, daughter of. on the dean's list at the College of Saint Mr. and Mrs. Harry B. Henderson, 34 eluding studids-Utff business, the arts, • Elizabeth, Convent Station. Hemihg Ave., A. S. in business adminis- psychology ana sociology, history, Why don't Mark P. Sarnp made1 the'dean's list at tration .••-.•.' criminal justice, and modern languages. the University of North Carolina for the Janet C. LUUnaii, daughter of Mr and AH courses carry full college credit and you come spring term. A pre-dental major, he is Mrs. Frank C. Littman, 38 Clark St., is .satisfy requirements, for associate^ the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph M. on the Kean College dean's list with a 4.0 degree programs. , and sit oil Sarno, 116 Roosevelt Ave. average. She completed her sophomore Friday evening courses are scheduled year and is majoring in early childhood from.6 to 8:45 p.m., Saturday courses education. "'••••. . are9 to 11:45a.m. and 12:30 to3:15 p.m. Stevens Institute of Technology Maria Piekarz, Cranford, graduated Courses during the week are throughout, awarded a bachelor of engineering from the St. Michael Medical Center's the day and evening. ' • ' degree to Glen M. Lozler. He con- School of Medical Technology, Newark. centrated in materials and metal- She is eligible to sit for the certifying lurgical engineering. He held numerous FINE ITALIAN DINING posts in Beta Theta Pi fraternity, in- examination for medical technologists R6gg,Triano Named cluding president, Was a representative given by the American Society of Clini- of the student council, and was a cal Pathologists. . Two local business executives, Her- Wed-Sat.4:30^8:30 p.m. member of the American1 Society of man O. Rogg and Peter N. Triano, have Sun-3-8:30 p.m. [The Business of The Wee] Metals. He Is the son of Mr. arid Mrs. Steven^tconard, 716 Willow St., been appointed to advisory board posts Frank Lozier of Cranford.' graduated from Sante Fe College- of of the Summit and Elizabeth Trust Co. CRANFORD HOTEL Natural Medicine with a 4.0 average. He < Rogg, president of Graber-Rogg Inc., . Robert Steifel graduated . from specialized in .physiology, applied was named to the. Clark board, and 1 South Union Ave. Baldwin^Wallace College,vBerea, Ohio, kinesiology and massage therapy.. He- Trianxy president of Federal Plastics 276-2121 KENILWORTH BLVD. TV with a bachelor of arts degree. He is the was editor of the school newspaper and Corp., joined theElizabetKboard. • . sohe of Mr. and Mrs. Herbert StiefeJ, 2 co-editor of the yearbook. I-Je will attend Wood. PI. ' • : chiropractic school in the fall. Linda Lamlson, 5 Indian Spring • Patricia Leary, 211 Oak Lane, is on the u~....ov», O lllUiall spring dean's list at the Universitv.,..v.o.yy uoif 1U1IIU1IllinoiSsa iltl Come See Our Road., was awarded a master's degred e Urbana^Champaign,lShe:Js_enrolleUrbanaCJiajjipigShJlll d in —in special-educatiopcale n at Michigan State the'CoIlegebf Liberal Arts and Sciences. WILD SAVINGS! University. \-J [Showroom Of Great Values] .The University of-Rhode Island _ Linda Duckworth, daughter of Mr. ALL HELENA awarded degrees to i two Cranford and Mrs: C. J.DuckworthTi4;Wadswprth_: residents.Triey ai;e -Mindy F. Holzman, ~Ter.7received a bachelor of arts degree -RUBINSTEIN PRODUCTS 2&MroyuaJSskJzBzpA: in psychologyrand ' mj, ^TVW^ > rWJthkaV laTDiklITrrB7Sr _dm!EDaiioke^College,_Salem,.,Va,- in pharmacy. was.on the spring terrri dean's list. Christine M. Paul, 18 Central'Ave., TIMEX WATCHES Local dean's list-students at Montclair was named to the dean's list at Provi- State College are: Jacqueline A. Deets, 5 dence College where she graduated this A Select Group •tf Georgia St., communication sciences spring. She was a humanities major. 23' Med Student Wins Aid %] Susan Maffey of Cranford, a third year student at College of Medicine and sponsored by Muhlenberg Hospital.- 25" Dentistry of New Jersey - Rutgers Relax with a liWeTV... Medical School, was awarded scholar- She was one of 10 area residents ship monies by the Howard G. Lapsley , a warded-^idrrthrough- the scholarship^ Memorial Scholarship Fund, a program fund to help defray medicaj education costs. ... SALES & SERVICE • ALL TVs 34 Eastman St.. Cranford • 276-6100 24th Street & Kenilworth Boulevard Argast KENILWORTH •276-2331 Promoted ,CARIN REALTY Hospital . Members of 'Multiple' • --- -3 Listing. A Team Of Pro- — Trips By Air • Land • Sea Rahway Hospital has perty Professibnals Who For •Vacation . promoted George E, Care About You! Business • Honeymoon .M/K^jV' Argast as associate hospi- tal director, from his Hallmark Insurance Agency If You've tried The Rrsf, former -position as ~! 112 N. 2Mb Street; Kenilworth Now Try The Best! assistant director. The 272-7222 -Zl i'i-i Roulrviird, Kenilworth announcement was made ~ 276-2666 by John. L. Yoder, hospital director. KENILWORTH A graduate of Rutgers ;— Fashions For HIM! . - University and Martland [JEWELERS, INC F.amous Brand Names • I Medical Center School of DIAMONDS — Top Styling •^Distinctive Lines " Nursing, he earned his ~— JEWELRY - Munsingwear •.Drummond : ll irs; M.B;A. in health adminis- WATCHES . ltl.,llllrsl) Career Club 9 "' tration at Wagner College CLOCKS ' : appointed to the newly HIM ItnuliMiird. Kenlluorlh created post of director of 276-3050 -Z IMIh Si! k Kenlluortli Hoiilevurd planning at Memorial "~ -276-2331 General Hospital. The announcement was. made by Victor J. f HERSHEY'S •/•* Fresolone, president, Vitia ViSHam which has recently ITALIAN & AMERICAN CUISINE DELICATESSEN \ completed the second /All UtsllPiweiied ioOrdt/1 *7".ilty Tloiileviird. Kt-niluortli ' -g phase of an. $11.3 million ^'LUNCHEONS * DINNERS P[. Kohier Meats- Catering' ••"•,{) expansion and renovation, * CATERING FOR ALL OCCASIONS C IriX'KN.; i) \>'K A 11 I:I;K ft-HIS»I. H-T , SOUTH 31 si ST. program. ^ 276-9;i28 ,,, ;.- J (Michigan Avo. to und of Riirfiuld Avo ) i "Major emphasis on the Call (or specific diroctionu. needs of the community in Kenilworth 245-9695 'j general and the health 1»'' care consumer in particu- V Jar and , coordination of efforts by the hospital to •' meet these needs will'be a BAR & primary function of the Bottles. Beer. Barrels newly-designated director Baskets Wjljj pain! _ y, cr» of plajinin^l^Fceaflloiie Chronlclo'sJkick to School in"l s"),ir, ( 'saldr~ : 'Miss Jaslow holds a issue will be published August 21. 1 _ i.p To r^i". . i )i.|.' - ... v-., «.,- • ' master of public health \l\St I \( II I,'/M, 1'MSi I OU ii YgAHS 'IIJI-TI:, degree in health services This special pull-out section will include many articles and Hi'iirs Hlnn-K'n n « S.H administration from the Yale University School of Medicine. Prior to joining features of the 1980-81. School year including school calendars Memorial General, she was. vice president for information about new programs, sportsJunch box fecipes and more. 'I SJBEWALK SAUMYS planning at Middlesex >", General Hospital in New Brunswick. Previously, , Friday & Saturday ADVIRTJSIRS PLEASE RESERVE YOUR SPACE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE I", ,•• - i she' was a planning associate. with the August 1st & 2 Newark-based Regional • «LL DISPLAY AOVIRTISIHG 276-6000 • •' I Health" Planning Council.

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