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Page 22 CRANFORD (N.J.) CHRONICLE'Thursday, December 4, 1980 Five Garwood firemen s...\ Kenitworth to che&k hurt at blaze, Boro for illegal 2-family Hall revarnp.. verdict houses..new office on pool.page 22 ntcle unit eyed..page 19 r VOL. 88 No. 50 Published Every Thursday • Thursday, December 11, 1980 'Serving. Cranford, Kenilworth Jin (I 'Garwood. --1USHS '136 800 Second'Class Postage Paid.Cranford, N.J. 20 CENTS In Our V Town [for cap waiver By ROSALIE GROSS Cranford Education Association, said Cranford's chances to obtain a cap the board would be "shortsighted" if the waiver from the state to prevent elementary librarian positions were Steals $3,000 program cuts for the 1981~82 school year eliminated in favor of aides She said it seem dim, reported Robert D. Paul, would deprive the students and staff "of A robber posing as a jobseeker schools superintendent, at a budget the many professional services held up the Petro Mart service workshop last Thursday. librarians provide." . ' station Saturday and..made off with The board must cut $581,670 from the In reviewing areas discussed pre- $3,000. Police_axerusing a composite proposed $13 million budget to get under viously, Paul said an alternative to sketdh '•to track him down. thecap on increased spending. Cranford dropping summer school anpl "."driver's Meantime,, a security guard and will be permitted to spend $908,538 over education would be to have" these custodian at U.S Lines have been this year's school expenditures. The cap services provided by a private Accused of trying to fopge checks figure presented Thursday,, is $4,760 corporation using the board's buildings stolen from a desk at U.S Lines. more than previously reported by the and personnel, but with, the power to Stories on Page 3. board. - - -. .charge tuition to cover costs. Paul pointed out the state probably The -proposal to cut one guidance woujd require the district to spend all its counselor, Paul said, couldbe effected if surplus before a waiver is granted. The the staff cut were shared equally by the surplus has decreased from $1 million high school and Orange Avenue School. Promoted several years ago to about $155,000. Paul The suggestion to eliminate seventh Two Granford police officers were also noted that if a district's cost per and eighth grade sports should be promoted this week. Sgt. Thomas • pupil is above the 65th percentile in state, • tempered, said Paul, with a cut in sports Kane-iS now a lieutenant"ain'd Officer"] -ranking-a waiver maybe granted only -. expenses Ihrough- 12th grade- to-total under "extenuating circumstances with $24,000. The board has been concerned Leon, and Grace Blazejowski jojn their daughter John O'Donnell is a sergeant. At the ) Carol Blazejowski's debut ._.th.is_we.ek as pro 1 : rswear^in tuesday,^ Henry Dreyer j ' extensiye; Justiffcatipijs," ,".Cranfprd's about" transportation- costs and basketball player was billed as "Nancy Lieberman after- game; ^Tf's^realty nice" fo^be playing at Jr., mayor, said '.'we're very cost per pupil ranks in the 73rd vs. "The Blaze." At left, Lieberman No.10 followed • home, she said. Cranford fans showed up in large fortunate to have these (ine quality percentile. the program defensively, but Carol and Gems numbers at opening game. Stories and more- -people_w.oEking_£or-tbe4own.—St employed—successful—team—strategy^—At—right,- _p holograph s~by TheO.-Rob! n-s'o no n Page-J-3. ''.- ' inTtphotographs on Page 4. board.members, announced they would, : not support seeking a waivec^Kte»»v-aTn} noted the < open -^ard-has-spent-$198|OOO already-this- "This~~we"ek the" scKooTTboaFd year from surplus, $114,000 for slashed $273,590 from projected 1981-— We feel that-these values must be reflected in all businesses. From the business of The reconstructed parking lot unanticipated increases in worker's 82 increases in supplies and maintenance. That's1 half of the running the United States to running local businesses, like Martin Jewelers. We can • { north of the new firehouse is set to compensation "and unemployment open Friday or Saturday, reports insurance and $29,000 for child study trimming that needs to be made for not nuture pride in a job well done if we demand more than is reasonable from our Ronald D. Marotta, public works teams this summer t6 reduce a -backlog the district to stay inside the cap employees by asking them to forgo family obligations and their own personal needs by commissioner. Majority of spaces in examining potential special needs limit. Story on Page-2. ~" are for shoppers. Meantime, stone students. --'. ,,. $24,000 is spent on shuttle buses to requiring them to work twelve hour days, seven daysia^week during the Christmas Season. Nor has been laid on the old Martinizing Fiorillo labeled a waiver "a band-aid transport athletes in football, track, can we serve you with concern and our accustomed personalized manner if we are site for parking' spaces over the solution" and suggested looking for swimming and baseball to Memorial winter. And an ordinance has been further "belt tightening." She Field for practlcer — staffed by unhappy professionals or a special Christmas crew of order takers. For these introduced to close .the Park and suggested.a letter-writing campaign to Paul also advised, the board thatvan _reasons_we_have metjand decided onJhe best possible hours to cater to yoior needs, those__ Shop lot off Miln Saturdays before legislators asking for laws to exempt additional $50,000 could be cut from the 5:30 p.m. mass at St. Michael "utility aridlra^portatiori hikes from the appropriations in supplies and equip- •-;*•••-•-"•;••• of our employees arid of course, bur own. '" *•-.- Church and to enable the, use of cap. John Witherington pointed out that ment accounts. A reduction of $230,395 tokens supplied by merchants to even if a waiver were granted it would had been proposed Dec' 1 from budget shoppers in lieu of cash. be up to the voters to approve the requests for these accounts. increased spending. Joan Varahelli, former board SPECIAL CHRISTMAS HOURS The feeling among board members member, suggested the board consider following three hours of discussion- by the budget with a"positive.approach." A survey the board,, administration and members She suggested first computing the Now Open Mon., Tues., Wed., & Fri. 9:30 to 5:30- Thurs. 9:30 to 8:30 - Sat. 9:30 to 5:00 of the 60-person audience, was toloo k for amount of increases in .salary and Starting Monday, December 15 - Open Mon. thru Fri. 10:00'to 8:00 - Sat. TO to 5 A "shoppers -survey"- is being further cuts in equipmentand supplies utilities, compare this figure to Uie cap. undertaken by the Retail Division of before considering the reduction of figure, and then decide where the the- Cranford Chamber of elementary school teachers. However, increased spending shouRTbe. If for any reason your busy schedule does not allow you to fulfill your needs during Commerce. Shoppers have been the board asked each elementary Klein said mandated costs are beyond invited to pick up forms at downtown principal and staff to review informally caps because of inflation and added Preparing for 8 p.m. Tuesday holiday concert, ' ticipafingi In orchestra and 25th yeaf Jarries Len- these extended hours, please phone for a special private appointment. We will be banks, complete them and return a plan Paul presented which assumes there was "no discretionary spending." presentation of Bach's "Magnificat" in high , .hey, right, has led event. Rehearsals photograph- pleased to accommodate your individual request. them to the banks. Goal is to one teacher for each 25 students in The board was notified last week that school auditorium, are, from left, Barbara Baines, ed by Greg Price took place at Lenney's home last determine opinions residents have grades 2 to 6. It would be up to the it will receive a total of $1,572,051 in state Andrea Shuhan, Alexandra Hrycak and, Min Lee. jfr&e'kend. Girls chorus and Madrigal singers will toward " shopping downtown. The 'school's staff to develop an educational aid for the 1981-82 budget.^This is up Concert marks first time student violinists are par- also^arform • . Chamber invites all to complete the plan to group the students. There would $251,714 over this year, attributable to 10 question form through the end of be traditional classes as well as multi- increased costs fojvspecial education. the month. Two members^ will group classes. A "one to 25 plan" would -An additional-35students were classified- compile results which will be result in the reduction of seven this summer as needing special reported publicly next month. elementary teachers for _a saving of education instruction. William Planning Board approves new $105,000 plusan additional 20 percent in Cashnian, director of special services, fringe benefits. reports 450 students or 10 percent of the Witherington said the idea was "too • student body qualified for special Train noise extreme a change for next year" while education. A score of Cranford residents Klein felt it allowed "Tor...creative If the state aid figures do not change code to forestall blight here attended the county hearing last approaches in the future and enabled and if the board gets under the cap, the 'A new code designed to prevent blight Township Committee this-week, is to mendation for an ordinance along with a week on noise' and pollution, "each building to do what it feels is the projected amount to be raised by taxes ..or delapidation of commercial prevent aesthetic deterioration. potential model used by Maplewood problems thai .have emerged best approach.'' to support the current expense budget properties has been approved by the In the past the government had only The Planning_Board used this as a basis because of increased train traffic on Sam JWorneweck, board member, will be $9,927,000, an increase of $871,000.. HPlannjng Board. . "persuasive powers" in this area and for its deliberations leading to a code Conrail.'s Lehigh Valley Mine. They advised forestalling further discussions This would be a projected tax increase It establishes minimum standards for could not compel corrective measures applicable to the local situation. were promised questionnaires would on elementary staffing Until the .of 20 cents per $100 of assessed value or commercial, business and industrial unless health* or safety codes were The proposed law states that "there be~distributed—hereTis-they have -administrationand-board-explored I—Jappr.oxiraatelyi$<.HLa_year_on-a-house stnictures-and_includes__penalties_for; violated. This law, if enacted, would exist in the township premises which been in Roselle Park, which has also, other areas to cuit. There was general valued at $45,000. However, the school violators including a mdximum $500 fine give the township legal authority to are, or may become, unsafe . or had problems. William Wright of agreement with this. tax is paid over two years, so half of the or 90 day jail sentence. attack blight or delapidation directly. unsanitary, or dangerous or detrimental Cranford, member of the county The board also briefly reviewed a increase is slated for 1981 and the rest in The major thrust • of the detailed The Commerce Committee proposed a to the health or safety or otherwise Transportation Advisory Board, multi-grouping plan presented earlier 1982. The proposed budget will be ordinance, which was passed by the code earlier this year and after studying inimical to the welfare of residents." made some comments about which would combine grades 2 and 3 at presented to voters April 7. board last week and forwarded to the- the matter forw'arded a recom- It says that "by reason of lack of transportation noise which rankled Walnut, 3 and 4 at , and 5 and 6 maintenance and progressive some of his fellow townsmen. Ben1 at Brookside, .Livingston, Hillside and deterioration, the condition of certain Hickey of Hillside Avenue Orange. In each case there would be premises has the further effect of questioned Wright's authority traditional grade "level classes with one U.S. judge dismisses 'great creating blighting conditions and before- the Township Committee combination class. This plan would initiating slums, and that if the same are not curtailed conditions will grow and here this week and expressed hope decrease the staff by six for a saving of , • • . - ^ the government would do something $90,000 plus fringe benefit costs. spread and will necessitate in time the about the "awful state of affairs" The proposed budget assumes the expenditure of large amounts of public along "the rail line. Wright, reduction of three elementary teachers funds to correct alid eliminate" them. meantime, elaborated on his view of and two high school instructors because', Granford school spy case' The ordinance says "the growth of the "big picture." See his letter on of declining enrollment. ' • ' •slums and blight may be prevented and the editorial page. . "*" Several areas that had been proposed By ROSALliTGROSS . Meanor, although he did not agree with Meanor said Cea's suit should be filed in neighborhood and property values for cuts-dttt.ua worksh6p Dec. 1 were A federal District Court judge Monday it, indicatetfit was possible to hear the state court. thereby maintained, the desirability and reviewed again by the board and dismissed the suit brought by the same case in federal and state courts. After reaching-a monetary settlement amenities of premises and neighborhood audience. Cranford Education Association against ' The difference in the CEA suit, he said,, with the board and resigning in ex- enhanced and the public ^health, safety Xmas party . Charles Mahnken, chairman of the the school board and superintendent for was the teachers' failure to prove any change for the board dropping tenure and welfare protected and fostered." foreign language department, led a alleged violation of First Amendment charges in-state court upon which the charges, Cea signed a waiver stating he Among particulars, "deterioration" is The annual Christmas party for contingent of teachers, and urged the rights and invasion of privacy. federal case .would rely. would never sue the board. said to pertain to holes, breaks, rot, Cranford youngsters sponsored by board not to cut the foreign language Judge H. Curtis Meanor, calling the "There's nothing in Burke," said Cea was one of three e mployes subject crumbling, cracking, peeling, rusting or the Jaycees will be Saturday, Dec. program at the eighth grade. He said he nearly year-old case the "great Meanor, "that sayjy-a~plaintiff has the to legal surveillance by private other evidence of physical decay, 20 from 11 am. to 2 p.m. at Orange would be "frustrated" and "mortified" Cranford school spy case," granted the right to liave two^cracks at establishing detectives hired by the board. neglect, lack of maintenance or Avenue School. There will be films, if the "dream we strived for" (a five- board's motion for summary judgment, the event or the existence of the facts out Manoff also announced his intention in excessive wear " candy, gifts, and a visit from Santa. year program) Would be "killed ori the • or dismissal. He said since the CEA was of which his state and federal claims court to sock reimbursement from the "Nuisances" inc.lude inadequately Admission is free and all township vine." He cited a Presidential study "unable to prove the existence in the arise." CEA for legal fees and costs-associated protected wells,.shafts, basements, which called Americans "scandalously state court (of) the very fact upon which' excavations, abandoned motor vehicles, children are invited. The school board was represented by with the federal case. This is estimated incompetent in foreign languages." they rely tosustain their federal claim," at $15,000. Meanor said there were structurally ' unsound fences or Mahnken said the eighth grade students he would grant the motion. , Yale Manoff while the CEA attorney buildings, lumber, trash, debris or waived his appearance in court. Sheldon "stringent requirements regarding fee would have to take classes in another The suit, which was filed last January awards." ' vegetation such as poison ivy and other Pincus, attorney, had advised the court conditions. It also pertains to physical department plus postponing their first in state and federal courts, alleged 1 Open house year of language to the high school. surveillance and tape recording of he would not argue orally, but would At the school board meeting Monday conditions dangerous to human life- or These factors, he said, would result in school employes, electronic and photo- rely on his papers. night.CharlesMcCarty, board member, detrimental to health of persons and to The Cranford Historical Society more staff needed elsewhere. graphic monitoring of CEA members, The CEA three weeks ago advised the- asked Brenjja- Klein, "president, to whatever renders air, food or drink un- PRESENTING THE WORLD'S will hold its annual Christmas Open Paul seemed to agree, noting that and falsifying records to cortceal board it was terminating the suits by respond to the CEA's "carefully wholesome or detrimental to health. House; at the museum at 124 N. although 2.6 teaching positions could he payments to detectives. State Superior withdrawing its request before the state worded" statement of three weeks ago Responsibilities of owner-operators Unioh Ave. Sunday from 1 to 5 p.in. dropped-by cutting the eighth -grade _Cbur.L.Judge JEdward_McGrath last Supreme Court to overturn the appeals announcing termination of the litigation. • and occupants are also established. ... A special Victorian era Christmas March dismissed the suit, stating he court ruling and withdrawing similar He said by stating "certain practices Th<; proposed law calls fo'r proper MOST SOPHISTICAtED COLLECTIONS program, one additional teacher would liad ceased," the CEA "had convicted" exhibit will be, on. display. Story on be needed to accommodate these found "not a scintilla of proof to support charges filed last January with the state maintenance of exteriors of premises Page 4, . v the complaint." His deciiHon was Department of Education and the Public board members named in the suit. "The and appearance.of'exterior and window students in related ails programs at board has a responsibility to publicly Orange and Hillside Avenue Schools, appealed by the CEA and upheld in Employment Relations Commission. To display areas including landscaping, IN A LOCAL, CONVENIENT SETTING appellate court Oct. 1. date these charges have not been respond to ^protect the integrity of past signs and billboards, awnings and resulting in a net decrease of 1.6 and present-board members," he said. positions or a saving of $24,000. He also Meanor repeated McGrath's opinion dropged, but the school board has marquees and other appertenances. It Paper drive said the cost of materials for industrial, that the "wrongs the plantiffs alleged petitioned for their dismissal. Klein said she would not respond now, sets regulations for structural sound- WITH INTEGRITY & PERSONALIZED SERVICE arts would be greater than for were supported only by hearsay and . The CEA' statement siiid the and said after the meeting the board is ness and general exterior maintenance. A weekend-long paper drive is languages. double hearsay." Meanor, during a pre- association would abide by Meanor's considering a response. Enforcement regulations _ ar« being conducted at Hillside Avenue Doris Goldsmith, a teacher at Hillside liminary hearing last spring, repeatedly decision. • Dr. Neil Castaldo, who had served as specified. The public officer of the town- FOR THIRTY-SIX CHRISTMASES School parking lot by Boy Scout Avenue School, urged the board not to udhionished the CEA for filing'the same In announcing his decision Monday, • school physician 36 years until this year, ship charged with overseeing the Troop 174. Paper can be dropped off increase class size at the seventh and suit in both state and federal courts. Meatior also dismissed a suit by Philip saiti he retracted his Sept. 15 statement ordinance is the construction official, Friday, :) to 9 p.m.'; Saturday, 10 eight grades, as had been, proposed, In announcing "his opinion M6nduy, Cua, former principal here, against in which he asked Robert D «\»ul, school unless some other person is appointed a.m. toflp.m., and Sunday, 10 a.m. to however, Meanor cited a 1971) case in- Union Intelligence Service, a firm hired superintendent, ttrresigtrbecause of the by the Township Committee. In stating thes,e were the "most difficult charges-. "Now tliat Paul has been" •5 p.m. For pick-up, call Ruy ages" and students . needed volving the New Jersey Educution by the board to follow Con and build Cranfoi'il ihe jobs of construction official Mitchell, 272-4925. evidence for filing tenure charges of exonerated," said Castaldo, "I wish him and building inspector .are combined in individualized attention. , S Association vs. Fred Burke, state every success." peg Dcl'into, president of the education commissioner. This case, said "conduct unbecoming" a principal. 'one. person, John Grail.

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Thursday, December 11, 1980 CHANFORU, (N.J. > CHRONICLE Page 3 Page tCRANFORD (N.J.) CHRONICLE Thursday, December 11, 1980 GRAND OPENINGS CHS concert Robber posing as jcd>seeker has breakfast date at indoor pool Board trims $273,990 from Join Santa for breakfast Tuesday at I - Designer Names The. annual holiday . . . . . 9 the Centennial Avenue indoor pool at 10 concert at 8 p.m. Tuesday Everyone can join in and sing Ghnstmas Pocktt-tbooks • Brief Cases at Cranford High School holds up service station Deb n Heir 'ft VmwxJL Toiick Juice and donuts will be served plus a carols with Santa.-" ' supply, maintenance budget having brown hair, brown eyes, abou.t.5. KLOTHES FOR KIDS J . Finoly will be preceded by a 7:45 A man posing as a jobseeker robbed Cajlthe DOOI,, 272-9595. to reserve a 35 ALDEN • CRANFORD • (NEXT TO MR. CHARLES) feet 8 inches tall, medium to stocky special treat for all children attending. ni The c£st ls 50 centiJ a .-. By ROSALIE GROSS "; • • with this year's: textbooks, cut $14,205; p.rh, .• PTA meeting the Petro Mart service station here at ** HAS SUPER HOLIDAY library books,, cut^ $5,775; aduipvisual OFF & MORE conducted by Edna Silvey. gunpoint Saturday morning _and fled build, pockmarked face, in need of a After reviewing a variety of options : ' "••••)• shave and a dirty appearance. A for cutting the proposed $13 million 1981- equipment, -cut '$1^,640; -teaching Blouses •Sweaters • Skirts • Jackets The "Magnificat" will with $3,000 in cash. _-r—--• SAVINGS FOR BOYS & GIRLS 82 school budget at recent workshops, .supplies, cut $21,495. The last cut will ELIZABETH DORIAN MAROUKIAN .The robber walked up to a young volunteer artist .drew a composite from -tingerie •Gifts • Collectables 37 Harvard hd., Cranford be perforrned by a chorus the description. - - ~ ~ the "Boardsof Education Monday elirninate' the "school starter"-packet and ' orchestra which for attendant at the station at 560 South Ave. ALL COATS, expeditiousjy slashed $273^990 from given each child consisting of a Handcrafted Items For Christmas^, 272-2952 the first time will. have at 9:10 a.m. and asked if the business projected increases . in supplies and notebook, pencil and assignment pad. was hiring. The attendant advised him is student violinists. SIMOWSUITS & maintenance. . The board has supplied these the past to talk to the assistant-manager inside. JACKETS In most cases, the level of spending is two years to offset the cost of supplies to He went inside and -asked Ray held about the same as this year's parents. INTRODUCTORY SALE ! Romanowski, '"Are you hiring?" A LOVING GIFT 9 mo. - 14.T budget. - , • The board also trimmed $55,568 frpm The assistant manager replied in the JEANS & SLACKS'4 - 14 Robert D. Paul, . school the request for student activities such as ONE negative. • • . • . < Merv. Merv Griffin. One of' LEE • Billy Tho Kid • Middlodalo " superintendent, who recommended the sports and music programs. Present WEEK "Well, said the robber, pulling out a . television's most successful and cuts, adopted by the board, said the programs will exist as they are, but cuts ONLY revolver, "Til just take your money OFF VELOURS & VOLOS 4 - 14 board now must wrestle with another will be made later fofcertain equipment then." •'.•-• < popjilax ..personalities, takes us and services for "athletics and music. $273,871 in cuts to meet the cap on The robber locked the two employes in behind the scenes of a remarkable ' increased spending. "Beyond these The board foresees saving $16,000 in a back room and fled. The employes Open 9:30 - 9 Mon - Frl, Sat til 5:30 BRING THE KIDS IN TO MEET SANTA career, from his childhood t6 his,- traditional budget cuts," said Paul, "we business office salaries by replacing two managed to get out and call the police. „ ,Z1 N. Union Ave • Cranford have to face the list of horribles we've senior retiring employes with ..entry THURS & FWTT^STPTIVI—SAT W= Officer Charles Archdeacon was first on present life. • •• been discussing-the past few weeks." level workers. Another $7,280 will, be the rscene and Detectives Gregory LAY-AWAY PLAN • 276-0881 9:30 a.m • 9 p.m. FREE GIFT WRAP These are cuts in educational prograrhs saveoLin- supplemental instructors Mln. »B. Purcliam • Drexler and Jack Hicks picked up the and staff. . ... „ salaries, by assiglng more students to - Mon-Frl. Sa< til 5:30 276-2812 investigation. -"-1-1.95 '• • • & • resource rooms. IN HARDBACK The board received yet another A pickup truck was stolen sometime The board did not take action on during the weekend from Yonkers Con- KJBI.ISMKD BY revised cap figure Monday. It now SIMON AND SCHUSTKR •stands at $547,861, which Is the amount proposed cuts of $26,000 in overtime pay struction Co., which parks its vehicles mm- of cuts necessaryto get under the state- for custodians. '.. underThe~nearhy_Garden State Park- WANTED — Robber of. Petro Further budget discussion is expected imposed ceiling on increased spending. way. Police theorize~thBt-thfi__robber Mart service station as portrayed ^g^^ FESTIVE FLAIR at next Monday's monthly meeting and might have stolen the vehicle^which by volunteer'artist for police. The largest cut made Monday was at a special workshop Dec. 22. was found in Roselle Monday. 1 More details of description in ac- $141,027 from requests for maintenance . The administration also will be. •' The robber was described as being in companying story. of buildings and equipment accounts. investigating the- cost of adding a his mid to late 20's, wearing a Navy cap, .... This Running Life. Sports Il- This will leave the plant maintenance parking lot at the Bloomingdale School lustrated has said "that he may be. fund with $361,958 instead of {he $502,985 . property since the lot used by employes OPEN MON DEC-22 & MON DEC 29, 8:30 A.M. - 6 P.M. our most .important philosopher of originally requested/ which is slightly has passed from the township ;to a higher than this year's maintenance Accused in check incident sport." Dr George Sheehan's private owner who notified the board a CHRISTMAS EVE & .NEW YEAR'S EVE, 8:30 A.M. - .5 P.M. A private security guard and a after the license plate was noted police budget of $338,931. . • fee of $15 per month per car will, be investigators led by Det. William This Running Life is the year's contract custodian have been accused most essentj/fl book for runners The following cuts to budget requests" "charged. Teachers began parking on the of conspiring'to cash a check and draw O'Donriell were hot on the trail. also bring next year!s spending in "line street this week. . • The Gift for from a passbook stolen from employe O'DonneJl working with fellow everywhere. desks at U.S. Lines last week. Cranford Officer James ' Switek and -P$terT4;Mcp,.:^__o.;.;;CQp l Parking^^ security for y^S.XihesrWhicn is-based Jhis. - checkbook and a savings, account pass- IN HARDBACK •—•-•• V- FRESIf CHEESES book: ••'_'•was; • sitolen;_irThe ihefts;• were-• an- Commerce • Drive; •focused,. on 'two men. , r ,•••-----••- - ._""v- reported last Thursday and the thieves SIMON AND SCHUSTKR Boneless ...... RICOTTA $3.99 (3 lb.;tin) tried unsuccessfully >to translate the Their trail led Monday to Davifl John _jr A procedure whereby owners of Holzaptel. Under this procedure, Boneln...... 3-49/lb. Russell Stover Candies are a traditional part booty into cash Thursday and Friday. Lewis, 19, 20 W. Roselle Ave., Roselle recreational—or—cpmrhercial—vehicles applicants-would-applyto-the-Zonihg FRESH CHEESE An attempt to draw $2.000 out of the Park;. who has^ been charged With -may apply for waivers for-parking has Board of Adjustment for a waiver for on-' passbook failed because U\e. passbook attempted theft^-by deception, con- street parking. This wourd~~be~^S" FRESH MQZZARELLA was presented to th WT^MfiiP' spiracy and forgery. Lewis was des-— Saipfcwfcfor a_uia4Y«r, system somewhat less^orjcnal -procedure J(han HlSlltUtOn .cribedas a securityiguard.sua^B^'ed by proposed by its attorney William the use variance applications that are ~SM KED — lib: $4.25 - Aaalert teller at the National Bank of a private firm.. normally" required undeFThcMand use "~Ntew~"3fersey~rJrive;-inrefused ttrcagrTaT Also charged was-James Edward ordinance requirements covering signs, 5 lb. $20.35 check written for $725 and noted the Bynum, 38, Richard St., Newark, an THE CRANFORD BOOKSTORE parking and fencing. license plate of the would-be casher. employe of a maintenance firm hired to .<:• NOR1H AVE. W • CRANFtJRO N.J fi/Olfi • ?01 ;'7C>0:UJO Holzapfel presented recom- PANETTONE (ITALIAN FRUIT CAKE) Altogether, cashing attempts were provide custodial services at U.S. Lines, mendatibns which were designed . to. rejected at four separate banks, arid He was charged with conspiracy and forgery. provide criteria for the zoning board to ITALIAN WHOLE WHEAT WHO'S WHO . consider in each case. These included CAN DlE S Dr. Saul Orkin, Union the usual requirements for a variance BREAD EVERY FRIDAY College president, .and J.. under which an applicant' must OPEN SUNDAYS TIL CHRISTMAS Harrison Morson, dean, demonstrate hardship and that the HOMEMADE ITALIAN SAUSAGE will have their variance should not substantially impair OPEN CHRISTMAS DAY biographical .sketches by JOAN VARANELLI the intent and purpose of the zoning appear in the 18th edition OPEN SUNDAY 11 -4 DOTTIE ELICHKO is wearing one of the mahy'at- LUPINI BEANS, $1-79 LB. PERUGINA CANDY "tractlve outfits found in &urD6ivnStaifs"Pcparf-' ^SUBCONTINENT COLOR .....,,.'... -laws. -•'• •• • .-.•: ' -• • •• of Who's Who in The East Additional guidelines proposed by the for their ""outstanding ment. The fabric is soft velvet..a super look for the A noted fashion authority was DRY CHESTNUTS 1.69 LB. LAZZARONI AMARITTI „ quoted as saying, "Pink is the Navy attorney include: the length of parking achievements" in the field holidays! We also have wools, gabs and acrylics. blue of India," This sweeping state- time, and equipment owned; proposed 1 1 of higher education. If your size is 6 to 18, come In and takfe a look. ment can only begin to give you the location and ^impact on neighborhood, CITRON /2& /4's 1.89 LB FERRAriA CANNOLI SHELLS You'lHje glad you did. idea of the' many varieties of colors on-.site' parking of other vehicles, CAR FIRE f, to he found on'youx;journey through drainage and aesthetics; efficacy of CORN MEAL ...... 59* LB. HAAGEN DAZ ICE CREAM Firemen extinguished a India. proposed shielding and buffering; blaze in the car of Russell GIFTS FOR THAT 1 J7N. UNION AVE. CAN CAN lHAS THE BEST. .FOR LESS!! -. From the glistening white of-the opportunity to use'atijefining property to SEMOLINA .....49* LB: FILLO DOUGH Pharmacy CRANFORD • 276-0062 Meier behind 4 Lawn Terr. Taj Mahal, the rich red of a bridal move equiprtieht to back yard; alternate Friday. OPEN NITES TIL 9 NOW TlL CHRISTMAS sari, the shining black of a young opportunities, to" park1 equipment. The- girl's hair to the muddy brown of the board also discussed possible inclusion River Ganges, your trip to India will of a guideline about frequency of the WE NOW CARRY CtTTERIO MEAT PRODUCTS be a sensory delight. Your.eyes will vehicle's use. OPEN TUES-SAT, 8:30-6. SUNDAYS 9-1. CLOSED MON SPECIAL MAN take in fascinating new sights, your Any waiver.approved should be ears will hear the sounds of strange limited to the specific equipment can- can 1 M SAS1MAN ST / CRANFORD • 272-3290 THE music and exotic languages and you involved, the attorney said. UPSTAIRS DOWNSTAIRS can even try a wide assortment of d • - The guidelines approved along with the 102B N Union Ave Oantord tempting dishes whose tantalizing waiver plan will be drafted in legal form . Open Daily till 6 Thursday till 9 smells and different tastes will re- SPECIAL 276-1005 main with you long after you've for incorporation into the ordinarice. NEW! returned to "Big Mac" country. The procedure is one of the final steps For the experience of a lifetime, taken by the board in the long come to Varan's Travel Agency and deliberation in recent months over an let us send your senses on a colorful ordinance govering the parking of-RVs JS Wishing totes* journey to India. arid commercial vehicles. Once it is ^j^V-^<2S^fi«S2^^^ finished, the proposed ordinance will go*' J._J.O the Township Committee. Expanding Though the waiver system is less VARAN'S —formal, it would-require an application £ 7 ' form, study by the development review committee, public notice and an I opportunity for neighboring property | An Ideal Gift for Her . . , (Blue Ribtwn Shopping Cenl«r) owners to maKe comments, This i 94 North Avenue procedure is similar to that required in use variance applications. • Garwood—789-0063 U C •i All wool, traditional ' LEISURE FOOTWEAR Send poinsettias- becomes Shetland crew neck, full U fashion,.^saddle shoulder say "Merry Christmas" Yarn- dyed i a 20-inch fabric, extra long tail 0) $1Q95 $ in glowing color. FLANNEL SHIRT . 20 9 suitcase! Reg. $25 •- '+* O

Lotus - Black & Champagne Brocado - $1 6 Now you can WolfVeat carry a suitcase in your purse or pocket. It opens big (20"x 13" x 7") yet folds Lisa —.Silver Gold — We have poinsettias in all sizes small. Made, of S19— togladdcn holiday hearts.Make Moniquq, — Champagne, us your headquarters for floral strong, durable V t Black & Wlno satin — $18 gifts this Christmas. Call or stop in.today. Time is growing short. nylon... strong enough to last Philipp trip after trip. NOW READY Glorious will be the memory of Christmas 1980, If you wish a cherished loved-one a special Christmas with .the gift • i Silk Flower Arrangements Dorniio —' White, Blue, of a Patek Philippe. The legendary watch of supreme WOLF VEST 45 SKIJACKET .*87 Bone,' Burgundy, Black Fresh Wreaths and Boughs ..Swiss hand-craftsmanship. Magnificently ' soft upper S13 — designed and engineered to become an • Holiday Centerpieces heirloom. F6und at Martin Jewelers. The local, convenlnent, hometown A GREAT GIFT FOR CHRISTMAS! Snany other stylos available jewelry store. Serving the • SPECIAL Community with personalized SPORTSMAN'S service and integrity. we HONOR MINIATURE CARNATIONS ••3.ftunch MASTER CHAHGi BANKAMEHICARD Open Sundays ) HANOI-CHARCie OPEN WEDNESDAYS AMERICAN EXPHEM Open til 9 Now Til CARTE BLANCHE CrintOrrJ TIL CHRISTMAS Christmas stwtt opsn M-F, Sat til 6 QUMMY at CEHTRAL. WESTTIELD • 233 5678 SHOP Sunday 9 - t 15 N. Union Ave Cranford • 276-0234 / V FLOWERS v ' Open Evenings til Christmas '—' Open Thur«. "ill 9 103 N UNION AVE • CRAWFORD'.• 276 1099 f 9-9 Monday thru Friday • Saturday III 6 116 Nortli Avanlio W • Cranford • 276-4700 143 Chestnut Stroet • Raaolle Park • 241-^747^ Starting 12/15/80: ,••Bon.'innincj Mondiiy, Doc. 8, Open Nights Mon-Fri.. Major Credit Cards Accepted } ^ltrL 130 West Third Avanuo • Rosalie • 241-2700 Mon-Frl, 10-8 Sat 10-6 1 / • ., ••*

.^lursdayJay,, D.'ct-inbeDecember 11. I'M)\'M) CKA.MKORCHA.MP'ORO (N.JJ ) CHRONICLCHRONIC E Page 5 Page 4 CRAN'FORD t.N J •> CHJiQfclCLE. Thursday, December 11. 1980 Preliminary Census count is 24,505 Workshop topics set at St. Michael Lot may close before Mass The •The Park awl Shop I^otoff Miln Street year.. The other major iilteration The . preliminary' 1980 Census that the'first'report of .a 21,3 percent faculty of St. Michael School will the learning disabled child and coping will be closed at 5 p.m. instead of G p.m authorizes the use "of tokens which are drop WUH Incorrect. • participate in a two-part professional mechanisms' which can be used in the being supplied by the Chamber of CASEY'S tabulation is complete. It shows day tomorrow. • ~ on Saturdays under an ordinance being Granford at 2005 citizens and with The ututlstlcB have now been shipped regular classroom. considered by the Township Committee. Commerce to merchants Who pass them HOLIDAY SPECIALS 8.:i4 households'That represents a drop from the county to a census processing The morning session' on learning A workshop on prayer will be The proposal is,geared to make the lot along to customers as reimbursement of 10.5 percent, in population over the facility where they will be fed through disabilities will be conducted by Betty conducted in the afternoon by Sr. available without charge to members of for lot fees in lieu of cash. The Chamber • Fruit Stollen , . . ., $3.25 high-speed equipment for microfilming Lipper, president of ,the ynion County Geraldine. Calabreso- from, the Morning will in turn reimburse the township. past decad*.«.. ^ - " • Association for Children with Learning Star Prayer House, Trenton^ Teachers St. Michael Church who attend the 5:30 • Christmas Cookies .- 3.7571b. Garwood tabulated 4,748, "or- 9.7 ••and transmitted to Census computers in p.m* mass, said Gene Marino, public v Maryland. Once the ditta is_. tabulated Disabilities and executive director of the of Confraternity.also have been invited The proposed "ordinance also permits • Walput Poppy S ^6d Cake . '. 3.75 perceht fewer than in 1970, and International Institute for Learning Dis- to the workshop from l to 3 p.m. in the safety commissioner. , . , Kenil-worth is at .8; 184 residents, down then>, offlclul counts will be reported • This is one of several refinements to legal enforcement of use of handicapped curly next your. . abilities in Adults and Children. Mrs.> teacher's room. Sr. Beatrice Ferrazano, parking slots. CHRISTMAS GIFT TRAYS •10.7 percent in the decade, Kenilworth Lipper "will speak to the 20 teachers youth ministry coordinator at St. rules" J*OM rninn the lot M-v.imncri this mounted an intensive* and successful By the preliminary count, the average . Assorted holiday cookies. household here has 2.95 residents. about the prevalence and causes of Michael, has arranged the afternoon made to.order & wrapped In a bow . campaign to convince Census officials learning disabilities, characteristics of program. - 1 LB. BOX .,-•-. .4.50 • 2LB. BOX ... .8.25 . Historical Society holds open house Physicist to CASEY'S BAKE SHOP On Sunday, Dec. 14 from 2 to 5 p.m. the will be on view. Honje brasses are the Premier Series - Limited Edjtlon 101 Mlln Street, Cranford •272-7089 Cranford Historical Society will hold its decorative and coriimemorative b,rass OPEN 6:3© A.M. - 7 P.M. TUES-SAT 6.30 A^M - 2 P.M. SUN annual Christmas Open House at the amulets once u»ed to ornament ,,speak here ...WITti LQVE Society's museum headquarters at. 124_ hurncsHra. A second holiday exhibit on '' S t r uc fu re. and N Union Ave., adjacent to the Municipal view at the museum is a display of A EiSiplution of Spiral FROM THE Building, antique ChrlHtmns ornaments from the Galaxies" will be the topic HE'S COMING ^Throng awaits arrival of Santa Claus last Thursday in . A" Victorian era Christmas will be collection of Laura Fuhro of Roselle. Exquisite Porcelain of the Friday, Dec. 12," annual Chamber of Commerce event. Freshly lighted township represented in the museum's- front- Bisque Figurines -meeting—&<---AnrateTir"ChTlBttTras~tTee opposite Municipal Building la in baclqjtoumJ, PrTQtu" rooms. Two special holiday exhibits will Cranfonl.'s Fir*; and Police Chiefs will HCCRERSHR O The NEW LIEUTENANT —.Thomas Kane is sworn in by Wes PhiloV be on hand at the open house to fledicate $25 to $45 Astronomers Inc., at 8 by Theo Robinson. "; be displayed in the Junior League- p.m. at Union College. ' ' township clerk. Son Tommy and dailighter Debra are at left; his Room. ^ the Society's new fire and police mother, Mrs, Anna Kane, daughter Donna and nis wiire Arlene are at A collection oi'hor^e brasses from the exhibits. Refreshments will be served Dr.. Philip E. Seiden of UNIQUELY YOURS:. right: and the public is invited. _.. the Thomas J. Watson BOOK BARN collection .or. trustee Rick Rosencrantz Research Center of IBM in IN MOUNTAINSIDE Yorktown Heights, N.Y., ARTOUCHE^ 4 New Providence Road • (Catty corner from Friendly-s) will be the gyest speaker. The letters of your o.arne in' Tom Kqne, John O'Donnell OF CRANFORIT HAS THE BEST BUS STOP authentic'heiroglyphics. A personal.gift which OF CHRISTMAS BOOKS 102-A N. Union Ave., 272-2890 The New Jersey Turn- beautifully combines-past and present. promoted in Police Dept r*'" ODen 10 a.m. - 9"p.m. Mon-Fri; Sat til 6- pike's Charter Bus Stop at FROM"RANDOM HOUSE ATTENTION "LEE" LOVERS! OUR LEE . Cranbury is closed for the' MMIl AIM F IN STKRI.INC." COI-D I IL.I.F.I) 10K & 14K COLD From Mb 50 _ winter months. ' " •. Dr. Seuss -. • * .' Two Cranford policemen were PREWASHED STUDENT JEANS tiAVE ARRIVED! GOLD CHARMS promoted this week. Sgt. Thomas Kane Crinf:r; ?:i;.v;yi 3-.-ii'~i . . - • Rifchard Scarry 1 Great Gifts, Great Investments is now a lieutenant and Officer .John e '^-? T-iciL-'-fc ri_z-^r-:ci- . depart- SPECIAL FOR STOCKINQ STUFFERS! • Charlie Brown ' ' O'Donnell is now a sergeant: j'.. :;•'".<; i^c. ">»^v;.: i-vurcs and' We.have a select group of 14K gold" charms Pkg. of 4 tube socks. 8-13, reg. $9 . $7. 50 •ALSO ' Kane, who, has commanded the SI283 9- 1 5 rofl, S10 $8. 00 available now'at 10% above refiners priQe ._,-> . ,' ••' THE COVENANT Traffic Division, will be assigned as a 'Dccneil xin&z. ire -erar^r.enc \n patrol commander'and will continue to . 9. 5^ i«^""ic sr. '^»f. ra_r:i. division . .. From $21.98 •: • HANG TEN" SOCKS, the newest look...a super glftl COSMOS direct the traffic unit on a part-time - xiz,-Z.L ~ti zrid'ziz _ri". .-.5C \l--y Ke basis. FANCY KNIT JUNIOR TOPS, cream color, lace collar. S, M. Lg. WIDE SELECTION OF i4K GOLD AUL- :ELETS,-;::-",,:,:;,•,,:- %©ISC0tJNT HAHDCOVEHS unit as immediate supervisor; •.- ;• v—-— FREE DELIVERY IN GRANFORD ' Kane, joined the departmenr^m 1962- Available At The and became acting sergeant.and then TO • Free Parking Dn Premises • sergeant in 1977. He attained s SHAPIRO'S Santa Claus made it. Parents and childeen crowded to greet arrival of TICKER FOR PHONE ORDERS- " " . ' • . •' **DAILY 9 30 :o 5 30 bacheJofrs degree from Vililliain. the whiskered gentleman atop local fire truck. Photo by Theo .Robin- PatejrsonXolIege in 1974. . •19 NT-Union-*-eRANFORD-«-276-3270 son. " "~~ ~ ~~ '" • ALWAYS OPEN SUN. 12-4 -•—'He-began^in-lhe patrol and -.during his ^, ••an-officer and commander"cr" neaiaUHi JHKV DOROTHY 7 WALNUT AVE • CRANFORD^ i'DrlSSKJrr'newas co^organiicrf*" dtuv^ .lU&BXSr*r 'n"->**tV?&9". is has been hired, v 7 " Dorothy-;E. Martin- 12.>rtts*Wd«-St. J272-5270 of __Cranford's;._ bicyck:: saf ety__progra.r. by the township to oversee work on the which has gained national and interr-i- second phase of the Brookside Place has' been appointed executive secreUir> Dully 930 Si 30.-* Tlium til 7 or lalar r GRAND OPENING basin; which includes downstream . to Edward J. Murphy, township Snl III . CHRISTMAS LJrrder New Management. •-'" Gallows Hill Brook improvements. STOCKING administrator. • ; • WITH ANY $ 10 PURCHASE Pat's Hair-um James Byrne ^. Formerly Chez Joey SENIOR CITIZENS^ is promoted TUESDAY 20% OFF M.E-. Cruger, president of the Shulton, Inc. WEDNESDAY 15 %-OFF Toiletries Division- of GIVE SPORTSGIFTS American. Cyanam'id,'has'. T- 302 CENTENNIAL recently announced' the FROM' Jerseys 272-7983 appointment of James A. CRANFORD, N.J. OPEN TUES-SAT Byrne-of Cranford to the Nite Shirts position of Director of Tote Bags Employee Relations and CRANFORD Infant Wear Administration. Byrne has been with APPOINTED Rock Shirts Shulton since 1968. He Natalie Bunting has SPORT CENTER Aprons CALCULATED TO GIVE YEAR'ROUND PI FASIIRF Visit Him At ^r ' graduated' from' St. been appointed-direc- Benedict's .Prep- • in tor of resource 38T\rORTH AVE, E • "276-1569 BACK BY- Newark and received B.S. development of the HOURS POPULAR DEMAND and-M;B.A.-degrees from .Union College Foun- "WHERINTHEH^LL IS (jfe ©iffang Epaltg "Seton Hall University. He dation. She'll seek DAILY 9 A.M. - 9 P.M. CRANFORD SHIRTS AGIFTaiCUlATOR! has had several personnel fu.nds for projects SATURDAY UNTIL 5:30 assignments at Shulton's and design and imple- J^ Hours: Daily til 9 We carry a complete line of SHARP Clifton plant and tf>e ment fund raising Sat. til 5;30 • Sun 11-5 Monday, December 15th division located in Wayne. Campaigns- and ac- Gift Certificates~Any Amount .^calculatprs . . . from student pocket tivities said Edward models to sophisticated office machines. 2:00 to 6:00 p.m. RINALDO Aborn, foundation U.S. Rep. Matthew J. president. Rinaldo will be honored FREE CANDY • FREE BALLONS with a reception Jan. 10 in honor of his swearing in for a new term. It will be at the James Madison SAGE OFFICE PRODUCTS 119 NORTH AVENUE W. .Building _vfrth__a_dinner* the Calculator Specialist ''"" """•"'" following at the Capitol 20 EASTMAN ST • CRANFORD • 276-9600 • 376-790^ — Hill C lub. NEW SERGEANT — John O'Donnell is joined by his wife, Terri. Son Joseph joins mom to hold- the Bible, and son Michael, 2, is in foreground. • , '80 Brim-dQwnJSlyle the Jean Cellar • MM^^m^,^^ m0 Great Gift for any Man! New '80Brim-down Style rain hat Christmas Js always Wranqler special. B.ut thlsChrlstmas Handsome wool-blend fabrics will be more so If you wish the object of your affection a Speakers with Stand yet rain rolls right off...' mo glorious Christmas with an folds to carry in pocket. THE FIT THAT Omega Quartz watch. From Reg. $825 ea WON THE WEST Martin Jeweler's diverse col- ^t lection. Providing precision ac- -It's soft! It's lightweight. And rain just curacy. And a unique time- No beads up and rolls right off. Carry it Straight Leg Jeans setting system that allows for 'in your pocket... then, it springs / , A the changing' of time zones right back to shape, looking great to Washed Denim without losing a second. One keep you warm and dry on cold, ,t classic Is all one needs I rainy days.,.In towp or country. -• Orig. Woven in handsome tweeds, o herringbones, plaids and checks. Yamaha Browns or Grays. S, M,-L, XL.'20-OO YP-D4 Turntable Reo gift packaged. The 1980 OMEGA $230 $365 $235 Jefferson Christmas Cup. The Totes Cap Is also Regular Denims Yamaha FREE -available . . . .-$17 Audio Tochnlca An Engraved Christmas Card ... an elegant way to say Orig. NSB Stylus Cloanor with any purcliaso Merry Christrnas. The original of this 8 oz. shining pewter Speakers Any Ampox Rotel tapo In tho atoro cup was designed by Thomas Jefferson. Ours is a KjrJ^ RV-556 / Buy 2 Compact Stereo Stieff Reproduction. Perfect for a stocking stuffer/or $140 Value Get 1 Free around the Christmas Punch Bowl! Engraved as shown. NOW Price $12.50 No Limit Cash Only-While They Last ,A Good Thru 12/14/80 Christmas Hours, OpciV 9:30-9 MI ft Mon.-Fri. 9:30 to 9 Sat. 9:30 to 0 •V. i '.'' 486 Boulevard/ 544N6rth Avonuei East Westfleld, N.J. 232-0483 COROCRI Kenilworth WWW you/ tl SiutH'i, ••< and /war Uia laUit In at«i*a Bmyihlna In audio ..undei u/i« moll ) 31 .Central Avenue 7 Hilltop Hnud Daily til 8:30; Sat. til 5:30; Sun. 10-5 Starting Dec. 15 WeiifieUi , NfW Jew Mertdhufrt , New Je •'••> 11 North Union Avenue. Cranford- Phoiui 272-5350 (201) 232-itlOO fJOIt 643-66JS 276-9572 Open Morv.-Fri; 10:00-8:00 ' Sat. 10:00-5:00 r ',, o

"/'"• /

Page-G CRANFORD (1)J.J.) CHRON.ICLK Thursday, becember 11, 1980 Thursday.. December li, 19HU CRANFORD i.N.J.) CHRONICLE Page'7 yc. helps Six year capital plan done, New Call building featured on TV show Meteors can be seen here New boutique opens here The new Caii Associates office add to the tax rolls-and establish The Geminid shower of 50 to GO meteors per hour STARS nurses on building on Commerce Drive will be aesthetic buildings. . "shooting stars" will show ijhould be clearly visible forwarded to Town Committee included in a television special on New The Cali structure, which is nearly up this week, reports slightly west of the'bright Can you buy as 'Allene's Personal Touch' The most laborious and precise study items in alphabetical order: Jersey Public TV at 5:30 p.m. Dec. 28 completed, is one of ten recognized by a Arthur Cace I I a , star Castor in the way to B.S. "of the township's capital needs in many Library parking lot construction, and again at 6:30 p.m. New Year's Day. committee headed by the New Jersey astronomer lecturer of constellation Gemini. Allene, Kornmueller of shop is that Allene accepts ChannelB are 23, 50, 52 and 58. a personalized College years has been completed by the Martinizing lot completion, Municipal commissioner, of Labor and Industry. Union College. "^ The second rrieteor Cranford has opened a hand-made items on Union Building parking expansion and roof The show is titled "New Good STRIPES consignment. She initiating a new project for "Planning Board, It proposed, priorities The film including it is produced by the Best time for viewing shower of December,' the Christmas Gift for new boutique. It's called nurses who wish' to for. 1981 and a plan for improvements improvement, repair, andr.enovation. of Neighbor" and features winning New Jersey Business and Industry the moderately-fast, Ursid' shower, will be ARMY 8. NAVY Allene's Personal Touch ' welcomes any crafter to a fire engine, repaying tennis courts at companies in a program. recognizing and is situated at 35 Afden come in and show her their prepare for. entry into a over a six year period. Association and its publication, New bright meteors will be visible the 17th - through .bachelor's degree • Under a new system which started the' Walnut and Centennial, paper shredder, corporate firrns who' create new jobs, Jersey'Business magazine. * about 2a m.. Sunday, when the 24th. under $10 . . . St.- next- to Mr.«dCharles work. Police Department* Breathalyzer and Beauty Salon. A second special: Santa program in nursing. w evaluation process, at the Plannin" An orientation for those Board. 1'eVel this year, .the advisory unit" 'Sherman' Park playground equipment. Get it The boutique offers" first Claijs is coming to the Pricetag inthis second priority. Jist totals- seeking more details will interviewed all municipal department ; quality clothing as well as shop'Thiinjday and Friday heac(s for their recommendations. $569,600. . ,_ ^ gift wrapped FREE gifts, jewelry and hand everting, from 7 to 9 andbe at the cojlege Saturday p^Scarbrougb'sm beginning af-40 a.m.. AnHarvey Moskowitz, planning consultant, Trie third roster of priorities, ranked crafted items. Saturday from 10 to 12 and "desirable,*' includes, in alphabetical s EXTENSIVE CHANGES are taking place in conversion of old Jersey And still 2 to.4: He'll be.in the porch evening session will be summarized the, results for^itt^board. Beauty Salon -*****• »i Allene- had wanted to Most of the recommendations approved order: ' • . Central roundhouse off North Avenue Into township garage. Old CUTTING.- BLOWING open a • shop in her with free gifts for all theTuesday at 7 p.m. have money left kids who come to' the The project, known .as last week were summarized in ."*The Police Department Ctishman cycle, structure dating to. 1913, above, \s getting a facelift outside, and WIGS' TINTING PERMS hometown for some time, Chronicle Nov. 13. ^ . . Green Acres Park on Springfield below, 32.000 square feet inside is being converted into maintenance but when there was no store. the "Nursing Connection;' v is designed for The Township'Committee is expected Avenue, library basement remodeling, and storage facility for public works and other municipal vehicles. for stocking stuffers? space available she began Allene Kornmueller Allene has lived in OPKN THURSDAY. NITE" i professional nurses who to begin its review of the 1981 proposals Memorial Field parking lot paving, Cost of renovation Is $401,500. , a store in Scotch Plains. Cranford for 10 years with ..• B.MUl.. S,'.",,I(l.s Off'.,-,.,; own theme. Browsers can iiolf) associate degrees as early as next week, said Edward J. Municipal Building office lighting and Yesf at .ont location- -vtait- a. loom filled vntir -Mr-busband, Cue«ter| and luplaceinent- new—Firo Department ' MI.N WI-I.COML . Debbie, Ellen, Bonnie and from community colleges Murphy, township administrator. ^ opened up she decided to craft jtems, jewelry, gifts or diplomas from nursing There are 13 items listed as priorities. engine, -Police Department videotape THE SHIRT LOCKER move "back home.". and collectable^, and a Jason. Her previous St.. Clrarirord involvements inclu.de the schools but lack some of These include a new police corrimunica; •' camera, lifts and roof repair, to new 276-1471 & Eastman St.*Cranford• 276-8030 Allene has tried to TbiMii^^with- blouses^ and the arts and science tions center, Community Center roof, Public Works garage. Combined price: decorate the shop'to have sweaters, and another Garden Club of Cranford, Stnrtinfl Mon. Opan 10 9 M F; Sul lil 6 Womens Club of Westf ield, credits required for entry Commerce Drive reconstruction, $253;270. . • . - a home-like atmosphere. With skirts; -jackets, jntp ,a"'"b30helor's degree library furnishirigs and .equipment, Final priority, ranked "unclassified" APPEAL She hns three different lingerie, etc^. and numerous other Special Gift is For All Those Special People -activities.-. nursing program. It might pagers for the Fire Department, street and dubbed "wish list" by one board FREE PARKING rooms, each with their Mayor Henry Dreyer enable them to enter sweeper, postage meter, air condition- member, includes a police color photo On Your List " ^officiated at the ribbon- The shop will be open six • Colonial Gifts . • Colonial Rockers days a week, and weekday upper -division nursing ing for police headquarters, new lab, police security system, Recreatioh 10% DISCOUNT ciitting opening ceremony, Municipal Building telephone com- Department mower, library elevator, • Woodenwnre ' • Lamps YOU NEEDED HELP! nights now 'until programs with'junior year ., • Clocks • Pfaltigraff l^st Thursday, standing. munications system, complete handi- and various rolling stock. Total: $82,500. AIR PILLOWS' • A special- feature of the Christmas, • Candles • Selections in Brass Union College .will offer capped library access, vacuum leaf Moskowitz noted "that some items • GIFT CERTIFICATES THERE ARE JUST TOO MANY AMMO BOXES basic science and liberal equipment for the DPW, a DPW dump might be available for funding through 1 CAWTERAS TO CHOOSE FROM ARMY SLIPPERS » SOCKS "ONE STOP GIFT SHOPPING' • AVIATOR SUNGLASSES arts courses required by truck and handicapped parking at. the other routes. For" example, Sherman AXES McDonald's the four-year institutions. Municipal Building, . Park equipment might gain federal BABY CARRIERS The courses will be offered Price tag for these combined items is Community Development money. BONNEY'S BERGEN LET US BACK PACKS in day, evening and $460,485. .••'-. ' The board also noted other projects OF WESTFIELD, ItlC. DEMONSTRATE BANDANAS we ekend sessions the governing body might, undertake BATTERIES Gift Certificates Reconstruction of the parking lot 132 E. Broad St. Westf Ield CAMERA J)LYMPUS,0WM0 BELAYING PINS beginning with the spring require policy decisions. These include' BELTS opposite, the Municipal. Building, HOURS: Won - Frl 10 - 9 PM. • Sat til 5:30 PM . 233-1844 & The gift people like to get Semester, which' opens such . items as the future of the WILL: BINOCULARS Feb. 2. combined with demolition of the old fire- Conservation Center, ..which might BLANKETS house, was given third priority- at Daniels elected officer;of • HELP YOU. select the require further studies, and a curbing corroc-t piece of equip' >OMBER JACKETS A GIFT ~~ $100;000, but it was jemoyed because it Ears Pierced Professionally BOOK BAGS 10 for $5 - 50* each pj-ograrn^ which requires careful • ; mom- for your needs T BOOTS analysis"and resTaenTpa"fticipatioh. V Cosmetically Cofrect. 1 1 received an unrestricted. Catholic Community Services & budotet"'" """" "'" •''•• Other urg£ht"~ items^listed by ''"•'""The" board' "also rdcommended a No. AppL Necessary • TEACH YOU hpwto CAMP.SAW.v ...•'" gift of $2,000 from' the at Exxon EducatioEdi n FFouhda-^ egonel^rather than airline items "designated fund account" for. recur- Doriajd M. Daniels of Cranfor^i has the Institute for Prepayment Study, •••• -uso it . • ' . CANTEENS tion, it was announced by. include studies,of office equipment, an ring needs in certain, major capital been elected secretary-treasurer of Inc...both subsidiary, corporations of CANVAS BAGS Limited Quantity, • CHARGE YOUVCOQV CAPES^ Dr. Saul Orkin," president energy audit for town buildings, funding items such as public-works and police Catholic Community Services. CCS, is Blue Cross of New Jersey. •LIST PRICE $3-59'.-00 rolling stock. These "should be funded potitive DISCOUNT CAR PETNtER PANTS of tpp (Village The gift for Cranford - West, and a central T • DIAMOND ISTUD the social service arm' of the Arch- ^Danekhhldt positions as PRICE OUR PRICE $241.95 CAUAL-RY PACKS will.be used to. provide business, district improvement study. ,., on a regular and^yslemafic~rjasisTali5er "~ ~Siocese yaiIlateoTf~"f CHOW SETS;..^ a' than ori a one-shotappropriation," tne^^ • CON.TINUE'tO TEACH COMBAT BOOTS _A second .cak^flj^j.^a.Bfcd as gfi4 ^ UIeari^Assoeiation;_ajicL r NEW JERSEY PUBLIC-THEATRE "'3ar^r&"onTmended. : \ t^K^Ob&^© Daniels.was elected along with Johri,). thebudgetanogaUpnscomrnitt^e'fbr the ~ 'flDCTphlMogi'aphy as deserving 'sJHSaents.^';.-.., ..— 'riecessatv* 1 •and light . CORDUROY PANTS f Greater NewarKUnited Way Campaign. long as you want to *~* "NEW AIDE NECKLACES »16" Radigah as chairrrian and Milton F: COTS Wishes to bid farewell He currently serves as»member of the . . learn Fully autornatic' Carl F. Cooke has been Woman assaulted at laundromat Ixiwis'as vice chairman. -^ r——-—-~ ' COVERALLS _ Daniels is executive'vice president of executive committee of- the Arch- • SERVICE-^ COWBOY HATS hired as an. engineering A woman was assaulted at Econo-0- man accosted her andbrandished- a - Aperature to a friend * aide in the township Great Gift Ideas Blue Cross of New Jersey. He is a native bishop's Committee of the Laity and men.t if, a~fu DENIM BRIEF CASES Wash at 101 North Ave. W Dec. 3. knife. Police described the incident as . serves as Chairman of a task force needs it! WE WILU DENIM JUMPERS K VESTS "Ronald McDonald Earty Room" government. assault' with sexual connotations. The of Newark and his affiliations in the' The victim reported to police that the • PEARL area include: member of the Financial appointed by' Archbishop Gerety to SENL7 it to" the factory • Electronic O- L • ' - Great For Parties „ woman was not physically hurt and the study. the feasibility of creating- a NO. CHARGE. Bring your holiday party to us..you have all the assailant fled. ' ... • Executive Institute and National . exposure MR, JOHN LENNON ; Earrings, Necklaces & Association of Accountants; president of Catholic Hospital .Corporation "in, the fun, we do all the work.. Call for information He was described as irrhis mid-20's, 5 Bracelets Archdiocese. • Brightest ENGINEER CAMS feet 10 inches tall with a medium build, theMedigroupHealth Plan; treasurer of OPEN 9-9 789-1299 • RHINESTONE * viewfinder FATIGUE HATS 194O-198O having a white olive complexion and a MOIM-FRI, MOUE PANTS pockmarked face and black curly hair. Earrings & Necklaces PTC scholarship cards ready 9-6 SAT UE SKIRTS I Etcetera [/IRST AID KITS McDONALD'S • JEWELRY BOXES FLAG KITS LET US.TELL YOU under the '"cap" on increased spending: Gifts courses at UCTI, tJC • MEN'S _ Tribute card6 to acknowledge WE'VE BEEN AT IT FOR FLANNEL SHIRTS "All You Need Is Love" McDonald* GFGARWOOD WHERE TO GO contributions" to the Ruth S. Janovsik He said-more budgetrihereases are going Union College and Union Division, of, .Continuing •Large Selection Of T4k,'•'•;'- Scholarship, Fund of the Cranford" for utitities, and non-educational PUMPS County Technical Institute Education at 276-2600,'ext. Pprent-Teacher Council are ready for expenditures. GASMASKS 21 6 North Avenue • GARWOOD J are • offering gift 20G or 238. . Gold Filled & Sterling Jewelry BERGEN GARRISON BELTS any. special occasion. This -was Patti Martinelli, legislation chairman, G. I CANQPENERS certificates for credit and 144 E. Broad St. announced by.-Jane Rosenthal, PTC . asked members to. write to legislators non-credit_ courses this GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE GLOVES Westfield treasurer, at the Nov. 20 PTC meeting. asking to change the "cap" law so that GYMBAGS Christmas season. These CAMERA HAMMOCKS • __ NEW CHRI6TMAS H*)URS The cards . were designed and non-educational expenditures would be -educational packages are produced by Burton Longenbach; excluded. • - • • • -. - HANDCUFFS intended- as ,gifts for 233-7255 DAILY 10-9 -• SAT TIL 5 • SUN 11-4 • chairman, of the schools art The PTC's annual scholarship 24 Eastman St. HARD HATS adults. HELMETS department, Roger Schreiner, graphic dinner-dance will be Feb. 28 at the new Cranford HOISTS The gift of a ten-week, arts teacher, and his students. The cards Holiday Inn; Springfield: ' ~ ~ " JTLVN'TIN'G. HATS non-credit course in Black ,V may be obtained ""from any PTA Sandy Weeks, PTC Safety chairman, :j. C. -/. 27 6-i 024 -HUNTING SWEATERS and White Photography, president or PTC officer. reported an extension of the bikeway is . ICE GRIPPERS 4 ALDEN STREET • CRANFORD »276,7683 : INFLATABLE BOATS . Your best choice for Christmas is A'.G.S. or a 15-week three credit Anthony Terregino, assistant' in the planning stages. Brenda Millert>f INSECT REPELLENT'" superintendent, told.the PTC Cranford the recreation committee reported the Our appointment to the. select American Gem Society course in Creative Writing JACKET'S aminatioir^That means that we continue to be on top of schools might face a reduction in certain youth center will continue at Hillside JEANS places us with the few jewelers throughout the U.S. and • makes a unique and long- what's happening. . • " lasting present, says Ms. programs due to the necessity of getting Avenue School everyFriday night. A ski JOGGING SHO.HTS Canada who have pnet their stringent standards for Fabulous trip to Quebec is planned for the KNITTING Patricia Kurisko of Clark, KNIVESISWfSS ARMY) gomological knowledge, sound business practice and the Come in and let us give you all of the facts. Then, you can director of admissions and February vacation. highest ethical standards. Each year an" A.G.S. jeweler make a wise decision. Now, more than ever before, it is im- LACES records. Fur Jackets A series of informal meetings with LANTERNS must requalify through continuing sjudy and written ex- portant to buy well! .. . ••- '/ parents will be set up soon by William LAUNDRY »SEA BAGS hiolidai) v^low Tuition at the two Cashman, director of special .services, LEATHER WATERPROOFING institutions ranges from Why don't to acquaint parents with services • ClNERSFROMdj'S $25 for a non-credit course offered. LOBSTER BUOYS VALUES THAT ARE you come LOCKERS to $63 for a credit course. The next PTC lecture workshop topic LUGGAGE STf.BAPS Certificates can be will be "Sex Education for Parents." M43 FIELD JACKETS REAL GEMS! pruchased in any amount. and sit on The date is Feb. 11,announced Patricia. MAP CASES Lelli and . Katharine Prassas, co- MARBLES At the Technical- chairmen. MESS KITS DiamondPendants MONEY BELTS Institute, courses MONEY CHANGERS available range from -. MOSOU 1-TON E-TS .06 Cts...$49.5O -Elements of—Computer— dies NAVY REA COATS OLD BLUE' ' .10 Cts...$1OO. •--.- Programming to Dental Mrs. Freda Schroetel Kalbitzer died Heart with .025 Ct...$59. Radiology. For FINE ITALIAN DINING OVERALLS information on Tuesday at Ashbrook Nursing Home. PAINTER PANTS U/ed-Sat,4:30-8:30 P m She was 70 years old and had lived on PARACHUTES certificates—for—institute- ^WesTHoIIy Street for two decades. PATCHES ^MEDALS courses call at 889-2000, PEDOMETERS. Sun 3-8:30 p.m. A visitation will be at the Dooley 30% off ext. 205. For information PING PONG SETS Funeral Home, 218 W- North Ave., from PONCHOS Genuine Stone Pendants on certificates for credit CRANFORD HOTEL courses at the college, call 2 to 4 p.m. today. RAFTS' Gifts RAIN BOOTS Gold Filled Pendants with genuin^. the Admissions Hot Line 1 South Union Ave. Mrs. Kalbitzer was a native of stones: onyx, turquoise, opal or pearl at 272-8580 or 272-8581. For 276-2121 Germany. Her husband Karl died m 1965 RAINSUITSaPARKAS and she is survived by a sister in REFLECTOR PADDLES from the Reg. from $13.50 NOW from 39.50 n on-credit course RUBBER MALLETS information, contact the Germany, Mrs.-Hilderard Seidewinkel. SAILOR HATS Brighten up the season wjth SCARF &HAT SETS . Sea SCARVES our festive arrangement of fresh SHIRTS SPORT & DRESS flowers and greens in an exclusive Woman hurt SHOCK CORDS FTD Snourflake Hurricane Lamp SHOP COATS • SHOVELS 14Kt. Gold Brooch, Holiday Sale in accident SISAL. ROPE Cultured Pearls SKI JACKETS $220. Dehmer's Florist A Clark woman was SKI MASK*-- .. • 14 Karat Gold Earrlhos, -injured Dec. 3 when the % SKI MITTENS Cultured Pearls 113 N. UNION • CRANFORD car she was driving struck SKI VESTS . $125. SLEEPING BAGS a parked car in front of SNOWMOBILE BOOTS Cultured Pearl Necklace 30 °° 50OFF Walnut Avenue School. SOAPDISHES with 14Kt. Gold & Multi- 276-1032 Elizabeth .M. Kallo, 12 SELECTED FALL FOOT MUFF SPACE BLANKETS colored Jade. $4490. SPOHTSHOES Dolan Dr., was taken by SLEEK & SPARKLINQ Genuine Shearling, SURGICAL KITS FOR MAXIMUM IMPACT the First Aid Squad to AND WINTER MERCHANDISE Spl'it Loiitlu-rSoli'' SURPLUS ITEMS Pictured ore a few of the Rahway Hospital with a 5-13 939 magnificent gift sugges- SUSPENDERS WESTFIELD tions" in our 1980 Christ- lacerated lip, and chest SWEATERS and arm pains. The 1 21 QUIMBY ST. SWEAT PANTS mad Catalog. If you TALLY COUNTERS haven't received one, parked car belongs • to Colony Charles Capro, 418 Cran- BERNARDSVILLE T6NYS ploiiao coma Into Martin 6 OLCOTT SQUARE Sweaters THERMAL JACKETS Juwelors and pick ono up. SUNDAY ford Ave. THERMAL SOCKS 20°/. barware THERMAL SWEATSHIRTS Grand Cru • Whlto Wlno Blouses^ THERMALUNDERW6AR Rud Wino • Brundy • Tumbluru. has a habit of coming after six days of work. THERMAL VESTS Pllanurs • Bour Muflii • Irish CoOuu We plan to be spending the day with our fami- Your Choice SAC'iA MOC TOILtT JETS The Gift Blazers Anlii,|iH' Sut'ili' l.i- TRUNKS ly - our valued employees will be enjoying the Flt'cci' I.IIHMI TURTLE ICREW SWEATERS same privilege. This store will not be open on 99 UNDERWEAR . Skirts •17.95 <\ Sundays. We know' you understand the of UTILITY APRONS |_' Furs...a nlrls best friend. Once you try 69 W6ATHERPROOFINO , priorities we place on family, home and energy one of these luxuriously soft Rabbit Fine Holiday China Value *14Q°° Suits WEB BELTS conservation. We lookjorward to serving you Music! Fur Jack«»s,you won't want to take WHHTLES Monday through Saturday; watch for the an- It off. Select from many different/ WOODEN TOYS by Spode & Lenox (at low, low prices) styles and colors In sites S-M-L ' WORK BOOTS V • nouncement of our special hours on these Etc. Valid thru Sun. 12/14. - days. • -.'•''. Guitars FROM Drum Sets • Mandolins • Bongos Designer Clothes, Sizes 416 STARS & Harmonicas • Fiizz Boxes • More v ' ' SORRY NO CHARGES STRIPES GIFT CERTIFICATES • LAY AW AYS *Ji.S . The Gift GMng.Store ' ARMY & NAVY •'MUSICAL WESTFIELD 335 SOUTH AVE. EAST 30 S. Union Ave. CHEZ-Nfl Qi;iM»Y.at.(-J<:NTUAL Cranford 276-0990 DISCOUNT CENTER LINDEN 815 W,3T. GEORGE AVE. * SUMMIT 335 SPRINCFIELD AVE WESTFIKLD • 233-5B7«. - ,,. Unduplicatable Values: SOMIRVILLE SOMEPVILLF. CIRCLE • UNION GALLOPING i-lll.l."SI OPIING CCNIBJ 108 Quimby, Westf ield • 232-1570 T HOURS Our Private Purchase-Antique and 21 othor convor.iiunl locations Uso vouf MiiryJoo chafQn or ollior ma|er c:hai()n cords MON - FRI TIL 9 (301) Jil-MOO 348-350 North Ave,, Oar wood 789-1939 OI-KN !!-!), M-I-. SATTil.5::i0 & Estate JEWELRY & SILVER (JOI) H16US All Mandot; Shops otu opon on Sunday with tho OKCoption ol *^btciffi)cl slotti'j Open 9:30 - 5:30 Mon thru Sat. . SAT TIL 5:30 . f lloun: Man thru Thun 10-9, Krl and gat 10-6 All Major t'r.'dlt faids Accrpt.-.l J AIIMandoo SUN 11-5 \ "• • '•

Pagc.SCRANFORD (N.J.) CHRONICLE Thursday, December 11, 19(10 Thursday, December 11, 1980 CRANFORD (N.J.) CHRONICLE Page 9 As we were Cranford girl on ABC-TV Presbyterian You're invited to By Arthur and Hazel Burdltt under 'direction of William A. Lyons, Editorials complete repairs oh 7,00 toys....Rev. ... r_ ' . A • • • . . . • 5 years ago "-*•"* ' *" Mary Dudley, teacher at Brookside Boyd Greenwalt, pastor of St. Paul's lunch with Santa School, is one of three finalists in state Methodist Church at the time of the drama about JVJpther Setori choirs join in Commuter employes Department of Education teacher of the merger of the First Church, dies at 61. Children are invited to have lunch Corey Steele, a former Cranford— with Santa on Saturday, Dec. 20 from year competition....Reba Dehmah 40 yearsT" youngster, will appear on national _ jThe police survey of employe is working toward addressing Doyle, 83, direct descendent of John noon until 2 p.m. at the Cranford United Home guard unit formed by Township television Sunday, Dec. 21, in-"A Time parking in the town center found the" need for the 200 to 300 more Dcnman who built the first house in Methodist Church, Lincoln and Walnut Committee..^August Behnert of Walnut for.Miracles," a drama .about the life of service that 250 year-round employes ; spaces thatrthe master plan said Cranford in ,1720, dies at home. Avenues. Avenue sustains broken leg When struck America's 'first native-born ; saint The music department of First park downtown and .thajj many •- are,needed: In viewottne "com- 110 years Tickets are $2 and may be reserved by by hit-and-run car....Henry Eustice, 48, Elizabeth Bayley Seton. Presbyterian Church will present a of them feed short-term meters, muter employe" figures,* more ^ Civic Committee endorses four calling 276-0936. Santa -will have gifts for has broken hip when struck by a light Corey plays the, role of Mother Seton's Service of Lesson and Carols Sunday in all. The first-time-around voluntary than that might be needed. Corn- candidates for three Board of Education truck. . daughter at ages three and five years the sanctuary of the church at North survey was incomplete but the mutefr rail and bus parking need posts in FebruaVy-dtectjdn. They are old. She was actually seven years old Union and Springfield Avenues. The Robert Baechtold/ Mrs. Charles . * 50 years when she took on the roles. sample sufficient enough for the to be shifted ..to. the south side Some businesses in the downtown area public is invited to this traditional Ospeola sets Police Department to conclude Preston,'Norman Poppel and George P. The Steele" family moved from service ^wfrich tells the story of and to the Mosquito Commission Strom....Township Committee amends are: Berry & Co. dry goods, Crockett Prospect Street to Long Island this year. Florist, Reeve. 5 & 10; Hummer Fire- Christmas in Scripture and song. The that the number of full and part- property off North Avenue. A zoning ordinance to • create townhouse The TV film was made last winter and service begins at 7:30 p.m. family Christmas time employes who_park in the bus shelter will be built near the district in 5'A acre tract along North stone, Harold Benner car painting, S.T. was originally titled "Mother Seton." Reze shoes, Lusardi Confectionary* Dr. Robert H. Mclverfo minister of center might be as high as 500. latter site which makes this a Avenue. Corey was a' pupil at St. Michael Cranford Fruit and Vegetable, Reliable JnusicM will direct the program. The fellowship for bus users. ,20 years School and has acquired many -Chancel Choir, Westminister Chi Either figure takes on -fruit and Vegetable, Joseph Runco -signiftcance-when 7 credits iin her first seven years, Youth Club Choir, and Caroler Choir will 'SUGAR PLUM FAIR1 - Ann Gabel, left/and Doris Fa rrand -r^rr—17-- ^Down-4o-EaFth-Bir-thiUrom-the-text- 7:pyp ^'December moon with Mars," By Theo Robinson. Sculthorpe, executive secretary of tailor, Doremus Grocer,Cranford Paint ipcluding appearances thej!#ptex| t of' existing parking in numerous sing an anthem. „ handmade Christmas tree that was among manyItems, sold at 'fair.at John 1:1-18 has been chosen by the* long range needs, which in. Cranfdrd Savings-will retire at gnd of and Hardware, Klein Meat, Hathaway commercials. " •' : pastor as* his sermon" topic "for {he 10 ~ The! Westminister-Bell Ringers, Trinity Episcopal Church Saturday. Santa Claus also made an ap- deficits, especially in retail evitably means acquisition or year. Charles Pfost .will succeed Drugs, Shapiro Department Store, "A Time for Miracles'" airs as an a.m. worship service Sunday at Oscepla Cranford Dairy, Hess Plumber, Crusader Ringers, and Caroler ~Beli pearance., areas, and tne total number of leasing., of additional property Nature fSfof^s him....Homer Hall named chairman of ''ABC Theatre" presentation on_thjp Choir all will play under the direction of Presbyterian Church. . David 1964 Tercentennary Committee....Pfc. Ardizzorie Candy Store, Cranford High parking spaces available, 904 oq for employer and employe park- - By FARRIS SWACKHAMER small birds. . '. 1 network and may be .seen locally on Mrs. Karen Mclver. Robert Grube, Christopher Kopp, son of The Rev. and and Mrs. Ralph Taylor are m^1 Mann- Grade Market, A'.C. Pike Hardware , " the north side, 686 on the south ing, as recommended by the . In just ten days the. cold moon will This is the time of year when gulls Channel 7 from 9 to 11 p.m. Dec. 2V. organist, will accompany the choirs. Mr-s--Robert Kopp,-will be baptized" heim, Germany. Irving Market, Westfield Candy Here's Corey Steele with Lome Festive chorale at St. Agnes Sunday side. The upshot is that usher in winter. It will arrive four seek the calni of inland waters. Herring The film stars Kate Mulgrew and during the service. "*" Commerce Committee, the " • ' 30 years Kitchen, Robbins and Allison furniture Rmfinfi nn \nrai\nn nf "A Tlmo Scripture readings will be done" by minutes before noon on the 21st.gtills are the most common out a great other members of the cast include Jean- 6 The Archdiocesan Festival Chorale will perform works of Rutter, Willcooks, The. Annual Family Christmas employes are using between a police.survey is timely enough Township Committee files civil suit- store....Charles Moses, Civil War - Mir^lJe " uQ ?1 „? TIT ministers or the church and by members Nature's door is now shut tight and. black backed or ring bill may join the Pierre A'umont, Rossano Brazzi, John For will present its annual Christmas Dirksen, Berlioz,'and others, as well as Fellowship will be Sunday also at 1:30 third and sixth'of all downtown against Board^of- Adjustment for veteran, dies Dec. 6at 85. This leaves t a University also draws its- --them will not lead them to violate the painted background of Bethlehem as and sleeplnabao anChaK of thfrri ^5^ jj^gy-gQ noj adidressffie long wlho help their businesses ^3" ~" c°^ ^ get Bingo, St. Michael School, 8 p.m.: citizen dance class, Community part of its Creche honoring its carrted a. tent. Two Inches of snow term needs of the center in; contribute to their paychecks. the imminence pf utter darkness and the feeder back on its hook before name from Mother Seton, who wtfs""""laws of God nor of social convention, ^ and subfreorlnu temperatures CAROLS oblivion seems at hand: Then the sun "they're there poking their heads in the League of Women Voters "Evening " Center; 7^p.ni.: Men's open basket- -beatified in 1963 and canonized as a'saint They begin a friendship that" lasts for celebration of Christmas,, The-evening ' '' made It a memorable trip themselves and they should not Parking for senior citizens who stands still. The turn comes. The crisis. with women at 8 Springfield Ave.," . ball, Orange Avenue gym; 7:30 in 19 scene with its prominent .bright star, Troop 75 undertakes several Thfi Christmas Story in Word holes for sunflower seed. One year I was ?6. ' -' • their lifetimes and Antonio escorts her backpacking trips each year and obscure the need of addressing use the Community Center will passes and the sun slojvly climbs the sky doing some photography at the feeders at 28 Hamilton Ave. ~ ."' • p.m.: Township Committee work- The story traces the joutney of back to America, where she establishes was" painted by Frank Loyacano, artist finds It a great way-to enjoy, the and Song the deficits that were pinpointed also have to be figured into the once more, reaching toward another •Not having an automatic wind on the Friday,-Dec. 12: 9i30 - 11:30 a.m,: shop, Municipal Building; 8 p.m,: Elizabeth Bayley Seton (1774-1821) as a school for children. and member of the congregation. outdoors. Scouts learn.the relative 7 ——import Bnconof~tritn05~thcy~n!iVp~Ti spring, anolheFBiimmef." • ._• , camera, rha~a~to go outTbetween each" HCi "she-goes~from~beinglheTiappy wife ofT Drawn more and moreToCatholicism, carry long'' distances. "uTtlfe master~plan and~citecTin mixTTTbalance m existing park y : -the Commerce Committee park-—ing~that-ean-alleviate4hese-pro- —-Sometime-during-the-festivities-oLthe__ recock__the__shutter._ munity Center; 7 - 10 p.m.? Open Center, open house for . couples wealthy. New York bu&ihessman and she decides to convert, but her_ • Scout5 participating) were Dave holidays; there .may come a lull: If the Center for' youth, Hillside Avenue • ' Wcichcft," KeVtn~WoodVlncn DOU0 ing report. Rearranging deck blems is welcome, necessary chickadee that; wais feeding came over participation. - mother of five to becoming the founder conversion to an unpopular—faith~costs- Potzlaickzsaipper WotttierTr "Enf ~MOTSmar'i!>~B7ir Choirs day-HHrfear and.unseasonably_lwarm for and sat oti the camera while I made the gym. Wednesday, Dec. 17: 7 p.m.: Men's of the American Sisters of Charity and her everything - school, friends, family. Delaney, Dovld.j. Pet/, i Corey, chairs doesn't expand the deck ' and worth the effort. Meantime, Wobdrlng, Peter Bpwinan, John winter, try walking off your troubles in •necessary adjustments. Monday, Dec. 15: 10 a.m. - 3 p.m.: open volleyball/ Orange Avenue the first free American Catholic day Following this, Bishop Carroll chooses Rappocchlo, Todd Whlteiock, space. The Commerce Commit- the township must keep an eye the crisp air. Most of nature is curled- Union College painting "class for gym; 7:30 p.m. Bingo, Temple Beth- school (from which parochial schools her to be the instrument of his dreams, to follow mass Robert MeNamara Ma/kaowman, tight against the chill blasts °but the White thraoted and juncos are all ) d th tee has specific recommenda- on the longer range problems senior citizens, Community Center; El; 8p.m.: Planning Board meeting, sprang) and the. first Catholic that of. educating Cathojic Americans. leaders were Steve. Wells, Bob tions for redistributing long and that beg solution through addi- evergreens still whisper in the wind. No about this time of year. They will totter 8 p.m.: Recreation and Parks Municipal Building. orphanage, staffed by nuns. Despite seemingly insurmountable odds St. -Michael School cafeteria will be Elliott and Dave Welchort, scout IRST wonder they've been chosen for holiday on weed stalks, feeding on dried seeds. • She is set on this course, at first, when and great personal tragedies ..which are the setting Saturday -for-a "holiday"; pot parking spaces and Sunday, Decembj^U, 7:30 p.m. decorations. They and the birds" are the You won't spot a robin on the lawn this •fiinar- •her husband, William , dies, leaving her trials to her faith, she goes on to achieve luck supper to be held after the 5:30 p.m. AWARD —-Sister Rose. Therjng.- PIANI'ST-ATY only things we see stirring except for an time of year. They're not looking for , at " "_ jtt^S^fKI**'-**, alone in Italy, where the Setons have the tasks given her. - mass. ' .., _. of Seton Hall University received Bella Davidovich, worms now but are feeding on the wild occasional squirrel chattering near the All parishioners planning to atiend are sculpture representing Human Russian pianist, will First Presbyterian Church berries in the woods. They may come to bird feeder.. asked to bring a covered dish specialty RTcjhts Award of Women's Piea perform at the YM-YWHA No. Union and Springfield Ave. Escalating problem-solving your firethorn to get a meal during the Depending where you walk, there are Viewpoint of their choice. Transportation is also for Soviet Jews of the Jewish of Metropolitan New Cranford, N.J.

" winter. •• • • , ' 'Hi The complexities of modern network, So the question was 70 or 80 species of our-feathered Obituaries being provided for those who heed "it. Federation of Central New Jersey, West Orange, government are so great that posed: ifwe can obtain a newneighbors you can spot. Over in Lenape In my last column I suggested some Angry over circumstances of budget cuts Cranford, and a member Call Carole Popik, 276-0029, or' Jersey. It was presented at Saturday at H:'M) p.m. solutions t.P. one problem often,_ Balm.iere bridge,,,why not shoot and Nomahegan Parks^where "there is books for the present to go to the bird Reuben C. Laura S. of the 'Catholic Womenls Lorraine Merkel, 276-2704, for additional ceremonies this week at Temple create more problems. For this for modern replacements at w'ateV,"* the mallards swim .until"ice "watcher inthfe family. At the last minuter To the Editor- reduction in state aidTor trahspoftatioh. Club, information. Emanu-EI in Westfield. reason we admire people who High and Harold Johnson, too? closes them out. Canada geese otten bob should.,you want ji 2^-pound bag of sun- There; is definite justifiable reason to (2) .14.5 positions, were cut from the Speth tillett Widow of Louis.J.'Van on the water. Looking up you may tally a flower seed to go-to your favorite birder tighten up our school budget wherever budget to get it under the state imposed Bergen Sr., who died in DEDICATED TODIGNIFIED can in the process of solving one All might be funded under the 1958, she 4s survived by problem open up possibilities fedefal-state bikeway program red-tailed, hawk Circling lazily in theon Christmas Eve Day, just call and possible, but as a citizen of Cranford, I cap on increased-spending. • Reuben C. Speth, better Laura S. Tillett, 89, sky. The mere shadow of their wings" we'll deliver. Remember, the money am deeply disturbed, by the possible (3) Cranford was given responsibility known as Charley,- died widow of the late four sons', Louis Jr. and SERVICE SINCE 189t. .that tackle other problems.-The that has underwritten strikes-terror to the hearts of. mice and goes to beautify our town parks. elimination pf any program..The fact for paying for juveniles in state Dec. 3 at his home after a. Commodore. Ray VJosep. h . R., both- of bikeway ramp at Balmiere foot- CBffrford's' unique 11.8 mile net- that $582,000 must be cuhis unchange- correctional institutions at an additional long illness. He Was the" Tillett, passed away Dec. Cranford, Edward J. of bridge deserves attention work which is about to gain the able and! would not presume to be in a cost of $22,000. " proprietor of Lifetime 4 in Muhlenberg Linden, arid Norbert G. of/ because pf such a prospect. new loop across the top of position to offer an intelligent opinion as (4) State mandated programs forced Aluminum Products Inc. Hospital, Westfield 1 2 j Viewpoint to how- to solve-this- problem.-1 would the board to make_cho.ifces on cutting and was active in com- Mrs. Tillett was born in grandchildren, and 17 ' Now a/new ramp is not a ma- •Nomahegan Park" and down' ....••• - - - - - have to place my confidence, in the other expenditures. munity service through West Hurley, New York -great-grandchildren. jor chapter in, public works an- Riverside to Balmiere. Problems and solutions cited on railway qualifications of our administrators to (5) The threat of classification of our the Cranford Rotary Club and had resided in nals, but as. discussions '. Sa:JMX ,^sp^-gopdJ.,>f^i_the.. __and_ service to the Cranford..sih_c_ejj>24_ =i : mittee ttlfficultrjutlgernent: - i Robver-these-Uriited- coming onto a fast roadway. "throw the sxyitch." • States determine what and how students around "labeling" our schools instead of and was a Paul Harris Methodist Church of transportation barrier, and ainternational by nature. Those freight funding their mandated programs? Fellow, one of Rotary Cranford and was 'a past GARWOOD- A prayer Problem 2: trains stopping so Raritan should be taughg t througgh local school, Sandy Weeks, of the bicycle multi-benefit new bridge ac- trains serve dozens of nearby industries p (2) Will the state continue to decide for service for James M. Wills, special gifts outlined at Drew boards, administrators, and teachers is International's highest president of the Ladies board found that the state agen- quisition, would help the com-which provide thousands of jobs and pay Valley passenger" trains can pass Aldene us. what.we are allowed to contribute for awards. He was also a Aid Society, a member of Jones, 60, who died Clergy and lay leaders in Cranford, Virginia that have received up to —millions—oLdollajs in payrolls antl rapidly fading from sight. Consider the cy responsible focbikeways also—muriity-on-several Irontsr Jet., Solution: a^ more^ sophisticated our children's education? • former member of- the- the WSCS, member of the Sunday at home, was Kenilworth, and Garwood[are invited .to $750,000 JnJ.he first year of willsand . ancillary purchases. The "Chemical trau ma of last year: knew about these steel bridges, The county has done a highly signal system between South Plainfield (3) Will the state continue to mandate Cranford Chamber of Visitation Committee, conducted Tuesday at the learn now to develop wills and-special special gifts programs. "In each case," Coast," where manyofour neighbor's -and Aldene so freight crews can better (1) One day after the budget was ,.^ ^. . Advisor to the Home Dooley Funeral Home, g f yi j congregations he points out, "none of this money would which are wider at about ten professional job on.the bridges approved by the county superintendent - programs that our local boards mu^J Commerce1V . gifts pro rams or e r have jobs, could not function without rail adjust their arrival time to coincide with pay for? He is survived by his Guards and a member of 7'a^f0rdi by Rev; y*0^ at an ecumenical day-long workshop, have been received without the feet and maintenance free. that have been replaced here freight service. Deprive our area of rail Cranford was hit with a $90,000 an "open" track occupancy slot. (4) Will the state continue to force wife Edith Beshlian American • Legion A. Clyde, associate pastor jan; to, at Drew University. program." service and thousands of jobs would Cranford has four footbridges. recently. If the footbridge idea Concerning hazardous materials Crawford—under cap restrictions—to - Speth; a son, Dr. Robert Auxiliary Cranford Post of St. Anne Church. Although the workshop will be To "register call 377-3000, Ext, 48. The old Mohawk bridge floated comes to fruition, we'll have disappear and the entire economic base (hazmat); railroads transport 75 per- relinquish desired programs in order to ' Interment was iconducten d in a Christian context, of Cranford and the county would be C Speth of Cleveland; a 212. HOLIDAY CONCERTS off with Hurricane Doria and another example of cooperation cent of the nation's hazmat, but only 10 For young sports pay for increases in heat, utilities, daughter, Mrs. Grace S.v Services were from Graceland- Memorial representatives of non-Christian faiths Carols and motels will be sung by the - severely weakened. To divert rail percent of the hazmat accidents happen insurance, and salaries? ParParkk , KenilwortKenilworthh . are welcoml e to participatii e and wililll was replaced with some effort. ^i)ief^een governments at freigljt to trucks would cause a hundred- To the Editor: VanOrden of Fanwood; Grays Memorial*'Home, New-Jersey.Schola Cantorum Sunday at to trains, an excellent safety record. (5) Will the state continue to force our ' Mr. Jones, a native of enefit from the training. The other threevBalmiere, High various levels. And we'll have a fold increase in noise, pollution, -road On Dec. 2, I enjoyed one of the best two sisters, Mrs. Claire Dec. 8 with interment at 3:30. p.m. at the Wilson Memorial Please recall the only two major hazmat teachers to spend more time on paper Corning, Ark., Jived, in Associate Dean Stanley J. Menking, disintegration, congestion and "Sports Awards Nights" at Cranford Ditzel of Cranford and Fair-view Cemetery. Church, 7 Valley Rd., Watchung. The Street and Harold Johnson, are rare example of little problem- accidents in recent Union County history work than on teaching? Kansas City, Mo., anddirector of development for- the Drew featured work is Poulenc's .'.'.Christmas- economic cost. The consequences of High School. The spirit the athletes had Mrs. Helen Benententi of Services were conducted v between three and four decades solving escalating into largejr both involved gasoline trucks(one in Point Pleasant and four by Rev. A.lbert Beamer? ^raN0™ several years Theological School, notes that an tide Motets." The Cantorum's orchestra hasty", restncTfve action "would be was great, whether they were a winning (6) And, will the end result be one old. All are part of the bikeway solutions. 'Westfield and one in Cranford). As to school system and one local board—the grandchildren Community -Methodist before moving to garwood ti ted $96 million a week now flows n perform Saturday at 8 p.m. at devastating. advising communities in advance ,of or losing team. The sports that have 7th cs ma wi State Board of Education? S A gravesidc"UIt -e" servic e was ~Church. -. , -Rosell - e -Park . , nin»ei ,»„«««years ago« . H..e wa. s probate courts from Americans who ~Crescen t Avenue -Church • , PlainfiejdV . The TAC has already been working hazmat on a train, this would be impos- and 8th grade teams really showed with mn into J.here are larger stores ,' - - Patti Martinelli conducted at" St. employed 32 years die without having made wills. He cites Works by Vivaldi, Poulenc and Jack witlr Gonrail(CR) as evidenced by the- sible as virtually every train has some the records of varsity and JV and also 99 E. Lincoln Ave. Gertrude's Cemetery- Western Electric Co., congregations'in'New York,ank dd WesWt tT jazz artist, will be featured. number of problems already cleared up. hazmat. There are at least 800 com-how they ended in county and state' tJ Police blotter squibs tournaments. Friday by Rev. Gerhard Barbara Kcarny,. as a supervisor - we help insure. As we know, the LV is double tracked. modities the ICC classifies as hazmat. and was a member of the One track has already been rebuilt with They range from the exotic of atomic When the members of the Board of H. Whitter, assistant Nov. 10(10:33 p.m.)—Security guard Nov. 12(1:02 p.m.)—Driver gets out of Education vote on the 1981-82 school, Valiant men rector of St. Luke's VanBergen Stanley S^- Holmes reports suspicious male walking along car. It takes off and hits another car. continuously welded rail, eliminating waste on its own special train down to Chapter, Telephone But none more important. the "clickety-clack." CR told us at the the sublime of a piggyback trailer filled budget I hope they will not cut these To the Editor: Episcopal Church, Roselle. A funeral mass, for Mrs. thoroughfare taking picutres "of the Driver says his vehicle put itselLJnto important years of sports for pur In lieu of flowers, those Barbara Va,n Bergen, 97, Pioneers of America-. Mr. We h<^lp Insure many stores, businesses, apartments, ground." Authorities find a fully reverse gear. meeting the other track is due to be re- with bottles of bourbon (or any other The following is. titled "Tarragon and Jones served as a chief built in the spring. This constant liaison high proofbooze). youngsters. I feel we all pay enough Basiligol." that wish may contribute of Dartmouth Road, was offices, eveil condominium associations. That's why when we matriculated student of photography to Muhlenberg Hospital offered Saturday at St. in the Navy Nov. 13(2:19 a.m.)—Car stolen from with the operating people has been a' The January- TAC meeting will be taxes in this town of which a substantial shooting with a legal lens. In your sweet loving way you practice Hospice Fund, Plainfield, Michael Church, War II. recommend The Travelers Master Pac plans, you can be sure tavern. Investigation reveals owner amount goes to school taxes. So why your gentle art. . . p Nov. 11(7:05 p.m.)—Groceries are hallmark of TAC during its history and devoted to passenger security, ~ Elizabeth. Interment was Surviving are his widow, they'll be the'ri^ht plans for you. Master Pac combines undertme forgot where he parked. Authorities always cut programs for our children— N.J. in memory of R. intact but shopper has locked car keys has constantly produced workable particularly on inner-city buses. When You are enriched with exceptional at St. Gertrude Cemetery, Mrs. Marian Winkle. help him find vehicle. —I am sure there must be other areas. It Charles Speth. plan both property and liability coverages and offers you a choice in trunk, solutions. Replacement of foliage TAC can arrange a meeting with CR and graces and virtues. Colonia. Jones; two daughters, Nov. 13(1:07 p.m.)—Suspicious sleeper removed during the construction of the SIRC operating people, Freeholder is truly a shame that every board We wish to thank the Fire and Police of either basic or deluxe plan, with options. Nov. 12(12:01 a.m.)—"Hot mail" at the member was nopresent t at this Mrs. Van Bergen died Mrs. Beverly L. Decker, Post Office attracts firefighters. It's • in car in residential neighborhood. PSE&G high tension line will further Carmody, other interested officials and departments, who. due to their valiant Dec. 3 in the Westfield Fort Lauderdale, Fla., Let us tailor a plan to meet your specific business Insur- important evening. Mrs. Stotzer % not the mail, but the heating system He's wide awake innocuously reduce noise. the public will Ue given ample notice. and courageous efforts saved our house Convalescent Center after and- Miss Deborah L. ance needs. Put our expertise and experience to work for munching his lunch. Phyllis M. Dollar from burning? that touched off alarm. Since the meeting I have met William R, Wright Mrs. Ruth.StoUer, 61, a brief illness. She lived in Jones, at home; three Nov. 13(4:13 p.m.)—Man reported 434 Manor Ave. you. For all your business and personal Insurance with members of TAC's rail subcom- ... 34 Beech St. They are to be congratulated This Union, died Friday at Elizabeth most of her life brothers, •• Claude, Clyde selling billiards equipment from his family is grateful. . , needs, call us today. We'll give you all the facts. Memorial Genera.l until moving here two and Jesse, all in'Missouri; CfjeCranforbCfjroniclc car. He disappears, leaving no. cues a sister, Mrs. Ada Bell,' in Plain and simple. behind. Don't get up tight over the fair Extend a hand TheGriecos Hospital, Union. She was years ago. She was a Sluurt Awbrrv • Edltur North Union Ave. the sister of Boyd Wise, communicant of St. Missouri, and a llfvcrlrv Awbrcy Publisher, To the Editor: • obeyed every law to the letter. To the Editor: Nov. 14(4:09- p.m.)—Unsolved cas'e: Cranford. . Michael Chu-r'ch, granddaughter. j AdvrrlUlntf Director I read with interest Mrs. King's letter The prizes given at these booths were As we begin our season of holiday llttdull** C>ro4H New* feldltor Coatless youth carrying pillow case Mary linker Heiiionul AdvrrtUI(]K concerning the children playing the harmless tee-shirts,hats, etc. The kids festivities, the plight of the victims of races down main street and games of chance at' the St. Michael's had a good time and their morals were the Italian Earthquake seems Jensen thanks MU-hrlr- llfnii.lflii Advt-rtUlnii Vromolioiii. disappears. DOOLEY vFair and I have to admit-that technically no more corrupted than when they play particularly tragic. More than 3,000 To the Editor: l-.loinr V.'-YVull ' lluslnrus MuiiuKrr Nov. 43(2:14 ^T»Vr)—-Solved case :~Man she "isr right but let 'me pose these Monopoly in their homes. Sjlly Illoud Production Manager people have been killed and over 100,000 The Jensen for Congress Committee carrying pillow case at wee hour questions to her.' ' I agree that we should take a closer left homeless. While we visit our friends would like to thank the Cranford Audrey Brck f IrculuHoo MmiaKrr. suspected as potential thief. \le is Jr.n nlunir Classified'Ad*,.. (1) Did you or your husband ever go look at the gambling law as it applies in and families, and share in the warmth of Chronicle for the time and consideration FREE GIFTS FUNERAL HOME found innocently carrying his work '. I- 1 faster than 55 on the turnpike or park- this case und some changes could be their well-being, the victims of this given us during our recent campaign for Tin ' Cranford Chronicle Is published clothes. every Thursday by Awbrey Com- way when the children are in the car? made but let's not get up tight about a world's worst earthquake in 65 years '.Congress. We congratulate the victories Free gifts valued at 218 NORTH AVE., W. 276-0255 Nov. 1511:39 a.m.)— Man in search of his (2) Do you or your husband always once-a.-year little fair. have little to share except grief and fear of all municipal, county, and congres- 1 26 SOUTH AVE. EAST munications in New Jersey Inc. a cor- girl friend rings doorbell of wrong $1.75 to $12,95 for every customer poration lit 21-23 Alder* Street, Cranford. obey every- • speed limit even that Tom Korner for the" future. sional candidates for their success at the CRANFORD, N.J. N J.0701«. USPS136B00. woman. ridiculous 25 M.P.H. in some areas? 21fi S. Union Ave. Through a joint effort of the Inter- polls clearly demonstrates the public's making a purchase of $3.00 or more " A Funeral Home . . . of homclike^atmosphere, com- Member Audit Bureau of Circulation. i3) Do you. ever see kids jump the national Save the Children- Alliance, trust in their administration of govern- pletely modern, air conditioned, offtitreel~parking representing 276-3000 7;..ooo. yr... Now Jersey Press Association. Cranford. .Nov.-15(2:45 p.m.)—Sewer refuses to fence at a football game and say Save the Children (U.S.) has pledged mental affairs and the confidence given Chamber of Commerce, National Prt;ss join Great American Smokcout. Puffs nothing?' $100,000 to those In such desperate need. them for- the future. Your Store For Distinctive Christian Gifts facilities. . • . • Association. ..,-. .once, leaf fire below put out. Puffs Ribbon idea (4) Do you ever see people litter, I ask you to extend a hand—to make a We would also like to personally tltank Subscription rates by mail prepaid To the Editor: Tin- Tr.iv-HriH Inmiruniv (\->mp;my .mil Its Affiliated Companies, again, leaf fire piit>out once more. 'specifically, opeiva-pack of cigarettes contribution—through Save the all our supporters for their sacrifice oT" one year, within Union County Si) IM». oin Nov. nil noon) - Gunshots mar Sunday Perluips it would be nice if everyone also . ll.n third. Cnnni'ilkul Oti I IS ' of state. sL'.OO. ' - . " ' arid throw the old pack in thestreet and Children, Earthquake Emergency. time, help, and effort without which our All material copyri«litcd mini by |H*ace in town center. No marksman, you say nothing? would put u' yellow ribbon on their front Fund, 54 Wilton Road, Westport.Conn. campaign would have never survived DOOLEY COLONIAL HOME ACN..I. Inc.. Official newspaper lor. no shells, no smoke: I could go on and on. All of the above door wreath this year to remember the 06880. - ^ Best of luck to the Craii(ord Chronicle 108 North Avenue, Garwood • 2


Y~>. Page 10CRANEORD (N.J^) CHRONICLE Thursday, December 11, 1980 . Thursday, December 11, 1980_£RANFORD (N;-J.) CHRONICLE Page 11

BACH AT MipNIGHT CANTORS TO PERFORM Chorus to sing The sixth annual all-Bach midnight -• Moshe Stern, internationally known concert will be held at the YM-YWHA of cantor, will perform in concert Sunday Metropolitan New J«rsey, 760 Northfield at 8:30 p.m. at Temple BeihO'r, Clark.. at club's Ave., Wegt Orange, on Saturday, Dec. Accompanying him will, be Gaby and SPECTR VM 27. Guests are inyited to coffee and The Mastersirigers of MontclaTF Tibor Kelen, opera singers. General donuts with the artists at 11:15 p.m., admission is $10. Call 382-4470. or,. 381- Kimberley Academy will perform for preceeding the concert the Wednesday Morning Club at the 8403. philanthropic tea Wednesday at l,:30 p.m. at Calvary Lutheran Church. This KranikQwski-Criscitiello is a group of 20 young men and women v.1, ' k »>»• selected from the 112-voice chorus of the - school. . • >__ "" The rrjajorwork will be the MagnTficat wedding at St. Michael of Schubert plus seasonal songs and 0 St. Michael Church was the setting for The bride .wore .the. wedding gown carols. the wedding Nov. 2 of Nina CriscitiellTy' worn by her aunt, Mrs. James Stancati, Greeting members and guests will be and Richard Kramkowski. The bride is Mountainside, 40 years ago. It was, Janet Hemsarth, Sue VonBulow and the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore Victorian style of ivory slipper satin Grace Warner, tea chairman. Hostesses Criscitiello, 222 Willows Ave.; Garwtfod, with a cathedral.train. The bride's head- will be Mim Carlson, Margaret Coe," Estelle Portenbaugh, Thelma Langr: and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. piece and veil, hand embroidered with mJSTdALM E — Perforrnin0 holiday music at the annual College H,enpy-Kr-amHowski7-522H6ranford-Aver7—seed peariirr-was-rri&de-by-her-&ister- Helena Macklin. Louise Mitchell, Rose- Wemeti'o Club Christmas supper MnnYiny Wore, from left, Haniy. The r^tace to mary Sloan, Marion Hazeldine, and V w ^^ * » • >^ • • ^^ ^^ ™^ ^^ ^"^ The Rev. John M. Oates performed "Nancy Shier, Cranford, was maid of Anderson, Jennifer Anderson jjonnle Anderson, Bill Taylor and Wen- the double, ring ceremony....A reception honor. Bridesmaids were Mary - Pat. Virginia Buonaguro. Jackie Wenzel, Ann Staiger,Freda Schenker and dy Schoenemann. 'Nutcracker' trio Club plans slide - • •«.._... followed at Galloping Hill Caterers, Orrico, Cranford, f^nd Rosemary Miss Hausteinl^ MEW ,CERAM1C ARTS class «for senior senior cJMzens attracted Union. • - .''.'•• ' Kramkowski, Cranford, sister of the' Marylou Mfneur will preside at the tea groom/ ' • . tables. Mrs. Warner is in charge.ef table decorations for molded miniature Christmas trees. Instructor Rita show of Cloisters decorations. Night of song for College Club jr to choose from Eilbacher shows technique to Adrian Eckeirt above,.Katherine Wright Raymond Kramkowski wtis best man ,' Irving Schechter will show Slides of * for his brother, and ushers we're Robert American home life department will Three ballet companies will delight paints her tree brown at left; Ellzabe.trfBlohm chose white, at right. becomes bride The Cpllege Women's Club of and Christine Haun were chairpersons. children and adults with their annual the Cranford Camera Club's recent field .Rastelli, Rpselle, and John Bartocci, meet Monday at 10 a.m, at the home of Tiny trees hold )nside lights. Class runs at Community Center trip to the Cloisters at the clubmeeting Louise Haustein, daughter of Mr. and the chairman, Helena Macklin. She will CranfoVd celebrated their annual The "Christmas breakfast baskets," productions of the "Nutcracker". thiB Fridays for nine weeks. ...:-•__..• Cranford. • Gregory and Steven Mrs. Roland Haustein, Cranford, was Christmas supper Monday. Jane Kluge serving as centerpieces, were created Monday at 8 p.m. at the -Community Milanowsycz, twin cousins of the groom, demonstrate how to make "filet de boeuf month. The schedule is: Gala Celebration Includes:" 'marriedSept. 20 to William Wirz, son of by the art committee with Liz Terrenova Garden State Ballet: Monmouth Arts Center. Gaa were ring bearers. . ; en croute." Irving Wilner and Frank Dickert will til Mrs. Audrey Wirz, Suffern, N.Y. The drama' department's annual and Terri Sowa chairpersons. Center, Red Bank, Dec. 20, 2:30 and .8 Irish playwright to speak at Kean Complete Fl(e« Mlgnon or Lobsfer tails Mrs;' Kramkowski graduated from present, talks on J'Composition on Dinner served with wine at 93O p.m. The wedding -took place at the,. Christmas luncheon will be at the home Rdsairs making "Silent Night,." accompanied by p.m., Dec. 21,2:30 p.m.; Moritclair Stated Cranford High School—and Taylor_ Reformed Church of Linden with the Phyllis Barmak, was sung during the Thomas Coffey, an Irish playwright the scripts for "The Riordans,"' the Monochrome Prints" and "How, Why Champagne toast at midnlg.hl. of Sue Von Bulow Tuesday at 12:30 p.m. College.Dec. 30,2:3Oand 8 p.m., Dec. 31, longest running series in Irish television Business Institute. She is employedin Rev. John Magee performing the double traditional candle lighting ceremony. residing in Cranford, will discuss Irish and When Pictures Can Be Taken." Continuous music from 9 p.m. for your The committee in charge includes 2:30 p.m., 623-0591. • „ history. Four of his plays also have been the business office of United Counties ring ceremony. A reception followed at Yule appearances The program, arranged by Barbara culture and art at 8 p.m. tonight in the A field trip on night photography dancing pleasure. Blanche Creighton, Evelyn MacMillan, New Jersey Ballet Company: performed at the Abbey! Theatre, Lavish tloor show ., Trust^o. Her husband graduated from the Seven Arches Restaurant, Perth- Krause, 'was "An Olde English Yule" Zella Fry Experimental Theatre at planned for tomorrow^ Doris Rinaldi, Betsy Swanson, Helen The Rosairs, a women's chorus, is Symphony Halt, Newark, Dec. 19, 8:15 Dublin. • Added attraction: exotic dancer 'Cranford High School and Engine City Ambot. ' . presented by The Choral Art Society of Kean College. There is no admission Younghouse and Mrs. VonBulow. performing a Christmas program for p.m.t Dec. 20 and 21, 2:30 and 7:20 p.m., "Anyone Could Rob a Bank," one of Open bar • all you can drink. Technical School. He is employed by .Elaine Riskp was matron of honor and New Jersey. This is'the 19th season for charge. * Theatre launches fund B.F.I., Elizabeth. Members will read Christmas vignettes. varjoqs groups and"clubs: 736-5942 or 643-4550, ~ Coffey's most successfuiplays, was per- Party favors'and nolsemakers. bridesmaids were Susan Cieslik and the choir group which began as the • Coffey has written for Irish television Doris Taber, candy-cookie chairman, Lucille Obie, director, has arranged New Jersey Dance Theatre Guild: formed at Seton Hall University's Continental breakfast lollowing celebration The newfyweds are residing in Linden Maryann Stenzel. Leonard Wirz was the .. chorus of the Suburban Symphony here. as well as for stage. He wrote many of drive to stay alive announced the club surpassed all the musical repertoire of show tunes, Plainfield High School, Dec. 20, 3 p.m.; . Theatre-In-The-Round. following a honeymoon to. Bermuda. best man, and serving as ushers were Director is Evelyn Bleeke, a former The New Jersey Theatre Forum, a previous years by' filling 177 decorated from "My Fair Lady," "Music Man," Dec. 21, 2 p.m., 754-5629. A native of County Clare, Coffey is Brad Binder and Arnold Morris. music teacher at Cranford High School, professional theatre in Plainfield, has coffee containters with homemade and "Oklahoma." Christmas Round the State film teachers • employed as a personnel manager for The bride is a graduate of Cranford and accompanist is Annette White. launched a Jund graisin^^.camj^ign^ cookies to be distributed to hospitals for World will represent five countries Pwahc^uct Players to Merck-& Company and is on a-three-^ 1 i QiirSafe Overnight .- High School and Nancy Taylor Business ' Funding for' these performances is T 7 through 'janT5"to"raise.$i08,'66ii''i"n 6rder7" Christinas. -; ..,r.-.-..,.-,- .-.-...'. ..„•.••'• year assignment.in Rahway: ' Gala Celebraton Includes: IristituterPrior to her marriage she, was with the audience singing along. launch organization to remain in business. , •being made available by a grant from- The- playwright's -appearance is Com|JI»l« GaicCelebiallon pockaoe plus employed by Reed and'Carnrick, The Rosairs recently performed at Mobile' Foundation, Inc./ through entertain at school . The theatre postponed its'third modollons lot two, alonfl wltn out law checkout so Edward Roberts, film teacher at sponsored .by the Friends of Medieval 5 on New kenilworth, as a secretary. Holy Trinity Rosary Society.Westfiejd, production of the season,"A Life inthe^ stav ond en|oy'tha laotball ooT" v«at s Day Brookside greets recommendations made by^mployes of Pushcart Players, a traveling theatre Cranford' High^School, isfa' charter at Kean College." Per Couple -Mr—and Mrs—Richard-Kramkowski The: groom,, a graduate of Pascack St. .Bernard Rosary Society, Plainfield . Mobile Chemical facilities at'Edison and • company for young audiences, will member of a recently- formed Theatre," pending the outc6me of the Includvl All tOKai Hills High SchoolancTStevensTnstilufe™ ~Pla1nftelc)7^~iTd"byirgranTfroTnTthlt;^ew~ -driver—Tim—Moses v—artistic—director-i—- "present its most/£ecent .musicalTT'SideT^ gp NATURALIST FILM GARDEN sfATE PKWY7EX1T136 ifjrechnQlogy, Hoboken, is employed by holiday season Tomorrow^ the women will sing for the Jersey, State Council on the Arts, °in kicks," for students lajt Livingston teaching of electronic media in New cited'a- decrease in subsidies from' ^eFsblI:Rlnd~as an engineer. goldeir~age-luncheon-Bfr-Str~Michael-~ The Newark_ Museum" Will present governmenUand industry as the cause of-.. Drookaidc . Pltfoo Sohool bogon • tho veuCSciiQrMd y tnpyn)y : " -Jersey-scftools—The organization is the Following a cruise-to the C'arribean Church here and at Seton Hall Dec. 19. Endowment for' the Arts. 61 y'dm and Early Reservations Suggested holiday season with its annual holiday "Sidekicks," a fast paced musical IWBy Uouncll •film about the American experience Qf to Disnevworld, the play which explores the ups and downs Television Teachers. . Donations may be made payable to i-bo»ljque last Tuesday,. The.w,ficst^of Members, are; Dorothy Burd,• £Jare>. English naturalist Mark .Catesby art i ' 6Tff1h%fift d^ki Workshops are planned to familiarize r^heForum-Euncl, United National Bank -severail-""bctivftte^' scheduled for "**the HEgan; Roserriarie Gatto, Mary Ellen 1 Williamsburg on Sunday, Dec. 21 a is married * In which young'auaTences will meet media teachers With new technology, of Plainfield. If the goal is not reached, month, the boutique, organized and Keenan, Mary Kiley, Helen Koc he ra, Colony to feteu p.m. . all contributions will be returned. "__ Mr. and Mrs. Herbert J-J. .,Frank,!; .coordinated by Rosemary Saladino and Mildred Leahy, Eleanor O'Brien, rageou's characters who 'help" to careers for students and new directions . ^lormerTyZLoJ-Ss^^fe^rlyug^ the! Miss Petuck plans illustrate the wide variety of .dynamics in the educational field. The group also < Doris Malkowski, provided the children Patricia O'Brien, Katherine Pfanne, wedding: of their Tttfugh tC17~ rT^UraV with the opportunity to purchase and Joyce Schmidt. . inherent in any friendship. *t -wants to work with the New Jersey Elizabeth, to Jeffrey Putnam Harse on*, Hanukah and Christmas gifts at nominal scout workiei* Motion Picture and Television Nov. 22. , . : ',]..,'•) September nuptials prices. The items, made by school Amelia Ranlet will receive a human- t i Development Commission to support Gardeners celebrate itarian award for her work in the field of media production and operation in the The wedding and reception vyere held .Mivand Mi's. Carlyle L. Petuck, 289 mothers, included tree ornaments, at thePerdido Bay ' Couptr'y^Ciub, .•.' 1 scouting., at the annual Christinas state. Stoughton Ave., ' announce the stocking stuffers, and presents for the 1 luncheon of the Colony Club at the h6me Pensacola, Flii. Martha Dreyer, ' engagement of their, daughter, Deidre family. - •••>'•• at Christmas party of Marge Morrow. . ^ Cranford, was matron of honor and her,' Elise, to Nicholas M. DeBari, son of Mr. The school's annual holiday tea will be • Members will exchange gifts and daughter, Jessica, was the flower girlfi. and Mrs. Nicholas DeBari, Keansburg. Tuesday in the school auditorium. '• Sunny Acres Garden Club held its The groom's father, Stuart "Harse, was ' Stbphanio Panzanella and John Yawlak welcome Santa. Committee members Miss Petuck is employed by the Jay Sponsored by the,PTA, the tea provides annual Christmas party Dec. 4 at the the best man. . , - . is •] are Phyllis Ryan, chairman, Donna r Syr.up Company, Hillside. Her fiance :.s an opportunity for the teachers, class home of Mrs. Donald SavercoOl, The groom, from Clifton Park, N.Y. is,', 1 Barnes, Mary Howland and Vivian an employe of Flora Service, Elizalx"' *. mothers, aides, and volunteers to get Cranford Avenue/ a graduate of .the State University o|J Paiizanella- Yawlak ^V program of group games was led by Woebcke. . • 1 A September wedding is plannec together socially. Refreshments will be The social-services department ..will- -New—York—at—Brockport • where hg served, and each teacherwill take home Mrs. Frahfc Wagner. The most chal#" specialized in commercial recreation; announced lenging was an effort.to identify baby meet at the home of Jean Newmarker, T GLEE CLUB CONCERT ~" ; a little package of homemade seasonal chairman, on Wednesday. Christmas management. Mrs, Harse has -;i'. •engagement of Stephanie picture^m members. Seafood Restaurant The Westfield Glee Club will present goodies. . gifts will be wrapped for a Cranford master's degree in counseling from; Pa,nza.ivellato John Yawlak-Jr.1, son of its 56th annual winter concert at 8 p.m. Dorothy Smith, former club member, • Serving Lunch Trenton State College and is a guidance; The following day, Wednesday, the 1 1 child and tray favors made for the JJqhnj Yawlak. Sr-., 308 Third Ave., Saturday at the First Presbyterian entire school willbe entertained by the was a spec ipI giie$t..Sbe,°works at the :• Dinner •Cocktails counselor in Bradenton^Fla. _ j Cranford Health and Extended Care iers Hours: (jod,and the late. Mrs* YawJak. has.. Church, Westfield, and. Sunday at-the - school band and choir, under the,,,garden section'of- Stop and Shop, The eouple~will be residing in •• " ~ 1A gift exchange concluded the Center. . - COCKTAILAILS \J ' OPEN 7 DAYS STEAK HOUSE I Man. fhru Thurs. 11:30r9.00 P.M. Sal. 11:30-10:30 P M Iktbn announced by'her parentsJVlr. and Community • Presbyterian Church, direction of Dennis Connelly and Ann CHILDREN'"S MENU ^^ LUNCHEON • DINNER ) Bradenton Beach, Fla., for the winter' Irene Andersen, Fords, spoke about STEAMEHS & LOBSTEHS \^ Fri. 11:30-10:00 P.M. Sun'. 12:00-9:00 P.M. IWrs., Carmen Panzanella, 674 Willow Mountainside,' beginning at 4 p.m. Riccardo. "' . and then Bridgehampton, N.Y, j"!. ihrwoojl •_ ._.._:_... quiltmaking at the meeting of the 560 Springfield Ave. -Ameriean-home-life department-at the 624 Westfield Ave., Elizabeth • 352-2022 ^rrduirtcs—of—Bavid— 1 High School/The bride-elect is Tir "home or Births by Click Messenger Service, Hillside concert next 1 members were Barbara Hallahan and Joan and Richard Pinto, 471 Brooksjde Marge Morrow', chairmen, Mrs. New- 1 Cranford, and her fiance is employed by Ct., became the parents of their fourth The Hillside Avenue school auditorium. Gonerul Motors, Linden, orchestra, _ under Henry marker, MES. Riiopp, Diane Zawalich child, Laura Ann, Dec. 2 at Overlook School music department Performing groups will Babcock's "direction; and and Laura Johnstone. "IN THE king's Court !,,The wedding is planned for Oct. 24. Hospital. She joins two sister&.Jill arid, will present its annual includeihe concert band, a variety of choral groups * Armando Sasso, Cranford, is" a Phyllis Dollar reported, money raised RESTAURANT Lynn, and a brother, Richard. • , holiday concert Thursday, under the direction of under the direction of member of a specially selected profes- at the recent "night at the races" will be • HOLIDAY CATERING SPOTLIGHT' Bali lectures at meeting Serving the Finest in Continental Cuisine Lorraine and Jeff Davis of the Stars. Dec 18 at 8 p.m. in the Thomas Sicola; advanced Roger Kent! siortal men's chorus which will augment used for the. club's philanthropic fund. • LUNCHEON • DINNER a special performance of Handel's and Stripes Army and. Navy Store - Victorian Atmosphere.. Beatrice and Louis. VanBergen, "The Twelve Days After purchased through Ticketron, Chargit SUNDAY DINNER warm glow of a free-standing fireplace. In this holi- l^iophysics, College of Medicine and support center for mothers. It provides J. 12 NOON - 9 P.M. day atmosphere with subdued lighting. Illuminated ^•••""• OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Cranford, and paternal grandparents Christmas." Mastersinger or the Newark Symphony Hall box Dentistry of New Jersey, Rutgers boys-will- tour the world office, 1020 Broad St., Newark. discussion groups, workshops and refer- by hanging brass candelabra and delicate Tiffany BANQUET FACILITIES AVAILABLE are Marie and Alexander Russell Medical School. TUNING' UP — Students In the Hillside Avenue School music department are ready with the comical' "Jingle ral services. 342 Springfield Ave. lamps, enjoy a dinner skillfully prepared with tender 144 CHERRY STREET, ELIZABETH 354.5935 -Gillette 647-0697 care. This well-known, restaurant has been owned for next Thursday's holiday concert. From Bell Travelogue," which SUMMIT CHORALE Clo««t Mondayi (Corner o( W Grand Opp Smith Cadillac)- has been staged by Cindy and operated by tho same family for the past 20 left, are Valerie Wiseman, Linda Osofsky, The Summit Chorale years and maintains a tradition of excellence. :'M.- Rojek Invite You To Michael Bilavsky, Jill Eska. ' Smith, a dance instructor will present its annual WERE NOT JUST AGREAT.HOTEL7 from Cranford, while Christinas concert The regular menu has a varied selection of appeal- -O WE'RE A GREAT RESTAURANT! masters in ger ..girls Saturday at 8 p.m. at YOU NEEDS "HELP! b Ing appetlzors,. flavorful pasta dishes, tantalizing vV^ , Firv.1 tjnjoy Dinnor in tan perform a "mod version" Calvary Episcopal chicken or veal dishes and scrumptious steak and ? KirlQ Arlhrjr Rl?s|iHJi>, both yon dud your piil.ilr Nicholas." Eighth grader Summit. The program CAMERAS TO CHOOSE FROM LUNCHEON • DINNER • COCKTAILS We dulex To You - veal sautood In butter sauce and sorvod with thin r7 wilh Pl.ifriing Swords ii' IHIC Joseph Ford will be a will be conducted by Fine Catering For Fashionable Affairs ' slices of lomon) and Chicken a la Linda (Liniia's own (tt oui many speciaMn-s , ' featured soloist in the Garyth Nair,. in his 11th 1 Men it s an iwenin<) m , i THE ULTIMATE creation with generous portions of juicy chicken). l(J NEW YEAR S EVE PARTY choral groups. season as music director. Tho Veal and Poppors ontreo is vory popular also. Guinevere Lounge where V BERGEN you con relax with great - FUU. COURSE PRIME RIB DINNER, . !GPEN BAH fmrn p, PENTAX IN LUNCHEON DINING Each ontroo Includes the following: u relish tray, entertainment HAT, NOISEMAKERS • CHAMPAGNM E TOASOSTT • DANCING* Jfc <;»UI»I Sdrvod Wsokdays From 11:3d 'III 2:30 P.M. crisp salad with a choice of dressing, fresh hot lurl,,,l,~ CAIN/TERft EXIT 135. G.S. Pkwy. CLARK. N.J. 574 0100 For Reservations Call $21-7260 Ml I..* H ME SUPER ^438 North Ave • Garwood •789-0808 bread, x\i\ or potato and a delicious vegetable. Be WILL: 2 Cameras In 1 sure to delight your eyes and taste buds with a choice from the fantastic strolling dossert cart. A LUNCHEON ir; >uJL- " ' » HELR.. YOU select! tho The Ultimate "Happy Hour" with hot hors d'oeuvres Is available Original Owner* o4: corrd'et piece of^onuip " • DINNER liSjIiL"^ "The McAtcer*" In Spnw^tcl and "Twin* Inn" In Chester, r from '4:30 until 7:00 P.M. Truly a restaurant of good mcnl for y°u noods J K TuiA ol NL'U) 4e«lsuraDlt. SUNDAY 8i buclgot taste. " » COCKTAILS Closed Mftnday* 322-7200 • TEACH YOU how to BRUNCH Linda's' Lounge has become a vory popular night Cooktaii Hour 4:30-6 154 Bonnie Burn Rd.. Watchung use it £ Within each slender spot where there Is livo entertainment and dancing n W I Hi'iluced Prices i Friday and Saturday nights I'11' ' Baume & Merder WITH LIVE Hot & Cold Hors d'oeuvi-es • CHARGE YOU ;i com ENTERTAINMENT CELEBRATE NEW YEAR'S EVE AT LINDA'S HMtGITt INN Gift of love potitive DISCOUNT i ,,, i' 14K gold case llesan 10:30-3 DINNEH BEATINGS AT 80Q. 8:00 aiui 10:30 P M ! Blackboard Specials l);'ilv Say "I lovp you" with a PRICE l :• '•',!' Ingenious^ quartz heart Mbktt Vour Resarvatloiis Now Early Bird Sp>;clala »:30-«i PM Weekdays [' that Is powered by a Sheraton Inn, Newark Airport OPEN-HOUSE IN LINDA'S LOUNQE Starfire diamond . . . • CONTINUE TO TEACH Mt SUPER YOU CAN DANCE TO THE UIQ BAND HEAT Of THE CHICK WALSCH 777 Hailt;in Koud • Clark • :)pen uvory itiiu ill 9-Sat til 6 272-3888 Cudll Open Sunday 10-5 276-1024 Wednesday Evening Cnd< Starting Dec. 15 117 NOl'TII AVK.. W Hooorid

- +> /, "M ;_•/ T


Page if'CRANFORD (N..J.) CHRONICLE Thursday. December U, 1980 HOLIDAY CONCERT - P»n. in the auditorium. The program Newark Academy, Livingston/will will feature the middle school and tapper Ctatff ort) Chronicle Myrtle Street residents hold a holiday concert Saturday "at 8 school .choruses. Admission is free. Serving Cranford, Kenllworth and Garwood 'The Blaze'makes successful debut Page 13 Thursday, December 11, 1980 petition vs. heavy traffic J Residents- of Myrtle Street haVe meeting asked the governjnenl to try to complained to the Township Committee alleviate traffic congestion along as pro with Cranford fans in support Local hooters win county tilt L uthat cornrne'reial traffic there has Walnut Avenue, he said backups,, "increased and should be rerouted. occurred especially between 7:30 and 9 By STUART AVVBREY Cranford Division 3 team (7th and 8th the last period, Greg Peters crossed the _ Barbara Statute, 26 Myrtle, presented a.m. between the township, center and Cranford residents turned, out in force grades) won the first Union County open ball right past the goalie and Jeff a petition to the Township Committee Raritan Road. and with enthusiasm for the New Jersey \ soccer-tourriamontwith-a-2-0-win-over --- Dougherty knoeked-it- in—Two-minutes - calling eommerical traffic dangerous , He said congestion had been"getting* p Linden. The victory was a surprise to later Dougherty took a pass from David and seeking a remedy. It wassigned by worse for two years and suggested more basketball hero, Carol Blazejowski. everyone as-this was Cranford's first Aldridge and gave Cranford breathing 61 citizens. » ' . . policing to speed the flow. They were not disappointed. After a year in organized soccer. There were room with another goal. ' Henry Dreyer Jr., mayor, said the He also suggested that Garwood and sluggish start, .the Gems broke the game many outstanding teams entered an«k police traffic division will look into the Cranford collaborate to pressure the open in the second period and '.'The thefour games won by Cranford were all This game marks, the-end of a fine matter, -.county to.improve signs and lighting at; Blaze" went on to become high scorer close. ' • ' - . season for Cranford soccer. An awards Mrs. Statute said traffic had increased the "S" curve at the town-boroHgh with 28 of the 110 pointy that-topped - .-• The final-game was a real thriller as night will be held at Hillside Avenue since- completion of the Winfield border where two fata) accidents have Dallas' ,,93., ' the score was 0-0 with 10 minutes School Tuesday at 7 p.m. All members of intersection last year, making the occurred this year.. • -'•._ For someL;community spirit was as remaining in the game. Each team had Cranford Soccer Club and families few scoring opportunities Then later in are invited-. . roadway more dangerous, for children important as the game of basketball. Jo., _on the street and to_pupils at nearby Gene Marino, public safety Watson, who promoted attendance Hillside A venue ~Sch~ooTlfs well as fcT commissioner, OtHWERS presenlecl~~newly upholstered furniture for "through a letter in The Chronicle and users "~ut the nearby Centennial administrator has asked the county, to lawyers conference roorin In county courthouse. Members of ,Cpunty encouraged 61 local people to get to the Recreation complex. She ~* suggested evaluate the South Avenue situation, Bar-Assn. at presentation Included several local attorneys. Standing game, had never seen a professional more use of Raritan Road to the south especially in light of the increased in and from left: Raymond S. Londa, Leo Kaplowitz, William R.JBolzapfel of women^s game before.' . ... would be preferable. out flow anticipated from the new Cran'ford,,Stanley A.FInk, Frank A.^Pizza Jr., president, and Charles J.' "She's blazing for us," said Mrs: Angelo Buontempo at thesa'me Pathmark opening on the Ganvood side. Stevens Jr. of Cranford, who became president this week, and Ber- Watson. "She couldn't play in the nard Warren Hel. Seated: Mrs. Grace Nail, freeholder Joanne Rajoppi, Olympics. We are proud of her and we Judge V. William DiBuono. - felt she deserved something from her hometown." Gerda Geiger, who"'had never seen a' basketball game in her life, thought the ' SANTA SEZ Youth Council activities ahead event was "great!" ' ..The game announcer at the Gems new > The Cranford Youth Council is and $2 at. the door. Tickets are on sale Nothing can duplicate the beauty of gold. Sq home at South Mountain Arena testified, Before buying any sponsoring a variety of activities during from any Youth Council member at the Krementz handcrafts their fine jewelry in a heavy . to the presence of the Granford Cougars, •the Christmas holidays. high school, Orange Avenue and Hillside overlay of 14 Karat gold. And combines it with gen- mostly members of the girls high school electric razors for The tot and Shop program, jointly Schools, or call/the Recreation Depart- basketball team' who monopolized one sponsored with the Chamber of ment,' 276-6767. Refreshments will be uine stones and hand enameling. For all of the ""beauty and much oi the long wearing virtue of-solid, whole floor section: ." ' him or her check Commerce, will be_.Saturday, Dec. 20 available. , The' "hometown1-- touch to • the big from 12:30 to 4:30 phi. This free child gold ... at a more budget pampering price! league game started when just before sitting service will be available at the The basement' of the Community Center will open Friday, Jan. 2 from 7 to the game Carol, "in her warmup suit BARON'S ' Community Center so that parents can 10 p.m. Table tennis, pool, board games, marked simply, "The Blaze," walked shop in Cranford while the children -cards and music will be available. - . ,.0Ver • to the young athletes^and said, enjoysnacks-anda yisit from Santa. All 1 : NNING BOOTERS -^ Members of the CrarifcfeJ Soccer'Glub Divi- LOW LOW PRICES Forjnore^inforjTiatjon about any of • "thanks for'coming/ ' . -children must be toilet trained:—~; sl.pn.3 -tearp:-^hJcJi^woji,coMnty-iourney-are,,kneeling,.afrom left, Mike:; these activities; call 276-6767. •••'-•_".-• :; EorTerry Biunno and Jane McGee;the:: GaYra'stazu, Steve Ffscher, David Aldrldge, Jeff Dougherty/ Fred Nbrelco Norelca Rotary Razor .A horror. moviev "Night of the Living Blaze debut held personal as well, as "She Was last to be introduced buf tops to the team,"and the fans. No. I2'"joins Gems Dead," will be shown in the Community professional significance. ' * Faulkner, Larry ..Cofsky; standing, Rubin Melao, coach; David Rotatract Model- KEftWHONORED "anybody would be pleased to have her. Center Monday, Dec. 29 at 7:30 p.m. ~ Biunno, Cranford. High School' JV RajkoWski, MartXn'Cauz, Jeff Spots. Ron Melao, Brian Heridry, Pat • y John__Kean,_. president—ot- National-^ Jon their team." . . . —Razor—- HPTI^T -Admi&sion-is 50 cents; -————r— eoach -wasCaroL's-!ab-partnerrin Margin— Fay, Mike Clayton, Rod Melao, Carlos Campos, coach, . '_ Utilities and Industries Corp. and chair- T * The setting wasless than aus picious' "Fallen" : Angels" (formerly Gqldstein^s chemistry class'. They man of the board of Elizabethtown Gas, for the Gems, who played home games "Destiny") will appear in concert at.the • graduated^together iri' 1974 and Terry, at Commjunity Center;Tues"dayrDec. 30 at has received the 1980 Distinguished in Elizabeth last year. Mosolino was,, CHECK . - BROWSERS . -- GlassboW. State, followed^ Carol's 7:30 p.m. -Tjgkets are jj^O in advance Service Award of the American Gas worried before the game about lighting. OUR LOW ALWAYS WELCOME college career in the competition with On The DfiHS Sports Scene Association. • . . . ' Interniittent scoring at the start PRICE Monttiair State. "She looks better and suggested that poor lighting coufrtbbe?sg Several thefts McGeeTthe freshman girls coacHT^***2**^. but the roundballersstarted find- *' " *•* iin _«g. tth Len w^mar« n ulkr UniAXbeforAe 4-l.nthe. ffirs .fritt ntquarte 1 rtpfArf on the CHS varsity team as a sophomore was over. Fall sports awards given when Carol was a senior.-She observed reported • The hardwood, placed over the ice that the Blaze as a professional is "a lot Several thefts were qqicker" and found the Gem-Diamond rink, was borrowed from Nassau reported to police in game much more team oriented. That Community College and the—baskets to athletes, cheerleaders 95 recent days. They include: from 'Fordham University. - .: • GBIPS IT RAISES IT... RAflJRSITOfT A thief broke into the The Scoreboard registered ByLISyVP-EKROTTA Seven members of the cross cotMry Deluxe Richard Foltz residence at "tytootclair" vs. "Guests.". Contranyr-to The Fall Sports Awards Program team received letters from Coach Jim eltroni shavers 4 Roger Norton PI. Friday [./Her family ') some thoughts, that was not an overture honoring all .fall athletes and cheer- Hagan: BarbWasky, Mike'C'urtin, Jerry. M.uli r W. Germany bv .. . nightand stole silverware. to the Blaze's alma rriater. It was left; Backgammon . • - - ..... * leaders was held at David BrearJey— Gallagher.and.J.ohnl.Ricardo._AJso, Al Sett . Entry was gaitied through over from a hockey game. - High School on Tuesday evening. The Galizewski,. Frank Garrick and Bob BRAUN, AG a rear, window. Carefully guarded by the league's yearly, program is sponsored \By the . Nieves. ' ' A picnic table and [was rooting [• other premiere player, Nancy Lieber- Athletic Booster Club. V Field Hockey letter winners include Limited supply benches were stolen from ( The entire Blazejowski family \ man, the Bja'ze had few scoring oppor- Soccer letter winners include captains Mary Ann Torma, Mary Hoag Dual Voltage' the Phil Zambell resi- ) turned out for'the Gems home debut. ) tunities at first. She sank two free seniors: Mike Brady, Bob Cowper, Bob and Sheri Budzeika; Juniors: Darlene :' Coil Cord . dence -at 18l Balmiere The game for them represented a I throws 3:50 into the game and netted her Englehardt,. JirrT~'Ianharelli and co- Ayres, Donna Benko, -Lisa Perrotta, Travel Case Parkway Monday. A table '• homecoming for Carol to New first field goal 7 minutes later. That captain John " Kraus. Also, Rich Doniki Savorgiannakis and Marianne • and chairs were reported • Jersey and as her father, Leon, put ( gave the announcer his first opportunity Uifferty, Tom Mann, Steve Petrucelli, Sheehan. Sophomores: Chris DeChellis, taken ." from Click QUALITY FOOD STORES I [t, "we've been waiting for a long ) for what was to emerge as a familiar First points: the Blaze's first points came on free throws. After four- co-captain Iganzlo Pontoriero, Jeff Allyson Glembpcki, Nancy Legg, Cindy Sot-include:-; 4-diee,- 1-doybling • Messenger— Service, ,• 347 post-scoring routine, a "Blaze^jow'slii," point first quarter, she went ahead to game-high 28 total. Sylvester and Mike Zanetti. Juniors: McDonald, Kim Sheehan and Lorraine cube, 2 dice cups, 30 playjng Lincoln Ave. E,, . last j ;" Her mother, Grace, seated with j with emphasis on the lastjwo'syllables. Jim Brown.Ed Cugno, Greg Haffm'an, Spina were also presented letters by pieces and instructions. ^ Thursday. ( the family? up behind the Gems f The Gems solvedJhe^Diamonds full Frank Palmadessa" and Frank Coach B. J. Franks,. ' , • Mirror in casn T ; —Scott-JL—Hurley^—12-| SECOND WEEK -j—bencht-had-o'ne-wotxLforJthe-iirenp; jL eour-t-pr-ess-and-built^-ma_rgin through --Pal madesse-.-^ • -•—- ~~^- r~~" ~~Coa"eh EIleh Lawson presented lefters ~~S'am"e~thre'o'ye~arwa"frah"ty" rr I "Burnside Ave., reported a ~/~ Great."n[!aroT s sfsler, Donna i fast breaks-uii'd nifty,passing. The Blaze Also, Frank Piccinini, Rocco' Rao, to 18 members of -gymnastics squad. (six monih.s on foil tool box stolen from his ; Lizanick, thought her kid sister's : 195 $ was. feeding as much as she was shoot- Rick Wetzel and Chris Zanetti. Included . are senior captain Sandy '' and cuffer block). vehicle Saturday. Tires : game looked "really good." She and t ing but she collected 16 of her 28 points in - Sophomore Ken Lawrence and Buntele and juniors, Lisa Ensslin, Cathy Sale 12" were taken from Foreign i her husband, Bob, brought their son, ( the first half. freshman Joe Cioffi were also presented Saliski, Beth. Soltys^ Lynda Sue. Auto Parts, 28 S. Union | Bobby, who at age two was one of the i The victory avenged last week's letters from head coach Al Czaya. Williamson a.nd Patty Woodruff. Ave., Dec. 4, and a battery i- youngest fans'on hand. y trouncing in Dallas* Afterwards, the. Bob Taylor, head coach of4he football Sophomores honored are Anne Boyle, DRUG STORE was stolen from the car of '. Carol's father, who has followed [ Blaze acknowledged that the big factor team, presented 18 team members with Cindy Leonard, Daria Lunga and Lois Herbert Reichman, 15 't her career from the days she started t was that' other members of the team letters. They are Vinnie Albano, John Nardone. Also, Donna" Saliski, .Carol Brown Terr., Dec. 3. 101 MILN ST > CRANFORD, N. J, j "di-ibblihg a ball on Cayuga Road, ) "didn't look to me." That took~a lot of Filippone, Greg Kopyta', Pat Malik, ' Shusta and Barbara Woodruff. 34 Eastman St.. Cranford • 276-6100 Donald Schmidt, 24 ) thought she arrived at her profes- • pressure off her, she said, and contribu- Doug.Sadlon and Brian Smith. Also the_ Liset Fernandez, Terry Nyitray, Oneida" PL, reported on • sional debut with "more finesse, ' ted to a balanced scoring attack. (Next Door To Casey's Bake Shop) 1 tri-captains of the team, Jerry Cioffi, Rqbin Kerestes and'Sharon Kerr were NOW TIL CHRISTMAS • 8:30 AM - 9 PM •SUNDAYS 9-6 Dec. 2 that his car had ' more poise. ' - The cover of the home inaugural prb- John Hammer and Rich Rehbein. among those awarded letters by tennis been stolen Oct. 30. I * "This is the game that counts," he gram^billed the game as "Nancy Lieber- Jijniors.who received letters are Scott coach Tim Sexton. Also honored were j said-. man meets The Blaze." But instead of Bury, Kevin DePaola, Jeff Kopyta, Bob Judy Kish, Cathy and Colleen Mancino, following the program, the Gems passed I^ucius, Steve Ohdrof, Pete~Siragusa Suzanne CarclosbT"Kris Students and FREE PEPSI assessment was shared by the Blaze and broke down the middle with persis- and Anthony Vizzoni. Sophomores Joe Julianne Zeyack. 2 LITER BOTTLE herself in a postgame comment. tent..... regularity RerJiaps^o.vJir^_ -fcospinoso and Ed"Miller werc^also- - The^fall^varsity cheerleaders were ' Some of the Blaze's friends from, concentrating on, defense, Lieberman honored. also honored. with the purchase of Montclair State days were rooting her scored only 12 points. It. was only her a $5.00 order of cold on, too. One of them, Don Rubenoff, second loss in games over the past two cuts from our Deli assistant football coach, said "she ldoks years. She succeeded the Blaze as the fabulous." He said th^'fortner MSC stal- top ranked college.player in the U.S. .... basketball coach DOES IT AGAIN LlkdlT 1 TO A CUSTOMER • 12/11/60 • 12/17/80 wart has "the same confidence, the same ability,, and s.he gets better and Photographs by AT better." looks to improved year DOLLY MADISON SEVEN-UP R.C.COLA BOLLER SODA • Her new coach, Kathy Mosloino, All Natural " said with some understatement that Theo Robinson Familiar form: her famous jump shot front, and rear. The boys varsity basketball coach, Jim Leonard, and Vito Saggeso. Junior WILLIAMS NURSERY ICE CREAM 2 LITER 2 LITER Bob Parin, is looking forward to a very standouts include Jim Brown, Jeff OPPOSITE ECHO LAKE COUNTRY CLUB All Flavors 28 OZ. BOTTLE successful season this year and is Kopyta, Vinnie LaPrete, and fi-6cente r 09 looking to improve last years" record of Tad Dear. . * $ 89 The t^it feels-real Reg.2.49 l 1/2gal. BOTTtE " 7-16. According to Parin "A learn with as BOTTLE much spirit and intensity as this group Assisting Parin this year- are junior FOR of young has to be on the winning side varsity coach Mike Rota and freshman LAYS Somerset Farms nice' to be home again more often than not." ' coach Jim Bonner. COKE from her hometown. Returning to lead the Bears this year Parin is looking forward to "a well- Carol Blazejowski seemed to be • ' t, POTATO CHIPS 2 LITTER BOTTLE happy about being back on New "We were a little apprehensive are senior guards Glen Lewis and Dave balanced attack assisted by a very Large 7 02. Bag 67.6 OZ. MARGARINE Jersey turf and surrounded by after, being annilihated in Dallas," • Keenan, and forwards Greg Kopyta, strong man to man defense Mi hometown fans. she said in a reference to last week's V* I l' 1.1 A M S H I. » S ( K V How does it feel to be back home? defeat, "but we were all ready for Reg. M.09 $ 109 1 79* Reg. 79* LB. she was asked. "It feels real nice, ' this game." she responded. The program cover billed the' Girls basketball squad Somerset Farms ' Despite pre-game tensions', she event as "Nancy Lieberman vs. The DANNON YOGURT ARMOUR took the trouble to go over to a mass _Bla?e." Lieberman, guarding the (8 OZ. CONTAINERS) ORANGE JUICE of girl athletes from Cranford High Blaze tightly in the first quarter, School and tell them, "thanks for seemed to follow the script, but the anticipates rebuilding 524 SPRINGFIELD AVE., WESTFIELD Gems had another idea: move the Reg. BACON $| coming" After the • game, she for the first lime this year says thai NEXT DOOR TO GEIGERS CIDER-MILL ball around, break fast and give the Tomorrow marks the start of the FOR 59* ea. returned from the Gems dressing "this year's squad is dedicated and QUART offensive thr.ust more balance. That winter athletic season at Brearley and room to tho arena floor, still in intelligent. We'll take our Jumps, but worked. both the girls' and boys' varsity teams 232-4076 uniform, and signed autographs for they've got a bright future, if they keep In earlier games, the Blaze said, have been practicing for the last three From Oyr Deli Dept. • From Our Deli Dept. From Our Deli Dept. From Our Deli Dept. fans-, many of them from Cranford. developing." Last year, We run this npecial and the response wa» overwhelming. "the team looked to me too. much to Weeks in preparation for the upcoming Frit Clover Fritz Clover Fritz Clover Northwestern At one point she jested, "I'm going .Senior JEalty Yutz", the only returning do it all." But Monday "they took a season. This) year, We will do it again. BUT EVEN BETTER .' ! ! to see if we can get special rates for varsity starter,, is expected to carry the OVAL SPICED HAM VIRGINIA HAM CHICKEN ROLL lot of pressure off me. All of us The girls' team is coming off a lfi-ll ROAST BEEF Cranford people." ' team. Crissie Amman, Laura Gindel, CLIP OUT THE COUPON BtilOW AND YOU CAN SAVE A BUNDLE. played more evenly." She ended up Carol with her sister, Donna Lizanlck and her husband Bob, andtheir season and a 2d place finish in the At least 100, and possibly more, of- Allyson Glembocki and Doniki C as the game's top scorer anyway. son Bobbie, 2. Mountain Valley Conference. Remember, YOU MUST HAVE THE COUPON AND HERE'S WHAT YOU GET! >c $109 "the announced 1,800 crowd came Unfortunately, four of last year's Savorgiannakis-should see a lot of action • • LB. PER 1/2 LB. 69 PER 1 /4 LB. I PER.1/2LB. starters have graduated and this season this year Also Sandy Zengewald, will bo one of rebuilding Darlene Ayres, Bridget Hoag and Our trees this year are the finest ever. Each one has been plantation grown, I Tim Sexton, coaching the varsity girls Ix)rraine Spina sheared, and cut very late to assure freshness * I IF YQjp WANT THE PERFECT TREE...WE HAVE IT! f EARLY BIRD SPECIAL SOMERSET LUNCH SPECIAL l\ SHKAHKO BAI-SAM Fill PLANTATION GROWN SPRUCE. Best Buy | B/H Ft. Priced to 135 7/0 Ft. Priced to »25 -. ' FARMS Taylor aids new \ WITH COUPON WITH COUPON FREE SCOTCH PINK. Bent In to y«ur«! KHAIKKH FIR. Silver Green. Sheured $15 DANISH OR BUTTERED TRIMLINE Limited Quantity • Priced to M0 / k 7/0 Ft. Priced to »25 HARp ROLL 12 On. Con COKE or -> * WITH COUPON ' WITHC6UPON 10 Oz. Container COFFEE coaches organization \ DOUGI-AS VIR. Perfect! DOUGLAS KIR. A Few Jumbos with the purchase of LOW FAT with the purchase of a • > B/10 Ft. Priced to »40 Bring Momma To lift Them a 10 oz. cup of coffee Bob Taylor, David Brearley High throughout the nation will be "invited. LWITIICOUPON Priced to «7S WITH COUPON... $ 69 sandwich from our Deli. School football coach, is first vice They will set up tables and secondary {S& GOOD 6 AM- 10 AM ONLY I GALLON LAST BUT NOT LEAST WITH THIS COUPON president of the new Union County players can choose the representatives Football Coaches Association. they want to talk to. WILL O/Vr YOU "I.Oft ON ANY Of THt FOLLOWING ITl Sale Prices From Dec. 1 1 - Dec. 17 The group has been formed to help The association will have liaison with £ff ^ * Any Trlmmod Wroatl grid players and affect legislation. All 18 FREEKISS other coaching groups throughout the i. • * Any Grave Cover football-playing schools in the county state.to confer on NJSIAA legislation ' , * Any Polnfettlc* SEE EDI tf£% OPEN 7 DAYS/WK • 6 AM TIL MIDNIGHT are represented in'the organization. dealing with playoff system and the vl The coaches are organizing an All sport in general. xt£2t Union County team and will also conduct Gary Kohler of Westf ield president OPEN CHRISTMAS 9 A.M.-9P.M. Cranford's basdetball heroine returned to arena from locker a College Day event Jan. 15 at Cranford room to sign autographs for fans. •- - • ' ._> CHS coaches and former Cougar mates Jano McGee and Terry and Jini Benedict assistant coach at Biunno° left.and current .C.H.S..atblM^avmJ3llgf»J^ht,meetiam^. JlHS College coaches from' . Union, is secretary-treasurer.

"Y. •T,i- I h

Page 14 CRANFORt) (N.J.) CHRONICLE Thursday, December 11, 1980 ' Thursday, 11! I.OBO (' J;.) CHRONICLE Page 10 Hiking club has weekend events on tap Girls basketball season opens two new Brooklyn Auxiliary bishops '• The South Mountain^ the Wyanokie Circular are Club members and their ByANNEGAVEN light of these was the Daytah game Cranford seminarian has designed Ramble, the Eagle Rock .scheduled this weekend guests. In preparation fortomorrow s opening where Cranford sparked with strong By RQSALIE (JROSS church art. .Priestsjiavcj contacted him hobby "I look' forward to serve the Reservation Ramble and^fresent-the-bishop's~acts as~a~good- ^The^girls "defeated" SUrnmlt7~Colonia~ ~12~ahdT0 pdirilS respeclively: Samaritan in aiding immigrants. enjoys illumination, the art o.f hand and child. heading a furid raising committee on Participants are asked to Pam Baublis. and Anne Gaven complete with heraldic codts-of-arms of and Dayton and lost to Hoffman of South family members dating back to 1823." Commenting on his.calling as a priest painting letters and applying gold leaf. Mauriello t;,kes . deep pride in his behalf-,of the victims of the earthquake Worried brfng a picnic* lunch on (his' Amboy in the scrimrriages! The high- rebounded with 10 and eight apiece. After three years of research involving He is a member of the Society of Scribes, family-bottr his limme-diate fainily and in Southern Italy. The fund raising easy paced six-mile trek. and his avocation of church art, events.wiil.be held under the auspices letters and visit&.Jo Italy, Mauriello . .Mauriello. said it "is appropriate that I New York •••City tfie"ancestors he has discovered through About Fuel? The scenic five-mile traced his family back six generations. He is corteacher of the calligraphy researching his family tree. His sister, of the Greater Union Cpunty Chapter of Eagl&i Rocli Reservation /x am continuing the? art of the monks and the American Red Cross who will send Local Judo experts tops h'.- He.designed'and painted the tree along scribes. 'They originally gdfye' extra class at •the'Cranford Adult School'and Suzanne,:, is a- senior, at Muhlenberg Ramble, led by, Heleno 1 the proceeds directly to the Italian. Red CHECK THIS OUT! with the coats-of-arms, embellished flourishes to the Bible." ' has taught at several area Y's College and brother,'Anthony Jr., is a -Black and Ray. Carriere, is Representatives from the Cranford Stroble, 15; and Greg Chow, 16. 1 with gold-leaf, and presented it, as a gift Mauriello hap teen studying for the^junior at Cranferd High S^-.hool. "\Ve Cross. ' . planned for Sunday, Dec. C Team members were Ernie X Mauriello's talents developed in the Judo and Karate Center -won top prizes io.^0 to his parents,. Anthony and Susan fourth and fifth grades at a Catholic priesthood since 1974, starting at Seton_have bftjiutiful roots and beautiful s-<»eds Anyone interested in -mailing a 14. Hikers, who are at the 19th Annual Yoshida Cup Judo. Schaeffer, 9, Ode Pritzlaff, 10, T6m MaurieUo, on their 25th weddirtg Hall and continuin^inuing at Mt. St. MarMary'y s for thie future," he extolled.. "The study contribution is asked" to- make their reminded to bring lunch, Houcek, U; and Mike Cavafla, 12. school in East Orange. The nuns taught KENTUCKY Tournament in Brooklyn- Nov. 23. anniversary this fall. . calligraphy_andJettering_and_hcLshow M Seminary in Maryland, He is home/this of jny_iincestory_KiY£s_nr)e pride a'rixl check payable'to American Red Cross • wiHTneet-at-&r30-a7ni7-in- . The center on South Avenue has, ; and mail to 203 W. Jersey Street AU of the Cranford teams took first Mauriello was called, upon by a flair immediately.;, His ability year on a leave of absence and expects hope and presevCrancevfor the future.". the White Tower parking WINNING SEASON— Cranford Americans, recorded 8-2-1 season in captured the cup two years in a row. flourished at St. Benedict's Prepatory to complete-his studies next year. As a Mauriello commented. Elizabeth, NJ. 07202 with instructions lot, Rt.~23 and. Bloomfield place in the individual divisions. Thisis * Brooklyn' bishop's -elect' Anthony J. that- the money' is for Che'[Italian Red CANNEL Division IV, Mfd-New Jersey Yoath Soccer Assn. Front, from left: The men's A Team," consisting of Bevilacqua' and.JoseprrW* SullivanTo' Schook, Newark, where Father result of his affiliations at the seminary, His prime ambition is to. become a Avenue, Verona. Brad Burke; John.Polo, Dan,Heesters, Dave Zawalich, Gary Jones, Clyde Worthen", Nicky Yonezuka, Bill the second year.that a New Jersey Judo Cross for relief of earthquake victims. club was allowed to participate in' the submit'several designs Tor thieir coats- JWaynard fostered his talent. He the artist has gained "a reputation in the parish priest and to continue his aj:tas a Sunday, December 14 is Phil Morin, Ricky Salway; standing: coach Ian McKay, Brian Burns, Smith, George Severance, and Mitch of-arms. According to church custom, attended Seton Hall Prepatory School ecclesiastical world and receives COAL, also the date of the Jean Woods, Tony Carval.ho, James Woods, Kevin Burns, John Irwin Santamaria took first place in the A tournament, which is held in memory of 1 Mr. Yoshida, the first person to start said Mauriello, every bishop selects a and began taking private lessons in .requests from near and far to design Wyanokie Circular. The and John Aschmies. team division. design to bemused on official documents Union County Department B Team members were Stacy Cascio, Judo in New York City approximately 60 THE FINEST FIREPLACE years ago. . : TIMS- HOIS CHRISWS and stationery. The design usually ,'of Parks and Recreation 13; Tom ""Worthen 14, Charles includes all or part of their family's' Give Yourself A COAL DIRECT FROM Administration Building, Girls winter track team opens shield plus other personal additions such Acme and Canton Streets, Goatjof-arms .desighed by Mat-as symbols of saints to whom the bishop KENTUCKY Elizabeth, is the 7":30 a.m. : lias some special devotion. meeting site with the thew Mauriello for Bishop An POOL MEMBERSHIP Extremely low in ash Packanack-Wayne' Mall, optimistically Saturday thony Bevilacqua qf Brooklyn. The design for Bishop Bevilacqua Wayne, as the 8:45 a.m. • -HORNEATKEAN' and sulphur content- alternate. Led by Nat and By LAURIE SULLIVAN Handling the middle distance and long Following a short break after" cross- Marilyn Home will perform at kean^Th^re. Tickets are $8 and $7 and can ideal for your fireplace Betty Levin, the nine-mile distance flat races (half-mile,-mile and' College Saturday at 8 p,m. in Wilkins 'be'purchased from the box office, 527- For Christmas or wood burning stove. circular, which Includes country, Uie Girls' Varsity Winter Track two mile) will be returnees Mary Beth road walking an a steep season is about to begin. The "team Hogan, Cindy lannelli, Susan Hogan, climb, will be cancelled if debuts in its first invitational of the Lisa Murray, Robin Lefkovic, Amie MEMBERSHIP DUES BLOCK SJZES RANGE it rains. " ' . season Saturday at Kearney High Smith, Amie Burd, Susan Gaudious.and FROM 3 x'3 to 12 x 12. .Additional information School. " Eileen Clarke '..._ GRANDVIEW DECEMBER 1 THRU MAY WE'LL SELL IT BY THE oh theseiarid-otherJiiking^ The Sprinter's and Quarter Mile Relay club activities, is available teams~will be built around Lisa Wciner, With newcomers Susan Yochim, Eriza BAG AT OUR YARD OR Laura Kachoogiah, Beth Waters,: Sue Ricerca, Shannon Kelley, Laura DELIVER IT IN HALF by calling the Union CRANFORD FAMILY. r County Department of Rosenthal and Lisa Zimmerman. •Lengyel as well as experienced runners DISCOUNT CENTER '.•'.•'::? •&••• AND TON Parks and Recreation, Helping out in the quarter and half-mile" out thiswinter; the team has so much to^ ~ ,' Individual ... •: .•-..: 352-8431. race is Tori lannelli..-'- ' . look forward to. « MEN'S, BOYS'£r GIRL'S WEAR Senfor Citizens . ; ..35 '; t. HORAN LUMBER DOCTOR SERVES HOLIDAY SALE -.—Dr.^Anthony-J—Bruno7 the SEAS0N OPENS — Referee Rose Costello" Awith players" Bonnie DecnOtFTtRriTDec. 20th FAMitY—T • 'd . . . ••" Directorv of Surgery ai MasoR, left, and Jennifer Smith atjast weekend's opening "of Recrea- Individugl: 105 Alexian Brothers Hospital- Cranford "lWn~C^p^tliTeTiVs~gTrt"S^"aSRe"tlf^ ' has been elected president Orange Avenue School this season. •Hfah games In The Garwood Cranford Sport Center, out In IHP.ET*! of The Society of front by 15 points, was defeated (or Bowling high games In tho Junior Bowling.-^Qtiry " Club Btoomingdalc. league were Linda Surgeons of New Jersey. Saturday were rolled; by; the first time, this season when VARIED PROGRAMS - ALL ACES pff^?ap/O4; Manny .Sttd,ac-Exxofrnanaoaihom-(i 3 1 Schwetle. 167," 173;. Llndo Weh, 162, Ciirllno, 203, U&; John Murphyr- upset. Tho Chronicle failed to gain 181; Mary Looser, 171; Fran e men's team st three SAUNA . 17v«; Edward "dfpnlck, 1A5; Peter on first placo, as they were Esposllo, 169; Lillian Bcuhlcr, 165, SWIM' & SUM- Bonglovannl, 151; AAlchele also beaten by Cranford Barbers 3 169. High series Lillian Beulcr, 489; Union College's men'9 basketball offense paid off against the Owls in their" • STEELERS • RAMS •JETS HYDRO FITNESS EXERCtSE EQUIPMENT AAelcndy, 162, 162; Elloen Cullen, 1. Hpwland Realtors upset Horan and Linda Swetle, 477. RICHARD SHEINBLATT, D.D.S.,P.A. 158; Judy Tenncion, 145;, Lisa Lumber 40' and Havcc^'s Foods W L team has won its first three games. traditional battle against Essex. Also in SWIMMING LESSONS RACQUETBALL '. - Nicholson, U5. High scries were defeated AAethodlst AAcn'sclub. 31 Quecn Bees 24 12 Stan Wnek hit on a short jumper in the double figures for the Owls were Hill-, posted by: Manny Cijrllno, 509; despite Glenn Laycock's-' 213-600. Wonder Women 20 16 TINY TOTS HANDBALL Chrlstropher Vroy, 44); John Veteran's Barber Shop splits 3 LEA 19 last second to give Union College a 50-50 side's John Frize. with . 12 markers, with Reynolds Plumbers, Cranford '7 ' •General Dentistry Murphy, 410; AAlchele Mclcndy, Pin Ball Wlrards T8 18 tie with Somerset Coqnty Dec. i at the Elizabeth's Stan Wnek with 11, and KINDER-GYM BASKETBALL • 467; Lisa Nicholson, 376; Eileen Photography shot out Toll Enoel No Frills 18 and Swan..'Clcaners blanked the 18 Cullen, 362. High team game by: Stars ' 17Vi 18Vj Cranford court. The Owls went on to win Union's Dan Blackwell with 10. BABY SITTING LIFE SAVING Giirwood Lanes; 9OA; high 'teim B.B.'s,'Behind Tom Young's 216 . Sparklers 17 • Orthodontics ^ SBSr^Crawford Gulf defeated- 19 their season opener in overtime, .62-58. Also instrumental in Union's big win MEN'S DOWN VESTS serlos,. Garwood Lanes 2581. Swingers 17 i^Cranford Hotel 4 0 and Ernie Mills 19 W LUVS . 16 Jim Pf lug scored 14 points to lead the over Essex was Westfield's Mike Civile, led his team with 192 541 to outpoint 20 • Periodontics Bloomlcs Rotary Club •Bruns Electric 31. Joe Lcsky's 242- 22Vi Owls to a 55-53 victory over Essex who scored seven points, grabbed six "SIEVERSIBLE" CALL THE CRANFORD INDOOR Qarwood Fijrc Dept. 602 sparked Coach 8.- Four to County College Dec. 4 here in a major rebounds, had four assists, and three •Endodontics Jo-Nik Carpets shutout VFW 40, and Dehmer's by POOL NOW - 272-9595 Lloyds Restaurant Flower Shop blanked Modern upset. . ^ . steals. Blackwell also had four assists •Reconstructive Dentistry V.F.W " Barber Shop. Lcn Korn's 727-57) led Monday Strong defensive play and a patient the Elks to four points over Global and four rebounds. ... >ons Carpet Cleaners, Milt Harris 222 Navy/Burgundy Royal/Green Rolling 200 games were: Dean Morning •Inhalation Sedation Jones, 20)i Milt Harris, 222; Lcn .Korn, 227, 204; Lou D'Allossandrls, lose opener sale (Nitrous Oxide) 225; Peto Gr.imllng, '213; Joe Jewels VFW ladies Lcsky, 24J; Tim Korner , 202; Al Carol Mellendick scored 30 joints and 00 Rolling high .games, in the Reg. *42 . - Roscann Waryn of the Bto Jim Hogan , 201; Bob Russell, 200; Joe took down nine rebounds as Union price Monday Morning Jewels bowling team ol VFW Ladies Bowling Ference, 200; Joe Anginoll, 204; league were: Caroline Qulnn, 200; College's women's basketball squad •Intravenous Analgesia .LeagiH* rolled the high game of 225 Tom Young, 316; Alex Bunting, 206; in a 545 scries. Others who bow.led BUI tinge; !03,- Nlctc Prato, 201,- dropped its opener to Essex County Get in the Swim! hlQh- serles-wero:- Helon-Dennls, 1 VALUABLE COUPON • 172; Ronnie Scottl, 171; Penny Zak, College, 95-81.-Aiding the ©wls cause •Matthew R. lyiaurlello, calligrap'her and heraldic artist., examines 540; «Ellen Kordlch, 520; Betty Doc DILorenio, 202; George Toll, -Hours By Appointment Duller., 468; Minna Snyder, 487; 165165 . HiHighh seriei s were posted by was a 21'-point effort by Kenilworth's 201; Arrteljen, 200; Georoe Cuozzo, 0 family tree he made arid presented to his parents for a silver wedding Helen Connecly, .481;' Ann .200; Gene Fltipatrlck, 310; Andy sc'oV.i.^vMan Bennor, "^ ^xx Harris-and ten points each by M,irkowlch,'233; Joe Trctia, 201; Thermal Underoos anniversary gift. .-*•'' ....,.' 4iSi" \Tunc" andv M'arge Glenn Laycock, 203, 213; John *—Debbie-Raynor. and Debbie-Westrol^ Rockerfellow, 433; Penny Zak, 429. DflGrlppo, 444. Pcrdck, 207; Tom Kano, 200; Glenn W L Economy Color Card 26 Grlmshaw, 206 and Klaus Boehm, Avery 221 Chestnut. i\v&\\ , 16 Striking Trio 34 DioJIm 209. 22 SALE ««99 25 17 : 32 $ Something Different 24 Sharkey gives talk James Avery, former He is a public- affairs Bar-Bel los 23 19 W L Gophers , 31 Roselle, New Jersey O72O3 , Butler Travel 1 Cranford Sport Center 44 25 executive with Exxon" 21 ' 21 12 Lucky Strikes 251/3 Cranford resident who Philip Crclcr Co. 24 At a recent business forum sponsored Reg '10 PRICE 21 21 Bridge Exxon 32 Who 25V recently became U.S.A. Avery formerly Reynolds Plumbing The Chronicle • 31Vi 24Vj 3 5 by Summit^ and' "Elizabeth Trust 2451615 20 22 Splits 30 26 txplroi 12/20/80 chairman of the Unioiv taught in the social studies B 8.M Fence- 20 22 Rowland Realtors^ 30Va 25Vj Ten Pins cc D8.DTrucklno Horan Lumber 30 Company, area business leaders heard 18 24 26 PlnUps __ •'•26V,- ~V)>h FINE ITALIAN DINING County Coordinating department at Cranford Freddie's Poohs Haye<;k's Foods ' 29V3 18 24 26V3 The Bltchcrs ** 26 30 Thomas J. Sharkey, CLU, speak on -With This Coupon->—— Timrny's Fillies ... Agency for Higher High School.' : 18 24 Reynold's Plumbing 29 27 - 'Perfect Ten/ 23V] -STRONG "The Insurance Industry and the Cranford Photography 2? 27 Almost Ten 22Vi 33V] Education, haV resigned 27 Economy." Wed-Sat.4;30-8:30 P m c Methodist Men's Club 29 The Ends 21 35 from that job. Richard Lucas, agency Livingston B.B.'s ..- 29 27 Sharkey cited the failure of the state Sun 3-8:30 p.m. 7-11 E.Westfield Ave..Roselle Park*245-8448 Crawford Gulf 29 27 (CORNER CHESTNUT ST.) . He -MS moving from director, • said vice High games were bowled In the rjriins Electric 29'/j 27V] legislature to pass meaningful remedial Scotch Plains' toNorwalk, chairman Benjamin Livingston PTA League by Anne Coach 8. Four 29 28 legislation in Uie no-fault area of auto CRANFORD HOTEL Holiday Hours: Open Every Night til9 p.m. Watt, 186, Marilyn Rae, 176; Fran Cranford Hotel- 28 28 Conn., which is closer to Mondi would take over A GIFT FOR HOLIDAY -Oldan 163, 160 and Isabella Cranford Barber Shop 28 28 4-H camping insurance and the increased frequency Sat. 9:30 a.m.-6 p.m. • Open Sundays 1 South Union Ave, his work in suburban Avery's duties until a new Cangclosl, 161. High series were Dehmer's Flower Shop 27 29 of arson in urban areas as -major bowled bv Marilyn Rae, 470; Anne Mills Decorators ' ' 27 29 Dec. 14th £r 21st 10 a.m.-5 p.m. (PARKWAY EXIT 137) Westchester County, N.Y. chairman is chosen Watt, 464 and Fra,n Oldam, 457. . reason's for increasing premiums. He is Cranford Elks 26 30 president of Meeker Sharkey Moffatt in - Musketeers Modern Barbers trips open Candy Canes- . Toll Engel Plumbing 25 31 "Cranfordi ~ ' Lucky Strikes YOU! Veteran's Barber Shop 24 32 Union County 4-H youths Bollarlnas Global Carpctcleaners21 35 Cameos V.F.W, ' 21 35- participate In several Wohdor Women Swjin Cleaners 21 35 camping trips throughout LlttleRascals ill Pin Heads the year, from fall, winter "Victors and througrrthe-summerr" Frye classic Hot Stuff . Any young ..person Team 9 High gameat cjrookslde -was 11" WESTFIELD AVE.. CLARK, N.J. 574-3O3O Tassel Moc, Odd Balls bowled by Ann Droiewski, 192. She interested in camping, or bowled two other games of 177 and having the desire to serve leather sole 175 for a 544 series. Jean Buydos as a 4-H camp counselor Savings" Garwood bowled .18(1 and 1(1, ending with a clearance ROLEX and heel series of 495. Carole Polaskl bowled. at Summer camp, 'must sale •Carole Rlley's 202, 189, 521 led all 177 and JoAnn Bycklcwlci, 175. join the 4-H Camp itf»« bowlers In last woek's pin action of . w L 20-50% the Garwood Women's Bowling- Sparc Bears • 20 13 Counselor Leadership Foxy Ladles 19 14 ON A Leaoue as Wostwood Lounge won Club. The club meets off five points from Dlttrlck's Fine Sophlstl Cats 18 15 Spirits. Great Apes' 18 15 twice a month, under the a.. League leading Garwood Lanes Alloy Gators . 16 17 leadership of Al Forsythe. „-. - - select No. 1 won five points from Garwood Hot Dogs 16 17 Call the 4-H office, 233- Lanes No. 2. Shelf & Bar downed Dandy Lions 14 19 ' group FUEL SAVER THERMOSTAT Verlottl Construction for five points Twinkling Teddies U • 22 9366. while Boynton-AAulford Associates of was taking flvo points from kllmek Roofing. St. Michael TV RACE leotards Other high scores were posted by High gamos 1n the St. Michael The • -Jersey Shore Now Only the following: Eleanor Schlolchor, bowling league were posted bv 178., 176, 495; Lois Gloss, 177, Mario Rhena Jean Andreolo, 184; Nancy Marathon, covering a mon-sat Hartung, 174; Millie Wrhel, 14V, 162, Delia Fera, 1B'4,; Joan Karl, 167; standard 26 miles, .385 -47B;Mar0' Bcnkovlch, 169; Marge Pat Kornor, 161, Chris Droycr,, 164, 10-5 Bonney, 166; Lydla Carralat, 154; high series, Pat Kornor, 471, Joan yards, is. the subject of a Sandy BIe11eik1. 153; Mary Ann' Karl, 459; Chris Ki-oycr, 474. special TV documentary Dill, 153, Edith Guerrlero, 151; W L «& Marue Hand, 150. by New Jersey Public Rolling Thunder 32 16 $69w W L . Zodiac ' 29 19 . Garwood Lanes No. Y 57 34 Television for broadcast Knit Wits 27. 21 A Rolex tells more than the Boynton Mulford 52 39 T.G.I.F. 26 22 Monday, Dec. 22, at 8 p.m. Dlttrlck's Fine Spirits 49 .42 Plus installation Tho Winner 25 23 . It will be presented as part Garwood Lanes No. 2 4s 43 fact that you can afford the •75 Ups & Downs . 24 24 of NJPTV's weekly series, Wostwood Lounge 46 45 . Good Time GIVIs 23 25 Verlottl Construction 43 48 finest. It says that you're a connoisseur of perfec- tloly Rollers 21 2/ "That's It In Sprots," Shelf«, Bar " .37 '54 Morhlng Glories 16Vj 31 Vi hosted by Dick Landis. tion. That you appreciate the artistry of a hand-made Kllmok Roofing 32 59. Brooklyn Bedtulos 16Vj Frye's new handsewn line is built with 31V] BUYENG mechanism more than a year in the making. And the "GIVE ONE FOR A GIFT" Doo I tugel the same ingredients that made Frye DUE TO POPUUR DEMAND creative engineering of the watch with the exclusive boots what they are today, classic styling kill gne |wl | oyster case, making it water impregnable to depths-, Turn On The Savings When You SALE EXTENDED ts% m of 1 65 and more feet. You'll find the Rolex watch to and quality materials - wish a "gloriously memorable Christmas to that GOLD&SILVER special man or woman here. Which-says special Turn On The Furnace! FRYE SHOES ARE PERFECT STOCKING STUFFERS. A things about us, tool ^ GIFT OF QUALITY AND, GOOD TASTE THAT WILL RE- > SAVE UP 10 23°o ON HEATING COSTS MIND HIM OF YOU WITH EVERY STEP HE TAKES COINS & JEWELRY • SASV TO CUAN » AUTOMATICALLY ADJUSTS HEAT we HONOR OPEHATES WITH FINGEHTIH EASE IIMIIID lIMr Whenever possible we will pay MASTEH CHARGE MAINTENANCE FREE FROM OANKAMERICARD ELIMINATES PEELING, CHIPPING. CIIACK-| additional, over gold & silver HANDI-CHARGE \_ ' ING IILISTEIIINd IIHHICES PMNTINO vaiue, based on antiquity » INSTALL IT YOURSELF OR WE'LL DO IT AMERICAN EXPRKS SYSTEM - INSULATES. CARTE BLANCHE Mil SITUS 'K .*;,-.".".r•."••.•• SAVES UP to su% OF WASTED and stability. . • • ROLEX [ tVlUlttl ' zizziL.-'j:':::. RIEI «. EircTmcuv t •••-'••• SEE OUK COMPCETt IINE ivj / . THERMO WINDOWS INSIAUED Martin Jewelers- -.!Lj-*-r • THERMO DOORS I OAV IN* 1*1 NO LOWER PRICE AMYWHIRE11I H^WC.NC *.«*NCIO serving you with REEL-STRONG FUEL CO. Call Now integrity for "DEPENDAIUE, FRIENDIY StKVICE SINCE 634-3900 toiler more than . . •urnar S«rvlc. W»l«r H«kl«r< roberf Hckllng In.r.ll.llo/.. 35 yrs.'" 'V/UU HUmldlfl«r». QUIMBY at CENTRAL, WESTFIELD • 233 5678 Siding & Home Improvement IMMEDIATE CASH Air Conditioning D«y

•"••./.. •..*•

\ . J.,- Thursday, December 11, 1980,CRANFORD (N.JU CHRONICLE Page 17 Page 16 CRANPORO ;€HRONTCLE,Thursday, Dfmnberll.1980 'Site-Glogy' employed in Quilting is topic at seniors' lecture The history and art of quilting will be quiltftr and owner cf her own stop in described ,'to senior citizens at next • Warren Township. Mrs. Petrik will marketing building hdre Thursday's "Sandwich and" luncheon conduct a course in quilting for senior lecture at rioon at the Community citizens- beginning in January. A real estattt e brokebk r has employed ' relates leasing and market research. Today's topic is legal assistance for what he calls a new concept called "Site- Center. The large building, just below the The speaker will be Theresa Petrik, the elderly. • Ology, in the niarketing of leased space Supermarkets General'office, was once at the large office building at 1 occupied by Para Manufacturing Co,, a uvwvfl>wvwwwj%*rwwwvv\ Baltimore Ave. L-.-divisionaLDeteCtdiii LDt o ScalSle ' —•• Sheldon Gro~ss7heFd of the reality firm Now it includes a variety of clients RENT A^ NEW CHEVY OR OTHER in West Orange bearing His name, says One of them, Metropolitan Microforms that most of (hg, 168,000 square foot Inc ; which sells and distributes structure-nrthe industrial-office park microfiche equipment "and supplies has FINE CAR FROM •0.1 . has been leased under this technique, expanded its fapilities in the building All cars fully equipped Hefsays the concept involves intensive Other new firms include Eastern Rent it here .... research, careful analysis and the Typographers and Northeastern leave it there. compilation of facts required to match Graphics, which compose type and art GRECO' the advantages.of a building to the needs Free world wide for large national magazines, and Norco r reservation service of a prospect. Essentially, the approach Awards Inc., trophy manufacturers.' Low rates by day, week GARAGE Suburban Cablevision has "a~Bhit there. or-month FDU CONCERT Ghqmpion-AcademyTof-GymnastTcs is on AVIS The Fairleigh Dickinson University the second Hoot next To ''Photo Symphonic Band will perform ^unday at Dynamics, the local commercial arid, 3 p.m. in Lenfell Hall, The Mansion, industrial photo firm. GBL PROJECT — Fred Spottsfflahd Ed Force of Cranford Baseball . 272-6090 Florham-Madison Campus. The concert Gross reports that all but 15,000 League with one of/hundreds of Polnsettia plants delivered fn recent is free and the public is" invited to attend. square feet is leased.. days In sale benefiting the leagud. . AVK features GM cars and trucks. LEGALS VW& try harder. 301 South Ave LEGAL NOTICE . payrnonta on capital Improvements *""""• \ .- C ran ford TOWNSHIP OP CRANFORD or (or the capital ImproJemont fund .amended to conform with the provi- anticipation notes have been Issued, WVrV CRANFORD, NEW JERSEY -—In budgets herotolortradopled lor sion's of this ordinance to I he exlent' to the payment of the bond anticipa- of arty Inconsistencies therewith. ORDINANCE NP. 60:M "said .Borough are now available-to tion notes, and the amount of bonds NOTICE OF ORDINANCE tln'ance said purpose. The sum of Soctlon 11. Any funds received authorized tor such purpose shall be "AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND W.5,000 Is hereby appropriated Irom from the County of Union, the State reduced accordingly. , HOLIDAY ORDINANCE NO.' 79 33 of New.Jersey or any of their agen- such moneys to the naymont of tho Section-12. This'ordinance shall E' N T I T L E 6 L.-A N D cies or any funds received from the coat of said pu/poae, '• take elfocliw'only days after the first DEVELOPMENT ORDINANCE Unllod States of American or. any of . Soctlon 5. To (Inanco'Sald pur- publlcatlon.thereof after final OF THE TOWNSHIP OF Its agencies In aid of such purpose, passage. ... - CRANFORD AND pRDINANCE poso, bonds ol said Borough of an shall bo applied to the payment of Dated: December 11, 1980 ' SHOPPER'S GUIDE! NO. 79 38 WHICH AMENDED .aggregate principal amount not ox- tho cost of suc.h purpose, or, If bond. ORDINANCE NO.- 79 33 TO coodlng $285,000 are hereby, Fee: $ n .53 " .. REFLECT CERTAIN CHANGES authorized to be Issued pursuant to REQUIRED • - BY STATE tho Local Bond Law Said bonds • :, BOROUGH OF KENILWQRTH STATUTE, TO CORRECT shall boar Interest at a rate per an- KENILWOHTH, NEW JERSEY GENERAL ELECTRIC CERTAIN TYPOGRAPHICAL num as may bo heroafter determined PUBLIC NOTICE '-— .- dlhanco, tho. aggrogato amount of ODE 5300V • " Township Clork oMhoPoHco Deportment oUfce Borough or KonllwoHh shall be os follows: VNHS, receives a gold pt|T in recognition Of nolo'a horoby authorized to -be Dotod: Ddcemb«M1', 1080 • • . ulutarVvtf••'••• •'.-•••• " • jl^. JlmaM f've Vears of service with the agency. Making Issuod shall be roduced by an 11 Bmounr"Tfcfu«l ^to tho principal Sergean t " ' 20,476.00 "the presentation is Mary Lou Delano, Cran- amount 6T t^e |t>on . There s a low tar cigarette that's the 95% of smokers stating a preference, BE IT ORDAINED by tho Mayor .and Council ol tho Borough ol Gar- wood, In the County of Union, Now Jersey, as follows: -> challenging high tar smoking —and the MERIT 100's low tar/good taste Soctlon 1. Tho .Borough of Gar- When you join out new wood, In tho County ofUnlon, ahall reconstruct, renovate and refurbish winning. - ^' combination was favored 3 to t over - theoxlatlng Borough Hall, located at CO RUM Full-Interest Paying South Avonuo and Cantor Stroot In the Borough, Including but not The cigarette"MERIT 100s. limited lo the construction and In- Christmas Club! high tar leaders when tar levels were . stallation of now walla, partitions, MERIT flooring, electrical syatoms, houllng, ventilating units/Internal and uKtor- More MERIT Proof . Filter' revealed! - nal structural works and all olhor Receive this attractive candle featuring work, materials and appurtenances necessary and suitable for tho use colorful winterbirds absolutely free when and purpose thoreof. It Is hereby Latest research provides solid • Long-Term Satisfaction: In the latest determined and stated that Bald you join our new full-interest paying Borough Hall Is a building of Class Christmas Club for $2 weekly or more. 'B' or equivalent constructor; as evidence that MERIT 100 s is a satis- survey of Former high tar smokers who have dellnod In NJ-S., 40A:2-22. Made from unbreakable Crysto-Glass and Socllon 2. The sum ot WOO.000 bo, covered with thousands of tiny glass beads •and Ihe samo horoby lo appropriated fying alternative to high tar smoking. switched to MERIT 100s,"9 out of 10 to Iho payment ot the cost of tho fof added sparkle and glitter, these reconstruction and renovation ol thq Borough Hal) authorized by and beautiful 6" candles are perfect to light up Blind Taste Tests: In tests where reported they continue to enjoy smoking,, described, In Section 1 of this or- Tellingly urbane In ultra ' dinance. Said sum so appropriated the holiday.season, (Offer limited to one shall be mot from tho proceeds of contemporary design. the solo ol the bonds authorlzedand Uniquely dependable In per family while supply lasts. Additional \ brand identity was concealed, a sig- are-glad they switched t and report MERIT the down payment appropriated by^ this ordinance. Said roconstiuotlon engineering. Each candles may-be purchased for only $2.00, and renovation shall be made us a Corum watch Is com- includingtax.) nificant majority of smokers rated the 100 s is the best-tasting low tar they've general Improvement and no part ot the cost thereof shall ba assessed pletely handcrafted In against property specially benelltud. Save $2, $3, $5, $10or $20 weekly to suit - taste of low tar MERIT 100 s equal •ever tried. Section 3. II Is hereby determined Switzerland. For extra and stated that (1) the making ol dividends In style, excite- your holiday spending needs and get this auch Improvement (herolhalter reltir- rod lo as "purpose") Isnot a'current ment and performance. handsome free gift now, plus full 5.50% per Both sides of Candle shown for to—or better than—leading high MERIT 100s is the proven alternative expanse ol said Borough and (2) It Is ' Investigate Corum at necessary to finance said purpose annum interest on.your completed Club • illustrative purposes only by the Issuance ol obligations of Martin Jewelers. tar brands. Even cigarettes having to high tar smoking. And you can aal.d Borough pursuant to the Local account next year! Bond Law ol New jersey, and (3) lh« Where we're bullish on personalized service! estimated cost ol said purpose Is Swiss Ingot watch: Each Individually numbered & twice the tar! taste it. ' .. . ' • 1300,000, and (4) J 15.000 ol sald*sum accompanied by a certificate of authenticity. * Is to be provided by the down pay- .Gold Coin watch: An authentic American gold- ment hereinafter appropriated to piece ($i>0...$10...or $5) halved to house finance Bald purpose, arid (S) the Smoker Preference: Among estimated maximum amount ot vlectronlc auartt movement. bonds ot notes necessary to be Issued tor said purpose Is *2BS,000, (i-) I'liilip Morris IIK. I'isii and (fl) the cost of such purpose^as Kinys: fl my "i;ir!'O.G mi|-ni(:uiniL'-KIO's liiM]: l[)iiiy'''iiii,"() /niy.iiicuiinii hereinbefore alatod, Includes the ag- gregate amount of 134,000 which Is ion's Mori: 11 my"tar','"(I B my incoRiuhiv.iipr ciyiiiuiii'.NU \\v.\t\n\ Dec.'70 estimated to bi^nocoaonry to licence tho coat of such purpose, In- cluding architect's lees, accounting, engineering and Inspection costs, CAPITAL SWINGS . Isgal expenses and other expensea. Warning: The Siiryeon General Has IJelermined. Including Interest on such obliga- Major CRANFORD FANW00D LINDEN ROSEILE ORANGE WESTFIELO— tions to the extent permitted by Sec. Charge Plans -•276-5550 322 4500 276 5550- 677 0600 233 7070 WHERE YOUR CAPITAL SCORES MORE That-Cigaratto.Sinpkin(j Is Dangerous to'Yoiif'Health... lion 40A:2-2O ol the Local Bond Law. — Section 4. It Is hereby determined Personal Charge and staled thai moneys excvcdlng Lay-A-Way • MliinburFSLIC •-.' Smmius Nowlnsurudto JIUO,U(JU Kings & 118,000, appropriated for ' down- »•' J

• - i. ' • } ••'••jr /•». I

ordinance will be within all- debt . Law: . COO6 £>? THE BOROUGH Oc BOROUGH :6f K CNILWDHTH HmllartortS prescribed' by «ald-L**vy Section, ia) Yh*' improwrnvnt" (d). An aggregate amount not GARWOOD; COUNTY OF UNION KEN1LW0RTH, NEW JERSEY hti-Veby1 authorised ^d purpose iof LEGALS AND STATE^OF NEW JERSEY" • NOTICE exceeding $12/000 for' Interest on the financing of which said said obligations, costs of Issuing Undercount confirmed Jaycees to provide scholarships AS AMENOED 'AND MAYOR MANCINO HAS MADE obllgaJlons are to be issued Is the CRANFORD (N.J.) CHRONICLE registered In hit} nBino lo be parked ARRANGEMENTS'TO HAVE ID said obligations, engineering costs TOWNSHIP OF CRANFORD SUPPLEMENTED, TO PROVIDE acquisition of new find additional financial' Guidance Office. The CRANFOBD, NEW JERSEV In said lol except In Ihe manner pro- FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF CARDS MADE FOR ALL SENIOR and other Items of expense .listed In r The Cranford Jaycees leadership and vided In Ihls ordinance. 1 CITIZENS THAT HAVE NOT fire lighting equipment for the PROPOSED ORDINANCE ENFORCEMENT OFFICIALS and perm I Mod under section 4OA:2 • Jaycees club is a member I) Any person violating any ol the ALREADY RECEIVED THEM: Township consisting of one (I) new 20 of said Law may be Included as will provide a scholarship need, NO. 60 48 • THEREFOR, AND TO PROVIDE serial equipped fire engine of the "' Cranford provisions ol this ordinance shall FOR - PENALTIES FOR THE APPLICATIONS A RE p^rt of the coSt of said Census count revisecLupward AN ORDINANCE REPEALING OR- 1 together with all original and " TO a graduating senior who - . _ upon conviction thoreof be punish- VIOLATION THEREOF." AVAILABLE AT, THE,,SEN!OR Improvement and Is Included In the „ Scholarship Clearing -.. -xC .. „ —rtf-ui tj Dl N G , appurtenant equipment, all as DINANCE NO 80-34 A,ND AMEND- ed by a flno not o*cj9odlng Fifty foregoing estimate thereof. is a resident of Cranford v . JOHN J. MCCARTHY- C-l Tlvi'E N S shown on and In accbrdance with y . The borough's .21.3 percent drop. c . The educational award House. ING SECTION 23-61 OV CHAPTER „__ _ . - OR THE Sections. The full faith and credit and Will continue *&fieir Dollars ($50) or by Imprisonment tor " ' Mnyor, BOULEVAKD" the spcclfl cat ions therefor on f Me In 23 OF THE ' "REVISED ' OR- BOROUGH CLERK'S OFFICE IN of the Tov/nxhlp are hereby pledged intensive campaign to convince federal Livio Mancino, mayor, noting that the is provided through the a porlod not oxcuodlnn, Nlleen|15) ATTEST: the office of the Township Clerk and Thursday,-December 11, 1980 education at an accredited, DINANCES OF THE TOWNSHIP OF THE MUNICIPAL BUILDING to the punctual payment of the days, or by both, In Ihe discretion oi Doris Polldore hervbv jmnr^vpd • • Census officials; that the original first figure was the highest percentage dJ NEW JERSEY _|19B0) PHOTOS WILL BETAKEN AND principal of and Interest on the said Tnstltution~of "advanced WATERLOO (b). Tho estimated maximum tabulation of citizens here was too low drop in the county and comparable to BY WAKING PARKING COT NC)"? thoJudcJB ollh# Municipal Courts Bbrouah-Clerk CAR OS—GI V E N—QU J^__01J. obligations authorized by this bond Scholarship Eoundation . 5TATEMENT ~'amounf-of-bondt-or— noter_tQ_bfl_ learning: secretarial CHRISTMAS SECTION 2 Exempted 'rorfromn this 5TA WEDNESDAY DECEMBER tfth orcJIHance; Said oDItgations shoH be has succeeded in a, formal revision. declines in the largest cities enlisted (MILN STREET) A PARK AND SHOP The foregoing ordinance 'was .issued for said purpose'is JIB0.9OO, . ordinance' are all motor vehicles AT THE RECREATION CENTER direct, unjlmlted obligations of tho trade, nursing school , which is supported by fund ,^n LOT AND REGULATING THE PARK- adopted prt.final .reading after (c). The fstimated'eost of- said The^relijninary population count has Boy Scouts in a door-to-door drive to test -*>- old-fashioned ate which are ?4th STREET AND BOULEVARD Township, and the Township shall ING OF VEHICLES THEREIN. purpose if J190,000, the excess technical school, two- raising projects sponsored Christmas is being i FROM 2 4 P.M\ AND AB P.M. be obligated to levy a&-valorem been cwipleted' showing the borough what he figured was an inaccurate first BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWN- thereof over the ' said estimated Boro to spot check for the public parking lot. Also exemp- Dated: December 11, 19B0 taxes upon all the taxable property •• year college, and four- bythe service club, recreated at Waterloo SHIP COMMITTEE OF THE TOWN- maximum amount of bonds or, with 8,184 citizens and 2,764 households. tally. ted are BII trucks and vehicles mak- Feo:J 5 Bfl ' "' within the TownjWp for" the CO'UNTY'OF Borough Clerk notes to bo Issued therefor being the " year college. The one year Students interested . in Village, Stanhope^ through SH,P o^ cRANFoha ing deliveries to tho retail payment of salcL obligations "and That represents 971 more people than The sample attained in the survey was UNION AND STATE OF' NEW Dated: December II, I960 ' 1 amount of1 the said 19,100 down -applying for the award the end'of December. The establishments whoso property ad- NOTICE OF MEETING OF Interest thereon without limitation educational " award is JERSEY, AS FOLLO.WS: Foe: I 9.53 ... : payment for said purpose. ^ • • were reported in the first round. presented to Census of trials and joins tho public lot. ' .' THE BOARD OF of rate or amount,« ;_ given on the basis of may obtain applications at village is open" from 10 SECTION 1 The'municipal park- . ASSESSMENTS - Section 4. The following SECTION 3. Ordinance No/80-34 BOROUGH OF GARWOOD "Section 6. The'cspltal budget of If the preliminary count is confirmed resulted in the addition of the~ 971 OF ••'.'• additional mailers aro hereby illegal 2riamily houses acceptable acadmic the Cranford Public a in. to 5 p.m. Tuesday ing lot known ag "Municipal Parking ,GARW00D, NEW JERSEY the TownshlpTs heTeby amended to through Census Bureau computer citizens. - Lot no.7," located on tho^Southorly and all ordinances .or "portions <;~THE BOROUGH OF GARWOOD determined, declared, recited and Library or from'the CHS through Sunday. theroof Inconsistent horewltb are PUBLIC NOTICE-^ conform with the provisions of this achievements, character, 3ldo of Mlln Slroot. bo and tho'samcf Public Notice Is hereby, .given NOTICE;' Is hereby given that we, stated; By ROSALIE GROSS budget. . ' " ., processing, the borough will have By the preliminary results, the hereby ropealed. (a). Tho said purpose described bond ordinance to tti« extent of any Is horoby .do^lgnalod aa an atten- that the Tax Bookvol the Board of trfe ntofyVbvrs of the Board of Inconsistencies herewith. , KENILWORTH^--'Homeowners who dropped in population 10.7 percent since SECTION 4. This ordinance shall in Section 3 of this bond ordinance average household in the borough has dant parking lot to bo known as a' Assessors of the Borough of Assessments of the Borough of Soctlon 1. This bond ordinance JThe recent fatal fires nationally "Park and ShopJ.ot." bocomo effective upon publication Garwood, New Jersey, will be open Garwood, County of UnLon, New Is not a current expense and is a' illegally converted one-family homes ' prompted Mancino to order a rcicheck of 1970. The earlier report represented a three persons. ' Jersey, will meet In the Council property or Improvcrne'n't-which The a)' Said parking lot shall be after final passage as provided by for publk.lnspectlon In the Borough after the first publication (hereof into two-families or two-family: houses Halt, South Avenue and Center Chambers at the Municipal T*bwnshlp may lawfully acquire or all .^commercial and . industrial operated with an atlondont belwoon low. ' . after "nal adoption, as provided by into three-family buildings may find the * HENRY DREYER. JR. Street, Garwood, New-Jefsey, on Building, Cenfer Street and South make as a Oenqral Improvement, properties in the borough to make Iho hours ol 8:30 am! and 6:00 p.m. Avenue, Garwood^ New • Jersey. said 1 ocal Bond I aw.. Mayor, Townshlo of Cranford Monday, December 71. 1980 from and no part.of the cost thereof has extra rent money going to pay a stiff prevailing tlmo on Mondays throUQh 8:00p P.M., Monday, December''?, been or shall be specially assessed NOTICEOF PENDING . certain all adhere to the localjire code. Luxury office building eyed 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m Now's a smart time Saturdays, ovxopt tho tot shall not WESLEY N. PHILO _ assessment for • . , ORDINANCE . municipal fine. on property . specially benefited Clork, Township of Cranlord BOARD OF ASSESSORS 1980 to make an Walter Stollen, local businessman, sug- bo oporatod aftor 5:00 p.m. on Satur- . JOHN ACCARDI' benefits on any lands or real estate thereby. - —' fThV. ;. .ordinance' published . LivioMancino, mayor, issued a "stern days. Jt\o lot shall not bo oponod on GEORGE CASABONA that may lwv«-boon •benefited or (b). Tho period of usefulness of KcrewTlh' was Introduced and gested fire alarms be placed in borough '"""""' T NOTICE passed upon first reading at a and final warning"'to anyone violating to get one of the Now Yonr'3 Day, Momorlal Day, tho Dl STEPANTEPNO Increased In value by the said purpose within the limitations hall, the library and public works Fourth ol. c^uly, Lubor Day, Tho foregoing ordinance was- In-*-- Dated: December It, 1980 construction' and.. Installation .of of said Local Bond Law, according meeting.t of the Township local zoning laws, at the Borough Council department. Mancino agreed, stating BAND AWARD went to Dana Beffert, Brearldy Band pom pop mar- at Galloping Hill and Parkway Thanksnlvlnn Day and Cbtlslmas troducod and passed on first roadlng Fee: S 5.04 .-. . curbing on fourth Avenue, from to , the reasonable life . thereof Committee of* tho Township of Day In addition, Iho'Chlo! ol Polico al'a mooting ollho Township Com- Oak, West to the Cranford town lino computed from the date of the said Cranford, In the county of Union, meeting Tuesday. He said there,is "prer "we should set the example" and cher, from Walter Boright Jr., freeholder and former councilman. AH world's smartest may closo Iho.operation of tho lot,a! mlttoo of tho Township o'f Cronford, TOWNSHIP OF CRANFORD • and Wost. Street from Beech bonds authorized by this bond New Jersey, held on November 25,^ valence, today" of illegal conversions in prptnised action in 30 days. , band members were honored A\ Legion Hall Sunday, Juvenile Court KENILWORTH--t Plans for. a $2.2 mum. ...".• • _. • hlg doscrotlon lor good and sulfl- N.J. on Tuosday, Decomber 0/1980 CRANFORD, NEW JERSEY Avenue, southoriy to the Westdeld ordinance. Is ten (10) years, 1980. It will be further considered .PUBLLCNQTICE Is hereby given town line, pursuant to "Ordinance, (c). Trvc' supplemental debt for final passage after • public' violation of one-family and two-family Judge Steven Bercik, one of speakers, is'at rear. Photo by Theo million luxury office building were The plan's will be reviewed at the clonl ronson. and will bo consldorod for final,.. The council will seek final public Jtiat_fho following resolution was No. "79-14, Borough of Garwood, statement required by said law Has -hearing thereon, a^t a meeting of zones. "They think it's unknown to the Hrklno~foos"icrbothaj'ODd—passage—alt hllr hnnrlpn fij-_ 7 Robinson. . *• presented to the Planning Board last board's January meeting and li decision adopted bTthoTownshlp^Commlt . . -been- duly— made—And—fllod-ln—tho- salrt Township Cbmmltteft_to_be__ comment Pec. 23 ort the proposed sub- and colloctocF tor Iho parking of anothor meeting ot aald township JW o tee dt the Township of Cranford at a office of the Township Clerk and a, hold In the Municipal Building In -borough;" said-Mancino7~ mission for t^authar^zlng WESLEY N. PHILO •-. rospqctlvo poraonG whoso namos aro aot oppoaltd'oloch roopoctlvo parcel Kenilworth and John McCarthy of Gar- 1 begin in March. In the-meantime, he enthusiasm, friendliness and•' unity of _NP.* [)orgbn fthnll rumovo any_vohl• "Docombor, 1980,- al_ B;00 p.rn l Township Clork as Iho ownor Ihoroof for the total amount of municipal lions chargoablo local assistance board. She served two —1-^- ,.—tl~. L_awa«cd^Qf-CQntr.flcts JQr__^pxote.5__^ 1 wood spoke, as did Judge Stevon Beroik. clo from 3ajd parking lot to which Co nil worth* Sl ^S T ATETOHNT "!IQarrtSt "^lrJ^anOH~TUBpoctivolyT7Tnj^-pomputt^-up-*o-(he-TJ6lh-day-ol— said, JocaJI and^.county—traffic^ years^^ yjJWb§c^^ charged with intent mmummmm Borough Hall. Konllworth. Now slono| serv|Ce5" without competl - POLAROID'S such a notlco haa boon Jorsoy, ol .which tlmo and placo^ny five -bids must be—.publfcly The Joregolng ordinance was Docnmbor, 10B0, as roqulrod undor tho provlBlons.ot Artlclo 4, Chapter 5, Tl- . departments" are surveying 7 the: 'wTHiouTlTruYTl^o^iinnrirrtrTocDp^—pornon^^who^may—b"o~intorontod—advertised: :—. "7~^ -tlo-6^r^'-tl>0;Rovlsod^taturo8-of-No'w-Jor^oy^1fl37^qntlllodJ:SalQ:o.LHo_al. HBoulevard'for the-best-locations-for-bus- SX-7Q taclo, ptacod on Abo parking lot lor therein will bo Qlvon an opportunity NOW, THE.REf f ORE, BE IT Township . Committee of the' Propotly,-tQ_£fttQrco Liono," ^octlon 54:5-19, lo 54:5-111, and amondmonta.- such purpoao, Ino nald notlco and lo bo hoard concornlng aald Qr- .• RESOLVERESOLVEDD tftfyy the'Tothe'Townshlv p Com Township"^)* Cranford, N.J. .on (horoon sto'ps and "no parking" areas. paymont of Iho arrTSunt duo. dlnanco. *"rnltteeo mittee off ththee Townshipp of Cranford Tuesday, December 9, 19B0 ' ; *'* ' TAKE FURTHER NOTICE that aald lands will bo sold at 18% Interest or Final funding for the $700,000 project to sell '-dbrugs~Sdliriiis van SONAR •doe* horoby engage the firm of M. • WESLEY N, PhflLO pygT oach MARGAHET ADLER loss to mako tho aroo.yrjiQj.fnunl.clpal lions chargoablo agalnat redemption Dlskp Assbclatos, Environmental . • - Township CUrrk ^recently r_.was_ii_a,pnJroved ,-iyy... the 3hti|l aurrondor, tho onlry _Bprbugh Clork at tho lowoat ratp.,9.f,[njoi;oflt plus cost 01 aa^e-.Tha- paymont for tho aalo • "freeholders. Seventy-five percent.. is KENILWOJRTH^ A 46-year-old last Thursday for; allegedly attempting Highway 22, P.O. Boy. 1427, "Union, "Foe; X"?,oo. > tho ontry tlckot iy not ourrondorod, CHECK, OR MONEY ORDER, or tho pioporty ahall bo resold. Propbrtles lor egidAiitas^aTrcesjcdjn his sppci;tlly_ tn nh(ain rini^s ;it Rnrn instant camera Now Jersey 07083 to perform'thp •loeiog paicTby the.state. . " ""' . •• g thori tho maximum daily rato o(.Jt330 AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND nocossary Engineering Field .-' TOWNSHIPOF CRANFORD \\hlch thofa aro not othor purchasers, shall bfif'struck off ond sold to tho Mancino announced mo.=»- of the designed van oiTNoT^tn Street Dec. l forgsd-ahd stolen prescription. • '.Automatic focusing 3hall bo paid, by oporalor or owner, BOROUGH ORDINANCE NO. Services required In the mattors to CRAWFORD, NEW JERSEY 6orough of Garwood In accordonco wllh 3ald act of tho lonlslaturo. Internal and charged with possession of drugs hy.fiound wavos. d) Tho Chlof of ppllco may 08-18 which'ro/eronce i» made In tho PROPOSEDORDINANCE • ' on subsequent llono shall bo allowod as provldo'd by law. borough's leaves have been picked up. Police were aware that forged NO.00« with intent to distribute. • Nuvor noods. doslgn.ilo corltiln parking apacoti for BE IT ORDAINED by tho Govern- preamble of this Resolution at a fee Tho land and premises to bo sold aro doscrlbod as follows: t. Any areas which still need attention, he prescriptions were circulating in the- handicappoo pornonu. Such.gpaqoa ing Body of tho Borough of Konll- ORDINANCE -RENAMING' DATED: Novombori 4, 1000 EILEEN D. MAST-ERSON buttorios; folds flut not to exceed 3.5 percent of the The suspect, Matthew T. Clark of ahall bo proporlypoulod and ahall bo worth:- ' - pro|ect prlco to be paid for out of CERTAIN PORTIONS OF MOEN •'" • Collector of TOXOB said, should be pointed out to Frank area and alerted local pharmacies. The "AVENUE 'IN HONOR OF ROD Pa rii'n, ~ allegedly had a quantity of ' for onsy carrying. available- only.to vohlclos with pro- SECTION 1 That Suction'6 of Bond Ordinance No^.BO-4; and BE pharmacist recognized the alleged SMITH AND THE COLANERI Rica at the borough garage. • Uses now por apodal Identification as bolong- Borough Ordinance 60-18 bo amend- IT FURTHER,RESOLVED THAT; controlled dangerous substance (drugs) FAMILY. BLOCK LOT OWNER TOTA1TAMOUNT forgery and notified- police. Arresting Ing to handicapped portions. Such 1. Tho Mayor Is hereby The council granted full patrolman Timo-Zoro Suporcolor od.so.as to provldo that no motor BE IT ORDAINED BY THE 1 15A Lanco Homos Inq. ' S440.87 in the van. According to police, this ' SX 70 film. designations of handicapped poraon vohiclo or any othor vohiclo ahall bo authorized to sign and the Clerk to Bowlby. Konnolh & Wlfo 557.89 . status, to Henry J. Moll following officers were Lt. Brent David and Ptl. attest and affix the seal of the TOWNSHIP COMMITTEE. OF 1.1 0 included suspected marijuana and a spaens' ahall conlorm In all ways parkod for any llmo whataoovor orr 23 . Tho Logan Co. Inc. 3204 10 Lawrence Stickle-. • Vorsntile (oxtrorno), Township of Cranford to an Aoroe THE-TOWNSHIP0F CRANFORD, 33 completion of a year's probationary with tho appropriato ututo uututo tho oa3t sldo of North 14th Stroot 2012.B8 "large quantity of capsules." closo ups: uxtondod mont ' between the Towrlshlp of NEW JERSEYr 75 10 Papundron, Josqph ,apd rooulutionu. botwoon Monrou Avonuo and North period. flush rjyyjol! -,. , ,,-.-- - , , • - Cranford, New Jersey, and the said SECTION l. That a portion ot DATED" Novombor 20, 26, Docombor 4, 11, 1080 Police charged Clark was distributing LAND FOR SALE n)"Tho Town:Ui4i_GaramlttoG ahull • Moon Avenue, being 225 feet, more Foo: J 39.20 An ordinance setting police salaries 15th Strootothorwiao known auSpr- ,f|rm..of M- Dlsko • Associates, the drugs from his van, which is KENILWORTH- A 25 by.100"foot lot at .LOW DISCOUNT PRICES o:ttabllu,h a token uyatom lor tho pay- Ingflbld Road. ^Environmental EngineerImg Con- . or less, .and being located oft -of for ltJBl was introduced on first reading. TOWNSHIP OF CRANFOHD PLUS $5 REBATE mont ol parkinrj foos. Tho lokons SECTION 2.-Thls-br'd|nanco shall sultants for the professional Lincoln Avenue between Meeker This is the second year of a b^vo-year specially designed for the handicapped. 115 N. 20th St. will be placed up for sale ahall bo uniform und oach tokon tako offoct upqn final pansarjo abd Engineering Flold Services to be Avenue and Woodsldo Avenue, CRANFORD, NEW JERSEY Investigating officers were Det. by the Borough Council at a-special tiha0 roproao,nt ono hour ol pyrklnrj.. publication in tho mannor providod renderod by If to the Township of shall be known as COLANERI PROPOSED ORDINANCE NO. 80-47 contract ratified last March which had Tho tokon proQram and procoduros by law. Cranford. PLACE. AN ORDINANCE TO ESTABLISH A SALARY POLICY, AND TO FIX THE. William Dowd and patrolmen Victor meeting Tuesday. Under terms of the Ask about Bergen Cameras's SECTION II.'That a portion of granted a 6.5 percent raise for 1980 and a shnll bo undor Iho day to day super- - •. APPROVED: 2. This contract is awarded BASE WAGE OF CERTAIN OFFICIALS AND EMPLOYEES OF THE TOWN- OPEN 9-9 Moen Avenue, being 116 feet, more Smith and Scott Phillips. sale, only the three-landowners whose vision of tho Chlof of Polico or hla LtVIO MANCINQ, Mayor without competitive bidding "as. SHIP OF CRANFORD IN THE COUNTY* 6F UNION FOR THE YEAR 1081 6.75 percent hike for. 1981. Next year's MON-FRI UNBELIEVABLE GUARANTEE PROGRAM "professional services" under tho or less and being located off of BE IT ORDAINED BY THE TOWNSHIP COMMITTEE1 OF THE TOWNSHIP In another drug-related arrest, Steven property is adjacent to the parcel may doalgnoo. Approprlalo rulon und ATTEST: •• , Myrtle Street between Meeker police salaries will range from $14,542 SAT TIL 9 provisions of tho. . Local Public OF CRANFORD, NEW JERSEY: • - bid. The minimum price is $15,000. • rogulatlona for tho oporutiorvol tho MARGARET ADLER, Avenue and Park Street, shall bo for^a first year patrolman to $22,769 for M.Zwiilman, 26, Roselle, was arrested for the above polaroid cameras. lot, may b OF UNION, NEW JERSEY, baeo wago tor hourly mted Employees sot forth In Soctlon 1. horolnabovo, a kenilworth Rotarian,- stands by. The club will hold its monthly birthday Home .Improvement Quality-Used Cars— r-S i n ce" 19 ?0 -A P P- 0.0 P-RI AT IN G 11-90.000 iQnoovlly.lncromonLfjhalLbQ.palclaaJiQrfllnaftor-llxed-and dotormlned, such - Building office open. 7-9 p.m. - High School willbe one of three groups to perform at the winter con-. THEREFOR AND AUTHORIZING fence at Little League field which party for members with December Lillian Lasser, Alice Oehler and Jo Products OLDSMOBILE Superb .Service LONG TERM LEASING O longevity Increment to bo consldorod ao additional compensation based Plumbing office open • 7-!> p.m. eert Wednesday at 8 p^m-in the auditorium. The other groups are the Sales Service Rentals' THE ISSUANCE OF $100,900 upon longth of .sorvlco with the Cranford Dopartmont of Public Works ol was erectedH)y funds donated by birthdays on Tuesday.' Gartling worked a-f the Lung Storm Windows A, Doors SALESASERVICE Rod Carpet Lease ALL MAKES •_ BONDS OR NOTES OF THE Recreation Center .open. 8 p.m. - chorale and choir. Pictured here, front row, from left^are Lisa COUNTY Open Eves, til 9 30 uiild Employoos acoordlnrj to the following schedule for Employoos hired Senior citizens are reminded to get Association, Clarke Mrs. Lasser v TOWNSHIP FOR FINANCING on or boforo Docombor 31, 1079: •" Rotary and Monsanto. The fenqe SUCH APPROPRIATION. Borough Council workshop. Gallszewski, Fran Salerno, Marjorie Frost, Lisa Brown;-reari Michele Sat. tiU:00 o 232.3700 ^ For tho calendar yoor 1081: ' , free identification cards" Wednesday at also worked 76 hours at Elizabeth BE IT ORDAINED BY THE stands between the sidewalk and Wednesday, Dec. 17 12:15 p.m. - Perelra, Debbie Ortli, Tracy Schrope, Patty Wolf, Diane Todaro, Patty 232-7651 Service - Parts Permanent Additional Compensation per Hour the Recreation Building. General Hospital while Marge 276-3205 339 N. Broad Street 245-6100 TOWNSHIP COMMITTEE OF the ourbing in order to provide Rotary Club Meeting, Villa Baritta. McNamara, Carla Brantley, Carol Miller, Maureen'Dale, Dolores Muia. Elizabeth. NJ 354-3300 654-3222 THE TOWNSHIP OF CRANFORO, . The recent meeting featured speakers Kozmutza worked 60 hours and Irene 107 SOUTH AVENUE 160 NOW TH .U E 158 WESTFIELD AVE. IN THE COUNTY OF UNION, Position 5 Years 10 Years safe passage. 2-4 and 6-8 p.m. Photos for senior Angelo Corbo directs the vocal groups. Admission Is $1. USEDCARS Classification of Sorvlco from the adult school of the Union Bittrolff^lOZ hours at Memorial General. CRANFORD WFS TF IE I'D HOSELLE PARK, N.J. NEW JERSEY (not less than two- ol Sorvlco citizens I:D. cards, Recreation "3S Years This Location" thirds ol all tho members thorool Laborer ' • .12 18 Center! 7:30 p.m. - Library board afllrmatlvely concurring), AS Drlvor • ' .12 1B • Businesses, home , FOLLOWS: Tree Trimmer .14 .20. meeting. . Blue Cross AUTO SERVICE BANKS BUILDERS COLLISION REPAIRS CONTRACTORS DECORATORS Soctlon I). The Improvement Equlpmont Oporator . .14 .20 Historian committees named Thursday, Dec. 18 1-4 p.m. - Welfare described Iti Section 3 ol this bond Mechanic .16 .22 ^ordinance Is hereby authorized as a YOU NEED El "HELP! Working Foreman . . .16 .22 are burglarized KENILWORTH - At the Dec. 1 A 30-minute presentation of color office open.-7-9 p.m. Building office gonoral Improvement to* be made Soctlon 4. Any Interruption ot sorvlco In tho Cranford Department ol open. 7:30 p.m. Recreation I'HIIIr; KB or acquired by The Township ol "' "KfiNILWORTH- Three businesses meeting of the Kenilworth Historical slides was shown and narrated by junior deadline «-- THERE ARE JUST TOO MANY A. BUONTEMPO DAVIS BROS. Public Works duo to a CUUBO boyond tho control ol tho Employee such as 1 kFMIWIIKTII General Builder MILL END STORES, Inc. Cranlord, In tho County ol Union, and a private home were burglarized Society ; Swen Swensen, president, made -member, JohnLoBianco Jr. Pictures of committee meeting, 8 p.m. - Board New Jersey. For tho said Military Sorvlco, ln|ury In the lino, of duty or Illnoss shall bo considered as of Health meeting. C\' I "CAMERAS TO CHOOSE FROM PERFORMANCE since 1950 - Cuitom M«d« Improvement or purpose stated In Borvlco for purpose ol dolormlnlnn tho compensation of sold longevity here recently. the following committee appointments the Kenilworth railroad station, which Alterations Jack Davis M DRAPERIES said Soctlon 3, there Is hereby porlod. Leaves ol Absonco granted at tho request of tho Employoe, Disabili- for 1981: custodial, Robert Woods, was torn down in May 1979, the approaches AUTO CENTER STATE I SLIPCOVERS ty Leaves, Extondod Sick Loaves and periods ot lay-olfs ahall nol bo con- , Air and Electric Tool Service, Additions WE'LL PUT IT BACK appropriated the sum of 1190,000 Springfield railroad station; diesel fl Larg* KaUdlonof said sum being inclusive ol. all sidered In determining length of service tor purpose ofTFbngovlty compen- Michigan Avenue, reported, the theft of , chairman, Harry Douglas and Ray For the parents arid Your Complete FREE Concrete Work . . TOGETHER FOR YOUI Fabrlci by Yard satlon. . . Alterations appropriations heretofore made lu art estimated $15,000 worth of hand and McElrby; membership,- George engines, passenger cars and others Drunk driving arrest their 19:year-old children BERGEN or Boll therolor and Including the sum of KonicaFS-1 Fireplaces BODY A FENDER STRAIGHTENING Soctlon 6. All periods of service In determining compensation lor longevi- Fairchild, chairman, Pat Pironte, and were shown. Automotive Service CHECKING ' . Additions Foam Rubber - S9,100as tho down paymont lor said power tools last weekend. Entry was who have health insurance Commercials, Residential. Haadquartan ty Increment shall bo computed from January 1st of tho year of hlro unless KENILWORTH- A Union resident COMPLETE COLLISION SERVICE Remodeling ' Improvement or purpose required gained by breaking a side window. Isabella Swensen; public relations, The annual Christmas party for coverage from Blue Cross CAMERA American & Foreign • | General Repairs drap«rv hardwar* said day shall bo subsequent to Juno 30th in which case tho calculallon was charged with drunk driving after he TOWING by law and now available thorefor shall bo computed from January 1st ol the'yoar following. Calculators arid a case of whiskey Michael Tortora,.chairman,Woods and members and friends of the society will and Blue Shield of New 19 Years Experience 272-4500 ,| Fully Insured by virtue of provision In a allegedly ran his car through a fence on- WILL: Free Estimates Interior *Deco rat Ing previously adopted budget. or Section 6. An Employee hlrod and/or transferred Into Iho Cranford Depart- were stolen from • Erringtbn Tool Co., Al Kerestes; program, Mary Baker, be Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Jersey, Jan 31, 1981 is an Free Estimates H.F. BENNERJNC ment of Public Works on or aftor January 1, 1080 shall |io InoHglblo for N. Michigan Avenue and almost ended • HELP YOU select tho, 411 BOULEVARD CALL CRANFORD Specialists budgets of the. Township lor down Market Street, last Thursday night. The" chairwomen, Midge Kerestes and Al Kerestes. Eileen Lo Bianco, Midge important date to mark' on 101 South A ve., Cranford payment or (or capital longevity compensation. up in a residential swimming pool. corroct pioco of equip- KENILWORTH 606 SOUTH AVE..E. GRANFORD Improvement purposes. Section 7. This Ordinance shall'bo effective Januury 1, 1081 and-upon thief pried open.the front door. Shirley Edwards; hospitality, Mary Kerestes and Mary. Pironti are in the calendar. '272-5177 '. The man' who was charged, Alex • mqnt lor your noocis 276-1474 Call 688-9416 ••Section 2. For tho financing of publication after flnat pasuuge In thu manner provided by Law Lors Machinery, Colfax Avenue, Pironti, chairwoman, Gertrude Woods charge. Except for subscribers Member F.DIC 276-1111 said improvement or purpose and Shurnski, was arrested at the scene at' & budgot 276-7573 Llconao #02160 !H>2 Stuy vt'Kunt Avenue Union - '• ' Henry A. broyor, Jr. and Anne Scheuererfintergovern- The next regulaV meeting of the in some large groups, it is, to meet the part of said 1190,000 Chairman ol Township Commlttoo reported the theft of two IBM 12:30 a.m.' Monday by Ptl. William appropriation not provided for by ATTEST: '• mental - relations officer, society will be Jan. 5 in Borough Hall at • TEACH YOU how to typewriters arid a small amount of cash O'Malley. the deadline for dependent 1 FUEL OIL application hereunder ol said down Wesley N. Phllo Robert Middleton. 7:30 p.m. children who became 19 uso ir LOW, LOW FUEL OIL INSURANCE INSURANCE LUMBER payment', negotiable bonds of the Township Clork from its office during the Thanksgiving Townshlp..uru hereby authorised to NOTICE weekend. during 1900 to apply for • CHARGE YOU .1 com DISCOUNT be Issued In the principal amount of Man Tho torugolng ordinance was Introduced and passed on flrut roj Piekarski reelected their own separate Blue potitivo DISCOUNT THIS 1100,900 pursuant to the Local Bond lno A home on Summit Avenue was R1IS8O favors new arrested for PRICE Afankih Juel Co. KKH YlltllU .INDEPENDENT HIIIIIIKN I,I\H!\I Law ol New Jersey. In anticipation meeting ol tho Township Committee of the Township of Cranlon burglarized 'during the day Dec. 3. A GARWOOD- Henry .Piekarski Jr. has Cross and Blue Shield PRICE ol the Issuance ol said bonds and to Tuosday, Decomber 0, 1080 and will bo considered lor final pasai coverage without having BROKERAGE public hearing, ut another mooting, of said Township Comr television, jewelry and cash were taken. been re-elected fire chief for the SPACE temporarily llnanc'e 'said Small claims COUrt exposure outside church to complete a health • CONTINUE TO TEACH DoporuJ upon the Konicn siPPtv (.:o. Improvement ' or purpose, Municipal Building., Cronford, N.J. on Tuesday, Decomber 23 191 borough. He begins his second year as YOU photography ;is JSERVICE 4 o'clock P.M. (provalllng time). The home was entered by breaking the FS-1 to givo you clour, • FUEL OIL I Dependable; Friendly Service negotiable notes ol the Township In statement. Coverage will long as you want to sharp, porioctlv uxpoa CAN SELL a principal amount not exceeding glass in the kitchen door. e Sen. Anthony E. Russo has' KENILWORTH- An Elizabeth man chief. Personal and Business WESLEY. N. PHILO be effective Jan. 1, 1981. ud picturou ovury turio • COMPLETE HEATING LUMBER t IB0,900 are hereby authorized to be called for creation of a small claims who is employed in Kenilworth was Also re-elected officers were James loarn INSTALLATION Since 1925 KOHLER.\MacBEAH Insurance Planning BUILDING MATERIALS Issued pursuant to and'within the Dated: December 1,, 1980 Jownsh.p Clerk arrested here for exposing himself to Materia, assistant chief; Ed Silver, Blue Cross and Blue you shoot. YOUR limitations prescribed -by said court in Union County. Noting that • SERVICE your oquip. • REPAIRS AND SERVICE HEATING OILS AGENCY - MILLWORK " Fee: S 52.08 Union was one of only two New Jersey parishioners on their way to early captain, and Bill Toth, lieutenant. The Shield have always INSTALLATIONS RALPH J. LAGRIOLA permitted dependents who mont if, und whon it built-in mjiowindur • AIR CONDITIONING Intunnce licluimitj Since 191) SERVICE counties without a" small claims court, morning mass at St. Theresa Church. election was at the December meeting of 'noods it' WE WILL plus) uu to-loud, auto SERVICE DONALD E. I1HUTZMAN he said: "It's time we got in step with The arrest took place Dec. 2 outside the Liberty Hose Co. No. 1. reach the cutoff date to tJturt. iiuto tixpptiu.ro und 230 Centennial Ave. 276-0505 Why don't arrange their own SEND it to tho factory 549 Lexington Ave. CALL the overwhelming majority of our the church. Police had received one. ~ PRIORITY MAIL ^ NO CHARGE. uuto fluah. Allow uy to" Cranford 115 No. Union*Avenue coverage without a health (I (i m o n s ! i u I u CRANF6RD state's 19 counties that offer such complaint that the suspect exposed him- KENILWORTH- Peter Vittoria, 126 SOUTH AVE, E. Cranlord M6 CENTENNIAL AVE. 276-6000 you come courts." self 'from his parked car, but statement. This policy il. YOU'LL BUY ITt Call 276-9200 276-0900 7 CRANFORD • 276-3000 ' postmaster.advises using, priority .mail continues. However, if a 272-7250 CRANFORD Russo, an attorney with offices in' investigating officers believe there were for gift givers who have delayed mailing OPEN 9-9 We treat and sit on dependent who became 19 MON-FRI Union Township, said he has frequently additional incidents which persons were their packages. He said it cost slightly in 1980 misses the deadline ^ ^PLUMBERS PLUMBERS SEWER/DRAIN CL. TELEVISION REPAIR TREES TREES your sick trees been asked by clients and constituents hesitant to report. more than, Parcel Past, but offers next- fo January 31, 1981, he or 9-6 SAT why Union County has no small claims Arresting officers were L't. llrent day delivery up to 150 miles and three she will be required to court. "I have been hard-pressed to David, Sgt. Joseph Hcgo and Det. days anywhere else in the United States. submit a health WE VE BEEN AT IT FOR S.J. SHAW, JR. well! justify our lack of a service that can be William Dowd. REYNOLDS COV«|TRY, HEYDER Approvad'Arborltft ^ statement, standard 40th Vea'*Sarylno Cronlorcj'v so helpful to so many people." PLUMBING & HEATING INC. FROEHUCH RANGE TO CLOSE KENILWORTH- The borough will procedure for a regular SI IIVIIU riJMCANV TREE Russo said he was aware of many Goo. CuoziO Tony DIFublo CALL KENILWORTH- The Joseph Vcntre take pictures of senior citizens and issue non-group applicant. m PlumbirH) COLOR FINE ITALIAN DINING individuals who have simply dropped BERGEN • \ Ovitr 36 Yrs. Experlonco SERVICE Pistol Range willend the public shooting friy identification cards Wednesday « Hodlinc] Cooling BLACK «. WHITE w , attempts to collect on,..debts-because SAME DAY SERVICE program Sunday. Located on Lafayette from 2 to 4 and 0 to 11 p.m. at the CASil SHOW • Altor itions -Ropci All Makos 5 pWed-Sat,4:30-8:30 p'-«n there is no small claims court In Union «• Bfithroom und Kitchen f EMERGENCY .• Landscaping" SCHMIEDE Avenue, it will cltae after, the 12:30 p.m. Recreation Center. "Johnny Cash" Ridin' Admiral to Zonltli v County—" Let's-faee-it—he-said.-^A- Modornlzations- • • Air Conditioning SEWER AND DRAIN TREE EXPERT CO. Sun 3-8:30 p.n» 7 ""T"ir7ibrTh -BI:OUNT-SUKVI<:S- CAMERA Surv/lca ' ' • Free estimates ..SEHVICF. SfLES. REPAIRS CLEANING SERVICE • TREE SERVICE person who is owed $200 is hesitant about Within 24 Hours an alternate to the Lenape Park 'rifle Robert Blount has been named American Train Story" is 24 Eastman St., Wo Do Thy(yomploti) Job 0 Fully insured • SMRAYJNG CRAN'FORb HOTEL retaining an attorney to collect such u and pistol hmg«ji Construction of the counselor-evaluator totc' provide a television entertainment HEASONABLE RATES .276-1320 ANTENNA INSTALLATION • Reasonable prices • FULLY INSURED d/jbt. Moreover, many attorneys find it 322-9109 1 South Union Avc. county's .Lenape Park regional Hood Admissions guidance during the evening special to be aired at 8 Cranford 276-5367 "AND REPAIR • REASONABLE RATES Impractical to take on such cases. Thus, cphtrol project closed the Union County and on Saturdays.at Union College. He is p.m.Tuesday, Dec. 16 on ••-36"NaW-VH AVt " the individuals have little choice but to , 276 1024 368|NpRTH"AVENUE E. 276-1160 26 Tulip St., Cmnfoni 276-2121 Department of Parks and Recreation also '; coordinator of- the college's' NJPTV Channels M, 50, 52 ' '• CRANFORD 789 1951 drop what In most cases la a legitimate facilit/ during September 1979. "" Minorities hi Engineering project. -and 58.. ' CRANFORD 218 Cuntonnlal Avo 276-3607 .cluim." -. t- •' •**• •' •-•*-«

-*•' : ,/J

Thursday, December 11,. 1980 CRANFOH.D (N.J!) CHRONICLE P;itf<- 21 ' • 20 CRANFORD (N.J.) CHRONICLE Thursday, December. 11, 1980 BUY, SELL. TRADE OR RENT THROUGH THE

• r.J-

•V NEWLY LISTED COLONIAL Beautifully decorated and landscaped • aluminum sided home situated on quiet, i • ••••• V HBMHMHBaBI tree lined_street. Lft with fireplace, formal : DO YOU KNOW WHAT YOUR BELIEVE IN SANTA! DR, eat-in K, powder room, end, sicjeji; HOME IS WORTH ON 12% "MORTGAGE porch on first floor. 3 BR^& bath on se- : TODAY'S MARKET? The owner is offering to finance cond. Lg 'rear brick walled patio with gas- NAME :_ .PHONE. qualified buyer of the gorgeous 4 grill, 1 car attach, garage. Priced at ADDRESS_ bedroom, 2V2 bath colpriial. Featuring $92,500. . . CITY • .STATE inviting family room with fireplace, Call us-we'll tell you the fair price! large Ultra modern kitchen, formal dining room, 2 car garage and finished NORTHSIDE COLONIAL ^Realty basement. $146,900.. LR, formal DR, sunroom, rear end. porch' _JU»l«ofNotsrsry PubliPublic M*mb*r<^Cr^!t;d(!fl-«n APPRAISER counting and other, duties. 272-9791 complajned about sidings on bridges an alternative. ••...- Society of Real Estate No experience necessary. MASON WORK HOUSE SALE HOME IMPROVEMENTS over the.fJutine to their properties. There w-as a -general ;.i#n4.m,oiiton\s vlows^ .^onfy ap^jiTcaTTons Windows... stark and'unsafe to residents in the area. OCS&^Wcy Dec; LT5.- fabric or mine), completely • liyei^ : —taken -between 10 &---1-2 Storm and 272-3047 or 276 9"161. installed. Wovon woods, duo. Wo'ro: not. scroogesl noon. Ketchum Distributors, . Sdroen Combinations lovelor and Roman shades. Please "call 789-0358 or Inc. 40 South Ave.-, ,W. Combination Doors-25 Stylos FOR SALE Cranford, ' „ Also" cfraperies cleaned, 789-2272. -',-- CLASSIFIED Hewitt altelroB and roh'ung aT-a sur- LIFETIME ALUMINUM Minimum chargo $2.70 for Martha.J. Hewitt has been appointed from West Virginia" State College and an ORDER PICKER1 prisingly low cost. . - the new-4-H agent for Union County. She M.A. in Early Childhood Studies from PRODUCTS INC. LOST 20 words; each additional DRUMSET-LUDWIG '5 Pc., WAREHOUSE position. 3:30 DISCOUNTED c fills the vacancy "left by Romando W. Kean College.. She taught'.special Cymbals, cases, $650. P.A. word, 10 . Repeat Insor- to midnight shift. No inter- 102 South Ave W 276-3205 PRICES I James who -resigned for another childhood .development classes itv tion, $2.00 for 20 words. system-Traynor, $995 .or views, applications only;bet- 889-6316 CLEAR PLASTIC BIFOCALS position. "Weequahic High School for seven years best offer. 241.-2094-after weon 10 & 12-noon. Ket- on chain. Downtown' area. As a faculty member of Rutgers before starting her position with the 6 p.m. 12/31 chun\ Distributors Inc., 40 STEVE'S COMMERCIAL/RESIDENTIAL Reward. 276 4122. ' University and the Cooperative Cooperative Extension Service. South Ave. W., Cranford. 276-6000 2 PAIR DRAPES - each 95" - PAINTING SERVICE Extension Service, Ms. Hewitt is • The 4-H program is directed to youlh long, sheer, celery, pinch responsible for developing and guiding from 9-19 years old with an emphasis on pleatsrtYavorseri S'-andi 2'~ MANAGER TRAINEE DEDUCED WINTER, RATES _] the 4-H youth program within Union projects and programs that help young- BUSINESS OPPORfUNlfV . men and women become responsible '. wide. $25. Antiquo satin, Suburban Finance Company ol Interior/anterior painting, professional work, ! County. JL Born in West Virginia, she received citizens fo the community Spanish gold to frame sheers _Watchungis.soflki"ng.anjssls:_ -rkasonable-rates^quality— paint^-fultyJnsuted; ; with valance. Like now. -her— B.-.Sr.-.degree—in—Home-Economics —(Uher^prpfessiotiaJ_me:iiibei:s-..QjL_lJi.e_ lant Manager 'with small loan local references. & 50.276-1020. 12/24 or collection oxperience, but. LICENSED Union County Cooperative Extension •Service include Carolyn Y. llealey. H.O. TRAINS includes truck, willing to train. Top salary and 272-4033 or 467-3993 OPPORTUNITY cars, switches, engines, ac- lull company benefits tor the REAL ESTATE SALESPEOPLE acting- senior agent., Ellawose cessories. Best offer. Call right candidate. Please 'call Experienced-Inexperienced McLendon and, CJwon. Waranis, extension home economists, and 276-3489 1/8 Mr Miller lor an appointment DESIRE MORE INCOME? HAVE A HIGHLY PRO- at 754-6798. AUTOS FOR SALE Stephen Bachelder, agricultural agent. CUSTOM MADE CURVED FITABLE, non-franchisod, Join Union County's largost real estate organization Joan ft. Sportswear Shop of couch. 80 + " rioeds i«78 CHEVY. IWIPALA with offices in Union, Cranford, Summit and Morris NAST EXHIBIT reupholstory. Bost •• offer. CJ5 JEEP -^Now paint and your own! featuring over WAGON • air, powor win- canvas. Mint with snow kCounty. Wo will train you to bo offoctive through 100 brands Lovi, Vandor An exhibit honoring 276-8494 12/31 : 1 ASSEMBLY .._daws,._ power. . stooring, * .6.plow. 1975 - $3,000. Tbj) Gallery of Homes Training Program. Loarn-about- SmjgirrTotdT-Bm-—Fhemas—Ntest—wtil be on- passengor, auto'. Call our. computerized National"Rolocation Sorvico. and • WORKER 276-6718 or 766-581 2 tnnia many more, display in the Friendship GIRL'S 20'" COLUMBIA 7:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. Some 789,O96'3. $3,595 - New. Gallery's unique selling systom. Call Ruth Browstor 1 '75 MERCURY" MONARCH. $'1 6,500.00 includos inven- Library at Fairleigh bike, 3 spe«d hand brakes, heavy lifting. Valid radial tires, now battor\. at 353-4200 1 6 cyl., air, PB/PS, snows, tory , in-shop training, install- Dickinson University, t.. highrisd handlobars, banana driver's license req. . 12/31 rear dofpggor, $1500 THE BOYLE COMPANY ed fixtures and Grnnd Open- Florhani-Miidison, through seat. Excellent. condition. Call 9-5 . $4.0.276-^413 I2A31 TRAVEL TRAILER 14' 272-5932 after6. 1/29 Gallery of Homos ing. Opon within 1 5 days. Dec. 23. '".• SHASTA. Sink, stovo, ice Roal Estato Since 1905 Call Mr. Summer's -at 245.3000 EXQUISITE FRUITWOCJCT -ple-n-t-y—oi—1973-V.W-KARMENi.GHIA,. Undopondontly-Owned-and-Operated-: PACESETTER FASHIONS BREAKFRONT, one-of-a- storage. Great for hunting. Good condition, oxcol. gas (214) 937-6442. ^PREPARE FOR COLD J kind, asking $600. Hand- fishing or camping. Call mileage, 4 spood stick, R + + WEATHER . . . NOWI* .789-1434. $7.75.00 12/31 H. Asking $1800. made coffee table, psklng DRIVER - " $200. Call 272-9156 1/8 CHEVY CHEVETTE ;79, 2 ^l^^l I!8 hune-Up 27.76J MESSENGER * MtlBl G cyl Ainiiricnn Curt ' door hatchback, '4 spd1974V, 4 SILVER DATSUN •W BIRD'S EYE MAPLE . •*< Data processing service AM/FM, 8 track storoo, air, Nuw Cun(lon!.iiF. Nuw Points. bedroom sot. Four poster 260z - Auto,. AM/FM, A/C, lnsl,ill iind Sue Plu(l». dim -V JENEWEIN bureau with customers oxc. condition. Asking one owner, very low bed, desk, bureau. "Call An(]lii A(i|0alml RPM Sul. C,]r * In New York City/Long $4,350. Call evonings, mileago, new paint. Best of- hu mor Sul S, ChuckiKl VOLKSWAGEN 353-1 690 afterfive. 1/8 Island as well as New No False . -353 9244 .272-5838. fer-276-6653 12/31. Jersey looking for S. ELMORA EXXON LOVE SEAT AND Sofa. qualified drivers for SERVICENTER 900 E.EIizalieth Brown and gold, 2 yoars old..- -messenger work. Job S. Elmora Avdnuo- Linden Good buy, $295.00 can lead to advancement Claims Elizaboth 789-1455 after 4 p.m. 1/8 to computer operations. Corniir fjico between 486-6200 Please call. Maryann ext. St George & Dilyway Circle 2 PAfRS - ANTIQUE Satin 309 for Interview ap- pointment. drapes, aqua, 180 x 75, • Qne Stop Shopping • Largest Selection Here! 140 x 77. Twin bodsproads w/mutching drapes. In Central N.J.. BIG Stock Of Used 276-3179 1/22 Hondas, Toyotas, Datsuns, Etc. • Latest NURSES, TEACHERS American Compacts GOODYEAR SNOW TIRES ,1 & HOMEMAKEHS WE'LL FUEL OIL S S|>d., 4.cvl.; AM, fM. set, 735-14 (Suro Grip IV) Work at home & help the han- SPECIAL!!! Mi, MS, Blu. Mini, FILL YOUR TANK " tubeless 525. Call Tues., dicapped, wo will' pay you 65,000 Ml Wed., T-ri. aftor • 6 p.m. HONDA. ACCORD; ri<« corh(il«l« «nc«|)l UUIV YOUR $600 monthly lor providing 276-7384. Ask for Ron. MVI...1 lax 4 mg t§r lOO's. room, board & trainingi tor a $3895 1/29 retarded child or aduli You SUPER SAVER gal. WHITE BEDhOOM SET - will bo trained & certified. Call ON MOST CARS 98. Double bed, 2 dressers, 2 The Divrsion ol Mental Retar- 150 GALLON MINIMUM night tables, gxcollont condi- dation at 744-6772 or |VIP HONDAHt. 22 744-6797. CLASSIFIED AD tion, Call 276-3708 uftor 5- EASY TO REACH FROM EVERYWHERE YES^WE SERVICE BURNERS p.m. FULL TIME SALES Exciting, ILL 753-1500 FOR DIRECTIONS ONE SOFA. TWO Chairs. career opportunity. Truinlng UNTIL THE Very reasonable. 272-7045 for manaoomont in rotail. For ALLIED FUEL uppointmfint call Kinnoy HELP WANTED Shoos 688-9696. NOTICE ITEMS ARE 862-8088

LANGUAGE TEACHER V.I.P. Honda, The World's Largest Honda CERTIFIED IN SPANISH AND ITALIAN Everything Store, Is Cleaning Out 1980 SOLD! •UP TO A MAXIMUM OF 8 WEEKS or GERMAN Honda- Demonstrators, Leftovers & Exe- ROBBINS& ALLISON Inc. cutive Cars At Savings Of Up \ Xo i Sought by Harding School, 426 SUPER SAVER CLASSIFIED ADS Include all personal party for Local Moving & Storage $ 1 500...While They L'ast! Come.Sea The Boulevard, Kenilworth. Apply In person, sale Items such as antiques, autos, furniture, household 1981 Hondas, The World's Most Sought- main office. items, clothing, etc. (no real.estate) After Cars...They Hold Their Price Better Than Any Cai Built. Hondo Is The Car The Whole World Is Copying, Beat The Price JUST For 15 Cranford, N.J. Increase And Get Immediate'Delivery At... (Immediate Vacancy) IK1" Cranford Clironlcla 1b Words '3 60 ( „ , ,I ,. SCHOOL SYSTEM PRINTER: 21 AldoM St., Cr»n

achoola, P.O. Box 646, Crunford, N.J. pr by applying u In poraon ut thoBourd of Education officos, 132 Rt. 22 North Plainfield , 213 SOUTH AVE., E CRANFORD Clip ohd mall or brlno «o Chronicle oHIco Thomus\Stroot. Crunford, N.J. not tutor thun FrldavJ Doc. 19, 1980 753-1500 T^L 276-0898 . AfflrniatlVo actlon/EnUiil 'MH^y1^1^1^.,^.1'' .^^ —t-

: ^ \ ': -V.' " / •A ' • If

V • • Garwood: gunman grabs Kehilworth's 'Scrooge'., C RAN FORD' V N. j:f CH RON ICLE Complete renovati^ purse, school budget: school budget up 8.9%'<'." By D.L. BENTLEY arid tfend before'continuing to the second lobby,., record file room, and a up 3.7%..pot 'harvest' Sobering yields on pay GARWOOD - Borough Hall will < be floor. • committee meeting ro'orn all on '"tho- expensive.page 22 renovated, reconstructed" and made The council's chambers will be • second level. - ... to women..page 24 energy-efficient if Borough Council redesigned so the council will sit at the Maszczak said-' the mayor entire Thursday, December 11, 1980 approves a $300,000 bond "issue at its back -of the chamber and have a council, the borQUgh attorney and auditor hac^-agreed on the renovations.. Dec^23meeting:Therenovationprojecrr separate entrance off the-room. There VOL. 88 No. 51 Published. Every Thursday Thursday, December 18,1980 designed by Richard G. Berry, a also will bea judge's room, and court —A' public, hearing pri the bond- Serving Cranford, Kenilworth Hud (riirwood USPS.KiG BOO Secury! Class Poslafie Paid-Cranford! N.J'. 20 CKNTS Rahway architect, was introduced and clerk's Office, violation's bureau, public ordinance will be at 8:30 p.m on Dec. 23. Tfnarii rnoushy^a"ppr"ov ed~by'~cbunTci P Tuesday. . Although the renoyatiojiL WilL cost $264,000, the bond, calls for" $300,Q0tf because of $54,000 in architect-and iegal In Our fees. Fifteen thousand dollars will be taken from the capital' improvement account to supplement the costs. The plans include complete insulation of the exterior and walls, a new furnace Town and replacement 6f windows and-sashes . to eliminate energy loss. The ceilings ' new unit al'so'will be lowered to conserve energy. The first floor will be converted into United Counties Trust Co. is planning computer work has been performed in the borough cletkls_andtax collector's to construct a major new office building an older and small structure in Roselle, offices,.general office and record vault to $515 fine in-Cranford to house its operations below South • Avenue near the Aldene make the municipal building • more center. . • power station. Fitzgerald said that ; accessible to elderly and handicapped The bank plans to build a modern facility had become overcrowded and residents. A Garwood man testified in 45,000 square foot structure on a 3.47 that the bank had been there longer than "Councilman WalterMaszczak, head of.. Municipal Court here- that he acre site on Commerce Drive. M-^- anticipated buildings and grounds, noted, "Now, specialized in growing squash in his The location is between Gibson The Development .and Review com- many of our senior citizens and disabled backyard garden and didn't know Associates and Dames and Moore and mittee of the Planning Board "has sidents—stand^at_the_bottpm_of_the,_ about Ine marihuana" plant that' —-wilLcarry-the address of 4 Commerce, revieweiLthg^proposal and me. full site- stairs and call up for someone to come sprouted there. Judge James M. Bell Drive. plan was scheduled to be presented last thought otherwise and fined him $500 down and get their- payments. With the The building would be the third major night'to the board as a^ whole. Th<; new facility, these offices will.be at plus $15 in-court costs. Story on Page architecture is described as 22. • . new structure in the office industrial ground level for-greater convenience." park to be built in two years. Meeker contemporary.. The police department also will be HONORED — Jill Jelinskl, clarinet player for the Brearley Band, Sharkey Moffatt and Cali Associates Fitzgerald said the bank hopes to have WALL .OF SMOKE — Garwood fireman at the SNORKEL — Clark" Fire Department sriorkeL aids extended under the renovation plqns. It receives award from Walter Borlght Jr., freet1older,-at celebration. have built spacious new quarters just the center built and functioning by late Mellen Industries loading dock attempts to get at effort as firemen on roof cut vent holes"to pour jtfill hoTpie the chief's and detectives' honoring the baiid Sunday. All band members were recognized. Gas 'torch' south of the, bank site. •„" • • next year or in early 1982. offices^ a general purpose room with Juvenile Court Judge' Steven Bercik. is at rear, and Mayor John Me/ The operations center will have about' The."center will employ about "30 burning .paper behind wall of, dense 'smoke,. water-down on burning paper,. . • . Somebody set fire to-the Getty Gas Photos by Theo Robinson. lockers for the officers, a darkroom and Carthy is partially visible behind Borlght. Photo by Theo Robinson, i60 employes and'will contain the bank's percent of the bank's total work force of a public lobby. The entrance will be off Station at 95 North Ave. W. just after accounting functions including billing .600 people.' United Counties has South Avenue, rather than at the back of midnight. Jast Thursday. The and bank statements, and it will h6use executive offices in Elizabeth and Borough Hall DPWr boro agree on contract arsonist broke into the, ladies- the company's computer operations: Springfield. It has 23 branch offices and Five firemen injured fighting blaze The area housing the jail cells has washroom of'the closed station, 'We've always enjoyed being in operates in. Union, 'Monmouth and been, designedg ' to meet state -" By D.L. BENTLEY carried a 10 lb. propane gas tank in Cranford and we re^l)y look forward to Somerset countiesr, As of Sept: 30 its G AR\VOOD- Arson has been ruled out unable to determine * how- the blaze The injured firemen were treated-at" defeated in his bid for reelection. •-:-: tthd, ignited it' with matches placed specifications. There will be two cells -GARWOOD-- Councilwoman Doris The' delay caused concern to Mary being here" with' the center -and to assets totalled $504,700,909 as the cause of the stubborn fire at the started."- > - the scene except for one who was taken. with a wall separating that area from inside a slow burning cigarette. benefitting from the new structure," The bank .has been an established MeHen Industries paper . processing Fiveof4heji5Jlarwood firemen fight- to the hospital with a cut hand. Other Mann reported Tuesday that the Jane DeHanes, councilwoman-elect, "Somebody torched it," said Fire the police offices and lobby area. A Teamsterscontract for the Department who sat in on Tuesday's meeting. She said Joseph Fitzgerald, United Counties .financial .institution in Cranford-' for plant at 97. North Ave, ing k the" blaze were injured' after injuries included smoke inhalation and jecondentrance for police and pnsonersTeamster^ ^^ s contracbt efo introducer the Departmend at thet Chief Leonard Dolan. "U-Avasn'ttan director o'f real estate. , many years. The branch at.So&h and ~Fife~Chief~Hehry~Pieka,rski"^Jr~said—responding "to" the :alaTnirat~ll":20-p:rtT Works win questioned Ogonowski about his reasons •amateur-,—FirefigiqJy -wuTbe constructed offTtheTSaTklng-lot, Dec. 23 Borough C^ncifrneeting. She~ for staHing discussions with PBA Comiri'lo town Santa Claus will spreacTctTeerdur^ ""TTrrrjrri'tyXrety i ter~( Turarrd~S(ph opff bet the Union County Arson Squad.found no.. Friday. The fire was not under, control Water freezing up. Another fireman An extension on, the south side of the * ij « i,n(t . scheduled to neg aiQor^the-stairsJaf.11 go np to a landing- ^ ^gfgj|jggj^ tried to put ft out with a hand th6i 4** police extinguisher, but the blaze spread too J. McCarthy, both of whom participated committee because he was going away. in the negotiations, would reveal, the Prospects for a supermarket in OSHA investigating Mellen quickly. He later turned the negotiating back to Cranford are still- alive. Ed Force, were not evacuated while the fire was Trucks stolen terms, Mann stated she was "happy that the PBA, but the council was not aware Cliristnxas Piekarski reported there might have 4 president of the Chamber of By D.L. BENTLEY being put out. Following a cursory been 10 to 15.employes at the other end of it's been completed quickly.',V • ' -~- of the change. Ogonowski said he felt 4 She pointed out that they have been Commerce, said that he had spoken GARWOOD- A "long-awaited'' inspection the night of the fire, they are the plant in the'production department. since there was so little time left before With D.O. Evans, owner of the store housekeeping ordinance was adopted by continuing their investigation. Firefighters moved more than 100.bales meeting, with the negotiator since the council reorganized, it would be and stripped 'September and because "it was a three- better to wait. on South Avenue now leased by will be plaza Borough Council Tuesday. The code, Mayor John J. McCarthy, who praised of paper from the premises to get at the Pathmark, and received services which was adopted in part from the state the efforts of theJLjberty Hose Co. and flames. GARWOOD- Two trucks owned by year contract, I'm g|ad it was completed Councilman Walter'Maszczak told without a lot of problems." • —" information that—the lease, which Basic Property and Maintenance Code auxiliary, Cranford, Kenilworfh,-Clark There was negligible damage to the__ local businessmen were stolen here, -Ogonowski that he felt the talks should has six years to run, requires-a food > The old schoolhouse site downtown scaped walkway and parking in "the (BOCA), is designed .to allow the and Westfield fire departments and the building, reported^ Piekarski. The jstripped of equipment and found Council president ~SEfflHP"Qg6nowski, have been started back in SeptenTbCTcfcy" market on the site. The township i._iteys*Mi6.lding to a shopping and office from-the borough to enforce .clean-up regulations Garwood Rescue Squad, said because of" structure is tin and was undamaged by libandoned in neighboring toWns. A third head of the police committee, however, '^ettfrigthe bairrolling and not leavings government had received word 5" complex will lieTffrown as "ClevelancT avenue sfraightback and up the incline on industry, business and private has not been as successful in reaching' it for. the new regime." Ogonowstu Gene Marino' will be Cranford's 40th • • /?"% the terrible conditions at the plant it took the fire. The plant was closed Saturday truck was burglarized while' parked on earlier that Pathmark, which is mayor. He is scheduled to be elected to I Plaza." to the renovated school. properties, i from Friday evening through 8 a.m. and Sunday, but resumed operation the owner's'property. an agreemeng t with the Policemen's explained that the initial approach was-^ At least three Cranford churches i> It draws its name from the school but Some form of covered walkway might moving to larger quarters in the formal title, chairman of the have found a practical and symbolic, Councilwoman Georigana Gurrieri, Saturday to completely extinguish- fire Monday. Polic.e_Chief Thomas Colwell feels the Benevolent Association. He said the' made to the PBA's attorney at that time Garwood next year, planned to put a jj itwill have a distinctively different look. be included to connect the two buildings. chairman of the laws and licenses but it never got underway. Township Committee, and sworn in Jan. way to put "Christ" back•• into P The Victorian school structure is being The new structure will be adapted to in bales of paper stacked' in the plant. The local firefighters were aided by incidents are unrelated. .committee has decided to wait until the Rickels store imthe vacated spot. 1. . • committeej said that whenever- a men and equipment from Cranford, A 1979 Ford pick-up truck was stolen new Council reorganizes Jan. 1 before The mayor pointed out; too, that the "Christmas."- They have Chrismon, o renovated into what is called "a requirements of retail renters.' The He said the fire department was Rickels is a subsidiary of - Super- Marino, .37, was elected to the commit- or Christ monogram trees decorated complaint is made to the construction forced to commandeer heavy equipment Glark, Westfield and Kenilworth. ' from the parking area of Guardian Tele- resuming talks'. Ogonowski wjll ojoUbe election and campaign cut into the markets General, which owns Path- 5 Southern-type, colonial effect." renovated schoolhouse will provide time, adding to the delay.- tee in 1978' and has served as commis- with symbols of Jesus Christ's % Renovations are already underway on access to shops through an inside lobby, code official about property thatis not from the Pathmark builders to remove vision, 714 North Ave., sometime Dec. 2. returning to Council in 1981 a's he was mark. Force said Evans believes the sioner of public works and commis- maintained, he will be authorized to The truck was recovered in Plainfield memory and ministry instead of the P the existing three-story structure, which and to upstairs offices through an the bales from the plant, A-local resident best replacement prospect now is sioner of public.safety. This year he has customary..secujar items. issue a summons to have the problem was awakened in the night,to operate the Saturday. However, - the- motorr- Foodlowii. - - ~-^ als


,;..•.•, A