Modern Plant Biotechnology: Feld Destructions 2004 – 2012 in An Overview: The German Plant Breeders Association 1 kindly made available the compilation of data to the field destruction. The notes are overtaken with few slight editorial alterations. Certainly, the locations for the field destructions were specifically selected according to the data of the German GMO location register. These filed destructions / devastations were car- ried out almost across the whole area of Germany. Main emphases of the actions were Ba- varia, Brandenburg, Baden-Württemberg, Hessen, Lower Saxony, Mecklenburg-Vorpommern and Saxony-Anhalt. The number of the field damages and the amount of damages clearly show that this is not a trivial offense, but criminal and in part organized deeds.

Field destructions in 2004 03/29/ Bernburg: Two test fields for the sowing of GM wheat were made useless by spreading other seeds by unknown followers of Greenpeace 04/03/ Bernburg: Devastation of the first experimental release of GM wheat in Germany. The wheat plants were torn out or/and trampled underfoot 05/23/ Oberboihingen: Unknown destroyed a field planted with GM maize on the research fields of University on applied sciences Nuertingen. 06/22/ Golm: Destruction of a release experimental field release with GM potatoes of the Max-Planck-Institute (MPI) for Molecular Plant Physiology. All potato plants are cut off. 06/27/ - 02/07: Wittingen: Destruction of a field trial with transgenic starch potatoes; about 1,500 plants are cut off, the remaining 150 ones are not sufficient for an experimental evaluation. 08/06/ Rastede: Destruction of an experiment with transgenic starch potatoes. Two thirds of the 200 m2 large area was devastated. A scientific evaluation is not more possible.

Field destructions in 2005 07/31/ Strausberg: Announced field liberation by the action group "Gendreck-weg”. Approx. 600 m2 commercial cultivation of GM maize MON 810 are devastated. 08/11/ Gusow: 19 plants from are destroyed in a nightly action. 08/16-17/ Haselbachtal: Approx. two hectares of a commercial cultivation are devastated in a nightly action. 08/17/ Rotthalmuenster: GM plants were destroyed. The plants belonged to a scientific study of the State Research Center for Agriculture, 3,000 Euro damage. 09/09/ Seelow/Alt-Langsow: 200 m2 of from commercial cultivation are destroyed.

1 The authors thank Dr. K. Moench, German Plant Breeders Association 2 GM genetically modified 1

09/09-12/ Heinersdorf : 1000 m2 of a commercial cultivation are devastated; discovered at 09/13/. 10/15-16/ Werne: Complete destruction of an experimental field release of herbicide tolerant corn. This field belonged to long-term study on biodiversity. Discovered at 10/18/

Field destructions in 2006 04/15-16/ Gut Roggenstein, Olching: Destruction of a field used for biosafety research by ap- plication of diesel oil . In 2005, on this field GM potatoes were grown. It is intended to sow conventional wheat in 2006. The soil has to be removed due to environmental damages; the experiments were no longer feasible. 06/02/ Gießen: Destruction of an experimental field release of GM barley. About 20% of the area is damaged, but the experiments may be continued. (Project of biosafety re- search!) 06/05/ Oberboihingen: A field release of a value audit trial for maize. The evaluation of the test is critical as 94 maize lines; including nine GM maize varieties are destroyed. Ap- prox. 10% of the area was devastated. The tests are part of the official examination of new varieties by Federal Office of Plant Varieties. That field releases are legally re- quired and form the basis for new approvals. 06/17-18/ Brunswick: At the Federal Research Institute for Agriculture (FAL) a field grown with conventional maize for animal feeding is accidentally destroyed. The field grown with Bt-maize for coexistence studies remained undamaged. 06/24-25/ Neureetz: 0.5 ha of 4.5 ha commercial Bt-maize cultivation is devastated. 06/24-25/ Dachwig: A field release of a value audit trial for maize is destroyed. The experi- ments are partially evaluable. 07/02-07/ Ladenburg: Complete destruction of a field for value audit trials. The test is no longer evaluable. 07/02-04/ Dachwig: A field used for value audit trials of maize was destroyed. The continua- tion of the test is endangered. 07/09-10/ Rheinstetten-Forchheim: Destruction of a field of the State Institute for Plant Pro- duction. Together with the FAL the institute carried out studies on co-existence be- tween Bt-maize and conventional ones. An area of about 2,000 m2 of Bt-maize are de- stroyed. The test to coexistence is still evaluable, as the field with conventional maize corn remain undamaged. 07/20-21/ Oberboihingen: Complete destruction of parts of the field release of a value audit trial, which might be still able to evaluate after the attack at 06/05. 07/19/ Hassloch: Partial destruction of a field release of a value audit trials by the Federal Office of Plant Varieties. Only fields with conventional maize varieties were devastated. By accident only, Bt-maize fields are not destroyed. Discovered at 07/24/


07/28/ Borken: Greenpeace supporters enter a field trial of Monsanto's GM maize and steal plants. Greenpeace announced this action and described it as "removal of plant sam- ples”. The plants should be used for analyzing the "poison concentrations in GM maize". 07/30/ Strausberg: Destruction of about 100 m2 of a field grown with conventional maize in the context of an announced weekend action by "Gendreck-weg". 07/30/ Badingen: Destruction of about 150 m2 of a field grown with Bt- maize. The action was announced as a weekend happening by “Gendreck-weg”. During the action, 24 persons are temporarily arrested; another 64 persons are taken to observation of the particu- lars in custody. 08/03/ Borken: Again, Greenpeace supporters invade into the experimental field and take plant samples. 08/09/ Wölsickendorf: Greenpeace activists have "harvested" 642 plants on a field of com- mercial Bt-maize cultivation. The plants were sent to the Campina`s headquarter in Heilbronn in order to protest against feeding cows with GM crops. Twenty activists are arrested. 08/12-13/ Greven: Destruction of a field of the Federal Plant Variety Office used for value audit trials. Plots inside the field, where the GMO varieties are growing, are targeted destroyed. Overall, about 1,500 m2 are trampled down. 09/10/ Eberswalde: Märka, a trader`s cooperative, narrowly escapes an arson attack. Incen- diary agents are discovered under four vans. The materials has been ignited, but do not get on fire for unknown reasons. A letter signed with "autonomous groups" claim- ing that the attack “should give an emphatic step for thoughts to withdraw from the genetic engineering business". 09/11-12/ Grub: Destruction of an experimental field of the Bavarian State Research Center for Agriculture. The perpetrators had driven worm-shaped tracks on 1,200 m 2 of the cornfield and destroyed the entire field. The corn is intended for a feeding trial with cattle. The aim of the experiment is to collect data on cultivation and feeding of the animals with GM maize. GM maize from another location must be used for continuing the feeding trial. The damage is estimated to be five-digit area. 09/20-21/ Werne: Destruction of an experimental field of GM maize with herbicide tolerance. At an area of about 3,000 m2, all plants are twisted one´s ankle. The damage is valuated at a five-digit sum. The field was already destroyed in 2005. 10/10-14/ Zolkendorf (Ivenack): Unknown persons have bound iron rods at plants of a field with GM maize. Apparently, the purpose is to damage harvesting equipment. 10/15/ Strehlow (Demmin): Unknown persons have put organic potatoes into a research trial with GM potatoes having an altered starch composition.


Activities in 2007 Destruction of GM crops 04/19/ Gross-Luesewitz: Opponents of the G8 conference have committed a paint attack on the “AgroBioTechnikum” at Gross-Kuesewitz nearby Rostock. G8 police unit "Kavala" reported that one of six experimental fields for the cultivation of GM potatoes is de- stroyed. 05/06/ Giessen: Unknown destroy in large parts of the filed for the value trials of maize. On behalf of the Federal Office of Plant Varieties, the Institute of Plant Breeding at the University of Giessen carried out variety trials on 700 m 2. Eight varieties out of 60 maize lines are genetically modified. 05/30/ Bokel (Cuxhaven): Unknown persons vandalize a 3000 m2 large field for value audit trials. In the middle of the field of GM-maize is grown on an area of 450 m2. 06/13/ Giessen: Parts of a trial field for biosafety research were destroyed at the Justus-Lie- big-University in Giessen. It is investigated whether GM barley has undesirable effects on beneficial soil fungi such as Mycorrizzha. Radical opponents of genetic engineering had already damaged the field in the previous year. Despite the destruction the exper- iments could be continued. 06/20/ Werne: Like last year, unknown persons destroy a field with GM plants. Monsanto carried out long-term trials with Bt-corn at this location. 06/23/ Forchheim: Already like in the previous year, parts of a field trial with GM maize were destroyed. The trial was part of the research program "Coexistence" funded by BMELV in which practical issues of coexistence were examined. In the night, radical opponents of GM crops invaded into the field and trampled down corn plants. A representative of the Ministry of Agriculture, Baden-Württemberg said "significant area" is destroyed. Nevertheless, it appears to be possible to incorporate the non-damaged sub-areas in the evaluation. 07/05/ Friemar: The Thuringian State Institute for Agriculture (TLL) informed that during the nights of 04 to 07 a field for value audit trials, on which GM varieties are also tested, is destroyed. The maize plants are cut off over a large area, the experiment could not be continued. 08/18/ Ramin: Unknown persons destroy a field trial of GM maize in the week of July 10 to 17. The plants were individually broken down bent over an area of 6,000 m². July Raßlitz: Between 16 and 23 of July, unknown persons destroy a field release with GM maize. 07/23/ Altreetz (Oder): Opponents of genetic engineering destroy about 3,000 m² of com- mercial GM maize field as happening of a publicly announced "field liberation". Initia- tor is the action group "Gendreck-weg". 07/24/ Oberboihingen: Unidentified persons damage a field trial of GM maize of the FH- Nuertingen 3. The perpetrators act extremely targeted and destroy all test plants, but


leave all conventional plants of the surrounding area. The experiment could not be continued. The estimated damage is 50,000 Euros. 08/20/ Drehsa: Opponents of genetic engineering devastate a field trial with GM maize. The area of one ha is almost completely destroyed; the trial is thus no longer evaluable. The police estimate the damage at about 10,000 Euros. 08/29/ Magdeburg: Unknown destroy a guarded one ha Bt-corn field. The perpetrators cut the fence and devastate the complete field. The plants grown, including eight varieties of GM maize, are part of the values testing II. The destruction did not occur selectively, all plants were rendered useless by hacking, pressing or, trampling down etc. except for some edge rows. The damage is assumed 35,000 Euros according to the police. 08/30/ - 09/4/ Iden: Four of each 18 m2 plots with GM maize are destroyed on the trial field. The plots are located within an experimental field of the dimensions 40 x 300 m. The plots with GM crops are destroyed targeted. Moreover, there are still further six de- structions of conventional fields. Due to the location it must be assumed that at least the perpetrators wanted to destroy the nearby filed with GM varieties. Destruction of conventional cornfields 06/04 – 10/ Blankenhof: A self-incrimination letter to an alleged destruction of a GM maize field at Blankenhof was published on the website of Indymedia. Actually, two ha of conventional corn are destroyed. This maize is sown around the area of GM corn. The property damage amounted to about 5,000 Euros 06/21-22/ Oberboihingen: Unknown persons destroy a 95 m x 45 m large cornfield of BASF by cutting off the plants with ropes or similar items. In the field, conventional corn is cultivated. Trials should be carried out with the various varieties and herbicide toler- ance. As the experimental field was not far away from the GM crop-testing field, the perpetrators probably assumed that it also constituted a "gene-field". 06/25-26/ Blekendorf-Futterkamp: Criminal property damage of a field trial with conven- tional maize. Approximately 4,000 plants are trampled down. Probably the real goal was an area with GM maize, which was also located on the premises. This action is certainly related to damage on 06/26 to the detriment of the Chamber of Agriculture SH 4 at Kiel (see below). 06/26/ Schuby: At a distance of 300 m to an field release of GM maize the plants of conven- tional maize are trampled down on a field of approx. 0.3 ha. The GM maize remains untouched. 07/12-16/ Poing-Grub: Unknown perpetrator cut or break down the male flowers of about 40,000 conventional corn plants that grow on the south side of the field, so that no more fertilization can take place. The perpetrators are probably in the opinion that the GM maize is planted on the south side, only. Thus, the GM maize remain undamaged on the northern side. The perpetrators left several rows undamaged, so that destroyed ______3 University for applied sciences 4 SH Schleswig-Holstein 5

plot inside was not visible. This damage and at least partial demolition of the experi- ments caused the termination the research work that has amounting to millions of Eu- ros according to information of LFL 5. 09/05/ Hassloch: The security company “Securitas” informed that the test field for GM maize is damaged. The maize plants, which has been pulled out, is conventional corn. These plants are planted around the GM maize field. 09/12/ Prädikow: Unidentified persons has bound stones on plants of conventional maize. The owner of the field is known as GMO grower. The maize cutter is badly damaged. Only by luck, no one is injured. The damage amounted to around 30,000 Euro. Already in the week before, militant opponents of genetic engineering had announced in a letter that they would prevent the harvesting of Bt-maize by distributing objects in the field. 09/14/ Hohenstein: A new attack failed by chance. Harvest workers discover in maize plants mounted stones. The chaff cutter could stop before the stones fell into the cutting unit.

Activities in 2008 Field occupations 03/31-04/10/ Giessen: Occupation of an experimental field of the University. GM barley is released on this field in 2006 and 2007. Fences, equipment and beehives are destroyed. Verbal attacks against members/employees of the research institute. 04/04-0/09/ Oberboihingen : Occupation of an experimental field of the HfWU Nürtingen- Geislingen 6 on which trials with GM maize should be carried out. The affected field becomes unusable for sowing due to soil hardening by the occupiers. 04/12-04/30 Northeim: Occupation of a field on which the KWS Seed AG will perform trials with GM sugar beets. The sowing of sugar beet is carried out under police protection and the peaceful participation of around 450 KWS staff-member on 29/04/2008. 04/24/ Rheinstetten-Forchheim: Occupation of an experimental field. On this area, BVL car- ried out trials to the coexistence of conventional and GM maize. During the current experiments, the minimum distances should be determined to prevent outcrossing. An eviction order terminates the occupation. 04/25/ Gross-Gerau: An experimental field of the University of Giessen is occupied. Value tri- als are intended to perform with conventional and GM maize 04/29/ Buetow: BASF plans to release GM potatoes. Approx. 20 GM opponents occupy the field. As a sign of the protest, activists constructed a several-meter-high wooden tower on which three of activists chained themselves. After an ultimatum, the police cleared the field on 04/30.

______5 Bavarian State Research Center for Agriculture 6 University for applied sciences 6

05/01/ Langendorf Laase: Occupation of a field that is intended to a commercial cultivation of GM maize. Two activists build a wooden tower on which they barricaded them- selves. Field destructions 04/21/ Gatersleben: Radical GM opponents devastated a field on which the Leibniz Institute for Crop Plant Research (IPK) released GM wheat. With this trial, different gene con- structs should be assessed to increase the protein content in grains. A scientific evalu- ation is probably no longer possible. 05/20/ Buttelstedt: On the area of the DLG field days, all conventional maize cultivation plots are destroyed. Breeders wanted to demonstrate new maize varieties. In addition, Bt- maize MON 810 should be shown on a small area. Apparently, the campaign is directed against GM maize; however, this plot remain undamaged. 06/06/ Langendorf-Laase: Complete destruction of a commercial Bt-corn field. All plants are pulled out. 06/13-06/20/ Werne: Unknown persons destroy a field trial with GM maize from Monsanto. All plants are trampled down; the police estimates the damage to 16,000 Euros. 06/21/ Limburgerhof: Unknown persons destroy field trials of GM potatoes at the Agricultural Center of BASF. The perpetrators cut holes into the fence and pull out almost all potato plants. 06/23-06/24/ Mariensee: Destruction of an experimental field of the Julius Kühn Institute (JKI).The field was part of the coexistence research program. Unknown persons destroy the entire experimental field (two ha) by hand scythes. The test is no longer evaluable. The damage is estimated to be about 20,000 - 30,000 Euros. 06/23-06/25 Ramin: Complete destruction of a field on which Monsanto had released GM maize. Unknown perpetrators destroy an area of 2,500 m2.The plants, approx. 1 m high are cut off just above the ground. The damage is estimated to be 25,000 - 30,000 Euros. 06/29/ : Activists destroy 0.2 ha of commercial Bt-corn field in the context of a gene free weekend happening. The GM plants are pulled out and replaced by conventional maize. The action group "Gendreck weg” had publicly called in advance to the field destruction. 07/02/ Straussfurt: Destruction of a field for value audit trials of maize. The plants are cut off; the test is not evaluable. The damage is estimated to 43 000 Euro. 07/04/ Rheinstetten: Unknown persons had destroyed a fenced experimental field of the Ag- ricultural Technology Centre Augustenberg. The cornfield was part of coexistence re- search program and should deliver new data on outcrossing behavior of maize. The conventional maize plants of the cordon are trampled down or cut off over an area of 1,600 m². According to preliminary estimates, the damage amounts to about 30,500 Euros. 07/05/ Dresden / Marsdorf: A group of about 20-25 people destroy two hectares of a com- mercial Bt-maize field of the Cunnersdorfer agricultural cooperative. 7

07/ 08-09/ Grosslangheim (District Kitzingen): Destruction of cornfield (3 ha) of a farmer who was already victim of the announced field liberation of the action group "Gendreck- weg". Most of the area is planted with conventional maize. 07/08-09/ Biebelried / Westheim (District Kitzingen): Unknown persons destroy a plot (0.7 ha) of conventional maize. The police suspected that opponents had confounded the field and actually, they wanted to destroy a nearby Bt-corn field. 07/09/ Krauschütz: Destruction of a field release test with herbicide tolerant corn from Pio- neer. Unknown opponents cut off with machetes all plants at an area of about 2000 m². The bordering plants of conventional maize are not destroyed. Pioneer estimates the damage at 20,000 – 30,000 Euros. 07/10-11/ Biebelried, Westheim (District Kitzingen): Destruction of a field planted with Bt- corn. The plants of 100-120 cm high stalks are cut at a height of about 20 cm with a strimmer. The destroyed area is approx. 2,500 m². 07/13/ Biebelried, Westheim (District Kitzingen): Devastation of a commercial Bt-corn field. Ropes, on which boards and beams are attached, destroy the plants. The area was 1.4 ha. 07/ 11-16/ Fuerstenfeldbruck: Unknown persons trample down the plants of conventional corn on a trial field (1,500 m²) of the Bavarian State Research Center for Agriculture. The police suspects that real goal was a neighboring trial of GM maize. 07/20/ Wildberg: During of a protest meeting against Bt-corn nearby to an ecological conser- vation area, unknown persons destroyed a part of a commercial GM maize field. The destroyed area is about 200 m². 07/21/ Neutrebbin: Unknown persons destroy a field of about 1,000 m² (total size of 3000 m²) on which herbicide-tolerant corn is released by Pioneer and Syngenta. The GM maize plants are cut off approximately 30 cm height or pulled off. The surrounding conventional maize is not destroyed. The damage is estimated at 20,000 Euros. 07/22/ Hohenstein: Unknown GM opponents destroy a field of commercial Bt-maize on an area of about two hectares. A damage of about 2,000 Euros resulted to the country- farm Hohenstein GmbH. 07/23-24/ Gransee: During the night, unknown perpetrators destroy 4-5 hectares of a con- ventional cornfield of “Agrar GmbH Kraatz” at Gransee. The police seized a poster "Those who sow GM maize, will harvest resistance ”. 08/04/ Altreetz: About 2 hectares of a commercial Bt-maize field are trample down by uni- dentified persons 08/23/ Futterkamp: GM opponents mistakenly destroy a manuring test field. Apparently, the action is directed against GM crops as in the previous year nearby GM maize was cul- tivated 08/27/ Kitzingen: Unknown persons again destroy a commercial Bt-maize field of a farmer who was the already victim of a destruction in 2008.


08/19-28/ Marsdorf: Unknown perpetrators again destroy a commercial GM maize field of the “agricultural cooperative Cunnersdorf”. The area was about 6 hectares. The dam- age is estimated at 10,000 Euros.

Activities in 2009 Field occupations 03/12-13/ Ueplingen: Activists invade the fenced “Schaugarten” (show garden) during the night and build up tents and an observation tower. Some activists have encased their hands in barrels filled of concrete. 04/02-03/ Gross Luesewitz: 15 activists invade the fenced grounds during the night and built up tents and an observation tower. Some activists have encased their hands in barrels filled of concrete. On the field, GM potatoes should be released in order to investigate safety aspects. 04/14-15/ Dreileben: A group of activists occupies during the night from Tuesday to Wednes- day a trial field of KWS Seed AG. As usually, the activists build up a tower and chain themselves to concrete filled barrels. KWS Seed AG was intended to release GM sugar beets in the field. 04/23-24/ Brunswick: Eleven activists invade into the fenced in area of Johann von Thünen Institute, build an observation tower and chain themselves to concrete barrels. Destructions 05/17/ Gross Luesewitz: GM opponents destroy a large area of the release field trial with GM plants at the “AgroBioTechnikum”. Apparently, the same activists occupied the same experimental plots in April. The devastation affect the biosafety research on GM pota- toes, GM barley and GM wheat. 06/01/ Dresden: GM opponents devastate a research field of GM apple trees at the outstation of the Julius Kühn Institute. The unknown perpetrators had entered a tent and de- stroyed 274 apple trees (GM plants and control plants). The damage is estimated to be at around 700,000 Euros. 06/01/ Dreileben: Unknown persons destroy two sugar beet field trials of sugar beets of KWS Seed AG. A research field of conventional sugar beets and a trial of GM sugar beets are affected. 06/28-29/ Düllstadt: Unknown persons destroy a field trial of Monsanto. An evaluation of scientific questions is no longer possible to GM maize varieties grown in . Mon- santo estimated that the damage directly caused 25,000 Euros. 02/07/ Gross Luesewitz: Unknown perpetrators attack again research release of “Biovativ GmbH”. The GM barley plants are destroyed partially and GM potatoes and GM wheat plants are destroyed by spraying an unknown liquid. A security guard is injured. 07/11-12/ Eichenbarleben: Unknown perpetrators destroy a release experiment with herbi- cide resistant GM maize of Syngenta. The plants are partly cut off and crushed. The damage was approx. 20,000 Euros. 9

07/21-22/ Wedemark: Unknown perpetrators destroy a field release with herbicide tolerant maize of Monsanto. All GM plants are cut off but not the conventional maize surround- ing the GM field. The damage amounts to about 20,000 Euros. 07/24/ Gerdshagen: GM opponents destroy a field trial with GM maize of Monsanto. The damage is estimated to be at around 15,000 Euros. 08/05/ Soellingen: Unknown persons destroy a field trial with GM maize of Pioneer. The Fed- eral Office of Plant Varieties originally reported this site for a variety trial. The plants are cut off with sharp tools on an area of about 2 hectares. The test is no longer evalu- able. The damage is estimated at 20,000 Euros. 08/08-09/ Herzberg-Graefendorf: Unknown person destroy a field release of GA21 maize of Syngenta. The plants are trampled down on approx. 9,000 m². An evaluation of the test is no longer possible. 09/21-22/ Zabeltitz: GM opponents destroy a field trial of Pioneer and Syngenta. The GM plants are depressed and cut off in forms of several circles. A partial evaluation is still possible.

Activities in 2010 Field occupations 04/09/ Northeim: A group of people occupies a field of KWS ASG. The sowing of GM sugar beets should be prevented. Four persons had chained themselves on a barrel filled with concrete. 04/14/ Buetow: Activists of Greenpeace separate a area and plant "GMO-free" potatoes on the field on which the “Amflora” GM potato is intended to grow 04/22-23/ Duellstadt: GM opponents occupy a still uncultivated field of a farmer during the night. According to the activists, Monsanto is intended to sow GM maize MON 810 on this field. Destructions 07/07-08/ Zepkow: The unknown perpetrators destroy approx. one hectare cultivated with “Amflora” GM potatoes. 07/15-16/ Herzberg: The GM maize (GA21) trial of Syngenta is destroyed during the night. The plants are pulled out and partially mowed. The police discover the damage during a routine inspection. 07/29/ Buetow: Approx. 20 GM opponents protest at the edge of the GM potato field against the cultivation of GM crops. The police took seven protesters in arrest, which stormed the field and had pulled out potatoes.


Activities in 2011 (Partial) destruction 05/30-31/ Northeim: During the night, unknown perpetrators damage partially a sugar beet trial of KWS, although the area is fenced and guarded around the clock. The leaves of plants are cut off with sickles on different plots. 07/08-09/Gross Luesewitz: During the night, several unknown persons invade forcibly into the grounds of the “Biovativ GmbH” at Sangerheide and destroy trials of GM potatoes for the biopolymer production, fungus resistant GM potatoes for the biopolymer and antigen production and GM wheat. The perpetrators also attack a security guard. The destruction was performed so targeted that it could be assumed that perpetrators were well informed about the location and type of trials. The damage is estimated at around 250,000 Euros. 07/11/ Ueplingen: Several GM fields are destroyed partially or completely at show garden Ueplingen. Ten to twelve masked and armed with sticks perpetrators attack two secu- rity guards. The total loss is estimated at around 250,000 Euros.

Activities in 2012 Destruction 07/4-5/ Baalberge: Attack on the BASF trial field with fungus resistant GM potatoes "Fortuna" by GM opponents. The field remained intact and the experiments could be continued due to the attention of the security service. 07/12/ Gatersleben: "Herbicide attack” on a trial field with fungus-resistant GM potatoes "Fortuna", which was part of the EU approval procedure.

The numbers of destructions are summarize graphically in Figures 1 and 2

Jany, Kl.-D. and Hoefer, E. (2015) The German Beekeepers and Modern Plant Biotechnology Chronological Overview of the Fight of German Beekeepers Against Modern Biotechnology and Ge- netic Engineering to Protect Honey and Other Bee Products. pp 141 - 153 Verlag Dr. Kovač, Hamburg; ISBN: 978-3-8300-8224-8


Fig. 1: Destruction during the period 2001-2012

Fig.2: Destructions and field trials during the period 2005-2013 Bars: destruction of fields; Line: field releases