THE AL GAZETTE COLONY AND PROTECTORATE KENYA Published under the Authority of His Excellency the Governor of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya

Vol. XXXVII.-No. 39 NAIROBI, , 1935 Price 50 Cents Registered as a News~averat the G P. 0 Published every Tuesday


PAGE ~Govt.Notice No. .561-Arrivals, Departures, Appointments, etc...... 900 Proclamations Nos. 75-76-The Diseases of Animals Ordinance ...... 901 Govt. Notice No. 562-The Native Authority Ordinance-Appointment ...... 901

,) ,, ,, 563-565-The Justices of the Peace Ordinance-Appoint~~~entsDetermined ... 902

, 3 y j ,, 56GThe Mining Ordinance, 1933-Exculsive Prospecting Licences Renewed ... 902

, t , , .. 567-The Native Authority Ordinance-Appointment ...... 903

, t ,I , , 568-The Resident Native Labourers Ordinance-Appointments ...... 903 ...... ,! 3 , .. 569-The Townships Ordinance, 1930-Appointment 903

,) ,, ,, 570-The King's African Rifles Reserve of Officers Ordinance, 1927-Appoint- ments ...... 903 dJeneral Noticea Nos. 1012-1035 ...... 903



Name lj Rank F1srto mA plepaoyme tomre onnt jl DatEen ogfl alenadw ng 1l Emobartek aotfi on oaat teM oof marbraivsal 1 I t H l . R. Senior Juuior Postmaster Leave f 29th June, 1935 - 31st Julyj 1935 * L. Shoolman Government Coast Agent do i 20th June, 1935 - 2nd Aug., 1935 Mrs. . X .D. Smit Education Omcer do 'i - :3:.d July, 1935 f do 'W . P. Bruce Laboratory Asst.. Agrie. Dept. da 1 1 th July, 1 93S - 6th Aup, 1935 B. B. Donald Supdt. of Prisons do do .- do SJ. MacMunn Education Oflicer do l do do . G. W alter Clerk, Treasury do ( do - do K Cleland Assistant Supdt. of Police do 1 do - do Lt. C. A. Cornell District Offlcer do t! 17th July, 1935 18th July, 1935 1: do Capt. M. F. J. R. Mahony District Omcer do ' ;19th July, 1935 20th July, 1935 ! do A. B. Acton lnspector of Police do 1 1th July, 1935 - do M iss M . 1. Rhind M atron, M edical Department do do - do Miss A. V. W ells Shorthand Typist, K. U. R. do 21st July, 1935 1 21st July, 1935 2nd August, 1935) ' & H. j j * Dar cs Salaam #' L. Marques. 1: Marseilles. 3 Genoa. )) s. Afrlca (Durban).

D EPAR TU RES Nnme Ra On leave or termination nk of appointment Date of Departure 1 C. B. Norman Dïstrict Officer Leave rmd August: 1935 R. D. F. Ryland District Omcer do 3rd August. 1935 R. H. James Education Oflicer do do FM. iF. Young Education Omcer ) do do R. ss E. Seaton 1 Nutsing Sister, Z'Mi ' OefdlSicDal Department ! do do Mj yj . PB. 1 ag. k khe i rj ae j Cxhuiresfj nogflsio: es ry e' Jxje s:j j (; a j % Aerptamr gm'l te n y l dlj 0o za Oo WM. H. Thompson Telegraph Insp, ector I Leave pending retfrement do . D ards Senior Superintendent of Pri kons l do do A. Finch Superintendent of Police ' 1 do do

APPOINTM ENTS. W zuzrxlt LE>), Acting Deputy Registrar, Suprem e Court, M ombasa, to be Oëcer in Charge, Offkce of the Public Trustee and Oëcial Receiver, M ombasa, with effect îrom #th July, 1935. GsoltGs GlyuMotTx Romxsox to be Resident Magistrate, N akurtz, with efect from 2n(l August, 1935. PROM OTIONS. EowAltn Eltwxs:r fLouo, Colleetor of Customs, to be Senior Collector of Customs, with effeet from the 1st January, 1935. FMxnxm cx Jonx PRIOR TuoxAs, Examining Oflicer, to be Collector of Customs, with effeet from the 1st J'anuary, 1935. R EVERSION . LT.-colrvAxI)>:1t Dsv s M CK AV, S.N. (sxTp.), reverted to his substantive post as D istriet Comrnissioner, N akuru? with eEect f rom 2n(l August, 1935. JUXON BARTON, Ior dcfix.g Coïoniat Sdcrcftzrp. èölony qfld) Proteètorate ùf ' Kénya . . ' . . . .

' PROCLAMATION NO. 75 . . . ' . y . . . . TH E D ISEASES OF A NIM ALS ORDINANCE (Chajtir 157 of M, Reoised, Edilion, .s'tv/le' z.4 ) ' AND , . . ' . ' '

THE INTERPRETATION AND GENERAL CLA' USES ORDINA NCX. ' ' ' - ' . ' ' (Cha.pts,r 1 tf 'Je Remsed .S'liWba , Section. . 13.) ' ' ' ' - - ' ' GOU RNMENT NOTICE NO. 23.1. OF 1919. ' ' ' ' . ' -.. ; . 7 PROCLAMATI'ON ' . ' ' ' ' . .

IN EXERCISE of the powers thereunto enkbling mq, 1. hereby declare the areas defined . ' in tlle Schedule hereto to be infected with East Coavt Feypr, ahd I hçreby further de.clarii the . ' . . , . ') .. said areas shall be known as TT lnfected Areas '' for the purpose of Rttles ppder the . Disqapek . of Animals Ordinanèe...... ) ' Prbclamation No. 65 dated the loth day of July, 1935, is heréby yhlended aèèordinkly. . ' Giveù under my hand at Nairobi this 7th day of August, 1935.. ' ' ' H. H. BRASSEY-EDW ARDS, Chîqf . Vqterinary tly-rez'. SCH EDU LE ' -- . -- - , l Datè. of commencement 1.. k.. or other descriptian Owner District. j of Quarantine . . . . . = ...... - ...... - . .- .. L. R. Nos. 2783 and 5109 T. E. Aggett, Esq., P.O. North Nyeri 3rd August, 1935 . Nanyulci L. R. 2654/2 V'.H. Watson, Es9., Npr- Laikipia . 27th July, 1935 tonvale, Thomkim's Falls 1 PRCIJLAMATION No 76 . GOVERNMENT NOTTE:E NO.562 1 T'l-IE DISEASES OF ANTVIALS ORDTNANCE THE XATIYE AUTHORITY ORDINANCE lohtjpt t?r 157 of fhp Rerisod Fr/ifiitnz, Seoliion. 4) tc/kcpf er 1.29 of 'éJt,c Rehhed Edition, /8 Amended AND /)7/ f h,e .l:l4,'p68:tl Ecliiion. of :fJ?.8 Iuanujn topaTtzfï()z4 TIIE INTEEPIRETATION AXD GENERAL Ovdingnee, 1926, Sectiqn 20) CLAUSES ORDINANCE ' Axb ((?J? e?-. 1 oj 'the .l:l6'?lk'.:6t'l Ediiion, Sectio'tt 13). THE TNTEIRPRETATTON AND GENERAL UOYTONMENT NOTIOE NO. 2B1 OF 1919. CLAU SES ORDTNANCE PROCLAMATION. IX EXERCISE of the powers thereunto enabling (&'7?.n.p/c?- 1 of f/lt?wft?t,k-8cl fl/-fp-o?z, See'tion 18). tlle, I l'lereby deelare tlle following area to l)e tm GGN'PIRNMENT N' o'ClcE No. 406 ov 1926. irzfected area for tlle purposes of the sa'id Diseases of ,A. nim tlls Orclinance :- ' NoltTil Kzw lztoxoo LoczkTu N.&Tn?yI Corxcllu. ltzxpzîaz>Es'z'. . . - IN EXEROISE of tlle powers th/rètlnto ehlblilAg Tlte M/est Suk N ative Reserve. m e, I hereby appoint the person namecl irt the Farln L.R. No. 2441/2, and an area of Crown Sehedule annex' ed lïereto to be a m ember of the laatls knorn as Banyaban, G. d.e P. Colviles Loct'l Xative Couneil nam ed vtherein; . - . . ' . . . Esq., Larlak Estate, Rumuruti, Laikipia Dis- triet. Farm L.R . No. 2766, Lex 'Smith, Esq. , P.O. Nairobi, Nttnyuki, North Nyeri District. ' 6tl) Aug' ust, 1935. And furiher, 1 hereby declare the following portion of Proelam ation t,o be revoked ; - S. H . LA F'ONTAINE, That portion of Proelam atiou No. 98, clated 29th day of Novem ber, 1933, declaring Aeting 6'AiCJ Nafirq Co'?A?zlAziddi()?ze'k'. L.R. No. 6343, M rs. G . Anderson, P.O . N' anyuki, North Nyeri Districi, . to be tm infeded area (East Coast Fever). SCH EDULE. , . . Given under m y hand. at Nairobî this' 'Ctuh' 'day 'ozf'' NORTII u AVIRO. ND. O yy OCAL u ATIVE c O sxcm . Augusti, 1935. Petro N amuk habwa zjb 'Omtlitya ,'vie'e ' Mulà'ma H . H . BRASSEY-EDW AEDS, s/o Shuundu. (Government Notice No. Q72, (Ikiej Fcf8zizltzc? Omoer. dated 3-4-35.) 1)0Q /13V 2 OPPICIAL UAZZTTE August 13, 1935 ' . . - -- . - GOVERNMENT NOTICE N O. 563 NilW' t'herefore T, Arm ig- el de Vins 'W ade, Com - panion of the M ost Distinguished Order of Saizlt TH E JU STTCES OF TH E PEACE ORDINANCE M ichael and Saint George, Offtcer of the M ost Excellent Order of the Brîtizh Empire, Aeting (O/ztzptc'r R'J oj-tlte' ltl'pï8èd, .lil#iffthslk Governor and Com m ander-in-chief of the Colony N()z.rfe.El. ' ' ' and Protectorate of Kenya, in pursuanee of t14e V/HEREAS by instlntmtmts dated the 17th day provisions of the said seetion, do state tllat it is n1y of Januâry, 1923, George 'W hitty Gayer, Esquire, pleasure that tlae saicl appointm ent sllall from ' tm tl wag a.ppointèd to be a J'ustiee of the Peace for the after the date hereof eeage and determ ine. Kiftm bu District in apcordanee with the provisions tliven under zzay laand and the oë cial seal at. of section 2 of the Justices of the Peace Orclinanee : Nairobi this eigllth day of August, 1935. And whereas 5t hnB beeh notified to m e thas George W hitty Gayer, Esqulfe, deulres to l'elinquish A. DE V. W ADE, his; appointm ent : Actiytg tloz?crzzoz. Now therefore T, Armigel de Vins 'W ade, .Com - panion ol the M ost Distinguished Order of Saint M iehael ancl Saint George, Offleer of the M ost Exeellent Order of the Britik'h Em pire, Acting GOVERNMENT NOTICE NO. S65 Governor anil Comm ander-inrclaiqf o'f the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, tn pursuance of the THE JUSTICES OF TH E PEACE ORDINANCE provisitms oî tlat) said sectionw,z' dö- btate tljàt it 5's m y ttlhtzpttlk' 21 oj f/ztl Renised E dffïon). plaasure that the saitl apppintm ent shall from and NoTlcE. after the date hereof eease:an' 4 determine. 'W HEREAS by ingtrum ents dated the 3rd day Giverl under nïj hand Cizfcl the oflleial Beal of April, 1928, Alajor 'W alter Kirton was appointetl Nairobi this eighth day oî' August, 1935. to be a Justice of the Peace for the Kiambu Distriet in aecordance with the provisions of seetion 2 of the Justiees of the Peaee Ordinance : And. whereas it has been notifled to m e that Major 'W alter Kirton cleBlres to relinquish his ap- pointznent :. Now thcrefo're T, Armiyel d.e Vins W ade, Com- GOVERNMENT N OTICE panioh ol the M ost Distlnguished Order of Saint THE JUSTICES OF TH E PEAOE ORDINANCE M iehael and Saint George, Ofïieer of the M ost Excellent Order of the Brîtish Em pire, Aeting Lcliqpier . 21 ''V f he R e'tlf8 ed A't/fffo/l) . Governor and Com m ander-in-chief of the Colony . .Norics. and Protectorate of Kenyai in purBuance of the provisions of the saidv sectlon, d'o state that it is m y W H EIIEAS by instruments dated the 20th day pleasure that the said appointment Bhall from and oî Afay, 1931f Sidney Cprlin, Esquire, was appoinled after the date hereof cease and determine. t() be a Justiee of the Peace for the Kisumu- Londiani Distriet, in aeeordanee with the provisions G'iven under m y hancl and the omcial seal o2 seetion 2 of the J'ugtiees of the Peace Ordinance : Nairobi thia eighth day of August, 1935. Ancl whereas it has been notifed to m e that Sidney : Carlin, Esquire, deglres to re' linquish his A. os V. W ADE, appointm ent : Aoîing Oomcrsor.


NOTICE is hereby given that Exclusive Prospécting Licences laave been renewed or extended as follows :-

l tocality Licensee Approx. Area '9 1, Term M inerau j ' j 1 Lake Victoria Goldfeldw p Ltd. 2-6 sq. m iles As described in Sclaedule to O11e year from 1st Vide section 2 (1) G M ining .' ' '' Govt. Notice No. 64O oj:. M arch, 1935 Orflinance, 1933 1 27th September, 1933 'Kimingini Gold Minin: I ! Co , Ltd. 3 sq. m iles I As described in Schedule One year from 1st ditto - : t to Govt. Not kc e x o.4: of June, 1935 t j' jEth January, 1933 f e n y a C o n s o 1 i d a t e d Goldfelds, Ltd. . 10. 33 sq. nîiles South of Kavirondo Gulf Une year from 1st ditto in the South Kavirondo June, 1935 District

N ai rqbi. E. G. St. C. TISDA LL, Tlus 30th day of July. 1935 Ag. Cbzziza/qyzbz?er o; .J,.pao . Amgust 13, 193, tt'ltt O##1c1àL JAàE' l''.tE :0j

GOVI;RNMENT NOTICE NO. 567 GOVERNMENT NOTICE 'NO. 570 TJIE NATIVE AUTI-TOIRTTY ORDINANCE THE KING'S .W IRTCAN RIFLES RESERVE OF (Chalbter 129 oj f/z: Renined Edition, #ccfit?n 3 (1)) OFTTCERS ORDINANCE, 1927. AND No'rzcz ' . ' . TH E INTEIRPRETATION AND GENERAL ' . CLAUSES ORDINANCE TH E' Secretary of State for the' Colopies, ou the tc/kzcpf er 1 oj f lto f'lcriyt?ts Edit ion, yccf ion 13) reeom' m endation of His Exeellepcy the Governor, GOVERXMENT NoTzcs No. 406 o:n 1926. ha,s been pleasecl to appoint the following, persops to be Offlcers of the King's Afriean Riiqs Reserve APPOIXTMEN'I'. of Oëeers to serve for a peripd of three years in IN '2EXEItCISE of the powers thereunto enabling the z'snk ol 2nd Lieutenan't :- m e, l hereby appoini the person nam ed in the . Sehedule annexed hereto to be Oë eial H eadm an 1or M r. C. E. Onslow. the area nam ed therein. . M r U à. W izm ington-lngram . Nyeri, M r. E.. R. Garner. ' 1st Augusi, 1935. M . R. 1t. VIDAL, M r. A. J'. Czooper. Aoting Prorincicî Com m innioner, Mr. Z. d. M'iller. C8ltrtll Promïncc. CORRJ:ZNPA. S' CHEDULE. CENW AL Pltovlxcs, KzTur DzsTalcT. Governmenf Xtlfstv No. 536 oj f/zc 260 July, 193J. . Name Area Witsh omef fect Remark: For M r. A. F. Archèr î'ead M r. A. F. S. àrcher.

M uasya wa ! oc tion 1st August, I'hk. M unyasiawaNgao Fo?' M r. A. H . FitzHerbert r6c,# M rv H . FitzH erberi. Ndenza S. Yatta 1935 remsigned (apptknted by Govt Notzce N. o. 314/25) Nairobi, 6th August, 1935. GOVEF.NMENT NOTICE N0. 568 THE RESIDENT XATIVE LABOURERS H . G. PILLING, OEDINANCE ' Acting Colonial ,s:ck'fifcrg. (No. 5 oj 1925, Section 4 (2)) AND T1711f) INTERPRETATION AND GENERAL CLAUSES ORDINANCE (Citapte'r 1 oj tJlt; lèerinetl Edition, zsdcfîo??e 13). GENSRAL NoTlcs N o. 1012 AlalaolxTMEx'rs. JN EXXECTSE of the powers vested in m e: 12 M UNICIPAL COUNCIL OF NATIROBT. hereby appoint the following persons as Attestmg W ATER SUPPLX. O/ cers for the Laikipia District :- Nolqcn. Captain L. T. S. Bower, D.s.o. , P.O. Rum uruti. C. H . Adam s, Esq., P.O. Rumuruti. W H EREAS the M unicipal C. ouncil of N, ai.mbi. are G. L. P. Mredd, Esq. , P.O. Rum uruti. of the opinion that it is necessary to eonserve the public water supply : Nakuru: Now therefore, pursuant to By-law :26A, the 9th >.ugust, 1935. M unieipal Cpunci) of Nairobi llereby notify that lT. E . W ELB Y , from the 13th day of Atlgust, 1935, .until jurtier Pk-ovineiaï t'èlo./zn,zrn,f8dfozôc/', A#% Fcll8p. notice, water fiom the publie water supply m ay not be used for any of the follpwi.hj purposes, ViZ ; --. ' ' '' G OVERNMENT N OTICE N O. C69 (tz) The watering of a garden or tennis cotlrt' upless sueh water ha> already been reasonably Mspd. TH E TOW NSHIPS ORDINANCE , 1930. for any other legitim ate purpose. . ' Klstnfc Towxslup COMMITTEE. (5) The washing of clothes, utûnsils, implemeuts, AlolaolxzApx'r. m otor or other vehieles, or any other thing, TN EXEILCISE of the powers theèeunto enabling or the perform ing of ablutions of ariy Qind.' zrle, I hereby appoint the following to be a memb er whatsoever, with water iowing from an open of . the Fwi.sum p Township Com mittqe, temporarily, tap, pipe or other htting. ' during the absence 'from the dolony of Mr. J. M axwell Senior :- . . . . . M r. W . A. M cclure. Towp H all., Naiw bi. , gth August # 1:35. Kisumu, This 6th day of Augusi, 1935. C. TOM KINSON, P. 'S. ECKERSLEY, Aoting Pzdrizlcicl Comm inioner, Nyanza. Town Clerk. bp4 ,.t,112 ola>qclztm GA.ZEr.tI'E August 13: 193. $

G EM GI -NOTICK N U. 785 1 SESSIONS of His . M ajesty , s . Supreme Court of Kenya will '' V held -on the .k . . dates and .at .the plyççs hereinafter #çt out :- , . ' ...... - . . . .èayu.yxay. Ssssloxs AT MOMBASA, 12-8-35.

Criminal C>!çJ No. . 85/35 Rex vs. Gulam Ali s/o .lNur Mohamed. ; r . . .. ' -J- ...... S(UPREME COURT SESSIONS AT NAKURU, 13-8-35. 7 ' Criminàl Case Ntx 79/35 Rex è4-. Varioki and Ndigirigi.

: .. . . . ' F Criminal Case ' No. ' 82/35 Rex vs. Kipsoi arap Kirdgu and six' others. ,. l . i7z. kzrz. l; Jlr/z.l /y v- c.J geg

C. C. Nok 15/35 Bombay. Tradilig Co., Ltd. vs, D . A . .'Thrm as. C. C. No. 18/35 Vecrge Hutchison Osbprnç. L'.î. Wiiliam. Lqvet.


Criminal Case No. 78/35 Rex vs. Chebol arap Kiblangas. . Criminal Case No, & /b5 Rex vs. Kiptetui arap Rop. . Supreme CourtNàirobi' Civil 'Càse No. 98/35 Shah M ohanlal and Bros. vs. A C Fernandes Administtator of tie estate of Carmelina Fernandes. -'' ' ' ' Distnkt Wegz-if/-.y Va-jv...... èivil Case No. 12/34 Dalgety '& Co., Ltd. vs. W .AcLk Sphllçer.' . .. . : -'

' SUPREME CouR'r SEssloxj AT XAIG MEGA, 20-8-35. r . . t . .; (. ' . .t . t . . ' ' ' ...... :: ' ' C'riminal' Case Xö. 71/35 Rek ùs. Khiiemba M uiend. .a.,

. . T . s'ttpàéAs cotlR'r sàjsloxs AT' K' ' tàpuu 28:8-3. 59 .. , . ; Criminal Case No. 73/35 Rex vs. Onunda ahd uMwanyi. .2

. . Anting W'gzo.ç zrtzr, ' . . .y '. , .- ...... , , . Suprvme (J/vzg oj. Aox-vu. . - . . g

' . r

. . .- < . -. -: - - ..- ' - . .. ' ' ' - 2 - i ' T )' * : . 7 . % 2 ' 1 - S . . . -. . -. ' . -...... -. - -- . ' . ..'- . GENERAL No7qcE No. .1,013 GENkRX7L No' TlcE Nô'' 101*4 . ' ' . -- . - . .. . . -: . v q - .. . . r u . 2. . 1 . - . . - ...... - . . . -.- . : .: ' ' THE TRADE MARk! (W DIVXXUE, 19/6 ' .. . POST OFFICE NOXTCE. . . . . ;...... ' i' '. .. * .. . - , 1 A)h lt1'v J .' . .. . -! - . - TRADE MAiKd. RENEWED . . . .At i'T Allt M AiL Ix Exgzuxxo. 77 7- ) t, J . . - -. .u . . . . . ' . # J Trade Advertised in j1 . . M ark the Official Name of Applicapy ' Class, ' '' 1r1 1 '. 'is' ' ' . S . ' . - '. . k . . notiti-ed fcir . general . iilfot-nlatiofl ..that . the Numker Gazettc l 7 .. . Air Maîl d' espa'tched .'ftoztij ' Naitobi c/rï ' thè uflilèr- m ention' ed dates' azzived itl' Pnglgnd as stàted : -' . . : . . g . , . g. ' . . . . Cz . . . h782' 21-9-1921 Ford A4otor Company 1 . .. J .. .. > .. - 784. . . -2.1-9-1-924 . - -.cBritishv-/tm eriea. bate-of desp:.î -t. c-b - - . . k )- Date of arrival . .n ..To- .- .. .. , . from Nairobi in England 1 i bacço Com papy, Lyd. . 45 t ...... : ...... - L . . ' - .' --V. .,...... - . . . = u. . t'JAih'J. u1y,'-1935 ' ' ' ' ' zltlz-'âugu.t, 1935, . UNPAID RENEWAL 'FXES ' ' 2 nd August, t93t 9ih Au' gust, 1935' . -' ' ...... q. ' I . . . , . 7K 21-9- 1971* Boiby' in' Limiteil - ' 3 .. . . . 2' : . x . ' ' '. ' 731 21-9-1921 ' do. . 42 783 . 21-9-1921 A. scott & Compinf . ' 4 5 - Geneppl Pqàt öëce, Nqirohi, 9th Augu:t, 1935. Nairobl. . . : . . . . . - . . .. .' -' . . . .' ' This loth. day of August, 1935. -- . . .' .. . ' , . . . . - . A . W . D R. U. *-R' , Y., .. . . r . ' u . . - .. . . - J . - - e . .. . ; ., J . - . . .'L . ' . ' J ... . -. jov Poaf mante'ï ;- G'' enqpz'q l...- W . M . KEATINGE, !--. . .. x. .. - .. . Kenya, Uganda ahd Tclpclyîkù. . . . R q.g. /. rzzr // T. rede *21*.6 ' ' -'- ...... , . ... '...... ('...... -. App jt, 1.8 , 198$ T>1E OPFICIAL GAZETTE 90: '. E. r >. m . GEN.ISRAL N o-rlca No. G EXERAL NoTlcB No. 1015 THE CAOW N LANDS ORDINANCE (clzap-ter 1db of -f/ztr ae.viset.l .Iflfffo?zl. TE X DPJ'S , ' , . . . '. . ' . . 1. . . . . i ' ' TENDEItS are i'n vitvèl' 'for the 'supplv .of from Tliftflsaj ba(m THE GRANT OF QUARRY- ' '. J.5û to 2o(J heàd of csttttle duz)i pk - tbe bèf'Wr ta'ilzclerof RIGHTS, (F oRT T ERN z& N. t the year for the prçyaratitm- ', of .aritf--ri.nderpqst serum . . . . - .' ' ' ' ' TENDERS . frge. . i.n/tecl for t.he grant of quarry- and vaeeitîe.' 'Cattle shisuld bè two or m orè .years vights in th'e area at Fort Ternan kuown as tlie old and fropz ' . . /:0. 1b. livp. waigh.t upwards. . They Veterinary Quarantine Rescrve (L. .1t. No. 2321). m ust be susceptib.le to tiuclerpest aùd the tenderer A plan showing' tlw ppsi.titm' of the. site m ay. be seen . . , at the ofxee of the District Comm issioner, Xisum u- m ust give an assuranee that they hswe never been Londiani, Kispm u- immunized (double inoculateclj ' or vacciuated The plots m ay be used for the purposq of qttarry- agalinst rinderpest or b'e'en in. 'çonfact witl'l fthn disease. Arly cattle. tlzat prove nqt ing stone only, but natives employed on qtlarrying . io bq susceptible opera t.iont fnay reside witiin tlae area, provid'ed tlle to rindérpest' to '. be exghanged for 'fresh aniznàls. Anim als to be subiefzt to veterinary 'in' spection prior aeeom modation and sa. nitation are approved by tlze .. . -. - v . ' ' M edittal Ofïlcter bf 'H eâftlj, ltisum u. .... to despatelik Tenders should be îoi. t.h e supply j. éf ' Li (TIùD.CI')S will be granted 1or a period ot tpvlve anizr fals iri lots ol ten or more, and. àhould ihdtcl' tte m ontl!s from the lst day of Septem ber, 1935, and wherl. delivery can be..gviven. qTiye-average age end. ... - thereafter will be held subjeat to' three' : approximately the average weight of the anim als ' ' notiee to be given by either party. . . s h oul d b e statefl . Qtlotations 'sbt' )uld bé per 'po-u' n'd ' live body weiglltj f.o.l-. A royalty -of .S1a . .48 .per 1,000 cubie feet of stone supplier'q n.qjqqqj s.1 gtinn or iakea will be payable 'to the District Commissioner, f . O . r . Kabete' . ' Anfmat?' $9 be weigh. .f)d at Kabeùe Kisurùu-'luo' n'' diam ' mo' i' 1thly settlements to be made imnzediately on jgTiyala an4 ptlyrft-.t .to be .mad.e in this respect. on those weights. Tenders, whieh .sh.6ultl .be cleàrly. . No stream or natural drainagq .eourà.e 'shall be disp .' m arked < 'Tender for Caitle' ', slzould -be serft cfu .the, turbetl in al'ly W ay1 and a1l exeavations shall be undersigned ) so as to rèaèh him vtlot la'ter thap' fllled- irt. ttr -dfiainécl. to'. thésatièfactiop öf the M edieal MTednesday, the 28th. August, 1935% Ofllcer of H/alth, Aisumu. . . The lowest or any No quarrying opertjtiorlb''shall be carried- oh ivGthin .tenderr willv not-necèssarily' . be 100 fee't of apy publits carl-îqigle'wMy, àhd al1 responsi- aeeeptetlk ' . . ', '. . .'. bility' :t(:)r dam age,' . to' a14y 'pergozf ot alirhpl o: tc? Sahy public (')f p i'îvtèltq.' .>. f opeyty, - .vwfaejh qr . or immovable,' (1 u- e to quarryi ng ope.rations or transport ' from .. guarry tq. ' pnblic road 'shall kest Wi'th -'.thé liceusee.. Nq blasting is td Vie, plaee between the houri o1! '6'p.'m . 'ànd'6 a.m . ' S ' ' H . R. IH R ST . 7 . . '' ' S66'r6'Il.rgj Al1 oj/rktipns ' relative to iie pttrpo?e dor .which - . -. theticence' is granted shall be confihed within thè (7. (? jz j?.c;l. T gsty c ). .p o (7,y(yj . areaL' deznarcated, . . . - ' ' '' - 'll 7 . '-- - . Thè, lic' qniwe' Bli. .n;ll not any ( time subdivide: his. interest in the licence or assign, sublet or otherwise...... : s Gispose of any portiùn of such interest without thj . . .. . J previous written consent of the Cop missioper ' 9f ' L ftll ds . X ' '' 5' ' ' ' ' ' * ' GENERAL NoTzcs No. : 101 6.. The liaenee niàfy 'be' eancçlled on one day's notice . Xöxdj A..à Yyyjyy yya ISSUER. ?or failllLrq . ftj eomply with .iny of the foregoing J '. > Cerm s' ,azid ' éondi'tions. -' ' ' .. . ' IN EXERCTSE öf the jthver c'onferletl ilpim' fiîe' Three plots, eaeh Ineasuring 210 yards by 70 yards, by llules Nos. Q0 an4 63 of the DiBeages öf Aèitdnztals lre available, 100 feet from the m ain road to the ''' Ordinanee Rules, 1931, T hereby declare the undérk...... )ast of Fort Ternan railway stàtiiln. ' ' ' mentioned gentlûm un .to be an Hézi6rary. 'Perrèfit .' No tel'ldfr' of less thari Sh. 150 per annum Nkill lskuer for thb purposes of the said Rules :- ne aecepted, -but the highest or any tender will not leeessarily be aecepted.. ltk T. 'leteh. er, Esqc , ' M 'urg'ut-lïtivezs'-Egtdtl-' '--'-'- --

Tenders, in sealed envelqpes, 'addres.sed to. the Fort Ternan ': . ' f ' . ','t . : .' ;- ' .'- '!- ?-, Distrîé,t ('Jomm i&sionèi, 'K. lsumu-'t'onctiani, P.O. Yox )6, Kisutrluy shotiltl be sub'rriitted ziot ' latèr than ) a m . c)n Sa' turday, 17th Au' gust, : 1935-

fairobi' >' . - - ' Datecl this 9th day of .Ju1#, 1934. . w M k Lodàk ! ( öpzbt. iuni-one.r /()T Looal f'/tlzptTnzrld'lzf , / L qn. t% and. 'kstlffltlzrfà'àzf . . f ! : - ' - . - x. ' - ' t

/ ' .J ' L' J. ' : - . .'- - - -' . . ' ' ' - . F' : L...... - 906 T14E OFW CTAL GXZETTZ iugust 13, 193$

GENERAL No-ncE No. 1017 GENERAL NOTICE NO. 1Q21 THE BANKRUPTCY ORDINANCE. TH E BANK RUPTCY OE DINANCE. Noucl o, DlvzoExo Flrtsa) Alaxlrlxc o:n CltBol'rol'ts AND P/BLIC UNIjBIt Scslwzs o, Co:k latlstTzox. ' EXAMINATION. O esfôr'd 'ztc/rptl.- lzlewellyn Howard. Sn.m mary Case. Address.--azlo Uitsin Gishu District Council, Jltrl?ft?.?.'d ozcznc-- Gilbert Cliflbrd Roberts. Eldoret. zltfdr:d,s..- Nairobi. Dcyck'lpffox.-Engiueer alld general contractor. Jiedc'ràpfiozlz.- clerk. i?:,v4-I.- H.V . supbelue court, Nairobi. Conrt .- H .AI. Suprem e Court, Nairobi. Number 'oj p%fJ,'If6r.-38 of 1930. N'dmber oj 'mtzf f 6r.- 16 of 1935. Altboultt per z.- shillings two in 'tho 2. Dat c oj .#,r.sf n'bnetill,g oj tr.l'tllfft?zw.- sth September, Firdf or #.?1,(zJ or t)f pr6rwî,sc--' Fifth. ' 1935. .

TFl18n,' .'pa2/tzbl6.- 13tll August, 1935. . 11 (?'tzr.- 2 .15 p .zn . 11. ,'îiere ptzprzhàe.- oflicial R cceiver's Oëce, Law rltzcc.- committee Room No. 54, Law Courts, . . Courts, N airobi. N airobi . N airobia R . G. GREEN , Dtzf 6 p/ (pvblîc cztzrnliotzfionz.--6th September, 1935. S 5u'r.- 10 a-m . 9t1l August: 193ö. /pr ojllcial .1leceizpe'r. iylcce.- Law Courts, N airobi. Nairobi, GAXERAL NorlcE No. 1018 9bh August, 1935. THE BANKRUPTCY ORDINANCE. R. G. GREEN . , Rzcmvlxc Oltosn. /0r Omcial ftecefrer. Debtor's zèc?pa6-- Ali bin Awath El-Amri. zltltïredts-- Alombasa. D t,dcdzyfio'pz.- Tracler. GENERAL N(7TIcE No. 1022 Dat 6 t,/ Fï'ing p6fifios.- znfl August, 1935. ïN HIS M AJESTY'S SUPREM E COURT OF K ENYA Court .- H .M . Sppreme Court, M om basa. AT M OM BASA DISTRICT REGISTRY . Numbeî' oj znaf ter.-3 of 1935. PROBATE AND ADAIINISTRATION . Dfzf tr 0/ o'rd6r.-3rcl August, 1935. Czw ss No. 23 oF 1935. W hcààor debtor's o'r cvedit p'rd' pefifiawz- Debtor's. Nozzcl okn AprrrcztTzox zroa L=TTEZIS oF AoxzxrsTnm ox olp EST&TE ()F SALIM BIN M WABUNDO, LATE OF M ombasa, MOMBASA (LI1t()NI)y KENYA PROTLGTOEATE, 9th Augus'b , 1935. . MJ. LEE, D.Ee.p2asED. Depntu oscicl TteccizpeA'- TAKE NOTICE tlzat applibation having bèen made iu thi? Courb by Khalfan bin Salkm, of Monyhasa (Likonl), Kenya Protectorate, f o!- letters of adminlstra- GENERAL NOTICE NO. 1019 tion of thq estate of Salinz bln M wabundo, late of Mombasa (luikoni), Kenz-a Protectorate, who died at Mombasa (Liktmi) op the 31st day of May, 1935, in- TH E BANK RUPTCY ORDINAN CE. testate, this Court wlil proceed to lssue the same unless FIRST M EETING OF CEEDITOR8. cause be shown to tlle contrary and appearance in this D 6bf o1.'s '?ùavkte.- lan M ohamed. respeqt entered on or before jb.e 28th day of August, Addkest.-' '-Nairbbi 1935. ' Jlcdca-fpfiol--contracior. Cznvi .--H.M. Supreme Court, Nairobi. M ombasa, N'umber oj zrltzff6'r--..s of 1935. 6th day of August, 1935. Date o! yirdf meei i'pzi oj cv'cdif 0w.$.- 21st Augusrt, W . LEE, 1935. wzlcfï'pzg D izt rîcf lleghtra'r, .'D'7oztzr.- 3 p.m . H .M . 's'ftzprezno Conrt oj Senœg,. T'Jcce.- cortzm ibtee Room No. 5.1, Izaw Cotlrts, Nairobi. , GENSRAL NOTICB N 0. 1023 Nai' robi, . 10th Augttst, 1935. W . M . K EATIN GE, IN I'H S M AJESTY'8 SUPREM E COURT OF KENYA oscial Jfecelrer. AT M OM BASA DISTRICT REGISTRY. PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION . C-&css No. 24 or 1935. Norrcx OF Aptarvrcw'rroN Folt LETTERS op An:hnxlsTlxw.rzox olq ESTATE otp H Exilo BIN M OHAwIED BIN SEI, TH E BANK RUPTCY ORDINANCE. EIU-JAHATHAMI, LATE ol- M oxlusA, KENYA FzztsT M SITING oln Calpzrrozts. PROTSCTOaATS, DscxAszo. Snmmary (ltzye. TAKE NOTICE that applieation baving been matle in this Court by Edward W illiam Eldred Battye: of D ebtor's zrc?ntl.- Duleie Preston Spencer. M om basa, K enya Protectorâte, fqr letters of adm lnis- zlddzrcsd.- Turbo. tration of the estate of H em ed b1n M ohamed bin Seif D6ycrfpfîoo.- lklarrïed woman. Esl-lahatbam i, late of M ombasa, K enya Protectorate,

()olt.rt.- H.M . Su/rEualg Court., Nyiz'olzi. who died at M om basa on the 21st day of February, 1935, intestate, this Court will proeeed to issue the same Numhel' 0/ zn/tltfer--.-..8 of 19Y . ' unless cause be shown to the ctjntrary aud appearance Date 0/ J'ryà z/feefin.g OJ crctiîftjrd--dth September, in this respect entered on oz' before tha 28th day of 1935. August, 1925. .t'W 01r.- 2.15 p-m. ' h'Pkcd-- copmittee Room No. 54, Law Courts, M om basa, N airob-l. 6bh day of Augusty 1935. N airobi, W . LEE, 1)$h August, 1.935. M . KEATINGE, Anflnq D /frccf lteglstean f OFcikzl Tlecesr6z. t 1 ; F: tv. . S'tq':' reme Coztz'rf 0/; .llk%2Ia'. August 13, 1985 TH E OFFTCIAL GAZETTE 907

GENERAL NOT1cE No. 1024 GENERAL NOTICE N0 1027 PR OBATE AND ADM INISTRATION . IN H1S MAJESTY'S SUPREM E COURT OF KENYA ' Plznralc Tltus'rxx's CAtrsa N o. 37 ()p 1935. AT N AIROBI. Ix THR ATATTRR oé HAROLD ELFGENX DESREACX, pxcEAsxn. PROBATR AND ADM INISTRATTON . To a1l wlaom it may coneern. CAIJSE No. 59 op 1935. TAK E N OTICE tcltat o1+ or after the 27th day of X OTIC!E f).n APPLICATION FOl1 PROBATE ()F THE W ILL OF A'ugust, 1985, I intend to appbr to H.M . Supreme DASrIII GOLDBERG, LATE OF N AIMOBI, DECEAFJED. Court of Kenya at Nairobi f or an order to administer TAK E X OTI'CE tllat application llaving been m ade tllda estate of tlle above-nametl H arold Eugene Desreaux, iu tllis Court. by Vera Goldberg aud Edward K cene

*de,treased, who died at Yala on the 29th day of M areh, Figgis, of Nail'olli, for probate of tlle will of David 1. 91:15. . Goldberg, late of Naïrobir K enya Colonz-, who died at N airobi on thfs 29th day of Jtzne, l985, tlAis, Court will proeeed to issue tlle sanze unless cau. se be shown to the N a i ro b i t contrary and appearance in this respeet enterod on or 6th August, 1935. . . before the 27:11 day of August, 1935. W . M . KEATINGE, N ttirobi, ' JG:IIJCC l''rust ct?. 9th August, 1985. E . J. O'FARRELL, ztcli'n,g Iteflist rar, * Sxfprczn,e tv'onrt ol Akzrw . GENERAL NOTICE NO. 1025 ATofe.- The will above named is now deposited and open to inspection at the Coul't. ' IN H IS ATAJESTY'S SUPREM E COURT OF K ENYA AT NAIROBT. PROBATE AND ADAI. INISTRATION. Cwvsx No. 38 op 12135. GENERAL NOTICE NO. 1023 Ite MIT Slxqoyz s/o Llnx.i SINOIr, IlEcEAsxo. IN H TS M AJESTY'S STJPREM K COURT OF K ENYA PURSUANT to an oi-der of His Majesty's Supreme AT NM ROBI. CollLl't of Kenya at N, dated tlle 28rd day of PROPATID AND ADM INTSTRATION . J'ul.y) 1985 , whereby the probate of the will of the abcive-namad deceased was granted to A.Iu ohinder Kaur, Cwvss N o. 60 ov 1935. of Nairolli, in the saiçl Colony : . . NoTlcE o:a APPLICATION >'ort PMOIIATE t)ba T:fIl W Hurz oln Take notice that a1I persons having any claims JITITAIZAL Cnlr-&cAxtztr PANDYA LATE ckp aga inst the estate of the above-named deceased are NAlnonl, pxcR-tsxz). reqaired to Jodge and prove sueh elaims with .the under- siglzed on or before the Pnd day of Septem ber, 1935, TAKE NOTIT CE that application having lzeert made aftt?r wllieh date the elaims so proved will be paid 'and in this Court by Khushaldass M . Bhutt and Uauri- shanker G. Pandya, of Nairobi, for probate of the will the estate distributed according to law. of J'ethalal Chlzaganlal Pandya, late of Nairobi, who A)l persons who are indebted to the above-nam ed died at Nairobi on the 25th day of J'uly, 1935, this deceaspd are also required to pay to tlzq undersigned Court will proceed tci isrsue the sam e unless cause be tlle am ounts of their liabilitles by the aforesaid date. shown to the contrary an:l appearanee in this respect Da'tzed at Nairobi 'this 'Pntl day of Auaust, 1935. entered on or before the' 2,7th tltty of August, 1935. N' a i rob i , SHAPLEY, SCH W ARTZE & BARRET, 9th Atzgust, 1985. zl4rpcgf e.q /t)z' .'IA6 fzçcttfzriz. E. 1. O'FARRELL, Acting Tfcf/iyfrtz'r, Suprente tlov'rf o! K evvga. AT(/f c.- The will above nam ed is now deposited and GEAIERAL NOTICE N0 1026 open to . inspeeticm at the Court. TN HTS AIAJI'ISTY'S SUPIIEM 10 COURT OF KENYA AT NAIR OBI. PROBATR AN1) ADMTXISTRATTGN. CzktTss No. 58 ()l/ 1935. GZNERAL NoTlclr No. 1Q29 XIITI'C!E o'F APPLICATION Zba()lt 'LETTEES OF ADMINISTMATION PROBATE AND ADM INISTRATION . OF V STATE OF W ALTE/ VARTH STANLEY, LATE OY K AKAMFJGA, DFCEASED. Plzlplc Tlttrsryilrs C*r'8E NO. 69 o:F 1935. I'AKE NOTICE that applieatiox having been made lx T1I&1 M ZUTER oF GkllAllklx EowAlto HxwxEs IlxcsAsso. iJ1 tllis Court by Ilna Stanley, of Nairobi, Kenya To all wlloln kt may eoneern. C,ololly, for letterF'. of adlùinistration with will annexed of t'tle. estate .of MTa1'téi- Garth Stanley, late of K aka- TAKE NOTIOR th. at a11 persons having any claims nzega, who dîed at K akamega on the lotlz day of M ay, against the estate of the above-named Gordon Edward 1935, this Court wîll proceed to issuo the sam e unlcss H awkes, deceased) who died at M om basa in the Kenya eause be shown to 'tlle eontrary and appearance in fhis Proteetorate on the fifteenth day of J'uly, 1935, are resollet entered on or before tlze P'ah day of August, required to prove such claims before me, the under- 1935. . . signed, on or before .the fouf-teenth day of Oetober, 1935, . after whieh date the claims jo proved w11l be paid and the estate distributed accordzng to law. Nairobi, 9th Allgust, 1935. N airobi, 7th August, 1935. E . .%. O'FARRELL, zl cfi/L: Itegistrfw, W . M . KEATINGE, Svprc'rn,c Conmt oj .Ffk'n,?./a. .pzuhlic Trnst 66 , 908 THE OFW CIAL GAZJSTTE. Augtist 18, 1935


t w. ' TAK E NOTICE that an applieation for the regis- IJ tration of tlle trade m ark s'hown above in Class 3 in respect of Pharmaceutical Productts has been lodged by A. W iilfing and Company, m .b.H ., a body corporate orftanizetl ltncl (axi sting ullcler tlle laws of Germ any, of . - 4 = -. ' 231 Friedricthstraskse, Berlin , Germally, manuf aeturers, wllose addl'ess for service in tlte Colony is e/0 Alessrs. zttkinson, wl-lown, AI orrïson and wiins'lie, Advoeates, P.O. NAVY Box 29 Alom llasa . ' . cuT Tl'le sai (1 trade nlark wi 11 be ,registered af ter the expiration of nîpety days frozn tlae dats of this Gazette, m phfAp>Ajatjgjotwmmsjg'p provided no lfotlt.e of opposition is reeelved. TAKE NOTICE that an applieation for thk regis'- Nairobi) tration- p.f . the, trade mark shöwn above in Class 45 in respect of Manttlactured Tobacco ha:s been lodged by 7th tlt..ugnst. 1887.. . .- ...... - Internàtiöhal Tobaceo (Overseas) Limlted, of 338 to 346 ,. - GoyBrell l'Roa-d, . Londonr Englandr manuf acturers, whose W . M . KEATINGE, address for service in the Colony is c/ o M essrs. Ross llegisfrar ()/ Tvade Mavks. . .arid Christie. Txidvoéa-t/si. B.O. Box 154. M om basa. The said trade ziiàrk will be registered after the expiration of ninety days f rom the dats of this Gazette, G'EXEICAI- Noilcl' ùo. 1:33 PrO7Wi d e.d 'nO nOt i Ce . O f OPPC/S iti OMJ i S - 1' Puttlï* e d'. ' '-' '- ' ' ' IN HIS AIAJESTY'S SUPREAIE COURT OF K ENYA To be associated with No. S040r AT NAIR OBI. CAr'sE No. 223 olp 1934. - . N. py.i rob. iF .. - .- ' ' IN 'rna MATTRR ow (VlErusv Awo Rouxltl's, LIMITS:I 3rd A ugust', 19135. ANI) W . M . KEATING'E, IN TH>: M ATTEU o:a 'r:Hx CozrpMçlss ORDINANCE, 1.9:3. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tlzat the ordgr qf ïteoistrar oj Twcrtfo Mavks. His Majestv's Supreme C/urt oî Kenyy at Nazrobl, dated the 12th day of July, 1935, confirmlng (ï'n.f er fl,/icl the reduetion of tlae eapltal of the above-named Com- pftny from Sït. 4,000.000 to Sh. 3.864,000, and the m znute approved )a>- the Court showing with respeet to the eapltal of tlae Company as altered the severjl par- GENE:AL NOTICE NO. 1031 ticulars required 'by the above Ordinance. was reglstered l)y the Pegistrar of Companieg on the 8th day of TH E TRADE M ARK S ORDINANCE, 1930. August, 1935.

. . APPLICA:rIt.)N N o. B. 2220. N' air.o'bi Tlonse , Nltirobi . . w . ' IIAA'ITTUTON , HARNISON t: M ATH EW S, K .E A . ' Soràcif ovs JOr f 11.6 Comjlçbn'j;. GENERAL NOTICE NO. 1034 TAKE. NOTTCE 'that an application for tht) regis- tration , pf .thq trâdé mark shown above in Class 42 i11 DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSH IP.. respect of Cereals, Peas, Beans. Potatoes and other N OTICE IS HRREBY GIVEN that 'the partnersllil, Farm Food Produee and the Food Produets thereof has heretof ore existing between Bynta Ram s/q Bella Ram been lodged by the Kenxa Farmers' Association (Co- and. 'Bella Singh s / o Hira Slngh, of M aklndu in the operative) timlted, a liznited liability company baving its Colony of K enya, carrying on the business of f arming l'egistered oflice at N akuru, whose address for service in under. the name and style of Bella Singh and Banta the Colony is e/o Messrs. Cresswell apd Lean, Advoeates, P'tdnz, has been dissolved b5,- mutual consent as from the Burlington House, N akuru. 12Ll1 dav of Alarclt. 1.935, 1)'y the retircment of the said The said trade m ark will be registered after the 'Banta Ranl s /0 Bella Ram. expiration of ninety days f rom the date of this Gazette, A1l the debts due to and owing by the said partner- provided no notice of opposition is receive'd. sllip will be received and paid respectively 'bv the said remaining partner, Bella Singh s/o Hira Singh, who User claimed f rom 1st January, 1.922. will carry on the said business of f arming in his own nam e. Nairobi.1 7th August, 1935. D ated at Nairobi this 7tl) day of August, 1935. W . M . KEATINGE, BELLA STNGH . Begéstrar o'f Tvade Marks. BANTA TtxAlsf . GENERAL N oemce No. 1035 C O L O N M A N 13 p p f.3 - T E CT 0. R .A.T E O F Txz*x E AN1 Y A Statem ent ol As:ets and Llablh*tles as at the 30th Apn*l, 1935 1 LIABILITIES A SSETS W .% w/.ç. â .ç. cts. f s. r'.ç. I $. J;.ç. Dsposa s )- INVESTMENTS ).-. Saving's Bank ...... 265.461 5 04 '!1 Savings Bank ...... 271 ,326 1 35 M om basa W ate-rWo. rks-. Renew.als- Fund . . . . .1 ,6.3.2- . 3. 9.3. Ij Mombasa Water Works- Renewab Fund . . . . 1 ,632 3 93 Kisumu W ater W orks- Renewals Fund . . 1.945 12 45 1':. Kisumu W ater W orks- Renewals Fund ...... 1,,,, jtj 4, M acimkos Wltqr W orks- Repewals Fund .. . . 17l 8 0Q j' Supplementary Sînking Fund Reserve-Eldoret W ase.r Supply .. 1,626 19 42 ASpseiactiakl WReidseo-wse 'Fanudn dO .r .p hans.' . Pensi.o .n Fund .. 61.505787 17 6l 6l j APusljaltiic TWruidsotewes ' Faund s O. r. phaas. ' .Pens.i o. n Fu. n. d . . . . 6703,98959 120 6160 M aharaj Singh Fund . . 28 17 28 Special Reserve Fund ...... 613 15 49 Indian Troops Fund ...... 190 16 62 M aharal Singh Fund ...... 28 17 23 M iscellaneous ...... 392.409 1 1 04 lndian Troops Fund . . 190 16 62 Stnmp Duty Reserve Fund . . 90, 129 16 07 l Stamp Duty Resel-ve Fund ...... 89,284 2 1 0 Supjg4mentary Sinkipg Fund ...... 15,559 10 49 l Supplementau Sinking Fund ...... 16,892 0 27 Supplmnentary Sinklng Fund Reserve- Eldoret Atmaram Pandya Scholarship Fund ...... 206 14 16 W ater Supply ...... 1.629 19 92 517,748 16 83 Atmirlm Pandya Ssllolarship Fund 2Q6 14 16 K.A.R. Cto'rulxo RESERS'E STORE, LONDON . . . . 3:705 0 00 Em opean Civil Servlce Provident Fund . . 547 16 56 .&. s . >;.v. - 831 ,549 16 33 Aovaâxcls :--central Agricultural Advances Board 105.949 14 25 DRAH S . . 5,192 17 34 Civil Senants' Build'mg Schemes 19,219 1 75 M iscellaneous ...... 59,993 1 6 07 Inter-Departmental Clearance Accoum . . 617 10 97 185,780 3 04 LOA:N5 '4/U00NDS-UNSPENT BALANCES :.- j SUSPENSE ACCDUNTS T-Turkana Tax . . . . .t.; 178 1s3. J6/0J'. ,000 1 927 Loan...... M achinezy and Plant 1.047 1 06 f3,500,01)0 1928 Loan. . . . 114,314 10 81 . . - 1,225 14 66 13,400.000 1930 Loan . . 330,560 2 14 1305,600 1933 Loan . . 65,338 19 18 LoAxs :- .i; s. cts. . 510,213 12 13 Maize Industry 1 1 1,459 19 95 INU STMENT ADJUSTMRNT ACCOUNT ... 536 0 22 W heat Industry 4,204 9 30 LOAN> SALE OF ELDORET W ATRR SVPPLY . . 29:021 9 84 Barley Industry .-. 425 9 05 ExcRjs oF AssE'rs OVeR LIABILITIES . . 241,033 16 76 - 116,089 18 30 LOANS T0 LOCAL BODTRS 1- Z s. cts. A. M. Jeevanjee & Co. . . 2.446 7 94 Roman Catholic M ission, Yala . . 1 ,832 O 00 Eldoret M unicipal Board 29.021 9 84 33,299 17 78 IMPRESTS . . 1,387 17 68

UNALLOCATED STORES :- .i; s. yià'w Public W orks Depm m ent ...... 25,630 12 1 3 Post Oëce . . 13# 162 19 23 K.A.R. Rations . . 1,525 9 84 40,319 1 2û CASH :--. Z s. cts. W ith CroFn Agents ...... 380:000 0 00 On Deposit (sxed) ...... -. 35,720 3 50 On Deposit, Stamp Duty Reseerv'e Fund ...... 845 13 98 On Currrnt Account wjth Banks or at District Treasuries 300,578 4 91 ln Translt between Chests ...... 847 0 74 717,991 3 13

TOTAL .. â 1,617,547 12 62 TOTAL .L' 1,61 7,547 12 62 N airobi, G. W ALSH , 26th July: 1935. Trqqwrçr, 910 TH E OFPICIAL GAZETTE Augupt 13, 1935

Rates of Subscçiption to O fficial G azette. ' . (. 8h. ctd. For one year .. . :5 00 six months ...... 13 00 three m onths (excluding postage) 6 50 , three months (including postage) 1 50 Single copy (excluding postage) 0 50 Single copy (including postage) ...... 0 60 (subscriptions m tlst be prepaid. )


.,1!/ Notices and z'ltzrczfïstlzm cxf.x by P'rïptzf: Adne'rtisern m ay b: Lendeved or sent (Iirtscà by Poyf to f/àc GO I/-F.RNM FNT PRINTER , Nairobi, J(n' in8ettion cf thee tzztà/lfarùcd l'ates oj ptz?/vzzcrtf. Tlte tl/#ct, hou'rs cz'c yom $? ..-. to 4 p.'m., closing tzt 1 o'clock ()., Satuïdaya.

zl 11 N ofïcc' s and ,4 drnytisnm eytts 'mztzst be pzflpnTïtf. To sane delay N oticen and -zltyrczàgczlzcnàd sent direct by Post .C/?C/ZIZJ be ctlctlzzzpczlïdd by rtazpéààtzzltv. ijl' csffc'r for publicaiion sltould z'ctzc/z ilte GO VERNM ENT PRINTEB 'xof latev f Itan 9 c.w4,. on f I%e ls'cfzttztft;?/ of fh: 'toeek 56/0/6 P'ttblieaiion ï,g desired.

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N OW ON SA LE :- K EN Y A B LU E B O O K FOR T H E Y EA R 1934 ). larice sh. lo/ - la rice posted sh. 12/-