
THE AL GAZETTE COLONY AND PROTECTORATE KENYA Published under the Authority of His Excellency the Governor of the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya Vol. XXXVII.-No. 39 NAIROBI, August 13, 1935 Price 50 Cents Registered as a News~averat the G P. 0 Published every Tuesday TABLE OF CONTENTS PAGE ~Govt.Notice No. .561-Arrivals, Departures, Appointments, etc. ... ... ... ... ... 900 Proclamations Nos. 75-76-The Diseases of Animals Ordinance . ... ... ... 901 Govt. Notice No. 562-The Native Authority Ordinance-Appointment ... ... ... ... 901 ,) ,, ,, 563-565-The Justices of the Peace Ordinance-Appoint~~~entsDetermined ... 902 , 3 y j ,, 56GThe Mining Ordinance, 1933-Exculsive Prospecting Licences Renewed ... 902 , t , , .. 567-The Native Authority Ordinance-Appointment ... ... ... ... 903 , t ,I , , 568-The Resident Native Labourers Ordinance-Appointments ... ... 903 ... ... ... ... ,! 3 , .. 569-The Townships Ordinance, 1930-Appointment 903 ,) ,, ,, 570-The King's African Rifles Reserve of Officers Ordinance, 1927-Appoint- ments ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 903 dJeneral Noticea Nos. 1012-1035 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... 903 SUPPLEMENT ORDINANCES. 90t) THE OFFICIAL GAZETTE Augqst 13, 1935 A OVERNMENT NOTICE NO. S61 A RRIVA LS Name lj Rank F1srto mA plepaoyme tomre onnt jl DatEen ogfl alenadw ng 1l Emobartek aotfi on oaat teM oof marbraivsal 1 I t H l . R. Senior Juuior Postmaster Leave f 29th June, 1935 - 31st Julyj 1935 * L. Shoolman Government Coast Agent do i 20th June, 1935 - 2nd Aug., 1935 Mrs. X .D. Smit Education Omcer do 'i - :3:.d July, 1935 f do 'W . P. Bruce Laboratory Asst.. Agrie. Dept. da 1 1 th July, 1 93S - 6th Aup, 1935 B. B. Donald Supdt. of Prisons do do .- do SJ. MacMunn Education Oflicer do l do do . G. W alter Clerk, Treasury do ( do - do K Cleland Assistant Supdt. of Police do 1 do - do Lt. C. A. Cornell District Offlcer do t! 17th July, 1935 18th July, 1935 1: do Capt. M. F. J. R. Mahony District Omcer do ' ;19th July, 1935 20th July, 1935 ! do A. B. Acton lnspector of Police do 1 1th July, 1935 - do M iss M . 1. Rhind M atron, M edical Department do do - do Miss A. V. W ells Shorthand Typist, K. U. R. do 21st July, 1935 1 21st July, 1935 2nd August, 1935) ' & H. j j * Dar cs Salaam #' L. Marques. 1: Marseilles. 3 Genoa. )) s. Afrlca (Durban). D EPAR TU RES Nnme Ra On leave or termination nk of appointment Date of Departure 1 C. B. Norman Dïstrict Officer Leave rmd August: 1935 R. D. F. Ryland District Omcer do 3rd August. 1935 R. H. James Education Oflicer do do FM. iF. Young Education Omcer ) do do R. ss E. Seaton 1 Nutsing Sister, Z'Mi ' OefdlSicDal Department ! do do Mj yj . PB. 1 ag. k khe i rj ae j Cxhuiresfj nogflsio: es ry e' Jxje s:j j (; a j % Aerptamr gm'l te n y l dlj 0o za Oo WM. H. Thompson Telegraph Insp, ector I Leave pending retfrement do . D ards Senior Superintendent of Pri kons l do do A. Finch Superintendent of Police ' 1 do do APPOINTM ENTS. W zuzrxlt LE>), Acting Deputy Registrar, Suprem e Court, M ombasa, to be Oëcer in Charge, Offkce of the Public Trustee and Oëcial Receiver, M ombasa, with effect îrom #th July, 1935. GsoltGs GlyuMotTx Romxsox to be Resident Magistrate, N akurtz, with efect from 2n(l August, 1935. PROM OTIONS. EowAltn Eltwxs:r fLouo, Colleetor of Customs, to be Senior Collector of Customs, with effeet from the 1st January, 1935. FMxnxm cx Jonx PRIOR TuoxAs, Examining Oflicer, to be Collector of Customs, with effeet from the 1st J'anuary, 1935. R EVERSION . LT.-colrvAxI)>:1t Dsv s M CK AV, S.N. (sxTp.), reverted to his substantive post as D istriet Comrnissioner, N akuru? with eEect f rom 2n(l August, 1935. JUXON BARTON, Ior dcfix.g Coïoniat Sdcrcftzrp. èölony qfld) Proteètorate ùf ' Kénya . ' . ' PROCLAMATION NO. 75 . ' . y . TH E D ISEASES OF A NIM ALS ORDINANCE (Chajtir 157 of M, Reoised, Edilion, .s'tv/le' z.4 ) ' AND , . ' . ' ' THE INTERPRETATION AND GENERAL CLA' USES ORDINA NCX. ' ' ' - ' . ' ' (Cha.pts,r 1 tf 'Je Remsed .S'liWba , Section. 13.) ' ' ' ' - - ' ' GOU RNMENT NOTICE NO. 23.1. OF 1919. ' ' ' ' . ' -.. ; . 7 PROCLAMATI'ON ' . ' ' ' ' . IN EXERCISE of the powers thereunto enkbling mq, 1. hereby declare the areas defined . ' in tlle Schedule hereto to be infected with East Coavt Feypr, ahd I hçreby further de.clarii the . ' . , . ') .. said areas shall be known as TT lnfected Areas '' for the purpose of Rttles ppder the . Disqapek . of Animals Ordinanèe. ) ' Prbclamation No. 65 dated the loth day of July, 1935, is heréby yhlended aèèordinkly. ' Giveù under my hand at Nairobi this 7th day of August, 1935.. ' ' ' H. H. BRASSEY-EDW ARDS, Chîqf . Vqterinary tly-rez'. SCH EDU LE ' -- . -- - , l Datè. of commencement 1.. k.. or other descriptian Owner District. j of Quarantine . = . .. .... - . ... ... - . .- .. L. R. Nos. 2783 and 5109 T. E. Aggett, Esq., P.O. North Nyeri 3rd August, 1935 . Nanyulci L. R. 2654/2 V'.H. Watson, Es9., Npr- Laikipia . 27th July, 1935 tonvale, Thomkim's Falls 1 PRCIJLAMATION No 76 . GOVERNMENT NOTTE:E NO.562 1 T'l-IE DISEASES OF ANTVIALS ORDTNANCE THE XATIYE AUTHORITY ORDINANCE lohtjpt t?r 157 of fhp Rerisod Fr/ifiitnz, Seoliion. 4) tc/kcpf er 1.29 of 'éJt,c Rehhed Edition, /8 Amended AND /)7/ f h,e .l:l4,'p68:tl Ecliiion. of :fJ?.8 Iuanujn topaTtzfï()z4 TIIE INTEEPIRETATION AXD GENERAL Ovdingnee, 1926, Sectiqn 20) CLAUSES ORDINANCE ' Axb ((?J? ft.pf e?-. 1 oj 'the .l:l6'?lk'.:6t'l Ediiion, Sectio'tt 13). THE TNTEIRPRETATTON AND GENERAL UOYTONMENT NOTIOE NO. 2B1 OF 1919. CLAU SES ORDTNANCE PROCLAMATION. IX EXERCISE of the powers thereunto enabling (&'7?.n.p/c?- 1 of f/lt?wft?t,k-8cl fl/-fp-o?z, See'tion 18). tlle, I l'lereby deelare tlle following area to l)e tm GGN'PIRNMENT N' o'ClcE No. 406 ov 1926. irzfected area for tlle purposes of the sa'id Diseases of ,A. nim tlls Orclinance :- ' NoltTil Kzw lztoxoo LoczkTu N.&Tn?yI Corxcllu. ltzxpzîaz>Es'z'. - IN EXEROISE of tlle powers th/rètlnto ehlblilAg Tlte M/est Suk N ative Reserve. m e, I hereby appoint the person namecl irt the Farln L.R. No. 2441/2, and an area of Crown Sehedule annex' ed lïereto to be a m ember of the laatls knorn as Banyaban, G. d.e P. Colviles Loct'l Xative Couneil nam ed vtherein; . - . ' . Esq., Larlak Estate, Rumuruti, Laikipia Dis- triet. Farm L.R . No. 2766, Lex 'Smith, Esq. , P.O. Nairobi, Nttnyuki, North Nyeri District. ' 6tl) Aug' ust, 1935. And furiher, 1 hereby declare the following portion of Proelam ation t,o be revoked ; - S. H . LA F'ONTAINE, That portion of Proelam atiou No. 98, clated 29th day of Novem ber, 1933, declaring Aeting 6'AiCJ Nafirq Co'?A?zlAziddi()?ze'k'. L.R. No. 6343, M rs. G . Anderson, P.O . N' anyuki, North Nyeri Districi, . to be tm infeded area (East Coast Fever). SCH EDULE. , . Given under m y hand. at Nairobî this' 'Ctuh' 'day 'ozf'' NORTII u AVIRO. ND. O yy OCAL u ATIVE c O sxcm . Augusti, 1935. Petro N amuk habwa zjb 'Omtlitya ,'vie'e ' Mulà'ma H . H . BRASSEY-EDW AEDS, s/o Shuundu. (Government Notice No. Q72, (Ikiej Fcf8zizltzc? Omoer. dated 3-4-35.) 1)0Q /13V 2 OPPICIAL UAZZTTE August 13, 1935 ' . - -- . - GOVERNMENT NOTICE N O. 563 NilW' t'herefore T, Arm ig- el de Vins 'W ade, Com - panion of the M ost Distinguished Order of Saizlt TH E JU STTCES OF TH E PEACE ORDINANCE M ichael and Saint George, Offtcer of the M ost Excellent Order of the Brîtizh Empire, Aeting (O/ztzptc'r R'J oj-tlte' ltl'pï8èd, .lil#iffthslk Governor and Com m ander-in-chief of the Colony N()z.rfe.El. ' ' ' and Protectorate of Kenya, in pursuanee of t14e V/HEREAS by instlntmtmts dated the 17th day provisions of the said seetion, do state tllat it is n1y of Januâry, 1923, George 'W hitty Gayer, Esquire, pleasure that tlae saicl appointm ent sllall from ' tm tl wag a.ppointèd to be a J'ustiee of the Peace for the after the date hereof eeage and determ ine. Kiftm bu District in apcordanee with the provisions tliven under zzay laand and the oë cial seal at. of section 2 of the Justices of the Peace Orclinanee : Nairobi this eigllth day of August, 1935. And whereas 5t hnB beeh notified to m e thas George W hitty Gayer, Esqulfe, deulres to l'elinquish A. DE V. W ADE, his; appointm ent : Actiytg tloz?crzzoz. Now therefore T, Armigel de Vins 'W ade, .Com - panion ol the M ost Distinguished Order of Saint M iehael ancl Saint George, Offleer of the M ost Exeellent Order of the Britik'h Em pire, Acting GOVERNMENT NOTICE NO. S65 Governor anil Comm ander-inrclaiqf o'f the Colony and Protectorate of Kenya, tn pursuance of the THE JUSTICES OF TH E PEACE ORDINANCE provisitms oî tlat) said sectionw,z' dö- btate tljàt it 5's m y ttlhtzpttlk' 21 oj f/ztl Renised E dffïon). plaasure that the saitl apppintm ent shall from and NoTlcE. after the date hereof eease:an' 4 determine. 'W HEREAS by ingtrum ents dated the 3rd day Giverl under nïj hand Cizfcl the oflleial Beal of April, 1928, Alajor 'W alter Kirton was appointetl Nairobi this eighth day oî' August, 1935. to be a Justice of the Peace for the Kiambu Distriet in aecordance with the provisions of seetion 2 of the Justiees of the Peaee Ordinance : And. whereas it has been notifled to m e that Major 'W alter Kirton cleBlres to relinquish his ap- pointznent :.
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