ﯾﮑﺸﻨﺒﻪ 22 ﺗﯿﺮ 1393 - 11:22

Pictorial-Descriptive Report of Burning 3 Tons of Narcotic in Presence of Governor General

Also present at the ceremony were the governor of western sub-provinces, MP representing the noble people of Shahryar in Majlis (Islamic Consultative Assembly), Qods and , law officer Aslani Commander of Law Enforcement of West , prosecutors of West Tehran, mayors of Shahryar sub-province, officials of military and disciplinary organizations of West .Tehran

Ceremonies were held in Nasir Abad, Baghestan for extirpation of 3 tons of narcotic in presence of Eng. Hashemi Governor General of Tehran .Province and chief of combat against narcotic substances in

Also present at the ceremony were the governor of western sub-provinces, MP representing the noble people of Shahryar in Majlis (Islamic Consultative Assembly), Qods and Malard, law officer Aslani Commander of Law Enforcement of West Tehran, prosecutors of West Tehran, .mayors of Shahryar sub-province, officials of military and disciplinary organizations of West Tehran

Seyyed Hossein Hashemi in his capacity as Chief of Coordination Council of Combat against Narcotics of Tehran Province inaugurated the ceremony by congratulating the arrival of the holy month of Ramazan and paid the law enforcement commanders compliment of making .sacrifice and offering noble martyrs in combating drug smuggling and its illicit use

Governor General of Tehran Province touched on the policies of the government of prudence and hope and said in line with the observations .of the supreme leader plans we have worked out plans for combat against the death-dealers

Furthermore, we have carried out cultural activities for the families and teaching them how to avoid being infected by this devastating .calamity

He expressed hope that the actions taken so far for combating drug smuggling have satisfied the supreme leader and added that we pin hope .in the assistance and empathy of the endeared people of our country to overcome the problem

Prior to the remarks of the governor general, law officer Aslani Commander of Law Enforcement of west Tehran Province said: Law .(Enforcement struggles to render ever better services to velayat-prone people (velayat means governance of supreme Muslim jurisprudence

In concluding part of the ceremony, the governor general commended the families of the law enforcement officers martyred in the way of .fighting against drug smugglers

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