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THURSDAY, MARCH 27, 2008 Harris County voting discrepancies investigated

McLennan County investigation, summoning the can national primaries. Kauf- reported that the delegate count “Other counties might encoun- tigation for voting irregularities, received complaints assistance of the District Attor- man’s offices reported that out on the precinct ballots were ter situations where people vote and that the state cur rently holds ney. The investigation follows of the potential infractions, they incorrect. There were still voters more than once because they no enforcement authority on the but primary integrity allegations that hundreds of vot- believe 389 people voted during who claimed that after polling don’t vote in the same place local investigation. remains intact ers in Harris County had illegal- the early voting period and on places officially closed, people according to precinct.” Burton said that the state ly cast votes at the early election March 4, participating in both continued to stream in to vote. Van Wolfe says that counties usually gets complaints from Victoria Mgbemena primaries and on March 4. Texas party primaries. McLennan County elections where voters have different vot- voters concerning improper pro- Staff writer bars voters from voting twice in Concerns over voting prac- administrator Kathy Van Wolfe ing locations for each precinct cedures at polling places and for an election cycle. tice continue to stream in fol- said that a situation where vot- face the task of consolidating pre-voting, including how mail- Voting discrepancies have The Associated Press report- lowing the primaries; McLennan ers could cast multiple votes results from each location. in ballots are handled. become the subject of interest ed that Harris County Clerk County has received its share of could not happen in McLennan Texas Secretary of State Com- “Some people have asked surrounding the March 4 prima- Beverly Kaufman presented the complaints. County. munications spokeswoman Ash- about the legality of what goes ries in Harris County. names of over 1,000 people who After polling places closed, “ M c L e n n a n C o u n t y h a s a j o i n t ley Burton said that the state has on at the polling places. Most The Harris County Clerk’s may have cast votes in both people complained about being primary where everyone gets in not been summoned by Harris office has officially launched an the Democratic and Republi- locked out and some precincts one line to vote,” Van Wolfe said. County to intervene in the inves- Please see PRIMARY, page 6 Democratic primary continues at county conventions

By Christina Kruse Party Convention, where 81 del- nearly tripled, said John Cullar, The convention is now going will determine the eligibility of Rules of Order. This year, due Staff writer egates will be elected to attend McLennan County democratic to be held at the Waco Conven- a delegate to participate in the to increased participation, this the state convention in June. chairman. tion Center’s McLennan Hall. convention. A delegate could committee will calculate the The Texas two-step, a coun- The 948 delegates that were “Part of what we will be deal- The location was relocated to be disqualified if he or she did number of delegates for Sen. try western dance, is executed elected from the 92 precinct ing with is educating people,” accommodate the large num- not live in the same precinct in Barack Obama and Sen. Hillary with two quick steps and two conventions after polls closed Cullar said. ber of attendants and to avoid which they voted. Clinton. slow steps. This dance name on March 4 will attend the con- Delegates will be taught the the overcrowding problem that Sixty-two delegates will be The resolutions committee also refers to the Texas demo- vention. Alternate delegates l as rules and procedures of the state occurred during precinct con- elected from the precincts at the will verify the resolutions pre- cratic electoral hybrid process, will also attend, bringing the delegate nomination process. ventions on March 4. convention. The nominations sented by the other committees. the primary and caucus elec- total number of attendees esti- “It’s a day of business—the There are four committees committee will take applications “The turnout is going to be tions that were held March 4 — mation to roughly 1,400. business of the convention is to involved in the convention on from delegates who wish to be really good,“ said Ryan Young, the two quick steps. However, In comparison to the last elect delegates,” he said. Saturday: the credentials, nomi- one of the other 19 delegates. an Obama delegate from pre- one of the two slow steps will McLennan County Demo- Previously, the convention’s nation, rules and platform and The rules and platform cinct 3. Participation is not a be taken this Saturday at the cratic Party Convention held scheduled location was the the resolutions committee. committee will make sure McLennan County Democratic four years ago, attendance has Waco High School cafeteria. The credentials committee delegates follow the Roberts Please see TEXAS, page 6 Violence in Women make up 1.5 percent of Tibet causes capital punishment convictions Radford University Atwell is the author of three Faye Tucker, the first woman professor Mary Welek books on gender and criminal to be executed in the state of Bush to brave justice in the United States. Texas since the Civil War, and Atwell to discuss Her most recent book, with the the first woman in more than women on death row same titled as the presentation, a decade to be executed in the focuses on 12 women who have U.S. Chinese leader By Lynn Ngo been executed in the U.S. since Since 1998, two other Reporter the Supreme Court reinstituted women, Betty Lou Beets and By Terence Hunt capital punishment in 1972, Frances Newton, have been The Associated Press As of December 2007, 51 said Dr. David Longfellow, executed in Texas. out of 3,263 people on death associate professor of history. A t we l l ’s p r e s e n t a t i o n w i l l b e WASHINGTON (AP) ­— President Bush sharp- row were women, according to “She is interested in what focused not only on the subset ly confronted China’s President Hu Jintao on the Death Penalty Information we can find in common about of women but also on capital Wednesday about Beijing’s harsh crackdown in Center Web site. these women,” he said. “The punishment as a whole. Tibet, joining an international chorus of alarm just In an effort to understand book is an examination of “I think the majority of the months before the U.S. and the rest of the world this gender disparity, the his- female victims of capital pun- general public supports the parade to China for the Olympics. tory, political science and ishment and how the system death penalty,” Johnson said. In a telephone call with Hu, Bush “pushed The Associated Press sociology departments are co- works or how it doesn’t work.” He cited public opinion very hard” about violence in Tibet, a necessity for sponsoring “Wretched Sisters: Dr. Byron Johnson, co- polls from the last 60 years as restraint and a need for China to consult with rep- Taiwan’s ruling Democratic Progressive party presidential The Gendered Face of Capital director of the Institute for proof of the support for capital resentatives of the Dalai Lama, the spiritual leader candidate Frank Hsieh holds a torch symbolizing human Punishment,” a presentation Studies of Religion and profes- punishment. of Tibet, the White House said. rights and freedom Wednesday during a vigil in support of by Radford University’s depart- sor of sociology, expressed an Longfellow expressed the After days of silence by Bush as other world Tibet in Taipei, Taiwan. ment of criminal justice profes- interest in the large difference need for increased capital leaders raised their voices, it marked a rare, sor Mary Welek Atwell as part between the number of women punishment education. direct protest from one president to another. As if months. “It came up ver y brief ly,” National Securit y of Women’s History Month. on death row and the number “There are not more impor- to underscore how pointed Bush was, the White Adviser Stephen Hadley told reporters. “Basically, The event will be at 5 p.m. of men. tant issues than issues of life House said he used the call to “speak very clearly the president indicated that a mistake had been today in Bennett Auditorium. “If you’re going to do a story and death,” he said. “We all and frankly.” made. There was very little discussion about it.” All faculty, staff and students of women on death row, the owe it to ourselves to think At the same time, Bush was forced to address an Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice had previ- interested in the issue of capi- story is why they were con- about this issue.” embarrassing blunder by the United States — the ously registered concern about China’s actions in tal punishment, national poli- victed,” he said. Longfellow said capital shipment of nuclear missile fuses to Taiwan and tics and women’s history are Atwell’s book will address the failure to discover the error for more than 18 Please see TIBET, page 6 welcome. the 1998 execution of Karla Please see WOMEN, page 6 No. 2 Lady Bears tennis team fall short to No. 1 Northwestern Wildcats

By Joe Holloway “Any time you play a top- All but one match split the Reporter ranked team it’s going to be a first two sets, requiring a third war,” head coach Joey Scrivano to settle the final victor. The No. 2 women’s tennis said. Freshman Karolina Filipiak team lost a heartbreaker to No. And a war it was, laced with came from behind after drop- 1 Northwestern University 2-5 intense battles, momentum — ping a close first set 5-7, winning Wednesday evening. changing injuries, and high an even closer second set 7-6 Though the final match count emotions throughout. (8-7), and finally running away seems to indicate a lopsided vic- Northwestern struck the first with the third set 6-3. tory for the Wildcats, the hun- blow early by winning two of “I just started playing my dreds of fans who turned out three doubles matches to take game plan and it started work- to see the clash of the top two the doubles point and an early ing,” she said after the match, seeded teams would probably lead. walking on bags of ice taped to tell a different story from the Baylor’s lone doubles victory her feet. “I just really wanted to final score. came when the No. 54 doubles win.” “I don’t think I realized what tandem of Taylor Ormond and After being down 2-5 in the all went into a tennis match,” Jelena Stanivuk came from second set, few saw the come- said Woodlands senior Katie behind to down the Wildcats’ back in the works, including McCann, who was attending a second seeded team of Suzie Scrivano. tennis match for the first time in Matzenauer and Samantha Mur- “I’d be pulling your leg if I her college career. ray 8-6. told you I thought that thing was Almost every match came Despite losing the doubles going to turn around,” he said. down to the wire, the winner point, hope remained for the “That was really impressive.” Luis Noble/Lariat staff and loser separated by as little Lady Bears as singles play The other big win of the day Zuzana Chmelarova plays the net in a doubles match against Northwestern University Wednesday at the Baylor Tennis as a single serve, volley, or shot remained tight throughout the Center.. Northwestern won two of the thress doubles matches, earning the doubles point and taking the early lead over down the line. night. Please see TENNIS, page 6 the Lady Bears.

VOL. 107 No. 80 © 2008, Ba y l o r Un i v e r s i t y 2 The Baylor Lariat Opinion Thursday, March 27, 2008 Value of travel can’t be measured by material gain Ever since I was little, I’ve efit would you be getting from work hard to achieve higher reason why people come to col- and conversations. always had the desire to travel this?” my dad asked. positions or increased pay. lege. These interactions and con- and see the world. Why not go to grad school It feels as if everything that But it must be recognized versations make it possible for In middle school I had a two- right away or start looking for point we work for in school or in our that some things can be done us to relate to one another, and month-long assignment for a a job were their questions, as professional life is to achieve and are done for simply knowl- if not at least get an understand- class that required me to create if taking a year off would set of view some kind of monetary or status edge, regardless if it is immedi- ing of where a person is coming a scrapbook and keep an exten- me far behind in my studies or goal in the end. ately useful knowledge. Some from, why they think the way sive journal about an imaginary attaining my professional ambi- b y l y n n n g o I’ve had conversations with experiences are experiences they do. three-month trip around the tions. people my age who are friends that can change your life even if Understanding is key in fos- world. I wasn’t surprised by their taught English in foreign coun- and classmates about my plan they have nothing to contribute tering good relations with our If I had three months to visit response. I think most parents tries. to teach abroad. Some respond- to your status or bank account. neighbors, and it’s this under- any 14 countries, where would I would have asked the same These travelers come from ed with similar questions as my An experience such as teach- standing that will contribute to go? What would I see, do, touch, questions. cultures that are more accept- parents. They don’t see the value ing abroad or traveling the world the American workforce and to taste and remember? While studying in Maastricht ing of such practices. Travel, as in an experience that doesn’t deserves just as much respect as any job that relates to people. My desire has intensified in last semester, I was able to travel it should be, is an educational result in materialistic ends. any educational or career move. Traveling has been an ironic the past couple of months, so to five of the countries that I had experience for them. Some share in my desire, but Anyone who thinks that ordeal for me. I never consid- much that I’m seriously con- “visited” and have dreamt about In a culture that is driven by fear that interrupting a path either experience isn’t a learning ered that while learning about sidering taking a year off after since I was fourteen. a workaholic mentality, it diffi- society craves may result nega- experience should reconsider. others, I would also learn about graduation and teaching Eng- Throughout Europe, I met cult to deviate from the norm. tively. In an age of increasing glo- myself in the process. Living lish in a foreign country. numerous young people from Children are taught to do well My impression is that college balization, knowledge of one’s among other people, ideas and When I revealed my desire to around the world who were in school so that they can get is not a place for education but world is of utmost importance. norms, has opened my eyes teach abroad to my parents over taking time off during transi- into college where they must a place to learn what we have to Such knowledge cannot be to the world around me and spring break, they responded tion periods in their life, such do well so that they can meet and need to so that we may qual- attained from simply reading has allow me to see myself in negatively. as before starting college or a the end goal of landing a well- ify for the job that we want. about places, people and cul- return. “Why would you want to do career, to travel. paying job. To a large degree, this is the tures, but must be experienced Lynn Ngo is a junior journal- something like that? What ben- I even met a few who had Once they get that job, they purpose of college and thus the through personal interactions ism major from Anahuac.

Opinion policy Editorial

The Baylor Lariat welcomes reader viewpoints through let- Homeschool ters to the editor and guest col- umns. Opinions expressed in the Lariat are not necessarily those court ruling of the Baylor administration, the Baylor Board of Regents or the Student Publications Board. ridiculous Letters to the editor should include the writer’s name, major, A recent California court ruling graduation year, phone number that would forbid parents without and student identification num- teaching credentials to homeschool ber. their children has created a backlash All submissions become the by homeschool advocates in that state. property of The Baylor Lariat. And rightly so. The Lariat reserves the right to When Judge H. Walter Croskey of edit letters for grammar, length, the Second District Court of Appeals libel and style. in Los Angeles ruled late February Letters should be e-mailed that children ages 6 to 18 could only to [email protected] or be taught by credentialed teachers mailed to The Baylor Lariat, One in public, private or home schools, Bear Place #97330, Waco, TX he added that teachers without cre- 76798-7330. dentials “will be subject to criminal action,” according to Time magazine. That’s absurd. Parents should have the right to teach their children Corrections policy in their homes without the state’s involvement. Forcing children to The Baylor Lariat is commit- attend “traditional” schools is a gross ted to ensuring fair and accu- violation of family privacy. The state is rate reporting and will correct overstepping its boundaries here. errors of substance on Page 2. While the original lawsuit con- Corrections can be submitted to cerned children complaining of child the editor by sending an e-mail abuse, requiring that children attend to [email protected] or school under credentialed teaching by calling 254-710-4099. will do little or nothing to address this serious problem. There are plenty of children attending public and private in denying parents without teaching have teaching credentials. That’s Schwarzenegger is right on both schools who have parents that abuse degrees the right to educate their own good news for parents for now, but it counts. Although Judge Croskey cited A subscription to the Lariat them. children. is disturbing that a court would make a 1950s California law in his ruling costs $45 for two semesters. And while there are doubtless The suit is pending appeal to the a decision taking away this much that parents have no constitutional Send check or money order to cases where homeschooling parents state Supreme Court, and until then, parental authority. right to teach their children at home, One Bear Place #97330, Waco, are bad teachers, both the public and California parents can homeschool California Gov. Arnold California’s Supreme Court should TX, 76798-7330 or e-mail private school systems are also rife their children without fear of reprisal. Schwarzenegger said March 7 that reconsider. [email protected]. Visa, with examples of children not learn- Jack O’Connell, the State Superinten- the courts should overturn the “out- California is taking the concept Discover and MasterCard pay- ing much in the classroom. dent of Public Instruction, released a rageous ruling.” of the nanny state literally, and it’s ments may be phoned to 254- True concern for the quality of edu- statement March 10 saying that the “Parents should have a right to not clear if either parents or children 710-2662. Postmaster: Please cation should manifest itself in test- California Department of Education decide what’s best for their children,” are benefiting from the governmental send address changes to above ing procedures or benchmarks, not will not go after parents who do not he said. intrusion. address. Honors college students don’t deserve their negative stereotype Honors kids walk fast. of the Honors College. That said, the stereotype of Socrates, and that is OK by me. and acknowledge that, when This is an observation made I remember how in my fresh- Honors students as ambitious, Think for a minute whether you they decline an invitation to a by a friend of mine a few weeks man year, young and carefree, intimidating, reclusive and have had a serious conversation party, citing a lot of homework, ago, as we meandered (or so I innocent and full of purpose, point ruthless in their pursuit of good about an idea, author or period that they are simply fulfilling a thought — apparently she con- I would constantly alienate grades … is mostly true. in history. Didn’t it excite you primal hunger. Or the require- sidered it “hurrying”) down myself from certain people, just of view But what of it? These are peo- to discuss it with someone who ments of a slave driver masquer- Fifth Street. because I answered the follow- ple driven by a need to learn, to cares? ading as a professor. Well, ladies and gentlemen, ing question truthfully: “Where b y k a t e t h o m a s achieve, to succeed and not just I believe this is what drives Knowledge is a wellspring of Honors students walk fast as do you live?” in their careers. As an Honors my colleagues here in Memo- crystal water in the desert and much as Collins women starve The answer was Memorial, txt msg and instead pursue a life student myself, I am inundated rial, Alexander and beyond. all you have is a rusty bucket themselves and Martin men … dear readers, and the inquirer of academic purpose? by this culture of competition Good grades and ambition are full of holes. Drinking it all in do nothing. would actually take a step back It might just be the normal and erudition, but it is not a bad just a natural of a requires a lot of time and effort, Stereotypes are prevalent on and answer in stilted suspicion, psychological function of the thing. love of learning and the motiva- and people who choose pro- c a m p u s , a n d t h ou g h mu c h a t t e n - “Oh, you’re an Honors kid.” human brain that encourages I have had the brilliant for- tion and determination to make grams like Honors, University tion has been brought to them, I I s it a n e x p e ct at ion of i nt e l le c- stereotyping based on com- tune of meeting people within sense of the world and expand Scholars and BIC are very, very cannot recall in my three years tual intimidation? Is it the turn- mon characteristics or refer- the Honors College who are horizons. thirsty. here at Baylor whether anyone of-the-millennium phenomenon ence groups because it helps the immersed in their pursuit of So cut them a break the next Kate Thomas is a junior business has yet addressed the snide acri- of the social rejection of those brain make sense of the world knowledge. time you see them walk (quick- journalism major from Katy and a mony aimed at those denizens who don’t talk solely in 1337 or around it. They are excited about ly) into Memorial or Alexander, copy editor for The Baylor Lariat.

The Baylor Lariat THE Daily Crossword Edited by Wayne Robert Williams Editor in chief Grace Maalouf* City editor Claire St. Amant* ACROSS 62 Bloodsucker 27 Winged Opinion editor Kate Boswell* 1 Valise 64 Transmitter 29 Actress Barkin News editor Rachel Wakefield* Entertainment editor Amanda Robison* 4 Earthquake 65 Drs.' group 30 Unpleasantly chilly Web Editor Josh Matz 9 Car lifts 66 Come to terms 32 Icy rain Asst. city editor Bethany Poller 14 Make a miscalculation 67 Baldwin and Guinness 33 Touch with tender- Copy desk chief Rea Corbin Editorial cartoonist Ben Humeniuk 15 Banks of baseball 68 Obtained ness Sports editor Will Parchman 16 Square 69 Overbearing 35 Coloring agent Sports writers Justin Baer 17 Salton or Sargasso 70 Bubbly 37 Teheran's country Brian Bateman 71 Big Band, for one 38 Beret filler Staff writers Shannon Daily 18 Faces the day Sommer Ingram 19 Saturn or Mercury 39 Residents of a new Christina Kruse 20 Start of Evan Esar region Victoria Mgbemena DOWN 40 Tempe sch. Anita Pere quip Copy editors Caroline Korsawe 23 Jumble 1 Confer 41 Spatula Kate Thomas 24 Turns right 2 Interstice of a leaf 42 Speller's contest Photo editor Luis Noble 3 Free of charge 46 Compass dir. Photographers Jeff Leslie 25 Poetic meadow David Poe 28 Cowboy movie 4 Desiccated 47 Petty dictator Alex Song 31 Lay waste to 5 Poetic name for Ireland 49 Be obligated Advertising sales Shelly Avery 6 Badge of honor 50 Devastate Elizabeth Bayer 34 The best __ plans... Kevin Giddens 36 Designer Ashley 7 Blockade 51 Nervous vibration Shamara Sneed 37 Part 2 of quip 8 Interlocked 52 Horizontal layers Delivery Jason Chang Fill in the grid so that every row, every column and every 43 Actress Witherspoon 9 Self-defense system 55 Sedimentary rock Ashley Richard 3X3 box contains the digits 1 through 9 with no repeats. * denotes member of editorial board 44 Fencer's instrument 10 All over again 58 Hot pair in poker Newsroom: 710-1711 45 Adjusts the pitch 11 Cool it! 59 Collective pronoun The Baylor Lariat is owned by Baylor University and over- Advertising: 710-3407 48 Comebacks 12 Set of parts 60 Small notch seen by the Student Publications Board. Sports: 710-6357 53 Seine 13 Mata Hari, for one 61 Intrusive The entire content of The Baylor Lariat is protected under Entertainment: 710-7228 54 Unsolicited ms. encl. 21 Steaming 62 Scientist's office the Federal Copyright Act. Reproduction of any portion of any Editor: 710-4099 56 Viral lump 22 Half an African fly? 63 Pridefulness For today’s crossword and sudoku answers, issue by any means, mechanical or otherwise, is not permitted [email protected] 26 Emerald Isle without the expressed written consent of Baylor University. 57 End of quip visit Thursday, March 27, 2008 News The Baylor Lariat 3

Bowling, raffle BEAR BRIEFS The Environmental Concern Organization is holding a free film screening at 8 p.m. today gear up to Relay at Common Grounds. They will a team is to bowl one game. be screening the documen- By Lynn Ngo “At the end of the game, we tary Fighting Goliath about Reporter will tally up the points from the Central Texas coal fight. each of the four members. At For more information, contact Although Baylor’s first annu- the end of the day, we will find [email protected]. al Relay for Life isn’t until April, out the top three teams,” Davis Armstrong Browning students, faculty and staff can said. Library presents Much Ado get an early start in helping to Each of the three top scoring About Nothing at 7 p.m. today make cancer history. teams will receive a trophy. There through Saturday. Tickets are The fitness department is will also be trophies awarded to available through the library or sponsoring “Strike Out Cancer,” the top male and female com- call 710-4968. a bowling tournament and raffle petitor, Davis said. to help raise funds for the Amer- Participation in the event can Baylor Students for Social ican Cancer Society. help make a small difference for Justice is sponsoring the 3rd The bowling tournament is cancer research, said Chad Wil- Annual Staff Appreciation Day from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. on March liams, a fitness staff leader. . Friday. They will have a table 29 at the bowling lanes in the “It gets your heart in the right in the Bill Daniel Student Cen- Bill Daniel Student Center and place. You’re doing something ter from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. next registration is $40 per team , with your time and not just sit- to the Daily Grind coffee shop The fitness department will ting around,” he said. with information about their also be sponsoring a raffle with The tournament occurs on organization and a petition a prize of free massages, one per the same day as the Bearathon, in support for Baylor to move toward a living wage. month from April to December. but participation in both events Raffle tickets are for sale at is possible. Student Government has the McLane Student Life Center “On the registration form, applications for students inter- and cost $2 each or three for $5. teams can let us know when they ested in running for student Tickets will also be sold at Relay can bowl,” Davis said. “They can body officers, class officers, or for Life, and the winner will be pick the time that will be best Student Senate positions. The announced at the event. for them.” applications will be available in Blake Padgett, head mechan- Teams will be notified on Fri- the Student Government office ic and assistant manager of the day of their bowling times. through Friday. The application bowling center, encouraged Aside from participating must be submitted with a $10 people to support the cause in the tournament, Davis also filing fee and GPA slip from however they can. encourages students, faculty Robinson Tower. For more “Some people can’t walk and staff to seek donations for information contact Nekpen_ long distances, so I think this the cause. She said the goal is to [email protected]. is another way for them to par- reach at least $1,500. ticipate and support the cause,” All proceeds and donations The Department of History he said. will go toward the American will a presentation by former principal chief of the The teams can consist of a Cancer Society. Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma, combination of student, faculty The deadline for signing up Alex Poe/ Lariat staff Wilma Mankiller at 3:30 p.m. or staff. Teams of all combina- is 5 p.m. today. on Monday in Bennett Audito- tions are welcome to compete. Those interested can stop by Sinister motives rium as part of Women’s His- “Each hour we are hoping to the bowling center, the SLC or tory Month. For more informa- have six teams show up,” she contact Davis at Van_Davis@ tion, please contact the history said. for a registration Atlanta, Ga., junior Brian Fuller supports a sign, reading, “Lefties kill babies,” as he enters Morrison department. at 710-2667. Each of the four members in form. Hall Wednesday after a mock protest against left-handed people. Career Services is hold- ing a Job Search Strategies Workshop from 5 p.m. to 6 Lecture series to address leaders p.m. Monday on the fifth floor Holocaust film series of Cashion Academic Center. but come with all that’s trou- assistant for student organi- Baylor alumnus Matt Price, By Stephen Jablonski bling them exposed so that zations and communications who is with Wachovia Secu- opens with Downfall Reporter they may be “met with the best coordinator. rities, will teach students to use different strategies to also about something broader. signs of hope,” she said. “Our purpose is to introduce locate job leads. There will By Elizabeth Herring “They’re deeply moving and Kelly Shushok, minister to “You don’t really need grace students to a multitude and be free pizza and giveaways. Reporter disturbing, and evocative — life groups at Calvary Baptist for the person you’re pretend- variety of needs in their com- For more information, contact about violence and sin but also Church, will discuss leadership ing to be,” Shushok said. “You munity,” Gruver said. [email protected] Artillery makes the ground about hope,” he said. in the church at 7 p.m. in the need grace for the person who Gruver said the academy is or call 710-8668. rumble. An underground bun- Although the movie series is Barfield Drawing Room today. you really are.” unique from other departments ker, almost its own city, is at about the Holocaust, different Shushok will speak as part of According to the Academy because they offer class course- Career Services will have work for the Fuhrer. Traudl lessons can be learned about the the Leadership Lecture Series for Leader Development & work as a co-curricular depart- trained student representa- Junge joyously accepts her new event, Ellis said. held by the Academy for Leader Civic Engagement Web site, ment of Student Life. tives offering peer resume job as the personal secretary of “The great thing about (the Development & Civic Engage- the academy was established in Gruver said the series is critiques from 7 p.m. to 9 p.m. Adolf Hitler. movie series) is that it is a more ment. 2004 by the Division of Student meant to convey that a promi- Monday in the Sid Richard- The movie Downfall chroni- in-depth way for students to Shushok’s lecture will focus Life at Baylor University to cre- nent position is not necessary son Science Building lobby. cles the last 10 days of Hitler’s learn about the Holocaust from on the responsibility of the ate a means of collaboration for to lead. For more information, contact life from his 56th birthday on a different medium and a differ- church to introduce grace into students practicing leadership. The series relies on “diverse [email protected] April 20 to his suicide April 30, ent perspective,” said professor society, and how churches need The academy sponsors four and dynamic individuals” to or call 710-8668. 1945. Gabrielle Sutherland, who co- to understand that calling. lectures a semester, said Trinity show how the qualities of lead- Downfall, along with three lectures with Ellis in the Hitler “Many churches don’t Robb, graduate assistant and ership may be utilized in all To submit a bear brief, e-mail [email protected]. other movies, will be a part of and the Holocaust class. understand that’s their calling,” coordinator for Leadership Liv- aspects of society, she said. the Spring Movie Series spon- “It is part of our history and Shushok said. “That’s why the ing and Learning Community. In respect to the church, sored by the Center for Jewish something we all should be church is looking for leaders Each of the four fall under a Shushok said that the church CONTACT US Studies. Downfall will play at 6 aware of,” she said. who will scream grace to the specific sector of society, such is the only place grace can be p.m. today in the Heschel Room Jackson, Miss. junior Eliza- world.” as church, private enterprise, found. Editor 710-4099 of Marrs McLean Science Build- beth Walker said she believes the S h u s h o k s a i d s h e w i l l a d d r e s s contemporary social issues. “The church is the only place Newsroom 710-1712 ing. films help students gain a better that churches are institutions “The premise of the lecture where grace is suspended,” Sports 710-6357 “The films concentrate on understanding of the world by where people should be encour- series is that leaders should be Shushok said. “The church is Entertainment 710-7228 the fall of the Nazi regime and learning about the Holocaust. age to be the most “real.” able to articulate and discern the only conduit for grace to Advertising 710-3407 the dissent within it, and the “Students should go (to People shouldn’t exude an the needs in the environment,” the world. We are called to be lives of two survivors who meet the film series) because even idealized image of themselves, said Melissa Gruver, graduate leaders in that way.” afterward,” said Dr. Marc Ellis, though students don’t think the director of the Center for Jewish Holocaust directly affects their Studies. lives, the Holocaust itself affects See our coupon for Ellis said that the movie things happening today in the series is an annual event with world,” Walker said. FREE MINERAL MAKEUP the Center for Jewish Studies. Screenings will be shown in in the Baylor Telephone Directory Ellis said that the movies are the Heschel Room, 131 Mars about the Holocaust, but they are McLean Science Building. WWW.MAKEOVERS4U.COM

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 4 The Baylor Lariat SPORTS Thursday, March 27, 2008 Bears beat Islanders, improve season to 12-2 at home

been really good for me because lead in the fifth and six innings. By Justin Baer I have been under a lot of control But it was Thurman’s ability Sports writer at the plate,” Miller said. “That’s to get out of a jam that helped what I really wasn’t doing the Baylor avoid an upset from a The No. 20 Bears (15-7) won past couple of weekends. I was 5-18 squad. their second game in as many really making them come to me “These jams, that’s what I days with an 11-8 win over the and throw me some strikes.” have been trouble lately with,” Texas A&M University-Corpus In the top of the second, Gar- Thurman said. “But this time Christi Islanders in a labori- rett Williams’ seeing-eye-single Coach Smith came out there ous three-and-a-half hour game scored Martin Parra and put- and told me just to focus, and Wednesday evening at Baylor ting an abrupt end to Mackey’s get these guys. And it ended up Ballpark. day as Thurman came in relief working.” Supplementing yesterday’s to record the final out of the The Bears would go back to game in which he hit two home inning. work in the bottom of the sixth runs and tallied four RBI, soph- Shaver Hansen, who finished with Kimmey and Ware con- omore right fielder Aaron Miller the day with three hits includ- necting for back-to-back one-out continued his outbreak from a ing a , hit a one-out singles for both players’ third previous 0-for-12 slump as the double off the center field wall hits of the game. Channelview native finished before advancing to third on an After Ben Booker drew a the afternoon 2-4 and tied with Andrew Longoria wild pitch. walk, Raynor Campbell slapped a team-high three RBI. Miller brought home Hansen on a hit right through the third “I am sure he is feeling a lot a double poked to right center baseman’s legs, bringing in two better and a lot more confident field to put the Bears back on runs to increase the Bears’ lead at the plate,” head coach Steve top 3-2. to 8-2. Smith said. “We have got some The Baylor onslaught contin- Hansen’s two-run homer in guys that need to follow suit.” ued on Longoria’s next pitch, the bottom of the seventh only Wade Mackey earned the when Brooks Kimmey slapped added insult to injury for the start for Baylor, but was shaky a base hit up the middle scoring Islanders, but A&M-Corpus in the limited action he saw. Miller. Christi did add two runs in the Junior Mace Thurman etched Dustin Dickerson drew a top of the eighth. 4 1/3 innings of work, notching one-out walk in the bottom of The Islanders instilled fear in his second win of the season the fourth before advancing to the Baylor crowd in the top of while also tossing a career-high second on a Hornung single. the ninth, tacking on four quick six strike outs. Miller walked to load the bases runs. Although the Islanders did Alex Song/Lariat staff which set up a Kimmey two-RBI Fortunately for the Baylor mount a season-high 17 hits off Wade Mackey prepares to catch the ball in a game Thursday afternoon at the Baylor Ballpark. Baylor gained victory over double down the left field line. faithful, Randall Linebaugh of Baylor pitching, A&M-Corpus Texas A&M University-Corpus Christi, 11-8. Landis Ware drew a walk to load came in and was able to record Christi also left a season-high the bases, but the Bears were a game-ending double play with 13 runners on base. Fortunately, Mace was on his inning on a Chase Wheaton base short-lived as the Bears stormed unable to capitalize any further the tying run at the plate. “Wade, bless his heart, it’s no game. Clearly the performance hit up the middle that scored back in the bottom half of the as Christian Slater ended the The Bears resume conference fair when you don’t have your he gave us was the key to the Trey Hernandez, who finished inning with a Miller two-RBI sin- Bears’ threat with a fly out to play this weekend with a trip to best stuff,” Smith said. “But you game.” the game with an Islander sin- gle that scored Beamer Weems left field. Norman, Okla., to take on an have got to learn to pitch when The Islanders snatched the gle-game record five hits. and Adam Hornung. The Islanders had plenty of always difficult University of you don’t have your best stuff. initial lead in the top of the first But the Islander lead was “The last couple of days have chances to cut into the Bears’ Oklahoma Sooner squad. Softball trounced Emil Brown leads by Texas A&M, 8-0 Athletics to 5-1 win One-inning outburst in to make a change." clear the fence, then hustled to For the second straight night, By Howard Ulman second. second inning claims very little went right for a strug- The Associated Press His homer was one of just game for A&M gling Baylor softball team that's three hits off Rich Harden (1-0) missing both its top pitcher and TOKYO — Emil Brown found who is coming back from three By Will Parchman run producer from last season. a safe way home: hit the ball injury-filled seasons and made Sports editor The Lady Bears lost 5-2 to Texas over the fence. just four starts last year — none State University on Tuesday. One day after Brown made after July 7. The right-hander The Lady Bears may be miss- Baylor won both games against a costly baserunning mistake, struck out nine and walked two ing their departed seniors more Texas A&M last season and his three-run homer in the third in six innings. than they realized. knocked the Aggies out of the inning led Oakland over the He did better against the The No. 7 Texas A&M Univer- College to sweep 5-1 Wednesday other half of Boston’s power sity softball team rode the gilded the season series. night and gave the Athletics a duo, retiring twice, arm of staff ace Megan Gibson to Just like the last time these split of their opening two-game once on a , and walking an 8-0 win over Baylor Wednes- two played this season, a 7-0 series. him once. Big Papi went 0-for-7 day at Getterman Stadium in a Aggie win on March 19 in Col- Following Major League in the series. game-shortened six innings. lege Station, a one-inning out- Baseball’s third season-opening Coming in, Ortiz was 4-for-5 Gibson ran her record to 19-0, burst crippled Baylor's chances. series in Japan, the teams were against Harden and Ramirez was dipped her ERA to 0.75 and shut "I think its confidence and to head back to the United 2-for-3 with two homers apiece. out No. 18 Baylor (18-10, 1-3) for I think its frustration," Moore States on 10-hour flights across Jon Lester (0-1) fell behind the second time in seven days. said. "'How do we get it back?' the Pacific with a split. in the second on a double by Baylor recorded just one hit and I don't know if I have an answer The Cubs and New Bobby Crosby and an RBI single failed to get a runner into scor- but I know that we're looking York Mets split their Japanese by Chris Denorfia. ing position all night. down every avenue to go back series in 2000, as did the New Mark Ellis led off with a walk "It's hard to play with a defi- and look at the things we've York Yankees and Tampa Bay and Mark Sweeney singled. cit all the time and that's what done in the past, discussing the Jeff Leslie/Lariat staff Devil Rays in 2004. Brown jumped on a 1-0 pitch we're having to do," head coach banners that are hanging in this Boston began its World from Lester and drove it over the Glenn Moore said. "But we just stadium." Brette Reagan bats the ball in Thursday night’s game against Texas A&M Series title defense with a 6-5, left-field wall. got beat by a team that's much The Aggies struck for six Univeristy. Baylor lost, 8-0. 10-inning victory Tuesday night, Oakland added a run in the better than us tonight." runs on five hits in the second boosted by tie- eighth off Bryan Corey on Jeff Sophomore Kirsten Short- inning to open the scoring and just have to execute a little bit today," Turner said. breaking, two-run double. Fiorentino’s RBI single after a ridge got the start for Baylor but blow the game open. After load- better," said Turner, who threw Holly Ridley tacked on a tri- The game might have lasted double by Kurt Suzuki, a native didn't make it out of the second ing the bases, a Shortridge wild 4 2/3 innings in relief and sur- ple in the fifth and scored when longer had Brown not been of Hawaii with Japanese grand- inning. She surrendered six pitch brought in the game's first rendered no runs on four hits. the ball got behind Brette Rea- tagged between second and parents. runs and threw 51 pitches in run. Left fielder Kelsey Spit- "My teammates were back there gan at third base, stretching the third on his RBI double in the Santiago Casilla, Keith Foul- just 1 1/3 innings. tler cranked a double over Tif- talking me up and telling me lead to 7-0. bottom of the 10th. ke and Alan Embree followed After an impressive fresh- fany Wesley's reach in left field what I needed to hear and how I Spittler struck again in the R a m i r e z k e p t h i t t i n g We d n e s - Harden with a scoreless inning man season last year, Moore to bring home the remaining needed to pitch well." sixth with a fielder's choice RBI day night with a solo homer in apiece, completing a five-hitter said Shortridge's struggles from two base runners. Spittler then Moore called an impromptu to mercy rule Baylor and round the sixth, although he struck for Oakland, which rebounded the mound this season are wor- scored on a Macie Morrow team meeting in the pitcher's out the scoring. out three times. from its fourth straight opening- risome. single, while Shortridge sur- circle midway through the fifth "I'm obviously not happy with He could afford to stand and day loss. "Kirsten hasn't thrown well rendered a walk and a two-run inning and had it out with what our team's performance tonight, watch this one, a sure home-run Foulke threw a called third for us this year," Moore said. double to the next two batters he saw as a talented but under- but I'm not ready to throw in the deep into the left-field seats that strike past Ramirez to end the "Actually I think she's the one she faced. achieving team. towel yet," Moore said. "I see a moved him within nine of join- eighth with a runner on sec- we're going to have to ride. I was Brittany Turner then entered "(He said) we're better than team that's full of talent. I see a ing the 500-home run club. ond. hoping to just leave her in there to stop the bleeding, but the this and we better pick it up and team that's very average in the On Tuesday, he admired his Lester gave up four runs, and let her struggle, but when damage had been done. that it's unacceptable to play the circle, but a team that's full of 10th-inning double from the five hits and three walks in four you're down six runs you've got "The intensity is there, we way we came out and played talent." batter’s box, thinking it would innings. COUPONS • COUPONS • COUPONS • COUPONS • COUPONS • COUPONS • COUPONS

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By Lee Ann Marcel dents sat inside nibbling away ‘Odd’ is the new cool for Gnarls album Reporter at their sushi rolls, and the scene would have been calm if By Amanda Robison campy keyboards, a spacey What does Teriyaki Park it weren’t for the loud radio blar- Entertainment editor Stand-Out Tracks: sound and a simple beat as have that Clay Pot, Bangkok ing, “Help Me Rhonda” by the “A Little Better,” “Going On,” Cee-Lo repeats, “I love Mary, Royale and Magic China don’t? Beach Boys. The music really The world went crazy for “Run” and “She Knows” Blind Mary marry me,” with the Raw fish. took away from the Asian vibe “Crazy” in 2006, and now the same infectious energy that has Teriyaki Park is a great place of the atmosphere. dynamic duo of producer Dan- invaded nearly every track. for both those familiar and unfa- I was impressed with how ger Mouse and singer Cee-Lo stark contrast to the following The Odd Couple ends on a miliar with the world of sushi. fast my order was brought to me Green (aka Gnarls Barkley) are track, “Would Be Killer,” which strong note with one of the The hole-in-the-wall Japanese as the kind waiter explained the back with an equally dynamic takes a darker turn with a slow- best tracks (if they can even be Steak and Sushi restaurant is side ingredients of wasabi and sophomore album, ironically er bass line, scratching records ranked), “A Little Better.” The located downtown in the shop- ginger to me. titled The Odd Couple. However and somewhat creepier vocals production is somewhat toned ping center just down from Nin- The California rolls remind- odd Gnarls Barkley’s style may from Cee-Lo. down, but the soulful vocals fa’s and Gratziano’s. ed me of a cell with layers and a be (musically and otherwise), The dark vibes creep into and deep bassline evoke an small green nucleus. this pairing is anything but — the next track as well, as “Open emotional feel that accelerates RESTAURANTREVIEW The first layer included white with an album that suggests entire album. And though The Book” brings eclectic tribal as the song progresses and Cee- sticky rice that stood out against they actually might be a perfect Odd Couple has an undeniable drums, with sounds of the Lo preaches, “What would be on The service is quick and the dark Asian plate. The rice match. energy and upbeat feel through- jungle in the background and your mind if you knew you was friendly and the menu offers clung to the outside of the avo- out, the lyrics aren’t left behind an intense chorus that features dyin’, I would wanna just feel this low prices on a variety of dishes cado which held the pink crab- ALBUMREVIEW as Cee-Lo reaches deep on each Cee-Lo screaming at the top one more time.” I couldn’t have ranging from typical meats such meat. Inside the meat was also a track, such as on the second of his lungs. Despite a darker said it better myself, because as teriyaki chicken and beef to small bit of cucumber. The blend of Cee-Lo’s soul- song, “Who’s Gonna Save My nature on these two tracks, the you’ll definitely want to feel this sushi. I fumbled around with my ful crooning on top of Danger Soul.” energy remains high and listen- album one more time. Being new to the world of chopsticks and eventually got Mouse’s perfectly quirky pro- “Going On” begins with an ers will not be let down. He continues by offering raw fish, the employee behind a bite. The rolls where chewy, duction makes for an album electric guitar and echoing har- “Whatever” and “Surprise” “Thank You”s as the song fades the counter helped me make my but the avocado added a bit of chock full of infectious, eccen- monies that immediately evoke bring the mood back up and out, and you’ll also want to decision. He walked me through crunch to it. The sweet crabmeat tric energy. The duo brings two the feeling of music of the ’60s, lead into “No Time Soon,” which thank this duo for an outstand- some of the signature dishes, complemented the rice and the varying musical styles to Gnarls which was an obvious influ- may be the only semi-weak track ing effort on The Odd Couple. including the Waco Roll, which cucumber added freshness to the with a level of creativity that ence on the entire album. The on the entire album. I say semi- The energy is non-stop on is filled with beef, cream cheese, meat. With each bite I seemed to is nearly unmatched by other track jumps into a quick, clap- weak because though it’s actu- the album, with the endlessly avocado and hot and spicy crab- notice a different attribute. groups today. The album was ping beat and Cee-Lo continues ally not a completely weak song, creative beats from Danger meat. I decided to give the wasabi initially slated to be released with cutting lyrics as he sings, containing the same strong Mouse combined with a soul Another item that caught my and ginger a try. Being a pansy in April but was unexpectedly “Anyone who needs what they beats and slow, soulful singing, sound Cee-Lo kills with convic- eye was the eel roll. Not quite to spicy things, I was amazed released via iTunes last week, to want and doesn’t want what it isn’t quite up to par with the tion. Gnarls Barkley has suc- bold enough to try the eel, I that the green sauce packed a the surprise and elation of many they need, I want nothing to do rest of the outstanding tracks. cessfully created a style that is opted for the California roll, punch. Gnarls fans. with.” Then the track transitions Fast-paced drums and clap- all their own and has effortlessly which is filled with avocado, After recovering from the The Odd Couple begins with at around the 2-minute mark ping make an appearance again captured a sound with universal cucumber, crabmeat and may- sting of the wasabi, I tried the the sound of a film reel spinning into a slowed-down slide with on “She Knows,” which is anoth- appeal. onnaise. pink ginger, which had a tinge of and works its way in with clang- pounding bass and haunting er excellent example of the per- The Odd Couple is going down The green walls where zest to it. Half-way through the ing drums and cymbals on the harmonies, making “Going On” fect blend of ’s in my book as the best album of adorned with old cookbooks and meal I realized that the small first track, “Charity Case.” a stand-out on The Odd Couple. killer beats and Cee Lo’s intrigu- 2008 so far, so good luck to all Japanese lanterns hung from the rolls filled me up quickly. From the beginning, the Next up is the album’s first ing lyrics and vocals. the other groups releasing music high ceiling fans. Heavily lac- Overall, was good, funky beats and Cee-Lo’s com- single, “Run (I’m A Natural “Blind Mary” initially sounds this year, because there’s now a quered tables where scattered in with really nice presentation plementary funky soul take Disaster)” which sprints along like something you might hear lot to live up to. the small eating area. and you can’t beat the prices. center stage and dominate the at a record pace and provides a on a children’s album, with Grade: A+ A few businessmen and stu- Grade: A-

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embarrassing and frustrating a TIBET from page 1 Communist leadership that had hoped for a smooth run-up to DA says he can’t indict ex-minister Tibet, but Bush’s call raised the the Olympic Games. protest to the highest level of the China on Wednesday showed The Associated Press secure Baker’s release from jail the law entitled Baker, 36, to hall. U.S. government. some signs of relenting, allow- in October. have his cash bond refunded. Baker has denied killing On the world stage, French ing the first group of foreign WACO, Texas ­— A prosecu- Kari Lynn Baker, a 31-year- “It was an act based solely his wife and said he wasn’t President Nicolas Sarkozy nota- journalists to visit Lhasa since tor said there isn’t enough evi- old teacher, was found dead on the passage of time,” Seg- having an affair with a woman bly has suggested a boycott of the violence began. dence to indict a former minis- two years ago in her home in rest said. “It does not dispose from his church in Lorena. He the Olympics opening ceremony The reporters were taken to ter accused of killing his wife Hewitt, near Waco. A justice of of the criminal charges in the told police his wife commit- in Beijing in August. Potala Square, below the Potala whose death was originally t he pe ace r uled her de at h a sui- least. Those matters are still ted suicide because she was The United States and Britain Palace, the traditional seat of ruled a suicide, but the inves- cide from an overdose of sleep- under consideration by this despondent over the death of have ruled out a boycott, and Tibetan rulers, which reopened tigation is continuing. ing pills but later ordered the office.” a daughter from cancer. Bush has said he will attend. Wednesday for the first time McLennan County District body exhumed after her fam- Police believe Baker, who The wife’s family refiled a He has taken the position that since March 14. Then reporters Attorney John Segrest said the ily pushed for further inves- reportedly had a mistress, wrongful death lawsuit against the Olympics are about athletic were taken a few blocks away murder charge against Matt tigation. The death certificate rendered his wife unconscious B a k e r l a s t w e e k . T h e y h a d w i t h - competition, not politics. where many shops had been Baker stands, but his office eventually was amended to list with sleeping pills, then suf- drawn the suit after Baker’s China has defended its use of burned out during the violence. agreed to an order issued the cause as undetermined. focated her with a pillow arrest, saying they didn’t want force against anti-Chinese pro- Hadley said Bush pressed for Tuesday that required a refund Because he wasn’t indicted from their bedroom as their their case to interfere with any testers in Tibet, describing dem- a resumption of now-suspended of the $200,000 bond used to within 180 days of his arrest, two daughters slept down the criminal prosecution. onstrations that broke out in the consultations between China capital city of Lhasa on March and representatives of the Dalai 14 as riots and violent crimes. Lama, and that there was an Karolina No. 23 Zuzana Zemenova lost 7-5, 4-6, “No responsible government encouraging response from Hu. Filipiak TENNIS from page 1 2-6 to No. 3 Maria Mosolova in a match that would sit by and watch when “It was interesting that Presi- receives spanned the length of the night and was hard faced with this kind of violent d e n t Hu s a i d t h a t t h e go ve r n m e n t a ball for Baylor came when No. 11 Lenka Broosova fought throughout. crime, which gravely violated was willing to continue contacts during staged another come-from-behind victory over Freshman Jelena Stanivuk lost her final set human rights, seriously disrupt- and consultations with the Dalai match No. 25 Samantha Murray at No. 3 singles. 3-6 to Nazlie Ghazal after winning the opening ed social order and seriously Lama as long as ... there’s an play After dropping the first set 3-6, Broosova set 6-2 and dropping the second set 6-7 (2-7). endangered the safety of public abandonment of Tibetan inde- Wednes- returned to form to take the second set 6-1 and No. 62 Jana Bielikova lost to No. 46 Lauren life and property,” Hu told Bush, pendence and stopping activi- day the third set 6-2. Lui in the only match to end in straight sets, according to an account by the ties that involve crimes and the at the While the rest of the Lady Bears lost their 4-6, 5-7. official Chinese news agency use of violence,” Hadley said. Baylor matches, final scores fail to convey the inten- Altogether, it was a match for the ages, and Xinhua. Bush and Hu also addressed Tennis sity of play. Scrivano looks forward to facing Northwestern China’s crackdown in the sensitive subject of Taiwan, Center. No. 26 Taylor Ormond gave an incredible in the future. response to the most sustained as well as North Korea’s fail- effort after having to have her leg taped up half- “The way we’re both seeded, if we see them uprising against Chinese rule ure to hand over a promised way through the third set of her match because again that probably means that we’re playing in almost two decades has put declaration of nuclear weapon David Poe/ of cramping, losing the match 3-6, 6-3, 3-6 to in a final four or a final,” he said. “We’d love to Beijing’s human rights record efforts and political repression Lariat staff No. 5 Georgia Rose. see them again.” in the international spotlight, in Myanmar.

estimated that 1 million voters cally cut off at that time. enter and vote.” hard. The turnout is going to be PRIMARY from page 1 turned out for the Texas cau- “All clocks at the election Burton said that the secre- TEXAS from page 1 high,“ said David Gray, a Clin- cuses on March 4. The number voting places are synchronized tary of state office does its job ton supporter. “Its historic.“ of our complaints come from sets an unprecedented amount according to the electronic aptly to assist in the voting pro- problem facing the members of The last slow step, and the people who say they waited of public involvement in this equipment,” Van Wolfe said. cess. Young’s precinct.“There are a lot final one, will be danced at the too long to vote,” Burton said. year’s election events. Van “That’s how the judge knows “A lot of time and effort of people who want to go the Democratic National Conven- “That is seen as something as Wolfe said that there was a pre- that it’s time to go out and close goes into the election process state convention.“ tion in August. At the Texas positive. It means that there is cise protocol for dealing with the polls. The judges will some- to ensure that elections run The Clinton campaign is convention, 67 delegates will be an increase in people actually people standing in line after the times send an official to stand smoothly and the counties have going to hold classes about the elected and sent to the national getting out and voting.” polls closed at 7 p.m., although in-line at 7 p.m. to ensure that shown great leadership,” Bur- delegate election process at the convention, plus the 126 del- Texas state party officials the machines are not automati- no one after that person may ton said. convention on Saturday. egates that were determined by “Both sides are working very March 4 primary vote. Godspeed by Ben Humeniuk

expressed an interest in capital WOMEN from page 1 punishment and regarded it as an issue that deserves atten- punishment is something that tion. is done deliberately. It’s a pro- “It’s the death penalty. I cess that involves deliberately don’t think we will ever find a taking the life of a person, and solut ion for it,” said Viesca, who most countries disapprove of is taking a criminology course capital punishment, he said. this semester. “It’s just good to “The U.S. finds itself in get out and educate yourself very unpleasant company in and just find out as much about this,” he said. the topic as you can so you can El Paso senior Sarah Viesca know where you stand.”

Brother Lucian Blersch Symposium The Evolution2008 Dictyostelium discoideum of Sociality Friday, March 28 10 a.m.–12:30 p.m. Mabee Ballroom Robert and Pearle Ragsdale Center St. Edward’s University Dictyostelium discoideum SPEAKERS Joan Strassmann and David Queller The Harry C. & Olga K. Wiess Professors in Natural Sciences, Rice University Strassmann: Purpose and cross purpose in insect societies: An evolutionary approach Queller: Down and dirty social behavior: Cooperation and conflict Mischocyttarus labiatus in a social amoeba

Allan Hook The Lucian Professor of Natural Sciences, St. Edward’s University Evolution of nest-sharing in solitary wasps

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