Dion on sports RELIGION Saturday Faith community news .............Page 6 April 26, 2008 ...................................Page 3 INSIDE Mendocino County’s World briefly The Ukiah local newspaper ..........Page 2 Sunday: Some cloudiness, warm H 81, L 47 7 58551 69301 0 Monday: Partly sunny H 73 L 43 50 cents tax included DAILY JOURNAL ukiahdailyjournal.com 16 pages, Volume 149 Number 17 email:
[email protected] Rural fire depts. Signs of ask for funds By BEN BROWN Chairman Jim Wattenburger The Daily Journal said he appreciated the work Representatives from the that the ambulance services two-candidate Mendocino County Fire and do in this county. He said the Ambulance Services allocation of funds was a good expressed their appreciation short term solution. to the Board of Supervisors “I’ve been pushing for a families for grant of money last year short-term long-term fix for and said they hoped for a sim- three or four years,” he said. ilar disbursement from the “It was well deserved and 2008 budget. well needed,” said Third According to the report, District Supervisor John ambulance services in Pinches of the $200,000. Mendocino County operate on “I would like to think that “bare bones” budgets while in a budget of $200 million responding to 7,500 calls per budget, we can find another year. $200,000,” he said. Last year, the board gave Wattenburger said the solu- $200,000 to county ambu- tion may be at the state level lance services that divided and encouraged First District the funds between Elk Supervisor Michael Delbar to Ambulance Service, the bring the issue up with the Mendocino Coast Hospital, State Supervisors Association Anderson Valley Ambulance, of which Delbar is the vice Coast Life Support, Ukiah president.