Ross Macdonald | 592 pages | 21 Jul 2015 | Vintage Crime/Black Lizard | 9781101910122 | English | United States The Archer Files : The Complete Short Stories of Lew Archer, Private Investigator PDF Book They are such teases to great investigations that didn't happen. And there he finds trouble. Also, making this worth the time of any aficionado of MacDonald or writing in general is that the last section of this book features beginnings of incomplete stories, fragments that MacDonald never ended up using. I am definitely going to have to get my hands on the Archer short stories, Prashant. If you think the name lacks good taste, consider the books of Felony and Mayhem, publishers of the Midsomer Murders novels by Caroline Graham. Even his regular readers seldom saw a Macdonald denouement coming. The 12 stories here cover the years from to and give a good view of Archer's evolution over the same period. Knopf Doubleday Publishing Group. Some of "Strangers" Macdonald re-used in one of the best short works of his early period, "Guilt Edged Blonde," and the rest he transformed into "The Ivory Grin," one of his more successful early novels. Me encantan las historias de detectives y aunque estas fueron cortas me interesaron mucho! . When I was in my mid twenties I decided to to stop reading science fiction and fantasy for a while. Excellent post, Prashant. True, a few of the plots don't withstand scrutiny. May 13, Bill Kerwin rated it liked it Shelves: detective-mystery. MacDonald's plots are clear and drive the stories from start to finish no matter how many elements are included. This novel the first in a series of eighteen would become the basis for the Paul Newman film Harper. In the early s, he returned to , settling for some thirty years in Santa Barbara, the area where most of his books were set. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. In fact, the whole thing is cheesy. All rights reserved. That is not meant to denigrate the man's work. . Other editions. Less showy than Chandler, but with more interesting plots that resonate. To ask other readers questions about The Archer Files , please sign up. About this title Synopsis: was the author of eighteen books that a New York Times critic called the finest series of detective novels ever written by an American : the Lew Archer canon, which included such breakthrough best-sellers as "The Underground Man," "The Goodbye Look," and "The Blue Hammer. Excellent stories that celebrate the writing style of Ross Macdonald. Add to Wish List Look inside. View all 4 comments. Did she kill him? Macdonald deftly combined the two sides of the mystery genre, the "whodunit" and the psychological thriller. I was having trouble deciding whether to give this 3 or 4 stars. Original Title. I still reread them anyway and enjoyed them the second time around. They could just as easily be first chapters cut from published works, they feel so much like first chapters in final form, and what books they would have led to. Kelly Robinson 11 November at Prev Reputations. There are fourteen of these and, while frustrating at times, they add about a hundred pages to the volume. Great way to start reading Macdonald's wrok Prashant! Buy a book today. Bret Taylor has been in a Navy hospital for nine months; he has amnesia and remembers nothing much since his ship was sunk in the South Pacific. The motel owner, Mr. Probably early nineteen-twenties and imitation Mizener, which made it the imitation of an imitation which wasn't worth imitating. This collection of short stories was my first encounter with Macdonald, and I'm looking forward to digging into the novels. The Archer Files : The Complete Short Stories of Lew Archer, Private Investigator Writer

From everything I've read today, they sound like stories I'd enjoy reading. The 12 stories here cover the years from to and give a good view of Archer's evolution over the same period. View Product. Those females seemed like mere decoration since the emphasis was always the male, an obvious hero who looked like a rugged Mike Hammer but dressed like James Bond on casino night. Some of the best writing in the book, superb by any measure. Ross Macdonald. Here Tom Nolan prefaces the collection with an intriguing 'biography' of Archer, pieced together from a sharp study of the works and then we dive into the short stories. The Zebra-Striped Hearse. Yvette 8 November at Open Preview See a Problem? The editor does an excellent job of gathering all the data from the stories into a oherent biog he ain't. Gets five stars not because of the quality of the stories, per se. Want to Read saving…. Frank O'Connor is regarded as one of the greatest writers of the twentieth century, and Enabling JavaScript in your browser will allow you to experience all the features of our site. Trikannad 13 December at Aug 20, Darryl Walker rated it it was amazing. I consider them a bonus! This prompted me to peruse about half of The Drowning Pool — pages or so — to see how many similes I could count. About this title Synopsis: Ross Macdonald was the author of eighteen books that a New York Times critic called the finest series of detective novels ever written by an American : the Lew Archer canon, which included such breakthrough best-sellers as "The Underground Man," "The Goodbye Look," and "The Blue Hammer. At this time, he wrote under the name John Macdonald, in order to avoid confusion with his wife, who was achieving her own success writing as Margaret Millar. Defense lawyer Bill Gunnarson was making the trip—fast. He was best known for the Lew Archer Mystery series. Editor: Tom Nolan. Interesting to read some of these that weren't originally about Archer, just the hard-boiled detective in L. I sometimes found Chandler's plots to be a little meandering but the wonderful characters and Marlowe himself made up for any lapses there. Learn how your comment data is processed. Archer takes on cases where he feels a responsibility to the person hiring him or the person being investigated. The actual mysteries are fairly edestrain and solvable, but these aren't whodunnits in the Agatha Christie Mallowan sense. About the Reviewer. The Blue Hammer. Other books by this author. The fictional private eye made his debut in a regular novel with in The Barbarous Coast. Account Options Anmelden. Contact Specialty Retail specialmarkets penguinrandomhouse. Y bien que hice, porque es un libro perfecto tanto para el coleccionista del escritor y de su detective Lew Archer como para el novato del cual soy ejemplo. His steadfast screenwriter girlfriend visits weekly until he suddenly starts remembering and then takes off to solve a murder. To help you stock that Want to Read shelf, we asked I knocked on the door. So, I assume, it's authentically cheesy. Brown Girl Reading, an original water and pen drawing by our own Brandy Burgess. This 'n That blog. The Archer Files : The Complete Short Stories of Lew Archer, Private Investigator Reviews

I've oft considered Ross MacDonald a solid example of a novelist who got by writing the same book over and over again. This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. Archer and Betty the reporter are paired up at the end. Readers also enjoyed. Navy Lt. Excellent stories that celebrate the writing style of Ross Macdonald. Y bien que hice, porque es un libro perfecto tanto para el coleccionista del escritor y de su detective Lew Archer como para el novato del cual soy ejemplo. Highly recommended, not only to lovers of hard-boiled or detective stories, but also to any lover of sharp- smart- and yet -lyrical fiction. Quotes from The Archer Files Though only fourteen, I was immediately struck by the quality of Macdonald's engaging whodunit abilities and felt rather indignant that Bantam deliberately misrepresented Lew Archer's true nature. He lives with his wife in Reno, NV. His fiction seems to spring from the same impulse as whatever caused the flood of film noir movies from Hollywood. They do have some sense of a more modern Los Angeles than Chander wrote about. They are such teases to great investigations that didn't happen. If you think the name lacks good taste, consider the books of Felony and Mayhem, publishers of the Midsomer Murders novels by Caroline Graham. Connoisseurs of 20th Century detective fiction regard the Lew Archer books by Ross MacDonald as the best ever written. And the story could take place anywhere: the author doesn't integrate the story with the place. The editor does an excellent job of gathering all the data from the stories into a oherent biography of lew Archer, so that's interesting. Trikannad 13 December at The Chill. The geography includes Laguna Perdida Capistrano Beach? Condition: Fine Soft cover. Yvette 8 November at A classic: that's the only way to describe this volume. Ask Seller a Question. True, a few of the plots don't withstand scrutiny. The first several are pretty bad actually. Newer Post Older Post Home. A young girl spends her summer vacation in a country house where a tiger roams The first Lew Archer mystery novel was published in ; his big breakout year was , and the subsequent three novels were also bestsellers.

The Archer Files : The Complete Short Stories of Lew Archer, Private Investigator Read Online

I have my own definition. Gets five stars not because of the quality of the stories, per se. A classic: that's the only way to describe this volume. As a detective and as a man he takes the human situation with full seriousness. A young girl spends her summer vacation in a country house where a tiger roams Slowly, like twin bodies being dragged, footsteps approached the other side of it. For readers of all ages, two hundred and ten tales of the Brothers Grimm, including Brown Girl Reading, an original water and pen drawing by our own Brandy Burgess. May 30, Roger rated it liked it. Just a moment while we sign you in to your Goodreads account. This book is essential to anyone who has a serious interest in the evolution of Ross Macdonald's Lew Archer, his origins and development. The geography includes Laguna Perdida Capistrano Beach? Download high- resolution cover Look inside. Error rating book. He died in Aug 29, Laura rated it really liked it. Jun 24, Matthew rated it really liked it. Early paperback covers misled readers, but the smooth intelligent prose inside erased any ire mystery buyers may have felt at being hoodwinked. Not to have read even a single book yet is a criminal waste. Caswell asked me to meet her here. The book starts off with a nice biography of Lew Archer, his past and what makes him tick. Other Editions 7. Want to Read saving…. From the bestselling author of Carter Beats the Devil and Sunnyside, a big-hearted memoir told In a number of cases, he just falls into by accident and wants to correct a wrong or just help a person in need. We guarantee the condition of every book as it's described on the Abebooks web sites. Read an excerpt of this book! A sensitive kid named Donny has a big-time crush on her. Jul 08, Ethan rated it really liked it. But after private investigator Edited by Macdonald biographer Tom Nolan, "The Archer Files" is prefaced with Nolan s biographical sketch of Lew Archer himself -- the character Eudora Welty described as "a champion" and "a distinguished creation Home 1 Books 2. I think it's worth pointing out though that ' Find the Woman' when first published under his real name of Kenneth Millar did not in fact feature Archer but another character - when the short story collection was put together Macdonald changed the name of the character, somethign Hammett did with and Chandler did with Philip Marlowe stories. No voy a negarlo. His wife was already successful with her own mystery novels from , so he changed his name to John Ross Macdonald and then to Ross Macdonald. A New Category: Poem by Poem. Frank O'Connor is regarded as one of the greatest writers of the twentieth century, and Much of the tale involves race issues and 'Black Israel'. A Valley banker father hires Archer to find his runaway daughter, who has been hanging out with a creepy ex-con teen. Billy Turner returns to the small Florida town where he grew up and learns that his father has been killed; with little help from the police, he takes matters into his own hands and goes up against a ruthless local mob boss to find the killer. Macdonald deftly combined the two sides of the mystery genre, the "whodunit" and the psychological thriller. Ross Macdonald was the author of eighteen books that a New York Times critic called the finest series of detective novels ever written by an American : the Lew Archer canon, which included such breakthrough best-sellers as "The Underground Man," "The Goodbye Look," and "The Blue Hammer.