Solution Bounds, Stability and Attractors' Estimates of Some Nonlinear Time-Varying Systems
1 Solution Bounds, Stability and Attractors’ Estimates of Some Nonlinear Time-Varying Systems Mark A. Pinsky and Steve Koblik Abstract. Estimation of solution norms and stability for time-dependent nonlinear systems is ubiquitous in numerous applied and control problems. Yet, practically valuable results are rare in this area. This paper develops a novel approach, which bounds the solution norms, derives the corresponding stability criteria, and estimates the trapping/stability regions for a broad class of the corresponding systems. Our inferences rest on deriving a scalar differential inequality for the norms of solutions to the initial systems. Utility of the Lipschitz inequality linearizes the associated auxiliary differential equation and yields both the upper bounds for the norms of solutions and the relevant stability criteria. To refine these inferences, we introduce a nonlinear extension of the Lipschitz inequality, which improves the developed bounds and estimates the stability basins and trapping regions for the corresponding systems. Finally, we conform the theoretical results in representative simulations. Key Words. Comparison principle, Lipschitz condition, stability criteria, trapping/stability regions, solution bounds AMS subject classification. 34A34, 34C11, 34C29, 34C41, 34D08, 34D10, 34D20, 34D45 1. INTRODUCTION. We are going to study a system defined by the equation n (1) xAtxftxFttt , , [0 , ), x , ft ,0 0 where matrix A nn and functions ft:[ , ) nn and F : n are continuous and bounded, and At is also continuously differentiable. It is assumed that the solution, x t, x0 , to the initial value problem, x t0, x 0 x 0 , is uniquely defined for tt0 . Note that the pertained conditions can be found, e.g., in [1] and [2].
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