Listino 6-2012
Listino 6-2012 - 1 - 1) ARISTOTELES (384-322 B.C.). Politicorum siue De republica libri octo Le- onardo Aretino interprete cum Thomae Aquinatis explanatione nunc denuo summa cura ad manuscriptum exemplar collata, atque... restituta. Quibus antiqua... eorun- dem adiecta est quae delitescebat, politicorum interpretatio, quam d. Tho. olim ex- ponendo secutus est,... His accessere ipsius Thomae De regimine principum libri quatuor... ex opusculis illius excerpti... Oeconomica... e duobus manuscriptis codici- bus desumpta,... sunt addita. Iul. Martiani Rotae labore ac diligentia, cum indice... Venezia, Giunta, 1568. Folio. (8), 27, (1 blank), 168 leaves. Printer’s device on the title-page. Text printed in two columns. Contemporary vellum over boards, manuscript title on the spine, small stamps on the title-page, a very fine copy. REPRINT OF THE 1558 GIUNTA EDITION published by the Venetian scholar Julia- nus Martianus Rota (fl. middle of the 16th century). Along with Aristotle‟s Politica in the Latin translation of Leonardo Bruni (1370-1444, see G. Besso, B. Guagliumi & F Pezzoli, Accademia e politica attiva: le edizioni, le traduzioni e i commenti alla ‘Politica’ di Ari- stotele in Italia nei secoli XV-XVI, in: “Res publica litterarum: Documentos de trabajo del grupo de investigación „Nomos‟, 30, 2007, pp. 6-9) he also published Thomas Aquinas’ commentary on the Politica and his De regimine principum, and an anonymous translation of Aristotle’s Oeconomica. This edition apparently caused some deprecation since Rota completely suppressed the name of his two collaborators: Sesto Medici and Marc-Antoine Muret (cf. M.E Cosenza, Biographical and bibliographical dictionary of the Italian Humanists and of the world of classical scholarship in Italy, 1300-1800, Boston, 1962-1967, IV, 3100).
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