COVERUPS! Number 20 ,Gary Mack, Editor & Publisher January, 1985

Lt. Montgomery, left, holding the bag. CE730, TSBD shipping room showing a roll of paper.

THE PAPER BAG THAT STAYED IN DALLAS by Gary Mack Did Oswald bring his rifle to work that day or not? If The Warren Commission, noting that Oswald's room he did, he was probably involved in the assassination; already had curtains, decided he lied to conceal his if not, he was framed. real purpose: getting the rifle (R130). But the Commis- The link is still the paper bag, supposedly found by sion assumed incorrectly. Marina Oswald and even the sixth floor TSBD window and unaccountably miss- Ruth Paine later made it clear that Oswald was making ing from all relevant photos of the crime scene. The an effort to patch up his failing marriage (R248). What Warren Commission decided the bag was made of Oswald may have meant was that he had found a new Depository shipping paper and tape, was brought to apartment where he, Marina and their two children Ruth Paine's house in Irving the afternoon before the could live; after all, his little room on Beckley could assassination, and used to carry the rifle to Dallas the never house a family of four. following morning (R137). In other words, as Sylvia Meagher noted in Ac- What the Warren Report doesn't mention is that the cessories After The Fact, Oswald might have told person who drove Oswald to Irving testified he had Frazier the curtain rod story to avoid the embarass-• nothing with him! Instead, the Report concludes that ment of revealing his marital problems. To make sure Oswald must have hidden the bag under his jacket and the ruse was effective, he had to have a package with cites photographs of the bag as its proof (R248). him the next morning so Frazier wouldn't be Two of those photos, CE1304 and CE142, show the suspicious. But there was no need for him to hide the bag lying alongside a tape measure and ruler. The very bag since it was part of his reason for the early ride to top of the bag in 1304 is folded down, making a length Irving! of 38 inches, which the Report mentions immediately The Warren Commission learned that the Depository after noting the 34.8 inch length of the disassembled shipping department used one roll of wrapping paper Mannlicher Carcano (R133). every three days and sample paper obtained the after- Actually, CE142 is more accurate. It shows the bag noon of the assassination matched the bag perfectly was really 42 inches long and 9 inches wide. CE1304 (R136); therefore, Oswald's paper bag could have been was not photographed head-on, but from a slight angle made no earlier than Wednesday, November 20. The that makes the bag measure only 71/2 inches wide—the Report also states that two rolls of paper could have difference is only perspective. come from the same batch (R136), but cites no source A third photo, CE626, shows the bag unfolded to it's and no evidence that rolls were used sequentially. full width of twice 9, or 18 inches. That's a gigantic bag The Report then falsely asserts that "one cannot for any rifle. estimate when, prior to November 22, Oswald made the According to the official story (R129-130), Oswald paper bag" (R136). Actually, two rolls covered six work- asked coworker Wesley Frazier on Thursday morning if ing days, which means the bag was made on or after he could ride home to Irving a day earlier than usual. Frfiday, November 15. The last time Oswald went to the Frazier said OK and asked why. Oswald said he would Paine house, where the rifle was stored, was Friday, be picking up some curtain rods to "put in an apart- November 8 (R416) and the precise motorcade route ment"(2H222). through Dealey Plaza was not publicized until Tuesday, Oswald had supposedly hidden the bag from his friend Frazier. Folded twice, as the pictures indicate, the bag would have measured 10% inches by 9 inches, and there's just no way anyone could slip it down their pants or inside a jacket without it being visible, noisy • •• • •••10.7.■••••••••AT11.41011,11••■•••••■ ••• ..... or both. CE1304, the 38 inch bag. And then there are Commission Exhibits 1077 and November 19 (R40). 1965. These two FBI interviews, of supervisor Roy Truly Further doubt is cast on the Commission's two roll and vice president 0. V. Campbell, further describe the theory by commission exhibits 730-732—photographs rolls of shipping paper. Each roll was 24 inches wide, of the wrapping tables in the shipping department. or 6 inches wider than the unfolded bag. There were facilities for at least two, and perhaps four, Whoever constructed the bag had to have cut 42 in- separate rolls in simultaneous use. ches from the roll and then trimmed 6 inches off the Supervisor Roy Truly confirmed that Oswald had ac- side. He then folded the paper over and taped the two cess to the firstvfloor shipping department (R136), but open sides. Simple? Well, it could have been, but close Troy West, the only permanent employee in that room, examination of CE1304 and other photographs shows told the Warren Commission he never saw Oswald the tape near the middle instead of along the side from there and he never even left the room (6H358-360). The top to bottom. In other words, it looks like it was hastily Warren Report contains no mention of West or his patched together. testimony (R888). Further doubts about the bag's authenticity were ex- And now for the ride home with Wesley Frazier. They pressed by Dallas Police Chief Jesse Curry. In his 1969 left work at 4:40pm (2H222) and, in the rush hour traffic, book Assassination File, Curry wrote a photo caption took about 45 minutes to get there (2H223). During that that reads "This is probably the same bag which was whole period, the Warren Commission implies, Oswald found on the sixth floor by investigators." hid the bag from Frazier even though there was no He might have added "This is part of the planted reason to do so. Frazier was positive Oswald had no evidence that FRAMED an innocent man." bag, and said so to Warren Commission Assistant Counsel Joseph Ball, on March 11, 1964. Ball: Did you ever see Lee taking home anything with him from the Texas Book Depository Building? Frazier. No, sir; never did. Ball: Did you ever see him taking a package home with him? Frazier: No, sir. (2H241) Ball: On Thursday afternoon when you went home, drove on home, did he carry any package with him? Frazier: No, sir; he didn't. (2H243) So how did the bag get from the TSBD to Irving and back again? The evidence indicates it never left the building and wasn't even constructed until after the assassination. Researcher Dick Sprague, in the mid-1960's, located numerous photographs of the bag being removed from the Depository. Dallas Morning News photographer Jack Beers shot some of them, and placed the time at nearly 3:30. Other similar pictures, which include the CE731, showing two rolls of wrapping paper. Hertz sign clock, confirm Beers' memory. So within three hours of the assassination, and only 90 minutes after Oswald's arrest, an incriminating bag Reasonable Doubt appeared not at the scene, but at the building's front door. FBI Agent Sebastian Latona later found Oswald's Henry Hurt right palmprint on the closed end of the bag (R135). In the 21 years since the death of about the cue. The result is a work Some photographs seem to show the bag had only PresidentJohn E Kennedy there that is riveting, authoritative, and three prominent folds, while others may indicate addi- have been numerous books on the utterly convincing—a massive subject—some sensational, some synthesis that doubtless sheds as tional smaller folds. But nowhere in the Warren Report political, some irresponsible, but all much light on the awful tragedy .or 26 volumes is there an explanation of how or why attempting in their way to unravel in Dallas as we will ever have. the frustrating mystery surrounding the assassination. HENRY nun; an investigative Reasonable Doubt is the most thor- reporter and former Rockefeller ough, objective, well-documented Fbundation fellow, lives with his study of this subject that has ever family in Chatham, Virginia. been done. The author, with a research team, spent several years (Begun for Reader 's sifting and analyzing mountains of Digest and completed data, following every lead, cross- for Holt, Rinehart & checking and corroborating every Winston, the 12.8.95 fact from at least two sources, and book will be out by interviewing hundreds of people involved with and knowledgeable this coming August. ) CE142, the 42 inch bag.

FWST 12-7-84 DTH 1-25-85 JedreNHOCONIJNMWMPOW=.11%,. 161...... YmyyWftly=y* Dallas consultant .=.0 e =N.

Ipdy Amps dies A".- • 4;4_, IN REVIEW Associated Press bALLAS — Judy Bonner Amps, _ site morsimmunismo-inininsusaani 5.1; one of Dallas' leading political .pionilwrIono.newfd.wwismoxin reirm iniams `Secret Agenda' consultants for the past two dec- 111111IPMPSNIC•?/Pr411111111111111111- MI um r simmaiu ades, died Wednesday at her home .www-zarrawalattmirtmensinerrnrrrmiums imillirarrammommumn rn 11111111111•111111 of cancer. lipi,gmorilleAnneilillet"511.. EMI Minn RI FM II MR MIME offers junkies Amps, political adviser to Dallas 11111111111WW71fr....noprumoisigummoor, - at rn rim numem Mayor A. Starke Taylor, made her ■ mark guiding Democratic candi- vimilimmeess 71111 - 11HIMIIIMITIMF716— 11111=s11 immumknr:::: 7c: mum a scandal fix dates and campaigns to victory. She amproperme morun inn Fr, immsma handled campaigns for U.S. Reps. womn _ wriung vows rirmrn umumu Martin Frost and John Bryant of samarrizwasammen r no rims By ELIZABETH WHARTON Dallas, state Sen. Oscar Maury and Aimirsgra=w,wilipmew swim rirmumm former state Sens. Mike McKool and ammew-,wilimpemp■simma=rmrrmainim United Press International Ron Glower, among others. ojp!miggrip . Aiiiillihni111111,7:1".;m711111131.1111111111 11111•217,111111/1111NPUIIIIIIIIIIIIIMIS111111111111•1•nrini WHAT: "Secret Agenda: Watergate. Deep She was born Judy Whitson in r PlE11111311 Throat and the CIA" FOrt Worth and graduated from AIIMIIIIIIIIMI11111111111•11111 WHO: Jim Hougan (Random House, $19.95) Texas Woman's University in 1953 Watergate junkies will enjoy reading "Se- with degrees in journalism and gov- tamdasten addible M. 71331 ernment. ., . . cret Agenda" — a full two or three hours of Amps worked as a medical writer wallowing in the scandal that led to the res- for the Dallas Times Herald from (When Judy Bonner took some material Ao the ignation of President Nixon in disgrace. 1953 to 1963 when she joined a Dallas firm of Jaggars-Chiles-Stovall, guess who But other readers are likely to find the public relations firm. She took on did the photo work? In 1969 she published book difficult to follow, as author Jim Hou- her first political account in 1966 "Investigation of a Homocide," reportedly gan appears more interested in raising new when she ran Mauzy's first cam- questions than in answering old ones. paign for the Texas Senate. co-written with retired Dallas Police Sgt. His central thesis — the "secret agenda" - She helped guide a multimillion- Gerry Hill. Bonner was the real source of dqllar city bond campaign to build a is that the bugging of Democratic headquar- new art museum and helped Taylor the "critics' tape" of the police radio ters at the Watergate complex was so badly push social and health issues. broadcasts.) bungled that it almost certainly was sabo- taged. He says the saboteurs were CIA agents using the Watergate break-in to cover their real target — an expensive sex-for-hire ring operating out of a neighboring apart- ment building. Patrons of Ike call girls included high- MIATTI HTRALD 11-29-83 ranking officials of the government and Con- gress, plus prominent visitors to the nation's capital, about whom the CIA was collecting Court, throws out libel award to Hunt data for its files. NOV 2 9 1983 "Watergate. then, was not so much a parti- ATIANIWLUPI) — rat appeals min was furious with Hunt for threatening to implicate san political scandal as it was. secretly, a sex scandal, the unpredictable outcome of a CIA Monday threw out woo by the agency ID the Watergate budging. and said CIA Watergate against a witnesses would implicate him in the Kennedy asses- operation that, in the simplest of terms, conservative o ad him to shiation with their testimony before a congressional tripped on its own shoelaces." the author says. President Kennedy's ,committee. Hougan is an investigative reporter and No such disclosing were made. The Liberty author of two previous books — "Spooks" The US. 11th Circuit Court Lobby admitted at trial that Hunt was not in Dallas and "Decadence." of Appeals ruled 2-1 that US. Nov. 22, 1963, but maintained that u a public figure A word of warning to compulsive readers District Judge Thomas W. Keboe he had to show deliberate malice or reckless disre- of footnotes: "Secret Agenda" is so heavily of Miami improperly instructed gard for the truth to prevail in a libel case. • • documented (from sources ranging from jurors to consider the accuracy In a 2-1 ruling written by Judge Albert B. Hen- newspaper accounts to official CIA and FBI standards of "responsible pub- derma, the court of appeals said that Hunt met the documents obtained under the Freedom of In- lishers" in cladding whether the burden of proof standard — but that Kehoe erred in formation ACO that nearly every page con- was subject to his jury instructions. The judge told jurors they asitid tains from one line to a half-page of them. damages. Hunt had claimed that return a verdict for Hunt if they found "an extrema Try to ignore them — despite Hougan's lively The Spotlight. a tabloid publica- departure from the standards of Investigating and re- writing style, the narrative is hard enough to tion of the Liberty Lobby, would porting ordinarily adhered to by responsible publiab- follow without that distraction. not have libeled hire if it had ap- Two chapters are devoted to Hougan's ef- plied normal editorial skepticism wu" In reversing the judgment, Henderson said the forts to determine the identity of Deep Throat. to an article by former intelligence agent Victor appeals court could not determine whether Mani His favorite is Alexander Haig, although he Marchetti. acted on the improper instructions Kehoe had Weil acknowledges that the former general, presi- regarding accuracy standards of "responsible pub- - The newspaper reported In 1978 that the CIA Ushers." dential chief of staff and law, briefly, secre- tary of state does not fit all the characteristics described by Washington Post reporters Bob TffIAMI HFHALD 1-27-85 Woodward and Carl Bernstein. Hougan says he hopes his book raises enough official interest to prompt appointment R K-plot of a new, nonpartisan commission to uncover case the still-hidden facts of the historic scandal. The same Watergate addicts who enjoy Hou- with E.• I-Ioward I unt,lObby gm's book would applaud that outcome. By STEPHEN K.. cap ___JL23 N az //41---311Eleiied he had a role Iiimiedy's murder. Kenne- flcruLl Sluff Wrikr 0 Hunt, who spent 33 months In prison for the dy's murder. Lane's enthusiasm for MIAMI r . celebrity lawyer and charg- Watergate burglary, sued Lobby for ing the government with conspiracy enthusiast, will ask a Miami federal the Liberty a variety of libel. unsavory plots long since has made him jury Monday to decide that E. Howard Hunt, a At the 1981' Vial!' Liberty Lobby !attorneys folk hero among conspiracy hobbyists. formerly of -Watergate and CIA fame. was conceded. that Muni could 'present witnesses to In the late 1970s. personally involved in the assassination of Presi- Lane defended James prove he was. in •Washington• Earl Ray, the convicted dent John F. Kennedy In Dallas 21 years ago. The day Kennedy killer of Martin died. They couldn't produce the memo. And they Luther Pure twaddle, retort Hunt and his lawyers. King Jr.. on the theory that King defended•Marchettl's article as Just a warning to was killed by the FBI. Ills allegatiot.s The trial, to be heard this week by U.S. District Hunt that the CIA was 'trying to make him a were unproven. - Judge James Kehoe, Is a replay of Hunt's 1980 scapegoat. t.. Lane's' lawsuit against the Washington-based Liberty • latest forum Is the Liberty The jury didn't buy It and 'awarded Hunt Lobby trial. And his defense, he says, will Lobby, an ultraright pressure group that publishes $650.000. Out on appeal; a retrial was ordered a weekly tabloid called The Spotlight. be to prove the truth of Marchetti's story. because of a flawed jury Instruction. • "This case will be tried very different- In 1978. The Spotlight — which bills Itself as This time. Liberty Lobby has hired Lane, author "The Paper You Can Trust" — published an article this time." Lane promises. "Last time. of the 1966 best s.11er Rush fo Judgment, which the defense was apologizing for the by former CIA agent . which lambasted the Warren Commission Investigation of among other claims cited a 1966 CIA memo that article. That's not my style." purportedly Said Hunt was In Dallas that day and 4

PRESIDENT John F. Kennedy and his wife. Jacqueline. chat as the motorcade prepares to TAKEN LESS THAN a minute after President John F. Kennedy was (natty wounded Nov. 22. leave that fateful day. Nov. 22. 1963. 1963 this UPI photo by Frank Cancellare shows the mysterious Grassy Knoll South in the background and the Triple Underpass (right) at Dealey Plaza, Dallas. Kennedy Assassination .Question • . Was That Edgar F. Tarn.. who hes people smelled gunpowder Months later, a private decades later froM the space. How much space do draftsman by profession, lone been intrigued by the from that location) citizen. Eugene P. Aldredge, American public. you save by eliminating a speculated that if the era/ewe end spreldetion in testimony that a conspirator who had watched the Five days after the FBI single thin piece of film?" sidewalk sear. had resulted the anaminmiass of President had fired a shot at the original newscast, visited the scraping incident Aldredge Later in. the 1970's, a from a bullet ricochet or a John F. Kennedy. is an president's entourage from site and observed the easily and a friend returned to the Dallas journalist, who shall Missed shot, the most &Wink teacher at Quincy the grassy knoll north. identifiable mark- and when spot and "found that the remain nameless for obvious reasonable source of origin. MO Scheel and tench.. the • Now there is sufficient the Warren CoMmission - reasons. sirrreptiously considering its architectural Kennedy .4s.nuinatian course mark had been filled up with evidence to consider the real Report was released in 1964 removed the sidewalk chunk angle, would be the grassy at Quincy Junior Cathryn, • what appeared to be a possibility that an addi- and omitted any mention of mixture of concrete and in question much to the knoll south directly across By EDGAR F. TATRO tional gunman was situated the scar, Aldredge felt asbestos and an attempt dismay and anger of certain from the famous grassy Thursday marks the 2Ist atop the other Dealey Plaza compelled to discuss his made to make it appear like Dallas politicians and knoll. anniversary of the assassina- incline, the grassy knoll concerns. with Chas. . the surrounding area." officials. According to Supporting this theory is tion of President John F. south, the symmetrical Freund. a reporter for the Again Aldredge con- . reliable researchers close to a television interview of an Kennedy. counterpart of the famous Dallas Morning News, who tacted the FBI to inform the Dallas scene, a privately unidentified woman Since 64- knowd—wit- grassy knoll and virtually no verified Aldredge's observa- them of the alleged patching financed neutron activation • bystander who claimed a nemes that day believed that one, but a handful of tion of the mark. Both men of the sidewalk scar and , analysis was performed shot was fired from south of shots awe from in front of ' diligent' researchers have • believed • the war was the again the FBI returned to _ which revealed that notnetal the triple underpass. Thus the 'president, most pursued this crucial aspect result of the assassination ' remove material from the was detected within the Brown began a meticulous researchers of the murder of the case. The individuals bullet. scar to have FBI head- . mark, but rather some search for any photographs throughout the 'years have wlio have attempted to bring Aldredge' then called the quarters analyze the alleged.' clothlike substance, showing the knoll in the focused their attention upon this vital information to the FBI who wanted to know foreign substance. asbestos in nature, was hopes that some valuable the area known as the attention of government why he hadwaited so long to Amazingly, these spectro- • adhering to the scar. The evidence might reveal itself. famous grassy knoll to the officials have been ignored. report the information.. graphic test results are also.. little hero, Aldredge, had - He hit paydirt when he right and front of President Suspicion of a grassy Aldredge- informed' than being witheld from the said as much over 10 years examined a photograph Kennedy's limousine. knoll south assassin began that he had assumed that the American people. ear . ' taken by UPI photographer The overwhelming with the discovery of a Warren Commission could ' Harold Weisberg, a . Weisberg. whose legal Frank Cancellare. evidence which substan- sidewalk scar. approxi- not possibly have over- former Senate investigator, . battles with the FBI and The photograph was tiated the presence of mately five inches in length: looked such an easily author of several niceness marathon Attempts to taken approximately less conspirators behind the wall found on the northern side observed scar which had books about _the. assassi- declairify martial. assassina- than a minute after the and fence in that particular of Dealey Plaza's Elm Street been cited on telerisioriand nation and perhaps•the most tion evidence and docu- assassination. The whole location was ignored by the sidewalk ,adjacent -to- the also that he had no desire to respected researcher ments are infamous in the view depicts two motorcade Warren Commission in street extension facing the 'become personally involved worldwide on the subject, annals of Freedom of cyclists who ,are heading 1964, but was., finally historic Texas School Book in the investigation. recently informed me that Information Act litigation, down Elm St. toward the confirmed in 1979 by a Depository. According to Two days later Aldredge microfilm pertaining to this concluded, "There simply is underpass. Some witnesses Congressional committee various Dallas citizens, a took the FBI to the particular spectrographic no question about it. The still lay prostrate upon the- known as the House Select local Dallas television pavement scar and they analysis has been destroyed FBI. knew .the curbstone ground while others, who Committee on Assassina- newsman pointed to the scraped material from the by the FBI. was patched when Shaney- stand, take snapshots of the tions. mark on thesis o'clock news mark and sent the specimen Weisberg wrote, "This is felt (an-FBI technician) had Dealey Plaza area. Acoustics tests of a tape the night of the assassina- to FBI headquarters to the only spectrographic it dug up and taken to the Since all of the attention recording of the shots tion and celled it a bullet determine its contents by plate claimed tube missing. lab for testing." of the assassination reinforced the photographic mark. Channel Four means of spectrographic The .FBrs unworn and My personal. friend and aftermath was directed evidence as well as officials in Dallas have since analysis. Incredible as it may conjectural explanation of investigative colleague. primarily' at the famous eyewitness, eyewitness and denied any knowledge of seem, the scientific results its alleged disappearance is Emory Brown. a photo- grassy knell and the Texas even nosewitness (nine this occurrence. arc still being witheld two ' that it was destroyed to save grapher by avocation and School Book Depository, Water at .ant nits involvement MIAMI lirRALD 1-29-85 By STEPHEN K. DOIG , Hertimid Staff Write, MIAMI — Conspiracy author and attorney. Mark Tenimous libel,' E. HoWard Hunt says of claims that hE Lane entered a Miami courtroom Monday to prove that Watergate figure E. Howard Hunt and the-CIA played a role in Kennedy's'death".' assassinated John F. Kennedy. e e Lane's star witness swears that she and other OPE= conspirators met Hunt in Dallas the day before Kennedy was shot Liberty Lobby, but the Judgment was overturned on a t Bet be resolutely denied having any part In at But she won't come to Miami to testify. legal technicality. He is back In court this week to try Lane's key piece of evidence is a CIA memo conspiracy to assassinate Kennedy. ,that again, with Lane representing the defense. , "Venomous libel," Hunt says acidly of claims th suggests that Hunt was in Dallas and involved in the As the first witness, Hunt spent murder. But he doesn't have the fabled memo. his first day on the ' he played a role In Kennedy's death. stand in a trip down memory lane. He testified that he was In Washington that da The trial before US. District Judge James Kehoe is He reminisced candidly about the burglary of the Hunt's libel suit against the ultra-right Liberty buying Chinese food with his wife, when he heard Watergate office complex for President Nixon. He Lobby. In 1978, the group's "Spotlight" tabloid the tragedy in Dallas. And unlike Lane, Hum talked about rifling the files of Daniel. Ellsberg's lawyers say, they will offer witnesses and eviden printed an article implying that Hunt was an active psychiatrist. He mentioned covert "black participant In Kennedy's murder when he was .a CIA bag" to prove their case. agent. break-ins at foreign embassies for they CIA., He Lane is perhaps the nation's most notorio blandly described his plan to put cyanide Id columnist conspiracy buff. His best-selling In 1981, Hunt won sa, $650,000 verdict against Rush To Judgme Jack Anderson's aspirin bottle. , criticized the Warren Commission's conclusion th LEFT ARROW indicates a distinct human-like figure holding a rife-like object atop the Grassy THIS PHOTOGRAPH was taken in 1964. The figure shown in the Canceller. Mow up of Knoll South. Right arrow points to a vehicle. UPI photo is by Frank Canes/here. November 22, 1963 is no longer present In third tree to right. tnother Gunman On The Grdssy Knoll South?

Brown theorized that a original negative owned by Incredible" with no success. Congressional investiga- enactment tests had been temporal region. Father south knoll sniper might UPI in order to produce 1 suspect that some subjects tion, but also co-sponsored limited to only the grassy Oscar Huber; who gave have lingered awhile viable enhanced images and are too incredible (Or the bill, now as & Senator, knoll north and the alleged President Kennedy the last unnoticed and if so, his determinations. network television to touch. did not respond. Council,. Oswald perch.. rites, commented about a image might be permanently With Brown's permission, When word reached meof man Brian Donnelly has no The acoustics experts also wound over JFK's left eye. etched in blow ups of the I entered the foray. Twice I a 523,000 issued to the idea what happened to my- found five other pops which Two professional photo- Cancellare photograph sent these materials to the National Academy of correspondence and may or may not have been grapheri in Dealey Plaza. especial b/ since there was no House Select Committee on Sciences to re-study the Senator Edward Kennedy shots from other areas of James Altgens and-Norman stockad fence present upon Assassinations, once with acoustical evidence, I was gracious, but declined Dealey Plaza. In other Similas,.claimed there was a the south knoll. Richard A. Sprague at the advised that the Cancellare to become involved in any words it is possible that left-tided head wound. Also Brown's blow ups speak- helm and again after G. figure be included- in their ination aspects • between four to nine shots there is an official.autopsy for themselves. Just to the Robert Blakey had taken investigation. Their whatsoever although be was may have been fired that chart drawn by Commander right of the tree in the center charge. The HSCA had spokesman assured me that not adverse to any new • day, but the lack of I. Thornton Boswell which background is a distinct possessed a $6 million the material had been formal investigations. appropriate re-enactment cites a three centimeter human-like figure holding a budget to investigate delivered to "the chairman Ironically, in 1977 I had tests to determine whether defect in the same head area rifle-like object. Brown President Kennedy's of the committee on met Dave Powers, JFK's the pops are innocent described by these Witnesses estimated that the "man" is assassination, but my pleas _ ballistics acoustics and also best friend at Harvard acoustical refractions or and Robert Groden in his approximately four and one for photo image enhance- to the Department of University. Mr. Powers was actual shots and their HSCA photographic report half feet tall and is ment of a potential killer Justice;" but-the-letter also guest lecturing about the wit origins was never deter- claims that autopsy photo presumably kneeling. were ignored.. implied that the committee and wisdom of JFK at a mined. number 29 shows the wound Meticulous inspection of Let the record show that was concerned with the course concerning the Cbuld one or more of the very close blow-ups even photographic expert Robert authenticity of the acoustics Kennedy presidency and 1 pops be a shot or shots from Does the Cancellare reveals what may be the loop Groden, a photo consultant. evidence and not with the spoke to the same forum the grassy.lnoll south? photograph show one of of a rifle sling. to the HSCA. Who had intention of conducting any some weeks later about the Finally them is evidence President Kennedy's killers? Photographs taken in received the Cancellare blow new and elaborate tests. assassination. to suggest a left frontal Given the suspicions 1964 for comparison ups from another researcher Needless to.. say the When I showed Powers wound to the head- of acetified the FBI regarding purposes clearly indicate via me, also tiled the published report avoided . the . Cancellare photo and President Kennedy, &- 'the sidewalk scar and the • that the human silhouette-is committee to pursue this the grassy knoll south. The, blow-ups, his eyes nearly wound which would wholesale avoidance of the no longer present. Brown area "as-a suspected- firing. fact, • that,. the- Justice pupped. He asked. "Does complement thegrassy knoll Canceller. figure, the need also suspected the pos- position in the assassination Department was informed Congress have these?" in a south perch perfectly. It is for photo image enhance- sibility of another individual as it related to photo- of my requests, in view of the heightened, enthusiastic impossible to absolutely ment of this photograph and farther to the right partially graphic evidence," but tq no FBI's shady handling of the voice and I-answered, "Yes, I confirm or reject such a shot new thorough acoustics tests obscured by some shrubbery avail also. sidewalk scar.1 will more sent. them myself." He because the president's brain is imperative. in front of an. automobile. Since the HSCA report than likely only serve to add replied, 'Good." would have to be dissected The late ex-beatie, John but it is difficult to discgrd. was published, I have sent another (Older to their file I will never forget the look by forensic pathologists, but Lennon, whose murder is Brown sent photographic Cancellare packets to Dr. on SOC. of shock, but hope in his the president's brain also being closely investi- copies of his discovery to the James Barger, the HSCA I then turned my attention face. disappeared mysteriously in gated by researchers, mote Jet Propulsion Lab of acoustics consultant, and to to the politicians who The acoustics tests had 1966. wrote, "A conspiracy of Pasadena, California for. Cecil Kirk, the HSCA represent me with the same substantiated the existence However, three Texas silence speaks louder than confirmation, but a forensic photographer, but unproductive results. Paul of four shots on Nov. 22. physicians, Dr, Robert words." spokesman for the firm neither responded to my Tsongas, who as a 1963, one from in front of McClelland, Dr. Marion It seems to speak louder known for its photographic correspondence. I even sent Representative in 1975, not the president and three from Jenkins and, Dr. Adolph and louder in the Kennedy expertise informed Brown duplicate copies to the only promptly responded to behind, but unfortuurately Giesecke ail testified to assassination as the-years go that they would need the television show, "That's my requests for a new the comparison re- seeing a wound of the left by n JEK. plot 1_10-85 Hunt denies meeting woman lawyer (ennedy wet shot by aIone assassin. Though Lane's own credibility has been ques- ioned over the years, he was eager Monday to link clairned to link him to JFK's death ' -km to the murder, which he says grew out of the Weed Pros 'allure of the Bay of Pigs Invasion of Cuba. • ' Liberiy Lobby. ' ' • Morita Lorenz, Castro's former "The whole CIA blamed John Kennedy," Lane told MIAMI • Lane led Hunt throitgb a recount- lover who Lane says saw Hunt in six-rnernber, Jury. "Kennedy fired [CIA director] mer CIA ag bur- ing of his career as a CIA agent and Dallas the day before Kennedy was Mien Dulles, and then Kennedy was killed." glee'. denied Tuesday ever meeting later as one of the "plumbers" in- slain. Hunt denied ever meeting Despite HMIS, denials, various authors have the woman a defense lawyer claims volved in the burglary of the Water- Lorenz. :Mimed that Hunt and fellow Watergate burglar will tie Hunt to e.aisinath . of : gale offices of ,the Democratic ' Lane asked if Hunt knew that Frank Sturgis were two of the never-Identified "three President John F. Kennid Party. Lorenz was involved In a CIA plot hums" photographed near where Kennedy was shot. Hunt ay on the ' „. "I was Involved in working with to kill Castro or if there ever was a Lane has a sworn deposition from , a stand in U.S. District Court under ' intermediaries to try to persuade plot to kill Castro. inetime mistress Of Fidel Castro and later a CIA cross examination by flamboyant [Cuban President Fidel) Castro to agent. Lorenz claims that she drove to from Miami to defense lawyer Mark Lane. Hunt's , change his Marxist ways," Hunt "I suppose so," Hunt replied. "I Dallas with Sturgis and several Cubans the day testimony came during the second said. That approach was casco- would hope there were such plans. I before Kennedy was shot. She says they met Hunt trial of his libel suit against there. The ;`cessful and. the Bay of Pigs ' thought it was important to cut off Spotlight, a Washington, D.C., tab- ensued." the head of the snake, so its army But Lorettka won't be told In person. no-y loid published by the right-wing Lane then asked If Hunt knew would lose its leadership." She Is afraid to come to Miami," Lane said. 6 framed for the crime," Morrow adds. Many of them burst with frequent "Oswald never shot anyone, nor was fatal consequences. and many didn't the so-called Oswald rifle used to fire." shoot anyone. On the contrary, the The 6.5mm rifles of the type owned The Guns That four rifles I was ordered to buy were by Lee Oswald were sold to U.S. Arms intended for that assassination In dealers for as little as 81.10 each. the CIA report noted. These weapons Morrow added. "Oswald's rifle was were imported into the U.S. classed as Killed Kennedy 6.5mm Mannlicher-Carcano rifle. "scrap iron." while the ones I bought were the On the other hand. as Morrow 7.35mm models. The ones I bought points out. the 7.35mm sniper rifles were selected specifically as sniper were accurate and reliable weapons rifles and were quite excellent weap- of the type a professional assassin by J. David Truby GUNG-ICO/Decerater. 84 ons with excellent telescopic sights. would use in a hit like the Kennedy The Oswald rifle was, by comparison, murder. A switch could easily be a piece of inaccurate Junk with a made after the shooting to the malfunctioning sight" smaller, junky weapon that could be While the Warren Commission tied to Oswald, the patsy. as evidence "LanicerbdnIboughtthe concluded that Oswald's 6.5mm of 'his' work as "the lone assassin." rifles that were used to kill rifle, the weapon now in the National "At the time I purchased the Archives, was the only gun used in 7.35mm rifles I had no idea what they President Kennedy... my the JFK murder. Morrow claims the were to be used for. I was ordered only CIA boss ordered me to do Oswald rifle did not shoot the Presi- to buy them and deliver them to so," is the conscience-stricken dent. He said. "A switch was made in another CIA man." • claim of one Robert Morrow. a former the confusion after the President's Later. from a variety of sources, CIA contract agent. murder. so the Oswald rifle would be Morrow was able to learn the chilling Morrow. a 54-year-old electronics found for evidenciary purposes and 'story behind his purchase of the engineer who worked for the CIA the actual killers could escape with surplus Italian military rifles. He from 1961 until 1964. says he was the actual .murder weapons, In all said. "There was an ongoing con- ordered to buy four Italian Mann- probability the 7.35mm Mannlicher- spiracy to kill President Kennedy licher-Carcano rifles by his CIA case Carcano rifles i bought on CIA within a right wing Cuban exile officer in 1963. Following his testi- orders." group with strong CIA connections," mony before the House Select Com- Morrow explains. "This group was A declassified CIA memo written headquartered in New Orleans and mittee on Assassinations (HSCA). Just six days after the Kennedy Morrow went into hiding. Today, not were under the control of Clay Shaw. murder adds strong evidence sup- an active CIA man at that time. even his closest friends are sure porting Morrow's contention. where he is, or even if he is After "The weapon which appears to "The conspiracy to murder the hearing his story. it's not difficult to have been employed in this criminal President revolved operationally Robert Morrow, author see why this man has been very high attack is a model 91 rifle. 7.35mm around Clay Shaw. his Cubans, plus up on some very premium hit lists. caliber. 1938 modification," the CIA some American mercenaries with of BETRAYAL, with According to Morrow. the Kennedy report noted. both Mafia and CIA connections. one of four 7.35 mm assassination was a conspiracy in- That is the same type weapon Jack Ruby. David Ferrie. and Guy volving a cabal of Cuban exiles. ex- Mannlicher rifles he purchased by Morrow. Bannister coordinated the effort. CIA gunmen, plus some renegade CIA In a 30-point weapon analysis while Ruby handpicked his 'friend' purchased, shortly be- people who were still active with the which was transmitted from Italy to Lee Oswald. another CIA employee, as fore the assassination Company. He noted. "I want to stress. CIA headquarters. the Agency's the patsy for the murder. though, that JFK's murder was not experts strongly questioned an "Oswald had worked for the CIA of John F. Kennedy. an official or even unofficial CIA assassin using the 6.5mm weapon and was known to the group. He was operation, even though there were attributed to Oswald. also an FBI informant which did not CIA people involved. It was a freelance The CIA report noted. "The first lot sit well with the conspirators. That effort of 7000 'model 91's' (the 6.5mm may have led to Ruby's choice of "Lee Oswald was a patsy who was Oswald rifle) had disastrous results. Oswald as the patsy." BRIEFS....Thanks to David Wright and 'Iti.Tatro for a few of this issue's clippings 'he Liberty Lobby retrial caught most researchers by surprise and news A REASON FOR THE HIT: coverage has been minimal; to win, Lane must prove

either that Hunt was involved in the assassination, The .1 r lehn nisi! or that Spotlight did not deliberately publish a small tcp echelon power true false story mhe TrubT article (above) included douturumity empatiliv several photos not crucial to the story; what's the wItlun the 'hi Ind 07d, truth about "orrow, anyway?....CORR7CTION: *vary "oor- .1. nit t .1/ Tett 'In : 7 CIA man's high school friend in the Sheriff's office was ./.11/1 7,1 Ininen 1..t two iotitp-, Norma Farley, not Aleen Davis (see 419)....Dallas County elected a new Sheriff last November - former '1.., mile:one:10 DPD radio supervisor Jim Bowles, who created the AIrtei'lealh., ono e.'.11CI:ti The rm , trie t o r the es vets .IFK implete crosstalk theory that later challenged the HSCA uptoo..rpioN, I , ;Tr 1! ,-1 ',V. , .;■ ild acoustics evidence....ABC has canceled Call To Glory, noL bet n ht, ,tie t Mot 0 p11,1 not but a two hour special, with the JFK film mentioned e itimectril id„,,,t cut rem ± wt,, no CIA last issue, will air in April....Penn Jones has porattp,ri si tg„inp.ti , -y■ 1 7,t,n apparently stopped publishing The Continuing Inquiry eXpl ,./P/Lteri Ting id Tina: with his 11-22-84 issue; too bad, for we all miss the trade r•Pht.tIL)n...; tenth Cori_ t!. imoipani rideft withdrovi old Penn....Dr. James Barger, who headed the HSCA ',Inept; lrom Viett „un 'no nr its tim.i iI, lamtortt, acoustics study, has apparently ended his JFK work losing ffiiever i n Vhf to d;et. with the real with that six page report to G. RobArt Blakey; see 07,9amitoi „rid nnt. 1 , 1_,t, the mina! tai Orris; All of Lim"; isil_rinmeritei tudt. Het, the Mom also Co Coverupst 8 for details....Video tape dubs of my JFK operational library are now available and at very affordable There :Nap; unpin morn n:',1 1.1: Lz.nUt,i-le/L,t, Aoia vr'tr Clint). prices (compared to some other4; a full listing will in peace, piece the Min Flee, leri isvan.,, 1111 to end be in the next issue, but The Kennedy Tapes is ready the gambling , /.1,1 eir-1;./; 1ef , l'e://://1,11 that C'..t.;:t,n , wa.c, for only $L1,9 in either Beta III or VHS 6-hour speeds. cauismg, in the Arner'11//1..:3 The 1,,t/t,101-1. enwhnv,,-; in the CIA "ost commercial breaks have been removed, so running hated

Morrow stated that Jack Ruby bought in Towson were picked up by appears to be a significant difference "After that. I spent about 15 to 18 in the size of the telescopic sights discovered that Oswald had pur- a Cuban CIA courier who came to the hours giving what I had to Rep. mounted on the two rifles. "One chased an obsolete 6.5mm Italian then agent's home in Rosedale. Mary- Downing. his staff and what investi- measured 19mm. while the other rifle through a mall-order house, land. gators there were back then. They measured 22mm on the photos I sing one of his CIA aliases. Ruby "I gave the courier only three of the brought in witnesses and got sworn u used for comparison purposes. passed this information along to four rifles because one had a defective affidavits which back up my story." Shaw. Bannister. and Ferrie when machine screw. I still have that fourth "Although the 6.5mm and 7.35mm Morrow related. they met in Ferrie's New Orleans rifle in my possession today. Shortly rifles are very similar in appearance.4 He added with a proud smile. "Rep. apartment on July 26. 1963. He says after that, the Agency courier gave am convinced from the evidence I've Downing has publicly stated that this is when they decided to make the the rifles to David Ferrie, who told our seen that the murder weapon in 'confidential material supplied to me hit using the highly accurate 7.35mm man he (Ferric) was acting on official Dallas that day was probably the by Mr. Morrow helped make the creation of the House Select Com- rifle. which looks a great deal like the orders from Clay Shaw. David Ferrie 7.35mm Mannlicher-Carcano sniper mittee on Assassinations possible.' " inferior 6.5mm version that Oswald apparently flew into Maryland from model rifle. The 6.5mm rifle owned by owned. Morrow said he had been told New Orleans just to pick up those Oswald was probably used solely as Tiny Hutton. former administra- by other CIA sources that Bannister rifles. evidence." tive assistant to Rep. Downing. was "Ferrie landed his small Piper Tri- the first deputy director of the HSCA was the man with the idea of using As opposed to the handpicked and Pacer airplane at an out-of-the-way He said in an interview. "We put a fair the 7.35mm sniper rifles and frag- cared-for sniper rifles selected by private field. the Campbell company amount of credence In Bob Morrow. mentation ammunition for the •Robert Morrow, the Oswald rifle was strip, just north of Baltimore. in He knows things he could not pos- murder. Then they would plant a few a "cheap old weapon." according to shell Casings. plus a bullet pre-fired White Marsh. Maryland." Morrow sibly have known unless he'd been in FBI firearms expert Sebastian those situations." through Oswald's rifle as evidence. claimed. Latona. The FBI noted that the Lou Kreiger. a newsman for station The CIA recruited Robert Morrow "The plotters agreed and Clay Oswald rifle had "wear and rust." and WLPL-FM in Baltimore. located an in 1961. Morrow had left Pittsburgh. Shaw, as a CIA officer, contacted the the experts who test-fired it ex- eye witness who remembers Ferrie his home city. in 1956 to work for the Agency to request 7.35mm Mann- pressed grave concern over the weap- and his mysterious landing in Mary- Glenn L. Martin Company as a senior licher-Carcano rifles for a 'mission on's lack of safe condition. They involving his Cubans out of the land to pick up the mysterious assas- engineer. The Agency recruited him feared it would explode. injuring the from there and gave him the cover country, as he told the people in sination rifles. test firer. Washington.— Robert Morrow also remembers name Robert Porter. Morrow said. "This is where I was David Ferrie well from two previous The dean ot American firearms "I had been working with military involved. My case officer called me CIA missions they'd shared. saying "I writers. Jack &Connor, evaluated the and intelligence-gathering people for and ordered me to purchase four had actually flown into Cuba with type of rifle owned by Oswald as a long time with Martin. and [guess it such rifles. I was later to learn that Dave Ferrie on the eve of the Bay of "terrible," and wrote in The Rifle . was just natural for them to use me to Clay Shaw had told him he was going Pigs invasion to monitor some mys- Book that the rifle "has a coy habit of do that type work for the Agency." to have his Cubans hit Juan Bosch. terious radio transmissions." Morrow blowing the firing pin out in the Morrow said an old CIA enemy who was a close ally relates. "I also flew to Athens with shooter's face." He explained he was not an action or field agent in the usual James of Fidel Castro. Ferrie on a CIA gun deal in which A letter from J. Edgar Hoover to the Both Shaw and Morrow shared the Jack Ruby was involved. too." Warren Commission. reporting FBI Bond sort of way, adding "I was a same case officer, the late Tracy There is a great deal of physical and tests on the Oswald rifle, stated in technical employee — a contract Barnes. a legendary figure within the witness evidence to support Morrow's part. "the telescopic sight could not agent who specialized in equipment. CIA who was cut from the WWII OSS claim that the 6.5mm Oswald rifle be properly aligned with the target" I did special anti-jamming elec- adventurer mold. Barnes was active .was not the actual murder weapon. The same evaluations showed that tronics. weapons, and other technical in Europe. plus in the Bay of Pigs Using standard measurement tech- the telescopic sight on the Oswald services for the Agency." actions. and was well-known among niques like photo overlays and grid rifle had been mounted for a left- However. one of Morrow's technical the Cuban exile movements. measurements, several experts in- handed firer. Oswald was right- assignments for the Agency not only Documentation of Clay Shaw's dependent of Morrow have proved handed. got him into trouble with the law, it involvement with the CIA was pro- there are major differences between At 11:45 the evening of the Presi- got him out of the Agency. He recalled. vided in 1975 when Victor Marchetti. the various rifles photographed as dent's murder. Dallas police gave a "I was arrested October 1. 1963. and former executive assistant to CIA 'the murder weapon. The consensus: Mannficher-Carcano rifle to FBI indicted on counterfeiting charges. director Richard Helms. revealed that more than one rifle was used in the agent Vincent Drain. who flew with We had been ordered by the CIA to both Shaw and Ferrie had been CIA assassination and the Oswald rifle the weapon to Bureau headquarters counterfeit Cuban currency to contract employees. was not involved in the actual in Washington for testing. weaken Castro's economy. But some- one at the CIA forgot to tell Treasury murder. Agent Drain returned to Dallas According to Marchetti. Helms and we were busted." The respected and scholarly re- with a Mannlicher-Carcano rifle on showed great professional interest in In February of 1964. Robert searcher Sylvia Meagher examined November 24th. the same day that the case when Shaw was on trial in Morrow and his CIA counterfeiting the photographs of the rifles carried Jack Ruby shot Lee Oswald. FBI man New Orleans. Marchitti says Helms associates were arraigned in Balti- from the Texas School Book Deposit- Drain then once more turned around told him to "do all they could to aid more Federal Court before Judge ory and the official photo of the • and flew to Washington with a Shaw." Dorsey Watkins. Pleading nolo Oswald rifle. Mannlicher-Carcano rifle. "My case officer called me on July contendere (no contest) on Agency Meagher writes. "The mail-order It was placed in the National 27 and told me to buy the four rifles. instructions, Morrow received a "pro- rifle Oswald ordered from the Chicago Archives as the Oswald rifle to be He specified the 7.35mm sniper bation before verdict" decision which sporting-goods store was 36 inches used by both the Warren Commis- model which involved nothing more ended his usefulness to. and work for. long. The rifle the police brought out sion and the HSCA as evidence. than my selecting units for superior the CIA. of the TSBD measured 40.2 inches Commenting on the Commission's workmanship. I located the rifles at Asked why he has not told his story long. Examination of the photo- evidence and tests. Shelley Braver. the Sunny Surplus Store in nearby until now. Morrow replied. "I was Towson. Maryland. I bought four graphs easily shows that the front man, a recognized expert in firearms sight of the Oswald rifle is tapered. and ammunition, noted. -When com- always subject to the CIA Secrecy rifles, two that day and two later. Oath I had signed until the Supreme "In the meantime. to get the patsy while the one rifle removed from the pared to the scope of the investiga- building has a round front sight tion...the lack of quality and limita- Court declared it unconstitutional in involved, David Ferrie had contacted the Marchetti case (former CIA Oswald. The two knew each other "Further. the rifle bolt is even with tions of the firearms intelligence are the telescopic mount sight mount on shocking." official Victor Marchetti).- from both CIA work and being in the Morrow also related how there had same Civil Air Patrol unit. Ferrie the Oswald rifle. while it is behind the A former technical editor of Guns mount on the weapon removed from Magazine. Braverman writes. "The already been several attempts on his convinced Oswald that Shaw's CIA life prior to and after his HSCA group wanted to have a look at the Texas School Book Depository. FBI fired Oswald's rifle more than The rear of the mount is slanted on 100 times. Firing an evidenciary gun appearances. He mused. "If Lee Oswald's 65mm Mannlicher-Carcano Oswald really did it. do you think he'd rifle because they were considering the Oswald rifle, while on the one more than two or three times to carried out by police it is vertical." obtain specimens for microscopic be coming back from the grave to kill using weapons like his on a special me, too? Get serious. The real killers mission out of the country." John Minnery is a top expert well examinations is not only improper. It known internationally to law- is incomprehensible. The bullet. are still walking among us." Morrow concluded. "Actually. they However. Morrow did request that only wanted his rifle so they could fire enforcement. military. and intelli- ballistic of any gun after repeated this story and interview not be re- some bullets into water or cotton for gence agencies. In addition. he is the firing is destroyed forever." leased immediately to give him later use as planted evidence." ' ot, co;alithor of several ord- Strong support for Robert Morrow's further time to make himself safe The dark-haired, stocky former CIA nante reference works. He agrees. y- • credibility and story came from then from the enemies of the truth. But he man says the plotters had a good with Morrow's contentions.' • • Congressman Thomas Downing. •D- was adamant about wanting to clear basic plan. • , The length and configuration of Va.). one of the pioneers in the, g.)n- both his name and reputation. 'Their hitmen would make the kill' Ihe stock appears different in each gressional inquiry into President "I've lived with this for a long time. with the superior 7.35mm sniper weapon. The Dallas weapon's wood is Kennedy's murder. Because of the counterfeiting busi- rifles using fragmentation bullets. .totally different from the weapon ' As the first chairman of We HSCA. ness I wanted to clear my name. But which would shatter on impact and ' used by the Warren Commission to Downing had Morrow. his story. and more so. I want to get out from under be almost impossible to trace. They . pin Want& on'Oswald:;;E.Minnery reputation checked thoroughly. The what has haunted me for all these would leave Oswald's rifle and car- notes. t - • \ investigation was done by Bernard years — the real target for those tridges as evidence for the police to Yensterwald. a top Wailhington at- "Also. the wooden stock of the dile° damned sniper rifles the CIA ordered find." Morrow explained. torney who is among the more - displayed for the press in Dallas on me to buy.- "Then Jack Ruby would plant at November 22. 1963, is significantly learned and persistent figures in the least one already-fired bullet from shorter than that of the weapon the JFK murder case as well as a knowl- Oswald's rifle at Parkland Hospital. Commission claimed was Oswald's." edgeable CIA inside,. According to Police work and publicity did the ooth Downing and Fensterwald. In other comparisons, this noted Morrow passed the credibility and -Morrow explains that the rifles he ordnance expert observed that there belief checks and tests. 8

IAKI.. HFtAL D FORT WORTH PRRSS rr 12-12-61 Hunt admits role in Watergate JFK Bullet Wounds By STEPHEN K. DOIG about his past. , Hre1.1) listen to thatth stuff ff, Hunt said asked. Herald stall writar • Lane, hoping to undermine with a nervous chuckle as Lane Hunt smiled. "Weil. I would MIAMI — In a long day of Hunt's Insistence that he knew described several "dirty tricks" have hoped there were such Explained cross-examination, defense attor- nothing of the Kennedy shooting, / schemes proposed to Hunt by plans," he replied. .,. Se ney Mark Lane got E. Howard spent much of the day reading fellow conspirator G. Gordon Late Tuesday, Lane started WASHINGTON. — Confusion abcut the wounds Much caused Hunt to acknowledge Tuesday from transcripts of Hunt's testi- Liddy,'. ' questioning Hunt about his activ- the dead) al Plodded /Greedy what the nation has known for mony during the early Investiga- One of the statements In the Ries the day Kennedy wail shot. will be cleared up In the au- at least a decade: that Hunt once lions into the Watergate bur- article is that Hunt tried to Hunt testified again that he was topsy report submitted to Pres'. was a career CIA agent and he glary. Key answers • were blackmail the CIA, with which in Washington, shopping with dent Johnames board of inquiry. later took an active part In the perjured, Hunt agreed each time he served from 1949 to 1970. his wife and children, when he It has been ripened otr bul• Watergate conspiracy. Lane would read a passage. After describing Hunt's demands heard of the assassination. let struck Kennedy in the throat It was Hunt's second day on "!That was false, and I knew it for payments from senior Nixon and the other in the head. But the stand In Miami federal court Inasmuch as the Presider was to be false at the time," Hunt aides, Lane tried to get Hunt to facing away from the accused In his libel trial against the said repeatedly Tuesday. " admit the statement in the article Setting the assassin. Lee Oswald. many Liberty Lobby, whicg published But Hunt, who now, lives In was true, But Hunt, though have wandered bow the bullets a 1978 article accusing Hunt of Miami, pointed out that he • momentarily flustered, then re- could strike from the front and being involved in the assassina- finally recanted the lies, told the minded Lane, and the jury, that Record Straight side. tion of John F. Kennedy. Hunt truth about his activities with his demands were made to the The FBI and Naval hospital reports are expected to explain was alternately amused and an- the infamous "Plumbers," and White House and not the CIA. A story In Tuesday's Herald gered as Lane, author of a book It thls way: served 33 months In rison for Hunt also lagreed with Lane ••• Incorrectly reported that .E. The Om bullet solidi the challenging the findings of the his part In the White House that while' in the CIA he d Howard Hunt had testified in President In the throat because Investigations Into Kennedy's conspiracy and coverup. conducted •psychologIcal wart Miami federal court M6ndey that he had turned in his mat and murder, rehashed a past history The "Plumbers" were the operations against communistre- he once had discussed a plot to we, lasting is the direction the that Hunt says is long behind group of men who in 1972 were gimes in i Cuba and Guatemala. shot came from. The second poison columnist Jack Anderson. bullet struck Governor Connally him. • caught breaking in to Democrat- Hunt added that. he had no Instead, opposing lawyer Mark "I wish I had never heard of at Tema. The third caught the ic Party headquarters in the personal knowledge, however, of Lane told jurors about the poison President In the ode of his head Watergate, and I 'wish I had Watergate, . the crime • that CIA ploti to kill Cuban leader plot in his opening statement. when he toppled toward his never been employed by the spawned the scandal that forced Fidel Castro. • • Hunt denies any participation In wife. White House," Hunt blurted at President Nixon to resign. "You don't doubt that there such a plot. The Herald regrets The bullet from the Mr oat one point as Lane pressed him "This Is very embarrassing to were such plans, do you?" Lane wound was reamed during the error. swam. The ballet sake DALLAS TIMES HERALD, Thursday, Jan. 31, 1985 stuck dr lard ass Wed as the acraultar at the bospitai. The WIN which wmanded Cate sadly was fere at tea Mar et Hunt denies seeing CIA Dallas memo presideeld liasaides.

United Press International thing to the effect that, "someday Lane, a proponent of conspiracy DM 1-27-85 we're going to have to explain theories in the Kennedy slaying: MIAMI — 'E. Howard Hunt, Howard Hunt's presence in Dallas asked Hunt where he had heard FOLLOW THAT CAL James Ear* .. convicted Watergate conspirator on the 22nd (Nov. 22, 1983)." about the memo. Ray, serving 99 years in Missis- and former CIA agent, testified Hunt's first trial judgment "I'd heard about it in The Spot- sippi for the 1968 slaying of the Wednesday he has never seen a against The Spotlight was over- light article, and I'd heard about It Rev. Martin Luther King Jr., is CIA memorandum that reportedly turned by an appeals court ruling, some dayi later in a newspaper in trying to stop Shelby County offi- placed him in Dallas the day and the case Is being retried. Wilmington, Del.," Hunt said. cials from selling his 1966 white President John Kennedy was Under a second day of cross-ex- "You belieVed The Spotlight Mustang. Ray saki last week that killed. amination by defense attorney and the Wilmington News Jour- he has asked a federal- court to Although the memo never was Mark Lane, Hunt admitted men- nal?" Lane asked. . • block the sale of the car he was produced at Hunt's first libel trial tioning the alleged memo in testi- "I considered it because of thi against a right-wing tabloid, The driving the night King was killed. mony before the House Select nature of the charges that had ■ Spotlight, It allegedly said some- Committee on Assassinations. been made," Hunt said. COVERUPS! A bimonthly publication, copyright 1985. Subscription price in the US and North America is $1.00 per issue; $1.25 per issue elsewhere. Payment must be in US currency; outside the US only postal money orders will be accepted. Back issues are available at your regular subscription rate. Your subscription will expire with the issue number next to your name. Original articles and local clippings are greatly appreciated—COVERUPS! is dedicated primarily to the responsible study of the JFK assassination and related events. - COVERUPS! 4620 Brandingshire Place Fort Worth, TX 76133


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