Spend a moment in silence for these departed shipmates. Sailor, Rest Your Oars! (This list is open to all boats on Eternal Patrol. If you have a list from your country, please email me at
[email protected]) United States of America The following is a listing of submarines on Eternal Patrol with their entire crews: USS SEALION (SS-195) 10DEC41 4 LOST Japanese Air Attack, Cavite Navy Yard, Manila Bay, P.I. USS SHARK (SS-174) 11FEB42 58 LOST Japanese Surface Attack, Makassar Strait, Celebes Island USS GRUNION (SS-216) 30JUL42 70 LOST Unknown causes off Kiska Island, Aleutians USS ARGONAUT (SS-166) 10JAN43 105 LOST Japanese Surface Attack in Java Sea USS AMBERJACK (SS-219) 16FEB43 74 LOST Japanese Air/Surface Attack in Solomon Sea USS GRAMPUS (SS-207) 5MAR43 71 LOST Japanese Surface Attack, Solomon Islands USS TRITON (SS-201) 15MAR43 74 LOST Japanese Surface Attack Off New Guinea USS PICKEREL (SS-177) 3APR43 74 LOST Japanese Surface Attack off Honshu, Japan USS RUNNER (SS-275) JUN43 78 LOST Possible Japanese Mine between Midway Island and Japan USS POMPANO (SS-181) SEP43 76 LOST Possible Japanese Mine off Honshu, Japan USS GRAYLING (SS-209) 12SEP43 76 LOST Unknown causes along approaches to Manila, P.I. USS CISCO (SS-290) 28SEP43 76 LOST Japanese Air/Surface Attack in Sulu Sea USS DORADO (SS-248) 12OCT43 76 LOST Air Attack in S.W. Atlantic Friendly Fire USS WAHOO (SS-238) 11OCT43 80 LOST Japanese Air/Surface Attack in La Perouse Strait off Japan USS CORVINA (SS-226) 16NOV43 82 LOST Japanese Submarine Attack off Truck Island USS CAPELIN