Issue 1206 June 2012

Inside this issue: Can You Believe—Moe(SS) Lost for Words? Base Contacts 2 sing together or individual Officer’s Call 3 bring smiles to the crowds faces. Then there’s are Base Meeting Minutes 4 actors, Jeff Nieberding, Rick Petitt, Jack Jeffries, SubVettes 9 and Glenna Hubbell. Funnies 10 Now I don’t want to forget Chaplin Ray 12 Well it did happen in But I was lost for words. the cue-card lady, Cindy Burnsville. The Smar- The real recipients are Petitt, and the music/ Vet News 16 tass with all the come- the people that do the computer lady again my backs and corny ideas shows and follow my wife Colleen. Lost Boat—USS Gudgeon 18 was sort of shocked strange ideas. Let me Thank you all you are the Some Other Base Activities 24 when District Cmdr thank them now. ones that made me look Dick Kanning called my Base Calendar 26 I’ll start with my biggest good. THANK YOU. name and told me to re- supporter, Colleen, my We have a new addition port front and center. dear wife. She really for are next round. Sandra USSVI Creed Dick awarded me his hears this stuff over and District Commander’s Myers will be playing the over. Thanks Dear. Challenge Coin for my wife in a Dragnet skit. To perpetuate the memory Ray Zieverink our stage actions in forming Bilge Now, if you can pretend to of our shipmates who gave manager, just makes Rat Productions, the act, sing with others, or everything run smooth. their lives in the pursuit of traveling group that the can play an instrument, or Our singers Joel duties while serving their Base has that performs write skits, or just want to Tuchfeld and Jim country. That their dedica- at various local assisted help, call Moe(SS). living homes. Schenk, whether they tion, deeds, and supreme sacrifice be a constant Lost Boats for June USS O-9 (SS 70) June 19, 1941 source of motivation toward USS S 27 (SS 132) June 19, 1942 “Sailors, rest your oars” greater accomplishments. USS R 12 (SS 89) June 12, 1943 Pledge loyalty and patriot- USS HERRING (SS 233) June 1, 1944 ism to the United States of USS GUDGEON (SS 211) June 7, 1944 America and its Constitu- USS GOLET (SS 361) June 14, 1944 tion. USS BONEFISH (SS 223) June 18, 1945 Page 2 Piedmont Periscope

CO’s Stateroom— Carolina Piedmont Base Commander Steve Bell

our Constitution and By- and vote. It is your or- cation of the Vietnam Laws. I hope each of ganization so vote for War Memorial in Gasto- you have read them. If the C&B changes you nia, and had a couple of not, please do. You also think are best (not neces- Kap(SS) 4 Kid(SS) pres- get to vote on the top sarily what the National entations (both Levine five positions within the Board recommends) and and Victory Junction, organization (which in- the individuals you think which I am sure Jack has A lot has happened since cludes your Regional will do the best job. written about). our last meeting. Burns- Director). Some of For those of you who are As you can see, even ville is behind us, na- those positions are unop- not Life Members (or though no meeting has tional election right in posed, so that decision is have paid your 2013 been held for almost two front of us, and our nor- easy (but I would still dues), it is never too months, the Carolina mal everyday business. like you to vote for them soon to do that. The Piedmont Base continues Let me start with Burns- to show that we have more we get done early, to be active. Oh yes, ville. We had a good confidence in them). the easier it is at the end some of us went to Paul time in the mountains. The three positions that of the year. I hope each and Sandra Myers’ However, it was not you need to choose from of you that owe dues for daughter wedding as without its bumps. are National Senior next year will continue well. It is really nice to There were a couple of Vice, Secretary, and to be with us. see our base this active issues this year. I prom- Treasurer. Read these We have had a subma- and just keep right on ise that they will be ad- gentlemen’s biographies rine class that was con- rolling along. It makes dressed, and with a little and select the one you ducted since our last me proud to be your hope, all will be re- think will do the job the meeting as well as a cou- Base Commander. solved for next year. best. Again, I do ask ple of Eagle Scout pres- I look forward to seeing Since nothing goes per- each of you to take the entations. We also at- as many of you as can be fect, I expect new issues time to read the neces- tended a Memorial Ser- at our June meeting. I next year. sary information (it is vice for a departed understand it is now Let me discuss the Na- available now in the WWII Subvet, attended summer and vacation tional election a little. I online American Subma- the Charter Meeting for time. So if you are not have put out the infor- riner and should be in a new NC Base, the USS with us and our on the mation regarding the your mailbox very soon) Asheville Base, rededi- road, please be careful as proposed amendments to

Carolina Piedmont Contacts Base Commander Steve Bell [email protected] 704 824 3510 Vice Commander Jack Jeffries jcckjeffries@interlink-café.com 704 –764-5211 Base Secretary Mike Hubbell [email protected] 803-628-1908 Base Treasurer Lee Hickerson [email protected] 704-573-9480 Chief of the Base Paul Myers [email protected] 704-28904650 Base Chaplin Raymond Fritz [email protected] 803 831 7235 Base Storekeeper Jeff Nieberding [email protected] 803-366-9255 Holland Club Walt Sealy [email protected] 803-327-5661 Coordinator Newsletter Editor E. Dale Moses [email protected] 704-248-7610 Issue 1206 Page 3 we want you back with The Supply Shack- Jeff us. It takes all of us to Don’t Nieberding keep the base rolling as Carolina Piedmont it does. Jackets are still available May God bless you all. Forget to to order, several mem- Steve Bell bers have ordered theirs already. Just let the SK VOTE know and he'll fix you up with an order form. USSVI vests are also available to order thru Y’all the SK. Patches, the SK is now able to order patches from BC Patch XO’s Stateroom — Vice Commander Jack Jeffries LLC at wholesale prices. This is usually $2 - $3 as well as the debut of a museum boat pictures to less per patch than we new skit written by Dale about 90 campers. normally see. Let the Moses, the saga of Snoopy Dale Moses arranged for SK know what you and the Red Baron. The our Color guard to present need. props that Dale made were the Colors at a Charlotte perfect. We will add that Knights baseball game skit to our collection and several of our mem- where we plan to entertain bers were there to witness Flag Trivia—Where XO notes- CAROLINA at area senior citizen the home team win a hard did this Flag fly in our PIEDMONT ROCKS. homes and anywhere else fought game. Nation’s history? See Well I hope everyone is they will let us. The National election is Page 13 rested up from our an- We were also busy with coming up and I urge each nual journey to Burns- our Eagle Scout program member to vote, this is ville to honor the Boats where we presented one of the things we are lost during WWII. It USSVI certificates at 3 proud of, we have a good was a fun filled week- separate locations. We percentage of our mem- end. We even had a presented the Submariner bers that vote. professional karaoke Story to about 120 stu- WOW now you can see expert there with his dents of Patriot Middle that Carolina Piedmont equipment. Thank you, School located in Con- ROCKS...REMEMBER Al and Sandy West- cord. We were invited EACH ONE OF OUR Got a Story? berry. Some of us even once again to Levine Chil- MEMBERS IS A MEM- got to try our hand at dren’s Hospital in Char- BER OF THE RECRUIT- Sent it to singing along with the lotte where we presented ING PARTY. If you run Moe(SS) at teleprompter. I think we KAPS to some of the pa- into a fellow bubblehead, [email protected] even had a duet per- tients there. Just the other brag about our group. Un- forming as Sonny and evening, we were once til next time we Cher. again at Victory Junction meet...Jack We also were enter- where we presented tained by a senior Elvis KAPS, certificates and Page 4 Piedmont Periscope

Machinery One — Mike Hubbell, Base Secretary Notes from Burnsville 2012 Meeting The NC Subvets have been meeting yearly at the Burnsville Memorial since we dedicated it as North Carolina’s Memorial in 2003 with the exception of 2004. Our meet- ing headquarters have changed over the years from the Nu-Wray Inn on the town square of Burnsville, to the Pinebridge Inn in Spruce Pine, and since last year the Skyline Inn off of the Blue Ridge Parkway. This year we had 34 Subvets, many of which were accompanied by their wives or guests, and was one of the largest groups since 2003. The bases represented were the Charleston Base, Carolina Piedmont Base (host base), Nat Greene Base, Tarheel Base, and the soon to be the newest USSVI Base in the state the USS Asheville Base. Once again Steve Bell and the Carolina Piedmont Base were great hosts for the meeting. The local band we had last year performed again this year. The fiddle player is as good as any of the big name fiddle players such as Charlie Daniels. The Tolling of the 52 Boats was again done at the memorial with the color guard provided by the Carolina Piedmont Base and Hoppy Hopkins played taps as part of the ceremony. The current owner of the memorial, Tony Valovich and his wife were present at the ceremony and later at Saturday night’s dinner at the Skyline Inn. We are very lucky to have an owner of the memorial who has been so dedicated to maintain it in its excellent condition. Tony is an Associated Member of the Tarheel Base.

Steve Bell and Dick Kanning run the Saturday morning NC SubVets meeting. Plus a new NC Base is formed.—The Asheville Base Good luck to the Asheville Base! Smooth Sailing Ship- mates!

Color Guard does aright for a bunch of Submarine Sail- ors who never marched that much and handled a rifle. A little practice and the boot camp training comes right back. Funny how those CCs imbedded that in our heads. Issue 1206 Page 5

R– Hand Salute! As the Colors are Presented L– What a view of the NC Moun- tians! You have got to come next year!

Karaoke on Friday provided by Al Westberry—Jack and Rick do Sonny and Cher; Sandra does what? Carolina Piedmont “Rocky Tops”!

Below: Jack and Jeff have a “Dogfight” during the Snoopy and the Red Baron Skit

Jim Schenk entertains with a couple of songs.

Elvis, found living in the NC mountains, comes in on his walker. He still has the moves and is still poplar with all the ladies! Ellis or Elvis? It’s only one let- ter off! (off being the key word) Right—Our Band at the Dinner Banquet. Page 6 Piedmont Periscope

For I am a Submariner by James Dempewolf I served on the Holland asked of me, from a nurses from Corregidor sailors to a Japanese am- over a century ago. I still Sparks to and bush on . serve to Messcook to - the Skate when she sur- For I am a Submariner. this day on the Trident, man to Motormac to faced at the North Pole. I Los Angeles, Seawolf & Ping-Jockey, have I tip beers over sea-stories Virginia even Friggin-Nuke, spent time in the Royal with my shipmates at class boats and look for- COB and Skipper. I Hawaiian. yearly ward to Rigging-for- know "Snorkel For I am a Submariner. conventions. We toll the Dive the Patty" and Admiral bell and shed a tear for our Minnesota and North Rickover. I have gone by names buddies who are on eternal Dakota. Places like Fre- For I am a Submariner. like Spritz, Cromwell, patrol. Many pilots have mantle, O'Kane, been glad to see me, in- Rota, LaMadd, Chinhae, I have twin Dolphins Ramage, Breault, cluding a future president. Pattaya, Sasebo, and tattooed on my chest and "Mush" and Lockwood. I have completed numerous Subic twin screws I have served highly classified missions stir my soul. tattooed on my ass. I on boats like the Nauti- during the Cold War. Be- For I am a Submariner. know the difference be- lus, Thresher, Parche, cause "Freedom Is Not tween a Lady Squalus, Free," I rest in peace beneath and a Hooker but treat Wahoo and Halibut. On be assured that I am out many seas across this both with equal respect. December 7th I was on- there at this very moment. earth. I know board I was on the Barbel off Georgia Street and Mag- the Tautog at Pearl Har- For I am a Submariner. Palawan, the... Scorpion saysay drive. And al- bor. I was also on the off the though the Tusk in Azores and the Bonefish Horse & Cow keeps 49 and sacrificed myself in the Sea of . We moving I will always for my shipmates on the gave find her. I know Cochino. them hell in the harbors the meaning of "Hot, For I am a Submariner. at Wewak and Straight, and Normal." Namkwan. I am For I am a Submariner. I have stood watches in a Shellback, a Bluenose, the cold of Holy Loch a Plank Owner, a MCPO I have stood tall and re- and the heat of ceived the Medal of of the South Pacific. I the Navy, a CNO, and a Honor and know what the "41 For President. been thrown in the Brig Freedom" For I am a Submariner. for being Drunk & Dis- accomplished. I was on orderly. the Sealion at Cavite in I heard Howard Gil- I know the reverent tone 41 and the more's final order, "Take of "Diesel Boats For- Archerfish in Tokyo Bay Her Down." ever" and in 45. I have endured I heard the word passed, the Gudgeon's "Find em, depth charges "Underway on Nuclear Chase em, Sink em." I and POW camps. I was Power." was on on the Seafox when we I have done every job the Spearfish evacuating lost five Issue 1206 Page 7

Bill Britt—Senior Chief USN (Ret) Sarda SS 488 and quali- Year" award. This fied in in award, named for the I don’t usually print 1947 where he served as WWII Subvet and pri- Jack’s POC e-mails but a Ships Cook. mary founder of USSVI, Bill Britt was one of my Following service is awarded to the mem- active members when I aboard 9 submarines ber who, by his personal was Secretary and Com- (Sarda, Sea Poacher, Sea individual efforts and mander of the Requin Cat, Piper, Cutlass, participation during the Base. Bill was the one Burrfish, Corsair, Theo- preceding year contrib- of the original builders dore Roosevelt, Patrick uted the most to the ad- of our Nautilus Float. I Henry) and changing his vancement and embodi- know he was very active rate twice (Missile Tech ment of the USSVI in the Holland Club as Chief then Fire Control Creed and Agenda. Who stated below. I remem- Senior Chief), Bill re- by his dedicated service ber him being a big fan tired following 23 years and support to our of New the year of service in 1968. USSVI organization and they went to the Super- his fellow Submarine bowl undefeated and lost Bill joined USSVI on Veteran Brethren exem- but to who else but the Feb 13 1993 as a life plifies the meaning and Pittsburgh Steelers. But member and entered spirit of the word, Bill took it like a true Holland Club in 'Shipmate.' Submariner. A great 1997. Bill belonged to three Bases Requin Bill is survived by his Shipmate, be with God, wife, Beverly. Senior Chief, you earned (Primary Base), Lock- wood Internet and Cod it. — Moe(SS) Sailor, rest your and served as Holland oar. You have served William E "Bill" Britt Club Chairman from your Nation and your was born Christmas Day, 2000 to 2008. Shipmates well. You 12/25/1927 and entered In 1999 Bill was chosen stand relieved, Senior the USN in 1945. He Chief. We have the reported aboard USS for the National "Joe Negri Shipmate of the watch. NC SubVets Parade Schedule June 30—Troutman—stage starting at 9:30 starts 11:00 July 4—Faith— meet at Lowes parking lots at Rt 52 and I-85 at 8:30—we ride the Float from there to Faith. August 16—Newton Old Soldiers Parade—Starts at 5:00 PM more info later Page 8 Piedmont Periscope

Welcome Aboard Al Westberry Jim Schenk Ed Erb Clarence Jordan Glenn Harris

June Don Duncan 6/04 Rodger Ellingwood 6/07 Howard Nudi 6/11 Walt Sealy 6/11 Rudy Ogas 6/16 Don Queen 6/26

William Holzendorf 6/26

“The trouble with practical jokes is that very often they get elected. ” June - Will Rogers Shelia and Rudy Ogas 6/16 Mary and Winborne Springs 6/21 Anne and Paul Trexler 6/25 Susan and Mike Egan 6/26 Glenna and Michael Hubbell 6/26 Christie and Clarence Senn 6/29 Issue 1206 Page 9

SubVettes Hello my fellow Sassy City Tennessee. I am with the sale of these to Sisters, planning to go the do some others projects I hope all is well with week after our meet- that cost and not take it you and yours. If you ing. Looks like a out of our pocket. I missed Burnsville you Monday or Tuesday, know times are rough sure missed a great time. as the volunteer office for many and I hope we Elvis was even there. is not open on the can ease that some. Our Even though he has aged week end. If you director of our Nursing Yours and Our great some his voice is the would like to go with Home shows would like Country the USA!!! same. me, just let me know us Sisters to participate, Love Sandra, Hope Our meal for June will and hopefully I can if you so desire. I just to see you all at the be our usual "this and make it happen. volunteered to help. So next meeting. that." Please do not for- At our meeting we let’s get on board with get your secret sisters need to give money to this project and have fun and our recruiters. For Clarence for publish- and make some less for- June meeting please ing our cookbooks. tunate get a good laugh. bring your donations for Hopefully, we can Take care Sisters, and the VA trip to Johnson make some money May God Bless You and

Blueberry Cheesecake Ice Cream Cool off on a hot day with a big bowl of creamy homemade ice cream. Perfect for entertaining, this five-star recipe makes enough for a crowd. Ingredients: 2 cups granulated sugar 3/4 cup (6 ounces) 1/3-less-fat cream cheese, softened 4 large egg yolks 3 cups 2% reduced-fat milk 1 cup half-and-half 3 cups fresh blueberries, coarsely chopped 1/4 cup powdered sugar 1/4 cup water Directions: Combine first 3 ingredients in a large bowl; beat with a mixer at high speed until smooth. Combine milk and half-and-half in a medium, heavy saucepan; bring to a boil. Remove from heat. Gradually add half of hot milk mixture to cheese mixture, stirring constantly with a whisk. Return milk mixture to pan. Cook over me- dium-low heat 5 minutes or until a thermometer registers 160°, stirring constantly. Place pan in an ice-filled bowl. Cool completely, stirring occasionally. Combine blueberries, powdered sugar, and 1/4 cup water in a small saucepan; bring to a boil. Reduce heat, and simmer for 10 minutes or until mixture thickens slightly, stirring frequently. Remove from heat, and cool completely. Stir blueberry mixture into milk mixture. Pour mixture into the freezer can of an ice-cream freezer; freeze according to manufacturer's instructions. Spoon ice cream into a freezer-safe container; cover and freeze for 1 hour or until firm. Note: This recipe yields two quarts of ice cream, so if you make the entire recipe, use a traditional bucket- style freezer. Halve the recipe if you use a countertop model; they typically have a smaller capacity. Page 10 Piedmont Periscope

The Chief and the En- prise. I was just on my side, the Chief asks, and say "Good job". sign way to a meeting, but "What Happened to Moral of the story: you and that Ensign him?" The Ensign looks "Hard work is never ap- supplied by Jack Jeffries come on in and let's up and says, I was doing preciated.” The Chief was bragging catch up. "Well, the En- fine until you and the  to the Ensign one day. sign is very shaken-up Pope came out on the No Underwear - Makes "You know, I know eve- by now, but still not to- balcony and the tourist Sense to Me ryone there is to know. tally convinced. next to me asked, A man came to visit his Just name someone, any- After they leave the "Who's that guy in the grandparents, and he no- one and I know them." White House grounds, funny hat on the balcony ticed his grandfather sit- Tired of his boasting, the he expresses his doubts next to the Chief?" ting on the porch in the Ensign called his bluff, to the Chief, who again  rocking chair wearing "Okay, Chief, how about implores him to name only a shirt, with nothing Tom Cruise?" "Sure, anyone else. "The new on from the waist down. yes, Tom and I are old Pope," the Ensign re- 'Grandpa, what are you friends and I can prove plies. "Sure, I've known doing? Your wiener is it." So they fly out to the Pope a long out in the wind for eve- Hollywood and knock time."So, off they fly to ryone to see!' he ex- on Tom Cruise's door Rome. " claimed. and sure enough, Tom They're assembled with The old man looked off Cruise, shouts, "Chief! the masses in Vatican in the distance without Great to see you! You Square when the Chief The older we get, the answering. and your friend come says, "this will never more we begin to realize 'Grandpa, what are you right in and join me for work. I can't catch the the little truths that life doing sitting out here lunch!" Pope's eye among all brings. Do you see any- with nothing on below Although impressed, the these people. Tell you thing that you didn’t the waist?' he asked Ensign is still skeptical. what, I know all the know or think about again. After they leave Cruise's guards, so let me just go before? The old man slowly house, he tells the Chief upstairs and I'll come out SIMPLE TRUTH 1 looked at him and said, that he thinks his know- on the balcony with the Partners help each other 'Well....last week I sat ing Cruise was just Pope." undress before sex. out here with no shirt on lucky. "No, no, just He disappears into the However after sex, they and I got a stiff neck. name anyone else," the crowd headed toward St. always dress on their This is your grandma's Chief says. "President Peter's. Sure enough, own. idea.' Bush," the Ensign half an hour later, the Moral of the story: In  quickly retorts. "Yep, I Chief emerges with the life, no one helps you know him, let's fly out to Pope on the balcony. But once you're screwed. FIVE RULES TO RE- Washington." by the time he returns, SIMPLE TRUTH 2 MEMBER IN LIFE So, off they go. At the he finds that the Ensign When a lady is pregnant, 1. Money cannot buy White House, Bush spots has had a heart attack all her friends touch the happiness, but it's more them on the tour and and is surrounded by stomach and say comfortable to cry in a motions them over, say- paramedics. "Congrats". Corvette than on a bicy- ing, "Chief, what a sur- Working his way to his But, none of them come cle. and touch the man's part Issue 1206 Page 11

2. Forgive your enemy, police station. home, drunk as a restoration job on the out- but remember the a**- One asked: "What if one skunk. Suddenly she has side of one of their biggest hole's name. explodes before we get to swerve to avoid a tree, buildings. 3. If you help someone there?" then another, then an- Smokey put in a bid; and when they're in trouble, The other says: "We'll other. because his price was so they will remember you lie and say we only A cop car pulls her over, low, he got the job. when they're in trouble found two." so she tells the cop about So he set about erecting the again. all the trees in the scaffolding and setting up 4. Many people are alive A blond is in the bath- road. The Cop says the planks, and buying the only because it's illegal room and her husband "That's your air freshener paint and, yes, I am sorry to shoot them. shouts: "Did you find swinging about!" to say, thinning it down 5. Alcohol does not the shampoo?" She A blonde's dog goes miss- with turpentine. solve any problems, but says, "Yes, but I'm not ing and she is frantic. Her Well, Smokey was up on then neither does milk. sure what to's for husband says "Why don't the scaffolding, painting  dry hair, and I've just you put an ad in the pa- away, the job nearly com- pleted, when suddenly The Secret Service has wet mine." per?" She does, but two weeks later the dog is still there was a horrendous issued new rules. clap of thunder, the sky A blonde goes to the vet missing. The Secret Service is- opened, and the rain poured with her goldfish. "I "What did you put in the sued new rules of con- think it's got epilepsy, down, washing the thinned paper?" her husband asks. duct for agents last Fri- "she tells the vet. The paint from all over the day. vet takes a look and "Here boy!" she replies. church and knocking They can no longer get Smokey clear off the scaf- says, "It seems calm Now this one actually drunk, procure hookers fold to land on the lawn enough to me". makes or go to strip bars. among the gravestones, The blonde says, "I An Italian tourist asks a The rules say that from surrounded by telltale pud- haven't taken it out of blonde: "Why do Scuba now on, if agents feel dles of the thinned and use- the bowl yet". divers always fall back- compelled to engage in less paint. wards off their boats?" such behavior, they can A blonde spies a letter Smokey was no fool. He run for public office like lying on her doormat. It To which the blonde re- knew this was a judgment everyone else. says on the envelope plies: "If they fell forward, from the Almighty, so he "DO NOT BEND ". She they'd still be in the boat." got down on his knees and  spends the next 2 hours cried,  Blonde Jokes supplied trying to figure out "Oh, God, Oh, God, for- by Steve Bell (I’m not how to pick it up. Painting the Church give me. What should I taking the blame for There was a Scottish do?" these) A blonde man shouts painter named Smokey And from the thunder, a frantically into the phone MacGregor who was very mighty voice spoke, A friend told the blonde: "My wife is pregnant interested in making a "Christmas is on a Fri- “Repaint! Repaint! And and her contractions are penny where he could, so day this year" thin no More!” only two minutes he often thinned down his The blonde then said, apart!" "Is this her first paint to make it go a wee "Let's hope it's not the "Blessed are the child?" asks the Doctor. bit further. 13th. cracked, for they are "No", he shouts, "This is As it happened, he got Two blondes find three her husband! away with this for some the ones who let in grenades, and they de- A blonde was driving time. Eventually the local the light." cide to take them to a church decided to do a big Page 12 Piedmont Periscope

Chaplin’s Corner - Ray Fritz, Base Chaplain are an important part of the formula … I know that, to you, your Sand ceremony. After Ephesians 6:1-4 Chil- children are your pride the ceremony came the dren, obey your parents and joy. You would do reception and dinner. in the Lord, for this is 2 anything for them to I watched as Emily first right. "Honor your fa- help them succeed in danced with William ther and mother" (this is life. We also know that the first commandment and then with her dad 3 they will make mistakes and then with her mom with a promise), "that it just as we did – we just and dad. There was joy may go well with you pray that the mistakes and laughter and some and that you may live they make will not harm tears of joy as well. May long in the land." them. God’s word to Paul and Then he talks to fa- Then, there are grand- Sandra be – “Well thers… children! Wow! They done!” 4 are a real joy. One nice Fathers, do not pro- thing is that when you voke your children to get tired of them you can anger, but bring them up send them home! in the discipline and in- Diana and I wish all the struction of the Lord. dads a very Happy Fa- While Diana was recov- (ESV) ther’s Day! ering from bronchitis, this past weekend, I had I have selected 10 rea- Our first child, a son, was sons from an article enti- born while I was serving the joy of attending the marriage of the lovely tled 50 Reason Why It’s aboard the USS U.S. Good to be a Man: Grant SSBN 631 in 1964. Emily Myers [daughter Like many of you, whose of Sandra and Paul 10 You know stuff about children may have been Myers] and William tanks. born while dad was serv- Cantrell III at the Victo- 9 You can go to the ing on submarines, he is a rian Villa Inn. bathroom without a sup- Connecticut Yankee. The port group. rest of our children were 8 If someone forgets to born in Corning, NY. invite you to something he can still be your Being a dad is a tremen- friend. dous responsibility… we 7 You can drop by to see have to teach them how to a friend without bring- fish, ride a bike, hunt, ing a little gift. drive a car… mom gets to 6 If another guy shows teach all the other stuff - It was a beautiful wed- up at the same party in like manners (keep your ding ceremony with the the same outfit, you elbows off the table), how lake in the background. The Apostle Paul’s mes- might become lifelong to dress (you can’t wear They made their vows sage to fathers is clear. buddies. two different colored under the cover of a Dads are to lead. They 5 One wallet, one pair of socks!), and hygiene (take beautiful pavilion. The are not called to be dicta- shoes, one color, all sea- a bath and wash the whole exchanging of rings was tors. He addresses chil- sons. body!). followed with the Unity dren first because they 4 There is always a Issue 1206 Page 13 game on somewhere. On My Porch want me to live for sixty 3 Your pals can be On the first day, God years. How about Answer to the Flag Trivia: trusted never to trap created the dog and twenty and I'll give back The Serapis Flag: Designed you with, “So… do you said, sit all day by the the other forty?" with 13 stripes alternating red, notice anything differ- door of your house and And God agreed it was white, and blue. This flag was ent?” bark at anyone who good. raised by Captain John Paul 2 If something me- comes in or walks past. On the fourth day, God Jones on the British chanical doesn’t work, For this I will give you a created humans and said, Serapis during the most famous you can bash it with a life span of twenty "Eat, sleep, play, marry Revolutionary naval battle. hammer and throw it years. and enjoy your life. For He was born John Paul in Scot- across the room. The dog said, "That's a this, I'll give you twenty land in 1747 and went to sea when he was only twelve years 1 You can do your nails long time to be barking. years." with a pocketknife. How about only ten old. By the time he arrived in But the human said, Philadelphia in 1775 as an ex- years and I'll give you They are the cute things "Only twenty years? perienced sea captain, he had but Paul is serious back the other ten?" Could you possibly give changed his name to John Paul about being a father. And God said that it me my twenty, the forty Jones. Very quickly, whether was good. the cow gave back, the After conducting sea raids on you are a new father, an On the second day, God ten the monkey gave the coast of Britain, he took older father, or a grand- created the monkey and back, and the ten the dog command in 1779 of a rebuilt said, "Entertain people, gave back; that makes French merchant ship, renamed father, Paul says don’t the U.S.S. Bonhomme Richard do things that will pro- do tricks, and make eighty, okay?" them laugh. For this, I'll "Okay," said God, "You to honor Benjamin Franklin. On voke your children September 23, 1779, Jones en- [grandchildren] to an- give you a twenty-year asked for it." life span." gaged the British frigate Sera- ger. Instead show them, So that is why for our pis in the North Sea, daringly The monkey said, by your lifestyle, the first twenty years, we sailing in close, lashing his ves- discipline and instruc- "Monkey tricks for eat, sleep, play and enjoy sel to the British ship, and tion of the Lord. Be a twenty years? That's a ourselves. For the next fighting the battle at point- pretty long time to per- man of conviction. Be a forty years, we slave in blank range. During the fight man of integrity. Be a form. How about I give the sun to support our two of his cannon burst, and the man of God. Saying you back ten like the family. For the next ten British captain asked Jones if dog did?" years, we do monkey he was ready to surrender. Re- you are a Christian and plied Jones: "Sir, I have not yet being one are not the And God again said that tricks to entertain the it was good. grandchildren. And for begun to fight." The American same. Let your light crew finally boarded the Sera- shine before your chil- On the third day, God the last ten years, we sit created the cow and pis after the British had struck dren and grandchildren. on the front porch and her colors, and from the deck of said, "You must go into When you do they will bark at everyone. the Serapis they watched the the field with the farmer shine as well. Life has now been ex- U.S.S. Bonhomme Richard sink all day long and suffer plained to you. into the North Sea. Happy Father’s Day! under the sun, have There is no need to thank May God Bless Emily calves and give milk to me for this valuable in- and William all the support the farmer's formation. I'm doing it as Contact days of their lives to- family. For this, I will a public service. If you gether. give you a life span of are looking for me I will Chaplain Ray at sixty years." be on my porch. God bless you all, The cow said, "That's raysabode@ kind of a tough life you Chaplain Ray Page 14 Piedmont Periscope

Your Veteran News From the RAQ Bulletin

.Vet Housing Up- Music’s ACM Lifting “These are people who date 05: Tim McGraw Lives program and The have defended our ide- will be saluting veterans Premier Group on behalf als. The way we treat VETERANS NEWS in a big way while on of the North Carolina and ultimately revere by the RAQ Bulletin tour this summer. The Furniture Manufacturers. them in perpetuity is a country music superstar “It’s going to be a great message for tomorrow’s is giving away 25 mort- opportunity to set a fam- generation.”, says Tim gage-free houses — one ily on track that’s done Tetz, the American Le- for each stop on his up- so much for us and my gion national legislative coming “Brothers of the family,” McGraw said. director. “It’s a pattern Sun” tour with Kenny “So I can’t imagine a that you’re seeing across Chesney — to wounded better thing to do on the country right now. or needy service mem- tour. It’s going to be fun You have cemeteries bers. McGraw kicked off — I mean every tour being expanded or added the campaign with a Me- date we’re going to be to with less or the same Deadline for morial Day concert for out there.” [Source: As- number of people caring the next issue military members at sociated Press Chris Tal- for the grounds. Exam- New York City’s Bea- bott article 24 May 2012 ples of a faltering com- of the con Theatre during Fleet ++] mitment to honor Amer- ica’s dead soldiers in- Week. “My sister’s a The Vet Gravesites: clude: Piedmont veteran, my uncle’s a final resting places for veteran, my grandfather many of the men and Periscope was a veteran, one of my women who fought retired Army Capt. best friends is a vet- America’s wars have Ronald Rulon told Fox- will be eran,” McGraw said in fallen into shocking dis- he felt his an interview. “I’ve repair, with neglect, theft heart drop when he known people my whole and vandalism prompt- heard that 200 bronze July 20th. life who are in service to ing veterans groups to flag stands had been sto- Please have all America. And I think in question the nation's len from a local veterans' my position to be able to commitment to honoring cemetery where many of items to do something like that is its dead soldiers. Advo- his friends and fellow probably the ultimate cates say smaller federal, soldiers are buried. It's Moe(SS) at thing. So to be able to go state, county and private terrible," said Rulon, 70, on tour and provide sort cemeteries that contain of Mullica Township, ppeditor@ of a stable foundation for the graves of service N.J. "It's an affront to the a veteran and their fam- members are often veterans who gave their ily is something I really poorly kept, marked by lives so the very people look forward to.” crumbling headstones, who stole from their McGraw is partnering overgrown with weeds graves could have their by then. with the charity Opera- and littered with debris. freedom, and all the ni- tion Homefront and Perhaps even worse, ceties they enjoy in their Chase on the program, many veterans' grave- day-to-day life." Star- dubbed HomeFront, with sites have been targets of tling accounts of theft, contributions from the vandalism and theft. vandalism and neglect at Academy of Country smaller veterans' grave- Issue 1206 Page 15 yards across the nation 15,000. teries do receive taxpayer USS Iowa Naval have become too com- funds, including the 131 Museum Update 01: mon, as cemeteries face shut off power to a small run by the National Ceme- The USS Iowa — the budget and staffing cemetery in Jersey City, tery Association for the iconic World War II-era shortfalls in a struggling N.J., where thousands of Department of Veterans’ that once economy. veterans of wars ranging Affairs. Funding to those served as transport to from the Revolutionary cemeteries has remained President Franklin D. county vet- War to World War II are roughly static at $250 mil- Roosevelt — left San erans cemetery told Fox- buried after the facility lion over the last decade, Francisco Bay on Satur- his facility fell behind on its bills. even as more veterans of day on its way to its new cut half its grounds Power was eventually World War II and the Ko- home in Southern Cali- keeping positions over restored to Jersey City & rean and Vietnam wars fornia. Surrounded by the past decade, even as Harsimus Cemetery, have passed on, according pleasure boats and other the population of those home to soldiers from to Tetz. A spokesman for vessels, the 887-foot the NCA insisted the feder- interred rose from 3,000 the Civil War. long, 58,000-ton battle- to 5,000 vets. ally funded veterans' ceme- wagon was towed teries are well kept. “There through the bay and tendent of St. Joseph’s really isn’t problem on the passed under the Golden nance supervisor at the Cemetery in Pittsfield, federal level,” said Darrin Gate Bridge at about 2:30 Southern Vet- Mass, said “We used to White, who oversees three p.m. Crowds watched erans Memorial Ceme- have 15 full-time people national cemeteries, as well from both sides of the tery, just outside of Mil- and now there’s only 10. as a military section of a bridge as the U.S. Coast waukee, was arrested There’s more work and fourth facility, in the Phila- Guard Cutter Sockeye after allegedly using the less equipment for a delphia and New Jersey provided an official es- veterans cemetery as his greater number of area. “We’ve kept up with cort and the San Fran- private dump, burying graves. We’re asked to the pace.” But advocates cisco fireboat Phoenix everything from cans of do more with less." Guil- say no matter where veter- led the way. At the St. paint thinner to televi- lou said he regrets that ans are buried, their mem- Francis Yacht Club on sion sets, according to caring for veterans' ory and resting places de- ’s shore- The Associated Press. graves is a casualty of serve the respect of a a line, officers and crew budget shortfalls. “These grateful nation. “These are members of the USS De- guys and gals served outside Boston, the bur- people who have defended catur, outfitted in their their country, World ial site of some 4,000 our ideals …the way we dress whites, saluted as War I, World War II, vets, recently made news treat and ultimately revere the Iowa drifted past, Vietnam, . They when thieves stole 200 them in perpetuity is a mes- Rogers said. Club mem- deserve, at the least, a brass flag stands to sell sage for tomorrow’s gen- bers also honored the peaceful interment.”, he for scrap -- a phenome- eration about what it means Iowa with a farewell gun said. non so common many to sacrifice,” said Tetz. “ If salute and a signal flag are turning to plastic flag The graves of veterans we aren’t revering or hon- message — ‘Farewell My holders. A supervisor can be found in virtually oring these people, it be- Dear Friend.’ told his every cemetery in the gets the question of what “Everything has gone facility has suffered deep nation, and private op- tomorrow will bring for our beautifully,” said spokes- staffing and budget cuts erators owe no more care country.” [Source: Fox man Bob Rogers of the over the last decade, to their graves than any- News Mike Jaccarino arti- Pacific Battleship Center, even as the number of one else's. But some ex- cle 24 May 2012 ++] a nonprofit organization graves has risen by clusively veterans' ceme- that will operate an inter- Page 16 Piedmont Periscope

active naval museum on sevelt’s stateroom. The board the USS Iowa at ship was recently moved sidered abuse of the the Port of Los Angeles to the Port of Richmond, commissary privilege, in San Pedro. “The not far from where such as buying excessive Phoenix was spraying “Rosie the Riveters” amounts of one item water in every direction. built ships in the 1940s. with coupons that ex- VETERANS NEWS She took her right out Workers scrubbed and ceed the value of the by the RAQ Bulletin the Gate.” painted the ship’s exte- product. If you’re sus- The Iowa, first commis- rior, replaced the teak pected of privilege sioned in 1943 and again deck and reattached the abuse, you could be re- in 1951 and 1984, saw mast in preparation for ported to installation of- duty in World War II the museum commis- ficials — who can sus- and the Korean War. sioning in July. The pend or permanently re- The ship once carried Iowa was scheduled to voke commissary privi- Roosevelt to a summit leave on May 20 but was leges. with Winston Churchill, delayed because of a Also as of 1 MAY, cus- Joseph Stalin and storm system. As it tomers who present cou- Chiang Kai-shek. It also turned out, its departure pons that result in took part in escorting came on the same day as “overages” no longer tankers in the Persian weekend celebrations may receive unlimited Gulf during the Iran-Iraq were under way marking cash back. Instead, war before being decom- the Golden Gate you’ll get commissary missioned in 1990. In Bridge’s 75th anniver- gift cards for refunds of recent years, she sat in sary. The trip down the more than $25. Overages the cold and fog, an- coast was expected to of less than $25 will be chored with other take about four days. refunded in cash. For mothballed ships in [Source: AP article 27 example, if you have a nearby Suisun Bay. Last May 2012 ++] negative balance of year, the Pacific Battle- Commissary Cou- $35.99, you’d get a gift ship Center beat out the pon Use Update 04: card for $25 and $10.99 San Francisco Bay Area Coupons are like cash — in cash. “The average city of Vallejo when the and they’ve been pro- coupon user might not Navy awarded the ship ducing a lot of it for notice the policy to the organization. The some commissary shop- changes because they are center’s future plans in- pers. But if you’re an aimed at preventing pos- clude an interactive tour “extreme couponer” who sible experience that will al- has used coupons to get misuse of the commis- low the visitor to experi- large sums of cash back sary benefit — primarily ence what life at sea was at the commissary regis- using coupons to get like during active duty. ter, take heed: Stores are large amounts of cash Among the highlights cracking down. As of 1 back,” said Joseph Jeu, will be viewing the in- MAY, Defense Commis- DeCA director and CEO, side of one of the main sary Agency (DECA) in a statement announc- gun turrets, seeing the policy will clarify that ing the change. Overages 17.5-inch armored con- certain extreme coupon- happen when the face ning station on the ing practices can be con- value of the coupon ex- bridge and viewing Roo- Issue 1206 Page 17 ceeds the price of the mation Corp., a not-for- trend has caused civilian, some item. Most manufacturer profit association of con- grocery stores to make spouses in large families coupons are geared to sumer product manufac- changes, such as limiting expressed concern about prices in civilian stores; turers that fights coupon the number of the same being under suspicion if commissary prices are fraud. Unlike the com- item you can buy with they bought large quantities already discounted. Over missaries, none of the coupons in one shopping of items with coupons. the past three years, military exchanges al- trip. DeCA will continue Several said they were fine DeCA officials have lows coupons to exceed its policy of limiting cou- with the new policy of pay- seen more customers the value of an item, nor pons to one per item, ing the overage in gift getting cash back when do they allow overages. meaning you’ll still be cards. “Keeping the money they use coupons, said Why does DeCA allow able to buy multiple pack- ‘in-house’ is still better Courtney Rogers, these overages at all? ages of the same product than no overage at all,” one DeCA’s customer rela- Unlike other stores — as long as you have multi- spouse said. “I can always tions specialist. “Using and military exchanges ple coupons. As before, find something at the com- gift cards to cover cou- — DeCA does not gen- the exception is during a missary to put that [money] pon ‘overages’ discour- erate a profit. “Since particular commissary toward.” The new policy ages practices contrary manufacturers reimburse promotion, when a manu- also requires gift cards to to DeCA’s mission,” us for those overages, facturer or distributor pro- be issued, rather than cash, which is to provide a we would profit from vides coupons directly to when merchandise costing benefit that sells grocer- those overages if we did the commissary. Store of- more than $25 is being re- ies at cost, she said. The not refund that money to ficials will monitor exces- turned without the original changes “will help bring the customer,” Rogers sive coupon use. Exam- receipt. Coupons redeemed our policies in line with said. A small number of ples of “suspected privi- in 2011 at military stores our retail counterparts people have received lege abuse” in the revised by number/value were: and protect the commis- hundreds of dollars in policy include buying sary benefit,” she said. cash back from commis- “excessive quantities of an Agency: 123 million/$110 Most coupon overage saries, and among them individual item” — more are people who just want million transactions happen dur- than three cases or 36 ing customers’ normal the cash, said Miller. units — “with coupons household shopping. The “Those are the worst that exceed the value of change Service: 2.4 mil- overages are applied to abusers.” Whether in the product.” lion/$5.7 million the rest of the transac- commissaries or in other DeCA also is cracking stores, Miller said, there tion, so little or no cash down on “abuse” that lion/$2.3 million is due to the customer. have been cases in which doesn’t necessarily in- “However, there have people bought as much volve coupons. Buying 334,000/$491,000 been instances of cus- as they could with cou- more than 36 units of any tomers purchasing large pons and not only got item — as well as fre- [Source: Karen quantities of one or two cash back but then resold quently buying large Jowers article 3 May 2012 products using multiple the products for a profit. quantities of cigarettes or ++] coupons, resulting in “It’s a small minority of tobacco products, exceed- large overages,” Rogers abusers who make it ing one case or 30 units — more difficult for the said. Commissaries are may not in itself be con- among the few grocery honest couponers,” he sidered abuse, but it raises stores that allow refunds said — to include emp- a red flag that there may for overages, said Bud tying the shelves for be the potential for abuse, Miller, executive direc- other customers. Rogers said. On the com- tor of the Coupon Infor- The extreme couponing missary section of the site Page 18 Piedmont Periscope

Lost Boats— USS Gudgeon SS-211 two kills, first sinking an unknown freighter maru USS Gudgeon (SS-211), ber, Gudgeon (command on 26 March and then a Tambor- ed by Elton W. "Joe" dispatching the 6526- class submarine, was the Grenfell) departed Pearl ton Nissho Maru on 27 first ship of the United Harbor on the first March in the East States Navy to be named American submarine war Sea southeast of Kumun for the gudgeon). Her patrol of World War II. Island. She then checked keel was laid down by Her commanding officer into dry-dock for over- the Mare Island Navy was provided with ex- haul, but undocked three Yard. She was plicit written orders to weeks early and readied launched on 25 January carry out unrestricted for sea in a remarkable 1941, sponsored by submarine war- 40 hours to participate in Mrs. William S. Pye, fare. Gudgeon made her the momentous Battle of and commissioned on 21 first contact on a target Midway. Depart- April 1941 with Lieuten- in Japanese Home Wa- ing on 18 ant Commander Elton ters 31 Decem- May, Gudgeon took sta- W. "Joe" Grenfell in ber. When she returned tion off Midway Is- command. 50 days later, Gud- land as part of the sub- After shakedown along geon had contributed marine screen which en- the coast, Gud two more impressive circled the two giant geon sailed north on 28 "firsts" to the Pacific fleets clashing there. Al- August, heading submarine fleet. She was though she had a ring- for via Seattle, the first American sub- side seat for the action, Washington. On her marine to patrol along which saw Japan handed northern jaunt the new the Japanese coast itself, its first naval defeat in submarine in- as her area took her off 350 years. Gudgeon was spected Sitka, Kodiak, Kyūshū in the home is- prevented from offensive and for lands. On 27 January action by the confusion suitability as naval 1942, en of battle and the possi- bases. Continuing route home, Gudgeon be bility of mistaken iden- to , she moored at came the first United tity. She returned the Pearl Har- States Navy submarine to Pearl Harbor on 14 bor submarine base 10 to sink an enemy war- June. October. Training exer- ship in World War Fourth War Patrol: cises and local opera- II. Gudgeon fired three Departing for her fourth tions filled Gudgeon’s torpedoes, and I-73 was patrol 11 time for the next two destroyed; July, Gudgeon sank the months. During the Japa- though Gudgeon claimed 4853-ton trans- nese attack on Pearl Har- only damage, the loss port Naniwa Maru in a bor on 7 December she was confirmed night submerged attack was at Lahaina Roads on by HYPO. off Truk on 3 August, special exercises, but Second and Third War her only kill of the pa- returned to base immedi- Patrols: On her second trol. In her other attack ately. war patrol, 22 February of the fourth patrol USS First war patrol: On 11 to 15 April Gudgeon carried out an Decem- 1942 Gudgeon scored aggressive attack on a Issue 1206 Page 19 four-ship convoy 17 Au- the following day rescued ocean liner, southwest auxiliary gunboat Santo gust, torpedoing and 28 men—Australian, Eng- of Naso Point, , Phil- Maru north of , damaging the Japanese lish, Portuguese, and Fili- ippines. The 17,526-ton as well as seriously tankers Shinkoku pino—for passage transport was the largest damaging several other Maru (10020 BRT) to Fremantle. Japanese transport, and one ships. and Nichiei Maru(10020 Seventh and eighth war of the largest enemy ships Heading along BRT) northwest of Truk patrols: Gudgeon's seventh sunk by an American sub- the China coast for her before the patrol ended war patrol, from 13 March marine. Special operations tenth war patrol, form at Fremantle, , into April 1943, netted her interrupted Gudgeon's pa- 31 October to 11 De- on 2 September. two more Japanese ships trol as she landed six cember, Gudgeon chalk Fifth and Sixth War before she ran out of torpe- trained guerrilla fighters ed up two more marus. Patrols: Now a part of does and had to return and three tons of equip- Early in the morning of the Southwestern Pacific to Australia. On 22 March ment for the guerrilla 23 November she spot- submarine she sank the 5434-ton movement on Panay on 30 ted a convoy of four forces, Gudgeon sank transport Meigen Maru as April. After sinking the 500 ships in the East China the 6783-ton Choko well as seriously damaging -ton trawler Naku Sea some 70 miles Maru west-northwest of two other ships in the Maru with her deck guns north of Shusan Is- Rabaul on 21 October Sea convoy some 30 miles west of Panay 4 land and closed for at- during her fifth war pa- north May, Gudgeon battle- tack. Gudgeon fired a trol, 8 October to 1 De- of , Java, Netherla surfaced again that same spread of six torpedoes cember, and carried out nds East Indies. Five days day and left a coastal with gratifying results. a daring attack on a later Gudgeon took on steamer burning and set- The 870- seven ship convoy on 11 9987-ton tanker Tōhō tling. Eight days later, on ton frigate Wakamiya, November, torpedoing Maru in a night surface at- 12 May, she torpedoed and hit by one torpedo, several ships but sinking tack in the Makassar sank the 5861-ton broke in two, sinking none. Strait punctuated by bursts freighter Sumatra The submarine's sixth of gunfire as the Japanese Maru off Bulusan, , war patrol, from 27 De- ships spotted and fired on . Returning to cember 1942 to 18 Feb- the submarine. It took five Pearl Harbor, the veteran ruary 1943, was unsuc- torpedoes to sink Toko submarine was sent to San Next Meeting is cessful terms of ships Maru, and most Francisco, California, for sunk, but she carried out of Gudgeon's crew enjoyed badly needed overhaul, her at then VFW” two special missions. On the rare treat of watching first since commissioning June 23th 14 January her slide into the depths. two years earlier. 1943 Gudgeon success- Another attack later the Ninth and Tenth War Pa- Carry-in Dinner fully land six men same day damaged the trols: A refreshed sub and at 1730 on Catmon 1192-ton tanker Kyoei crew departed Pearl Har- Point, Negros Is- Maru. bor for their ninth war pa- Meeting 1900 land, Western On her eighth war patrol, trol 1 September 1943 in Visayas, Philippines, to conducted as she sailed the area. carry out the vital guer- from Australia to Pearl Before returning rilla resistance move- Harbor on 15 April to 25 to Midway Island on 6 Oc- ment there. Returning May tober with from her patrol 1943, Gudgeon chalked up all torpedoes expended, Gu area, Gudgeon was di- three more kills. Her first dgeon had sunk the 3158- verted to Timor Is- came 28 April as she sank ton Taian Maru, torpedoed land on 9 February, and Kamakura Maru, a former and damaged the 3266-ton Page 20 Piedmont Periscope

Lost Boats— USS Gudgeon (con’t) almost immediately. The two tankers in the con- ton merchant Satsuma career, Gudgeon scored voy, the 5106-ton Ichiyo Maru off Wenchow, 14 confirmed kills of a Maruand the 8469- China. On 17 Febru- total of well over ton Goyo Maru, were ary Gudgeon sank a 71,372 tons sunk, plac- also hit but managed to Japanese sampan with ing her 15th on the escape. Gudgeon closed gunfire in the East China honor roll of American in to finish off the 6783- Sea, another sampan be- submarines. ton troop trans- ing damaged in the at- For her first seven war port Nekka Maru. tack. She returned pa- Eleventh War Patrol: to Pearl Harbor on 5 trols Gudgeon received Gudgeon's 11th war pa- March 1944. the Presidential Unit Ci- trol saw a few successful Loss: Gudgeon sailed tation. She earned sinkings of Japanese for her 12th war patrol 11 battle stars for World vessels, the first on 11 on 4 April 1944. War II service. February. Before this The submarine stopped sinking the submarine off for fuel at Johnston had a spell of bad luck Island on 7 April, and where, on 2 February was never seen or heard 1944, she had sighted a from again. On 7 June damaged aircraft car- 1944, Gudgeon was offi- rier with two escorts. cially declared overdue Gudgeon had closed for and presumed lost. attack, but the escorts claims Gud- spotted her and attacked. geon was sunk 18 April A down-the-throat shot 1944 at a known location with four torpedoes tem- by the Japanese south- porarily discouraged the east of Iwo Jima. Some and al- sources say the subma- lowed Gudgeon to seek rine was more likely to deep water and safety, have sunk by attack but when she surfaced near Maug Islands. the Japanese men-of-war For more detailed and were gone. Later in the original information same pa- about Gudgeon's likely trol Gudgeon was forced sinking on 18 April to try another down-the- 1944, see Find 'Em throat shot at an enemy Chase 'Em Sink 'Em: escort, but no hits. Suc- The Mysterious Loss of cess came only on 11 the WW II Submarine February. This date saw USS Gudgeon and other her torpedoing and sink- "Ostlund" references be- ing the already damaged low (listed on (by Chinese air attack) 3091- During her three-year Issue 1206 Page 21

SSMC Heart Attack & Water I can also add to this... Something I didn't know My Physician told me You’ve heard of the year will cost you 10 that water at bed time USMC, but not the bucks, just like joining either! I asked my Doc- tor why do I and other will also help prevent SSMC? Well let old any other Base. Renew- night time leg cramps. Moe(SS) tell you a little ing, we only take 5 people urinate so much at night time. Answer Your leg muscles are bit about the SSMC. bucks, and sent that to seeking hydration when SSMC National. That from my Cardiac Doctor The American Legion = Gravity holds water in they cramp and wake has the Legion Riders. way we don’t have to you up with a Charlie maintain any funds in a the lower part of your Have you heard of them? Horse checking account. And body when you are up- Well, the USSVI has until we grow more we right (legs swell). When some Bubblehead bikers are good with that. We you lie down and the that organized a couple did go from 9 plank lower body (legs and of years ago into the Si- owners to 15 members etc) seeks level with the lent Service Motorcycle presently. We are just kidneys it is then that the Club or SSMC. The are about to lose one due to kidneys remove the wa- formal a Base within the relocation to FL for his ter because it is easier. USSVI and are split into wife’s work. Well, he This then ties in with the Chapters throughout the can ride more down last statement! Country. there, but he will be I knew you need your In our neck of the missed. minimum water to help woods, it’s the Carolinas So if you ride, and are a flush the toxins out of Chapter, covering both USSVI member here in your body, but this was North and South Caro- the Carolinas we need a news to me. lina. We have a member few good men— Correct time to drink of the Nat Greene Base Bubblehead Bikers. water...Very Important. who actual resides in Contact Moe(SS) at From A Cardiac Special- Virginia and a our Vice ist! President, Mike Adams donut- is also Commander of [email protected]. Drinking water at a cer- the Denizens of the Deep tain time maximizes its Base and lives in GA. effectiveness on the body: I was instrumental in starting the Chapter in 2 glasses of water after April of last year. And waking up - helps acti- no good deed goes un- vate internal organs punished, I got to be the 1 glass of water 30 min- first President and looks utes before a meal - like I got it again this helps digestion year. Someday, maybe 1 glass of water before I’ll learn. taking a bath - helps But I know we still have lower blood pressure some Base members that 1 glass of water before are “Scooter Trash” and going to bed - avoids need to join us. The first stroke or heart attack Page 22 Piedmont Periscope

A “how to” guide for qualifying in a U.S. Navy Submarine –by K.T. Flatley

(Insert your name here.) crew but everyone wants qual” through the qual general term though. “Having successfully to know if he is really process. The qual card There are ships drills completed the rigorous going to fit in. He must has all the systems that scheduled during this professional require- prove his worth through he must learn listed in it time that are designed to ments for qualification qualification. During this with a signature block test the crew on their in submarines, having process he must learn all next to it. When he is abilities to fight casual- gained a thorough of the major ships sys- done studying a particu- ties. There are also long knowledge of submarine tems and their compo- lar system he must go to lists of maintenance that construction and opera- nents, how to draw them, a crew member that each crew member is tion, having demon- show how they work, works directly with or on assigned in order to keep strated his reliability un- and learn how to fight that system and get a the boat running. This der stress, and having any possible casualty “check out.” This is a means that the six hour my full confidence and from fire, to flooding, to verbal quiz designed to period normally used for trust, I hereby certify poison in the air, on test knowledge of a par- sleep by most qualified that he is qualified in every level of the boat. ticular part of the boat crew members must be submarines”… These This is done in order to and once that crew mem- used for “doing quals” words mark the end of ensure that when the ber feels you have all the by non-qualified mem- the long road towards boat is submerged every knowledge required he bers. The small amounts submarine qualification. crew member can be re- will sign your card. This of entertainment that are The process by which lied upon to know what process will be repeated available to the crew, one gets to this moment to do in case of an emer- over 70 times on the such as movies or card is a difficult one. Quali- gency. If the “non-qual” road to qualification. games, are off limits to fying submarines is a accomplishes this task Each non-qual is given non-quals. All of a non- task that takes hard he will be then become only nine months to quals free time is to be work, long hours, and qualified, will be complete this task and he dedicated toward qualifi- above all, dedication. awarded the Navy’s sub- is expected to complete cation. If a non-qual is Completion will grant marine warfare pin, also at least three to four unable to keep up with you entry into a unique known as dolphins, and check outs per week. the minimum amount of brotherhood, and give will become a full mem- The qualification process signatures that are re- you the kind of pride ber of the crew. is not only a mental quired each week, he that only comes with A non-quals first day challenge, but a physical will then be designated having accomplished onboard any Navy sub is one as well. Qualifica- as delinquent, or “dink” something bigger than intimidating to say the tion can only be done on in his quals. In this case, yourself. least. Upon a new man’s a non-quals “own time,” a non-qual will be re- A submarine crew is arrival he becomes the meaning after he has quired to muster for an much like a family. Eve- most junior and most completed all of his extra two hours of super- ryone knows each other inexperienced member regular work. The sub- vised study time after he by first name, formality of a very highly trained marine, while at sea, has completed all of his is largely thrown aside, crew. When he first ar- works on an eighteen other tasks. He must and there are no secrets. rives he is given his hour schedule that ro- continue to do this until When a new man first qualification card and is tates through three six he catches up on his arrives he is looked at assigned his “sea dad.” hour watches. Six hours minimums. For extra like an in-law, he is a This person is a qualified are spent on watch; the motivation through these “non-qual.” The Navy member of the crew that other twelve are “off slips, the non-quals sea has assigned him to the will help guide the “non- time.” This is a very dad is also made to mus- Issue 1206 Page 23

ter with him during this pointment for those who Written by: CS2(SS) 2022 -- 1,800 per year period. Suffice to say, do not. Each non-qual is Kevin T. Flatley, USN. 2020-2022 -- 2,800 per most men stay dink for given three chances to Qualified on board USS year* very short periods of pass a final board. Dallas (SSN700) 26 *Temporary assignments time. Once the final board is April, 1998 while the school at Ball- As a non-qual nears the completed it is now time ston Spa, N.Y., is refu- end of his qualifications to be recognized. The A NUKE Story eled he is then required to do crew that has pushed this The draft assessment a “walk through” of man, sleep deprived him, NPTU Charleston To mentioned in the story is every level of the ship. and treated him like an Get Newer Moored here, and says, not sur- This is a process where a outsider is now all lined Training Ships prisingly, that the new senior member of the up at attention to honor training ships will be crew walks with you and welcome him into From the Charleston Post and Courier: designated MTS 701 and through each level of the their ranks. The Captain MTS 711. With Charles- boat and asks you to of the boat pins the sub- Over the 10-year span, ton Naval Shipyard identify and explain the marine dolphins to his the USS Daniel Webster closed down, the conver- uses for all the equip- uniform and presents and the USS Sam sion work will obviously ment on that level. Once him with the submarine Rayburn, both built in be done elsewhere; I'm this is completed, the qualification certificate. the early 1960s, would guessing Norfolk. When non-qual is then given This is truly a moment be replaced one by one I was a Shift Eng on one to two weeks to of enormous pride and with the 1970s-era USS MTS 626 in '93-'95 and study for his final board. satisfaction for those La Jolla and the USS half of our trainees were This is the final step be- who get there. It is the San Francisco... going to skimmers, I al- fore becoming qualified culmination of a not only ...Here's what's coming ways wondered why and it is by far the most a process of learning, but Expansion plans they didn't bring of the difficult. In the oral also of acceptance into Renovate X-Ray piers to the cruisers that was de- board, three senior an organization that is hold two larger subma- comming during that enlisted men, each an larger than yourself. He rines time in as an MTS; it expert in different parts will from this moment Replace the USS Daniel could have provided lots of the boat, and one of on always be able to call Webster and USS Sam of office space as well. I the boats officers will himself a submariner, Rayburn with the USS think the ship's sailed on give the non-qual essen- even long after he hangs La Jolla and USS San that idea... tially, one large check up his Navy uniforms. Francisco out. Every major system Qualification in subma- Remove older office, is reviewed in depth in rines is a daunting task. classroom and storage order to see if the indi- However, once finished barges, replace with vidual can put all of his you become part of a shoreside buildings knowledge together at fellowship that can only New gate, fencing and the same time. This be understood by those other security improve- process can last any- who have done it them- ments where from three to six selves. That can only be Nearly double parking hours, on average, and is truly recognized by the to 1,900 spaces the culmination of many very small and special “Optimism and stu- long months of work. It group of men that have Training plans pidity are nearly syn- can be a moment of joy the pride and honor of 2012 -- 1,200 students onymous.” and relief for those who calling themselves SUB- per year ― Hyman G. Rick- pass, or a time of disap- MARINERS. 2015 -- 1,500 per year Page 24 Piedmont Periscope

OTHER BASE ACTIVITIES There are many things I could have done on my day off. Today I did one of those things that makes life worth living. Spent it with my submarine mates and their ladies at the Levine Children's Hospital. Any day this old grey beard can help to make a child smile is a good one.— Mike Hubbell, Base Secretary

Above: Base Members assembly in the lobby; Jack “cheers Carolina Piedmont Rocks”; “Milling-about Smartly”

Back Row: L to R— Carrie Keuten, Visit Coordinator at Le- vine, Carol Jeffries, Sandra Myers, Ray Zieverink, Steve Bell, Rick Petitt, and Jim Harris. Front Row: L to R- Joel Tuchfeld, Jack Jeffries, and Mike Hubbell.

Flag Day at the Laurels New “Half-Way Night Show” Line-up On Flag Day, June 14th, we were ask to The new show line-up will kick- tirement on his walker to per- return to the Laurels Assisted Living off on July 21st at Plantation form. This along with are stan- Center in Pineville to present the resi- Estates in Matthews, members dard vocalists of Joel Tuchfeld dents with our Flag Etiquette Program. Paul Myers work place with and Jim Schenk gives our 45 to All seemed to enjoy the presentation that wife Sandra débuting as the wife 50 minute show a great variety. Moe(SS) presented as he told stories of in the new Dragnet skit. An- Our players are Jeff Nieberding, the questions that various children have other new skit will be Snoopy Rick Petitt, Sandra Myers, and asked over the years. The Laurels was and the Red Baron with the Jack Jeffries. We are greatly one of the places the Base presented it’s characters acting out the lines to supported by Ray Zieverink, “Half-way Night Show” and they look the old “Royal Guardmen” hit. Colleen Moses, and Cindy Pe- for the return of that on a future date. The King of Rock and Rock is titt. We can use more help. still alive and comes out of re- Contact Moe(SS). Page 25 Piedmont Periscope

OTHER BASE ACTIVITIES For the 3rd year in a row, the Carolina Piedmont Base Color Guard has presented the Colors on Saturday Night’s Memorial Weekend Game. The Presenters were Joel Tuchfeld, Jack Jeffries, Howard Dach, Rick Pe- titt, Jeff Nieberding, Jim Harris, with Dale Moses commanding. We looked good for a bunch of Submarine Sailors that marched little and carried rifles next to never. BRAVO ZULU Guys!

Victory Junction Brick Last year somebody donated a brick to be placed in Victory Junction for us. Here is a photo of it that we took at our last visit last week when we were there. This brick is under the water tower at the en- trance in a huge walkway of bricks.— Steve

Chevy runs… But we all know its, PRIDE RUNS DEEP Carolina Piedmont Base Calendar of Upcoming Events Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Regular Base Meeting—Ft. Mill VFW 1730 dinner 1900 meeting 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Troutman Parade

JULY 1 2 3 4 Faith Parade 5 6 7

8 9 VFW Meet- 10 11 12 13 14 VFW Poker ing Run

15 16 17 18 19 20 PP Deadline 21 Plantation Estates Show 1030 AM

22 23 24 25 26 27 28Regular Base Meeting—Ft. Mill VFW 1730 dinner 1900 meeting 29 30 31 AUG 1 2 3 4

One way to support VFW Post 9138 is to attend their Sunday Morning Breakfast held on the second Sunday of each month from 8am to 11am— Come on out! -