USSVI Thresher Base News

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USSVI Thresher Base News USSVI Thresher Base News National Elections Jill Arsenault Robinson, Thresher Base Associate Member USSVI National Elections started on June 15 and will run until one week Passed Away on June 28 before the Convention in Norfolk in On July 3, eight Thresher Base mem- Navy Relief Society and the Thresher September. Online voting is available bers attended calling hours to pay Base chapter at or a paper ballot can their respects, say a prayer and give a of the U.S. be found on page 6 of this newslet- hand salute in her honor. Submarine ter. All paper copies must be received Veterans. by August 31, 2012. As of July 19, Hilda Arsenault “Jill” Robinson was She is approximately 1400 USSVI mem- born Dec. 4, 1926, in East Boston, survived by bers have cast their vote including 18 Mass. She was the widow of the late her lifelong Thresher Base members. Tilmon J. Arsenault, who died aboard friend and the USS Thresher lost at sea on April companion, Thresher Base Nominations 10, 1963. Ted Rob- Interested in running for office? She was a 1947 graduate of East Bos- inson of Nominations for base officers will be ton High School, Portsmouth Beauty Hampton; taken at the July meeting. You must College of Hair Design and Blair Hair one son, be present at the the meeting to make Cutting School, Boston. As a young William a nomination. Elections will be held at woman, she was an avid roller-skater J. Arsenault of Santa Monica, Calif.; the September meeting. and competed in team dance with suc- four daughters, Marie R. Absmeier of cess in several Massachusetts amateur San Jose, Calif., Lorraine C. Arsenault competitions. of Gorham, Maine, Donna M. Pennel She worked as a decorator-seam- of Bedford, Pa., and Debra J. Hender- stress in Dorchester, Mass., and later son of Stratham; 12 grandchildren; as a bookkeeper for attorney Seth five great-grandchildren; one step- Junkins in Hampton. For several years son, Thomas T. Robinson of Carver, she worked as a hairdresser before she Mass.; one sister, Grace Venezia of owned and operated Salon Profes- Revere, Mass.; and many nieces and sional in Hampton from 1979 to 1990. nephews. She retired in 1996 from Resee Hair In addition to her parents and her Salon in Hampton and continued to husband, she was predeceased by her serve her patrons on a freelance basis three brothers, Joseph, George and for several years. Edward; one sister, Regina; and her She was a communicant of Our Lady stillborn son, Robert “Robbie” Arse- of the Miraculous Medal Church, ac- nault. Lila Zito, daughter of Michael and Kimberly tive in the Outreach Ministry, was a In lieu of flowers, the family selected Zito, on Memorial Day at Albacore Park. member of the Albacore Park Soci- Thresher Base as one of three organi- Michael is serving on the USS Miami which is ety, the Gold Star Wives of America, zations to make memorial donations at the Portmouth Naval Shipyard. in Jill’s honor. Jill Arsenault Passes ................. 1 Meeting Minutes ...................... 3 Calendar of Events ................... 8 Table National Elections .................... 1 Lost Boats.................................... 4 USSVI Conventions ................ 8 of Thresher Base Nominations 1 To Perpetuate the Memory .. 5 Next Meeting ............................ 8 Commander’s Message .......... 2 USSVI Election Ballot ............ 6 Contents Member Birthdays ................... 2 Memorial Day ........................... 7 Volume 2012 IssuePage 14 Base Happenings Base Commander’s Message Member Birthdays Shipmates, July 3- Ian Johnston It’s time again for Hilda (Jill) (Arsenault) Robinson, 11 - Twig Armstrong the WWII Sub- widow of ENCA(SS) Tilmon J. Ar- 13 - Daniel Nicholson marine Veterans senault, USS Thresher. I will always 16 - Bill Livendale Lobster Fest and remember Jill enjoying the company 22 - George Thomas Holland Club In- of former Thresher Base member and 24 - Mike Remington duction Ceremo- Secretary Stu McGregor at Thresher 29 - Carl Furlong ny, an event I look Base meetings held a number of years forward to each year. Two Thresher ago at the Legion and VFW. Jill was a August Base members will be inducted into strong supporter of Thresher Base’s 2 - Bill Niland the Holland Club on Saturday, Rol- Annual USS Thresher Memorial 4 - George Albert land Miller and Howard Dmytro. Service. Five relatives and friends 6 - Bill Seaward of Jill donated a total of $280 to the 7 - John McCarthy The ranks of our WWII Submarine Thresher Memorial Fund. 9 - Sam Witham Veterans members have been reduced 15 Bob Rawlins by one with the recent loss of Captain Finally, 18 of our 94 full members 18 - Earl Hansen Robert J. Anderson. They continue to have voted. If you are one of the 76 19 - Bill Severn be dedicated supporters of Thresher members who have not yet voted, 22 - Bill Tebo Base’s fraternal and memorial service please log into USSVI’s website and activities. I encourage you to take vote now, or vote by hand using the the opportunity to get to know these form included in the latest copy of brave men and listen to the history American Submariner magazine. they provide. Fraternally, Eight members of Thresher Base Kevin attended the calling hours and per- formed a brief ceremony including hand salute for associate member Thresher Base Charter Newsletter Information USSVI Thresher Base was chartered The base newsletter, Thresher Base on 15 November 1989 in the memory of News, is published 6 times a year to those 129 gallant men who at 9:17 AM inform the membership and com- on 10 April 1963 lost their lives in the munity about meeting happenings performance of their duties aboard USS and upcoming events. All members THRESHER (SSN 593). are welcome to submit non-political Our mission is “to perpetuate the articles for inclusion in an upcom- memory of our shipmates who gave their ing issue. Send submissions to Kevin lives in the pursuit of their duties while Galeaz, Editor, 1465 Hooksett Road serving their country. That their dedica- #239, Hooksett, NH 03106 or tion, deeds and supreme sacrifice be a [email protected]. constant source of motivation toward greater accomplishments. Pledge loyalty and patriotism to the United States Government.” Page 2 May 2012 Meeting Minutes Call meeting to order at 12:40 by tive comments from family members. of $400.00 for the Memorial Service Commander Galeaz followed by a The speakers were absolutely superb Fund. Information was given by prayer lead by Al Page this year. Vice Admiral McCoy’s Commander Galeaz re: the Thresher speech was the best the Commander Memorial being considered at Arling- Pledge of Allegiance was led by COB has heard from an active duty offi- ton National Cemetery for the 50th. Bob Flannery followed by Moment of cer. He deeply understands and fully Mr. Al Ford and NAVSEA are pursu- Silence for Boats on Eternal Patrol in supports our efforts. It was moving ing this and have asked Thresher Base May & June, by Commander Galeaz to hear that he uses the memory of to spearhead this project. The Memo- Thresher when making key shipbuild- rial will be dedicated on 4/10/13, the Binnacle list: none ing decisions. Joy McMillan’s speech actual date which is after our Memo- is now the template for family speak- rial Service which is 4/6/13. ers. Vice Admiral McCoy has hand NEW BUSINESS: delivered our invitation to the CNO Al Page to be the keynote speaker at the spoke 50th. The commander is excited to about the have the 50th webcasted to allow Eagle Scout family and crew member to view presenta- the service if they can’t attend along tion that with other USSVI bases around the he, Kevin country. Former Commander Gary and Robin Sound Off: New member, Frank Hildreth spoke about the 50th being attended. Hood, Ron Miller and other members held at PSNY in the building way. They were of Thresher Base Thank you to Gary, for stepping up very im- and helping us to secure the location. pressed with Introduction of Guests: None The sub tour on 6/9/12 is still a go the presenta- as far as the Commander knows. He tion and the young men receiving the Reading of the last meeting minutes: will be checking w/ District Com- award. Robin spoke about a specific Minutes were read by Secretary Bob mander Shannon to confirm details. project and how impressed she was. McAlpine. Motion was made to ac- An e-mail will be sent out as further Al then spoke about the Patriots Day cept minutes as read, 2nd and passed. information becomes available. The parade the he, Tom Young and Bob annual Memorial Day service at Alba- McAlpine marched in at Lexing- Treasurer’s Report: core Park is set for Monday, 5/28/12 ton Mass along with members from Last month’s balance $4,425.08 at 10:00. The guest speaker will be Marblehead Base and Rear Admiral Deposits $30.70 Commander Mayer, USS Miami Breckenridge. It was hot but a good Expenses $310.00 which is at the shipyard for overhaul. time by all. Current balance $4,145.78 Thresher Base 50th Memorial Fund $4,204.43 received a thank GOOD OF THE ORDER: A motion was made to accept Trea- you note from surers report, 2nd and passed Audrey Gill, CLOSING PRAYER: Given by Peter wife of Jack Joy. Committee Chairman Reports: None Gill. We also received two MOTION TO ADJOURN: Motion OLD BUSINESS: checks from the was made, 2nd and passed. Meeting Commander Galeaz thanked all Thresher family adjourned at 13:10 Thresher Base members and spouses from the sale of who helped w/ the 49th Memorial shirts and coins Service.
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